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LPAS Architecture + Design

Established in 1978, LPAS offers integrated design services in architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design. Our approach to design is holistic, where buildings, interiors and landscapes are seen as integral parts of a single composition.

“Making Buildings Together” is our philosophy and commitment to providing our clients with the best working experience and designs.

We build consensus through communication, collaboration and accountability. We promote team interaction among our clients, consultants, and vendors, to achieve solutions that extend the owner’s resources, bring value, and produce an enjoyable place for everyone.

Interior Design

• Our seamless design process begins from project inception and discovery through project details and the construction documents phase; we provide quality and aesthetically pleasing finish packages that consider the budget, the desired design aesthetic, and durability.

• Through collaboration, the Interior Design (ID) team understand the unique opportunities and challenges of each project which inspires an interior design solution that complements architecture goals.

• Our unique perspective on projects adds value by creating impactful, thoughtful integration and flow between interior and exterior spaces.

• The streamlined approach of incorporating ID concepts at the inception of the project is cost effective (compared to addressing interior design later in the process).

• The ID team works in the same Revit model as the architecture team which further supports efficient coordination of real-time changes.

Landscape Architecture

The LPAS design process integrates architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design. The synthesis of these disciplines results in a cohesive, efficient, and cost effective design approach.

• Landscape Architecture (LA) is included at the inception of the project allowing the team to gain an early understanding of site opportunities and challenges, and influencing project design concepts.

• Early integration into the Design Process allows the LA team to develop designs that complement the architectural character of the project.

• The LA team’s unique design perspective creates impactful, thoughtful integration between interior and exterior spaces that will add value to the project.

• The LA team collaborates with clients, architecture and interior design teams and consultants for the entire life of the project.

• We believe our integrated and streamlined design approach results in direct cost savings to our clients.

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