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Palisades Townhomes
from LPAS
San Francisco, CA
Palisades Townhomes offers sweeping views of the Bay, downtown San Francisco, Candlestick Park and the Shipyard. LPAS was initially hired by FivePoint (formerly Lennar Urban) to provide the Peer Review of several blocks at Hunters Point including Palisades Townhomes. The Palisades Townhomes project had been submitted for permit and had completed and received approval through OCII (Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure). Through the peer review process, the LPAS design review team determined that the project was not buildable as designed. The Design Development drawings revealed that the buildings did not provide adequate provision for MEP infrastructure and if developed further would have resulted in a very costly correction through construction documents and possibly costly change orders.

BUILD 66 single-family, 3-story townhomes, 132 parking spaces
SITE 2.45 acres
DENSITY 27 units/acre
STATUS Completed 2019