10 minute read
Ask Amberleigh
Written by: Dr. Amberleigh Carter, DM, AMP, HHP Doctor of Metaphysics Alternative Medical Practitioner Holistic Health Practitioner Founder & Owner of Kinection Holistic Health, LLC
Q: How do the light particles in food communicate with and affect the light particles in our cells? How do we find out which foods will help me? Mango vs. blueberries.
A: These are great questions because, most of the time, we tend to view food from a myopic standpoint. But, food is so much more than calories and nutrients, just as our bodies are so much more than flesh and organs. Everything is made up of light, and there are certain foods that allow more light to be exchanged with your body, than other foods. In other words, foods that are real, high-quality, and easily digestible are typically the ones that will give you more light, more nutrients, and more energy. Which, I will get to all of that. However, it really boils down to the principle of resonance (i.e., an energetic match), which is different for every single body and can change at any single moment, particularly depending on our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. This gives us a lot of freedom, but, sometimes, having this freedom can be confusing, especially when there are so many experts out there with conflicting information. This can make it difficult to know which foods are best for you and how food really works in the body. So, let’s get started.
First and foremost, it may be unusual to view foods according to the amount of light particles in them. Most of the time, food has been reduced to calories or strictly for its physical contents of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, water, and the basic elements of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and so forth. But, at its subatomic core, food is made up of light particles. Yes, it is true that plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, have gone through photosynthesis (i.e., the process of converting sunlight particles, or photons, into fuel), so they have captured particles of light. But, regardless of photosynthesis, all food and all of existence is made of light particles, including your human body.
At the foundation of the physical world, according to physics and metaphysics, there is a hierarchy of parts that starts at the physical level and gets down to the level of energy or fuel that runs, creates, and generates the physical body and physical objects. There is your body, your body parts, your organs, your tissues, your cells, your atoms, and then, going deeper, your protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons. Photons are the most quantum (smallest) and elementary constituent of the physical world. It is the fundamental building block of creation. A photon is made up of light and light is made up of information. You can think about this through color. The spectrum of color does not exist unless there is light reflecting hues and interfacing with your eyes and brain to interpret that information. Shape does the same thing. The shape of an object signals to the brain information about what type of energy it is holding. For instance, the angle of a snake’s head, indicates the level of poison that snake contains (the more angular, the more poisonous).
Every sense of the body perceives information in the physical world that you take in, both subliminally and consciously, that feeds the body information to know how to react to its environment properly.
Food, in particular, that has been grown from the earth is packed with life-giving information for your body. The color and shape of the food can even indicate which body part it can help nourish, like strawberries helping the heart, papaya helping the ovaries, and bananas helping…well, you get it. This is because these types of food have the ability to exchange much more light with your cells because they are made up of the same light and information as your own body. Basically, these foods that are naturally occurring in nature, speak the same, organic language as the physical body. Therefore, it is much easier for your cells to extract energy from these foods, than from processed ones…because they are in resonance. There is nothing in nature that resembles an Oreo, so it is up to your body to figure it out, which makes the process more taxing on the nervous and digestive systems because it is out of resonance with the body. This does not mean to leave your Oreos out in the sun to capture more light. That’s, unfortunately, not how it works.
However, that said, there is good news! This is where resonance can override all of what we think we know about food. You could have amazing memories of growing up, eating Oreos with your friends at fun slumber parties, which could elicit positive thoughts and emotions, setting off a cascade effect of the proper biochemistry to easily digest the Oreo…and even gain benefit from it! That’s right.
This means that it will be able to process through and out of your body quite easily, if there is no mental resistance around it. None. But, with all of the programming in the western culture that has happened around food, this might be a bit of a challenge for most people to let go of their judgments entirely. However, it is possible. This is why people can be breatharians (where they only breathe air and do not eat food, ever) and be totally fine or be on a Subway sandwich diet and get positive results. It depends on your resonance, which is largely dictated by your thoughts, emotions, and belief system. So, if you want the cookie…eat the cookie! And enjoy the hell out of eating that cookie. Because, if you eat the cookie and judge yourself the whole time, thinking you will be fatter in the morning and feeling guilt and shame the entire time, then your cells will have a higher chance of responding to the resistance created in the body and shut down your cells, making the cell membranes impermeable, which makes it very difficult to absorb nutrients and release toxins out of your body. And judge yourself every time you eat anything, for years on end; that can build up quite a toxic environment, even if you have the “perfect” (cough, restrictive, cough) diet.
This is because food, just like everything else in the world, is made up of light and information. And the light and information in food, resonates with the light and information that is inside of your body. And the light and information inside of your body is mainly dictated by your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions…which controls your biochemistry and the way that you can exchange light and information with food, your environment, and other human beings. However, food can also help to change and support your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. The light and information inside of the foods can influence how you feel and, consequently, change your resonance. And your outside world can also change the resonance you have, which affects how you process the food. It’s really a bottom-up and top-down situation, which gives you freedom!
Freedom, however, can bring confusion, so here are 5 tips to help you know which foods can exchange more light and information with your body:
Eat real food. This is food that has been grown from the earth or has roamed the earth at some point. This is a standard for knowing what to eat because it is what the human body has survived on for thousands of years before the industrialization of food and converting food into food-like products. So, your chances are higher for being able to recognize and assimilate these foods properly in the body, since it is already within the natural resonance of the human body.
Eat quality food. This is food that has not been adulterated by humans. The fewer the pesticides and chemicals, the better chance your body has of absorbing the nutrients and calming the nervous system, which is important for hormone and fat regulation. Look for organic or go to your local farmer’s market, where pesticides are drastically reduced in growing their crops.
Forget everything you think you know about food and drop your judgments and resistance to it. Food is your friend. It is here to help you live, heal, and survive. You are working with waves of light and information…so, tune into foods that grab your attention and make you curious. Never tried Rhubarb, but interested in the way it looks? Try it. Your body might know what it needs more than you think. When we get locked in our heads, we shut down the body’s ability to flow with the information we are getting.
When do you tend to go for that bottle of wine? When you’re feeling lonely in your house at night? That’s very different from having a glass of wine at dinner with your girlfriends. Your body will physically process it differently because you are in a different emotional state, which changes the biochemistry in your body in that moment, which also changes the way your body will take in the light and information from the wine. The more “negative” your emotional state, the more your body is triggered to produce toxic chemicals and can make the chemistry of your food toxic. If there is a toxin in the body, fat is produced in order to protect the visceral organs from being poisoned. So, if your thoughts are “clean” and your emotions are stable while eating, you can change the way your body produces or burns fat, affecting your body shape and overall health.
Cook for yourself. This is not only beneficial for having cleaner food and ingredients, but the physical process of cooking food for yourself is, in a way, romantic. It’s nourishing. It connects you to your most fundamental needs. It’s a way to take care of yourself and love yourself. It also makes you say yes to yourself. Cooking for yourself, especially with music that uplifts your emotions and mood, can be a game-changer for your health and wellbeing.
So, knowing what foods are best for you is only part of it. Cleaning up your thoughts and emotions, and dropping any restrictive beliefs and judgments about food, will give you more clarity on what foods to eat and will also open you up to being able to eat more foods with fewer (if any) negative reactions or side effects. Additionally, this will change your resonance of which foods you’re attracted to, in the first place. The cleaner your internal environment, the more attracted you will be to “cleaner” foods. However, even if you’re attracted to a brownie or wine, the processing of those things will also be cleaner.
All in all, some of it is playing and guess work, until you get better at practicing what works well for your body in the moment. And the moment will change. And the food you’re attracted to will change. Because it is all a reflection of where you’re vibrating and what type of energy is running through your body, which, again, is influenced by your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. This is how light particles in food communicate with and affect the light particles in our cells.
Try it for yourself! Experience will always give you the best clarity, regardless of what any expert or trusted individual out there will tell you. For instance, although there are studies that claim there is no difference between organic and conventional fruits and vegetables, some people have no allergic reactions when they eat organic versus conventionally-grown produce. They may be allergic to the pesticides or processing of that food, and not to the food, itself. This can expand your horizons with your health and lifestyle. So, find what works for you. You are always in the driver’s seat, and you always have the power. And by you choosing it for yourself and experiencing it for yourself, that will build conviction in you for a new belief that will then change and create a new reaction in your body.
For more information or if you need help in this or other health and lifestyle areas, you can book a private session with me at amberleighcarter.com. You can also listen to my podcast or watch my YouTube channel, “Ask Amberleigh”. To have your own health question answered in the next magazine issue, email askamberleigh@ lawomeninbusiness.com.