Belize Times March 30, 2023; Fiscal Year 23-24

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The Belize Times


“In 2 years, a resurgence of investor confidence has emerged, a resurgence of Belizean talent has emerged in the arts and culture. Belize is Back, our people are back! We are a nation rising, And together and with the grace of God, we will continue moving forward, we will continue to be extra, we will continue to deliver on Plan Belize.”

• Expected economic growth 12%

• Continue to cut GDP debt from 64%

• Over 66K get access to 500 Mb of Internet

• Over $16.6 million dollars to support the low-income Housing program

• Office of Prime Minister: Belize Investment Summit 2023.

• Two Reef Recording Studios were built and two more are in this budget

• Provide a $200 subsides to 11,820 High School students.

• $3.2 million allocated over the next 3 years for Sports.

• 3% of population to be lifted out of poverty by receiving land assets!

• 11 thousand houses will be surveyed for first-time landowners

• Brand-new CT-Scan diagnostic equipment, KHMH.

• Over $300,000 to renovate fire stations

House Resolution to Support Taiwan


PUP Senators Fiery Budget Debate


THE BELIZE TIMES 1 2 APR 2 APRIL 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5345 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 PREPARE TO BE SAFE AS THE EASTER TIME
Pg. 12 Pg. 10 Pg. 14 The GoB/Beltraide/National Library Open Corozal Digital Connect Center
Established 1957 Ahead of Presidential Visit
- Prime Minister John Briceño
BDF Accommodations at Price Barrack Coast Guard Base Pg. 9 Pg. 2 Pg. 13
Meetings, Inspections, Price Control, Grocery Bag TAKING SECURITY SERIOUSLY

Cabinet Brief

Belmopan, 30th March 2023.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 28th March 2023.

• Cabinet discussed the effects of global inflation on Belize and ways to address the matter of the rising cost of living due to inflation. Following the discussion, Cabinet agreed to the following measures:

o set up meetings with wholesalers and retailers to ensure that ALL understand the urgency of the situation with a view to price control of goods and services;

o establish the practice of store inspections and monitoring as offered by the unions;

o revisit the list of basic commodities to expand the number of goods which are price-controlled; and

o review the grocery bag program to ensure that the Belizeans who need help the most are those benefitting.

• Cabinet reviewed the new $264-million master plan for the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA), an expansion plan, requested by the government and prepared by UK-based INFRATA Airport Consultants, for the Belize Airports Concession Company. Phase 1 improvements have already commenced with the construction of a new airport access road. Other works in this phase include the expansion of the terminal building, the construction of a larger aircraft apron, a new eastern taxiway and new parking facility, and new airport safety equipment.

• To finance the new investments, Cabinet approved adjustments to the non-Belizean airport development fee and the funding period in accordance with existing provisions of the public/private sectors partnership agreement. The new master plan, announced by the Prime Minister in his New Year’s address, is based on projected growth in passenger and aircraft movements at the PGIA through 2045.

• After a thorough discussion on the increasing number of visitors who are using Belize as a transit country to reach the United States, Cabinet determined that Belize will invoke Article 226 (a) of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which will allow for the Minister of Immigration to immediately impose a visa requirement for Haitians wishing to visit Belize and to require Jamaican nationals to provide evidence of fully paid non-refundable hotel reservations prior to boarding flights to Belize. In addition, a ministerial task force was set up to address the rampant smuggling occurring in this regard. The ministerial subcommittee will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration and will include the Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries and the Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations.

• Cabinet discussed the development of a passenger port and marina at the Commerce Bight Port in the Stann Creek District and set up a ministerial subcommittee to study the feasibility of developing a passenger, port and marina at the existing Port at Commerce Bight. The ministerial subcommittee will include the Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations and the Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-Governance.

• To update and modernize regulations for those involved in pilotage, Cabinet gave its approval for the repeal and replacement of the present Pilotage Regulation. Additionally, through a new statutory instrument, new regulations will be introduced to provide that only pilots registered and licensed with the Belize Port Authority will be able to engage and conduct pilotage services in Belizean waters. It will also address other matters related to the modernization of the regulation of the industry.

• Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to accede to an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The amendment, known as the Kigali Amendment, commits to a healthy environment and greener climate that supports peoples’ well-being and the economy and is rooted in Belize’s sustainable development principles. In addition, Cabinet approved the ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury through its life cycle.

• Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to sign and ratify the Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency Convention, which will help the region to enhance its capacity in Earth observation systems for use in important areas such as agriculture, natural disasters, security surveillance, and other important areas.

• Cabinet is pleased to announce the State Visit of Her Excellency Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), who arrives in Belize on Sunday, 2nd April. As a part of her visit, President Tsai will be making an address at a joint sitting of the House of Representatives in Belmopan on Monday, 3rd April.

• Finally, Cabinet announces that government offices will close at midday on 6th April (Holy Thursday) through 10th April (Easter Monday) for the Easter Break. Cabinet wishes Belizeans a safe and blessed Easter.



• $400,000 for equipment and furnishing of fire stations across Belize.

• 2 ambulances and 1 new fire truck are to be procured.

• Building homes of dignity or people.

• Connect over 197 schools by end of April 2023.

• Recruit a squad of 225 police officers.

• Combat Cybercrime and Cyberbullying, 86 officers have received scholarships.

• Focusing on business and entrepreneurship and not forgetting the social safety net.

• Committed to digital transformation and building a digital Belize.

• Renovate the Forward Operation Base at the Sarstoon.

• Maintain a visible, strong military presence on our border.

• "Belize’s [tourism] rebound is outpacing the rest of the Americas and the globe.

• Globally tourism is up 30% and Belize is ready to take advantage of this growth.

• Upgrade 14 miles of road from San Carlos to San Felipe.

• First time in history Belize exported soybean meal to Guatemala and Caribbean countries.

• EAP Employee Assistance Program focuses on wellness and well-being to ensure productivity.


Prime Minister John Briceño, “Let me now respond to some of the comments from the past few days.” Shyne had reminded the people of Belize that he was only an entertainer and rapper giving the impression that he did not have the acumen to be a leader in this country. According to the Prime Minister, with Shyne, what the country sees is exactly what they would get---‘nada’. Last week’s headline told so much of what Shyne presented, “A tale of Fiction and Fantasy that could only be woven in the mind of a has-been rapper in search of relevance and credibility.” The latter was voiced by Francis Fonseca as he easily rebutted Shyne’s Leader of the Opposition reply to the Prime Minister’s proposed budget. Shyne has outdone his 2022 unprepared speech with this 2023 two hours of “aimless pointless blabbering.” According to the Prime Minister, Barrow had loads of “errors, flawed data and mistruths, upon misinformation.”

The Prime Minister line itemed LOO Barrow’s follies:

1. GDP Growth: Shyne claimed it was higher under the UDP. The truth is that in 4 of the 13 years there was actually a contraction in the Gross Domestic Product. The tepid growth of the UDP-led economies was between 1.5 and 2 percent over their 13 years of maladministration…this is IMF verified. The PUP average GDP growth in these two years has average 13.8years. “So Mr. Leader of the Opposition there is egg on your face.”

2. Foreign investment flows were 250 million dollars in 2021 and 265 million dollars in 2022(45 percent greater than the UDP’s 2019 input) and we expect to meet or exceed those levels this year. “Again Mr. Leader of the Opposition there is egg on your face”

3. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing has a budget of 194 million dollars. But the LOO took credit for the Coastal, Remate, Caracol and PGIA Projects. The PUP HAD to find the funds for projects that they(UDP) started but did not fully fund nor finish them. The king of incompetence used to call it “capacity constraints.” The UDP was totally lacking in capacity.

4. Cases to build this point: The UDP signed a 60-Million-dollar project in 2015. These funds had an expiration date for five years after. The money used

from these funds ONLY went for salaries and not in the implementation of the projects. This was met by the PUP in 2020 upon taking office. So now the PUP has gotten vehicles for the Belize Defence Force and Groundbreaking for Kitchen and Accommodations at Price Barracks. Second, there was a 30 million for Resilient Rural Belize signed of which 22 Million was “free” grant money. The PUP has built infrastructure like the Nagobank Road, Valley of Peace Road, San Carlos Rd. and other procurement underway. More, there was another 60Million signed in 2016 by the incompetent UDP for the rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway between Gardenia and International Airport. On their way to an infamous fall in 2020 the UDP spent 20 Million only for “feasibility studies and zero implementation” To the leader of the Opposition, “you can check with the World Bank if you wish.” The remaining 40 million was used as cash vouchers during the Covid-19 pandemic. They were playing politics. They were trying to win the election as they did in 2015 when they also

THE BELIZE TIMES 2 2 APR 2023 02 serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
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This week, we come to the month set aside for the observance of women. We have saluted them, awarded them, and noted their accomplishments. Even the business community has learned to take advantage and hawk their wares and services. The entire month was awash in a haze of purple and lilac for the observance as we collectively proclaim our love, devotion, and support of women. The overpass was lit, t-shirts were printed and many… many political speeches were given in honour of women living in Belize. However, no matter how sweet the lip service is, the other eleven months of the year prove that for all the colourful fan-fare it remains just that lip service. The apathy toward the plight of women in Belize is palpable still, and one month in celebration of women means nothing if behind the scenes and for the rest of the year they continue to live in fear of Gender Based Violence even in their homes, sexual harassment at work and on the street, and subject to discrimination and inequality in education and employment opportunities. Women in Belize have learnt to endure life in Belize despite all these conditions and make no mistake none are immune to it. Recently, the treatment and disrespect of Madame Speaker at the House of Representatives is a prime example that women of every socio-economic background and at every level are affected.

This administration under the guidance and stewardship of Hon John Briceño has done much to alleviate the gaps that exist in the representation of women in leadership positions. However, we need more, women are fifty percent of the population of this country, and yet we have only four women elected in the House of Representatives, four women as Senators, and two women as presiding officers. Let us mention the great disservice that the Member for Queen’s Square does not only to her constituency but in fact to all Belizean women by not being present and engaged in her duties to represent, advocate and serve. Still, collectively women now account for only twenty-two percent of parliamentarians in the National Assembly, and this is a record for Belize. Plan Belize in the Women and Families Agenda promises to achieve gender equality and equity and to end discrimination against women and girls. It also promises to guarantee the equitable participation of women and girls in leadership and governance and to strengthen and expand measures to ensure their safety and security.

Such promises were not made lightly, and the women of Belize do not take them lightly. At the end of March and Women’s Month, we remind the government that the national gender gap score for the period 2015 to 2022 is 0.695 and that means that women are thirty percent less likely than men to have equal opportunities. This placed Belize at 95th out of 146 countries. The gender gap in the area of political empowerment for Belize stands at an embarrassing 0.075 which places Belize among the lowest in the region. Belize continues to experience high rates of teenage pregnancy and child marriage and these areas are of grave concern.

The Color Purple is a film that showcases how women have sometimes been treated. There is a victorious statement by Celie, who has spent most of her life up to that point feeling unworthy and unloved, mistreated, and invisible says “I’m poor…I may even be ugly, but…I’m here!”

Women in Belize are here, we are also ready to lead, represent, continue to produce, and excel. Celie from the Color Purple tells Mister “Until you do right by me, everything you think about is going to crumble.” So it will be in Belize, if our leaders insist on marginalizing and ignoring the needs of half of the population.


EDITORIAL en Español


Esta semana llegamos al mes dedicado a la mujer. Las hemos saludado, premiado y señalado sus logros. Incluso el mundo empresarial ha aprendido a sacar partido de ello y a promocionar sus productos y servicios. Todo el mes se ha visto envuelto en una neblina de púrpura y lila para proclamar colectivamente nuestro amor, devoción y apoyo a las mujeres. Se iluminó el paso elevado, se imprimieron camisetas y se pronunciaron muchos... muchos discursos políticos en honor de las mujeres que viven en Belice. Sin embargo, por muy dulces que sean los discursos, los otros once meses del año demuestran que, a pesar de toda la colorida fanfarria, no son más que discursos. La apatía hacia la difícil situación de las mujeres en Belice sigue siendo palpable, y un mes de celebración de la mujer no significa nada si entre bastidores y durante el resto del año siguen viviendo con miedo a la violencia de género incluso en sus hogares, al acoso sexual en el trabajo y en la calle, y sometidas a la discriminación y la desigualdad en la educación y las oportunidades de empleo. Las mujeres de Belice han aprendido a soportar la vida en Belice a pesar de todas estas condiciones y, no nos equivoquemos, ninguna es inmune a ellas. Recientemente, el trato y la falta de respeto a la Sra. Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes es un buen ejemplo de que las mujeres de todos los estratos socioeconómicos y a todos los niveles se ven afectadas.

Esta administración, bajo la dirección y administración del Honorable John Briceño, ha hecho mucho para aliviar las brechas que existen en la representación de las mujeres en puestos de liderazgo. Sin embargo, necesitamos más, las mujeres son el cincuenta por ciento de la población de este país y, sin embargo, sólo tenemos cuatro mujeres elegidas en la Cámara de Representantes, cuatro mujeres como senadoras y dos mujeres como presidentas. Mencionemos el gran perjuicio que la diputada por Queen's Square hace no sólo a su circunscripción electoral, sino de hecho a todas las mujeres beliceñas, al no estar presente ni comprometida con sus deberes de representación, defensa y servicio. Aún así, colectivamente las mujeres representan ahora sólo el veintidós por ciento de los parlamentarios en la Asamblea Nacional, y esto es un récord para Belice. El Plan Belice en la Agenda de Mujeres y Familias promete lograr la igualdad y la equidad de género y poner fin a la discriminación contra las mujeres y las niñas. También promete garantizar la participación equitativa de las mujeres y las niñas en el liderazgo y la gobernanza y reforzar y ampliar las medidas para garantizar su seguridad y protección.

Estas promesas no se hicieron a la ligera, y las mujeres de Belice no se las toman a la ligera. A finales de marzo y en el Mes de la Mujer, recordamos al gobierno que la puntuación nacional de la brecha de género para el periodo de 2015 a 2022 es de 0,695 y eso significa que las mujeres tienen un treinta por ciento menos de probabilidades que los hombres de tener igualdad de oportunidades. Esto sitúa a Belice en el puesto 95 de 146 países. La brecha de género en el ámbito del empoderamiento político para Belice se sitúa en un vergonzoso 0,075, lo que sitúa a Belice entre los más bajos de la región. Belice sigue registrando elevadas tasas de embarazo adolescente y matrimonio infantil, y estas áreas son motivo de gran preocupación.

El color púrpura es una película que muestra cómo se ha tratado a veces a las mujeres. Hay una declaración victoriosa de Celie, que ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida hasta ese momento sintiéndose indigna y no querida, maltratada, e invisible dice "Soy pobre... puede que incluso sea fea, pero... ¡estoy aquí!". Las mujeres de Belice estamos aquí, también estamos listas para liderar, representar, seguir produciendo y sobresalir. Celie del Color Púrpura le dice a Mister "Hasta que no hagas lo correcto para mí, todo lo que pienses se desmoronará". Así ocurrirá en Belice si nuestros dirigentes insisten en marginar e ignorar las necesidades de la mitad de la población.

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gave away funds. “The people were wiser.”

5. The Haulover Bridge was signed in 2018(parts as early as 2014) with OPEC, CDB and EIB. The corruption of the previous administrator they wanted to give it to their favourite contractor. The Prime Minister whistled approval after parliamentarians blasted out a name of one Imer. This was refused by the lenders and NOW planBelize’s MIDH renegotiated and is saving the Belizean people 30 million dollars while get the bridge built by local Belizean contractors.

6. There was a 56-million-dollar loan destined for Education. The funds were destined to build preand Primary Schools throughout the country with the objective to increase throughout Belize, human capital. There was zero implementation. The MIDH is about to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to carry out the construction. The member for Collet alleged to have built projects under the STEAM projects. The UDP just talks. It isn’t until the PUP came in that this project is being implemented.

7. The LOO derided the Sta -

tistical Institute of Belize’s (SIB) 95 percent of Belizeans seeking employment fully employed. Yet, on the inflation statistics quoted by the same derided SIB, the LOO is quick to point to those numbers as accurate. “On one side, he(LOO) says they are lying and on the other side they are correct.” Once again the LOO was only shamed into getting another, “egg on your face.”

8. On Jamaica inflation statis tics, the Leader of the Opposition simply did not know what he was talking about. Jamaica had 5.9 and 9.4 percent inflation in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Suriname had over 50 percent inflation. Belize in flation rate is lower than USA, UK and the average in all of Latin Ameri ca. As a matter of fact, the President of Mexico has invited 10 countries to talk about prices of goods. AMLO picked Belize as one of those ten. Two-thirds of Belizean inflation is im ported and thanks to the planBelize government we have the LOWEST inflation rate in the region and coun tries beyond. Belize is one of the few countries in the America’s that has food security. Obviously, the Leader of the Opposition has been wasting his time and misunderstanding this

topic. Inflation in not at the levels seen in other countries around Belize. The PM pointed out that he is not happy at the level it is in Belize but we do have inflation under what our neighbouring countries are experiencing. Again, “the facts throw eggs on your face”

9. High energy costs: Why did the LOO not mention that the government forewent 35 Million dollars in fuel subsidies. The government cut on the excise duties. Again, “more egg on his face.”

10. The UDP raised the Public debt by 2 billion dollars up to 4 Billion dollars. Barrow policy was to borrow

dollars. The people got poorer while the UDP squandered. While the UDP borrowed ONE million dollars a day in order to make it to election day. They grew the hired people by 22 percent but this grew the wage bill. This was made up of unproductive ghost workers much like Queen Square’s representative that does not appear for work every House meeting.

11. The PUP has had to find funds to finish many of the projects just began but not completed by the UDP due to “capacity constraints.” “Again, Mr. Leader of the Opposition, you have egg on your face.” And this is not only scrambled but a real rotten UDP unhatched egg.


Prime Minister of Belize JOHN BRICEÑO Message


March 29, 2023

Mr. President,

I am pleased to join you and other leaders for this important meeting. All of us here share similar values and principles. All of us here share a deep love and appreciation for democracy. Excellencies,

This gathering affirms our desire to ensure that our people have the opportunity to exist in an environment where their human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected and protected. For freedom-loving people everywhere, freedom and democracy are intrinsic to human rights and fundamental freedoms. We are, therefore, duty-bound to respect and protect processes such as free and fair elections, freedom of expression, and we must agree to disagree.

Belize has always been characterized as a peaceful nation with its foundation built on solid democratic values where people can exercise and execute their rights without fear, regardless of ethnic background, culture or religious beliefs. We are proud to attest that Belize has consistently enjoyed peaceful democratic elections and more importantly a peaceful transition of power since our independence in 1981; We are proud of this.

This, however, does not mean that we do not have work to do. We live in an everchanging world and in everchanging times, so we have to adjust to the new realities. It is for this reason that we are presently engaged in constitutional reform. Our People’s Constitutional Commission continues its work of consultation to ensure that all Belizeans have a say in the governance of our nation. Our Constitution, although strong and functional, must ensure it protects all Belizeans. At the completion of their mandate, the PCC will make recommendations to ensure that Belizeans continue to enjoy a dignified life where their fundamental rights and freedoms are guaranteed.

We recognize that our youths, who make up 75 percent of our population, must bear their share of our civic responsibility, and share our love for democracy. Through the Ministries of Education and Youth, we are using technology as a tool to help teach our young people about nation building.

We also practice our democratic principles when we participate in the international community by voting on important global issues. Belize has always ensured that our vote is based on principles enshrined in the charter of the United Nations, such as the right to self-determination, peaceful settlement of disputes and non-interference in the internal affairs of others. Belize rejects the use of force and abides by international law.

In true democracies, the will of the people thrives. When government actions are done in a transparent manner, the people benefit. When the people express their concerns, we listen and find solutions. When the people are able to exercise their democratic and fundamental rights, the country will prosper. Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, our job as leaders must always be to ensure that we live in nations where our people can live free from fear, free from want, and free from injustice. This is our firm objective

I thank you.


Inspiring Women - Coffee & Conversations

Remarks by Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children

H.E. Rossana Briceño

Host: Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women’s Month, March 29, 2023

Who Are WE?

Before I begin, I would like to thanks the Hon. Tracy Taegar-Panton for inspiring me this morning with the FB post. “Your story” – Everyone has a story to tell and they do not always end with…happily ever after. But nevertheless they are stories. We need to share our stories to inspire.

I want to thank you for inviting me to be a part of your conversation today. I also want to thank you for engaging in this conversation as we close out Women’s Month. To the men who are here with us today, I seek your indulgence as I speak directly to the women of the Chamber. The Chamber of Commerce is a Belizean institution that has earned the right to be a leading advocate for gender equality and for the development of women. Your actions, past and present, speak volumes. At present, you have a woman as your CEO.

A few years ago, you elected a woman as your president and she did an outstanding job. Women like Kay and Kim are part of a generation of Belizean women who have been, as they say, chipping away at the per-verbal glass ceiling.

As a young independent nation, not yet 50, it is important that all of us understand what we are we doing.

And what is that?

We are building a nation almost from scratch. What we do today will not just shape this generation, but will set the tone for generations to come. Please do not take for granted any of our achievements in our development. For this reason, I wish to take my time today examining the question: Who are we? Obviously we are a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, small Caribbean state in Central America blessed with great potential. This brings with it its own ambivalence, however we are much more than that, just as we are much more than the even split of women and men in our population who are supposed to be building a fairer and just Belize—together.

I believe we are a product of the past; and the past always come with its baggage. We are also the caretakers of the present as we are the hope for a better future. A better future which can only be shaped if we are, all of us, bold enough to imagine our children living much different lives do at than we present. The women who joined the independence movement with George Price and those who marched with Phillip Goldson could not have imagined grappling with some of the issues we as women of 2023 must grapple with. Imagine Madam Liz, as minister of Housing, in a poor country where most women never had the opportunity to go beyond elementary school having to navigate some of the challenges present day Belizean women face in science, engineering and the like.

Imagine Miss Jane at HRCU trying to convince a boardroom full of men to lend money to a young female high school or junior college graduate from a single parent household that she should be given a loan so she can attend UB or go abroad to pursue her studies.

These women who were the leaders of our parents’ generation had their own terrain of trouble to travers, yet they had a profound impact on there generation of women, our mothers, and these women set in motion a train of events that has brought Kim and Kay to the forefront and those other women in board rooms across this nation.

Well, now it’s our turn to influence the future of our daughters, nieces, and daughters in law, and we must ask ourselves: what kind of role models are we? Who are we to the next generation of Belizean women?

Nicki Minaj is famous for her music and for her curves, but she is also known for saying: “I just want women to always feel in control. Because we're capable, we're so capable.”

As simple as this may sound, it its profound, since so many of our daughters look at us and still see that with all we have been able to accomplish as professional women, we still have not been afforded the opportunity to show just how capable we are. And we are capable women.

So many women in this room and across this nation have proven that, indeed, we are able and qualified to successfully run civil and civic organizations. We have proven ourselves able and qualified to lead private businesses, educational institutions, government institutions, lending institutions, sports teams, and, many of us, are still proud to be running the most important institution of them all, that of mom. Yet, with all we have proven, it is safe to say that in Belize, women in leadership is severely lacking and we are lagging behind.

This is not right.

Now my husband tells me that part of the problem is that some people see power and leadership as homogenous and that no one who has power will just give it up, power has to be taken. For me, that simply means that

the time has come for women to do more than just support initiatives that will promote equality, we must take the lead on these issues.

To do this we must commit to educating ourselves on the issues and we must actively participate in the process because we know that the barriers to women in leadership is more than shouting and fighting, which we can do if we must, for sure, I can if and when I must, but one of our greatest impediments is our own attitude and beliefs. We must believe we belong; we must make others, not only believe, but understand that we belong and that we are not going to allow ourselves to be pushed back or left behind any longer

Alice Walker that great feminist African American writer who wrote the novel ‘The Color Purple’, once said that the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. I believe that is a part of our problem as Belizean women, we don’t think we have power. If we did, more of us would run for political office. More of us would question leadership when we see one of our hardworking sisters get passed over for promotion for some guy who she is more qualified and more capable than. If we understood our strength, we would call out our bosses when they pay men 20 percent more than they pay us. For too long we have recognized these problems and for too long we have been affected by them. It is time for us to demand to be treated as equal partners in this 50/50 nation. It is no longer about equality. It is about equity! While equality is inspirational, equity is actionable.

Now some of you may be thinking but Rosanna your husband is the Prime Minister, how about your responsibility to the cause? That would be a fair question and I can assure you that I remind John daily of his responsibility to Belizeans, all Belizeans, women, men and our children. I took on the responsibility of Special Envoy because I wanted a platform from which I could not only influence, but have a bully pulpit from which to advocate.

I have read and I keep in my desk a copy of planBelize, I can tell you that on page 23 of planBelize is the Women’s Agenda. There are 8 pledges made by the PUP and those 8 pledges along with the pledges made in PlanBelize for Strong Families are the areas I revert to again and again. I ask John all the time about access to affordable healthcare for women and, even if it gets me in trouble with my pastor, I tell him that government has no business telling women what to do with their bodies. This is why I wrote to the entire Cabinet in support of removing taxes on sanitary products for women.

I may get into trouble here today, but I also believe the equal opportunity bill is long overdue and I have said to my husband, ‘every day you hold back that bill you are holding back progress in this nation’.

I support him and his government when I see that first on the list of those to qualify for the housing program are single mothers, and I have been keeping a record of who are the beneficiaries of these starter homes. I am pleased that more than 60 percent of those who have been given a home are women, mostly single mothers. And I am proud of John for ensuring that a half of the CEOs in government ministries are women and that of the two unelected ministers he appointed to his Cabinet, one is a woman. Today, in his government and in those statutory boards, women make up a half of those in the top leadership roles. But in the Parliament there is much work to be done by all of us. For my part, I am doing what I can to hold my husband and his government accountable for their promise to the women of Belize.

Again, we have a lot to do.

If we are to make progress at the pace that we secure a better future for our daughters then more women must step up, as Michelle Obama said, we must be the foundation for our dreams.

So who are we?

We are influencers, women who are change agents, we are partners in national development. Simply put, we are nation builders! Let me close with this, every day I go to work in the office of the Special Envoy I find reasons to feel honored to be in the position I am in. Every day I remind myself that I have a duty to do my best for Belize, especially for our Belizean families and for our women and children. Of course I know it is a partnership, and as such, I see Belizean men as our partners in development.

I expect no less from them but to see us women as equal partners and with equal responsibility for the future development of our nation.

Thanks again for the opportunity to be a part of this awesome engagement.



A special sitting of the Senate was held in the National Assembly chambers in Belmopan on Wednesday March 29, 2023 to debate the Revenue Appropriations Bill FY 2023-2024. Budgets encompasses numbers material to the stead of a country's economic situation. Although the UDP senators brought their usual pixie-dust politicking in the attempt to undermine the PUP, the John Briceño administration, the "Delivering on PlanBelize”Budget, with deceits and fiction they were overmatched by the People’s United Party senators.

Senator Collet Montejo in rising to support the 2023-2024 Draft Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures, in a stellar performance, blasted the Opposition Lead Senator for her heights of hypocrisy, or total amnesia on his multiple of reasons for rejecting the " Delivering on PlanBelize” Budget. Facts don't lie and the numbers bore proof. Montejo compared the numbers of Dean Barrow's 2020-2021 budget, entitled "Making every Dollar Count” which Senator Michael Peyrefitte wallowed over to the numbers of Prime Minister John Briceño’s "Delivering on PlanBelize” budget. The numbers on Barrow's budget showed a dismal performance. No growth, no development, no houses built. Poverty grew under the three-term red regime from some forty-odd percent to over sixty-odd percent, unemployment was on the rise and the economy was on the verge of collapse. Montejo proudly presented the historic and unprecedented achievements realized in a short period since the PUP Government led by PM Briceño. The massive reduction in public debt. The reduction in poverty. The decrease in unemployment to five percent. An animated Collet Montejo drew on the Amandala Newspaper Editorial dated March 18,2023 entitled, Not as poor as we thought - economy looking good... Within the article, several questions were asked and answered. “Is our present government the hardest working one we've ever had? The answer is it just might be. Has the economy improved tremendously since the present government took office in November 2020? The answer to that is a definite yes. Is this the least corrupt government we've had since independence? Without our oversight bodies fully functioning, all we have to go on are appearances, and based on that it could very well be so. The article continued lauding the Briceño administration in the areas of governance. Health, education, infrastructure development, human development and the growing of the economy whilst reducing the country's debt profile are on the short list of major accomplishments by this PUP government.

However, in one of the most despicable moments in senatorial debates, Senator Sheena Pitts rejected one of the most important institutions numbers on poverty reduction, the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB). Pitts said she could not support the numbers, claiming that it was faulty. Pitts needs to be reminded that when the UDP assumed office in 2008 the first Millennium Development Goal was cutting poverty by half by 2015. The statistics in regard to poverty reflected that the Jewel under the United Democratic Party Government moved opposite to the MDG in the area of poverty alleviation. Poverty grew! Today, under this PUP government the incidence of poverty is at 35.7 percent, with the intensity of poverty at 39 percent. Clearly as a result of “Delivering on PlanBeliz”

In another fiery debate presentation, it was Honorable Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance who delivered a surgical incision with precision to the fiction and fantasy the UDPs senators attempted to weave. Whilst the PUP cemented the numbers, Sheena Pitts et al countered with falsified allegations. The economic wiz' took the entire UDP political dunce to Budget Book 101. Coye explained that in the opening of the budget book all that is seen within are numbers. Facts are a stubborn thing and numbers don't lie. Coye said “but truly, it is far more than just numbers. Through these numbers this book is about the past, the present and the future of our Government. This budget book is particularly telling because it begins with the government's performance under the last year of the UDP administration, continued with the fiscal performance of the first two years of this Briceño administration and ultimately, particularizes the future plans of the PUP administration for the upcoming year for FY 2023-2024". Coye continued dispelling any notion that things were better under the UDPs. Senator Coye spent some minutes expressing the mess the red-hydra exposed the country and people to - the abyss of doom and gloom. The past revealed that the UDP was in complete crisis mode, on a direct path to debt default, leading the country down the road to fiscal insolvency and heightened risk of devaluation. With severe revenue shortfalls and excessive expenditure, said Senator Coye. Evidence suggests a financing gap of almost half a billion dollars and a primary deficit of more than 10 percent of GDP. Shashaying with the numbers, Coye dug deeper in the budget book holding the one-time senators in awe. “As the budget reflects, it was scrambling to borrow money, equivalent to half of its total revenue, on reckless terms to cover expenses. We all recall when it was borrowing a million dollars a day to cover expenses, but what were the UDP financial geniuses doing to cover expenses. Remember the US 30 million dollars treasury notes. Because of the lack of confidence in the then government, they were only able to raise 21 million, even though they were paying 6 1/2 percent per animated. At the same time, they were maxing out Government's overdraft facility with the Central Bank, at nearly 100 million dollars, at 7 percent interest rate per annum. They were also issuing 140 million in floating rate treasury notes in the final years boasting that they were oversubscribed. These turned out to be by far the most expensive debt that this government now currently owes. With the interest on these notes not fixed


Beach Front Condo, Las Terrazas Resort, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye , Belize DistrictCaye, Belize District

BY ORDER of the Supreme Court of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo is selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 31st May 2023. Within this period, a Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold.



San Pedro 7 5437 H 5

The freehold property of Mr. David A. Title and Ms. Paula Tatiana Cortes Londono

(Being BEACH FRONT Unit No. 105, a two-storey beach front condo [2,465 sq. ft.] containing Ground floor – 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry + Large External Porch; First Floor – Master Bedroom + Bathroom + Queen Bedroom + Bathroom + Terrace situate at Las Terrazas Resort, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. David A. Title and Ms. Paula Tatiana Cortes Londono)




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions




THE BELIZE TIMES 9 2 APR 2023 Continued on page 10 09 THE BELIZE 25 SEP 2020 TENDER
Electricity Limited Compounds BEL invites tenders for Unif ormed Security Services for the period May 2023 - December 2025 at the below locations:
Corporate Headquarters located at 2½ Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City .
Uniformed Security Services Belize
Belize City Power Station located at 1 Magazine Road, Belize City
Ladyville Storage Facilities located next to the Phillip Goldson International Airport on Airport Road, Ladyville.
bidding documents, which outline all the duties and
contract, and dates
on BEL’s website at
bids via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2023.
mandatory virtual pre- bid meeting is schedule d for 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 Request access to the virtual pre-bid meeting by sending an email to
subject of the email to attend the virtual pre -bid meeting and to submit tenders should include the bid number and the name of the tender located on the respective bid forms. For more information or queries, send email to Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted THE BELIZE 25 SEP 2020
responsibilities of the
are available



BDF Accommodations at Price Barrack Coast Guard Base

Coast Guard Post: Today we broke grounds at the Port of Big Creek

The construction of Coast Guard Sector South Headquarters just passed the ground breaking stage. The aim is to improve our services in our southern waters by providing maritime safety, maritime security and marine resource protection. Prime Minister of Belize the Honorable Johnny Briceño supported by the Minister of National Defence and Border Security the Honorable Florencio Marin Jr, Minister of Transport Honorable Rodwel Ferguson, Managing Director of the Port of Big Creek Mr Zaid Flores, and Commandant of the Coast Guard Rear Admiral Elton Bennett ceremonially broke grounds at the Port for the commencement our Sector South Headquarters.

GOB Continues to Improve

Quality of Life and NationalStrengthen InfrastructuralthroughSecurity Investments

Belmopan, March 28, 2023.

On March 27, the Ministry of Economic Development, through its Project Execution Unit of the Belize Integral Security Programme, held a groundbreaking ceremony for infrastructural investments made to assist the Belize Defence Force (BDF) at the Price Barracks in Ladyville in the execution of their duties.

Total investment into the BDF to date is BZ$3,771,900, coming from a direct contributory loan from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), which is geared towards strengthening citizen security through investments in infrastructure and equipment of the public institutions responsible for national security. It also seeks to foster local environments that improve the quality of life of Belizeans and support Central American efforts to combat crime.

At the completion of these facilities, the BDF will receive two newly built accommodation buildings totaling BZ$2,696,400. Each building is 5,400


Continued from page 9

but floating, according to the rate of inflation some of these floating rate notes have interest rate of an astonishing rate of 11 percent per annum.” Continuing Coye said “let's not forget, in broader context that the economy was reeling, contracting by 30 percent, while over 60 thousand people were unemployed. It is this legacy and in the context of which tough decisions had to be made by the Briceño administration over the past two years". The deluge and the poison chalice Prime Minister John Briceño was dealt by no other but “ah me king Dean ".

The budget book revealed that those tough decisions led to the miraculous turn-around, the unprecedented economic recovery and the hallmark reduction in public debt, mainly from the Blue Bond arrangement and the noble gesture by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


The Senator for Government Business poured scorn on the debate presentation from that other side. In his usual flurry Honorable Eamon Courtenay called out the fiction and fantasy of the UDPs. Senator Isabel Bennett, Senator Jang both complemented with a magnanimous performance. Each of government Senators provided to the fiery debate that the PUP Government led by Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño is truly Delivering on PlanBelize.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Technical Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females are encouraged to apply for the available post.

Reports to: Administrative and Stores Supervisor


Summary of Responsibilities: The Technical Assistant will perform a wide variety of professional and analytical work in a variety of assignments related to the administration and data management including but not limited to the operating and maintaining the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software and databases for Facilities Maintenance requirements. The Assistant assignments may include but not limited to business case format and preparation, budget preparation, revie w, analysis and administration; organizational and/or operational analysis; assist in general business development and marketing initiatives; conducts analyses of assigned program policies and procedures and mak es recommendations for improvement; researches and compiles various data for the preparation and presentation of internal and external analyses, reports, and other types of publications and performs a variety of analytical duties relative to assigned area of responsibility. Performs other related work as required.

The position is to gather information and data to effectively execute tasks and departmental goals. It is a support position that not only assists with performing tasks but assists in driving the Mission, Vision and values of the company and department. The positions shall be expected to work under close supervision, progressing to general supervision as knowledge of the unit’s operating procedures is gained.

Job Responsibilities:

• Provides professional and administrative assistance in developme nt of the Technical budget, business operation and/or operational analysis.

• Performs advanced level administrative duties including but not limited to typing, copying, transcription, filing, and recept ion duties.

• Prepares logistics for meetings, including but not limited to securing sites, securing materials, producing materials, and assembling and distributing agendas.

• Composes, edits, produces, and disseminates correspondence, reports and analysis

• Prepares meeting notes and minutes; prepares summary reports as needed.

• Establishes office records retention and retrieval systems, clerical procedures, and office procedural manuals for other support staff.

• Coordinates the operation, auditing, and maintenance of non-network software features of the C MMS software package with the IT; serves as the system editor within the department; troubleshoots, opens, and closes Work orders, meter readings, and tire management to ensure the computerized program is working properly and to ensure the consistency of data output.

• Assist in training all users of the CMMS, includin g system capabilities, functionality, and ad hoc reporting.

• Uses the CMMS to oversee and/or perform data collection, data entry, database development, user-defined lists and linkages and any custom reports developed by the software vendor for the Port; maintains interface between CMMS and All port departments

• Takes trouble calls and inputs them into the system; creates, adjusts, cancels, and schedules work order and relays information to appropriate department heads under Technical Department

• Assists with developing, writing, schedul ing, calendars, distributes, and updates methods and procedures for preventive maintenance activities.

• Assist in reports detailing monthly progress on completion of certain functional activities: preventive/predictive maintenance, service requests, mission critical systems, activity-based charges and other functions as directed.

• Handles and continuously updates files corresponding to the gathering of the data for KPIs Weekly Update; this includes but n ot limited to gathering on the ground data such as meter readings and data searching for past meter readings, failures, and equipment maintenance records.

• Act as liaison with Stores and Accounts to provide feedback on emergency purchases, total purchases, closing and opening inventory values (weekly/monthly), and budget values.

• Provides operational support to the department in diagnosing and correcting recurring CMMS issues.

• Provides back-up support in administrative functions to the Stores and Technical Supervisor

• Organizes own work, sets priorities, and meets critical deadlines.

• May serve as Executive Assistant when necessary.

• Assist with hold-over of Stores/Inventory in the event of incapacity of Stores/Inventory Staff. The holding over includes but not limited to both physical issues and receivables but also accurately entering and verifying data into CMMS.

• Performs other related duties as assigned.

Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• Minimum Associate degree

• Experience in data entry activities

• Modern office technology and equipment proficiency in computer, tablets fax, and phone systems.

• Working knowledge of business letter writing, standard format for typed materials, design of filing systems.

• Basic mathematical and statistical methods.


• Good communication skills (oral and written)

• Able to multi-task and work independently.

• Team Oriented, Punctual, and Ethical

• Communicate effectively and persuasively in both oral and written form.

• Analyze and solve problems.

• Knowledge of organizational structure, policies, and procedures.

• Work unsociable hours where necessary

• Work under pressure

• Use initiative and exercise sound and effective judgment within established guidelines.

• Deal tactfully and effectively with department heads, and colleagues

• Maintain confidentiality of information.

Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).

To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, vaccination card, name and phone number of two (2) previous employers.

THE BELIZE TIMES 10 2 APR 2023 Continued on page 12
is Friday, April 7 2023
should be emailed to:
date for
of applications

Attending MESICIC 39th Meeting of Country Experts

The Director of the Good Governance Unit, Mr. Cesar Ross, along with the Research/Legal Assistant, Ms. Clara Chi attended the 39th Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Mechanism for the Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) at Washington D.C on March 13-16, 2023.

MESICIC is the anti-corruption mechanism of the Organization of American States. It brings together 33 of the 34 Member States to review their legal frameworks and institutions in the light of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption. It reviews countries domestic laws/legal frameworks and national institutions to determine if they accord with the provisions of the Convention, if they are effective at preventing and combating corruption and formulates recommendations to improve each state’s effectiveness in the fight against corruption. MESICIC also promotes the broad participation of civil society and the exchange of good practices among States, so that the solutions of one are useful for the challenges of others.

The session was held with the objective making known the best practices of the States Parties in the prevention and fight against corruption and develop tools such as corruption indicators (indexes) and model laws to prevent and combat corruption.

Covered during the three (3) days of meetings were:

• Consideration of the revised version of the Proposed Indicators to Prevent, Detect, And Reduce Impunity related to results in the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses of Acts of Corruption in Criminal Matters.

• Presentations on Corruption and Gender

• State Parties presentation on Best Practices

• Progress reports by State Parties in implementing recommendations by the Committee.

• Consideration of the Draft Country Report for Uruguay

Since this new administration, Belize has been actively engaging with MESICIC, thus promoting Belize to be selected as one of two country experts to review Bahamas compliance. This active engagement of Belize has been welcomed by the President of MESICIC, its Secretariat and the Caribbean Caucus (non-Spanish speaking representatives) with whom Belize was quickly able to meet with and coordinate the addressing of unique concerns. Belize country expert has also been asked to serve on a select advisory team for the President and Vice-President of the MESICIC.


Statement made by the Premier of Belize

Hon. George C. Price to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations

United Nations, New York November 7, 1975

Part IV


Madame Chairman: we maintain that the people of Belize have been extremely patient. For twenty-five years we have struggled for our independence. Twelve years ago we won the exercise of the right to govern our own internal affairs and looked forward expectantly to full independence, only to witness the frustration of our aspirations by the presence of an anachronistic and unfounded territorial claim.

Guatemala has no case against the territory or people of Belize. The only possible issue that may arise is one between the United Kingdom and Guatemala, concerning the consequences of a mutual failure to build a cart-road as stipulated in the Anglo-Guatemalan treaty of 1859. Should the people of Belize be now forced to pay the price of the unfulfilled promises of a century ago by giving up their right to independence?

With the persistence of Guatemala’s unfounded claim, our status as a British colony also persists. The Government of Guatemala, by its avowed intention of re-subjugating a people already on the road to freedom, obliges us to remain the reluctant wards of a European power that has long since declared its willingness to see an independent Belize. This prolongation of our colonial status, with all its attendant indignities and hardships, is not conducive to the preservation of peace and stability in the area. Needless to say, we desire a peaceful resolution of the differences between Great Britain and Guatemala which have been impeding our progress to nationhood. We have cooperated with Britain over the years in all attempts to reach a settlement. We have only two conditions that are not negotiable: there must be no erosions of our sovereignty or independence; and our territorial integrity must be preserved.

In previous negotiations, proposals have been presented which would effectively negate our independence, granting powers to Guatemala over our own internal and external affairs. More recently, Guatemala has proposed that Belize surrenders a substantial part of its territory as the price for the independence of the remainder. These proposals are in direct violation of the principles of self-determination and territorial integrity, as clearly set out in Resolution 1514 (XV).


We rely on the application of that resolution in its entirety to the people and territory of Belize. We rely on paragraph 2 of the Declaration, which states that “all peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” In six consecutive universal adult suffrage general elections over the past twenty years, Belizeans have clearly signalled their desire to be free and independent, and resolution 1514 clearly guarantees us the exercise of the right to self-determination and independence.

We rely also on paragraph 6 of that historic declaration, which states, and I quote, “any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

Madame Chairman, allow me to dwell for a moment on the significance of this declaration. The declaration speaks of the territorial integrity of a country, not of Member States, and was clearly intended to apply to non-independent countries, and help them to move forward to independence with their territory intact. The intention was to prevent the dismemberment of these countries before they attained independence -- that is why this principle appears in the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. We must not allow this principle to be so distorted as to allow another State to deprive the peoples of a colonial country of their right to self-determination and the preservation of the territorial integrity of their country. To deprive the people of Belize of these rights would be to make a mockery of resolution 1514.

We observe that Guatemala has tried to refute the right of Belize to self-determine its destiny as a free and independent State by claiming to rely on the principle of territorial integrity as a basis for asserting its claim to Belize. But this is a totally wrong application of the principle of territorial integrity.

In today’s world, in accordance with established U.N. practice, this principle is generally applied in cases where an existing state is confronted with a territorial secession of part of its national territory which is actually, or has been, under its government and under its control.


Belize has never been a part of Guatemala nor has it ever been governed or administered by a Guatemalan Government. Moreover, Belize is not just a territory. It is a land with people who constitute a distinct nation. The principle of territorial integrity, correctly applied in this situation, would guarantee and protect our sovereignty and not threaten it.

Wrongly applied, the principle would threaten not only Belize, but indeed many States of Africa, Asia and Latin America. African nations in particular have become associated with a firmly established practice whereby colonial boundaries are not altered before a colony becomes independent. The wrong application of this principle would also threaten the territorial integrity of many Latin American States in view of the manner in which they themselves became independent. Such an application - or is application of the principle of territorial integrity would set a dangerous precedent and fly in the face of established U.N. practice.

We are also convinced that stability in the Latin American region would be threatened by any such frontier changes as Guatemala proposes.

We believe that an independent Belize would best promote peace and stability in the area, which is what we all hope for. Belize desires close and friendly relations with all our neighbours. Destiny put us geographically together on the Central American mainland, and common sense dictates that we live together in peace. Our only condition is that our independence and sovereignty should not be denied, and that all relations must be worked out in conformity with the principle of the sovereign equality of nations.

Belize is denied the right to self-determination while at the same time its territorial integrity is threatened. It is told that it can achieve a secure independence only if it gives up a quarter of its territory. It is warned that if it becomes independent without ceding any territory, it will not be allowed to survive.

We are, however, confident that the international community will not stand idly by and allow our people to be so unjustly treated.

Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet
Belize Live

House Resolution to Support Taiwan

Ahead of Presidential Visit

WHEREAS, the year 2023 marks the 34 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Belize and the Republic of China (Taiwan);

AND WHEREAS, Belize and Taiwan enjoy a close relationship based on the common values of democracy, freedom, and human rights;

AND WHEREAS, throughout the 34 years of friendship and alliance, Belize and Taiwan have continuously supported and helped each other and closely cooperated in numerous areas, ranging from diplomatic affairs, infrastructure, medical and public health, agriculture, environmental resilience, information, and communication technology to culture and education;

AND WHEREAS, all bilateral cooperation projects between Belize and Taiwan, including road construction, motor vehicle registration, and license system, breeding sheep and goat production, urban resilience and disaster prevention, a medical imaging system, women empowerment, mandarin teaching, and talent cultivation are currently proceeding smoothly;

AND WHEREAS, the Honourable John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize, and H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, former Ambassador of the Republic of China

GOB Continues to Improve Quality of Life and NationalStrengthen InfrastructuralthroughSecurity


Continued from page 10 square feet and will be able to accommodate approximately 50 soldiers each. Additionally, BZ$1,075,500 will be invested into the construction of a fully equipped, state-of-the-art kitchen, with mess halls of 6,200 square feet and able to seat 250 soldiers. The wastewater disposal system at the Price Barracks will also be upgraded through this programme in order to provide an environmentally friendly way of disposing of wastewater.

The total investment in the BDF at the end of the project will be approximately BZ$16,664,608. Infrastructural works will also be carried out at Fairweather Camp in Punta Gorda and Camp Belizario in the Cayo District.

Present at the groundbreaking were Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Finance; Hon. Florencio Marin Jr., Minster of National Defence and Border Security; Retired Brigadier General Dario Tapia, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Defence and Border Security; Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development; Brigadier General Azariel Loria, BDF Commander; and Mr. Elvis Requeña, Project Coordinator for the Belize Integral Security Programme.

On behalf of Hon. John Briceño, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, the ministry thanks CABEI for its continued support and looks forward to continued collaboration.

(Taiwan) to Belize, signed the Cooperation Agreement Regarding Construction of General Hospital for San Pedro Town, between the Government of Belize and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), on 11 January 2023, for the health and wellness of the Belizean people;

AND WHEREAS, Taiwan is a faithful ally and development partner to Belize, and the generosity and contribution Taiwan made to other countries, has shown that Taiwan is an indispensable part of the global community, and Taiwan can play, and has played a critical role in the world;

AND WHEREAS, Taiwan shows great courage and resilience in safeguarding its democracy, and freedom in the face of provocative military activities from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which pose a serious threat to global security;

AND WHEREAS, Belize continuously extends unwavering support to Taiwan in safeguarding its democracy and freedom, as well as the self-determination for Taiwanese people, when Taiwan faces the military, political, and economic coercion and the hegemonic threats from the People’s Republic of China (PRC); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House: Conveys its sincere welcome to H.E.

Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the delegation from Taiwan to visit Belize, to consolidate the diplomatic relations, partnership, and friendship between the two countries; Extends its commitment to the strong and healthy diplomatic bond between Belize and Taiwan and the close bilateral cooperation in multiple areas;

Reassure that the Governments of Belize and Taiwan will further deepen the diplomatic cooperation through the bilateral, and multilateral channels of partnership, especially during Belize’s Presidency Pro-Tempore (PPT) of Central American Integration System (SICA) as Taiwan is an important extra-regional partner of SICA;

Reaffirms to stand with the people and the Government of Taiwan in solidarity to secure Taiwan’s democracy, freedom, human rights, and self-determination, so as to maintain peace, stability, and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait and in the region;

Calls on the international community to condemn any military threat, and other coercive actions that undermine Taiwan’s sovereign integrity, democracy, freedom, human rights, and self-determination; and

The House of Representatives expresses its full support of Taiwan’s participation in ALL related international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL);

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and to the office of the Prime Minister as a tangible token of the friendship expressed herein.



Meetings, Inspections, Price Control, Grocery Bag

Belmopan, March 28, 2023.

Cabinet today held an intense and in-depth discussion on the issue of global inflation. The report on Belize from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) acknowledges that inflation in Belize is the result of external factors and is projected to subside as those global factors normalize. Cabinet nonetheless recognizes that there is the need for measures to bring immediate relief to Belizeans who are paying more for goods and services due to inflation.

Following that discussion, Cabinet agreed to the following:

(1) set up meetings with wholesalers and retailers to ensure that ALL understand the urgency of the situation with a view to price control of goods and services;

(2) establish the practice of store inspections and monitoring as offered by the unions; (3) revisit the list of basic commodities to expand the number of goods which are price-controlled; and (4) review the grocery bag program to ensure that the Belizeans who need help the most are those benefitting.

Cabinet reiterated its commitment to the medium-term strategy of poverty alleviation by focusing on employment, access to health, education, housing, and land, but is also determined to do everything it can to offset the cost of living until global inflation subsides.



The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Office of Strategy Management.

The Project Analyst will provide direct or indirect project management services in the application of the Central Bank of Belize’s Project Management (PM) methodology and effective use of PM and Change Management (CM) tools. The Project Analyst will perform direct services when assigned to a project in the role of project manager. Indirect services include supporting other project managers and teams to enhance their capability to successfully implement projects and contribute to the achievement of the Central Bank’s strategic objectives.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

▪ Supports the Office of Strategy Management in the promotion of PM and CM best practices, methodology, standards, and tools in the execution of the Central Bank’s projects.

▪ Applies the change management process and tools to support the adoption of the changes required by a project or initiative.

▪ Assists in training, mentoring, and guiding project team members throughout the project life cycle.

▪ Assists in identifying and utilizing of technology-based tools, especially Microsoft Project to facilitate project support and continuous development of project management skills.

▪ Assists in preparing project budgets and developing resource requirements.

▪ Reviews and reports on the project portfolio’s performance, budget, and finances.

▪ Develops Service Level Agreements for indirect and direct project management services.

▪ Performs other related work required to ensure successful implementation of projects.

The applicants should possess the following:

Education and Experience

▪ A master’s degree in project management, management information systems, business management, or a related field from a recognized university, with two (2) years of experience in managing business-related projects. Knowledge and proficiency in project management software, preferably, Microsoft Project, or

▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in project management, management information systems, business management, or a related field from a recognized university, with four (4) years of experience in managing business-related projects. Knowledge and proficiency in project management software, preferably, Microsoft Project.

Technical Knowledge

▪ Knowledge of Microsoft Project: Knowledge of Change Management tools and techniques; Knowledge of the strategic management approach; Excellent research and presentation skills; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.


▪ Strong Communication Skills; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Analytical Thinking; Results Orientation; Initiative; Thoroughness; Flexibility, Fostering Teamwork; Performance Management; Building Collaborative Relationships; Managing Change; Self-Confidence; Organizational Awareness.

Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 12 April 2023:

▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)

▪ Curriculum Vitae

▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)

▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates

Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Project Analyst – Office of Strategy Management Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
In Orange Walk East: Hon Kevin Bernard: Partnership with the Town Council continues the paving of roads continue in the constituency


City of Belmopan, March 28, 2023. The Government of Belize, through the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE), under the Building Resilient MSME’s Accelerating Digitization Project with a value of USD$360,000.00 funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), opened its second Digital Connect Center at the Corozal Public Library in Corozal Town.

The Digital Connect Centers will offer free access to computers, internet, and is a part of a national commitment from all the key collaborators to promote digital inclusion and bridge the digital divide between urban and rural populations. The center will serve the residents of Corozal and surrounding areas with training in entrepreneurial development, business innovation and competitiveness for Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME), and it will also provide access to digital literacy trainings to upskill youths, women, the unemployed, underemployed and the elderly.

Residents and entrepreneurs can now access business development information, connect with government agencies, improve their technological capacities, and engage with others through mentorship and advisory services to propel their economic growth. The Digital Connect Centers offers access to Digital Technologies and will connect entrepreneurs to BELTRAIDE's Virtual Knowledge Center (VKC) platform that provides access to training materials for enterprise growth and innovation, the MSME Directory, a Job Portal, and


Notice is hereby given that Lucely Bacab is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “D Front Yard” located in Santa Familia Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Jose R. Espat & Jessica Montejo are applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “LRK’s Vecinos & Chill Spot” located in Mosquitoville, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

access to other support services and catalogues designed to propel business development. Today’s launch event represents an investment of USD15,000 from UNDP with contribution from the Belize National Library Service.

In attendance at the launch was Mayor Rigoberto Vellos, Corozal Town Council, CEO Narda Garcia CEO of the Ministry of Investment, Ms. Denise Antonio Resident Representative of Jamaica and Belize, UNDP, Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, representatives from the Belize National Library Service, and Smart Belize Ltd, the provider for internet services to the Center.

25 SEP 2020


The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants to submit proposals for a service contract to conduct a legal review of existing legislation, policies and other legal documents that support Belize’s current health system

Duration of contract: 26 April – 13 September 2023

Contractor Profile: Professional with a university degree in law, preferably with a postgraduate law degree and demonstrated

• Background in conducting legal analysis and assessments and/or in drafting legislative acts

• At least 3 years of work/experience practicing law

• Knowledge of Belize legislative system

• Strong communication and analytical skills

Deadline: Interested applicants should submit the following to; cc: no later than April 7, 2023:

• Curriculum Vitae, indicating all past experiences from similar assignments and at least 2 professional references;

• Technical proposal;

• Financial proposal

For further details visit our website Only submissions that meet all the evaluation criteria will be contacted.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@


Belize City Belize, March 27th, 2023: On Friday March 24, 2023 the Alejo Beni Park in Dangriga was transformed into a concert village for the launch of the Belize International Music and Food Festival (BIMFF)

2.0 Pre Festival Tour. The event, held in partnership with the Dangriga Town Council, marked the first in a series of free events designed to scout and place Belize’s top talents as part of the lineup for the upcoming BIMFF 2.0 which takes place on July 29th and 30th at

the Marion Jones Sports Complex in Belize City.

Over twenty (20) local performers and food vendors turned up in Dangriga for a display of talent which ended with winners being selected from the artist/ entertainer, disc jockey and food categories. Attendees were treated to displays from the likes of the Urawani C Dance Group, Adrian “Doc” Martinez, Top Flight, Papa John & YG and food from Dangriga’s “kulcha” base such as Cims Enterprise, Ma –K’s Diner, S & J’s Kitchen

and Stone Kraab Grill. The crowd was also treated to an energetic performance by Dangriga’s very own Sweet Pain Band.

The crowd was entertained by MC William Neal throughout the night and at the end of judging, three persons were awarded winners and went home with cash prizes, automatic placement as participants for BIMFF 2.0 in July, as well as recording studio time courtesy of The Reef Recording Studio in Belize City.

The Festival tour will be staged over the next 14 weeks

in each district and Caye Caulker. Persons wishing to audition for the major event or participate as a food vendor are able to sign up for the events listed below via the following links:

Corozal - March 31st, 2023

Orange Walk – April 15th, 2023

Punta Gorda – April 29th, 2023

San Ignacio/ Santa Elena –May 13th, 2023


Caye Caulker – May 27th,2023

Belize City – June 17th, 2023


March 29, 2023 - Today, the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit (IPCU) in the Ministry of Investment organized a consultation with companies that benefit from the Designated Processing Areas (DPA) Act. The objective of the consultation was to apprise the private sector stakeholders of the proposed amendments.

Over 25 companies were present and voiced their support for amendments being contemplated to the DPA Act and Regulations. The DPA companies employ approximately 9,000 persons across the various priority sectors; these companies export $181 million in goods and services. Additionally, the companies were introduced to and amenable to new regulations specifically for aquaculture, global digital services, and the special border entertainment zone under the DPA. The consultation resulted in support from the private sector representatives for the amendments to improve export-led growth.

Present at the consultation were the CEO of the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment, the Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, the Executive Director of the Economic Development Council, the Chairman of the Designated Processing Areas Committee, a Crown Council in the Legislative Drafting Unit of the Attorney General’s Ministry, and the Director of the IPCU.

Companies in the national priority sectors of agro-processing, aquaculture, manufacturing, global digital services, DPA developers, and the proposed Border Entertainment Zone were represented.

The US Government-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has selected Belize as one of only two countries in the world for a five-year government to government grant to fund a program aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.

The Government of Belize (GOB) through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, have contracted a team of individual consultants to form a Compact Development Team in Belize that will work together with a U.S.-based MCC Team to conduct a diagnosis of the constraints to economic growth, prepare concept notes, develop project proposals, and plan for project implementation.

The Belize Compact Development Team will be led by a National Coordinator who will manage the team, engage key stakeholders across all sectors, and bear responsibility for the overall performance and work quality of the team. The Electricity Sector Specialist will be a member of BCDT and will work closely with the Program Coordinator and other members of the BCDT as well as the MCC team to develop the Electricity Project following the MCC’s Investment Criteria

Remuneration: Competitive salary and benefits are offered, commensurate with academic level, work experience and other relevant strengths of the winning candidate.

Kindly follow the below link for further details

Interested candidates are requested to submit ONE PDF File that shall include: a) Letter of Interest indicating the post being applied for; b) the curriculum vitae, c) copies of university degrees, and d) the names of 3 references.

Subsequently the top 3 applicants for the post will be interviewed.

Deadline for application is 14 April at 4:00pm. Application can be sent via email to: or hand delivered to the address indicated below:

Chief Executive Officer

Ministry of Economic Development

Sir Edney Cain Building

Ground Floor, Right Wing

Belmopan City, Belize C.A.

Any request for clarification should be sent via email no later than 20 April 2023. Responses will be provided within three days.

Act Legislative Amendment Consultation
Designated Processing Areas
TIMES 5 FEB 2023
1. Energy Specialist

Belizean Authorities respond to the Grounding Incident of Motor Vessel Herca-1

On 26th March 2023, the Belize Port Authority responded to a marine incident involving a 98.25 meters Panamanian-registered general cargo vessel “HERCA-1”. The vessel was transiting Belizean waters en route to Port Everglades from their last port call in Puerto Cortes. The vessel is carrying containers and break-bulk cargo.

Belize and the United Kingdom sign MOU on the Ocean Country Partnership Programme

The Governments of Belize and the United Kingdom signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Ocean Country Partnership Programme at a ceremony held at the British High Commissioner’s Residence on March 29.

The Ocean Country Partnership Programme is funded by the Blue Plant Fund through Official Development Assistance (ODA) and has three thematic areas of focus: marine biodiversity, marine pollution, and sustainable seafood. The programme provides support to partnering countries by establishing a collaborative framework to strengthen marine science expertise, develop science-based policy and management tools, and create educational resources for coastal communities.

This agreement is between the Government of the United Kingdom, represented by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Government of Belize represented by the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation as the lead agency, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise and the Ministry of Economic Development respectively.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by C.E.O. Kennedy Carrillo on behalf of the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, C.E.O. Dr. Kenrick Williams on behalf of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management,

C.E.O. Servulo Baeza on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and C.E.O. Dr. Osmond Martinez on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development and Her Excellency, Nicole Davison, British High Commissioner to Belize on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom.

Belize is the second country worldwide and first country in the Caribbean to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of the United Kingdom for the Ocean Country Partnership Programme.

At approximately 0400 hours on 26th March 2023, the Herca-1 experienced mechanical failure and ran aground at position 17'29’30.83” N, 088' 02’ 36.58” W, east of the Drowned Cayes. The vessel remains grounded, and the salvage operation will commence shortly under the supervision of the Department of the Environment, Belize Port Authority and the Belize Coast Guard.

The vessel has been detained pending an investigation into the grounding incident, environmental impacts, and damage assessment. A joint team comprising the Belize Port Authority, Department of the Environment, Belize Coast Guard, and Fisheries Department are attending to the incident. Upon inspection, the vessel does not pose a threat of pollution at this time, as its hull remains intact. However, damage assessment to the marine environment is still ongoing.

Once dislodged from its grounded position, the vessel will remain detained until the investigation and damage assessment concludes. The 13 crew members onboard are safe and cooperating with Belizean Authorities in the conduct of the investigation. The Belize Port Authority has also duly informed the Flag State of the marine incident and the ship’s status.



Special Sitting of the House of Representatives

Budget 2023-24 Debate (Day 2 and 3)

March 23-24

Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Orange Walk Central, “We don't have to borrow to pay salaries - we solve problems; we stand up to the IMF. We saved the Belize dollar from devaluation and rescued the country from default. Many families, mostly single-mother families who were living in poor conditions, now own their own homes. In just two years in office, this administration has spent over 16.6 million dollars supporting the Low-income Housing Program. The fact is that no government since 2008 can boast of growing the economy by an average of 13 percent in two years other than this government. We, on this side, are proud of the fact that WE ARE DELIVERING ON PLAN BELIZE. Belize is Back, our people are back! We are a nation rising and, with the grace of God, we will continue moving forward. We will continue to be extra - we will continue to deliver on Plan Belize.”

Hon. Anthony Mahler Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, Pickstock, "Belize’s [tourism] rebound is outpacing the rest of the Americas and the globe. The outlook for global tourism for 2023 is that arrivals are projected to increase by 30% worldwide, and Belize is ready to take advantage of this kind of growth. Just recently, we inaugurated a world-class music studio in Belize City, The Reef recording studio. We’re completing another one in Orange Walk, and, in this budget, we will build two more, another one in Dangriga and another one in San Ignacio."

Hon. Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture Food Security & Enterprise, Orange Walk South, "From zero acres in the 1990s, we have now become a country that exports soybean. In 2022, farmers planted 36 thousand acres and harvested over 55 million pounds, allowing Belize, for the first time in history, to export soybean meal to the Caribbean countries and to Guatemala. Plans are well underway to upgrade 14 miles of road from San Carlos to San Felipe to paving standards.”

Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness, Orange Walk East, “We have completed the nutrition policy, which will be launched next month, with a focus on reducing access to sugary, sweetened beverages to young people, as well as improving the management of chronic diseases. In two years, we have built three new, fully operational health centers – one in Crooked Tree, one in Belmopan, and another in Caye Caulker. In a matter of weeks, a health center in the community of Santa Martha will be completed. We are constructing a Polyclinic in Placencia as we speak. We have totally upgraded health centers in Ladyville, in Hattieville, in Valley of Peace, and in Georgeville."

Hon. Rodwell Ferguson Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport, Stann Creek West, “1.7 million dollars was allotted to sports in 2021. In the budget of 2023/2024, 3.2 million dollars has been allocated over a period of three years. We recognized the importance of sports, so it

has been increased by a whopping 53%. The commuters of this country are crying out for a change so, we have a commitment that by December of 2024, all those old buses on the road now will have to be parked ... We want to show our commuters that we want to provide the best transportation for them.”

Hon. Ramon Cervantes, Minister of State, Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management, Orange Walk North, “The National Fire Service renovated fire stations in [Cayo], Corozal, and Orange Walk with an investment of over $300,000. In the Cayo district fire stations, new bays were added for new ambulances. Additionally, together with our development partners, the ministry furnished several fire stations across the country with furniture and equipment worth over $400,000. New fire trucks were procured for Caye Caulker, Belmopan, and Benque Viejo del Carmen. Two additional ambulances will be added to the fleet very soon.”

Hon. Oscar Requeña, Minister of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development, Toledo West, “I would like to thank the beautiful people of Toledo West for the privilege and honor to represent them in this Honorable House. Over 42,965 workers have benefited from the minimum wage increase to $5. That is our achievement and accomplishment in less than 2 years. This is after the UDP spent billions on projects that failed, that did not benefit this country and that did not provide the opportunity to grow this economy.”

Hon. Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat, Cayo West, “ On this side, they on the other side forget that we are trying to amend all the damages that they did to our country and to our people in mismanagement. I fully endorse the words of the Hon. Prime Minister words during this budget speech ‘envisioning the day a woman leads this nation. The people of the Cayo West Constituency whom I proudly represent support this budget. They are experiencing development and progress in our area that has long eluded this constituency. We were able to provide education via school grants, and scholarships to students in High Schools.”

Hon. Dr. Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State of MoECST, Dangriga, “We have four STEAM programmes underway via grants from FIFA, CABEI, Code. org, and GLOBE-NASA. These are being implemented at many of our primary and secondary schools, impacting 12,200 students with plans to expand in the near future. We are now making the students the center of attention and our main goal is to enhance their ability to contribute positively to our country’s sustainable development. The revolutionized curriculum focuses on developing several critical competencies in our students, thereby evolving from just content memorization to the application of knowledge into pertinent skills.”

Hon. Oscar Mira, Minister of State Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, “I congratulate the Honorable Prime Minister and his team for presenting in this

THE BELIZE TIMES 17 2 APR 2023 Continued on page 20
Progress and Success
Prime Minister John Briceño United Women’s Group Executive and Hon. Rodwell Ferguson Hon. Ramon Cervantes, OW Rural North Hon. Julius Espat, MIDH Hon. Anthony Mahler visiting with Hon. Florencio Marin Ground-breaking for
a new Forward Operating Base for Southern waters Office of the PM: BELTRAIDE Opening a Digital Connect in Corozal
Awarding and recognizing outstanding women of Stann Creek West
Promoting Tourism in Sarteneja
Installing culverts in Trial Farm Driving piles at mile-3 PGoldson Highway: Fixing the epitome of error in UDP infrastructure

The Board of Directors, Committees, Management & Staff of HRCU

wish all member-owners and those of our sister credit unions throughout Belize a

Happy and Safe Easter

Our offices will close at 12:00 noon on Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023

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Our 79TH AGM will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Belize Civic Center

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Special Sitting of the House of Representatives

Budget 2023-24 Debate (Day 2 and 3)

Continued from page 17

Honorable House one of the most ambitious and forward-thinking estimates of revenue and expenditure for the next fiscal year. I thank you again Prime Minister for giving form and standing in this budget. This budget is to pave the way to a brighter and more prosperous future for all of us.”

Hon. Elvia Vega-Samos, Min of State in Ministry of Human Development, Families & Indigenous People's Affairs, Corozal Bay, “We are rolling our free education to the most marginalized people because we know that is the way to get our people out of poverty. This is not lip service, this is action! The borrowing by this government, the loans were put to good use and not for the purchase of tacos, money was rolling then [UDP year’s} and not being used for things that were good for our people.”

Hon. Gilroy Usher Sr., Min. of State in Youth, Sports, and Transport, Port Loyola, “The new fiscal year this government expects to collect $1,372,473,486 out of that amount it envisioned that $1,112, 255,051 will be used for expenses in running government and addressing the needs as best as possible from Corozal to Toledo and from Benque to the Cayes. After the expenditure, we have a surplus which is always good news a budget surplus allows the government to continue addressing the needs of the people without significant disruption in the event there's a major decrease in revenue or a major increase in the cost of assessing goods and services.”

Hon. Marconi Leal, Belize Rural North, “I am extremely satisfied and grateful with the decision I made years ago to join this peaceful constructive revolution better known as the People's United Party. The people of Belize gave us the mandate to run a government with planned beliefs as the mantra the expectations remain high and as a government, it is our intent to live up to those expectations and to fully Implement plan beliefs under PlanBelize.”

Hon. Luis ‘Alex’ Balona, Cayo Central, “‘I will quote the great Nelson Mandela “There is nothing I fear more than waking up without a program that will help me bring a little happiness to those with no resources, those who are poor, illiterate, and ridden with terminal disease.’ but thanks to the implementation of the constituency Development Fund I am able to counter those fears bravely. Anyone who has taken the time to read the 2023/2023 budget would easily see all that this PUP government is prepared to invest in the upcoming fiscal year. Thanks to our prime minister and this government for yet another splendid job in ensuring that Belize rebounds in line with planBelize.”

Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing


Lodgment of an ESIA Report and Public Consultation For

George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing

The General Public is hereby informed that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing for the George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan). The ESIA report was prepared by Nextera Environmental and Engineering Consultants. The ESIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken.

The public is hereby advised that the EIA-Report will be available for public review, free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) from March 16th at the following locations: Hattieville Community Center, La Democracia Community Center, St. Matthews Village Government School, MIDH-Project Execution Unit and at the DOE’s Office located at 7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan. Likewise, the EIA-Report and its annexes are all available on the DOE’s website at link: appendices-esia-george-price-highway-upgrade-belize-to-belmopan/

The public is invited to submit their comments in writing on or before April 19, 2023, to the DOE Office in Belmopan or email:;, or by link:

Kindly be informed that a hybrid public consultation for the ESIA will be held on April 13, 2023, commencing at 6:30 pm at St. Matthews Village – Basketball Court. An online link will be provided three days before the date of the Public Consultation.

The public is invited to participate in-person or virtually in this public consultation to provide comments/input, recommendations, and/or express their concerns to the DOE regarding this proposed project activity.


Belizean Youth for Road Safety (BYRS)

The Belizean Youth for Road Safety recruited 20 dedicated individuals aged 18 to 25, along the Philip Goldson Highway from Belize City to Corozal. The selected individuals were trained in a program that worked towards getting more youths involved in road safety and sustainable mobility efforts. They are also to complete an online preliminary training session by April 14, 2023, in order to attend the workshop from the 17th to the 21st of April.

The participants will also have a full understanding of road safety issues and effective strategies to deliver training on the topic.

The aim of the training is to:

• Increase young people's understanding of the road safety issues in Belize and the risks they face on the roads (e.g.: speeding, drinking and driving and distracted driving).

• Promote and increase the involvement of young people in road safety advocacy efforts in Belize.

• Build the knowledge and develop the skills of youth leaders in order for them to implement their own road safety initiatives.

This program stems from the First Belize Road Safety Project financed by the Caribbean Development Bank and the Government of Belize, which started in 2013 and embarked on a Youth and Road Safety Capacity Building Initiative.

The international consulting firm Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), held this Youth and Road Safety Capacity Building for 34 Belizean youths. The program trained young leaders to effectively communicate issues of safe roads and sustainable mobility with fellow young people as Trainers of Facilitators. These young leaders have since trained approximately 3,000 youths across the country in various Youth and Road Safety Outreach Workshops.

The success of the first program led to the Government of Belize officially partnering with YOURS once again to support the group with institutional strengthening, under the Second Road Safety Project. This new phase of the empowerment programme focuses on three major points: Master Training, Training of Facilitators, and conducting a Safe School Zone Assessment.

Young people interested in participating should apply as soon as possible, through the following link: https://claimingourspace.

Road Safety

Safe School Zone Assessment Workshop

MoECST, MIDH, Traffic Police, DoT, Municipal Traffic, BYRS attend!

The Second Road Safety Project held a two-day, ‘Safe School Zone Assessment Workshop’ on March 13 and 14, 2023, at the Department of Youth Services facility in Belize City. The purpose of the workshop was to train members of the relevant road safety stakeholder agencies on how to properly capture and analyze data to identify the risks that students face within a school zone and develop mitigation plans to reduce those risks. This workshop was facilitated by the international consulting firm, Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), and its associated partner, AMEND.

Representatives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology; Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing, the Police Traffic Division, the Department of Transport, the Corozal and Orange Walk Municipal Traffic Departments, and the Belize City and Belmopan City Councils, along with members of the Belizean Youths for Road Safety (BYRS), all attended the workshop.

25 SEP 2020

As a part of the training, participants visited the Buttonwood Bay Nazarene Primary School, which was identified for the pilot project, and in -

terviewed teachers and students to identify safety issues they face on a daily basis when traversing to and from school. Data such as vehicle count, pedestrian count, pedestrian route, and vehicle speed within the school zone were also captured. A second round of data capture will be conducted within a few weeks in order to validate the initial data captured and based on the data and interviews, infrastructure improvement designs will be developed and executed to provide a safer school zone for students and other road users within the school zone.


It is expected that with a successful pilot project, other schools throughout the country can benefit from similar assessments carried out by participants of this workshop.


The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants to submit proposals for a service contract for Situational Analysis and Institutional Mapping of Essential Public Health Functions

Duration of contract: 26 April – 31 August 2023


Profile: Professional with a degree in health sciences or other related field, preferably with demonstrated

• 5 years of experience in conducting healthcare management and or/assessment and monitoring of health services and systems;

• Technical competency in health systems performance methods and related survey methods and tools;

• Advanced competency in the development of technical reports;

• Ability to work independently and to produce results under pressure; and

• Excellent knowledge of research methods and report writing.

Deadline: Interested applicants should submit the following to; cc: no later than April 7, 2023:

• Curriculum Vitae, indicating all past experiences from similar assignments and at least 2 professional references;

• Technical proposal;

• Financial proposal

For further details visit our website Only submissions that meet all the evaluation criteria will be contacted.



Belize joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Meteorological Day 2023, on the 23rd of March, under the theme “The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations”. This day commemorates the coming into force of the convention that established the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1950, taking over from its predecessor, the International Meteorological Organization, which was formed in 1873. This year’s theme highlights the past achievements that have been made in the field of Meteorology, present progress, and future potential. The improvement over the years is evident when we look at the changes that have occurred from the late 19th century telegraphs and shipping forecasts to modern supercomputers and space technology.

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services have worked around the clock throughout the years to collect and standardize the critical data that underpin the daily weather forecasts that are often taken for granted. The history of WMO data exchange is a remarkable story of scientific vision, technological development and, most importantly, of a unique system of cooperation to serve society. The rapid scientific and technological advances have greatly improved the accuracy of weather forecasts and life-saving early warnings. Big data is being exchanged more freely among a wider community than ever before, and there are new tools being deployed, including machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.

These data, collated over the long term, provide that foundation for analysing trends and assessing climate risks and changes in the climate system. Additionally, improved weather and climate forecasts have helped to significantly reduce losses to lives and properties over the years. In Belize, we can compare the difference from 1931, when a devastating hurricane affected the country without any reliable forewarning resulting in thousands of fatalities, to the present, where with the advances in technology, the population is warned several days ahead of a landfalling hurricane and is able to take necessary actions to protect life and property.

The National Meteorological Service of Belize (NMSB) in the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management has also advanced technologically over the years. One of the most striking evidence of this advancement is in the use of automatic weather stations across the country to collect, store and share real-time weather information from remote areas in the country. Just over a decade ago, the department relied heavily on manual weather stations, which require a human observer to read the weather instruments and transmit such data to the office over the phone once per day. Now the department has over 50 automatic weather stations that collect and transmit data via cell phone

25 SEP 2020


The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department

The Assistant Manager, Facility Management is responsible for the leadership and management of the Facilities Management Unit

(FMU) and reports to the Manager, Administration. The FMU is responsible for providing complete operations and maintenance se rvice support to ensure that the Central Bank’s fac ility is operated at peak performance; the building and grounds are kept in immaculate condition; and the working environment is comfortable, safe, and healthy and is conducive to high productivity.


 Develops, implements, maintains and oversees a comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Program in line with international standards and best practices

 Develops, implements, and maintains Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.

 Plans for future development in line with strategic business objectives.

 Prepares, negotiates and oversees the performance of service contracts for the maintenance of the facility.

 Plans and oversees Energy Management efforts and provides monthly reports on energy and wate r utilization.

 Establishes and maintains files of as -built, schematic and engineering drawings of plant facilities, including specifications, operations and maintenance manuals.

 Oversees the maintenance, modification and upgrade of computerized systems, such as computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) and building management system (BMS) and any other automated system deemed necessary to improve efficiency.

 Leads and coordinates projects involving spatial requirement s, including re-organization of current premises, facility expansion, and identification of new premises and/or new construction.

 Participates actively in Business Continuity Planning to ensure quick recovery and resumption of critical business function.

 Responds appropriately to emergencies or urgent issues as they arise and be accessible on a 24 -hour basis.

The applicants should possess the following:


 Master's degree in Facilities Management or any of the following engineering disciplines: Electrical Mechanical or Civil Engineering with at least four (4) years of industry experience in a management and/or maintenance field; or

 Master's degree in Management (MBA) and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering with at least five (5) years of industry experience; or

 Bachelor's degree in Electrical Mechanical or Civil Engineering or Facilities Management with at least six (6) years of industry experience in management and/or mechanical, electrical, or civil maintenance and/or installation. A certificate or experience in Facilities Management would be an asset.


 Strong mechanical aptitude and a working knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems to deliver quality work, and keep informed of the latest trends and developments in the discipline; Knowledge of Occupational Health & Safety Standards and safe workplace practices, facilities management including civil, mechanical, and electrical applications, plumbing and air conditioning and building compliance codes; Proficient in software applications, including CADD software, CMMS, and Microsoft Suite; Proficient in strategic management and project management; Ability to read and interpret blueprints, plans, specifications, and detailed layout drawings.


 Communications & Interpersonal Skills, Results Orientation, Flexibility/Adaptability, Leadership, Decision Making/ProblemSolving, Empowering and Developing Others, Project Management

Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 12 April 2023:

 CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)

 Curriculum Vitae

 Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)

 Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates

Continued on page 23
“The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations”.
Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Assistant Manager, Facility Management- Administration Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence ) /central-bank-of-belize/


PM Briceño: “We made a commitment to work to improve the lives of our people. One programme that my Administration remains proudly committed to is that of providing affordable homes for first time owners. Today, I handed over two more keys for families of Orange Walk Central. With every house built, a deserving Belizean family gains the stability much needed.”

The proud Area Representative and the Prime Minister of our nation was joined by Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, Hon. Julius Espat.


Continued from page 22

modems or satellite every 15 minutes and is available to the public at their fingertips. Besides an impressive network of automatic weather stations, several technological advancements in numerical weather prediction, climate data processing, lightning detection, radar observations etc., have increased our forecasting ability and improved our alerting capabilities of extreme weather events.

Going forward, the department will continue to advance technologically. A mobile weather app will be deployed by the end of 2023, making weather and climate information more accessible to the general population. Additionally, the department plans to implement the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) by the start of the 2023 Hurricane Season. CAP is a multi-media/multi-hazard approach to providing alerts and warning to the general public. This will ensure that persons at risk of any potentially hazardous weather and climate conditions receive adequate warnings in a timely and effective manner.

To commemorate World Meteorological Day 2023, the NMSB is hosting an information fair on March 23rd at the Belize Civic Centre along with several stakeholders in climate- sensitive sectors, whose work is closely linked and dependent on that of the department. The fair will highlight the advances in technology and the urgent need for data sharing and research in bridging the gap between the physical science of Meteorology and the socio-economic benefits of early warning. Additionally, it will show how these changes have improved the accuracy of weather forecasts and data analysis while promoting a basic understanding of the linkages between weather, water, and climate. It will also showcase how public-private partnerships can enhance the effective delivery of weather and climate services to serve the needs of society and support informed decision-making. Finally, the information fair will also serve as means of sharing information with the public on professional opportunities available in the field of Meteorology.


The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant to support the Strengthening Climate Resilient Health Systems Project

Duty station: Belize City

Qualifications: Essential: A bachelor’s degree in Environment Science or Public Health from a recognized university

Desirable: A master’s degree in environmental studies, Climate, or related field

Experience: Essential: At least 5 years of national experience in public health, environmental health, climate change or related field

Desirable: Experience in development of H-NAP


• Experience developing HNAPs and conducting impact assessments and sensitivity analyses

• Demonstrable current knowledge of climate health risks and adaptation policies and programs

• Knowledge about health systems’ operations

• Experience in data collection and analysis

• Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills.

• Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players.

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues

• Ability to meet deadlines

• Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization.

• Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset.

Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish

Deadline: Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than April 11, 2023

For further details visit our website An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.

PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco


The Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture, Equipment, and Vehicles


Invitation to Quote (ITQ)

The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards the supply and delivery of office furniture, equipment and vehicles for the Central Executing Unit of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment.

The Central Executing Unit now invites eligible bidders to submit sealed quotation for the Supply, Delivery and Installation for the following lots of items:


Country: Belize Project: BSIF Loan III: Caribbean Development Bank Loan No.: 25/ SFR-ORBZE Project Id: 1509/8/E2 Contract Number: E/SL3-03/2020 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: April 11, 2023

1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of Eligible Sub-projects and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Cristo Rey Primary School Building Construction, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize.

2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:

The contract proposes to: Construction of a two (2) storey reinforced concrete building measuring 144’-11” long by 49’-3” wide complete with eight (8) classrooms, office spaces, four (4) male and female students’ bathrooms, four (4) male and female teachers’ lavatories, storage spaces, and an access ramp to accommodate users with disabilities. The structure will also be equipped with a verandah, reinforced concrete floor and roof systems, masonry block walls, galvanized aluminum louvered windows, security grilles, and timber doors. The provision of earthworks and site drainage will also form a part of the contract. Provisions for the installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems, in accordance with the regulations of the respective authorities, will also be included.

Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Cristo Rey RC Primary School, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize

3. Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.

4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CDB’s Guidelines for Procurement (January 2006), and are open to all bidders of countries eligible for procurement under European Investment Bank funded projects which includes CDB member countries.

5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Social Investment Fund, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. starting Monday, February 27, 2023: Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District.

6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements of the firm for years 2019, 2021 and 2022 to confirm an average annual turnover of at least BZ$750,000.00 (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last three (3) years prior to the application submission deadline, with activity of at least five (5) months in each year (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, in less than or equal to two (2) contracts, each of minimum value BZD$375,000.00 but with total value of all contracts equal or more than BZD$750,000.00, that have successfully and substantially completed within the last ten (10) years, and that are similar to the proposed Works (d) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of BZ$70,000.00 (e) others provided in the respective Bidding Documents.

7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders from the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee BZ$150.00 (One Hundred Fifty Dollars) for each bidding document. Banking details can be requested at the address below.

8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00am, April 11, 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30am, April 11, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$12,000.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.

9. A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 10th, 2023 at Cristo Rey RC Primary School, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize to address any queries that contractors may have about the bidding documents or the scope of works. Contractors who have bought packages are urged to attend.

For further information and to obtain the Invitation to Quote (ITQ), free of cost, interested bidders can send their request to the email address below

All ITQs must be delivered to the address below no later than 10:00 a.m. (Belize local time) on April 11th 2023. Late ITQs will be rejected.

10. The address referred to above is:

Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund

3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive

Belmopan Cayo District

Tel: 822-0239/822-0508



ITEM QUANTITY LOT# Executive chairs 30 1 Waiting Chairs 15 1 L-shaped desk 5 2 Executive desk 10 2 Library stand 8 2 8” plastic tables 6 3 6” plastic tables 2 3 Plastic folding chairs 3 3 Filing cabinet 12 4 Storage cabinet 2 4 Whiteboard 10 4 Water Cooler 2 5 Coffee Maker 3 5 Microwave 3 5 Refrigerators 2 5 Computer monitor 10 6 Wireless keyboard and mouse 15 6 Flat screen TV 1 6 Laptop 15 6 Paper Shredder 2 6 Emergency Powersupply/Protector 15 6 Color LaserJet MFP 6 6 Multifunction Imaging System 1 6 Conference Equipment Bundle 1 6 Expansion Mic 2 6 Wireless Projector 1 6 Electric Projector Screen with remote 1 6 Rack Server 1 7 8 Port KVM Switch 1 7 Rack UPS for Servers 1 7 18U Rack Enclosure Server Cabinet 1 7 Firewall Appliance 1 7 24-port Managed Switch 1 7 Access Point Pro 3 7 4X4 crew cab pickup truck 1 Vehicles Passenger Van 1
2nd Floor, 1904 Constitution Drive Belmopan City Belize, Central America E-mail:
Karon Hamilton
Specialist Assistant Central Executing Unit

MOHW Current Events

Belize Receives COVID-19 Vaccines from the Netherlands Belmopan, March 27, 2023.

Last week, the Ministry of Health & Wellness received a donation of Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for children aged five to 11 from the people and Government of the Netherlands.

The donation was delivered by Ms. Vanessa Retreage, Belize’s Honorary Consul to the Netherlands, to Dr. Melissa Diaz, Director of Public Health & Wellness, at the Philip Goldson International Airport.

The ministry extends appreciation for the vaccines, which form part of its COVID-19 response. The public is reminded that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 reduces the risk of developing complications and hospitalization if contracted. Persons are also encouraged to take a booster if eligible to do so.

For more information on the availability of vaccines, please visit your nearest health center.


Relocation of Central Health Region Management Office

Belmopan, March 27th, 2023

The Ministry of Health & Wellness hereby notifies the public that the Central Health Region Office, also known as Old Nursing School, is now located at the Transparent BPO building on 259 Coney Drive, Belize City, effective today

All services, except the pharmacy, dental and laboratory, will now be at this new location

The Ministry of Health & Wellness regrets any inconvenience caused by this move

The Central Health Regional Management Office can be reached at 2232722


The Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Honorable Minister, Kevin Bernard, have the pleasure of welcoming Dr. M. Rashad Massoud, Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank / Mesoamerica Health Initiative. Dr. Massoud is providing technical assistance in healthcare quality strategy including the design of a roadmap for the integration of tertiary care. The Honorable Minister emphasized the importance of this mission saying: "It is critical to provide quality care starting from the community level all the way to the tertiary care level for every person in Belize".

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. We join the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology , Special Education unit and all other partners in support of individuals with Down Syndrome. We are all uniquely made and should not be treated any different from one another. #withusnotforus

CARPHA 26th Executive Board Meeting- March 15, 2023, Belize. Honorable Kevin Bernard, the Minister of Health & Wellness, currently chairs the Executive Board of the Caribbean Public Health Agency, Minister Bernard hosted the CARPHA 26th Executive Board Meeting on March 15th, 2023 here in Belize, the Caribbean Public Health Agency is a regional public health agency headquartered in Trinidad and Tobago which was established by CARICOM leaders in July 2011 and began operation in 2013. The meeting was composed of the board members who had a range of tedious subjects, such as providing updates on the minutes of the 25th executive board meeting, discussions on the ongoing policy initiatives within the Corporate Services Department for the overall improvement of Agency-wide performance, and on the COVID-19 pandemic providing an overview of CARPHA’s systems and mechanism employed to address the response. The Honorable Kevin Bernard was pleased to have hosted a meeting of this significance and was humbled to have welcomed Dr. Joy St.John Executive Director of CARPHA to Belize for the first time, he also had the privilege to welcome to Belize Honorable Shaun D. Malcolm Minister of Health, Turks & Caicos Islands and Honorable Cassani Laville Minister of Health, Dominica. The Ministry is committed in working with our regional partners by unifying approaches and experiences that aims to optimize the health of all the people, as we continue to grow as a nation, we remind everyone the importance of staying safe and healthy.

Today in partnership with the World Water Day Planning Committee, the Ministry of Health & Wellness commemorated World Water Day. The National Drinking Water Quality Laboratory participated with a booth display to create greater awareness of the role we play to ensure safe drinking water for all and as well how this helps us to be healthy.World Water day is being observed under the theme, Accelerating Change.


President Tsai to visit Belize and Guatemala next week, stopping in US

Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance

Central Information Technology Office

President Tsai Ing-wen will visit Guatemala and Belize on a 10-day trip starting next week. The Presidential Office announced Tsai’s plans on Tuesday, adding that the trip will also include transit stops in New York and Los Angeles.

This is the first time the president has left Taiwan since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her last international trip was in June 2019 when she visited Taiwan’s allies Haiti, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia.

Guatemala and Belize are another two of Taiwan’s 14 diplomatic allies, but that number has been unstable, especially in Central America. Over the past six years, three Central American countries have cut ties with Taiwan in favor of China.

Earlier this month, Honduras announced that it is looking to establish official diplomatic relations with China. That would mean severing its current ties with Taiwan.

Tsai has not visited Guatemala since 2017 and Belize since 2018. She will leave Taiwan on March 29 and return on April 7.



1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize. The subscription period required is for one (1) year.

1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year.

2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.

3. Terms of Reference

4. Two references.

1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year.

5. The bids should be valid for six months from the last date for submission of the bids.

2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through

2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.

3a. Technical specifications

3. Terms of Reference

The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:

3a. Technical specifications

8. The contract is subject to the following Income and Business Tax as per Government Policy as shown below:

a. 25% - for entities from non-Caricom countries

b. 15% - for entities from Caricom countries

c. 19% for entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real-time voice services.

The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:

d. 6% for companies in Belize

9. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5% for GST-registered agents.

10. Questions and Replies

Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 14 April 2023.

Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.

11. Submission of Tenders should be emailed to bz with the subject TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES FOR GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE.

a) To ensure confidentiality, the bid response shall consist of two password-protected files - one technical and one financial. This can be done on the file itself, using zip password protection, or some other means of password-protecting the file. The password will be requested at the opening of the tender.

3b. Program of Works

3b. Program of Works

The program of work includes:

The program of work includes:

1. Technical support with license provisioning.

b) Bidders shall submit a brief description of the documents contained in each of the password-protected files.

1. Technical support with license provisioning

2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office.

c) Any discounts offered should be clearly stated by the Tenderer.

2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office

3. Issue resolution for the duration of the contract period (12 months).

3c. Schedule The licenses are to be provisioned and activated no later than 30 June 2023.

4. Copies of this Tender document can be downloaded from the Ministry of Finance Procurement Portal or the CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board

5. The currency exchange rate for regional/international bidders is USD 1.00 to BZD 2.00.

6. Eligibility Criteria: This invitation is open to all eligible Tenderers as per the eligibility criteria below:

1. The Tenderer has an active membership in Microsoft Partner Network for Latin America and the Caribbean region and market (MPN ID) at the time of bid submission.

2. The Tenderer must be an active Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that can sell CSP offers in Latin America and the Caribbean region and market

3. The Tenderer should provide evidence of experience deploying Microsoft 365 Licenses for at least one (1) previous contract of a similar size and nature within the past three years.

4. The Tenderer is required to provide a signed and dated banker’s reference that should include the following information:

a. The name and contact information of the bank or financial institution providing the reference.

b. The name of the account holder and the account number.

c. The length of the banking relationship.

d. The monthly average balance of the account over the past 12 months.

e. Any other relevant information that the bank or financial institution deems appropriate.

5. The Tenderer has availability of liquid assets through either:

a. Access to a line of credit of 100% of the bid price

b. Cash in a bank account of an amount at least 100% of the bid price

7. Administrative Requirements: All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submission:

1. Business certificates

a. For local Tenderers:

1. Current copies of Certificates of Good Standing from:

a. Belize Tax Service within 6 months

b. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year

c. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year

2. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year.

b. For regional/international Tenderers: Statement of compliance from Companies’ Registry within 1 year.

2. Bids must be accompanied by a notarized bid-securing declaration.

3. Power of attorney showing person signing the bid is authorized to do so.

13. The deadline for Tender submission is 10:00 am on 28 April 2023. Submissions received after the deadline will be rejected.

14. Evaluation Criteria

Tenders will be evaluated on technical merit and price based on the following criteria:

term of the agreement (1 year)

Service delivery models for issue resolution must be with English-speaking technical support.

Service delivery experience in provisioning and supporting Microsoft 365 for business comparable in the magnitude of this Tender

The financial strength of the company demonstrated over the past three (3) years

15. Opening of the Tenders will take place online on 3 May 2023 at 2 pm Belize Time and in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend the Tender opening.

16. Evaluation of the Tenders will be conducted on 5 May 2023.

a) The selection of the successful Tenderer will be based on a competitive process that considers Technical and Financial Proposals.

b) The Technical file will be opened first, evaluated, and ranked. The Evaluation Committee will first check for administrative compliance and only those bids complying will have their technical proposal evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria to determine the technical capacity of the tenderer to provide the Microsoft 365 Licenses and Support services at the level being requested.

c) Only those Tenderers passing a minimum of 70% will have their Financial proposal opened and evaluated.

d) The financial proposal will count for 50% of the total points.

e) The Tenderer with the highest combined value (Technical + Financial) will be recommended for the award of the contract.

f) Incomplete tenders will not be accepted.

17. The Tenderer who offers the lowest price and who qualified in the technical evaluation, may not necessarily be awarded the contract for the supply of the Microsoft 365 Licenses to the Government of Belize.

Terms of Reference 3a. Technical specifications The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below: ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender for Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, and Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100 3b. Program of Works The program of work includes: 1. Technical support with license provisioning 2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office
Ministry of Finance Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:
ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender
Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint
Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100
Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:
ITEM QUANTITY Microsoft 365 E3 3,250 Microsoft 365 F3 175 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1) 5,805 Microsoft Security E5 (has Defender for Office Plan 2, Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, and Azure Premium Plan 2) 150 Office 365 E1 1,150 Office 365 E3 1,000 Office 365 F3 200 Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing 30 Power BI Pro 20 Project Plan 3 200 Project Plan 5 15 Visio Plan 2 100
Evaluation Criteria Weight (%) Financial Offer 50% Technical proposal 50% Direct technical
20% Access
to the portal for managing licenses throughout the
5% Total
To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@

Land Registry Notices


In accordance with Section 13 of the Registered Land Act Chapter 194, I Patricia Robateau Blackett, Registrar of Lands, hereby serves notice that within one month from the date hereof, I intend to register the following parcels of land listed below for which application for first registration have been received.

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registering of these parcels must get in touch with me before expiry date of this notice between Mondays to Fridays at the Land Registry, Belmopan.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section WARREE BIGHT/FRESHWATER CREEK Block No.3 and being Parcel No. 940 Formerly Block No. 2, 1.15 Acres situated on Warree Bight/Sarteneja Area, Corozal District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 0047 of 2005 dated 4th November, 2004 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.1 of 2005 Folios 725-744 in favor of DOUGLAS WEIR JEPSON (DECEASED) AND ANN ELIZABETH JEPSON (Jointly).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel 3648 Formerly Lot No. 270, 924.589 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.397 of 2009 dated 19th October, 2009 in favor of ROGER ESPEJO


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No.1558, 992.25 Square Yards in Magoon Street, Southside, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.1015 of 1982 dated 6th October, 1982 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.12 of 1982 Folios 617-630 in favor of DOUGLAS E. LANGFORD AND COLIN DERMOTT LANGFORD (Jointly).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section PORT/LOYOLAVILLE Block No.45 and being Parcel No.561 Formerly Lot No. 8884, 348.238 Square Meters situated in Port Loyola Extension, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.192 of 1999 dated 7th April, 1999 in favor of YVONNE IDOLLY LEWIS


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2780 Formerly Lot No. 2, 0.4949 Acres situated North-East of Benque Viejo Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture No.1530 of 1991 dated 21st August, 1991 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.17 of 1991 Folios 813-818 in favor of FRANCISCO RUIZ


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3091 Formerly Entry 15763, 2.364 Acres situated South of the Phillip Goldson Highway, near Mile 12.5 in Lord’s Bank Village, Ladyville Area, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance LTU-201601333 dated 23rd August, 2016 and recorded in LTU-201601333 in favor of TRAN THI NGOC NGUYEN


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAROLINA/CALCUTTA Block No.1 and being Parcel No.454 Formerly portion of Block No. 9, 5.48 Acres in the Ranchito Agricultural Area, Corozal District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.352 of 1993 dated 28th June, 1993 in favor of PASLOW KELLY


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.9638 Formerly Lot No.11, 1,119.88 Square Yards situate at Punta Azul Area, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.0558 of 2005 dated 27th January, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.8 of 2005 Folios 95-110 in favor of GODOLPHIN LIMITED.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section VISTA DEL MAR Block No.16 and being Parcel No.2751 Formerly Lot 121, 316.073 Square Meters situated on the Northern Area near Mile Eight on the Northern Highway, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 987 of 1990 dated 29th May, 1990 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.11 of 1990 Folios 911-918 in favor of JUDE BOYD AND DENESE BOYD (Jointly).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section VISTA DEL MAR Block No.16 and being Parcel No.2750 Formerly Lot 120, 316.811 Square Meters situated on the Northern Area near Mile Eight on the Northern Highway, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 988 of 1990 dated 29th May, 1990 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.11 of 1990 Folios 919-926 in favor of JUDE BOYD AND DENESE BOYD (Jointly).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.3226 western portion of Lot 352, 98.430 Square Meters situated in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture No. 2797 of 1998 dated 2nd November, 1998 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.33 of 1998 Folios 375-382 in favor of CARINE SARITA QUIROZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section PORT LOYOLAVILLE Block No.45 and being Parcel No.2463 Formerly Lot 1A, 292.304 Square Meters situated along the South Side of Neal’s Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No. 1035 of 1980 dated 25th March, 1980 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.9 of 1980 Folios 1445-1454 in favor of GEORGE O. O. DAKERS JR.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.3453 Formerly Lot 195, 1,244.183 Square Meters situated along Benque Viejo Road, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture No.75 of 1964 dated 20th January, 1964 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.1 of 1964 Folios 537-546 in favor of LORENZO MARTINEZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.4924, 0.35 Acres situated on San Antonio Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Vesting Assent No.2582 of 1998 dated 29th September, 1998 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.30 of 1998 Folios 1074-1081 in favor of ANNA MARIE SOSA nee GILLETT and DERRICK GILLETT JR.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section QUEEN’S SQUARE WEST Block No.45 and being Parcel No.151 Formerly Lot 91, 292.513 Square Meters situate at No. 183 Neals Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No. 4411 of 2000 dated 4th December, 2000 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.62 of 2000 Folios 605-610 in favor of EDUARDO PERERA


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1712 Formerly Lot 971, 520.46 Square Meters situated along Teodocio Ochoa Street, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.860 of 2002 dated 10th November, 2002 in favor of JOSE NUDILO MANZANERO


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1878 Formerly Lot 836, 595 Square Yards situate on Quarry Hill Street, Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 3249 of 1997 dated 09th December, 1997 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.35 of 1997 Folios 1213-1218 in favor of LOUIS RAMIREZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.477 Formerly Lot 1477, 464.694 Square Meters situated in San Ignacio Town Extension, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.746 of 2002 dated 1st October, 2002 in favor of OMAR AVILEZ AND MARGARET AVILEZ (JOINTLY).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.476 Formerly Lot 1476, 498.212 Square Meters situated in San Ignacio Town, (Independence Area), Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.755 of 2002 dated 14th September, 2002 in favor of OMAR H. AVILEZ AND MARGARET E. AVILEZ (JOINTLY).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ALBERT/MESOP Block No.45 and being Parcel No.209 Formerly portion of Lot 63, 401.1 Square Meters situated in Amara Avenue, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2934 of 1999 dated 18th October, 1999 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.34 of 1999 Folios 1063-1070 in favor of BEVERLY FIONA RANDOLPH.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.17058 Formerly Block No. 1, 3.80 Acres situated in the Laguna de Cayo Frances area approximately 7 Miles North of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 3866 of 2006 dated 24th November, 2006 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 45 of 2006 Folios 981-990 in favor of CHRISTOPHER M. LECHNER AND DIANE H. LECHNER (JOINTLY).

Continued on page 28

Land Registry Notices

Continued from page 27

Pursuant to Section 37(3) of the Registered Land Act, Chapter 194, Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given of the loss of the following Land and Lease Certificates

The above Land/Lease Certificates after the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the appearance of this notice. Any person in possession of the above-mentioned certificates is required to return it to the Belize Land Registry, Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Belmopan.

THE BELIZE TIMES 28 2 APR 2023 THE BELIZE TIMES 249 5 FEB 2023 Names Registration Section, Block & Parcel Nos. Certificate Nos. FLORITA SUAREZ 23-22-2794 Land Cert. No. 977/2001 dtd. 1 Feb 2001 ELODIO ARAGON 4-59-1042 Land Cert. No. LRS-201911431 dtd. 18 Oct 2019 JOSE SEFERINO MARIN (DECEASED) 1-79-15/1 Lease Cert. No. 9210/2006 dtd. 16 Aug 2006 DAVID NICHOLAS MAFFEI 24-25-3461 Land Cert. No. LRS-200901458 dtd. 19 Feb 2009 DAVID NICHOLAS MAFFEI 24-25-3462 Land Cert No. LRS-200901459 dtd. 19 Feb 2009 VIOLET GOMEZ (DECEASED) 45-35-873 Land Cert. No. 5019/1990 dtd. 25 Oct 1990 JORGE ENRIQUE NARVAEZ 1-9-221 Land Cert. No. 4745/90 dtd. 06 Nov 1990 WOODROW REYES (DECEASED) 45-40-281 Land Cert. No. 4864/1990 dtd. 22 Nov 1990 SIMON GWYN RICHARDS 36-61-272(H30) Land Cert. No. LRS-201409812 dtd. 06 Aug 2014 LAS BRISAS PLACENCIA ONE LIMITED 36-61-3326 Land Cert. No. LRS-201208055 dtd. 09 Jul 2012 KENROY ELLIS and PEARL ELLIS 16-49-858 Land Cert. No. 4088/2003 dtd. 02 Jun 2003 GWENDOLYN LOPEZ (Deceased) 45-38-376 Land Cert. No. 6205/1992 dtd. 22 Oct 1992 KEVIN D R CASHION 7-42-5227(H19) Land Cert. No. LRS-202116122 dtd. 16 Dec 2021 SUSANA VANZIE CANTON 23-103-2263 Land Cert. No. LRS-200909683 dtd. 10 Nov 2009 SUSANA VANZIE CANTON 23-103-2260 Land Cert. No. LRS-200909682 dtd. 10 Nov 2009 JAVIER BLANCO 4-90-455/1 Lease Cert. No. 4463/2006 dtd. 10 Apr 2006 JUANITA YOLANDA ROBERSON 23-104-487 Land Cert. No. LRS-201415291 dtd. 27 Nov 2014 EWA GRABOWSKI 36-61-3931 Land Cert. No. LRS-202109371 dtd. 04 Aug 2021 WILFRIDO PATT SR. 1-81-111/1 Lease Cert. No. 16042/2006 WEI HONG GUAN 7-42-6157 Land Cert. No. LRS-201513245 dtd. 13 Nov 2015 ROLANDO ESPAT 7-42-2448 Land Cert. No. LRS-201106008 dtd. 19 May 2011 RAUL GONGORA (Deceased) 23-36-402 Land Cert. No. LRS-202206757 dtd. 19 May 2022 CARLOS REQUENA 23-22-1086 Land Cert. No. 3870/1998 dtd. 01 Jul 1998 URBANO TORRES and GREGORIO TORRES (Jointly) 4-16-1035 Land Cert. No. 4730/2002 dtd. 12 Jun 2002 FLORITA AURORA SMITH 23-22-2632 Land Cert. No. LRS-201905798 dtd. 31 May 2019
Continued on page 29

Continued from page 28

Land Registry Notices



Registered Land Act Chapter 194

Section 140(1)



Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section has been received from MANOHAR UMESH MURLI MAHITANI and BERTHA ROSITA MAHITANI (JOINTLY) being Parcel No. 1821 containing 127± Square Meters.

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration of MANOHAR UMESH MURLI MAHITANI and BERTHA ROSITA MAHITANI (JOINTLY) as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.1821 ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section containing 127± Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to MANOHAR UMESH MURLI MAHITANI and BERTHA ROSITA MAHITANI (JOINTLY).



Registered Land Act Chapter 194 Section 140(1)


Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in FORT GEORGE/ PICKSTOCK Registration Section has been received from SISTERS OF MERCY, INC. being Parcel No. 1063 containing 5,446 Square Meters.

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration SISTERS OF MERCY, INC. as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.1063 FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Registration Section containing 5,446 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to SISTERS OF MERCY, INC.



Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in FORT GEORGE/ PICKSTOCK Registration Section has been received from SISTERS OF MERCY, INC. being Parcel No. 1064 containing 1.9 Hectares

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration SISTERS OF MERCY, INC. as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.1064 FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Registration Section containing 1.9 Hectares is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to SISTERS OF MERCY, INC.



Registered Land Act Chapter 194

Section 140(1)


Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section has been received from JOHN THEODORE MARSDEN being Parcel No. 109 containing 263 Square Meters

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration JOHN THEODORE MARSDEN as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.109 ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section containing 263 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to JOHN THEODORE MARSDEN.



Registered Land Act Chapter 194

Section 140(1)

Registered Land Act

Chapter 194

Section 140(1)


Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section has been received from DORLA DUNN being Parcel No. 1455 containing 169.397 Square Meters

Registration Section ALBERT/MESOP Block No 45 Parcel No 1821
of Applicant JOHN THEODORE MARSDEN Name of Applicant DORLA DUNN Registration Section FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Registration Section ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section ALBERT/MESOP Block No 45 Block No 45 Block No 45 Parcel No 1063 Parcel No 109 Parcel No 1455 Name of Applicant SISTERS OF MERCY, INC Registration Section FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Block No 45 Parcel No 1064 Continued on page 30
Name of Applicant

Land Registry Notices

Continued from page 29

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration DORLA DUNN as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.1455 ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section containing 169.397 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to DORLA DUNN.





Registered Land Act Chapter 194

Section 140(1)

Registered Land Act

Chapter 194

Section 140(1)


Name of Applicant


Name of Applicant

No 45 Parcel No 256

Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in ST. MARTIN DE PORRES WEST Registration Section has been received from FLORENCIA AVILA being Parcel No. 256 containing 349.59 Square Meters

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration FLORENCIA AVILA as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.256 ST. MARTIN DE PORRES WEST Registration Section containing 349.59 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to FLORENCIA AVILA.



Parcel No 1058

Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in QUEEN’S SQUARE WEST Registration Section has been received from ARLENE MARIE HISLOP being Parcel No. 1058 containing 390.18 Square Meters

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration ARLENE MARIE HISLOP as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.1058 QUEEN’S SQUARE WEST Registration Section containing 390.18 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to ARLENE MARIE HISLOP.



Belize Water Services Limited (BWS) is in the process of reviewing its Security Services needs and, as a result, is preparing to request tenders for all or any portion of the following Security Guard Service locations for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, with the option to extend to September 31, 2024.

• All BWS offices/facilities countrywide

Interested contractors must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. As a minimum, the following information must be provided as part of this Pre-Qualification of Bidders process:

1. Introduction

a. Background and company information (registration, licenses, contacts, etc.)

b. Principal owners/shareholders

c. CV of management staff

d. Principal place of business

e. Include 4 or 5 references

2. Services

a. List of security services provided

b. List areas of speciality

c. List the areas where services are currently offered

3. Equipment

a. List the basic types of equipment used

4. Recruiting guidelines

a. Recruiting guidelines

i. Education & relevant skills required

ii. Screening process

b. Employee Training

i. Methodology & type

c. Supervision of employees

i. Methodology/protocol

Pre-Qualification packages must be delivered in-person (hardcopy) or via email to the address specified below no later than Wednesday 5th April, 2023 at 10:00am Contractors will be shortlisted based on their responsiveness to the information requested above, after which, shortlisted contractors will be issued Tender Packages with further instructions and additional details on the scope of services by April 14, 2023. Additional information on this request for Pre-Qualification of Bidders, including a complete list of “All BWS office/facilities countrywide”, must be requested in writing to

Belize Water Services Ltd

Attn: Resident Consultant Engineer



San Estevan Village, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District; Roaring Creek, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales are currently running until 31st May 2023. The first Public Auction Sale will expire 3rd April 2023 and if necessary, thereafter, fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold.

1. Parcel No. 353 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:

(Being concrete Bungalow dwelling house [approx. 1,332 sq. ft.] containing - 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and small concrete building used as laundry + storeroom [approx. 362 sq. ft.] TOGETHER with Lot [698.416 S.M.] situate in the Village of San Estevan in the Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Baltesar Medina.)

(Being a vacant lot [4046.86 S.M.] situate in San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Dennis Peralta)

(Being a vacant lot [812.812 S.M.] situate in the southwest section of Roaring Creek Village near Camalote Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Larry Leslie)




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

No 45 Block
25 SEP 2020
25 SEP 2020
Box 150, 7 Central American Boulevard, Belize City, Belize Telephone: 222-5155 Email: THE BELIZE
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Estevan 1 353 Thefreehold property of Mr. Baltesar Medina. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 1071 The freehold property of Mr. Dennis Peralta
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 24 3760 The freehold property of Mr. Larry Leslie
2. Parcel No. 1071 San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District: 3. Parcel No. 3760 Southwest section of Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District:


2023 – 2024

1.Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Defence force for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.

2.Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary.

3.Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.

4.The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Defence Force will fluctuate as necessary.

5.Tenders should be in a sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Defence Force”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 11:30 am.

6.Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.

7.Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.



Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Defence Force, Price Barracks, Ladyville, Belize District

THE BELIZE TIMES 31 2 APR 2023 Continued on page 32 THE BELIZE TIMES 235 5 FEB 2023 Breakfast Items Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Bacon Slices lbs 1531 18372 Breakfast Sausages lbs 3445 41340 Chicken Ham Slices lbs 1531 18372 Eggs each 50838 610056 Happy Cow Cheese lbs 1630 19560 Kraft Cheese Singles (24 piece) pack 128 1536 Salami Sausage lbs 1531 18372 Grains Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Brown Sugar lbs 731 8772 Corn Tortilla lbs 2552 30624 Flour lbs 6520 78240 Red Kidney Beans lbs 6376 76512 Split Peas lbs 354 4248 White Rice lbs 9107 109284 Bread Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Burger Bread pack 510 6120 Dinner Rolls pack 510 6120 Sweet Bun pack 2042 24504 Whole Wheat Bread pack 5614 67368 Seasonings Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Black Pepper lbs 227 2724 Black Recado lbs 32 384 Chicken Consume lbs 115 1380 Complete Seasoning lbs 96 1152 Curry Powder lbs 32 384 Dry Rosemary lbs 32 384 Fish Seasoning lbs 20 240 Fresh Garlic (Baba’s) head 1850 22200 Italian Seasoning (Badia) (141.8 g) Bottle 1 12 Jerk Seasoning Medium heat (Grace) (312g) bottle 26 312 Meat Tenderizer Seasoning lbs 16 192 Parsley Flakes lbs 96 1152 Red Recado lbs 199 2388 Salt lbs 243 2916 Spice Seed lbs 16 192
Meats Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Baby back ribs lbs 110 1320 Beef Patties lbs 766 9192 Beef Steak lbs 2807 33684 Chicken (Breast) lbs 3573 42876 Chicken (Whole) lbs 25520 306240 Conch lbs 83 996 Fish Fillet lbs 4466 53592 Ground Chicken lbs 2552 30624 Ground Steak lbs 1276 15312 Lamb Chops lbs 55 660 Lobster lbs 83 996 Pigtail bkt 16 192 Pork Chops lbs 110 1320 Shrimp lbs 638 7656 Shrimp (Paradise) lbs 83 996 Snapper fish lbs 83 996 Turkey lbs 55 660 Fruits/Vegetables Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Apple each 5104 61248 Banana lbs 2042 24504 Broccoli lbs 383 4596 Cabbage lbs 319 3828 Carrots lbs 1021 12252 Cauliflower lbs 383 4596 Celery lbs 383 4596 Cilantro lbs 200 2400 Coco Yam lbs 383 4596 Cucumber lbs 638 7656 Lettuce lbs 766 9192 Lime each 1021 12252 Muskmelon lbs 510 6120 Okra lbs 383 4596 Onion lbs 2935 35220 Orange each 7656 91872 Papaya lbs 510 6120 Pineapple lbs 1021 12252 Potato lbs 5487 65844 Ripe Plantain each 1021 12252 Spinach lbs 255 3060 Sweet Pepper lbs 1021 12252 Tomato lbs 1148 13776 Watermelon lbs 510 6120

Continued from page 31


Dry Goods

Continued on page 33 BELIZE 236 5 FEB 2023
Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Baking Powder (Hearth Club) (230 g) tin 146 1752 BBQ Coal bag 128 1536 BBQ Sauce (18oz) bott 255 3060 Bottle Juice (Crystal) (500 ml) case 11 132 Bottle Water (Crystal) (500 ml) case 17 204 Butter cookies 12 oz Pan 11 132 Butter stick (blue bonnet) packs 415 4980 Chicken Sausage (Grace) tin 2016 24192 Chopped Ham tin 396 4752 Coconut Oil quart 255 3060 Coconut Powder (12 packet) pack 2161 25932 Coffee Creamer (coffee mate) (435g) Single 55 660 Coffee packet (Nescafe) (100 pk) case 6 72 Condensed Milk (Dutch Lady) (397 g) tin 4312 51744 Corn Beef sml tin 552 6624 Corn Flakes (Honey Bunches of oats: Almond) Single 253 3036 Corned Beef (340 g) tin 792 9504 Cornflakes sml (20 pk) case 25 300 Cranberry Juice 3 Liter (Ocean Spray) Assorted Case 2 24 Creamer Packet (Coffee mate) (1000 pk) (3 g) case 1 12 Custard (400 g) bott 99 1188 Evaporated Milk (Dutch Lady) (410 g) tin 2429 29148 Fire Dragon green and clean gel fuel single 1100 13200 Fruit Cocktail 30 oz Single 22 264 Gatorade (591 ml) Case 3 36 Grapefruit Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 383 4596 Green Tea packs 609 7308 Horchata Concentrate (700 ml) bott 255 3060 Instant Coffee (Nescafe Dolca) (170 g) bott 1775 21300 Jalapenos 1 Gal Tin 12 144 Jam (Del monte) (470 g) bott 99 1188 Jam (Marie Sharp) (assorted) (312 g) single 55 660 Ketchup (Heinz) (32 oz) bott 655 7860 Lime concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 858 10296 Luncheon Meat (DAK) (340 g) tin 990 11880 Macaroni & Cheese (Kraft) (206 g) pack 1531 18372 Mackerel (Grace) tin 2100 25200 Margarine (454 g) lbs 319 3828 Maxwell House Coffee (869g) (Brew) Single 55 660 Mayonnaise (443 g) bott 255 3060 Milo Drink (400 g) pack 510 6120 Mixed Vegetables (234 g) tin 396 4752 Mixed Vegetables (411 g) tin 255 3060 Nature Valley (98 bars) case 6 72 Oats (Quaker) (510 g) bott 99 1188 Orange Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 893 10716 Ovaltine Powdered Drink (400 g) pack 396 4752 Pack Ramen (Maruchan) (24 pk) case 23 276 Pasta (bowtie) (1 lbs) pack 22 264 Peanut Butter (Jiff) (510 g) Single 154 1848 Peanut packets (12 pk) case 46 552
Cleaning Supplies and Sundries Items Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Air Freshener (block) block 55 660 Bio burger tray single 550 6600 Bio cups 12 oz single single 8800 105600 Bio cups 16 oz single single 3300 39600 Bio forks single 3300 39600 Bio plates 6” single 1100 13200 Bio plates 9” single 1650 19800 Bio soup bowl single single 1100 13200 Bio soup cup single 330 3960 Bio spoons single single 5500 66000 Bio take out tray single 8800 105600 Bleach Gallon 264 3168 Broom Single 66 792 Brown paper rolls single 220 2640 Camphor balls Pk packs 28 330 Carbo negros (gals) gallons 11 132 Cleaning Cloth Pack 317 3802 Coffee Filter single 10000 120000 Commercial mop bucket single 11 132 Deck broom single 11 132 Degreaser single 33 396 Dish Washing Liquid gallons 33 396 Dish Washing Liquid case 34 409 Duster single 22 264 Floor mop single 66 792 Fly Spray cannister 211 2534 Foil paper 75 ft single single 83 990 Furnisher Polish (canister) canister 13 158 Glass Cleaner bottle 26 317 Industrial Mop single 11 132 Liquid soap (gals) bottle 77 924 Lysol Spray cannister 53 634 Muriatic Acid bott 66 792 Napkin (pks) (500 pk) packs 55 660 Oven Cleaner cannister 26 317 Paper Towels rolls 88 1056 Pine Oil (gals) gallons 165 1980 Plunger single 17 198 Pot Washer single 550 6600 Soap Powder 250 g Bags 1980 23760 Soap Powder 5KG Bags 165 1980 Scrubbing Brush Single 26 317 Steel Wool pks 83 990 Tile cleaner (Tilex) single 22 264 Toilet bowl cleaner (btls) bottle 40 475 Toilet brush single 22 264 Toilet Paper (Scott) rolls 2200 26400 Trash bag heavy duty (50 Gallons) single 5500 66000 Trash Bags (13 gals) single 145 1742


Pursuant to Section 22 (2)(c) of The Tax Administration and Procedure Act, Chapter 51 Revised Edition 2020 (TAPA), which grants the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department (BTSD) the authority to specify the manner in which returns should be filed, including electronically and with electronic signature, the Director General hereby notifies ALL taxpayers that effective April 1, 2023 they will be required to file tax returns and pay all taxes administered by the BTSD online.

In September 2021, the BTSD implemented the Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS Belize) online portal. Only Large Taxpayers were required to utilize the portal, while all other taxpayers were encouraged to sign up and commence using IRIS Belize voluntarily. However, as part of a phased approach to fully implementing IRIS Belize, as of April 1, 2023, it is mandatory that every taxpayer is registered for an IRIS Belize account.

Commencing with the tax period ending 31st March 2023, and for subsequent tax periods, taxpayers must electronically file with the BTSD a return required to be filed for the tax period under the relevant tax law and make payment. The Department will no longer be accepting tax payments or filing of tax returns in the office. Payment and returns will only be accepted through the portal. This is aimed at making filing tax returns and paying taxes faster, more convenient, and free while ensuring and fostering the safety and security of the BTSD employees, as well as taxpayers. Equally, this will assist BTSD in providing more efficient and timely service to our taxpayers.

Please be reminded that per the governing tax Acts: The TAPA; The Income and Business Tax Act, Chapter 55 Revised Edition 2020; and The General Sales Tax Act, Chapter 63 Revised Edition 2020 of the Laws of Belize, each taxpayer is under an obligation to pay taxes AND file a return on or before the deadline for each respective tax type.

To register for an IRIS Belize account, visit

In order to facilitate the transition process, taxpayers may seek technical assistance from the IRIS Belize HELP DESK which may be contacted via telephone at +501 613-8375; +501 6132773; +501 614-5731; +501 613-4711; or email at during the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Mondays-Thursdays, and 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM on Fridays.



Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $83,200,000.

The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday, 5 April 2023 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 5 July 2023.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.

Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically to or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 31 March 2023.

The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, 5 April 2023.

Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).

Bank: Central Bank of Belize

Account: GLICORP0402627

The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.


Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www.centralbank.


THE BELIZE TIMES 33 2 APR 2023 THE BELIZE 5 FEB 2023 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF FOOD ITEMS AND HOUSEHOLD SUNDRIES TO THE BELIZE DEFENCE FORCE FISCAL YEAR 2023 – 2024 Pepper Sauce (MARIE SHARP) (10 oz) case 319 3828 Pineapple Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 255 3060 Pouch Water (Crystal) (355 ml) bag 88 1056 Salad Cream (285 g) bott 255 3060 Salsa Casera (220 g) tin 1645 19740 Salt packet (3000 pk) case 1 12 Soft Drink (assorted) (600 ml) case 23 276 Sopita Seasoning (144 pk) case 4 48 Soy Sauce (295 ml) bott 510 6120 Sugar packet (1200 pk) case 1 12 Swiss Miss (120 pk) case 4 48 Tang (96 pk) case 21 252 Tea Bag (Dilma) (100 bags) pack 33 396 Tomato paste (100 g) pack 5386 64632 Vegetable Oil liter 1018 12216 Vegetable Shortening lbs 728 8736 Vinegar (6 gal per case) case 51 612 Ziplock sandwich bag (145 each) box 4 48 Dry Goods continued Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Continued from page 32 THE BELIZE TIMES 189 5 FEB 2023
February 2023


1. Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Coast Guard for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.

2. Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary

3. Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.

4. The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Coast Guard will fluctuate as necessary.

5. Tenders should be in sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Coast Guard”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 1130 am.

6. Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.

7. Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.

8. Belize Sales Tax Letter to be submitted.


Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Coast Guard 2 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize FOOD (RATION) TENDERING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 – 24

THE BELIZE TIMES 34 2 APR 2023 Continued on page 35 THE BELIZE TIMES 230 5 FEB 2023
SER Commodities Units Qty Pkg Breakdown Brand 1 BBQ Sauce 18 oz bot 10 cses 12 per case Kraft 2 BBQ Sauce 80 oz bot 1 cse 6 per case Kraft 3 Bake Beans (honey) 28 oz tin 12 cses 12 per case Bush 4 Baking Powder 8 oz tin 8 cses 24 per case Heart Club 5 Beans - Black 100 lb sack 3 scks 100 lb per sack Local 6 Beans - Red Kidney 100 lb sack 6 scks 100 lb per sack Local 7 Beef consume 12 g sachet 60 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 8 Black Pepper lb 24 jar 1 lb per jar Badia 9 Bread - Wheat each 400 ea Local 10 Butter 1 lb per pk 5 cses 30 pks per case Blue Bonnet 11 Cookies box 1 cse 24 x 250 grams McVittes 12 Campbell Soup 10.5 oz tin 10 cses 12 per case Campbell 13 Cereal 18 oz pk 5 cses 12 per case Honey Nut Cheerios’ 14 Cereal 14.5 oz pk 2 cse 12 per case Honey Bunches of Oats 15 Cereal 560 g pk 5 cses 10 per case Kellogs Corn Flakes 16 Cheese 2 kgs per blks 9 cses 10 blocks per case Happy Cow 17 Chicken Sausage 142 g tin 13 cses 48 per case La Fe 18 Chicken consume 12 g sachet 87 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 19 Chopped Ham 12 oz tin 12 cses 24 per case Dak 20 Coconut milk 400 g tin 12 cses 24 per case Grace 21 Coconut powder 3 cses 12 boxes per case Grace 22 Coconut Oil 1 lt bot 7 cses 12 per case Grace 23 Coffee 180 g bot 7 cses 15 per case Dolca 24 Coffee Oz 2 Bot 42.5 per bot Maxwell 25 Complete Seasoning oz 22 jrs 24 oz per jar Badia 26 Condensed milk 395 g tin 10 cses 48 per case Nestle 27 Cooking Oil 4.6 gal 16 cses 5 gal per case Marina 28 Corn Beef 12 oz tin 9 cses 24 per case Grace 29 Corn Tortillas lb 100 lbs Local 30 Creamer bot 4 oz 56 oz per bot Coffee Mate 31 Curry powder lb 2 lbs 1 lb per jar Local or import 32 Custard box 4 cses 10 per case Koop Mans 33 Evaporated milk 378g tin 12 cses 48 per case Carnation 34 Flour lb 25 scks 100 lb per sack Babe Agua 35 French Worcestershire Sauce bot 1 cse 12 per case Worcestershire 36 Fruit Cocktail 15 oz tin 5 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 37 Garlic Consume 12 g sachet 30 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 38 Garlic Powder lb 18 jr 1.5 lb per jar Badia 39 Gatorade Powder 51 oz bot 4 cses 3 per case Gatorade 40 Hot dog sausage 12 oz per pk 15 cses 16 per case Gwaltney 41 Jalapeno pepper 8 oz tin 4 cses 48 per case Del Monte 42 Jam 16 oz bot 1 cses 24 per case Del Monte 43 Juice Squash 1 lt bot 4 cses 12 per case Marie Sharp Orange 44 Juice Squash 4 12 per case Marie Sharp Tambran 45 Juice Squash 2 Marie Sharp Grapefruit 46 Juice Squash 2 Marie Sharp Fruit Punch 47 Juice Squash 4 Marie Sharp Pineapple 48 Ketchup 24 oz bot 10 cses 12 per case Del Monte 49 Lemon & Pepper Seasoning Salt lb 1 jr 2 lb per jar Badia 50 Luncheon meat (pork) 340 g tin 12 cses 24 per case Grace 51 Macaroni & cheese 177g pk 10 cses 24 per case Kraft 52 Maggie Soup 60 g pk 2 cses 12 boxes per case Maggie 53 Margarine 16 oz tin 1 cs 24 per case Wood & Dunn 54 Marie Sharp Pepper 10 oz bot 14 cses 12 per case Marie Sharp 55 Mayonaise 8 oz bot 6 cses 12 per case Kraft 56 Mayonaise 1 gal 1 cse 4 per case Plantation 57 Milk 1 lt box 2 cse 12 per case Lala 58 Milo 300 g pk 8 cses 12 pks per case Nestle 59 Mix vegetables 15 oz tin 8 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 60 Nut meg lb 1 lbs 1 lb per jar Badia 61 Oats 18 oz tin 7 cses 12 per case Quaker (packed /USA) 62 Olive Oil 1 gal 3 Cses 4 per case Badia 63 Onion Powder jars 15 Badia 64 Parmesan Cheese Bot 4 bots Kraft 65 Peanut Butter -Creamy bot 1 cses 12/160m Jif 66 Powder milk 840 g 3 cses 12 per case Nestle Nido 67 Ranch Dressing-light bot 2 cses 12 per case Hidden Valley 68 Recado black lb 10 lbs per lb Local 69 Recado red lb 30 lbs per lb Local 70 Refried Beans 580g tin 8 cses 12 per case La Costena 71 Rice 5 lb 42 cses 50 lb per case Tropic Rice “A” 72 Salad Cream 600 g bot 7 cses 12 per case Heinz 73 Salsa Casera 220 g tin 5 cses 48 per case La Costena 74 Salt 500 g pk 3 sck 50 pks per sacks Sol 75 Season all lb 16 jr 2 lb per jar Badia 76 Shell pasta 200g pk 5 cses 20 per case Ina 77 Shortening (Tube) 2 lb 12 cses 12 per case Regia 78 Soy Sauce 5 fl oz 6 cses 12 per case La Choy 79 Spaghetti pk 6 cses 20 per case Ina 80 Spaghetti & Meat Balls 15 oz tin 9 cses 24 per case Chef Boyardee 81 Split Peas 22 lb bag 6 bgs 22 lbs per bag Chef Choice 82 Sugar White lb 4 scks 100 lbs per sack Local 83 Sugar Brown lb 3 scks 100 lb per sack Local 84 Sugar Corn 14.75 g tin 5 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 85 Tang juice packets 7 cses 20 boxes per case Tang 86 Tea bag 25 per box 2 cse 20 boxes per case Red Rose 87 Tomato paste 100 g pk 6 cses 48 per case Regia 88 Vanilla 32 oz bot 3 bot each Gary 89 Vinegar gal 10 cses 4 gal per case Femagra 90 Whole Kernel corn 14.75g tin 3 cses 24 per case Del Monte 91 Yeast (Instant) 4 x 11 g 8 cses 24 per case Fermipan Field ration: 92 Cereal - mini 1.31oz 4 cses 30 per case Kellogg’s 93 Chicken Sausage 142 g tin 3 cses 48 per case La Fe 94 Chocolate bar (sml) fun size 1 cse 144 per case Snicker 95 Corn Beef (small) 7 oz tin 6 cses 24 per case Grace 96 Mint sweet bags 2 cses 100 per case 97 Oats (3min pkts) packets cses ….. per case Quaker 98 Protein Bar 1.2 oz 2 cses 50 per case Nature Valley 99 Pan Creama Biscuit 106gr 4 cses 36 per case Pan Crema 100 Milk packet Chocolate 10 pkts 1 cse 20 boxes per case Swiss Miss 101 Noodles - chicken 85g 6 cses 24 per case Ramen 102 Rice 2 lbs 2 cses 20 lbs per case Tropic Rice “A” 103 Sardines 3.75oz 3 cses 50 per case Bumble Bee 104 Tang juice packets 2 cses 20 boxes per case Tang 105 Tea bag 25 per box 1 cse 20 boxes per case Red Rose





2022 – 23 SER Commodities Units Qty Package Breakdown Brand 1 Air-freshener 10.5 oz tin 6 case 12 per case Airwick 3 Batteries AA pk 40 pks 4 per pk Duracell 4 Batteries AAA pk 30 pks 2 per pk Duracell 5 Batteries D pk 10 pks 2 per pk Duracell 6 Battery water 1/2 lt btl 1 cses 24 per case 7 Broom (plastic) each 15 ea Local 8 Cleaning cloth pk 50 pks 5 per pk Magitel 9 Clorox gal 12 cse 4 per case Snow White 10 Comet w/bleach 1 cse 12 per case Comet 12 Dishwashing liquid 750 ml bot 8 cse 12 per case Axion 13 Disposable cups large each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 14 Disposable forks each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 15 Disposable spoon each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 16 Fish spray 450 ml tin 4 cse 24 per case Fish 17 Flash disinfectant 1/2 lt tim 12 cse 20 per case Flash 18 Foil paper 200 sq ft pk 3 cse 12 per case Aluminium 19 Hand liquid soap 14 oz bot 6 cse 24 per case Lucky 20 Harpic 750 ml bot 4 cse 12 per case Harpic 21 Jumbo paper towel case 3 cse 12 per case Local - CPC 22 Jumbo toilet tissue case 2 cse 12 per case Local - CPC 23 Disinfectant Spray 99.9% 12.5 oz tin 3 cse 12 per case N/A 25 Mop each 15 ea. Heavy duty mop 26 Mosquito coil each 5 cses 60 per case Black 27 Muratic acid qt 3 cse 12 per case 28 Off repellent 6 oz tin 14 cse 12 per case Off 29 Oven cleaner tin 3 cse 12 per case Easy Off 30 Paper towels case 5 cse 30 per case Bounty 31 Plastic bag transparent 1 gal bags 4 case 100 per box Ziploc 32 Plastic bag transparent 2 gal bags 6 cse 100 per box Ziploc 33 Pledge 12 oz tin 2 cse 12 per case Pledge 34 Pot washer each 60 ea. 36 Scotch brite 12 / 1ct 1 cs 20 per case 37 Scrubbing brush each 10 ea. Local 38 Soap powder 5.5 kg bag 10 cses 4 per case Foca 39 Take out tray large each 4 cses 100 per case Biodegradable 40 Take out tray small each 3 cses 100 per case Biodegradable 42 Toilet paper bale 25 bales 12 pks per bale Softy 43 Trash bags heavy duty 14 gal bags 8 rolls 100 per roll Lucky 44 Trash bags heavy duty 33 gal bags 10 rolls 100 per roll Lucky 45 Vehicle air freshener each 2 cse 24 per case Dalan 47 Windex 26 oz bot 4 cse 12 per case Windex SER Commodities Units Qty Breakdown Brand 1 Beef Steak (Minimal Fat) lb 300 5lb per bag 2 Boneless Ham lb 30 2lb per bag 3 Chicken Ham lb 30 2lb per bag 4 Breakfast Sausage 24 oz 90 2lb per bag 5 Butt Beacon 12 oz 40 2lb per bag 6 Chicken lb 3000 5 lbs per chicken 7 Cow Foot lb 80 5 lb per bag 8 Boneless Chicken Breast Lb 100 9 Fresh Fish (scale & deguts) lb 400 10-inch head to tail 10 Ground Steak lb 200 5lb per bag 11 Ground Chicken lb 100 2lb per bag 12 Chicken Patty lb 125 13 Pigtail bucket 3 35 lb per bucket 14 Pork Chops (lean) lb 350 5lb per bag Commodities Units Package Breakdown Brand 1 Bananas each box 100 per box Fyffe’s 2 Broccoli lb lbs 3 Cabbage lb lbs Local 4 Cauliflower lb lbs 5 Carrots lb lbs Local 6 Cassava lb lbs Local 7 Cantelope lb lbs Local 8 Celery lb lbs Local 9 Cilantro lb lbs Local 10 Coco lb lbs Local 11 Cucumber lb lbs Local 12 Eggs each Trays 30 per tray Local 13 Garlic head Heads Local 14 Grapefruit sack sack 100 per sack Local 15 Lettuce lb lbs Local 16 Lime each each each Local 17 Okoro lbs lbs Local 18 Onion lbs sacks 50 lbs per sack Local Onion (Red) lbs sacks 50 lbs per sack Local 19 Orange each sack 100 per sack Local 20 Papaya lb lbs Local 21 Pineapple lb lbs Local 22 Plantain each each Local 23 Potatoes lbs sack 110 lbs per sack Local 24 Sweet Pepper lbs lbs Local 25 Sweet Potato lbs lbs Local 26 Tomatoes lbs lbs Local 27 Watermelon each lbs Local 28 Callaloo lb Local 29 Spinach Lb Lbs Local 30 Ginger Lb Lbs Local 31 Zucchini lb Lbs Local Continued from page 34

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Articles inside


pages 30-35

Land Registry Notices

page 30

Land Registry Notices

page 29

Land Registry Notices

page 27

President Tsai to visit Belize and Guatemala next week, stopping in US

page 26

MOHW Current Events

page 25


pages 23-24


page 22

Road Safety

page 21


pages 20-21

SOUND BITES Special Sitting of the House of Representatives Budget 2023-24 Debate (Day 2 and 3)

pages 17-18

Belizean Authorities respond to the Grounding Incident of Motor Vessel Herca-1

page 16


page 15


page 14

GOB Continues to Improve Quality of Life and NationalStrengthen InfrastructuralthroughSecurity

pages 12-13

House Resolution to Support Taiwan

page 12

Attending MESICIC 39th Meeting of Country Experts

page 11


page 10

Quality of Life and NationalStrengthen InfrastructuralthroughSecurity Investments

page 10


page 10


page 9


pages 7-8


pages 5-6


page 4


page 3


page 2


page 2

PUP Senators Fiery Budget Debate

pages 1-2


page 1
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