Belize Times - April 16, 2023 Garland & Gold

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Quiroz, Myers, now join, Destiny, BHS, Blue Bond, MCC, planBelize, and the Briceño-led administration who have Belize on a winning streak with back to back to back wins seemingly in endless fashion. Our headlines have been inspired by positivity and the unfurling of promised hope. It has been many years since a Belizean won our so cherished Holy Saturday Cycling Classic but Oscar Quiroz brought tears of joy to our eyes in 2023…Ditto for 14-year old Demetrie Myers who did his best Usain Bolt impersonation at the Carifta games U17 where he qualifies for multiple more years. John Briceño and PUP team ushered in a new era in Belize that obviously transcends politics. When we marched the streets on February 2020 saying to the UDP you GOT to Go Belizeans meant every bit. The corrupt UDP was holding us back in the paddocks of their UDP-Barrow misery.

FreeZone Employs 1880

Belize WINS Belize continues winning. It will not stop as the indomitable spirit of talent-filled Belizean erupt out of the 400 thousand of us.

MCC RECOGNIZES PLANBELIZE DEMOCRACY was the December 19, 2021 headline. The UDP media in Belize was and is hardly moved by Belizean success. Here at the Belize Times we know the Truth and we will continue telling it. What is MCC? The Millennium Challenge Corporation(a US-based organization) had recognized planBelize is forward thinking for the poor. The MCC has a blueprint criteria and planBelize was the carbon copy. “These (selected) governments have demonstrated a clear commitment to democratic governance, investing in people, and pursuing economic freedom. We look forward to working together to develop programs that reduce

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 16 APR 16 APRIL 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5347 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 AGRICULTURE AND TRADE SHOW: APRIL 28, 29, AND 30 Pg. 5
Established 1957
BELIZE CITY COUNCIL’S MASSIVE SUCCESS Revival Concert CFZ on the Rise STEAMBel, BHS Participates Pg. 8
2 2023 FIRST® Championship in Houston, Texas
The Belize Times
5 Pg. 8



Continued from page 1

poverty and enable sustainable and inclusive economic growth.”

In these same 2021 months, Destiny Wagner won Ms. Earth which is comparable to winning the Ms. Universe for being environmentally sound. Belize had negotiated the Blue Bond ultra-successfully. This worldclass award-magnet bond is conservation-debt reduction still unparalleled

today. Governments and Organizations from all continents have invited John Briceño and economic team in a …How-did-you-do-it frenzy? And a, please show me, or, if not, When can we meet you, Mr. Prime Minister? Let’s go to Belize is the world trend for some months now. This is on for the unforeseeable future.

Today, Belize is still on an upswing as it has never been before in

Cabinet Brief

Belmopan, 13th April 2023.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 11th April 2023.

• Cabinet discussions centered on the effects of global inflation on the cost of living in Belize. Following a meeting with the Chinese retail community, Cabinet has issued instructions for meetings with major importers and wholesalers with a view to eliminating gouging or bloating at every level of the supply chain. While inflation is a global pandemic, Cabinet realizes that it must do everything in its power to mitigate the impact on our people.

• Following two weeks of intervention with the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association and Belize Sugar Industries, Hon. Kareem Musa, Cabinet subcommittee chair, tasked with charting a path forward for the sugar industry, briefed Cabinet. Minister Musa reported that both sides have expressed the determination to reach a fair and transparent resolution to the impasse for the good of the industry and that serious discussions between parties are ongoing based on good faith, and not tension.

• Cabinet was advised that the process to resume the payment of performance-based increments to public officers, effective 1st April 2023, has commenced. There was unanimous agreement that moving forward, increments must be based on actual performance, and every discussion with the Joint Unions must include the implementation of a comprehensive and objective appraisal system.

• Cabinet gave its support for the adaptation of the recommendations by the Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, in conjunction with the Belize Tourism Board, to amend the agreement between Government and Belize Island Holdings Limited, in relation to the Harvest Caye Cruise Port in Southern Belize, to improve and define future growth and development of the Harvest Caye Port.

• Cabinet gave its recommendation for amendments to the Law Revision Act to better reflect the current state of law with respect to Money Laundering and the Terrorism Prevention Act. These amendments will be introduced at the next sitting of the House of Representatives.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the ratification of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies, which will establish new global rules for eliminating harmful subsidies and protecting global fish stocks.

• Cabinet endorsed the updated National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Master Plan, the Low Emission Development Strategy, and the National Climate Finance Strategy as national documents. Additionally, Cabinet gave its approval to provide support for the coordination, mainstreaming, and implementation of appropriate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to pursue low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.

• Cabinet requested that a subcommittee comprising Sustainable Development, Energy, Natural Resources, Rural Development and Agriculture meet to follow up on the strategies for water resources management, including aquifers (ground) and surface water.

• Finally, Cabinet reminds all motorists to drive safely, and with care and attention.

its forty plus years of Independence. Being recognized, lauded, trusted, followed are fruits of planBelize and the Briceño team’s enterprising spirit. Our naysayers have virtually disappeared. The opposition appears once in a while when their 08-20 corruption continues to be exposed in a never-ending rusty chain. Otherwise, planBelize is throttling smoothly on all its cylinders. When the Briceño administration needs to change oil it is a clean visit.

So, the United States has noticed and the picture-taking besides Prime Minister Briceño and team is incessant. Everyone wants a piece of this winning. Everyone wants to be beside success. If you know John Briceño, you will know that he wants more for his people. He will be unrelenting until poverty is eradicated from Belize. Notice how he convened Cabinet on Easter Tuesday. Vacation time is done. Time to work. He will not rest until every Belizean truly wins—Education, Job, Land, Home, and Health are the impetus in planBelize. PUP’s commitment to Serve the People until Belize is working for everyone is more powerful than ever. Name the

field and Belize is excelling there at a rate never been seen before. Take Governance…Belize as a nation is in the midst of a widespread consultation not only to improve planBelize but to improve its governance so that we can grow, improve and create a better quality of life for everyone.

Take finance and wow…the magic and marvels of negotiating and lowering of the GDP to debt ratio to a level the IMF could not believe. But Belize did it. Belizeans sacrifice did it in record time and now the Public Service and teachers have their increments back before due time.

As you cross over the old Haulover bridge. Look at the new replacement and shake your head and think…the UDP were going to bamboozle the people out of millions had they been voted into office again. The Haulover replacement will forever be a symbol of how Belize turned away from the gloom-and-doom UDP to bloom-and-boom PUP. Oscar Quiroz and Demetrie Myers are riding and running their personal glory while the country relishes in watching them wear the Garland and Gold. Everybody wins!

Oscar Quiroz wins 93rd annual Cross Country Classic

of Miami Blazers was a second behind to win the $2,500 third prize and a trophy.

Quiroz, Brown, Williams and Ian Macdonald of the Kelly Benefits team from the USA had formed a 4-man lead breakaway passing Cotton Tree on the way to San Ignacio, and they never looked back, opening a 3 minute lead on the chase group as they took turns breaking the wind, sharing the station

Continued on page 5

Belize City, April 8, 2023

Oscar Quiroz of the 501 Valvoline team rode into cycling history when he brought the garland home by winning the 93rd annual Cross Country Classic organized by the Cycling Federation of Belize on the George Price Highway on Holy Saturday, April 8.

Quiroz left behind his rivals at mile 4 after crossing the Bourdon Canal bridge to ride in solo, clocking 5:43:19. He won the $10,000 first prize, a trophy, the winner’s jersey, the champion’s garland of roses and several trophies sponsored by the Altreith Smith, Jeffery O’Brien and Manfred Atkins families, as well as a $1,000 prize and trophy from the Elston Kerr family. He also swept over $6,000 in station prizes in those last miles to the city, including a $1,000 prize at mile 2, a $1,500 prize at Leslie’s Imports and a $1,000 prize offered by the Belize Tourist Board at the Central American Boulevard roundabout.

Cory Williams of Team L3GION of Los Angeles rode in 2nd in 5:44:40, to win the $5,000 prize and a trophy. Jonathan Brown

Founder: Rt. Hon. George

serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous
Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE


Although 1880 sounds like the rake for the next jackpot draw on Sunday lottery, please be advised it is not. This number is far more important than that for the regional economy of the northern districts. 1880 is the number of people that are directly, fully, and permanently employed at the Corozal Free Zone also known locally as the Zone. As one of the major centers of employment in the North, the Corozal Free Zone packs a major economic impact in both the urban and rural areas. The financial power of salaries calculated at the current minimum wage stands at 21.7M per year and the economic spillover from indirect employment generated through the Corozal Free Zone extends well beyond this. To say then that 1880 is a lucky number is an understatement and does it no justice.

Under the UDP, the Corozal Free Zone had become a barren wasteland, having been picked clean by ravenous vultures. The neglect was evident in the dilapidated streets and the broken and non-functioning public lighting. The building of the management agency was in disrepair and an empty shell, and the investors were pulling out in droves. Visitors had slowed to a trickle and investor confidence was at an all-time low, and with much reason. The Corozal Free Zone was on autopilot and left to free fall without direction. For thirteen years there was only paving of one street, still, there was no access to potable water, and infrastructure was crumbling. The Zone looked tired and worn and empty. Then came Covid which dealt it a final blow.

The situation that the Government of Belize under the new administration found, after the elections in late 2020, was indeed grim. However, after a thorough assessment, the Corozal Free Zone under the new administration managed against all odds and Covid to open the gates at the Zone. They have not looked back since. The Zone has grown from strength to strength, after the initial assessment and partnership with the local Ministry of Health and Wellness authorities strict Covid protocols were established and enforced that allowed them to operate. Over the last two years, the Zone has changed, public areas are now illuminated, the employee cards have been digitized and a new database has been procured. In addition, there have been constant maintenance and street works to ensure that visitors have a better experience. Currently, the procurement process is ongoing on a project paid through a grant of 2M BZD that will see the pavement from the old bridge into the Corozal Free Zone and will result in the reopening of both lanes. The pilot project that will provide free internet to all visitors of the Zone is underway. Additionally, there will soon be potable water in the Corozal Free Zone as a result of a partnership with Belize Water Services and the Government of Belize. This extension of the water system will see the water lines reach rural households along the Phillip Goldson Highway from the Chan Chen Cut-off and serve the buildings that house the Border Management Agency Facilities. Water is a basic resource needed if the Corozal Free Zone hopes to expand its activities from commercial to include industrial and even entertainment industries.

True economic development that will create new employment at every level requires that basic infrastructure and utilities are put in place so that investment, both foreign and national, can materialize. Despite the criticism, the numbers cannot be denied. Visitors are coming back to the Corozal Free Zone, driven by an aggressive marketing strategy. New investments and companies are coming in and it is evident that investor confidence is back with a vengeance. Some of the usual nay-sayers, party faithful and detractors might say it is simply luck, but that is just their wishful thinking. Ralph Waldo Emerson believed more in hard work than dumb luck. He explained it thus, “Shallow people believe in luck and in circumstances; Strong people believe in cause and effect.”


EDITORIAL en Español


Aunque 1880 suene como el premio gordo del próximo sorteo de lotería del domingo, le informamos de que no lo es. Esta cifra es mucho más importante para la economía regional de los Distritos del Norte. 1880 es el número de personas que están empleadas directa, plena y permanentemente en la Zona Franca de Corozal, también conocida localmente como la Zona. Como uno de los principales centros de empleo del Norte, la Zona Franca de Corozal tiene un gran impacto económico tanto en las zonas urbanas como en las rurales. El poder financiero de los salarios, calculados con el salario mínimo actual, asciende a 21,7 millones al año, y la derrama económica del empleo indirecto generado a través de la Zona Franca de Corozal va mucho más allá. Decir entonces que 1880 es un número de la suerte es quedarse corto y no le hace justicia.

Bajo el mandato del UDP, la Zona Franca de Corozal se había convertido en un páramo estéril, arrasado por buitres voraces. El abandono era evidente en las calles deterioradas y el alumbrado público roto y sin funcionar. El edificio de la agencia gestora estaba en mal estado y era un cascarón vacío, y los inversores se retiraban en tropel. La afluencia de visitantes se había reducido a un goteo y la confianza de los inversores estaba por los suelos, y con razón. La Zona Franca de Corozal estaba en piloto automático y se dejaba caer sin dirección. Durante trece años sólo se pavimentó una calle, seguía sin haber acceso al agua potable y las infraestructuras se desmoronaban. La zona parecía cansada, desgastada y vacía. Entonces llegó Covid, que le asestó un golpe definitivo. La situación con la que se encontró el Gobierno de Belice bajo la nueva administración tras las elecciones de finales de 2020 era realmente desalentadora. Sin embargo, tras una evaluación exhaustiva, la Zona Franca de Corozal, bajo la nueva administración, consiguió, contra todo pronóstico y contra Covid, abrir las puertas de la Zona. Desde entonces no han mirado atrás. Tras la evaluación inicial y la colaboración con las autoridades locales del Ministerio de Sanidad y Bienestar, se establecieron y aplicaron estrictos protocolos Covid que les permitieron operar. En los dos últimos años, la Zona ha cambiado: ahora las zonas públicas están iluminadas, se han digitalizado las tarjetas de los empleados y se ha adquirido una nueva base de datos. Además, se han realizado constantes obras de mantenimiento y en las calles para garantizar que los visitantes tengan una mejor experiencia. Actualmente, está en marcha el proceso de contratación de un proyecto sufragado mediante una subvención de 2 millones de BZD que verá la pavimentación desde el puente viejo hasta la Zona Franca de Corozal y dará lugar a la reapertura de ambos carriles. El proyecto piloto que proporcionará el Internet gratuito a todos los visitantes de la Zona está en marcha. Además, pronto habrá agua potable en la Zona Franca de Corozal como resultado de una asociación con Belize Water Services y el Gobierno de Belice. Con esta ampliación del sistema de abastecimiento de agua, las tuberías llegarán a los hogares rurales situados a lo largo de la carretera Phillip Goldson, desde el entronque de Chan Chen, y darán servicio a los edificios que albergan las instalaciones de la Agencia de Gestión de Fronteras. El agua es un recurso básico y necesario si la Zona Franca de Corozal espera ampliar sus actividades de comerciales a industriales e incluso de ocio.

El verdadero desarrollo económico que creará nuevos empleos a todos los niveles requiere que se pongan en marcha infraestructuras y servicios básicos para que puedan materializarse las inversiones tanto extranjeras como nacionales. A pesar de las críticas, no se pueden negar las cifras. Los visitantes están volviendo a la Zona Franca de Corozal, impulsados por una agresiva estrategia de marketing. Llegan nuevas inversiones y empresas, y es evidente que la confianza de los inversores ha vuelto con fuerza. Algunos de los habituales detractores, fieles al partido y detractores podrían decir que es simplemente suerte, pero eso no es más que una ilusión. Ralph Waldo Emerson creía más en el trabajo duro que en la suerte. Lo explicaba así: "La gente superficial cree en la suerte y en las circunstancias; la gente fuerte cree en la causa y el efecto".

04 04

Oscar Quiroz wins 93rd annual Cross Country Classic

Fourteen Year Old Amazes

Nassau, Bahamas, April 9, 2023

Fourteen-year-old Demetrie Meyers put Belize on the map by winning 2 gold medals in the Under-17 boys 1,500 meters on Saturday and the Under-17 boys 3,000 meters on Sunday at the 50th CARIFTA Games held at the Thomas A. Robinson Stadium in Nassau, Bahamas.

Continued from 2

prizes all the way to Cayo. Macdonald was on the pace as they entered Santa Elena at the Loma Luz roundabout, and he sprinted away from the others to win the $1,000 station prize offered by the BTB crossing the Hawksworth bridge. Alas for Macdonald he suffered a flat shortly after and would not be able to catch up to the lead group again.

The lead trio had opened a 5 minute gap on the chase group by the time they reached Belmopan. A group of 10 riders mounted an effort to try to reel in the breakaway trio. This group included Henry Li of the Furnished Apartments Ltd team, Goran Gabourel and Jyven Gonzalez of the G-Flow team, the 2005 champion Bill Elliston, Giovanni Lovell of Team Lovell, Osvaldo Mora of Team Mora from Mexico, and John Delong and Patrick Raines of the Skyline team of the USA.

Delong would challenge the others to close the gap to the lead trio, but only Henry Li hung onto his wheel, and Mora, Raines and Lovell would tag along. Delong

would leave the other behind to ride in solo 5 minutes behind Quiroz to win the $1,200 prize. Osvaldo Mora rode in seconds behind to take the $800 prize for 5th place

Henry Li outsprinted Shay Wright of the Kelly Benefits team for 6th place to win the $500 prize and trophy, Wright claimed the $425 prize for 7th place. Jyven Gonzalez was 8th, to win a $325 prize, and Giovanni Lovell took the $325 prize for 9th place. Bill Elliston won a $110 prize for 10th place.

Cyrus Pearo of the Primal-Audi-Rio team of the USA was 11th, Goran Gabourel finished 12th, and Derrick Chavarria of the Furnished Apartments team was 13th. Patrick Raines of the Skyline team pulled in 14th, Brandon Morgan was 15th, Wasani Castro of the Westrac Alliance was 16th and Nashan Ysaguirre of the Budget Rentals team was 17th Angel Tzib of Westrac was 18th, the 2012 champion Geovanni Choto of Team Imani’s was 19th, and a rider of the PMA team from the USA rounded out the top 20. Riders finishing 11th to 15th each won a $100 prize, and riders 16th to 20th each received a $75 prize.

FreeZone Employs 1880

When the Corozal Free Zone was reopening in 2021 the cynics ran roughshod saying that this would bring Covid into the country. The planBelize government was brave and ignored the UDP headless chicken who wanted and still cannot believe the success the Briceño administration is having in every aspect of the economy. This here is not garland nor gold but it is another indicator that jobs are back and that the economy if impressive.

Reports are that manufacturing will soon make its way into the CFZ. With this and BPO success the planBelize government is doing pretty good with investment. Foreign Direct investment is way up showing confidence in Belize as has never been seen in the jewel. The northstar of the planBelize administration is being seen by more Belizean. Belizean leaving Belize to buy is being balanced by the 1250 vehicles that flow and ebb in and out of the zone every weekend. Social taxes from the zone is in the millions. This is being paid because it is being made in the CFZ.

On Saturday, Demetrie won his first Gold in 4:11.19, kicking in an early lead that just left rest of the field in the dust! Javon Roberts of Guyana took the silver in 4:13.63, and Joel Morgan of Jamaica claimed the bronze.

On Sunday, Demetrie ran his own race, jumping out 30 meters in front of the rest of the pack, and he never looked back. The rest of the field hung back, expecting to reel him in when he slowed down, but he was raging against the clock, trying to beat the record of 8:46:48. After the race, he told interviewers he started to feel a tightness in his hamstring after passing the 800m mark, and so he did not set a new record, but clocked 9:08.56 which was over 28 seconds better than his nearest rival. On the final lap, he passed many of the stragglers in

the field. Ejay George of Grenada took the silver in 9:36.82, and Love Joseph of the Turks and Caicos Islands claimed the bronze.

Demetrie Meyers is the son of Belizean Greg Myers, and he lives and trains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Demitrie had won a silver in the event last year, and aimed for the gold this year. His sister Mallory Meyers ran 6th in the Under-17 girls’ 1500m finals. Jamaica topped the medal count, winning 78 medals, including 40 Golds, 22 silver, and 16 bronze. The Bahamas ranked 2nd in the medal table, winning 46 medals – 10 Gold, 13 silver, and 23 bronze, while Trinidad and Tobago ranked 3rd with 25 medals, including 9 Gold, 10 silver and 12 bronze.


Former LA Armenian Mafia Leader Sentenced to 40 years Billion-dollar biofuel tax scheme

The UDP’s former leader albeit for 72hours must be losing sleep as his former associate Lev Dermen was sentenced to 40 years in prison. John Saldivar who stripped of pretty much everything including his dignity was associated with this now-convict. Saldivar has denied to what everyone can distinguish as corruption including the US state department who last year stripped Saldivar of his US Visa and the little of had left of said dignity. The electorate of Belmopan had stripped most of the tranche-man’s dignity as Oscar Mira politically mauled him from his Belmopan seat.

Lev Dermen is a Los Angeles-based, Armenian businessman made news during his tax fraud trial in early February 2020, when former Minister of National Security John Saldivar was named as receiving money in 25k tranches from him. Lev Dermen has now been received a forty-year prison sentence. Dermen was one of five persons sentenced for the roles they played in the Utah bio-fuel tax conspiracy. The others are Dermen’s business partners, Jacob Kingston, who was sentenced to eighteen years; Isaiah Kingston, who received twelve years; Rachel Kingston, who received seven years; and Sally Kingston, who got a sixyear sentence. They were sentenced on April 7 after they were found guilty of mail fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Plus, Dermen was ordered to pay over four hundred thousand dollars in restitution to the I.R.S. and a money judgment of more than a hundred and eighty thousand dollars against him. Politically here in Belize this looks bad for Saldivar who had boated Dermen in a Coast Guard boat which was donated by the US government. This is a super no-no.

The U.S accused Saldivar of accepting bribes for the improper acquisition of Belizean immigration documents and that he interfered in public processes for his personal benefit during his tenure as a government official. Saldivar and his immediate family members were effectively banned from setting foot on U.S. soil. Saldivar challenges the United States to show proof but the damage is made. Barrow has tried to get rid of him as a political candidate but Saldivar is liked but the few UDPs left. The Belmopan convention showed that another Saldivar run will result in another shellacking at the hands of worker and representative Oscar Mira.


Prime Minister of Belize JOHN BRICEÑO Statement


5th April 2023

Fellow Heads, I wish to thank our friend, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for extending this invitation to Belize to be a part of this important initiative. Belize believes this Anti-Inflation Summit to be commendable and an extremely necessary initiative. It provides an opportunity to engage and work constructively on the many trade and industry development issues that require our collective and dedicated attention and action. We, like others in our region, have been dealt a stark reminder that the diversification of our productive base and trading partners is key to building true economic resilience.

My government has worked diligently to lead a historic rebound in Belize from near economic and social collapse brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and the climate crisis. But our people have been unable to feel sustained economic relief as their spending power continues to be eroded by this generational cost of living crisis.

The present cost-of-living crisis is arguably the greatest challenge facing our region today, one that can only be overcome when like-minded and progressive leaders work together. Therefore, we welcome this opportunity. At the same time, we call for an extension of the May 16th Presidential Decree, which will complement the New Anti-Inflation Initiatives.

In building our productive capacity, it is our goal to advance several key sustainable development goals like reducing poverty, promoting decent work for economic growth, and modernizing industry and infrastructure. It is not lost on us that there will be significant work to do among this eleven-nation alliance. Our countries vary significantly in size and productive capacity and maintain various longstanding trade and economic integration relationships that will have to be accounted for when engineering our new reality.

As we seek to deepen ties, Belize renews its commitment to our shared goals of promoting the development and integration of our region. We have an opportunity to reduce barriers to trade for an agreed basket of basic goods for our people. This by strengthening our economic cooperation mechanisms that enhance trade facilitation and increase regional agricultural productivity to attain strategic autonomy in the selected food and services sectors. A collective and broad development strategy will ultimately promote regional specialization, economies of scale and mutual economic interdependence of the group of countries participating in the alliance.

The proposal by Mexico for participants of this Summit to agree on a facilitation mechanism to combat inflationary forces and grow intra-regional trade should be embraced by all. Belize recommends renewed focus on an industrial policy framework that gives meaningful support and incentives to enable investments targeting value-addition and access to established value chains or those to be created.

Investments should be prioritized in science and technology to support the growth and resilience of the agricultural sector, thereby improving the production of food, and insulating the region’s economies from the adverse impacts of global crises including pandemics. Clearly, there is an urgent need to increase the availability of financing accessible by the private sector.

Belize will continue to benefit greatly from Mexico’s generosity and leadership under the Sembrando Vida project. This project can drive improvements in sustainable agricultural processes and practices, leading to increased productivity, penetration of export markets and financial inclusion. Sembrando Vida captures the spirit of the type of trade and economic cooperation that should define our ambition.

Excellencies, we have shared interest in leading a region where our economies become more resilient and adaptable. Let us be decisive in our actions but considerate in our deliberations as we seek ways to enhance our relations.

I thank you.



Last weekend was the yearly four-and-a-half-days of what is known as the Holy Weekend. A Fourday Easter weekend is the coveted relaxation time when most Belize would plan a family getaway. The weekend kicked off with a revival of the spirit hosted by the Belize City Council ‘2-Day Holy Week Revival Concert’. This drew thousands of Belizeans from all parts of the country. The converged on DigiPark. Our local talent and the headliner SINACH performed her signature song ‘Way Maker’ and others. A FaceBook post states, “Thank you to the amazingly talented and diverse Belizean praise teams and churches as well as Sinach and her team for supporting this history-making initiative. It has been a truly transformative two nights at our 2-Day Holy Week Revival Concert. Let’s do this again!”

On Holy Saturday cycling tradition proved to be alive and well. The country was glued to their radio, T.V., social media, and the roadside to catch the 93rd Annual Cross Country where the garland came back because of the Belizean-born Oscar Quiroz shining moment for the jewel as 28-year-old Oscar Quiroz brought the garland home and claimed the 93rd Holy Saturday Cross Country Cycling Classic Championship title. Also proudly wearing the Belize flag on an international stage was 14-year-old Demetrie Meyers as he spectacularly dominated the 50th CARIFTA Games in the Bahamas, winning two gold medals in the U-17 Boys 1500m and U-17 Men 3000m Finals. I believe all Belizeans would like to wish both athletes continued success in their future endeavors.

On Sunday, the Belize Tourism Board held its annual Sarteneja Easter Regatta held in Sarteneja, Corozal. This event celebrated the community’s boating tradition, with the highlight of the festivities being a 20ft, 22ft, and 24ft keel sailboat race. The community hosted visitors from near and far, who came to enjoy the beach party, food, live music, and various competitions. Staying in the North, there was an Easter Egg Hunt organized in collaboration with the Orange Walk Town Council, Hon. John Briceño, Child Advisory Body, Belize Youth Movement, and the Central Executive; this was a tremendous success! Children from all over town and some from the villages had a lot of fun with the games and the egg hunt. Heading West to twin towns Santa Elena and San Ignacio as volunteers joined forces to create the Sawdust Tapestries. Sawdust tapestries were done on Far West St, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and Santa Elena as you cross Hawkesworth Bridge. Volunteers started as early as 5 a.m. in the morning to prepare for the evening’s procession.

The Easter weekend ends at the Castleton Racetrack for horse racing in Belize on Easter Monday as thousands of Belizeans headed back home from the booked-out weekend at hotels and resorts all over. Generally, the weekend was incident free

and we thank the good Lord for this. We would like to express our sincere condolences to the family and extended family of the Belize Police Department on the passing of ASP Fitzroy Yearwood, who was the Communications Director for the BPD. A grateful nation thanks you for your service.

Belize is Back! Christmas and Easter are economic indicators and these two have proved what every other indicator is showing…jobs are back, unemployment is down, the economy is booming and hope is up. Hope is transforming dreams to reality. Belize is back and moving beyond that. Everyone is beginning to win as Belize starts to work for everyone.

Belize High School

RELEASE DATE: April 13th 20 23


Belize High School (STEAMBel #9244) National Robotics Team to compete in CHARGED UP FIRST® ENERGIZE presented by Qualcomm HAAS in Oklahoma, USA.

About FIRST®

FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded by inventor Dean Kamen to inspire young people's interest in science and technology. As a robotics community that prepares young people for the future, FIRST is the world 's leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. For 30 years, FIRST has combined the rigor of STEM learning w ith the fun and excitement of traditional sports and the inspiration that comes from community through p rograms that have a proven impact on learning, interest, and skill-building inside and outside of the classroom FIRST provides programs that span a variety of age groups:

FIRST® Robotics Competition for grades 9-12, ages 14-18

Buzzing with that Beautiful Belizean Brainpower, 15 incredible innovators are representing the jewel are students Jaden Chen (captain), Justin Zhou, Corbin Pacheco, Uday Tilwani, Ray Wu, Sebastian Garcia, Karii Domingo, Victoria Quan, Alexander Usher, Givanya Tesucum, Faculty Mentors Godfrey Sosa, Luis Silva, Jamie Usher, and Parent Chaperones Mrs. Melissa Shagoury Garcia, and Gustavo Garcia.

Green Country Regional 2023

April 5 to April 8, 2023

Gracious Professionalism® is part of the ethos of FIRST. It's a way of doing things that encourages high quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community Gracious Professionalism is not clearly defined for a reason. It can and should mean different things to everyone.

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OW Central Back to School Haircuts

Getting sharp for back to school after the Easter break.

Our Orange Walk Central Committee teamed up with our Orange Walk Town Council and offered free haircuts for our children. Free tickets were given to the 7 schools in Orange Walk Town, with a total of 90 haircuts done.

We thank our barbers who volunteered: Elvis Nah, Yali Ayuso, Dennis Tush and the one beautician - Joseth Bonner.


April 12, 2023


Crystal Bottling Company announces a new promotion

The "Get your magic on and WIN" White Cap promotion will run from April 11 to June 10, 2023, encouraging consumers to take a break and enjoy their favourite Coca-Cola beverages and possibly win some fantastic prizes.

Participants can win cool prizes, including Apple Airpods, JBL headphones, Xbox and Nintendo Switch consoles, Coca-Cola Tees, and Free Products. The grand prize is all-inclusive Ultra VIP access for the winner and three friends to the 2nd Annual Belize Food and Music Festival hosted by the Belize Tourism Board. It is an amazing opportunity to experience this world-class event with all the amenities.

Consumers can participate with the purchase of any single-serve Coca-Cola beverage, including Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Powerade and Minute Maid, which has a white cap. They can then scan the QR code on the posters, register for the promotion and enter the code from their cap – it's that easy!

"We are excited to launch the White Cap Promotion, designed to reward our loyal consumers with the chance to win some amazing prizes while enjoying their favourite beverages," said Vanessa Bowman, Coca-Cola Brand Coordinator at B&B|Beverages.

The "Get your magic on and WIN" promo is open to all consumers in Belize 13 years and above and participants 18 years and older for the grand prize. Participants can enter the promo as often as they want by purchasing the participating products with the white cap and code underneath.

For more information, visit the Crystal Bottling Company Facebook page.


The Crystal Bottling Company is a Bowen & Bowen Company. Established in 1942, Crystal has provided Belizeans with high-quality beverages, including purified water, carbonated and non-carbonated flavoured drinks, and juices. Crystal has set the industry standard for the quality of products it delivers to Belizean consumers.

Media Contact:


P: +501 227-7031


09 1

Kimberly Selgado, the MIDH is proud of you for becoming a new homeowner. It is up to you now to make the best of it, but we have all faith in you. The Prime Minister and Mayor and both equally proud.

OrangeCentral:Walk Another NEW Homeowner UDP-Neglected

Hattieville is one of the largest and most vibrant rural communities in Belize. The MIDH team is busy upgrading their streets.

MIDH: “Sometimes we honestly can't believe the level of long term neglect of these communities, but no time to dwell on the past. Let's just get it done.”

Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance


1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize. The subscription period required is for one (1) year.

2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.

3. Terms of Reference

4. Two references.

1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year.

5. The bids should be valid for six months from the last date for submission of the bids.

2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.

3a. Technical specifications

3. Terms of Reference

The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:

3a. Technical specifications

8. The contract is subject to the following Income and Business Tax as per Government Policy as shown below:

a. 25% - for entities from non-Caricom countries

b. 15% - for entities from Caricom countries

c. 19% for entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real-time voice services.

The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:

d. 6% for companies in Belize

9. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5% for GST-registered agents.

10. Questions and Replies

Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 14 April 2023.

Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.

11. Submission of Tenders should be emailed to bz with the subject TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES FOR GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE.

a) To ensure confidentiality, the bid response shall consist of two password-protected files - one technical and one financial. This can be done on the file itself, using zip password protection, or some other means of password-protecting the file. The password will be requested at the opening of the tender.

3b. Program of Works

3b. Program of Works

The program of work includes:

The program of work includes:

1. Technical support with license provisioning.

b) Bidders shall submit a brief description of the documents contained in each of the password-protected files.

1. Technical support with license provisioning

2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office.

c) Any discounts offered should be clearly stated by the Tenderer.

2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office

3. Issue resolution for the duration of the contract period (12 months).

3c. Schedule

The licenses are to be provisioned and activated no later than 30 June 2023.

4. Copies of this Tender document can be downloaded from the Ministry of Finance Procurement Portal or the CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board

5. The currency exchange rate for regional/international bidders is USD 1.00 to BZD 2.00.

6. Eligibility Criteria: This invitation is open to all eligible Tenderers as per the eligibility criteria below:

1. The Tenderer has an active membership in Microsoft Partner Network for Latin America and the Caribbean region and market (MPN ID) at the time of bid submission.

2. The Tenderer must be an active Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that can sell CSP offers in Latin America and the Caribbean region and market

3. The Tenderer should provide evidence of experience deploying Microsoft 365 Licenses for at least one (1) previous contract of a similar size and nature within the past three years.

4. The Tenderer is required to provide a signed and dated banker’s reference that should include the following information:

a. The name and contact information of the bank or financial institution providing the reference.

b. The name of the account holder and the account number.

c. The length of the banking relationship.

d. The monthly average balance of the account over the past 12 months.

e. Any other relevant information that the bank or financial institution deems appropriate.

5. The Tenderer has availability of liquid assets through either:

a. Access to a line of credit of 100% of the bid price

b. Cash in a bank account of an amount at least 100% of the bid price

7. Administrative Requirements: All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submission:

1. Business certificates

a. For local Tenderers:

1. Current copies of Certificates of Good Standing from:

a. Belize Tax Service within 6 months

b. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year

c. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year

2. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year.

b. For regional/international Tenderers: Statement of compliance from Companies’ Registry within 1 year.

2. Bids must be accompanied by a notarized bid-securing declaration.

3. Power of attorney showing person signing the bid is authorized to do so.

13. The deadline for Tender submission is 10:00 am on 28 April 2023. Submissions received after the deadline will be rejected.

14. Evaluation Criteria

Tenders will be evaluated on technical merit and price based on the following criteria:

term of the agreement (1 year)

Service delivery models for issue resolution must be with English-speaking technical support.

Service delivery experience in provisioning and supporting Microsoft 365 for business comparable in the magnitude of this Tender

The financial strength of the company demonstrated over the past three (3) years

15. Opening of the Tenders will take place online on 3 May 2023 at 2 pm Belize Time and in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend the Tender opening.

16. Evaluation of the Tenders will be conducted on 5 May 2023.

a) The selection of the successful Tenderer will be based on a competitive process that considers Technical and Financial Proposals.

b) The Technical file will be opened first, evaluated, and ranked. The Evaluation Committee will first check for administrative compliance and only those bids complying will have their technical proposal evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria to determine the technical capacity of the tenderer to provide the Microsoft 365 Licenses and Support services at the level being requested.

c) Only those Tenderers passing a minimum of 70% will have their Financial proposal opened and evaluated.

d) The financial proposal will count for 50% of the total points.

e) The Tenderer with the highest combined value (Technical + Financial) will be recommended for the award of the contract.

f) Incomplete tenders will not be accepted.

17. The Tenderer who offers the lowest price and who qualified in the technical evaluation, may not necessarily be awarded the contract for the supply of the Microsoft 365 Licenses to the Government of Belize.

THE BELIZE TIMES 178 25 SEP 2020 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE 1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year. 2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure. 3. Terms of Reference 3a. Technical specifications The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below: ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender for Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, and Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100 3b. Program of Works The program of work includes: 1. Technical support with license provisioning 2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:
Hattieville Streets Upgrade
ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender for Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, and Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100
Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:
ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender for Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, and Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100
Evaluation Criteria Weight (%) Financial Offer 50% Technical proposal 50% Direct technical support from
20% Access
to the portal for managing licenses throughout the
5% Total

PCC to Receive Orientation Training

is to orient members of the People’s Constitution Commission with the knowledge, conceptual frameworks, and access to further resources on constitution making and constitutional design necessary for the PCC:

Let Belize Live


Statement made by the Premier of Belize Hon. George C. Price to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations

United Nations, New York November 7, 1975 Part V SUPPORT FOR BELIZE

I recall, with gratitude, the decision of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference in Kingston, Jamaica earlier this year, which gave its full support to the aspirations of the people of Belize for an early and secure independence.

The People’s Constitutional Commission will receive Orientation Training from Caribbean Renown Constitutional Expert Professor Cynthia Barrow-Giles and other High-Profile Experts. As Belize and the PCC members gear up for an intensive and extensive review of our Belize (Independence) Constitution, the PCC reached out to one of the Caribbean eminent constitutional professional, Professor Cynthia Barrow-Giles, professor of Constitutional Governance and Politics at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, along with other constitutional specialists from the United Nations Development Programme, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and Belizean Constitutional Experts to deliver a two-day training to the members of the People’s Constitution Commission later this month.

Dr. Cynthia Barrow-Giles has extensive experience in Constitutional Development and Reform as one of the main technical persons working on the Barbados Constitutional Reform process and other Caribbean islands. Joining Dr. Barrow-Giles in the orientation of the PCC are our own technical specialists/attorneys like, Judge Lisa Shoman, Attorney Darrel Bradley and others, plus UNDP specialist, Mr. Jason Gluck, and IDEA’s Sumit Basrya and Eliott Bulmer.

The objective of this workshop

A) To engage constructively with the substantive issues of constitutional review in Belize, in order to be able to conduct useful deliberations and reach consensus on constitutional reforms; and

B) To engage with and educate the Belizean public so that they are able to meaningfully contribute to the constitutional reform process. Constitution making and design is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of legal, political, and social issues. The PCC will be receiving adequate training in order to ensure that the resulting constitutional review is effective, legitimate, and totally representative and inclusive of the Belizean People that it governs. Ultimately, the quality of a Constitution depends on the quality of the process that produced it, and adequate training is essential for the PCC to ensure that this process is fair, transparent, and democratic with emphasis that the concerns/recommendations of the People of Belize are front and center of the whole process.

Belizeans are equally grateful for the total support given to our cause by the Fifth Conference of Foreign Ministers of Non-Aligned Countries held in Lima, Peru in August.

The Lima Declaration stated:

“The Conference expresses its unconditional support for the people of Belize whose aspirations for independence continue to be frustrated by territorial claims. In affirming the territorial integrity of Belize and the right of its people to independence, the Conference agrees to lend its support to all efforts directed to those ends.”

Belize takes this unanimous declaration of support from the Non-Aligned countries very seriously. We realize that these countries themselves feel deeply committed to the pledge they made in Lima to support all efforts directed towards the preservation of the territorial integrity of Belize and the exercise of the rights of its people to self-determination and independence. I therefore call with confidence on all our brothers of the Commonwealth and of the Non-Aligned to vigorously support the resolution in the Fourth Committee which affirms the rights of the Belizean people.

I take this opportunity to express the gratitude of my Government and people to the Commonwealth and Non-Aligned countries for their declared support for the independence of Belize, as well as to other countries that have pledged us their support. In particular, I wish to thank our brothers in the Latin American group -- Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada and the Bahamas -- for their indefatigable promotion of our cause in various international forums. We are bound together, not only by ethnic, historical, cultural and social ties, but also by our common membership in the Caribbean Community and Common Market.


Madame Chairman, distinguished delegates: On two previous occasions, in 1967 and again in 1974, my Deputy Premier addressed the Fourth Committee on the question of Belize. On both occasions we harboured hopes for fruitful resultsof on-going negotiations and hence asked for no specific action. After so many years-of patient endeavour, however, we are convinced that only a categorical affirmation by the United Nations of our rights to self-determination and territorial integrity will break the deadlock and permit us to continue our forward march toa secure independence.

In his address to the Fourth Committee, my Deputy Premier said, “Your Committee, and indeed the entire United Nations Organization, remains our last great hope should the drifting current of events take us in a direction we do not wish to go. It is to you that in due course we must turn if all else fails.” Unfortunately, I must now report that all else has indeed failed, and we now turn with confidence to you.

Notice is hereby given that Koc Muammer is applying for a Restauarnt Liquor License to be operated at “Celebrity Restaurant” located in on Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Jianfan Wu is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Green Pandan Restaurant” located at 16 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Hattieville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Liza Boyd is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Arnold’s Guest House” located at # 11 Mossiah Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Today, Government and Opposition parties in Belize come before you united in our request for an affirmation of our rights. We come with an urgency inspired by the harmful effects that Guatemala’s unfounded claim continues to have on our people and on our development.


The resolution that has been circulated in this Committee, co-sponsored by the Caribbean countries and by so many other countries of the world, countries that have earned the undying gratitude and respect of the Belizean people, is a most reasonable one.

It reaffirms the right of the people of Belize to self-determination and independence, and declares that the territorial integrity of Belize must be preserved. It calls for urgent negotiations between Britain and Guatemala for the resolution of their differences of opinion concerning the future of Belize.

By endorsing the call to negotiations, we do not thereby imply that Guatemala has any right over the destiny of Belize, but rather we recognize that a negotiated settlement which fully respects the inalienable rights of the Belizean people is the best possible solution to this unfortunate situation that has so long frustrated the exercise of those rights by a people who deserve them no less than any other.

We do not believe that our requests are unreasonable. We appeal to all countries to support this just resolution. All we ask is that Belize be free to determine its own future without fear of external domination, free to proceed to sovereign independence in friendship and cooperation with its neighbours.

We are also aware that in other colonial situations the Committee of Twenty- Four has sent a visiting mission to the territory in question in order to gain a first- hand assessment and report back to the General Assembly. My government has an open mind on the feasibility of a visiting mission to Belize and certainly if such a visit were deemed necessary in the future we would welcome and cooperate fully with the Mission’s representatives.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@
Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet
16 APR 2023 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 13 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 12 16 APR 2023 16 APR 2023 Progress and Success Prime Minister John Briceño Cabinet Lenten/Easter season alive in Belize Corozal TC’s Easter Bash Belize City Council’s MASSIVE SUCCESS: Holy Week Revival Concert PM’s family patriarch celebrates his 98th Birthday
Meeting with OW Central Executive
Real development in OW Central
a Cabinet
the day after the Easter: Unprecedented level of Commitment to working for Belize
Visit by Regional Director for the Bureau of Latin America and
Mrs. Linda Maguire
Signing the Statutory Instrument removing taxes from sanitary products: Effective May 1st
President and regional leaders discussing
to curb the high cost of living Photo of
Hon. Orlando Habet, Cayo Northeast - Hot Cross Bun competition Benque Youths committed by talent


San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; Belize District; Little Belize Settlement, Corozal Town, Corozal District; August Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk Town; Hattieville, Potts Creek/Salt Creek,Belize District; Georgeville Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District; Bella Vista Village, Toledo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Atlantic Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until31st May 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

A: San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:

ALL THOSE pieces or parcels of land being Lots Nos. 43 and 44 situate Southwest of the Phillip Goldson Highway at Mile 13, Belize District, Belize being a portion of land comprised in Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 15 of 1989 date 23rd Feb uary 1989 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 2 vacant lots situate in the Fred Hunter Subdivision near Mile 13 on the Northern Highway, South of Los Largos in the Belize District, the freehold properties of Mr. Gildardo Cardona and Mrs. Rocio Aguilar Cardona)

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 307 situated at Belizean American Site near Mile 17 ½ South of George Price Highway, Hattieville Village, Belize District comprising 613.44 square meters TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Sean Delroy Nicholas)

SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 2601 Freehold property of Mr. Pablo Sosa



Corn Mill.

ALL THAT piece or parcel of vacant land being Lot No. 193 Minister's Fiat 606 of 2013 o f Georgeville Village, Cayo District, comprising of 1026.481 Square Meters, TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Ms. Tanesha Salazar)

South 31 44

property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. 0

Abraham Nicholson


Pine Ridge 9 1124 Freehold property of Mr. Jacob Freisen.

ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 995 acres situated on the intersection of Potts Creek Road and the western boundary of Salt Creek Work TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited)

South 31 61

Freehold property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. 8

All That piece or parcel of land known as Lot #2 located in Bella Vista Village, Stann Creek District compromising 445.892 square meters Together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Robert Andrew August and Ms. Roselia E Lizama)




TELEPHONE: 223 4488


Face Book: Belize Auctions

1. Parcel No. 1124 August Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk District:
1. Laguna De San Pedro Zone, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
2 . Parcel No. 6824 Colonia Diego, San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize District: 2. Parcel No. 929 8th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District:
3. Parcel No. 2601 San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize District: 1. Parcel No. 799 Waree Bight Area, near Little Belize, Corozal District: 1. 995 Acres situate at Intersection Potts Creek Road & Western Boundary of Salt Creek Work, Belize District: 2. 5 Acres situate at Junction Potts Creek Road & north bank Potts Creek, Belize District: 3. Lots Nos. 43 & 44 Fred Hunter’s Subdivision, Mile 13 Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize District: 1. Lot No. 193 Georgeville Village, Cayo District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 4093, 4094, 4095, 4872, 4873, 4874
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 6824 Freehold property of Mr. Pablo Sosa REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Waree Bight/Freshwater Creek 3 799 Freehold property of Mr.
1. Parcel Nos. 440 Dangriga, Stann Creek District: properties
Messrs. Casa Katerina Limited.
David Neufeld
1 929 Freehold property of Mr.
4. Lot No. 307 Hattieville Village, Belize District: 2. Parcel Nos. 618 Dangriga, Stann Creek District: ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 5 acres situate at the junction Potts Creek Road and the north bank of Potts Creek TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited) 1. Lot No. 2 Bella Vista Village, Toledo District: G: TOLEDO DISTRICT: E: CAYO DISTRICT: F: STANN CREEK DISTRICT

Senator Bevinton Cal attends Fourth Meeting of the World Bank Global Young MP Initiative

2023 Global Parliamentary Forum in Washington DC

ing long-term development results.


Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District; Hattieville, Belize District; Belmopan; Duck Run, Cayo District;

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

1. BEACHFRONT center of Hopkins Village where the main Hopkins Road meets the sea, Stann Creek District:

12th April - The Senator, the Honourable Bevinton Cal attended the Fourth Meeting of the World Bank Global Young MP (Member of Parliament) Initiative which was held as part of the Global Parliamentary Forum (GPF), held under the theme "Tough Challenges, Tougher Choices", in Washington DC on the 11th April 2023.

The World Bank Global Young MP Initiative is a platform dedicated specifically to Members of parliament who are age 40 and below. It provides a space for dialogue and exchange for young legislators with their peers and the World Bank Group, for whom they are important partners in achiev-

This year's meeting topic was Safeguarding the World's Future: The Environment and Social Framework. Keynote speakers were the Vice President of the External and Corporate Relations from the World Bank and the Director of the Environment and Social Standards from the World Bank. Young MP Speakers were the Member of the Committee on Energy, Industry and Research and Innovation from Indonesia, the Vice Chair of the Economy Committee and Budget Committee from Kosovo, and the New Caledonia and President of the Network of Young Parliamentarians from the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly.

Senator Cal also had the opportunity to attend the presentation and debate of other topics discussed at the Forum such as Transforming Governance and Accountability: Learning from Experiences; Empowering Women for Powerful Societies; World Economic Update - Where do we stand; Roundtable - Economic Update for the Middle East and North Africa Region; and the Economic Outlook for Africa.

The forum was hosted and funded by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. Senator Cal returned to Belize Wednesday 12th April 2023.

Belize Receives Donation of COVID-19 Vaccines from Lithuania

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 116 comprising 800 square yards of land situate in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Plan Dated August 6th, 2013, attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 465 of 2013 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. ( Being 3 wooden structures; Building A – elevated timber structure; Building B – elevated timber and plywood structure; Building C – timber with thatched roof structure with wooden rails TOGETHER with lot [7,200 Sq. Ft] situate at the SEAFRONT center of Hopkins Village where the main Hopkins Road meets the sea, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Virginia Casimiro.)

2. Lot No. 19 Hattieville Village, Belize District:

April 4, 2023 - Today, a donation of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children (12 years and older) from the people and Government of Lithuania was officially handed over to the Government of Belize.

The donation, which was received last week, was delivered to Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness, by Mr. Carlos Perera, Honorary Consul of Lithuania.

The ministry extends appreci -

ation for the vaccines as officials continue to monitor and respond to COVID-19. The ministry reminds the public that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 reduces the risks of developing complications and hospitalization if contracted. The ministry also advises citizens to take a booster if they are eligible to do so and to stay safe during the upcoming Easter weekend.

Visit the nearest health center for more information on the availability of vaccines

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situated in Hattieville Village Belize District and numbered Lot No. 19 containing 880.309 Square Meters bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 351 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 351/16 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a lot [9,475 sq. ft.] situate in Hattieville Village Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Roberto Chavarria Jr.)

3. Parcel No. 5276 Starkey Hill Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:


The freehold property of Ms. Dawn Leslie

(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,540 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/ Kitchen + Laundry/Storeroom TOGETHER with lot [501.722 S.M.] situate on Starkey Hill Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold

4. Lot No. 74 (386.146 ACRES) Duck Run Area, Cayo District:




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

property of Ms. Dawn Leslie.) All that lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 74 from a sub-division containing 386.146 acres done by Licensed Surveyor C.W. Arnold dated 10th December 2007 situate in Duck Run Area, Cayo District and show as Entry No. 11129 Reg. No. 25 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [961 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry/ Storeroom TOGETHER with lot situate in Duck Run Area, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Milton Humes.)

Remarks by

Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai

Minister of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise

Visit by President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm April 3, 2023

A pleasant good afternoon,

It is a pleasure and honor to address you today and offer a huge welcome to you, Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and your team. Your presence with us today is evidence that the bilateral and technical cooperation that Taiwan shares with Belize has support at the highest level in Taiwan.

The cordial friendship and collaboration that Belize and Taiwan continue to enjoy began 34 years ago, specifically on October 11, 1989. This longstanding friendship is founded on the principles of self-determination, territorial integrity and national sovereignty that both nations share and is made in light of the unfounded claim that mainland China has on Republic of China (Taiwan) and, in like manner, that Guatemala has on Belize. And, because of this mutual connection and history, so long as I am a Minister of Government and have influence in Belize’s diplomatic decisions, whether am in Government or in Opposition, I will be a strong advocate for Belize to remain steadfast in its support for Taiwan’s sovereignty and independence. And as the Minister of Agriculture, who visited Taiwan recently, I must add that I admire Taiwan’s approach to agricultural development. We have much to learn about the ROC (Taiwan)’s path to economic independence, focusing first on developing its primary agriculture production, then moving into agro-processing, value-adding and overall industrial development, while, at the same time, moving to small-scale mechanization and modernizing of its agricultural services. Taiwan’s agricultural development was all guided by strategic decision-making and was built on a strong foundation of research, technology, and a strong approach to local and international marketing.

The mutual interest that our countries share has allowed the partnership between us to flourish and for Belize to enjoy the benefits of various initiatives that provide fiscal support during times of economic crisis, scholarships targeting agriculture, engineering and other economic sectors for Belizeans to study in Taiwan, interventions that boost socio-economic development, and projects that promote value adding and economic empowerment. In the agriculture sector, we have benefited from support to specific agricultural research and development projects, agro-processing and agri-businesses.

This collaboration has so far played a dynamic and crucial role in helping to bring together stakeholders in the development of the Agriculture Sector, beginning with the development of the rice industry in the early days of our partnership to the valuable work done with introduced fruits such as guavas and plums; strategic support provided through the agro-process -

ing unit set up right here in Central Farm by the ROC Taiwan Technical Mission and, more recently, the sheep and goat sub-sectors in Belize.

Belize is a small country with a little over four hundred thousand people and, in a very special way, using our tenacity and resilience, we are producing and ensuring food security, much like Taiwan has done.

Today, we are here at the National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center that is located at the Livestock Section in Central Farm. The beauty and development you see here today is


a result of this great collaboration that I have spoken of, that has also permeated this project during the last two phases. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture conducted an assessment and found that the sheep and goat sub-sector was suffering from poor genetics, dilapidated infrastructure and limited capacity building for the sheep and goat farmers in the country. Since then, the country has seen an increase in the production of small ruminants, improved infrastructures and enhanced capacity of farmers, thanks to the intervention of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through both phases of the Sheep and Goat Project. According to the sheep population survey of 2022, there are about 17,264 head of sheep in Belize that



Applications are invited from suitably qualifi ed persons to fill the following post in the Accounts Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females,able/ differently abled are encouraged to apply for the available post

Reports to: Chief Accountant

Summary of Responsibilities: The Accountant assist and support the Chief Accountant in carrying out the overall financial function for the Port. Applies principles of accounting to analyze financial information and prepare financial reports. Provide accurate quantitative information and assist with the su pervision of accounting staff in the absence of Chief Accountant. Ensure the accurate, consistent and timely input of data into the accounting system.

Job Responsibilities:

Overall Supervisor of the Accounts Department

Prepare bank reconciliations for all accounts.

Prepare management payroll.

Prepare weekly cash flows – Review A/R

Supervise – Cashier and Storekeeper

Prepare monthly accruals (follow journal guide)

Prepare monthly for PBL and BPOL GST and Business Tax return.

Prepare managers monthly depa rtment expenses.

Distribute end of month reports to managers

Assist Chief Accountant: Analysis of Revenue, budget preparation. Manage Accounting Department in the absence of Chief Accountant

Supervise preparation and loading of PAYE and Social Security t o portal.

Reconcile intercompany accounts BPL, BPOL, BLTL

Prepare and reconcile loan accounts.

Supervise preparation of staff payroll

Prepare and reconcile monthly reports – suspense Acts, prepayments accounts etc. Prepare and update monthly depreciation schedule.

Supervise: Petty cash reconciliation Stevedore Floats account

Assist in checking out of cashier.

Any other duties of a related nature as per departmental needs

Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting

• 5+ years’ experience

• Strong interpersonal and supervisory skills

• Strong verbal and written communication

• Report writing

• Ability to multi task


• Strong command of accounting principles as per

• Problem solving skills

• Able to work under pressure

• Confidential

• Trustworthy

Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).

To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager ), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, name and phone number of two(2) previous employers. Email

Continued on page 17
date for receipt of applications i s Friday, April 28, 2023. Closing

Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai

Minister of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise Visit by President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm

Continued from page 16

April 3, 2023

are being reared by 474 sheep farmers. Those figures mark a sharp increase in comparison to recent years mainly due to the intervention from the Taiwan Government, with first, the Genetic Improvement in Sheep and Goat Project (Phase 1) and now the Breeding Sheep and Goat Production and Guidance System Enhancement Project (Sheep Project Phase II).

The Sheep Barn constructed under the project can accommodate a total of 650 sheep and goats; in addition, it is also well equipped with all the equipment and tools necessary to operate a Sheep and Goat Breeding Program. The project has imported a total of 104 breeding stock of Sheep, including Dorper, Black Belly and Katahdin breeds, as well as Nubian and Boer goats. From these imported genetic stock, we have produced 731 offspring of improved genetic quality that have been sold to the Belizean farmers. What an accomplishment!

In reference to capacity building, a total of 400 sheep and goat farmers have been trained at 32 Sheep and Goat Management Workshops, which have included topics such as feeding management, sheep husbandry, and pasture establishment. There have also been 12 lamb culinary craft workshops, where farmers, restaurateurs, housewives and chefs have gathered to learn how to prepare and cook lamb recipes. The culinary workshops have received great reviews from the Belizean pub -


In remaining steadfast with #plan Belize, our government’s manifesto, the Government of Belize and by extension the Ministry of Agriculture is now embarking on moving the sheep and goat industry further down the value chain of production. To achieve this, the Ministry of Agriculture has once again submitted a project concept to the ICDF Taiwan in Belize for yet another phase of the sheep and goat project. This phase, if approved, madam president, will greatly build on what our great collaboration has achieved thus far; as well, it will enhance our capabilities in marketing, value addition and the continuous capacity building of our deserving farmers.

The possibility of value-adding needs to be established to fetch better prices. Improvements in sheep production would allow the sheep sub-sector to strategically plan production better to meet marketing demands and ensure a sustainable and profitable industry, but we need to ensure that a functional traceability system is in place. We have the raw materials, but we need to work on being globally competitive with our products.

Invitation for Bids

Belize Water Services Limited


GRT/CF-19538-BL & GRT/MA-19539-BL

Advancing Water Disinfection in Urban & Rural Areas

International Competitive Bidding (ICB) BWSL/BIF-27-2205

1. The Government of Belize has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank toward the cost of the project “Advancing Water Disinfection in Urban & Rural Areas GRT/CF19538-BL and GRT/MA-19539-BL”, and intends to apply the proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract for the “supply, installation and commissioning of OSG Disinfection Equipment”.

2. Belize Water Services Limited now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the:

a) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection Equipment for Caye Caulker Village- Lot A

b) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection Equipment for San Marcos Village- Lot B

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.

And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

President Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen, our country and in particular those of us who are involved in agricultural development in Belize, are very grateful for the support we have received from the ROC Technical Mission. The wonderful communication that we have with, and support that we get from, the various Ambassadors to Belize and the various head of the ROC-Technical Missions are comparable to none. For this we are truly grateful, and wish only to see continued strengthening of this mutually beneficial collaboration. I would also like to commend the technical staff of the ICDF, the ROC Mission here in Belize and the Ministry of Agriculture, for all their hard work and determination to see this and other projects through successfully. On behalf of the people and Government of Belize, I once again say, Thank You, Thank You. Xie Xie!

I wish all a pleasant day, and may we all continue basking in the sunshine of the friendship between our two countries.

c) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection Equipment& Filtration System for Crooked Tree Village - Lot C.

3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the Inter-American Development Bank’s Policies for the Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Policies.

4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain an e-copy of bidding document by making a request to the below:

Ervin Flores, Resident Consultant Engineer Belize Water Services Ltd.

7 Central American Blvd. Belize City, Belize.


5. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 2:00 pm, 18th May, 2023. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 2:15 pm on 18th May, 2023.

6. All bids to be accompanied by a Bid Security, as specified in the bidding document and must be delivered to the address below by 2:00 pm local time on 18th May, 2023

7. The address referred to above is:


Ervin Flores, Resident Consultant Engineer

Belize Water Services Limited

7 Central American Blvd.

Belize City Belize

Remarks by
To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@

Belize: A Leader In Sustainability

Let’s face it, sustainability has become a buzzword in tourism. But some countries do more than talk the talk, they have programs in place to help protect the environment, culture and food sources of the region. Belize is one of those places.

For many countries, at the heart of sustainability is tourism. Many countries depend on tourism dollars as their primary source of income. Preserving their environment is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes good economic sense.

Belize is located in Central America, but it also has a decidedly Caribbean feel, making it appealing for visitors who want to go snorkeling and diving in some of the most beautiful water in the world. It’s home to the second-largest barrier reef. It has a plethora of small, unique islands off the coast, with rainforests blanketing the mainland.

Travelers come here for a variety of reasons—active adventure, culture, cuisine and wildlife. To this end, Belize has set up several programs to not only attract travelers, but to protect the land.

For example, to protect endangered species such as the jaguar, Belize is a partner of the Maya Forest Corridor, protecting landscapes from Belize’s Maya Mountains, through the tri-national Maya forest of Belize, Mexico, and Guatemala. This region is the most extensive continuous stretch of jungle in Central America.

More than 70% of the country is forested, making it a mecca for wildlife. Belize has over a hundred protected areas, many of them serving as animal sanctuaries. For example, the Community Baboon Sanctuary spans 20 miles and is home to over a thousand howler monkeys, birds and other mammals, including jaguars and manatees.

Another key effort is to support local community tourism so travelers can engage with and learn about the local Garifuna culture. This can involve eating the local Creole cuisine, experiencing the traditional Garifuna dance called Punta, and purchasing handicrafts and other items from local artisans.

Preserving the water and coastline of Belize is another key initiative. These waters host a diverse variety of marine life, from sting rays, sea turtles and sharks to colorful corals and sea grass beds. It draws scuba divers, snorkelers and water enthusiasts from all over the world. Belize has a reef protection and sustainable tourism program that includes a new wreck diving site allowing divers to explore the marine life and waters while reducing strain on these radiant reefs and eco-systems.

The country has also signed into law a moratorium on offshore oil exploration and drilling in the entirety of Belizean waters. The reef is an integral part in many Belizeans’ livelihoods, whether in the fishing industry or tourism industry and pre -

serving that water is a key sustainability effort.

Ecotourism thrives in Belize with tour operators offering guided tours that reflect the diversity in activities, including hiking to waterfalls, horseback riding, ziplining through the canopies and visiting wildlife sanctuaries.

5 FEB 2023

Belize is a key bird-watching destination as well, drawing bird enthusiasts from around the world.

In addition to the fact that Belize is known to be devoid of chain restaurants, there’s an opportunity for travelers to pick their own ingredients, create their own meal, and eat sustainably.

Recently, eco-resorts in Belize are hopping onto the farm-to-table trend that prioritizes sustainability as its basis in all things they do. Western Belize is especially a hotspot for these experiences. Many resorts in the area offer the option of foraging fresh ingredients from their on-site gardens and farms. This hands-on experience allows trav-

elers to practice more mindful travel through culinary choices.

Additionally, the Fish Right, Eat Right program was created to control illegal fishing and promote best practices in fisheries. Many restaurants, especially in Ambergris Caye, have signed up for the program and have been sourcing seafood responsibly. The program initially targeted restaurants and hotels, but is slated to include cooperatives, fish markets, supermarkets and other seafood purveyors. (For more

MOHW Current Events

The Minister of Health & Wellness, Hon. Kevin Bernard, met with the Taiwanese Ambassador to discuss the various projects taking place in health and how we can do more to collaborate in other areas of health including training, technical support and digitization.

History Making Month in Politics and Sports

members of both Houses were then hosted at a state luncheon at Leigh Richardson’s Building in Belmopan and a state dinner at the Museum of Belize at 7 p.m.

“Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.”- Ken

On Sunday April 2nd, 2023

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen arrived in Belize for a three-day visit— second visit to the country in five years. President Tsai and her delegation were welcomed to Belize at the PGIA by PM Briceño and several members of his government. Giving importance to the visit, on Monday, President Tsai addressed a joint session of parliament along with PM Briceño’s address. At 12pm,

As independent nations Belize and Taiwan have many things in common. We cherish democracy, freedom of speech and assembly, and the mixed economy. The latter embraces private ownership of the means of production with limited intervention by government to ensure the fundamental rights of the citizens for land, housing, educated, and jobs among other things are protected.

Both Belize and Taiwan also have to deal with the unjust and unfair expansionist desire of a large and more powerful neighbor. Guatemala claims a large portion of Belize. Over the years, Guatemala has been prevented from seizing the territory mainly by Britain, the mother country of Belize. With a population of 23 million Taiwan is claimed by China which has a population in excess of 1.4 billion. Taiwan’s main protector against a force takeover by China is the United States. Like Belize, its army is no match for

that of its much larger neighbor. In 34 years of bilateral relationship, Taiwan has assisted Belize with budgetary support in addition to assistance with education, roads, disaster management and prevention, agriculture, vocational training and other. This visit included assistance with 5,000 laptops for the Ministry of Education. Funding for the construction of the needed hospital in San Pedro Town is to start soon, and arrangements for local fishermen to export 2 million US dollars’ worth of lobsters to Taiwan is coming up.

Belize has assisted Taiwan by being one of its true friends in the region

and the wider world. Last month, as it did in the previous year, Belize passed a motion in the National Assembly that calls for the lifting of the ban that prevents Taiwan from a) participating in international forums such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization and b) playing its role in promoting development for a better world at home and abroad. As a true friend of Taiwan, in addressing the United Nations, Belize has always taken advantage of the opportunity to demand that the right of Taiwan as a democratic and independent country be fully re-

page 20
Continued on

History Making Month in Politics and Sports

Continued from page 19 spected by all nations.

Politically President Tsai placed Belize in the spotlight with her second visit to the country while in sports, Oscar Quiroz, Jr. and Demetrie Myers did the same for the nation this month as well. On Holy Saturday Quiroz, Jr. brought the garland back home for the first time in five years, when he took first place in the 93rd annual Holy Saturday Cross Country Cycling classic, which is the one of largest sporting events in the country. The champion Oscar Quiroz, Jr. finished the race 6th last year. He has participated in the event for the past eight years. Fourteen year old Demetrie Myers brought home two gold medals from the 2023 CARIFTA games when he took first place in the U17 Boys 1,500m and 3,000m. Mr. Myers is originally from Sand Hill in the Belize District. Both of his parents are born Belizeans. Big congratulations to the two outstanding athletes. They are further proof that with ambition, hard work, family support, and the support of their organizations as well as the government, the benefits of sports for the youths, the community, and revenue for the country is limitless.

Investment in sports means less crime including gun violence, less gangs, less at-risk youths, less poverty and more educated, law-abiding, and productive citizens—betterment for more families in the society. With better planning, and competitive matches, athletes, fans, sponsors benefit. Football, basketball, cricket, horse racing, La Ruta Maya River Challenge, cycling and several other sports are attracting larger crowds that require a wide range of services and products. Sports promotes economic activity and growth in many areas for the benefit of the country.

To reap the many benefits of sports with hardworking athletes like Oscar Quiroz, Jr. and Demetrie Myers among others, as a nation, we must do everything possible to contribute the maximum amount of resources to the development of sports from primary school up to professional and the like. For more of our athletes to shine locally, regionally, and internationally. they deserve the best possible organizations, the best possible facilities, and maximum support from GoB. This government must therefore be given credit for increasing the budget for sports.

The Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Transport and the National Sports Council also deserve credit for having a meeting with all the sporting organizations in the country to discuss their challenges and successes and identify ways how they can work together with available resources to improve sports thought out the na-

tion. Rewards or benefits are always a great incentive to do one’s best with any undertaking.

It is therefore gratifying to know that for winning the 93rd Cross Coun-

try cycling race Oscar Quiroz, Jr. received a cash prize of $10,000.00, in addition to the garland. Despite their outstanding victories in sports this month of April both Oscar Quiroz and Demetrie Myers are still not well known.

As was done for President Tasi, I fully support the call for both athletes to be invited to the Prime Minister’s office for a special recognition and thank you from P.M. Briceño for making us proud to be Belizeans. I also fully support the suggestion that both Quiroz and Myers be gifted with a house lot each in an accessible area, and that every effort be made to get them to visit as many schools to share their success stories. Finally, I fully support the suggestion that the

prize for winning a gold medal at CARIFA and other major sporting events regionally or internationally be increased as much as possible to help motivate other Belizeans to pursue their dreams in sports, and other fields.



Message from the Hon. Kevin Bernard Minister

of Health & Wellness

World Health Day April 7, 2023

The World Health Organization today celebrates its 75th anniversary under the theme “Health for All.” The World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization (WHO/PAHO) started their operations in Belize during the early 1950s. At that time, support to Belize included technical advice to the Chief Medical Officer and provision of equipment and supplies. Through the decades to today, the partnership with WHO/PAHO has substantially evolved and expanded, with emphasis on the strengthening of our health system, improv-


these social determinants. There are social, economic, and environmental challenges that impact the well-being of vulnerable groups. Premature deaths due to chronic diseases, disabilities at an early age, intrafamily violence associated with multiple social ills, and migration are just some of the consequences that highlight that there is much work to be done to attend to the health and well-being of people.

National efforts are needed to address these factors, these risks, to either eliminate them or to mitigate them and thus improve the wellness status of the community. It is critical to have a harmonization of our health plans between the social sectors, and there is the urgency of promot-

ing health and wellness in all policies. The latter is a global strategy promoted and supported by WHO.

To all our international United Nations partners, our national stakeholders, our multilateral partners, I invite you to share my vision of “Health for All,” today being World Health Day. At the Ministry of Health & Wellness, we move towards placing persons as the center of ministerial endeavors. Let us take ever seriously our responsibility, as administrators, managers, health workers, professionals, to leave seeds that become mechanisms that transform our daily efforts into sustained social interventions geared towards better “Health for All.”


Thank You!

Notice of Dissolution


ing the quality of care and creating mechanisms for sustainability in the provision of health care.

When we say, “Health for All,” we mean that quality, affordable and comprehensive health care should be accessible to every Belizean, regardless of gender, age, race, socioeconomic status or location in the country.

Notice is hereby given that the Company named GRAND TEXTILE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has been dissolved and struck off the Belize Companies & Corporate Affairs Registry with effect from the 3rd April, 2023.

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

SUNRISE: June 25,1975

SUNSET: April 11th,2023

It is with profound sadness and sympathy that Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, the Commissioner of Police, Chester C. Williams, Deputy Commissioners; Bartholomew Jones, Dr. A. Richard Rosado and Aaron Guzman; the senior rank and file of the Belize Police Department announce the untimely passing of our dear brother, colleague and friend, Fitzroy Addison Yearwood, Assistant Superintendent of Police.

May his family, loved ones, colleagues, and friends find solace in the arms of God. You have left us suddenly, Fitz, but your dedication to the Government of Belize, the Belize Police Department, and the people of Belize will never be forgotten... sleep on Fitz for we will all meet again one day.

Fitz will be remembered for his jovial ways and for always joking and trying to make those around him happy.

In partnership with WHO/PAHO, Belize also celebrates decades of constant effort to address national public health priorities. I am proud to say that from February 2022 to February 2023, there were ZERO maternal institutional deaths (meaning deaths that occurred within a hospital). One pregnant mother died at her home but most likely due to COVID-19. This directly reflects the improved health care being provided within our hospitals. Another milestone in public health in Belize is the tangible reduction of infant mortality. In 2020, the infant mortality rate was 12.2 per 1,000 live births; this rate decreased in 2021 and 2022 and, this year, the rate is 11.4 per 1,000 live births. A healthy newborn and a healthy infant are the results of improved maternal and child health, exclusive breastfeeding, access to micronutrients, access to vaccinations, etc.

Of course, it must also be stated that the WHO is making preparations to declare Belize malaria-free. This is another significant public health milestone. An underlying principle in the global efforts of WHO is the objective to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities, of course within the context of a safe and healthy environment. We share this vision. We are aware that all health problems are linked to social determinants.

If we are looking at developing policies to address health, we must also develop policies to address



Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.

The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 25 July 2023.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.

Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically to or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 21 April 2023.

The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 25 April 2023.

Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).

Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627

The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.


Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website ( bz)

5 April 2023
5 FEB 2023
Fitzroy Addison Yearwood Assistant Superintendent of Police

National Agriculture and Trade Show 2023

April 28, 29, and 30

Farmers of the Year


San Ignacio, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Sagicor Life Inc., Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the date and time listed on the website until the property is sold.

1. Parcel No. 519 Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District:



The National Agriculture and Trade Show (NATS) Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, hereby announces the winners of the Farmer of the Year 2023 competition as follows:

The committee congratulates all winners for their hard work and dedication in ensuring the sector remains vibrant and valuable to Belize’s resilience to climate change and economic shocks, and thanks the judges who travelled all over the country to carry out the adjudication. The committee also recognizes all competitors and farmers in general for their contributions to the livelihood and well- being of the economy of our jewel, Belize.

GCF selects Belize for a Case Study

Robust Readiness and Aggressive Implementation of Climate Financed Projects

April 5, 2023 - The Ministry of Economic Development (MED), as Belize's National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), hosted representatives from the GCF Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) during the week of March 27-31, 2023. The IEU ensures the GCF is accountable and effective by conducting independent evaluations of its activities. It operates independently of the GCF secretariat and reports only to the board.

Given its robust readiness and implementation capacity, Belize was identified as one of the countries for the preparation of a case study to inform the evaluation. The aim of the mission was to learn about the country's experience with the GCF and to collect information from stakeholders on the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. This is a result of Belize having a very comprehensive readiness portfolio of 15 national and regional readiness projects in various areas and sectors. These projects will further enable the country to meet its climate change goals and access the urgently needed climate finance to be able to adapt and mitigate climate change impacts.

The IEU mission was led by Ms. Elangthoko Mokgano, an IEU staff member, and Mr. Phillip Cox, a senior consultant from Universalia. They went on field visits with government officials, delivery partners, private and civil society stakeholders, representatives of accredited entities, development partners, other climate-related projects, and academia, and GCF project beneficiaries.

Dr. Osmond Martinez, Belize's NDA to the GCF and Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development, extends his gratitude to MED's Climate Finance Unit members who facilitated the IEU team. The ministry also thanks all stakeholders who took the time to meet with the team and looks forward to continuing work with the GCF and stakeholders to champion climate change impacts in and for Belize.

San Ignacio 23 519

The freehold freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan.

(Being a 2-storied concrete structure [1,0757 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen + 2 Porch: an APARTMENT [675 sq. ft.] 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Kitchenette TOGETHER with lot [60 ft. X 90ft.] situate on Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan.)




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant to support the Communications and Visibility for the MHPSS for victims of Road Crashes Project

Duty station: Belize City

Qualifications: Essential: A bachelor’s degree in communication

Experience: Essential: At least three years of relevant experience in communications and promotion


• Experience in developing and implementing communications plans.

• Experience in writing scripts, storyboards, video production, design, and layout of documents, print materials, web content and developing other communication material,

• Familiarity with taking and/or editing digital photographs or videos,

• Knowledge of using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

• Experience in the field of mental health and psychosocial support

• Strong public health and strategic thinking background showing resourcefulness, initiative, leadership qualities and skills to deal with difficult situations and sensitive areas.

• Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team members.

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues

• Ability to meet deadlines.

• Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook.

• Familiarity with editing tools (Adobe photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro, other graphic design programs or video editing tools)

Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish

Deadline: Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than April 21, 2023

For further details visit our website An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.

PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco

“Innovations in Technology: Driving a Climate Resilient and Competitive Agriculture and Food Sector”
1. Senior Farmer of the Year: Mr. Adrian Bartley (Belize District) 2. Female Farmer of the Year: Mrs. Esmeralda Stanley (Toledo District) 3. Junior Farmer of the Year: Mr. Axel Perez (Corozal District)

Operation Data

Country: BELIZE




Operation: Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway

Operation No: Loan Agreement No. 2295

Consulting Data

Name of the Consultancy: Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway

Selection Method: Quality and Cost Based Selection

Reference number: PGHUP-CAB-002

The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing has received financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway, and it is intended to use a portion of the funds for consulting services contracts.

The Consulting services (“the services”) include: A two phased assignment. Phase #1, is to assist the GOBZ in reviewing the existing (November 2017) detailed design and make adjustments to its content and cost estimates reflecting conditions that have changed since its completion and current cost escalations due to various national and international factors. Phase #2, of this consultancy is to assist the GOBZ in providing project management of those road works, including contractor supervision and contract administration throughout the project implementation process, inclusive of the defects liability period.

The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing invites eligible consulting firms to express their interest in providing the requested services. Interested consultants shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services and may partner with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or subconsultants to improve their qualifications. The criteria for shortlist selection are found within the respective Terms of Reference.

Interested Consulting Firms can obtain the Terms of Reference at no cost by requesting them by email:

Consultants will be selected using the method of Quality Cost-Based Selection described in the Regulations for the Application of the Procurement Policy available in

Interested consultants can obtain more information at the address indicated at the end of this invitation, during business hours. One electronic copy of the Expression (s) of interest together with the information indicated in the Terms of Reference must be submitted to the address below. The file(s) containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of InterestConsultancy Services for Contract Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway” and shall be received by no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on Friday 21 April 2023.

The burden of proving receipt of the e-mail will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the applicant’s computer. Con rmation of receipt can be requested at the address listed below.

Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing - Project Execution Unit

Mr. Evondale Moody Engineering Coordinator

Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane, Belmopan, BELIZE Tel: +501-828-5220


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