Watches, jewelry, fashion & accessories THE LATEST
春夏&伯爵 亮相第35屆⾹ 港電影⾦像獎
JESSIE LI Piaget 35th
HongKong Film Awards
旅遊 時尚 ⽂化
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1 ithout a doubt travel is an enriching experience. To see
and do the unusual, to go outside your comfort zone and <ind that you had the best time of your life, that ’s what travel is about. Each destination we feature offers a variety in culture, premium shopping, wonderful sights and sports.
Hear unknown sounds, smell the sea, the trees and the aroma of <lowers, taste the cuisine and drink the local wines and spirits. Admire and cherish the customs and environment and become surprised by its diversity.
Responsible tourism ensures that next generations can live those same experiences and moments that you have. What we so much look for today is luxury, the luxury of sitting back sipping a good glass of wine, enjoying a sunset, tranquility, harmony and balance in nature and man.
4 3
My fantasy trip would be some time out in Mykonos at the Bill & Coo Coast Suite €2.000 p.n.
2 Marbella Buffet at Sea Grill 77€ p.p. Puente Romano Beach Resort & Spa 3 SANTORINI Soho Soho World’s best fashion brands 4 Athens www.sophiakokosalaki 5 Santorini The King of Wines @Hatzidakis 16€ 6 BARCELONA
W Spectacular Suite 290€ p.n.
P.S. to read your digital edition, luxelifemagazine or scan the QR code with your mobile
The Art of living… Villa Magna is more luxurious than ever and is the perfect address for guests who require exclusive access to the city’s historic sites, museums and best shopping district. The Hotel has 150 spacious rooms and suites which are beautifully appointed, combining old world charm and modern elegance. Features four gastronomic spaces with different styles of cuisine all day long. Superb service and facilities include 24-hour Clefs D’or Concierge, fitness and wellness center, and much more. Three Insignia Suites of which two are roof-top Suites with dazzling views over Madrid and 82 connecting rooms, ideal for welcoming families.
LUXE LIFE ACCESSORIES12 Коллекция MCM SS16 отражает немецкую ремесленническую суть бренда Гибкие конструкции из кожи с ручной отделкой, декорированны металлом и матовой глазурью.
Ожидаются негабаритные формы, исполненных в смелых цветовых блоках и украшенных сверкаимющи
мотивами и монограммой The MCM SS16 collection reflects the German
artisanship of the brand
Supple leather designs are hand-finished with decorative METALLICS and
MATTE glazes Expect oversized shapes in BOLD block COLOURS adorned with gleaming MOTIFS and MONOGRAM accents
3 5
Hotel Arts Barcelona 4 2
1 Marni 2 Brunello Cucinelli Women Collection 3 Rochas 4 Bottega Veneta 5 Savelli 6 Aquazzura 7 Brunello Cucinelli Men Collection
QUALITY signature
handbags for every occasion
on sale at LINEA PIU boutiques of Athens and Mykonos
on sale in Barcelona and Athens
MCM SS16系列體現了品牌的德國⼿⼯藝。 柔軟的⽪⾰設計由⼿⼯完成,並且附有⾦ 屬裝飾,著上啞光釉。理想的oversize包 型,⼤膽的⾊塊使⽤和發光飾物以及品牌 獨有的monogram壹覽無遺。
Kate Bosworth
wearing MCM SS16 Berlin Bag in Los Angeles HQ
A medley of COLOURS materials and STYLES
1 Guess 2 Chanel Espadrilles 1
on sale at LINEA PIU Athens and Mykonos
3 FOR HIM Ferragamo 4 Aquazzura 5 Rochas 3
5 4
LINEA PIU精品 始建於1986年在雅典 和 由於專屬的夥伴關系,建⽴了作為優雅的最終⺫的地。 LINEA PIU 精品 在希臘提交的集合中Karl Lagerfeld 和 John Galliano,稍晚壹點,其次是房⼦CHANEL,優雅的終極象征和歷史悠久的房⼦Dior的⻑期獨家合作關系。此後,LINEA PIU已 經代表許多著名廠商如Azzedine Alaia, Azzaro, Cher Michel Klein, Herve Leger, Alexis Mabile, Anna Molinari, Thierry Mugler, Paco Rabanne, Sonia Rykiel 和Sophia Kokosalaki。 鳳頭CHANEL的房⼦,⽽且還與 Tom Ford, Blumarine 和 Christopher Kane的傑出品牌, 現在精品婦⼥的奢侈品市場的主要代表之壹。 很好地訓練有素的員⼯為客 ⼾提供服務,即使是最⼩的細節後, after sales services的銷售到,所有集合 prêt-à-porter 和配件。 LINEA PIU 精品給VIP客⼾的能⼒員⼯會議上的精品,無論是在 酒店,無論在精品如 果妳們要求。 傑出房屋托管和卓越的服務,承諾壹個獨特的,與眾不同的購物體驗 在雅典和⽶科諾斯 的LINEA PIU 精品。
CHANEL Desigual Antonio Berardi MCM Guess DIESEL
Louis Vuitton Aguazzura Marni
DELPHINE Elie Saab mourjjan ROCHAS Ferragamo HOGAN Wolford
CHANEL Spring collection Crystal
hairband jewelry
shield sunglasses MULTICOLOUR pullover and PANTS
On sale at Linea Più Athens and Mykonos
ATHENS: Kolonaki Sq, Kanari 20, T: +30 210 36 32 353 · GOLDEN HALL: 1st floor T: +30 210 68 55 218 · KIFISIA: Kolokotroni 1, T: +30 210 80 16 340
Nicolas Ghesquière為路易威登
Louis Vuitton 設計2016
春夏系列靈感源⾃電腦遊戲中的⼥ 英雄和設計師對科幻的愛好。 在這季時裝中路易 威登給模特裝備上 ⽪⾰⼿套,整體的 都市感和摩登氣息, 絕對的與眾不同。 男性化氣質的⽪⾰ ⾺甲,⼯裝服和慵 懶的背⼼。⾺甲是 16年春夏的主⾓之 壹,在這個系列中 ⾺甲被套在連⾐裙、 短t恤以及愛德華 時期⾵格的褶邊襯 衫。顏⾊組合為⿊ ⽩和灰,還有鮮紅 和泡泡糖粉⾊。鞋 款是其標誌的樂福 鞋,⽜仔踝靴。就 像許多16年春夏的 時裝秀壹樣,將無 處可去,停留多時。
模特Jing Wen - Look 01 ⼿⼯印染路易威 登Monogram⽼花以 及條紋的夾克,這件 雙⾊⾧款⽪夾克創造 出壹種⾃信的輪廓和 壹絲⼥性氣質,和本 季的⼥英雄主題相吻 合。腰間的⽪帶為整 個造型增添了幾分硬 朗。拼⾊百慕⼤短褲 采⽤絲質和黏膠,硬 朗中也⼗分輕盈,具 有圖畫的結構感。膝 蓋部有拉鏈裝飾,在 腰部也靠拉鏈收緊, 同時搭配有⽜⽪⽪帶。 蟒蛇紋系帶短靴(蟒 蛇⽪版本), Monogram⽼花系帶 帆布鞋(漆⽪版本)。
Look 1 Монограмма ручной работы, нашивки, длинное пальто из телячьей кожи - все это создает уверенный женский стиль, в соответствии с темой этого сезона "Super Hero", а пояс полностью соответствует и подчеркивает образ. Под пальто можно наблюдать одну из фишек коллекции разноцветные шорты бермуды из шелка и вискозы. Они украшены молниями на коленях и закреплены на поясе застежкой-молнией и ремешком из телячьей кожи. Заключают этот образ туфли на каблуке с монограммой на шнурках.
Nicolas Ghesquière’s Louis Vuitton
Look 1 photo courtesy of Louis Vuitton
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Sanlorenzo UK & Spain 23 Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London W1J 6HE (United Kingdom) Tel.+44 (0)20 7769 6883 - - Muelle Benabola, Casa D Portal 3, Puerto Banus, Marbella, 29660 Malaga (Spain) Tel. (+34) 952 81.57.33 - -
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Выбрать Sanlorenzo – значит отдать предпочтение элегантности, дизайну и тому удовольствию, которое приносит обладание поистине эксклюзивной вещью. Более полувека Sanlorenzo производит суда по индивидуальному заказу, каждое из которых приходится своему владельцу впору точно так же, как хорошо сшитый костюм.
Яхты Sanlorenzo построены в соответствии с высочайшими стандартами качества, потому что они сделаны людьми, которые непрестанно стремятся к лучшему даже в мельчайших деталях. Традиции ручной сборки, передаваемые из поколения в поколение, и индивидуальный подход к каждому заказу гарантируют: никакая другая яхта никогда не сравнится с Sanlorenzo.
The Things
Printed jump suit, hat and accessories from Chanel's Spring 2016 collection
we Love
Delphine DELAFON
Antonio Berardi
For Him
巴黎時裝周 巴黎是喧鬧的。 城市充斥著最荒誕的 ⾊彩交織的時裝精們。 亢奮和反抗在野性的紫發中升溫,彩虹般 ⾊彩絢麗的oversize⼤⾐匆匆過路。⽪草和 奢華的帽⼦占領整個街道,同時和 classic 的簡約⿊⾊和灰⾊的巴黎經典形成強烈的 反差 巴黎是⽣機蓬勃的,2016/2017秋冬時裝周 和四個時裝周是壹年中來巴黎的最好時間。 在這樣壹個仿佛⾺戲團所有⾓⾊住進城市 的時裝周,在咖啡廳中坐滿了最前沿的⾝ 著最新時裝系列的時尚達⼈。⼈⼈都在討 論他們參加的時裝秀和即將參加的party。 Saint-Honoré ⼤街是最好的觀察到底誰來 了的地⽅,他們⼤多出⼊於Colette,最時 尚的精品店,餐廳以及概念店。在這裏妳 會看到那些重要的⼈物。在聖⽇爾曼德佩 區Saint-Germain-des-Prés,神秘的花神 咖啡Café de Flore是捕捉那些模特、演 員、設計師和造型師的好地⽅,從早餐到 晚餐⾏流不⽌。Charlotte Rampling,橫 跨英法兩地的美麗的⼥演員,總是在那裏 和演員夥伴們共進午餐。
坐落在Rivoli ⼤街的Le Meurice酒店也是眾多名⼈在 時裝周期間的聚集地,這是在前往杜樂麗花園 Tuileries Garden的時裝秀之前享⽤下午茶的絕妙場 所。這是3⽉5⽇的周六下午,我正在為Elie Saab的 秋冬⼤秀做準備。Elie Saab是我多年以來最愛的設計 師之壹,我在他Montaigne的Showroom⾒過他,那 時我是紐約第五⼤道Saks的買⼿。Elie富有魅⼒,極 其專註於提升和美化他的設計中的⼥性氣質,使得穿 上他的設計的⼥性更富魅⼒。我從George V ⼤道的 他的新店鋪⾛過,看到粉⾊櫥窗中的藍⾊蕾絲禮服, 再次對Elie的新系列興奮不已。在時裝秀之前,我像 往常壹樣在花神咖啡和幾個朋友相聚。環顧四周觀察
那些有意思的打扮⾃然是趣味無窮的,⽽ 對話總是圍繞著之後的⼤秀以及晚上的 party。從花神咖啡出來,我穿過Pont des Arts藝術橋,幸運的是雖然仍然很冷但是沒 有在下雪。我在 Rivoli Arcade 下⾛向 Le Meurice酒店。酒店⼤廳裏正在進⾏拍攝, Vogue ⽇本和 W Magazine 的意⼤利編輯 Giovanna Battaglia永遠保持完美的狀態, 驚艷的模特Magdalena Frackowiak⾛進時 吸引了每個⼈的⺫光,帶有異域⾵情的她 近乎兩⽶,擁有貓的曼妙⾝段正在為幾⼩ 時之後的Elie Saab⼤秀做準備。年輕的美 國模特Taylor Hill從壹個秀場出來,還帶著妝 容,開始準備下壹場⾛秀!壹些美國記者 和編輯坐在我⾝邊,對⾯的俄羅斯⼥⼠們 ⾝著華麗的⽪草和深⾊墨鏡,無懈可擊。 我享⽤著我的茶,⾯對壹排甜⻝和巧克⼒, 選擇僅僅欣賞⽽不觸碰。就快到下午3點了, 我在⼤⾐、夾克、圍⼱和⽪草帽⼦的層層 包裹中⾛向Place de la Concorde協和廣 場,向Tuileries Garden杜樂麗花園的⼤⾨⾛ 去。⾨⼝已經聚集了壹⼤群⼈,遊客、狗 仔和路⼈,都對著“It Girls”拍照,模特和 名⼈聚集於此準備壹會進⼊秀場。每個⼈ 都在⾨⼝徘徊以確保她們在鏡頭和眼球之 前,⾝著Elie Saab設計的她們全⾝打扮都 ⼗分考究。在如此特別的場合,進⼊棚內 之後⼤約需要半⼩時時間安排所有來賓就 坐。黎巴嫩富豪和Saab的沙特阿拉伯客⼾ 正在和Elie Saab的⻑⼦合影。另壹邊Olivia Palermo 和美國模特 Arizona Muse 也在拍 照。Kris Jenner,Kendall的媽媽吸引了不少 不光,Kendall是當晚主⾓之壹。
場地越來越擁擠,燈光暗下 之後,⼤家都坐定。舞臺燈 光亮起。⾳樂響起,丹⿆另 類獨⽴歌⼿MØ為⼤秀表演。 第壹位模特開始⾛出, Kendall Jenner穿著花朵紮染 ⻑裙、⿊⾊⽪⾐和⿊⾊ chocker成為了焦點之壹。德 國超模Toni Garrn,同時也是 Elie Saab 的⾹⽔形象代⾔, 其中壹套⾝著⿊⾊蕾絲⻑衫, 褲⼦和⾦⾊⽪帶。另壹套她 穿著彩⾊波爾卡圓點薄綢⻑ 裙,和斜挎⿊⾊⽪包。其他 模特踩著過膝靴、飄逸的紅
短裙,搭配⿊⾊帽⼦和⿊⾊ 流蘇⽪披肩。還有壹些背著 ⽪背包,⾝穿蕾絲外套和蕾 絲短上⾐,更搭配了蕾絲束 腳褲。 這位黎巴嫩設計師毫無疑問 改變了他以往的⾵格,些許 的叛逆和哥特朋克的元素。 這個系列與以往截然不同, ⾵格⼤膽,美國⻄部“⽜仔 ⼥孩”的形象出現在幾個造 型中,飄逸⻑裙和⽪⾰和絲 絨流蘇夾克,包,靴⼦和帽 ⼦。有評論說哥特/浪漫主 義代表Elie Saab的新階段。 另壹位受推崇的黎巴嫩設計 師Zuhair Murad將引領“浪漫
晚禮服”的潮流,他的作品 也不能錯過 我個⼈最喜愛的 looks ,也是 我認為這季叫⾮常流⾏的, 是流蘇靴、⽪夾克和優雅的 雪紡⻑裙及晚禮服,這是Elie Saab 完全新鮮的童話般的設 計。時裝周結束了,巴黎回 到了往常的⿊灰⾊調,直到6 ⽉的下個時裝周,那些⾺戲 般的⾊彩和打破⽇常的⾵格 才會再次回到這座光影之城。 這是巴黎最好的時光!
我在西班⽛的⾺爾⾙拉 Marbella出⽣⾧⼤,之後 與母親在美國住了將近 ⼗年,期間經歷了不太 愉快的美國⾼中⽣活。 由於不喜歡這樣的經歷, 我提早參加考試結束了 學習並在17歲搬到巴黎, 開始了在巴黎的美國⼤ 學⽣活。那是我最美好 的時光。我學習了國際 傳播,主攻歷史、時尚 和市場營銷⽅向。我在 巴黎的Place Vendôme 的Boucheron寶詩⿓的 媒體部⾨⼯作了8年。 之後我加⼊了Corto Moltedo媒體和市場部。 Corto是Bottega Veneta創 始⼈之⼦。後來,我到 了Mint Merchandising International的歐洲總部 ⼯作,成為紐約第五⼤ 道Sacks百貨和其他⼤型 百貨的國際買⼿,負責 買⼿部⾨的美國部分。 在那段時期我開始在業 余時間設計我⾃⼰的珠 寶系列,這也是我從⼩ 就熱衷的。我在線上以 及西班⽛Sotogrande的壹 家精致的商店Meridiana 銷售我設計的珠寶。我 搬回了西班⽛,這樣能 夠和家⼈更佳親近。現 在我在Marbella Club酒店
的壹家巴黎畫廊⼯作。 我在巴黎就認識了
Moretti & Moretti畫廊, 於是當他們在⾺爾⾙拉 開新畫廊的時候,就是 我加⼊他們的極佳契機。 我也同時為Puente Romano海濱度假酒店和 Marbella Club酒店做PR 的⼯作。巴黎時裝周期 間我往返巴黎,不錯過 巴黎最好的時候! 關註我的 Instagram: Refined by kenza Facebook Kenza Eyzaguirre Fine Jewellery
希腊 如果有⼈ 问:在欧洲的历史长河中,哪⼀ 座城市是最重要的?有⼀半⼈会 回答雅典。原因很简单,没有有 ⼏个城市能像雅典⼀样,在塑造 ⼈类历史和⼈类⽂化做如此⼤的 贡献。⾃伯⾥克利的黄⾦时代以 来,雅典被认为是希腊⽂明的摇 篮,它的⽂化影响了整个⼈类。 是什么吸引游客去雅典? 雅典城 市甚⾄是博物馆展览都没有忘记 与现代⽣活接轨!如今的雅典是 现代的地中海城市,可以给居民 和游客提供许多东西。然⽽,希 腊的⾸都并不只提供⽂化娱乐。 在这⾥,娱乐和购物是是同等重 要的活动,有各种各样令你印象
深刻的商店,你⼀定会在其中找 到你喜欢的,⾼级设计师商品、 精美的⾸饰,上好的古董和⾼质 量的⽪⾰制品。 与雅典⼀样的 还有塞萨洛尼基,由于中世纪 遗留的艺术和建筑财富, 塞萨洛尼基以拜占庭城 市出名。由于其理想 的地理位置,塞萨 洛尼基城市快速度 发展和增,并成 为马其顿国家的 ⾸都。 希腊的 1400个岛屿⼤ 多分散在爱 琴海和爱奥 尼亚海,接 壤希腊⼤ 陆和克⾥ 特岛。克⾥ 特岛是希腊最⼤和 最南⽅的岛屿。这些岛屿 是欧洲最⼤的客运车辆⽹ 络和货运渡轮的家,这些 车辆和渡轮把岛上居住的 ⼈们紧密链接起来。
雅典购物攻略也许 欧洲最古⽼城市的最⼤好 处是,⼏步路就能完成你 最想做的事情。汽车早已 被禁⽌,⽽且在雅典城市 中,很多街道是⼈⾏道, 这意味着这个城市最快和 最好的⽅式是步⾏。 在雅 典宪法⼴场旁边是尔姆街 道,这个街道可以通往雅典的购 物中⼼。是购物开始的地⽅。在 1.5公⾥处,附近有段长的街道, 但⼤多是步⾏街,有咖啡馆和休 息的地⽅。在主要街道上,你会 发现⼀些知名品牌,如:丝芙兰、
美丽的公共公园。察卡洛托斯街 道和宪法街道是雅典最著名的 零售地⽅,在这⾥你会遇到 由古奇制造地顶级质量的 产品,如:迪奥, Zadig & Voltaire和拉夫• 劳伦。然⽽,许 多相邻的街 道也有⾼端 Brunello 商店和值得探 Cucinelli 索的地⽅,特别 是索隆斯街和艾克德 ⽶亚斯街。如果你要 寻找珠宝,宪法街是个 好去处,在这⾥可以 找到当地黄⾦和银匠, 他们可以给你提供精 美⼿⼯制作的碎⽚。 在柯洛纳基地区,你会 发现线更豪华多品牌 店和在希腊的⾹奈⼉ 独家分销商Linea Più。
Hondos购物中⼼和玛莎百货中 ⼼。当你漫步时,你可以寻找芙 丽芙丽Folli Follie,在这⾥你可 以挑选时尚的⼿表、珠宝⾸饰珠 宝、披肩、⽪包 和配件。从尔
Mykonos Collection Georgios & Co MYKONOS
姆街道延展出来的街道也值得探 索,因为他们⼤多与当地的交易 有关系,销售⼀些淡⽔珍珠和便 宜的半宝⽯。如果想买奢侈品牌, 你可以前往雅典科隆纳其⼴场, 它靠近国家花园,⼀个15.5公顷的
Chanel Linea Pìu
Текст и фотографии Kenza Carlson Eyzaguirre
дни Недели моды город наполнен звуками, красками и эмоциями, собравшихся здесь почитателей моды, не привыкших ограничивать себя условностями, когда речь идет о моде, стиле и красоте. Парижская неделя моды особенная, она наполнена встречами с представителями модной индустрии, повсюду мелькают необычные формы причесок и цвета волос, умопомрачительные формы и цвета пальто, меха и шляпы, создающие на улице настроение ярмарки, в отличие от ежедневной, графической простоты, присущей парижанкам. Париж живет! Его Неделя моды сезона осень / зима 2016/2017 - самое лучшее время, для того чтобы провести в Париже невероятных 4 модных недели года. Кафе заполнены, модницы демонстрируют вещи из самых последних коллекций. Каждый обсуждает показы мод и вечеринки, которые он смог посетить. Улица Rue Saint-Honoré является одним из лучших мест, где можно увидеть всех приверженцев моды. Особым и частопосещаемым местом остается знаменитый фешенебельный бутик Colette. В Café de Flore, расположенном в квартале SaintGermain-des-Prés, всегда можно встретить знаменитостей: топ-моделей, актеров, дизайнеров и стилистов, например, великолепную англофранцузскую актрису Шарлотту Рэмплинг (Charlotte Rampling), котороя ежедневно обедает там в компании своих коллег. Многие знаменитости останавливаются в Hotel Le Meurice, расположенном на Rue de Rivoli, в самом центре Парижа. Это великолепное место для того, чтобы
Неделя моды в Париже в ы п и т ь ч а ш е ч к у ч а я п р е ж д е ч е м отправиться на просмотр показа мод в прекрасном Саду Тюрильи (Tuileries Garden). Итак, сегодня 5 марта, вечер субботы и я готовлюсь к просмотру Elie S a a b F a l l / W i n t e r F a s h i o n s h o w. Elie Saab остается одним из самых моих любимых дизайнеров в течение многих лет. Мы познакомились с ним в его Avenue Montaigne Showroom, в то время, когда я работал для Saks Fifth Avenue в Нью-Йорке. В своих коллекциях Elie Saab старается подчеркивать женственность, стремиться к тому, чтобы для тех кто носит его одежду она была украшением. Я всегда с невероятным предвкушением жду новую коллекцию Elie, когда прохожу мимо его нового бутика на Avenue George V, с прекрасными розовыми витринами и синими кружевными платьями. Перед началом показа мод, я как обычно встречаюсь с друзьями в кафе Café de Flore, весьма интересно, рассматривать соседние столы и сидящих за ними людей и слушать разговоры о предстоящих модных показах и вечеринках этого вечера. Выйдя из кафе я пересекаю мост Pont des Arts, к счастью нет снегопада, однако ощущается ледяной холод. Далее я следую по Rivoli Arcade в сторону отеля Le Meurice. В холле отеля идет фотосессия с всегда безупречным итальянским редактором японского Vogue и W Magazine Джованной Батталья (Giovanna Battaglia). Потрясающая модель Магдалена Фронцковяк (Magdalena Frackowiak) прогуливается, захватив внимание каждого, высотой почти 2 метра и экзотической красотой своих к о ш а ч ь и х г л а з. О н а г о т о в и т с я к выступлению на показе Elie Saab, который состоится через пару часов. Тейлор Хилл (Taylor Hill ) юная американская модель
Париж гудит! только что вернулась с показа в полном макияже и уже готовится к следующему! Рядом со мной сидят американские журналисты и редакторы изданий, а напротив расположились безупречно одетые российские дамы в мехах и солнцезащитных очках. Обозревая моделей,можно пить чай с множеством сладостей и конфет, но некоторые предпочитает не замечать угощенье. Почти 3 вечера я, кутаясь в свои пальто, куртку, шарф и меховую шапку, нахожусь на Площади Согласия (Place de la Concorde) у главного входа в Сад Тюильри (Tuileries Garden). Огромная толпа уже собралась у входа: туристы, папарацци и прохожие фоторгафирующие, моделей и знаменитостей, прежде чем они попадают в большой павильон, где будет проходить шоу. Каждый задерживается у входа, чтобы убедиться, что его увидели, сфотографировали, и оценили представляемые ими модели одежды из коллекций Elie Saab. Требуется еще около получаса для рассадки гостей, поскольку это особое светское мероприятие. Богатые ливанские и саудовские клиенты мистера Saab позируют для фотографов с Elie Saab Junior, а с другой стороны Оливия Палермо (Olivia Palermo) и американская модель Аризона Мазе (Arizona Muse) покоряют своими позами попараци. Мать модели Кэндал (Kendall), Крис Дженер (Kris Jenner), привлекает к себе повышенное внимание, поскольку ее дочь главная модель шоу. Каждый занимает
свое место, зал готов, гаснет свет и освещается сцена. Звучит музыка, и песня в исполнении певеца из Дании6 на сцене появляется Кендалл Дженнер (Kendall Jenner) одна из главных достопримечательностей шоу и занимает ведущую роль. На ней потрясающее красного цвета платье из шифона, поверх которого надета черная кожаная куртка и черное шейное ожерелье. Тони Гаррн (Toni Garrn), немецкая топ-модель, рекламирующая духи Elie Saab, демонстрирует длинную блузку с красивыми черными кружевами и брюки с золотым поясом, а в следующем выходе на ней шифоновое платье в цветной горошек и кожаная сумка на плече. Другие модели одеты в высокие до колена кожаные сапоги, и короткие красные платья и черные кожанные накидками с бахромой, головы их украшают черные шляпы. Некоторые модели продемонстрировали выполненные из кожи ранцы и рюкзаки, толстовки, одетые поверх коротких кружевных топов и украшенные тонким кружевом спортивные брюки. В обычном романтическом женском стиле ливанского дизайнера появились определенные изменения, в него внесены небольшие дополнения в духе готического панка. Эта коллекция разительно отличается от “American western “cowgirl” которое нарисовало мое воображение, обманутое сочетанием легкого шифонового платья с аксессуарами из кожи и замши, курток и сумок с бахромой, присутствием шляпы и сапог. Многие говорят, что сочетание романтики с готикой это новое рождение Elie Saab.
塞薩洛尼基購物之旅 塞薩 洛尼基是希臘的第⼆⼤城市, 是希臘⾺其頓⾸都和全國最 ⼤的購物⽬的地。和雅典壹 樣,它提供了壹個廣泛的購物 選擇步,並且幾步路就可以 到。,在傳統市場中尋找最 新的設計師時尚先進的購物 中⼼。奢侈品愛好者希望頭 穿過城市中⼼向愛琴海。可 以有把握地說,接近海邊然後 最獨家的購物街。普諾森歐 ·科諾⽶莉亞街是離⼤海最 近的街道之壹,它與⼤海平⾏。 因此這個地⽅找到等著名品 牌Armani,Max·Mara和Dil,
Vacheron Constantin Métiers d’Art Elégance SARTORIALE
在各式各樣的別致的咖啡館, 妳可以結交壹些最酷的當地 ⼈。附近⽶托波勒歐斯街提 供了更多⾼端的名字也壹些 規模較⼩的獨⽴的精品店。 有點進壹步向內陸城市的主 要購物街次⽶斯基 ·恩格納 提亞。在那裏,妳還會發現壹 些多層百貨商店,包括南⾵畫 廊。另壹個流⾏的購物中⼼ 是巨⼤的地中海宇宙復雜, 希臘北部最⼤的購物中⼼, 位於城市的東部可以開⾞或 叫出租⾞到達。這裏有著壹 個很⼤的購物中⼼零售單位, 超⼤型電影院,餐館,甚⾄ 教堂, 品牌包括法國鱷⿂, Folli Follie,Gant和 Intersport。希臘島嶼免稅購 物攻略 ⽶科諾斯島 : 基克拉迪 群島的中⼼,它是壹 個具有雙重⼈格島嶼。 壹⾯最⾵景如畫的基 克拉迪群島的島嶼, 潔凈的街道上,⽩⾊的 房屋,教堂和⾵⾞,到 的另壹⾯則是著名的夜 店、酒吧和和年輕⼈
Party的天堂。聖托裏尼島: 雖然只是若幹基克拉迪群 島中的壹個,但她展現驚 ⼈的落⽇和⾵景,⽩⾊房 屋和⿊⾊的沙灘。最令⼈ 映象深刻的是其傳統房 屋,建在懸崖上純⽩ ⾊的⽯窟配以愛琴海 般藍⾊的屋頂。在陽臺 可以看著⽕⼭和充滿活⼒ 的夜⽣活。上述所有,加上 古代的殘留和亞特蘭提斯 的神話就總以讓遊客魂牽 夢縈。聖托裏尼島爆發的活 ⽕⼭島在50年代爆發,摧毀 了許多⼩島上的城鎮。聖托 裏尼島也被稱為錫拉 (Thira), 及其⾸都是Fira (費拉)。這裏 也是全世界最著名的蜜⽉聖 地。免稅購物在其他希臘群 島也⾮常⽅便,商店都位於 聚集在壹起以便於購物。在 數以百計的商店和精品店裏, 妳壹定可以淘到些妳喜歡的。
購物⼩貼⼠ ⼿⼯制作的⿈⾦ 便宜。但是並不是說⿈⾦在 希臘很便宜,這是⼈們容易 相信的。⿈⾦價格都是壹樣 的。但在希臘勞動⼒便宜, 如果妳知道在哪裏去找,有 ⼤的討價還價空間,因為希 臘⾦匠是世界上最好的。在 雅典,⽶科諾斯島克裏特島、 科孚島、聖托裏尼島和羅茲 妳可以找到世界上最驚⼈的 珠寶。在雅典⼤學街的 Vildiridis (威迪瑞迪斯) 珠寶 商店街和位於雅典⽶科諾斯
Rousounelos MYKONOS
島的 GOFAS (⼽法) 珠寶商店 始終對廣⼤客⼾保持忠誠和 最⼤限度滿意客⼾。位於⽶ 科諾斯的Anagnostopoulos 珠寶店提供其他珠寶, Elle 琥珀的特殊和獨特的珠 寶。⼒量、神秘和美麗 的古希臘轉換為嫻熟的 創作,與現代的觸摸, 加上最新的時尚⾵格 和現代技術。最 新的勞⼒⼠, 歐⽶茄⼿表 妳絕對想將 訪問在科斯 島爵⼠⽩ (Volakas) 珠寶店。
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西班⽛ 在西班⽛购物最⼤的乐趣之⼀ 就在于每个地区都有其各⾃的 特⾊,这点可从⼏个主 要的城市当中反映出 来。西班⽛⾸都 ——充满活⼒ 的国际⼤都 市马德⾥—— 拥有你希 望看到的 所有国际 品牌和本 ⼟品牌。 具有⾼迪 建筑风格的 巴塞罗那⼀ 直以来被视为 时尚的中⼼并 保留着⼀种富有
Panerai 创造性的波西⽶亚风格。巴伦 西亚是⼀个年轻的充满时尚的 城市,拥有最新的流⾏趋势; ⽽典雅的塞维利亚汇集了众多 做⼯精湛的⼯艺品和当代服饰。 如果你往南⾛到马拉加,那么 就能够发现地中海精神(和地 中海上航⾏的帆船)给时尚增 添了⼀种浓郁的风情。
作为⼀个国际⼤都市,马德⾥ 拥有⼏个⼤型的购物中⼼。提 到马德⾥商业区,其中有两处 是⼀定不能错过的。第⼀个就 是以著名的格兰维亚⼤道为中 ⼼的商业区,该商业区从Calle de Alcalá ⼀直延伸到Plaza de España。这⾥的街道从主⼲ 道向四周辐射开来,包括 ⼀直通向佛恩卡拉尔购物 中⼼的佛恩卡拉尔步⾏街 和Corredera Baja,这⾥ 拥有理想的繁华商业⼤ 街并汇聚众多年轻品牌, 是名副其实的 smörgåsbord——该区 域也被称为Triball。在 Gran Via你会发现从 Jack & Jones via KIKO到 国家地理⽆所不有。沿着佛 恩卡拉尔旅⾏会令你满载⽽归: Evo, Samsara, Glass, Adidas和 Lacoste 以及护肤品牌Body Shop, Mac and L’Oreal,这些只 是众多品牌中的⼀部分,还有 国际上受欢迎的Adolfo Dominguez。沿着格兰维亚⼤ 道继续向北⾏会把你带⼊公主 区,在这⾥你会找到Estudio, Aftershock和 Gaes和其他品牌。 在Calles Hortaleza 和Almirante 周边地区能够找到年轻有活⼒ 的时尚潮流。 另⼀个重要区域 就是⾼端市场萨拉曼卡区。这 ⾥的街道呈⽹状分布,汇集了 ⼤量的国际和本⼟时装。在塞 拉诺⼤街你会找到男装品牌 ErmenegildoZegna 和Roberto Verino以及Saint Laurent, Gucci;
José Ortega y Gasset的 BottegaVeneta, Roberto Cavalli 和Chanel; Claudio Coello的Agent Provocateur, Zadig & Voltaire, Angel Schlesser 和PleinSud都 会令来到这⾥的男⼈ 和⼥⼈们满意⽽归。 Lagasca提供了⼴受欢 迎的西班⽛品牌 Victorio 和Lucchino, 和 Escada Sport;Goya提 供了Pilar Burgos和Pretty Ballerinas以 及其他更多品牌。
如果你有充⾜的时间,可以 到Calles General Castaños 和 Pelayo周边的萨拉曼卡区东部 的商店去看⼀看——在这⾥你 会发现更多的精品店,其中包 括⼀些刚刚斩露头脚的品牌设 计师。在周末的时候,⼀定要 去跳蚤市场转转——那⾥有成 千上万的摊位在售卖艺术品、 古玩、设计、⼯艺品和⾷品。 别忘了到城市的艺术⾦三⾓ 去看⼀看,这⾥是以普拉多 博物馆为核⼼的。在马德⾥ 周边你会找到拉斯罗萨斯购 物村,在这⾥你能找到100多 个奢侈品专卖店,既有欧洲 品牌也有国际时尚和⽣活品 牌,⽐如Bimba y Lola,
Michael Kors, Polo Ralph Lauren, Armani。
300 ml
Davines A
E 24,25€/200 ml
Puerto Banús
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Tascon的种类繁多的本⼟⼿⼯制 作和国际鞋类品牌也赢得了其铁 杆粉丝的⼼。还有⼀些顶尖的国 际名店,⽐如Bang &Olufsen, Comptoir des Cottoniers, Intropia, Swarovski, Wolford, Adidas和 Puma等等。别忘了去Vinçon参 观⼀下,Vinçon设计商店在这个 引领设计的城市是必不可少的组 成部分。除了Garcia,苏塔特威 拉地区的Born-Ribera区拥有⼤批 ⼯艺品商店,刚崭露头⾓的艺术 家和设计师的⼯作室等等。还可 以找到FNAC这样的百货公司,
巴塞罗那免税购物 去参观加泰罗尼亚 ⾃治区⾸府的理由可以有许多个: ⾼迪的辉煌的建筑风格;历史; 美⾷、⽂化。但是巴萨罗纳也是 西班⽛的购物之都,这⾥汇聚了 数量惊⼈的时尚品牌、设计和⼯ 艺品。每个地区都有其各⾃的特 点和与之相匹配的商店,但不可 否认的是你的第⼀个⽬的地应该 是Passeig de Gràcia,它横穿巴 塞罗那市中⼼,从Playa de Catalunya⼀直到Avenue Diagonal经过⾼迪的精美建筑作 品⽶拉之家。前往巴塞罗那的⾼ 端时装店,⽐如, BottegaVeneta, Saint Laurent 或 Santa Eulalia, 这⾥拥有巴塞罗那最古⽼的设计 室和专家,他们的风格典雅又各 具特⾊。或者拎着⼀只Lupo⼿ 提包——当然还是在巴塞罗那制 作的,或者穿着⼀件Armand Basi衬衫。在Avenida Diagonal 有本⼟的鞋类主打产品Coronal Tapiocca和 Camper,⽬前出⼜ 到世界各地,就像Adolfo Dominguez和Mango(旗舰店位 于巴塞罗那)⼀样。TCN的休闲 风格也传播到了世界各地,
此外,在巴塞罗那市周边你 还能找到La Roca outlet village, 这⾥汇集了众多品牌,如 Armani, Andrea Morelli, Tag Heuer, Calvin Klein, Clarks, Gant 等等。
西班⽛其他城市和地 区免税购物 塞维利亚,因 弗拉门科舞⽽举世闻名(在这⾥ 你可以购买⼀条裙⼦——和华丽 的⼤披肩),同时也因其宏⼤的 教堂⽽闻名,在西尔⽪斯购物区 也汇集了许多优秀的西班⽛品牌, 从Farrutx到Mango,以及像 Sombreros Padilla这样的专业性 商店,另外还有古怪设计师Nice。 最后但同样重要的是,圣特罗佩 购物学院位于马贝拉海岸边。马 贝拉集沙滩、酒吧、餐厅、娱乐 和时尚于⼀体。在马贝拉购物是 ⼀种乐趣,是与马贝拉的沙滩断 开联系的⼀种⽅法,从⽽可以做 些与众不同的事情。La Cañada 是这个城市最有名最⼤型的购物 中⼼,在这⾥你会找到更⼤的国 际品牌,⽐如Guess, Mango, Lacoste, Stradivarius 和Sephora。
如果你正寻找奢侈品 购物中⼼,那么Puerto Banús则汇集了最⼤的 国际奢侈品牌,⽐如,
Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Tods, Wolford, Sandro, Guess, Valentino, Eres, Agent Provocateur, Zadig & Voltaire, Intropia, Michael Kors, Ermenegildo Zegna, Brunello Cucinelli, Hermes, Loro Piana, Cartier, Philipp Plein, Bulgari, Dolce & Gabbana, Bottega Veneta, Ferragamo, El Corte Inglés, Versus Versace, Escada, Jewellery Theatre 和Gucci。这 是马贝拉最有特⾊的地区,也通 常是社会名流们所选择的购物场 所。
Brunello Cucinelli
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*Not binding recommended retail prices.
Miranda Kerr
Покупки в Афинах Возможно, лучшую вещь в старейшем городе Европы вы найдете именно в Афинах. Тем более, что почти все торговые точки находятся в пешеходной зоне и в нескольких минутах ходьбы друг от друга. На большинстве улиц в центре Афин запрещено автомобильное движение, и много улиц в центре Афинах являются пешеходными. Главная торговая улица Афин- улица Ermou Street находится недалеко от площади Syntagma Square. Именно здесь и следует начать начать свой шопинг. В этой зоне есть прекрасные кафе и места для отдыха. На главной торговой улице вы найдете известные имена брендов, таких как Sephora, Hondos Центра и знаков Marks & Spencer.
Прогуливаясь, вы увидите Folli Follie, где вы можете купить модные часы, ювелирные изделия Bijoux, шали, кожаные
сумки и аксессуары. Улицы, ведущие от улицы Ermou Street, интересны торговыми точками по продаже пресноводного жемчуга, сыпучих полудрагоценных камней и, все это по низким ценам. Роскошные бренды вы найдете в Афинах в квартале Kolonaki quarter, недалеко от Национального сада,
Hotel Semiramis KIFISSIA
Sophia Kokosalaki
площадью 15,5га. Улицы Tsakalof и Voukourestiou являются одними из самых престижных торговых организаций Афин ", и именно здесь вы найдете высококачественную продукцию от Gucci, Dior, Zadig & Voltaire и Ralph Lauren. Есть смысл пройтись по магазинам
и на улицах Solonos и Academias. Если вам нужны ювелирные изделия, то на улице Voukourestiou можно найти золотые и серебряные изысканные изделия ручной работы местных мастеров. В районе Kolonaki вы найдете Linea Piu, роскошный
Antonio Berardi Chopard
Happy Diamonds мультибрендовый магазин и единственный дистрибьютор Шанель в Греции. Только за пределами Афин вы найдете большие торговые центры. Торговоразвлекательный комплекс расположен на улице Αndrea Papandreou в Marousi- в северном пригороде города, куда легко добраться на автобусе или поезде. Торговый центр в роскошном универмаге Attica в Афинах в своем ассортименте делает упор на более повседневную одежду. В сети его сейчас есть 200 магазинов, в которых вы найдете международные бренды такие как Folli Follie, Adidas, Intersport, Birkenstock, Sephora, общественных Zic Zac, Geox,Nak, Oxford Company и Marks & Spencer.
Brunello Cucinelli
watercolour by Sebastiรกn Marc
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Покупки в Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki- второй по величине город в Греции, столица греческой Македонии, который является одним из ведущих торговых мест в стране. Как и Афины, в нем представлен широкий спектр торговых центров в нескольких минутах ходьбы от традиционного рынка. Здесь можно найти продукцию местных дизайнеров моды и самых современных мировых брендов. Любителям товаров класса люкс нужно пройти через центр города вниз к Эгейскому морю. Можно с уверенностью сказать, что ближе к набережной располагаются торговые улицы самых эксклюзивных брендов. Улица Koromila является одной из тех, что ближе и расположена параллельно морю. Это месторасположение престижных брендов, таких как Armani, Max Mara и Dil. Здесь в ассортименте вы найдете шикарные кафе,
и вы можете пообщаться с некоторыми из самых крутых местных жителей. Соседняя Mitropoleos предлагает более высокого класса имена, но также и некоторые менее известные бутики. Немного дальше вглубь основные торговые городские улицы Tsimiski и Egnatia. Там вы найдете несколько многоэтажных универмагов, в том числе и Notos Halleries. Другой популярный торговый центр - огромный комплекс Mediterranean Cosmos, крупнейший торговый центр в Северной Греции, который находится на восточной окраине города, куда легко можно добраться на машине или такси. Это- 200 розничных строений, 11-ти зальный мультиплекс кинотеатр, рестораны и
Excelsior Boutique SANTORINI
Giuseppe Zanotti даже церковь, есть также брендовые магазины, такие как Lacoste, Folli Follie, Gant и Intersport.
Mykonos Santorini
один из самых живописных Cyclades островов с живописными улочками, белыми домами, часовнями и ветряными мельницами, и одновременно являющийся одним из самых известных туристических направлений. Клубы, бары и пляжи острова были все заполнены в течение многих десятилетий туристами. Санторини- просто остров, который невероятным образом расцветает во время заката. Белые, красные и черные песочные пляжи, гармонирующие с традиционным стилем домов, балконы с видом на вулкан и оживленной ночной жизнью- все это не оставит вас равнодушными.
Soho Soho
Останки древности и миф о погибшей Атлантиде оправдают слова, и заставят туристов влюбиться в этот замечательный остров. Активный вулкан Санторини взорвался в 50х и разрушил многие города острова. Санторини называют также Тира и его столица - город Фира. Пары со всего мира приезжают в Санторини, чтобы жениться в свете уникальных огней острова.
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Шопинг в других областях
музея современного искусства Севилья известна фламенко. Именно здесь можно купить Соломона Гуггенхайма. платья и великолепные шали, а Впрочем, известен Бильбао чудесный собор уже давно стал еще и бутиками, рассыпанными настоящей иконой. Кроме того, по улицам вокруг музея. здесь находится целая торговая империя на Кале Сьерпес. Шопинг в Барселоне Из Севильи легко попасть в Есть множество причин Марбелью с ее пляжами, посетить столицу Каталонии: ресторанами, центрами величественная развлечений и моды. архитектура, история, Stonefly Покупки здесь в кухня, культура. удовольствие. Впрочем, это Ко всему прочему, второе по значимости Барселона – еще и занятие, на которое торговая столица можно переключиться Испании с после первого – потрясающе пляжного отдыха. сочетающим в Торговый центр Ласебе моду, дизайн Канада – самый и ремесленное известный и самый искусство. крупный в городе, где Каждый район широко представлены имеет свой именитые лейблы, собственный включая Guess, Mango, характер и Lacoste, Stradivarius и магазины, Sephora. выдержанные в едином стиле. Если же вы жаждете окунуться Вне всякого сомнения, первым в мир роскошного шопинга, то пунктом в барселонском вам стоит проследовать – в шопинг-маршруте должен стать Пуэрто-Банус. Christian Dior, бульвар Пасео-де-Грасиа. Stella Armani, Bottega Veneta и Gucci… McCartney, Bottega Veneta, Saint Это- излюбленное место Laurent и Santa Eulalia знаменитостей. возглавляют топ список На севере – Бильбао, где магазинов высокой моды. Здесь находится знаменитый Музей же вы сможете приобрести Гуггенхайма, один из филиалов стильные сумки от Lupo и
Ferragamo рубашки Armand Basi. Десятки международных обувных брендов растопят даже самое искушенное сердце самого предвзятого модника. В Старом Городе вы почувствуете как будто вы оказались на выставке. В местных магазинах вас удивит богатство творений различных мастеров своего дела. А покинув Барселону, стоит направиться в близлежащий аутлет Ла Рока Виллидж, где вы продолжите интереснейшую экскурсию в мире моды с Armani, Andrea Morelli, Tag Heuer, Calvin Klein, Clarks, Gant…
Шопинг в Мадриде На Гран-Виа вы найдете абсолютно все от Jack & Jones и KIKO до National Geographic. Путешествие по Фуэнкарраль обернется набитыми пакетами покупок в Evo, Samsara, Glass, Adidas и Lacoste, а также Body Shop, Mac и L’Oreal. Плюс ко всему этому – всемирно любимый бренд Adolfo Dominguez. Далее на север по
улице расположились Estudio, Aftershock и Gaes, и многие-многие другие марки. Вторым престижным районом, который не стоит пропустить является Саламанка. Здесь представлены как международные, так и испанские фирмы. На улице Серрано, прозванной «золотой милей» Мадрида, вряд ли вы сможете пройти мимо Ermenegildo Zegna и Roberto Verino, Saint Laurent и Gucci; на Калье де Ортега-иГассет – мимо Bottega Venetta, Roberto Cavalli и Chanel; на Клаудио Коэльо – мимо Agent Provocateur, Zadig & Voltaire, Angel Schlesser и Plein Sud. На улице Лагаска можно познакомиться с популярными брендами Victorio and Lucchino, Superga и Escada Sport. Впрочем, большие бутики разбросаны повсюду. Совсем не лишним будет заглянуть и на популярный блошиный рынок Растро, находящийся на открытом воздухе. Тысячи киосков буквально напичканы произведениями искусства, антиквариатом и другими диковинными вещицами. За пределами Мадрида – в поселке Лас-Росас – находится один из крупнейших загородных торговых центров Европы с более чем сотней бутиков роскошных брендов: Michael Kors, Polo Ralph Lauren, Armani...
LUXE LIFE SPORT39 狹窄、曲 折、堆滿 巨⽯的盤 ⼭賽道, 令⼈窒息 的⾼溫和
雅典, 希臘 2016年5⽉6⽇- 2016年5⽉8⽇ 雅典衛城拉⼒賽的特點在於賽 道蜿蜒在塵⼟飛揚、碎⽯無數 的雅典⼭脈上,這對於選⼿和 他們的座駕來說是異常艱苦的。 這壹賽事已舉辦了50多年,是 同級別賽事中最古⽼之壹。 2005年,在雅典奧林匹克體育 場舉辦的拉⼒賽引⼊了3S賽段 (超級特殊賽段),把⽐賽推 向最⾼潮。屆時,遊客在雅典 城內及其周邊都能觀看到⽐賽 :
對體能的 挑戰,使 得雅典衛 城拉⼒賽 成為FIA(國 際汽⾞聯
合會)世 界拉⼒錦 標賽史冊 上最艱難 ⽽古⽼的 拉⼒賽。
SEAJETS Acropolis Rally победитель Kajto Kajetanowicz во время ночной работы после первого этапа ралли.
ACROPOLIS RALLY Сочетание узких, извилистых, заполненных камнями горных трасс и физически тяжелых условий из-за изнуряющей жары, делает старейшее Acropolis Rally одним из самых жестких в календаре FIA World Rally
Acropolis Rally
демонстрирует конкуренцию на пыльных и каменистых греческих горных дорогах, которые известны бескомпромиссным давлением на пилотов и их машины. Это мероприятие проводится более 50 лет, что делает его одним из старейших мировых ралли в своем роде. Кульминацией соревнования является супер спецучасток (SSS), который впервые был организован в 2005 году на Олимпийском стадионе Афин.
Тем не менее, для путешественника Luxe Life платиновый пакет Acropolis Rally предоставляет возможность наблюдать все перипетиями гонки в условиях комфорта и сервиса. На торжественном старте у Акрополя вы вместе с гонщиками можете отведать шампанского, а во время всего гоночного уик-энда получаете доступ в VIP-зоны. На всех этапах этой изнурительной гонки по пересечённой местности у вас будет возможность подняться на
вертолете и насладиться зрелищем соревнования во всей своей красе. Кроме того, у вас будет эксклюзивная возможность доступа к пилотам ралли, которые ответят на все ваши вопросы об автомобилях, водителях и происходящих событиях. Вы будете присутствовать на специальной прессконференции, а также на вечеринке закрытия. С вашего VIP-балкона открывается вид на финишную прямую и вы наблюдаете все происходящее в эксклюзивном стиле.
he mix of narrow, twisting,
boulder-filled mountain tracks, suffocating heat and physically challenging conditions makes the Acropolis Rally the toughest
and oldest rally on the FIA World Rally Championship calendar. The Acropolis Rally features a rally competition on dusty and rocky Greek mountain roads that are known for being rough on the contestants and their vehicles.
This event has been held for a little over 5 decades, making it one of the oldest world rallies of its kind. The climax of the event is the super special stage (SSS), which was introduced in 2005 and was
The MUDDY roads cost some CREWS a LOT of time
held within the Olympic Stadium of Athens. Visitors will find the event-taking place in and around Athens.
1 Boucheron Joy Ring 2 Girrard Perregaux Vintage 1945 XXL Only Watch 3 Chaumet Class One 4 Richard Mille Diamond Twister 5 Sophia Kokosalaki Bracelet Elliptical III 6 Ulysse NARDIN Dual Time Manufacture
3 2
4 6 5
4 2 3
1 Chopard Happy Hearts 2 Ileana Makri Pipe Round Earrings
3 Georgios & Co Golden Shore Collection 4 Brunello Cucinelli Necklace 5 Cartier Double ring
from the Love collection White gold
Vincent Wulveryck©Cartier
and pink gold set with 6 diamonds
6 MARNI Necklace
watercolour by Sebastián Marc
1 The New York Companion by Harry Winston 2 Chopard
Heure du Diamant 3 Piaget Cuï¬&#x201E;ink 4 Georgios & Co Golden Shore Collection
4 1
1 Jaeger-
LeCoultre RendezVous 2 Vacheron Constantin The Overseas World Time 3 Montblanc 1858 Chronograph Tachymeter Blue Limited Edition 4 Bulgari Divas’ Dream
2 watercolour by Sebastián Marc
1 Brunello Cucinelli bracelet
2 Chopard Happy Diamond Ring 3 Drive de Cartier watch 18k pink
gold 4 Georgios & Co Golden Shore Collection 5 Ileana Makri 6 Limelight Twice Watch by PIAGET 2
3 4
Vincent Wulveryck © Cartier
6 watercolour by Sebastián Marc
1 Swarovski Sea of
Sparkle collection 2 Ladybird by Blancpain 3 Panerai Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater Carillon Tourbillon GMT -49mm 2 Time 4 Reverse Collection by Jean Paul Gaultier for Swarovski 5 Harry Winston Emerald Blue
TAX FREE shopping
Wolford Athens
Kim String Body
in the GREEK Islands and Athens Top fashion and jewelry boutiques are located conveniently close to each other and you can find anything you would ever Mary Katrantzou imagine. Fashion boutiques to look out for are Soho Soho, Luisa World, Linea Piu, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermès, Diesel.
Athens Perhaps the best thing about Europe's oldest city is that almost everything you'll want to do is within walking distance. A lot of the streets in central Athens are pedestrianized, which means the quickest and best way to get
around this city often is on foot. Ermou Street, just off Syntagma Square, is Athens' main shopping street and a great place to start. At 1.5km, it is long but there are plenty of nice cafés and places to rest. On the main street, you'll find big name brands such as Sephora, Hondos shopping center and Marks & Spencer. As you wander, look out for Folli Follie where you can pick up fashionable watches and bijoux jewelry, shawls, leather bags and accessories. The side streets leading off Ermou Street are worth exploring too as they're lined with local businesses selling strings of freshwater pearls and
loose semi-precious stones at bargain prices. For luxury brands, you should head to Luisa World, Notos Galleries, Wolford and MCM Boutique in the Kolonaki quarter close to the National Gardens, a beautiful 15.5hectare public park. The streets of Tsakalof and Voukourestiou are among Athens' most prestigious retail addresses and it's here where you'll encounter some of fashion’s biggest names; Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, Zadig & Voltaire, Ferragamo, Prada, Mary Katrantzou and Ralph Lauren. However, many of the adjoining streets also have high-end shops and are worth exploring, especially Solonos and Academias. If you're on the look out for jewelry, then Voukourestiou Street is also the place to find local gold and silversmiths offering their exquisitely handcrafted pieces. In the Kolonaki area, you will also find Linea Più which is a luxury multi-brand store and the sole distributor for Chanel in Greece.
Kifissia the up-market suburb boasts haute-couture brand Oscar de La Renta, a 300m2 flagship, Italian luxury
brand BottegaVeneta and Wolford. For the latest Rolex and Omega watches, you will absolutely want to visit the flagship stores in Athens centre. Greek goldsmiths are among the best in the world. In Athens, Mykonos, Crete, Corfu, Santorini and Rhodes you can find the most amazing jewelry in the world. Vildiridis jewelry shop in Panepistimiou Street in Athens and KASSIS. Nikos Koulis, Kessaris, and Gofas jewellery shops, located in Athens and in Mykonos Island, maintain loyal and satisfied customers. Georgios &Co fine jewelry located in Mykonos provides unique handmade jewellery pieces. Mykonos and Santorini have some of the best luxury watch brands and boutiques: Rousounelos, Excelsior, Tourbillon and Chopard.
boutique SANTORINI for Cartier Panerai Vacheron Constantin Piaget
Netsation Pullover & Panty
editor- in chief Giovanna Kalisperaki Our Editor-in Chief has been in publishing for more than 22 years and is dedicated to sharing the best on offer with Premium international travelers that are curious and ready to indulge in the good things in life! global brand director Alexander Graham
Passionate about watches, racing sports cars, competing in classic yacht regattas, writing music, photography, art and meeting fellow globetrotters. Alexander Graham BSc Politics & International Relations at LSE started his own publishing and travel company. “I love sophisticated travel and to expect the unexpected. For me the best brands evoke an experience”. art director Sebastián Marc Graham Sebastián, BA International Relations and Development, has a talent for discovering the secret joys of a big city like London or Barcelona and beachside enclaves. With his sharp eye for detail and keen interest in the local nuances of each destination he enjoys writing about his experiences. Luxe Life features Sebastián’s original watercolour illustrations and photography in the magazine. journalist Ting
In charge of both editorial management and offline activities/commercialization at Previously a senior financial journalist with China Business News (CBN) based in Shanghai, Ting's
reporting and commentary focuses on international finance, global macro economic issues and international organizations. Ting Yan has a Master degree in Development Administration and Planning from University College London in the U.K., and a Bachelor degree in Finance from Fudan University in Shanghai, China. writer & translator Fei
Majored in Spanish Philology in Beijing and with a Master degree in Media Research and Public Relations from Barcelona. Fei lives in Spain and enjoys traveling. Works in marketing and public relations in different sectors. Passionate about jewelry and watches, fashion, gastronomy and lifestyle.
writer & translator Maria Shipush Born in Russia, Maria has lived in London, Shanghai and Moscow, where she also worked at Reuters. Reading Politics and Chinese at University of Westminster and currently on an exchange programme in Shanghai.
writer & translator Marine
Raised on the island of Mallorca, Marine lives in Belgium. Majored in Public Relations in Brussels. Fluent in five languages, Marine loves to travel and meet new people. Her passion for sailing leads her to travel to participate in Regattas such as the Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge with her family’s team Marigan, a beautiful XIX century cutter.
South Kensington London UK Telephone +44 2032 900 983 email twitter @luxelife247 instagram LUXELIFEMAGAZINE Tumblr the world is revolving ISSUU
The Publisher, Air China and Hertz do not accept responsibility for the advertising nor advertorial content. PM 199-2014 © Copyright Text and Photography. No reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from the publisher.
As a major city, Madrid has it all. The famous Grand Vía, which stretches from Calle de Alcalá to the Plaza de España and the streets that surround the main road, including the pedestrianised Fuencarral, which leads to the Fuencarral shopping centre, and Corredera Baja, are a veritable smörgåsbord of desirable high street and youth brands – this area is also known as Triball. The other major district is the upmarket Salamanca. The grid of streets here offers a wealth of international and local couture. If you are staying at the ultimate luxury hotel in Madrid, the hotel Villa Magna you step out directly on to Serrano where you’ll find El Corte Inglés department store, Louis Vuitton, Ermenegildo Zegna and Roberto Verino for men plus Saint Laurent, Gucci; on José Ortega y Gasset, Bottega Veneta, Roberto Cavalli and Chanel; on Claudio Coello, Agent Provocateur, Zadig & Voltaire, Angel Schlesser and Plein Sud should please men and women; Lagasca offers hot Spanish label Victorio & Lucchino and Escada and Goya offers Pilar Burgos and Pretty
Ballerinas plus much more. If you have time, check out the shops just to the east of Salamanca, around Calle General Castaños and Pelayo – you’ll find lots more boutiques including up-and-coming designers. And on Sundays, do visit the Rastro flea market – thousands of stalls selling art, antiques, curios, design, crafts and edibles. Outside Madrid you'll find Las Rozas Village, one of Europe’s largest outlet shopping centres, where you can find more than 100 luxury boutiques with a mix of European and international fashion and lifestyle brands, such as Bimba y Lola, Michael Kors, Polo Ralph Lauren, Armani. In Barcelona each district has its own character and shops to match, but undeniably your first
destination should be the Passeig de Gràcia, which cuts through the heart of Barcelona, running from Playa de Catalunya to just beyond Avenue Diagonal and passes Gaudi’s exquisite La Pedrera. Head for high fashion shops like Stella McCartney, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent or Santa Eulalia, Barcelona’s oldest design house and a specialist in the city ‘classy with a twist’ style of the city. Or perhaps pick up a Lupo handbag, still made in Barcelona. There’s local footwear heroes Coronel Tapiocca and Camper on Avenida Diagonal, now a worldwide export, just like Adolfo Dominguez and Mango (it’s world flagship is in Barcelona). As for cool international stores coming in, Bang & Olufsen, Comptoir des Cottoniers, Intropia, Swarovski, Wolford, Adidas and Puma… the list goes on. Don’t forget to visit Vinçon, the absolute sine qua non of design stores in this
design-led city. Beyond Garcia, the Born-Ribera area of Ciutat Vella district has a wealth of crafts shops, studios for up-and coming artists and designers and much more. Look out too for department stores like FNAC, plus, just outside Barcelona you’ll find La Roca outlet village with brands like Armani, Andrea Morelli, Tag Heuer, Calvin Klein, Clarks, Gant and Hour Passion. Shopping in Marbella is a pleasure, and a way to disconnect from the beach and do something different. La Cañada is the best known and largest shopping centre in the city, and where you will find the larger international brands such as Guess, Mango, Lacoste, Stradivarius or Sephora. If you are looking for luxury
shopping, Puerto
Banús is home to the largest International luxury brands such as Christian Dior, Armani, Bottega Veneta, Louis Vuitton, Wolford, Sandro, Guess, Zadig & Voltaire, Versus Versace, Gucci, Tods, American Vintage and many more… It boasts one of the highest density per square meter of luxury brands in the World.
Brunello CUCINELLI women collection
“The Art of Behind the Scenes” 2016 Exhibition by Finch & Partners and Jaeger-LeCoultre of filmmaking with iconic directors and actors.
Jaeger-LeCoultre and
Finch & Partners continue their collaboration with the second edition of their exhibition ‘The Art of Behind The Scenes’. The vernissage will be held at the Hôtel du Cap (Antibes) on 13th May 2016, coinciding with the annual Cannes Film Festival.
This second edition, curated by photographic expert, John Ingledew, reveals a selection of photographs taken by some of the world’s most
accomplished ‘on-set’ photographers providing an opportunity to celebrate the art of photography and to travel back in to the golden era
Each photo characterises the universe of this period with images ranging from: Michelangelo Antonioni on the set of Zabriskie Point in 1968, Alfred Hitchcock directing the film Notorious in 1946 and Marilyn Monroe on the set of The Misfits. Many of the images are extremely rare and some have never been exhibited before.
In spirit of the exhibition, Jaeger-LeCoultre will also display a Compass camera created in 1938.
This exceptional vintage camera will pay tribute to the legacy of the Manufacture with a further series of classic
photos captured through its camera lens in different parts of the
world, showcasing those locations, which have
since become the backdrop to the iconic movies being exhibited.
The world of cinema allows us all to dream. Every member of a film set is an artist in their individual field; from actor to director, cameraman to editor, costume designer to sound recordist and so on, they all contribute to the final story and product. It is this artistic ingenuity and the resolute role of photography that Jaeger-LeCoultre and Finch & Partners will celebrate with this exhibit.
1 On the set of Moby Dick by John Huston in 1954 photo credit Erich Lessing 2 On the set of the film notorious directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1964 photo credit Robert Capa
Mille Miglia
鮮紅的秒針鮮明奪⺫,精準計 秒。
Race Edition
Mille Miglia 2016 XL Race Edition精鋼腕表限量發⾏1000 枚,搭載獨⼀無⼆的⾮凡機 芯:全新蕭邦03.05-C計時機 芯,其精準性能獲瑞⼠官⽅天 ⽂台認證(COSC)。 緞光表盤配備測速計刻度,這 項實⽤顯⽰可⽤於計算平均速 度,是耐⼒賽的決定性因素; 此外還配有深灰⾊和⿊⾊蝸紋 打磨計時盤,其盤⾯顯⽰讓⼈ 想起汽⾞儀表盤的佈局設計。 Mille Miglia 的紅⾊箭形標誌 「Rosso Corsa」位於表盤正中 12時位置及透明表底蓋外圈, 與秒針互相呼應。
2016 XL
向「世上最美麗賽事」致敬 此享負盛名的賽事被恩佐‧法 拉利(Enzo Ferrari)譽為 「corsa più bella del mondo」
(世上最美麗的賽事),每年 春天集合 430 個⾞隊於賽道上 ⾓逐,1000英⾥(1600公⾥) 賽程橫越布雷⻄亞和羅⾺,經 過如詩如畫的優美⾵景。此⼀ 年⼀度的賽⾞盛事僅限曾參加 Mille Miglia歷史賽事的賽⾞參 賽,蕭邦每年均會為賽⾞推出 限量版腕表系列。 雙⽅的淵源始於1988年,蕭邦 成為著名Mille Miglia古董⾞賽 事的合作夥伴兼官⽅計時。蕭 邦與古董⾞賽事⾃此密不可分, 此深厚關係源於蕭邦聯合總裁 卡爾-弗雷德⾥克‧舍費爾 (Karl-Friedrich Scheufele)對 古董⾞和賽⾞世界的熱情。
此款腕表集合性能精準、佩戴 舒適與優雅設計於⼀⾝,可謂 熱⾎賽⾞⼿在意⼤利賽道上全 速馳騁的理想伴侶。 從⾵光秀麗的艾⽶利亞-羅⾺ 涅鄉村⽥園到七丘之城羅⾺, 及⾄倫巴底壯美的⾼原⼭川, 陪伴⾞⼿征戰全程。
Chopard MILLE MIGLIA Special Edition
Arriving at The Vatican Rome
Mille Miglia 2016 The world’s most beautiful race Each spring, the prestigious rally nicknamed the
Issued in a 1,000-
“corsa più bella del mondo” by Enzo Ferrari sees 430
piece stainless steel
teams competing on a one thousand-mile (1,600 km)
limited edition, the Mille Miglia 2016 XL Race Edition throbs to the tune of a
route winding through the magnificent scenery
unique ‘engine’: the new Chopard Calibre 03.05-C, a chronograph movement
between Brescia and Rome. For each new edition of
with COSC-certified precision. Topped by a tachymetric scale, an indication
this annual event reserved exclusively for vehicles
that is useful in calculating average speed which is a decisive factor in
having competed in the historical Mille Miglia,
endurance racing, the satin-brushed dial displays snailed anthracite and black
Chopard presents a dedicated limited-series watch.
counters reminiscent of car dashboards. Echoing the sweep-seconds hand, the
The story began in 1988, when Chopard became
“Rossa Corsa” red arrow-shaped Mille Miglia logo appears both at 12 o’clock on
partner and official timekeeper of the famous Mille
the dial and around the rim of the exhibition case-back.
Miglia classic car rally. The now inseparable ties
Inspired by leather car-bonnet tie-down straps, its beautifully weathered strap
between Chopard and the world of classic racing
in Suportlo® calfskin echoes the legendary spirit of the Italian competition.
were born from the personal passion for collector’s
Delivering a perfect blend of precision, comfort and elegance, this watch is the
cars and the automobile universe of Chopard co-
ideal ally of passionate drivers speeding across the Italian roads, from the
president, Karl-Friedrich Scheufele. The bright red
picturesque countryside of Emilia-Romagna to the most beautiful reliefs of
sweep-seconds hand stands out clearly to count off
Lombardy and Roma, the “city of seven hills”
the precious seconds of the race.
Matthew Morrison Olivia Palermo & Kate Bosworth
110 Years of Its Pioneering Spirit in New York City
Rockefeller Center Rainbow Room Hugh Jackman Charlotte Casiraghi Kate Bosworth Olivia Palermo Johannes Huebl Adam Gallagher Victoria’s Secret Sara Sampaio Emily DiDonato Matthew Morrison Jasmine Tookes 110
Charlotte Casiraghi
Montblanc Heritage
Rouge & Noir “Rouge et Noir“ 1909
Jasmine Tookes Emily DiDonato & Sara Sampaio
Gouverneur 18K
( /
) /
眾 星 以 伯 爵 珠 寶 及 腕 錶 散 發 極 致 光 芒
頒獎典禮當晚觸⺫全 城,⼀眾影壇名⼈嘉 賓及獲提名的候選⼈ 均悉⼼打扮應邀赴會, 以最耀眼的造型踏上 紅地毯。著名瑞⼠腕 錶及珠寶品牌伯爵的 珠寶及腕錶更成為眾 多名⼈嘉賓的配襯⾸ 選,當中包括林嘉欣、 春夏、⾦燕玲、吳浣 儀、蔡思⾙、周汶錡、 宋芸樺、陳⽟珊、蔡 少芬、張家輝、⽩只、 張晉、關信輝、翁⼦ 光、⺩⼤陸及丁⼦⾼ 均挑選了伯爵的腕錶 及鑽飾為⼀⾝華⾐增 添迷⼈光采。
Piaget Rose 18K
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Hotel Arts Ritz Carlton artsreservations@ritzcarlton. com Hotel Arts Barcelona sets the benchmark for luxury in one of Europe's most dynamic cities.
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Mandarin Oriental Barcelona Arguably Barcelona's finest hotel sets a new benchmark for luxury hospitality in the city and Europe. It's interiors carefully designed by Patricia Urquiola, they create a sumptuous and rich environment. With the 2 star Michelin restaurant at by Carme Ruscalleda.
Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I The newly refurbished Fairmont hotel is situated in Barcelona's most select neighborhood of Predalbes. Home to Spanish aristocracy and football players.
Cotton House Hotel autograph collection Luxe rooms and suites in a 19th century palace in the historic centre is the epitome of cool and creative style with top notch hospitality.
Marriot Renaissance hotel Meters across from the Paseo de Gracia lies the Renaissance hotel with chic rooms it's the perfect get away for the city traveller.
ABaC This 5 star contemporary masterpiece boasts an award winning restaurant by Catalan 2 star Michelin chef Jordi Cruz. This is the top destination for foodies. photos © Marco Pastori ABaC
Le Meridien Located in the heart of the city's most famous thoroughfare, the Ramblas, Le Meridien is the choice for those who wish to discover the charms of the gothic quarter and the countless markets.
El Palauet El Palauet is a gothic structure is positioned between Barcelona's two most select addresses Avenida Diagonal and the
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Hotel Unico reservas@unicomadridhotel. com Tucked away in the heart of Madrid's most exclusive district, Salamanca, lies Unico Madrid. An elegant and intimate retreat.
Urso Hotel & Spa One of the latest additions to Madrid’s growing hotel scene this is Madrid's hippest and trendiest boutique hotel.
Hotel InterContinental Madrid Refined lodging in the heart of Madrid's financial district. True elegance.
Marbella Villa Padierna palace hotel villapadiernapalacehotel. com A resort and a destination in its own right The Villa Padierna Palace Hotel boasts three golf courses, beach club, Spain's best spa and stunning private villas.
Marbella Puente Romano Beach Resort & Spa Marbella Luxe sea front resort recreates the charm and the character of an Andalusian village. It's lush gardens and Roman bridge invites you to a an oasis of rest and relax.
Álava Hotel Viura Distinctive, contemporary building with chic lodging in the famous wine country of Álava.
San Sebastián Hotel Maria Cristina A Luxury Collection Hotel This elegant and sophisticated riverfront hotel offers refined rooms and is located in the heart of San Sebastián, meters from the sea and hosts the world famous stars that attend the San Sebastián film festival.
SEVILLA Marbella Marbella Club The world famous Marbella Club has become the benchmark for luxe hospitality in Europe. It's private villas, beautiful beach clubs, fine dining and exclusive boutiques maintain the Marbella club status as one of the leading hotels of the world.
Hotel Alfonso XIII A Luxury collection Hotel This opulent palace is Seville's premier grand luxe hotel. Located in the historic Santa Cruz neighborhood next to the Reales Alcázares and the Cathedral.
Álava Hotel Marques de Riscal, Elciego Luxury Collection Hotel This masterpiece created by star architect Frank Gehry has become a highly sought- after contemporary retreat. This Hotel creates a harmonious blend between design,art, gastronomy and of course wine.
VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates
LUXE LIFE CONCIERGE 64 National Archaeological Museum. Classic design rooms.
ST George Lycabettus Hotel Perfectly positioned right in the beating heart of Athens just steps away from Kolonaki’s alluring shops, museums, galleries and eateries and nestled within the pine-forested slopes of Lycabettus Hill.
Royal Olympic Hotel Offers lavish accommodation, only a 3-minute walk from the Temple of Olympian Zeus and a 14-minute walk from the Parthenon.
Electra Palace A luxury hotel in the Old Town Athens, with views of the Acropolis and Parthenon and 2.8 km away from the
Electra Hotel Subtle and elegant and just off Syntagma square, with cozy rooms, supreme amenities and delicious breakfast and meals.
Metropolitan Hotel metropolitanathens Overlooking the Saronic Gulf, this five star hotel is 5 km from both the hilltop Acropolis temple and Syntagma Square. Modern rooms and suites.
Airotel Stratos Vassilikos 5*
A cosmopolitan, downtown hotel within 4 km of the Acropolis and the Parthenon temple. The top-floor suite offers 2-floors of living space and views of Lycabettus Hill. Airotel Patras Smart Across the street from a beach, this relaxed, downtown hotel has airy sleek design rooms with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TV.
AthensWas Experience Athens' tranquil, attractive side, in what has been the heart of the city since ancient times.
Arion, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa An unforgettable luxury resort experience.
Airotel Achaia Beach This upscale, Bauhaus-style beachfront hotel is also 3.2 km from Charilaos Trikoupis bridge. Cozy, relaxed rooms and suites feature flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi. City or sea views from balconies.
Periscope Hotel periscope Modern minimalism and award-winning architectural design right in the heart of Kolonaki, the oldest and exclusive neighbourhood.
The Westin Athens Set on a private peninsula in the heart of the Athenian Riviera. Classic seaside resort meets Cosmopolitan Athens city life.
Best Western Embassy At the foot of Mount Lycabettus, this modern, upscale hotel is 4.5 km by car from the Parthenon and 4.6 km miles from the Acropolis of Athens.
New Hotel new-hotel The interiors amazing with unique custom-made furniture and handmade fixtures. Located 200m from Constitution Square.
Airotel Parthenon Set in the historic city center, this high-end hotel is a 4minute walk from the Acropolis Museum and a 10minute walk from the Parthenon.
Airotel Alexandros A contemporary hotel only a 5-minute walk from Athens Concert Hall and 3 km from Syntagma Square. Unfussy old-school decor. Hilton Hotel Stay at the Hilton Athens hotel and enjoy 5 star style sophistication. Perfect base from which to explore the wonders of Ancient Greece.
Atheneum InterContinental athenaeumintercontinentalat Located near the Parthenon, this award winning hotel offers city luxury and the Acropolis views to match.
Amanzoe Amanzoe’s 360-degree views take in the Peloponnese country side and rocky coves The resort is within easy reach of a wealth of archaeological sites and bustling Porto Heli.
Poseidonion Hotel This landmark hotel in the picturesque island of Spetses, near Athens, is a favourite year-round destination for the high society, royalty and wealthy Athenians.
VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates
Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge A romantic oasis over Megali Ammos in Mykonos. The award winning hotel and member of Leading Hotels of the World. Each of the 30 magnificently styled suites of this luxury boutique hotel in Mykonos encapsulates extraordinary experiences and refined luxury.
Bill & Coo Coast Paying tribute to beachfront luxury, this 5 star hotel in Mykonos promises an unforgettable holiday experience in its 15 elegant and well-appointed suites overlooking the sea. photos © Christos Drazos Bill & Coo Suites Bills & Coo Coast
Belvedere Hotel Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the famous Belvedere is a must for any jet-setter who wants to kick off their holiday in style. Contemporary, islandinfluenced rooms and suites feature balconies or terraces with sea views, private gardens and pools; suites add separate living rooms. Nobu Matsuhisa restaurant and Thea restaurant, and 3 buzzing cocktail bars, 1 poolside and the exclusive Six Senses Spa.
Grace Mykonos One of the most soughtafter beach hotels in Mykonos as well as a romantic honeymoon destination. This beautiful property is located just north of Mykonos town, with a sea view above the sandy and protected beach of Agios Stefanos.
Myconian Ambassador This luxury hotel and spa is 4 km from both the Aegean Maritime Museum and the Mykonos windmills, and 5 km from the Mykonos Folklore Museum. The bright rooms and suites with chic furnishings feature and marble bathrooms, as well as balconies or terraces. Upgraded quarters add private pools and Jacuzzis.
Myconian Avaton A luxury resort that seems to miraculously grow out of the bare rock of famed Elia Beach. Much more than a luxury beach resort, Avaton is a haven of best-in-class rooms and suites, exclusive spa privileges and supreme personal, heart-felt service. photos © Christos Drazos Myconian Ambassador Hotel Myconian Avaton Myconian Imperial Myconian K Hotels Royal Myconian Resort Myconian Utopia
Myconian Imperial Next to Elia beach, guests staying at this luxury resort can expect rooms and suites with marble bathrooms and balconies or terraces with sea views. Suites and upgraded rooms feature sitting areas with sofas; some add private pools or hot tubs. Free breakfast, parking, airport and seaport shuttles.
Royal Myconian Resort & Thalasso Spa This exclusive resort is located right above a reserved section of Elia, one of Mykonos’ most famous beaches and offers spectacular views. A perfect balance between Cycladic authenticity and contemporary design.
Myconian K Hotels Closely located to some of the island's best beaches, like Platis Gialos, Paradise, Super Paradise, Psarou and Ornos. The stylish, affordable luxury hotels, the Myconian K Hotels - also known as Kohili, Korali, Kyma and Kalypso - are just a few minutes walk from Mykonos town.
Myconian Utopia This uber-stylish, luxury resort and spa is overlooks Elia Beach. Close to the Church of Panagia Paraportiani and Aegean Maritime Museum. Guests can expect gorgeous sea views, modern rooms and suites and villa with free WiFi, flat-screen TVs, rainfall showers, iPod/iPhone docks, stone bathtubs, private infinity pools and outdoor jacuzzis.
Myconian Villa Collection Whether you ’re looking for a romantic hideaway as a couple, or an idyllic place where families and friends can come together, these superb villas are the perfect setting for the high point of the year. With sweeping views over the Aegean – steps away from the famous Elia Beach.
San Giorgios Hotel Walking distance from Paraga beach, is an authentic experience, a new chic hotel with a bohemian vibe moments away from Super Paradise party beach. Featuring rustic-chic decor, the stylish rooms and suites, complimentary Wi-Fi and sea or garden views. Balconies, open-air lounges and hammocks. A free healthy breakfast buffet is served in the hotel’s hip restaurant.
Mykonos View One of the premier Mykonos town hotels with rooms positioned on the slopes of a hill looking down on the fashionable town of Mykonos and the sea beyond. Conjuring up images of the Mykonian days gone by. Original surroundings which combine comfort and cutting edge.
Kirini My Mykonos Retreat As soon as you walk through the door you will be taken by the majestic view, the traditional Cycladic architecture, the luxurious rooms and suites overlooking the Aegean Sea, or the indulgent service answering all your wishes, your visit will be a unique experience. The luxurious “A.SPA” is among the best on the island.
Apanema Resort Tagoo Apanema Boutique resort is a small resort, a romantic refuge offering intimate, elegant but relaxed surroundings. It is located in the Tagoo area of Mykonos, directly on the waterfront.
Hotel Semeli Blending harmoniously with the island’s colours and style you will find the luxurious Semeli hotel in the heart of Mykonos town. The trendy minimalist rooms feature free Wi-Fi, satellite TV and minibars. They also come with massage showers and private balconies. sea views, separate living rooms and Nespresso coffeemakers, as well as whirlpool baths and/or outdoor hot tubs.
Vedema Resort, a Luxury Collection Hotel Tucked away within the medieval village of Megalohori with views of the volcanic caldera and the Aegean Sea, this sophisticated resort is 6 km from the boutiques and restaurants of Fira and 10 km from the ruins of Ancient Thera.
Katikies Hotel Awe inspiring views, sublime Santorini sunsets and perfectly manicured pink bougainvilleas provide the magnificent backdrop for this perennially gleaming, glistening white luxury hotel on the cliffs of the magical Caldera.
Charisma Suites An all-suites hotel, located in Oia, on the tranquil Greek island of Santorini. This romantic hotel is a portrait of design perfection.
VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates Mystique, a Luxury Collection Hotel Reserved for only the most discerning of travelers, Mystique is nothing but a pure natural and exclusive retreat. 38 suites and villas built exactly on Oia’s most famous cliffs with dazzling views of the volcano and the Aegean Caldera.
Kirini Suites A member of Relais & Châteaux, the luxurious resort Kirini Suites & Spa, combines the Cycladic architectural tradition with luxurious living and the serene scenery of the Aegean. photos © Christos Drazos Apanema Mykonos Kirini Suites Myconian Villa Collection Charisma Suites Katikies Hotel
Villa Katikies Situated in Oia Santorini,Villa Katikies springs like a genuine jewel, strategically located in a unique natural environment with an unforgettable view.
Chromata Up-Style As a chic emblem of hotels in Imerovigli, the 25 sea view rooms and suites and one villa, all come complete with the mesmerizing Santorini Caldera view.
Sun Rocks Boutique Hotel A Santorini romantic hideaway, like no other. Undoubtedly, it is the view that holds center stage at this most eclectically elegant of couple’s hotels in Firostefani.
Canaves Oia Suites Enveloped by the emerald Aegean and the awe-inspiring dramatic beauty of Santorini, Canaves Oia Suites welcomes guests to a world of exquisite elegance.
Canaves Oia Hotel Experience unsurpassable luxury and indulgence. The #1 resort in Europe by Conde Nast Traveler in 2015.
Astra Suites Perched atop the most stunning volcanic cliffs of Santorini. One of the Top 25 Hotels of the World, as chosen by TripAdvisor and awarded by Condé Nast Johansens as the Most Romantic Hotel for 2015 and as "Best Service" for 2016.
Grace Santorini It is the ultimate expression of a boutique hotel in Santorini, a true jewel of the islands, one of the best in the Mediterranean and an iconic infinity pool with uninterrupted sea views.
Kapari Natural Resort Located in the gorgeous village of Imerovigli, boasting a majestic view of the caldera, KAPARI Natural Resort is an exclusive sanctuary
Iconic Santorini Authentic boutique cave hotel set in picturesque and romantic Imerovigli village. Situated on a spectacular hillside setting. Named Greece’s Leading Boutique Hotel for 2014 and 2015 at the prestigious World Travel Awards.
Athina Luxury Suites All suites overlook the volcano and stunning views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in Santorini. In the heart of Fira just a step away from all the famous restaurants and shops. Fully renovated in 2016.
Ambassador Hotel ambassadorhotelsantorini. com An enclave of luxury and romance in Akrotiri, one of Santorini's least exploited areas, is located just a few minutes from the famous ancient Minoan settlement. A cool haven of barefoot luxury.
VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates
photos © Christos Drazos Canaves Oia hotel Canaves Oia Suites Astra Luxury Suites Villa Katikies Chromata UP-style sun rocks boutique hotel
LUXE LIFE ART68 4⽉7⽇晚,時 尚、藝術、影視、 ⾳樂領域的達⼈們 湧向位於紐約的 The Diamond Horseshoe。在那 裏 TASCHEN出版 社為超模Naomi Campbell發⾏的 別註版專刊-
舉⾏了第壹次官⽅ 發布,由Benedikt Taschen 和Marc Jacobs 主持。
Anna Wintour, Leonardo DiCaprio, André Leon Talley, Uma Thurman, Tony Shafrazi, André Balazs, Bella Hadid, Ellen Von Unwerth, Dave Chapelle, Zac Posen, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Charlie Rose, Gayle King, Don Lemon, Al Sharpton Tamron Hall受邀參
加了發布會。他們 跳disco、看百⽼ 匯的精彩演出,向 Naomi Campbell 祝酒。Naomi的專 刊分兩輯,記錄了
她拍過的潮流雜誌 封⾯和她的模特兒 ⽣涯。 發布會上, Benedikt Taschen 作為Naomi的朋友
兼創意夥伴,對專 刊中記錄的她7年 半來的壹絲不茍的 ⼯作成果⼤加贊揚。 Marc Jacobs則祝 賀Naomi作為壹名 超模對時尚和⽂化 的不懈的影響,他 親⾃⾒證了Naomi 在T臺外綻放的富 有啟發性的光芒。 NAOMI CAMPBELL
別註版專刊限量 1000本,內含傳奇 性波普藝術家Allen Jones的多個作 品。另外,NAOMI CAMPBELL的兩種 藝術版各限量100 本,內含有Paolo Roversi 或JeanPaul Goude簽名的 影印版⼤⽚。 第壹冊,圖⽚集。 收錄了Naomi與 眾多傑出攝影師合 作的作品。攝影師 包括:Mert Alas Marcus Piggott,
Richard Avedon, Anton Corbijn, Patrick Demarchelier, Steven Meisel, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, Paolo Roversi, Mario Testino, Ellen von Unwerth, Bruce Weber.
第⼆冊,收錄了 超模Naomi⾸次 公開的成⻑軼事、 與家⼈的回憶錄、 私⼈筆記以及朋 友、合作夥伴的 照⽚。 波普藝 術⼤師Allen Jones為Naomi特 別設計了封裝刊 物的盒⼦。盒⼦ 以Naomi的⾝型 為輪廓加上光滑 的表⾯,為讀者 在探索Naomi在 當代⽂化中的⾓ ⾊的同時,增加 了觸覺的樂趣。 Jones 說“盒⼦ 不是為了試圖代 表Naomi,⽽是 為了把她裝在盒 ⼦裏送給⼤家。”
有Naomi Campbell的親 筆簽名 精裝,4折疊 式插⾴, 496 ⾴, 33 x 46.2 厘⽶;加姐妹 圖冊, 368 ⾴,內含 Allen Jones多部藝術 作品。1500歐元。 Naomi Campbell,藝 術版 No. 1-100 'JeanPaul Goude' 有Naomi Campbell的
親筆簽名 鉑⾦檔案 纖維布相紙,有 Jean-Paul Goude 簽 名,紙張⾯積:40 x 30 厘⽶,4折疊式插 ⾴,496⾴,33 x 46.2 厘⽶;加姐妹圖 冊,368⾴,內含 Allen Jones多部藝術 作品。3000歐元。 Naomi Campbell,藝 術 版 No. 101-200 'Paolo Roversi'
有Naomi Campbell的 親筆簽名 纖維紙基 相紙,有Paolo Roversi簽名,紙張⾯ 積:30x 40 厘⽶,精 裝, 4折疊式插⾴,496 ⾴,33 x 46.2厘⽶; 加姐妹圖冊,368 ⾴,內含Allen Jones 多部藝術作品。3000 歐元。
“The BOOK is a CULMINATION of my LIFE’S work”
FASHION, art, FILM, and
music ICONS flocked to The Diamond Horseshoe New York
where Benedikt 1
Taschen and Marc Jacobs hosted the first official launch for
TASCHEN’s limited C o l l e c t o r ’ s Edition
Naomi Campbell, Art Edition No. 101-200 'Paolo Roversi’ SUMO signed by Naomi Campbell. Pigment print on fiber based paper, signed by Paolo Roversi, 30 x 40 cm paper size, hardcover volume with 4 fold-outs, 496 pages, 33 cm x 46.2 cm, plus companion volume, 368 pages, within a multiple artwork by Allen Jones. € 3000
7 8
1 Marc Jacobs Andy Cohen Gayle King 2 Charlie Rose 3 Bella Hadid and Naomi Campbell take a selfie 4 Photographer Ellen von Unwerth 5 Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton Rothschild Taschen and Tony Shafrazi
6 Musician Jaime Bochert 7 Anna Wintour 8 Tamron Hall
Andre Leon Talley 9 Andre Balazs Benedikt
With a multiple artwork by Pop Art legend Allen Jones, NAOMI CAMPBELL is limited to 1,000 Collector’s Edition copies and two Art Editions of 100 copies each, with signed photographic print by Paolo Roversi or JeanPaul Goude.
including Anna
Wintour, Leonardo DiCaprio, André Leon Talley, Uma Thurman, Tony Shafrazi, André Balazs, Bella Hadid, Ellen Von Unwerth, Dave Chapelle, Zac Posen, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Charlie Rose, Gayle King, Don Lemon, Al Sharpton, and Tamron Hall enjoyed a night of disco-dancing, surprise Broadway performances, and heartfelt toasts to NAOMI, who has curated
both top shots and personal memories in her twovolume T A S C H E N collection. Benedikt Taschen paid tribute to NAOMI as a friend and creative partner over the seven and a half years of meticulous curatorial work that has gone into the book’s production. Marc Jacobs celebrated the supermodel’s unremitting influence on fashion and culture, bearing witness to a supermodel and icon who has dazzled and inspired far beyond the runway.
1 Singer Sylvester performs on stage 2 Photographers Charles DeCaro and Rocco Laspata 3 Model Bella Hadid 4 Marc Jacobs, Naomi Campbell and Publisher Benedikt Taschen
Photos by Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images and Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images for Marc Jacobs International , LLC
Spain, renowned around the world for its marvelous architecture, stunning natural landscapes, spectacular sandy coastlines, idyllic islands, captivating cities and arguably the finest cuisine in the world is in the midst of a renaissance.
Spain has sailed through the economic woes of the 2008-2012 recession and is now the fastest growing “big four” euro zone economy racing ahead of Germany and France. Spain has become the key destination for second homes and the preferred choice for British buyers ahead of France and Florida. It’s no surprise why. Spain is the third most visited country in the world after a record 2015 when over 65 million visitors travelled to the Iberian Peninsula and islands. Moreover, Spain’s popularity is proven with the high numbers of foreign residents. Spain boasts 6 million expats with one million being British. Property prices in Spain’s prime destinations have experienced exponential growth since 2013 and property prices have increased on whole in Spain since 2015. Employment is rising and the economy is back at pre-crisis growth domestic product levels. The rise of prices is linked to a significant boost in property sales with prime areas such as Marbella boasting 28 percent increase on home sales in 2014 alone. Furthermore, Spain is a European Union member, a Eurozone member and part of the Schengen agreement which makes investment not only attractive but secure. The foreign investment figures are testimony to this. Foreign investment in Spain is on the up with 2015 figures beating the previous record in
2006, with a 7 percent jump from 2014. Spain currently receives the third highest amount of foreign investment in Europe after the United Kingdom and Germany. This clearly shows an upward trend for property investment in Spain. Spain stands as a tremendously attractive market for residential and commercial property investments. It has drastically regenerated and enhanced its resorts and cities, transforming their appeal and repositioning them on the map. Spain’s enclaves of Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza and the Costa del Sol have become meccas for the affluent set. Spain has attracted a 40 percent increase in high net worth residents since 2008 with the Spanish capital becoming one of the main global focal points for the HNWIs (high net worth) and UHNWIs (ultra high net worth individuals). Madrid is ahead of Los Angeles, Milan, Munich and San Francisco in the global wealth city index. Madrid’s position on the global stage has
RITZ MANDARIN ORIENTAL MADRID turned it into the hotspot of real estate investment with volume of sales increasing 25 percent the highest in the world only after Monaco. Madrid is now recognized as one of the best cities to invest in the World beating Shanghai and many other European capitals. High profile investments such as the Four Seasons Hotel and Residences complex in central Madrid , the recent takeover of the Ritz hotel by Mandarin Oriental and the new
The sun shines bright in Spain’s property market W hotel slated for early 2018 are placing Madrid on par with the leading global cites such as Hong Kong and New York. Spain’s high quality of life, state of the art infrastructure, stable political climate and ideal natural environments are sustaining property investment to reach new records this 2016.
by Marc from Miami
replenished Ibiza luxury shopping. The regeneration of the UNESCO protected old town of Eivissa, the extension of super yacht marinas, port-side shopping boutiques and a new private jet terminal have only bolstered Ibiza’s prominence among the well heeled set. Ibiza is now the third favourite destination for
Ibiza is the bastion of ultra luxe living in the Mediterranean. Famous around the globe as a party island and as a hedonist hideaway it has finally shaken off its “spring break” image and has reimagined itself as the world class destination for the ultra high net worth traveller and property owner. Since 2008, Ibiza has undergone vigorous change, revamping its tired hotels and transforming them into spectacular resorts, boasting the finest restaurants, beach clubs and music venues. Hard Rock Hotel, USHUAIA, the ME hotel and Destino resort by Pacha have increased the calibre in hospitality on the island. The nightlife and the scene have transformed remarkably from the times of raves to the present champagne parties at Nikki Beach and Cavalli Club. The arrivals of international brands such as Bottega Veneta, Philipp Plein, Stella McCartney and Ermanno Scervino, to name a few, have
second home buyers after Miami and the South of France and is expected to beat the French Riviera to the second spot in 2016. The increase of contemporary villas, gated communities, luxury condominiums by star architects such as Jean Nouvel and Ricardo Bofill have played a key role in the rebirth of Ibiza’s ultra luxury property market. Graham & Associates, leading experts in overseas proper7es, have a select collec7on of Ibiza’s finest homes."We have a collec+on of signature luxury villas ready to move in to this summer, others under construc+on and more on the drawing board. The price range of our signature collec+on of 4/5 bedroom en suite villas starts from 4.5m€ in Ibiza and range to 20 million upwards”.
LUXE LIFE PROPERTY REPORT 73 The golden sand coastline of the famous Costa del Sol in Andalucía is Spain’s signature holiday and second home destination. The third most visited resort in the world boasts the highest concentration of golf courses in the world and some of the most exclusive addresses in Europe and over 300 days of sunshine a year. This stretch of coastline is a favourite amongst Saudi princes, Hollywood royalty and international business people. Marbella is the epicenter of all things glamour and hosts the most exclusive residential developments in Europe. Property prices first increased in Spain in and around Marbella and have resurged to be the nation’s leading property market. Foreign investment in 2015 alone increased by 169% in Andalusia region alone, with Marbella and its surroundings attracting the biggest share. High profile investors and developers such as Gorge Soros, Kronos Capital Investments, Taylor Wimpey, Platinum Estates or Dalian Wanda to name a few are all investing hundreds of millions of Euros on ultra luxury developments to meet the ever increasing demands of Marbella’s new ultra high net worth residents. Marbella and its neighbouring municipalities of Estepona, Benahavis and Mijas have undergone a much needed facelift with major infrastructure investments making these resorts more accessible than ever to the rest of Spain. The Coast is connected to Madrid, Barcelona and Paris with the high speed train AVE, the largest network of its kind only after China, and a revamped Malaga airport with new direct flight connections to London, Geneva, Berlin, New York, Istanbul, Tehran and Moscow. It’s worth mentioning the transformation of Málaga, a once overlooked town that has blossomed to become the new cultural capital
Marbella Golf Valley
of Europe being home to the only Pompidou Museum outside of France and subsidiaries to the Russian Museum of Saint Petersburg and the Carmen Thyssen Gallery of Madrid. The hometown of Picasso has one of the busiest ports of the Mediterranean and the beautification and pedestrianization efforts have encouraged the growth of boutique hotels, chic restaurants and posh shops. The coast can finally claim to have a real capital with a growing population and the highest hotel rentability and returns in Spain. Back in Marbella, the refurbishment of the leading hotels and the new construction of villas and gated developments that sprinkle the “Golden Mile” and the golf valley are creating a new boom with prices of new-builds sky rocketing and contemporary properties selling off plan in record time as demand is outstripping supply. Property prices are already back to 2004 levels but still lower than the 2006 high. This means that it is still relatively affordable compared to London or New York and significant returns can still be had. Villas in La Zagaleta, Europe’s most exclusive gated community, Sierra Blanca and the “Golden Mile” remain the most coveted
enclaves for the jet set with George Clooney, Hugh Grant or Lady Gaga all calling these havens home. Condominiums are now very popular especially among millennials as they demand the latest tech and services and amenities that Marbella condos offer. Graham & Associates offers a handpicked assortment of the best serviced condos in Puerto Banús in the lush environment of Playas del Duque a stone’s throw away from the boutiques and yacht filled Puerto Banús marina, the famous Ocean Club and golden sandy beaches. "In Marbella our collection of luxury apartments are
all set within private gated communities, with either sea views or golf views. Our beach front luxury apartments in Puerto Banús Marbella have private access to the beach. Prices for apartments in the luxury collection start from around 700.000€ to 2.5m€.” Where the Mediterranean meets the straits of Gibraltar lays the largest private community in Europe; the illustrious Sotogrande. Home to one of the finest Polo championships in Europe, the second best golf club in the World, Valderrama, and five-thousand luxury villas and mansions that shower the rolling hills of the Sotogrande valley. Sotogrande is a lifestyle like no other set in the spectacular natural Sierra de Alcornoques nature reserve.
A new par for select living. Sotogrande has all the services and amenities a HNWI and UHNWI’s family could dream of. One of Europe’s leading international schools, a private marina with berths for 40m+ super yachts, fine dining, numerous luxury hotels and 6 golf courses and state of the art infrastructure that
Sotogrande Marina link you to Seville, Gibraltar, Cadiz and Marbella. Sotogrande is the ideal retreat for those seeking tranquillity, privacy and security but still encapsulating a luxe lifestyle. Homes here are set over extensive plots of land with the majority boasting golf and/or sea views. Graham & Associates have an interesting portfolio of the finest homes in this perfect oasis.
The future for Spain looks bright with the prospects set for 2016 to beat 2015 levels. Spain is witnessing a renaissance which is very attractive for property investors. The moment is now and the dream of living in Spain has never been better. Properties listed are on sale with
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