Fairy Tales Dept. Store

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Fairy Tales Dept. Store

Down the Rabbit Hole / Spatial Journey of Self-Projection


“Fairy tales” are the reading material of everyone’s childhood. We learned and explored in those stories. As the simplest and purest expressions of the collective unconscious (Marie-Louise Von Franz), everyone in modern society is playing the role that has long since ended. As the “archetype” of story, simply tells us that life is such a cliché!

Then, why are fairy tales so important to human beings and how can I react in the architectural spaces?

Instructor: Sheng-Ming,Wu


TKUA Thesis Design

跳進兔子洞 / 自我投射的空間之旅
2 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store


When I was a child, I couldn’t wait to grow up.But when I grew up, I realized that the simple “happiness and joy” of my childhood did not come easily.Nowadays, we pursue the “meaning” and “benefit” of things. We used to quantify our happiness in terms of value, forgetting that the spiritual satisfaction of our childhood came only from many “insignificant experiences”. So I’m wondering: How can space achieve this kind of satisfaction?

長大後,才發現兒時單純的「幸福快樂」來之不易。現 今,我們追求事物的「意義」與「效益」,付出能帶給我 們多少附加價值。我們的快樂開始被價值量化,卻忘了兒 時的心靈滿足,僅僅來自於一次又一次「微不足道」的體 驗。究竟空間要如何才能達成本質上的滿足?

Back to our daily, some said: “Each person’s life is a great literature, pure & repetitive, just like a fairy tale”. Always in trouble, and solve it, then live happily ever after. Fairy tales are such a cliché, so do our life. According to Jungianism,fairy tales are the collection of human mind’s journey,and everyone in modern society is playing the role that has long since ended.

童話作為人類心靈歷程的集合,現代社會的每個人都在飾 演早就完結的腳本。故事始於困境,角色克服萬難,當童 話著重在美好結局的當前,若我們多留意萬物都有感知的 本身,用最初的方式形塑我們所認識的世界,從試驗中奪 回體驗生活的主權,是否可以進而拾回被遺忘的初心?
」 “ Have you ever stopped in the hustle and bustle of the morning, just to chase a ray of sunshine? ”
3 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

Down the Rabbit Hole ... Dilemma

Today, we used to give space program and purpose, try to make it functional and commercial.But ignoring the essential satisfaction that space itself can bring to people, which is to discover the tiny little experiences around life.Therefore, my design attempts to create those “insignificant experiences” in architecture by interpretation of fairy tales.

今日,我們習慣賦予空間應有的機能及用途,意圖讓空 間功能化、商業化,卻忽略了空間本身能帶給人本質上的滿 足,是發現生活周遭細微的感知體驗以及心靈層面的實際用 途。因此,本設計試圖從現代性城市的困境出發,運用童話 萬物都有感知的本身,在建築中發現一次又一次微不足道的 體驗。

4 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

Site. Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

基地位在台北東區,極其平凡的商業地帶,車陣 呼嘯而過,人們則繁忙地穿梭在忠孝復興和忠孝敦 化,流連於百貨殿堂與水泥叢林間。古溪流、樹林 帶,成為了百貨商場的背景,我開始思考如何將童話 切片及轉譯,並透過基地既有的自然元素,創造屬於 這個城市中給大人們的兔子洞呢?
The site is located in the eastern district. of Taipei, an ordinary commercial zone.People rush through Zhongxiao Fuxing and Zhongxiao Dunhua. Under the shopping paradise(Dept.Store)& the concrete jungle,the old stream and trees become the background here. Then,how to interpret fairy stories and create a “Rabbit Hole” for adults in the city through the existing natural elements ? 5

Fairytales’ Anatomy & Interpretation.

I read lots of fairy tales, including Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and other famous fairy stories .Selected *six of those to anatomize. Through analysis I found that, the most important feature of fairy tales comes from “self-projection”. Without the limitation of time, space, and history. We can easily project ourselves into the journey.

我閱讀了很多童話,包括格林、安徒生……等世界著名童話,選擇了其中 * 六個故事深度剖析。透過分析我 發現,童話中最重要的特點就是「自我投射」。沒有了時空、歷史背景的限制,我們能很輕易地將自我投射進 入故事之中。
6 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
*Six story: <Five peas>/ <Thumbelina>/ <Jack and the beanstalk >/ < Pinocchio>/< The silver coin>/ < The story of wind> * 六個故事: 《五個豌豆》/《拇指姑娘》/《傑克與魔豆》/《小木偶奇遇記》/《一枚銀豪》/《風所講的關于瓦爾德瑪多伊和他的女兒們的事》 7 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store


After that, I interpreted those stories into space experiences by *natural elements and grouped them together. Dept. store is a great complex, while “Fairy tales Dept. Store” is a collection of self-projection into the experiences through the interpretation of fairy tales. When the space is free from function and meaning, each space returns to the experience, the function becomes a “verb”, not a “ pronoun” . Through the self-projection, everyone in this journey becomes the character of the fairy tales. I think fairy tales have such romantic and ethereal qualities.

* Natural elements:Light / Sound / Temp. / Green 「百貨」,是一個綜合體,「童話百貨」則是透過對童話的剖析詮釋,將自我投射進入展開體驗的空間集合。當空間抽離了機能、 意義,讓每個空間回歸體驗本身,機能變成了「動詞」,不再是功能化、商業化的「代名詞」,同時我將每一個探索空間的人物想像成 童話故事的主人翁,建築開始有了溫度。 A 8 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

Light: Pea’s Bookstore+Thumbelina’s Gallery/ Hans Christian Andersen’s “Five Peas” depicts the process of ripening peas, and the subtle changes in light are felt through the slit, as the pods slowly open and the sunlight flickers out. I imagine that everyone who enters the bookstore is like a “pea” in the pod, beginning to experience the journey of light. In “Thumbelina”, I followed the gopher through the underground, and in this gallery, what kind of sky will be seen in that experience?

Temp.:Pinocchio’s Pool+Coin’s Pond/ When the puppet falls into the whale’s belly in “Pinocchio”, a ray of light in the darkness and humidity, everything in the fairy tale has temperature and perception.The adventure of “A Silver Coin” coin, feel the subtle temperature changes, and become a coin in the pool!

光:豌豆書店+拇指藝廊/安徒生《五個豌豆》,描寫豌豆漸漸成熟的過程,透過狹縫感受到細微 的光線變化,隨著緩緩打開的豆莢,微微開展的陽光。我想像每個進入書店的人們都像是莢中 的一顆「豆子」,開始體驗光的旅程。在《拇指姑娘》跟著地鼠穿梭在地下,在這藝廊中,那 樣的體驗會看到怎樣的天空?
溫度:木偶池塘+銀幣水池/《小木偶奇遇記》中當木偶掉進鯨魚肚 子,黑暗潮濕中一縷光芒,在童話中一切有了溫度與感知,《一枚銀 幣》錢幣的歷險,感受到細微的溫度變化,在體驗池中變成一枚錢幣 吧! B A B 9 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
C 10 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

Green.Sound:Jack’s Green Gallery+Wind’s Cafe/ “Jack and the Beanstalk” steals happiness by climbing the magic tree. I imagine that people who come here project themselves as Jack, what can they steal by climbing in the woods? The wind blows through a wheat field, cracks and holes in the wall, and the open gates of the city. Is it true that when we close our eyes and listen to the sound we can know the contours and shapes of our surroundings?

綠、聲音:傑克綠廊+風咖啡所/《傑克與魔 豆》透過攀爬在魔樹竊取幸福,我想像來到這 裡的人們將自我投射成傑克,透過攀爬能偷走 什麼?《風所講的故事》以風的視角講述城市 發生的故事,風刮過一片麥田,牆上的裂縫、 風孔,吹過敞開的城門,是不是當我們閉上雙 眼,聆聽聲音就能知道周遭的輪廓跟形狀? C 11 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store


In this journey,

You are both a “ pea ” and “ Thumbelina ” in Hans Christian Andersen’s writing. When you arrive at the other side of the street, you turn into “ Jack ”, who climbs on the magic bean. Suddenly you fall into the belly of a whale like “ Pinocchio ”. And a silver “ coin ” to feel the warmth and cold. Finally you transform into the “ wind ” in the woods.

在這趟旅程中 , 你既是一顆0.5公分的豌豆,也是跟拇指一樣大的姑娘。到了對街, 搖身一變成了攀爬在魔豆上的傑克。突然之間又像是掉進鯨魚肚子裡 的小木偶,變成一枚銀幣去感受冷暖,最後成為了穿梭在樹林和車陣 中的風。
12 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

project ourselves into this journey, each experience without seeking meaning. Simply explore and discover the tiny little moments. Through continuous repetition in my design, we can easily find childhood innocence and happiness in those insignificant experiences.

正如我們將自身帶入童話,每個不求意義的體驗、探索,去發現童話 百貨裡微小的瞬間。 「歡迎光臨 ,童話百貨 。」 Find Your Initial Heart 13 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
Thank you and Welcome to Fairy Tales Dept.Store. Fairy Tales Dept. Store is to find such an initial heart.
14 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
T h u m b e l i n a ’ s
15 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
16 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
17 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
the Beanstalk Green Gallery

P i n o c c h i o ’ s P o o l + C o i n’ s P o n d

18 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store
W i n d ’ s C a f é 19 Philosophy / Fairy Tales Dept. Store

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