LSU College of Agriculture Annual Impact Report

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Table of Contents COLLEGE UPDATES


LSU College of Agriculture

Message from the Dean


Strategic Plan 2025


By the Numbers


2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

GOALS Enhance












SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Recipients

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report


LSU College of Agriculture


Message from the Dean Dr. Bill Richardson We have passed through a year of monumental change, in which the LSU College of Agriculture has continued to forge ahead despite the many challenges facing our campus, nation, and world. Our academic year looked drastically different from any previous year due to COVID-19. However, we remained committed to our students, with our faculty and staff taking countless steps to ensure that we provided a safe learning environment. The LSU College of Agriculture made strides forward in its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We have formed a diversity council, hired an assistant vice president for diversity, inclusion and opportunity, and launched several studentfocused initiatives to support our broad vision for achieving excellence.

The LSU College of Agriculture announced its 2025 strategic plan, which focuses on goals to enhance, seek, create, advance, and cultivate. Our team has spent the last year striving to reach initiatives that build toward our goals. Thank you to our alumni, donors, and friends of the LSU College of Agriculture for continuing to partner with us to make Louisiana agriculture strong and sustainable.

Dr. William “Bill” Richardson Vice President for Agriculture and Dean of the College of Agriculture


LSU College of Agriculture

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Our Mission The LSU College of Agriculture provides innovative academic programs, creates essential knowledge, advances collaborative research, and drives outreach to solve local and global agricultural challenges.

Our Vision With a sharp focus on research, extension, and teaching, we are finding solutions and making advancements that will benefit future generations and establish a legacy of success.

Our Values Enhance the lives of others. Seek intellectual and culturally diverse perspectives. Create bold and transformative educational experiences. Advance the land-grant mission. Cultivate a community of engaged partners.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


Strategic Plan 2025

Our vision for the next five years

The LSU College of Agriculture began the strategic planning process in July 2019. The college started with an internal committee within the dean’s office to lay the groundwork for the planning process and help organize the key questions needed to move the college forward. Department heads, school directors, and dean’s office staff evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the college to create a structure focused on the crucial initiatives included in the strategic plan. Subcommittees worked in five concentrated areas to develop overarching goals and helped create the metrics to measure progress.

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3




the student experience to ensure success and create leaders prepared to engage in the complex global arena of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources.

to achieve a culture where everyone in the college is included, respected, and supported.

premier academic programs designed to address future challenges of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources and to enhance the undergraduate student experience locally, nationally, and internationally.

This goal is under review with the hiring of the new assistant vice president (AVP) for diversity, inclusion, and opportunity. This section includes a summary of current initiatives in place.




Emphasize experiential learning opportunities and professional development experiences through internships, undergraduate research, service-learning, and communication-intensive courses.

Emphasized communication about diversity with current and future students.

Academic and faculty engagement.

Produced diversity and inclusion resources for learning and reflection.

Streamline and focus recruitment efforts to increase and diversify student enrollment.

Recruited and hired a diverse and inclusive staff of student workers.

Improve student retention initiatives.

Created the Council for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Change.

Provide courses that train students with the essential skills needed to be successful to address global challenges.

Created, developed, and highlighted student organizations that value inclusion.


LSU College of Agriculture

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

To help ensure that both internal and external stakeholders could guide experiences, challenges, goals, and future initiatives, we conducted a stakeholder survey in the fall of 2019. The college collected 877 stakeholders’ responses from the survey. This feedback was compiled into the 2019 Stakeholder Survey Report and shared with leadership and internal and external stakeholders. The information provided in this report was critical to guiding our process in drafting the strategic plan. Our final step in this process was to host a Virtual Stakeholder Summit in summer 2020. This event brought together faculty, staff, alumni, and other key stakeholders to participate in roundtable-style meetings to discuss the draft of the strategic plan, future initiatives within the departments and schools, and reconnect our stakeholders with the mission and vision of the college. The strategic plan is a living document. We will use the annual impact report and specialized stakeholder events to continue modifying and building on the college’s goals. The purpose of the annual impact report is to provide transparency on the progress being made toward the goals outlined by our stakeholders.

Goal 4

Goal 5



in our goal of developing a community of connected, collaborative, and committed faculty, staff, and students.

a community of engaged alumni, donors, and industry partners.



Develop opportunities for faculty and staff to enhance their scholarship and training.

Raise private philanthropic support toward strategic initiatives for the LSU College of Agriculture and LSU AgCenter. Provide lasting enrichment opportunities for alumni and friends through events and programming.

To read the complete Strategic Plan 2025 document visit or scan the QR code.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


By the Numbers 1,563 312


Undergraduate students

New students enrolled in fall 2020


Graduate students



Top feeder states: Texas, Georgia, Florida, California, Illinois



Natural Resource Ecology and Management



Veteran status students

Nutrition and Food Sciences




Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising

Students identify as: 14.47% Black; 7.24% Hispanic; 2.45% Asian; 2.0% Native

Active duty students

LSU Military Students After receiving his degree, LSU College of Agriculture grad Kevin Caster Jr. will be heading to Germany as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force.


LSU College of Agriculture

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

2021 Spring Graduates





36 University Latin Honors 4 Distinguished Researchers 2 University Medalists 1 Distinguished Communicator Graduate Report

Bachelor’s degrees


Master’s degrees


Doctoral degrees


35 Parishes 15 States 11 Countries

This report is generated each semester from information gathered from both the LSU College of Agriculture’s senior check-out survey and graduation survey.




completed an internship experience.

were involved in a student organization within the college.

entered the college as a firstsemester student.




of the May 2021 graduates from the College of Agriculture completed their degree in four years.

plan to be employed full-time or enrolled in a graduate or professional school.

felt their degree prepared them for the job market.




LSU first-year student Bridget Seghers, a native of Covington, La., has been awarded a U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) to study Swahili during the summer of 2021.

Animal sciences major Kayla Benton and natural resource ecology and management major Anissa Hyde were selected as McNair Scholars.

Alexia LaGrone has been named a Udall Scholar by the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation. The Lafayette native was one of 55 students from 42 colleges and universities selected as 2021 Udall Scholars.

The CLS program is part of an intensive effort by the U.S. government to expand the number of students studying 15 world languages deemed vital to America’s security and economic standing. CLS plays an important role in preparing students for the 21st century’s globalized workforce and increasing national competitiveness. Seghers was selected from a diverse pool of over 4,600 applicants, representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

The LSU Ronald E. McNair PostBaccalaureate Achievement Program promotes a new cohort of scholars that more accurately reflects the emergent diversity in life experiences, cultures, and perspectives represented in academia by preparing students who are first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented in graduate education for doctoral studies. This program provides 30 sophomore, junior and senior college students from Louisiana State University with information and experiences to prepare them to be competitive graduate school applicants and successful graduate students.

LaGrone, a natural resource ecology and management major, is a Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) and Stamps Scholar. As a campus leader for environmental issues, LaGrone revitalized LSU’s 4-H Club. Under her direction, the 4-H Club volunteered to clean houses and conducted a canned food drive with LSU’s food pantry following the havoc of Hurricane Laura in 2020. She also organized socially distanced activity days for middle and high school-aged youth, where students were able to participate in LSU campus tours and learn about healthy living.

LSU College of Agriculture


Enhance the student experience to ensure success and create leaders prepared to engage in the complex global arena of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources. Virtual settings presented many challenges for our students but also created the opportunity for our staff to be innovative in the way we served the needs of our student population. From virtual advising to speed networking with employers, our students were provided with outstanding opportunities, and our staff strove to create as ordinary an experience for students as possible.



increase in enrollment of undergraduate students from 2019.

increase in first to second-year retention.



students enrolled in the Agriculture Residential College during fall 2020.

Reverse Tie Dye at Ag Week 2021 Event 10

LSU College of Agriculture

students enrolled in the AGRI 1001 course during fall 2020. AGRI 1001 is a one-hour class designed to orient all incoming first-year students to the LSU College of Agriculture.

Ag Fellows 2020 Event 2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Conferences AFA Leaders Conference/Institutes


Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference and Institutes bridge the gap between academic, leadership, and work experiences, give students the opportunity to network with peers and leaders in the agriculture industry and increase their excitement and awareness about career opportunities in food and agriculture. A record number of LSU students applied and were selected through AFA’s competitive conference application process, with students from seven of the college’s eight undergraduate majors represented at the AFA Leaders Conference and Institutes.


AFA Leaders Conference


Animal Institute


Food Institute


Policy Institute

Learn more about AFA at

Student Events Louisiana Land-Grant Career Prep Week In October 2020, the first career development partnership initiative was launched with Southern University College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences. + + + + + +

Agriculture Careers in California Webinar Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising Careers in California Webinar Wednesday Night Networking Virtual Resume Reviews Virtual Ag Career Fair Louisiana Land-Grant Coffee Chat

294 567 229

Ag Week students attended virtual collaboration events with Southern University.

Ag Career Fair students and 38 employers attended the career fair virtually.

Ag Alumni Speaker Series students, faculty, staff, and alumni attended the six alumni speakers series throughout the year.

Ag Fellows T h e A g F e l l o w s p ro g r a m i s o n e o f t h e L S U C o l l e g e o f A g r i c u l t u r e’s p r e m i e r ini t ia t i ve s to re co g nize a n d re cr u i t s t u d e n t s f ro m h i s to r i c a l l y u n d e r s e r ve d p o p u l a t i o n s a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y. B o t h i n - s t a te a n d o u t- of - s t a te s t u d e n t s we re i n a t t e n d a n c e a t t h e e v e n t . Tw e n t y s eve n s t u d e n t s a t te n d e d t h e f a l l 2020 p ro g r a m , a 4 6% i n c re a s e i n a t te n d a n ce f ro m t h e p rev i o u s ye a r. 2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Te n s t u d e n t s i n a t t e n d a n c e w e r e aw a rd e d a $1 ,0 0 0 s c h o l a r s h i p f ro m t h e L S U C o l l e g e of Ag r ic u l t u re. S c h o la r sh i p re c i p i e n t s w e re s e l e c te d b a s e d o n a n essay submission asking student s to identif y one challenge facing our growing p o p u l a t i o n a n d h o w t h e i r c a re e r g o a l s f i t i n to s o l v i n g t h e s e g l o b a l c ha l l e n g e s .

LSU College of Agriculture


Seek to achieve a culture where everyone in the college is included, respected, and supported. The LSU College of Agriculture has been intentional in its diversity efforts since 1998. These past efforts include recruitment initiatives, a diversity conference, and training opportunities. Recently the LSU AgCenter and the college collaboratively created the Council for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Change, which started its work in 2020. The council is composed of a cross-section of faculty, staff, administrators, and students. The results of the council’s early actions and the college’s concerted efforts include high-impact initiatives.

Assistant VP for Diversity, Inclusion, and Opportunity The LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture named Monica Guient assistant vice president for diversity, inclusion, and opportunity. To fulfill the vision to be a more inclusive college, Guient works jointly with the council and the college to provide diversity and inclusion training, learning, and development opportunities; develop metric-based diversity and inclusion goals; and deploy resources to support student-centered programs and initiatives.



of 2020-2021 College of Agriculture graduates indicated they value diversity and equity.

ethnically and racially diverse graduates from 2021.



awarded in Ag Fellows scholarships.

international visits and research projects.


LSU College of Agriculture

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Student Groups Our students are empowered to champion diversity and inclusion for all students. The longstanding legacy and leaders of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) at LSU promote the advancement of members from underrepresented ethnic and cultural groups within agriculture. Tigers for Cultivating Change was established in 2021 to provide a safe, inclusive network for LGBTQ+ and ally students interested in agriculture sciences. Both groups complement the college’s vision to foster a diverse and inclusive environment.

Diversity and Inclusion Champions The inaugural cohort of the Diversity and Inclusion Champions convened in January 2021. Each of the 12 champions seek to be an advocate for diversity and inclusion within their department or school while standing as a pillar of support for students. Champions have engaged in multiple diversity-focused training sessions and are empowered to be a liaison for students, faculty, and staff. The 2021 cohort has collaborated with Southern University faculty and students to support research and teaching.

“Never give up on yourself, your dreams, and others.” At 69 years old, Pierre Besse was this year’s oldest LSU graduate, receiving a bachelor’s degree in plant and soil systems. Pierre Besse at Hill Farm located on LSU’s main campus.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


Create premier academic programs designed to address future challenges of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources and to enhance the undergraduate student experience locally, nationally, and internationally. The 2020-2021 academic year proved a challenging time for students, faculty, and staff. Throughout the year, the college moved to online and remote courses and work, adjusted to changing deadlines and grading systems, and shifted routine processes and procedures online. With these challenges came new opportunities for the college to explore the way we serve students.

Student Advising



individual student appointments were conducted by Office of Student Services staff.

student advising appointments were conducted, including both faculty and staff advising.

In the Office of Student Services (OSS), the ongoing goal this year was to maintain a high level of service for students. Advisors in OSS were able to move to remote advising with no decrease in service. OSS staff worked with faculty advisors in each department to more clearly highlight the dual advising model for students, so students understand when to visit faculty and when to visit OSS based on their needs.

Academic Programs

30+ 14

LSU College of Agriculture

Academic program revision and creation continued despite remote work, with over 30 course and program changes or revisions completed during the academic year. A new program in plant health management is currently moving through the university’s courses and curricula process.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Engagement Electives Ag Mentoring Program The LSU College of Agriculture Mentoring Program provides undergraduate students with networking and professional development opportunities to help them set and attain their postgraduation goals. In response to feedback from mentors and students, the Ag Mentoring Program was redesigned in fall 2020 and incorporated as part of a new, one-hour course offered to students–AGRI 2300: Career Exploration and Professional Development. Pairing the mentoring program with a course provided more structure and defined learning outcomes for students. Additionally, reducing the program duration to one semester allows for a significant increase in students and mentors participating in the mentoring experience each year.




increase in student participation.


of mentors reported the value of the program for mentors as good or excellent.


of students enrolled identified with an underserved population.


of mentors reported the overall quality of the program as good or excellent.


of students reported being satisfied with their experience.


of mentors reported the usefulness of the program for students as good or excellent.

Extracurricular Programs

12 30% 27

Research Grants Revisions were made to the LSU College of Agriculture undergraduate research grant program. Twelve students received grants during spring 2021 to use throughout the next academic year to complete their projects.

Internships Thirty percent of students graduating in the 2020-2021 academic year participated in at least one internship or domestic field study.

Study Abroad Twenty-seven LSU College of Agriculture students attended the Virtual Food Symposium, a joint international conference held with the LSU AgCenter and Mendel University (MendelU). Students and representatives from each university organized and participated in numerous virtual sessions to discuss the importance of regional food supply during COVID-19. The LSU College of Agriculture’s strategic partnership with MendelU continued through a new international course in spring 2021, taught jointly by faculty from both universities with students participating in real-time, virtual instruction.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


Advance our goal of developing a community of connected, collaborative, and committed faculty, staff, and students. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to advancing research in their fields and focused on ensuring our students have premier opportunities to learn. The focus this year has been to fill open leadership positions within our departments and schools to provide a greater capacity to facilitate needed direction toward our academic goals.

Development Opportunities Communication Across the Curriculum This year the college reviewed the courses that are designated Communication Intensive (C-I) and took an interest in increasing the number of C-I courses offered throughout the college. A faculty member from each department or school was selected to participate in the summer C-I Teaching Lab experience. These selected faculty members will work to certify their courses and serve as ambassadors for the program to promote the opportunity to faculty within their departments or schools.


faculty completed the C-I Teaching Lab.


C-I certified courses in the college.


LSU College of Agriculture

Faculty Who Completed C-I Teaching Lab Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness—Trina Biswas Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation—Kristin Stair School of Nutrition and Food Sciences—Bailey Houghtaling School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences—Lisa Fultz School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences—Heather Kirk-Ballard Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising—Donna Sapp

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Networking Opportunities Networking with Southern University College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences A formal virtual meeting was held with department heads from LSU and Southern University in the fall of 2020. This networking meeting was the start of more strategic discussions about faculty networking opportunities and course planning among both campuses.

Louisiana Land-Grant Coffee Chat

Watch Cof fee Chat

As part of Louisiana Land-Grant Ag Career Prep Week, representatives from the LSU College of Agriculture and Southern University College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences had a virtual chat about the history and future of Louisiana’s land-grant institutions. feechat

Faculty Recognition Outstanding Teaching Efforts Faculty and instructors who received at least a 44% response rate and scored a 4.59 or higher in their overall instructor teaching evaluation received recognition from the dean in spring 2021. Faculty and instructors will be recognized each fall and spring semester for their outstanding teaching efforts.


Outstanding teaching recognition certificates awarded

Sedberry Award Recognizes outstanding undergraduate and graduate teaching within the LSU College of Agriculture. Outstanding Graduate Teacher

Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher

Lynn Kennedy

Lisa Fultz

Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture



a community of engaged alumni, donors, and industry partners. Academic year 2020-2021 provided numerous hurdles and affected our ability to engage alumni and donors. However, the virtual setting gave us opportunities to connect with alumni throughout the United States and internationally.





alumni participated in student-driven retention programming.

gifts mailed to graduates. Graduates were gifted two years of membership to the LSU College of Agriculture Alumni Association, along with a T-shirt and a campus print.

awarded in alumni scholarships.

raised for scholarships through the online silent auction. The LSU College of Agriculture Alumni Association successfully used GiveSmart, an online giving platform, for our annual alumni scholarship fundraiser.

Development Updates


$5 million

secured in unrestricted support for the LSU College of Agriculture through the Dean’s Excellence Fund.

planned gift secured for the LSU College of Agriculture that will support scholarships for recruiting diverse students.



secured in unrestricted funds to support Renewable Natural Resources.

secured in additional student scholarship support.


LSU College of Agriculture

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

Alumni Mentors



mentors and industry partners participated in the ag mentoring program.

mentors represented 10 states from across the country and one mentor from France.

Alumni Speaker Series Featured speakers from across the country— CA, TX, IL, AR, and D.C. Watch the virtual alumni speaker series, visit or scan QR code.


average participants attended each virtual alumni speaker series.





Alumni Association President Tara Smith, director of the LSU AgCenter’s Central Region, has begun a two-year term as the president of the LSU College of Agriculture Alumni Association. A Louisiana native, Smith earned her doctorate in entomology from LSU in 2006. Smith has been an active member of the association since 2010, previously serving as secretary and president-elect. As an employee of the LSU AgCenter, Smith found herself working routinely with other alumni from the college. This encouraged her to become involved with the organization, and she was soon recruited to join the association’s board.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


Department and School Updates

The LSU College of Agriculture is comprised of 10 departments and schools that house many prestigious faculty and talented students. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Lynn Kennedy, Department Head

School of Nutrition and Food Sciences Allen Rutherford, Interim Director

Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation Michael Burnett, Department Head

School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences Michael Stout, Interim Director

School of Animal Sciences Phil Elzer, Director

Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology Lawrence Datnoff, Department Head

Department of Entomology Michael Stout, Department Head

School of Renewable Natural Resources Allen Rutherford, Director

Department of Experimental Statistics Allen Rutherford, Interim Department Head

Department of Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising Bruce Cameron, Department Head

Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

The mission of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness is to generate, apply, and disseminate knowledge on a wide range of issues important to agribusiness, agricultural production, marketing, policy, natural resource use, and rural areas in Louisiana, the nation, and the global community. By employing the highest scholarly standards in the teaching, research, and outreach/extension programs that are integral to the purpose of the land-grant university system. The department has 12 tenure-track faculty members and three instructors. They are currently in the process of hiring for the forestry economist position. Their faculty are highly productive and are doing outstanding work in teaching, research, and extension. Highlight: Undergraduate program enrollment has doubled over the past few years, with 137 undergraduate students enrolled in the 2020-21 academic year.


LSU College of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation

The Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation (AEEE) prepares and supports highly qualified agricultural and extension professionals to teach, lead and serve youth and adults. This past year, AEEE received a $260,000 grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to develop professional development training for agriculture teachers in Louisiana that will help them to incorporate biotechnology and coastal/ environmental science into their programs. Graduate students and faculty presented research papers and posters at virtual conferences and claimed many awards. Highlight: Richie Roberts received article of the year for the Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

School of Animal Sciences

The School of Animal Sciences’ mission is the generation, preservation and dissemination, and application of basic and applied knowledge in animal sciences for the benefit of the university, the citizens of Louisiana, the nation, and the global community. As part of the state’s flagship institution, the School of Animal Sciences’ vision is to be a premier animal sciences program, challenging faculty, staff, and students to achieve the highest levels of intellectual and personal development. Since the last program review, the school has hired three tenure-track professors and three instructors. They have expanded the number of animal handling courses. The school now has a single undergraduate degree in animal sciences with four concentrations (animal products processing, animal production, pre-veterinary medicine, and science and technology). Highlight: National Institutes of Health awarded grants to two assistant professors in the school: Xing Fu received $409,000 to work with muscle tissue development and Carl Jiang received $1.2 million to work with placental trophoblast development.

Department of Entomology

The historical mission of the Department of Entomology is to develop innovative and transformative solutions for the entomological problems facing Louisiana and the world. Entomology has evolved toward a greater emphasis on fundamental insect biology and environmental sustainability. New faculty hires with interests in insect vision, social behavior, and neurophysiology reflect this shift in emphasis. The focus of their teaching programs is expanding with the planned addition of an undergraduate program in plant health management (a joint venture with the Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology). The Department of Entomology at LSU is well-positioned to contribute to the sustainable management of noxious and harmful insects in the state of Louisiana and the scientific understanding of the most diverse group of organisms on earth. Highlight: The productivity of the faculty in the LSU Department of Entomology was outstanding in 2020. Over 40 refereed journal articles were published, and over $4 million in new funding was obtained, including several highly competitive USDA grants.

Department of Experimental Statistics

The Department of Experimental Statistics continues to train master’s-level graduate students to work in government agencies, industry, and academia. Their statistical consulting services continue to serve the campus with sound statistical advice. In the coming year, the department will begin accepting students into a new doctoral degree program. The department is also in the early stages of creating an online master’s degree for non-traditional students. They are currently searching for a permanent department head.

Highlight: Brian Marx published a statistical book

titled “Practical Smoothing: The Joys of P-splines” with Cambridge University Press.

School of Nutrition and Food Sciences

The School of Nutrition and Food Sciences continues to be a comprehensive program with teaching, research, and extension. They train food science professionals in food quality, processing, and safety for the food industry. They also train nutrition professionals in nutrition science, community nutrition, and clinical nutrition to improve the health and well-being of all citizens. Academic and educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate level integrate basic and applied sciences with outreach. Highlight: Zhimin Xu was awarded the 2020 Manfred Kroger Award from the Journal of Food Science. Subramaniam Sathivel was named to the World Food Logistics Organization’s (WFLO) Scientific Advisory Council (SAC), Global Cold Chain Alliance. Jack Losso was awarded a U.S. patent for a method of collagen extraction from calcified alligator tissues. Achyut Adhikari was honored with a USDA-NIFA Multistate Excellence in Research award. Erin McKinley was named one of the top 100 registered dietitians in leadership chosen for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Leadership Institute’s Training Program.

School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences

Faculty in the School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences direct programs of research, extension, and instruction in diverse areas of plant and crop science that include horticulture, soil science, precision agriculture, plant breeding, weed science, and environmental management. Over the past several years, the school has expanded its research and instruction programs to include emerging areas of interest in the plant sciences. A medicinal plant sciences concentration has been added to the plant and soil systems major, and an instructor was hired to coordinate the development of an online certificate program in medicinal plants. Courses in precision agriculture are being developed and incorporated into the curriculum, and a second faculty member in the area was recently hired. Highlight: Lisa Fultz was awarded the Sedberry Undergraduate Teaching Award. Lauren Lazarro was awarded the outstanding reviewer of the year award for weed technology. The Distinguished Service Award recognized David Picha’s career achievements from the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development.


LSU College of Agriculture

Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology

The Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology continued to excel on many academic and professional levels in 2020. Faculty and students published over 40 refereed manuscripts in highimpact journals such as Phytopathology, Plant Disease, and Mycologia, as well as over 50 mass media/non-refereed publications; gave over 40 research presentations (mostly virtually) locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally; had over 3,400 official extension contacts and competed for over $1 million in grants to support their research and outreach. The department’s master’s and doctoral graduate students were highly engaged in research and professional development. Their efforts and outstanding contributions continue to infuse the department with vitality and enthusiasm while helping to answer basic scientific questions and solve plant disease problems of importance to the people of Louisiana. Highlight: Zhi-Yuan Chen received the LSU AgCenter’s Doyle Chambers Award. Vinson Doyle was promoted to associate professor. Raj Singh received the Friends of IPM Educator Award and the LSU AgCenter’s Denver T. and Ferne Loupe Extension Team Award. Rodrigo Valverde received the Erasmus + STAFF mobility teaching scholarship. Jon Richards received a $500,000 USDA-AFRI grant to characterize resistance to narrow brown leaf spot on rice caused by Cercospora janseana.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

School of Renewable Natural Resources

Since March 2020, the School of Renewable Natural Resources has altered its curriculum because of the COVID-19 outbreak. At that time, they transitioned a majority of in-person classes to an online format. Health precautions put in place during the pandemic made faculty examine what activities they could continue to do safely. In response, they have continued most historic teaching activities by creating smaller laboratory classes, doing fieldwork closer to campus, and creating virtual field experiences. Despite this challenge, there are many reasons to be optimistic about the future of all Renewable Natural Resources programs. They have faced many challenges over the years and have always emerged better from the experience. The department solicits your help in making potential students aware of the unique opportunities they offer and your continued financial support. Highlight: Megan La Peyre’s student Caleb Taylor received a prestigious Knauss Fellowship, which comes with a one-year paid fellowship to work on natural resource policy in Washington, D.C.

Department of Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising

The Department of Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising prepares students for professional careers in the textile and apparel industries, which are interconnected and global in nature. Both the apparel design and merchandising concentrations were revised with the addition of new courses and resequencing of current classes to improve the graduate outcomes of students to make them more competitive in the ever-changing textile and apparel industry. Highlight: Chunmin Lang received an International Textile and Apparel Association Rising Star Award and was promoted to associate professor. Donna Sapp received an Outstanding Instructor Award from the LSU College of Agriculture Student Association.

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture




From beef production in Bossier to apparel design in Orleans, agriculture is a part of every parish in the state. We want students from every parish to be a part of the LSU College of Agriculture! 64 Parish Strong offers a $1,000 scholarship to one eligible student from each parish. Know a student who can benefit from this scholarship? Please encourage them to apply!

How to Help These scholarships help students achieve their dream of obtaining a degree from the LSU College of Agriculture and prepare them to be future agricultural leaders! Help a student in your parish by donating to this initiative. To learn more, contact Lindsey Kelly, director of alumni relations and career development, at or 225-578-4489.

2020 64 Parish Strong Scholarship Recipients Blair Petitjean—Acadia Parish William Fontenot—Allen Parish Grant Milioto—Ascension Parish Layla Lemoine—Avoyelles Parish Ashley Cheatham—Beauregard Parish Antavion Moore—Bienville Parish Andrew Hermes—Caddo Parish Madeline Brown—Calcasieu Parish Gabrielle Gay—Cameron Parish Kirsten Sanguinetti—Concordia Parish Emma Roberts—DeSoto Parish Makya Spears—East Baton Rouge Parish Alaina Dotson—East Carroll Parish 24

Abby Ligon—East Feliciana Parish Madilyn Taylor—Franklin Parish Cameron Hebert—Iberia Parish Catherine Ott—Jefferson Parish Kane Miller—Jefferson Davis Parish Jada Irons—Lafayette Parish Megan Chiasson—Lafourche Parish Heather Collier—Livingston Parish Salem Johnson—Natchitoches Parish Michael Perkins—Orleans Parish Lindsey Long—Plaquemines Parish Sarah Moore—Pointe Coupee Parish Savannah Sues—Rapides Parish

Elena Templet—St. Bernard Parish Sage Black—St. Charles Parish Raegan Guidroz—St. Landry Parish Madison Boudreaux—St. Mary Parish Shelby Wainright—St. Tammany Parish Taylor Kinchen—Tangipahoa Parish Acey Hendrix—Tensas Parish Raine Lirette—Terrebonne Parish Madison Broussard—Vermilion Parish Brennon Zuniga—Vernon Parish Emma Vines—Winn Parish

2020 Scholarship Recipients 2020 College of Agriculture Scholarships and Recipients Ag Development Council Scholarship Caitlyn Andrews—Jackson, La. Carly Carpenter—Mount Crawford, Va. Naomi Di Gangi—Lakewood, Ill. Regina Marie Grill—Crestview, Fla. Emma McGlynn—Baton Rouge, La. Blair Petitjean—Rayne, La.

Alice and William Calloway Scholarship

Emile A. Maier Endowed Scholarship in Agriculture Connor McNeil—Covington, La. Evan Miller—Valley Stream, N.Y.

Erle McKoin Barham Memorial Scholarship Robert Bell—Bethesda, Md. Charles Hebert—Baton Rouge, La.

Jacob McMillan—Elbert, Texas Pamela Rushing—Virginia Beach, Va.

Farm Bureau Iberia Parish Scholarship

Bash on the Bayou Scholarship

First South Farm Credit Endowed Scholarship

Christopher Cooke—Canadian, Texas

Bernell Newman Scholarship

William Gaspard, Jr.—Moreauville, La. Lindsey Newton—Dry Prong, La.

Bernell E. Newman Endowed Scholarship Kathleen Cane—Baton Rouge, La. Madison Konur—Thibodaux, La.

Blanche and Dennis V. McCloskey Scholarship David Baudoin—Lafayette, La.

Brodie Pugh Endowed Scholarship

Kailyn Head—New Iberia, La.

Victoria Denham—Slidell, La. K’mee Mayeur—Larose, La. John Patrick—Vidalia, La. Daphne Wyble—Baton Rouge, La.

Greater Baton Rouge State Fair/George Simoneaux Endowed Scholarship Kale Costanza—Gonzales, La. Laura Mihova—Fort Worth, Texas

Horace J. Davis Scholarship

Ann Fink—Baton Rouge, La. Catherine Wharton—Lexington, Ky.

Brooklyn Hampton—Natchitoches, La.

J.B. Frye Scholarship

Capital Bank Agriculture Scholarship in Honor of Dr. J. R. Jones

James D. Graugnard Scholarship

Janie Chapin—Ripen, Calif.

Charlotte Robinson Scholarship Caroline Bonin—Metairie, La.

College of Agriculture 4-H Officer Scholarship John Patrick—Vidalia, La.

College of Agriculture Ag Fellows Scholarship Jaia Crossley—Baton Rouge, La. Gabrielle Harvey—Dodson, La. Abigail Wulf—Crowley, La.

College of Agriculture Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Kayla Benton—Cypress, Texas Che Dashiell—Fanwood, N.J. Miranda Farnum—Newark, Del. Austin Harmon—St. Simons Island, Ga. Colin Lehmann—Barrington, Ill. Zachary Mayfield—Slidell, La. Zaneta Ogunmola—Southlake, Texas Jazzmyn Potter—Rapid City, S.D. Diana Smerina—Freehold, N.J. Jaedyn Webb – Little Elm, Texas

College of Agriculture Dean’s Scholarship Tatum Hipp—Marietta, Ga. Sydney McGinnis—Gretna, La. William Oertling—Slidell, La. Jade Smith—New Orleans, La. Carmelle Walker—Shreveport, La.

Brooke Comeaux—Gueydan, La.

James W. Trott, Jr. Scholarship Che Dashiell—Fanwood, N.J. Baija Dorough—Houston, Texas

John W. Melton Scholarship

Aoleon Broomfield—New Orleans, La. Lucas Ferguson—Prairieville, La.

John Wright Johns—Bessie McCray Johns Memorial Scholarship William Gaspard, Jr.—Moreauville, La. Sarah Tarver—Livonia, La.

Joseph L. and Estell W. Smilie Memorial Scholarship Hannah Elizabeth Cuccio—Baton Rouge, La. Sarah Toal—Pineville, La.

Josh Rodrigue Scholarship Chloe Roberts—Metairie, La.

K.C. Toups DVM College of Agriculture Endowed Scholarship Saylor Higgins—Zachary, La.

David B. Means Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Les Voyageurs K.C. Toups Memorial Award

Lucy Barré—Luling, La. Alessandra Rodriguez—Miami, Fla.

Deep South Equipment Dealer Association Scholarship Gabrielle Fontenot—Ville Platte, La. Natalie Queyrouze—New Orleans, La.

Laura and Ruben Dauzat Scholarship in Agriculture Bailee Theriot—Gibson, La.

Lee Berwick Working Student Scholarship Hannah Bienvenu—Baton Rouge, La. Kerneisha Cloud—New Orleans, La. Layla Morton—Lake Charles, La.

Lee Mallett Buildings Scholarship Madison Johnson—Des Allemands, La. Ainsley LiCata—Basking Ridge, N.J. Marcelina Santa Maria—Chalmette, La.

Amy Scheuermann—Covington, La.

Regina Grill—Crestview, Fla. Marissa Lombard—New Orleans, La. Katelyn Powell—Houston, Texas

Kent James Greater Baton Rouge State Fair Award

Dean Kenneth Koonce Endowed Scholarship

Kathryn Armstrong – Pensacola, Fla. Grace Autin—Raceland, La. Bonnie Busch—Reston, Va.

James W. and Edna F. Trott Scholarship

Daniel Ivy Dupree Scholarship

Enaji Agabi—Abuja, Federal Capital Territory Addison Balabanis—Foxborough, Md. Morgan Beard—Whitehouse, Texas Lillian Dickson—Mascoutah, Ill. Kristen Head—League City, Texas Susan O’Donnell—Slidell, La. Connor Sarrat—New Orleans, La.

Laura Lynne Smith Memorial Scholarship

Lloyd Lauden Scholarship

Kenny S. and Dana E. Brown Scholarship

Grace Valerius—Houston, Texas

Alexa Bates—Baton Rouge, La. Elizabeth Cuccio—Baton Rouge, La. Amani Dotson—Baton Rouge, La. Kelsie Guzik—Baton Rouge, La. Colt Hardee—Kaplan, La. Avery Hebert—Erath, La. Patrick Jolly—Baton Rouge, La. Katie Mestayer—Zachary, La. Taylor Perrodin—Crowley, La.

Garen Burch—Orlando, Fla. Carly Carpenter—Mount Crawford, Va. Jack Hanks—Mandeville, La. Jaedyn Webb—Little Elm, Texas

College of Agriculture FFA Officer Scholarship Salem Johnson—Campti, La.

Louisiana Division of American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Undergraduate Scholarship

Tess Bruno—New Orleans, La.

Gwyneth Miller—Gonzales, La.

Josephine Engelman—New York, N.Y.

Justice Rougeau—Lafayette, La.

Margaret T. Younathan Memorial Scholarship Mary Owens Day Memorial Scholarship Leah Gill—Ramona, Calif.

Monsanto Company Endowed Scholarship in Agriculture Jacob Bellow—Natchez, Miss.

Murphy J. Foster Scholarship Raven Simmons—LaPlace, La.

Nathaniel “Kayne” Finley College of Agriculture Endowed Scholarship Jordyn Mathieu—Vero Beach, Fla.

Ralph Brown Endowed Scholarship in Horticulture Hannah Guidry—Denham Springs, La.

Shelby Robert Family Endowed Memorial Scholarship Kristen Sheaffer—Slidell, La.

Sibyl and Joseph Dore’ Memorial Scholarship Kevin Caster—Gonzales, La. Margaret Deshotel—Boyce, La. Andie Rhoden—Mandeville, La.

Southeast Produce Council STARS Scholarship Wyatt Hodge—Slidell, La. Patrick Jolly—Baton Rouge, La.

Steven Brouillette and Ronald Mayeaux FFA Scholarship Andrew Broadway—Robeline, La. Bridget Seghers—Covington, La.

Louisiana CattleWomen—Emily Smith Fairchild Memorial Scholarship

S.W. Buck Gladden, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association 4-H Scholarship

Travis Walker Scholarship

Maci Schexnayder—Donaldsonville, La.

Rachel Smart—Iowa, La.

Louisiana Division of American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Merit Scholarship Lily Severson—Opelousas, La. Casey Boudreaux—Baton Rouge, La. Mary Brady—Baton Rouge, La. Cana Brumfield—Baton Rouge, La. Elizabeth Gohn—Baton Rouge, La. Grace Lagattuta—Greenwell Springs, La. Madisyn McCarthy—Baton Rouge, La. Catherine Poss—Baton Rouge, La. Savannah Rioux—Baton Rouge, La

Steven M. Forrest—Slidell, La. Natalie Lafont—Grand Isle, La. Garrett Folds—Baskin, La.

Zen-Noh Grain Mac Kasaoka Scholarship Amelia Blumer—St. Simmon’s Island, Ga. Mary Currier—Austin, Texas Starke Evans—Easton, Md. Kyle Fox—Chicago, Ill. Brianna Slade—Ponchatoula, La.

EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUND HELP KEEP COLLEGE THEIR FIRST PRIORITY The LSU College of Agriculture Emergency Support Fund provides financial assistance to College of Agriculture students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to temporary hardship related to an emergency situation. The goal is to provide assistance to students and prevent one small emergency or unexpected expense from altering their progress toward their degree.

Natural Disasters

Financial Hardship

In 2020, the Atlantic experienced a recordbreaking hurricane season. Five storms made landfall in Louisiana during the fall semester. During the spring semester, areas of Baton Rouge experienced power outages and flash floods.

Financial hardship can be onset by unexpected events that affect a student’s ability to meet basic living expenses. Those events include medical costs not covered by insurance or losing a family member that provides income.

Natural disasters can displace students and add stress about where they are going to stay or how they will replace damaged items.

When a student undergoes financial hardship, it can be difficult to continue to fund both their education and basic needs.


“ To Donate Contact Tracy Evans, Senior Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives 225-578-9870 26

LSU College of Agriculture

Going into the summer between semesters, I had no idea where I was going to go. I had no way to save enough money to secure housing through the semester, having to pay my way through college. The College of Agriculture Emergency Support Fund has allowed me to pay for housing, where I would have wound up either homeless for three months or stuck trying to live couch-to-couch with friends. Because I was able to get housing, I was able to stay in college and work stable hours in order to set myself up for next semester. Without the fund, I really don’t know what state I would be in right now. —Emergency

Support Fund Recipient

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report



Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Inclusion and Opportunity Monica Guient 225-578-6343

Coordinator of International Relations Rocio Lopez 225-578-2092

Dean and Vice President For Agriculture Dr. Bill Richardson 225-578-4161


Assistant Dean for Student and Academic Affairs Dr. Allie Prest 225-578-2083 Manager of Student Services Brandon Guillory 225-578-9004 Academic Coordinator III Jennie Sparks 225-578-2080 Coordinator, Student Services, Recruiting and Development Whittney Lathan 225-578-2065


Director of International Relations Ivana Tregenza 225-578-5512

BUSINESS OPERATIONS Business Manager Renée Welch 225-578-2084


Senior Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives Tracy Evans 225-578-9870 Director of Development Katherine D’Aquila 225-578-6270 Director of Development Clayton Forbes 225-578-9826

Assistant Dean of Recruitment and Student Development Dr. Amanda Martin 225-578-2266

Director of Development Andrew Schade 225-578-5162

Manager of Recruitment Henry Hebert 225-578-2468

Director of Alumni Relations and Career Development Lindsey Kelly 225-578-4489


Manager of Internships and Student Engagement Ashley Grant 225-578-6702

Assistant Director of Development Services Allison Duffy Llorens 225-578-7935


Communications Coordinator Annabelle Stokes Lang 225-578-6981

2020-2021 Annual Impact Report

LSU College of Agriculture


Join the Dean’s Council The Dean’s Council is a devoted group of alumni and friends of the LSU College of Agriculture and LSU AgCenter who support the academic priorities and goals of the college through their annual investment of $1,000 or more to the Dean’s Excellence Fund.

Gifts to the Dean’s Excellence Fund are instrumental in providing us with the tools necessary to address pressing needs as they arise and enhance the college’s tradition of preparing leaders in agriculture. Private funding is crucial for the college to have the resources to recruit and retain the best and brightest students.

TO JOIN Visit and join online or contact: Tracy Evans Senior Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives 225-578-9870

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