Louis Doucette
Traveling Blender, LLC
Fiesta San Antonio Commission
Madeleine Justice
Gerry Lair
Janis Maxymof
Suzi Otis-Garrett
Sandy Weatherford
Mr. Gary Boyd
Leah Garton
Bob McCullough
Kathleen Whittle
Al Rendon
Benjamin Tijerina
110 Broadway St., Ste. 350 San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 227-5191 x108
All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©2023 Reproduction of the Fiesta® San Antonio Magazine is prohibited without the expressed, written consent of the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission. Unsolicited material cannot be returned. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any advertisement deemed detrimental to the best interests of the community or that is in questionable taste. Every effort is made to assure accuracy of the information contained herein. However, the publisher cannot guarantee such accuracy. Advertising is subject to errors, omissions or other changes without notice. Mention of any product or service does not constitute endorsement from the Fiesta San Antonio Commission or the publisher. The information contained in this magazine is deemed reliable from third-party sources but not guaranteed.
It’s an honor to be part of an organization, such as the Fiesta San Antonio Commission, that supports and celebrates the history, traditions and community of San Antonio. Like many San Antonians, I understand the importance of celebrating special Fiesta® family traditions while giving back to our local community. Because of Fiesta®, I have seen, first-hand, many local charities receive support to improve the lives of San Antonians throughout the year.
Since the day Fiesta® 2022 ended, the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission has been planning for a fun, exciting and successful Fiesta® 2023 (April 20 – 30). I am honored to serve as the 2023 Commission President and thank all the Commission’s leadership and members who have volunteered their time, talent and treasure to help serve more than 100 non-profit, official Fiesta® organization events and the San Antonio community.
Like many non-profit organizations, the Fiesta® Commission faced several challenges these past couple of years. I am thankful for the resiliency displayed this past year among the Fiesta® leadership, official Fiesta® organizations, Fiesta® sponsors and partners, the City of San Antonio, the Alamo Trust, 70,000+ volunteers and more than 2 million attendees. That resilient spirit enabled our Fiesta® family to celebrate the return of a more “normal” Fiesta®. As we continue planning for a full Fiesta® experience in 2023, I am excited to celebrate with all of you.
Celebrating Fiesta® is an experience best shared with family and friends, and as a native San Antonian, my Fiesta® experience began as a young boy, attending the Battle of Flowers Parade, the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Texas Cavaliers River Parade and NIOSA. Since then, I have been a member of the Texas Cavaliers, The Order of the Alamo and the San Antonio German Club. In 2011, I happily served as the Night Aide for my best friend, King Antonio LXXXIX, Bill Mitchell. That same year, Bill Drain, another great friend, served as Rey Feo LXIII. Now, more than ten years later, because of those relationships strengthened during Fiesta®, I can look to Bill and Bill, and many others, for their guidance, experience and support.
There are also deep-rooted Fiesta® traditions in my own family which were influenced early on by recognizing the importance of getting involved and giving back. My father (King Antonio LXIV, 1986), mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law (Battle of Flowers President 1986, 1987) brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew have all been involved in Fiesta through various organizations. My wife, Jackie, is a member of the Battle of Flowers Association and the Military-Civilian Club. Our daughter, Kristen, was a German Club debutante in 2009 and an Order of the Alamo duchess in 2010.
The military is another Fiesta® family. We celebrate the military throughout the week and have ten Military Ambassadors that are an official part of Fiesta®. They are celebrated at every event they attend. A few years ago, one of the commanding generals made the comment that a lot of cities talk that they are a “Military City” but Fiesta® is proof that San Antonio walks the walk.
When asked what my favorite part of Fiesta® is, I would say without a doubt that it’s people! Nothing makes me happier than experiencing people celebrate and work together to support our community. Backgrounds don’t matter. Skin color doesn’t matter. Socio economic status doesn’t matter. The things that some might seek to use to divide or exclude serve to unite us instead, and everyone is included.
Again, it’s an honor to be part of an organization, such as the Fiesta San Antonio Commission, that supports and celebrates the history, traditions and community of San Antonio. Like many San Antonians, I understand the importance of celebrating special Fiesta® family traditions while giving back to our local community. Because of Fiesta®, I have seen, first-hand, many local charities receive support to improve the lives of San Antonians throughout the year.
I invite you to “Party With A Purpose,” attend all our official Fiesta® events to support many worthwhile organizations and be a part of the Fiesta® family spirit that is the true success of Fiesta®.
As Mayor, I am thrilled to celebrate Fiesta alongside locals and visitors alike! Our Fiesta celebrations are an important part of our dynamic cultural fabric. This historic commemoration, first observed in 1891 in honor of the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto, embodies our city’s community spirit and unifies our residents to come together for a good cause.
I want to thank the Fiesta Commission for highlighting historic ceremonies, our military organizations, and the work of our local nonprofits. Our thousands of volunteers make this event possible, contributing to an economic impact of more than $340 million every year. The Party with a Purpose raises funds for countless nonprofit entities that underwrite impactful scholarships, mentorship programs for senior citizens, and resources for those most in need. The philanthropic element of Fiesta is vitally important to our city as it showcases our efforts to better our community and help our neighbors.
Please take a moment to enjoy all that Fiesta has to offer, such as musical performances, oyster bakes, carnivals, parades, food tastings, and a myriad of events meant for the whole family. The excitement and celebration of Fiesta is palpable city-wide, and we continue to attract regional, national, and international attention for our reputation of leading with compassion while having fun. As we gather for this common purpose, listen closely to the clanking of medals on bright-colored sashes, the laughter following cracked cascarones with a rain of confetti, and enjoy the true meaning of community.
The City of San Antonio is honored to partner with the Fiesta Commission to participate in one of the most special events of the year.
Viva Fiesta! Viva San Antonio!
Ron Nirenberg | Mayor of San AntonioOn behalf of U.S. Army North (Fifth Army) and our military service members and families, retirees, veterans, and civilians who live and work in San Antonio, welcome to Fiesta San Antonio 2023!
We are truly honored to be a part of this great, vibrant community known as Military City, U.S.A.!
Joint Base San Antonio is one of the largest military installations in the Department of Defense with more than 140,000 military service members and families who currently call San Antonio their home.
Fiesta San Antonio provides a great opportunity for our military family to experience the unique culture, heritage, and diversity of this great city.
Fiesta San Antonio is known as a “party with a purpose” because of the contributions and funding it provides to non-profit organizations throughout the city. However, to the military community, Fiesta San Antonio is a “party with a purpose” because it is also about honoring those military service members who have come before us, and showing our pride and gratitude for their service to our great nation. We are humbled by the numerous events throughout Fiesta San Antonio that showcase our military personnel and their service commitments.
The first Fiesta parade was held back in 1891 to honor the memory of the fallen heroes at the Alamo and to commemorate the victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, which led to Texas’ independence from Mexico.
The Army was a part of that first parade and has been a part of Fiesta festivities ever since.
You cannot separate the military from the City of San Antonio due to the history, heritage, and interconnectedness we share, and you cannot separate the military from Fiesta San Antonio. We are forever intertwined, and we are so grateful for this community’s warm embrace and support of our military service members, families, and veterans.
We look forward to seeing you throughout the numerous parades and events during Fiesta San Antonio 2023.
For more than a century, Fiesta San Antonio® has grown into a colorful celebration of San Antonio’s rich and diverse cultures. The renowned “Party with a Purpose” benefits approximately 100 nonprofit PMOs (Participating Member Organizations) and their year-round endeavors to make San Antonio a better city. Fiesta also has earned the reputation as one of the nation’s largest and most enjoyable “family reunions,” thanks to the hard work and loyalty of local families who’ve been devoted to Fiesta for decades.
Service to San Antonio and Fiesta come naturally to legions of local families. For example, Penny McCutchen-Gardner in 1983 became involved with Miss Fiesta San Antonio Scholarship Inc., ultimately serving as president, coordinating the Miss Fiesta Pageant and taking on other Fiesta leadership roles as time went on.
“This period was the beginning of many enjoyable years to come with my family, first joining as supporters and growing our participation in all the fun events of Fiesta to come,” McCutchen-Gardner recalls. “My daughter – Vonzetta Hickman – was Miss Queen of Soul 1978. Since then, she has been very active with Fiesta San Antonio, holding several officer positions and becoming the president of the Fiesta Commission in 2016.”
McCutchen-Gardner also has enjoyed lengthy service on the Commission including the office of vice president in 2009-10. “Bringing people together of all types and walks of life has all been a major reason why I continue my participation with Fiesta San Antonio,” she says. “Seeing the growth of Fiesta and sharing the fun and happy times with people of all ages continues to be a delight in my life.”
Her husband, John, also gets involved, volunteering for Alpha Delta Rho Lambda fraternity, which provides chairs for Fiesta parades and, in so doing, raises funds for student scholarships. This year, the family plans to attend the various parades and support the Queen of Soul pageant and reception.
“Most importantly in my opinion, Fiesta presents an opportunity to deepen bonds by bringing people together to meet one another, support, celebrate, eat all types of food and establish new friendships,” she says.
Vonzetta Hickman shares her mom’s passion for Fiesta and its family focus.
“After serving as Queen of Soul, I decided to join the Fiesta Commission to give back and pay it forward,” Hickman says. “Today, 45 years later, I’m still around, quietly serving in whatever capacity I can when called upon. Fiesta touches so many families, and the longer you stay around, the more you see its impact. It’s exciting each year when it all comes together.”
“Fiesta is successful because of the support of generations of family members who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to make Fiesta a unique and special festival,” says Steve Rosenauer, executive director of the Commission coordinating the 11-day spectacle, April 20-30.
“It brings together people from all parts of San Antonio and the world.”Vonzetta Hickman celebrating Fiesta with family and friends.
Hickman won’t forget the privilege of representing the Commission as president during the organization’s 125th anniversary seven years ago. She also cherishes attending countless Fiesta events as well as spreading the Fiesta spirit during out-of-town travels with her parents, sisters, daughter, nieces and friends.
“As an African American woman and an Army brat, I do appreciate how Fiesta brings people all ages, cultures and backgrounds together to celebrate for 11 days,” she says. “The economic impact Fiesta has on San Antonio is no laughing matter either. Many organizations can achieve the funds needed for their causes. What an accomplishment!”
For the Clyde J. B. Johnson IV family, much of their Fiesta participation has revolved around the Texas Cavaliers and the River Parade. This year, he’s serving as the 100th King Antonio, following in the footsteps of his father, who was King Antonio in 1997, and cousin Mark Johnson, who was the 2015 monarch.
The new king’s ascendancy to the throne began as a youngster recruited to follow longhorn cattle in Fiesta parades and perform the important task of poop scooping. Johnson subsequently joined the Cavaliers and advanced to River Parade marshal in 2018 and Cavaliers commander last year. In addition, he has served on the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation Board of Trustees.
As King Antonio, he eagerly anticipates visiting schools all over Greater San Antonio, delivering positive messages and presenting more than $2 million to children’s charities. Since its founding in 1989, the Cavaliers’ charitable foundation has distributed in excess of $13 million to nonprofits serving children in Bexar County.
Supporting Johnson in his regal duties are wife Kim and their three children – Bennett, Shelton and Elle. His father, King Antonio LXXV Clyde J. B. Johnson III, expresses great pride in his son’s leadership role in Fiesta San Antonio ’23.
“One of my favorite memories was visiting with the school students that were, at that time, the future of San Antonio,” he says. “They were always so enthusiastic, and I knew our future was in good hands. I also very much enjoyed the military events. We, San Antonio, are definitely ‘Military City, USA.’”
His advice to the new King Antonio is to “enjoy the ride” because there’s no other event anywhere like Fiesta where everyone “comes together for one big party and, as King Antonio, you have one of the best seats in the house.”
King Antonio C says he’s truly honored to follow his father’s lead in celebrating Fiesta, which he calls “the fabric of San Antonio that makes us unique because once a year, we all have one common purpose – to celebrate our history, culture and friendship.”
Three generations of the Ralph Lehr family – mother Lillian Ann Lehr, daughter Ann Bunn and granddaughter Lilly Gretzinger –have celebrated Fiesta in many and varied ways for decades.
Lillian Ann’s first Fiesta was in 1949, the year she married her husband Ralph, deceased, who was King Antonio XLVII in 1969 and who loved Fiesta so much that he became Commission president. Ann and Lilly can’t remember a time when the Lehr family, which has been active in both the Battle of Flowers Association and the Texas Cavaliers, hasn’t celebrated Fiesta. All three generations have enjoyed decorating parade floats.
“The year that my dad was King Antonio really stands out in my mind,” Ann says. “The kings of Fiesta have always stressed the importance of ethics, doing your best and staying in school. Decades later, a man came to Dad’s office with one of his king’s coins (that preceded today’s medals). The man stopped by to let
“King Antonio is kind of like Santa Claus,” Johnson says. “It’s seeing the king’s suit that gets school kids excited. I’m delighted to represent the Cavaliers and be an ambassador for all the organization’s hard work to benefit the community.”Top: Erin De Luna and family. Middle: Clyde Johnson IV in the front passenger seat.
Dad know that he had kept it for all those years and how much he appreciated the message given with it. He was a successful man, who attributed his perseverance during hard times to the message he received the day King Antonio visited his school.”
One of Lilly’s favorite memories as a child was packing a picnic lunch each year and taking the bus to the Battle of Flowers Parade where she sat with family friends, attended a party afterwards and consumed buñuelos, her favorite Fiesta taste treat.
The Lehr family agrees that the food, fun, and fellowship of Fiesta bring San Antonians together, in Ann’s words, for “a time of joy, not of division.” It also boosts the economy and generates financial support for many worthwhile causes.
The Roland Tamez family is so passionate about Fiesta that they make their own medals to hand out.
“My dad, brother, sister-in-law and I are alumni of St. Mary’s University,” Tamez says, “and my wife and mom are huge supporters of the school. So, we’ve all been volunteering at the Fiesta Oyster Bake for decades. I was fortunate to be on the executive committee for a few years and then served as chairman in 2018. I’m also part of the executive committee for the newest Fiesta event, the Central Catholic Fiesta FangDango.”
Although Tamez has been a Fiesta volunteer for many years, his favorite memories center on the 2022 Fiesta parades.
“My daughter Sophia was on a float in the Battle of Flowers and Fiesta Flambeau parades, and my wife Stephanie and I were able to walk alongside the floats,” he says. “These parades didn’t happen in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Just to see the hundreds of thousands
of people along the parade route smiling, waving and cheering again was absolutely amazing and showed the importance that Fiesta plays in our community.”
For the entire Tamez family, Fiesta has and always will play an important part in their lives, not just attending events but supporting and volunteering with nonprofit organizations they’re passionate about. “My parents, now in their mid-70s, haven’t slowed down yet,” Tamez notes, “so I’m hoping my wife and I, along with our daughter, will have another three decades to enjoy our unique city-wide celebration.”
Erwin J. De Luna traces his Fiesta roots to 1962 when he appeared in the Battle of Flowers Parade as a member of a Boy Scout drum and bugle corps. Since then, he and his family have volunteered at many Fiesta favorites including A Night in Old San Antonio, the Oyster Bake and the Fiesta Flambeau parade.
He’s particularly pleased with his family’s involvement in the Celebrations of Traditions Pow Wow, which highlights the culture and traditions of the American Indian.
“In 2017, I was president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission,” De Luna said, “and my responsibilities didn’t allow me to set up for the Pow Wow or take down as in previous years. So, my family completed all aspects of the event that was enjoyed by everyone in attendance.”
As Commission president, De Luna appreciated being a Fiesta ambassador to celebrations near and far such as the Portland (Ore.) Rose Festival; the St. Paul (Minn.) Winter Carnival; and the George Washington Day Celebration in Laredo. He also attended the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, Calif., with wife Rose Mary and their two daughters – Patricia and Katherine, who currently serves as secretary of the Fiesta Commission Executive Committee.
Indeed, being together lies at the heart of Fiesta, San Antonio’s biggest “family reunion.”
“As a family, we enjoy being together, attending various events including military ceremonies and sharing our experiences and memories together,”
De Luna says. “While there are times that we rush to be at a Fiesta activity, being together is part of who we are.”
We moved back to Texas just prior to Fiesta 2021 having lived all over the US and a few places in Europe for my husband’s military career in the Army. We immediately felt such a warm welcome from everyone in San Antonio. It was as if the city flung open the door and welcomed us into the party! That feeling of welcome, was the inspiration for the painting, “Come on in!”. This painting then motivated me to submit an entry in the 2023 Fiesta Poster competition. I am grateful for this opportunity to tell the story behind the painting.
I started with the bright glow coming from the doorway to convey the warmth of the people of San Antonio. The door itself is based on a courtyard door at the McNay Museum because of its beautiful classic Spanish-Colonial Revival tile and iron work. The tiles on the painting showcase symbols that every Texan will recognize. The key stone is the date of the first Fiesta, 1891, surrounded by the crowns of King Antonio, Rey Feo, the Queen of the Order of the Alamo and Miss Fiesta featured near the top of the archway. The peacocks and unit patch of 5th Army represent the Army while the training jet represents the Air Force, both historic partners with Military City USA. The Six Flags of Texas are along the step of the threshold. The Texas State flag and the Fiesta Commission flag flank both sides of the doorway. Yellow roses, a horned toad, a mockingbird, magnolia blossoms, bluebonnets, crepe myrtle, and a pecan tree surround the door and steps. Party lights and papel picado flags drape across the top of the doorway to let you know “This is where the party is so COME ON IN!”.
I am humbled and thrilled to become a part of the history of San Antonio by joining the list of local artists whose works have been chosen to represent the heart and spirit of Fiesta.
We love it here so much that we have decided to stay and have plans to open an Art Gallery in the King William Cultural Arts District this summer!
As a native Texan, I have always been fascinated by the beauty and majesty of Texas skies, landscapes, flora and fauna, architectural diversity, history, and especially the people. I strive to create work that moves the viewer emotionally using shape, light, and color. I create in oil, watercolor, acrylic, charcoal, or mixed media. I earned a Bachelor of Fine Art in painting from Abilene Christian University and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Texas, Austin and have been a working artist for more than 30 years. My passion is for creating beautiful, enduring art that brings people joy. I have work hanging in private collections throughout the U.S. and Europe. If you would like to see more, please visit
In October 1845, as the Republic of Texas prepared to join the United States, the U.S. Army arrived in San Antonio to help with the transition into statehood. Three companies of the 2nd Dra-
goons set up camp near the Alamo. Followed by establishment of a Quartermaster Depot for supplying troops in the region, the U.S. Army had set its roots in the city.
Within months, war erupted with Mexico over disputes surrounding Texas’ annexation and boundaries. General John E. Wool assembled forces here to launch a campaign across the border. The Depot at San Antonio supplied his expedition. At the war’s end, with a newly defined international border, existing lines of supply, and offering a perfect location to oversee the nation’s secu-
San Antonio’s annual Fiesta is deeply engrained into the essence of this city. The U.S. Army, which established itself here in 1845, has been a part of the celebration since the very beginning.
rity needs across its new territories, San Antonio’s strategic location was obvious.
In December 1848, Headquarters for the Army’s Department of Texas moved into the city. From the city, its three primary missions would be managed: secure the border along the Rio Grande, keep lines of communication open across Texas and into California, and protect settlements spreading into the western frontier.
Although the Army was committed to operating from San Antonio, it had not acquired property beyond the Arsenal grounds. Instead, the government rented its facilities throughout the city. Among those was the Alamo, which had been serving as a storehouse since the war. Lacking a roof when the Army arrived, the troops constructed one, and designed and installed
Top: 1917 – Two weeks before the Battle of Flowers, the U.S. and Germany went to war. The parade went on with General John J. Pershing, the new Southern Department commander, as the honoree. About four weeks later Pershing was given command of the American Expeditionary Force heading to France.
Below: 1926- In 1926, the 15th Field Artillery won first prize for their float.
the façade that now defines the very look of the venerable old chapel. The Alamo’s iconic roofline, perhaps the most visual image evoking Texas history, came courtesy of the U.S. Army.
In 1861, the nation again stood on the brink of war. Rather than facing a foreign power, this time it was grappling with internal discord. In February the Texas legislature voted to secede from the United States and join the Confederacy. Governor Sam Houston opposed the move, costing him his political career. As the war had not yet begun, U.S. troops were allowed to leave the state. Those not making it out before war erupted became prisoners of war.
After the war, the Army returned and resumed its prewar tasks of watching the border and supplying the frontier. Still occupying rented buildings, Army administrators soon began seeking permanent accommodations. Having the Army in the city was a great asset to the community. Not only did it provide security, more importantly, it purchased vast amounts of supplies from local sources. The Army was a significant driver of the region’s econ-
omy. Not wanting to risk the loss of the Army to other cities, civic leaders offered property on the edge of town. What would come to be known as Government Hill offered the Army a permanent home in San Antonio.
In 1876 construction began on the Quadrangle, the first Army building on what would become one of the largest posts in the nation by the end of the century. In 1890, the “Post at San Antonio” finally got its name, Fort Sam Houston.
Around the time the Post was named, Ellen Maury Slayden, wife of James Luther Slayden, a cotton merchant and rancher, was advocating that the ladies of the city should organize an April event to commemorate the Battle of San Jacinto and fallen Texan patriots. It would be known as the Battle of Flowers. Her husband, who later became a congressman and sat on the Committee on Military Affairs, was instrumental in promoting expansion of Fort Sam Houston. Slayden’s support helped ensure the city remained on a path to claim the title “Military City USA.”
As planning the Battle of Flowers parade was underway, word reached city leaders that President Benjamin Harrison would visit that same week. Though not initially intended to be part of a presidential welcome, the event would be incorporated into his visit. This was the first time a sitting U.S. President visited Texas and civic leaders wanted to ensure the city left a lasting impression.
The Army would naturally be an integral part of the official welcoming delegation. Brigadier General David S. Stanley and Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Terrell were to join Texas Governor James Hogg and San Antonio Mayor Bryan Callaghan in escorting the President. The general’s wife, Anna, would attend the female members of the Presidential party.
The entire garrison of Fort Sam Houston would have a prominent role in their Commander-in-Chief’s visit. BG Stanley would meet him in Galveston and accompany him on the train to San Antonio. Upon arrival, a cavalry escort, 21-gun salute, and rendition of “The Presidential March” by the 23rd Infantry Band would be his greeting, followed by a tour of Fort Sam Houston itself.
The Battle of Flowers parade, scheduled for April 21, was moved to April 20 to accommodate the visit. Even before the prospect of a presidential review of the parade, the Army was already planning to participate. An Army band would lead off, and Captain George F. Chase of the 3rd U.S. Cavalry would serve as one of two parade marshals along with his military aides as attendants.
As the President’s train arrived on April 20, so too did a heavy rain. With no hope of a break in the downpour, the parade had to be postponed until after Harrison’s departure. Four days later, on April 24, it finally stepped off with the 23rd Infantry Band helping lead the way. Among the flower-festooned carriages and floats crafted by the women of the city was an entry by the “young ladies of the government post,” the wives and daughters of Army officers. From that first parade, the Army has always been part of the Battle of Flowers and many other events springing up over the years to celebrate San Antonio’s annual Fiesta.
While stationed at Fort Sam Houston in the 1970s, Lieutenant Colonel Leon Childers started the Texas Wanders, a group formed along the European tradition of “Volksmarching” (people’s march). A Volksmarch is a walk organized for fun, not a competition. Childers had been in Germany prior to Fort Sam, and while there became enamored with Volksmarching. Many Volksmarches produced medallions or pins for the participants. Collecting and wearing them let others see your past walks, as well as served as a fun reminder for the wearer. This also helped build a community, sparking interaction among the participants.
Here in San Antonio, LTC Childers started thinking of creating something similar for his Texas Wanders. About this time, in his role at Fort Sam, Childers became involved with plans for Fiesta events to hosted by the command.
Medallions already had a deep tradition in Fiesta. Royalty had been giving them out since at least the 1920s, sometime attached to ribbons. Influenced by this existing tradition, his Volksmarching experience, and the military medals around him daily as a soldier, Childers came up with the idea of creating something for Fiesta that took the form of a military medal using a medallion suspended by a medal drape. These would be given out by his commander during Fiesta as a public relations gesture. An instant success, it became an annual affair for the command and was soon taken up by other Fiesta organizations as well. After 21 years in the Army, Childers retired in 1983, and soon after began commercial production of Fiesta medals. With commercial production now easily available, growth of the Fiesta medal tradition quickly flourished into what is now affectionally known as “Fiesta Medal Mania.”
For the military community, Fiesta San Antonio presents an opportunity for our military service members, families, retirees, and civilians to further connect with members of the public as we come together to embrace a shared sense of values and pride in our nation and those who are called to military service. The military has been a part of Fiesta San Antonio since it began, and there are many aspects of the military that are featured today.
Events such as the Pilgrimage to the Alamo, which remembers those military heroes who fought and died in the Battle of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto, to events like the All Veterans Memorial, which recognizes and honors veterans of each of the military service branches, Fiesta is indeed a “party with a purpose” that truly honors and recognizes the strength of our nation’s military heritage and the benefits of military service today.
The Joint Base San Antonio military ambassador program reinforces those bonds and strengthens the connection between our military and the surrounding community.
Each year, units from all services across Joint Base San Antonio select military ambassadors to represent their service component during the annual Fiesta San Antonio celebration as well as other events in nearby communities and throughout the calendar year.
The military ambassadors share their own unique military stories and experiences while also representing their service branch. The primary mission of the military ambassadors is to inform and educate the public about the value of the greatest military the world has ever known — a military that’s vital to the defense and security of the United States and its people.
The military ambassadors take part in nearly 50 events throughout the Fiesta celebration. It is their outstanding support and participation that enhances the spirit of Fiesta. The military ambassadors instill patriotism and showcase the benefits of military service to the more than 2.5 million attendees that visit San Antonio each year for Fiesta.
Viva Fiesta! Viva JBSA!
Fiesta, known as the largest party in San Antonio, continues its resilient spirit recovering from the challenges of the 2020 cancellation and 2021 modified event. As plans for Fiesta 2023 are finalized, there is a great sense of excitement for the return to a “normal” Fiesta.
As you may know, the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission had an office and retail store at 2611 Broadway where folks could pop-in and purchase their official Fiesta Medal, pick up a signed and numbered Official Fiesta Poster, or grab their Fiesta Poster T-shirt.
Unfortunately, due to the cancellation of Fiesta 2020 and the modified event in June 2021, the Commission, like many nonprofit organizations in San Antonio, had to make difficult deci sions to preserve the present and future of the organization.
“We were left without revenue, basically for 2020 and 2021, but had annual expenses to cover,” says Fiesta Executive Director, Steve Rosenauer. “This was unprecedented for Fiesta San Anto nio, and as a non-profit organization, we had to make some tough decisions about how to proceed. So, the decision was made to sell the Fiesta building, housing the office and store.”
“Fortunately, we were able to move into a new office in January 2022 at 110 Broadway, Suite 350, but we were still left without a retail location. We decided to get creative and reach out to our community partners for solutions,” says Rosenauer. “Both Presti gious Mark and Monarch Trophy Studio came to our aid and were up to the challenge to help us develop a new merchandise sales strategy.”
The Prestigious Mark is now the Official Merchandiser (posters, tees, hats, tote bags) and Monarch Trophy Studio is the Official Medal Supplier and Retailer.
“We were very excited to work with the Fiesta Commission,” says Prestigious Mark President, Ben Swaney. “It’s been a lot of fun being so involved in the process of the merchandising and online retail. And, coming together as a community is really in keeping with the soul of Fiesta.”
“We have great relationships with the San Antonio business sector, and they come to us for their promotional and marketing needs,” Swaney continues. “Our team is highly involved in Fiesta activities both personally and professionally, so this was an easy yes for us.”
“We hope to hit it out of the park for the Fiesta Commission and have created a user-friendly online store where people can purchase posters, t-shirts, hats and bags,” remarks Swaney. “Because these designs are unique each year, every person who purchases official Fiesta Poster Merchandise gets to have their own little version of San Antonio Fiesta History.”
Check out the Official Fiesta Merchandise Store at, or visit The Prestigious Mark at
Official Fiesta Merchandise, via The Prestigious Mark, will also be sold at the following retail locations:
SAM’s Club
The Fiesta Store at North Star
Amol’s AAFES- Military Bases
Besides selling the Official Fiesta Commission Medals, Monarch Tro phy Studio is also selling the medals from our Fiesta Participating Member Organizations. When you buy a medal from one of our Fiesta
Organizations, you are supporting a non-profit organization that supports the citizens of San Antonio throughout the year.
Charlie Drago, owner of Monarch Trophy Studio exclaims,
Fiesta® Fiesta is a free event that features great music, mouth-watering festival foods and beverages, interactive art displays, medal sales, military salutes, opening ceremony celebrations and much more.
Fiesta® Fiesta is the go-to event for both novice and seasoned Fiesta®-goers, and helps provide an official opening to the 11-day festival that brings together more than 2.5 million people to Have Fun! Give Back! Viva Fiesta!
The event will provide an exciting lineup of live music throughout the evening on the main stage. Entertainment acts include DJs, Fort Sam’s Own 323rd Army Band, U.S. Army Fife and Drum Corps, U.S. Army Drill Team and headline performance by Grupo Metal featuring Chris Perez.
The People’s Parade at Fiesta® Fiesta is the first “official” parade of the Fiesta® season where official Fiesta® Royalty, local non-profit Fiesta® organizations, sponsors and event attendees can join in the fun and celebrate the excitement of Fiesta®
Pandemonium is the word for Fiesta Medals and Pins. We call it Pin Pandemonium® – literal mayhem, madness, uproar, bedlam, hullabaloo – which is the biggest, and only official, medal sales event during Fiesta. Presented by Monarch Trophy Studio, Pin Pandemonium at Fiesta® Fiesta is where the most serious medal collectors go to buy, trade and give away medals. All proceeds directly benefit local non-profits and other Fiesta® San Antonio members that are committed to preserving the traditions of Fiesta while establishing new ideas for future generations to enjoy.
Venture in to Pin Pandemonium to buy, trade or give away coveted 2023 Fiesta medals to support the nonprofit and other members of Fiesta San Antonio.
Live music is served up all afternoon and evening long on Fiesta Fiesta’s main stage before culminating in a major Fireworks display.
Always a sell-out event, “Taste of the Republic” is a ticketed culinary event in its sixth year and offers options as varied as the Lone Star State. Chef Brian West and about a dozen of San Antonio’s favorite chefs will offer nips of vodka, tequila, bourbon, whiskey, rum, and gin — and, of course, wine and beer — to complement bites from what Chef West has defined as the “Six Food Republics of Texas.”
From the “Piney Curtain” of East Texas, “Acadian Coast” along the Gulf, “Hill Country” of Central Texas, “Tex-Mex” of South Texas, “Cowboy Cuisine” of the North and Northwest, and “The Green Chili Line” West of the Pecos River.
Taste of the Republic will be held at the Alamo at 300 Alamo Plaza. Visit to purchase your tickets today.
Fiesta® San Antonio’s Mascot, ¡VIVA!, welcomes you to Fiesta® Fiesta!
Chef Brian West, a former Culinary Institute of America, San Antonio instructor, lets us in on a little history.
East Texas: Piney Curtain — Of any region of the Lone Star State, East Texas has the most Southern influence. Considered the gateway to the American South, in those beloved towns, east of the Trinity River, southern-style comfort food is king. Think sweet potato pies, peach cobbler, and fried food.
The Gulf: Acadian Coast — Influenced by the French-Canadians known as “Acadians,” the Gulf is home to Texas oysters, when at their peak, have been called “the tastiest in North America.” These large, juicy delicacies are immensely diverse in flavor and vary in taste depending on which part of the gulf they come from. Prepared simply with usually just a dash of Tabasco, Texas oysters are in high demand –especially in “Oyster County” of the Northeast.
Central Texas: Hill Country — When it comes to Texas barbecue, smoke is king. From the beef brisket of the cowboys to the smoked sausage influenced by German and Czech immigrants, Texas barbecue has evolved over time. Compared to its southern, Carolina, and Kansas City cousins, Texas, in part, has a Mexican influence. Textbook Texan barbecue sauce starts with a tomato base and brisket is served sliced, not shredded, to preserve the fat and flavor.
South Texas: Tex-Mex — Just as “traditional” Mexican food evolved from two great cultures of Spain and the natives of Ancient Mexico, Tex-Mex took its inspiration from American and Mexican traditions. Add beef to chili, cheddar cheese to enchiladas, and breakfast sausage and eggs to a tortilla and you’ve created a few of staples from its rich history. “The nachos, breakfast tacos, and enchiladas we love are ours alone,” West said. “No, they are not Mexican, but we have a long tradition of cooking this way for hundreds of years and it deserves to be a part of the spotlight.”
North Texas: Cowboy Cuisine — Beef is a staple in all six culinary regions of Texas, but North Texas owes its prosperity to the cattle industry. In Dallas or Fort Worth, foodies can dine in upscale restaurants enjoying juicy ribeye steaks of high-quality Texas beef. Texas has a long history of exporting its choicest beef to the Northeast and contributing to the reputations of New York’s and Boston’s top steakhouses. While few name Texas as mecca for steakhouses, the best cuts of beef are Texas grown.
Not all Fiesta foods come on a stick – unique recipes like paella and ceviche are served up at The Taste of the Republic, a VIP-style event within Fiesta® Fiesta.
West Texas: The Green Chile Line — West Texas could be considered the “gateway to the Southwest.” Influenced by the Native-American and Spanish culture, one boundary sets West Texas apart, and that is what Chef West calls “The Green Chile Line.” From adobo sauce and roasted pepper salsas to a variety of stews and more pork-centric dishes, bold flavors from chipotle and ancho chiles shine in West Texas cooking.
With this history in mind, Chef West and his team are bringing a unique event to Fiesta San Antonio’s lineup that can only be experienced during Fiesta® Fiesta.
3/5/2023 | 3 - 4:30 PM |
Teen Queen Coronation
The Woman's Club of San Antonio
226 N Hackberry
4/2/2023 | 3-5 PM | Fit For A Princess
Cherice Cochrane Foundation
Schertz Civic Center | 1400 Schertz Pkwy
4/14/2023, 5 – 8 PM | 4/15/2023,
9 AM – 4 PM | 4/16/2023, 9 AM – 3 PM
Fiesta® FitFest - Presented by H-E-B
San Antonio Sports | 1 UTSA Way
4/15/2023 | 6:30 – 10 PM | San Antonio
Lutheran Coronation
San Antonio Lutheran Coronation Association
Boeing Center at Tech Port
3331 General Hudnell Dr.
4/16/2023 | 5-7 PM | Mr. Teen San Antonio
Scholarship and Amazing Teens' Coronation & High Tea
Cherice Cochrane Foundation
Schertz Civic Center | 1400 Schertz Pkwy
4/16/2023 | 8 AM | Fiesta® Mass
San Fernando Cathedral | San Fernando Cathedral | 115 Main Plaza
Thursday, April 20, 2023
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit:
A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
4 – 10 PM | Fiesta® Fiesta
Fiesta® San Antonio Commission
Travis Park | 301 E. Travis Street
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta® San Antonio Commission
Alamodome | 100 Montana Street
6 – 10 PM | Taste of the Republic
Texas Culinary Alliance
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza
Friday, April 21, 2023
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Children’s Texas History Forum
Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Alamo Couriers Chapter | 228 S. Laredo
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
11 AM – 3 PM | Dia en la Sombrilla
UTSA | One UTSA Circle Sombrilla Plaza and Central Plaza Main Campus
2 – 4 PM | Fiesta® Flower Show
The Woman’s Club of San Antonio
1717 San Pedro Ave.
5 – 11 PM | A Taste of New Orleans
San Antonio Zulu Association
Sunken Garden Theater
3875 N St. Mary’s
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta Oyster Bake®
St. Mary’s University Alumni Association
One Camino Santa Maria
5 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta® San Antonio Commission
Alamodome | 100 Montana Street
5:30 – 11:30 PM | Alamo Heights Night
Alamo Heights Rotary Club
UIW | 4301 Broadway
5:30 – 7 PM | Rey Feo Public Crowning
Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation 115 Main Plaza
6 – 10 PM | Fiesta® Women & Co-ed 45th Annual Soccer Tournament
Women’s Soccer Association of San Antonio 5103 David Edwards Dr.
7 – 11 PM | WEBB Party
San Antonio AIDS Foundation
1174 E. Commerce Street
7 PM | SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
7 PM – Midnight
Rey Feo Crowning Celebration
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Grotto & Lonesome Dove Room 900 E. Market Street
Saturday, April 22, 2023
SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
8 AM – Noon | Walk for Autism
Any Baby Can of San Antonio 1400 W. Villaret Boulevard
8 AM – 8 PM | Fiesta® Women & Co-ed 45th Annual Soccer Tournament
Women’s Soccer Association of San Antonio 5103 David Edwards Dr.
8:30 – 11:30 AM | OLLU Confetti 5K
Our Lady of the Lake University
Main Building Front Walk | 411 SW 24th St.
9 AM – 1 PM | Zeta Fiesta Track Meet
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter | 200 Noblewood
9:30 AM – Noon | Pickles y Sombreros
Morgan’s Wonderland 5025 David Edwards Drive
10 – 11:30 AM | El Rey Fido Coronation
San Antonio Humane Society | Hops & Hounds 13838 Jones Maltsberger
10 AM – Noon | San Jacinto Victory Celebration
Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Alamo
Heroes Chapter | 300 Alamo Plaza
10 AM – 2 PM
Mission Reach Flotilla Fiesta®
San Antonio River Foundation | Padre Park 6515 Padre Drive
10 AM – 2 PM | Earth Day
City of San Antonio Parks & Recreation
Department | Woodlawn Lake Park 1103 Cincinnati Avenue
10 AM – 2 PM | Viva Botanica!
San Antonio Botanical Garden 555 Funston Place
10 AM – 4 PM | Fiesta® Flower Show
The Woman’s Club of San Antonio 1717 San Pedro Ave.
10 AM – 5 PM | Texas Corvette Association
Car Show
St. Jude’s Ranch for Children - SJRC Texas
Boerne Main Plaza | 100 N. Main Street
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – 5 PM | Fiesta® Castle Hills
Castle Hills Community Organization 207 Lemonwood
10 AM – 6 PM | Fiesta® Arts Fair
UTSA Alumni Association | UTSA SW Campus
300 Augusta Street
10 AM – 1 AM | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – 4 PM | Fiesta® Festival
Volunteer Services Council for the San Antonio State Supported Living Center
6711 S. New Braunfels, Suite 500
11 AM – 2 PM | Loteria para Lideres
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas | 37 NE Loop 410
11 AM – 4 PM | Celebrations of Traditions
Pow Wow
United San Antonio Pow Wow, Inc.
Texas A&M University
San Antonio Pavilion | One University Way
Noon - 10 PM | JBSA - Fort Sam Houston
Open House
JBSA - Fort Sam Houston | Harry Wurzbach
Noon – Midnight | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta® San Antonio Commission | Alamodome | 100 Montana St.
Noon – 11 PM | A Taste of New Orleans
San Antonio Zulu Association | Sunken Garden
Theater | 3875 N St. Mary’s
Noon – 11 PM | Fiesta Oyster Bake®
St. Mary’s University Alumni Association
One Camino Santa Maria
Noon – Midnight | Chaparral Music & Heritage Festival
San Antonio Parks Foundation
434 S. Alamo St.
Noon – 1 PM | Alamo Plaza Historical
Walking Tour
Alamo Chapter Sons of The Republic of Texas |
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza
Noon – 4 PM | Fiesta® Kings Polo Match
San Antonio Polo Club | 490 W. Specht Road
5 – 11 PM | Chanclas y Cervezas
Brooks Gives Back | 2532 Sidney Brooks
6:15 – 8 PM | Investiture of King Antonio
The Texas Cavaliers
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza
7 – 11 PM | Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Fiesta® Youth | The DoSeum | 2800 Broadway
7 – 11 PM | 102nd Patriotic and Historical Ball
State Association of Texas Pioneers
San Fernando Ballroom | 231 W. Commerce St.
7 – 11 PM | All American Canteen
Foundation for San Antonio Military History
Aggie Park Event Center | 6205 West Avenue
7 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Masquerade Party
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Psi Alpha
Chapter | 6909 Camp Bullis Road
Sunday, April 23, 2023
SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
8 AM – 6 PM | Fiesta® Women & Co-ed 45th Annual Soccer Tournament
Women’s Soccer Association of San Antonio 5103 David Edwards Dr.
10 AM – 5 PM | Fiesta® de los Niños
Port San Antonio | Boeing Center at Tech Port 3331 General Hudnell Dr.
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Champagne and Diamonds
Lo Bello Women’s Association
Rosenberg Skyroom at UIW 847 E. Hildebrand Avenue
10 AM – 8 PM | Deco Fiesta®
Network for Young Artists | Deco Pizzeria 1815 Fredericksburg Road
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation 514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – 2 PM | Fiesta® Olé Bazaar, Luncheon, and Style Show
Pan American League | Westin San Antonio North | 9821 Colonnade Blvd.
11 AM – 5 PM | Fiesta® Arts Fair
UTSA Alumni Association | UTSA Southwest Campus | 300 Augusta St.
11 AM – 8 PM | Fiesta® de La Familia
St. Gregory the Great Catholic School/Church
700 Dewhurst
Noon – 6 PM | A Day in Old Mexico and Charreada
Asociación de Charros de San Antonio
6126 Padre Drive
Noon – 9 PM | Piñatas in the Barrio
AUEDA - Action United for Entertainers and Diverse Artists | Plaza Guadalupe
1327 Guadalupe St.
Noon – 10 PM | A Taste of New Orleans
San Antonio Zulu Association
Sunken Garden Theater | 3875 N St. Mary’s
Noon – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome
100 Montana St.
3 - 7 PM | The Chili Queens Chili Cook-Off Happy Foundation | Bonham Exchange
411 Bonham
Monday, April 24, 2023
SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
11 AM – Noon | Air Force Day at the Alamo
United States Air Force | The Alamo
300 Alamo Plaza
3:30 - 5 PM | 105th Annual Pilgrimage to the Alamo
Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Alamo Mission Chapter | 300 Alamo Plaza
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome 100 Montana Street
7 – 9 PM | The Texas Cavaliers River Parade
The Texas Cavaliers | 418 Villita Street
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM - 3 PM | Fiesta Especial® Celebration Day
disABILITYsa | Alamodome | 100 Montana Street
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
11 AM - Noon | Army Day at the Alamo
United States Army | The Alamo
300 Alamo Plaza
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta® San Antonio Commission
Alamodome | 100 Montana St.
5 – 8 PM | Fiesta® Tech Trek
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Tech District | Along Houston Street
5:30 – 10:30 PM
A Night in Old San Antonio® (NIOSA)
Conservation Society of San Antonio
Historic La Villita | 418 Villita Street
6 – 8 PM | Ford Mariachi Festival
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk
849 E. Commerce
6:30 - 11:30 PM | Taste of the Northside
Brighton Center | SSFCU Event Center
15000 I-10
7 and 10 PM | Cornyation 2023
Fiesta Cornyation | Charline McCombs Empire Theater | 226 N. St. Mary’s
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
8 AM – 1 PM | First Tee Invitational
First Tee - Greater San Antonio
24405 Wilderness Oak
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10:30 AM – 3 PM | Fiesta® Hat Contest & Luncheon
The Woman’s Club of San Antonio 9821 Colonnade Blvd.
11 AM – Noon | Marine Day at the Alamo
The United States Marines
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza
1:30 PM | SAC Multicultural Conference
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome
100 Montana St.
5 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Gartenfest
Beethoven Mannerchor, Inc. | Beethoven Halle und Garten | 422 Pereida St
5:30 – 10:30 PM | A Night in Old San Antonio® (NIOSA)
Conservation Society of San Antonio Historic La Villita | 418 Villita Street
6 – 8 PM | Ford Mariachi Festival
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk
849 E. Commerce
7 PM and 10 PM | Cornyation 2023
Fiesta Cornyation | Charline McCombs Empire Theater | 226 N. St. Mary’s
8 – 10 PM | Coronation of the Queen
Order of the Alamo | Majestic Theater
224 E. Houston St.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
9 AM – 1 PM | Senior Fiesta®
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Inc. | Wonderland of the Americas
4522 Fredericksburg Rd.
9 AM – 5 PM | 45th Annual San Antonio
Cactus & Xerophyte Show & Sale
San Antonio Cactus & Xerophyte Society
3310 N. New Braunfels
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® San Fernando
San Fernando Cathedral | 115 Main Plaza
10 AM – 4 PM | St. Philip’s College
CultureFest and Rib Cook-Off
St. Philip’s College | Turbon Student Center
1801 Martin Luther King
11 AM - Noon | Navy Day at the Alamo
The United States Navy | The Alamo
300 Alamo Plaza
Noon – 10 PM | PACfest
Palo Alto College | 1400 W. Villaret Blvd.
2 PM – Midnight | 10th Street River Festival
Sam Houston VFW Post 76 | 10 Tenth Street
5 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome
100 Montana Street
5 – 11 PM | CCHS Fiesta® FangDango
Central Catholic High School
1403 N. St. Mary's
5 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Gartenfest
Beethoven Mannerchor, Inc. | Beethoven Halle und Garten | 422 Pereida St
5:30 – 10:30 PM | A Night in Old San Antonio® (NIOSA)
Conservation Society of San Antonio
Historic La Villita | 418 Villita Street
6 – 8 PM | Ford Mariachi Festival
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk
849 E. Commerce
6:30 – 10 PM | Battle of Flowers®
Association Band Festival
Battle of Flowers Association | Alamo Stadium
110 Tuleta Drive
7 PM and 10 PM | Cornyation 2023
Fiesta Cornyation | Charline McCombs Empire Theater | 226 N. St. Mary’s
Friday, April 28, 2023
8:55 AM Vanguard | Battle of Flowers®
Battle of Flowers Association
Streets of San Antonio
9:30 AM Parade | Battle of Flowers® Parade
Battle of Flowers Association
Starts at San Antonio College and ends on Santa Rosa | 1819 N. Main Avenue
9 AM – 5 PM | 45th Annual San Antonio
Cactus & Xerophyte Show & Sale
San Antonio Cactus & Xerophyte Society
3310 N. New Braunfels
10 AM – 5 PM | 2023 Fiesta® Exhibit:
A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® San Fernando
San Fernando Cathedral | 115 Main Plaza
11 AM – 11 PM | Fiesta® Artisan Show
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk
849 E. Commerce Street
Noon – Midnight | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome 100 Montana Street
1 – 10 PM | Fiesta® World Class Jazz Concert
St. Mary’s University Department of Music One Camino Santa Maria
2 – 10 PM | Fredstock 2023
The Music Business Program at San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main Avenue (corner of Courtland and Main Avenue)
2 PM – Midnight | 10th Street River Festival
Sam Houston VFW Post 76 | 10 Tenth Street
5 – 11 PM | Fiesta Family Blues Festival
San Antonio African American Community Archive and Museum (SAAACAM) | The Espee Pavilion 1174 E. Commerce Street
5 PM – Midnight | Fiesta® Gartenfest
Beethoven Mannerchor, Inc. | Beethoven Halle und Garten | 422 Pereida St
5:30 – 10:30 PM | A Night in Old San Antonio® (NIOSA)
Conservation Society of San Antonio
Historic La Villita | 418 Villita Street
7 – 10 PM | Fiesta® Square and Round Dance
Alamo Area Square and Round Dance Association | 3233 N. St. Mary’s Street
Saturday, April 29, 2023
7:30 AM – Noon | Fiesta® Pooch Parade
Therapy Animals of San Antonio 250 Viesca Street
7:30 AM – Noon | Run to Remember with Beard vs Beans
Alzheimer’s Association: San Antonio and South Texas Chapter | 2600 Rigsby
8 AM – 5:30 PM | Fiesta® Jazz Band Festival
St. Mary’s University Department of Music
One Camino Santa Maria
9 AM – 7 PM | Festival de Animales
San Antonio Zoo | 3903 N. St. Mary’s Street
9 AM – 5 PM | 45th Annual San Antonio
Cactus & Xerophyte Show & Sale
San Antonio Cactus & Xerophyte Society 3310 N. New Braunfels
9 AM – 6 PM | King William Fair
King William Association | 122 Madison Street
8:30 – 10:30 AM | The Starfish Dash 5K Run/Walk & Health Fair
Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society | UT Health | 7431 Merton Minter
10 AM – Noon | Top Teens of America
Healthy Choice Conference
Top Teens of America, San Antonio Metropolitan Chapter | Second Baptist Church Community Center | 3310 E. Commerce
10 AM – 5 PM | Annual Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – Midnight | MissionFest
Mission San Jose Catholic Church | 701 E. Pyron
10 AM – 1 AM | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation | 514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – 1 AM | Fiesta® San Fernando
San Fernando Cathedral | 115 Main Plaza
11 AM – 2 PM | United Way Kids Festival
United Way San Antonio & Bexar County | Copernicus Park | 5033 Lord Road
Noon – 11 PM | Fiesta® Artisan Show
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk | 849 E. Commerce
Noon – Midnight | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome | 100 Montana Street
2 PM – Midnight | 10th Street River Festival
Sam Houston VFW Post 76 | 10 Tenth Street
4:30 – 8:30 PM | 2023 Fiesta® de los Spurs Run
Spurs Give | 103 W. Houston Street
7:15 – 11:30 PM | Fiesta Flambeau® Parade
Fiesta Flambeau® Parade Association, Inc. | Streets of San Antonio
9 AM – 7 PM | Festival de Animales San Antonio Zoo | 3903 N. St. Mary’s Street
10 AM – 5 PM | Annual Fiesta® Exhibit: A World of Inspiration
Witte Museum | 3801 Broadway
10 AM – Midnight | Fiesta® de los Reyes
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
514 West Commerce Street
10 AM – Midnight | MissionFest
Mission San Jose Catholic Church | 701 E. Pyron
11 AM – 11 PM | Fiesta® Artisan Show
Visit San Antonio | San Antonio River Walk 849 E. Commerce
Noon – 6 PM | A Day in Old Mexico and Charreada
Asociación de Charros de San Antonio 6126 Padre Drive
Noon – 11 PM | Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission | Alamodome 100 Montana Street
1 – 8 PM | Festival de Cascarones
Texas A & M University-San Antonio
One University Way
1 – 2 PM | All Veterans Memorial Service
Vietnam Veterans of America, Alamo Chapter #366 | Vietnam Plaza | E. Martin at Jefferson
3 – 4:30 PM | Annual Fiesta® Concert
San Antonio Symphonic Band 228 South Laredo Street
4 – 6 PM | Praise Dance Celebration
Alpha Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. | 226 N Hackberry
4 – 7 PM | Feria de las Flores
Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation | La Quinta Horizon Hill | 4431 Horizon Hill Blvd.
Starting in 1927 the “monarch of merriment” arrived by plane, train or automobile. In 1941, the Texas Cavaliers celebrated the completion of improvements to the San Antonio River Walk with the first River Parade, where the floats really float. The King and many others have been delighting audiences along the River Walk ever since.
This is the “grandmother” of them all, the oldest event of Fiesta San Antonio. Ladies first paraded their flower-covered carriages around the Shrine of Texas Liberty in April 1891 to commemorate the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto. Today the parade is the largest in the country to be managed entirely by women. More than 200 floats, bands, balloons and entertainers will march down the 2.6-mile parade route.
In 1968, the King William Association, committed to preserving the oldest historic district in the State of Texas, hosted its first King William Fair. The Fair began with neighbors building booths and cooking food in conjunction with the annual home tours where residents opened their doors to allow visitors a peek inside the grand homes along King William Street. The tradition of this fun and quirky parade attracts thousands to the King William Historic District.
In 1948, Fiesta legend Reynolds Andricks created the Fiesta Flambeau® Parade to attract more visitors to San Antonio. He scheduled it as a night parade and encouraged organizations to light up their floats. Groups of men carrying torches, or flambeaus, helped brighten the way along the parade route. Today gaily lit floats, dancers and bands make the Flambeau® Parade the nation’s largest illuminated night parade.
For details on the service times and locations, go to or call 210-362-2020.
One hundred thirty two years ago, Fiesta San Antonio began as a one-parade event with the Battle of Flowers to commemorate the heroes of The Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. Today, more than 100 local nonprofits produce over 100 events during the 11 days of Fiesta. These nonprofits raise funds for causes like scholarships, medical research, historic preservation, and special needs for children and families. Fiesta is truly the way to "Have Fun AND Give Back" as the proceeds from these events go directly back into the community. With a variety of events ranging from music and art, to fitness and food, there is an event - if not several - for YOU! We encourage everybody to attend as many events as possible, and to also add a few new events to your personal Fiesta 2023 schedule! Fiesta San Antonio would not be possible without the amazing nonprofits that are dedicated to making Fiesta San Antonio an unforgettable experience while also spreading the news about their great causes. Join us in celebrating them and making 2023 Fiesta San Antonio one for the books! VIVA FIESTA!
Sam Houston VFW Post 76
PMO PRESIDENT – Robert Hernandez | PMO COMMISSIONER – Ted Johnson
April 27-29, 2023, 2 pm – Midnight
10 Tenth Street, San Antonio, TX 78215
• Free live music
• Free local Entertainment.
• Great local, street food and ice-cold beverages
• Located on the Riverwalk near downtown
• Secure location
• Family Friendly.
Admission: Free
Restrictions will be listed on the website, on social media, and at the gate.
Battle of Flowers Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Kelly Kennedy | PMO COMMISSIONER – KaRynn O’Connell
April 27, 2023, 6:30 - 10:00 pm
Alamo Stadium, 110 Tuleta, San Antonio, TX 78212
• We are the first and oldest marching band festival in the United States.
• The first Battle of Flowers® Band Festival was held in Municipal Auditorium Circle prior to the parade in 1936.
• Over 35 local area high school marching bands participate.
• More than 4000 students take the field at one time to play in unison.
• Last year we sold out of tickets before the event!
Admission: $8-$25, Tickets available and Fiesta at Northstar in Early 2023. Restrictions available at / social media
210-380-0853 | | |
State Association of Texas Pioneers
PMO PRESIDENT – Ronnie Nipper | PMO COMMISSIONER – Barbara Vander (Nipper)
April 22, 2023, 7 – 11 pm
The Venues at San Fernando, San Fernando Ballroom, 231 W. Commerce St., San Antonio, TX 78205
• Pipers piping
• Selfie Booth
• Military and Fiesta Royalty and guests
• Live music and dancing
• Best Bargain for a FIESTA BALL
• Silent Auction
• Introduction to Pioneer’s FIESTA Royalty. Our Honorary Lady Chairman.
General Admission $40.00 ($35 for members). Tickets will be available on
Cannot bring alcoholic beverages or ice chests
Daughter of the Republic of Texas, Alamo Mission Chapter
PMO PRESIDENT – Eileen Sommer | PMO COMMISSIONER – Karen McCloskey
April 24, 2023, 3:30 – 5 pm
300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
• The Pilgrimage to the Alamo began in 1918.
• It is a solemn and silent procession for 6 blocks from the Vietnam War Memorial to the Alamo, in which all of the 500 participants in the Pilgrimage walk as members of the groups represented, carrying floral tributes to be placed on the Alamo green, before taking a seat in Alamo Plaza.
• Participants in the Pilgrimage represent approximately 75 different organizations or groups in the San Antonio area.
• The keynote speaker represents the Command of Joint Base San Antonio, alternating years between the Army and Air Force - this year it is the Army's turn. Words of greeting will also come from the President of the Fiesta Commission, the President of the Alamo Mission Chapter, and other dignitaries.
• The procession from the Vietnam Memorial to the seating in Alamo Plaza will be led by a riderless horse from Fort Sam Houston.
Admission: Free
210-415-9746 |
Asociación de Charros de San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Edmundo Rios | PMO COMMISSIONER – Edmundo Rios
April 23, 2022 & April 30, 2023, Noon - 6 pm
6126 Padre Drive, San Antonio, TX 78214
210-410-6908 |
The Conservation Society of San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Kathy Rhoads | PMO COMMISSIONER – Jana Foreman
April 25-28, 2023, 5:30 - 10:30 pm
Historic La Villita, 418 Villita Street, San Antonio, TX 78205
• NIOSA is the top fundraiser for historic preservation in the United States- living up to its motto as a "Celebration for Preservation".
• It is solely produced by and benefits The Conservation Society of San Antonio (one of the nation's oldest and most active historic preservation organizations).
• A Night In Old San Antonio" pays homage to the city's diverse culture with food, music, and decor that transforms the village into 14 distinct areas.
• Colorful
• Suspense
• All the Queens
• Armed Forces
• All kinds of food
• Horses
Admission: $20 for adults. Kids under 12 are free. Tickets available at front gate - day of event
210-385-2167 |
• NIOSA occurs in the heart of downtown San Antonio on the grounds of La Villita Historic Arts Village District, with its four+ acres of historic buildings, cobblestones streets, walls, and fountains.
• Admission: $20, Tickets available online, H-E-B, and other locations to be determined.
210-226-5188 |
San Antonio Zulu Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Leroy Sance Jr. | PMO COMMISSIONER – Tremell Brown
April 21-23, 2023, April 21, 5 pm - 11 pm; April 22, Noon - 11 pm; April 23, Noon - 10 pm
Sunken Garden Theatre | 3875 N. St. Mary’s Street, San Antonio, TX 78212
• This is our 36th year producing this Family focused event
• SAZA is an all-volunteer group of 43 men with no paid staff
• Enjoy authentic New Orleans-style food (gumbos, shrimp creole, etouffee, fresh crawfish, boudin, alligator, beignets)
• Enjoy authentic New Orleans-style music (zydeco, cajun, jazz, brass bands, blues)
• Proceeds from your support of this event go towards college scholarships for graduating high school seniors
• Proceeds from your support of this event assist our benevolent fund that assists those in need in the San Antonio community.
Admission: Tickets are $17. Kids 10 and under are free. Presale tickets go on sale in early March. Tickets can be purchased online at our website or at any area HEB store location.
210-531-9464 |
Alamo Heights Rotary Club
PMO PRESIDENT – Sam Haley | PMO COMMISSIONER – Richard Berchin
April 21, 2023, 5:30 - 11:30 pm
University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209
• Safe, family friendly block party
• Alamo Heights Night will have 80-100 booths/activities with great entertainment, food, drink, games, and rides.
• 35th Anniversary event
• Event presented and put on by the Alamo Heights Rotary Club (Celebrating its 75th year in on April 21, 2023)
• In first 34 years, the PMO has raised over $2.4M for charity, community service, and scholarships
• Musical entertainment runs continuously from 5:30pm including Suede, Rick Cavender, Finding Friday, Ruben-V and others
• Easy to get to on the University of the Incarnate Word campus
• Parking across Hildebrand from the campus and at four free park and ride locations, shuttles start at 5pm.
Admission: Adults: $20; 12-17 and students with ID: $5; under 12: FREE; Active and Reserve component military w/ID FREE. Tickets available on-site only.
For restrictions:
210-824-2462 |, |
United States Air Force
April 24, 2023, 11 am - Noon
The Alamo, 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Admission is free.
210-322-5540 |
Alamo Chapter Sons of The Republic of Texas
April 22, 2023, Noon – 1 pm
Alamo Plaza, 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Presented by Alamo Chapter of The Sons of The Republic of Texas
• Walking tour of 12 locations on Alamo Plaza related to the 1836 Siege of the Alamo
• Living Historians on hand to explain significance at each stop along the 1836 compound area
• Informing area residents and visitors as an Official Fiesta Event since 1988
• Proceeds of Alamo Chapter Fiesta Medal sales help our 7th grade Texas History essay program at participating middle schools
Admission: Free.
210-239-5176 |
Foundation for San Antonio Military History
PMO PRESIDENT – Joan Gaither | PMO COMMISSIONER – Pris Trawick
April 22, 2023, 7 – 11 pm
Aggie Park Event Center | 6205 West Avenue | San Antonio, TX 78201
• Uncle Sam wants have a great time. Celebrate the big band era with favorite tunes from the 1940s and a delicious dinner.
• This is an evening of dancing fun while saluting the military heroes past and present who have kept our nation safe. So put on your “String of Pearls” or that Eisenhower jacket and join us for a memorable Fiesta first weekend.
• We are dedicated to the preservation of military history and our local military buildings in San Antonio.
Admission: $100 per person.
Tickets available: No Pets.
(210) 860-0502 |
Witte Museum
PMO PRESIDENT – Marise McDermott | PMO COMMISSIONER – Katie Kinder DeBauche
April 20 - October 1, 2023 | 10 am – 5 pm
Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209
• This exhibit will include Order of the Alamo robes and trains from the Witte collection and temporary loans from San Antonio families.
• The sparkling gowns will span different eras and will share designs inspired by other countries.
• The Witte Museum is one of the only locations to learn about Fiesta’s history.
• The Witte Museum is where nature, science, and culture meet, through the lens of Texas Deep Time.
Admission: General Admission is $14 for adults, $13 for seniors, $10 for children (4-11). Admission to the Fiesta Exhibition is included with General Admission. Visitors may purchase General Admission at the Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209 or online at
No pets
(210)357-1900 |
Alamo Chapter #366, Vietnam Veterans of America
PMO PRESIDENT – James Fenimore | PMO COMMISSIONER – James Fenimore
April 30, 2023, 1 - 2 pm | Alamo Plaza
Vietnam War Memorial | 451 Jefferson | San Antonio, TX 78205
• Patriotic Event honoring all Veterans
• Free public event
• Longest running Fiesta Military Event
• Honor Guard presentation
• Commanding General keynote address
Admission: Free
210-887-7582 |
San Antonio Symphonic Band
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Emma Dromgoole | PMO COMMISSIONER – Alfred Tapia
April 30, 2023, 2 pm
228 South Laredo Street, San Antonio, Texas 78207
• All our concerts are FREE!
• We are an allvolunteer organization.
• We were chartered by the City of San Antonio in 1986.
• This is our thirtysixth year.
• We honor all veterans at every concert.
No pets
Admission: Free
210-545-5654 |,
United States Army
April 25, 2023, 11 am – Noon
The Alamo, 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Admission: Free |
Central Catholic High School
PMO PRESIDENT – Jason Longoria | PMO COMMISSIONER – Priscilla Gonzaba
April 27, 2023, 5 - 11 pm
1403 N. St. Mary’s, San Antonio, TX 78215
• The newest Fiesta event that is an affordable, family friendly experience with fun for kids of all ages.
• Various food and beverage options will be available.
• Guests will enjoy live music and other entertainment that will be available for children.
• Located in the heart of San Antonio on the historic campus of Central Catholic High School with plenty of free parking.
• A sponsor hospitality area with additional food and beverage items.
• All proceeds raised from this event will support scholarships, student programs and building improvements at Central Catholic High School.
Admission: Pre-sale $15 /General Admission $20. Children under 12 free. Tickets available at and on site at the PMO location on the day of the event.
210-225-6794 |
Battle of Flowers® Parade
Battle of Flowers Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Kelly Kennedy | PMO COMMISSIONER – KaRynn O’Connell
April 28, 2023, Vanguard at 8:55 am | Parade at 9:30 am
Start at San Antonio College and End on Santa Rosa/Martin Street
• Founding event of Fiesta
• Largest Parade in the city produced entirely by women volunteers
• Battle of Flowers was founded in 1891
• This is the 132nd parade
• Oldest parade of Fiesta
Admission: $25 - $35, Tickets available at |
United San Antonio Pow Wow, Inc.
April 22, 2023, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Texas A&M University - San Antonio Pavilion, One University Way, San Antonio, Texas 78224
• Celebrations of Traditions Pow Wow is an official Fiesta event, which will provide all who attend, individuals and families, the opportunity to view and participate in the American Indian culture and traditions of dance and music at an official Native American Pow Wow.
• The pow wow promotes tribal traditions, culture and the opportunity for Native people to gather in celebrating their rich heritage with one another.
• To promoted the traditions and culture of the American Indian in the most positive manner possible.
• Provide Indian people the opportunity to participate, practice, teach and exchange tribal traditions among all tribes.
• Enlighten the non-Indian about the history and culture of America’s first inhabitants.
• Dispel stereotypes created about the American Indian.
• Through the pow wow the American Indian can pass these traditions to their children and grandchildren so that the Culture can be maintained and enriched – Learning the honored ways of the past.
Admission: Free
210-508-7865 |
Lo Bello Women’s Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Stephanie Garcia | PMO COMMISSIONER – Debby Munoz
April 23, 2022, 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Rosenberg Skyroom at UIW | 847 E. Hildebrand Ave., San Antonio, TX
Brooks Gives Back
PMO PRESIDENT – Leo Gomez | PMO COMMISSIONER – Connie Gonzalez
April 22, 2023, 5 - 11 pm
2532 Sidney Brooks, San Antonio, TX 78235
• Join us for an evening full of food, laughter, games, music, and your favorite cervezas at The Greenline.
• Chanclas y Cervezas is back!
• Put your chancla throwing skills to the test with games and activities that honor the ever-versatile chancla (some activities have limited availability).
• And don’t worry, your favorite cervezas are on deck as we jam out to live music.
• All proceeds from Chanclas y Cervezas benefit Brooks Gives Back.
Admission: 12 & under FREE $10 per person(presale) $15 (at the door) Free parking. Tickets are available online, website, and at the gate. All restrictions listed on website and social media.
210-678-3300 |
San Antonio Parks Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Mary Jane Verette | PMO COMMISSIONER – Libby Day
April 22, 2023, Noon - Midnight
Hemisfair | 434 S Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Chaparral Music & Heritage Festival celebrates the music, flavors, and history of south & central Texas with live music, culinary experiences, and activities for all.
• This year, Chaparral lands on Earth Day! Learn about sustainable agriculture practices used for generations that keep Texas lands strong and healthy.
• Our mission is to provide College & Trade School Scholarships to local students.
• Our Organization consists of local business and professional women.
• 2023 is our 30 year anniversary of the Organization.
• We also support Por Vida Academy High School students with Christmas gifts each year.
• We donate yearly to the University Hospital Nursing Program.
• Scrumptious cocktails.
Admission: $200, $2,500 for a table of 10. Tickets available at or with any Lo Bello Member.
President Stefanie Garcia @ 210-316-1613
Debby A. Munoz @ 210-279-5213
No Pets.
210-316-1613 |
• Interactive animal activities creating up close and personal experiences for children and families in an educational and controlled environment.
• General Admission to the event is free, a ticketed VIP Culinary Experience is available to guests 21+ offering complimentary food, beverages, and exclusive seating and lounge areas.
• San Antonio Parks Foundation is a nonprofit organized in 1981 that works to enhance parks in San Antonio and Bexar County, including our linear trail system!
• The San Antonio Parks Foundation team is comprised of 100% women staff.
Admission: Free, VIP Culinary Experience tickets will be available at
210-212-8423 |
Order of The Alamo
PMO PRESIDENT – Barclay Houston | PMO COMMISSIONER – Walter Simpson
April 26, 2023, 8 - 10 pm
Majestic Theatre | 224 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78205
• The Order of the Alamo honors and celebrates Texas’ heroic struggle for Independence by electing a Queen to reign over San Antonio’s Fiesta celebrations each year, and to provide for her Coronation with pomp and ceremony. Since, 1909 the membership of the Order of the Alamo have elected 104 Queens who have been crowned at the Coronation of the Queen during Fiesta week.
• The Order of the Alamo was formed for the purpose of educating its members and the public generally in the history of the Independence of Texas perpetuating the memory of the Battle of San Jacinto by having an annual ceremony in Bexar County, Texas.
• All the proceeds from the sale of admission tickets to its members and the general public shall be used exclusively for the educational purposes of this organization and no part of such net proceeds shall inure to the benefit of any individual member.
• The Order of the Alamo was founded in 1909 by a group of patriotic San Antonio men who wished to enlarge Fiesta’s annual celebration of the heroic struggle for Texas’ Independence from Mexico..
Admission: $35-$100, tickets released to the public +/60 Days prior to event. Restrictions:
No Pets
(210) 822-9092 |
Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Alamo Couriers Chapter
April 21, 2023, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Casa Navarro | 228 S. Laredo, San Antonio, TX
• The Children's Texas History Forum is an annual event held during Fiesta® San Antonio.
• This year events will be held at Casa Navarro, the home of Jose Antonio Navarro, truest of Texans. Born In San Antonio, Navarro was a statesman, revolutionary, politician, rancher, and merchant.
• Students are taken back in time by reenactors and hostesses dressed in period clothing. Presentations of flags flown thought out San Antonio and Texas history are presented in a way that is educational and entertaining.
• The Alamo Couriers Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a 200-member chapter composed of women who are descendants of the citizens who settled Texas and gave birth to the Republic of Texas. We also sponsor a hundred-plus member Children of the Republic of Texas group.
• We encourage historical research into the earliest records of Texas, fostering heritage, preserving of documents and perpetuation of memory and spirit of men and women who pioneered, settled, and fought for Texas.
Admission is free.
(210) 679-6193 |
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Bill Drain | PMO COMMISSIONER – Jacob Velenzuela
April 21, 2023 | 7 pm to Midnight
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Grotto & Lonesome Dove Room 900 E. Market Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
• Celebration of the Crowning of King Rey Feo LXXIV Laurence Kurth
• Live Music
• Food Buffet
• Dancing
No pets.
Admission: $250.
Purchase Tickets at
Fiesta® Cornyation
PMO PRESIDENT – Thomas McKenzie | PMO COMMISSIONER – Ray Chavez Jr.
April 25-27, 2023, 7 pm and 10 pm each night
Charlene McCombs Empire Theater | 226 N. St. Mary’s, San Antonio, TX
• Cheap
• A satirical view of local, regional, national, and international current events
• Adult oriented
Admission: $15-45 with sponsor prices.
Available at Majestic Empire Box Office and Ticketmaster starting March 31, 2023. Restrictions on Majestic Theatre Box Office website.
210-845-0084 | |
Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Johnny Gabriel
April 21, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7 pm
Main Plaza, 115 N. Main Ave, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Enjoy an evening of free Fiesta fun for the entire family.
• You will be treated to the sound of mariachis, folklorico dancers and learn more about the history of the Rey Feo tradition.
• Enjoy a chance to meet members of his royal court and other Fiesta royalty.
• Members uphold the tradition and support the fundraising efforts to further the educational activities of the Rey Feo Scholarship program.
Admission: Free
210-325-2315 |
210-325-2315 |
Network for Young Artists
PMO PRESIDENT – Lionel Estrada | PMO COMMISSIONER – Robert L. Treviño
April 23, 2023, 10 am – 8 pm
Deco Pizzeria, 1815 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78201
• Network for Young Artists alumni include Ally Brooke Hernandez, Ada Vox, Latin Grammynominated Isabel Marie Sanchez, Victoria Acosta, Jessica Espinoza, Sebastian De La Cruz, Rudi Gutierrez, Rayne Fernandez, Urbana Chapa, and many more!
•. Network for Young Artists
is an extracurricular performing arts and music school with the mission of providing an accessible and affordable arts education to the youth of San Antonio.
•. Network for Young Artists offers unlimited classes in voice, dance, guitar, drums, and piano for $25 a month.
•. This will be the 10th year that NYA will hold DECO Fiesta.
•. Last year, we had a surprise appearance by NYA Alumni and former instructor Ada Vox!
Admission: Free
210-226-5611 |
San Antonio Humane Society
PMO COMMISSIONER – Cheryl Kiolbassa-Kindervater
April 22, 2023, 10 am – 2 pm
Woodlawn Lake Park, 1103 Cincinnati Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78201
• Celebrate Earth Day
San Antonio 2023 with the San Antonio Parks and Recreation!
• This fun-filled event will feature over 50 environmental organizations
• Hands on family activities, *free tree adoptions, *engaging dance and musical performances!
• Connect with representatives from local organizations whose work focuses on conservation, take a *free Fitness in the Park class, *shop for fresh veggies & fruit at a Farmers Market and enjoy a *healthy treat from one of our food vendors.
Admission: Free 210-207-3000 |
PMO COMMISSIONER – Chantea Swinson-Rhoe
April 21, 2023, 11 am – 3 pm
1 UTSA Circle, Sombrilla Plaza and Central Plaza on UTSA’s main campus, San Antonio, TX 78249
• The event is now in its 43rd year of entertaining thousands and cracked more than 50,000 cascarones.
• This is an opportunity for student organizations at UTSA to raise funds
• Funds raised by organizations are used for their tournaments, conferences, events, and supplies throughout the year.
• This event is formerly known as Fiesta UTSA
Admission: Free. Have your cash or card ready for purchases at the booths.
No Pets
210-458-4160 |
San Antonio Humane Society
PMO PRESIDENT – Nancy F. May | PMO COMMISSIONER – Mikael Persson
April 22, 2023, 10 am – 11:30 am
Hops N Hounds, 13838 Jones Maltsbereger Rd, San Antonio, TX 78247
• The SAHS mission is to protect and improve the lives of dogs and cats by providing shelter, care, adoption, rescue, spay/neuter programs, and community education.
• The SAHS shelters, medically treats, and rehabilitates thousands of dogs and cats every year.
• As a no-kill organization, every treatable pet in our care stays in our care until they find a home or necessary placement with another no-kill organization.
• El Rey Fido began in 2002 as a feel-good spin on the already longestablished Fiesta Royalty title of a similar name: Rey Feo.
• The El Rey Fido and the Royal Court get to be dressed in true royal attire (velvet, sequins, and all).
• Don’t miss your chance to support homeless pets in your community and become a part of over 20 years of SAHS Fiesta tradition!
Admission: Free
210-226-7461 |
San Antonio Zoo
PMO PRESIDENT – Tim Morrow | PMO COMMISSIONER – Lisa Townsend April 29-30, 2023, 9 am
7 pm
3903 N. St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, TX 78212
• San Antonio Zoo®, operated by San Antonio Zoological Society, is a 501c3 non-profit organization committed to securing a future for wildlife.
• Celebrate the animals, culture, and food of Latin America, including specialty cocktails and musical performances throughout the zoo.
• Come see the shoebox parades inspired by Fiesta!
• Visits from Fiesta Royalty: Miss San Antonio, Rey Feo, and Miss Fiesta.
• Animal chats and animal presentations featuring wildlife native to Latin America.
• Get your Fiesta on with San Antonio Zoo this weekend for Festival de Animales, fun for the whole familia!
Admission: $31.99 Adult & $27.99 Children 2 and older; Tickets available at
Fiesta® Artisan Show
Visit San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Marc Anderson | PMO COMMISSIONER – Maggie Thompson
April 28-30, 2023, 11 am – 11 pm
San Antonio River Walk, 849 E. Commerce, San Antonio, TX 78205
• The San Antonio River Walk is the number one attraction in Texas
• Over 40 Artisans display their art, jewelry, or goods at the show
• The River Walk holds 10 Artisan Shows annually
• The River Walk department of Visit San Antonio puts on over 25 annual events on the River Walk such as river parades and festivals."
Admission: Free
210-734-7184 |
UTSA Alumni Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Stephanie Peche Canales | PMO COMMISSIONER – Barbara Hill
April 22-23, 2023 | Apr. 22 – 10 am - 6 pm; Apr. 3 – 11 am - 5 pm
UTSA SW Campus, 300 Augusta St, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Fiesta Arts Fair is a twoday, intimate, event that offers art patrons an opportunity to view and purchase contemporary and traditional art and craft.
• The Fair features approximately 110-115 high caliber selected national artists and is ranked as one of the top 50 Fine Craft & Art Festivals by Art Fair SourceBook.
• The Fair also includes live national and regional music, food and beverage booths and an interactive youth art area.
Admission: $20 for adults; $5 kids under 12; Free for students with valid ID and Free kids under 5
Tickets available at . No Pets.
210-200-2000 |
210 227-4262 |
Festival de Cascarones
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Linda Schott
PMO COMMISSIONER – Amanda Fernandez
April 30, 2023, 1 – 8 pm
Texas A&M University-San Antonio | One University Way, San Antonio, TX 78224
•. Free Event
•. Cascarone Smash6,000 cascarones
•. Entertainment
•. Kids Zone
•. Pet Friendly
•. Great Food
•. Student organizations have the chance to fundraise at the event
•. Introduce the southside community to the university and the opportunities available to them
Admission: Free
210-784-1600 |
Fiesta® Castle Hills
Castle Hills Community Organization
PMO PRESIDENT – Bernard Juettemeyer
April 22, 2023, 10 am – 5 pm
209 Lemonwood, Castle Hills, TX 78213
• Located in a community park in North Central area
• Petting zoo and clowns for the kids
• Wildlife rescue for older children
• Abundance of arts and crafts booths
• Numerous types of food available
• Live music for everyone to enjoy
• Margarita and beer booth for adults
Admission: Free
Fiesta® Carnival
Fiesta San Antonio Commission
PMO PRESIDENT – John Meyer | PMO COMMISSIONER – Steve Rosenauer
April 20–30, 2023, Times Vary
Alamodome Lot C | 100 Montana Street, San Antonio, TX 78203
Fiesta Carnival features thrills and chills thanks to glittering lights, exciting rides, and a wide assortment of foods, making it perennial favorite of Fiesta-goers. Revenue from the event helps support the activities of Fiesta San Antonio.
Free Admission
210-912-3090 |
St. Gregory the Great Catholic School / Church
PMO PRESIDENT – Rev. Miguel Moreno | PMO COMMISSIONER – Hope Rodriguez
April 23, 2023, 11 am - 8 pm
700 Dewhurst, San Antonio, TX 78213
210-227-5191 |
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Bill Drain | PMO COMMISSIONER – Jacob Valenzuela
April 21-30, 2023, 10 am – Midnight (Saturday’s 1 am)
Market Square, 514 West Commerce Street, San Antonio, TX 78207
• Free Admission
• Family oriented fiesta
• Live Entertainment/Ballet Folklore/Mariachis
• Silent & Live Auction
• Various Food booths
• Rides and games for all ages
Admission: Free
210-342-0281 |
• Supports education via scholarships
• Supports local musicians
• Supports national talent
• Supports culture
• Supports the best food in San Antonio’s
• Supports military on Military Monday
Admission: Free
(210) 325-2315 |
Port San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Jim Perschbach | PMO COMMISSIONER – Stephanie Garcia
April 23, 2023, 10 am – 6 pm
Boeing Center at Tech Port | 3331 General Hudnell, San Antonio, Tx
• 2023 marks the first year in Fiesta de los Niños history that we will host the event at our new Boeing Center at Tech Port, a state-of-the-art destination like no other in the country.
• We’re home to the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology and AREA 21 – which over the past five years has reached over 100,000 area kids—from kindergarten to 12th grade—providing hands-on camps and free programs that center around cybersecurity, exploration of the Moon and Mars, rocketry, robotics and a whole lot more.
• Interactive technological activities and entertainment will be provided throughout the Boeing Center at Tech Port for families to enjoy. The venue has a 3,200 seat arena, the SAMSAT Area 21 museum and a LAN gaming center for esports enthusiasts!
• In 2023, we welcome Capital Factory to our campus, a community startup incubator. Capital Factory will be joining in on the Fiesta de los Niños tradition and will be hosting an array of their startups who will be demonstrating their technologies. Swing by to purchase their inaugural Fiesta medal!
• Families will have an opportunity to explore what it is like to build habitats on lunar surfaces courtesy of the WEX Foundation, another non-profit that calls Port San Antonio their home.
Admission: Free
210-362-7889 |
Fiesta Flambeau® Parade
Fiesta Flambeau® Parade Association, Inc.
PMO PRESIDENT – Erwin De Luna | PMO COMMISSIONER – Bonnie Carrisal
April 29, 2023, 7:15 pm - 11:30 pm
Starts at San Antonio College ends on Santa Rosa / Martin Street
• Leading our parade for its 75th year is our premier band, The University of Texas Longhorn Band, followed by themed floats, marching units, local and out-of-town bands, dance groups, equestrian units, and many other attractions.
• “Fiesta Flambeau 75th Diamond Jubilee” is the parade theme.
• It is the largest illuminated night parade and the highlight of Fiesta®.
• It is a non-profit organization with 75 members and 300+ volunteers.
Admission: $25-$35, Bleacher seat tickets will be sold online- at Please check our Facebook page: Fiesta Flambeau Parade or our website for ticket sale announcements.
Fiesta Flambeau does not sell street chairs. All ticket sales will be final. No Refunds.
210-202-7900 |
Spurs Give
PMO PRESIDENT – Corinna Richter | PMO COMMISSIONER – Julie McCarty
April 29, 2023 | 4:30 – 8:30 pm
103 W. Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
• This is the 2nd annual Fiesta De Los Spurs Run
• There are opportunities to win both exclusive prizes and Spurs merchandise
• You will be able to run along the parade’s route.
• There will be a costume contest and participants will be able to win exclusive prizes.
Admission: Full: $45; Early Bird: $35; Youth: $10; Group: $40; Day-Of: $50.
Tickets for this event will be available to purchase 1-2 months prior to the event both online and on-site at the event. Tickets that are purchased during the presale will have discounted prices in comparison to standard and event-day prices. All tickets can be purchased at
No pets
San Antonio African American Community Archive and Museum (SAAACAM)
PMO PRESIDENT – J Maurice Gibbs
PMO COMMISSIONER – Deborah Omowale Jarmon
April 28, 2023, 5 - 11 pm
The Espee Pavilion | 1174 E Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205
• SAAACAM’s premiere fundraising event.
• SAAACAM chose to sponsor a Blues Festival to honor Ellis Griffin, a northeast SA Black landowner who played his violin and sang the blues for his family and neighbors.
• There were over 200 songs recorded by Black Blues artists in San Antonio prior to the arrival of Robert Johnson.
• This year’s festival sees the return of The Keeshea Pratt Band and San Antonio local, Eddie and the Allniters.
• New to the stage is the Musician with a Message, SaulPaul, Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws and a special appearance by Southern Soul artist Latimore.
Admission: $45, VIP $150. Tickets available on Ticketmaster
210-444-5106 |
Fiesta San Antonio Commission®
PMO PRESIDENT – John Meyer | PMO COMMISSIONER – Steve Rosenauer
April 20, 2023, 4 - 10 pm
Travis Park | 301 E Travis St, San Antonio, TX 78205
210-724-3350 |
April 22, 2023, 7 am – 11:30 am
City of Windcrest, City Hall 8601 Midcrown, Windcrest, TX 78239
• Join disABILITYsa for the 11th Annual
5K & Parade in the beautiful City of Windcrest on Saturday, April 22nd at 7:00am. Dress in your most Festive Fiesta® wear and help bring the sights, sounds and excitement of Fiesta® to the streets. Costuming is Encouraged!
• The 5K event and 1 mile dash will lead out with the Fiesta Especial® parade following close behind. Kick back, relax and enjoy the Parade when you’ve finished the race.
• Competitive divisions for Runner (Non-Adaptive), Walker (Adaptive), Prosthetic Device, Pushchair/Stroller, B/VI - Guided Runner, Power Chair, Wheelchair, Sports Chair, Race Chair, Hand-Cycle, Recumbent Bike, or Adaptive Trike.
• Fiesta® 2023 Kick-off Event
• Exclusive Member Zone
• Pin Pandemonium
• Main Stage Artists
Admission: Free.
210-227-5191 |
• INCLUSION is involvement and empowerment, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized. An inclusive community promotes and sustains a sense of belonging; it values and practices respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of its members.
Admission: $25-35; Tickets for 5K and 1-mile participants will be available in early February online at; Spectators can attend for free.
210-704-7262 |
The Woman's Club of San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Virginia Van Cleave
PMO COMMISSIONER – Sandra Ojeda-Medina
April 21-22, 2023, 10 am – 4 pm
The Woodward Mansion, 1717 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212
• Event housed in The Woodward Mansion
• Open to Public
• Opening/ribbon cutting at 2 PM
• Fiesta Event since 1913
• Beautiful floral arrangements
• Wonderful Horticulture Display
• All natural florals, greenery, etc., like the Tournament of Roses
No pets
Admission: Free
The Woman's Club of San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Virginia Van Cleave
PMO COMMISSIONER – Sandra Ojeda-Medina
April 26, 2023, 10:30 am – 3 pm
The Westin San Antonio North, 9821 Colonnade Blvd, San Antonio, TX
• Official Fiesta Hat Event held for 28 years
• Hat Competition in various categories
• Individual Hat Competition or Group Competition
• Rosette Ribbons are awarded to each participant
• Luncheon with good food and friends
No pets
Admission: $80, Currently, purchase tickets by calling 210.732.4811
210-883-4882 |
210-883-4882 |
Volunteer Services Council for the San Antonio State Supported Living Center
PMO PRESIDENT – Ralph Henry | PMO COMMISSIONER – Paul Fernandez
April 22, 2023, 10 am – 4 pm
6711 S. New Braunfels, Suite 500, San Antonio, TX 78223-3009
• Parade (begins at noon)
• Live Stage entertainment
• Variety of Fiesta food booths
• Fiesta Vendors
• Games & Music
• Support our fundraiser for the People with Intellectual & Developmental disabilities that reside at the Living Center
Admission: Free. No outside food / drink. No videotaping. No pets.
San Antonio Sports
April 14-16, 2023, Apr. 14: 5–8 pm, Apr. 15: 9 am – 4 pm, Apr. 9 am – 3 pm
1 UTSA Way, San Antonio, TX 78249
• Burn it to earn it - enjoy a weekend of fitness and fun so you can earn all those Fiesta margaritas and chicken on a stick!
• Ride like a Tour de France champion in L'Etape San Antonio
presented by H-E-B - a 100 mile, 50 mile or 25 mile cycling event for riders of all skill level.
• Run or walk your way to a refreshing Michelob Ultra in the FitFest 5k or 10k.
• Bring the whole family to enjoy the free inflatable sports zone and bike safety course in the University Health Athletes Village and Expo.
• Meet a Tour de France champion in the XPEL booth.
Admission: Free. Registration to participate in the cycling event and run are various prices. Registration is open now at .
Beethoven Männerchor, Inc.
April 26-28, 2023, 5 pm - Midnight
Beethoven Halle und Garten | 422 Pereida St., San Antonio, TX 78210
• Founded in 1867, the Beethoven Maennerchor is the oldest active singing society in Texas.
• Proceeds from Fiesta Gartenfest help the Beethoven preserve German music, language, customs and culture in San Antonio.
• Entertainment includes the 50-piece Beethoven Concert Band, the Beethoven German Dance Band and the Beethoven Big Band. The Beethoven Maennerchor and Damenchor choirs will lead sing-a-longs of Biergarten favorites.
• Kings, queens and ambassadors: El Rey Feo traditionally visits Fiesta Gartenfest on Wednesday and King Antonio on Thursday.
• Beer, wine and soft drinks available, including 15 German brews on tap.
• What does it take to feed hungry crowd? We're stocking up with one ton of sausage, 5,000 buns and 800 pounds of sauerkraut...and that's just to serve bratwurst! We'll also have Reuben sandwiches, Leberkäse, Bavarian soft pretzels, potato pancakes and other German specialties.
Admission: $8 in advance and $10 at gate; Free admission children under 12, active-duty military, "first responders," members of German American organizations and Fiesta® San Antonio Commission members. Tickets available Online and PMO location.
210-222-1521 |
210-820-2100 |
Fiesta® Jazz Band Festival
St. Mary's University Department of Music
PMO PRESIDENT – Tom Mengler, J.D. | PMO COMMISSIONER – Dr. John Rankin
April 29, 2023, 8 am - 5:30 pm
One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228
• Special Fiesta Music Concert for all
• Free family event
• Community event
• Young musicians competing for awards and recognition
• Educational musical opportunity
Admission: Free; No pets.
210-436-3421 |
San Antonio Polo Club
PMO PRESIDENT – Ursula Lipari | PMO COMMISSIONER – Debby Munoz
April 22, 2023, Noon - 4 pm
490 W. Specht Road, San Antonio, TX 78260
• To promote the public education, awareness and appreciation for the sport of Polo as part of a community wide program.
• To encourage the youth of the community to appreciate the sport of Polo through various educational programs and to provide free equestrian events and assistance with other 501(c)3 charitable organizations in need of financial or location assistance.
Admission: VIP $150/person. Tickets and restrictions are available online at or 210-310-9866.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Psi Alpha Chapter
PMO PRESIDENT – George Mayers | PMO COMMISSIONER – Gregory Thompson
April 22, 2023, 7 pm – Midnight
Crown Ridge Banquet Hall, 6909 Camp Bullis Rd, San Antonio, TX 78256
210-310-9866 |
San Fernando Cathedral
PMO PRESIDENT – Very Reverend Carlos B. Velazquez Rector
April 16, 2023 | 8 am
Main Plaza | 115 Main Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Our PMO event supports the continuing renovation of the Cathedral.
• This Fiesta Mass is an opportunity to gather and bless everyone involved in Fiesta® San Antonio and all events.
• San Fernando Cathedral was founded in 1731 and is the oldest, continuously functioning religious community in Texas and has the added distinction of being the oldest Cathedral sanctuary in the United States.
• In addition, the Cathedral is the official Center of the City marked by a medallion embedded in the floor of the Cathedral sanctuary by City Council.
No pets
Admission: free
210-227-1297 |
• Great Music
• Great Food
• Great Drinks
• Door Prizes
• Best Costume Awards
Admission: $50 pre-sale; $55 at the door, Eventbrite - Monday, February 13, 2023
210-863-0601 |
Pan American League
PMO PRESIDENT – Margaret Mireles | PMO COMMISSIONER – Teresa ElHabr
April 23, 2023, 10 am – 2 pm
Westin San Antonio North, 9821 Colonnade Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78230
• Fiesta Olé promises to awaken the Fiesta spirit within you.
• Latin rhythms welcome you to the Westin San Antonio North as you step into the Pan American League’s Bazaar beginning at 10 a.m.
• Reminiscent of a Mexican Market, the Bazaar is filled with an irresistible collection of jewelry, artwork, clothing, and more.
• A delicious luncheon is served at noon, and while guests enjoy dessert, they can enjoy a fashion show presented by Elizabeth’s Boutique, entitled “From our Hearts—De Nuestro Corazon.
• The Pan American League, founded in 1947 by civic-minded women, organizes special events to raise funds to support projects to serve those in need.
• Today, efforts continue to support initiatives providing health care, education, and cultural opportunities to underserved San Antonio.
No pets
Admission: $70 per person, Tickets available at
210-385-3857 |
St. Mary's University Alumni Association
April 21-22, 2023, April 21: 5 – 11 pm / April 22: Noon – 11 pm
St. Mary's University, One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228
• The Fiesta Oyster Bake supports St. Mary's University and raises money for student scholarships and university programs.
• Fiesta Oyster Bake utilizes 7,000 plus volunteers, contributing to over 50,000 volunteer hours
• $10 million plus has been raised, during the 107 years of its existence
• 40 plus Bands and Entertainers
• 100,000 Oysters (baked, raw and fried)
• 36,000 Chicken on a Stick (Fried Chicken Breasts w/ Jalapeno)"
Admission: Presale $20; Gate $25. Tickets are available at HEB and at from March 6th to April 22nd.
Fiesta® San Fernando
San Fernando Cathedral
PMO PRESIDENT – Very Reverend Carlos B. Velazquez
April 27-29, 2023, April 27 and 28: 10 am – Midnight; April 29: 10 am - 1 am
Main Plaza | 115 Main Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Celebration of Family, food and fun!
• Sponsored by the San Fernando Cathedral, founded in 1731, rooted deep in the city's history and where ""Fiestas"" started more than 260 years ago!
• Free event
• Live entertainment daily with beautiful arts and crafts and homemade like food
Admission: Free
210-436-3324 |
210-227-1297 |
PMO PRESIDENT – Gerald Dubinski
PMO COMMISSIONER – Dr. Linda Porter-Wenzlaff
April 29, 2023, Entry at 7:30 am, Parade starts at 9:15 am - Noon
Alamo Heights Swimming Pool, 250 Viesca, San Antonio, TX 78209
• Family friendly, relaxed dog walk through shaded streets
• Neighborhood engagement with lawn parties and parade encouragement
• Costume Contest for dogs and their humans
• Photos with King Anbarkio and King in Waiting
• Sponsors offering goodies and information about dogs
• Demonstrations of various dog related activities
• Rescue groups with adoptable dogs present
• Supports therapy animal teams providing service to many vulnerable populations in our community, community education, presentations and consultations
• Supports crisis response animal teams work with communities experiencing crisis and disasters throughout Texas and school district critical incidents in the San Antonio area
• Supports children's literacy program using therapy animals
Admission: Individual pre-registration $30, $35 day of the parade; families $35 pre-registration, $40 day of parade
Tickets available at:
210-614-6734 |
Fiesta® Square and Round Dance
Alamo Area Square and Round Dance Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Harold & Gailleen Dillashaw
April 28, 2023, 7 – 10 pm
Tripoint Center, 3233 N. St. Mary's, San Antonio, TX 78212
• Mission is to promote fun, entertainment, and exercise to any age group through Square Dancing, Round Dancing, Clogging, Contra, and Line Dancing
• Social interaction and the formation of lasting friendships are an integral part of the organization
Admission: Free. Dancers: $6. Tickets will be available at entrance to Dance hall.
Fiesta® Tech Trek
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
April 25, 2023, 5 – 8 pm
Tech District - along Houston Street
• Tech Trek is a great way to experience the downtown tech scene
• All tech companies are invited to participate in Tech Trek, not just those from downtown
• Tech Trek started in 2017 and is only getting bigger and better
• Tech Trek draws people within and outside the Tech community – it’s a great way to meet new people and network! No pets
210-573-3765 |
Admission: Free 210-317-9609 |
Fiesta® Women & Co-Ed 45th Annual
WSA-Women's Soccer Assoc.
PMO COMMISSIONER – Tobias Klingelhoefer
April 21-23, 2023, April 21: 6 pm – 10 pm; April 22: 8 am – 8 pm; April 23: 8 am – 6 p.m.
Star Soccer Complex, 5103 David Edwards Dr., San Antonio, TX 78233
• Watch great women & co-ed games
• Social gathering
• Good food & drinks
• Playground
• Held at a beautiful complex
No pets
Admission: Free.
Teams pay $375 to play in the tournament. After April 1, the fee is increased to $400.
Fiesta® World Class Jazz Concert
St. Mary's University Department of Music
PMO PRESIDENT – Tom Mengler, J.D. | PMO COMMISSIONER – Dr. John Rankin
April 28, 2023, 1 – 10 pm
One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228
• Special Fiesta Music Concert for all
• Free family event
• Community event
• Young musicians competing for awards and recognition
• Educational musical opportunity
Admission: Free; No pets.
210-394-2788 |
First Tee - Greater San Antonio
April 26, 2023, 8 am to 1 pm
24405 Wilderness Oak, San Antonio, TX 78260
• This will be Canyon Springs
Senior Men's Golf Association's 6th year hosting this event!
• First Tee - Greater San Antonio serves over 1200 kids a year from all around the San Antonio area through the life skills program.
• The First Tee Invitational is a great way to support First Tee as well as get to know a great community of golfers!
• First Tee - Greater San Antonio empowers kids through the game of golf.
• First Tee is a youth development organization that enables kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges.
Admission: $600 for a 4-person team; Tickets available January 1st, 2023 at
210-414-1998 |
210-436-3421 |
Cherice Cochrane Mentoring for Success Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Tamala Hamilton | PMO COMMISSIONER – Tracy Holmes Brazil
April 2, 2023, 3 – 5 pm
Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, TX 78154
• The Cherice Cochrane Mentoring for Success Foundation has been a proud Fiesta Commission Participating Member Organization (PMO) since 2005.
• “Fit for a Princess” is one-of-a-kind self-esteem and empowerment program for little girls, ages 4 – 8, and pre-teens, ages 9 – 12 years old.
• Your princess will enjoy a fun and interactive Fiesta event while learning basic table manners, etiquette and poise session, and character-building activities.
• Join us for a Royal Team Party where children enjoy a scrumptious tea party while learning that “Character Matters”. Our program uniquely brings together inner and outer beauty lessons in building good character and serving as volunteers in the community, highlighting “true beauty” while reinforcing practical skills.
• Children will enjoy participating in a craft activity while making new friends, learning poise, and the importance of fitness and wellness.
• The event culminates with the crowning of all “Princess” in attendance.
No pets
Admission: FFP Registration: $30.00. Purchase in advance.
210-573-0142 |
Visit San Antonio
PMO PRESIDENT – Marc Anderson | PMO COMMISSIONER – Maggie Thompson
April 25-27, 2023, 6 - 8 pm
San Antonio River Walk, 849 E. Commerce, San Antonio, TX 78205
The Music Business Program at San Antonio College
PMO PRESIDENT – Ruben C. Rodriguez, PhD
PMO COMMISSIONER – Wayne "Donnie" Meals
April 28, 2023, 2 pm – 10 pm
1819 N Main Ave (LRTF Parking Lot - corner of Courtland & Main Ave) San Antonio, Texas 78212
• Live Local Music
• Food
• Beverages
• Fun for the family
• Best San Antonio
Local Artists
• Free Event
No pets
Admission: Free
• The San Antonio River Walk is the number one attraction in Texas
• The Ford Mariachi Festival highlights High School and College Mariachi Groups
• The Ford Mariachi Festival highlights local kid and adult Folklorico Dancing Groups
• The River Walk department of Visit San Antonio puts on over 25 annual events on the River Walk such as river parades and festivals.
Admission: Free
210-227-4262 x 108 |
Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston
April 22, 2023, Noon
10 pm
Harry Wurzbach Rd, San Antonio, TX 78209
• Joint Base San Antonio -Fort Sam Houston Open House
• Free events and activities open to the public at Fort Sam Houston
• Opening ceremony at noon
• Family friendly event on Fort Sam Houston with military performances, displays, and demonstrations occurring throughout the day.
No pets
210-569-2528 |
210-486-1367 |,
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas
PMO PRESIDENT – Angie Salinas
PMO COMMISSIONER – Stephanie Finleon Cortez
April 22, 2023, 10 am - 2 pm
Estancia del Norte San Antonio, Tapestry Collection by Hilton 37 NE Loop 410 at McCullough Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78216
• Lotería para Líderes directly benefits the West Side Girl Scout Leadership Center, the hub for quality programming offered by Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas.
• Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas serve the largest percentage of Hispanic girl members compared to other councils in the country.
• By attending Lotería para Líderes, you have a chance to be crowned La Reina/El Rey de Lotería!
• We won’t be playing your traditional game of Lotería, our version is Girl Scout-themed with unique calling cards such as empresario (entrepreneur) and tomdora de riesgos (risk taker).
• Attendees will receive a special loteria-themed Girl Scout Fiesta medal and a box of Girl Scout Cookies.
Admission: Individual tickets and sponsorships will be available for purchase at in January 2023. Several levels of sponsorship are available and range from $50-$10,000.
No pets
210-349-2404 |
King William Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Shawn Campbell | PMO COMMISSIONER – John Costello
April 29, 2023, 9 am - 6 pm
122 Madison Street, San Antonio, TX 78204
• Sell over 39 beers per minute during the Fair
• From Catholic school girls to drag queens to Storm Troopers to hula dancers, the King William Fair Parade has something for everyone
• Largest juried art & craft event during Fiesta (over 200)
• Fiesta's largest neighborhood block party
• King William Fair funds free year-round concerts at Opportunity Home's Beautify San Antonio Park
Admission: $20 General Admission, $25 Fair Day, Children 11 and under FREE, Tickets available online and at the King William Association Office beginning December 1, 2022. Visit website for event restrictions information.
210-271-3247 | (KW Fair)
Fiesta® Youth
PMO PRESIDENT – Chris Chun | PMO COMMISSIONER – Lio Laidacker-Luna
April 22, 2023, 7 – 11 pm
The DoSeum | 2800 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209
• This is an allinclusive event with live entertainment and food and drinks!
• It's a masquerade!
• The event features a fabulous silent auction with art, experiences and so much more!
• College scholarships are awarded to youth!
• Pictures at our photo booth are included!
• This event supports Fiesta Youth, San Antonio's Premier LGBT Youth Enrichment Program
Admission: Early bird sales ends April 1: $100 for General Admission (per person); $225 for VIP (includes 2 tickets, early entry, and a commemorative Fiesta Medal); Single VIP ticket $125.00; Sponsorships are also available. Prices increase by $25 after April 1.
Tickets available at:
210-390-0730 |
United States Marines
April 26, 2023, 11 am – Noon
Alamo Plaza 300 Alamo Plaza
Mission Reach Flotilla Fiesta®
San Antonio River Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Frates Seeligson | PMO COMMISSIONER – Danica Bullis
April 22, 2023, 10 am– 2 pm
Padre Park | 6515 Padre Dr, San Antonio, TX 78214
• The only official Fiesta kayaking event
• Supports the River Foundation's mission of stewardship for all 240 miles of the San Antonio River
• The restored river along the Mission Reach has 8.2 miles of paddling trails
• More than 200 species of birds have returned to the Mission Reach, many easy to spot from a kayak
• The river is a great place to be introduced to how easy and fun kayaking is
Admission: Free
210-569-2528 |
Mission San Jose Catholic Church
PMO PRESIDENT – Jesse Garcia | PMO COMMISSIONER – Brother Kevin Lenihan
April 29-30, 2023, Noon – 11 pm
701 E. Pyron, San Antonio, Texas 78214
• MissionFest '23 is located adjacent to UNESCO World Heritage Site
• MissionFest '23 supports a significant portion of Mission San Jose Catholic Church Yearly budget
• MissionFest '23 is Family Friendly
• MissionFest '23 will take place over two days, Saturday and Sunday
• MissionFest '23 will offer Country & Western music on Saturday and Tejano on Sunday
• MissionFest '23 will have a variety of food and drinks
No pets
Admission: $10. Tickets available online, PMO Location and at each event.
210-722-0205 |
Admission: $10, $20 day of; Tickets available at starting March 1, 2023.
210-224-2694 |
Cherice Cochrane Mentoring for Success Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Tamala Hamilton |
PMO COMMISSIONER – Tracy Holmes Brazil
April 16, 2023, 5 – 7 pm
Schertz Civic Center Ballroom | 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154
• The Cherice Cochrane Mentoring for Success Foundation
invites you to its Mr. Teen San Antonio and Amazing Teens’ Coronation & High Tea. The event will feature the 2023 crowning of Mr. Teen San Antonio, Miss Texas Amazing Teen, Miss Texas Amazing Pre-Teen and their Runner-ups. These youth have contributed thousands of volunteer hours in their various community “Take Action” projects and Advocacy for worthwhile causes.
• The Foundation’s mission is to provide the necessary resources, youth leadership, development workshops, self-esteem, fitness, health, cultural and civic engagements, and career exploration. We provide students with tips on winning scholarships, mentorship, and volunteer opportunities as we help them build resumes for success! The event will not only recognize our Amazing Teen Icons, amazing princesses, pre-teens, and awards scholarships but also pays tribute to the late Cherice Amanda Cochrane, an exemplary mentor and role model. Cherice died young, at the age of 19 from meningitis. Her legacy continues through the Foundation.
No pets
Admission: $30 per ticket and tables of 10 at $300 in advance. No ticket purchases at the door.
210-573-0142 |
Our Lady of the Lake University
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Abel Chavez | PMO COMMISSIONER – Debora Perez
April 22, 2023, 8:30 – 11:30 am
Our Lady of the Lake University | Main Building, Front Walk, 411 S.W. 24th Street, San Antonio, TX 78207
• OLLU's annual Confetti 5K Run/Walk will wind participants through the University's historic campus before taking on the trails of the newly renovated Lake Elmendorf Park.
• The familyfriendly event will include a free Kids Fun-Run in addition to other activities following the race.
• Participants will receive a T-shirt, customized bib, and a custom finisher medal.
• 1,250 including registered runners and onlookers
Admission: $35 Ends April 19, 2023; $45 Race Day and Virtual; Kids Run-Free 12 yrs and under Kids must be registered.
210-434-6711 |
April 27, 2023, 11 am – Noon
The Alamo, 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Navy Day at the Alamo brings together Sailors, family members, and the San Antonio civilian community with the goal to raise public awareness of the Navy’s mission in San Antonio and around the world.
Admission: Free
(210) 559-3772 |
Palo Alto College
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Robert Garza | PMO COMMISSIONER – Leticia De La Rosa
April 27, 2023, Noon – 10 pm
1400 W. Villaret Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78224
• PACfest at Palo Alto College is an official Fiesta® event held the Thursday before Fiesta's Battle of Flowers Parade.
• This family-friendly event features music, food booths, and more!
• Bring your lawn chairs and blankets, as this year will be a blast!
Admission: $15, Tickets available On-Site and Online Restrictions available of website and social media.
210-486-3881 |
Morgan’s Wonderland
April 22, 2023, 9:30 am – Noon
Morgan's Wonderland Sports, 5025 David Edwards Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78233
• Admission grants access to our “Pickle Pavilion” where we will have a variety of community resource vendors including the best of pickles San Antonio has to offer.
• A pickleball social that is open to individuals of all experience level, age, and ability at Morgan's Wonderland Sports.
• There will also be a variety of yard games for individuals of all ages.
• All individuals with special needs, as well as children 2 years-of-age or younger are free.
• All proceeds will go towards Morgan’s Wonderland Sports.
No pets
Admission: $5 on sale February 2023
AUEDA - Action United for Entertainers and Diverse Artists
April 23, 2023, Noon – 9 pm
Plaza Guadalupe | 1327 Guadalupe St., San Antonio TX 78207
• Live Entertainment
• Arts & Crafts
• Delicious Food
• Various Beverages
• Dance Groups
• Musical Groups
• Barrios Largest Pinatas
• Senior Citizen King & Queen of the Barrio
• Rey Feo crowns our King & Queen of the Barrio
• Proceeds from this event are targeted for scholarships to help those artists who have fallen on hard times and wish to continue their particular passion
Admission: Free
210-495-5888 |
Alpha Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Sharon Crockett-Ray
April 30, 2023, 4 – 6 pm
Carver Cultural Center | 226 N. Hackberry, San Antonio, TX 78202
• ATO celebrating 92 yrs. of service in San Antonio
• ATO celebrating 20 yrs. of "Praise Dance" event with Fiesta Commission!
• Praise Dance" has performers ranging in ages from 5yr. to 90 yrs.
• Event is free and open to the public!
• Vice President, Kamala Harris, is a member of our illustrious AKA Sorority!!
• ATO owns and operates Roseville Apts. for seniors on E. Houston St.
No pets
Admission: Free. Please see social media & website for restrictions.
210-838-6624 |
210-325-7714 |
Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Johnny Gabriel | PMO COMMISSIONER – Jennifer Barbaro
April 21, 2023, 5:30 – 7 pm
Main Plaza | 115 Main Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
• Enjoy an evening of free fiesta fun for the entire family.
• You will be treated to the sound of mariachis, folklorico dancers and learn more about the history of the Rey Feo tradition.
• Enjoy a chance to meet members of his royal court and other Fiesta royalty.
• Members uphold the tradition and support the fundraising efforts to further the educational activities of the Rey Feo Scholarship program.
Admission: Free
210-325-2315 |
Alzheimer's Association: San Antonio and South Texas Chapter
PMO PRESIDENT – Lisa Ayres | PMO COMMISSIONER – Christina Guerra
April 29, 2023, 7:30 am - Noon
Comanche Park | 2600 Rigsby, San Antonio, TX 78222
• This is the Eleventh Annual Beard vs. Beans Run to Remember
• The event is a ""sibling rivalry"" fundraising effort, with the brother raising the least amount of money subject to a ""punishment"". Most recently this punishment involved the loser walking the entire length of the 410 highway.
• The team that manages to register the most amount of participants will have their name printed on all race shirts.
• All proceeds raised benefit the San Antonio and South Texas Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association
• All 5k/10k finishers will receive medals and a pretty amazing shirt. The participants who want to do the .5k Beer Run will receive a beer mug and the winner will receive an award. All kids participating in the Fun Run will receive a medal.
Admission: $25 - $45; Registration is open from now to April 23rd, 2023. Prices will increase after January 31st, 2023. Tickets may be purchased at
210-822-6449 |
San Antonio Cactus & Xerophyte Society
PMO PRESIDENT – David Feller | PMO COMMISSIONER – Mandy Bulmer
April 27-29, 2023, 9 am – 5 pm
San Antonio Garden Center | 3310 N. New Braunfels Ave., San Antonio, TX 78209
• Vendors with thousands of cacti, succulents, and pottery for sale
• Cactus and succulent experts offering advice and information
• Raffle plant drawings held every hour
• Silent Auctions of dish garden, pottery, and related cactus and succulent items on Thursday and Friday
• Plant Hotel - check in your plants and keep shopping
• Purchase our special Fiesta Medals at this Official Fiesta Event
• Join us and get STUCK on cactus and succulent plants
• Free Admission, Kid Zone
• The San Antonio Cactus and Xerophyte Society is dedicated to the study, propagation, and public education of succulent plants.
• The Society meetings monthly for programs and organizes seminars and field trips for members.
• You can join our Society at the Show and Sale event.
• Funds raised from this Fiesta event support our outreach of public education and awareness of succulent plants as well as awarding scholarships to local students majoring in botany related fields.
210-274-6524 |
San Antonio College
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Francisco E. Solis | PMO COMMISSIONER – Dr. Patricia Portales
April 21-26, 2023, April 21: 7 pm; April 26: 1:30 pm
San Antonio College | 1819 N. Main, San Antonio, TX 78212
• The Multicultural Conference is a showcase of literature, art and music
• SAC Fiesta Brunch started in April 2018 and all proceeds raised are given to the SAC Proud Fund
• Fiesta Challenger Center Mission is a fun family friendly event that will include simulated missions to Mars
• The Multicultural Conference has run for 27 years
• SAC was named the number one community college in the nation in 2021 by the Aspen Institute
No pets
Admission: Free.
210-486-0904 |
St. Philip's College
PMO PRESIDENT – Dr. Adena Williams Loston
PMO COMMISSIONER – Dr. Angela McPherson Williams
April 27, 2023, 10 am – 4 pm
Turbon Student Center | 1801 Martin Luther King Drive, Ste 110, San Antonio, Texas 78202
• We invite attendees to wear attire of their culture or their favorite culture.
• At this event, you can taste some of the best ribs in San Antonio.
• We are celebrating the 125th Anniversary of St. Philip's College.
• We have an amazing Opening Ceremony processional that you don't want to miss.
• Admission is free! Parking is free! Rides are free!
• Proceeds from CultureFest and the Rib Cook-Off provide scholarships to our students.
• You can purchase food tickets by searching Alamo Marketplace on the website.
No pets
Admission: Free.
210-387-6277 |
San Antonio Lutheran Coronation Association
PMO PRESIDENT – Barbara Gray | PMO COMMISSIONER – Richelle Saur
April 15, 2023, 6:30 – 10 pm
Boeing Center at Tech Port | 3331 General Hudnell Dr., San Antonio, TX
• Our first court was in 1959 based out of St. John's Lutheran downtown.
• This year's court features art forms from around the world.
• Our court is composed of young Christians from ages 7 to 21.
• All dresses and trains are made by friends, families and board members.
• We offer a scholarship to participants.
• The participants vote for who queen and princess will be for the next year.
• The queen and princess select the service projects for their court.
Admission: $35, Tickets available at the door, through a participant, or at
A bag check at the door will be conducted. No pets.
Daughters of The Republic of Texas, Alamo Heroes Chapter
PMO PRESIDENT – Susan Riedesel | PMO COMMISSIONER – Nege Curoe
April 22, 2023, 10 am - Noon
300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78205
210-844-0490 |
Catholic Charities
PMO PRESIDENT – J. Antonio Fernandez | PMO COMMISSIONER – Tara Ford
April 27, 2023, 9 am – 1 pm
Wonderland of the Americas | 4522 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX
• The only Fiestasanctioned event just for seniors
• Join other seniors for a morning of mariachis, live music, stage entertainment, exhibitors, and other activities!
• Entertainment will include mariachis, Tejano musicians, and other local leaders and celebrities for a morning of senior fun!
• Exhibitors will be on site to share their products and services for senior living.
• The event with include a Mr. and Mrs. Senior Fiesta competition and coronation.
No pets
Admission: Free. 210-222-1294 |
• History Event about the battle of San Jacinto
• Given out 7th grade outstanding History Award
• Military Speaker
• Guest Speaker on the San Jacinto
• Guest Speaker President of Fiesta SA
• Free Event open to the Public
• On the grounds of the Alamo
Admission: Free
361-676-2573 |
Brighton Center
PMO PRESIDENT – Katrina Campbell | PMO COMMISSIONER – Brooke Schriewer
April 25, 2023, 6:30 - 11:30 pm
SSFCU Event Center | 15000 I-10, San Antonio, TX 78249
• Taste of the Northside is hosted by Brighton Center and presented by H-E-B.
• Taste of the Northside is an elevated event dedicated to limitless possibilities for kids!
• Brighton is the largest non-profit providing pediatric therapy and educational services to children with disabilities and developmental delays in San Antonio.
• Taste of the Northside is excited to announce our all-New Event Format – All VIP! Limited Partnerships & Tickets are Available.
• Taste of the Northside is now more exclusive than ever before, offering allinclusive VIP Unlimited pricing, on-site parking*, and fiesta medals for all ticketed guests.
• At Taste of the Northside, you can sip and savor from 25+ local restaurants and sample endless varieties of wine and spirits.
No pets
Admission: $300 each, Tickets available online – Security check at gate. Small clutch/wristlet only.
210-826-4492 |
Texas Culinary Alliance
April 20, 2023, 6 – 10 pm
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX, 78205
• The VIP Culinary Event of Fiesta®
• 12 chefs cooking food representing the 6 culinary regions of Texas
• Wine paired with all chef 12 stations
• Sample cocktails representing the Texas spirit
• First time at The Alamo
• 21+ only, no minors
• 6th year of event and sold out the last 5
• No tickets sold at door
No pets
Tickets are $125 and can be purchases at Available until limited supply sells out.
210-859-6914 |
The Happy Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Lee Haines | PMO COMMISSIONER – Joan Duckworth
April 23, 2023, 3 – 7 pm
Bonham Exchange | 411 Bonham, San Antonio, TX
• May the best chili win!
• In this unconventional interpretation of a historical event, competitors from all over put their chili recipes to the test.
• The first place winner of this competition will be taking home a BELT to show everyone who the champ really is!
• Each chili must be represented by a queen . . . Being glamorous won’t win you this competition!
• Come enjoy refreshing cocktails and the intoxicating energy of the legendary Bonham Exchange dance floor at this one-of-a-kind event!
• This event is for ADULTS 18 years-of-age and older.
• The Happy Foundation is dedicated to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; LGBT history; and encouraging contemporary art.
Admission: free.
210-224-9219 |
St. Jude's Ranch for Children - SJRC Texas
PMO PRESIDENT – Jozsef Terenyi | PMO COMMISSIONER – Linda Specht
April 22, 2023, 8 am – 3 pm
Boerne Main Plaza | 100 N. Main Street, Boerne, TX 78006
• Over 400 cars of all makes and models
• Awards for over 30 categories
• Special guest Doug Fehan, Corvette Hall of Fame
• Photo opportunity with Back to the Future car
• Food, vendors, silent auction
• Boerne offers great shopping and dining opportunities
• All car show and auction proceeds benefit SJRC TX
• SJRC TX provides a home for area children in crisis and parenting teens
Admission: Spectator admission is free. Cars may be entered in the car show by registering at
210-876-6763 |
The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society
PMO PRESIDENT – Amelie Simons | PMO COMMISSIONER – Neale Parker
April 29, 2023, 8:30 - 10:30 am
UT Health, 7431 Merton Minter, San Antonio, TX 78229
• Free 5K Run / Walk with medals for the top 3
• A free Family friendly event
• Free Health Fair by UT Health Nursing Dept'Blood pressure testing, vaccines, BMI testing, blood draws, and diabetes testing.
• Free 100-yard kids dash with a medal for every participant
• Fiesta medals & T-shirts available for purchase
• Support the research efforts of the Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center based at UT Health San Antonio
No pets
Admission: Free.
210-657-4968 |
The Texas Cavaliers
PMO PRESIDENT – Scott Christy | PMO COMMISSIONER – Clyde Johnson IV
April 22, 2023, 6:15 – 8:00 pm
The Alamo | 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Top Teens of America, San Antonio Metropolitan Chapter
April 29, 2023, 10 am – Noon
Second Baptist Church | 3310 E Commerce, San Antonio, TX 78220
• Teen 2 Teen Roundtable
• Pink and Blue Service Project
• S.A.F.E.T.Y. Series
• Character Connectors
• Good Health Practices
• Mental Health/Stress
• Drugs
• Police Protection
• Moral Health & Wellness
No pets
Admission: Free
Admission: Free
(210) 227-4837 |
United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County
PMO PRESIDENT – Chris Martin | PMO COMMISSIONER – Michael Mitchell
April 29, 2023, 11 am – 2 pm
5033 Lord Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78220
• Event is completely free to the public.
• Fun developmental games for the entire family.
• Kid and pet friendly event.
• Puts families in direct contact with over 60 local service providers.
• Entertainment, hat competition, basketball skill mini camps and more for the kids.
• Families will take home swag such as bags, books, games, fresh fruit, and more.
• A United Way event that can benefit any and all families in the Bexar County area. This event aligns with United Way’s goal of making sure all children in our community are happy, healthy, and ready to enter kindergarten and beyond!"
Admission: Free.
210-352-7066 |
210-651-9280 |
San Antonio Botanical Garden
April 22, 2023, 10 am - 2 pm
San Antonio Botanical Garden | 555 Funston Place, San Antonio, TX
• Viva Fiesta!
• Bring the whole family to Viva Botanica at the Botanical Garden.
• Explore 38 acres of nature.
• Play fun during this family-friendly Fiesta event that includes handson activities, culinary tastings, and music, theater, and dance performances.
• Drinks and food available for purchase.
• Guests are welcomed to bring lawn chairs and blankets.
• Botanical Garden’s Fiesta medals available for purchase at the Garden Gift Shop.
Admission: $18. Tickets available online at and at the gate.
210-536-1400 |
The Texas Cavaliers
PMO PRESIDENT – Scott Christy | PMO COMMISSIONER – Clyde Johnson IV
April 24, 2023, 7 – 9:00 pm
418 Villita Street, San Antonio Riverwalk, TX 78205
• This is the 78th River Parade to be held
• First was held in 1941
• There was a hiatus during WW2
• Former Grand Marshal's include Laura Bush, David Robinson, Leon Coffee, Eva Longoria and Gov. Dolph Briscoe
• There are typically 50 entries total
• Cash prizes are awarded for best live music (band) and best float decorations (costumes)
• KSAT broadcasts the parade live
Admission: $24+, Tickets available at or call 210-22R-IVER (210-227-4837 No Pets.
Any Baby Can
PMO PRESIDENT – Elyse Bernal | PMO COMMISSIONER – Cecilia Nguyen
April 22, 2023, 8 am – Noon
1400 W Villaret Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78224
210-227-4837 |
San Antonio AIDS Foundation
PMO PRESIDENT – Cherise Rohr-Allegrini
April 21, 2023, 7 - 11 pm
The Espee | 1174 E Commerce St., San Antonio, TX 78205
• Its mission is to reduce new HIV and other sexually transmitted infections by providing equitable education and prevention access.
• SAAF envisions a community where persons living with HIV will thrive free of stigma and discrimination, and where positive sexual health is a reality for all.
• SAAF’s programs and services are offered throughout Bexar County and 11 surrounding counties.
• To learn more about SAAF, visit
No pets
Admission: $100 - $200, Tickets will be available online. (Tickets will be available through The Espee ticketing system.)
210-225-4715 |
• Autism support, awareness & acceptance, resources & support for families and individuals with ASD, expand natural supports and honor those with ASD and parents and caregivers.
Admission: Free. Registration:
210-547-3012 |
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter
PMO PRESIDENT – Tracy Oselen | PMO COMMISSIONER – Gwendolyn Oquendo
April 22, 2023, 9 am - 1 pm
Wheatley Heights Sports Complex |. 200 Noblewood Drive, San Antonio, TX 78220
• Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter has hosted the Zeta Fiesta Track Meet since April 1984.
• Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter has a history of Zeta Fiesta Track Meet participants receiving the local Mabel Booker Lowery Scholarship at St Philips College.
• Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter has served the San Antonio community since February 27, 1939.
No pets
Admission: Free.
210-718-6341 |
Long known as “Military City, USA,” San Antonio plays host to units from every branch of service.
One hundred and thirty two years ago, Fiesta San Antonio started as a one-day parade event to honor the memory of military heroes of the Battle of the Alamo and Battle of San Jacinto. Today, 10 service men and women serve as Military Ambassadors representing their respective service branches and attending as many of the 100+ events as possible each year.
Specialist Isabella Garcia
717th MI BN, Bravo CO
Cryptologic Linguist
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to represent JBSA and the Army as a fiesta ambassador this year. The military has always had a large presence and in Texas and San Antonio specifically. Honoring the lives of those who have come before us and continuing the tradition of selfless service as an ambassador is an extraordinary privilege like no other. I hope to make the citizens of San Antonio proud to be part of “Military USA” during my time as ambassador and reflect the Army values to the best of my ability.
Co H, Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion
Cryptologic Linguist
I am beyond humbled and thrilled to have been selected as the 2023 Fiesta ambassador for the Marine Corps. This will be my first-time experiencing Fiesta and I can’t wait to learn about the traditions and cultures of San Antonio during these festivities. This opportunity and experience is something I greatly appreciate and will value. I look forward to participating in this annual tradition!
Sergeant First Class
Mario Matamoros
NCOIC, Department of Pharmacy
I am extremely humbled and excited to serve as an Army Ambassador for Fiesta San Antonio 2023. It is a great honor to be a part of this tradition and represent the Army in this unique role. I am looking forward to learning more about the rich history, culture, and heritage of this amazing community
Sergeant Ashton Leach
Co H, Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion
Cryptologic Linguist
I am humbled and ecstatic to represent the Marine Corps as an ambassador for Fiesta 2023. It is an absolute pleasure to engage with the community that has taken care of its Service members for so long. This opportunity to experience Fiesta in a new light is not lost on me, and I look forward to sharing my experiences with the great people of San Antonio.
Naval Technical Training Center Lackland Law Enforcement Specialist School
Leading Petty OfficerI am very humbled for the opportunity to chosen as a Navy Ambassador for Fiesta 2023. It is a great honor to represent the world’s greatest Navy in a city that I myself call home. Being an ambassador will allow me to dive deeper into the historical tradition of Fiesta and honor all military heroes who fought battles to bring San Antonio to the great city that it is today. I look forward to this year’s Fiesta celebration and the opportunity to share this experience with the people of San Antonio. Viva Fiesta!
802 SFS/S3T
Kayla Serrano
Security Forces Training Instructor
Military ambassadors are a way for the community to see our military members in a normal setting. Personally, being a local native of San Antonio, it meant representation. I grew up going to all the local events like the rodeo, fiesta, strawberry festival, etc. and there were always military members representing their respective bases. They looked so proud to be in uniform. Now, I’m able to be part of the same group of people I saw growing up. It is a way of the giving back to the community that raised me. I’m excited for the opportunity to meet new people and represent the Air Force in my own city. I hope to inspire others like someone once inspired me.
Andrea Parker
USCG Cryptologic Unit Texas
It is a great privilege to be chosen as a Coast Guard Ambassador for Fiesta 2023. I enlisted into the military out of San Antonio, and I remember coming to Fiesta Events when I was a child. I look forward to being a part of Fiesta while representing the Coast Guard and learning more about San Antonio’s culture and heritage. VIVA FIESTA!
Being selected to represent the Navy as ambassador during the 2023 Fiesta celebration is an honor and I have no doubt that this will be a truly humbling experience. I remember attending Fiesta celebrations when I was coming through initial training here in San Antonio and feeling the love and appreciation for our service members. I am grateful to be representing the Navy in this capacity and look forward to participating in this time-honored tradition.
Vicente Velazquez
688 CW/A6OI
Branch Chief, Systems & Infrastructure Support
It has been a huge honor and very humbling since finding out I was selected as an Air Force ambassador for JBSA. I knew about the program from my time here previously, but I did not fully understand the magnitude until after my selection. The submission process was tedious, and the board was a little intimidating, but it has been surreal knowing that the board and the process had enough confidence in me to represent the Air Force in this great city of San Antonio. As we all know there is a rich history between the military and San Antonio. I am at a loss for words to be a part of such a great tradition and I will do everything in my power to represent not only my family, but the USAF and all the great citizens of San Antonio and all the surrounding communities. I am excited and extremely humbled and look forward to 2023 and all it has to offer!
Rafael Gomez-Negron
U.S. Coast Guard Cryptologic Unit Texas Intelligence Specialist
It is an honor to have been selected to be the Coast Guard Ambassador for Fiesta 2023. Last year I was able to enjoy Fiesta as a spectator, and 2023 I am excited to celebrate it as a representative of my service. I am motivated and looking forward to being part of this amazing tradition, as well as getting to see San Antonio’s culture, people, and heritage firsthand. QUE VIVA FIESTA!
Ian Parker Brusenhan, Queen of the Court of The Grand Tour, born and raised in San Antonio, is the daughter of Alicia and Harry J Brusenhan. She follows her Mother, Alicia, who was Queen of The Court of Eternal India (1989) and her Father, Harry J, who was Lord High Chamberlain for the Court of The Splendors of Fire and Ice (2007), and her sister Camilla (Milla), who was Queen of the Court of The Argentine Republic (2017). In 2020, she was part of the Court of Parisian Splendor and was “Duchess of Quintessential Luxury”. The Court of The Grand Tour is especially near and dear to Ian’s heart because her Mother, Alicia, was honored to be asked by Barclay Houston, to serve as his court’s Mistress of the Robes (MOR), where she envisioned, designed, and created all of the beautiful court’s coronation robes.
Ian graduated with high honors from the University of Georgia (UGA) in the fall of 2019, where she double-majored in International Affairs and Spanish Language and Literature. While she attended UGA, she was involved with her sorority and loved cheering on the Dawgs every Saturday in the Fall. Post-graduation, Ian was eager to join the workforce and worked for over 2 years at a full-suite Saas (Software as a service) organization based out of Toronto, Canada. She climbed the corporate totem pole, excelling in outbound business development, account development, and customer advocacy and marketing. Today, she calls Houston home and works on the Advertising Sales team at the Houston Business Journal as an Account Executive. Ian enjoys working with prospective customers, growing client accounts, and transforming them into long-lasting champions. Missing her home city’s vibe and food scene, she loves living, working, and making Houston her “home-away-from-home”. You can always find Ian relishing in discovering new friends and great food scenes - no matter where she is - traveling throughout the US with friends and family, or spending time at her family’s ranch in Doss, Texas.
Ian has loved representing the Order of the Alamo as the Queen of the Court of The Grand Tour! Her favorite go-to Fiesta items are her cowboy boots and her Fiesta sash she wears while traveling with King Antonio to pin all the medals she collects throughout the week! She is thrilled to visit local schools, hospitals, military bases, nursing homes, and charitable and civic organizations while spreading Fiesta cheer.
¡Viva Fiesta!
Clyde is deeply honored to have been elected to represent The Texas Cavaliers as King Antonio C. Having the opportunity to be the 100th King means a great deal to him and his family. Clyde has deep roots in San Antonio and Texas. He is a descendant of various historic Texas families, including the Walker family, who had a couple of family members fight and die at the Alamo; a famous Texas Ranger; Samuel Walker, who helped develop and procure the Walker Colt; and General Elijah Stapp, one of the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence.
Clyde has served The Texas Cavaliers as the River Parade Marshal for Magnificent Missions in 2018, Commander of the organization in 2022, and three terms on The Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation Board of Trustees. He has also served as a member of the Board for the Fiesta Commission.
Clyde graduated from Texas Tech University with a major in Business. Clyde is the Chief Investment Officer and Founding Principal of BC Lynd Hospitality, where he oversees the investment and management of the firm’s hotel investment interests. He has developed and repositioned many hotels around the country, including the St. Anthony Hotel in San Antonio.
Fiesta, as a celebration of the diverse culture of the San Antonio Community, has been a tradition in Clyde’s family and extended family throughout his life. Clyde is now sharing this opportunity with his wife, Kim, and their three children, Bennett, Shelton, and Elle. They look forward to all of the upcoming Fiesta celebrations.
The Texas Cavaliers believe in the future of all children and work to ensure they have additional opportunities. As King Antonio, Clyde will have the honor of presenting more than $2,000,000 to area children’s charities. Since its founding in 1989, The Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation has distributed more than $13 million to Bexar County children.
During Fiesta, King Antonio and The Texas Cavaliers will visit schools, military bases, hospitals, nursing homes, charitable organizations, and many other Fiesta events. These visits not only have a profound impact on our community but create lasting friendships and traditions which make San Antonio a unique city!
Laurence (Larry) Kurth spent his early years moving around the U.S. and Japan with his family as part of his father’s service as an army JAG Officer. He is fond of the summers he spent visiting his grandmother in Texas before he attended and graduated from Wilmington Friend’s School in Wilmington, Delaware. Laurence Kurth has practiced law for 41 years, he is board certified in civil litigation with the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and is the Office Managing Partner for Akerman,llp an AmLaw top 100 law firm of over 700 Attorneys in 24 offices nationwide.
Community participation has included serving as Chairman of the University Health System Foundation. He was the member representative to the Consejo board and served as President on the board of the San Antonio Fiesta Commission. Today, he continues active par ticipation in each of these organizations.
Larry has been involved with Fiesta since 1990 when Nick Garza (Rey Feo XL) extended an invitation. Since then, Larry has served as Fiesta San Antonio Commission President in 2005 and then, as Prime Minister for Rey Feo LXI Charlie Garza in 2009.
Additionally, Larry is the most recent inductee into the Order of the Cascaron receiving that honor in 2021. To gether with his wife Abby, they have established several Fiesta PMO events including Colonial Hills Family Fiesta and The Circle for Life motorcycle ride. Larry is also the originator of Military Monday at Fiesta de los Reyes at Market Square, honoring military service families in San Antonio.
Miss Fiesta San Antonio 2023, Jazzlyn Grace Ramirez, has a deep love for everything Fiesta. This grew from her childhood as she sat perched upon her father’s shoulders watching the parade floats and celebrating the city’s history and heritage. As each year passed and she became more involved, her love for Fiesta grew deeper.
Jazzlyn is a 21-year-old native San Antonian, she grew up on the eastside of the city, surrounded by a loving family. She attended Antonian College Preparatory High School and graduated in 2020. Roll Tribe! Her parents Melissa Mota Ramirez and Gilbert Ramirez are proud public servants who have worked for the city for over a combined 50 years! Jazzlyn is blessed with a large extended family with eleven generations of Texans who live in San Antonio and Dallas. She has numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who have introduced her to discovering her ancestors. Her ancestors have been traced back to the 1836 Battle of the Alamo. She is a direct, lineal descendant of Concepcion de Los Angeles Charli Losoya, the mother of Toribio Losoya with siblings Juan and Juana all who fought, survived, and lived on the Alamo grounds. Jazzlyn is a member of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Alamo Couriers Chapter. Her grandmother Patricia Ann Mota is the First Vice President of the Alamo Couriers Chapter and speaks often of the city’s history. Jazzlyn embraces the 300 plus years of her family history and is proud to have the opportunity as Miss Fiesta to make her own historical contributions.
In addition to her involvement in The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and her role as Miss Fiesta San Antonio, Jazzlyn is pursuing a degree in Business Administration at The University of the Incarnate Word. She is a Senior and is expected to graduate in 2023. She is employed with Forma, LLC., where she started as a Human Resource Assistant. Currently, as an Accounting Assistant, she enjoys collaborating with her team to ensure accounting excellence.
In her role as Miss Fiesta 2023, Jazzlyn hopes to serve as an ambassador of goodwill and champion all that Fiesta represents. She embraces the open sharing of our diverse cultures, customs, and histories and intends to promote an appreciation for one another wherever she goes. Jazzlyn has a profound love of our city and is honored to be a part of the “party with a purpose” celebration that has been a valued tradition in the hearts of all who live and visit San Antonio. Raising money for nonprofits is a benefit to San Antonians. Jazzlyn recognizes that this reign is an honor and a privilege to serve her community.
Her positive energy and love for service has led her to volunteer with numerous organizations including Jammin Jams with the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department, the Sensory Bunny Event,
Rehabarama, Habitat for Humanity, Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Church, the San Antonio Food Bank and the San Antonio Martin Luther King Jr. Annual March. Her sister Zada Faith Ramirez and brother Gilbert Blazze Ramirez support Jazzlyn in her passion for public service and often attend events with her. In her free time, she loves to try new recipes and has become a fantastic “home chef.” When she is not making delicious and healthy dishes, she enjoys riding her horse and spending time outdoors with friends and family.
Renee Vasquez, daughter of Rudy and Sylvia Vasquez, was born and raised in San Antonio with her twin sister Rudee Mary and her older brother Steven. She graduated from Communications Arts High School in 2016 and was in the honors program at the University of Texas at Austin, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts. Renee was in the Longhorn band at UT, a member of the Texas Sweethearts, and wrote for the School newspaper. Renee currently attends Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law in Dallas, TX. She will be getting her Juris Doctorate in May 2024 and plans to start working in San Antonio upon her graduation.
Renee has attended fiesta events her whole life and is excited to participate in such an important San Antonio tradition. Renee’s dreams of becoming La Reina de la Feria de Las Flores started as a child and was inspired by Tom Sandoval. She is determined to represent the title and hold her reign to make him proud.
Renee has always had a passion of giving back to her community through volunteering. She volunteered at the San Antonio Food Bank throughout high school, the Austin Child Guidance Center in college, and currently does pro bono legal work through various organizations in Dallas, Tx. Renee hopes that through her service as Reina de la Feria de las Flores she can encourage the youth of San Antonio to believe in themselves and in their dreams. She knows that education changes lives and strives to encourage the youth to pursue higher education by awarding a scholarship.
As a college graduate and current law student, she understands the importance of mental health in education and lasting careers. As Reina, she plans to advocate for the value of children’s mental health and hopes to help others find safe outlets to express themselves. She plans to help members of her community learn to appreciate the present moments through meditation, breathing exercises, and self-reflection.
Renee believes that inspiring our youth to chase their dreams, reminding them they are capable of doing what they set their mind to, and providing them the opportunities to obtain a
college degree will allow our community to experience a new generation of diverse and strong individuals doing what they love for the city of San Antonio.
Renee is honored to have this leadership position and the opportunity give back to her city once again. Renee would like to thank everyone who has supported her and cannot wait to serve her community. Viva Fiesta 2023!
I'm a senior at Saint Mary's Hall. I've been a junior member of the WCSA, an Ingenue, for five years. As an active Girl Scout, I've earned both the bronze and silver service awards and I’m currently working on my gold award. While serving on my school Community Service Council, we were honored with the Red Cross Young Philanthropist Award for our contributions to the community. I plan to attend Trinity University in Fall 2023, double majoring in Art and Biomechanical Engineering.
The Woman’s Club of San Antonio, organized in 1898, is celebrating its 125th year anniversary. The organization is housed in the beautiful Woodward Mansion at 1717 San Pedro Ave. I have spent many a day and night at the Woodward Mansion with my family gaining a deeper understanding of the hard work that goes into maintaining and operating a 120-year-old mansion. I love being involved in the WCSA, it gives me an opportunity to volunteer with my mother and grandmother. We spend time together with the other members, helping our community. I greatly appreciate our members as they have shown me not only kindness, but understanding. The members of the WCSA have taught me to hold myself in high regard, seek a higher standard, have faith in myself and believe that as a woman I am good enough. I want other young women to know that self-confidence is found within, and not by likes on social media. I share my own story of a caterpillar to a butterfly by the power of love and support from the WCSA members, at every opportunity. During Fiesta, I will be promoting the core values and mission of the WCSA “For mutual improvement and cooperation in all charitable and educational undertakings that pertain to the greater good of humanity”. We are an organization of women (and one man) here to support other women.
The Woman’s Club of San Antonio is one of the original charter members of the Fiesta Commission from 1959. The WCSA has a long history participating and hosting Official Fiesta events such as Battle of Flowers, River Parade, WCSA
Fiesta Flower Show (est. 1913), and The Fiesta Teen Queen Coronation (est. 1965). As part of the Ingenue community outreach, I have attended and worked many Fiesta events like the WCSA Fiesta Hat Luncheon, Fiesta Especial, Fiesta Fiesta, The Pilgrimage to the Alamo and many more. My most favorite event of Fiesta 2022 was participating in the WCSA Fiesta Flower Show and earning the First-Place award in the Botanical Arts Artistic Crafts. I am honored to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Woman's Club of San Antonio as “The Official 2023 Fiesta Teen Queen”.
The 2023 Fiesta Teen Queen Coronation of The Woman’s Club of San Antonio, for our 125th anniversary year, will be held on March 5th, 2023. This event is FREE to the public. Please see the Fiesta Commission Calendar for more details on the coronation and other Woman’s Club Fiesta Events. VIVA FIESTA!
My name is Erica McFarland. I am a twenty-two year old Capricorn from Missouri City, Texas. I am a senior at The University of Texas at San Antonio and a 2019 magna cum laude graduate of Hightower High School. As a Public Health major with a concentration in Health Promotion and Behavioral Science and a minor in Communications, I thoroughly enjoy helping, aiding, and educating others to achieve true happiness through health and well-being. Upon graduation, I plan to pursue a master's in Maternal and Child Health and a Ph.D. in the future. I aspire to be a leader in the advancement of human well-being by promoting health awareness and health literacy. Providing service that exceeds expectations, presenting knowledge that improves human well-being, and developing progressive marketing and innovative technology leads to success and true impact in the field of public health.
I am the first recipient of the UTSA 2021-2022 Spirit of the Roadrunner award (Ms. UTSA) and the 2022 UTSA Jane Findling Award. I serve as a Senator in the Student Government Association and the President’s Student Advisory Council. I am an ambassador for the University Technology Solutions Bold Career Program and the UTSA Ambassador Organization. I am a member of the UTSA Honors Alliance, Spirit Advisory Board, V.O.I.C.E.S, and other honor societies. As an ambassador and a mentor for UTSA, I embrace the responsibility of raising brand awareness, promoting, influencing, inspiring, motivating, and implementing marketing strategies. Holding leadership positions allows me to fulfill my purpose by expressing my strengths and talents for the betterment of my well-being and community well-being. I have experience with multiple organizations and programs here at UTSA, such as UTSA Academic Advising, UTSA Career Center, UTSA Recreation Center, First Year Experience Program, Rising Researchers, UTEACH, Women of Honor, Black Student union, African Students
Association, My Sister’s Keeper, and the First-Year Experience Program.
I am deeply devoted to improving the health and holistic well-being of others. With an altruistic spirit and a great appreciation for motivational environments, I dedicate the majority of my time outside the classroom volunteering and serving in leadership roles that augment my college experience.
I recently conducted research analyzing college students' mental health effects due to social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a member of the McNair Scholars Program, I gained experience writing research proposals and producing other academic deliverables, and I presented my research at academic conferences. My platform at UTSA focused on Amplifying Wellbeing and the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Mastery experience concerning my own mental health and well-being inspired my platform as well as a lack of guidance concerning the art of becoming. Working through this platform heightened my passion for helping people and advanced my commitment to public service. I’ve collaborated with Wellbeing Services on campus to help other students understand the dimensions of well-being and develop skills to promote their own success.
As a first-gen student, I firmly believe that collaboration, education, and inclusion is the best way to develop a strong leadership presence. My wish is to leave these imprinted in the field of public health. A commitment to the discipline of leadership development is a lifetime journey. I’ve gained so much more than I ever would have imagined from being involved on campus and supporting the San Antonio community. Over time, I have learned to take on challenges and channel them into positive practices that can help people around me. That journey has transformed into more than my own story. I have discovered that compassion and empathy contribute to building trusting connections. It is through relationships that we function as a society. I believe that it is a great honor to continue the rich tradition of African American royalty in Fiesta.
My name is Annika Chapa, I am the San Antonio Charro Queen. I am beyond excited to start my term as queen with the San Antonio charro association.
I have been riding with this ranch for more than 5 years. I love riding, I first got on a horse when I was seven, and I was charmed right away. I enjoy being an Escaramuza, I think it is such a beautiful sport with many meticulous details. I have a horse named Mora that has been with me since I started riding. She was my first horse and helped me with my journey of becoming an escaramuza.
I am in 9 th grade in Brandeis HS, and also enjoy soccer and dance. I am in the pep squad of my High School. I recently started playing more soccer. I like being on the field and playing with my friends. I have been dancing with my school ever since I started high school. My favorite kind is contemporary dance.
I am so excited to be able to experience San Antonio’s Fiesta from a different perspective. I cannot wait to be with the community and to show up at the events. I especially cannot wait to see everyone at the Old Day in Mexico event.
Wendy’s love for the arts became transparent early on in her high school career, as she was part of her high school’s choir for 2 years, and then became a part of her high school’s drill team. She is currently attending Texas State University in San Marcos as a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts with a teacher certification so that she may possibly one day go back to her high school’s drill team and become their director.
Thanks to the inspiring and supportive group consisting of family, friends, directors, etc. and the generosity of the MSAO scholarship, she is now considering double majoring in Psychology so that she may better continue her advocacy in the mental health community.
This is Wendy’s first endeavor as a titleholder. Wendy is immensely grateful for her family, friends, classmates, professors, other supportive titleholders, etc. as she embarks on a new journey of servitude, gratitude, and the mission of representing the mental health community by using her first-hand experience on the issue to better address solutions.
She hopes that her Year of Service will not be just a moment, but a movement that she will lead to make sure that San Antonio, The State of Texas and even America realizes that there is no health without mental health, and there should no longer be any stigmatizations towards those affected by Mental Health issues.
Wendy looks forward to representing the San Antonio community at 2023 Miss Texas Competition in June of 2023. In addition, she is excited to be a part of the mission of Fiesta San Antonio’s Commission of celebrating San Antonio’s rich and diverse cultures. VIVA! FIESTA!!
It takes a team of volunteers to make Fiesta happen and a tremendous guiding board! The Fiesta San Antonio Commission Board of Commissioners is a force of decision makers composed of the executive committee, elected commissioners, and a designated commissioner from each Participating Member Organization (PMO) who commit their time and talents to Fiesta San Antonio each year.
Dr. Richard Adam
Jo Betsy Booker
Gilbert Casillas
Gloria De Hoyos
Jonathan Delmer
Tina Drain
Mae Escobar
Everett Fly
Martha Gonzalez
Dolores Guzman-Farias
Elizabeth (Liz) Jauer
Holly Jones
Debby Long-Shirley
Daniel Medrano
Dr. Damaso Oliva
Sylvia Reyna
Teresa Robertson
Mari Sandoval
Linda Skop
Denise Thieme
Joe Vela
Steve Rosenauer, Executive Director
Steve became the Executive Director of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission on August 1, 2020. Prior to that date, Steve was the Executive Director of the Fiesta Oyster Bake and Director of Alumni Relations for St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas and held those positions since 1995. As Executive Director of Fiesta Oyster Bake, Steve gained valuable experience in all areas of festival management for an event that attracts more than 70,000 people, including 7,000+ volunteers, to the campus of St. Mary’s University. The two-day event, sponsored by the St. Mary’s University Alumni Association, has raised millions of dollars for St. Mary’s University student scholarships and University and alumni programs. Steve is a member of the Texas Festivals and Events Association (TFEA) Hall of Honor, a Past President of TFEA, and a past board member of the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA). Steve has been an Elected Commissioner of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission, and in 2017, was inducted into the Order of the Cascaron (Fiesta’s Hall of Fame). Steve earned his Certified Festival and Event Executive certification (CFEE) in 1999. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, Steve holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in Communication Studies from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. Steve and his wife, Lea, have a dog, Natalie.
Suzi Otis-Garrett, Director of Marketing and Sponsorships
A native of Canada, Suzi has traveled the globe for more than a decade, first as an executive for a top cargo airline, and the in management for Anheuser-Busch Entertainment. As the Fiesta Commission’s Director of Marketing and Sponsorships, Suzi works daily with corporations, sponsors, partners, commission members, and the general public. Her role as Director of Marketing and Sponsorships means she is directly involved with Fiesta’s Participating Member Organizations, working to raise much-needed funds and helping in other ways to benefit the San Antonio community.
Bret Peters, Director of Finance and Operations
Bret was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas but in 2007 moved to San Antonio where he attended St. Mary’s University. There he studied accounting, obtaining both his Bachelors and Masters degrees. He spent several years in public accounting and has since then served in many high-level accounting positions for various San Antonio organizations. Bret is married with two daughters and enjoys spending his free time with them. He is also an avid disc golfer and marksman.
Olivia Garza, Office Manager
Olivia earned her Associates degree in Arts and Marketing in San Antonio. She worked as a senior event coordinator for many companies in Texas, California, Illinois, and Florida before joining the Fiesta Commission in 2016. Her background includes account management, promotional marketing, and managing and executing community and retail events for a variety of regional and national clients. As the Fiesta Commission’s Office Manager, Olivia manages the day-to-day interactions with Fiesta’s Participating Member Organizations and Fiesta members, and the overall planning and execution of internal and external Fiesta events, including being the lead coordinator for Pin Pandemonium, the only official Fiesta medal event, at Fiesta Fiesta.
A former decade-long Fiesta San Antonio Commission employee, Linda is currently the Parade Director for the Fiesta Flambeau Parade Association. Linda has over forty years of experience both as a volunteer and working professionally with nonprofit organizations. She is involved in several Fiesta Participating Member Organizations including The Conservation Society of San Antonio, the Military-Civilian Club, Beethoven Maennerchor, Queen of Soul, and currently acts as the Public Relations Director for the Fiesta Flambeau Parade Association. Additionally, she has served as a Fiesta San Antonio Commission Elected Commissioner and as a judging director for Fiesta Flambeau. In 2017, Linda was inducted into Order of the Cascaron for her significant contributions to Fiesta. As the Volunteer Relations Manager, Linda works daily with Fiesta’s PMOs in coordinating volunteer opportunities within their organizations and assists Fiesta Commission staff members with coordination, planning, and execution of Fiesta projects.
Born and raised in San Antonio, Demi grew up attending Fiesta events most of her life. Demi earned her B.A. in history from Texas A&M University-San Antonio in December 2022. During her undergrad experience, Demi held many leadership roles in various campus organizations including being the founder of the A&M-SA Cheer team and being a mentor to first-year and transfer students. Demi started as the marketing/communication intern with the Fiesta San Antonio Commission in October 2022 and has been an integral part of the Fiesta team. She has bought a gen z’s point of view to the commission to help target a new generation of Fiesta followers. Her current role includes social media content creation and working on numerous creative projects preparing for Fiesta 2023. She is currently pursuing her MA in Mass Communication at Stephen F. Austin State University and will be starting her journey to becoming a licensed esthetician at War Esthetics Institute and Spa. Demi is looking forward to the delicious food, colorful fashion, and diverse culture that Fiesta brings to the city of San Antonio.
The selfless devotion of these past presidents has made possible the outstanding success of the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission. We thank these dedicated volunteer leaders and their families for the donation of their time, energy and creativity.
*Members as of August 1, 2022 to March 2, 2023
Thomas Aguillon
Monica Alcantara
Charles Barrett
Melissa Barrett
JoAnn Boone
Armon Brown
Ferne Burney
Dianna Burns
Jamie Butler
Stephanie Cano
Melanie Cawthon
Ted Cieslak
Gary Cox
Juan Cruz
Noemi Cue
Gloria De Hoyos
Jonathan Delmer
Janet Dietel
Gloria Dilley
Barbara June ''BJ'' Duncan
Mae Escobar
Rudolfo Escobar
Ferne Lee "Missy" Finck
Michael Flores
Elizabeth Franklin
COL (Ret) Jon Fristoe
Karrie Fristoe
Wendy S. Goetting
Dr. Dennis Gutzman
Kathleen Hall
Julia Hamon
Jack Hebdon
Carol Hebdon
Vonzetta Hickman
Emily Hoover
Erica Hurtak
Marcie Ince
Elizabeth (Liz) Jauer
Joy Jauer
Jon Jimenez
Rosemary Kowalski
Laurence Kurth
Byron LeFlore
Kathy Littlefield
Sandy Liwang
Debby Long-Shirley
Dr. Christina Lumbreras
Steven Mach
Daniel Medrano
John Meyer
Linda Nairn
Carol Ochse
Richard Ojeda
Sandra Ojeda-Medina
Lisa Pierce
Andrew Price
Fernando Reyes
Allison Reyes
Norma Reyes
Sandy Saks
Lolly Ahlgrim
John Canales
Melanie Evans
Mike Flores
Brandy Gaskins
Sean Gunn
Molly Kemp
Kathleen LeFlore
Anne Ballantyne and Steve Ballantyne
Kyle Campbell and Lori Campbell
David Christian and Tracy Christian
A.B. Cruz and Dr. Jill Cruz
Barbara Francis and Dr. Gary Francis
Hector Jaramillo and Rebecca Ruiz
Dr. Richard Adam and Mary Helen Adam
Steve Adams and Valarie Adams
Krystal Adams and Mark Knesal
Maj. Gen. John Allen, Jr and Suzanne Allen
Lisa Ayres and Michael Ayres
Mary Helen Baerman and Robert Tamez
John Baker and Dr. Rachel Baker
Cory Bakke and Phil Bakke
Emily Balarin
Michele Barrios and Jose Luis Barrios
Stanton Bell and Lucy Leatherwood
Alexander Bernal and Isabel Bernal
Jo Betsy Booker and Brian Booker
Melissa Branch and Dr. Warren Branch
Jeffrey Brouillard and Sara Brouillard
Charlotte Burdine and James Burdine
Yvonne Burns and Daniel Rettele
Louis Sanchez
Amy Shaw
Anna Shaw
Vira Siordia
Donalda Smith
Marvinette Smith
Robin Steinhauser
Sam Steves
Darrell Stewart
Kelly Storbeck
William Templeton
Tawana Timberlake
Nancy Tom
Christine Turner
Rick Uriegas
Virginia Van Cleave
Daniel Weis
Joseph Peltier
Brian Posten
Jeanie Travis
Vanessa Van de Putte
Chris Lopez and Darrell Parsons
Jonathan Mallard and Vallery Mallard
John McFadden and Leslie McFadden
Robert Naething and Cynthia Naething
Ronnie Nipper and Barbara Vander-Nipper
Gwendolyn Oquendo and Walter Oquendo
Casey Watts
Chris Wisner
Laura Read and CH (COL) Ret. John Read
Sam Bell Steves and Sarah Steves
Edward Tijerina and Lorrie Tijerina
Dr. Thomas Tucker and Melanie Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vera
Genny Campbell and Nick Campbell
Anna Catalani and Dan Catalani
Arthur Cavazos and Norma Cavazos
Mark Cavazos and Veronica Cavazos
Freddie Cervera and Peggy Cervera
Denise Chavez and Anthony Chavez
Scott Christy and Emily Christy
Julie Coffey and Thomas (Tracy) Coffey III
Judy Crawford and Robert Crawford
Micky Daniels and Wayne Daniels
Eddie De La Garza and Stella De La Garza
Mary Alice Deanda and Bob Peak
Rogelio Del Bosque Jr.
Richard Delgado and Natasha Delgado
Scott Denson and Sharon Denson
Jennifer Diaz and Olivia Diaz
Albert Dickson and April Dickson
Tracy Douglas and COL Matthew Douglas
Bill Drain and Tina Drain
Irma Iris Duran de Rodriguez and Curtis Rodriguez
Angela Durham and Christian Durham
Erica Ellis and Lake Ellis
Yolanda Estrada and Yolanda Guadiana
LTG John Evans and Carolyn Evans
Brenda Fernandez and Mike Fernandez
Jolie Flavin and Meade Flavin
Feliza Fleischer
Donna Flores and Kenneth Flores
Antonio Flores
Everett Fly and Rosalinda Fly
Glenn Fox and David Gilbreth
Leah Frith and Charlie Frith
Becky Gal
Cindy Gamez and Dennis Gamez
Daniel Garcia
John "Buddy" Gardner and Penny McCutchen-Gardner
Mary Garza and Juan Garza
Kevin Gerrish and Sara Briseño Gerrish
Lilia Gibson and Shaun Gibson
Johnny Gonzaba and Priscilla Gonzaba
Priscilla Gonzaba Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gonzaba
Regina Gonzales and Belinda Mayen-Aldana
Joseph Gonzalez and Becky Gal
Juliana Gonzalez
Jim Goudge and Suzanne Goudge
Dr. Steven Grimes
Yolanda Guadiana
Amy Guajardo and Mark Guajardo
Lydia Guerra and Tedlin Nieto
Ernest Guerrero and Peggy Guerrero
Lynda Guerrero and Eric Mota
Claus D Heide and Jean Heide
Lynne Hennessey and Peter Hennessey
Emilie Hermann Petty and Chris Petty
Dan Hernandez
Louis Hickson and Stephanie Hickson
Roger Hill and Sally Hill
Kathy Hoffman and Michael Hoffman
Nick Holt and Sandy Holt
Catherine Hornberger and David Hornberger
Scott Keeler and Victoria Keeler
Kelly Kennedy and Kevin Kennedy
Olive Anne Kleberg and Richard Kleberg
Mark Knesal and Krystal Adams
Michael Knott
Gerard Larios and Gloria Larios
Ben Leal and Theresa Leal
David Lerma and Diane Lerma
Bryan Logan and Michelle Logan
William Long and Feliza Fleischer
Mary Losleben and David Losleben
Barbara Lyman and Joseph Mavrinac
Victoria Magallanes and Veronica Magallanes
Madolyn Marschall
Connie Martinez and Jeffrey O'Neill
Bea Ackerman-Castellanos
JoAnn Acosta
Michael Aguilar
Jennifer Alaniz
Jonathan Alonzo
Blue Rose Alvarez
Diane Baird-Barger
Brandt Bakke
Donna Balderston
Felicia Baldwin
Mary Barrett
Edgar A. Basse
Randy Bear
Susan Beavin
Mary Begia
Luci Bell
Richard Berchin
Patricia Biggs
Melinda Biggs
Fernando Martinez and Minu Martinez
Jacqueline Martinez and Steven Munson
Amanda Martinez and Gilbert Ramirez
Karen Marvel Shute
Mike Matson and Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson
Belinda Mayen-Aldana
Gretchen Mayes and Tommy Mayes
Norma McClelland and Ross McClelland
Rachel Medrano and Danielle Sagor
Helen Lynn Medrano and Emily Balarin
James Mery and Sharon Mery
Helen Meyer and Theodore Meyer
Marisol Millican and Bryan Millican
Bill Mitchell and Margaret Mitchell
George Monita and Pauline Monita
Curtis Montgomery and Renee Montgomery
Maria Moore and William Moore
Tiffany Moskowitz and Czarina Pilar
Eric Mota
Henry L. Mota and Patricia Ann Mota
Henry Mota and Juliana Gonzalez
Margaret Mota Moreno and Marcial Valadez
Debby A. Munoz and Javier Munoz
Shannon Murphy and Les Sachanowicz
Michael Myers and Virginia Seal Myers
McCann Northington and Margye Northington
Dr. Damaso Oliva and Bridgette Oliva
Deborah Omowale Jarmon and Joseph Jarmon
Gerardo Ortega and Catherine Ortega
Eloy Ortiz and Dan Hernandez
Robert Oselen and Tracy Oselen
Gardner Peavy and Jill Peavy
Bret Peters and Jackie Peters
Michael Pina and Gloria Pina
BG (Ret) John Poppe and Denise Poppe
Charilie Potts and Eileen Potts
Edie Prassel Grimes and Dr. Steven Grimes
William Prendergast and Jenifer Prendergast
Jason Pulliam
Janet Putman and Vick Putman
Melissa Ramirez and Gilbert Ramirez
Elda Ramirez and Hector Ramirez
Susan Reed and Travis Reed
Stacey Rendon-Del Bosque and Rogelio Del Bosque Jr.
Royce Renfro and Michel Renfro
Daniel Rettele
Aimee Reyes and Hank Reyes
Sylvia Reyna and Arthur Reyna
Michael Richardson and Rita Richardson
Brenda Rios and Edmundo Rios
Fernando Rocha and Katherine Sanchez Rocha
Victoria Rodriguez and Antonio Flores
Raymundo Rodriguez and Monica Rodriguez
Karen Rogers and Steve Rogers
Pam Rohlfs and Paul Rohlfs
Steve Rosenauer and Lea Rosenauer
Richard Ruiz and Rosemarie Ruiz
Art Saldana and Rae Saldana
Mark Salditch and Madolyn Marschall
Sharon Bell Seal and Stuart Seal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sealy
Baltazar Serna and Debbie Serna
Tom Shute and Karen Marvel Shute
Kimberly Simpson-Johnson
Jane Stone and Marshall Stone
Annabelle Swain and Lee Swain
Thomas Tamez and Dolores Tamez
BG Deydre Teyhen and COL (Ret) John Teyhen
Suzzie Thomas and Michael Knott
Dick Tips and KristinTips
Fred J. Tips and Lori Tips
Kirk Tracy and Kristin Tracy
Judy Trick and Lorence Trick
Lisa Ugarte and Jon Anthony Ugarte
Michelle Usher and Steve Usher
Marcial Valadez
Cynthia S Valdez and Guillermo Zepeda
Rudy Vasquez and Sylvia Vasquez
Dr. Ronda Wenzel and Grace Wenzel
MG Robert Whittle and Kathleen Whittle
Dale Wood and Victoria Wood
JM Worthington and Michelle Worthington
Sidney Yarbrough and Gerald Yarbrough
Yvonne Yeary and Jason Pulliam
Matt Bishop
Jasper Blake
Anna-Laura Block
Robert R. Blount
Faye Bracey
Tremell Brown
John Browning
Jeff Bryant
John Buxie
Victor Caballero
Michele Cadwallader
Gerri Calonge
Rhonda Calvert
Shawn Campbell
Carol Canty
Terry Carmona
Jenny Carnes
Sabina Carr
Bonnie Carrisal
Nicholas Carrisal
Donna Carvajal
Gilbert Casillas
Roxanne R. Castillo
Abigail Cavazos
Lee Cavender
Sylvia Pierce Cervantes
Ray Chavez
Chris Chun
George Cisneros
Claudette Cochrane
Jannine Cody
John Colglazier
Cindy Comfort
Patricia Conchas
Jared Contreras
Anthony Contreras
John Costello
Rita Creswell
Cira Crouch
Pete Cruz
Robert Cuellar
Nege Curoe
Desarae Davila
Christine Davila
Geraldine Davis
Libby Day
Jose De Hoyos
Erwin J. De Luna
Katherine De Luna
Andrew De Luna
Allison De Luna
Jonathan Dear
Cathy DeVries
John Dickol
Joan Duckworth
Maria C Duran
David Durbin
Steve Dutton
Shirley Dyer
Teresa ElHabr
Sebastian Elizondo
Kevin Esparza
Tracee Feik
James Fenimore
Efrain Fernandez
Amanda Fernandez
Leanne Finlayson
Douglass Finlayson
Stephanie Finleon Cortez
Tina Flatten
Meade Flavin
Jeanette Flores
Sandra Flores
Tara Ford
Jana Foreman
Robert Foster
Eric Foultz
William Friedrich
Linda Frost
Casey Fry
Johnny Gabriel
Cindy Gabriel
Ronnie Gabriel
Margie Galvan
Larry Garcia
Khalen Garcia
Stephanie Garcia
Leah Garton
Alexandria Garza
John Henry Garza
Dianna Garza
Evelyn Garza
Frances Garza-Alvarado
Patricia Garza-Gamez
Rachel Gomez
Hope Gonzales
Henry B. Gonzalez
Connie Gonzalez
Martha Gonzalez
Pilar Gonzalez
Marissa Gonzalez
Glenn Goolsby
Dezerel Graham
Julia Grossman
Christy Guerra
Trina Guevara
G. Salvador Gutierrez
Dolores Guzman-Farias
Hunter Hale
Janet Hancock
Pete Hansen
George Harcourt
Ila Hauge
Michell Hayes
Melody Hays
Heather Hays
John Heard
John Hearn
Mary Hernandez
Beth Hernandez
Breña Hernandez
Charlize Hernandez
Catherine Hernandez
Margaret Hernandez
Gabriel Hernández
Robert Herrick
Bruce Hicks
Barbara Hill
Tracy Holmes Brazil
Holly Hood
Barclay Houston
Anson Howard
Celeste Inman
Ella Inman
Scherrie Jackson- Perez
Brynn James
Charles L. JerffersIII
Patricia Jimenez
Sandra Johns
Sandra Johns
Clyde Johnson
Ted Johnson
Karen Johnson
Denise Johnson
Christine Johnson-Leon
Holly Jones
Kim Jordan
Lynn Kee
Cheryl Kiolbassa Kindervater
Kate Judson Klein
Tobias Klingelhoefer
Emily Knapp
Freda Knight
Sydney Knowles
Matthew T. K. Koehler
Michael R. Koilbassa, Jr.
Eileen Kret
Susan Kriz
Abby Kurth
Martin Kushner
Sylvia E. LaFleur
Lio Laidacker-Luna
Rita Landez
Carrie Lane
Gerard Larios
A.J. Lewis
Sherene Lindo
Ursula Lipari
Christina Liserio
Susie Litterio
Alcide Longoria
Nora Lopez
Isaac Lopez
Anita Lowry
Deborah Lund McFarlane
Bill Lynch
Robert L MacNaughton
Eduardo Magallanez
Dal Manjarrez
Ryan Markmann
Rose Martinez
Nancy F. May
Julie McCarty
Danny McCarty
Karen McCloskey
Maria Mckeown
Andrew McKeown
Angela McPherson Williams
Robert Meade
Mark Meador
Donnie Meals
John Meehan
Cecilia Mendiola
Jackie Meyer
Fred W Middleton
Byron Miller
Shannon Miller
Margaret Mireles
Michael Mitchell
Gina Morando
Becky Moreno
Sara Morgan
Marilou Moursund
Shaun Moya
Kristina Navejar
Vicki Neeb
Tonja Nelson
Stella Nelson
Hilton Newell
KaRynn O'Connell
Bea Orta
Pete Ortiz
Suzi Otis
Jane Paccione
Cheryl Palmer
Neale Parker
Thelma Parker
Daniel Peavy
Janet Pedrotti
Gloria Pelayo
Debora Perez
Katherine Perry
Mikael Persson
Chris Petty
Evelyn Plumlee
Virginia Pope
Linda Porter-Wenzlaff
Leslie Provence
Isabel Pruneda
Carolyn Putnam
Regina Quinones-Villa
Michael Quintanilla
Zada Ramirez
Angelique Ramirez
William Ramirez
Priscilla Ramirez
Maria Ramirez
Teofila Ramirez
John Rankin
Eric S. Reblin
Eric Renth
Kathy Rhoads
J.B. Richter
Susan Riedesel
Julie Ring
Roland Rios
Teresa Robertson
Alice Rodela
Iselda Rodriguez
Margarita Rodriguez
Clemente G Rodriguez
Hope Rodriguez
Rhonda Rodriguez
Ruben C Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Paul Rohlfs
Cindy Romines
Lawrence Romo
Paul R. Rossbach
James Ruggs
Elizabeth Ruiz
Daniel Ruiz
Angie Salinas
Sandy Salinas
Leroy Sance
Amy Sanchez
Johnny Sanchez
Mari Sandoval
Lisa Santoyo
Richelle Saur
Albert Sawyer
Brooke Schriewer
Marcella Schroder
Marianna Seal
Greg Seay
Frates Seeligson
Cindi Segura
Webb Sellers
Sam Shannon
Bart Simpson
Walter B. Simpson
Linda Skop
Becky Ownby Smith
Eileen Sommer
Richard Sparr
Linda Specht
Rochelle Staten
Nancy Steves
Max Strozier
Pat Stuart
Sylvia Tamez
Michael Tamez
Alfred Tapia
Larry Taylor
Denise Thieme
Gregory Thompson
Maggie Thompson
William Thompson
Thomas Tickner
Raymond Torres
Christine Tovar
Pris Trawick
Robert Trevino
Toni Trillo
Bea Tuley
Robby Turner
David Uhler
Ramiro Valadez, Jr.
Martha Valdes
Jacob Valenzuela
Peter Valerio
Graciana Vasquez
Joe Vela
Tanya Vela
Lillian Villanueva
Patricia Villarreal
Fernando Villarreal
Dominick Visocaro
Jeffrey Weissman
Elena Wells
Ty West
Lindesy White
Matthew White
Tye Wichert
Mary Wieser
Monica Williams
Murphy Woodcox
Stacey York
Patti Zaiontz
Thad W. Ziegler
Will Ziegler
Chick-Fil-A Glazers
Guide Dogs of Texas
Dixie Flag and Banner Company
James Avery
PMI Pipe, Steel & Supplies
3 Men Movers
CocoMeg Cares, Inc.
Fiesta At North Star
Hollerbach & Associates Inc.
Mark Humphries Photography
Alzheimer's Association of San Antonio and South Texas
Any Baby Can of San Antonio
Assistance League of San Antonio
Bees in the Heart of Texas
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club San Antonio Texas
Canary Islands Descendants Association
Children's Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA
Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas
Eva's Heroes
Fiesta on French
First Tee - Greater San Antonio
Flowers Baking Company of San Antonio, LLC
Monarch Trophy Studios
Red Bull
Spurs Sports & Entertainment
The Prestigious Mark Inc.
PAWsitively Sweet Bakery
Robinson Value Management, Ltd.
SA Flavor LLC
Solar Electric Texas
The Carlson Law Firm
Twang Partners
United Fashions of TX, LLC, dba MELROSE Family
Fashions, My Melrose
Friends of Casa Navarro
Goodwill San Antonio
Guardian House
Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas
Haven for Hope
Helotes Area Chamber of Commerce
Military Order of Purple Heart
Mission San Jose Catholic Church
Moonstruck Foundation, Inc.
Palo Alto College
RevAUlusion Inc
Ricos Products Co., Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Antonio
Roy Maas Youth Alternatives
SA DR MLK Jr Foundation
San Antonio College
San Antonio Council on Alcohol & Drug Awareness
San Antonio Hermann Sons Home Association
San Antonio Livestock Exposition
San Antonio Young Life East
Texas Chihuahua Rescue, Inc
The Center for Health Care Services
University of the Incarnate Word
*As of March 1, 2023
Alzheimer's Association
Any Baby Can
Anne Ballantyne
Ferne Burney
Melanie Cawthon
David Christian
Erwin De Luna
Irma Duran de Rodriguez
Mary Alice Escobar
Jon and Karrie Fristoe
Janet and John Hancock
Lita Holland
Sandra Keyser
James Mery
John and Jackie Meyer
Julie Scott Mielke
Suzi Otis
Bret and Jacqueline Peters
Susan Reed
Sylvia Reyna
Steve and Lea Rosenauer
Louis Sanchez
Linda Skop
Southwest Airlines
Richard Sparr
Jeanie Travis
David Uhler
Virginia Van Cleave
Nancy Van Volkenburg
Patricia Villarreal
Mary Wieser
It takes more than 75,000 volunteers to make Fiesta hum. The Order of the Cascarón is our own Fiesta Hall of Honor. The award was created by the Fiesta Commission in 1992 to recognize individuals who distinguished themselves as extraordinary Fiesta volunteers. Going above and beyond the role of a normal volunteer, those selected for the Order of the Cascarón have taken that extra step for Fiesta and its participating member organizations.
Below is a list of the original members and the inductees from each year after.
1992 (Charter Members)
Carol Canty
Nancy Clayton
Louis Engelke*
Roger A. Flores II*
James Gorman, Jr.*
Bob Heckman
Maximo Virgil*
Naomi Russell-Wolfman*
Logan Stewart*
Robert Carlson*
Agnes Harwood*
Donald Moyé*
Dennis O'Malley*
Thad M. Ziegler*
Frank Burney
Linda Lee Davis*
Pete R. Martinez
Nick Garza
Robert Mason
Frank Butler*
Paul R. Rossbach
Marshall T. Clegg
Donald Morris*
Pete Ortiz
Janice Ricks
Marsha Hendler
Lee Vogel
Orlando Cisneros*
Edward Steves
Joan Gaither
Tom Sineni*
Jane Cheever Powell
Thad W. Ziegler
Claus Heide
Louis Sanchez
Les Paulick*
Robert D. Reed*
Jack Hebdon
Susie Martin
Penny McCutchen-Gardner
Rosemary Kowalski
Mary Schug*
Mary Begia
Amelia Garza
Rick Uriegas
Virginia Van Cleave
Fred Middleton
Gloria Ray
John Steen
Erwin De Luna
Joanna Parrish
Marilyn Eldridge*
Randy Bear
Vonzetta Hickman
Evangelina Flores
Erica Gonzaba
David Jauer*
Sam B. Steves, II
Gerry Young
Eloise Cortez-Lara
Fernando Reyes
Elizabeth Ruiz
Steve Rosenauer
Linda Skop
Fr. David Garcia
Maria Ramirez
Margo Uriegas Griffith
Charles Barrett
Rhonda Calvert
Laurence Kurth
* Deceased
Aggie Park
Alamo Trust
AM Project
Backstage Attractions
Beethoven Maennerchor
Black Tie Affairs Catering
Centro San Antonio
Chef Brian West, Inc.
City of San Antonio
Crockett Park
DJ Bling
Estancia del Norte
Fiesta at North Star
iHeart Media
Madison Square Park
Magik Theatre
Michael Q.
Palenque Grill
San Antonio Botanical Gardens
San Antonio Garden Center
San Antonio College
San Antonio Current
San Antonio Rodeo
Southwest Airlines
Texas Culinary Alliance
Travis Park
Wade Shows, Inc.
The Westin
Witte Museum
U.S. Postal Service
Battle of Flowers Band Festival
Beethoven Mannerchor
Bill and Tina Drain
Deco Pizza
Elegant Transportation
Fiesta Flambeau Parade Association
Go Rio
Jeanie Travis
JoAnn Boone
John and Jackie Meyer
King William Fair
Little Italy Restaurant
Michael and Jennifer Casillas
San Antonio Conservation Society/ NIOSA
St. Phillip’s Culinary School
Susan Reed
The Order of the Alamo
The Westin Riverwalk
Walter Serna
Witte Museum
Basis Texas Charter Schools
Battle of Flowers Association
Broadway Amusements (210) 344-9672
Broadway Bank
(210) 283-6500
Brooks Gives Back
(210) 678-3300
CPS Energy
(833) CRE8-A-D8
DJ Blingleader
(210) 378-5183
Dos Equis
Estancia del Norte
(210) 366-2424
Fiesta at North Star
(210) 801-9900
(210) 738-1189
Fiesta de los Reyes
Fiesta Flambeau
Fiesta Youth
Gamez Law Firm
(210) 736-4040
James Avery Artisan Jewelry
Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino-Hotel
(888) 255-8250
King William Fair
(210) 271-3247
La Villita
Market Square
Monarch Trophy Studio
(210) 344-3777
Order of the Alamo
(800) 745-3000
Palenque Grill
(210) 592-9534
Partners Real Estate
Port San Antonio
Prestigious Mark
(210) 820-0093
Rey Feo Consejo Educational Foundation
Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation
San Antonio African American Community Archive and Museum (SAAACAM)
(210) 724-3350
San Antonio Botanical Gardens
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
(210) 229-2100
San Antonio River Foundation
San Antonio ZULU Association
Silver Star Spirits
St. Phillip’s College
Sweet Paris Creperie & Café
Taco Cabana (855) 4MY-TACO
Texas A&M University – San Antonio
Texas Disposal Systems (210) 483-1954
The Texas Cavaliers
Tobin Center for the Performing Arts
(210) 223-8624
University Health
What’s In Store
Witte Museum
(210) 357-1900
Woman’s Club of San Antonio
(210) 732-4811