The McGeown Mailer Volume I Issue III

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The McGeown Mailer

District Governor Luke McGeown Volume I Issue III

Introduction-3 International Convention-3 International Board-15 LeadCon-16 K-Family Picnic-17 To Do list-18 FAQ/ General Help- 19 Important dates- 20

Hello Everyone, I hope those of you who attended had a great time at International Convention, and those who missed it didn’t miss us too much. We had a wonderful time on our tour, and most importantly, Devin Sun was elected our International President! In this issue, you will see plenty of material covering our experience at International Convention, information about the International level, and our plans for the remainder of the summer. My next issue will address everything you need to know about August Board. Yours in caring and service,

Sunday: We got on the bus and arrived at Kings Dominion in Virginia. The rides were outstanding. We also found amazing funnel cake. My favorite part turned out to be the Eiffel Tower in the middle of the park. At the top, we got to see a massive swath of just trees, something that you never see in Jersey. It was actually pretty beautiful.

Monday: We rode on the bus again, and stopped at Cookout. Cheerwine, hush puppies, and spicy fried chicken should speak for itself. Once we got to Atlanta, we checked in to the hotel, saw some rain, and some lovely fireworks. This was the day I realized how hot it was going to be.

Tuesday: Today we got to see the Civil Rights museum and Stone Mountain, the world’s largest bas relief. It was magnificent. I got lost, but still enjoyed myself. The laser show was fantastic.

Tuesday: Today we got to see the Civil Rights museum and Stone Mountain, the world’s largest bas relief. It was magnificent. I got lost, but still enjoyed myself. The laser show was fantastic. And, of course, we got to experience the wonders of Steak and Shake. Chase, Kenny, Rohan, Josh and I also got to purchase bread and water for the district tour! It was actually a pretty cool adventure. I had never gone shopping for food without my mother before.

Wednesday: Today we got to see the World of Coke, and drank a lot of soda. Feel free to look up Beverly. Other than that, there were cool attractions and historical Coke memorabilia. We then ate in the CNN food court. I had my first experience with Chick Fil-A. Some of us had to go back for a quick opening session rehearsal, then I went back for the aquarium. Ask Hannah and Hayley about the whale sharks. They were magnificent. This is also when I got to wear the tomato costume. It was one of the greatest experiences of my lives.

Thursday: This morning, all candidates and the International Council had breakfast together to discuss plans for the convention. We then had the general session, where we got to see Ben from The Buried Life speak. Workshops were also quite enjoyable. I got to meet Ms. Jane Erickson, the Kiwanis International President, and Seth Maxwell, the CEO of the Thirst Project. For the large group activity, we got to play Simon Says and a game where you get a card that has interactions that you do with others. It is somewhat difficult to explain without you being there. We will do it for board bonding one time.

Friday: Today was caucusing, where we got to see all of the candidates and decide the best for moving on to the next round of voting at the House of Delegates. We also went to the Recognition Session, where Bobbie won distinguished treasurer, Josie won distinguished governor, and our lieutenant governors officially got RFL recognition! Francesca Brown sang and made just about everyone cry. We also got to see Adam Trent, a famous magician.

Saturday: That morning, Meghan, Ciara, and I attended the Nomination Conference. We had our final workshop and then attended House of Delegates, where we found out about Devin’s victory and voted for the entire International Board. All amendments were rescinded except for amendment four, regarding overlapping districts. The vote ended up being a strong majority nay.

Sunday: We left the hotel by 5:00 AM and got home by 7:00 PM. I got Chipotle. Others got McDonalds. We watched Shrek 2, and slept. There was a lot of sleeping. There were also many tough goodbyes.

Stone Mountain

Wall of civil rights legislation


KS governor- left LMT governor- right

President Devin Sun (NJ) Vice President Mary Grace Lewis (CNH) Trustees Jessica Bae (Pacific Northwest) Audrey Dilgarde (Rocky Mountain) Tiffany Hang (New York) Kino-Paul Hurylington (Jamaica) Nicole Montana (New England&Bermuda) Shinbee Park (Capital) Jojo Saunders (Pacific Northwest) Jeongseok (Daniel) Suh (New York) Drew Valenti (Florida) Clifford Young (New York) William Zhang (Eastern Canad)

From July 19th-21st, I will be in Indianapolis, Indiana with the district governors and the International Board. Here I will meet with our officially appointed trustee for the first time, establish connections with our International Board, and learn more about being a leader.

The Kiwanis Family Picnic is an event hosted annually by New Jersey Circle K. All levels of the Kiwanis Family are there. It is a great event, and I highly encourage you all to attend. It is on Sunday, July 24th at100 Green Island Road, Toms River from 10:30am-4:00pm. The entry cost is $10, and children under 11 are free. Continue promoting this to your division!

Following my discussion with all of you, I will send an email to each of you specifically outlining what is to be done. Refer to that for what you need to do.

Who do I send my LTGMRF to now that Kacie is gone? Don’t worry about sending it to your International Trustee for this month. We will find out who our IT is next week, and I will forward it to him/her when we get in touch. What should I do for my divisional event? The District Project Steering committee has a bunch of great ideas for you to work with. Reach out to Hayley or Ciara if you would like help. Also, never be afraid to speak to your division for ideas. Start planning now. Some ideas for divisional events will work for fall and summer but not in winter. TALK TO NEIGHBORING LTGs!!!!!! How do I get people to attend a summer DCM? I suggest asking everybody for days they are not available over a certain time period. After that, pick the day with the greatest number of people available. This can do wonders for achieving quorum.

July 24th- Kiwanis Family Picnic August 13th- August Board Meeting August 20th- Kiwanis DCON Lunch September 10th- Bloomfield RTC September 17th- Bridgewater RTC September 25th- Eastern RTC October 9th- Fall Rally

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