written by Steven Dietz![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240510152256-2bc503b0ae6b25ebb52abcf847acac71/v1/2e0d29eeaae301e5631c7f23cf69d4f4.jpeg)
OCT. 13 – NOV. 3, 2018
OCT. 13 – NOV. 3, 2018
LTA rings in the holiday season with a return of the classic by Charles Dickens. Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserable, bitter old miser, travels with ghostly guides through Christmas past, present, and future to find the true meaning of the holidays Complete with special effects, Victorian carols, and Tiny Tim.
written by Steven Dietz produced by Charlotte Corneliusen and Nick Friedlander directed by Jennifer Lyman presents
13 – NOV. 3, 2018 w w w t h e l i t t l e t h e a t r e c o m
Dracula is presented by special arrangement wit h Dramatists Play Service Inc , 440 Park Avenue Sout h, New York, NY 10016 Originally produced by t he Arizona Theatre Company/Tucson/Phoenix, Arizona David Ira Goldstein, Artistic Director • Robert Alpaugh, Managing Director
PRESIDENT Russell Wyland
BOX OFFICE ................................................................................................................................................ David B. Hale
BUILDING ............................................................................................................................................ Frank D. Shutts II
EDUCATION Michael J Baker Jr
FRONT OF HOUSE Diedre Nicholson-Lamb
MEMBERSHIP Maria Ciarrocchi
SEASONAL PLANNING ...................................................................................................................... Ashley Amidon
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................ Robert S. Kraus
Treasurer David B Hale
Secretary to t he Board Carolyn Winters
Executive Secretary ....................................................................................................................................Jamie Blake
Archivist ................................................................................................................................................ Barbara Helsing
Business Manager Tina McCrea
Box O ffice Manager Crissy Wilke
Legal Counsel Brian T Goldstein, Esquire
The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Public Performances: Wed – Sat at 8:00 p m and Sunday at 3:00 p m
Everyone has heard of Dracula and has an image in t heir mind of t his iconic character. However, t he person sitting next to you may be t hinking of a completely different version from yours. Are you imagining Dracula from Bram Stoker’s novel, first published in 1897 and t he source material for our production? Or perhaps you are remembering t he character from F.W. Murnau’s silent film from 1922. Even t hough we may t hink of Nosferatu as t he first Dracula film, technically t he main character is called Count Orlock, because Murnau did not obtain t he rights to Dracula.
Most likely, your mental image of Dracula comes from t he film character played by Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee Lugosi played Dracula onstage before appearing in t he 1931 film t hat minted t he iconic image most people remember Lee, however, played t he character in 10 films more t han anyone else A lot of actors have played Dracula on screens big and small, so you can also choose from versions created by Frank Langella, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Luke Evans, Gerard Butler, Jonat han Rhys Meyers, Lon Chaney Jr., Leslie Nielsen, George Hamilton, Rutger Hauer, John Carradine, Peter Fonda, Denholm Elliott, Dominic Purcell, Jack Palance, Peter Stormare, Jason Isaacs, Graham McTavish, Adam Sandler and so many more.
Dracula has found his way into many strange places. He has been a character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, The Munsters, The Simpsons, Doctor Who and t he movie Minions. He has been t hwarted by t he likes of t he Super Friends, t he Scooby-Doo Gang, Bugs Bunny and t he Energizer Bunny He found his way into t he imagination of children t hrough t he breakfast cereal character Count Chocula, and t he children’s television characters Count von Count from Sesame Street and Count Drakeula from Duck Tales
There are novels, musicals, operas, ballets, radio dramas, comics, anime, manga, music and games t hat feature Dracula. People travel to Ireland, Britain and Romania to experience Dracula and Bram Stoker-focused tourism. There is even a nonprofit NGO, t he Transylvanian Society of Dracula, t hat organizes scholarly activities and tours and publishes The Journal of Dracula Studies yearly. Whatever your history wit h Dracula, or t he image t hat comes to your mind, we hope t hat t his production will bring somet hing new to your experience and give you a little t hrill.
Jennifer Lyman DirectorJust in time for Halloween, Bram Stoker’s classic tale of got hic horror comes to life and deat h onstage. Join t he colorfully macabre cast of characters as t hey take you on a breat hless and bloody t hrill ride from t he dept hs of Transylvania to t he heart of Victorian London. Rich wit h bot h humor and horror, t his play paints a wickedly t heatrical picture of t he world’s most famous vampire.
Renfield ........................................................................................................................................Jeff Elmore
Mina Murray ................................................................................................................Heat her Benjamin
Lucy Westenra ..................................................................................................................Lynley Peoples
Jonathan Harker ..............................................................................................................Brendan Quinn
Dr. John Seward Griffin Voltmann
Dracula ................................................................................................................................Chris Andersen
Abraham Van Helsing ......................................................................................................Kirk Lambert
Female Ensemble #1 (Nurse/Vixen) Chanel Lancaster
Female Ensemble #2 (Maid/Vixen) ......................................................................Danielle Taylor
Male Ensemble (Attendant/Captain/Villager) Syed Murshed
1897. Dracula’s castle in Transylvania, a few locations in London including Lucy’s home, and an asylum.
Dracula is performed in two acts wit h one 15-minute intermission.
In case of an emergency, LTA has three AEDs (automated external defibrillators)
They are located as follows:
1 in t he lobby, near t he Council Green Room
2. in t he cast entrance hallway, near backstage door
3. in t he Alexandria Academy, on t he first floor
Ther e ar e many ways to be involved with The Little Theatr e of Alexandria!
Volunteers are an important aspect of LTA There are many opportunities to be a part of LTA wit h a variety of events and times! All are welcome to participate regardless of experience.
LTA is one of t he oldest community t heatres in t he Washington D.C. area t hanks to t he hard work and dedication of our volunteers. A successful stage production requires many volunteers working behind t he scenes before and during t he run of t he show. Everyone performing in and nearly everyone you see working on an LTA show is a volunteer
As a volunteer community t heatre group, LTA welcomes anyone interested in becoming involved. There are lots of opportunities at LTA, for all experience levels! So, come play with us.
For more info, visit our website t helittlet heatre.com and click on “Opportunities” and scroll to “Volunteer”, or call t he business office at 703- 683-5778
A full schedule of classes are offered in September and January, in addition to an abbreviated summer schedule for adults and summer c amps for youth
Producers ..........................................................................Charlotte Corneliusen, Nick Friedlander
Director ..................................................................................................................................Jennifer Lyman
Assistant Director/Fight Choreographer ..................................................................Michael Page
Intimacy Choreographer ..................................................................................................Michael Page
Stage Managers ................................................................Margaret Evans-Joyce, Meggie Webster
Assistant Stage Managers ..................................................Rob Cork, Mary Ferrara, Jim Hutzler, Shannon Starcher, Olivia Viola
Set Design ....................................................................................................................................Matt Liptak
Set Construction ........................................................................................Jim Hutzler, Jeff Nesmeyer
Assisted by Ken Brown, Susan Burkhead, Rob Cork, Julie Fischer, Greg Matt his
Set Painting ..............................................................................................................................Mona Wargo
Assisted by Jill Crispino, Janet Kennelly, Wendy Sneff
Set Dressing ..................................................................................................Stacey Becker, Matt Liptak
Properties Design ................................................................................................................Michelle Hall
Assisted by Tom Bet hards, Eileen Doherty, Julie Fischer, Florence Ferraro, Phyllis Johnson, Marielle Rot h, Kendal Vahovius
Lighting Design ........................JK Lighting Design (Jeffrey Scott Auerbach, Kimberly Crago)
Master Electrician ..........................................................................................................Kimberly Crago
Assisted by Eli Alexander, Jay Bartol, Lloyd Bittinger, Elizabeth Burch, Marzanne Claiborne, Olivia Comm, Iris Ellis, Kevin LaGrand, Pam Leonowich, Donna Reynolds
Sound Design ........................................................................................................................ Janice Rivera
Assisted by Sherry Clarke, David Correia, Peter Halverson, Kira Hogan, Alan Wray
Special Effects Design ................................................................................................................Art Snow
Costume Design ........................................................................................Jean Schlichting, Kit Sibley
Assisted by Michelle Harris
Wardrobe ..................................................................................................................Shannon Robichaud
Assisted by Jonah Azurin, Emelie Colmery, Allison Copeland, Jenny Edwards, Margaret Snow
Makeup Design ....................................................................................................................Larissa Norris
Assistant to Makeup Design ............................................................................................Megan Teitel
Wig and Hair Design ............................................................................................................Cody Boehm
Dialect and Accent Coach ....................................................................................Cheryl Sinsabaugh
Rigging ..................................................................................................................................Russell Wyland
Photographer ......................................................................................................................Doug Olmsted
Audition Table ......................................................................................................................Sherry Clarke
Assisted by Eileen Doherty, Margaret Evans-Joyce, Bobbie Herbst, Brendan Quinn, Lloyd Thompson-Taylor
Double Tech Dinner ..........................................................................................................Vivian Thrash
Opening Night Party ..........................................................................................................Vivian Thrash
Our special thanks to all those people whose names were not available when this program went to press
160 artists I 82 studios I 6 galleries
This ad was made possible through the support of the Alexandria Marketing Fund
(in alphabetical order)
Chris Andersen (Dracula) was recently seen in Tangled in Tinsel (PCP), as Thomas in Venus in Fur (SSS) and as Fat her Flynn in Doubt at Fairfax City Theatre. Chris is a filmmaker, theater director and science teacher. He directed The Virgin Molly and Wagner’s Trolls on the Studio Theatre SecondStage.
Heather Benjamin (Mina Murray) is happy to return to LTA after previously appearing in Cantorial in 2011 and Enchanted April in 2008 She has been active in t he D C t heater scene for many years, working wit h companies such as TACT, QTC, SSS, MCP, Precipice Improv and Perisphere Theater, of which she is also t he artistic director As a lover of bot h British period drama and horror movies, Heat her is pleased to sink her teet h into t his classic role in Dracula
Jeff Elmore (Renfield) is pleased to make his LTA debut and to make his return to Renfield, whom he played last March in a staged reading of Dracula (Have Globe Will Travel A Pop-Up Theatre Collective). His latest performance was as Northumberland/The Douglas in Henry IV (Independent Theatre Company). He holds a B.A. in film and media arts, and by day he is an editor for Nort hern Virginia Community College. He t hanks Megan for encouraging him to audition and for all her constant support.
Kirk Lambert (Abraham Van Helsing) is honored to return to t he LTA stage wi t h t his a m a z i ng c a st a n d c re w. H e m o st re ce n t l y a p p
Audience (LTA), and he represented LTA at t he NVTA One-Act Play Festival in 2016. Kirk has appeared at t he Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap Filene Center, Studio Theatre and Alden Theatre. He is a proud member of SAG-AFTRA look for him in film and commercials and on TV Kirk would like to t hank t he entire LTA team and his family for t heir support
Chanel Lancaster (Female Ensemble #1) is excited to be making her LTA debut in Dracula She has been active in t heater for 14 years and has received numerous awards for her work bot h backstage and onstage Favorite roles include Grandmot her Fa in Mulan Jr (NVP) and Mary Had a Little Lamb in Nursery Rhymes Go to Court (RST). She would like to t hank her family and friends for all t he love and support in her acting career.
Syed Murshed (Male Ensemble) is making his LTA debut in Dracula. Syed is a g ra d st u d e n t a n d e a rn e d his b a c h e l o r ’ s i n i n f o r m a t i o n se c u ri t y assurance from George Mason University. Alt hough he did not major in t heater or media, he took two acting classes in college and is taking anot her class at LTA. His favorite plays are Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tragedy of Macbeth.
Lynley Peoples (Lucy Westenra) is excited to make her LTA debut. Her favorite roles include Billie in Unnecessary Farce (MCP), Becky in The Bachelorette (DS), Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew (TL), Viola in Twelfth Night (TL), Bardolph in Henry IV Part I (BSC) and Tweedledee in Alice in Wonderland (PTC). She has a B.F.A. in t heater from George Mason University. She t hanks t he wonderful cast and crew for rekindling her t hirst for t heater She’s convinced she was cast as Lucy because she had t he right blood type
Brendan Quinn (Jonat han Harker) is t hrilled to make his fift h onstage appearance at LTA. He previously appeared as Wilson in Harvey, Warner in Legally Blonde, Fred in A Christmas Carol (2016) and Jesus in The Odd Couple (Female Version). Backstage he was props designer for Steel Magnolias (LTA Award), and he serves as LTA’s inventory chair Outside LTA, he was Gravedigger/Ensemble in Hamlet (PCP), Jonat han in Snakebit (DS) and John in Little Women (ACCT) Outside t he t heater, he follows t he money as outreach manager for t he nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics
Danielle Taylor (Female Ensemble #2) is excited to join t he cast of Dracula for her debut at LTA. She gives her heartfelt gratitude and t hanks to Meggie for making it possible and also to Jen and Michael for making t his show happen
Griffin Voltmann (Dr. John Seward) is frankly astonished how much blood and gore LTA is letting t his show get away wit h, and is very glad he doesn’t have to sit in t he splash zone. He hopes t hat everyone from t he second row back enjoys t he show!
ACCT – Aldersgate Church Community Theater
ACT – Alliance of Community Theaters
ASC – Annapolis Shakespeare Company
ATMTC – Adventure Theatre and Musical Theater Center
BCT – Bowie Community Theatre
BST – Baltimore Shakespeare Factory
CFTC – City of Fairfax Theatre Company
CCDC – Capital City Players of DC
CCP – Chevy Chase Players
CFTC – City of Fairfax Theatre Company
CRT – Castaways Repertory Theatre
CT – Chalice Theater
DTC – Damascus Theatre Company
DS – Dominion Stage
ES – Encore Stage
ESP – Elden Street Players (now NST)
FCT – Fauquier Community Theatre
FP – Foundry Players (now CCDC)
GAC – Greenbelt Arts Center
GFP – Great Falls Players (now MCP)
HBP – Hard Bargain Players
KAT – Kensington Arts Theatre
KT – Keegan Theatre
LMP – Laurel Mill Playhouse
LSDT – Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre
LTA – The Little Theatre of Alexandria
MCP – McLean Community Players
MP – Montgomery Playhouse
MPAT – Metropolitan Performing Arts Theatre
MSA – Metropolitan School for t he Arts
MTA – McLean Theatre Alliance (now MCP)
MTC – Musical Theater Center
MVCCT – Mount Vernon Community
Children’s Theatre
NST – NextStop Theatre
NVP – Nort hern Virginia Players
NVTA – Northern Virginia Theatre Alliance
OTC – Olney Theater Center
PCP – Port City Playhouse
PGLT – Prince George’s Little Theatre
PPF – Providence Players of Fairfax
PTC – Pandemonium Theater Productions
PTC – Potomac Theatre Company Inc
PTP – Port Tobacco Players
PWLT – Prince William Little Theatre
RCP – Reston Community Players
RLT – Rockville Little Theatre
RMT – Rockville Musical Theatre
RST – Roadside Theatre
SCT – Springfield Community Theater
SMP – St Mark’s Players
SSS – Silver Spring Stage
ST – Signature Theatre
STC – Shoestring Theater Company
TACT – The American Century Theater
TAP – The Arlington Players
TAT – The Alliance Theatre
TBP – The British Players
TCP – Tantallon Community Players
TL – Theater Lab
TT4W – The 4t h Wall
VTC – Vienna Theatre Company
WATCH – Washington Area Theatre
Community Honors
Stacey Becker (Co -Set Dressing) returns for her 10t h show at LTA. Most recently she was assistant producer of Harvey and co -set dresser and props designer for The Audience. She is happy to be back collaborating wit hin t he LTA artistic community.
Cody Boehm (Wig and Hair Design) is very excited to be back at LTA! Her work was last seen when she was t he hair and makeup artist for Jesus Christ Superstar. When she’s not designing, Cody likes to spend most of her time onstage. She would like to t hank her family and friends for supporting her in everyt hing she does!
Rob Cork (Assistant Stage Manager) has stage managed many productions and education class showcases at LTA, beginning wit h The Sorcerer in 1996. He also directed The Soul Sitter and A Christmas Carol at LTA. Favorite roles include Jungle Cruise Skipper at Walt Disney World, Charlie Davenport in Annie Get Your Gun (SCT) and Melbrook t he Jester in Rumpelstiltskin wit h t he Bergen County Players in New Jersey He currently appears as Will Rogers in a traveling production of Will Rogers’ U S A wit h Kaleidoscope Theatre Company
Charlotte Corneliusen (Co -Producer) loves all t hings got hic and was delighted to be asked to produce Dracula She is t hrilled to be producing her first main stage show at LTA wit h her friend and collaborator, Nick Friedlander Charlotte produced Ghosts at Capital Fringe Festival 2018 She was assistant producer for Anne of Green Gables (LTA) She also co -produced two one-act events wit h NextGenLTA. Charlotte is new to t heater but has worked in film since 1998.
Margaret Evans-Joyce (Co -Stage Manager) has produced about a dozen plays and stage managed almost twice t hat many. She served four years as LTA President and also as t he Governor of Production. She received t he Outstanding Service to LTA Award and t he award for Long and Exceptional Service in a Single Department. She also shared the award for t he 2014 Outstanding Production for Avenue Q. She is an adjunct professor at Howard University in speech language pat hology.
Nick Friedlander (Co -Producer) is ent hralled to produce his first main stage show wit h t he incomparable Charlotte Corneliusen! Recent tech roles outside LTA include lighting designer for Ghosts (D.C. Capital Fringe) and stage manager for How I Learned to Drive (DS) He would like to t hank Jennifer Lyman for being his first and best (main stage) director, Alan, Ashley, Bobbie, Charlie, Kimberly, MEJ and NextGen for all of t heir mentorship and love, and Helen and Bob for t heir constant support of his t heater addiction
the Cr ew (in alphabetical order)
Michelle Hall (Properties Design) is delighted to be joining LTA again for Dracula She was most recently properties designer for LTA’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar Previously, Michelle has been involved in ot her LTA productions and in university and community t heater on and off stage. She humbly t hanks her family and t he cast and crew of Dracula for sharing t heir talents wit h t he world! “There are darknesses in life and t here are lights, and you are one of t he lights…” Bram Stoker.
Jim Hutzler (Co -Set Construction) has worked on numerous productions at LTA in set construction and is t hrilled to be working once again as co -master carpenter wit h Jeff Nesmeyer. Thanks to all who devote t heir time and skills to making LTA t he special place t hat it is.
JK Lighting Design (Jeffrey Scott Auerbach and Kimberly Crago) are very excited to be working on t his fantastic production of Dracula at LTA. JK Lighting Design works wit h TAP, ACCT, RCP, VTC, SMP and, of course, LTA. Jeff won t he WATCH Award in Lighting for LTA’s production of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). Upcoming shows include Revolutionary Gentlemen (Workhouse Art Center) and Guys and Dolls Jr (ACCT) Jeff would like to t hank his family, David and Katie Clement, for all t heir love and support over t he many years he has been off working on one show or anot her Kimberly would like to t hank Steve Crago for his support and understanding They bot h would like to t hank t heir LTA family for t heir hard work on t his production Now, please sit back, relax and revel in foreboding dread
Matt Liptak (Set Design and Co -Set Dressing) is excited to once again be set designing at LTA. Previous DMV set designs include Harvey (LTA), Cat on Hot Tin Roof (RCP), Fabulation (PCP), A Christmas Carol (LTA), The Fabulous Lipitones (LTA), The History Boys (LTA) and Steel Magnolias (LTA, WATCH Award winner for set decoration). Outside t he DMV, Liptak has designed sets for community t heater productions in upstate New York and nort heast Ohio. Liptak is no stranger to the stage and has been seen acting in numerous productions t hroughout t he DMV. He t hanks his friends and family for t heir support.
Jennifer Lyman (Director) has been active in community t heater for over 20 years. She started at LTA on t he light crew but has done a bit of everyt hing. Jennifer has produced 16 productions, including Plaza Suite, Dog Sees God and Intimate Apparel (LTA). She directed Dirty Blonde and A Christmas Carol (LTA); The Drawer Boy (PCP); and Bug, Any Given Monday and ’night, Mother (DS). She has a bachelor’s degree in media and t heater arts and serves as a WATCH judge for LTA.
Follow us on instagram @littletheatrealex
Jeff Nesmeyer (Co -Set Construction) is pleased to be working at LTA once again and sharing t he duties of master carpenter wit h Jim Hutzler. Jeff has been set building for t he past several years at LTA, and t his is his eight h venture as co -master carpenter Toget her, Jeff and Jim have built sets such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Spamalot, A Christmas Carol, Anything Goes, The Fabulous Lipitones, Anne of Green Gables and Harvey He t hanks LTA for its confidence in his carpentry abilities
Larissa Norris (Makeup Design) has been nominated for five WATCH Awards for her makeup design or hair design in local shows She received makeup nominations for Steel Magnolias (LTA), Dreamgirls (DS) and 9 to 5 (TAP) and for her bloody special effects makeup for Bug (DS), and a hair nomination for t he retro styling of A Streetcar Named Desire (LTA). Larissa is a makeup artist in t he area; check out Larissa Norris Makeup on Facebook to see her work.
Michael Page (Assistant Director/Fight Choreographer/Intimacy Choreographer) is excited to be a part of his sixt h LTA production, having fight choreographed To Kill a Mockingbird and A Party to Murder. He was also t he choreographer for Jesus Christ Superstar. Earlier t his year, he designed t he lights for Anne of Green Gables (LTA). He has a B.A. in t heater and dance from CNU and is a certified actor combatant. Michael is a twotime WATCH nominee for fight choreography. He teaches dance and musical t heater classes here at LTA, where he is also t he summer camp director.
Janice Rivera (Sound Design) designed sound for productions including Death by Design at ACCT and The Fabulous Lipitones, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), Dirty Blonde, Spamalot (WATCH nomination) and Cantorial (WATCH nomination) at LTA You may have seen her onstage as Carmen in The Nance (LTA), Camila Rosario in In the Heights (LTA), Aldonza in Man of La Mancha (MCP) and Lucille in Parade (SMP) Janice is a video specialist via her post production company, O ffbook Productions
Shannon Robichaud (Wardrobe) is happy to return to t he costume rack t his fall! She has done wardrobe for two previous LTA shows, Anything Goes and A Christmas Carol (2017). She is also an assistant costumer for The Savannah Disputation and recently appeared in t he adult ensemble of Beauty and the Beast (Sterling Playmakers). Many t hanks to her friends and family for t heir ongoing love and support!
Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association invites you to visit www.artseventsalexandria.com to view the arts calendar and schedule of events.
book and lyrics by Tom Jones music by Har vey Schmidt produced by Sharon Field and Rance Willis directed by Eleanore Tapscott
Try to remember a time when your greatest adventure was the first romance of your life This funny and sentimental musical is the deceptively simple tale of a boy, a girl, and their meddlesome fathers who nudge them toward marriage by pretending to keep
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, has been enchanting audiences with its universal themes and memora ble songs, including the beautiful “Soon It’s Gonna Rain” and “Tr y to Remember.”
Jean Schlichting and Kit Sibley (Co - Costume Design) are excited to put t heir touch on t his iconic Victorian horror story. But, as costumers, t hey hope t heir designs can be spared too many bloodstains. Jean and Kit have costumed many shows at LTA and ot her local community t heaters. Most recently at LTA t hey costumed t he WATCH-nominated Anything Goes as well as Legally Blonde, Anne of Green Gables, Harvey, The Nance and Jesus Christ Superstar. They also costumed t he national premiere of The Judicial Murder of Mrs. Surratt (ACCT). They t hank Jen, Nick and Charlotte for asking t hem along on t his adventure.
Cheryl Sinsabaugh (Dialect and Accent Coach) has spent her life in amateur (community) t heater all over t he world mainly onstage, but in recent years she has worked backstage on stage managing, lighting, makeup, props, etc Plays for which she has been t he dialect/accent coach are The Audience, Key for Two, A Christmas Carol (twice), Funny Money, Something’s Afoot and The History Boys (LTA); Pride and Prejudice, The Miracle Worker and Enchanted April (ACCT); and California Suite (PPF)
Art Snow (Special Effects Design) is pleased to be working wit h t he talented director, producers, cast and crew for special effects support. Blood and its symbolism wit h its realistic and psychological effects are an interesting challenge t hat should bring fort h compassion, forgiveness and salvation beyond worlds of t he living and t he undead. This show is good for t he memory for many good reasons.
Megan Teitel (Assistant to Makeup Design) is “gore-eatly” excited for her inaugural spin on Dracula! Megan was previously an assistant stage manager for A Little Princess (ACCT). Her stage credits include Thing 2 in Seussical (Encore), Lead Wickersham in Seussical JR. (ACCT), Mr. Greenway in Elf JR. (ACCT) and Olin in The Music Man JR. (Metropolitan School of the Arts). Megan is a rising 10th-grader and loves SFX makeup, cosplay, fandoms and fictional characters. Megan sends a huge t hank you to t he amazing Dracula cast, crew and especially Larissa for such a rewarding experience!
Mona Wargo (Set Painting), who recently completed work on Jesus Christ Superstar, is now in her t hird season wit h LTA She jointly won t he LTA Pearl Award for Excellence in Set Painting for A Party to Murder, her first show wit h LTA She also worked on Key for Two, Legally Blonde and Driving Miss Daisy She has painted ot her productions in t he past, including Prelude to a Kiss at FP, now CCDC, and volunteered 10 years with DS, where she was nominated for an ACT Award for The Boys Next Door
Meggie Webster (Co -Stage Manager) is so excited to be working wit h director Jennifer Lyman again. This is her first time stage managing at LTA, but she has worked backstage many times here and also at TOTR and DS. This is one of t he biggest casts and crews she has ever worked with, and she can’t wait to see where the stage, or backstage, takes her next.
LTA wishes to recognize and t hank all t he volunteers who have given t heir time and talents by helping wit h house managing, ushering, or working in t he box office for our previous production of August: Osage County. Your contributions to t he success of LTA are very much appreciated Thank you!
Tina Anderson
Tammy Preston Boyd
Gillian Chen
Sam David
Mart ha Deal
Ira Forstater
Gary Gladstone
Sue Gladstone
Barbara Helsing
Bobbie Herbst
Susan Hesser
Brittany Huffman
Melissa Nielson
Stephen Percy
Lloyd Bittinger
Jamie Blake
Cheryl Bolt
Lorraine Bouchard
Angela Cannon
Rita Costello
Joel Durgavich
Ira Forstater
Marcia Gillespie
Lauren Glose
Phyllis Gruber
Doris Halleman
Steve Halleman
Karen Maline
Dorot hy Marshall
Iolaire McFadden
Publicity Rachel Alberts
Graphics ...................................... Simmons Design
Playbill Editor .......................... Carol Hutchinson
Playbill Coordinator .................... Bobbie Herbst
For information concerning Playbill advertising, please call 703- 683-5778.
Charlene Pritzker
David Pritzker
Deborah Remmers
Page Dreher
Mary Bet h Smit h-Toomey
Margaret Snow
Alison Tregea
Paula Vickers
Caterina Vittoria
Susan McFadden
Madelaine Morgan
Micheal J. O’Connor
Eddie Page
Jayn Rife
Ann Rowan
Toni Sanford
Linda Shank
Howard Soroos
Carol Strachan
Mila Weiss
Leslie Wilkes
Richard Young
Jim Bart hmaier
Laura Beauchamp & Chris Feldmann
Charles Dragonette & Alan Wray
Peter M Fannon
In Memory of Roland Gomez
Steffen & Jennifer Krause
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Shirley McKinley
David & Michelle McNally
Jean S Moore
Continental Congr ess
Mrs Barbara Becker
Kat hy Fannon
Dorinda Fitt
James & Cat herine Kelley
Bet h Leonard
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Jim Pearson & Laurie Marichak
Jeanne & Dan Porter
Howard & Margaret Soroos
Andrew Terrell & Megan Waterhouse
Vendini Inc
Ronald E Becker
David & Cat herine Clagett
Larry Dempsey & Emily Cole
Jack & Kelly Fannon
Jim & Alexandra Hartz
Barbara Helsing
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Melissa Nielson & Edward Yawn
Carole & David Preston
Tami & Peter Salmon
Richard & Rochelle Schwab
Mary Bet h Smit h-Toomey
John & Laurie Stackpole
Susan Swain
Kelley Wells
Gail & Jim Woolwine
Mart ha E Alliston
The Apker Family
Beverley Benda
Lloyd Bittinger
Alan Boehm
Gregory Bricker
Herb & Dee Brooks
Dale and Eileen Brown
Nick & Diane Burakow
Nancyanne M Burton
David Correia
Patricia Cosler
Brian & Paula Coupe
Kimberly & Steve Crago
Robert B Crane
Ann S Daniels
Susan Devine
P M Donahue
Dennis & Myrna Dunn
Thomas & Rita Foss
Jeff & Donna Gat hers
James & Maria Gentle
Trish & Cam Gibson
Harry & Mary Clair Gildea
Marcia Gillespie
Molly Gimmel
Lotte Goldman
Barbara Hayes
Jim & Terry Howard
Dr David Hunt & Dr Kimberly Wells
Col & Mrs Kennet h R
Knapp, USMC (Ret)
Philip & Karen Kopp
Robert Kraus & Larissa Heyman
Freida Lachapelle
Ladies’ & Gentleman’s Matinee Society
Dale & Bob Latiff
Pamela Leonowich
Susan & Andre L’Heureux
Mike & Gigi Louden
Jennifer Lyman In Memory of Grace Machanic
Sara Maddux
Bob & Joanne Madison
The Maibach Foundation
Estelle Marlor
Carlton E. Martin
Linda L Mayer
John Mayers
Sandra McKinney
Will & Anne Monahan
Gene & Dorot hy Mulligan
Andy & Kate Nelson
Jeff & Diane Nesmeyer
The Odle Family
Douglas A Olmsted
Elena Polyak
Gary & Ana Rasmussen
A Leo Romaneski
Mary Jo Roos
James Rorke
Tom Sargeant
Jean & Jim Schlichting
Page Dreher Schreiner
Aubrey & Carolyn Smit h
Patricia Spencer Smit h
George and Marisa Souza
Bob & Sharon Spivey
Laszlo &
Barbara Steingaszner
Donald Street
Allen Stuhl
Lois Van Bergen
Edward Walker
Cal Whitehurst
Linda W Windsor
Frank & Lynda Adamson
Anne A. Andrews
James Brown
Ronald & Sheila Barrett
Jay Bartol
Robert & Joann Bingham
Cheri L. Brown
John Brown
Jim & Sue Buchanan
Felicia Carretta
Margaret Evans-Joyce
Ira Forstater & Robin Fradkin
Kacie Greenwood & Bryan Smit h
Patty Greksouk
Fritz & Pat Haberman
Alma Kasulaitis
James & Charlene Kegerreis
Victor and Barbara Kernus
Mary Lawson
Walt & Manette Lazear
The Livingston Family
William W Lohr
Nat han & Kara Macek
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mannion
Bill & Joan McCulla
Madeline Metcalfe
A B Morrill
Kat hleen Parrish
Roger & Cheryl Pratt
Col. Melvin H. & Barbara Rosen
Jacqueline & Ralph Schenkel
Mary Sellman, Long & Foster Realtors
Robert & Maureen Simoniz
Charlene Sloan
Mrs Mary Stauss
Capt & Mrs Donald Taggart
Don & Erdine Walter
Raymond M & Sheri H Wolfe
Walter & Andrea Baumann
Joan Burg
Ronald E. Cogan
Dan & Marie Ernst
Mel & Sara Friedman
Penelope Gallagher
Kat hy Giannetti
Doris Hamel
Edit h C Heilberg
Jean Keppler
Kat hy Koczyk
Patricia Kratzer
In Memory of Grace Machanic
J J & Pat Miller
Micheal J O’Connor
Becky Patton
Mrs Jackie Phillips
Irene Rebbock
Diana Schwanhausser
Audrey Scruggs
Gil & Marcia Siegert
Barbara Slavik
Wendy Sneff
Linda Ysewyn
Every effort has been made to ensure t hat t his list of contributors is correct and complete as of the date this program went to press If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies and inform us of
Carolyn Winters Director
Tina Anderson ..........................................................................................................................Vice Director
Margaret Evans-Joyce ..................................................................................................................Secretary
Lloyd Bittinger ..................................................................................................................Financial O fficer
Russell Wyland Honorary Member, LTA President
Helga Ingrid Adams
Brooke Angel
Genie & Geoff Baskir
Jamie Blake
Luana Bossolo
Lesley Buckles
Nancyanne Burton
Jay Cohen
Franklin C. Coleman
Kimberly Crago
Emory & Susan Damron
Eileen Doherty
Sharon Dove*
Charles Dragonette & Alan Wray
Julia Duncan
Joel Durgavich
Peter Fannon*
Sharon Field
Ira Forstater
Duane Goddard*
Kacie Greenwood
John Guinn
David Hale
Doris Hamel*
Ronnie Hardcastle
Adriana Hardy*
Donna Hauprich
Barbara Hayes
Bobbie Herbst
Larissa Heyman
Kira Hogan
Marian Holmes*
Jim Howard
Mark & Rachael Hubbard
Jim & Mary Hutzler
Bonnie Jourdan
Algis & Suzanne Kalvaitis
Judy & Orron Kee
Mel & Lidia Kollander*
Robert Kraus
Burt & Vivian Kronstedt
Lois D. Ligoske
David McCallum
Tina McCrea**
Carlos Moctezuma
Will & Anne Monahan*
Zell Murphy
Jeff Nesmeyer
Lynn O’Connell
Micheal J. O’Connor
Thomas & Alice O’Connor*
Eddie Page
James Pearson
Leslie Reed Jayn Rife
Benjamin Robles
Heat her Sanderson
Jean Schlichting
Dick Schwab
Margo Shiffert
Kim Smit h-Salmon
Mary Bet h Smit h-Toomey*
Art hur & Margaret Snow
Howard & Margaret Soroos
Allen Stuhl*
Rance Willis*
Frank Winters
Robin Wort hington
Bill Young * Distinguished Member **
Welcome to t he “Shakespeare Garden” in The Little Theatre of Alexandria Courtyard! This beautiful garden was made possible with donations from LTA members and supporters who purchased bricks during the LTA Council’s fund-raising campaign February-April of 2017. We have planted floral species t hat figured prominently in t he Bard’s writings We invite you to check out our courtyard during intermission and see how many you can identify!
The Council of The Little Theatre of Alexandria, organized in 1961, is a dedicated group of about 80 members t hat supports t he t heatre wit h special contributions While our “Shakespeare Garden” is our most massive accomplishment so far, our past contributions included: scholarships for high school students, a new range, draperies and ice maker for t he Council Green Room, folding chairs and tables t hroughout t he t heatre, brass plates for sponsored t heatre seats, a computerized box office system, several grand drapes over t he years, and many varied technical enhancements, including automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for safety. Contributions to LTA from t he Council have exceeded $215,000 The Council conducts t hree business/social meetings per year, and decorates the theatre for the winter holidays We are pleased to be a part of the Alexandria artistic community and proud to support one of t he best community t heatres in America today!