LUXE LIFE Hainan Airlines

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探索苏黎世、 琉森和日内瓦 2019巴塞尔 国际钟表珠宝展集锦

Leonardo Da Vinci 500 Years of Genius Where to shop and what to do & see in ZURICH LUCERNE and GENEVA The Best from BASELWORLD



Mr. René Beyer

贝耶(Beyer)是瑞士最古老的家族腕表和珠宝商,它不仅仅是一个世界 知名的品牌,还代表着代代相传的制表理念。 贝耶品牌由父传子代代相传,每一位传人都是经过严格培训的制表匠。 如今,贝耶家族的第八代传人René Beyer掌管品牌,他凭借丰富的经验 和专业的知识,为每一位顾客精心服务。 贝耶是瑞士第一家也是规模最大的一家钟表和珠宝专营商。 超凡的能力、精湛的工艺和周到的服务 贝耶不仅是一家商店,它还有自己的制表和制金的工坊,保证为顾客提 供世界一流的售后服务。“当顾客光临时,我们可以保证至少店内有一 位制表匠,能随时提供维修或清洁服务,”René Beyer说道:“我们为 顾客提供全面的定制服务,满足顾客的每一个要求。”在贝耶店内选购 腕表或珠宝,本身就是一次独特的体验。这里为顾客提供泊车服务,顾 客可以一边品味香槟,一边欣赏橱窗内选择丰富的精美产品。 “我们举办珍珠知识讲座、腕表制作课程、工厂讲解参观和大型音乐会。 贝耶不仅是一家商店,我们知道我们的顾客需要什么,并致力于为他们 提供最好的服务。”René补充道,“这也意味着,无论是制作还是销售, 只有最顶级的工匠和最棒的销售才能在贝耶工作。”

贝耶店内还有会讲中文的销售,满足每一位顾客的需求。 贝耶作为一家大型商店,店内拥有13家全球最富盛名的腕表品牌,包括 劳力士(Rolex)、宝玑(Breguet)等等。另外, 贝耶代理销售百达斐丽(Patek Philippe)已经超过160年。说道百达斐 丽,贝耶于2011年在瑞士开设了首家由代理商经营的百达斐丽精品店, 就在苏黎世Bahnhofstrasse大街的贝耶钟表珠宝店旁边。这家百达翡丽 精品店由贝耶训练有素的工作人员管理。贝耶家族与百达斐丽有着多年 的深厚友谊,并早就有意共同在苏黎世开设一家精品店。这家精品店在 2016年被《Luxe》杂志评为苏黎世最佳单一品牌门店。 不止于腕表 在过去的十年间,贝耶早已成为珠宝销售的领军品牌。无论你是要寻找 经典珠宝,还是夸张时髦单品,或是独一无二的手工孤品,贝耶可以满 足你的所有愿望。Carlo Mutschler和他的团队在贝耶的制金工坊内,用 精挑细选出的珍贵宝石,为顾客打造出绝美的珠宝。 贝耶的另外一项特色服务就是手表“以旧换新”。当顾客带来自己的旧 手表时,贝耶会收取一定的佣金代为出售。顾客可以用出售旧手表所得 的钱来购买新的手表。自1965年起,贝耶就开始从事大量的二手古董腕


表交易,其中有许多百达斐丽、万国(IWC)和劳力士的限量款。从大 型的古董钟和奢华的怀表,到珍稀的时计,贝耶的门店中和官网上都会 展示这些产品的信息。贝耶的古董专家Jürgen Delémont会检验每一件 腕表,以确定它们的真实性。


最后,在贝耶门店的地下一层还有一座令人惊艳的钟表博物馆,这也是 Bahnhofstrasse大街上唯一的一座博物馆。在这里,参观者可以看到从 公元前1400年至今的近300件展品。这座博物馆也是世界上最著名的几家 钟表博物馆之一。参观者将有幸看到艾德蒙·希拉里爵士在他第一次成 功攀越珠穆朗玛峰时佩戴的劳力士手表。除此之外,诸如日晷、水钟或 其它科学计时仪器也在馆内陈列。“我们每年会在博物馆内添置15至20 件左右的馆藏,”René Beyer说道。总之,这家历经八代传人的家族企 业将为顾客提供所需的一切优质服务。

Bahnhofstrasse 31 8001 Zürich Tel. +41 43 344 63 63

k loc

C he o t eum t e s anc h Mu -6pm r t n c m t e e Wa Fri 2p Fre n




Brand selection may vary.

Basel Bern Davos Geneva Interlaken Lausanne Locarno Lugano Lucerne St. Gallen St. Moritz Zermatt Zurich Berlin Dusseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg Munich Nuremberg Vienna | Copenhagen | London | Paris |

Enjoy our stunning view


EDITOR's note

Exclusively for Hainan Airlines




utumn in Switzerland. Hills covered with flowers, mountains only showing snow on the top of their peaks. Cities preparing for the change in the weather whilst the sun-worshippers are still

enjoying the terraces in the autumn sunshine. Not warm, not cold, just right to enjoy those Swiss

山间鲜花盛开,仅仅山顶处还覆盖着一 层白雪。城市里可以感受到季节的更 迭,而此时热爱阳光的人们依然可以在 阳台享受秋日的暖阳。气温不热不冷, 此刻正是你在湖光山色中享受瑞士巧克 力,慢饮一杯咖啡的好时光。

Castello Sforzesco

chocolates whilst taking in the scenery of the lakes and sipping your coffee.

In this edition, our main feature is the 500th anniversary after the death of Leonardo da Vinci. Milan is host to special events to commemorate the life of his genius. To see the Codex and the Last Supper or visit the vineyard, it surely is unbelievable how one man created so many innovations, concepts

在这期杂志中,我们聚焦在米兰举办的 达芬奇逝世500周年纪念活动,带您欣 赏《大西洋古抄本》和《最后的晚餐》, 并游览他的葡萄园。您一定会惊叹于这 些创意、理念和想法竟然都来自于同一 个人,而且它们至今还影响着我们的日 常生活。 您还将欣赏到巴塞尔国际钟表展上我们 最爱的款式和欧洲最新秀场的时尚趋 势。我们也为您总结了纽约最不容错过 的酒吧。当你将达·芬奇展览加入行程 时,不妨选择米兰文华东方酒店作为休 憩之所,你也可以顺路去圣莫里茨开启 一场探险之旅,感受一生一次的独特体 验。从苏黎世乘坐火车出发,一路欣赏 美景,到达圣莫里茨,这才是这座瑞士 阿尔卑斯山度假小镇的正确打开方式!

and ideas that until today still impact our daily life.

A round-up of favourite watches at Baselworld. Our fashion report on the latest trends from Europe's catwalks, suggestions on the best bars in New York for your next visit. And when traveling to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibitions, check-out the Mandarin Oriental Milan as they offer an amazing stay, as does St. Moritz; an adventurous getaway for unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Not forgetting the wonderful train ride from Zurich main station to “the" luxury alpine resort of Switzerland, St. Moritz.

封面/ Front cover Sara Sampaio + Chopard 关注我们的最新动态 STAY UP TO DATE AND HEAD TO

Giovanna Kalisperaki 主编 Editor-in-Chief



Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


Jie Yin

writer & translator

Alexander Graham global brand director

Passionate about watches, racing sports cars, competing in classic yacht regattas, writing music, playing guitar and piano, photography, art and meeting fellow globetrotters. Alexander Graham BSc Politics & International Relations at LSE started his own publishing and travel company. “I love sophisticated travel and to expect the unexpected. For me the best brands evoke an experience”.

Sebastián Marc Graham

Ting Yan

art director & website and social media editor


Sebastián, BA International Relations & Development from Westminster University, has a talent for discovering the secret joys of a big city like London or Zurich and beachside enclaves. With his sharp eye for detail and keen interest in the local nuances of each destination he enjoys writing about his experiences. LUXE LIFE features Sebastián´s original watercolor illustrations and photography in the magazine.

Yangzi Liang

Chinese sub-editor & fashion journalist Yangzi is a Chinese-English bilingual fashion journalist based in London. She holds an MA degree in Fashion Journalism from London College of Fashion. She writes about fashion, design and shopping for a variety of publications including Vogue China. “The fusion of cultures always inspires me while I travel around the World.” Graduated in English Philology in Beijing and with a Master's degree in Spanish-Chinese Translation and Intercultural Communication from University Autonomy de Barcelona. I live and work in Barcelona. I am keen on traveling, modern & contemporary art, fashion and photography. “Discovering the hidden charm of different cultures always gives me a passion for life.“

Giovanna Kalisperaki editor-in-chief & senior designer Our Editor-in Chief Giovanna Kalisperaki has been in publishing for the past 20 year and is dedicated to sharing the best on offer with PREMIUM international travellers that are curious and ready to indulge in the good things in life!

Ting Yan is in charge of editorial management. Previously a senior financial journalist with China Business News (CBN) based in Shanghai, Ting’s reporting and commentary focuses on international finance, global macro economic issues and international organisations. Watercolour by Sebastián Marc

Pablo Mañas

Pre-print Coordinator

Pablo studied Graphic Design at the College of Arts and Crafts in Cordoba Spain and has developed his career over the past 20 years at different advertising agencies and design studios. Bi-lingual (English and Spanish) and in charge of Luxe Life pre-print quality control and coordination, Pablo enjoys traveling and spends his free time shaping his ever growing collection of Apple products.

Kenza Eyzaguirre fashion editor Bachelor International Communications American University of Paris. Sourced fashion products for Int. Department Stores. Kenza lives and works in Marbella, Ibiza and Paris. Fluent in English, Spanish and French.

Fei Ge

writer & translator

Majored in Spanish Philology in Beijing and with a Master degree in media research and public relations from Barcelona.Fei lives in Spain and enjoys traveling. And is always curious to experience more. Passionate about jewellery and watches, fashion, gastronomy and lifestyle.

is published by Bruce Media S.L., Urbanización La Alzambra, Local 3-1, 29660 Marbella Spain. | | twitter @luxelife247 | instagram @luxelifemagazine | T.+44 2032900983 ISSN 2530-9617 Depósito Legal PM00199-2014 Nº. 16 The Publisher does not accept responsibility for the advertising and editorial content. © Copyright Text, Illustrations. No reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from the publisher.


⽔⽔彩画作:Sebastian Marc

Water Colour By Sebastian Marc

品读《奢华生活》 拥抱精彩人生

Step Into the LUXE LIFE 关注《 奢 华 生 生 活 》 最 新 动 态 STAY UP TO DATE AND HEAD TO



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12 编辑寄语 22《David LaChapelle.

Lost and Found – Good News》艺术版

24 选购当季新品 26 玩转苏黎世


28 瑞士迷人小镇琉森 30 惊喜之城日内瓦 42 2019秋冬伦敦时装周时 尚趋势

52 瑞士腕表品牌亮相2019 巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展


56 闪闪发光的钻石珠宝


58 纽约最佳新开业餐厅 60 达·芬奇闪耀五百年


LUXE LIFE CONTENT 17 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


12 Editor’s Note 23 Books David LaChapelle.

Lost and Found – GoodNews, Art Edition

25 Shop the Season


32 Travel Discover Lucerne 34 Zurich, what to see and do 36 Geneva. A city full of surprises

40 Cars Zenith associated with

Land Rover for the past 3 years

42 Fashion London Fashion

Week Autumn/Winter 2019 Trend Report

52 Watches Swiss watch brands,

both small and large, unveiled at Baselworld 2019 Exhibition

56 Jewellery Sparkle Sparkle;

Diamonds, Gemstones, Gold and Silver for every and any occassion

58 Gourmet Best New NYC Restaurants

60 Art 500 Years of Leonardo da Vinci


42 58



Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

Kulm Hotel St. Moritz

Badrutt's Palace

The Dolder Grand

Widder Hotel Zurich

Savoy Baur en Ville

Opened in 1856, this hotel paved the way for Engadin tourism. A stately hotel full of luxury and charm. Hotel own 9-hole golf course in the parklike grounds and two 18hole courses in the vicinity.

The history of Badrutt's Palace Hotel fascinates everyone. Tradition and innovation melt into a stunning lake and snowcapped mountain backdrop. It is the magic of this hotel that keeps guests coming back again and again. That indescribable feeling when you step into the Grand Hall, St. Moritz’s catwalk. Be enchanted, far away from everyday life. A full house with eight Palace-Restaurants, three bars and the King’s Social House. Old British tradition lives on: Badrutt’s afternoon tea is as legendary as the delicious pastries that come with it…

Known for its individually tailored preventive therapies and its outstanding network of medical experts.

The penthouse suite’s rooftop terrace affords superb views over the Old City, Lake Zurich and the mountains. All rooms and suites come with the latest technology.

The legendary Zurich luxury hotel, Savoy Baur en Ville, stands like a solid rock on Paradeplatz and busy Bahnhofstrasse since 1838. The Grande Dame, the prime hotel in Zurich city centre, has the best views of the hustle and bustle of Zurich's old town and vibrant business district. Warm-hearted, as always, we welcome you with hospitality and personal service.

The Storchen Zürich

Baur au Lac

The Storchen Zürich is a traditional first class establishment with 66 stylishly elegant rooms and suites in the heart of the old city. Whether at the reception, at the Conciergerie, in the restaurant La Rôtisserie or on the Terrasse, in the Cigar Bar, in our trendy Barchetta or even in our elegant hotel lobby, our long tradition of hospitality, together with our warm and personal service, can be enjoyed throughout the hotel.

The Baur au Lac, internationally renowned as one of the world's top luxury hotels, an establishment steeped in 173 years of tradition, has been owned by the same family for six generations. Being one of the world's oldest luxury hotels still in the ownership of its founding family the Baur au Lac represents modernity and progressivity at the same time. Over the last decades, some 160 million Swiss francs have been invested in new facilities and renovations at the Baur au Lac.

Park Hyatt Zurich, hotel/switzerland/parkhyatt-zurich/zurph

Carlton Hotel St. Moritz The luxurious, voluptuous look, the warm colours and the rich fabrics make this hotel a palace of sensuality.

Grand Hotel Kronenhof Pontresina

Fairmont Le Montreux Palace

Historic hotel with glacier views. Rooms and salons are tastefully furnished with care and elegance, and the attentive service is discreet.

Grandeur and elegance with the noblest materials are what make this house from the Belle Époque era so impressive.

With a stay at Park Hyatt Zurich, you’ll experience all that the vibrant city of Zurich has to offer right outside our doors. First, shop the boutiques on the Bahnhofstrasse promenade, visit renowned museums, or stroll along Lake Zurich; next, retreat to this five-star hotel for delectable cuisine and a good night’s rest, surrounded by world-class artwork.

Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois Basel A historic luxury hotel set in the heart of the city and with its charming location right by the Rhine River it is an easy walk to the fair and the Old City.

VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates




Mandarin Oriental Geneva Located near the lake, Old City and Banking Centre, with 189 spacious suites and rooms.

Le Richemond Ideally set on the shores of Lake Geneva, Le Richemond offers guests a breath-taking view on the emblematic Jet d’Eau and Europe’s highest mountain, Mont Blanc. Enjoy a healthy breakfast on the private terrace and take in the views. After a long day of shopping head to the only Sisley Spa in Switzerland. In 2018, Le Richemond achieved a Five-Star Award by Forbes Travel Guide.

VISIT the HOTEL website and enjoy BEST rates

Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

Hotel Metropole

Grand Hotel National Luzern

Seehotel Hermitage

Ideally located on the shores of Lake Geneva just over three miles from the town center and two miles from Geneva International Airport. A reserve of happiness available only to those in the know. This 5 star hotel-spa was designed as a lodge in a world beyond time, reminiscent of a lost paradise on the outer edges of a legendary Africa.

Stay in the heart of Geneva with a beautiful view of the lake, this stylish 5-star Hotel is conveniently located on the Rue du Rhône, the city’s famous shopping district and just a short walk from the Jet d’eau, the old town and the central business district. Enjoy Swiss hospitality, your home away from home for both business and leisure travelers to Geneva.

The location is unique. The GRAND HOTEL NATIONAL nestles in the centre of the famous town of Lucerne on the shores of its eponymous lake. The artists featured on the walls of the hotel’s shimmering corridors include major names such as Botero, Martin Disler and Greg Mort. The picturesque old town of Luzern minutes away.

At its privileged lakeside location, Seehotel Hermitage offers you the perfect mix of relaxation and experience. With all the amenities your heart desires. For more than 100 years guests have been welcomed at this location and treated to the finest accommodation.

Four Seasons Megève

Beau-Rivage Geneva

Hotel Bristol Genève

Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern

Situated in the heart of the French Alps, directly on the Mont d’Arbois ski slopes. Distinct French character, pure Alpine tradition, and an intimate and inviting setting in both summer and winter define this mountain retreat. Play one of the world’s finest Alpine golf courses, relax in the region’s largest spa and dine at two Michelin star restaurant Le 1920.

Elegant and authentic, BeauRivage is an exceptional hotel, with its incredible view on the iconic Jet d'Eau, the lake, the Mont-Blanc, the snowy summits and the city. Each room has an elegant and refined atmosphere. Enjoy a unique experience in the heart of Geneva. A favourite for celebrities and the jet-set visiting Geneva.

Experience Geneva in a haven of tranquillity in the heart of the city. Bristol Hotel offers a “4 star superior” service, worthy of 5 stars, making your stay in the city at the end of the lake a magical and unforgettable time. Luxury and privacy await you in this private XIX century mansion, a stone’s throw away from the sightseeing, shopping and business centres, where you will enjoy warm and geniune company..

The five-star Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern is situated in an inimitable location right on the shore of Lake Lucerne with impressive mountain views. Restaurants Galerie and Pavillon offer you authentic specialities from Lucerne alongside exotic dishes from the rest of the world. For genuine haute cuisine, visit VILLA Schweizerhof. The 101 hotel rooms are elegant . With rooms dedicated to past famous guests from Winston Churchill to James Bond’s Roger Moore.

Ameron Luzern Hotel Flora luzern-hotel-flora

Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Geneva

La Réserve Genève - Hotel and Spa

The first choice of sophisticated travellers with enchanting views of the lake and the snow-capped Alps in the distance as well as the Old Town. Come and unwind from your day with a treatment at the rooftop Spa, enjoy Italian gastronomy at Michelin-starred Il Lago before retreating to your Pierre-Yves Rochon–designed room for a good night’s sleep.


In the centre of Lucerne, between Lake Lucerne and the Alps, the AMERON Luzern Hotel Flora is a newly renovated 4-star hotel which combines Swiss originality with urban flair.



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圣莫里茨位于风光旖旎的瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉,以举办盛大狂欢派对和情 侣亲密庆典而闻名。这里住宿选择众多,从优雅的酒店到舒适的别墅, 从惊艳的美食盛宴到美味的本地烹饪,再到尽情的购物之旅,好似梦幻 仙境。我们为你介绍情侣们在圣莫里茨不容错过的浪漫体验。

Spring Skiing

完美去处!(免费入场,限18岁以上成人,需持护照、身份证或欧盟国 家驾照入场。5月和11月休业)(营业时间:周一/周二晚上8点至凌晨2 点,周三至周日晚上8点至凌晨3点。更多详情请见,或发送邮件至

• 马车之旅:乘坐舒适浪漫的马车,探索 圣莫里茨和周边的梦幻山谷。(价格从 CHF 100起,每车最多乘坐4人,夏季冬 季均可。预定请发送电子邮件至:

• 电动单车山地骑行:电动单车助你在山路骑行中应对狭窄山口、长距离 下坡、道路潮湿等复杂状况。不仅如此,电动单车也赢得了越来越多在 公园里骑行健身人士的热爱。交互式山地骑行地图上显示路线、交通枢 纽、信息咨询中心、山地骑行和其它热门游览项目,为电动单车游提供 无尽选择。

• ⽔疗和康体:在圣莫里茨凯宾斯基德班 大酒店的圣莫里茨高山阿尔卑斯⽔疗中 心或库尔姆酒店的温泉中心,你可以享 受终极⽔疗体验,尽享阿尔卑斯山的天 然元素带给你的非凡效果。(价格从人 均CHF 75起,更多详情请见,或发送邮件 至

• 春季滑雪:当Diavolezza和Corvatsh山谷渐渐转绿时,气候温暖宜人,冬季 户外爱好者迎来了一年中的最佳滑雪季!无论是专业选手,还是学习中 的新手,都可以享受阳光下白雪皑皑的宜人山景。

• 浪漫芝士火锅:地处Muottas Muragl山顶上的Scatla餐厅,烛光里弥漫着 浪漫和温馨,这里提供多种自制特色奶酪火锅。(价格从人均CHF 35 起,每周四晚上7点至11点。预定请发送电子邮件至: • 圣莫里茨赌场:圣莫里茨赌场位于海拔1850米处,是瑞士海拔最高的 赌场。其独特的氛围、高雅的环境和高⽔平的娱乐项目,绝对是夜晚的

The Spa at the Kulm Hotel

在恩加丁圣莫里茨任何合 作酒店入住超过一晚,即 可购买酒店滑雪通票,价 格为每人每天CHF 35。 此特别优惠在2019年冬季 有效,可在合作酒店入住 期间享有。

LUXE LIFE EXPERIENCE 21 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

St. Moritz - A romantic escape for honeymooners Located in an idyllic setting of the Swiss Alps, St. Moritz is famous for the most extravagant events and intimate celebrations for couples. With an array of accommodation to choose from, it is a winter wonderland with elegant hotels to cozy chalets, fantastic cuisine to comfortable local fare and shopping. Read on for some of the most romantic activities that couples can enjoy at St. Moritz. • Horse-drawn carriage rides: Explore St. Moritz and its dreamy side valleys in the comfort of a romantic ride in a horse-drawn carriage. (Price from CHF 100 up to 4 guests, available in summer and winter. For bookings: • SPA & Wellness: For the ultimate wellness experience, head to St. Moritz High Alpine Spa at the Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains or the spa at Kulm Hotel where local ingredients are used in a simple yet stylishly way to excellent effect. (Price: From CHF 75 per person, for bookings: / • Romantic cheese fondue: The Scatla restaurant on Muottas Muragl mountain is transformed into a romantic, candlelit venue

serving a variety of home-made cheese fondue mixtures. (Price: From CHF 35 per person Every Thursday from 7.00pm - 11.00pm. For bookings:

on the Diavolezza and Corvatsch winter sport enthusiasts can enjoy optimal ski conditions in pleasantly warm temperatures. Skiers and learners can enjoy the snow underneath with the sun overhead and a fabulous mountain landscape ahead of them.

• Casino St. Moritz: Casino St. Moritz at 1850 meters is the highest Casino in Switzerland. Unique atmosphere, elegant ambience and a high level of entertainment, makes it a perfect place to enjoy an evening. (Free entrance, minimum age 18 years old. Entrance only with Passport, ID card or driving license (CH+EU) Closed May/ November) (Open: Mon/Tue 8 pm-2 am, Wed-Sunday 8 pm-3 am. Details: or • Mountain biking with e-bikes: E-bikes not only make bike trails and mountain passes easy, but long descents, flow trails and bike parks are also popular e-biking options as well. The interactive mountain biking map shows biking trails, flyer stations, transport points, mountain bike and other highlight tours for endless possibilities for your next e-bike excursion. • Spring Skiing: When in the valley the meadows slowly start to turn green again, up

Mountain biking Stay more than one night in Engadin St. Moritz at any participating hotel and you can purchase a Hotel Ski Pass for CHF 35. This special offer is available throughout the winter season 2019 per person/day for the duration of your stay at a participating hotel.



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《David LaChapelle. Lost and Found - Good News》艺术版 D a v i d L a C h a p e l l e 在 1 9 8 0 年 代 曾 在 安 迪 · 沃 霍 尔 ( A n d y Warhol)手下工作,在1990年代被誉为“摄影界的费里尼”,在 2 0 0 0 年 代 曾 隐 居 在 夏 威 夷 乡 间 。 在 过 去 的 三 十 年 中 , D a v i d LaChapelle拍摄了众多明星,以他独特另类的美学理念,重新诠 释了时尚与明星、性别与时尚的概念。 此次独家的艺术版书籍是David LaChapelle近十年来的首个出版 物,TASCHEN在书中展示了LaChapelle职业生涯中的两个决定 性时期:1980年代的纽约成为炙手可热的摄影师,以及2006年后 他从时尚界“消失”之后的全新创作。 《Volume 1, Lost + Found》讲述了LaChapelle是如何在沃 霍尔的杂志《Interview》初露头角的,以及他是怎样发展成为全 球时尚界的知名人士的。同时,《Good News 》展示了 LaChapelle在夏威夷西毛伊岛度过乡村田园诗般的生活之后,在 精神和艺术方面的全新回归。 此次艺术版书籍如同一幅直观的地图,展示了LaChapelle天马 行空的创意头脑。他镜头下的300多幅未发表的作品被收录其中,记 录了包括Miley Cyrus、Amy Winehouse、Michael Jackson、 Lady Gaga、Tupac和Naomi Campbell等明星,以及他这些年 的造型试验,涵盖了古典、巴洛克和波普艺术元素。我们可以感受 到他对极致魅力的追求以及随后对消费主义、救赎和灵性等主题的 探索。 从备受争议的Rape of Africa (2009) 系列到Kardashianheavy Black Friday at Mall of the Apocalypse (2013) 以及经典的Angels, Saints and Martyrs (1984),以及全新的 Paradise (2017),这是一次世界级摄影大师LaChapelle对自己 风格演变之路的探索。我们会在这个过程中发现他独特的批判性和 创造性的视角,无论是对性别的展示,还是对人类生存的探讨。

摄影师简介 David LaChapelle最初受到安 迪·沃霍尔的赏识并获得了第一 份 摄 影 师 的 工 作 , 开 始 为 《Interview》杂志摄影。从那 以后,他的作品在世界各地的画 廊和博物馆展出,包括纽约的 Tony Shafrazi Gallery和 Deitch Projects以及伦敦的 Barbican。他的摄影作品出现在 了无数杂志上,包括意大利和法

国版的《Vogue》、《名利场》、 《滚石》和《i-D》。 近年来,他又涉足音乐短片、现场 戏剧和纪录片制作。 艺术版限量500本,每本均包含 三张 David LaChapelle 签名 的摄影作品

LUXE LIFE BOOKS 23 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

David LaChapelle. Lost and Found – Good News, Art Edition


urtured under Warhol’s wing in the ’80s, hailed as the Fellini of photography in the ’90s, emerging from a retreat in rural Hawaii in the noughties, David LaChapelle has spent the past three decades shooting some of the most luminous stars of his generation and transforming the realms of fashion and celebrity, sex and style with his own distinct, unorthodox aesthetics. In this exclusive Art Edition, the artist’s first publication in a decade, TASCHEN presents two defining periods in LaChapelle’s career: his rise to stardom in the white heat of ’80s New York, and his creative renaissance following his “disappearance” from the fashion scene, post-2006. Volume 1, Lost + Found, traces LaChapelle’s emergence through Warhol’s Interview magazine and his ascent to the status of global icon in the fashion World. Meanwhile, Good News explores LaChapelle’s spiritual and artistic revival following his retreat to a rural idyll in West Maui, Hawaii. This Art Edition represents a typographical map to a dizzyingly creative mind, presenting over 300 unpublished works to trace LaChapelle’s career through his very own lens. Along the way, we encounter such high-voltage subjects as Miley Cyrus, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Tupac, and Naomi Campbell, as well as LaChapelle’s stylistic experimentation throughout the years, spanning classical, Baroque, and Pop art elements. We follow his ascent to the apex of glamour and his subsequent thematic exploration of consumerism, redemption, and spirituality. From the controversial Rape of Africa (2009) series and the Kardashian-heavy Black Friday at Mall of the Apocalypse (2013) to the classic Angels, Saints and Martyrs (1984) and the brand new Paradise(2017), this is an intimate tour through LaChapelle’s thematic evolution, narrated by the world-class photographer himself. Throughout, we discover an unrivaled critical and creative eye, in thrall to hyper-polished sexuality, as much as to the profound questions of human existence. Limited edition of 500 copies, each with three prints signed by David LaChapelle.



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选购本季新品 1





11 12







LUXE LIFE SHOPPING 25 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Alexander McQueen

Shop the Season

Jimmy Choo


Casadei Saint Laurent Michael Kors


Tommy Hilfiger Fendi Philipp Plein Jimmy Choo Salvatore Ferragamo Sergio Rossi


Tory Burch Calvin Klein Gianvito Rossi HOGAN Wolford Tommy Hilfiger


Cerezo Silver / Daniel Espinosa Desigual







Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

苏黎世 作者&摄影:Sebastian Marc


在苏黎世,几乎所有当地人都会说英语,在城市的街道上漫步十分容易。 班 霍夫大街(Bahnhofstrasse)是苏黎世的主干道,它从火车站出发,终点在 湖边。 班霍夫大街将新旧苏黎世分隔,也是该市的商业和金融大动脉。这里 有Globus、Grieder和Jelmoli百货商店以及众多国际品牌商店。随着你越 来越接近Paradeplatz,周边商店变得更加独特。 苏黎世是选购精美钟表和珠宝的理想场所,因为所有瑞士钟表品牌都在班霍 夫大街上拥有令人印象深刻的旗舰店。

苏黎世,世界领先的金融城市之一,它国际化、生活节 奏快,是欧洲具有最高的生活水平和质量的城市。 苏黎世可以满足任何挑剔的旅行者的期待。 顶级餐厅、 设计师品牌、豪华酒店和瑞士式的热情好客都被白雪皑 皑的山脉所环绕。 这里的居民欢迎来自世界各地的人 们并尊重他们的习惯。 与他们的邻国相比,当地人为 人友善,工作专业,他们的生活节奏更加放松。 这里 的人们为自己生活在这样一座城市而感到自豪。

探索苏黎世的老城区是一种享受,那里也充满了各种设计师品牌商店,如 Moncler、Tom Ford或Celine。精美的建筑和咖啡馆排列在历史悠久的街 道两旁。 在Fraumünster教堂旁边,优雅的教堂里有一个精致的铜顶尖塔和Marc Chagall设计的彩色玻璃。河对面矗立着Grossmünster圆锥形双塔罗马式 大教堂,16世纪宗教改革家Huldrych Zwingli曾在那里讲道。苏黎世的这 一面更具有波西米亚风格和艺术气息。那里有著名的书店街Kirchgasse。乘 坐古怪的索道缆车Polyban,前往新古典主义风格的苏黎世大学,在那里您 可以欣赏到苏黎世天际线的全景。

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如果您想进一步探索苏黎世,可以从Bürkliplatz乘坐渡轮, 乘船游览苏黎世湖,欣赏阿尔卑斯山的美景。 苏黎世是一个 令人惊叹的城市,它时髦且国际化,那里居民热情好客,他们 追求着健康富裕的幸福生活。

餐厅推荐 Metropol - Fraumünsterstrasse 12 距离Metropol湖仅几步之遥,这里 是观看城市景点的最佳地点之一。 城中的时髦精英们都在聚集在这里 享用鸡尾酒和寿司。 Santa Lucia - Waaggasse 5 这家Paradeplatz上的意大利餐 厅位于爱马仕(Hermès)和 Savoy Bar之间。它在温馨的空间 内提供意大利美食。 在温暖的月 份,您还可以坐在别致的露天广场 上享用美食。 Orsini - Waaggasse 3 毫无疑问,这是苏黎世最负盛名的 意大利餐馆。它在阿尔卑斯山区, 提供最高级的服务和最好的托斯卡

纳美食。它是可以打动您的生活或 商业伙伴的完美晚餐场所。 Old Fashion Bar Fraumünsterstrasse 15, 这家历史悠久的酒吧可追溯至1886 年,是苏黎世最古老的酒吧。 虽然 酒吧历史悠久,但它最近刚刚被重 新装修改造并获得了新生。 这家酒 吧现在变得更加诱人和温文尔雅。 这里全天营业,晚上特别忙碌, 吸引着城市的社交名流和酷酷的人 群。 这家酒吧是苏黎世的经典,随着时 间的流逝而变得更加美好。 Atelier Bar Talacker 16 这家别致的咖啡厅供应城里最好的 意大利浓缩咖啡。 它隐藏在瑞银总 部后方,是企业高管和员工们在会 议前后放松的地方。

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 28 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

琉森 作者&摄影:Sebastian Marc

桥上的水塔在木桥建起前约30年就存在了,它曾被用作监狱,后来成为市政 档案馆。这座桥将右岸的老城区与新城区连接起来。

这座瑞士最迷人的小镇,距离苏黎世的喧嚣,只有很短 的火车车程。它位于琉森湖畔,两侧是阿尔卑斯山,并 以独特的木结构、古老的城墙和标志性的木桥而闻名。

迷人的老城区拥有许多教堂、广场和餐厅。你可以在Stadtkeller品尝丰盛的 瑞士特色美食,亦可以在在1871餐厅的户外用餐区一边享受精致的美食,一 边欣赏湖光山色的美景。

卡佩尔桥是瑞士最具代表性的景点之一。这座木桥拥有 一座宏伟的石头水塔,顶部是木头制成的,装饰着17 世纪的艺术作品,描绘了琉森的历史。

琉森的文化氛围十分活跃,其中大部分的活动都是在Jean Nouvel设计的琉 森文化会议中心(KKL)进行的,它巧妙地集音乐厅、艺术博物馆和会议中心 为一体。

木桥跨越罗伊斯河,从14世纪以来就连接起了整个城 镇。它不仅是欧洲最古老的有顶木桥,也是世界上现存 最古老的桁架桥。

琉森的国家码头(Nationalquai)也非常有名。这里的海滨长廊是当地人和 游客漫步、午餐和游泳的地方。长廊树木掩映,环境优美。在这里,你可以找 到琉森当地的豪华酒店,比如Schweizerhof、The Grand Hotel National Luzern和Hotel Palace。 此外,琉森的奢华赌场Grand Casino也位于这里。

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 29 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

夏季,你还可以去Seebad游泳或是坐船游览琉森湖。琉森的另 一个标志景点布尔根施托克(Bürgenstock)就在不远处。在 这座著名的山峰上坐落着最负盛名的度假村,在那里可以观赏到 整个湖泊的壮丽景色。 对于那些寻求冒险的人来说,皮拉图斯山(Pilatus)是必游之 地。这座山以罗马总督 Pontius Pilatus命名,耸立在琉森上方 海拔2,132米处。它拥有世界上最陡峭的铁路。在皮拉图斯地 区,你可以找到适合徒步旅行者、登山者和阿尔卑斯登山者的道 路。在7000英尺的山顶,你还可以欣赏到73座阿尔卑斯山峰的 壮观全景。 琉森也是购物圣地,这里的珠宝店格外有名。Grendelstrasse 是大多数著名瑞士珠宝品牌门店的所在地。 宝嘉尔(Bucherer)在这里设有旗舰店,数层楼的店面为顾客提 供各种高端腕表品牌,此外还有一两层楼的纪念品选择,比如瑞 士军刀、布谷鸟自鸣钟、水晶制品等等。

Les Ambassadeurs在 Kapellplatz设有旗舰店。这家精 品店距离卡佩尔桥仅几步之遥,提 供世界上最特别的腕表和珠宝品 牌,是全球知名的腕表精品店之 一。

轩(LVMH)集团所有,其精品 店位于Grendelstrasse,品牌现 代风格的经典设计历久弥新。

历 史 悠 久 的 腕 表 品 牌 伯 爵 (Piaget)也在Grendelstrasse 拥有精品店。在这里,你将找到品 全 新 开 设 的 梵 克 雅 宝 ( V a n 牌著名的Skeleton腕表和令人惊 Cleef & Arpels)精品店是琉森 叹的钻石首饰。 的另一个奢华购物目的地。它坐落 在奢华酒店Schweizerhof Hotel Schwanenplatz的Gübelin精品 店是Gübelin最古老的商店。它 一楼,顾客终于可以在琉森湖旁选 于1903年开业,为游客和贵宾提 购巴黎高级珠宝品牌的经典 Alhambra四叶幸运系列。 供奢华的购物环境和友好的客户服 务,40多个腕表和珠宝品牌任你 挑选。 由意大利人Carlo Crocco创立的 宇舶表(Hublot)现在归路威酩

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 30 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


作者&摄影:Sebastian Marc

它背靠阿尔卑斯山,以高标准的生活品质和浓厚的都市 风格而闻名世界。因此,众多国际组织都将其总部设在 了这里,比如联合国或世贸组织等等。日内瓦开放、公 平和现代的社会气息吸引了来自世界各地的人们在这里 进行工作和交流。同时,这里还拥有迷人的自然风光, 高级优雅的购物环境,绝对是一个适合短途旅行和享受 生活的好地方。

日内瓦老城区 位于日内瓦北部的是被列为国家文化遗产的老城区,自从罗马人把这里开发 为商贸枢纽以来,就一直热闹非凡。今天的老城区依旧生机勃勃,铺满鹅卵 石的街道两旁有各种咖啡馆、艺术画廊和设计商店。日内瓦的老城区典雅精 致,让人仿佛置身于一个远离喧嚣的世界。圣皮埃尔大教堂耸立在老城区的 北部,日内瓦在新教改革时期扮演著重要角色,新教徒John Calvin在这里 讲道和生活了数十年。他的椅子至今仍被保留在教堂里。参观大教堂是俯瞰 整个城市的好方法,在教堂顶部,你可以360度欣赏到日内瓦喷泉和阿尔卑 斯山全景。 你可以在Rue de Rive路4号的Auer享受一顿美好的早餐,开始新的一天。 这家餐厅也是日内瓦最著名的热巧克力店,来这里一定不要忘记品尝Pignon 巧克力或杏仁蛋糕和浓郁的热巧克力哦! 如果你来Rue du Rhone路逛街,那就一定要在购物清单中加上钟表和珠宝 单品。在时计之国选购腕表才是最棒的,劳力士(Rolex)、积家(Jaeger LeCoultre)和爱彼(Audemars Piguet)等顶级品牌任你选购。

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 31 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

这里的精品店不仅为顾客提供最精致的商品和最周到的服 务,而且这里的购物环境比伦敦或纽约更好。 你可能不知道,日内瓦拥有数个世界级的博物馆和画廊。 日内瓦拥有纽约高古轩(New York’s Gagosian)、菲利 普斯画廊(Phillips Gallery)和贝莱尔画廊(Bel Air fine Art)等多家全球知名的私人画廊。这些画廊向公众开 放,并会偶尔举办艺术与设计作品的拍卖会。除此之外日内 瓦还有几家颇受好评的博物馆。 Mamco博物馆是欣赏当代艺术的最佳地点,这里的最新展 览是首次在欧洲展出的美国艺术家William Leavitt的作品 展。这位概念派的艺术家通过娱乐行业精湛地展示了洛杉矶 文化。Leavitt是60年代后期西海岸概念艺术运动最著名的艺 术家之一,因此这个展览对于那些希望了解洛杉矶文化的人 来说一定不可错过。

民族博物馆(Museé d’ethnographie)是城中新兴的文化地表。它 拥有数以千计的具有历史和人类学价值的优秀文物。博物馆先前举办过名 为“L'effect Boomerang”的展览,专注展现土著艺术和文化。这座 精心策划的博物馆从艺术和科学的角度彰显了世界文化的多彩和丰富。 如果你想融入当地人的生活,那就一定要在Globus百货午餐一顿。这里 的泰国及其他亚洲美食摊位令人印象深刻。你既可以吃到泰国厨师准备的 泰式咖喱和面条,也可以选择享用印度洋另一边最好的新加坡鸡肉饭。 湖畔漫步 日内瓦的湖可能比它的城镇更有名气。在日内瓦湖边散步是一件很享受的 事情。无论是与朋友、爱人同行,或是独自一人带着耳机,这里都是轻松 漫步的理想场所。瑞士阿尔卑斯山和勃朗峰可以作为你的晨跑背景。夏 季,这里又是另一番生机勃勃的景象,你可以看到充满异国情调的美食摊 位,也可以去年轻人喜欢的L’ 喝。

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 32 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


Words & Photos by Sebastian Marc

A short train ride away from the hustle and bustle of Zurich lies one of Switzerland’s most enchanting towns. Laying on lake Lucerne and flanked by the Swiss Alps the town is famous for its timber structures, old walls and iconic wooden bridge. Kapellbrücke is one of Switzerland’s most iconic sights. The wooden bridge roof, with its grand stone water tower, is adorned with 17th century art. The paintings depict Lucerne´s history. Spanning diagonally across the Reuss it has unified the town since the 14th century. It is not only the oldest wooden covered bridge in Europe but also the world’s oldest surviving truss bridge.

The water tower predates the bridge by about 30 years and used to serve as a prison and later a municipal archive. The bridge itself links the old town on the right bank with the new town. The charming old town is filled with churches, inviting squares and great eateries. Try hearty Swiss specialties at Stadtkeller or enjoy sophisticated outdoor dining at 1871 with views of the lake and the Alps. Lucerne boasts a lively cultural scene with most of it taking place in the impressive Jean Nouvel designed KKL. Boasting a concert hall, art museum and convention center, all under one roof. Lucerne is also coveted for its lakefront Nationalquai, Lucerne´s promenade is where locals and tourists stroll, have lunch and swim. Shaded by trees it is a relaxing and a stunning walk. Here you will find Lucerne´s elegant luxury hotels such as the Schweizerhof, The Grand Hotel National Luzern or the Hotel Palace (reopening in 2020). Furthermore the Grand Casino is also situated here. A short drive away is another of Lucerne´s most iconic destinations, the Bürgenstock. The famous mountain boasts one of the area’s most prestigious resorts and stunning views of the entire lake.

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 33 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

For those who seek adventure the Pilatus mountain is a must visit. Named after the Roman Governor Pontius Pilatus the mountain towers 2,132m above Lucerne. It is best accessed by the world’s steepest railway in the world. In the region of Pilatus you can find tracks suitable for hikers, mountaineers and alpinists. The 7,000 feet summit offers spectacular panoramic views of 73 Alpine peaks. Lucerne is famed for its shopping and luxury jewellery stores. Grendelstrasse is where you will find most of the famous Swiss jewellery houses.

Lucerne latest luxury addition is Van Cleef & Arpels. Situated on the grounds of the prestigious Schweizerhof Hotel. The historic Parisian house finally brings its iconic Alhambra motif to Lake Lucerne.

Founded by Italian Carlo Crocco, Hublot now owned by LVMH, has its boutique on the Grendelstrasse. Its modern striking and iconic design offers contemporary yet timeless pieces.

Bucherer has its flagship address here. The Bucherer store provides the customer with several floors of highend watch brands and a floor or two of souvenirs and other items like Swiss Army knives, cuckoo clocks, crystals and other trinklets.

Historic watch brand Piaget is also situated on the elegant Grendelstrasse. Here you will find their famed Skeleton watches and stunning diamond jewellery pieces.

Les Ambassadeurs boasts its flagship Lucerne boutique on the iconic Kapellplatz. Steps away from

Kapellbrücke bridge, the boutique offers some of the world’s most exclusive watch and jewellery brands positioning itself as one of the world’s leading watch stores. The Gübelin boutique on Schwanenplatz is Gübelin´s oldest shop. Opened in 1903 it offers tourists and VIP guests a luxurious yet friendly environment where they can find over 40 watches and the Gübelin jewellery brand. This is where you will find the only Patek Philippe boutique in Lucerne.

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Words & Photos by Sebastian Marc

Tribeka at the forefront of Swiss design and urban development Tribeka is Zurich’s newest district, in fact it's not even finished yet. Tourists have yet to discover this slice of urbanity yet, where cranes swing in the sky and construction builders mix with commuters. Situated on the fringes of Switzerland’s train hub lies Tribeka. Short for TRIangel BEim KAnzleiareal. It is Zurich’s fastest growing neighbourhood and is at the forefront of Swiss design and urban development.

The district perfectly emulates the active lifestyle of Zurich’s residents. It’s pedestrian, bike and rail focus architecture illustrates Tribeka’s forward thinking concept. Cars and other private forms of transport are forfeited. Instead Tribeka encourages an outdoor and healthy lifestyle where work, leisure and living are all confined in one place. The developers behind Tribeka wanted to emphasise the connectivity of Tribeka with the rest of Europe. Tribeka’s privileged location means it is connected to many corners of Switzerland and Europe. Its main drag is also an ode to Europe as it is uncannily called Europallee which is an interesting element in a slightly eurosceptic Switzerland. Global companies and businesses are chiming in. Google has its HQ here so do UBS and several academies and business schools. There is an interesting mix of techies, corporates and students. However, Tribeka is still in development with modern towers rising everyday and pedestrian areas and businesses opening. The final and central piece of Tribeka is well underway and should be open to the public by 2020. The central plaza will dominate the heart of the modern district and will help unite the cluster of modern buildings with the station. This will eventually become the central hub of leisure and activity in the neighbourhood.

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Tribeka Guide Shop Feinhaus Possibly the coolest concept store in Zurich, Feinhaus kickstarted the district’s cool factor over 6 years ago. It continues to stay relevant by selling everything from limited edition Adidas shoes to La Bruket skin care. Eurapaalle Passage The contemporary arcade is the central shopping corridor of Tribeka. With a rainbow LED roof it boasts independent retailers such as skate store Doodah, which

has its own skate park or Lola Fred yoga studio the ideal place for hot yoga. Transa is one of the most impressive sport stores in Europe. Apart from the normal ski equipment and sporting apparel they have a cutting edge orthopedic centre and indoor rock climbing. Stay 25 Hours hotel Langstrasse Red high heels and fishnet stockings, ties and tailor-made suits - worlds collide at the junction between the lively Langstrasse and the ultra-modern Europaallee.

Eat Drink Relax Kosmos This is a cinema hall with a twist. Its industrial interior hides a wonderful library where students, locals and book buffs come to read and sip lattes in tranquility. Kosmos is definitely one of the most original establishments in this part of town boasting restaurants, a cocktail bar and a roaster of foreign films in its underground cinema.

Radix This sports store-meets coffee shop is a great spot to work over a cappuccino especially during cold days. Yamas Greek cuisine is the star attraction at this cozy restaurant. For the tapas style menu, a great place for afterwork moments with friends. Get the complete experience, try the Greek wines and ouzo.

Jack and Co Slow fast food concept in a colourful and cool diner style setting with a terrace overlooking the district. PIU Wood fired oven Pizzas are the focus of this swish Italian eatery. Expect to make a reservation for dinner as this is one of Zurich’s hotspots.

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 36 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


Words by Sebastian Marc Photos by Alexander Graham

Geneva the city that shines on the Lac Léman with a global city status that retains a small town feel. With the Alps serving as its backdrop, Geneva is renowned for its high quality living and cosmopolitan flair. Attributed by the many international organisations who call Geneva home such as the U.N. or WTO. Its open, fair and modern society has attracted people from around the globe to connect, work and integrate here. With stunning natural scenery, fantastic shopping and sophisticated vibe it is a great place to escape and enjoy.

Old Town Geneva Perched above Geneva lies the Vieille ville, classed as a national heritage site, Geneva’s old town has been bustling ever since the Romans developed the area as a trading settlement. Today the old town is bursting with life and its intimate cobbled streets are filled with smart cafés, art galleries and interior design stores. Geneva’s old town is elegant, refined and feels like a world away from the hustle and bustle of the lake front. The cathedral of St Pierre towers above the town. Geneva played a prominent role in the Protestant reformation period as it was here that the protestant John Calvin preached and lived for several decades. His flat backed chair still lies inside. A tour of the cathedral is a great way to see the city from above. The top of the Spire greets you with a 360º panoramic view of Le Jet d’Eau and the Swiss Alps. Start your mornings enjoying a sweet petit déjuener at Auer on Rue de Rive 4. This cozy chocolate emporium is a Geneva Classic. It serves the town’s best hot chocolates and don’t forget to order Pignon (small chocolate or Almond cakes) to dunk into your chocolat chaud !

LUXE LIFE DESTINATION 37 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

No Rue du Rhône rendez-vous is complete without adding Swiss watches and jewellery to your shopping list. There is no better place to experience watch shopping than in the home of horology. Expect the finest brands from Rolex, Jaeger-LeCoultre to Audemars Piguet. Offering magnificent pieces and bespoke service and expertise without the crowds you might find in London or New York City. To the surprise of many, Geneva has several world class museums and galleries. Private Galleries such as New York’s Gagosian, Phillips Gallery and Bel Air Fine Art mark Geneva on the Global Art Map. Their Galleries are open to the public and they occasionally organise auctions of prestigious works of Art and Design. Geneva hosts several top rated museums. Mamco is the best place to catch up on contemporary art.

The Museé d’Ethnographie de Genève is one of the city’s most recent cultural contributions. It boasts tens of thousands of remarkable pieces of historic and anthropological value. Riverside walk Geneva is probably more famous for its Lake than its town. Lake G’s promenade is the city’s most enjoyed thoroughfare. This is the ideal place to have a relaxing stroll with friends, loved ones or a moment to simply plug in your earphones and have the Swiss Alps and Mont Blanc as your morning run backdrop. In the Summer season the lake takes on a new life. Exotic food stalls and young folk flock to L'île Rousseau to enjoy cocktails, live music and balmy summer nights. Power Lunches at Globus are a Must if you want to fit in with the locals. The Thai and Asian food market stall is impressive and Thai chefs prepare delicious curries and noodles. Expect to queue for the best Singapore chicken on this side of the Indian Ocean.



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在过去三年内,真力时(Zenith)与路虎(Land Rover)携手合作。2017年,双方创意合作推出了 Chronomaster El Primero Range Rover Velar表款, 向路虎揽胜(Range Rover)车型致敬。新车配佳表,下一 代路虎揽胜极光(Range Rover Evoque)搭配真力时的 DEFY Classic系列最新款腕表联袂推出:一款别致的运动型 腕表,彰显标志性设计。

DEFY Classic Range Rover限量发行200枚,由设计和技 术工程团队紧密协作共同开发,结合自身的流线型外观以及 从汽车中汲取的某些经典元素。这些元素特别包括英国产车辆的 重点颜色,例如绿松石蓝秒针和摆轮,其灵感来自极光车型的 方向盘和座椅特色。

真力时DEFY CLASSIC RANGE ROVER特别版 限量200枚 新款路虎揽胜极光专为融合城市生活与 乡村度假而设计,在原有的经久不衰的 奢华魅力的基础上,对其一目了然的外 型进行建设性的演变。其改装设计专注 于简约,最紧凑的路虎揽胜是现代和恒 久设计的体现,将极光车型置于细分市 场的顶端。 路虎的首席设计师Gerry McGovern先 生声称:“新款路虎揽胜极光的一大要 素就是可望也可及。新款真力时Defy Classic Range Rover腕表标志着协 作式腕表设计的一个里程碑,打造出的 理想时计也是向真力时和路虎合作致 敬。”

这款精致时计的镂空表盘的设计灵感来自于极光车轮设计的雕 塑设计,而高级运动型多功能汽车的绗缝图案装饰则采用“钻 石”图案,搭配腕表的橡胶表带。真力时首次重新改良其 Defy Classic系列,以全新的Elite镂空机芯为动力,以强大 的灵感设计为基础,散发出独特的魅力。 真力时CEO Julien Tornare先生表示: “如果真力时是一 辆车,它绝对会成为路虎揽胜!两者都被视为各自领域内的坐 标。两者都拥有相同的价值观和某些关键特色,包括魅力、精 湛技术和卓越性能。两者都立足传统,致力创新。Defy和路 虎揽胜既是理想的奢侈品商标,也是各自行业的先锋基石,打 造出瞬间产生情感共鸣的产品。两者都从过去汲取灵感,同时 坚定地展望未来。”

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LUXE LIFE CARS 41 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines


or the past three years, ZENITH has been associated with Land Rover. In 2017 the creative partnership launched the Chronomaster El Primero Range Rover Velar, a model celebrating the iconic Range Rover name. A new vehicle deserved a new timepiece, and the nextgeneration Range Rover Evoque is paired with the latest ZENITH watch from the DEFY Classic collection: a chic and sporty timepiece honouring a landmark design.


The new Range Rover Evoque is designed to expertly blend city living with country escapism, building on the original’s enduring luxury appeal with a purposeful and precise evolution of its instantly recognisable silhouette. A reductive design approach focused on simplicity, the most compact Range Rover is a vision of modernity and timeless design placing Evoque back at the top of the segment.


Gerry McGovern, Land Rover Chief Design Officer, said: "A key component of the new Range Rover Evoque is Desirability. The new Zenith Defy Classic Range Rover watch represents a step change in collaborative watch design, the result being a highly desirable timepiece and a fitting tribute to the Zenith and Land Rover collaboration.”


Specially co-developed by design and technical engineering teams working in close harmony, this 200-piece limited

edition of the DEFY Classic Range Rover is a combination of its own streamlined looks and certain unmistakable elements drawn from its automotive inspiration. These notably include colour themes evoking the UK manufactured vehicle, such as the seconds hand and oscillating weight attired in Arctic Petrol (turquoise blue) inspired by the accents on Evoques steering wheel and seats. The openworked dial of this sophisticated timepiece is inspired by the sculptural design of the wheel design of the Evoque, while the quilted-patterned upholstery of the premium SUV is picked up in the ‘diamond’ motif gracing the rubber strap of its horological alter ego. Powered by a new Elite skeletonised movement, ZENITH’s first reinterpretation of its Defy Classic collection radiates a unique allure based on an inspired and powerful design. Julien Tornare, CEO ZENITH, said: “If Zenith was a car it would definitely be a Range Rover! Both are recognised as icons in their fields. Both share the same values as well as a number of key assets, including charisma, technical refinement and remarkable performance. Both have innovation in their very DNA. The Defy and the Range Rover are both desirable, luxurious trademarks and pioneering cornerstones of their industries – objects with which there is an immediate emotional connection. Both are inspired by the past, while looking firmly to the future.”



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Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2019 Trend Report

2019秋冬伦敦时装周时尚趋势 作者:Yangzi Liang

2019秋冬伦敦时装周吸引了许多知名度极高的设计师品 牌,从每一季都备受关注的博柏利(Burberry)和 Erdem,到深得年轻消费者喜爱的Molly Goddard和 Alexa Chung,每场秀都看点十足,不容错过。从皮革 到真丝,从菱纹针织到拼接印花,我们为你带来新一季最 值得关注的时尚趋势。

Shiny Leather Boudoir Silk Rejina Pyo

Peter Pilotto

LUXE LIFE FASHION 43 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

by Yangzi Liang





Fashion Week has drawn in some impressive names, from British stalwarts such as Burberry and Erdem, to millennial favourites Molly Goddard and Alexa Chung. From leather to silk, Argyle knits to patchwork prints. Here are the top fashion trends for Autumn/Winter


London Fashion Week.

Argyle Knits Victoria Beckham





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漆皮大衣 时装设计师们热衷于寻找独特的视 角,重新诠释经典的款式。长款大衣 是2019秋冬伦敦时装周上的一大热门 单品,在经过无数次升级变化之后, 漆皮大衣华丽回归。2019春夏, Celine、爱马仕(Hermès)和 AlexanderMcQueen等知名时装屋 都推出了廓形潇洒的皮革单品;2019 秋冬,更大胆、更抢镜的漆皮大衣让 人眼前一亮。Christopher


EmiliaWickstead和Rejina Pyo带

Emilia Wickstead


Rejina Pyo

LUXE LIFE FASHION 45 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

SHINY LEATHER How many times can a classic coat be reinvented? After seeing almost all the iterations possible, we are still impressed by the shiny leather versions that are in the spotlight at Autumn/Winter 2019 London Fashion Week. Following the matte leather trend seen at CÊline, Hermès and Alexander McQueen Spring/ Summer 2019 catwalk shows, the brighter and bolder shiny leather has come to life

Christopher Kane

in the hands of Christopher Kane, Emilia Wickstead and Rejina Pyo in Autumn/ Winter 2019.

Peter Pilotto 柔情真丝 几年前曾经风靡一时的睡衣风潮有望 在2019秋冬回归,时髦度和舒适度不 再是二选一的问题。“钟小姐”Alexa Chung在个人品牌的全新系列中,为 真丝印花睡衣套装搭配了帅气的漆皮 大衣;韩裔设计师Rejina Ryo为模特 穿上了风格极简的真丝连衣裙;印花

Rejina Pyo

大师Peter Pilotto则为真丝衬衫注入 了一丝优雅,将它们打造成了适合出 席正式场合的晚装选择。

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BOUDOIR SILK Those who enjoyed the joyful and comfortable pyjama trend many years ago must be excited to hear that it will make a romantic comeback in Autumn/Winter 2019. Alexa Chung styled the printed pyjama set in silk together with the sharp coat in shiny leather, while Rejina Ryo sent models on the runway in the simplest silk

Alexa Chung

dresses. Peter Pilotto injected a sense of elegance into the silky shirts making them an alternative choice for evening wear.


Victoria Beckham 菱纹针织 菱形格纹最初源自苏格兰西部Argyll地区。 1920年代,英国温莎公爵对菱格纹针织衫 情有独钟,它也成为了最具英伦风情的时尚 单品,并慢慢在全球范围内流行开来。在 2019秋冬伦敦时装周上,菱格纹针织衫又 一 次 回 归 潮 流 视 野 , V i c t o r i a Beckham、Preen和Molly Goddard都 不约而同地将它搬上T台。贝嫂将翻领内搭 和菱纹针织衫叠穿搭配,格呢半裙彰显成熟 气 息 。 P r e e n 的 短 款 剪 裁 和 M o l l y Goddard的宽松样式都展现出复古又不失 摩登的青春风采。

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ARGYLE KNITS Originated in Argyll, Scotland, Argyle knits have became one of the most quintessentially British signatures thanks to the Duke of Windsor, who adored them in the 1920s. This heritage trend was honoured at Autumn/Winter 2019 London Fashion Week by many designers including Victoria Beckham, Preen and Molly Goddard. Victoria Beckham took the grown-up vibe further by pairing her argyle knit with a

Molly Goddard

tweed skirt and shirt with pointed collar, while Preen went for a cropped take and Molly Goddard chose an oversized interpretation.

Burberry 拼接印花 将不同纹理、材质和印花的面料拼接组合在一 起,打造抢眼吸睛的时髦单品,这已经成为 近几季的T台趋势。2019秋冬,这一趋势还 将延续,其中格纹拼接的风头最劲,博柏利和 A.W.A.K.E就带来了个性十足的街头装扮。


一向走优雅路线的Roland Mouret从跳蚤市 场寻得新一季的设计灵感,拼接印花面料打造 的连衣裙令人眼前一亮,Preen则以古色古香 的印花图案拼接出了与众不同的时尚单品。

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Preen PATCHWORK PRINTS Many designers have played around with combining prints for several seasons, overlapping and mixing clashing patterns to create eye-catching ensembles. For Autumn/Winter 2019, the trend continues with a focus on checks and plaids, as seen on Burberry and A.W.A.K.E. Inspired by fashion found at flea markets, Roland Mouret also presented a couple of surprisingly

Roland Mouret

interesting patchwork pieces, while at Preen, a patchwork of fabrics and cuts created nostalgic looks.



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瑞士腕表品牌亮相 2019巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展

百达翡丽 REF. 5212A CALATRAVA周历腕表 百达翡丽新增复杂功能的自动机芯26330 S C J SE。这是一款周历腕表,除 显示星期和日期,其半集成装置还会显示 当前周数。


Swiss watch brands, both small and large, unveiled at Baselworld 2019 Exhibition


PATEK PHILIPPE introduces a new complication in an automatic movement, calibre 26-330 S C J SE. It is a weekly calendar with a semiintegrated mechanism displaying the current week number, in addition to the day and the date.

LUXE LIFE WATCHES 53 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines





Autavia系列腕表和计时码表诞生于20 世纪60年代初代,主要针对赛车和飞机 设计。新款Autavia将功能、风格和前 沿科技完美结合,每一款腕表都采用了 泰格豪雅独立研发的碳复合材质游丝。

Inspired by the original Autavia wristwatches and dashboard timers of the 1960s, that was used in racing cars and aircraft, the new Autavia collection bring together functional, versatile style and cutting-edge technology. Each Autavia watch is equipped with TAG Heuer’s proprietary carbon-composite hairspring, “Isograph”.





宇舶全新的经典融合系列法拉 利GT腕表是对GT赛车的一 次优雅致敬。法拉利设计总 监Flavio Manzoni参与构 想和设计了这一系列腕表。

Manufacture Slimline 50小 时动力储存系列腕表采用全新 自制自动上链机芯FC-723, 具备50小时超强动力储存。这一 全新的复杂功能代表着康斯 登自制机芯腕表的历史已进入 第28年。

HUBLOT CLASSIC FUSION FERRARI In an elegant nod to the world of GT racing, Hublot’s new warhorse, the Classic Fusion


Ferrari GT, was imagined and

The Manufacture Slimline 50-Hours Power Reserve contains the new

designed in partnership with

in-house automatic calibre FC-723, with a 50-hour power reserve.

Flavio Manzoni, Head of Design

This new complication represents FREDERIQUE CONSTANT’s 28th

at Ferrari.

in-house caliber.


Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

宝格丽 OCTO FINISSIMO陀飞轮 Octo Finissimo系列已经成为宝格丽现代高级制表的杰出代表。新作 将世界上最为纤细的超轻薄陀飞轮与创新材料结合,充分诠释了陀飞轮 腕表的非凡造诣。

BVLGARI OCTO FINISSIMO TOURBILLON CARBON The Octo Finissimo collection has been the venue for BVLGARI’s expression of modern high watchmaking. The latest interpretation is the Tourbillon Carbon, which combines the world thinnest ultra-thin flying tourbillon with an innovative case materia

LUXE LIFE WATCHES 55 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines






百年灵Aviator 8柯帝斯战鹰腕表系列

标志性腕表Happy Sport得 到最新诠释——椭圆形表壳搭 配1993年备受宠爱的升级版 “鹅卵石”表链。

去年,艾沛勒在众筹网Kickstarter推出了AlpinerX 智能腕表,好评如潮。今年又相继推出由Kickstarter 社区会员挑选出的最受欢迎的四款腕表。

三款全新百年灵Aviator 8战鹰系列腕表是向 著名美国飞机制造商柯帝斯莱特(Curtiss Wright)及其最知名机型P-40战鹰战斗机的 的致敬之作。P-40战鹰战斗机建造于1938至 1944年间。

CHOPARD HAPPY SPORT OVAL TAG Heuer welcomed 2019 by launching the new Carrera Calibre Heuer 02T Tourbillon Nanograph, featuring a revolutionary new hairspring (which sits at the heart of any mechanical watch). The worldexclusive move was made under the leadership of newly appointed CEO of the LVMH Watchmaking Division, Stéphane Bianchi and demonstrates the Swiss brand’s commitment to cutting-edge craftsmanship and science-led innovation.





Last year, ALPINA launched the AlpinerX smartwatch on Kickstarter, to rave reviews, and it is following up this year with four models that constitute the most popular designs chosen by Kickstarter community members.

Three new Breitling Aviator 8 watches honor Curtiss Wright, a renowned American aircraft manufacturer, and the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, its most famous plane. The P-40 Warhawks were manufactured between 1938 and 1944.



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闪闪发光 钻石、宝石、金银 珠宝,各种场合都 少不了!

Linda Cardellini佩戴海瑞 温斯顿珠宝出席奥斯卡

Giambattista Valli秀 场萧邦珠宝

Linda Cardellini

Giambattista Valli Show + Chopard

Harry Winston Oscars GettyImages

Izabel Goulart出席 Fashion Trust Arabia

Adriana Lima出席《名利 场》奥斯卡派对

Izabel Goulart Fashion Trust Arabia

Adriana Lima

Isabeli Fontana出席The Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards派对 Isabeli Fontana - The Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party

Toni Garrn

Freida Pinto出席《名利场》奥 斯卡派对

Alessandra Ambrosio出席 Fashion Trust Arabia

Freida Pinto

Alessandra Ambrosio

Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Fashion Trust Arabia

Sparkle Sparkle Diamonds, Gemstones,

Gold and silver for any and every occasion

萧邦高级珠宝系列耳环 Chopard Haute Joaillerie Earrings

梵克雅宝FRIVOLE夹挂式吊坠,黄金,钻石 Van Cleef & Arpels Frivole clip pendant, yellow gold & diamonds

卡地亚Cactus系列 Cartier Cactus Collection @Vincent De La Faille

LUXE LIFE JEWELLERY 57 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

WEMPE婚戒 WEMPE wedding rings

海瑞温斯顿Loop系列 Harry Winston The Loop Collection 萧邦高级珠宝系列项链 Chopard Haute Joaillerie necklace

Magical Setting钻石耳环 Magical Setting diamond earrings



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纽约最佳新开业餐厅 纽约上西区聚集了许多令人兴奋的餐 厅。从辛辣的现代湘菜,到新秀厨师坐镇的奢 华意大利盛宴,再到健康的希腊美食,这里应 有尽有。David Chang在时代华纳中心新开了 两家餐厅。对于热爱三明治特别是传统 po’boy和各种banh mi的食客们来说,布鲁 克林新开业的餐厅绝对值得一访。 Bāng Bar 早起的鸟儿才能吃到Bāng Bar的切片意大利火腿 Mortadella和塞满美式起司 的 西 式 卷 饼 。 这 是 Momofuku掌门人David Chang打造的最新爆款早 餐。早餐供应从上午8点至11 点,该时段餐厅供应旋转烤猪肉 或鸡肉卷,以及为素食者准备的 鹰嘴豆泥,很快就会销售一空。 BB Spicy Pork U 餐厅内仅有几张高脚桌,让您狼 ©Andrew-Bezek 吞虎咽的时候可以稍作倚靠。 Bāng Bar旁边就是提供全方位 服务的Momofuku Noodle Bar拉面馆。 Benno Jonathan Benno曾在Per Se和 Lincoln Ristorante两家餐厅担任 主厨,现在其同名餐厅Benno已经 成为Evelyn Hotel酒店三大顶尖 用餐之选中最如雷贯耳的名字。前 厅的烘培店和咖啡厅是抵达时尚炫 酷的Leonelli Taberna餐厅和优 雅. 考究的Benno餐厅的必经之路。 Benno用餐空间选 用艺术装饰风格, 这里特别供应的品尝菜单,配有一份精心设 计的酒单,服务周到体贴。主厨的招牌地中海菜式包

括橄榄油焖鲍鱼(olive oil-braised abalone), 蛤蜊海胆意面(spaghetti with clams and sea urchin)和双人份小牛排配小牛胸腺(veal chop with sweetbreads)。 Devon Zabar家族掌管着上西区著名的Zabar's食品 超市,如今年轻的家族成员Oliver Zabar在市 中心另辟蹊径,开设了一家高雅复古的鸡尾酒 吧。受家族的影响,Oliver Zabar当然也很重 视美食。酒吧供应魔鬼蛋配鲣鱼片(deviled eggs with shaved bonito)、鸭油香炸花生 (duck-fat fried peanuts)和羊肉丸配酸辣 番茄酱(lamb meatballs with spicy tomato chutney),烤奶酪三明治选用了陈 年Cheddar干酪、Taleggio软酪和烤汁番茄, 令人垂涎欲滴。Happy Hour时段您还可以享 受鸡尾酒超级折扣! Nai Tapas Nai Tapas餐厅从之前的舒 适 一角搬进了乡村风格的复 式空间,宽敞的地方足以举 办每周四和周六晚上的弗拉 明戈之夜舞蹈表演。主厨 Ruben Rodriguez的菜单 也更加丰满,供应各种 现代风格的塔帕斯(比如烤 面包夹智利海胆配塞拉诺火腿 Rohan DUCK 芦笋卷)。这里也不乏传统佳 © Evan Sung 肴 , 比 如 香 蒜 油 封 虾 仁 ( S h r i m p i n G a r l i c Sauce),辛辣的香辣马铃薯(Patatas Bravas)和丝滑的炸火腿丸或鸡肉丸 (Croquetas)。除西班牙酒单之外,还有八 种不同口味的Sangria水果酒供您选择!

Eléa 这家希腊餐厅位于一个错 层式的现代空间中,阳 光充足,温馨宜人。餐 厅里有一个很大的吧台 和数量充足的餐桌。这 里的设计风格和菜单选择 与其在市中心的热门餐厅 Kyma类似。茄子-西葫 芦花薄片配希腊酸奶黄瓜 酱(Tzatziki)和炸奶酪 Elea-Octopus with roasted pearl onion (Kefalograviera)都是 and potato stifado 必选项!在生鲜区还供 应黄鳍金枪鱼塔塔。一杯 Metaxa白兰地一定可以 为美味的主菜烤羊排和香浓奶油海鲜orzotto锦 上添花。 Pomona Pomona是一家十分文艺的地下餐厅,紧邻 地标建筑巴黎剧院(Paris Theater),因 此一走进餐厅就能闻到扑鼻的爆米花香。主 厨Michael Vignola的全新美式大餐定 位 高 端 且充满创意,菜单上不乏迷你鹅肝汉 堡和点缀了黑松露的鸡肉热狗等小吃。您 既可以在吧台用一杯绝佳的鸡尾酒搭配美 食,也可以在琥珀色笼罩的餐厅尽情享用波尔 多红酒菲力牛排(Bordeaux-marinated filet mignon)、慢 炖 比 目 鱼 ( s l o w - c o o k e d h a l i b u t ) 和“焦”嫩欲滴的碎鸭里脊配油 封鸭腿汉堡(seared duck burger made of groundbreast and confit leg)。

LUXE LIFE GOURMET 59 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines he Upper West Side has seen an influx of exciting dining destinations. Head to the neighbourhood for contemporary spicy Hunan dishes, luxurious Italian from a rising-star chef and modern, healthy Greek fare. Over at the Time Warner Center, David Chang has two new ventures. And those who love sandwiches —especially of the po’boy and banh mi varieties—have a new reason to make a beeline for Brooklyn. Eléa This modern split-level Greek restaurant has a sunny, welcoming demeanor, with a big bar and plentiful tables. It shares design and menu similarities with Kyma, its hotspot sibling downtown. Eggplant-zucchini chips with tzatziki dip and fried piquant kefalograviera cheese are an absolute must. From the raw bar, get yellowfin tuna tartare. Grilled lamb chops and creamy seafood orzotto laced with Metaxa brandy shine among the delicious main courses. Bāng Bar The early bird catches the shaved mortadella and American cheese stuffed in griddled flatbread at Bāng Bar. It’s the latest breakfast

BB Spicy Pork U ©Andrew-Bezek

craze, conceived by Momofuku’s David Chang. Breakfast is served from 8am to 11am, at which time the menu transitions to flatbread with spit-roasted pork or chicken plus vegetarian-friendly chickpea dip. Items sell out fast. There are just a couple of standing tables where you can wolf down your meal. Next door is a full-service branch of Momofuku Noodle Bar. Benno Jonathan Benno, formerly of Per Se and Lincoln Ristorante, is the marquee name behind the Evelyn Hotel’s three dining options. A lobbylevel bakery and café is the gateway to the swanky Leonelli Taberna and the formal, dressy Benno. The latter’s art deco room specializes in tasting menus, a serious wine list and attentive Spaghetti di Grano service. The chef’s signature Ars © Evan Sung Mediterranean courses include olive oil-braised abalone; spaghetti with clams and sea urchin; and veal chop with sweetbreads for two. Devon Young Oliver Zabar—he of the family behind celebrated Upper West Side grocery Zabar’s—strikes out on his own downtown to open a sleek, retro cocktail bar. Given his lineage, food is naturally part of the

equation. The bar serves deviled eggs with shaved bonito; duck-fat fried peanuts; lamb meatballs with spicy tomato chutney; and a luscious grilled cheese sandwich made with aged cheddar, taleggio and roasted tomato. Get there for happy hour to enjoy discounts on cocktails on draft and potent punches. Nai Tapas Nai Tapas has relocated from a cozy nook to a rustic bilevel space big enough to host flamenco nights on Thursdays and Saturdays. Chef Ruben Rodriguez’s menu has expanded as well, split into tapas modernas (like toast-wrapped Chilean sea bass topped with serrano ham twisted around asparagus) and more traditional fare like shrimp in garlic sauce, fiery patatas bravas and creamy croquetas stuffed with ham or chicken. Eight varieties of sangria complement the all-Spanish wine list. Pomona Pomona is a cultured subterranean restaurant next to the iconic Paris Theater, which explains the popcorn fragrance upon entering. Chef Michael Vignola’s New American cuisine is highend and whimsical, with snacks of foie gras sliders and a chicken hot dog flecked with black truffle. Enjoy those with an excellent cocktail at the bar—or move into the amberhued dining room for Bordeaux-marinated filet mignon, slow-cooked halibut and a killer seared duck burger made of ground breast and confit leg.

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2019盎博罗削博物馆莱昂纳多·达·芬奇年 2018年12月18日,盎博罗削博物馆莱昂纳多·达·芬 奇年正式启动,该活动展览包括两大部分,每一部分持 续3个月,展出46张选自莱昂纳多最重要、最著名的《大 西洋古抄本》(Codex Atlanticus)中的原页手稿。这 本手稿可以称得上是盎博罗削博物馆的镇馆之宝,囊括 了达芬奇从早年翡冷翠时期至晚年在法国为弗朗索瓦一 世创作时期一生的艺术创作。 盎博罗削图书馆研究学院策展的“《大西洋古抄本》的 秘密。莱昂纳多在盎博罗削”特别值得关注。展览聚焦 最令人着迷的达芬奇画作手稿,这些手稿都是在这位艺 术家天才的艺术生涯里被公认为最具标志性的创作。 展览的第一部分从2018年12月18日持续至2019年3月17 日,展出与米兰城市相关的达芬奇绘画,包括著名的鸟 瞰米兰市中心的城市规划、San Cristoforo运河研究、 为纪念Francesco Sforza公爵设计的马术雕塑项目以及 米兰大教堂穹顶研究。您还可以在展览期间一睹透视法 研究、军事建筑特点设计、武器(弩,投石器和追击炮) 方面的精妙绘画手稿,或是用于舞台布置的机械双翼建 造研究以及著名的“莱昂纳多车”(Leonardo car)。

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Codice Atlantico (Codex Atlanticus), foglio 5 recto. Al centro, mantice; a destra, prospettografo (strumento ottico) con un uomo che vi osserva dentro.

© Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Mondadori Portfolio

展览的第二部分将从2019年3月19日延续至2019年6月 16日,向观众展示一些攻击类机械项目的绘画,特别针 对土木工程研究:液压装置、制绳设备、纺织机、机械 工具生产和钻孔机等装置。 盎博罗削博物馆举办的莱昂纳多·达·芬奇年还将包括 由Pietro C. Marani策展的“莱昂纳多在法国。法国时 期的《大西洋古抄本》绘画”展(2019年6月18日-9月 15日)。最终,莱昂纳多·达·芬奇年将以Benedetta Spadaccini策展的“莱昂纳多及其影响:艺术家和技术” 展(2018年9月17日-2020年1月12日)结束,致力呈 现莱昂纳多和他身边同时期艺术家创作的绘画。

Pinacoteca di Brera

Vigna di Leonardo, vineyard

The Last Supper at the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church

Pinacoteca di Brera

LUXE LIFE ART 61 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

斯福尔扎城堡达芬奇展览 斯福尔扎城堡将举办三个展览,以纪念莱昂纳多·达·芬奇逝世 500 周年。 1. 斯福尔扎城堡,《Sala delle Asse》天顶壁画,2019年5月 16日至2020年1月12日 《Sala delle Asse》天顶壁画将在修复完成后再次对公众开放。 游客届时可近处观看单色装饰,以及关于景物、树枝、树干和叶 片的绘画痕迹。 Castello Sforzesco Madonna of Silence

Massimo Chimenti的多媒体装置将向游客讲解达芬奇为米兰公 爵Ludovico il Moro所创作的 作品。 2. 斯福尔扎城堡, Sala dei Ducali, 2019 年5月16日至8月 18日 T h e S a l a d e l l e A s s e . Leonardo between nature, art and science, by Claudio Salsi. 该展览展示了达芬奇和文艺复兴时 期其他大师的真迹,它们来自意大 利和其他国家的艺术机构。 3. 斯福尔扎城堡, Sala delle Armi, 2019年5月16日至2020年 1月12日 该虚拟展览带领参观者游览1482年 至1512年间达芬奇时代的米兰,以 及当时达芬奇的所见所闻。虚拟地 图上会标记出那些标志位置上存留 至今的地方。

Pinacoteca di Brera Allestimenti

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Codice Atlantico (Codex Atlanticus), sheet 33 recto. Studio di due mortai in grado di lanciare bombe esplosive.

© Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Mondadori Portfolio

莱昂纳多·达芬奇的葡萄园 一个不为人知的故事将达芬奇和米兰联系在了一 起,一个关于葡萄园的故事。1498年, Lontovico “Il Moro” 米兰公爵将葡萄园赠 送给达芬奇作为礼物。葡萄园中充满了关于达芬 奇、他的作品和他的追随者的传奇。如今,葡萄 园焕发新生,原有的葡萄株和葡萄酒藏也都还在。 达芬奇于1482年离开Lorenzo de’Medici统 治下的的佛罗伦萨,移居至Ludovico Maria ‘Il Moro’ Sforza统治下的米兰。当时达芬奇 和Ludovico都已经30岁了。 1495年,Ludovico委托达芬奇在恩宠圣母教堂 (Santa Maria delle Grazie)的餐厅中绘制《最后 的晚餐》。1498年,Ludovico赠予达芬奇大约16行 葡萄园的所有权。


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想象一下,达芬奇在日落时离开他的工作地 点,穿过广场,走过Atellani大楼,检查他 的葡萄藤。然而,当法国国王的军队在1500 年征服并监禁Ludovico时,达芬奇把葡萄 园 租 给 他 的 学 生 G i a n G i a c o m o ‘Salaì’ Caprotti的父亲,之后不久便 离开了米兰。

400多幅杰出绘画大师的作品, 如皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗切斯卡、 拉斐尔和卡拉瓦乔。

Sforzesco Edificio ambienti Sala Asse

达芬奇从未停止照顾他的葡萄园。在法国人 没收葡萄园之后,达芬奇终于设法把它收回 来,并在临终前将其中的一部分留给仆人, 另一部分留给了’Salaì’。 在圣维托雷葡萄园的土地上,米兰公爵梦想 着建造一个新的住宅区,给他最忠诚的仆人 们居住。他这个超过五百年的梦想,今天几 乎找不到痕迹,Via Zenale、Via San Vittore、恩宠圣母教堂、达芬奇的《最后 的晚餐》以及Atellani大楼都包括其中。

Pinacoteca di Brera Allestimenti

Vigna di Leonardo

达芬奇的葡萄园于 2015 年世博会期间 重建。这里得以重建并向公众开放,多亏 了Portaluppi 基金会和Atellani大楼现有 业主的美好愿望,以及与葡萄酒学家Luca Maroni以及农业艺术大学的合作,农业艺 术大学由遗传学家Serena Imazio和DNA 专家Attilio Scienza教授带队。 达芬奇的故居Aellani大楼就位于恩宠圣母 教堂的正对面。这是达芬奇被赠予的葡萄园 的一部分,因此他也曾经居住在这里。 《最后的晚餐》是15世纪晚期由意大利艺 术家莱昂纳多·达芬奇所作的壁画,收藏于 米兰恩宠圣母教堂之中。

布雷拉画廊 布雷拉画廊是米兰,甚至是欧 洲最重要的美术馆之一。画廊 收藏了从14世纪到20世纪间

布雷拉画廊位于优美的布雷拉 宫内,于1776年与布雷拉美 术学院(Accademia di Brera)同时建成,成为了 在美术学院就读的学生获取 信息的源泉。 布雷拉宫的建筑本身就是一 件艺术品。17世纪末耶稣 会建造了这座巴洛克风格的 宫殿,用作教会修道院。教 会从这里搬走后,布雷拉宫 被改建成了新古典主义风 格的建筑。

义,被认为是描绘意大利统一 后的爱国主义精神以及摆脱奥 匈帝国统治后的自由景象,但 依然是人们公认的意大利艺术 史上最为浪漫的一幅画作。 自奥地利女王玛丽亚·特蕾莎 从耶稣会接手布雷拉宫后,这 里就成为了米兰最为先锋的文 化中心,并且延续至今。除了 美术学院和优美的画廊,布雷 拉宫内还设有伦巴第科学文学 研究院、布莱登斯国家图书馆、 天文观测台和自1700年代维护 至今的植物园。

拿破仑统治意大利期间,将 米兰作为意大利王国的首都, 因此布雷拉画廊的藏品十分丰 富。它也是意大利仅有的几家 国立美术馆之一,藏品不属于 私人收藏。

坐落在布雷拉画廊身后的奥托 植物园开放时间为每年4月至6 月,周一至周五上午9点至中午 12点,下午3点至5点,7月至 3月则为上午9点至中午12点。 在米兰这座令人心跳加速的城 市里,您可以在这一片小角落 闻到一丝草叶和野花的芬芳, 体会探寻小小菜园的乐趣。

布雷拉宫内不容错过的杰作包 括丁托列托的《圣马可遗体的 发现》、卡拉瓦乔的《伊默斯 的晚餐》、 皮耶罗·德拉· 弗朗切斯卡的《蒙特费特罗祭 坛画》和拉斐尔以全新绘画视 角创造的《圣母的婚礼》。另 外一幅重要作品是弗朗西斯科 ·海耶兹画笔下极为性感的 《吻》,作品描绘了一对情侣 充满激情的亲吻场景。虽然这 幅画实际上含有浓厚的政治意

布雷拉画廊位于米兰布雷拉艺 术区中心Via Brera大街28号。 画廊每周一闭馆,开放时间为 周二至周五及周日上午8:30至下 午7:15,周六上午8点至晚 上11点。每月第一个周日免费 入场。您可乘坐地铁绿线抵达 Piccolo Teatro-Brera,从地 铁站可步行至画廊。漫步在令 人愉悦的布雷拉艺术区,探索 时尚酒吧餐厅等各种体验。布 雷拉画廊门票为€10。

LUXE LIFE ART 63 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines



he Leonardo year at the Ambrosiana opened on 18 December 2018 with an exhibition in two parts, each lasting three months, which will present a total of 46 sheets, chosen from among the most famous and important in the Codex Atlanticus, the true Leonardo treasure at the Ambrosiana, retracing the career of the artist almost from beginning to end, from his early years in Florence until his last years in France in the service of Francis I. In particular, the exhibition on “The Secrets of the Codex Atlanticus. Leonardo at the Ambrosiana”, curated by the College of Fellows of the Ambrosiana Library, will focus on those sheets that preserve the most fascinating drawings that Leonardo created with the artistic genius that is universally recognised as his hallmark.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Codice Atlantico (Codex Atlanticus), sheet 29. © Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Mondadori Portfolio

The first part of the exhibition – from 18 December 2018 to 17 March 2019 – opens with Leonardo’s drawings specifically related to the city of Milan. They include the famous plans of the city, with a bird’s eye view of the centre of Milan, a study for the Canal of San Cristoforo, the project for the equestrian monument in honour of Duke Francesco Sforza and studies for the dome of the cathedral. The exhibition continues with some perspective studies and designs of an architectural-military character, as well as some sheets with very fine drawings of weapons of war (crossbows, slings and mortars), studies for the construction of mechanical wings intended for stage productions and the famous project known as “Leonardo car”. The second part – from 19 March to 16 June 2019 – will present some projects for siege engines, but will focus in particular on civil engineering studies: hydraulic devices, rope-making machines, machines for manufacturing textiles, for the production of mechanical instruments, tools such as punches and automatic spit-turning devices.


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The Leonardian year at the Ambrosiana will then continue with the exhibition “Leonardo in France. Drawings in the Codex Atlanticus from the French period”, curated by Pietro C. Marani (18 June – 15 September 2019) and will end with the exhibition “Leonardo and his Legacy: Artists and Techniques” (17 September 2018 – 12 January 2020), curated by Benedetta Spadaccini and dedicated to the drawings made by Leonardo and the artists in his circle.

At the Sforza Castle three exhibitions will celebrate 500 years since Leonardo’s death.

1. Sforza Castle, Sala delle Asse, 16 May 2019-12 January 2020 In the shadow of the Moro. The Sala delle Asse by Francesca Tasso and Michela Palazzo. The Sala delle Asse will be re-opened to the public after restoration work. A platform allows a close view of the Monochrome decoration, and other exceptional traces of preparatory drawings depicting landscape, trunks, branches and leaves, emerged during the removal of “scialbo” layers, from the walls. A multimedia installation by Massimo Chimenti will explain to visitors the work created by Leonardo for celebrating Ludovico il Moro, duke of Milan.

2. Sforza Castle, Sala dei Ducali, 16 May 2019-18 August 2019 The Sala delle Asse. Leonardo between nature, art and science, by Claudio Salsi. The exhibition is a selection of original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci and by other great Masters of the Renaissance, coming from important Italian and foreign Institutions. 3. Sforza Castle, Sala delle Armi, 16 May 2019-12 January 2020 Virtual museum of Leonardo’s Milan. Multimedia path by Edoardo Rossetti, Ilaria De Palma. Multimedia installation by Massimo Chimenti. A virtual tour guides the visitor through Leonardo’s Milan, as the artist could see it in his time, 1482 to 1512. A georeferenced visual map identifies what has survived of those places.

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vineyard A forgotten story links Leonardo da Vinci to Milan the story of a vineyard. The same vineyard that Ludovico “Il Moro” Duke of Milan, gave to Leonardo as a gift in 1498. A vineyard surrounded by legends involving Leonardo, his works and his followers. Today the vineyard is born again, within the original rows and with the original vine stock. From Lorenzo de Medici’s Florence, Leonardo moves to Milan, under Ludovico Maria ‘Il Moro’

Sforza’s rule, in 1482. At the time both Leonardo and Ludovico are 30 years old. In 1495, Ludovico commissions Leonardo to paint the Last Supper in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie. In 1498, Ludovico grants Leonardo the ownership of a vineyard of about 16 rows. It’s nice to imagine Leonardo leaving his working site at sunset, crossing the square, walking through the Atellani house and finally checking on his vines. However, when the King of France’s troops vanquish and imprison ‘Il Moro’ in 1500, Leonardo leaves Milan, shortly after having given in lease the vineyard to the father of his pupil, Gian Giacomo ‘Salaì’ Caprotti. Leonardo will never stop taking care of his vineyard. When the French confiscate the Vineyard, Leonardo finally manages to take it back and on his death bed he mentions it, leaving part of it to his servant and another part to ‘Salaì’. On the land belonging to the vineyard of San Vittore, the Duke of Milan, dreamt of building a new residential neighbourhood where his most loyal men could live. Of his dream - a dream more than five hundred years old - only few traces remain today. These include the plan for Via Zenale and Via San Vittore, the Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie with Leonardo’s Last Supper, and finally the Atellani House. Casa deli Atellani - La Vigna di Leonardo is across the street (literally) from the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church housing the Last Supper. Leonardo DaVinci lived here, as he was given a vineyard as part of his payment.

LUXE LIFE ART 65 Exclusively for Hainan Airlines The Pinacoteca di Brera, or Brera Art Gallery, is one of the most important museums in Milan, if not Europe. It houses more than 400 works from the 14th to the 20th century by master painters such as Piero della Francesca, Raphael and Caravaggio. Located in the beautiful Palazzo Brera, it was created along with the Accademia di Belle Arti, or Academy of Fine Arts, in 1776 to serve as a font of information for the students studying at the University. The Palazzo itself is a work of art. The Jesuits built the Baroque palace at the end of the 17th century as a convent. After they were moved out, Palazzo Brera was remodeled in the neoclassical style. The Art Gallery was filled with works from across the territory, thanks to Napoleon taking control of Italy and declaring Milan the capital of the country.

It is one of the few museums in Italy that wasn’t formed from private collections, but by the hand of the Italian state. Must-see masterpieces include the “Discovery of the Body of St. Mark” by Tintoretto, Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus”, ‘Virgin and Saints’ by Piero della Francesca and the “Marriage of the Virgin” by Raphael, who used an entirely new perspective at the time it was painted. Another important piece is the incredibly sexy Il Bacio, or The Kiss, by Francesco Hayez. It depicts a couple in a passionate kiss. Though it’s actually rather political, supposedly portraying the patriotic spirit of Italy’s unification and freedom from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it’s still considered one of the most romantic paintings in Italian history. When the Palazzo Brera was taken over from the Jesuits by Queen Maria Teresa of Austria it was meant to become the home of the most advanced institutes of culture in the city. Today is still lives up to that status. Besides the Academy and the

beautiful Art Gallery, the Palazzo holds the Lombard Institute of Science and Literature, the Braidense National Library, the Astronomical Observatory and a Botanical Garden still maintained from the 1700s. The Orto Botanico behind the Pinacoteca di Brera is open Apr-June 9 a.m.–noon and 3–5 p.m. MonFri and July–Mar 9 a.m.–noon. This tiny corner of the hectic city has aromatic herbs, wildflowers and a small vegetable garden for research. The Pinacoteca di Brera is located in the hip, arty Brera neighbourhood in Milan at via Brera, 28. Closed on Mondays, the gallery is open Tuesday through Friday, as well as Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:15 p.m. On Saturdays it’s open 8:30 a.m. until 11 p.m. There’s free access the first Sunday of every month. You can get there by taking the Piccolo Teatro – Brera metro stop on the green line. From there it’s a short walk in a pleasant neighbourhood filled with aperitivo bars and restaurants. Tickets cost 10 euro.

ADMIRE MASTERPIECES BY LEONARDO DA VINCI WITH MANDARIN ORIENTAL, MILAN Mandarin Oriental, Milan has launched a luxury accommodation package, The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci, which provides guests with a unique and exclusive four-hour tour of Milan’s Da Vinci masterpieces. Available until 31 December 2019, the package offers additional itineraries for guests to choose from that take in Da Vinci’s lesser-known works. A wealth of events will take place in Milan throughout 2019 to mark the 500th anniversary of Da Vinci’s death. Architect, artist, scientist, inventor

and engineer, Tuscan-born Leonardo left a hugely important legacy in Milan during his twenty-year residency in the city. Guests booking The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci will enjoy luxurious accommodation and breakfast, plus a private four-hour guided tour for two people, featuring Leonardo’s must-see masterpieces, including The Last Supper and the nearby Da Vinci Vineyard, which the Duke Of Milan Ludovico Sforza gave to Leonardo as payment for painting that masterpiece. Guests will also have an opportunity

to admire the twelve volume Codex Atlanticus, the largest collection of drawings, writings, sketches and descriptions of Da Vinci’s extraordinary inventions. From 2 May 2019 the tour will include a visit to the Sala delle Asse in the Sforza Castle, home to one of the first examples of illusionist decoration. The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci package is priced from EUR 1,160 per room per night. This package is available until 31 December 2019. A minimum two-night stay is required. For reservations, visit



Exclusively for Hainan Airlines

66 ©Maurizio Beucci

米兰文华东方酒店达芬奇名作欣赏之旅 米兰文华东方酒店推出了豪华住宿套餐“莱昂纳多· 达芬奇天才之旅”(The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci),为客人提供长达四小时独一无二的达 芬奇名作米兰之旅。该套餐将一直开放至2019年12 月31日,形成选择丰富,客人可以选择欣赏达芬奇 鲜为人知的作品。 为纪念达芬奇逝世500周年,2019年米兰将举办各 种活动。达芬奇既是建筑师、艺术家,也是科学家、 发明家和工程师,他出生于托斯卡纳,并在米兰居住 生活了20年,在这里也留下了重要的遗产。 预订“莱昂纳多·达芬奇天才之旅”套餐的客人将享 受豪华的住宿和早餐,以及双人四小时私人导览游, 欣赏达芬奇的名作,包括《最后的晚餐》,并游览附 近的达芬奇葡萄园。这座葡萄园是米兰公爵卢 Ludovico Sforza给予达芬奇创作这幅绘画杰作的 酬劳。 客人还将有机会欣赏十二卷《大西洋古抄本》,这是 一部宏大的作品,包括画作、手稿、素描和达芬奇非 凡发明的介绍。从2019年5月2日开始,游览路线中 将包括斯福尔扎城堡(Sforza Castle)的天顶壁画 《Sala delle Asse》,这是他最初的装饰壁画作品 之一。 酒店可根据客人要求,提供其他旅行路线(需另行报 价),比如欣赏达芬奇以工程师的身份制作的各种发 明的草图和模型。另外,客人还可以欣赏与达芬奇同 时期的艺术家的作品,比如斯福尔扎城堡中米开朗基 罗的作品《Pietà Rondanini》,圣沙弟乐圣母堂

·米兰文华东方酒店豪华住宿 ·Mandarin Bar&Bistrot酒吧 环境优雅的双人早餐 (Santa Maria presso San Satiro)中多纳托· 布拉曼特令人称奇的错视画以及圣毛里齐奥教堂 ·双人四小时私人导览游,包括达芬奇 在米兰留下的不容错过的杰作,包 (San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore)中 括《最后的晚餐》、达芬奇葡萄园、 达芬奇的学生们创作的精彩壁画。 《Sala delle Asse》天顶壁画和《大 西洋古抄本》,其中包含了达芬奇最 想要了解达芬奇建筑和工程作品的客人,可能会想参 重要的绘画、素描和手稿。 观米兰充满活力的Navigli地区,这是一个由达芬奇 设计的互联运河网络,如今已成为时尚的夜生活区域。 酒店礼宾很乐意为您推荐该地区享用鸡尾酒的最佳地 ·游览期间可供客人使用的带私人司机 的座驾,提供最长五小时的旅行和等 点。 待时间。 关于米兰文华东方酒店 米兰文华东方酒店位于时尚的米兰市中心,坐落在 ·可根据客人要求,提供其他旅游行程 (需另行报价) Via Andegari大街,由四座优雅的18世纪建筑重 建而成。酒店融合了时尚和豪华的风格,拥有70间 该套餐一直提供至2019年12月31日。 典雅的客房和34间宽敞的套房。客人可以在雅致的 最少需预定两晚住宿。预定请访问 意大利高级餐厅Seta享用精致的美食,餐厅由著名。 厨师Antonio Guida坐镇。同时客人还可以享受 Mandarin Bar酒吧的轻松氛围。两个场地均可通 往两个美丽的户外庭院,客人可以选择在户外享用美 食。900 平方米的Spa设有6间理疗室、世界一流的 美发沙龙、美甲和足部护理工作室、健身中心和室内 游泳池。

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