The Belize Times

“We push on ensuring that our efforts will lead to more homes, more of our children in schools, more persons included in NHI, more land in the hands of first-time landowners, a more efficient and effective public service, more jobs, a stronger social safety net, safer cities and, yes, cleaner and greener rivers, streams and sea.” – PM John
“Belize’s position and profile sparkle and shimmer like never before.” The Budget for 2023-24, presented on March 10 to an expectant nation of Belize, flourished with the promised HOPE many had felt in November 11, 2020 as they cast both a castigation to a degenerate UDP and a glorification of who this paper now calls the planBelize team. The Prime Minister John Briceño presentation was devoid of any austerity which Belizeans had come to expect from the 08-20 incompetent and corrupt Barrow maladministration(s). There was no grieving in this ‘Delivering in PlanBelize’ budget where the Prime Minister of the land was not shy in in-
forming Belizeans that “I table a new budget today that contains a primary surplus and a budget that does not include any tax increases WHATSOEVER!” Public officers et al are feeling closure as their Barrow-held increment is being reinstated before the 3-year agreement just as their 10percent was reinstated last year. Public officers, teachers, police, coast guard and all affected cannot be thanked enough for their sacrifice that is paying dividends now from an economy that is precise on its tracks.
The Prime Minister presentation ac- Pg. 2
Continued from page 1 knowledged all women: “And in this month, when we celebrate the achievements of women worldwide, we can report the successful implementation of the Women Economic Empowerment Project, which in its first full year of implementation, has already included 44 new initiatives worth more than 2.6 million dollars.” Without a doubt when parity becomes normalcy and when history dissects the rise of equal opportunity, the planBelize
government will be seen a champions and innovators in making sure that really everyone wins in all ways possible.
It cannot be lost that “68,000 fewer Belizeans are poor, according to the last poverty assessment.” It cannot be hidden from the accolades that poverty is on a massive decline. As the world is officially in a pandemic and as the mighty ‘developed’ nation infect us with their inflation, wars, and anti-environmental habits, Belize is exhibiting double-digit GDP growth
On March 7, 2023, Cabinet received a report from the Ministerial Consulting Team that has been engaged in meetings with the Joint Unions on the important issues of Increments and Pension Reform. Following that report, Cabinet agreed on the following three points (1) Increments for all public officers and teachers would be unfrozen effective 1st April 2023. (2) The Ministerial Team would continue discussions with the Joint Unions Negotiating Team (JUNT) on the matter of the two increment points lost. Those discussions would be based on specific economic performance targets in the fiscal year 2024/25 and beyond. (3) The government will implement a phased approach to the Public Sector Pension Reform. In phase one, the goal is to institute, effective 1st July 2023, a new contributory pension scheme applicable only to new entrants into the Belize Public Service. Phase two will include a comprehensive review of the existing Public Service Pension Scheme to determine how to make it more effective, efficient, and sustainable. For this purpose, a working group will be established, including the government, JUNT, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize, GAMAS, and the private sector.
Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño noted that “In this Financial Year 2022/23, Government will have spent 95 million dollars on the pension plan for public officials. In the next budget, 2023/24 the spending rises to 100 million dollars.”
Prime Minister Hon. Briceño goes on to state, “I have said publicly, and I say again: this budget line spending is neither sustainable nor fair. To illustrate, this year the SSB is projected to collect
some 140 million dollars in contributions and pay out some 110 million dollars in benefits. This is the nature of a contributory pension scheme.”
Now Belize is an outlier in every material respect so far as retirement age, replacement rate, and contribution rate are concerned. As elsewhere in the Caribbean and Latin America, public officers’ pension schemes are contributory.
PM Briceño stated, “The average replacement rate, that is, the average pension divided by average earnings in the entire Latin America and Caribbean Region is 61.9 percent. In Belize, the average replacement rate for public officers, when combining social security pension is at 27.9 percent and public officers’ non-contributory pension at 67.5 percent, both of which public officers would be entitled to, is 95.4 percent, a whopping 33.5 percent above the regional average.”
Almost everywhere else in this region, the voluntary age of retirement is 60 years, and the mandatory retirement age of 65 years. In the Caribbean, countries with special pension plans for public officials tend to have higher retirement ages, 60 years in the case of Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname, for example, and 65 years plus in the case of Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua, and Barbuda. The IMF has presented its formula for public pension reform and sustainability which involves a contribution rate of 10 percent (of wages), half of which - or 5 percent - to be contributed by public officers; raising the current retirement age from 55 to 65; and reducing the replacement rate from 67 percent to 50 percent, all to be gradually phased in over time.
Prime Minister Briceño stated, “I’m happy to report that at a recent meeting of the Ministerial Consulting Team that has been engaged in
and single digit unemployment. All this while the neediest are receiving homes, land, free education, and a double-digit percentage rise in the minimum wage to five dollars. The social forces that breed crime have noticed and crime is also on a decline. PlanBelize pushes it… multisectoral meant that all things in this paragraph will wage war on crime NOT increase in policing. The skeptics are believing; their silence is deafening.
The MIDH and its home distribution and building of really-resilient infrastructure is well documented. But often, flying under the radar is the former hotbed of UDP corruption which is now a real hotbed of seedlings of hope for many fami-
meetings with the Joint Unions on the important issues of Increments and Pension Reform, significant progress was made. The update was positive, as the Joint Unions have agreed to a phased implementation of a contributory pension scheme, having recognized that the current pension scheme is unsustainable. The JUNT team agreed to three phases: The first phase of the contributory pension scheme will commence with persons entering the Public Service as of 1st July 2023; and the unions have agreed to work with the Government on mechanisms for a second phase rollout, where other public officers will be included in the contributory pension scheme and lastly replacement rate. For sure, we must applaud our ministerial team but, more so, the Joint Unions team for this historic and unprecedented collaboration and achievement.
Discussions were also held and only the two increments under the Briceño administration will be reviewed in 2024/2025. The other increment under the previous government was forgone by the previous negotiations team and the then-Barrow Administration.
Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, and Religious Affairs “We got work on the very first day and we are always there to ensure that the public officers get what they deserve and what they are entitled to.”
He wanted to express, “I want to thank all public officers for the sacrifices that they have made over the past two-plus years first with the salary adjustment which I was happy that we could have returned 2 years earlier, and the unfreezing the increments this year, one year earlier than the set date. What is important is that there is a partnership to get back those increments, then let’s work together to make sure we get that done.”
-Esau Ferguson
lies—the Land department in the Ministry of Natural Resources under DPM Cordel Hyde. The homes distribution by the MIDH will see increased demand because of the success of mobile land clinics. “And that is why, with support from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, is spearheading a survey and distribution program for almost 11,000 parcels in areas of all six districts. Final surveys have been funded and are almost completed. Assigning a modest value of ten thousand per lot would mean that this program alone represents a 110-million-dollar transfer of wealth to qualified landowners.” All Ministries contribute to the success of all ministries. Apologies to Minister Musa, but all planBelize is really a multisectoral approach. This world-renowned Manifesto has a Bugatti-type engine that is oiled and fine-tuned with a Midterm Development Strategy. PlanBelize with all its success has been upgraded…wow!!
“How distant now do those bleak, final days of the UDP appear, those desperate times when the government had to borrow a million dollars a day to pay public officer salaries and borrow just to keep the lights on? How distant now are those traumatic times when Belize had effectively defaulted on its international commercial debt and when the devaluation of our dollar seemed inevitable? To that chaos and hopelessness, we shall never return. Not so long as we remain faithful to our sacred pledge that “Everybody Fi Win - Todos Ganamos!” Prime Minister John Briceño keeps leading the nation with a grit and compassion that the “world itself cannot give.”
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE
“Apres moi, le deluge” is a legendary quote from King Louis XV of France. Purportedly, he said this about what would happen to France after his death; After me, the flood. In Belize, this infamous quote is associated with the former prime minister when he referred to Belize’s imperilled economic outlook due to the chronic mismanagement, unbridled spending and rampant corruption of his administration were most renowned for. The cryptic proclamation was made on national television by the bird of ill omen, who described just how bad things were. It sent shock waves across a nation already badly hit by the pandemic, the shutdowns and the economic havoc that had begun. As Hon. John Briceño has reminded us in this year’s budget presentation, we are a long way from the million-dollar-a-day borrowing to pay salaries and defaulting on international commercial debt. The bleak days when the devaluation of our dollar seemed inevitable are certainly over.
Any Belizean worth his salt will tell you “Bad mind no prosper!” Indeed, there was a deluge, but instead of the disaster and misfortunes predicted a flood of employment and economic boom and prosperity swept clean through Belize. These happy tidings came from the strong and strategic monetary and fiscal policy. It came from the hard decisions that had to be taken in the first moments to stem the overwhelming tide of debt drowning this country. The PUP Government moved swiftly to reduce debt, specifically 315 million US dollars in poverty due to the Super Bond-Blue Bond swap and the 163 million US dollars from the reduction of the Petro Caribe reduction from Venezuela. Today, there are 68,000 fewer people living in poverty in Belize because of the 51 per cent increase in the hourly minimum wage. There are 14 thousand of public officers whose full wages have already been restored and whose increments will be restored in the new fiscal year. This fiscal year, the budget estimates have no new taxes; in fact, all taxes on sanitary products for women have been eliminated. This alone will benefit half of the population living in Belize.
This year, global overnight travel is expected to grow by 28 per cent and cruise tourism by 13 per cent. Our rate of economic growth at 12.4 per cent is double what the International Monetary fund predicted. This was led by the rise in domestic exports of 46 million dollars, Foreign Direct investment of 15.7 million dollars and remittances of 14 million dollars. The rise in inflation to 6.3 is well below the global average of 8.8 per cent. There are six priority actions for the Belizean government: poverty reduction, economic transformation and growth, trade deficit reduction, citizen security, protection of the environment and stopping corruption. They have identified 224 programs and projects that are critical for the achievement of these priority areas. Through collaboration with private sector partnerships and other stakeholders will engage to participate fully in all these areas.
It sometimes seems as if some bad-minded people wanted Belize to fail, it seems that it was their intention and purpose to sabotage and destroy what little was left and slip out of their hands. Those detractors must now know that you cannot keep good Belizeans down! You knock us down, but you do not knock us out! You destroy and we build back, you squander and waste and we show you time and again how we put the pieces back into something bigger and better than before. The more you hate, the more we raise, the more you bad mouth, and the more venom and poison you spew it turns and taints all you touch till the flood destroys all you have. Those with a pure heart and good intentions will prevail. The deluge that came for Belize was filled with prosperity and better times. Oh yes… Belizeans will tell you because we know, “Bad mind no prosper!”
"Apres moi, le deluge" es una cita legendaria del rey Luis XV de Francia. Supuestamente dijo esto sobre lo que le ocurriría a Francia después de su muerte: "Después de mí, el diluvio". En Belice, esta cita infame se asocia con el ex primer ministro cuando se refirió a las perspectivas económicas en peligro de Belice debido a la mala gestión crónica, el gasto y la corrupción desenfrenadas de su administración. El pájaro de mal agüero hizo esta críptica proclamación en la televisión nacional, describiendo lo mal que estaban las cosas. Causó conmoción en una nación ya muy afectada por la pandemia, los cierres y los estragos económicos que habían comenzado. Como nos ha recordado el Honorable John Briceño en la presentación del presupuesto de este año, estamos muy lejos de los préstamos millonarios diarios para pagar los salarios y del impago de la deuda comercial internacional. Los sombríos días en que la devaluación de nuestro dólar parecía inevitable han pasado a la historia.
Cualquier beliceño que se precie le dirá: "¡Mala mente no prospera!". Efectivamente, hubo un diluvio, pero en lugar del desastre y las desgracias pronosticadas, una avalancha de empleo y bonanza económica y prosperidad barrió Belice. Esas buenas nuevas se debieron a una política monetaria y fiscal fuerte y estratégica. Fueron fruto de las duras decisiones que hubo que tomar en los primeros momentos para frenar la abrumadora marea de deuda que ahogaba a este país. El Gobierno del PUP se movió con rapidez para reducir la deuda, concretamente 315 millones de dólares de la pobreza debido al canje de Super Bonos por Bonos Azules y los 163 millones de dólares de la reducción de la reducción del Petro Caribe de Venezuela. Hoy hay 68.000 personas menos viviendo en pobreza en Belice debido al aumento del 51% del salario mínimo por hora. Hay 14 mil funcionarios públicos a los que ya se les ha restablecido el salario íntegro y cuyos incrementos se restablecerán en el nuevo ejercicio fiscal. Este año fiscal, las estimaciones presupuestarias no tienen nuevos impuestos; de hecho, se han eliminado todos los impuestos sobre los productos sanitarios para mujeres. Esto beneficiará a la mitad de la población que vive en Belice.
Este año se espera que los viajes totales con pernoctación crezcan un 28% y el turismo de cruceros un 13%. Nuestra tasa de crecimiento económico, del 12,4%, duplica las previsiones del Fondo Monetario Internacional. A ello contribuyó el aumento de las exportaciones nacionales (46 millones de dólares), la inversión extranjera directa (15,7 millones de dólares) y las remesas (14 millones de dólares). El aumento de la inflación al 6,3% está muy por debajo de la media mundial del 8,8%. Seis son las acciones prioritarias del gobierno beliceño: reducción de la pobreza, transformación y crecimiento económico, reducción del déficit comercial, seguridad ciudadana, protección del medioambiente y freno a la corrupción. Se han identificado 224 programas y proyectos fundamentales para la consecución de estas áreas prioritarias. Mediante la colaboración con asociaciones del sector privado y otras partes interesadas se comprometerán a participar plenamente en todas estas áreas. A veces parece como si algunas personas malintencionadas quisieran que Belice fracasara, parece que su intención y propósito fuera sabotear y destruir lo poco que quedaba y se les escapaba de las manos. Esos detractores deben saber ahora que no se puede mantener abatidos a los buenos beliceños. Nos derriban, pero no nos eliminan. Ustedes destruyen y reconstruimos, ustedes despilfarran y derrochan, nosotros les mostramos una y otra vez cómo volvemos a poner los pedazos en algo más grande y mejor que antes. Cuanto más odiáis, más crecemos, más habláis mal, y cuanto más veneno y ponzoña escupís, más se vuelve y contamina todo lo que tocáis hasta que el diluvio destruye todo lo que tenéis. Los que tienen un corazón puro y buena intención prevalecerán. El diluvio que llegó a Belice estaba lleno de prosperidad y tiempos mejores. Oh, sí... los beliceños te lo dirán porque lo sabemos: "¡Mala mente no prospera!".
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company I-TECH CAPITAL INC. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 02nd day of March, 2023; and
Carmen L.O. Visconde of Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhaes JR 1200 AP 51, Sao Paulo, Brazil is the Liquidator of the Company.
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated:
The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, participated in the 250th Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central American Corporation of Air Navigation Services (COCESNA) held in Madrid, Spain, on March 12, 2023. Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, and Kennedy Carrillo, CEO of the ministry, attended the meeting, where a US$8.5-million agreement was signed for the acquisition of a new aviation primary radar and the upgrading of its air traffic control center.
The new primary radar will significantly improve Belize’s control centers and it will provide the opportunity to modernize its air navigation services, making them safer and more secure on a regional and international scale. Belize currently utilizes a secondary
surveillance radar system that relies on signals transmitted by equipment on an aircraft to determine its location. The new surveillance radar will emit a signal that bounces off aircraft to determine their positions, even in cases where aircraft are uncooperative or involved in illicit activities.
Furthermore, the COCESNA board members have agreed to provide additional support to Belize to enhance technical capacity-building and legal reform efforts. These measures aim to ensure that Belize's Civil Aviation Regulations fully comply with the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization. The approval of this support demonstrates COCESNA's commitment to improving aviation safety and efficiency in Belize and the wider Central American region.
I-TECH CAPITAL INC. – 14th March, 2023
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company I-TECH CAPITAL INC. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 02nd day of March, 2023; and
Carmen L.O. Visconde of Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhaes JR 1200 AP 51, Sao Paulo, Brazil is the Liquidator of the Company.
The Belize Broadcasting Authority hereby reminds media houses of its essential role it plays in the society. The majority of information is delivered to the public by the media. This aids in learning, understanding, and staying connected to other people and to the world in general.
It is therefore vital that our local media be vigilant and responsible in delivering of information to the wider populace.
In any case, the BBA calls for ALL Media houses to cease and desist from disseminating information that: discloses the names of victims of Domestic Violence (DV), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and from using derogatory words that are offensive, disrespectful and discriminatory.
The Broadcasting Authority hereby reminds operators to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the Broadcasting & Television Act CAP. 227 Laws of Belize.
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
The People’s United Party announces a Convention to Elect a Chairperson for the Corozal North Constituency Executive Committee. Convention will take place on Sunday, March 26th, 2023.
Polls will open at 9 a.m. and close at 3 p.m. at the San Antonio Government School in San Antonio Village, Corozal District.
Following a comprehensive review by a panel of experts, Belize’s recently launched Online Business Registry System (OBRS) has been selected as a World Summit on the Information Society Prize 2023 Champion
March 15, 2023. In its 8th edition, the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and its 193 Member States recently held their WSIS Prizes contest. Belize’s Online Business Registry System (OBRS) which went live on November 28, 2022 was selected this year as a WSIS Prize 2023 Champion in category 7 - E- Business- ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life. The WSIS Prizes 2023 ceremony for Champions took place on March 15th 2023 at the Geneva International Congress Center in Geneva, Switzerland.
OBRS was created with the vision to digitally transform business regis-
On Friday, March 10, 2023, the Belize Training and Employment Centre (BTEC), a unit of BELTRAIDE, held a certificate ceremony to mark the end of its two-week Business Process Outsourcing Job Preparedness Training in Corozal Town. This training, held in collaboration with the Corozal Town Council, covered a diverse range of soft and technical skills to prepare participants for entrance into the BPO Industry.
The training is a part of the Government of Belize's push to increase participation in the growing BPO Industry with similar trainings planned to be held across the country. Trainees learnt the importance of professional etiquette, effective communication skills, customer service excellence, telephone etiquette, campaign scripts, expectations of the BPO industry and other essential skills that are needed to excel in the workplace.
A total of 20 participants completed the training program and were referred to Ariston Marketing Co. Ltd. for potential employment opportunities. BELTRAIDE takes this opportunity to thank the Corozal Town Council and Ariston Marketing Ltd. for their collaboration and wishes all the participants great success in their future endeavors.
BPOs were named as one of the economic positives that Belize have at the moment. This naming was on not less than the IMF concluding statement on Belize state of the economy. Today municipalities like Corozal and Dangriga have found it Important to train their citizens in preparation for the BPO Industry coming into town. The unemployment numbers plummeting in Belize Is most likely due to the rise In BPO's all over Belize.
tration thereby enhancing accessibility of business registration services, modernize business registration products, improve data integrity, and raise the awareness of the value of business creation to the economy. OBRS which is based on NRD Companies' Unified Registry Platform URP© is the first digital registry service of its kind in Belize and was one of 900 submitted projects of which 360 were nominated for
the online voting following a comprehensive review by a panel of experts. More than 1.5 million votes were then casted and OBRS was among the topmost voted in its category.
Winning the Champion award is a major accomplishment for Belize and stakeholders involved in the execution of the project. WSIS represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ICT for development
community and is co-organized by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD. The contest was developed in response to requests from WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism to evaluate projects and activities that leverage the power of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to advance sustainable development.
“The WSIS Prizes provides a distinctive worldwide platform for recognizing and highlighting exemplary accomplishments in executing the WSIS Action Lines and SDGs. We are extremely proud of being awarded a Champion Prize and are grateful to the WSIS and ITU for the honor”
Continued on page 8
(Belize March 14th 2023) A recently published study in the journal Science of the Total Environment introduces the first comprehensive national estimate of mangrove carbon stocks in Belize. The almost 58,000 hectares of mangroves in Belize were found to hold 25.7 million metric tons of carbon. These findings are the first data released from the Belize Blue Carbon project, an international effort to develop nationwide mangrove datasets to understand implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Project partners are convening a knowledge sharing workshop to discuss the results of the project and their implementation during March 13-14th, 2023, in Belize City.
Mangroves are among the most ecologically valuable marine ecosystems in the world. They serve as habitat for fisheries, protect shorelines from the full impact of storms, and remove earth-warming carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store this carbon below ground in the soil. The array of climate adaptation, mitigation, and resilience benefits that mangroves provide means that countries may include commitments to protect, conserve, and restore mangroves in their national climate strategies. As demonstrated by Belize through the commitment to protect 12,000 hectares and restore 4,000 hectares of mangroves by 2030 in the country’s recently updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement.
While mangroves have long been recognized as important nature-based solutions to climate change, many countries still lack local data on carbon stocks. This study helps fill the carbon data gap for Belize making it one of the few countries in the region with a comprehen-
Notice is hereby given that Ernesto Acosta/Merary Acosta are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Acosta’s Shop” located at # 26 Lord’s Bank, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Brian M. Walker/Rondre Walker are applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Mistah Barbee Que” located at # 120 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
sive carbon stock assessment for mangroves. The Belize Blue Carbon project team worked collaboratively to strengthen local capacity, advance the science, create pathways for data sharing, and expand new efforts for Belize’s mangroves with stakeholders at all levels, including governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and local scientists. In addition to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), key project
partners included the University of Belize Environmental Research Institute, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Silvestrum Climate Associates, World Wildlife Fund, Belize Fisheries Department, Belize Forest Department, National Climate Change Office, Coastal Zone Management Authority & Institute, Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development, the Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative, and the Turnef-
fe Atoll Sustainability Association. Other countries may use the model created here to build support for the conservation of coastal wetlands like mangroves, seagrass and saltmarshes. This information gained from the Belize Blue Carbon Project will be used to inform Belizean coastal policy and management as conservation activities are increased to protect these invaluable ecosystems and reach climate targets.
Madam Speaker,
I rise to provide the annual accounting of the public finances and the economy, to review the performance of the National Budget for the current Fiscal Year 2022/23, and to present Government’s Estimate of Revenues and Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2023/24. At the onset, let me take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the women of Belize and their indispensable role in the building of our nation. Madam Speaker, the month of March is dedicated to women worldwide. For us, it is a time not only to celebrate our incredible Belizean women but, also a time for us, to recognize the tremendous work ahead if we are to make Belize a truly inclusive nation. I look to a day, Madam Speaker, when this chamber will be equally represented by women and men alike. I also envision the day when from the Office of the Prime Minister to the Office of the Sargent at Arms, will be occupied by women. For now, we on this side, will continue our work to include women in all levels of leadership and government. To this end, I am happy to say that in both chambers of this National Assembly, we have women in the lead. In the Judiciary, we have a woman chief justice and, while in the Cabinet women are in the minority, at all other levels of leadership in my administration women serve as leaders, from chief executive officers to heads of departments. And, I must say that Belizean women are great leaders and managers and should be credited for being equal partners in the great performance of this government. This is one of, if not the most, inclusive governments in the history of our nation.
A few weeks ago, after a passionate appeal from my wife, the Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children, as well as the Minister of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, Cabinet determined that effective 1st April all taxes will be removed from sanitary products for women. Madam Speaker, as the member from Belize Rural Central said to her Cabinet colleagues, it is past time that we put an end to taxing women’s femininity, something she attributed to young Seidi Quetzal who is running a campaign, “Don’t Tax My Femininity.” So, from all of us to women everywhere and to you, Madam Speaker, I say thank you, and Happy Women’s Month! #Embrace Equity.
At the close of March, this Administration will complete its second full budget year, and I am exceedingly proud to proclaim that our second year, like the first, has attained surpassing successes for Belize and for our people. By almost every measure of economic progress, Belize is doing so much better than before we took office. The economy is growing, expanding in 2022 by an estimated 12.4 percent, more than 10 times the average annual growth rate of 1.7 percent experienced under the UDP administration. Comparing these two trajectories, at the UDP administration’s average annual rate of growth, it would have taken almost two generations, a half a century ─ 50 years — for Belize’s economy to double in size. With the rate of growth experienced and projected under my administration, our economy will double in size in just about ten years. That means a lot more money in ALL our pockets much faster. We said it! We meant it and yes, Everybody wins!
More Belizeans have jobs ─ 95 percent of those who seek employment are working.
42,965 workers have received a one dollar and seventy cents or 51 percent per hour salary increase because of the recent increase in the minimum wage to 5 dollars per hour. The skeptics on the other side said it couldn’t be done, they said who comes next would face the worst. Yet here we are:
68,000 fewer Belizeans are poor, according to the last poverty assessment. Exports are rising. Serious crimes are falling.
Fourteen thousand public officers, teachers and security personnel received a restoration of their full wages last July.
And a few weeks from now, more specifically, starting 1st of April, we will restore increments for our deserving public officers, teachers, police, BDF and coast guard.
For the first time in a generation, Belize’s public debt is deemed sustainable, as the country’s indebtedness has been cut in half in just the last two years. And once again, I table a new budget today that contains a primary surplus and a budget that does not include any tax increases WHATSOEVER! Quite the opposite of tax increases, last year, three million DOLLARS monthly or 100 thousand dollars per day in taxes was foregone by our Administration in order to moderate the increase in the pump price of fuel to keep it as stable as possible.
Today, on the world stage, in direct consequence of a sustained effort by this Administration to mobilise private sector innovation and capital, to refocus public investments on education, healthcare and vital infrastructure and to build alliances with IFIs, bilateral partners and NGO partners, Belize’s position and profile sparkle and shimmer like never before.
In just the last few weeks alone Belize has: played host to a senior delegation of executive directors from the World Bank, representing 68 countries;
hosted the President of the IDB; served as the venue for the annual meeting of the IDB Governors for Central America and the Dominican Republic; concluded the most positive IMF Article IV Consultation in decades; hosted the Investment Conference: “Initiative 20 by 20, Bonn Challenge, and AFOLU 2040 Joint Meeting on Restoring Lands; signed the first major disbursement of 10 million U.S. dollars from the United States MCC Agreement in support of education and reducing the cost of electricity; and, assumed the Chairmanship of SICA following our eventful Chairmanship of CARICOM.
And in this month, when we celebrate the achievements of women worldwide, we can report the successful implementation of the Women Economic Empowerment Project, which in its first full year of implementation, has already included 44 new initiatives
worth more than 2.6 million dollars.
How distant now do those bleak, final days of the UDP appear, those desperate times when the government had to borrow a million dollars a day to pay public officer salaries and borrow just to keep the lights on? How distant now are those traumatic times when Belize had effectively defaulted on its international commercial debt and when the devaluation of our dollar seemed inevitable? To that chaos and hopelessness, we shall never return. Not so long as we remain faithful to our sacred pledge that “Everybody Fi Win - Todos Ganamos!”.
In a meaningful partnership with the people and day by day, we have kept moving forward delivering on Plan Belize. Day by day we have kept our focus on addressing poverty, educating our children, keeping our citizens safe, providing adequate healthcare for all, as well as protecting our environment. Together with the support of citizens from all walks of life we are and will continue to ‘be extra’ for Belize. In my presentation, today, I propose to address five broad themes:
First, to outline domestic and regional economic conditions;
Second, to review financial sector and real economy developments;
Third, to report on the projected performance of this year’s Budget which ends on 31st March 2023;
Fourth, to summarize the estimates for the new Budget, which starts on 1st April 2023;
And lastly, to highlight select policies and reforms that can have a substantial impact on the economy, the public finances and, most importantly, the quality of life for the citizens we are sworn to serve.
…(complete budget presentation in Government Press Office page)
Madam Speaker, my Cabinet colleagues and I realize that we cannot reverse the prevalence of poverty overnight. But, our policies and this budget reflect a passionate determination to hasten that reversal.
The recent analysis, published earlier this week by the Statistical Institute of Belize, showed the rate falling from a UDP-produced high of 52 percent to 35.9 percent. This is an encouraging start. So are the 7,478 new jobs created in 2022. The opportunity to work at a minimum wage, now five dollars per hour, is the most basic step out of poverty. Education, we all know is also a critical antidote to poverty. That’s why the free secondary school education program is being funded to the tune of 6.4 million dollars providing support to 2,600 students who would otherwise not be in the classrooms. And the novel STEAM Program, set for launch in the new school year with an inaugural class of 75 students, adds one more option for acquiring professional skills. Housing, the thousands of homes we plan to construct, whether public or private sector built, supported by housing development incentive programs, is another lift out of poverty. So far, 260 starter homes have been delivered and another 200 will be completed in this fiscal year. There is one other massive, though often overlooked, antidote to poverty and that’s land. Whether for a home, a small farm or simply as an asset to be leveraged for greater financial independence, a parcel can be a gateway out of poverty. And that is why, with support from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, is spearheading a survey and distribution program for almost 11,000 parcels in areas of all six districts. Final surveys have been funded and are almost completed. Assigning a modest value of ten thousand per lot would mean that this program alone represents a 110-million-dollar transfer of wealth to qualified landowners.
Now, that is truly transformational governance. Madam Speaker, there is no duty more sacrosanct than the management of the public purse. Taxes paid to the state are the product of the blood, sweat and tears of hardworking citizens, who rightfully expect those they elect to allocate these monies wisely. And, they expect those in the public service to spend these monies carefully. The value of a dollar does not change whether that dollar is directed towards the 132-million-dollar construction of the new Coastal Road or the purchase of a new 800-dollar weed cutter for, say, the village of Scotland Halfmoon. I will therefore never tire of demanding diligence and honesty – value for the people’s money - from those in Parliament with executive responsibility as well as those public officials who oversee the budgetary and spending processes of government. The public officers, the projects and the programs funded by this budget are all directed toward the betterment of life for Belizeans and the security of Belize as a nation-state. From the proceeds of this budget, over four hundred thousand of us, living in cities, towns and villages, should all benefit, many directly but all in aggregate. In two short years, this Administration has rekindled trust in the public finance, recouping and far overshooting the pre-pandemic output of the economy and the scope of public sector spending and investments.
The magic, the marvel of Plan Belize has only just started.
We push on ensuring that our efforts will lead to more homes, more of our children in schools, more persons included in NHI, more land in the hands of first-time landowners, a more efficient and effective public service, more jobs, a stronger social safety net, safer cities and, yes, cleaner and greener rivers, streams and sea. As we look ahead my administration will not fear, we will not weep, we choose to be bold, and we are determined to do more and to be extra for Belize.
From Consejo in the North to Barranco in the South, from Benque Viejo in the West to the Lighthouse Reef islands in the East, a brighter sun shines, a different, more confident nation awakens. And with the guidance of our Creator, let us stride forward, perhaps stumbling at times but always moving forward, to that noble land where justice and prosperity abound and where every Belizean shall share in this “wealth untold.”
Thank you.
Continued from page 5 and implementation of the project including the Honorable Prime Minister John Briceno, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of E- Governance, the Economic Development Council, the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE), the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Elevate Consulting Ltd. and NRD Companies.”
says Mr. Claude B.F. Haylock, FSC Director General, Registrar of Merchant Shipping & Registrar of Companies. Implementing the OBRS was a challenging yet rewarding process and is a major milestone for Belize as it sets up the foundation for the country's digital transformation. The project itself was championed by the Belize Financial Services Commission under the Ministry of Finance and the Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Registry. Mr. Haylock added, “we would also like to pay tribute to other stakeholders that were key in the creation
Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from March 6 to 9, accompanied by Mr. Pierre Bou Nahra, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Trade and Investment to the Gulf States, including Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Rene Nunez, Lead Consultant in the Central Executing Unit of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Minister Coye was hosted by the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), which finances priority development projects in developing countries on a concessionary basis. The minister met with Sultan A. Al-marshad, SFD’s CEO, and other representatives of the organization to discuss various priority public sector investment projects in health, energy, and infrastructure.
During his visit, the minister also met with Mr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Khalaf, Assistant Minister of Finance for Macro Fiscal Policies and International Relations, and other representatives of the Ministry of Finance. He briefed Mr. AlKhalaf on Belize’s application to gain eligibility to the World Bank’s International Development Association’s highly concessionary resources through the Small Island Economy Exception, emphasizing that due to its high vulnerabilities to climate and other economic shocks, Belize, like other small island economies, needs access to more affordable financing for development. Mr. Al-Khalaf pledged the Kingdom’s support for Belize on this matter.
Finally, Minister Coye met with Mr. Fahad Alnaeem, Deputy Minister of Sector Development of the Ministry of Investment; Mr. Hasan Mujeb Alhwaizy, Chairman of the Federation of Saudi Chambers; Dr. Naif A. Alshammari, Deputy CEO of the Saudi EXIM Bank; and numerous members of the Kingdom’s private sector with a view to exploring opportunities for private sector investment and trade between the two countries, particularly, in areas of tourism, agriculture, energy and nearshoring.
Sen. the Hon. Christopher Coye in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment believes OBRS will transform the way businesses are registered in the country, improve transparency, pro-
25 SEP 2020
mote accessibility, and overall will improve the ease of doing business in Belize highlighting the country as an attractive jurisdiction.
Mr. Mindaugas Glodas, CEO of NRD Companies commented that “having been awarded a prestigious WSIS Champions prize is an extraordinary achievement for Belize and as a solution developer and implementer throughout the project, we are extremely happy for our client.”
Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development congratulated the Commission, Director General, Mr. Claude Haylock, the project team, and staff
for embracing digital innovation and for enabling a friendly and transparent environment for Belize’s business sector.
BY ORDER of the Mortgagee Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo is selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 30th April 2023. Within this period, a Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold.
Parcel No. 64 (36.526 acres) located south of Ridge Lagoon Residential Estate, Burrell Boom Road, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Francis Smith & Maria Smith/Messrs. BACAB Eco - Park.
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
Buena Vista Village, Corozal District; Guinea Grass, San Lazaro, San Estevan Villages, Orange Walk District; San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Vista Del Mar, Corozalito, Belize District; Frank’s Eddy Agricultural Area, Cayo District; Middlesex Village, Stann Creek District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Development Finance Corporation, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th April 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
4. Parcel Nos. 302, 303 & 304 Scissors Tail Street, Ladyville, Belize District:
property of Mr. Crisanto Cristino Ewan surety for Mr. Valerio Rene Lopez
(Being 0.72 acres of vacant property planted with a variety of fruit trees + Palmetto house, situate just off the Phillip Goldson Highway, Buena Vista Village, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mr. Crisanto Cristino Ewan surety for Mr. Valerio Rene Lopez)
Vista Del Mar 16 302, 303 & 304
Thefreehold property of Mr. Kevin Enriquez & Ms. Andrea Enriquez surety for Messrs. ANKA LTD
(Being a residential concrete Apartment Building [2,469.16 S.Y.] containing: 14 Apartments: Ten (1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch) & Four (2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch) + Laundry room [22.5’x 40’] TOGETHER with Parcels [2,089.62 S. M.] situate on Scissors Tail Street, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Kevin Enriquez & Ms. Andrea Enriquez surety for Messrs. ANKA LTD.)
5. Parcel Nos. 537 Corozalito Village, Maskall Road, Belize District:
of Mr. Eloy Santos
for Eloy Santos and Juana Santos
(Being two buildings: A. a concrete bungalow dwelling house containing: 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Veranda + Storeroom; B. a two-storey building consisting A. Ground Floor –Storeroom; B. First Floor – open space TOGETHER with lot [1,010.600 S.M.] situate in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Eloy Santos surety for Eloy Santos and Juana Santos)
Belize Rural North 11 537
The freehold property of Mr. Carlos Edward Zetina
(Being Ten (10) Acres of vacant land situate in the Corozalito, Maskall Forest Reserve, the freehold property of Mr. Carlos Edward Zetina.)
6. Parcel Nos. 538 Corozalito Village, Maskall Road, Belize District:
Belize Rural North 11 538
(Being a two story concrete dwelling house containing- Ground Floor: 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Office + Laundry: Second Floor – 4 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/ Kitchen + 2 verandas and Lot [1,367.188S.M.] situate in San Lazaro Village, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Mr. Pablo Tun Surety for Mr. Roger Pablo Tun & Mr. Pablo Tun)
Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:
The leasehold property of Ms. Hortencia Yanella Chan & Mr. Rosendo Melvin Chan
(Being a timber bungalow dwelling house containing 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Front Porch TOGETHER with lot [766.400 SM] situate in the Village of San Estevan, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Ms. Hortencia Yanella Chan & Mr. Rosendo Melvin Chan)
The freehold property of Mr. Carlos Edward Zetina
(Being Ten (10) Acres of vacant land situate in the Corozalito, Maskall Forest Reserve, the freehold property of Mr. Carlos Edward Zetina.)
6. Parcel Nos. 538 Corozalito Village, Maskall Road, Belize District:
All that piece or parcel of land containing 24.95 Acres situate in the Frank's Eddy Agricultural Area, Cayo District and held under a Deed of Conveyance. (Being 24.95 Acres of vacant land, situate in the Frank's Eddy Agricultural Area, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Deon Dale Pascascio A.K.A Messrs. PasguHal Eco-Lodge)
2. Lot No. 28 Middlesex Village, Stann Creek District, Toledo
(Being a vacant parcel of land [445.685 S.M] situate in Colonia San Diego, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize district, the freehold property of Mr. Derick Ismael Garcia)
All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 28 containing 1475 S.Y. situate along the Hummingbird Highway, near Mile 23, Middlesex Village, Stann Creek District as shown on Entry No. 3257, Register No. 12, held under a Deed of Conveyance TOGETHER with all building and erections standing and being thereon.
(Being two (2) Buildings: A. a concrete bungalow dwelling house: B. a wood/concrete structure) TOGETHER with lot [1,475 S.Y.] situate near Mile 23 Hummingbird Highway, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Teresa Isabel Hernandez)
(Being a vacant parcel of land [445.685 S.M] situate in Colonia San Diego, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize district, the freehold property of Mr. Derick Ismael Garcia)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
(Being a concrete two storey apartment building: Ground Floor – Two (2) Apartments each containing: 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch; First Floor – 3 Bedrooms +1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch TOGETHER with lot [549.72 S.Y.] situate in San Pablo, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize district, the freehold property of Mr. David Augusto Gonzales)
Facebook: Belize Auctions
BEL invites tenders for Janitorial & Building Interior Cleaning services from May 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025, for the following facilities:
1. Corporate Headquarters and Dispatch Buildings located at Mile 2 1/2 on the Philip Goldson Highway
2. Belize City Power Station and all associated offices and bathrooms located on Magazine Road, Belize City
3. Ladyville Storage Facility next to the Philip S.W. Goldson Intl. Airport
4. Westlake Substation - Gas Turbine Compound, 8½ Miles George Price Highway
The bidding document s which outlines all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates are available on BEL’s Website
Submit bids via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 14, 2023.
A mandatory virtual pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Request access to the virtual pre-bid meeting by sending an email to
The subject of the email to attend the virtual pre-bid meeting and to submit tenders should include the bid number and the name of the tender located on the respective bid forms.
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th April 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
1. Parcels No. 1071 San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
San Jose Palmar 4 1071
The freehold property of Mr. Dennis Peralta
(Being a vacant lot [4046.86 S.M.] situate San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Dennis Peralta)
2. Parcel No. 5291 Doyle’s Delight Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:
Belmopan 20 5291
The freehold property of Ms. Jacqueline Harris.
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [770 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen TOGETHER with lot [501.722 S.M.] situate on Doyle’s Delight Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Jacqueline Harris.)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
Statement made by the Premier of Belize Hon. George C. Price to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations
November 7, 1975
Part III
Madame Chairman, distinguished delegates: Belizeans are a people who speak two of the main languages of the Americas. This enables us to understand better and live in harmony with our English and Spanish-Speaking neighbours. The situation is unique in the Central American concert of nations.
Belize has its own parliament, its own Cabinet with executive powers, its own Civil Service, its own head of Government. All these institutions are based on free elections, operate democratically and reflect the will of the people.
We have our own courts of law and system of justice rooted in a long history of law and order and the rights of free citizens. We have our own security forces and we give international recognition and protection to a consular corps of foreign nations. Our literacy rate, at over 90%, is one of the highest in the world.
We have an economy based on the development of our own resources and managed under a system of Government which recognizes the right of every Belizean to participate in its growth and to share equitably the bounty of our Belizean land. The Belizean people and government have worked hard over the years to make this economic policy a success; and, within the limitations imposed by our dependent position, we have achieved a degree of success which compares favourably with the rest of the region.
Unfortunately, I must mention that apart from the normal restraints on our development resulting from our dependent status, our economic development has been severely hampered by deliberate policies on the part of the Government of Guatemala to perpetuate our underdevelopment. In the fields of trade and aid, and in respect of individual countries as well as regional and international lending institutions and trading blocs, the Government of Guatemala has consistently exerted pressures to deprive Belize of much-needed trade and aid advantages. So seriously has Guatemala pursued this policy that in 1972 Guatemala invited the Organization of American States to impose economic sanctions against Belize. Fortunately, this attempt at our economic strangulation was defeated with the help of our Caribbean colleagues in the O.A.S. If this choking of a small country has as its objective the capitulation of our people, this policy has failed. Despite all these pressures, Belizeans remain firm in their demand for total liberation.
Belize City, 10 March 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize (Central Bank), in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that pursuant to section 61(1) of the Credit Unions Act, 2011, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, an Administrator has been appointed to St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited (SFXCU). The Administrator is Mr. Martin Marshalleck and he will be assisted by his team along with a team from the Central Bank appointed by the Registrar
The Registrar has concluded that the appointment of an Administrator is required to protect the equities and interests of the members of the credit union. The Administrator shall:
• be responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of the credit union,
• carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union,
• have the powers and may perform all or any of the duties of the officers of the credit union, and
• take all steps and do all things necessary to protect the equities of the members and the rights of creditors of the credit union, and shall maintain, so far as is practicable, the services of the credit union to its members.
The Registrar has taken this measure after considering critical deficiencies in governance and risk management practices, as well as material weaknesses in internal controls that could destabilize the credit union. The primary objective is to restore safe and sound operations and support the long-term success of the credit union.
Members of SFXCU are assured that their funds are safe, and the credit union is in sound financial standing. The Registrar assures the members that SFXCU remains open, and all services continue as normal.
Belize City, 10 March 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize (Central Bank), in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that pursuant to section 61(1) of the Credit Unions Act, 2011, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, an Administrator has been appointed to St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited (SFXCU). The Administrator is Mr. Martin Marshalleck and he will be assisted by his team along with a team from the Central Bank appointed by the Registrar
The Registrar has concluded that the appointment of an Administrator is required to protect the equities and interests of the members of the credit union. The Administrator shall:
We believe, moreover, that we have a right to expect some understanding of our situation from the countries of Latin America, who cannot in conscience ignore the interests of a whole people whose only patrimony is being unjustly claimed by a larger and better-endowed neighbour. We cannot believe that with their traditions the Latin American nations can willfully agree to penalize for the indefinite future a Caribbean country whose people have made their unmistakable call for freedom. We share the Americas as our homeland; we are common members of the Caribbean Development Bank with other Latin American States: we note that some of our Latin American brothers are members of the non-aligned movement; we see a future of increasing cooperation between the Caribbean and other Latin American countries. All of this gives us hope for receiving sympathetic understanding of our cause from the countries of the Americas.
Nombramiento de un Administrador en St. Francis Xavier Credit Union
Belize City, 10 de marzo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize (Central Bank), en su capacidad de Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que de conformidad con la sección 61(1) de la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act) de 2011, Capítulo 314 de las Leyes de Belize, se ha nombrado un administrador en Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union El Administrador es el Sr. Martin Marshalleck y será asistido por su equipo junto con un equipo de Central Bank.
El Registrador ha concluido que se requiere el nombramiento de un Administrador para para proteger las acciones y los intereses de los miembros de la unión de crédito.
El Administrador deberá:
• ser responsable ante el Registrador por la administración de la unión de crédito,
• be responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of the credit union,
• carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union,
• llevar a cabo todas las órdenes e instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito,
• have the powers and may perform all or any of the duties of the officers of the credit union, and
An independent Belize can contribute much to advance the new economic order in Middle America. Our membership in the Caribbean Community, a dynamic and fast growing international community, which is developing close links with Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Central America, enables us to have a special relationship with the rest of the Western Hemisphere.
• take all steps and do all things necessary to protect the equities of the members and the rights of creditors of the credit union, and shall maintain, so far as is practicable, the services of the credit union to its members.
• tener los poderes y poder realizar todas o algunas de las funciones de los funcionarios de la unión de crédito, y
• tomar todas las medidas y hacer todo lo necesario para proteger el patrimonio de los miembros y los derechos de los acreedores de la unión de crédito, y mantendrá, en la medida de lo posible, los servicios de la unión de crédito para sus miembros.
The Registrar has taken this measure after considering critical deficiencies in governance and risk management practices, as well as material weaknesses in internal controls that could destabilize the credit union. The primary objective is to restore safe and sound operations and support the long-term success of the credit union.
Members of SFXCU are assured that their funds are safe, and the credit union is in sound financial standing. The Registrar assures the members that SFXCU remains open, and all services continue as normal.
We also believe that it is in the best interests of Central America, including Guatemala, for Belize to become an independent nation with its territory intact. An independent Belize could cooperate with Guatemala for the joint development of certain regions in both countries, and could provide a useful link between the Caribbean Community and a Central American Community. Our political history and the smooth functioning of our democratic institutions can only give confidence in our potential contribution to peace and stability in the area.
By contrast, a non-independent Belize, whether a Belize forced to remain a colony because of fear for its survival or a Belize occupied by another Power, would be a thorn in the side of Guatemala. Our people would be resentful and antagonistic, and could only be suppressed by overwhelming force. Surely this is not a prospect favoured by Central America nor by any other State in the world.
El Registrador ha tomado esta medida después de considerar las deficiencias críticas en las prácticas de gestión de riesgo y gobierno, así como las debilidades materiales en los controles internos que podrían desestabilizar la unión de crédito. El objetivo principal es restaurar operaciones seguras y sólidas y apoyar el éxito a largo plazo de la unión de crédito.
Se asegura a los miembros de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union que sus ahorros están seguros y que la unión de crédito se mantiene sólido financieramente El Registrador asegura a los miembros de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union que la unión de crédito permanece abierta y que todos los servicios continúan con normalidad.
- FIN –
Harvard Association for Cultivating Inter-American (HACIA) Democracy is an annual conference that simulates the Organization of American States (OAS) proceedings. Twenty Delegations representing ten countries of Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela descended on the Hilton Hotel in Cartagena, Colombia, from March 9th to the 12th along with faculty advisors and, even, some parents. The excited, just over three hundred high school students interested in democratic advancement and development, spent the four intensive days practicing diplomacy, research & methodology, and networking as they engaged in democratic debate and decision-making.
In his welcome address, President of the HACIA Democracy XXVIII Millán González-Bueno Aguirre defined the beautiful aspect of encounters. Preparations for in-person presentations have already taught the delegates so much, yet, re-encountering these topics with their peers exposes different perspectives and opinions.
Delegates received review training on parliamentary procedures before starting discussions, sharing positions, and evolving working drafts to sponsor the final resolutions.
In a spirit of community, the thirty-two faculty advisors echo similarities in their motivations to work with students. Educational Benefits of the HACIA to students include:
• Meeting required dress codes, WBA outlined by Conference
• Actively engaging in decision-making experiences
• Confidence-building activities among peers, public speaking
• Logical thinking as they develop ideas and arrive at a consensus
• Financial literacy as budgets and costs of projects are assigned
• Exposure to historical context, addressing present-day realities and innovative strategies for the future.
Additionally, the conference itinerary includes many exciting activities for students to demonstrate their knowledge of their home country and personal talents as they strengthen old and new friendships.
Empowerment is both a value orientation for working in the community and a theoretical model for understanding the process and consequences of efforts to exert control and influence over decisions that affect one’s life, organizational functioning, and the quality of community life (Perkins & Zimmerman, 1995; Rappaport)
Undoubtedly, the effects of par-
ticipation in the HACIA Democracy are far-reaching. On Monday, the students departing Cartagena, Colombia, are empowered. They are official ambassadors of positive attitudes, implanted with the psychological seed
of their power as catalysts for change. They have demonstrated their willingness to engage in real-world problems, ability to manage stress, and determination to develop projects to aid their families, school community, and coun-
Belize High School has participated annually in the HACIA since 2013, endorsed as a unique project-based learning experience.
March 9, 2021 - The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management, and the UK Government signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize the cooperation between both governments to implement the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund.
Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management, signed on behalf of the Government of Belize, and Her Excellency Nicole Davison, British High Commissioner to Belize, signed on behalf of the UK Government.
The Biodiverse Landscapes Fund is a programme developed by the United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) which supports poverty reduction, biodiversity protection and conservation, and climate change mitigation and adaptation outcomes across six biologically diverse landscapes worldwide. It also supports a host of governments in meeting international commitments under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030.
The programme will invest up to US$20 million between 2023 and 2029 in Mesoamerica, covering areas of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. In Belize, the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund will implement projects in collaboration with the Ministry of Sustainable Development in the Selva Maya Region, including the Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Projects will be delivered locally in communities with the support of environmental organisations, academic institutions, and the private sector. The projects will aim to accelerate the recovery of nature through activities such as supporting sustainable agricultural practices; promoting the sustainable management of resources; and strengthening the rights and capacities of indigenous people in order to better manage their natural resources.
Defra is currently in the process of selecting a delivery partner to lead the programme in the Mesoamerican landscape. Projects are expected to begin during the second quarter of 2023. The fund is classified as Official Development Assistance and is a part of the United Kingdom’s commitment to international development.
Belmopan, March 15, 2023.
The Government of Belize declares its continued recognition of the Republic of China (Taiwan) as a sovereign and independent nation. Belize and Taiwan will work to strengthen their cordial bilateral relations based on shared values, the respect for the rule of law, democracy and human rights, and mutual interests. Belize believes that on the basis of self-determination, the people of Taiwan should be recognized as an independent country with full membership in international organizations.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the post of Vacation Planner with the Concierge Services Limited In our continued effort to promote diversity, both females/males, are encouraged to apply for the available post
Reports to: Reservations Sales Manager (Belize City, Belize)
Summary of Responsibilities: A Vacation Planner is a professional who works in the travel and tourism industry and specializes in creating customized travel itineraries for hotel and resort guests. They will be the first point of contact and will assist guests with inquiries about room availability, rates, amenities, tours and excursions, and other hotel-related questions. The Vacation Planner will be responsible for ensuring accurate and timely communication with the client and operations teams, as well as maintaining accurate client / guest profiles, and ensuring client satisfaction throughout their guest journey.
Key Responsibilities:
• Handle inbound and outbound guest/client calls promptly and professionally.
• Listen actively to client concerns and provide effective solutions to client/guest issues.
• Provide exceptional customer service by confidently, clearly, and concisely answering inquiries about hotel / resort facilities, room availability, rates, amenities, and experiences.
• Coordinate and book all arrangements, e.g., accommodation, dining, tours, and activities.
• Accurately and efficiently process reservations through the hotels’ reservation systems.
• Provide ongoing support and assistance to clients and the hotel operations team throughout the guests’ stay, including troubleshooting any issues that may arise.
• Handle guest/client complaints and concerns in a timely and professional manner.
• Maintain a thorough understanding of hotel policies, procedures, and services.
• Assist in the preparation and maintenance of accurate records and reports.
• Record and maintain accurate guest/client records and call logs in the system.
• Meet and exceed individual and team performance goals and metrics.
• Continuously improve knowledge of company products and services.
• Update management on guest/client concerns and opportunities for improvement.
• Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time of a related nature.
Job qualifications/Requirements:
• High school diploma or equivalent required
• Previous customer service experience in a hotel or hospitality environment preferred.
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
• Proficient in computer applications such as Microsoft Office, hotel reservation systems, and customer relationship management solutions, including Opera and TravelClick
• Experience in sales and/or travel industry
• Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment.
• Ability to work flexible schedules, including evenings, weekends, and holidays.
• Excellent communication skills
• Proficiency in multiple languages would be considered beneficial.
• Positive and professional demeanor with a commitment to guest satisfaction
• Physical Requirements: Vacation Planners must be able to sit for extended periods of time, use a computer, and communicate effectively with clients and colleagues
• A strong attention to detail, and a passion for travel.
Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).
To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter copy of valid social security card, Valid police record, copy of vaccination card, name and phone number of two (2) previous employers.
Applications should be emailed to:
Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, March 24th, 2023
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the post of Reservations Manager with the Concierge Services Limited In our continued effort to promote diversity, both females/males, are encouraged to apply for the available post
Reports to: Revenue Manager (Belize City, Belize)
Summary of Responsibilities: Responsible for managing a team of Vacation Planners and Reservations Agents, to include developing and implementing performance reports, bonus structure, standard operating procedures, while ensuring an exceptional guest experience from the clients’ first point of contact. The Reservations Manager is detail oriented, precise, organized, and effective at building structure and team camaraderie. They will guide their team to meet or surpass service and revenue targets.
Key Responsibilities:
• Have knowledge of all systems, software, product, and standard operating procedures.
• Identify gaps in the department and immediately implement SOPs to address these.
• Ensure the successful implementation of all procedures and processes.
• Ensure accuracy in all aspects of the department, including quotes, data entry, and reports.
• Train and develop staff on all current and future products, services, and software.
• Review each hotel’s daily bookings and investigate anomalies.
• Maintain an awareness of high and low demand dates, liaising with the Sales and Revenue departments as needed to optimize revenue.
• Be knowledgeable in facilities and services and ensure agents are equally knowledgeable.
• Be responsible for various Production reports and supply to each department concerned.
• Monitor telephone manner and general performance of staff daily.
• Monitor conversions, identifying opportunities to improve where necessary.
• Ensure no-show and cancelled reservation charges are processed daily according to policy.
• Maintain cordial relations with wholesale and retail partners.
• Liaise with the hotel/resort operations teams when anticipated occupancy changes.
• Prepare the schedule and ensure appropriate coverage for 24/7, including holidays.
• Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time of a related nature.
Job qualifications/Requirements:
• Bachelor’s degree in Tourism with experience in hospitality.
• Must possess a minimum of 2 years of experience.
• Proficient in computer applications such as Microsoft Office, including extensive knowledge in Excel, PMS systems, and CRM solutions, including Opera and TravelClick.
• Experience in sales and/or travel industry
• Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment.
• Ability to work flexible schedules, including evenings, weekends, and holidays.
• Positive and professional demeanor with a commitment to guest satisfaction.
• Excellent communication skills
• Proficiency in multiple languages would be considered beneficial.
• Punctual, reliable and must have strong communication skills.
• A strong attention to detail, and a passion for travel.
Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).
To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter, copy of valid social security card, Valid police record, copy of vaccination card name and phone number of two (2) previous employers.
should be emailed
Prime Minister John Briceño
Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Minister Fonseca and MoS Zabaneh
Hon. Landy Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management Min.
Carolina/Calcutta Village, Alta Mira Area, Corozal Town, Corozal District; Gales Point Manatee, Hattieville Village, Max Boro Area, Sandhill Village , Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Burrell Boom Village, Belize City, Belize District; Belmopan, Bullet Tree Falls, Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District; Sarawee Village, Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. St. John’s Credit Union Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 15th May 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
TELEPHONE 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
In introducing the Revenue Appropriations Bill FY 2023-FY 2024 Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño explained that the performance of the economy and the budget was shaped by many factors outside of Government's control. "The Russian invasion of the Ukraine which begun last year February, and the attendant impacts on fuel and food prices and supply chains provoked the return of high inflation after two decades of relative price stability. Global inflation reached 8.8 percent in 2022, a level exceeded only once in the previous 26 years."
Inflation is the general and continuing increase in an economy's price level. The consumer price index (CPI) is the commonly used measure of inflation. The CPI measures the price of a representative basket of goods and services purchased by a typical household.
The IMF Article IV Mission Report states that: Average inflation is projected to moderate to 4.1 percent over the medium term, in line with the projected decline in global commodity prices and global inflation.
Regarding the combating of inflation, the IMF recommended an increase in targeted social spending by 0.5 percent of GDP. Expanding the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs such as BOOST, which support poor families and ensure that children attend school, subsidizing childcare to increase female labor force participation, which stood at 44 percent in October 2022. These benefits can be appropriately targeted with updated information on the vulnerable segment of the population from the 2022 census. Interestingly, these measures existed under the three-term Barrow Government regarding poverty reduction since 2008. An opportunity squandered by a vile, incompetent, visionless and corrupt UDP administration.
Economic experts have advised that countries, especially small developing countries like Belize, are in dire need of good policy decisions to enable sustainable economic growth and curtail inflation, which impacts the poor more than the rich.
In a World Bank blog there were four policy recommendations to tackle high inflation and low growth while supporting the less well-off.
This writer will confine the contribution to two of the policy suggestions proffered in the World Bank blog, Improving the "quality" of public spending and protect the poor and the vulnerable. The Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño pronounced that "my administration took office in 2020 determined to steer clear from prescriptive policies that offer temporary solutions to our development challenges, and this includes poverty reduction. The Home-grown Economic Recovery Plan considered in tandem the two policy suggestions in the blog. The IMF prescriptions were not people friendly and the PUP Government charted the path to recovery which involved the least pain to people of Belize.
Public debt has been reduced from 133 percent of GDP to 53 percent of GDP an unprecedented undertaking by any government of Belize. Presently, the John Briceño administration is being lauded as a responsible and financially prudent government. This PUP government has improved the quality of current public spending and reorienting it. Receiving the poison chalice of an extremely high public debt and no fiscal space from the "wuthless" red-hydra, the John Briceño administration immediately embarked and effected its Home-grown recovery. Within the budget for FY 2023-FY 2024 there is a strategic focus on poverty reduction and increased social assistance geared towards the less fortunate, the marginalized and the people most needed. PM Briceño acknowledged to his Cabinet colleagues that "I realize that we cannot reverse the prevalence of poverty overnight. But our policies and this Budget reflect a passionate determination to hasten that reversal."
Those words are the heartbeat to the return of People’s United Party’s social justice philosophy and the need to ease the culprit of inflation on the vulnerable segment of society. From a bankrupt economy under the UDP "Belize's position and profile sparkle and shimmer like never before." The statement imbues the promise to Madam Speaker that "to that chaos and hopelessness, we shall never return. Not so long as we remain faithful to our sacred pledge that ' “Everybody Fi Win."
MOHW Partakes in Child Stimulation Month
“We are strong, Learning and Growing!"
This month the Ministry is also participating in Child Stimulation Month activities countrywide.
Ms. Kamera Requena, our National Drug Abuse Control Council-MOHW Cayo district Coordinator with responsibility for Belmopan and surrounding communities conducted health education on negative effects of drugs and the body.
The Ministry was well received when making stops at both Garden City Preschool and Kuxlin Ha Government Preschool in Belmopan.
All school should lookout for NDACC officers countrywide at your neighborhood preschool.
Belmopan. March 9th, 2023
Dr. Kenrick Williams, the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management, has been appointed to the Adaptation Fund Board representing the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC).
The Adaptation Fund (AF) was established in 2001 to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries party to the Kyoto Protocol that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The Adaptation Fund is financed through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project
activities and other sources. Through Dr. Williams’ appointment, Belize will be able to lobby support for increased financing and the financing framework for climate change adaptation in Belize and the region.
Additionally, Chief Climate Change Officer at the National Climate Change Office, Dr. Lennox Gladden, was also elected to the Technology Executive Committee (TEC).
Created in 2010, the TEC is the policy arm of the Conference of Parties Technology Mechanism. The TEC focuses on identifying policies that can accelerate the development and transfer of low-emission and climate-resilient technologies. The TEC will play a
25 SEP 2020
key role in assisting countries to identify climate technology policies that allow them to achieve the Agreement’s objectives.
Regarding Belize’s Conference of Parties (COP) delegation, Edalmi Romero has been re-appointed as the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Transparency Coordinator for 2023. A few of her responsibilities include formulating evidence-based draft positions on the thematic area with the relevant working group and representing the approved positions of AOSIS in consultations and negotiations with partners.
Deputy Chief Climate Change Officer Colin Mattis also remains the AOSIS Mitigation Coordinator for 2023,
with similar responsibilities relating to mitigation negotiations. The appointments signify the Government of Belize’s efforts to scale up its leadership in global efforts on climate change.
Friday, March 10, 2023
The Party Leader, Party Chairman along with the National Executive of the People’s United Party offer deepest condolences to the family of Yasin Shoman on his passing which occurred yesterday, March 9, 2023. Yasin was an outstanding Belizean, businessman and of course, a loyal PUP soldier. In a Facebook tribute to her father this morning, his daughter Lisa stated, “Yasin was, until the moment he drew his last breath, a lover of this nation and a proud and devoted member of the PUP… He loved his Party and gave of himself unselfishly and totally.” These words certainly encapsulate the great man that Yasin Shoman was.
The Party thanks Yasin, a true Son of the Belizean soil, for his life of service to the country, the Party and people of Belize and offers its prayers and gratitude to the Shoman Family during this time of bereavement. May the soul of the late Yasin Shoman rest in peace and rise in glory!
Yasin Jose Shoman
Sunrise: November 29, 1941
Sunset: March 9, 2023
Operation Data
Country: Belize
Operation: Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP)
Operation No: 2147
Consulting Data
Name of the Consultancy: Final Infrastructure Design for the National Forensic Science Service Selection Method: Quality and Cost-Based Selection
Reference number: Nº CABEI-CS 002-2147/2023
The Government of Belize has received financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP), and it is intended to use a portion of the funds for consulting service contracts.
The Consulting services (“the services”) include: a) Needs assessment report; and b) Design of a National Forensic Science Services Complex.
The Ministry of Economic Development invites eligible consulting firms to express their interest in providing the requested services. Interested consultants shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services and may partner with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or subconsultants to improve their qualifications. The criteria for shortlist selection are found within the respective Terms of Reference.
Interested Consulting Firms can obtain the Terms of Reference at no cost by requesting them by email:, or by accessing the electronic portal ( or or before the deadline date indicated below.
Consultants will be selected using the method of Quality and Cost Based Selection described in the Regulations for the Application of the Procurement Policy available at
Interested consultants can obtain more information at the address indicated at the end of this invitation, during business hours of 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Expressions of interest package together with the information indicated in the Terms of Reference must be hand delivered at the address below, no later than Monday, April 17, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Elvis RequenaProject
CoordinatorBelize Integral Security Programme (BISP) Programme Executing Unit 1904 Constitution Drive 2nd Floor, Unit #3 Belmopan City, Belize C.A.
The Belize Youth Movement encourages positive community oriented projects like these! What a collab between Trial Farm Government School, NDACC and the @ow_bym
A shoutout to all the artists who took time out to make this happen!
The BYM extends a ‘Thank You’ to the local residents, school representatives, and NDACC officials who invested and trusted in this process.
The General Public is hereby informed that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing for the George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan). The ESIA report was prepared by Nextera Environmental and Engineering Consultants. The ESIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken.
The public is hereby advised that the EIA-Report will be available for public review, free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) from March 16th at the following locations: Hattieville Community Center, La Democracia Community Center, St. Matthews Village Government School, MIDH-Project Execution Unit and at the DOE’s Office located at 7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan. Likewise, the EIA-Report and its annexes are all available on the DOE’s website at link:
Friday, 10th March 2023 - Senator, the Honourable Collet Montejo, Vice-President of the Senate, in representation of the Honourable Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House of Representatives attended today the XU Regular Meeting Forum of Presidents of Legislative Powers of Central America, the Caribbean Basin and Mexico (FOPREL) that was held in San Salvador, El Salvador.
The meeting started with an opening session where Honourable Ernesto Castro, President of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador and President pro tempore of FOPREL 2022-2023 reported on the management of the pro tempore presidency of FOPREL during the period 2022-2023.
Through a resolution of transfer of the pro tempore presidency and vice presidency of FOPREL, Hon. Hon. Ernesto Castro, President of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, transferred the pro tempore presidency to Honorable Alfredo Pacheco Osoria, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic, and appointed the Honorable Deputy Rodrigo Arias Sanchez, President of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica, as Vice President of the Forum for the period from March 11, 2023 to March 10, 2024.
During the meeting, four Resolutions were ratified and signed off by all the Legislative Presidents in attendance.
Yesterday, Honourable Montejo, along with the other Legislative Presidents, also had the opportunity to meet with His Excellency Nayib Armando Bukele, President of the Republic of El Salvador, at the Presidential House. The Advisory Council of FOPREL also met on 9th March 2023.
Hon. Montejo is accompanied by Mrs. Clarita Pech, Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly, as Belize’s technical advisor to FOPREL. The meeting and travel expenses were made possible through the support of the parliament of El Salvador and FOPREL. Honorable Montejo and Deputy Clerk Pech returned to Belize on 11th March 2023. appendices-esia-george-price-highway-upgrade-belize-to-belmopan/
The public is invited to submit their comments in writing on or before April 19, 2023, to the DOE Office in Belmopan or email:;, or by link:
Kindly be informed that a hybrid public consultation for the ESIA will be held on April 13, 2023, commencing at 6:30 pm at St. Matthews Village – Basketball Court. An online link will be provided three days before the date of the Public Consultation.
The public is invited to participate in-person or virtually in this public consultation to provide comments/input, recommendations, and/or express their concerns to the DOE regarding this proposed project activity.
Belmopan. March 9, 2023.
Today, the Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Economic Development’s Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Program, signed a memorandum of agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) for the upgrade of 4.7 miles of farm feeder road in the Valley of Peace area. This will fulfill one of RRB’s main program objectives of upgrading public infrastructure, such as roads, drainage, and information systems, to improve market access for poor and vulnerable smallholder farmers across Belize. The cost of upgrading the feeder road is approximately BZ$2.2 million and is slated to begin in April 2023.
The RRB program, designed to enable farmers to adapt and be more resilient to climate change, is funded through the Green Climate Fund and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Primary beneficiaries include cooperatives such as the Valley of Peace Lagoon Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited.
CEOs Dr. Osmond Martinez and Victor Espat signed on behalf of the MED and MIDH, respectively. Dr. Geraldo Flowers, RRB Program Manager, and Mr. Evandale Moody, MIDH Chief Engineer, witnessed the signing. Hon. Julius Espat, Minister of MIDH and Area Representative for Cayo South, delivered the keynote address.
Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.
God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.
Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.
With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.
We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.
And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.
Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:
1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize. The subscription period required is for one (1) year.
1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year.
2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.
1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one (1) year.
5. The bids should be valid for six months from the last date for submission of the bids.
8. The contract is subject to the following Income and Business Tax as per Government Policy as shown below:
3. Terms of Reference
2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.
2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.
a. 25% - for entities from non-Caricom countries
b. 15% - for entities from Caricom countries
3a. Technical specifications
3. Terms of Reference
The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:
3. Terms of Reference
3a. Technical specifications
3a. Technical specifications
c. 19% for entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real-time voice services.
d. 6% for companies in Belize
The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:
The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:
for Office Plan 2, Defender
9. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5% for GST-registered agents.
10. Questions and Replies
Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 14 April 2023.
Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.
11. Submission of Tenders should be emailed to with the subject TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES FOR GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE.
3b. Program of Works
The program of work includes:
1. Technical support with license provisioning.
2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office.
a) To ensure confidentiality, the bid response shall consist of two password-protected files - one technical and one financial. This can be done on the file itself, using zip password protection, or some other means of password-protecting the file. The password will be requested at the opening of the tender.
b) Bidders shall submit a brief description of the documents contained in each of the password-protected files.
3b. Program of Works
3. Issue resolution for the duration of the contract period (12 months).
3b. Program of Works
The program of work includes:
c) Any discounts offered should be clearly stated by the Tenderer.
The program of work includes:
3c. Schedule The licenses are to be provisioned and activated no later than 30 June 2023.
1. Technical support with license provisioning
1. Technical support with license provisioning
13. The deadline for Tender submission is 10:00 am on 28 April 2023. Submissions received after the deadline will be rejected.
2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office
4. Copies of this Tender document can be downloaded from the Ministry of Finance Procurement Portal or the CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board
2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office
14. Evaluation Criteria Tenders will be evaluated on technical merit and price based on the following criteria:
5. The currency exchange rate for regional/international bidders is USD 1.00 to BZD 2.00.
6. Eligibility Criteria: This invitation is open to all eligible Tenderers as per the eligibility criteria below:
1. The Tenderer has an active membership in Microsoft Partner Network for Latin America and the Caribbean region and market (MPN ID) at the time of bid submission.
2. The Tenderer must be an active Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that can sell CSP offers in Latin America and the Caribbean region and market
3. The Tenderer should provide evidence of experience deploying Microsoft 365 Licenses for at least one (1) previous contract of a similar size and nature within the past three years.
4. The Tenderer is required to provide a signed and dated banker’s reference that should include the following information:
a. The name and contact information of the bank or financial institution providing the reference.
b. The name of the account holder and the account number.
c. The length of time the account has been open.
d. The average balance of the account over the past 12 months.
e. Any other relevant information that the bank or financial institution deems appropriate.
5. The Tenderer has availability of liquid assets through either:
a. Access to a line of credit of 100% of the bid price
b. Case in a bank account of an amount at least 100% of the bid price
7. Administrative Requirements: All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submission:
1. Business certificates
a. For local Tenderers:
1. Current copies of Certificates of Good Standing from:
a. Belize Tax Service within 6 months
b. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year
c. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year
2. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year.
b. For regional/international Tenderers: Statement of compliance from Companies’ Registry within 1 year.
2. Bids must be accompanied by a notarized bid-securing declaration.
3. Power of attorney showing person signing the bid is authorized to
licenses throughou the term of the agreement (1 year)
Service delivery experience in provisioning and supporting Microsoft 365 for business comparable in the magnitude of this Tender
The financial strength of the company demonstrated over the past three (3) years
15. Opening of the Tenders will take place online on 3 May 2023 at 2 pm Belize Time and in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend the Tender opening.
16. Evaluation of the Tenders will be conducted on 5 May 2023.
a) The selection of the successful Tenderer will be based on a competitive process that considers Technical and Financial Proposals.
b) The Technical file will be opened first, evaluated, and ranked. The Evaluation Committee will first check for administrative compliance and only those bids complying will have their technical proposal evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria to determine the technical capacity of the tenderer to provide the Microsoft 365 Licenses and Support services at the level being requested.
c) Only those Tenderers passing a minimum of 70% will have their Financial proposal opened and evaluated.
d) The financial proposal will count for 50% of the total points
e) The Tenderer with the highest combined value (Technical + Financial) will be recommended for the award of the contract.
f) Incomplete tenders will not be accepted.
17. The Tenderer who offers the lowest price and who qualified in the technical evaluation, may not necessarily be awarded the contract for the supply of the Microsoft 365 Licenses to the Government of Belize.
The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant to support the Strengthening Climate Resilient Health Systems Project
Duty station: Belize City
Qualifications: Essential: A bachelor’s degree in Environment Science or Public Health from a recognized university
Desirable: A master’s degree in environmental studies, Climate, or a related field
Experience: Essential: At least 5 years of national experience in public health, environmental health, climate change, or a related field
Desirable: Experience in the development of H-NAP
• Experience developing HNAPs and conducting impact assessments and sensitivity analyses
• Demonstrable current knowledge of climate health risks and adaptation policies and programs
• Knowledge about health systems’ operations
• Experience in data collection and analysis
• Strong research, problem-solving, and organizational skills.
• Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues
• Ability to meet deadlines
• Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/ persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization.
• Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis, and Project Management would be an asset.
Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish
Deadline: Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than March 24, 2023
For further details visit our website vacancies An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
Country: Belize Project: BSIF Loan III: Caribbean Development Bank Loan No.: 25/ SFR-ORBZE Project Id: 1509/8/E2 Contract Number: E/SL3-03/2020 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: April 11, 2023
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of Eligible Sub-projects and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Cristo Rey Primary School Building Construction, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
The contract proposes to: Construction of a two (2) storey reinforced concrete building measuring 144’-11” long by 49’-3” wide complete with eight (8) classrooms, office spaces, four (4) male and female students’ bathrooms, four (4) male and female teachers’ lavatories, storage spaces, and an access ramp to accommodate users with disabilities. The structure will also be equipped with a verandah, reinforced concrete floor and roof systems, masonry block walls, galvanized aluminum louvered windows, security grilles, and timber doors. The provision of earthworks and site drainage will also form a part of the contract. Provisions for the installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems, in accordance with the regulations of the respective authorities, will also be included.
Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Cristo Rey RC Primary School, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize
3. Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CDB’s Guidelines for Procurement (January 2006), and are open to all bidders of countries eligible for procurement under European Investment Bank funded projects which includes CDB member countries.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Social Investment Fund, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. starting Monday, February 27, 2023: Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements of the firm for years 2019, 2021 and 2022 to confirm an average annual turnover of at least BZ$750,000.00 (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last three (3) years prior to the application submission deadline, with activity of at least five (5) months in each year (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, in less than or equal to two (2) contracts, each of minimum value BZD$375,000.00 but with total value of all contracts equal or more than BZD$750,000.00, that have successfully and substantially completed within the last ten (10) years, and that are similar to the proposed Works (d) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of BZ$70,000.00 (e) others provided in the respective Bidding Documents.
7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders from the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee BZ$150.00 (One Hundred Fifty Dollars) for each bidding document. Banking details can be requested at the address below.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00am, April 11, 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30am, April 11, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$12,000.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
9. A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 10th, 2023 at Cristo Rey RC Primary School, Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, Belize to address any queries that contractors may have about the bidding documents or the scope of works. Contractors who have bought packages are urged to attend.
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive
Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
14 March 2023
Great new option for those who love to snack!
Snackers! A new line of locally produced snack brands featuring chips made of high-quality corn locally sourced from small farmers enters the market with “crunch-ability” and bold flavours that will make them fast favourites for consumers of all ages.
The Snackers! portfolio includes Asadas, Bokadas, Chiladas, and Doradas. Each brand of corn chip boasts its own personality – Doradas are bold with Nacho Cheese and Zesty Ranch flavours, Chiladas bring the heat with Fiery Habanero, Asadas are perfectly salted and ready for crunching, and Bokadas are the ideal dipping chip. The chips will be available in single-serve and familysized packages.
The Snackers! line of snacks is a value-added product that is “Done Right and Done Here” and is proudly produced by Bowen & Bowen, who continues to innovate and offer new world-class products for an ever-evolving market and consumer.
Snack enthusiasts can look for Snackers! as its nationwide rollout starts in the North and moves south, followed by the Cayes. These exciting new products will be available at all retail outlets.
Be on the lookout for Snackers! because it’s “Anytime to Snackers!”
Bowen & Bowen, Ltd was established in 1932 by Belizeans and for Belizeans. Its mission, Pursuing Excellence for a Stronger Belize , has driven the creation of an innovative, customer-centric organization whose family of employees is its greatest strength. Bowen & Bowen encompasses an array of subsidiaries in food, beverage, transportation, hospitality, and other sectors, develops Belize ethically and responsibly, and provides opportunities for all Belizeans.
Media Contact:
Shauna Arnold, Marketing Manager
Bowen & Bowen|Snackers!
C: +501 626-5546
2023 – 2024
1.Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Defence force for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.
2.Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary.
3.Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.
4.The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Defence Force will fluctuate as necessary.
5.Tenders should be in a sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Defence Force”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 11:30 am.
6.Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.
7.Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.
Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Defence Force, Price Barracks, Ladyville, Belize District
Continued from page 23
Pursuant to Section 22 (2)(c) of The Tax Administration and Procedure Act, Chapter 51 Revised Edition 2020 (TAPA), which grants the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department (BTSD) the authority to specify the manner in which returns should be filed, including electronically and with electronic signature, the Director General hereby notifies ALL taxpayers that effective April 1, 2023 they will be required to file tax returns and pay all taxes administered by the BTSD online.
In September 2021, the BTSD implemented the Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS Belize) online portal. Only Large Taxpayers were required to utilize the portal, while all other taxpayers were encouraged to sign up and commence using IRIS Belize voluntarily. However, as part of a phased approach to fully implementing IRIS Belize, as of April 1, 2023, it is mandatory that every taxpayer is registered for an IRIS Belize account.
Commencing with the tax period ending 31st March 2023, and for subsequent tax periods, taxpayers must electronically file with the BTSD a return required to be filed for the tax period under the relevant tax law and make payment. The Department will no longer be accepting tax payments or filing of tax returns in the office. Payment and returns will only be accepted through the portal. This is aimed at making filing tax returns and paying taxes faster, more convenient, and free while ensuring and fostering the safety and security of the BTSD employees, as well as taxpayers. Equally, this will assist BTSD in providing more efficient and timely service to our taxpayers.
Please be reminded that per the governing tax Acts: The TAPA; The Income and Business Tax Act, Chapter 55 Revised Edition 2020; and The General Sales Tax Act, Chapter 63 Revised Edition 2020 of the Laws of Belize, each taxpayer is under an obligation to pay taxes AND file a return on or before the deadline for each respective tax type.
To register for an IRIS Belize account, visit
In order to facilitate the transition process, taxpayers may seek technical assistance from the IRIS Belize HELP DESK which may be contacted via telephone at +501 613-8375; +501 6132773; +501 614-5731; +501 613-4711; or email at during the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Mondays-Thursdays, and 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM on Fridays.
Continued from page 24
Dry Goods continued
5 FEB 2023
This guide will provide a step-by-step on how to register your account:
Go to the Official Belize Tax Service Online Website Belize Tax Services (
On the home page click the “Register for an account” button.
This link will take you to the online registration form.
Start Filling the Following Details:
i. Your first & last name.
ii. Your Date of Birth
Enter your Name and Date of Birth as given on your Social Security Card/Birth Certificate
iii. Your Mobile Number
This will be used for request verification and important communications from Belize Tax Service.
iv. Your Email Address
This email address
When finished, check the read and agree box for the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
1. Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Coast Guard for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.
2. Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary
3. Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.
4. The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Coast Guard will fluctuate as necessary.
5. Tenders should be in sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Coast Guard”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 1130 am.
6. Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.
7. Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.
8. Belize Sales Tax Letter to be submitted.
Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Coast Guard 2 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize FOOD (RATION) TENDERING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 – 24