Sept. 09, 1999 issue 01 Loquitur

Page 12

During the summer significant changes occurred that greatly impacted the student development staff. With the resignations of Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development and Emma Legge director of student development, positions were left open that needed to be filled before the school year began. Tum to page 2 to find out who will be filling their shoes.

REM performed to rave reviews at the E Centre in Camden. Check out our own critics opinions on page 7.

Nick Reilly, of the band Thirty Dollar Magic, recently left Cabrini in order to pursue a career in music. Story on : page 3.

C a b r 1 n 1 C 0 1 1 e g e \ I
Vol. XLVlr No. 1
Thursday, September 9, 1999 Radnor, PA 19087
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Endings bring new beginnings to Cabrini

The Cabrini Community went through many changes this past summer. Faces that had become cherished sights or some that had even become sore sights decided to move on from Cabrini. Endings lead to new beginnings, so new faces were brought into the community and new relationships began to form.

Bob Bonfiglio was the Vice President of Stu4ent Development at Cabrini. In May he decided to hand in his resignation and move forward to a college in New York where he would begin a new career.

As of now, Bonfiglio has not been permanently replaced, but Paul Weaver, who was the associate director of admissions, now. sits in the chair as Acting Dean of Students.

Jim Hirsch, Vice President of Enrollment Services, said, "A nation wide search will be done to find a replacement, but we're taking our time and making sure it gets done right"

As this nation wide search begins, Hirsch also believes that Bonfiglio's leaving serves as "an ideal time to look at the organization

of the campus, and put into effect an enrollment management model."

Under this model campus departments become more "closely integrated." The model is not a new idea as Hirsch has worked in facilities that used such a model before. The model requires that the Care center works closely with student development, which works closely with administrations, which works along side financial aid and who all finally work with resident life.

-"By keeping these departments working together the college should run more efficiently and students will be better served," said Hirsch, who has already received words of praise from Resident Assistants and Resident Directors in regards to this years check in procedures.

With the new organization of departments, and further leaving of other staff, came new placements of old faces and the welcoming of some new faces.

Campus ministry, who now works closely with mission integration, gained a new minister when Arlene Smith left the college.

Mary Sweetland Laver came to Cabrini with 11 years experience. She hopes that by

bringing her hands on methodology to the campus she can bring "hand on experience to the study of faith" for Cabrini Students. Laver said "I hope to bring faith and spirituality into the many spoked lives of the students."

Resident Life also went under many changes this summer. Cathy Caulfield who was the head of resident life left the college along with Resident Directors John Osborne, Margrit Corcoran, and Dawn Rocci As a result of Olis, Joe Diamond was hired as Xavier's RD, Megan Gay was hired as the RD of Woodcrest, and Shayla Hasic took on the position of both head of resident life and the RD of the houses.

In Student Development, activites director Emma Legge moved on from Cabrini as well. When this occurred Cabrini's softball coach Bridget Baxter was named the new Coordinator of Student Activities.

With all of these changes the campus has taken on a new look and a new procedure. Hirsch concluded that ''This new model is not something radical, nor are the new faces. Cabrini saw this time as a very ideal opportunity."

Cabrinihelps build leaders for the millennium

A full week before most upperclassmen came to campus, a number of returning students took place in a leadership conference at Cabrini. The students selected to attend were upperclassmen who have assumed leadership roles for the upcoming academic year.

Among the students invited to the two day conference were club leaders, tellJDcaptains, Student Government Association members, campus ministers, and members of the Ethnic Students Alliance. Of all the groups, the team captains were the least represented because of conflicts with their training camps.

This year's conference was put together by Paul Weaver, acting dean of students, Bridget Baxter, director of student activities, Dr. Myrna Grandgenett, special assistant to the president on missions integration, and senior students Chad May and Jen Reither.

The conference was different from others in years past in that it featured both a keynote speaker and a ropes course. The keynote speaker was Marcus O'Sullivan, who is the current head coach of Villanova University's cross country and track teams. He gave an inspirational account of

his past racing successes and failures, which he felt have helped him grow as a person.

The highlight for sophomore Colin McGinley was the ro~s course, which took place at Villanova. Teamwork and physical activity were two of the qualities of the outdoor ropes course, which also featured a wall climb.

Among the items on the agenda during the confer-

ence were better communication between the students and the administration. Dean Weaver is actively working on specific plans to facilitate communicititm with the students. Among his plans are increased participation in informal settings and more effective formal meetings. "Students should have information, not rumors or hearsay" Weaver said. Due to the number of changes in the administration over the past summer, the preparation for

the conference was kind of rushed, according to May. "In the past, there was more staff interaction," May said. Despite the hurriedness, the conference has been considered a success. If the participants take away one thing, it would be "understanding of their gifts and willingness to share," according to Weaver.

Thursday, September 9, 1999

Class of '03 • arrives

b Kristen WIiiiams news edito

Expressions of excitement, £ and sadness walked through th halls of Woodcrest and Xavier a the students in the class of 200 arrived at Cabrini on Sunday, Au gust 29. As the new student found their way thr-oogha mass o new faces and into their rooms upperclassmen aided in calmin the anxiety, orgamzmg ne "homes," and giving nameles aces identity.

The students participated i Cabrini's first ever Welcom Mass and the traditional Matricu lation Ceremony that welcome them to the Cabrini Campus an invited them to be an active mem ber of the Cabrini community.

'fyler Burt, an Xavier residen hailing from South Carolina sai ''The ceremonies made me feel if I was finally starting college ey reminded me of graduation but at the same time, I enjoye owing I was here."

As the family cars began to dis appear down the wooded drive o Cabrini's campus, students kep usy arranging and decoratin ooms, talking to new foun friends, and participating i "play" activities that had been or ganized by Orientation Coun selors. As night fell and the ac tivities ended many first-year stu dents were found sitting wi "strangers" talking about the· feelings, hopes and fears.

Bonnie Ciarlick, a Woodcres resident from Philadelphia said " was excited to bet here, to be ou of my house and on my own."

Karl Kinker, an Xavier residen from New Jersey felt much lik Ciarlick and said ''Thank God I' out!"

Some first year students foun themselves feeling differently Ellen Briant, a resident of Wood crest shared the excitement tha Kinker and Ciarlick felt, but als said she was "sad to see my fami ly leaving."

Burt said "I'm very excited, jus to be here, not knowing what w· happen and just waiting to se what comes up.'

A new class had arrived and " new journey" had begun.

-.-2 NEWS
photo by Ben Lunn Dr. Iadarola congratulates student leaders tor their participation in a campus conference

Day of fun at Wonderland Pier ends up deadly and devastating

Editor's note: The reporter is in employee of Wonderland Pier ind was and eyewitness to the ac·ident.

For the past 70 years, Gillian's WonderlandPier in Ocean City, iLJ. has treated guests to many un and exciting rides. That all :hanged on August 28th when the WildWonder roller coaster, a new tddition to the pier this past sumner, claimed the.Jives of 39-year>ld Kimberly Bailey and her 8rear-old daughter Jessica of Westchester,New York.

The park was hopping with housands of vacationers awaiting heir chance to go on their farorite rides. One of the longest ines was at the Wild Wonder ·oiler coaster. Everything was -unning smoothly at the park ;yhen suddenly a few minutes

after 10 o'clock everyone's attention was focused on the roller coaster as a result of a loud crash. The car, which was supposed to provide and entertaining ride for the Bailey's, was on its way up a very steep 40-foot in

partment and the media were on the scene in minutes. The guests at Wonderland stood in disbelief that such an event would occur and claim the lives of two patrons. Neighbors were on the streets and

''The tragic accident was the result of a mechanical failure and such an event could occur at anytime, at any park, to any ride operator."

speed. As the car rounded a tum, the speed was so great that it ejected the Baileys from the car to their deaths. The car slammed into another car injuring two others. Those two riders were treated for minor injuries and released from a local hospital that night.

Paramedics, police, the fire de-

on the coaster failed to activate, which sent the car rolling down the hill at a very high speed. After the examination, a park in Wildwood was contacted and instructed to close down a sim-

ilar roller coaster on their pier.

stunned by this tragic event. The following day, state inspectors examined the ride and ruled that the accident was caused by a mechanical failure. The chain snapped and for some unknown reason, the anti-roll back device cline, when suddenly the chain advancing the car to the top snapped and the anti-roll back device failed and allowed the car to fall in reverse at a tremendous

Jay Gillian A press conference was held Wi d l d G l Mi outside the pier that same day. on er an enera anager Jay Gillian general manger of on their porches watching the event in fear. The Baileys were taken quickly to Shore Memorial Hospital, located five minutes from Wonderland in Somers Point, but were pronounced dead as they arrived. The ride operators and staff at the pier were

Wonderland, expressed his sympathy an~ condolences on behalf of the entire staff at Wonderland to the Bailey family. He explained the rides was inspected by the state of New Jersey on July 1st and a follow-up inspection was conducted on July 21st. Both inspections were given a nod of ap-

proval and to commemorate this new ride Governor Christie Whitman came to Wonderland for the grand opening of the ride. On August 28th, the smiles turned to tears as a result of the accident, and some people were left wondering wether they should continue to participate in amusement park activities. After the park closed that night, the ride operators were commended on their outstanding performance in dealing with the tragic event. The night of the accident Gillian spoke to ride operators reminding them that safety was of the utmost importance when operating their rides. He also stated that the "tragic accident was the result of a mechanical failure and that such an event could occur at anytime, at any amusement park, to any ride operator."

Cabrini student searches out dream; campus says farewell

A crowd gathered in Xavier

rlall's Great Room on Sept. 1, l999. They were there to listen o the music of an "amazing" ;lassmate. They were there to

listen for the last time.

Over the past two years, the local band Thirty Dollar Magic became regular performers at Cabrini. The group was comprised of four area guys; lead singer Nick Reilly was a Cabrini

student. According to Reilly, the bandmates went their separate ways "sometime in July."

"It was getting hard to get together," Reilly said, "I guess everyone just didn't want to do it badly enough anymore."

On Sept. 2, Reilly headed south to Georgia where he hopes to "do nothing but music."

"I just want to do music all day and night," Reilly said, "I don't care about the money or fame. Sure I'd like it, but I just want to play."

When he arrives in Georgia, Reilly will be playing with Chris Harris, a touring member of Cool For August.

Reilly said, "I plan on looking for auditions with other bigger projects, but for now we're just doing a two-person acoustic thing."

Reilly and Harris will play in clubs and coffee houses in their area.

"Getting our name out will be the biggest challenge," said Reilly.

As the audiences eyes watched his hands glide across the strings of his guitar and listened to Reilly's serene voice, many were overcome by the thought of him leaving.

Junior Kristin Rusnack said, "Nick is just an awesome guy. I wish this area could offer what he needs."

Sitting next to Rusnack on the plaid couches of Xavier's lounge, junior Christie Martin

fought back tears long enough to say, "He'll make it wherever he goes, I just wish he didn't have to go."

As he closed his show and said his good-byes, Reilly made sure to let his fans know they were appreciated.

Reilly said, "I just want to thank the people at Cabrini who supported Thirty Dollar Magic and who now continue to support me. So, thank you."


Loquitur NEWS 3
rI . -·"" _____.,.____..... --'" ....
photo by Kristen Williams Nick Reilly played for friends and classmates for the last time in Xavier Hall's Great Room.
__..,..,.___ --- --- -
r Welcome back from Cooperative Education and Career Services! We wish everyone a wonderful and successful year.
Kristie, Sue ., --

House gets neW look, earns students' nods of approval

"I actually had to stop my car and look; I couldn't believe how amazing it looked," said Azeen Keramati said.

Keramati was putting into words the amazement she felt when she looked to her left and saw the newly renovated Sullivan house. A house that was once considered a "hell hole" by Cabrini students because of its dark interior, deteriorated exterior and lackluster landscaping now has a brand new look.

Over the summer Cabrini invested much time and money to give the residence its new look. Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer, said ''The project was started in the early weeks of July and we were still working on it when the RA's arrived on campus. In all honesty, we are still waiting for some of the parts for finishing touched."

Caranfa said that "the house originally had vertical wood siding on the outside was given a new layer of insulation and a new horizontal siding."

Caranfa went on to explain that the back deck that had rotted away was removed and replaced with a new deck that has a special plastic covering to keep it from rotting in any weather conditions. All the doors and windows of the house were removed and replaced with new ones.

Inside the house, Caranfa said that all

floors, except the basement that had already been renovated, were redone. He went on to explain that all the bathrooms were completely gutted; floors were ripped up, showers and tubs were removed, vanities discarded. Each bathroom received a new shower or tub, new vanities, mirrors, exhaust fans and tire floors.

Each bedroom was given a new door and frame, new carpeting and new windows and screens.

''The ground floor will receive safety screens that are alarmed so they can not be broken, but they are on back order. New closet doors will also beinstalled as soon as they are delivered," Caranfa said.

In the common area of the house, Caranfa said the "ugly brown paneling" was removed and replaced with l! "much nicer looking style of dry wall and paint." The common area received new lighting, including emergency safety lights that have battery back-up in case of power failures. The kitchen was refurbished with a new refrigerator and sink.

The students living in the house are amazed with its appearance.

Sophomore Kevin Kaufmann said "I really like the house."

Juniors Dave Toia and Mike Butler both said they "like the house."

Toia summed it up by saying "I love my room."

First-year students receive lesson in "education of the heart"

Cabrini's sixth annual Day of Service took place on August 31, 1999. According to Dr. Mary Sweetland Laver, campus minister, almost 90% of this years incoming class participated in the day. Over 19 different organizations were a part of this year's day and the number of students that served each placed varied from three to 24.

"I think there was a very positive reaction to the day," Laver said, "the students showed a very strong interest."

Laver's hopes for the day were to show Cabrini's new students at the very start that "education is of an entire person. It involved the community, not just papers and


Laver believed the day to be a great way to show the importance Cabrini places on its Care Values. She also found the day to be a great bond of the campus community and the surrounding communities.

Candice Linehan, a first-year student participated in the day by going to the Philadelphia AIDS Fund where she bagged buttons, stocked shirts, and asked stores on Market Street to hang posters in their windows.

"I was excited to be doing something good and meeting new people," Linehan said, "I just bad hoped to have more interaction with the people of the organization."

Laver said "We hope to get more interac-

tion from the organizations, but that's often hard to do. Students need to realize that these buildings need to be kept in order to do the work, so volunteers are needed to do that as well."

First-year student Ronald Branck spent the day at the Mary Knoll House. Branck said "Going into the day I had no clue what to expect, but at the end of the day I felt as if I had really done something good."

Students walked away from the day with feelings that they had accomplished something.

At the same time the organizations that participated were left with feelings of gratitude and joy as well. The Community Action Agency of Delaware County was so

moved by the work of Cabrini students that they are hoping to form an on-going bond with the college. The students who went to the agency worked with children and families from various area shelters. A few days after their visit, the agency wrote a letter to Laver asking Cabrini to come back to them as the students had a "great impact on the children they visited."

Laver said "Overall I was very pleased with the day. We received a very enthusiastic and positive response. I hope the students will continue to show such interest in the community around them and keep building the bonds that they were able to begin."

What's Going On This Week

Friday Saturda Sunda Monda Tuesda Wednesda Thursday

• Dance Party

• Mass, 7 p.m.,

• Mass, 4:45

• Blizzard of eW's Tennis on the com- Bruckmann p.m., Bruck- Bucks Game vs. Gwynedd mons 6-11 p.m. Chapel of St. mann Chapel of Show, 8 p.m Mercy, 4 p.m Joseph. St. Joseph. WCGA

• W's soccer vs.

• M's Soccer at College Miseri-

• Fall Fling,

• W's Volleyball Neuman, 4 cordia Food & outdoor vs. Cedar Crest, p.m. activities, 12 7p.m. p.m. -5 p.m.

,4 NEWS Thursday.September 9, 1999
photo by Kristen Williams The newly renovated Sullivan House has residents smiling

Last Summer's World of News

8/28 Western US

Much of the central---~,-

Ocean City, NJ _,,,,.,

39-year-old Kim-V • /7_

and northeast region • •. berly Balky and he, , '-tc

of the US received • } 8-year-old daughter •~· \DK- ;needed rainfall while 8/16 Washington~r1.c-:- are thrown to their l8h.6 Turkey the north west region Attorney General Janet , '°' deaths when an / An earthquake measursuffers greatly from Reno pledged to "get to , amusement park on ing 7.4 on the rector scale drought. Wildfires the bottom" of why it Wonderla~d Pier_had""! shook western Turkey.)' burn uncontrollably took the FBI six years a mecharucal fatlure. Rescue efforts continue and over 40,000 acres to admit firing flamma- Two others were in- as the death toll stands at ""~ of land have been de-ble tear gas canisters jured in the accident. 12,500 and more than 3 , \ stroyed. Hundreds • th f into the main building/ times e amount o peo- '\ have been evacuated 1 1 ft • - o of the Branch Davidian P e e tmssmg. ver )·• and one is dead. ' 200 000 • • ft sect in Waco Texas. , citizens were le ~-"' • the last day of the 1993 homeless. standoff leader David " Koresh and 80 of his followers were killed.

Come to a Series of Workshops During Fall Semester: Exploring Options for Life After Graduation

All workshops will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 7 of the Rooymans Center. Students who cannot attend the scheduled time should contact Doris A. DeFalco at (610) 902-8573 for special accommodations. Workshops are sponsored by the Cabrini Opportunities in Personalized Education Program (COPE/ACT 101).

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Workshop 6

Workshop 7

Workshop 8

Workshop 9

Workshop 10

Workshop 11

Workshop 12

Evaluating Your College Experience and Considering Your Choices

Developing a Resume

Practicing Interview Skills

Making the Decision to Attend Graduate School

Applying to Graduate School

Living on Your Own

Managing Personal Finances

Maintaining Healthy Lifestyles

Choosing Marriage and Family

Developing Leadership

Assessing Contemporary Social Problems

Becoming an Alum and Summary

Tuesday, September 14, 1999

Tuesday, September 21, 1999

Tuesday, September 28, 1999

Tuesday, October 5, 1999

Tuesday, October 12, 1999

Tuesday, October 19, 1999

Tuesday, October 26, 1999

Tuesday, November 2, 1999

Tuesday, November 9, 1999

Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Tuesday November 23, 1999

Tuesday, November 30, 1999

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The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

It all started with the dark soul of an evil lord whose purpose, lilce that of so many other bad guys, was to take over the world and mold it to his tastes. Thus be•gins the "Sword of Shannara," book one of a trilogy that houses eight works of literary magic.

'The Sword of Shannara," published back in 1977 and the first work of fiction to appear in the New York Times Trade Paperback Bestseller List, ushers the reader into a fantastical land corrupted with an ancient evil. The power to conquer this evil resides only in a descendant of Jerle Shannara, whose blood holds the key to wielding the powerful Sword of Shannara, the only weapon effective against the sinister Warlock Lord. The task falls to half-human, half-elven Shea Ohrnsford,

true descendent of Jerle. With the mysterious Druid Alallanon, last of his kind, guiding him, Shea begins a journey that will be passed on through many generations of Ohrnsfords after him.

The writing and characters one encounters in these works is remarkable. Brooks has a gift to make the unbelievable real. The use of imagery is exceptional. A writer who likes to lead his plots into unusual turns, while keeping his characters intelligent enough to surprise the reader, the "Shannara" series is truly an epic worth the encounter.

If the name Terry Brroks, who was born in Illinois in 1944, sounds familiar, it could be one of two things. Either you are already a Shannara fan, or you are devotee to the epic series, Star Wars. Brooks wrote the story for the previously released, "Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace." He is committed to the next two prequels and will be working with George Lucas to

craft more journeys into galaxies far, far away.

Along with the "Shannara" series, Brooks has had over ten other books published, including his "Magic Kingdom of Landover" series and "Running with the Demon" series. His one work was turned into the movie "Hook," the story about Peter Pan as a grown man, which starred Robin Williams and Julia Roberts.

Terry Brooks will be releasing his new book, Angel Fire East, the final book in his "Running with the Demon" series in Oct. of 1999. He is in the process of finishing up another book to add to his "Shannara" series, which will be published in Sept. of 2000.

For more information on Terry Brooks, go to and type in Terry Brooks in the search box. A list of websites and clubs devoted to Terry Brooks will come up.

Monday,Wednesdayand Friday 8am to 2am Sunday 12pm-12am

t._• 6 A&E Thursday, September 9, 1999
89.1 WYBF FM We are back from the Summer and are ready to rock the Main Line! Broadcasting:
The book, 'The Sword of Shannara." Photo obtained from the ntemet

R.E.M. Ups The Frequency At The E-Center

Although singer Michael Stipe declared the R.E.M. concert on Sunday, Sept. 5 the "hottest and muggiest" date of the tour, the band's performance was not dampened by the humid weather.

R.E.M. charged the stage at the BlockbusterSony Music Entertainment Centre in Camden, NJ, tearing into the rocker "Lotus," from their most recent album "Up." The crowd responded enthusiastically when they followed that song with the equally intense "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?," which was accompanied by choppy strobe lighting.

This one-two punch served as a confirmation that R.E.M. is still one of the best bands on the planet. A sense of uncertainty had surrounded the group's future prospects since the departure of drummer and founding member Bill Berry in 1997. Sluggish sales of their 1998 effort "Up" only strengthened doubt among the naysayers.

Preaching to the converted, R.E.M. still pushed themselves to the limit proving that they continue to remain artistically vital as we head into the next millennium.

Stipe, bassist Mike Mills, and guitarist Peter Buck were joined by three other musicians in order to round out their sound.

Explosions and massive props have never been part of the live R.E.M. experience, but they did create a visually exciting show with neon images hanging from above and around the band. A monkey, a camera and the male and female symbols were just some of the shapes that adorned

"Pilgrimage" from their first album. "Man on the Moon" and "Losing My Religion," two of their biggest hits, were accompanied by the audience, who sang every word.

Stipe introduced a new song called "The Great Beyond," which he explained was written


"Great title, huh?" Stipe said. "The Great Beyond" played like an instant-classic, featuring the lyric "I'm pushing elephants up stairs."

The normally-elusive Stipe was quite talkative in between songs. He told one story about

asked if the locals were proud to have their city featured in the film "The Sixth Sense,"which he said that he had seen twice.

Dedicating the song to someone's mother, the solemn "Sweetness Follows," a meditation on grief and loss, quieted the audience and was truly a beautiful moment.

Another highlight was when Peter Buck fired off the driving guitar-riff, enhanced by a wild sweeping effect, that opens "Finest Worksong," which stirred the crowd into a frenzy. Emerging from a brief intermission, Stipe took the stage alone for the encore. With an acoustic guitar in hand, he clumsily strummed his way through a rendition of "Hope" before Mike Mills took over the picking duties for "Why Not Smile?"Joined by the rest of the band, R.E.M. performed some more upbeat tunes, such as "Wake Up Bomb," before closing the show with "It's the End of the World As We Know It."

One of the souvenir shirts being sold at the E-Centre was printed with the slogan "R.E.M. at their Thunderous Best." For once, there was truth in advertising.

the stage. A huge "thank you" lit up at the end of the show.

The band's set consisted mainly of their most recent work, along with select older songs, such as

for the upcoming film-biography about comedian Andy Kaufman.

The film is titled "Man on the Moon," after the R.E.M. song that mentions Kaufman in the

traveling through Philadelphia, looking for information on Edgar Allan Poe, who he somehow thought lived during the 1940s rather than the 1840s. Later, he


The British quartet Spacehog opened the show, blasting through a brief set of their own brand of glam-rock. The crowd responded with polite enthusiasm, with the most cheers erupting when the band played its major hit single "In the Meantime."

If you are a singer;ptJlfrJtmsr,dancer or living any other identitybssides that of a CabriniStudent,let us know! The Loquittlr wRIac.. cept advetlisement from you. This is a chancs to get publicityand advertiseyou, your band, actinggroup, dance troupe or any other organlza:tion.JIJSt bring any advertisementto the Loqulturnewsroom,located


Loquitur A&E
The band members of R.E.M. playing loud and performing hard for their fans Photo obtained from the internet
I -
on the sscond floor of the WidnerCenteracross from and drOp h:off in the mailboxof ShannaFanelli.

LoquiturBehindthe Scenes

"We have a lot of creative people here on our staff, and I think it will be something more people read," he says.

Loquitur may not have the following that "Star Wars" has amassed, but with Ben working as editor in chief, we should see the same quality of work and dedication demonstrated in the newspaper that George Lucas put into his film.

Note to the "Weekly Almanac" of Honesdale, Pa: Loquitur's new editor in chief, Ben Lunn, is still owed $100, and he hasn't forgotten that fact. Ben's first experience with journalism came during high school, writing for the "Weekly Almanac," a hometown paper. Although he wrote around 10 stories for the newspaper, he never received his promised pay.

Luckily for Loquitur, this "experience that soured me on journalism" has been resolved in his mind, and Ben is ready to serve as the head of the newspaper for the 19992000 school year.

Returning students may recognize Ben, a junior, from his work with Cavalier Attitudes, the improv troupe, and various other theater productions. Theater is his professed passion, but journalism follows at a close second.

"I think that this year will be a better experience than I've had in the past with journalism," Ben says. "It may not be my first, all-time interest, but this is also something I enjoy doing."

When he's not in front of an audience performing, or behind a computer laying out a story, Ben enjoys watching movies and relaxing with his friends. His favorite movie is "Star Wars," which he has liked since childhood. "I liked it when I was a kid because of the guns and 'good guys versus guys,"' he says, "but now I appreciate it because of what it has become."

But can Ben appreciate his new position as the editor in chief of the "forum for student expression," and "voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues?" "I want the paper to make a difference here," Ben says, "What I want to do is point out some of the things that are wrong here, so we can work to fix them."

As the Perspectives editor of Loquitur, Chris Nielsen is hoping to "present an open forum for both students and administration to speak their minds."

When not writing for Loquitur, "Nielsen" can be found working out in the Dixon Center, reading, drinking beer, or going to the shore. Around campus, Nielsen can be seen in the Campus Ministry office, hanging out with the track team, or possibly giving advice to the new Student Government Association members, as be was once the president.

Coinciding with his stint as Cabrini's SGA president, Nielsen's lifelong goal bas been to become the President of the United States. When he finds his way into the Oval Office, Nielsen will be found eating his favorite foods, beer and cheeseburgers.

He'll allow the citizens of the United States to continue calling him simply Nielsen, or perhaps "Nieldog" or "Mad Dog."

He will run the country remembering bis hero, Elvis; after all, "he was the King."

While conducting this interview, Nielsen was listening to the "Trainspotting" CD, but you would have aJso found "Pink Floyd" in his CD player.

Throughout life, Nielsen has followed the philosophy of Tim Leary; "Why? Why not?"

J sports edllor academiccalendarto come ties. She bas to to readover spelling or grammar erron.

Cabrini. meet Cynthia er.

a senior,who is the new Other lbanbeing a copy editor for Loquitur this tening to music, camping. ha

• was bmn on Jan- After she completes her 1,1977 at SL Vincent's ing with a newspapetor mag

• in Staten Island, New When ftee time presents • Cynthia makes her long She prefers movies with Mel her home in New When her stomach is b at the beginning of each Italian or Mexican.

in chief

Meet Janice Funk, the Loquitur's managing editor. She is also a 20-year-old junior with an addiction to Peach Snapple. ''It's like a cigarette, I could be driving down the street and just know when I need a Peach Snapple."

Aside from her tragic addiction, Funk also has another love that even comes before the paper - opthamology. If she had her way in high school, she would currently be studying ophthalmology and not be such a productive member of the Loquitur staff. Luckily for the newspaper and the communications department, her father noticed that Janice's talents lay along a different path, and sent her here.

At Cabrini, Janice is the junior class president. She was a student ambassador, an orientation counselor, and is currently a member of Phi Sigma Iota, the Spanish department Honor Society. Even with all of these activities and achievements, Janice feels more and more limited in what she can do. Her interests are quite varied, but with a tendency to wrap herself up in one activity time has become a precious commodity, and she finds little of it to spread around.

As managing editor, Janice handles many of the dayto-day activities of the Loquitur and sees herself playing the role of the enforcer, making sure everything is running smoothly. "I will definitely be playing the role o bad cop." Her hopes for the paper this year include a consistent amount of good work and solid reporting with every side being told.

Even with her addiction to Peach Snapple, her interest in ophthalmology and her varied achievements, Janice "The Enforcer" Funk is still somewhat humble. ·Tm not that interestmg maybe just a little off the wall."

• • As copy editor, C • bas many responsibilistory ID the newspaper to be certain that there are no has to be done for each issue before it goes to the print-

·tor, Cynthia enjoys hanging out with her boyfriend, lis• g out with friends and going to the movies.

years at Cabrini. Cynthia hopes to pursue a job work-

If for Cynthia, one thing she likes to do is watch movies. • • suspenseand romantic comedies. for food. she likes to look for hertwo favorites, anything

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11[ F'\l:Th. /

When Nicole Klimas, designing editor of Loquitur an~ this years President of Student Government is deep in concentration, she taps her foot impatiently on the floor, tugs at her hair and lips and mumbles to herself. It's quite fascinating and can be alarming, but the only thing scary about the brown-eyed girl is her obsession with Frankie Avalon and fascination with mimicking southern accents. Busier than bunnies in spring time, Klimas fills her hours interning in the art department at Planco's Financial Group, playing on the tennis team, working in admissions and heading up Student Government. Her favorite color is purple but don't ask her why, she doesn't know and her favorite snack is Cheeze-Its. Come up to the newsroom and you can hear her talk to herself and sing weird tunes that she composes on the spot. Being busy and enjoying life,Klimas is a living example of the goal she has set for herself, " Get it all done and have a good time."

The second floor in Xavier is where Loquitur's sports editor Brian O'Connell can be found either watching television or listening to the radio. He likes modem rock and some dance music. He also listens to 95.7 and 97.5.

When O'Connell is not in his room. he is either running, playing basketball, at the newsroom or at Cabrini's radio station, WYBF 89.1-The Edge, where he is sports director.

This 20-year-old Pisces was born in Holy Redeemer Hospital in the Abington/Jenkintown area. O'Connell Brian O'Connell

enjoys all kinds of food, but gravitates towards Italian food such as pizza and lasagna. O'Connell enjoys Irish potatoes and cheesesteak:s as well.

His favorite color is red and his favorite movies include "In the Line of Fire", ''Backdraft'', "Braveheart", "A Few Good Men" and "Saving Private Ryan".

This summer, O'Connell worked at Gillian's Wonderland Pier in Ocean City, NJ. He was just voted Team Member of the Year 1999-2000 by his co-workers.

Of his future, O'Connell says, "I want to take my communications degree and become a sports director on TV or the radio."

He is a member of the class of 2001.

O'Connell is a self-proclaimed friendly and responsible guy. He also likes to think of himself as fun to hang out with.

This year, the job of news editor for the Loquitur rests "'-'" on the able shoulders of Kristen "Woody" Williams. The tall redhead of the staff, Williams is as adept at listening to her staff and friends as she is at arguing with them when necessary, and she usually wins.

Williams' hobbies include playing basketball, writing and hanging out. Her friends describe her as selfless, driven and an understanding person. When not with her friends, she can often be found watching her favorite movie, the 80s teen pie "Say Anything," or listening to music. The most recent addition to Williams' music collection is her tape of Nick Reilly's live acoustic performance from last Wednesday (see News section).

Her hero is basketball superstar Michael Jordan. Williams admires Jordan because be has pushed on through the hard times in his life and persevered. Like Air Jordan, Wt.lliams one day hopes to be well-known and successful.

To the freshmen and other first-year Cabrini students, Williams offers two pieces of advice. "Don't complain about things your freshman year, like the living space in Woodcrest. When you look back on it, you11 laugh at some of the best times you had in college."

Fmally, here is Williams' philosophy, which we can all listen to: "Dream with your eyes wide open."

Joe Elliot

When Loquitur needs a Kodak moment, (or Fuji) Jim Snook, man-of-a-thousand words and the photography editor at Loquitur, is the one whose mailbox gets packed Jim Snook with demands, er, requests. Snook, an English and communications major, can be spotted in his trademark baseball cap and uniform of courdroy pants, always on the lookout for a great photo. "A picture says 1,000 words," he quotes with a smile. An avid follower of sports and lover of all music, "except country," Snook looks forward to graduation at the end of the school year. His mouth waters for "anything that's guaranteed to clog your arteries and stop your heart." Cheesesteaks and stromboli are top on his list and his favorite color is black.

Take a look at Shanna Fanelli. She is doing double duty as the new A&E Editor and the Features Editor o Loquitur.

She secretly desires to take a backpacking trip across the European Continent. When there she will visit all of the haunted castles of the Old World.

While still on Loquitur she plans to make the Features and A&E sections as interesting and informative as possible.

You don't have to take my word for this, though. You can ask her friend Jodie. She is the maple tree in the front of her yard.

Here is Joe Elliot, nature man ex trodinaire. His favorite color is green because it's the , "color o trees," and reminds him of "the environment."

Joe is the kind of guy whose hobbies and thoughts are on hiking. If his name sounds familiar, it's because you might have followed his obsession with the albino deer in last years Loquitur, where Joe was the perspectives editer.

Joe is also designing editor on the Loquitur. His favorite food is anything ethnic. This years goal for Joe is to, "be the best I can be every day." Shouldn't we all?


Shanna Lynn Fanelli Kristen Williams


New Faces, New Opportunities

This past summer has been either an extraordinary or an unfortunate one for our college, depending on who you ask. Opinions on the recent comings and goings at the college vary widely, and the jury is still out.

Either way, the face of the administration of Cabrini College has permanently changed, for better or for worse.

Part of the nature of college as a business is change. It is rare for an administrator to stay in any one place for as long as former dean Dr. Robert Bonfiglio did. and summer is usually the biggest time for changes in college personnel.

But the number and relevance of changes over the last summer are unprecedented. The exact circumstances of the changes here aren't quite clear and probably never will be.

But if the old will be missed for what they bought to the school, the new administrators should be looked upon as a great opportunity for the student body.

Already, the school has seen some changes in policy since the previous year. Perhaps more importantly, however, are the students' changed perceptions about those in power at Cabrini.

Certain members of .last year's staff had a reputation, fairly or not, for not communicating with the student body. There was at times a tangible mistrust which is to be expected at any college, but was especially evident here.

If there was one theme carried throughout the Student Leadership Conference, it was that of communication. Promises have been made that students will have more information about the college and more of a say in campus life. The new faces of the college have a clean slate; now is the time to see whether they can back up their promises.

Assuming that they will keep their promises, the burden of change now lays on us, the students. It should be an interesting year.

The Secretsof Ben's Success

college. But I did, and now I'm passing my secret onto you.

But first you have to swear that you will keep this a secret. Ok, lean in real close to the paper There it is. R-E-S-T. Relax and take a load off.

Uh, hi. For those of you who don't know me, my name is right up top, along with my picture. Ok, now we know each other.

Have any of you ever stared at a computer screen for so long that nothing makes any sense anymore? Have you ever stared at a blank piece of paper until you thought you could almost see through it? Well, if you have, you've probably learned something. Don't stress yourself out. It's a very easy bit of advice to give out, but extremely difficult to follow. It's also quite relevant to first year students.

Well, it's your first time in college and most of you have had a lot thrown at you in a short amount of time. You have at least one complete stranger living with you, you no longer have your own room at home, you have no friends here, and you are thrown into new classes. That's not even taking into account the food, rules and work that you have to do. Imagine what you will deal with tomorrow.

In almost every sense, you are a stranger in a strange land. Thrown into the mix and expected to adapt. With all this to deal with I'm sometimes surprised that anyone can make it through their first year at

Call it what you will, but that's how I made it through. No matter what happens realize that you will live through it, as long as you don't stress yourself out and burn out in the first couple of weeks. Now there are different ways of relaxing. Some of you may want to just hang out in your room and read Fine. Others may consider it relaxing to just sit and watch a movie. That's really fun too. I personally found one of the better things to do was to get involved. Yes, I know that the last thing you want is to take on even more than you are now. I even know that some of you feel that you can't take on more than you are.

But to those of you that are involved, congratulations. What you are doing in your spare time is actually meeting people with the same interests, developing interpersonal skills, and going above and beyond the call of duty for most college students.

I'm not recommending that you do more than you can do. That will do nothing but make your first year living hell. What I am recommending is that you find your limits, explore your talents and interests, and meet people. All of this will make your first year here worthwhile.

One of my biggest peeves about

this school is the people who do nothing but sit in their room and complain. ''I hate it here. There's nothing to do. What's on 1V?"

If I only had a dollar for every person who never left his room and then complained that he hated it here because he was bored, I would be able to pay off my education (before taxes of course). If you do nothing but sit in your room, of course you will be bored. But don't say that there is nothing to do.

There is plenty to do, provided you are not lazy. You c-0uldwork on the paper, you could join the theatre, you could work on the radio station, you could play sports, you could swim at the Dixon Center, you could learn squash and you could even go for a walk, and for those daring enough to venture off campus, there are movie theatres within walking distance, there's a shuttle to the mall, and there are trains to Philly relatively inexpensive.

The point of all of this is just to do something to relax.. If you are stressed, ease up a little and make sure that you have some "me time." If you are bored, DO SOMETHING. Either way, don't do too much or too little. If you learned anything from my ramblings. I hope that that's it. Enjoy!

Ben Lunn is the editorin-chief of Loquitur. If you catch him complaining or being lazy, let us know at once.

This editorial represents the combined views of the Loquitur's student editorial board. It does not represent the opinion of any one individual writer or any member of the faculty, staff or administration.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
PERSPECTIVES Thursday, September 9, 1999

You Don't Know Clique COMMENTARY


was gi. en e c ance o ran a u an ng my little heart desired,I found the task to be quite difficult. Everyone has opinions about anything, and it takes a lot of thought to decide which is something important to rant on, and which is just plain irrelevant. Luckily for you, gentle reader, I chose something important.

• I attended the Leadership Conference here· at Cabrini about three weeks ago as a representative of Cabrini's Im.prov Troupe. From that three day workshop, I remember a certain phrase spoken by a wise man (Okay, it was Chris Nielsen). When talking about what problems Cabrini should attend to, this wise man said "the breakdown of social cliques."

Out of all the problems with Cabrini that were brought up, this was the one that grabbed my attention the most. Most of the other problems brought up, such as adequate lighting and a better theater to perform in, could be solved by monetary meam, but this was one problem that the almighty dollar could not solve. All of the telephone drives and donations from the Dixon family could erect more lights and erect a new theater, but they could not even begin to touch1bcsocial cliques.

I am going iDlo my third year here at Cabrini and I am quite aware of 1bcsocial cliques that dominate the campus. Am I an expert in analyzing social cliques? You're damn right I'm not. Cao I observe and take mental notes on the world around me? You're damn right I can. (Hey, this is the opinion section.) So excuse the base descriptions, but political correctness can go do something unprintable.

Basically, the social clique with the most people in it are the athletes (a.k.a. jocks). The school spends a lot of money on their sports and on the scholarships that brought them here 1be jocks are brought together by team unity and a common interest. The importance that the school and society puts on sports gives a good number of jocks (which ruin it for the rest) a sort of "I'm better than you" air in dealing with those who are not jocks or associated with jocks. Hell, if I was getting compensation to play a sport I

would have a lot of pride about it too, but there is a difference between being proud, being arrogant and being an ass. This is more apparent among the male athletes than the female athletes. They are immediately thrust to the height of popularity. They are the "it" people of the campus. Want to be popular and hang with the fast crowd? They are your people. Want to go to a kick-ass party? More than likely someone from a sports team is having a monster bash. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against athletes. I know some athletes on this campus and they are some of the better people I know, but, as a whole, athletes in general do have a unfavorable stigma attached to them just because they are athletes for the college. Do some of them deserve this label? Hell, yes. Do all of them deserve it? Hell, no.

The rest of the school has smaller cliques, ranging from organizations ( such as the theater and Campus Ministry), to clubs (Latinos and Friends and the different honor societies on campus), to people who just like to have a good time. There is a lot more interaction between these smaller cliques because a lot of these people are involved with many different clubs. Occasionally, there is the interaction between the jock class and one of the smaller cliques, but generally a lot of people stay on their own side of the playground with their own kind. Normally, those involved with the jocks and the more popular social cliques look down on these groups (more often using the terms "freaks" and "dorks" to describe them). And because they get looked down upon, these groups have much animosity toward the jocks and those associated with them.

This makes their cliques just as tight as the sports teams. Much of this animosity has no firm ground for some of these people as no shots in this imaginary war were ever fired directly at them. It is almost expected that these cliques should not get along.

Does this sound like your high school? More than likely it does. Does it sound generalized? Possibly, but there is truth in it. There is a massive rift separating jocks and the smaller cliques, and even smaller cliques from other smaller cliques. Where have we seen this before? Survey says.


Oooooh, I said the "C" word, and it's not the •c• word that will get you killed the Lilith Fair either. The shootings

at Columbine showed the world that social cliques, when deeply divided from each other, are not healthy for a community, especially when one clique dominates all the others. It was not about trench coats. What if the shooters wore Birkenstocks, Adidas pants, and tie-dyed t-shirts? Would we scorn the shooters any less? It was not about outcasts. What if the shooters were on a sports team? Would the blame be put on sports, claiming that they breed killers?

It was about power, both social and personal. It ~as a tragedy, but it proved a solid point: No one is better than anyone. It does not matter if you wear a basketball jersey or a long black coat (like I do), we all do important things on this campus. We all contribute in some way to, if not the Cabrini community, then to each other.

So how do we solve the problem of social cliques then? Person by person. Start in your own hallway on campus. Talk to the people in it. Half of my hallway is athletes and I get along fine with them, and I'm as freaky as they come. Am I their drinking buddies? No, but I do not fear them beating me up and they do not fear that I will open fire on them. The point of getting to know your neighbor is to at least understand them, and this is the first step in breaking down the barriers between social cliques on campus. After that, you are on your own I will leave you with three pieces of knowledge to kick around: Treat others the way you want to be treated; be more open to what other people do on campus; and remember that no one is better than anyone.

Mike ''80s" Butler is a guest writer for the Loquitur. Let the unholy partnership begin.



TheNielsenllatia,:sare to be a weeklycriticalassessmentof whateverthe authorhappens ed an illegal "Pigs Night Out" party and then used his connections to stay out of legal trouto be thinkingaboutn,ht now. TheyrepresentChrisNielsensopinionand his alone.Mail all ble. My early write-in vote for the upcoming presidential election complaintsto 0- 6Z1. Thankyou. Loud Hawaii lounge shirts-boy am I glad that these are back in style

Ricky Madia "'LivinLa Vida Loca" -the anthem of the summer of '99 Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde-damn that's good stuff!

Len "StealMy Sunshine"- should have been the anthem of the summer of '99 Slobodan Milosevic, evil dictator-Why haven't we killed him yet?

Joe C. and Mini-Me-the sidekicks of Kid Rock and Dr. Evil, respectively, made this J.D. Drew, evil baseball player-see above summer a big ooe for the little people Warren Beatty-ifDiGregorio can't get the democratic nomination, then I want this guy Woodstock99- the mud and the facilities have stayed the same, but all other remain-for president. dcrsoftbcoriginal-spiritofWoodstockliteral.lywentupinflamesbytheendoftheweek- ~~~~~jl)atnextrweek eJJd

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I • _. '."' N"tckDiGregorio- l~ PQl,itic~ ~~Q.WJ.lCf. ~fJ'.'.fj_ck'.s(;_;g~.m.~~~C.l.l:IUl..~b.9.b.QSt: ::~ •'• , ·'


I hQpe you all had a good time during the summer orientations and got something of a feel for the college. The orientation counselors are all good at that. But they can't tell you everything. I more or less can.

The following is advice that your orientation counselors chose not to give you:

No RA believes that those are books clanking in your schoolbag on Thursday night. At least try to keep that noise down. They might fake ignorance, but they know.

Don't bother trying to sneak a guy in through the basement window after hours at Woodcrest. That idea worked a couple of years ago, but it doesn't anymore.

Keystone Light is not a diet food. Neither are Coors Light or Miller Lite. You can and will get a beer gut drinking light beer.

Welcome Freshmen!

If you don't already listen to hip-hop and/or the Dave Matthews Band, start. You'll be hearing a lot of them while you are here.

Just because you met a junior or senior and they said to stop by their apartment does not give you the right to bring five of your friends to an already loud and overcrowded party.

The ab machine in the Dixon Center does nothing for you. Sit ups are much better.

Avoid the shrimpos in the cafeteria if you have anything important to do later that day.

Don't poop in the staircase in House 2. We had a problem with that last year.

Take care so that your laundry doesn't catch on fire. Same goes for your vacuum cleaner and your trash can. Again, we had problems with that last year.

Don't wish that the administration would just go away. As we learned this past summer, you never know, they just might.

Speaking of the administration, I want to clarify one thing. That big guy Paul who lives in apartments isn't just an RD, he is the acting dean of students. So come on, show a little respect.

An out of state fake ID will work at some places around here, but even then they are suspicious. If you go anywhere nice with it, forget about getting in.

Just because you see some of the administrators speeding around in their cars on campus doesn't mean that you can.

If you burn incense in your room, others will always assume the worst. If you don't know what I mean, I'm not going to be the one to tell you.

The happiest day of the year at Cabrini is the Spring Fling, which is usually the Saturday before finals. Plan ahead.

Whatever you do, don't go out the fire exits at Xavier Hall. When they go off, it is the most annoying noise on campus.

Don't rely on the printer in the computer lab, it screws up at least once a week.

Now I know most of this advice is pretty trite and insignificant, but it is all true, at least the way I see it. I'm still here, so I must be doing something right.

Chris Nielsen is the perspectives editor of Loquitur, for the moment.

Want to submit a commentary or letter to the editor?

How to Submit:

Length: no longer than two pages.

Classic mail: The Loquitur c/o Cabrini College 610 King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087


w .~l i !br /

Requirements: Name must be included. If you choose not to have your name printed, we will leave it out.


Phone: 610-902-8412

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.


'' PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 29, 1999
,,.. OD
News Editor Kristen Williams A&E Editor Shanna Fanelli AssistantA&E Editor Adam Greenberg Advisor Or. Jerry Zurek Editor in Chief Ben Lunn ManagingEditor Janice Funk Copy Editor Cynthia Taura PerspectivesEditors Chris Nielsen Photography Editor Jim Snook Sports Editor Brian O'Connell Features Editor Shanna Fanelli Design Editors Joe Elliott Nicole Klimas Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Staff Writers Editorial Board Tony Barrett Alison Briant Cartoonist John Ferrise Mike Butler Nick Luchko Kristen Williams Brian O'Connell Ben Luan Chris Nielsen Cynthia Taura Janice Funlc Photojournalist Shannon Downs
is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligil}le to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to lhe editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to lhe editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as ''name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.

Area residentsangered by possiblelocation

ions on the issue. And did they ever. Very few supported the idea to have the stadium at this location. However, a majority of the residents disagreed with the plan and blasted the organization for considering this location because of the number of fans who would park their cars on the neighborhood streets.


A brand new stadium creates excitement in any city when a sports team decides to build a new facility. Over the past several months, the Philadelphia Phillies have been working out deals for the funding of its new stadium. Those plans are now complete, and the organization faces its next challenge. Where will the new stadium be located? Several spots have been suggested for possible locations.

However, the president of the Phillies, Dave Montgomery, recently held a meeting at the Community College of Philadelphia to discuss plans to have the stadium built at Broad St. and Spring Garden St. Neighbors and residents of the area were permitted to voice their opin-

Dixon Center Fall Hours

Fitness Center

Monday-Thursday 6a.m.-10p.m.

Friday 6a.m.-9p.m.

Saturday l0a.m.-Sp.m.

Sunday lla.m.-4p.m.


Monday-Thursday ...

Philadelphia Councilman Darrell Clarke was present at the meeting and understood why the residents were so upset at the Phillies. He assured them that there would be a follow-up meeting to discuss the plans. He said that questions still have to be answered as to where all of the traffic will park if no spots are available for the fans.

Montgomery stated that he understood coming into this meeting there would be opinions for both sides. He realized that the traffic and parking situations would bother the residents.

To clear the situation, a small model of the stadium was brought to the meeting and shown how it would affect the area. He also had experts supporting his suggestion for the site.

This is a very heated issue. If the Phillies can find a better site for the stadium, then fine, build it there. The bottom line is that they have to find the best site possible where they would hear more cheers than jeers from the citizens residing in that area. However, I do not live anywhere near that site and believe it is a good idea to put the stadium there because it has already been proven it would

Dixon Center Fees

Faculty and staff membership fees for of the Dixon Center have changed for the 1999-2000 academic year.

The new fees are as follows: All

Full-Time Faculty/Staff: Free Part-Time Faculty/Staff: $SO

Family Membership: $150

work out fine according to experts. However, the residents have to realize that there is no final decision yet. More public meetings will follow to discuss further issues about the site.

But the Phillies do not have much time left to decide. The City Council has to decide on a legislation by late September or early October. The legislation can 't be discussed until the Phillies pick a site.

The Phillies have two choices right now. Either they pick a site very soon or they will find themselves playing at Veterans Stadium again. I really think they will come up Qith a site soon enough to clean this mess up. They need one desperately because the Vet is just no good anymore for baseball or football.

When asked about the decision, Dave Montgomery said hopefully by late September.

Councilman Clarke disagrees and believes the decision will be made later.

All I have to say is that the Phillies had better pick a site in a hurry because they need a ballpark and their days are numbered.

1999-2000 Philadelphia Eagles Schedule

• Sep.12 vs. Arizona lp.m.

• Sep.19 vs. Tampa Bay lp.m

• Sep.26 at Buffalo lp.m.

• Oct.3 at NY Giants lp.m.

• Oct.IO vs. Dallas lp.m.

• Oct.17 at Chicago lp.m.

• Oct.24 at Miami lp.m.

• Oct.31 vs. NY Giants lp.m.

• Nov.7 at Carolina lp.m.

• Nov.14 vs. Washington lp.m.

• Nov..21 vs. Indianapolis lp.m.

• Nov 28 at Washington lp.m.

Loquitur SPORTS 13

''Teamwork" is key for Field Hockey team

A slightly smaller squad could mean an increase in teamwork this year according to Jackie Neary, field hockey coach. "We're a smaller squad" Neary said when comparing this year's field hockey team totaling at 16 compared to last year's 20 members.

Neary also said that she is trying'>to make it "more advantageous," considering the decrease in size.

However, there are some key players such as captain Lisa Reynolds, a junior, and senior captains Christine Aldorasi and Ash-

ley Pietropaolo. However, other key players include sophomore Lauren Calamia, who saw "spot time" last year, which is defined as only limited time. "I'm very impressed with her playing so far," Neary said. Of junior Laine Reddish, Neary said, ''This year she looks much more mature, with more game sense." Sophomore goalie Erika Scheifele has some "big shoes to fill," meaning the replacement of last year's goalie, Mary Lear. So far, the field hockey team has had one win. On their most recent agenda was a game against Drew University. However, that game was made challenging because

Cross-Country sprints for title

Drew has astroturf on their playing field. Astroturf usually makes a game more difficult due to it's differences from grass.

Last year, their overall status was fourth in the PAC.

This year, the team faces a tough schedule. They play next week against Rowan University.

It is considered a huge game because Rowan has a reputation of making it into the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Some other future games include Wesley College, Marywood University and College Misericordia, all of whom Neary described as "notoriously strong."

Women's tennis team creating a "racquer

With a tournament already under their belts, this year's women's tennis team begins their new season. After a school record of 11 straight winning seasons, this year may be a change of pace, but that doesn't worry head coach Reggie Day.

After the loss of a great deal of players to graduation, transfers and other end-of-year problems, this year is one that sophomore Melissa Shannon calls "a rebuilding year." Junior co-captain Lori Gibbons thinks that although a lot of the starters from last year graduated, this year's team "will pull through and do ok."

Day feels that with co-captain Nicole Klimas as the only senior on the team this year, there will be a lot of players left who will grow in the years to come. One of those who have already shown improvement is Shannon. "She's improved a great deal over last year and will continue to improve this year."

According to Day, the players to watch this season will be Gibbons and Gina Virelli both of whom are juniors. He does admit that Gibbons and Virelli will have a lot of expectations riding on their shoulders, but remains confident in their abilities.

As for last Friday's tournament, most of the team lost in the


first two rounds, with Shannon losing in the finals. Day is proud of his team and although he feels that it remains to be seen how they will stand against the rest of the teams, all of whom have lost many players, he is happy that his team will always try. "I don't think that we will ever have to worry about them not trying, said

are three freshman runners: JenSy Chris Nielsen nifer Pryznski, Andrea Dragone, perspectives editor and Jen Coots. At the first meet

Not just anyone would choose to participate in a sport that consists of racing for three or five miles every weekend. As a matter of fact, there are very few students at Cabrini who choose to run cross-country. Fortunately, those few who do have high hopes for this season.

Both the men's and the women's teams are looking to "three-peat" in the competition for the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship. However, both teams will have to do so without a number of key runners from last year's squad.

of the season, which took place at Ursinus College, all the runners had "strong individual performances," according to Zielinski.

The men's team also has to deal with a lack.of depth. As of now, there are only seven runners on the team. Like the women's team, the men have lost a few key runners from last year's championship team.

Oneofttii women's tennis 'players prepares to takea shotin practice.

The women's tennisteam plays theirnextgame on SSturday, Sept 11 against CheyneyUniversity.

According to head coach Tom O'Hora, the women's team has lost six of their top eight finishers from last season. Of the returning runners, team captain Lauren Dean and sophomore Kristin Zielinski will be highly depended on. Both runners are returning from All-PAC seasons and are favored to repeat.

Although this season is being considered a rebuilding one for obvious reasons, O'Hora expects the team to "survive very nicely." Making a strong early impression

"Initially, we were skeptical without Ryan, but now we think we'll be alright," said junior Jason Bull, referring to former teammate Ryan Jones. Despite their losses, the men's team are still favored to repeat as PAC champions.

O'Hora reports that the men's team "held their own at the practice meet" at Ursinus. Bull, sophomore Patrick Hutton and junior Dom Staino had solid performances at the meet. Also expected to contribute is sophomore Joe Butler, who is running cross country for the first time this season.

While the team is definitely building for the future, the present looks promising as well.


iphoto taken by Janice Funk

Day believes that the tennis team will always give their best, and that will be all they need. "A winner is someone who goes onto a court and gives their best, regardless of the score." That is what he wants all to remember. As long as they try, they will be winners.

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1999 Cabrini Fall Sports Schedule

Men's Soccer Women's Soccer Women's Field Women's Tennis


Oct.19 Gwynedd-

Mercy College

Oct.29 Catholic University

Women's Volleyball

Sept. 9 Neumann College 7p.m.

Sept. 14 Cedar Crest College 7p.m.

Sept 25 Wilson College lp.m.

Oct. S Alvernia College 7p.m.

Oct. 16 Cabrini College Fall Classic 9a.m.

Oct. 19 College Misericordia


Oct. 21 Rosemont College 7p.m.

Sept.25 Roberts Wesleyan College

Oct.S University of Scranton 2p.m.

Oct.17 Catholic University

Oct.21 King's College 3:30p.m.

Men's and Women's CrossCountry

Sept.4 at Ursinus College

Sept.11 at Wagner College

Sept.18 at Baptist Bible


Sept.25 at Philadelphia Metropolitan

Oct.2 Belmont Plateau Classic

Oct.9 at Dickinson College

Oct.16 at Albright College

Oct.23 Cabrini Collefe Invitational a Belmont Plateau

Oct.30 at College Misericordia

Neumann College

Oct.9 Beaver College lp.m.

Oct.12 Marywood University 4p.m.

Other Important Dates in Cabrini Sportrs

Nov. 6 PAC Championships at Belmont Plateau

Nov.13 NCAA Regionals

Nov.20 NCAA Nationals

Sept.27 Albright College

Sept.28 Rosemont College

Oct.2 Cedar Crest College lp.m.

Oct.4 University of the Sciences 4p.m

Oct.10 Neumann College lp.m.

Oct.13 Eastern College 4p.m.

Oct.16 Wesley College lp.m.

Sports Source

Hosted by: Brian O'Connell

Listen in as Brian and the ~ports Source crew talk about Cabrini Sports as well as the National and Philadelpia teams.

*Note: All games and First show for 1999-2000 is matches except for Men's and September 13 from 6-8p.m. Women's cross-country are home games for Cabrini. Only on 89.1


The Edge

Questions and comments call 902-8453.


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Sept. 18 BaRtist Bible College 3p.m. Sept. 22 Beaver College 4p.m. Sept. 25 College . , Miser1cordia \. 3p.m. \ Oct.S \ Allentown • College 2p.m. Oct.7 Washington College 4p.m. Oct.13 Eastern College 4p.m. Sept.11 College ' Misencordia lp.m. Sept.14 lmmaculata · College 4:30p.m. Sept.18 Baptist Bible College 12:30p.m. Sept.21 Sept.23 Beaver College 4p.m. York College 4p.m.
Sept.9 Rowan University 4p.m. Sept.18 Frostburg State University lp.m. Sept.21 Cedar Crest College 4p.m. Sept. 27 Immaculata College 4:30p.m. Sept.30 Eastern College 4p.m. Sept.11 Cheyney University lp.m. Sept.16 Gwynedd-Mercy College 4p.m. Sept.21 Beaver College 4p.m. Sept.25 Goucher College 12:00 p.m. Sept.26 Lincoln University 12:00p.m.
12:00p.m. Oct.5
•• e ;5557"ft:n.L 0 q u 1 t u r
Vol. XLVI, No. 1 Thursday, September 9, 1999 Radnor, PA 19087

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