The inaugural World Tourism Seasonality Summit was held at Routes World in Bahrain on 8th October this year Our aim was to gather together leaders from the fields of travel, tourism, aviation and hospitality to exchange ideas on the growing challenges and opportunities which seasonality brings to destinations around the world This report summarises the discussions which took place during the event and highlights some of the conclusions and recommendations which arose
Supporting a completely fresh and new initiative like the World Tourism Seasonality Summit takes courage, belief, a willingness to take risks and a clear passion for the subject matter at hand I am Routes, SEA Milan Airports, Milano & Partners n Without the unwavering support of these uld not have delivered our first event with the his opportunity to offer my heartfelt thanks
StacyCox CEO,Turks&CaicosHotel& TourismAssociation
BeatrizArillaAguilella Promotion,AirConnectivity&Mice, SevilleCityOffice
PaulVanDenBrink AviationLiaison,CapeTownAirAccess
AndrewHogg ExecutiveGeneralManager,Tourism Australia
PetraRoach CEO,GrenadaTourismAuthority
ColinCJames CEO,Antigua&BarbudaTourism Authority
YrjotapioKivisaari CEO,VisitOulu
RolandoAedo COO,GreaterMiamiConvention& VisitorsAuthority
MarcoMinicucci Strategy&MarketingDirector,Milano& Partners
ChristopheDecloux ManagingDirector,VisitParisRegion
GilbertoSalcedo VicePresidentTourism,ProColombia
NoorAhmadHamid CEO,PacificAsiaTravelAssociation (PATA)
MaroLuksic AssistantGeneralDirector,Dubrovnik Airport
JosephBoschulte President&CEO,USVirginIslandsDept. of Tourism
MariaKouroupi DirectorofAviationDevelopment, Marketing&Comms,HermesAirports
H.ESaraAhmedBuhiji CEO,BahrainTourism&Exhibitions Authority
BronwenAuret ChiefQualityAssuranceOfficer,South AfricaTourism
GedBrown CEO,LowSeasonTraveller
HamishErskine CEO,DubeTradePort
The keynote speech delivered by Ged Brown, CEO of Low Season Traveller, at the Tourism Seasonality Summit in Bahrain revolved around the critical issue of overtourism and the unsustainable trajectory of global tourism He used the keynote to challenge the industry's focus on recovery to 2019 levels post-pandemic and questioned whether this was the best goal for tourism
Ged opened with a Chinese proverb to reflect on current actions shaping the future. He remarked on the tourism recovery in 2024, noting that while the world is reaching 2019 levels of tourist arrivals, he questioned the wisdom of aspiring to that benchmark, where 1.5 billion international arrivals were heralded as the "best year" for tourism He criticized this focus on sheer visitor numbers as the key metric for success, suggesting instead a more nuanced approach that factors in the wellbeing of local communities, economic impact, and environmental sustainability
Ged highlighted the negative consequences of overtourism in various destinations prior to the pandemic, such as the degradation of natural and cultural sites He pointed out how overcrowding in places like Angkor Wat, Rome, Barcelona, and Maya Bay (Thailand) led to unsustainable levels of tourism, environmental harm, and poor visitor experiences He cited examples like Maya Bay, which had to be closed for two years to allow nature to recover from over-tourism damage.
He illustrated this further with stark images showing mass tourism and pollution in otherwise pristine environments like the Masai Mara and discussed the disparity between the idyllic images used in tourism marketing versus the reality experienced during peak seasons.
Looking ahead, Ged emphasized the expected rapid growth of the global middle class, particularly in Asia, which is projected to add 1.7 billion people by 2030, many of whom will have disposable income to spend on travel. He warned that this influx of new travelers could exacerbate existing problems, particularly during peak seasons, if sustainable tourism practices aren't adopted.
He discussed the aviation industry’s resilience, noting the expansion of airports, runways, and new airlines since 2019 He referenced data from Airbus and Boeing showing that the global fleet of aircraft is expected to double by 2043, raising concerns about the environmental impact of such growth
Ged promoted low season travel as a viable solution to many of these challenges. He argued that low season travel not only helps reduce the pressure on destinations during peak times but also offers travelers more authentic, relaxed experiences. He explained how Low Season Traveller works to promote high-quality, high-yield travelers who can support local economies while minimizing environmental and social harm.
Ged introduced the concept of "Cathedral Thinking," emphasizing the need for long-term planning and foresight in tourism development. He used the metaphor of medieval cathedral builders who planted oak forests for future generations to replace beams when needed, even though they would not see the finished product. This, he said, should inspire the tourism industry to think beyond short-term profits and toward a sustainable future for generations to come
In conclusion, Ged Brown called for collaboration and innovative thinking, urging the tourism industry to rethink its approach, embrace low-season travel, and adopt a "cathedral thinking" mindset for a more sustainable future.
The first panel discussion at the Tourism Seasonality Summit, titled Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Seasonality, brought togetherleadersfromvariousglobaldestinationstodiscussthecomplexities andopportunitiesassociatedwithtourismseasonality.
StacyCox(Turks&Caicos)introducedthetopic,emphasizingtheglobalmiddle class'sgrowthandtheriseintraveldemand,whichwillsignificantlyimpacttourism. Shepointedoutthatthechallengesposedbyseasonalityarecomplexandrequire multifacetedapproaches,includingmarketdiversification,infrastructureplanning, andenvironmentalstewardship.
Petra described how Grenada deals with seasonality by developing niche experiencestiedtotheisland’scultureandnaturalresources Examplesinclude SpiceMassCarnivalinAugustandSniffapalooza,whichtargetsperfumersdueto Grenada’srichbotanicaldiversity.Shealsoemphasizedtheimportanceoftargeting youngerdemographicsandpromotingsportstourismandcreativeresidenciesto drivevisitationduringlowseasons.
Additionally,Grenadafocusesonsustaininggrowththroughboutique-styletourism and promoting authentic experiences, which help prevent oversaturation during peaktimes.
Colin discussed Antigua and Barbuda’s approach to reducing seasonality by increasingvisitorspendratherthansolelyincreasingvisitornumbers.Initiatives such as Restaurant Week and Art Week aim to attract visitors during off-peak periods. Additionally, targeting digital nomads and black travelers has been successful,asthesemarketsalignwiththecountry'sgoalsforincreasingyearround tourism. Colin also touched on wellness tourism and the importance of offeringcompetitiveratesduringthelowseason.
HamishrepresentedDurbanandSouthernAfrica,discussingthegeographicaland climaticdifferencesthatcreateseasonalitychallengesinSouthAfrica.Henoted how some areas, such as Durban, offer year-round favorable weather. He emphasized the potential for airlines to adopt a 12-month strategy, shifting seasonaltravelflowstootherregionswithinSouthAfricaduringCapeTown’soffseason HamishalsonotedthesuccessofClubMed,whichstrategicallyplaceda resort in Durban, linked with nearby game reserves, to promote year-round tourism.
ChristophehighlightedParis'uniquedualseasonality:leisuretourismpeaksduring summer, while business tourism dominates in autumn. He emphasized the importanceofdigitaltoolsandAIinmanagingtouristflowsandpromotingyearroundvisitation Byencouragingvisitorstoexploreareasoutsidethemaintourist sites(e.g.,theEiffelTower),Pariscandistributevisitorsmoreevenlyandreduce
The panel discussed the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. Over-tourism, as seen in destinations like Barcelona, was highlighted as a warning, prompting the need for responsible tourism development and community engagement.
Market diversification and creative event programming were identified as critical strategies for reducing seasonality. These initiatives target specific visitor segments, such as younger travelers or those interested in niche experiences like culture, wellness, or gastronomy.
Technology and AI were identified as key tools for managing tourist flows and enhancing visitor experiences. By using geotracking and personalized digital marketing, destinations can better distribute visitors and reduce congestion at popular sites.
The panel also highlighted the responsibility of tourism boards to manage seasonality, ensuring that tourism remains a positive force for local communities and the environment.
In conclusion, the panel agreed that while seasonality presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for destinations to innovate, diversify, and implement more sustainable tourism practices.
The second panel discussion at the Tourism Seasonality Summit was titled Collaborative Strategies for a Balanced Season, and it was expertly moderated byRolandoAedooftheGreaterMiamiConvention&VisitorsBureau.
The session focused on the strategies implemented by various global destinations to manage seasonality and sustain year-round tourism, and included representatives from Bahrain, Dubrovnik, Milan, and Colombia, each of h di dth i l l h t dd i lit h ll
Bahrain’sApproachtoSeasonality:Bahrainmarketsitswinterseasonasan asset,promotingitasabeachdestinationwherevisitorscanenjoyoutdoor activitiesinpleasantweather(22°Cto25°C).
CollaboratingwiththePrivateSector:Bahrainhasdevelopedpackageswith airlinesandhotelstoattracttouristsduringthecoolermonths.Theyfocuson promoting luxury beach developments and heritage tourism, with Bahrain boastingthreeUNESCOWorldHeritageSites.
Regional Collaboration: Bahrain serves as a gateway to the GCC (Gulf CooperationCouncil)countries.VisitorscaneasilytraveltoSaudiArabia,Qatar, Kuwait,andtheUAEfromBahrain Thisstrategypromotesregionaltourismby marketingtheentireGCCasasingle,multi-countrydestination.
ShiftingtheFocustoNewSeasons:Milan,traditionallyknownforitsFashion WeeksandDesignWeek,wasinitiallyabusinessandevent-drivendestination with strong seasonal peaks in April and September. To diversify, Milan has promoted its neighborhoods and different cultural experiences, helping to increasetourisminJuly,whichbecamethebusiestmonthin2023.
LeveragingtheWinterOlympics:MarcosharedthatMilan’supcoming2026 Winter Olympics presents a huge opportunity to boost winter tourism and
Colombia’sDiverseOfferings:Colombiabenefitsfromatropicalclimatewith nostrongseasonalvariations,whichallowsforyear-roundtourism Gilberto emphasizedthatColombiapromotesspecificseasonalactivities,suchaswhale watching(SeptembertoNovember)andtheRainbowRiver(availableforthree monthsoftheyear),toattractvisitorsduringoff-peakperiods.
Promoting Regional Tourism: In recent years, Colombia has focused on promoting emerging destinations beyond its traditional hotspots (Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena). ProColombia is actively connecting these emerging destinationstolargercitiestodistributetouristtrafficmoreevenlyacrossthe country.
Targeting Niche Markets: Colombia has also successfully attracted digital nomadsbypromotingcitieslikeMedellinasremoteworkinghubs.Theyoffer specialvisasandamenitiestosupportlongstays,whichhelpstostabilizeyearroundtourism.
ExtendingtheSeason:Dubrovnik is heavily dependent on summer tourism, with80%ofitsvisitorsarrivingbetweenMayandSeptember.Toaddressthis, DubrovnikAirporttooktheleadbyextendingthesummerseasonandoffering incentivestoairlinestomaintainflightsduringtheshoulderseasonsandwinter months.
Collaboration Across Sectors: Maro emphasized the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders, including airlines, hotels, and tour operators DubrovnikAirportplayedakeyroleincoordinatingtheseeffortsto alignonasharedstrategy.
PromotingConnectivity:Dubrovnik’sproximitytoneighboringcountriessuch asBosniaandHerzegovinaandMontenegroallowsittoofferawiderrangeof experiences, encouraging visitors to explore beyond the city and reducing pressureonDubrovnik’scoreinfrastructure.
CollaborationandPartnerships: All panelists agreed that collaboration betweenairports,hotels,airlines,andlocalDMOsiscriticaltomanaging seasonality. Establishing coordinated strategies ensures that tourism stakeholdersarealignedinpromotingyear-roundtravel.
DiversificationofTourismProducts:Destinationsshouldpromoteniche experiencesthatareavailableinlowseasons,suchasfestivals,natural attractions, or sporting events. This attracts different visitor segments andhelpsspreadtourismthroughouttheyear.
Strategic Connectivity and Air Travel: Increasing direct flights and improvingconnectionsfromkeysourcemarketsisessentialforreducing seasonality.Offeringincentivestoairlinestomaintainroutesduringlow seasonshelpsensureasteadyflowofvisitors.
RegionalandMulti-CountryCollaboration:Regional tourism strategies, such as Bahrain’s promotion of the GCC countries as a unified destination,encouragelongerstaysandmulti-countryvisits,whichhelp toflattenseasonalpeaks.
Technology and Data: Using data to track visitor spending and travel patterns, as done in Milan, can help identify opportunities to promote less-visitedareasandoptimizetourismflows.
The panel highlighted that managing seasonality requires a balanced, collaborative approach that includes innovative marketing strategies, infrastructure development, and strong stakeholder coordination.
In his keynote address, Yrjotapio Kivisaari, CEO of Visit Oulu, presentedstrategiesforaddressingseasonalityintourism,focusing on innovative destination marketing and product development. He emphasizedusingtechnologyandcommunity-drivenapproachesto createyear-roundtourismopportunities.
Yrjotapioemphasizedthattourismmustsupportthelocalcommunityandalignwith itsneeds.Adestinationthatisagoodplacetolivewillnaturallybeagoodplaceto visit ThisprincipleunderpinsOulu'stransformationfromanunknowndestinationto a"hiddengem."
Madeira, traditionally a summer destination, successfully extended its tourism seasonbyfocusingongastronomyandpersonalizedAI-drivenmarketing Through technology, they could track visitor preferences on their website and tailor newsletterstoindividualinterests,suchashikingorgastronomy.Thisdata-driven approachhelpedthemsignificantlyboostwintertourismbyofferingpersonalized experiencesandfocusingonunderutilizedseasons.
YrjotapiohighlightedinventivewaysLaplandisnowaddressingsummerseasonality,such aspreservingsnowfromskiresortsunderfabricforearlyseasonuse,andoffering activitieslikehiking,biking,andfestivalsduringtheoff-season
InOulu,leveragingdataandsmarttourismhasbeenkeytounderstandingvisitorbehavior andmanagingtourismgrowthOuluimplementedEU-fundedtourismprojectstoanalyze visitorsegments,thensharedthisdatawithlocalbusinesses,helpingthembetterprepare forpeakperiodsandadjusttheiroperations.
Yrjotapiohighlightedhowtechnologycanfostercollaborationbetweenlocalstakeholders andsupportmoresustainabletourismgrowth.
Yrjotapioemphasizedthatcollaborationwithairlinesisessentialtoreducingseasonality AsdemonstratedbyOulu'snewconnectionwithLufthansa,evenonenewroutecan significantlyincreaseinternationalvisitornumbers,especiallyduringoff-peakseasons.The importanceofaligningmasterplansandmarketingeffortswithairlineswasstressed.
Successfulseasonalitymanagementrequiresastrongvision,collaborationamongtourism stakeholders,andacommitmenttolong-termstrategies.Yrjotapiourgeddestinationsto lookbeyondshort-termgainsandfocusonsustainablegrowth,ensuringthattourism benefitsboththelocaleconomyandtheenvironment.
Yrjotapio's keynote highlighted how technology, community engagement, and strategic partnerships can help destinations flatten their seasonality curves, creating more balanced and sustainable tourism industries.
The third and final panel discussion at the Tourism Seasonality Summit, titled Enhancing Air Connectivity to Support Year-Round Tourism, was moderated by PaulVanDenBrinkfromCapeTownAirAccess.
This session focused on how air connectivity can be a key driver in mitigating seasonality and ensuring more consistent year-round tourism. The panel featured representatives from the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cyprus, Seville, Australia, and South Africa, who each discussed their challenges and strategies to improve airconnectivityfortheirrespectivedestinations.
Paul opened the session by explaining how Cape Town has tackled seasonality by enhancing air connectivity. Since 2015, the Cape Town Air Access project has successfully added numerous year-round routes, particularly within Africa and the U.S. These routes have helped reduce seasonality, though challenges remain with the European market, which tends to be more seasonal.
Cape Town leveraged partnerships with both regional and national bodies, alongside private sector players such as Investec and DHL, to enhance both passenger and cargo air services, ensuring a more sustainable approach.
OvercomingEuropeanSeasonality: South Africa faces strong seasonality with European travelers, particularly with a surge in demand during the southern hemisphere's summer South African Tourism has been working to extend the touristseasonbypromotingwildlifeexperiencesduringthewintermonths(Mayto October),whichisidealforsafaritourism.
PartnershipsandMarketing:BronwenhighlightedSouthAfrica’sstrategicefforts, includingAfrica’sTravelIndaba(amajortradeshow)andcoordinateddeal-driven campaigns with key European partners. These initiatives aim to promote the countryduringoff-peakperiodsandencourageyear-roundvisitation.
Theimportanceofteamcollaborationamongstakeholders,includingairaccess teams, regional bodies, and the National Convention Bureau, was stressed as criticaltothecountry'ssuccessinmanagingairroutesandpromotingabalanced season.
ChallengesintheU.S.Market:Australiaalsograppleswithseasonality,particularly with U.S. carriers shifting capacity to Europe during the northern hemisphere's summer. Despite this, Tourism Australia works closely with airlines and local stakeholderstoprovethatAustraliaisaviableyear-rounddestination,particularly by marketing Australia’s cooler destinations to Asian and Gulf markets during Australia’swintermonths.
NewRoutes:AndrewdiscussedtherecentadditionofTurkishAirlinesroutesto SydneyandMelbourne,aswellaspartnershipswithQantasandMiddleEastern carrierstoensureconsistentconnectivitytoAustraliafromlong-hauldestinations.
CollaborativeStrategy:Thefederaltourismbodyworkscloselywithstatesand territories to present a unified front when engaging with airlines. Australia's marketingisfocusedontheintentiontovisit,notjustawareness,andisbackedby strongpartnershipswithairlinestopromotejointcampaigns.
Seville’s MICE and Event Strategies: Beatriz shared that Seville’s success in reducingseasonalitycomesfromleveragingitsstrongMICE(Meetings,Incentives, Conferences,andExhibitions)industry Sevillehaspositioneditselfasaleading businessdestination,particularlyforeventsduringspringandautumn,whichhelps tooffsetthequieterwintermonths.
CulturalandFilmingEvents:Thecityhasalsocapitalizedonhigh-profilefilming projectslikeGameofThronesandmajorculturaleventssuchasChristianDior’s fashionshows,whichpromotethecitytoaninternationalaudienceandhelpboost tourismintheoff-peakseason
CombiningCoastandCity:Sevillehasalsosuccessfullymarketeditselfaspartof a dual-destination package, combining city tourism with nearby coastal destinations like Huelva and Cadiz, which helps attract visitors to the region throughouttheyear.
Cyprus'SuccessinTacklingSeasonality:Cyprushasmadesignificantstridesin reducingseasonality,withwintertrafficgrowingfrom18%to25%ofannualtraffic overthelastfiveyears Thesuccessstemsfromstrategicpartnershipswithlowcostcarriers,whichestablishedyear-roundbasesinCyprus,promotingnewroutes andoff-seasontravel.
Collaborative Initiatives: Maria emphasized the importance of collaboration betweentourismstakeholders,includingairlines,hoteliers,andlocalbusinesses. Special incentives were provided to airlines, and promotional campaigns were crafted to highlight Cyprus' diverse offerings beyond sun and sea, such as gastronomy,winetours,andculturalexperiences.
Cooperation with Neighboring Destinations: Cyprus has also pursued partnershipswithneighboringcountriesformulti-destinationpackages,suchas culturalorreligioustourism,whichcouldhelpattractnewvisitorsegmentsand enhanceyear-roundairconnectivity.
FlatteningtheSeasonalityCurve:JosephdescribedhowtheU.S.VirginIslandsare attemptingtolengthenthetourismseasonbeyondthetraditionalsix-monthhigh seasonbyfocusingonexperientialtravelandculturalfestivals.Bymarketingthe islands'year-roundattractions,suchaslocalfestivalsandculinaryexperiences, theyaimtoattractGenerationZandmillennialtravelersinthelow-season.
AirlineEngagement:TheU.S.VirginIslandsmaintainclosetieswithU.S.carriers, emphasizingtheeaseoftravelforAmericans(nopassportrequired)andthehigh yieldtheygeneratefromU.S.travelers.Theyconsistentlymarketyear-roundto builddemandandjustifyadditionalairliftduringthesummermonths.
ExpandingtoEurope:Although90%ofvisitorsarefromtheU.S.,theU.S.Virgin Islands have begun expanding into European markets, focusing particularly on Denmark,duetohistoricaltieswiththecountry
The discussion highlighted the critical role of air connectivity in reducing tourism seasonality. By fostering collaboration, developing creative tourism products, and ensuring strategic airline partnerships, destinations can succeed in promoting year-round tourism.
Strong Partnerships and Collaboration: Panelists unanimously agreed that collaboration among airlines, tourism boards, and local businesses is critical for success. Creating a unified strategy that involves public and private stakeholders is essential to attract and sustain air routes.
Diversified Marketing and Product Offerings: Destinations should diversify their product offerings to appeal to niche markets during offpeak seasons. Highlighting cultural festivals, business events (MICE), and unique experiences like gastronomy and nature tourism can help sustain year-round visitation.
Strategic Use of Data: Several panelists, including those from Cyprus and Seville, emphasized the importance of data-driven decision making. By understanding visitor spending and travel patterns, destinations can better target their marketing efforts and promote underutilized attractions.
Regional and Multi-Destination Cooperation: As seen with both Cyprus and Seville, collaborating with neighboring destinations to offer multicountry itineraries can enhance connectivity and attract tourists for longer stays, making off-season travel more appealing
The World Tourism Seasonality Summit 2024 emphasized the urgent need for the global tourism industry to rethink its approach to seasonality.
Speakers and panelists highlighted the challenges posed by overtourism during peak seasons and the underutilization of resources during off-peak times.
The summit demonstrated that seasonality is not only an issue of fluctuating visitor numbers but also one that significantly impacts environmental sustainability, economic stability, and community well-being.
By encouraging year-round travel, particularly during the low season, destinations can alleviate these pressures, offering a more sustainable and fulfilling experience for both visitors and local communities.
Promote Low-Season Travel: Destinations should actively market the benefits of traveling during off-peak seasons This includes showcasing unique experiences, cultural events, and environmental advantages that are less accessible during peak periods.
Leverage Technology & AI: Utilizing AI-driven tools and data analytics can help destinations better manage visitor flows, personalize marketing, and offer recommendations for off-peak travel This also enhances the visitor experience by reducing overcrowding and improving access to lesser-known attractions.
Strengthen Regional & Multi-Destination Collaboration: By promoting multi-country packages and encouraging cooperation among neighboring regions, destinations can create extended travel itineraries that appeal to tourists throughout the year This regional approach can reduce pressure on singular popular destinations
Enhance Air Connectivity: Collaborating with airlines to maintain year-round routes and offering incentives during shoulder seasons is key to ensuring stable visitor numbers. Strategic partnerships with airlines should focus on promoting off-peak travel to reduce overdependence on high seasons
Diversify Tourism Products: Destinations must diversify their offerings, targeting niche markets such as wellness tourism, digital nomads, MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions), and cultural festivals This broadens the appeal and attracts different traveler segments during traditionally quieter times
Encourage Community-Centered Tourism: Tourism strategies should align with the needs of local communities, ensuring that tourism growth benefits residents and supports sustainable economic development. Engaging local stakeholders in the planning process fosters greater buy-in and long-term success
Adopt Long-Term Sustainability Goals: Destinations should implement "Cathedral Thinking", focusing on long-term planning and foresight. Sustainable practices should be embedded into tourism development, ensuring that future generations benefit from the positive impacts of tourism without the associated environmental degradation
By adopting these recommendations, the tourism industry can effectively manage seasonality, reduce its environmental footprint, and promote a more balanced,year-roundapproachtotourismdevelopment.