The McGeown Mailer Volume I Issue V

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The McGeown Mailer

District Governor Luke McGeown Volume I Issue V

Introduction- 3 Kiwanis DCON Recap- 4 US Army- 5 YOF- 6 Dues- 7 To Do List- 8 Important dates- 9

Hello Everyone, Welcome to month six. Yes, you read that correctly. You are not newbies anymore. Goes by fast, doesn’t it? Do not fret. We have plenty left to do, and it’s all fun. School is starting soon. Not really sure how to even pretend to sugarcoat that. At least we have about a week left, so enjoy that! Our priorities right now are making sure clubs are doing well, promoting Fall Rally, and promoting RTCs. Make sure you are always available to them if they need anything, and remember the exec board and I are here whenever you need us.

Yours in caring and service,

Kiwanis District Convention was a blast. I got to put up with Devin all weekend, and got to meet plenty of interesting Kiwanians. For example, past governor Bill Cater went to Dartmouth and played rugby!

For elections, Mr. Anthony Affatati became the District Governor designate (nothing is official until the start of the new Kiwanis Service Year on October 1st). Mrs. Rosemary Oarsley was elected District Governor-Elect designate, and Mr. Gerald “Jerry� Adelsohn was elected District Treasurer designate for his second year. The district project for Kiwanis this year is autism. Mr. Affatati intends to work with us for our district project, as well!

New Jersey Kiwanis has been involved with US Army Recruitment Offices across the state, continuing our strong involvement with our vision partner. At Kiwanis DCON, Sergeant Justin Arrant became a member of the New Jersey District of Kiwanis. You very well may see local recruitment offices getting involved with your Kiwanis club’s projects!

Hopefully by now you all know plenty about the Youth Opportunities Fund. Key Club International has money set aside in an account that accrues interest annually. The interest made every year is used to fund projects which are selected through an application process. Any remaining interest is put back into the fund so a greater amount of interest can be collected next year. The YOF grants range from $200 to $2,000. Typically, the best projects have an established structure and are already in progress; this money is to allow said project to reach a greater potential.

Luckily, Devin Sun served on the YOF committee last year, so we have some expert insight into how everything works. If your clubs have any questions that you don’t know, feel free to ask me or Devin. One of us will know. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS ARE OCTOBER 15TH AT 11:59:59 PM EST

September is the start of dues season! With that in mind, the Membership Update Center opens up on Tuesday, September 6th. Make sure you know how payment for dues works in case any of your clubs ask! Register club information at: • Work with advisor to get club information and enter the Membership Update Center • Update information according to the 2016-2017 service year • According to the information you enter, the MUC will provide an invoice that you can either print and submit with a check, or pay online with credit card. For further instructions, refer to

International: $7.00 District: $6.50 Club: (UP TO) $5 Early bird deadline: November 1st Regular deadline: December 1st

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Remind clubs about CMRFs Contact clubs and set up club visits Promote Fall Rally! Aim to have your Third or fourth DCM scheduled for the Mid-late September or early October • Get remaining club rosters • Follow newsletter schedule • Continue contact with potential charter schools – Reach out again if no response

• Reach out to execs if you need any help • Love life and don’t let school ruin it

September 10th- Bloomfield RTC September 17th- Bridgewater RTC September 25th- Eastern RTC October 9th- Fall Rally December 2nd-4th- Key Leader

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