Louisiana Women in Business Issue 04

Page 38

Ask Amberleigh Written by: Dr. Amberleigh Carter, DM, AMP, HHP Doctor of Metaphysics Alternative Medical Practitioner Holistic Health Practitioner Founder & Owner of Kinection Holistic Health, LLC

Q: How do the light particles in food communicate with and affect the light particles in our cells? How do we find out which foods will help me? Mango vs. blueberries. A: These are great questions because, most of the time, we tend to view food from a myopic standpoint. But, food is so much more than calories and nutrients, just as our bodies are so much more than flesh and organs. Everything is made up of light, and there are certain foods that allow more light to be exchanged with your body, than other foods. In other words, foods that are real, high-quality, and easily digestible are typically the ones that will give you more light, more nutrients, and more energy. Which, I will get to all of that. However, it really boils down to the principle of resonance (i.e., an energetic match), which is different for every single body and can change at any single moment, particularly depending on our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. This gives us a lot of freedom, but, sometimes, having this freedom can be confusing, especially when there are so many experts out there with conflicting information. This can make it difficult to know which foods are best for you and how food really works in the body. So, let’s get started. First and foremost, it may be unusual to view foods according to the amount of light particles in them. Most of the time, food has been reduced to calories or strictly for its physical contents of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, water, and the basic elements of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and so forth. But, at its subatomic core, food is made up of light particles. Yes, it is true that plant foods, like fruits 38



and vegetables, have gone through photosynthesis (i.e., the process of converting sunlight particles, or photons, into fuel), so they have captured particles of light. But, regardless of photosynthesis, all food and all of existence is made of light particles, including your human body. At the foundation of the physical world, according to physics and metaphysics, there is a hierarchy of parts that starts at the physical level and gets down to the level of energy or fuel that runs, creates, and generates the physical body and physical objects. There is your body, your body parts, your organs, your tissues, your cells, your atoms, and then, going deeper, your protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons. Photons are the most quantum (smallest) and elementary constituent of the physical world. It is the fundamental building block of creation. A photon is made up of light and light is made up of information. You can think about this through color. The spectrum of color does not exist unless there is light reflecting hues and interfacing with your eyes and brain to interpret that information. Shape does the same thing. The shape of an object signals to the brain information about what type of energy it is holding. For instance, the angle of a snake’s head, indicates the level of poison that snake contains (the more angular, the more poisonous). The shape of foods gives similar information by exchanging light particles (that carry information for its uses) with the observer. Every sense

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