LRW Vol.47 (Part A)

Page 16



(总 第47期)

共享资料 免费交流

ISSN 国际刊号:2219-5904

索具学院/ SCHOOL:

钢丝绳夹的一些注意事项 Something you need to know about Wire Rope Clips


钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,索具配件,卸扣,吊带索具,纤维缆,捆绑带,链条,压套机, 拉力机,手拉/手扳葫芦,电动葫芦,起重机配件,防坠落安全保护产品

LRW covers:

Wire Ropes, Wire Rope Slings, Wire Rope Attachments, Shackles, Synthetic Slings, Cordage, Lashings, Chains, Swaging Machines, Test Beds, Manual Chain Hoists, Lever Hoists, Electric Hoists, Crane Attachments, Fall Protection Products



Some sea creatures are more specialized than others. More fit to the extreme conditions under water. Like our subsea shackles and hooks for ROV-operations. Green Pin® offers an ocean of possibilities with our range of specialized and certified components. Designed and produced with the right subsea mindset. For more control. For more precision. And for more possibilities. So make sure you choose Green Pin®. The great white with the green pin.

有些海洋生物比其他生物更专业,更适合水下的极端条件,就像我们用于海底ROV作 业的卸扣和吊钩。Green Pin®用我们专业的、有保证的,全系列的配件为客户提供 了一个海洋应用的可能性。为了更好的控制,更加精确,更多的可能性,我们用正确 的海底思维进行设计和生产。因此请确保你选择Green Pin®,带绿销子的大白。




距离新冠疫情爆发已经两年了,时至今日,它依然“不愿离开”人类的生活。在这个春节假期里,编 者规规矩矩地没有离开这座城市,每天只是和家人吃吃喝喝,倒是和家人在一起的时间变多了。出行受阻, 犹如“困笼之兽”,虽然说“既来之,则安之”,但也许是压抑太久了吧,开始出现躁动不安的情绪。

藕断丝连灭而复甦的新冠病毒演化成变种病毒在全国各地反复出现,我们国家秉持着生命至上的原则 采取了非常严格的疫情防控措施,乖乖地呆在家里吃饭睡觉抢菜,还有下楼做核酸成为我们日常生活的主 旋律。

明明是树芽探头小草青青的三月,明明是麦苗返青繁花盛开的三月,明明是郊外漫步风筝摇曳的三月。 可我们却无奈地错过了这个生机勃勃的暖春。江山如此多娇,也只能凭窗遥寄忆思,看着远处树上的小鸟 欢快地哼唱。何时我们才不会被它“掐住”我们的脖颈呢?

这场“没有硝烟的战争”给地球村的我们带来了很大的影响,而离我们不远处俄罗斯跟乌克兰正在交火, 双方实实在在的战争给整个世界蒙上了更沉重的阴影。个中缘由难以一言蔽之,但弹药无情,血肉之躯又 岂能抵挡得住呢,最终家园尽毁尝尽生离死别的还是无辜的百姓和各种生物。盼双方尽快平息干戈,让生 活恢复正常。


Welcome to year 2022!

Since the COVID-19 outbreak emerged as a severe pandemic globally two years ago, not only our daily life, but also many of our business plans and works had to be suspended.

When the season of blossom comes, we can see some countries, for example Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the UK, the USA, Canada, the EU, to provisionally lift entry restrictions from other areas. Persons are required to complete a digital entry registration, providing proof of vaccination and a negative PCR-test result before entering. Meanwhile, a 14 days quarantine at hotel is necessary.

It seems more and more countries gradually re-open their borders after such a long pandemic closure.

Please stay safe. We will say hello to the world again soon.




2022 年5月30日-6月2日,2022汉诺威工业博览会,德国汉诺威展览中心

30 May - 2 June 2022, Hannover Messe 2022, Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany

2022 年5月31日-6月2日,国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会,德国斯图加特会展中心

31 May - 02 June 2022, LogiMAT 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management), Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre, Germany

2022 年6月15-17日,国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会,上海新国际博览中心

15-17 June 2022, LogiMAT China 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management), Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

2022 年6月28日-7月1日,中国国际海事会展,上海新国际博览中心

28 June – 01 July 2022, Marintec China, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

2022 年7月12-14日,2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展,上海世博展览馆

12 - 14 July 2022, Intermodal Asia 2022, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China

2022 年9月13-15日,亚洲石油、天然气及石化工程技术展览会,马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心

13-15 September 2022, OGA 2021, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia


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Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.


2022 VOL.47 总 第47期

《索具世界》杂志是由香港索具世界杂志社有限公司出版的 一本致力于为索具行业搭建信息交流平台的中英期刊。目前免费 向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。

Lifting & Rigging World Magazine (LRW) is bilingual magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope, lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector.

ISSN国际刊号: 2219-5904

Published by出版单位:

LRW Media Limited


Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

Honored Editor荣誉主编:

Editorial Reviewer责任编辑:







Talurit Group unveils an updated brand identity 不以山海为远,共赴bauma之约


Oil & Gas Asia Merges with Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Exhibition & Conference in September 2022

DLM Load Cells for Catena's Cleanroom Client

The New MOD 1100/2000t takes part in first lift!

LIFTEUROP launches a new website

OZ Lifting Expands Industrial Chain Hoist Range


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余美慧 Michele Yu

石昀 Sharon Shi

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

凌永铖 Anson Ling

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冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong


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产品新闻 WHAT'S NEW Green Pin®系泊用T型螺栓,高于NS 9415行业标准的水下作业紧 固件

New Green Pin® Mooring Bolt NS9415 T - What is below surface, must be above standard

elebia' evo10 Marine in Water Pumping Stations Elebia海底自动吊钩应用于巴拿马水泵站 Talurit生产的首台400吨压套机在美国亮相

The first Talurit® 400T swager showcased & delivered in the USA

Introducing Modulift's New Product, The TriMOD




展后报道 REPORT 海运业前景乐观,亚太海事展(APM 2022)在赞好声中落下帷幕

Asia Pacific Maritime 2022 closes on a high note with renewed optimism for maritime industry


索具学院 SCHOOL 钢丝绳夹的一些注意事项


Something you need to know about Wire Rope Clips









P27 P28

Talurit集团更新品牌标识, 反映钢索行业迈步前进

作为钢丝绳机械压接设备和成套系统的知名生产商,Talurit 集团在大部分工业化国家为人所熟知,并且占有有一定的市场份 额,他们的产品和解决方案被广泛应用于全球各个领域。新年伊始, Talurit 集团即宣布更新 Talurit® 品牌和整个集团的企业形象标识, 向大家展示新的姿态。 这是Talurit 集团随着行业的进步而不断发 展而做出的决定。未来Talurit集团将继续为业界提供他们所熟知 的创新的顶级的产品和解决方案,带领行业一起前进。

过去十年,随着时代发展,以及很多新技术不断融入社会, 许多行业有不少改进和提升的地方。钢丝绳行业及其相关的行业 也经历了很多转变。Talurit 集团自 1948 年成立以来,一直领先于 业界。凭借创新的解决方案和客制化的产品输出,Talurit集团获 得了很好的市场地位,近年来他们进一步扩大并继续完善相关产 品。因此, 虎年刚到来,Talurit 集团就宣布对其企业形象和品牌 形象进行战略调整。

这些变化是为了反映Talurit集团及其品牌的演变,以展示他 目前的市场地位以及忠于根本的前提下未来前进的方向。更新后 的视觉形象将有助于向全球传达一个统一和清晰的品牌标识。 与 Talurit®品牌密切相关的标志性蓝色仍然是整个新视觉形象的重要 元素。 为配合新面貌,Talurit集团将在各个子公司内逐步更新大 部分的销售和市场推广资料。

对此,Talurit AB副总裁Victor Lindh说:“虽然我们的业

务在持续转型和发展,但很明显,业界对我们的看法并不是和我 们的发展速度同步。我们引入了许多技术亮点,为我们的客户增 加产品价值,让我们的机器更加高效,更加环保。此外,我们还

强化了自动化技术,这样可以给客户提供的整个系统的流程更智 能化。我们新的企业形象更好地传达了 Talurit® 品牌在今天和未 来所代表的意义。它强化了品牌体验,展示了我们的专业知识和 优势。”

作为集团市场及营销专员,Torbjörn Hillberg表达了自己的 看法:“更新后的品牌形象强调了我们在这个领域推动创新技术 的愿望以及我们的能力,同时也向我们过去的努力和许多经过验 证的解决方案致敬。 作为全球化的合作伙伴,我们在做出这些改 变时是把全世界的市场考虑在内。新的外观和具体表达体现了我 们对安全、可持续发展和创新的承诺,同时传达我们对客户的专 业精神。品牌形象的更新将使我们为未来做好准备,并为公司的 持续增长提供动力。”

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 10

Talurit Group unveils an updated brand identity reflecting the advancements of the industry

Talurit Group is a well-established manufacturer of equipment and systems for mechanical splicing of wire and wire rope. With representation in most industrialized countries, their products and solutions are used in a wide variety of sectors around the globe. Talurit Group starts the new year by announcing an updated identity for the Talurit® brand and the group as a whole. The decision was made as Talurit Group continues to grow and evolve in tandem with the advancements of the industry. Leading the way forward in their field by delivering the innovative top-tier products and solutions they are known for.

During the past decade, many industries have advanced and improved with new developments and an increased adaptation of new technologies. The wire rope industry and its related sectors have experienced the same transformation. Talurit Group has been a pioneering force within its field since its start in 1948. With a strong track record of innovative solutions and customer-oriented production, they have expanded further in recent years – continuing to perfect their offering to the market. At the beginning of 2022, Talurit Group announced a strategic realignment of its corporate identity and brand identity.

The changes are made to reflect the evolution of the corporation and brand, in order to show where it stands today and where it is heading – while staying true to its origins. Designed to be globally accepted and work effortlessly across both digital and physical channels, the updated visual identity will help them communicate a unified and clear brand. The iconic blue colour that is strongly associated with the brand remains a vital element throughout the revised visual

experience. To coincide with the new look, Talurit Group will update most of its sales and marketing material. The implementation will be done gradually within the group's various companies.

Victor Lindh, Vice President of Talurit AB, comments:

"While our business continues to transform and develop, it became clear that the perception of the company has not evolved at the same pace. We have introduced many technologic highlights that increase the value for our customers, making our machines more efficient and environmentally friendly. Further, we have strengthened our focus on automatization and can offer complete systems with smarter processes. Our new corporate identity better communicates what the Talurit® brand stands for today and going forward. It reinforces the brand experience and showcases our expertise and strengths."

Torbjörn Hillberg, Marketing & Communications at Talurit Group, comments:

"The updated branding emphasizes our desire and ability to drive innovations in our field, while also paying homage to our past endeavours and many proven solutions. As a global partner with a wide range of offerings, we have made these changes with all our markets in mind. The new look and feel embody our commitment to safety, sustainability and innovation in addition to mediate the professionalism our customers deserve. The brand rework will position us well for the future and empower the company's continuous growth."

11 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 11


从2008到2022,时隔14年,北京成为全球首个“双奥之城”。 从2016到2022,时隔6年,我们将再度迎来“双bauma之约”。一 个响亮的名称,一个传奇的舞台;一次次豪迈的旅程,一段段难忘的 回忆。精工荟萃展雄风,“器”势磅礴再相逢!金秋双城,我们与您不 见不散!

二十韶华,bauma CHINA 2022如约而至

作为伴随中国工程机械行业不断发展的国际舞台,bauma CHINA 2022(上海宝马工程机械展)将于2022年11月22-25日在 上海新国际博览中心重磅上演。入华二十载,bauma CHINA不断深 耕发展成为了集聚全球行业翘楚、展示新产品技术、洞悉行业未来 的重要平台。

截至目前,bauma CHINA 2022的招展也正在稳步推进中,已 有近三成展商增加了展位申请面积,四分之一为首次报名展商。

卡特彼勒作为展会的多年合作伙伴,不仅扩大了室外参展面积, 还将联袂基金会带来面向中国的公益项目;挖掘机的老牌企业小松, 将为我们呈现其顺应本土市场,更高效、更环保的技术革新;法亚 集团将携SECMAIR、BOMAG、MARINI等全系列品牌再登bauma CHINA 2022。同时,液压传动类展商势头依然强劲,ZF、五十铃、邦飞利、 博世力士乐、丹佛斯、派克汉尼汾等国际知名品牌将同台竞秀。

在国家实现“双碳”目标、构建双循环新发展格局的背景下,电动化、 智能化、节能减排成为了产业转型升级的重要方向。面对日益临近 的非道路“国四”排放标准,各大工程机械企业纷纷布局新能源市场。 新能源电池、新能源挖机、电动皮卡、自动化视觉系统等前沿产品都 将亮相于bauma CHINA 2022。这场绿色浪潮也势必将为行业带来 第三次能源革命的新机遇,成为驱动行业长期发展的新动力。

本届展会规模预计仍将达30万平方米,云集国内外3000+家 知名展商同场亮相,全面展示施工机械、矿用原材料提取和加工设备、 建材机械、配套件及服务全产业链,吸引来自工程/施工、建材、矿山、 环保、航空航天、物流、农业、风电水利、石油化工、智能科技、新能源、 租赁贸易等领域的专业观众。我们期待着与全球更多工程机械企业、 跨领域开拓者共襄盛会!


与此同时,三年一届的全球工程机械行业重要盛事,德国 bauma 2022也将于今年10月24-30日在慕尼黑展览中心再度 举行。2022年展会将汇聚全球行业先锋,在61.4万平方米的展示面 积上倾情呈现与工程机械全产业链相关的创新产品及前沿技术!

世界格局正经历着风云变幻。后疫情时代,我国工程机械企 业在海外贸易蹄疾步稳,多家龙头企业推动部署国际化战略、扩张 出海版图,海外出口迎来热潮。相信更多的国产品牌也将在德国 bauma展上绽放中国之风。

而在bauma CHINA 2022的舞台上,来自全球的革新技术也 将为我们带来国际化视野。国产品牌将如何应对充满挑战的运营环 境,国际品牌又将如何实现本土化创新都将成为看点。德国bauma 展的举办将与bauma CHINA双联互通,形成辐射亚欧两大市场的 联动效应。

延续上届成功经验,bauma CHINA将同步通过线下实体展会 与线上「bauma CHINA Community名品汇」双线并举模式,为参展 商和全球买家构建“不受限”的沟通互动通道,助力国际交流与贸易 达成。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
◀bauma 2019

Oil & Gas Asia Merges with Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Exhibition & Conference in September 2022

原定于2021年12月7-9日举办的第十八届亚洲石油天然气 及石化工业展览会(OGA 2021)将延期至2022年9月13-15日进 行。届时,两年一度的亚洲油气盛事将再度回归马来西亚首都吉隆坡, 并且联合马来西亚石油天然气服务展暨研讨会(MOGSEC)隆重上演。


The Asian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition, Oil & Gas Asia (OGA), that was to be held from 7 to 9 December 2021, will now be rescheduled and merged with Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Exhibition and Conference (MOGSEC) to take place as one tradeshow from 13 to 15 September 2022 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

This strategic move bringing the best of both events will see the emergence of a brand-new industry led premier event, hosting not just the largest participation in the ASEAN region, but also the most inclusive and content filled.

Announcement as below.

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 14

DLM Load Cells for Catena's Cleanroom Client

Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM), of Southampton, UK has delivered two load cells to Catena Inspection & Engineering Services Ltd. for use at a nuclear cleanroom site where propulsion systems are developed for the UK's Ministry of Defence (MOD).

The load cells, of 500kg and 1,500kg capacity, were the latest products to be delivered to the undisclosed location by Catena, of Nottinghamshire, UK, which constantly provides equipment and services to the facility, principally related to proof load testing and lifting applications. Stainless steel shackles with custom engraved asset numbers were also part of this project.

Tyler Hickling, lifting and fabrication sales at Catena, explained that the order initially started with a request for load monitoring technology that could, firstly, measure low weights and, secondly, do so to an extreme degree of accuracy. DLM is a renowned manufacturer of equipment that can meet such requirements, while giving the user the ability to monitor data wirelessly, which is a further requirement of such end user environments.

Hickling added: "Given the nature of the facility, there wasn't a great deal of information provided, beyond what we needed to know to source the best possible solution, which turned out to be a pair of custom telemetry tensile links. I was only privy to the maximum weight lifted and the resolution required. They will be used separately, repeatedly, for specific lifts where the weight needs to be monitored closely."

As well as utilising load cells for proof load testing contracts, Catena is increasingly providing a range of force measurement technologies for a variety of industrial applications. DLM, a specialist in the design, manufacture, repair and calibration of load cells and load monitoring equipment, is its go-to

manufacturer for product and expertise.

Hickling said: "Using telemetry load links and compression load cells allows us to move away from using loose weights for proof load testing when used with a hydraulic set-up; we can apply smaller, incremental loads in a more controlled manner. We can also use a load link in the line to check lifts are equally distributed and not exerting excessive unknown loads."

These Catena-branded load cells were from DLM's TL-3.0 family, a third-generation of its popular telemetry tensile link line. The lightweight wireless tension measuring unit combines a high level of performance with a robust design for harsh environments. They are made from aerospace grade aluminium and offer a range up to 800m (over 2,600 ft.) and a huge battery life of 700 hours. Hickling pointed out that the TL3.0 can be paired with an unlimited number of displays to one load cell or 12 load cells to one handheld display.

Martin Halford, managing director at DLM, said: "We have worked successfully with Catena for many years now, especially on MOD-type contracts where off-the-shelf solutions are not suitable and something customised is required to meet the high defence standards. In this instance, we drew on our extensive experience within the marine and offshore industry to design a stainless steel version of our popular TL-3.0 telemetry load link, suitable for the maritime defence industry. It is fantastic to be able to play a small part in supporting the UK government in keeping our waters safe, and this type of work really fits in nicely with our focus on the offshore and marine sector, which is reflective in the products and services we offer."

◀The custom DLM telemetry tensile links were of 500kg and 1,500kg capacity and for use in a cleanroom environment.

Toasting the winners of the LEEA Awards 2021

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) congratulates the winners of the 3rd Annual LEEA Awards 2021, who were announced and presented with their trophies during the prestigious Awards Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, on the evening of Friday 5 November.

The Stuart Everitt Award was given to Denis Hogan. Ross Moloney commented on the award to the now retired LEEA Stalwart: "This Award is given at the will and recommendation of the LEEA Board and I am extremely grateful to them for supporting my suggestion. Denis was a huge support to me from the time that I first walked into the Association nearly four years ago. Always challenging, always opinionated, and relentlessly passionate about the essence of our wonderful Association, Denis is to many Mr LEEA."

The Safety Award, sponsored by Rigging Services , recognises commitment to safety in the lifting equipment

industry. It was won by Gareth McNary of Select Plant Hire – Laing O'Rourke. The judges recognised the complex work being done safely. The runner up was Karayi Manghattu Devadasan from Romson Oil Field Services Ltd.

Best Lifting Equipment Inspector recognises individuals who are ambassadors to the profession and the industry, demonstrating commendable attributes and professional behaviours. It was won by Chris Elwick from Sparrows Offshore Service , for showing a great commitment to inspection detail, good commination skills with clients, as well as the drive to come up with innovative ways for reporting. The runner up was Manny Segundo from Technical Royal Excellence Oil & Gas Services LLC.

Best Innovation Award recognises a product or service that is truly innovative, providing a unique value proposition and tangible benefits to the lifting equipment industry. It was

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 18
▶ LEEA CEO Ross Moloney said

won by the Crosby BlokCam from The Crosby Group. The judges agreed that this technology showed crystal clear visual and audio features and a vertically integrated manufacturing process that differentiated it from other suppliers. The runner up was SensorSpace Remote Monitoring, Mantracourt Electronics Ltd.

Outstanding Apprentice, sponsored by Bridger Howes, recognises talented apprentices who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to their professional development in the lifting equipment industry. It was won by Lewis Behai from Sunbelt Rentals. The judges felt that Lewis displayed consistent performance and achievement. Runner up was Ivan Osawe from Speedy Hire.

Best Lifting Operation recognises a company that has performed a lifting operation that provides evidence of complexity, risk, uniqueness and customer testimonials. It was

won by Thames Tideway East Greenwich Pumping Station team by Costain. This was a truly impressive project. Kudos to the team for realising the risk and operating the mobile crane remotely. AquaTerra Dunlin Team was runner up.

The Kevin Holmes Award for Excellence in People Development recognises excellence in supporting and facilitating the continual professional development of its employees. It was won by Hoist UK. The judges loved that this organisation's approach is to find great people and train the necessary skills. In an era where finding individuals with lifting experience is becoming increasingly difficult, they took the challenge to invest time and money to develop a competent team. Bridon Cookes, New Zealand was the runner up.

Unsung Hero, sponsored by Lift & Hoist International, recognises individuals who excel in their work ‘behind the scenes', underpinning the successes of their organisation.

19 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 19

It was won by Bailey Lewis from Reid Lifting. The judges commented that Bailey is dedicated, dynamic, and challenges the status quo – so truly deserves this award. Anthony Hope from Sparrows Offshore Services was runner up.

The CEO's Award went to City of Bristol College. Ross Moloney commented: “This Award goes to an exceptional individual or company who did something particularly notable in line with LEEA's aspirations. This year I am pleased to make this award to a partner who has supported us in pushing the Apprenticeship Standard to near completion. With hours of work wrestling with funding equations, crunching numbers, sourcing appropriate comparisons – without this partner we simply wouldn't have got to the very edge of having an Apprenticeship for our industry. I am extremely grateful for their dedication and support.”

Best Team recognises a team or department within an organisation that demonstrates how its work has helped achieve or exceed objectives and contributed to the overall competitiveness and/or success of the company during the previous 12 months. It was won by the Engineering and IT team at Reid Lifting Ltd. The key to their success is that they work as a team. They know that working together and

supporting each other will make them successful. Runner up was Hinckley Point C Lifting Management and Assurance Team from Notus Heavy Lift Solutions.

The Craig Morelli Award for Accredited Training Scheme – Best Trainer focuses on LEEA's Accredited Training Scheme and the professional trainers delivering high quality end-user training courses. It was won by James Cox, from Industrial Training International, who consistently met or exceeded challenging objectives and demonstrated a quality approach through personal values and working practices. Craig Douglas from JCD Training Ltd was runner up.

LEEA CEO Ross Moloney said: "Congratulations to the hugely deserving LEEA Awards 2021 winners as well as the runners up and all those shortlisted. I extend my gratitude to everybody for coming to the Awards Dinner and those who made entry applications, the industry experts that had the hard task of judging the entries, and to our award category sponsors. I would also like to thank the LEEA team for bringing the event together despite the difficult circumstances experienced by everybody this year."

Welcoming the 250 guests to the Awards Dinner, Ross Moloney

said: "We have come together to celebrate the successes and triumphs of our wonderful, inspiring, foundational, innovative, underpinning, active, solution finding, safety focused, diverse and fantastic industry." Special Guest comedian and TV presenter Dara O Briain delivered an entertaining comedy set before being joined on stage by Ross Moloney for the Award presentations.

The Awards Dinner also raised money for this year's Chairman's Charity, Sobell House, chosen in memory of LEEA colleague Craig Morelli.

Ross Moloney concluded: "I encourage everybody to start thinking about their entries for the next LEEA Awards, which will take place on 5 October 2022 during LiftEx In Aberdeen."

About LEEA

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the globe as the leading representative body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide.

It is the respected and authoritative representative body for its members who work in every aspect of the industry, from design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment.

The Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over 75 years, from training and standards setting through to health and safety, the provision of technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing systems.

LEEA represents its members at the highest levels across a range of both public and private bodies, including various government departments, as well as nationally and internationally recognised professional and technical institutions. @LEEA_INT


21 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 收绳机 各式模具 剪绳机 压接接头 压套机 计米器 拓锐机械(宁波)有限公司 电话: +86 8630 8590 l +86 153 8189 2699 电子信箱 l 瑞典制造 手动工具拉力试验机

The New MOD 1100/2000t takes part in first lift!

The new MOD 1100/2000t spreader beam at 33m span, which was the latest addition to Modulift's modular range of popular DNV Type Approved spreader beams, has been used in it's very first lift in Dover in the UK. The successful first lift was carried out by its new owner, heavy lifting rental company, Safe Lifting Europe B.V for their customer Bonn & Mees Floating Cranes.

The new Modular spreader beam was transported using two trucks from the yard of Safe Lifting Europe B.V to Bonn & Mees Floating Cranes in Rotterdam. Bonn & Mees Floating Cranes used two of their largest floating sheerlegs to lift and store the MOD 1100/2000t spreader beam before it was shipped to Dover where the spreader beam would be lifting two parts of a bridge.

As part of the lifting configuration, an additional two Modulift MOD 400 spreader beams were used. The assembly of the MOD 1100/2000 took the team at Safe Lifting Europe B.V one full working day using an electric torque wrench, enabling them to work at a much faster pace.

Giovani Vroegop, Technical Commercial Manager for Safe Lifting Europe B.V said, "It was incredible to see the new MOD 1100/2000t spreader beam up in the air for the first

time. The team at Modulift did a great job with the design and manufacture of the beam. The sheer size of the beam can only be really appreciated when you're up close, it really is huge. Our team and Bonn & Mees Floating Cranes worked meticulously hard to ensure the lift was a success."

John Baker, Commercial Director for Modulift said, "We were delighted to be a part of this success and look forward to seeing the MOD 1100/2000t being used in many more lifts in the future. Part of the project to supply this 'beast' of a beam, required Modulift's compressive test bed to be extended to 33mtrs and increased in capacity to 2300t which was quite a project in itself! The MOD 1100 /2000t spreader beam really is impressive to see and our in-house engineering team are already looking at further opportunities with Safe Lifting in the super heavy lifting market. Watch this space."

For more information on Modulift and their products, please visit

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 22

OZ Lifting Expands Industrial Chain Hoist Range

OZ Lifting Products LLC has added to its ever-growing industrial manual chain hoist range with 3-ton and 5-ton capacity models.

The Winona, Minnesota-based manufacturer already had 0.25ton, 0.5-ton, 1-ton, and 2-ton capacity models in the line, but larger units have been added in response to ongoing demand for use with beam clamps, trolleys, and other industrial equipment.

Notably, the hoists do not feature overload protection, meaning they are well suited to utilization where the user knows the weight of the load they are lifting, such as when moving standard parts repeatedly on a production line or at a workstation.

Steve Napieralski, president at OZ Lifting, said: "If you know the weight of your load, our whole industrial range is perfect. The line of chain hoists has almost limitless applications, which allows us to market these hoists so broadly. Whether you’re hanging them from a beam clamp or trolley, or lifting any load now up to 5 tons, these hoists offer high quality at a fair price—a hallmark of our entire catalog."

The effort required to lift using these hoists is consistent through the entire range and that of the company's premium line, which is equipped with overload protection. The net weight of the product ranges from 4.7 lbs. on the lightest unit, up to 40 lbs. and 52 lbs. on the 3-ton and 5-ton models respectively. Standard heights of lift are 10 ft., 15 ft., 20 ft., and 30 ft., but custom rigging is available on both the hand and Grade 80 alloy load chain.

Napieralski said: "The all-steel construction, zinc-plated hand chain, long-lasting powder-coat finish, and fully-enclosed gearing, remain integral features of the line [of hoists] but, really, it is now the breadth of capacity range that channel partners and end users alike have noted. In stock and ready for sale, I expect the 3-ton and 5-ton capacity models to be just as popular as the existing, lower capacity products."

Additional product features include forged alloy steel hooks, Weston-style brake system, thrust bearing on lower hook twin pawl, heavy-duty latches, and conformity with CE, ASME

▲The net weight of the product ranges from 4.7 lbs. on the lightest unit, up to 40 lbs. and 52 lbs. on the 3-ton and 5-ton models respectively.

B30.16, and AS1418.2 standards. Each hoist is rigged, load tested, and comes with an individual test certificate, and extra set of latches.

For more information on OZ Lifting Products visit http://www.

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 24
25 关注我们 主办方 赞助商 微信关注 在线预登记 2022年7月12-14日 | 上海世博展览馆 您拓展全球集装箱多式联运市场的亚洲平台 免费观展和参会

Green Pin®系泊用T型螺栓,

高于NS 9415行业标准的水下作业紧固件

当你花时间去养鱼时,你应该希望你的网箱养殖系统一直保 持安全,尤其是在极端的海域环境下。这时候,你留在水下的网 箱和系泊系统就需要“低于水面,但高于标准”的卸扣、螺栓和 其他系泊配件。Green Pin®水产养殖用的卸扣和螺栓无疑就是不 错的选择。作为鱼类养殖户的首选,它们有什么过人之处呢?这 里我们首先介绍的是Green Pin®系泊用T型螺栓。

Green Pin®系泊用NS 9415标准T型螺栓是今年二月推出 的。这是一款带有T形末端接头的Green Pin®系泊用螺栓,保持 Green Pin®产品的一流品质,给养殖户系泊系统的绝对安全提供 保障。产品经过热浸镀锌处理,确保了NS 9415标准所要求的长 期耐用。安装深度用绿色来指示,这使得产品的安装更加容易, 而特殊类型的螺纹可以更好地固定螺栓。而且这款产品已通过 DNV认证,符合NYTEK规定和NS 9415标准。

目前供应的Green Pin®系泊用T型螺栓的最小破断负荷范围 为 40 至 170 吨。

具备双重安全保障的Green Pin®水产养殖用D型卸扣

带安全塞的Green Pin®水产养殖用D型卸扣是去年推出的。 这款卸扣带有方形沉孔螺纹销(平销),也是保持了Green Pin® 产品一流的品质,可确保系泊系统的绝对安全。这是该产品线中 的典型卸扣。其中的方形沉孔螺纹销与安全活塞相结合,提供双 重安全保障之余,用Green Pin®沉孔钥匙(Green Pin® Sunken Hole Key)便可以轻松组装或者拆卸。

这款卸扣同样经过了热浸镀锌处理,满足了NS 9415标准要 求的长期耐用。另外,在Green Pin®产品在系泊方面的无数经验 累积下,该卸扣进行了超过40000次循环的疲劳测试,次数是NS 9415标准要求的两倍,行内暂时没有超过这个数据的。还有,安 全系数领先于业界,最小破断负荷达到7倍的极限工作负荷。同 样地,这款卸扣已经通过DNV型式认证,同时还满足NYTEK规 定和NS 9415标准。

值得注意到是,它仅适用于单肢系泊系统,工作负载限制范 围为2吨至8.5吨。

这两款产品都是造福水产养殖业的产品。详情请浏览Green Pin®产品页。

WHAT'S NEW 产品新闻 26

New Green Pin® Mooring Bolt NS9415 T - What is below surface, must be above standard

When you invest time to grow your fish, you want your cage farming system to stay secure. Even under extreme marine conditions. Your underwater cages and mooring system need shackles, bolts and other mooring accessories that are below surface, but above standard. That is why the Green Pin® aquaculture shackles and bolts are the top choice for fish farmers.

The Green Pin® brand introduce NEW Green Pin® Mooring T bolt in February. This grade 8 Green Pin® Mooring Bolt with a T-shaped end-fitting provides best-in-class quality, guaranteeing absolute security for your mooring system. The mooring bolt's hot-dipped galvanization ensures long-term durability as required by the NS 9415 standard. The mounting depth is indicated by the green colour, which makes the installation of the product much easier and the special type of thread will result in a better fixation of the bolt. What's more, the mooring bolt NS9415 is certified by DNV in compliance with NYTEK regulation and NS 9415. It is available in a range of minimum breaking load from 40 up to 170 tons.

New Green Pin® Aquaculture Shackle - keeping the value caged

The Green Pin® aquaculture dee shackle with a safety plug was launching last year. Safeguard your aquaculture investment

with the strongest and most durable aquaculture shackle on the market.

This Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP is a dee shackle with a square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) which provides best-in-class quality, guaranteeing absolute security for your mooring system. The Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP DSP is an exemplary shackle in this product line. Its square, sunken hole screw pin combined with a safety plug makes it a double safety product that is easy to assemble and disassemble with the Green Pin® Sunken Hole Key. The shackle's hot dipped galvanization ensures long-term durability as required by the NS 9415 standard. Testifying to its superior record when it comes to mooring safety, the 40.000 cycle fatigue rating is twice that required by NS 9415 and unparalleled in the market. What is more, the safety factor leads the industry with an MBL of seven times the WLL. The Fishing Dee Shackle FP DSP is certified by DNV on compliancy with NYTEK regulation and NS 9415.

It is suitable for one-leg mooring systems only, and is available in a range of working load limits from 2 up to 8.5 ton. For more please go to

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 27

elebia's evo10 Marine in Water Pumping Stations

ALP Dynamics FR Corp is a company based in Panama with 12 years of experience in the Steel Industry. It specializes in the manufacture, installation and assembly of metallic structures. The company responds to needs in different sectors such as Construction, Engineering and Architecture.

Water Pumping Stations

One of its multiple projects addresses the need for sanitation in Panama Bay, where wastewater is diverted from the sewers to a purification station. Currently there are 13 water pumping stations and in each station there are 3 to 6 cleaning pumps. Each water pump weighs 1.4Tn., and they are at a depth of 50 feet/15m. Their function is to drive the wastewater to the next pumping station until it reaches its final destination, which is the purification station.

Previously, a non-fixed crane was required to manoeuver the pumps either for maintenance or replacement. An operator had to descend these 50 feet to where the cleaning pumps were located to be able to hook the crane hook to the lifting point, with all the associated risks. After conducting a study, it was determined to change this method for a system where a crane was used as a fixed element in each station.

Its new set-up now consists of a fixed gantry crane 16 feet in height and 20 feet in length set on 50 feet tracks. The crane's hoist carries an evo10 automatic hook with marine configuration and IEC standard 60529 IP68, in order to protect the hook from the water. The marine configuration features an electro zinc coating, a fast drying dual component epoxy primer that provides rapid recovery and coating even at very low temperatures, a highly durable and high performance acrylic polysiloxane cosmetic finish and additional protection for the printed circuit board (PCB).

Marine Configuration

Thanks to the evo10 marine hook's automatic engage and release option, it approaches the lifting point and engages and releases the load remotely. With this feature, the operator no

longer has to go down the pit to manually hook on the lifting point. The entire operation is now managed from the surface, at a safe distance and with only the use of a remote control.

This new installation allows to show other potential customers the advantages of the automatic hook and to accompany the client in the search for solutions adapted to their needs.

The same solution is already being planned for cleaning pumps of up to 8Tn. from other water pumping stations, with the requirement of automatic hooks of higher capacity.

WHAT'S NEW 产品新闻 28

ALP Dynamics FR Corp 是一家总部位于巴拿马,在钢铁行业 拥有 12 年经验的企业,专门从事金属结构的制造、安装和组装, 服务于建筑、工程和建筑物等不同领域。

他其中一个项目是解决巴拿马海湾的公共卫生,那里的废水 是从下水道转移到净化站的。目前巴拿马海湾有13个水泵站,每 个站有3至6台清洗泵。每个水泵重 1.4Tn.,深度为 50 英尺/每 15 米。水泵把废水运送到下一个泵站,直至到达净化站。

以前需要使用非固定式起重机来调动水泵以进行维护或更换 工作,操作员必须降落到这至少深50 英尺清洁泵所在的位置,才 能将起重机吊钩挂到起重承载点。这会带来一定的风险。在进行 相关研究后,责任单位决定把起重机作为每个站的固定设置,重 新设置运作系统。

新的运作系统包括一台高 16 英尺、长 20 英尺、安装在 50

英尺轨道上的龙门起重机固定不动,起重机的吊机上配置了一个 evo10 自动吊钩。这款自动吊钩采用适用于海洋应用的特定材料, 符合 IEC 60529 IP68 标准,能够保护吊钩免受水的影响。这是适 应海洋的构造结构,包括电镀锌涂层、即使在极低温环境下也能 快速恢复和涂层的快干双组分环氧底漆、高度耐用和高性能的丙 烯酸聚硅氧烷装饰面漆以及对印刷电路板 (PCB) 的多一层保护。

因为 evo10 海底吊钩能够自动闭合和卸载,他可以对承载点 进行装载和卸载远程操作。有了这个功能,操作员不再需要降落 到深坑里手动钩住承载点。整个操作现在是在地面安全距离内进 行,只需使用遥控器就可完成。

这款自动吊钩可以根据客户的实际需求进行调整,目前同类 型的解决方案已被应用于其他水泵站重达 8Tn的清洗泵,需要更 大承载能力的自动吊钩。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


自上世纪40年代以来,Talurit集团一直致力于研发、生产、 销售钢丝及钢丝绳机械压接设备以及相关联的系统产品且提供维 护服务。注重客户体验的他们持续以创新的产品和系统的解决方 案带领行业一起前进。作为行业内知名品牌,Talurit®的产品广泛 见于全球各个领域。最近,他们也再次推出了几款新型号的压套机, 其中一款是配备变速和智能控制系统的400吨压套机。

这款新的400吨压套机刚面世不久便引起了客户的极大兴趣。 它安全而且简便易用,不仅能用于小型的索具车间,也适用于大 规模批量生产需求。Talurit®的设备均由体系认证的瑞典工厂生产, 所采用的零配件也是欧洲顶级品牌,因此他们的产品使用寿命长, 停机率低,只需要日常基本的保养维护。这台400吨压套机的两 柱设计经过了优化设计,开放式的压接位置,为操作员提供更大 的工作空间。虽然体型精巧,所占空间不多,但跟同等吨位类型 的压套机相比,所适配的模具基座更大,因此,可安装的模具规 格会更多,更重要的是,多次成型可压制更大规格的铝套。

长期服务客户的经验及时刻关注市场的发展,Talurit集团深谙 钢索行业的需求,不断去改进其产品,以创新技术回馈他们的客户。 这次将变速功能和智能控制系统应用于400吨压套机就是一个很 好的例子。这款新的压套机配备齐全,能够压接直径达40毫米的 钢丝绳。操作员可以根据不同的参数去定制流程,提高效率的同 时还可以完善压接效果。另外,因为配备了智能控制系统,在使 用过程中,电机的运转会自动最优化,省电之余用起来也非常流畅。

还有一点,当这个压套机没在工作时,它的工作环境所产生的噪 音会通过设备的自动声控系统降至50分贝,为操作员提供一个舒 适的工作环境。

在即将到来的4月,Talurit集团将赴美国休斯敦参加AWRF 春季大会暨PIE展览会。届时,将首次展示新品400吨压套机, 与会人员可以在现场进行近距离体验。而活动结束后,作为这台 设备在美国的第一个买家,Quick Tie Products公司会把这台设备 运至他们位于美国佛罗里达州的总部使用。Quick Tie Products公 司生产、销售 QuickTie™ 系统,这是一种专用于强风和抗震建筑 的专利压紧系统。当他们在做钢索缆绳时,需要在缆绳两端压接 螺纹杆钢柱接头,而且每条缆绳顶部末端都连接了一块钢制承重 板,这台400吨压套机就在这个环节充当重要的生产设备。而这 些钢索缆绳是设计用来把最顶部的钢板从墙壁到地基固定住的, 以此来有效地阻止屋顶隆起,同时抵抗建筑物倾倒的压力。

对此,Talurit集团的技术销售工程师Rasmus Carlsson说:

“我们的400吨压套机很省时,加上智能控制设计,这会让操作 员在日常使用时变得效率很高而且用起来很轻松。另外,这台压 套机的行程限制功能、活塞的自动返回以及整体的人体工程学设 计,让操作员在压接钢丝绳索具时能够最优化单次循环操作的时 间。凭借扎实的专业知识和数十年的行业经验,我们承诺,无论 是现在还是未来,生产出来的设备不仅安全、高效,而且持久耐用。”

Quick Tie Products公司的生产部副总Steve Paroda也说: “我们决定购入这台400吨压套机,是用来提高工作效率和产量的。 因为业界对 QuickTieTM 缆绳系统的需求在不断增长。Talurit®压 套机的高效生产效率,以及 Talurit产品在质量方面的良好声誉, 让我们很快就做出了这个采购决定。未来我们计划再多购进一些 Talurit®压套机,也很期待和Talurit集团建立长期、双赢的合作 伙伴关系。”

Rasmus Carlsson补充说:“很荣幸能和 Quick Tie

Products公司合作,也很高兴我们的设备能满足他们不断增长的 市场需求。我们有信心这台400吨压套机能成为他们生产线的强 大 ‘帮手’,能够协助他们进一步提高效率。他们收到这第一台 Talurit® 品牌的压套机后,未来我们还会为他们提供更多的支持和 服务。”


The first Talurit® 400T swager showcased & delivered in the USA

Since the 40's, Talurit Group have developed, manufactured, marketed, and maintained equipment and systems for mechanical splicing of wire and wire rope. With the customers in focus, they continue to lead the way forward with exciting new products and innovative solutions. As a leading brand, their products and systems are used in a wide variety of sectors spanning across the globe. Recently they extended their range of swagers to include the 400T swager equipped with variable speed and asmartcontrolsystem.

The latest addition to the Talurit® product range is a 400T swager which has quickly received great interest from the market. Developed to be a safe and user-friendly machine it works great for both rigging shops and large-scale productions. By implementing certified processes and using top-tier components to their swagers, Talurit® assure a longer service life with minimal maintenance. The two-pillar design of the body is optimized to give open access to the swaging area, allowing for a larger space for the operator to work within. Despite its compact size and small footprint, the 400T model is equipped with a larger die holder than what is common for a swager of this capacity. This results in a broader range of die sets can be used and more importantly; the swager can handle larger ferrule sizes in multiple swage operation.

Through long-term business relations and by staying close to the market, Talurit Group have managed to improve and innovate their products for the benefit of their customers. A clear example is by applying the variable speed function and the smart control system to the 400T swager. Allowing the operator to easily tailor the swaging process with individual parameters, increasing efficiency and perfecting the results. It also lets the swager utilize the power of the motor in a way that gives superior performance while at the same time using less electricity. Furthermore, the working environment is enhanced through automatic control of the sound level, minimizing it to only 50 dB when not swaging. In summary, this new swager of Talurit® brand is a fully equipped production machine, with a

capacity to swage steel wire rope up to a diameter of 40mm. Talurit Group will showcase the new 400T swager for the first time ever at the coming AWRF Spring General Meeting and PIE in Houston, Texas. During the event, attendees and partners will be able to experience the swager up-close and get a live introduction. The Florida based company Quick Tie Products, Inc. will take delivery of the machine directly after the event. Hence being the first company in America that owns this new Talurit® swager. Quick Tie Products, Inc. manufactures and distributes the QuickTie™ System, a proprietary and patented hold down system for high wind and seismic construction. They will use it as a vital part of their production when they make wire rope cables with threaded rod studs swaged to each end, each with a steel bearing plate on the top end. Their cables are designed to cinch walls to their foundations from the uppermost top plates, thereby effectively resisting roof uplift and building overturning pressures.

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Rasmus Carlsson, Technical Sales Engineer at Talurit Group, comments:

"The time-saving features and the smart design of the 400T makes day-to-day use efficient and easy for the operator. Notably the stroke limiter, the automatic return of the piston and the overall great ergonomics enables the operator to swage wire rope slings with optimal cycle times. Because of our solid know-how and decades of experience, it is safe to expect that our products deliver on our promises regarding safety, efficiency and durability - now and in the years to come."

Steve Paroda, Vice President of Manufacturing at Quick Tie Products, Inc., comments:

"We decided to invest in the 400T swager to increase efficiency and output to keep up with the growing demand for the QuickTie™ cable system. The machine's limited vertical travel time, and Talurit’s reputation for quality, made our decision easy. We look forward to adding more Talurit® swagers to our operations, and to a long and successful partnership with the


Rasmus Carlsson, Technical Sales Engineer at Talurit Group, adds:

"It is a privilege to work with Quick Tie Products, Inc. and support them with the growing demand for their products. We are confident that the 400T will be a strong addition to their production line, helping them increase efficiency even further. Now we are looking ahead and we will support them after they take delivery of their first Talurit® branded swager. "

WHAT'S NEW 产品新闻 32

Introducing Modulift's New Product, The TriMOD

Modulift, a technical expert and manufacturer in the lifting industry based in the UK, have added a new product to its portfolio which is specifically designed for 3-point lifts and suitable for circular lifts.

The TriMOD, designed by their in-house engineering team and manufactured in their established factory in Poole, Dorset is a triangular frame, designed for 3-point lifts. The frame can be extended for 6-point lifts and multipoint circular lifts due to the unique shape. All TriMOD corner units are compatiable with Modulift spreader beams to achieve multiple spans.

The efficient design makes the rigging configuration simpler, easy to assemble and cost effective. Due to the shape, it can be used for circular lifts, in particular when lifting tank roofs and pressure vessels, avoiding uneccessary cascading rigs.

John Baker, Commercial Director said, We are continually looking for new ideas and developing new products. We recently attended Vertikal Days in Peterborough and brought a TriMOD demo along with us. The feedback we received was phenomenal, everybody loves the product and how unique it is. It was good to see everybody again, especially after a testing 18 months for the lifting industry and for us, it was great to come back to our first event with a brand new product."

Harshal Kulkarni, Engineering Manager for Modulift added, "Our team have wanted to develop a product which would

change the lifting industry and in particular, design and manufacture a product which is suitable for complicated circular lifts. We have seen an increase in enquiries over recent months and we're proud to be able to offer a solution for our customers."

About Modulift

Modulift is an innovative engineering company that provides technical expertise alongside the manufacture and supply of specialist lifting equipment that is tested to the highest worldwide standards.

The company, established since 2002, produces high quality spreader beams, spreader frames and other 'below the hook’ lifting equipment, that is used globally across the heavy lifting industry. Sectors provided include wind energy, nuclear, construction, and the oil and gas industries.

Headquartered in Dorset, UK, Modulift offers a complete engineering lifting service, including unique integrated lifting analysis with all products, available off-the-shelf or custom designed to meet a client's specific requirements.

Its goods and services are delivered through a number of routes including direct end user, resellers, rental partners and a global distribution network.

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