# 55, March 2013

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Lviv Society2013 â„–55/March

The heart of Europe - the soul of Ukraine

STYLISH lEOPOLITAN spring Spring cultural season begins in the West Ukrainian capital with highlights including Lviv Fashion Week

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv SoCiety


LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Vol. 8, No. 55, March 2013


On the cover: Pavlyuk Svetlana (MA OK’S model) in the outfit by NOVANA Studio (collection Autumn/Winter 2013) Photography by Evgen Kravs


Publishers: Peter Dickinson & Boleslav Malinovski Editor-in-Chief: Viktoriya Larina Editor: Oksana Hrycyna Managing editor: Mila Hadzieva Designer: Pavlo Tyschuk Journalists: Olha Schchur, Robert Baker, Orest Koronenko, Lee Reaney Photography: Evgen Kraws, Vitaliy Grabar and photo agency ”Lufa”, Photo Editor: Ruslan Krut Letters to the editor: info@lvivtoday.com.ua Advertising inquiries: advert@lvivtoday.com.ua +38 068 501 3 501, +38 032 235 81 00 Address: Lviv Today Editorial Office 27/9 Valova str., Lviv 79000 Ukraine Tel. +38 (032) 2358100 www.lvivtoday.com.ua Lviv Today is West Ukraine’s English-language monthly lifestyle magazine. It is distributed via leading hotels, airlines, restaurants and business centres throughout Lviv region. Monthly circulation: 5,000 Registration information: Lviv Today is registered with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as a print media title. License number: LV 862/115 All materials published in Lviv Today are the intellectual property of the publisher and remain protected by Ukrainian and international copyright laws. Open Borders Publishing does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised in Lviv Today. While every effort has been made to make sure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, we advise readers to double check where appropriate.










Meet Roksolana Bogutska – Ukraine’s leading fashion designer, who is celebrating 15th anniversary of her brand, sharing her views on modern fashion industry with Lviv Today readers.

Follow up the latest events at Freestyle Ski World Cup, get latest update on Lviv’s BC “Polytekhnika-Halychyna” and handball team’s successes, find out why hockey is the best active sport and meet new players of the FC “Karpaty”.


Full event coverage for the coming weeks in the cultural capital of Ukraine, including everything from Week of Italian Cinema, XI Lviv Fashion Week, 5th Lviv Outsourcing Forum “The struggle for higher rates”, concert by Contemporary Jazz Icon Keiko Matsui, Easter Egg Pysanky Festival, long expected performance by Russian popular singer and songwriter Stas Mikhailov, annual cultural initiative of “Alliance franchisee” in Lviv “French Spring 2013” and much more.

A snapshot of the past four weeks in the life of Lviv with the best coverage from Austrian Ski Resort Success conference, spectacular Ukraine’s Medieval Battle Championship, delicious Lviv’s Annual Chocolate Fest, concert dedicated to Volodymyr Ivasyuk, discover Lviv being chosen as negotiating site and find new ways to settle disputes, including other highlights of sports, fashion, society and art scenes.


Full events listings for the coming month in all of Lviv’s top cultural venues from the National Opera House, to the streets of the city. Get your festive serving of culture here.


Take Your time to get acquainted with “Renaissance Architectural Masterpieces of Lviv” and admire cultural heritage of Italian masters.



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Your monthly round-up of all the latest artists and exhibitions to open across Lviv’s thriving local arts scenes.

Our regularly updated guide to eating out in West Ukraine’s café capital. Experience Ukraine’s most dynamic and diverse dining scene.


Find more about Lviv being applied for UNESCO’s City of Literature project and the development of the events.






Read about Ukrainian Dream of Da Vinci as “ideal city” – the little town of Zhovkva.

Read our monthly roundup of EBA Lviv’s networking and knowledge sharing events.

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LVIV TODAY | March 2013


THIS MONTH IN LVIV XI LVIV FASHION WEEK March 27th–28th – Technical History Museum” (intersection of Vitovskoho and Sakharova streets) March 29th – Resort & Spa (Truskavets) March 30–31st – “Shuvar-Expo” (4B, Khutorivka St.) During March 27–31, 2013, Lviv will be hosting the 11th season of Lviv Fashion Week. For five days fashion forward Leopolitans and guests of the city will be appraising numerous collections created by leading Ukrainian and foreign designers – Roksolana Bogutska, Marta Wachholz, vozianov, Mykytyuk & Yatsentyuk, NOVANA Studio, Komardina Liudmyla, KATERINA YALOVA, Olena Sloboda, Ivanna Yukhymchuk, Chegodaeva&Efremova (Russia), Kamila Gawronska Kasperska (Poland) and many others. On March 27th 2013, Lviv Fashion Week will officially commence with the In AVANT GARDE project, which will showcase new collections by young designers and the art-project “Album” by Yevhen Pitsykevych, which will take place at the “Technical History Museum” located at the Old Tram Depot (located at the intersection of Vitovskoho and Sakharova streets). On March 28th 2013, the fashion shows “OFF Schedule” will display the work of young designers, students and graduates of specialized academies and universities from across Ukraine. Lviv Fashion Week will also feature a celebration of the 15th anniversary of the “Roksolana Bogutska” brand. A fashion show presenting the latest Autumn/Winter 2013 collection by recognized Ukrainian designer Roksolana Bogutska will take place on March 29th 2013 at the Mirotel Resort & Spa (Truskavets). On March 31st 2013, Lviv Fashion Week will also present its guests with an appearance by fashion designer Fedir Vozianov, who is known in Europe for his experimental style of “aesthetic avantgarde”. Vozianov, especially for LFW, will premiere his latest Autumn/Winter 2013 collection of outfits, a first for Vozianov during Lviv’s fashion holiday. In cooperation with Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland Leopolitans will be presented with a collection of outfits by Kamila Gawronska Kasperska, one of the most creative designers of Poland and winner of the fashion contest “Golden Thread 2010”. Ukrainian Fashion Week together with designer Olens Dats’ will present a charity fashion show at Lviv Fashion Week on March 30th 2013. All funds collected from this charity event will be used to provide financial support to children all over Ukraine who need unique surgeries in European hospitals. Also on March 30th designer Zinaida Likhachova will present “Autumn is so cute” featuring music by Oleh Kiva and poetry by Pavlo Tychyna. The event will take place at theatre named after Les Kurbas (3 L. Kurbas St.) For more detailed information, please visit: www.lvivfashionweek.com.


XI ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ТИЖДЕНЬ МОДИ 27 і 28 березня – Музеї історії техніки (на розі вулиць Вітовського і Сахарова) 29 березня – Mirotel Resort & Spa (м. Трускавець) 30 і 31 березня – “Шувар-Експо” (вул. Хуторівка, 4-б) Львівський тиждень моди проведе свій 11-й сезон 27–31 березня 2013 року. Протягом п’яти днів перед львів’янами й гостями міста пройдуть на подіумах численні колекції провідних українських і зарубіжних дизайнерів, а це такі імена, як Роксолана Богуцька, Марта Ваххольц, Возіанов, Микитюк і Яцентюк, Novana Studio, Людмила Комардіна, Катерина Ялова, Олена Слобода, Іванна Юхимчук, Чегодаєва і Єфремова (Росія), Каміла Гавроньска-Касперська (Польща) та інші. Відкриття львівського тижня моди проектом In AVANT GARDE з презентаціями нових колекцій молодих дизайнерів і арт-проекту «Альбом» Євгена Піцикевича відбудеться 27 березня в «Музеї історії техніки», що розташований у старому трамвайному депо (на розі вулиць Вітовського і Сахарова). На другий день, 28 березня пройдуть покази мод «OFF Schedule» молодих дизайнерів, студентів та випускників спеціалізованих академій та університетів України. На цьому Тижні моди буде відмічатись 15-річчя бренду “Роксолана Богуцька”. Показ найновішої колекції Осінь/Зима-2013 визнаної української дизайнерки Роксолани Богуцької відбудеться 29 березня в Трускавці у Mirotel Resort & Spa. Відомий в Європі своїм експериментальними стилем “естетичного авангарду” дизайнер Федір Возіанов 31 березня на Львівському тижні моди представить свою останню колекцію одягу Осінь/Зима2013. У співпраці з проектом Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland відвідувачам Тижня моди буде представлена колекція одягу від Каміли Гавроньскої-Касперської, переможця конкурсу моди “Золота нитка 2010” та однієї з найбільш креативних польських дизайнерів. Український тиждень моди разом з дизайнером Оленою Даць представить благодійний показ 30 березня 2013 року. Всі кошти, зібрані в цій благодійній акції, будуть використані для надання фінансової підтримки дітям, які потребують унікальних операцій в європейських лікарнях. Також 30 березня дизайнер Зінаїда Ліхачова представить проект “Осінь така мила” у супроводі музики композитора Олега Ківи та поезії Павла Тичини. Захід відбудеться в театрі ім. Леся Курбаса (вул. Л. Курбаса, 3). Детальнішу інформацію можна знайти на www.lvivfashionweek.com.

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


This month




March 14–20, Lviv Art Palace (17, Kopernika St.)

14–20 березня, Львівський Палац Мистецтв, (вул. Коперника, 17.)

The Jameson Irish Film Board, Irish Film Institute and International Film Festival “Molodist” are pleased to present the Irish Film Fest 2013, featuring for your viewing enjoyment, the best selection of award winning Irish films. This year’s festival will be dedicated to Saint Patrick’s Day and will start on March 14, with the film “Good Vibrations”, directed by Lisa Barros D’Sa and Glenn Leyburn. Written by Colin Carberry, the film is the chronicle of Terri Hooley’s life, a record-store owner instrumental in developing Belfast’s punk-rock scene. The 2012 year drama “What Richard Did”, follows Richard Karlsen, a golden-boy athlete and undisputed alpha-male of his privileged set of South Dublin teenagers, through the summer between the end of school and the beginning of university. Lenny Abrahamson directed the film, which stars Jack Reynor, Roisin Murphy and Sam Keeley. Another drama “Dollhouse” directed by Kirsten Sheridan tells the story about a group of street teens who break into a house in a rich Dublin suburb for a night of partying and whatever they can get away with it. During the festival, Irish film fans will also get a chance to see the drama directed by Thaddeus O’Sullivan entitled “Stella Days”, in which a small town cinema in rural Ireland becomes the setting for a dramatic struggle between faith and passion, Rome and Hollywood and a man and his conscience. “The Pier” a drama written and directed by Gerard Hurley will focus on Jack McCarthy who left Ireland for the US 20 years ago when his business failed and he had to get out in a hurry. Now his father Larry, who says he’s dying, calls him home. Also the festival program features the 2011film “Silence” directed by Pat Collins, while a highlight of the event will be a documentary directed by Seán Ó Cualáin “Men At Lunch”. As construction of the GE Building, centre piece of New York’s Rockerfeller Centre, neared completion in the autumn of 1932, a black and white photograph was taken on the 69th floor. Men At Lunch reveals the human story behind one of the most iconic images of the 20th century - Lunch Atop A Skyscraper. For more information please, call: (032) 261-4733 or visit http://www.molodist.com/en

Ірландська рада кінематографії Jameson, ірландський Інституту кіно і Міжнародний кінофестиваль “Молодість” представляють фестиваль ірландського кіно-2013, до програми якого увійшли фільмилауреати різних нагород. Цього року фестиваль буде присвячений дню Святого Патріка і почнеться 14 березня показом фільму «Good Vibrations», режисерів Лізи Баррос Д’Са і Глена Лейберна. Автор сценарію – Колін Карберрі. Фільм – це хроніка життя Террі Хулі, власника магазину грамплатівок, який відіграв важливу роль у розвитку панк-рок сцени Белфаста. Драма 2012 року «Що зробив Річард» (What Richard Did) розповідає про пригоди Річарда Карлсена, золотого хлопчика, спортсмена і плей-боя з групи підлітків на півдні Дубліна, влітку після закінчення школи і початком навчання в університеті. Режисер Лені Абрахамсон, в ролях - Джек Рейнор, Ройсін Мерфі, Сем Келлі. Інший фільм «Ляльковий будиночок» (Dollhouse) режисера Кірстена Шерідана розповідає про групу підлітків, які вламуються в будинок у багатому передмісті Дубліна, щоб провести там вечірку і що з цього виходить. Любителі ірландського кіно також зможуть побачити драму режисера Таддеуса О’Саллівана „Дні Стелли”(Stella Days), в якій пристрасті розгораються в невеличкому ірландському сільському кінотеатрі між вірою і пристрастю, Римом і Голлівудом, людиною та її совістю. Драма «Пірс» (The Pier), автора сценарію та режисера Жерара Херлі розповідає про Джека МакКарті, який виїхав з Ірландії до США 20 років тому, коли його бізнес збанкрутував, і довелось поспішно втікати. Тепер він приїхав до свього батька Ларрі, який говорить, що помирає. Також в програмі фестивалю буде показаний фільм «Тиша» (Silence) 2011 року режисера Пета Коллінз. Найцікавішим, мабуть, буде документальний фільм режисера Шона O Куалена „Обідня перерва” (Men At Lunch). Під час спорудження будівлі Дженерал Електрік, центрального елементу Рокфелер-центру в Нью-Йорку восени 1932 року, була зроблена чорно-біла фотографія на 69-му поверсі. У фільмі розкривається історія людей на фото, яке стало одним із культових образів 20-го століття. Додатковаінформація за телефоном (032) 261-47-33 або відвідайте http://www.molodist.com/en

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

WHISKEY EVENING IIt was an Irish, American, Scotch whiskey together with one of Ukraine’s most recognized sommeliers which made the Sunday evening of March 3rd truly special for the guests of the pub “Dublin”. Ivan Bachurin, Ukraine’s leading sommelier, presented guests of the event with a tasting of the delicacies of whiskey – a very special beverage, which is rarely appreciated from the first drink. However, as Irish folk wisdom says there is no man who doesn’t like whiskey, it’s just they haven’t found their own beloved brand yet. During the evening, Ivan Bachurin told guests of the pub a lot of interesting facts about whiskey history, distillation technology and the savouring culture of the “amber” drink. After tasting the six-featured brands from the total of 140 whiskeys available on the whiskey-menu, guests of the event had the wonderful possibility to evaluate and compare unique tastes and rich aromas of different styles of the wonderful beverage. All that was missing at the event was the bagpipe… As a pleasant surprise for the whiskey connoisseurs came news that such lovely tasting evenings were about to become traditional at the Irish pub, where famous sommeliers will help guests in becoming better acquainted with the various nuances of the exquisite beverage along with stories connected to it. However, you can see everything in the pictures! We are grateful to all the guests for the pleasant atmosphere and active participation in the event! LVIV TODAY | March 2013

ВЕЧІР ВІСКІ Ірландський, Шотландський, Американський віскі та один із самих знаних сомельє України перетворили неділю 3 березня для гостей пабу «Дублін» у особливий вечір! Іван Бачурін – один з найкращих сомелье України, відкривав гостям тонкощі дегустації віскі – напою дуже своєрідного, який рідко кому вдається полюбити з першого разу, але, як каже народне ірландське прислів’я: «Немає людей, які не люблять віскі, є люди, котрі ще не знайшли свій сорт». Протягом вечора Іван Бачурін розповів відвідувачам пабу багато цікавого про історію створення, технологію виготовлення та культуру споживання «бурштинового напою». Продегустувавши 6 обраних видів із 140 представлених у віскі - карті закладу, гості вечора отримали прекрасну нагоду оцінити та порівняти унікальні смаки та багаті аромати різних стилів цього чудового напою, бракувало лише волинки… Приємною новиною для поціновувачів цього напою є те, що такі дегустаційні вечори стануть доброю традицією Ірландського пабу, а відомі сомельє познайомлять вас з різноманітними смаками вишуканого напою та історіями, пов’язаними з ним, втім, Ви самі можете все побачити на фотографіях… Дякуємо гостям за особливу атмосферу і активну участь!





April 5, Picasso club (88 Zelena St.) Beginning of concert at 19:30

5 квітня, клуб Пікассо (вул. Зелена,88) Початок концерту о 19:30

Sonya Sotnik was born in Lviv in 1975. After graduating University she began a career as a radio presenter. During almost 14 years of working for commercial radio stations, Sonya Sotnik worked as a DJ, a radio station manager and even a coach of “Internews-Ukraine” courses. She became popular while working at “Music Radio”, where she combined two positions as a successful DJ and professional program director. Another highlight of her career was while working on the morning show “Come together” at Radio ROKS, with Sergiy Kuzin. The show was revered by FM listeners and won the title of “Best morning show ever!”. In October 2011, Sonya Sotnik was appointed as Director of the radio network “Dacha” and at the same time she embarked upon her own artistic career and gave her first solo concert. Her emotional songs and performances are inspired by the best of Russian rock music. For Lviv fans, Sonya Sotnik will perform in concert together with group “GurtYoghurt”. Tickets prices: 80 UAH, 120 UAH (with a table reservation). For more information, please call: +38 032 275-32-72 or visit www.picasso.lviv.ua

Соня Сотник народилась у Львові в 1975 році. Після закінчення школи вона почала кар’єру ведучої на радіо. За майже 14 років роботи на комерційних радіостанціях Соня Сотник встигла попрацювати діджеєм, керівником радіо станції і навіть керівником курсів “Інтерньюз-Україна”. Популярність вона здобула під час роботи на “Music Radio”, де вона суміщала дві посади – ді-джея і програмного директора. Ще однією важливою подією в її кар’єрі стало ранкове шоу «Come Together» на Радіо РОКС разом з Сергієм Кузіним. Шоу здобуло величезну популярність серед слухачів і отримало титул «Найраще ранкове шоу усіх часів”. У жовтні 2011 року Соня Сотник була призначена директором радіомережі “Дача”, і тоді ж розпочала власну артистичну кар’єру і дала свій перший сольний концерт. Перед львівською публікою Соня Сотник виступить з концертною програмою разом з групою “Гурт Йогурт”. Ціни квитків: 80 грн, 120 грн (разом з резервуванням столика). За додатковою інформацією телефонуйте +38 032 275-32-72 або відвідайте www.picasso.lviv.ua

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

This month

STAS MIKHAILOV IN LVIV March 30, SKA Stadium (39а, Kleparivska St.) Popular singer and songwriter Stas Mikhailov will hold a concert in Lviv on March 30th 2013. With his name listed at the top of Forbes magazine list of the highest-earning Russian stars in entertainment and sports, and having his name entered an amazing 14.4 million times on the Yandex search engine last year, Stas Mikhailov is for the present day Russia’s most sought after singer. His rates for playing at private parties start at $100,000 – high even by Russian standards. His genre – chanson, features songs about lives that went wrong, bad boys who want to go straight and the love of a good woman. It has little to do with French torch songs, despite the name. But Mikhailov is different from many chanson singers in that he does not sing about jail experiences and seems to be popular mainly among women. Songs about broken hearts, burning candles and the pain of infidelity gather full houses at his concerts and one of his songs has been watched more than 12 million times on YouTube. Mikhailov has received official recognition, being awarded in 2010 with the Honored Artist of Russia title by President Dmitry Medvedev and winning awards as “Artist of the Year” (Radio Chanson), “Golden Gramophone” (Russian Radio) and the “Song of the Year”. Don’t miss your chance to enjoy a chanson by Stas Mikhailov and order your tickets now. For more information about the event and tickets booking please visit: www.biletoff.com.ua or call: (032) 253-05-35

СТАС МИХАЙЛОВ У ЛЬВОВІ 30 березня, Велотрек СКА (вул. Клепарівська, 39а) Популярний співак і композитор Стас Михайлов приїде з концертом до Львова 30 березня. У списку журналу “Форбс” він знаходиться на першому місці серед найбільш високооплачуваних російський зірок в індустрії розваг і спорту. Минулого року його ім’я вводилось 14,4 млн. разів у пошуковій системі Яндекс. Стас Михайлов сьогодні є найбільш затребуваним співаком в Росії. Його гонорар за виступ на приватній вечірці починається від 100 000 доларів – високо навіть за російськими мірками. Його жанр, так званий шансон, (всі знають, що це таке) – пісні про життя, яке не вдалось, поганих хлопців, які хочуть йти прямо і любов до хорошої жінки. Цей “жанр” має дуже мало спільного з французьким шансоном, незважаючи на спільну назву. Але Михайлов відрізняється від багатьох виконавців у тому, що не співає про пригоди за ґратами і, мабуть, через це, популярний в основному серед жінок. Пісні про розбиті серця, палаючі свічки і біль зради й розлуки завжди збирають повні зали на його концертах, а одну з таких пісень переглянули понад 12 мільйонів разів на YouTube. Михайлов отримав звання Заслуженого артиста Росії з рук президента Дмитра Медведєва у 2010 році а також завойовував нагороди “Артист року” (Радіо Шансон), “Золотий Грамофон” (Російське радіо) і “Пісня року”. Не пропустіть нагоду послухати пісні Стаса Михайлова і замовити квитки на концерт прямо зараз. Детальну інформацію про концерт і бронювання квитків можна отримати на www. biletoff.com.ua або за телефоном (032) 253-05-35 LVIV TODAY | March 2013

CONTEMPORARY JAZZ ICON IN LVIV March 18, beginning: 19.00. Ukrainian Drama Theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska (1, L. Ukrainka St.) On March 18th 2013, the Ukrainian Drama Theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska will host a grand concert by Japanese contemporary jazz icon, Keiko Matsui, who will be performing in Lviv, offering Leopolitan jazz lovers a unique opportunity to experience one of her stunning live shows. In Japan, it is said that if children begin music lessons on June 6th just after their fifth birthday, they will keep studying music for a long time. Pianist Keiko Matsui was taken to her first piano lesson on that very day when she was five and she hasn’t looked back since. Matsui’s elegant piano melodies and gentle jazz grooves never fail to disappoint audiences. With over 1.2 million albums sold in the U.S. alone, and having played to countless packed concert halls over the years, she is one of the most recognized artists in the genre. She has been playing the piano since she was five years old, recording since 1987 (she has already made 22 albums!) and is one of the stars of Smooth Jazz radio. Keiko won the hearts of music-lovers worldwide with her performance virtuosity and light, refined combination of jazz and eastern tunes. For more information and tickets, please call: 235-55-83, 235-58-04.

КЕЙКО МАЦУЇ ЗНОВ У ЛЬВОВІ 18 березня, початок о 19:00, Українській драматичний театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки, 1) На сцені Українського драматичного театру ім. М. Заньковецької 18 березня 2013 року відбудеться грандіозний шоу-концерт відомої сучасної японської джазової піаністки Кейко Мацуї, на якому любителі джазу матимуть унікальну можливість побачити одну зі світових зірок джазу. В Японії вважають, що коли діти починають займатись музикою 6 червня після свого п’ятого дня народження, вони будуть продовжувати вчитися протягом тривалого часу. Перший урок фортепіано Кейко Мацуї відбувся саме в такий день, і відтоді вона не покидала заняття музикою. Елегантні фортепіанні мелодії та джазові імпровізації у виконанні піаністки ніколи не розчарували слухачів. Її платівки видані тиражем понад 1,2 мільйона тільки у США, на її численних концертах у переповнених концертних залах на протязі багатьох років публіка мала прекрасну можливість гідно оцінити майстерність однієї з найвідоміших виконавиць цього жанру. Вона почала грати у п’ять років, записувати платівки - з 1987 року (має їх вже 22 альбоми!) і є однією із зірок Smooth Jazz radio. Кейко підкорила серця любителів музики в усьому світі віртуозністю виконання і легким, вишуканим поєднанням джазу і східних мелодій. За додатковою інформацією та квитками телефонуйте за №№ 235-55-83, 235-58-04.


This month

FRENCH SPRING 2013 “French Spring 2013” will arrive in Lviv on March 22nd and will include a truly rich and colourful program. In keeping with tradition, the Embassy of France in Ukraine will organize this spectacular and eventful festival in cooperation with the French cultural centre “Alliance française”. “French Spring 2013” will showcase numerous exhibitions of graphic art, ceramics, theatre performances, film screenings, jazz, concerts of classical music masterpieces and much more. The event highlights will include performances of plays by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt— a Belgian dramatist, novelist and fiction writer and a creative meeting with the author, which will take place on April 4th at the Maria Zankovetska Drama Theatre. Program of the festival: March 25, Monday – Concert “Music of the world” featuring Cherif Mbaw. Restaurant club “Kult” (7, Chaykovskogo St.), beginning: 19.00 March 27, Wednesday – Exhibition of French ceramics of XVII-XX centuries. Museum of Ethnography and Crafts (15, Svobody Ave.), beginning: 17.00 March 28, Thursday – Classical Music Concert by “Nostris Temporis” and “Le Balcon”. Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall (7, Chaykovskogo St.), beginning: 19.00 April 2, Tuesday – Performance “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” by ÉricEmmanuel Schmitt. First Ukrainian Theatre for Children and Youth (11, Hnatyuka St.), beginning: 19.00 April 3, Wednesday – “Partners in Crime” by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt presented by company “Roseau Theatre”. M. Zankovetska National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theatre (1, L. Ukrainka St.), beginning: 18.00 April 4, Thursday – “Enigma Variations” by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt. Creative evening with Eric Emmanuel Schmitt. M. Zankovetska National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theatre (1, L. Ukrainka St.), beginning: 18.00 April 5, Friday – “Partners in Crime” by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt. The Les Kurbas Theatre (3 Les Kurbas St.), beginning: 19.00 April 6, Saturday – Performance “Cockcrow” by Mimics and Gesture Theatre, M. Zankovetska National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theatre (1, L. Ukrainka St.), beginning: 18.00 April 13, Saturday – Cinema-concert “Georges-Jean Méliès – meet the French illusionist and filmmaker”. Lviv Art Palace (17, Kopernika St.) April 14–18 – Festival of pre-premiere screenings. Cinema “Kinopalace” (timetable to be confirmed) April 15, Monday: Exhibition of French graphical works of 17–19. Lviv’s Museum of Book (15A, Kopernika St.) For more information about the event please call “Alliance française” on: tel.: (032) 297-08-31 or +38 067 340-40-01


ФРАНЦУЗЬКА ВЕСНА 2013 У цьому році барвистою і багатою на події “Французька весна 2013” прийде до Львова 22 березня. Традиційно цей вражаючий, багатий подіями фестиваль організовує Посольство Франції в Україні у співпраці з Французьким культурним центром “Альянс Франсез”. Цьогорічна “Французька весна” представить численні виставки графічних робіт, кераміки тощо, театральні вистави, кінопокази, концерти джазової та класичної музики і багато іншого. Серед численних культурних подій фестивалю варто відзначити вистави за п’єсами Еріка-Еммануеля Шмітта – бельгійського драматурга, романіста і письменника-фантаста а також творчу зустріч з автором, що відбудеться 4 квітня у театрі ім. Марії Заньковецької.

Програма фестивалю: 25 березня, понеділок – Концерт «Музика світу» з Шерифом Мбау, Ресторан-клуб «Культ» (вул. Чайковського, 7), початок о 19.00 27 березня, середа – Виставка французької кераміки XVII–XX століть. Музей етнографії і ремесел (пр. Свободи, 15), початок о 17.00 28 березня, четвер – Концерт класичної музики «Nostris Temporis» та «Le Balcon». Львівська філармонія (вул. Чайковського, 7), початок о 19.00 2 квітня, вівторок – Вистава «Оскар і Рожева Дама в» Еріка-Еммануеля Шмідта. Перший український театр для дітей та молоді (вул. Гнатюка, 11), початок о 19.00 3 квітня, середа – п’єсу «Партнери у злочині» Еріка Еммануеля Шмітта представляє компанія «Розо театр» Національний академічний український драматичний театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки. 1), початок о 18.00 4 квітня, четвер – «Enigma Variations» Еріка Еммануеля Шмідта. Творчий вечір з Еріком Еммануелем Шміттом Національний академічний український драматичний театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки. 1), початок о 18.00 5 квітня, п’ятниця – «Партнери у злочині» Еріка Еммануеля Шмідта. Театр Леся Курбаса (вул. Л. Курбаса, 3), початок о 19.00 6 квітня субота – Вистава «На світанку» театру міміки й жесту. Національний академічний український драматичний театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки. 1), початок о 18.00 13 квітня, субота – Кіно-концерт «Жорж-Жан Мельєс – знайомство з французьким ілюзіоністом і режисером». Львівський Палац Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17) 14–18 квітня– Фестиваль допрем’єрних показів. «Кінопалац» (розклад уточнюється) 15 квітня, понеділок – Виставка графічних робіт французьких художників 17-19 століть. Львівський музей книги (вул. Коперника, 15-А) Детальнішу інформацію про захід можна отримати в «Альянс Франсез» за тел. (032) 297 08 31 або 067 340 40 01

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

This month



March 21–April 1, Lviv Art Palace (17, Kopernyka St.)

Березень 21 – квітень 01, Львівський Палац Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17)

For the second time in the last three years, Lviv will host the Italian cinema festival. From March 21st to April 1st Lviv cinema fans and guests of the city will be able to enjoy the best picks from modern Italian cinematography. Classic Italian films made in the 70s were quite popular in Ukraine back in the day. The organizers of Italian Cinema Week aim to acquaint Ukrainian audiences with modern Italian cinema – in order to continue the tradition of cultural interaction between the two nations.The festival’s program will showcase the romantic comedy “Lezioni di cioccolato 2” – directed by Alessio Maria Federici, featuring Isabelle Adriani, Nabiha Akkari, Claudia Alfonso. The guests of the festival will be presented with several motion pictures: “Tutti I santi giorni” (2012), Terraferma (2011), “Lezioni di cioccolato 2” (2011), Reality (2012) and “La Dolce Vita” (1960).The Italian-French dramatic comedy “Reality” by Matteo Garrone tells the story of a charming fishmonger whose unexpected and sudden obsession with being a contestant on a reality show leads him down a rabbit hole of skewed perceptions and paranoia. “Tutti I santi giorni” will illustrate yet another example of witty Italian humour. This romantic comedy by Paolo Virzì centres on a relationship between a young couple with opposing characters and work schedules. “Terraferma” is an 88 minute drama by Emanuele Crialese, which tells the story of a Sicilian family who deals with the arrival of a group of immigrants to the island they inhabit. The film won the Special Jury Prize, as well as UNICEF and Pasinetti awards at the Venice Film Festival in 2011. As recently as 2012 it also received the Bridging the Borders Award at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. The grand highlight of Italian Cinema Week in Ukraine will be the screening of “La Dolce Vita”, a 1960 comedy-drama film written and directed by the critically acclaimed director Federico Fellini. The film is a story about a passive journalist’s week in Rome, and his search for both happiness and love, which never come. Generally concidered the film that marks the transition between Fellini’s earlier neo-realist films and his later art house films, it is widely considered as one of the great achievements in world cinema. “La Dolce Vita” won the Palme d’Or (Golden Palm) at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival and an Oscar for Best Costume. For more information about the event please visit: www.arthousetraffic.com or call (032) 261-47-33

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Це вже другий фестиваль італійського кіно у Львові за останні три роки. Від 21 березня до 1 квітня львівські любителі кіно й гості міста зможуть насолоджуватися вибраними стрічками сучасного італійського кінематографу. Свого часу класичні італійські фільми 70-х років були вельми популярні в Україні. Організатори тижня італійського кіно, прагнучи познайомити українську аудиторію з сучасним італійським кіно, продовжують традиції культурної співпраці двох країн. У програмі фестивалю буде представлена, зокрема, романтична комедія “Шоколадні уроки 2” («Lezioni ді Cioccolato 2») (режисер Алессіо Марія Федерічі) за участю Ізабель Адріані, Набіхи Аккарі і Клаудії Альфонсо. Гості фестивалю також побачать ще кілька фільмів: “День усіх святих” (Tutti I Santi Giorni) (2012), “Тверда земля” (Terraferma) (2011), “Реаліті-шоу” (Reality) (2012) і “Солодке життя” (La Dolce Vita) (1960 ). Італо-французька драматична комедія “Реаліті-шоу” режисера Маттео Гарроне розповідає історію торгівця рибою з Неаполя, якому страшенно захотілось взяти участь у реаліті-шоу і що з цього вийшло. Фільм “День усіх святих” - ще один приклад типово італійського гумору. Це романтична комедія Паоло Вірці про стосунки молодої пари, у якої не збігаються характери і робочі графіки. “Тверда земля” це 88-хвилинна драма режисера Емануеле Кріалезе, в якій розповідається про сицилійську сім’ю, яка має справу з прибуттям групи іммігрантів на їх острів. Стрічка здобула спеціальний приз журі, а також нагороди ЮНІСЕФ та приз Пасінетті на Венеційському кінофестивалі 2011 року. Минулого року фільм також отримав Премію Подолання кордонів Міжнародного кінофестивалю в Палм-Спрінгс. Глядачі не зможуть оминути увагою знаменитий фільм Федеріко Фелліні “Солодке життя” 1960 року, який ішов і в нашому прокаті. В ньому розповідається історія журналіста, який вимушено байдикує в Римі, і його прагнення щастя, і любові, які ніколи не здійсняться. Цей фільм розглядається критиками як такий, що знаменує собою перехід від ранніх нео-реалістичних фільмів Фелліні до пізніших його мистецьких стрічок, і вважається одним з найбільших досягнень світового кіно. Фільм “Солодке життя” здобув Золоту пальмову гілку на Канському кінофестивалі1960 року і премію “Оскар” за найкращі костюми. Додаткову інформацію про захід можна знайти на www.arthousetraffic.com або за телефоном (032) 261-47-33


This month

EASTER EGG PYSANKY FESTIVAL April 6–May 5th Legend has it that there is a huge evil creature chained to a hillside somewhere. Every year, when Easter eggs are made in Ukraine, the numbers of eggs are counted. If only a few eggs are made, the creature’s bonds are loosened, and evil flows through the earth. However, if many eggs are decorated, the creature’s bonds are tightened, and its evil is kept in check. Luckily for the folks in Lviv, participants of the III Festival of Pysanky (decorated eggs) should be making enough beautiful eggs to keep the monster far, far away for at least another year. From April 6–May 5th 2013, Leopolitans and guests of the city will have the chance to see some beautifully adorned eggs and learn about the centuries-old art form at numerous master-classes. The Pysanky decorating process is relatively simple, although keeping a steady hand can be a challenge. Traditionally decorating the eggs by hand are an integral part of the Easter celebration in Ukraine. With the Orthodox Easter taking place on May 5th 2013m Ukrainians all around the country will indulge in decorating eggs together with their families. A highlight of the holiday will be the exhibition of all the pysanky made during the festival, which will turn Lviv into an open air ‘Museum of Easter Eggs’. For more information, please visit http://www.easter.lviv.ua/

V LVIV OUTSOURCING FORUM March 30, Conference Hall at the Ukrainian Catholic University (35a, Khutorivka St.) Being held for the 5th time, the forum is expected to bring together more than 150 owners of outsourcing companies from all over Ukraine and in order to create a good platform for experience exchange and discussion of the most pressing issues. This year’s forum will tackle concerns surrounding strategies for obtaining better-paid projects. The program of the forum will be divided into four sections: “Marketing and sales”, “Niches and strategies”, “Organizational changes in the company” and “Cooperation and interaction”. All sections will be separated by coffee breaks, so participants will be able to get to know each other and have more opportunities to interact in an informal atmosphere. Speakers of the forum will be represented by owners of companies that were able to overcome the above challenges and are eager to share their experience with visitors of the forum. For more information please visit http://liof.org

V ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ФОРУМ АУТСОРСИНГУ 30 березня, Конференц-зал Українського католицького університету (вул. Хуторівка, 35а) На цьому представницькому форумі, що проводиться вже п’ятий раз, очікується участь понад 150 власників аутсорсингових компаній з усієї України для створення практичної платформи обміну досвідом та обговорення найактуальніших проблем. У цьому році Форум буде вирішувати питання стратегії отримання більш високооплачуваних проектів. Програма форуму буде розділена на чотири секції: “Маркетинг і продажі”, “Ніші і стратегії”, “Організаційні зміни в компанії” та “Співпраця і взаємодія”. На всіх секціях будуть проводитись неформальні перерви на каву, щоб учасники могли краще познайомитися один з одним і отримати більше можливостей для конкретної співпраці. Доповідачами на форумі будуть власники компаній, які змогли подолати існуючі проблеми і готові поділитися своїм досвідом з іншими учасниками форуму. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте http://liof.org


СВЯТО ПИСАНКИ 6 квітня–5 травня За стародавньою легендою, десь далеко є величезне чудовисько, прикуте до скелі. Якщо в певний весняний день люди розмалюють багато яєць особливими візерунками, чудовисько не зможе вирватись з неволі. Чим більше яєць буде розмальовано, тим сильніше воно буде скуте і не зможе сіяти зло на Землі. На щастя, у Львові учасники III Фестивалю писанок готові розмалювати достатньо яєць, щоб утримати чудовисько, принаймні, ще протягом наступного року. Починаючи з 6 квітня і до 5 травня 2013 року львів’яни та гості міста зможуть побачити сотні розписаних візерунками й орнаментами яєць і дізнатися більше про багатовікову традицію на численних майстер-класах. Процес виготовлення писанки досить простий – найголовніше – мати тверду руку. Розписані вручну традиційними українськими мотивами яйця є невід’ємною частиною святкування Великодня в Україні. Цього року православне свято Пасхи припадає на 5 травня і багато українців будуть займатися розмальовуванням писанок разом зі своїми родинами. Родзинкою свята має стати виставка всіх писанок, зроблених в ході фестивалю, який перетворить Львів у «Музей писанки» під відкритим небом. За додатковою інформацією звертайтесь на http:// www.easter.lviv.ua/

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Cultural calendar Full Lviv listings for the coming month in Ukraine’s cultural capital

Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theatre

Address: 28, Svobody avn., Lviv Theatre ticket office working hours : 11.00 –19.00 (Monday day off) Tel.: (032) 242-11-63, 272- 88-60

March 17, Sunday Coppelia by L. Delib Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 12.00–14.45

March 17, Sunday Natalka Poltavka by M. Lysenko Opera in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30

March 21, Thursday Stolen fortune by Y. Meytus Opera in 3 act Duration: 18.00–21.00

March 22, Friday Le Corsaire by A. Adam Ballet in 2 acts


Duration: 18.00–20.30

March 23, Saturday The Merry Widow by F. Legar Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

February 24, Sunday The Nutcracker by P. Chaykovsky Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.15

February 24, Sunday Rigoletto by G. Verdi Opera in 3 acts Beginning: 18.00–21.00

March 27, Wednesday “Vivat Operetta” Festive gala-concert Duration: 18.00–19.45

March 28, Thursday The Elixir of Love by G. Donizetti Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30

March 29, Friday La Esmeralda by C. Pugni Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

March 30, Saturday Tosca by G. Puccini Opera in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

March 31, Sunday Magic flint by E. Dosenko, M. Silvestrov, I. Striletskyi Opera fairy-tale in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–13.30

March 31, Sunday Swan Lake by P. Chaykovsky Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45

Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall named after S.Ludkevich 7, Chaykovskogo str., Preliminary ticket booking

is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00- 14.00, and 15.00-19.00 Tel: 272-10-42, 272-58-64 www.philharmonia.lviv.ua March 17, Sunday, beginning 13.00 Concert “Symphonic morning” featuring performance by students of Lviv music school named after Solomiya Krushelnitska

March 17, Sunday, beginning 18.00 Concert “Evening of music by Johannes Brahms” featuring Viorika Kurikiv (violin), Maksym Dedykov (cello) together with with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Bohdan Dashak)

March 18, Monday beginning 19.00 XIII International forum “Music of

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Cultural calendar the youth” featuring performance by ensemble «Platypus» (Austria)

March 19, Tuesday beginning 19.00 Concert “Through years and sorrows” dedicated to the jubilee of the Ukraine’s famous poetess Lina Kostenko will feature readings of poetry in combination with piano music by Oksana Rapita.

March 22, Friday beginning 19.00 Concert dedicated to centenary of Polish composer Witold Lutosławski featuring performance by Johanna Freshel (soprano), Maciej Grzybowski (piano) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Roman Revakovych)

March 23, Saturday beginning 18.30 XIII International forum “Music of the youth” featuring performance by string quartet «NeoQuartet» (Poland)

March 28, Thursday beginning 19.00 XIII International forum “Music of

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

the youth” featuring performance by band «Le Balcon» (France) presenting compositions of French composer of contemporary music Gérard Grisey.

March 29, Friday beginning 19.00 Concert “French premieres” featuring performance by Sergiy Grygorenko (piano) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Taras Krysa) performing compositions of C. Debussy, M. Ravel, I. Stravinsky

March 30, Saturday beginning 18.00 Concert featuring Dmytro Tkachenko (violin) together with Youth Academic symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (conductor – Natalia Ponomarchuk) performing compositions of B.Britten, S.Barber

March 31, Sunday beginning 13.00 Concert “Symphonic morning” featuring performance by students of Lviv music school named after Solomiya Krushelnitska together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Taras Krysa)

April 02, Tuesday beginning 19.00 Concert featuring performance by Andriy Dragan (piano) together with orchestra «IL MOSAICO» (conductor – Herman Ostendarp)

April 03, Wednesday beginning 19.00 Concert featuring performance by Sofia Molchanova (clarinet, Germany) together with Academic chamber orchestra “Lviv Virtuosos” (conductor – Sergiy Ostrovskyi (Israel)) performing compositions of W. A. Mozart

April 06, Saturday beginning 18.00 Concert featuring Youth Academic symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (conductor – Stefano Ranieri) performing compositions of S. Rossini, J. Brahms, A.L. Weber

April 09, Tuesday beginning 19.00 Concert“Unforgettable flower”featuring performance by Volodymyr Okilko (vocal), Natalia Markivska (vocal), together with Academic instrumental ensemble“Vysoky Zamok”, Academic chamber orchestra“Lviv Virtuosos”, bandura players quartet“Lvivanky” (conductor – Myron Yusipovych)

April 11, Thursday beginning 19.00 Concert“romantic expressions”featuring performance by Oleksiy Grynyuk (piano) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Aidar Torybaev)

April 12, Friday beginning 19.00 Concert “Evening of vocal lyrics of Sergiy Rakhmaninov” featuring performance by Natalia Dityuk (soprano), Olena Matselukh (piano)

National Academic Ukrainian drama theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska

1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04 www.zankovetska.com.ua.

March 17, Sunday beginning 18.00 Visit of the old lady / F.Durrenmatt Translation by V. Grimych Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours 10 minutes


Lviv Cultural calendar March 19, Tuesday beginning 18.00 Three comrades by Erich Maria Remarque Performance duration: 2 hours 40 minutes

March 20, Wednesday beginning 18.00 The last buckwheat seeder by O.Ogorodnik Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

March 21, Thursday beginning 18.00 Boyar / Lesya Ukrainka Dramatic poem Performance duration: 2 hours 10 minutes

March, 22 Friday beginning 18.00 Romeo and Juliet in the end of November / J. Otc henashek Comic performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

March 23, Saturday beginning 18.00 The Cabinet Minister’s Wife/ Branislav Nušić Comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

March 24, Sunday beginning 18.00 Crisis by O.Ogorodnik Comic performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

March 26, Tuesday beginning 18.00 Naples – city of Cinderella’s / N. Kovalik Play in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

March 27, Wednesday beginning 18.00 Blue Rose / Lesya Ukrainka Dramatic poem Performance duration: 2 hours 10 minutes

March 28, Thursday beginning 18.00 The last buckwheat seeder by O.Ogorodnik Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

March 29, Friday beginning 18.00 Lady Windermere’s Fan /O.Wilde Musical comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes


March 30, Saturday beginning 18.00 Sharika by J. Barnich Poetry by Y. Shkrumelyak Romantic operetta Performance duration: 3 hours

March 31, Sunday beginning 18.00 Sharika by J. Barnich Poetry by Y. Shkrumelyak Romantic operetta Performance duration: 3 hours

«Jazz Club. Lviv»

‘Kvartyra (Apartment) 35” on Virmenska str. 35 Tel: (096) 784-14-17, (032) 244-47-78 www.dzyga.com/jcl

March 16, Saturday 20.00 Concert by «Burdon» and presentation of the new album “Divitsa” Entrance: 60 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» and Etno club “Nabutky” – 30 UAH

March 17, Sunday 20.00 Concert by «Yuriy Seredin project» Entrance: free of charge

March 18, Monday Milonga A Bailar Open Club 20.00 Evening of Argentinean tango, music by Yulia Pivtorak (Lviv) Entrance: 25 UAH

March 19, Tuesday Etno club Nabutky members meeting 20.00 – World music evening featuring project “Desi” (Czech Republick) Entrance: 60 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» and Etno club “Nabutky” – 30 UAH

March 20, Wednesday 20.00 – Concert by «Jaremchuk Play Standards» Entrance: free of charge

March 21, Thursday Jazz Club.Lviv members meeting 20.00 – Jam-session Entrance: 25 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» - entrance free of charge

March 22, Friday 20.00 «Lviv Jazz Trio» Entrance: free of charge

March 23, Saturday 20.00 Concert by «Jazz Quartet» Entrance: free of charge LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Cultural calendar March 24, Sunday 20.00 Concert “Andriy Arnautov project” Entrance: free of charge

March 25, Monday XIII International forum “Youth music” 20.00 Concert «John Cage and new improvisation music» by Yuriy Yaremchuk (clarinet, saxophone) and Ostap Manulyak (electronic music) Entrance: 5 UAH

March 26, Tuesday

Entrance: 50 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» – 25 UAH

March 29, Friday 20.00 «Lviv Jazz Trio» Entrance: free of charge

March 30, Saturday 20.00 Concert by «Jazz Quartet» Entrance: free of charge

March 31, Sunday, 20.00 Concert “Andriy Arnautov project” Entrance: free of charge

Etno club Nabutky members meeting 20.00 – Presentation of the festival «Folkowisko» Concert by band “Jalapita” (Lviv) Entrance: 40 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» and Etno club “Nabutky” – 20 UAH

Lviv Academic theatre named after Les Kurbas

March 27, Wednesday

March 17, Sunday

20.00 – Concert by «Jaremchuk Play Standards» Entrance: free of charge

March 28, Thursday Jazz Club.Lviv members meeting 20.00 – Concert by band «THE TOP OF THE DEPTHS» (Odessa)

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Ticket office: 12.00–19.00 (on days of performances) Address: L. Kurbasa str., 3 Tel.: (322) 724 914; 724 824 online booking is available on www.kurbas.lviv.ua/tickets,

Ecstasy formula based on poetry by B.I. Antonych Poetic installation

March 22, Friday PREMIERE! Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

March 23, Saturday PREMIERE! Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

March 24, Sunday Entertainment for Faust by Fedir Dostoevsky. Play in two acts

March 27, Wednesday Amnesia or Partners in Crime by Eric-Emmanuel Shmitt Drama improvisations

March 29, Friday “Forest song” by L. Ukrainka Dramatic poem

March 30, Saturday “Forest song” by L. Ukrainka Dramatic poem

March 31, Sunday Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Tragic comedy in 2 acts

“He, she, window and the dead” by R. Kuni Music comedy Performance duration 2 hours 30 minutes

March 21, 22, 26, Beginning: 19.00 “Provincial Anecdotes” by O. Vampilov Dramatic comedy Performance duration 2 hours

March 23, Beginning: 18.00 “Provincial Anecdotes” by O. Vampilov Dramatic comedy Performance duration 2 hours

March 28, 29, Beginning: 19.00 “The marry inn” by O. Levit Music comedy based on stories by Sholom Aleichem Performance duration 1 hour 40 minutes

Lviv City Spiritual Theatre Voskresinnia

March 30, 31 Beginning: 18.00

March 16, 17, Beginning: 18.00

“The marry inn” by O. Levit Music comedy based on stories by Sholom Aleichem Performance duration 1 hour 40 minutes

Address: 5, Gen. Grygorenka sqr. Tеl. (032) 261-63-10


Lviv art in March Art Atelier Voytovych

To visit please call in advance +38 095 507-71-36 www.artists.com.ua

The LvivArt

21, L.Ukrainka str. Virtual Gallery and Online Store www.UkrainArt.com www.LvivArt.com Tel.: +38-067-476-05-10, 11:00–19:00 / Mon.

Gallery “ICONART”

From 12.03–07.04 – exhibition from the gallery’s collection 26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8032) 235 52 95 11:00–19:00 (Tues.–Sat) 12.00–19.00 (Sun) / Mon gallery@iconart.com.ua www.iconart.com.ua

Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe

During whole March – Exhibition “The Search for Home in Postwar Lviv: The Experience of Pidzamche, 1944–1960” During whole March – Exhibition «Sport and the City: People. Society. Ideology» 6, Bohomoltsa str, Tel.: ( 032) 275-17-34, Fax: (0322) 75-13-09 institute@lvivcenter.org www.lvivcenter.org Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00–17:30

Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture

The sculptures by Mykhajlo Dzyndra impress us with their uniqueness. Every sculpture emerges from the mystery of his imagination and is interwoven with his life experience. Every sculpture is most expressive in its countenance, revealing the variety of human emotions, from amazement to joy and deepest melancholy Lviv-Briukhovychi 16, Muzejna Street. Tel.: (032) 234-66-36,


Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet Olha Shchur

097 397-54-80 Tuesday through Sunday 11:00–18:00

The “Gerdan” gallery

Lviv art of the 60–80ies exhibition 4, Ruska str. Tel.: (032) 272-50-46 12:00–17:00 /Closed: Sun., Mon.

The “Green Sofa” gallery

26.02–17.03 – Squaring of color. Alla Simutina, Yulia Pletinka, Dina Turuk (photography). 19.03–07.04 – Exhibition of paintings and graphical works “Organic structures. Continuing” by Volodymyr Chornobay (Ternopil, Ukraina). 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 243-70-23 / 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net /

The Culture and Art Center “Dzyga”

35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 10:00–18:00 office@dzyga.lviv.ua www.dzyga.com.ua

«Kvartyra (apartment) 35» 35, Virmenska str. («Dzyga», 2nd floor)

The Lviv Art Gallery

During whole March exhibition of sculptures by Orest Bilous During whole March exhibi-

Art Gallery «Primus»

From 05.03 – Exhibition “Graphics” by Roman Romanishin 16/5, L.Ukrainka str., Tel.: +38097 293 14 26, +38 095 899-51-74 Artprimus.lviv@gmail.com www.primusart.com.ua tion of paintings by Volodymyr Makarenko 3 Stefanyka, str. Tel.: (032) 272-39-48 / 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Lviv Art Gallery (Pototsky Palace)

During whole March – Exhibition «To you, Ukraine!» presenting treasures of the vanished civilization str.Kopernyka, 15 Tel.: (032) 261-41-45 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.

Lviv Art Palace

07.03–24.03 – Personal exhibition of sacral paintings “Healing” by Anatoliy Slobodyan 07.03–24.03 – Exhibition dedicated to the 199th birthday anniversary of Taras Shevchenko (from private collections of Lvivites and from funds of Taras Shevchenko museum) 22.03–12.04 – Exhibition “Spring Salon 2013” by Ukraine’s merited artists 25.03–10.04 – Exhibition of col-

Lviv Art Palace

22.03–12.04 – Exhibition “Spring Salon 2013” by Ukraine’s merited artists str. Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working hours 12:00-19:00 / Closed:Mon.

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

lections by professional designers of Lviv region, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the creation of National Designer’s Union of Ukraine 27.03–10.04 – Exhibition of paintings by deaf artists str. Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working hours 12:00–19:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Lviv National Museum

From 13.03 – Exhibition «Iconpainting on textile of XVII – beginning of XVIII centuries» and presentation of restored «Shroud of Christ» of XV century from village Zhyrivka of Lviv region 20, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 274-22-80 10:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ethnography and Crafts

During whole March exhibition of photography (Lithuania) 15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 272-70-20 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00-18:00 /Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ideas Bernarden garden

During whole March exhibition of modern glass works 21.03 concert of Tom Morris (Scotland) – entrance 50 UAH 18a, Valova str., Tel.: (032) 254-61-55, (032) 295-69-68 10:00–19:00 Each Thursday and Saturday – Film screenings. Beginning -18.00 idem.org@gmail.com www.idem.org.ua

The “Pory roku” gallery

From 15.02 – Exhibition of paintings by Vitaliy Shuplyak 23, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 235-44-65 11:00–16:00/Closed: Sun.

The “Ravlyk” gallery

15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 243-35-99 www.ravlyk-art.com.ua / salon@ ravlyk-art.com.ua /

The “Slyvka” art gallery

Till 25.03 – Exhibition of paintings «Colorful children of sun» 24, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 235-58-28, 067 592-51-03 10:30–19:00 slyvkart@ukr.net www.artslyvka.com

Art saloon «Bonton»

3, F. List, str. Tel.: (032)261-59-29 12.00–19:00/ Closed:Sun

Vernisazh – Open air

market of folk crafts works, souvenirs, gift articles, pictures, ceramics, embroidery works and much more. sq. Nyzkyy Zamok / 11:00–18:00 / Closed:Mon.

Gary Bowman’s Art Gallery

08.03–26.03 – «Your majesty woman!» joint exhibition of women artists 18, Nalyvayka str. Tel.: +38 095-899-51-74 12.00–19.00 \Closed: Mon. www.gbgallery.org.ua

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv Personality

Ukrainian Designer R

oksolana Bogutska has been creating fashion collections flavoured with Ukrainian folk style for years. Among her fans is Ukrainian First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko, known for her passion for folk dresses. It was Bogutska who created a dress that Kateryna Yushchenko wore to the presidential inauguration in 2005. Also among her regular clients are Ukrainian pop stars Ruslana and Natalka Karpa. Bogutska combines traditional Ukrainian embroidery and beading with modern clothing design. She prefers to work exclusively with natural materials, such as silk, wool and cotton. Also, Bogutska is the first Ukrainian designer to begin using fur in her designs. As a graduate of the Lviv College of Applied Arts and Lviv Academy of Applied Arts, Bogutska presented her first collection at the Fashion Seasons Ukrainian Ready-to-Wear Week, a predecessor of Ukrainian Fashion Week, 15 years ago. Since then, the Lviv-born designer’s brand has become popular, especially in the west. She has a store in Lviv, located at the glamorous TM “Opera Passage” in the city centre where one can find exclusive and breathtaking outfits. Today Bogutska continues to draw inspiration in her native city and she will be presenting her latest Autumn-Winter 2013 collection during Lviv Fashion Week at the fashionable Mirotel Resort & Spa (Truskavets) celebrating the 15th anniversary of the successful fashion brand. Prior presenting the collection, Roksolana Bogutska took time out of her schedule to discuss fashion issues with Lviv Today. 1. When did you make up your mind to become a fashion designer? What was the actual start of your career? It was the moment when I presented my first collection and came out onto the catwalk, I decided that I wanted to dedicate myself to being fashion designer. 2. Is there anything taboo in your work? I will never force myself to do anything which I don’t like and is controversial to my style. 3. In what way has being successful fashion designer influenced your lifestyle? I have become more organized, and have started really valuing my time. 4. Please, tell us what is your taste for your outfits and what are your favorite accessories? Well, I prefer my own brand “Roksolana Bogutska” and as far as accessories are concerned I like belts and rings.


5. This is a traditional question for a fashion designer – is there any recognized fashion designer whom you highly esteem and find inspirational? Yes, I like Jean Paul Gaultier, Gianfranco Ferré, and the collections by Etro fashion house. 6. Would you agree that there are differences between the traditions of Ukrainian and foreign fashion designs? Yes, I agree. Ukrainian designers do everything themselves – create ideas, find materials, etc. Foreign designers have more possibilities to implement any wishes and dreams while creating collections, as they have better access to more textile, accessories etc. 7. Is there such a term as “Lviv style” or “Lviv fashion”? Yes, I think it exists. 8. What are your creative dreams for the future? I dream that all my wishes will coincide with possibilities, and I refuse to think about the economical situation in the country, which is influencing my creative career. 9. Are there any plans in the near future to present a collection for men? I thought about it, but I really don’t know yet, I haven’t planned anything. 10. What is your advice on how to avoid becoming a “fashion victim” with the existing brands, trends and labels? Well, you should find outfits that best suit your lifestyle. 11. What are fashion trends for the upcoming summer season? I would say, it is style of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, very feminine and colorful, with lots of sundresses. LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Personality

Roksolana Bogutska 12. What is your message to young designers, who will start their career at Lviv Fashion Week? My message is don’t give up! 13. How in your opinion can a designer receive proper recognition? Is it possible that an absolutely unknown designer from some country, which does not have a developed fashion industry market, like for example, Ukraine becomes unexpectedly world famous? Yes, it’s possible, especially if someone will invest lots of money into their career, or for example one can marry a magnate. 14. Roksolana, the premiere of your new collection Autumn/ Winter 2013 will take place in Canada at Vancouver Fashion Week and only afterwards it will be presented in Ukraine, please tell us why you decided to present it first on other continent?


оксолана Богуцька вже багато років займається створення модних колекцій в українському народному стилі. Серед її шанувальників – перша українська леді – Катерина Ющенко, відома своєю пристрастю до народних суконь. Це саме Роксолана Богуцька створила сукню, в якій була Катерина Ющенко на президентській інавгурації 2005 року. Також серед її постійних клієнтів безліч українських зірок. Роксолана Богуцька вміло поєднує в сучасному одязі традиційну українську вишивку та бісероплетіння. Вона воліє працювати виключно з використанням натуральних матеріалів: вовни, шовку, бавовни та шкіри. Крім того, Роксолана першою серед українських дизайнерів почала використовувати хутро у своїх проектах. Закінчиши Львівський коледж прикладного мистецтва та Львівську академію прикладного мистецтва Роксолана Богуцька представила свою першу колекцію на Українському Сезоні моди прета-порте, попереднику Українського Тижня Моди, 15 років тому. Відтоді, бренд львів´янки Роксолани Богуцької став популярним, особливо на заході. Вона має магазин у Львові, в гламурному “Опера Пасажі” в центрі міста, де можна придбати її ексклюзивні вбрання. Сьогодні Роксолана Богуцька продовжує черпати натхнення у своєму рідному місті. Вона буде представляти свою останню осінньо-зимову колекцію на Львівському Тижні Моди в модному Mirotel Resort & Spa (Трускавець) в ході святкування 15-річчя свого бренду. Перед початком Тижня Моди Роксолана Богуцька знайшла час у своєму щільному графіку, щоб обговорити питання моди з нашим кореспондентом. 1. Коли Ви вперше зрозуміли що мрієте стати дизайнером? З чого розпочалась Ваша кар’єра? Коли я вийшла з першою колекцією на подіум - переконалась, що хочу бути дизайнером. 2. Чи існують табу у Вашій роботі? Ніколи не буду робити те, що мені не подобається, і що не в моєму стилі.

I want people on other continent to get acquainted with my creative work and also I wish to go sightseeing in Vancouver. 15. During all 15 years of the existence of the brand “Roksolana Bogutska” was there ever a moment, when you thought of leaving your fashion career and stop being a fashion designer? No, never!!! LVIV TODAY | March 2013

3. Роксолана, як професія дизайнера і успіх в обраній справі змінили Ваше щоденне життя? Я стала більш організованою, почала цінувати час. 4. А у що вбирається сама Роксолана Богуцька? Яким маркам віддаєте перевагу? Ваші улюблені аксесуари?


Lviv Personality Вбираюся у „Роксолану Богуцьку”. Мої найулюбленіші аксесуари це пояси та перстені. 5. Традиційне питання – хто з дизайнерів чи світових брендів Вас надихає, чи є серед них люди, роботою яких Ви захоплюєтеся? Мені подобаються Готьє, Ферре (покійний), колекцїї Етро. 6. Чи можна сказати, що в традиціях українського та іноземного дизайну є істотні відмінності? Відмінності є. Український дизайнер все створює сам (шукає, придумує, і т.д.). Іноземний – може легше здійснити всі свої мрії, всі бажання, бо доступні тканини, фурнітура тощо. 7. Чи існує поняття «львівська мода» або «львівський стиль»? Так. Iснує. 8. Про що мріє Роксолана Богуцька? А в творчому плані? Я хочу, щоб мої можливості збігалися з моїми бажаннями, і зовсім не хочу думати про економічний стан моєї країни, який впливає на мою творчість. 9. Чи побачимо ми коли-небудь чоловічу колекцію від Роксолани Богуцької? Не знаю. Думаю про це, але ще не планувала.

10. Як не розгубитись та зберегти власну індивідуальність та стиль в сьогоденному вирі марок, брендів та трендів. (Одним словом, як не стати «жертвою моди») Треба зрозуміти, що пасує саме до твого стилю життя. 11.Що буде актуальним цього літа? Стиль- 50-их, 60-их, 70-их. Надалі в моді жіночність, сукні та сарафани, яскравий колір. 12.Чи є у Вас поради для моло-

дих дизайнерів, які тільки починають свою кар’єру на Львівському тижні моди? Не здаватись! 13. Яким чином, на Вашу думку, дизайнер може здобути визнання? Чи можливий розвиток подій, за яким абсолютно нікому не відомий дизайнер з не дуже розвинутого, в розумінні фешн індустрії, ринку, такого, як наприклад, Україна раптом стає всесвітньо відомим? Може, якщо хтось буде вкладати величезні кошти, інвестиції в його проекти. Або вийти заміж за “олігарха”. 14. Роксолана, прем’єра Вашої нової колекції Осінь/Зима 2013 відбудеться на Тижні Моди у Ванкувері, і лише після цього її побачать в Україні. Скажіть, що мотивує Вас їхати з показом на інший континент? Показати свою творчість на іншому континенті. І заодно побачити Ванкувер. 15. Чи за 15 років існування бренду “Роксолана Богуцька” був момент, коли Ви хотіли здатися і покинути дизайн одягу і професію модельєра? Ніколи!!!

Photos by A. Goncharenko / Models – MA OK’S Model


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LVIV TODAY | March 2013


RESTAURANTS & NIGHTLIFE Restaurants Alpaca Cuisine: Latin American. 10, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 272-50-41 Hours: from 11:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Visa Card. Andersen 39, Rudnytskogo str. Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 237-38-79 Aragvi 161, I. Franka str. Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 295-14-31 Amadeus 7, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-80-22 Hours: 11:00–23:00 A welcoming and elegant dining out venue. Bukhara 6, Furmanska str., Tel.: (032) 244-42-25 Catch a glimpse of the mystical pearl of Central Asia in the eastern ­flavoured dining option. Brudershaft 16, Virmenska str. Hours: 10.00–23.00 Tel.: (032) 235-42-43 Cafe 1 Cuisine: continental, French, Italian 5, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-33-69 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Visa Card. Dynamo Blues 4, Stusa str. Hours: 12:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 275-01-89 Diva Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 5, Dudaeva str. Tel.: (032) 261-16-71 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: polish./ukr.


Dim Legend (House of Legends) 48, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: 050 430-29-24 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Darwin Cuisine: Сontinental, Fusion 6, Shevska str., 5th fl., Tel.:(032) 294-82-05 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Europe Cuisine: continental 14, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 261-19-71 Hours: 12:00—24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., Hours: 12:00–15:00 30 uah

Fashion club Cuisine: Сontinental 1, Pidkovy sqr. Tel.: (032) 272-88-91 Breakfast hours: 08:30–11:30 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., 12:30–15:00 Disco: from 23:00. Hours: 24 hours. Visa Card. Festival-club Left bank 28, Svobody avn. (Opera and ballet Theatre, underground.) Tel.: (032) 272-28-63 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Cuisine: celebrities best recipes and dishes. Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi. Club, functioning as constant daily international Modern At festival featuring expositions of paintings, live concerts, culinary evenings, creative

meetings, providing unique chance to become artist by trying to be musician or painter. Filizhanka Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 3, Sichovykh Striltsiv (entrance from Kryva Lypa square) Tel.: (032) 272-05-11 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr.

Improvisation restaurant Hrushevsky cinema jazz 28, Shevchenko Avenue Tel.: (098) 676-46-00 Hours: 9:00–2:00 Menu: eng./ukr. Free Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro Cuisine: continental, national A new restaurant in the 100-years-old cinema hall with large screen. Film shows like in real cinema hall, live music, photo, painting exhibitions, presentations, parties. Banquets and weddings for 150 persons in the Lviv city heart. Delicious food and good wine. And chef who will chat with you with big pleasure! Grand Hotel Restaurant Cuisine: Сontinental 13, Svobody Avenue Tel.: (032) 272-40-95 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri. /50-80 uah/ Menu: engl./ukr./rus., Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Wonderful cuisine and immaculate service right in the centre of town in one of Lviv’s best­loved dining out venues.

Halytcian-Jewish cafe Under Golden Rose 2, Staroyevreiska str. (near old Synagogue) Tel.: (032) 236-75-53 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr., Wi-Fi. Cuisine: Halytcian/Jewish The ONLY restaurant in Ukraine with NO prices in menu – You should bargain over bill, to come to reasonable solutions.

Kryjivka 14, Rynok sqr. Tel.: (032) 254-61-18 Hours: 24 hours Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card.

Kult Cuisine: Continental, Ukrainian 7, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 242-22-42 Hours: 12:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. One of the hippest locations in town - biggest live music club, must-visit for music loving guests of Lviv. Marvel at the diverse range of traditional Ukrainian and exquisite European cuisine favourites as you enjoy live music performances! Taste Music Delights! Kupol 37, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-54 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Visa Card. One of Lviv’s most stylish and sophisticated dining out options, Kupol has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur.

Lion’s castle Park 7, Hlinky str., Lviv Tel.: 8 032 297–15–63 Hours: 7:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. WiFi. Visa Card. www.lioncastlehotel. com Most Expensive Galician Restaurant Lviv centre, 14, Rynok square, (second floor) Tel.: 050 430-87-83 Hours: 11:00–02 :00 Cuisine: European Menu: ukr./engl. Wi–Fi, Visa Card. The most “Expensive Galician Restaurant” is located in the heart of Lviv on Rynok square in the same building as famous “Kryjivka” but on the second floor. Thrill starts directly when guest enters the premiseeveryone has chance to find out secrets of Masons brotherhood with all signs and symbols.

Museum-restaurant Gasova Lampa Cuisine: Ukrainian/ European 20, Virmenska str, Tel.: (032) 236-75-50 Hours:. 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Special attractions of the venue are great collection of kerosene lamps all over the world, best ‘alive” beer from huge wooden barrels, alchemist’s fiery secret liquveurs and multi-confessional terrace under Lviv roofs.

Masoch Cafe 7, Serbs’ka str. Tel.: (032) 272-18-72 Hours: 11:00—01:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Cuisine: international menu including a wide range of aphrodisiacs. Refined cuisine with slight touch of sin side by side with the first monument to the famous European writer, Lvivite Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

La Piazza Place, where whole city meets. 27, Svobody avn. TM “Opera Passage”, 4th floor. Cuisine: Italian. Tel.: (032) 295-88-14/15 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro. The only original Italian restaurant with best selection of pizzas, pastas and salads in the city. Celentano 11, Saksaganskogo str. Hours: 11:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-34-76 Panorama Cuisine: Mediterranean 45, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 225-90-09 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./pol./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Sample unrivalled views of the picturesque downtown Lviv skyline as you dine in style at this high-level restaurant.

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Restaurants

Prague Cuisine: Continental, Czech 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The whole interior of the restaurant is a synonym for exclusivity. The venue boasts an Art Nouveau interior complete with samples of postcards and posters painted by the Czech artisrt Alphonse Mucha. Pafos 5, Pylnykarska str. Tel.: ( 032) 297-08-23 Hours: 11:00—23:00 Enjoy fine examples of Cypriot cuisine in this European eatery.

Sim porosyat (Seven piglets) 9, Bandery str., Lviv Hours: 10:00 – last customer Tel.: (032) 297-55-58

Split Cuisine: Сontinental, Japanese 6/7, Mitskevicha sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-22-00 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: engl./ukr./rus. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The restaurant of the extensive Club Split Lviv complex is a comfortable and cozy establishment situated in the central part of Lviv. It offers a great choice of dishes, live music, and luxurious interior.

Three roads 18a, Lvivska str., Lviv-Brukhovychi Hours: 10:00–22:00

Stary Tiflis Cuisine: Oriental, European 28, Pekarska str., Lviv Тel.: (032)276-61-11 Hours: 11:00–23:00

Shakespeare Cuisine: continental. 144, Lubinska str., Tel.: (032) 295-5-295 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Breakfast: from 08:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The spirit of merry old England is alive and well in Lviv, as this tasteful tribute to the great British bard demonstrates.

Trapezna (Refectory) of “Museum of ideas” Cuisine: Traditional monastery food in Galicia. 18A, Valova str., Lviv Frate Mykhaylo: 097 421-76-84 Frate Yaroslav: 097 226-28-85 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr No smoking Located in the basement cellar of former Bernarden monastery venue ofers authentic atmosphere of medieval monastery refectory flled with chamber and spiritual music. Club of gastronomic ideas.

Public Pub Cuisine: continental. 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 235-70-62 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Svitlytsya Leva Inside Hotel Leopolis. Cuisine: continental. 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: 8 032 295-95-15 Hours: 07:00—23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Noted for its extensive wine list and selection of regional delicacies.

Viennese Coffee House Cuisine: Сontinental 12, Svobody avn, Tel.: (032) 235-87-21 Hours: 09:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Quite simply a Lviv

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classic. This venue actually dates back to 1829 and is the oldest still functioning in the city. You will feel equally at home enjoying delicious pastires and coffee or a hearty meal. Billiards also on offer. The Grill Cuisine: European, steak specialties 22, Teatralna str. Тel.: (032) 235-49-91 Hours: 11:00–23:00 www.thegrill.com.ua

Pizza FELICHITA Cuisine: Italian 1, Mickiewicza sqr., (George Hotel) Tel.: 067 361-28-28 Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card,Maestro. Specialties of the venue: delicious pizza, gourmet pasta and exquisite wine.

Cazanova restaurant-club is successful combination of delicious restaurant with outside terrace at day time and stylish strip club with spectacular erotic shows at night beginning at 23:00. 7, Stavropihiys’ka str., Lviv (032) 236-75-74 / (067) 287-68-05 Open 11:00–06:00. Live music 20.00–23.00, Show Bar, Wi-Fi Zone, Hookah lounge, Wide choice of cocktails, Extensive beer selection

SUSHI BARS Sakura 6, Kryva Lypa lane. Open 24 hours Tel.: (098) 526-11-07 Sushi Kappo-in 8, Levytskogo str. Hours: 10:30–22:30 Tel.: (032) 245-31-09 Yapona hata 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 297-51-17 29, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 261-60-31 Open 24 hours

Yapi Cuisine: Japanese 6/8, Svobody ave. Tel.: 8 032 272-29-72 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Japanese cuisine restaurant “Yapi” – is an island of modern Japanese culture in old Lviv. Esthetic delights, interesting dishes and energetic personel guaranteed. Visa Card.


Lviv Restaurants Pubs and Bars

Dublin 5, Kryva Lypa lane, Tel.: (032) 272-88-74 12:00–24:00 Thur., Fri., Sat – till 02:00 Business lunch: Mon.– Fri., Hours: 12:00–14:00 /35 UAH/ Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. A democratic but international quality venue providing a wide selection of beers and whiskeys. Korzo Pub 10, Brativ Rogatyntsiv str. Tel.: (032) 275-70-92 Hours: 12:00–24:00 A friendly and welcoming old style pub atmosphere with all the hospitality you would expect to find in the west Ukrainian capital.

Kumpel’ Cuisine: Galician Mytna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-17-80 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: ukr./engl./pol. Visa Card. Specialties of the restaurant: “Alive” beer of three brands, brewed in own brewery, placed directly in the restaurant. Mons Pius: Beer & Meat 14, L. Ukrainka str., (Armenian yard), Lviv Tel.: (032) 235-60-60 097 64-54-952 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card Pub ”Mons Pius” ofers fresh ’alive” beer ”Mons Pius”, delicious charcoal grilled steakes, additionally to watching sports


events on big TV in friendly atmosphere.

K'Kawa 5, Valova str. Тel: (098) 389-73-34 Hours: 8:30–22:00

14, Zelena Str. Tel.: +380673702022 Hours: 24 hours Menu: Ukr./Eng. Wi-Fi Wide cocktails and meals selection, good music and parties every day of the week.

Porohova Vezha (Gunpowder Tower) 4, Pidvalna str. Тel.: (097) 9000-376 Hours: 10:00–23:00

Piano bar 13, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 272-76-65 Hours: 24 hours. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Perfect coffee, desserts and relaxation are on the menu here in this musically inspired option. Prague 8, Gnatuyka str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. More then 15 different brands of bottled and draught beer on offer. A popular Lviv sports bar. Robert Doms 18, Kleparivska str., Tel.: (032) 242-25-94, 242-25-93 www.robertdoms.lviv.ua Cavernous basement cellar pub which was formerly part of Lviv’s celebrated brewery is today presenting best selection of jazz, pop and classical music compositions in excellent performance of talented artists. Not to be missed! Stargorod Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 1, Rymlyanyna str., Tel.: (032) 229-55-05 Hours: 24 hours open Menu: engl./ukr.

Cafes Strudel-Haus 6/10, Shevska str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 294-82-06 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Galka 4, Kovzhuna str. Tel.: (032) 297-81-04 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Fresca 9, Krakivska str. Tel.: (032) 272-49-85 Hours: 10:00–23:00

Kabinet Cuisine: ukrainian. 12, Vynnychenka str. Tel.: (032) 261-48-84 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Leopolis Coffee Inn 9, Kryva Lypa lane Tel.: (050) 370-23-18 Hours: 08:00–23:00 Wi-Fi. Visa Card. Lviv chocolate workshop 3, Serbs’ka str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (050) 430 60 33 CK Lokal 19, Valova str. Hours: 8:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 236-70-80 Prague 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-fi, Visa Card. Non smoking. A refined design, sweet-scented coffee and a comfortable atmosphere.

Videnski Bulochky Bäckerei 3, Katedralna sqr., Lviv Tel.:(032) 235-88-22 Hours: 08:00—23:00 WiFi, Visa Card. No smoking. Business lunches: Mon.–fri., 12:00–16:00 The only bäckerei in the city of Lviv. You can order bread, baguets and other pastry backed fresh specially for you! Pid Synej Plashkoju 4, Rus’ka str. Tel.: (032) 294-91-52 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Pod Klepsidroj 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Page Coffee House 23, Shevchenko avn.

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Lviv Restaurants Tel.: (032) 272-68-40 Hours: 09:00–20:00 Royal yard (Italian mansion) 6. Rynok sqr. Hours: 10:00–20:00 Tel.: (032) 297-53-66 Stari Mury 5, Serbs’ka str. Tel.(032) 236-71-77 Hours: 09:00–22:00 Tsukernya (Confectionary) 3, Staroyevreyska, str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 235-69-49 Veronika 21, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 297-81-28 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Svit Kavy 6, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-56-75 Monday–Friday: 08:00–22:00 Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–23:00 Menu: ukr./engl./germ. Zoloty dukat 20, Fedorova str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 298-62-33

Pizzerias/ Fast Food McDonalds 7, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 297-14-66, (032) 297-14-56 24a, V. Velykogo str., Tel.: (032) 297-68-74, (032) 297-68-75 12, Chornovola str., Tel.: (032) 297-04-84, (032) 297-04-14 35, Svobody avn., Tel.: (032) 272-66-31, (032) 272-66-31 Pizza Celentano Popular pizza chain which prides itself on its fresh products and efficient service. Pizza, pasta, crepes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and real coffee are some of the delights on offer. 9, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-32-39 7, Kn. Romana str. Tel.: (032) 272-59-42 24, Svoboda avn. Tel.: (032) 255-06-84 16, Slovatskogo str. Tel.: (032) 274-46-57 Potato House 27, Doroshenka str.

Tel.: (032) 255-08-84 Hang-out restaurant where under the supervision of the white-stone statue of Grammy Conchita you can enjoy dishes of tex-mex cuisine.

Nightclubs Chocolate party bar 2, Petrushevycha sqr. Tel.: (032) 225-54-45, (067) 670-08-67 www.partybar.com.ua Open: 18:00–6:00 House, R’n’B, POP, Lounge. Face control in operation. Ideal place for relaxation, exquisite dinner, romantic date, business meeting, party mingle, corporate celebrations and children entertainment holidays. Fenomen 186, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 270-55-58 Picasso 88, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 275-32-72 Hours: from 22:00 Closed: Tuesday. www.picasso.lviv.ua Legendary nightspot with a pedigree stretching back to the 1990s. A favourite with the student crowd and Lviv’s party people. Rafinad People 1, Rudanskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261 61 68 Millennium 2, Chornovola avn. Tel.: (032) 240-35-91 www.favorite-club.com Hours: from 21:00 Cloused: Monday.

International Youth Entertainment Club Metro 14, Zelena, str. Discover the night Lviv together with Metro. Safe leisure. Music to your taste (hits of the world hit parades, R’n’B, hip hop, electronic music). Professionally mixed cocktails and traditional Ukrainian

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

beverages. Topless show, bartender flyer show, travesty show. Hours: 21:00–6:00 Tel.: 0 800 30-40-800 067 670-42-43 www.metroclub.com.ua MI100 Entertainment center 7, Naukova str. Tel.: (032) 22-44-753 www.mi100.lviv.ua 1.Strip club «Plush Rhinoceros» Two stages, more than 30 dancers, full strip on stage, man strip. Monday–Sunday, from 21:00 2. Bowling 8 lanes, Monday–Sunday, from 10:00 3. Gastronomic Pub European/іtalian cuisine, live music, sport events, Wi-Fi. Monday–Sunday, 4. Karaoke Bar Concert sound system, 80 000 phonograms collection. Monday– Sunday, from 21:00

SAN’KOFF 36, Shchyrets’ka str. Tel.: 097-00-675-00 096-222-60-60 Hours: 19:00–6:00 Spectacular 340m2 spacious dance floor Night club Restaurant Whisky Pub Summer terrace www.sankoff.com.ua Zanzibar 36, Lypyns’kogo str. Tel.: (067) 255-66-57 www.zanzibar.com.ua Monday–Thursday. Sunday from 22:00. Friday, Saturday from 23:00. House, Electro, Minimal, R n’ B, Trance.

PLAY Bar 6, Kryva Lypa Lane Tel.: (032) 272-25-01 (096) 367-60-26 Sun–Thur:11:00–01:00 Fri–Sat:11:00–03:00 Lounge Bar, Restaurant, Cocktail & Party Club


Lviv travel

Ukrainian Dream

of Da Vinci

With its spacious central square, streets decorated with Italian arches, sizeable churches and a dominant palazzo, the little town of Zhovkva – with 13,000 inhabitants – is as close as one will get in Ukraine to seeing what da Vinci dreamed of as his “ideal city.”


he concept appeared in 1488 when the plague was ravaging Europe, and in Milan, the city where the artist lived, a third of its population had already died. Observing the sad aftermath of the Black Death, da Vinci came to the conclusion that a better-designed city could ward off illness and mortality. Many European cities in da Vinci’s era were densely populated and where the garbage was routinely deposited into narrow and dark streets with no sanitation norms, germs and diseases spread very quickly. Da Vinci thought of a city that would be more spacious and was split into two levels: lower level would be used by carts and animals, while upper level, which had wider streets, would be used for foot traffic. Canals were dedicated to commercial purposes, as well as a sewage system. On his style of urban planning, da Vinci simply said “only let that which is good looking be seen on the surface of the city.” Because the ideal city was so grand in scale and required entire cities to be rebuilt, it never came to life the way da Vinci (with his profound knowledge in architecture, engineering and invention) envisioned it. However he introduced a concept that became appealing to European urban planners, including those who inhabited the territory of present-day Ukraine. In the 17th century, two Italian architects and sculptors Paolo de Ducato Klemenci (known by his guild nickname Paul the Fortunate) and Paolo Dominici Romanus applied da Vinci’s ideal city concept to Zhovkva and its existing structures. Both Italians were well-known in the region as Paul the Fortunate built Lviv’s Golden Rose Synagogue (destroyed by the Nazis in 1941), while Paul of Rome, also active in Lviv, erected that city’s Bernadine and Dormition churches, as well as several buildings on the Market Square. The city complex in Zhovkva is unique not only because it is the only well-preserved realization of the ideal city in Ukraine, but is also an extremely rare type of planning among the nearly 200 preserved ideal cities in Europe. The result of their urban planning is a town impressive in both scope and implementation. One half of Zhovkva’s center is lined


with streets covered by Italian arches – no other city in Ukraine has them – while the other half is dominated by Paul of Rome’s St. Lawrence Church, which boasts friezes of military scenes. Other churches and buildings are scattered about, positioned on streets reminiscent of those found in Italy. Holding the complex together is the massive Zhovkva Castle, which has words in Latin inscribed beneath the roof on its backside. Zhovkva was first inhabited in the 14th century and in 1594, the Polish military commander Stanislaw Zolkiewski, who gave the city its name, fortified the settlement and built the Zhovkva castle. The town did not, however, reach its peak until the latter half of the 17th century, after King Jan III Sobieski made Zhovkva his royal residence. As leader of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for 22 years, Sobieski brought about much-needed stability after a turbulent period of war, which included the 1648 Bohdan Khmelnitsky-led Cossack uprising. Along with the two Paolos, some of the region’s finest architects worked in Zhovkva, unfortunately many of which remain unknown to modern scholars even today.

Today, Zhovkva has 51 architectural monuments, 49 of which have national significance. In 2001, the Ukrainian government supported a local initiative to preserve and restore Zhovkva. The 20-year program not only envisions restoration work, but renewing destroyed architecture, as well as conducting historic and academic studies. As a result, buildings in the center are slowly being renovated. Zhovkva’s castle, which needs some $8 million in refurbishments, has been saved from ruination. Eventually, it will house a stage for open-air concerts in its impressive courtyard, a museum, a conference centre and a small hotel. Zhovkva has received money for restoration as part of those allocated for the EURO 2012 championship preparation, however for the present year the current government has cut restoration funding completely. Still Zhovkva’s officials are dedicated to restoring the city to its previous grandeur so that visitors and residents can continue enjoying Ukraine’s one example of da Vinci’s ideal city.

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


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LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv Society

Jolly performance by celebrity Natalka Karpa (in the middle) and back vocalists

LVIV’S ANNUAL CHOCOLATE FEST The Lviv Art Palace hosted the 6th National Chocolate Fest, providing Leopolitans and guests of the city with the wonderful opportunity to enjoy, taste and admire chocolate fountains, numerous sweets, chocolate sculpture workshops, chocolate making master-classes, contests between confectioners from Ukraine and foreign countries and much more. Some of the event’s highlights were: unique “Chocolate wedding”, the creation of a 200 kilo chocolate lion - Lviv’s city symbol, as well as a car lottery under the program “ChocoCard” - the grand prize — car Peugeot 107 was won by Lidiya Krutykh-Amelina, and “Chocolate post” which offered the possibility to send sweet greetings from the festival to any city in the world.

Olexiy Burnaev, author of the chocolate clock sculpture


LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Society Captivating contest between confectioners

Lovely wedding ceremony as festival entertainment


Spectacular creation of a 200 kilo chocolate lion, Lviv’s city symbol

Happy “Just married” couples!

Exquisite desserts presentation-contest

Традиційно в лютому у львівському Палаці мистецтв відбулось Національне Свято Шоколаду, на якому львів’яни й численні гості міста мали чудову можливість насолоджуватися виглядом і смаком шоколадних фонтанів та різноманітних солодощів, взяти участь у семінарах на тему виготовлення шоколадних скульптур, шоколадних майстер-класах, спостерігати за конкурсами українських та зарубіжних кондитерів та багато іншого. Серед найцікавішого на святі, безсумнівно, були – “Шоколадне вінчання”, виготовлення шоколадного лева вагою понад 200 кг, символу міста Львова, сонячний годинник та розіграш автомобіля по програмі “ШокоКартка”, а також “Шоколадна пошта» з можливістю відправити солодкий привіт до будь-якого міста світу. Lucky winner of the festivals lottery

Irresistible delight for both men and women LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv Society Nina Shtanski, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the PMR on Issues of International Cooperation, Andriy Deschytsia OSCE Special Representative for Protracted Conflicts, Jennifer Brush, Head of OSCE Mission to Moldova and Yevgeny Karpov, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of Moldova. (L to R)

Nina Shtanski, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the PMR on Issues of International Cooperation

Press conference of negotiation round for the “Permanent Conference” participants



On February 19th 2013, Lviv played host to a negotiation round for the “Permanent Conference” between political representatives of Pridnestrovie and Moldova. Both sides focused on discussion of vitally important issues by common consent of participants – Nina Shtanski, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the PMR on Issues of International Cooperation, Jennifer Brush, Head of OSCE Mission to Moldova and Yevgeny Karpov, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of Moldova. Representatives of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the US and the EU also attended the meeting. Participants of the talks in Lviv discussed problems and possible solutions to the Pridnestrovie settlement process, in particular, they talked about social, economic and humanitarian issues.

У Львові 19 лютого 2013 відбувся раунд переговорів у рамках Постійної наради між політичними представниками Придністров’я та Молдови. Увага сторін була зосереджена на досягненні загальної згоди учасників у життєво важливих питаннях. Важливими особами на переговорах були, зокрема, Ніна Штанскі, заступник Голови Уряду ПМР з питань міжнародного співробітництва, Дженіфер Браш, голова місії ОБСЄ в Молдові та Євген Карпов, заступник прем’єр-міністра з питань реінтеграції Республіки Молдова. У зустрічі також взяли участь представники Росії, України, США та ЄС. Учасники переговорів у Львові обговорили проблеми Придністров’я та можливі шляхи їх вирішення, процесу врегулювання. Зокрема, вони обговорили важливі соціальні, економічні й гуманітарні питання.


Yevgeny Karpov, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of Moldova

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Society

AUSTRIAN SKI RESORT SUCCESS On February 12th 2013, in the “Karelia” conference room at Hotel “Leopolis” a press conference was held concerning the “Austrian experience in the development of ski resorts”. The trade department of the Austrian Embassy in Ukraine organized the event. Speakers at the conference were: Austrian Commercial Counsellor Gregor Postl, City Mayor Andriy Sadovyi; Yaroslav Nakonechnyy Honorary Consul of the Austrian Republic in Lviv, Serhiy Boiko, Regional Director of Lviv Regional Directorate of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Stefan Molnar, Austrian Airlines Country Manager and many others. After the press conference, the event continued at the conference hall “Leopolis hall” of TM “Opera Passage”, where guests enjoyed the wonderful possibility to watch a live stream of the Alpine World Ski Championship in Schladming (Austria) and enjoy the delights of the Austrian cuisine. A special surprise for the guests was the lottery replete with excitement and valuable gifts.

СЕКРЕТИ УСПІХУ АВСТРІЙСЬКИХ ГІРСЬКОЛИЖНИХ КУРОРТІВ У конференц-залі «Карелія» готелю «Леополіс» 12 лютого 2013 року відбулась прес-конференція «Австрійський досвід розвитку гірськолижних курортів». Захід був організований торговим відділом посольства Австрії в Україні. У якості спікерів конференції виступили комерційний радник посольства Австрії Грегор Постль, мер Львова Андрій Садовий, почесний консул Австрійської республіки у Львові Ярослав Наконечний, директор Львівського регіонального відділення Райффайзен Банку Аваль Сергій Бойко; менеджер українського відділення Austrian Airlines Штефан Мольнар та інші. Після прес-конференції захід було продовжено в конференц-залі “Леополіс холл», що в «Опера Пасаж», де гості мали прекрасну можливість переглянути прямі репортажі з гірськолижного чемпіонату світу в м. Шладмінг (Австрія) і скоштувати шедеври австрійської кухні. Особливим сюрпризом для гостей стала весела лотерея з цінними подарунками.

Serhiy Boiko, Regional Director of Lviv Regional Directorate of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Austrian Commercial Counsellor Gregor Postl with interpreter, Yaroslav Nakonechnyy Honorary Consul of the Austrian Republic in Lviv (L to R) Gregor Postl (L) presenting winners with prize – flight ticket voucher from Austrian Airlines.

Gregor Postl (L) and Oleh Zasadny, Head of “EURO 2012” department

Event’s guests enjoying lovely evening

Gregor Postl (L) with lucky winner of the event’s lottery

Prizes for the event’s lottery draw

Winner of the lottery Lubomir Zubritsky

Charming ladies following event’s lottery draw LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Guests of the event following Alpine World Ski Championship in Schladming (Austria)


Lviv SoCiety

NEW WAYS TO SETTLE DISPUTES On February 15, 2013 one of Lviv’s restaurants hosted unique event – seminar on legal issues “Resolution of disputes over a cup of coffee: discussion of ethics in arbitration” organized by Arzinger, one of the Ukraine’s leading law firms, together with Ukrainian Bar Association and Ukrainian Arbitration Association. The agenda of the event was comprised of reports and discussions on the subject matter of the event. Special attention was paid to issues of professional ethics of parties representatives in arbitration with the aim of promoting Ukraine as arbitration-friendly jurisdiction. Among the speakers of the event came Tatyana Slipachuk (Sayenko Kharenko), Markian Malskyy (Arzinger) and Natalia Petrik (Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce).


НОВІ СПОСОБИ ВРЕГУЛЮВАННЯ СПОРІВ В одному з ресторанів Львова 15 лютого 2013 року відбувся унікальний захід – семінар з правових питань «Вирішення спорів за кавою: обговорення питань професійної етики в арбітражі», організований адвокатським об’єднанням Arzinger, одним з провідних в Україні, спільно з Асоціацією правників України і Українською арбітражною асоціацією. До порядку денного заходу входили низка доповідей і дискусій на оголошену тему. Особлива увага приділялась питанням професійної етики представників сторін в арбітражних процесах, з метою укріплення іміджу України як сприятливої для арбітражу країни. Серед доповідачів заходу були, зокрема, Тетяна Сліпачук (Саєнко Харенко), Маркіян Мальський (Arzinger) і Наталія Петрик (Арбітражний інститут Стокгольмської торгової палати).

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv SoCiety Press conference by Andriy Porodko, “Benefactor of the Lviv region 2013” committee head, Sergiy Fomenko, vocalist of band “Mandry” and Ukraine’s merited artist Anzhelika Rudnytska

Andriy Porodko receiving acknowledgement from Oleksandr Maksimchuk, head of “Ukraine’s benefactors association”

Designer Oksana Karavanska awarding Andrian Gutnyk, “Aqua park-Plyazh”

Pavlo Hobzey – awarding Mrs. Nadia Gulyadyk

Event’s presenters Y. Tsvetkov and Albina Sotnikova with M. Zankovetska theatre director A. Matsyak LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Maria Antonova - foundation “Ukraine 3000” awarding Yarema Voznytsa, president of the charity“World of the child”

Representative of Maltese Aid Service in Lviv, awarded with special medal “Social Lviv”

BENEFACTOR OF THE LVIV REGION 2012 On March 1st 2013, the Lviv Drama Theatre hosted an award ceremony for the contest “Benefactor of the Lviv region 2012”. Vasyl Kosiv, vice-mayor for humanitarian issues as well as other influential representatives from the city administration, attended the event. The awards – spectacular amber angels, were bestowed upon: “Aqua park-Plyazh” as “Benefactor: medium business company of the Lviv region 2012”, to the Charity “World of the child” as “Benefactor: charity foundation of the Lviv region 2012” and to Initiative group “Opening hearts” as “Benefactor: non-governmental organization of the Lviv region 2012”.Awards were also given to Mrs. Nadia Gulyadyk in the following categories: “Benefactor: physical person”, representatives of the Charity project “I am not alone” for “Charity initiative”, representatives of social organization “Publisher’s Forum” for implementing the charity event “Ukrainian books to village libraries”. Among the guests of the event were: Ukraine’s merited artist Anzhelika Rudnytska, Director of the Maria Zankovetska Drama Theatre, Andriy Matsyak, fashion designer Oksana Karavanska, Ukraine’s merited artists and Art Director of Maria Zankovetska Drama Theatre, Fedir Stryhun and many others.


У приміщенні Львівського театру ім. М. Заньковецької 1 березня 2013 відбулася церемонія нагородження переможців конкурсу “Благодійна Львівщина 2012”. У заході взяли участь Василь Косів, заступник міського голови з гуманітарних питань та інші Anzhelika Rudnytska awarding representative представники міської адміністрації. Нагоof the social organization “Publisher’s Forum” роди – фігурку ангела з бурштину, зокрема, отримали – «Аквапарк Пляж», як «Благодійник – компанія – середній бізнес”, Благодійний фонд «Світ дитини», як «Благодійник: Благодійний фонд», Ініціативна благодійна група “Відкриваємо серця”, як “Благодійник: неурядова організація”. Також нагороди отримали Надя Гулядик в номінації “Благодійник – фізична особа”, представники благодійного проекту «Я не один» в номінації «Інновації в благодійності», представники громадської організації “Форум видавців” за здійснення благодійної акції «Українська книга для сільських бібліотек». Серед гостей заходу були, зокрема, заслужена артистка України Анжеліка Рудницька, генеральний директор театру ім. Марії Заньковецької Андрій Мацяк, модельєр Оксана Караванська, народний артист України, художній керівник театру ім. М. ЗаньковецьOleh Kovalskyi кої Федір Стригун та інші. and Roksolana Bogutska, project “I am not alone”


Lviv SoCiety



On February 23rd 2013, Lviv’s Palace of Sport “Ukraine” hosted Ukraine’s First Medieval Battle Championship. The event brought together over 100 participants, members of 12 historic clubs from 10 different cities in Ukraine – Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Kirovograd, Sumy, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Khmennitsky, Kamyanets-Podilsky and Lviv. Fights were held in two categories – “1x1” – battles between knights and “5x5” battles between teams. Winners of the“1x1” fights were three representatives of Sumy – Kostyantyn Natalykha (1st place), Sergiy Stetsenko (2nd place), Boris Bashkatov (3rd place). Among the team “5x5” fights, the lucky first place winner was team “Sharukhan” (Kharkiv), second place belonged to a joint team from Odessa and third place was awarded to the team “DZH” (Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv). Representatives of Lviv club “Chorna Halych” didn’t earn any prizes at the championship, however four participants have been granted places in the Ukraine’s national team. Winners of the championship were honoured with entrance into Ukraine’s National team and will compete at the IV International Festival “Battle of the Nations” which will take place in France during May 8–12, 2013.

У Львівському палаці спорту «Україна» 23 лютого 2013 р. відбувся перший чемпіонат України з історичного бою. На турнір прибули понад 100 учасників – членів дванадцяти історичних клубів з 10 міст України – Києва, Харкова, Одеси, Кіровограда, Сум, Запоріжжя, Дніпропетровська, Хмельницького, Кам’янець-Подільського та Львова. Бої проводились у двох номінаціях – поєдинки «1x1» і бої між командами «5x5». Переможцями в категорії «1x1» стали троє представників Сум – Костянтин Наталиха (1-е місце), Сергій Стеценко (2-е місце), Борис Башкатов (3-є місце). У командних боях в номінації «5х5», перше місце посіла команда «Шарухан» (Харків), друге місце зайняла збірна Одеси і третє місце отримала команда «ДЗХ» (Дніпропетровськ, Запоріжжя, Харків). Представники Львівського клубу «Чорна Галич» не завоювали призових місць на чемпіонаті, проте четверо його учасників увійдуть до збірної України. Переможці чемпіонату зможуть захищати честь збірної України на IV Міжнародному фестивалі “Битва Націй”, який пройде у Франції 8–12 травня 2013 року.


LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv SoCiety Joint performance of immortal hit “Chervona Ruta” by Volodymyr Ivasyuk

Audience gave concert participants thunderous applause

Spectacular performance by Oksana Mukha

Pavlo Tabakov, winner of the contest “Voice of the Country”

Vocalists of “Pikkardiis’ka Tertsiya”

Pop singer Natalka Karpa

PAYING OUR RESPECT TO VOLODYMYR IVASYUK During March 4–5th 2013, the Lviv Opera Theatre hosted a series of concerts featuring the music project ”Ivasyuk”. The project showcases works by Volodymyr Ivasyuk – a popular Ukrainian songwriter, composer and poet. He is the author and composer of the widely popular song “Chervona Ruta” popularized by Sofia Rotaru in 1971, and later covered by other singers. This time the creative project is dedicated to the composer’s birthday and presents performances of his everlasting music masterpieces by popular Ukrainian artists – Pavlo Tabakov, Natalka Karpa, Oksana Mukha, Sofiya Fedyna, Trembita Chapel and Pikkardiis’ka Tertsiya. LVIV TODAY | March 2013

ПАМ’ЯТІ ВОЛОДИМИРА ІВАСЮКА Colorful and talented Sofia Fedyna Charming Oksana Mukha and conductor Mykola Kulyk

На сцені Львівського оперного театру 4–5 березня відбулись концерти музичного проекту «Івасюк», в якому були представлені твори Володимира Івасюка – популярного українського композитора і поета. Це він є автором знаменитої пісні «Червона Рута», яку прославила Софія Ротару ще в 1971 році, і яку пізніше виконували безліч співаків в усьому світі. У цьому творчому проекті, присвяченому дню народження композитора, виступили популярні українські артисти - Павло Табаков, Наталка Карпа, Оксана Муха, Софія Федина, хорова капела “Трембіта” і “Піккардійська Терція”.


Renaissance Architectural Masterpieces of Lviv A medieval chronicler once called Lviv ‘a city at the crossroads of a hundred languages’, which to a large extent was true. Almost from its foundation, many languages could be heard within the walls of Lviv, as traders and travelers came to the city from many parts of Europe and Asia.


or centuries Lviv was a significant stopping point on the main trade routes between the east and the west – and the city’s prime location helped pay for its strikingly beautiful architecture. You had to be rich and famous to trade here, every merchant passing through was forced to stay and sell their goods for at least two weeks and sometimes even longer and they had to be able to afford Italy’s finest architects to put their wealth on display. Incidentally, it was the Italians who laid out the first ever park in Lviv – the oldest park in Ukraine, created in the second half of the XVI century – the Jesuit Park, now called Ivan Franko Park. Four hundred years ago, municipal fields stretched across this area, some time later, this land fell into private hands. At the end of the XVI century, a wealthy Lviv citizen called Jan Scholz–Wolfowich, spent 1,600 gold pieces to lay out plans for the park. Sometime later, he gave his daughter’s hand in marriage to Antonio Massari, the Italian Consul of the Venetian Republic in Lviv, and the ownership of the park was transferred to his son-in-law. Massari re-arranged the park according to the popular Italian style. In 1855, the park was returned to the city, and thus became one of the oldest municipal parks in Eastern Europe. Italians should also be given credit for setting up the postal service as well as for the building of the first post office, which appeared on March 4, 1629. Polish King Sigismund III, honoured Lviv citizen of Italian origin, Roberto Bandinelli with the title “The Royal Postmaster” and the right to deliver mail. Every Saturday, Leopolitans could send and receive letters from all over Europe and couriers transported messages by relay, ensuring the privacy of their messages. However postal services were very expensive in those days, as paper was very thick and heavy, so much so that a correspondence weighing only 6 grams and destined for Gdansk, was equal to the daily salary of a qualified craftsman. Today a post office museum functions inside the Palazzo Bandinelli building.

The first Italian architects on the site

When part of Lviv was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1527 a number of Italian architects were invited to help rebuild the city and they left


their Italian imprint on Lviv. The stabile economic situation of the city made it possible to implement massive reconstruction according to contemporary fashion and following the influence of Renaissance traditions. These architectural traditions were brought to Lviv by people from northern Italy and southern Switzerland, particularly from the regions of Como and Lugano. The first known master mentioned in town record books was in 1563, and was Petrus Murator Italus de Luugnon. His most important building project in Lviv was the Dormition Church that had to be built anew after the old edifice was destroyed by the fire of 1527. The church was finished and consecrated in 1559, however the building was destroyed by another fire in 1571. Among other works attributed to Petrus Italus were the porches of several private homes. The 1560s brought further records mentioning new Italian masters in Lviv, Gabryel Quadro Italus magister murator (1561), brothers Angiolo and Gallacius designated as Itali de Bruzin (the latter died in 1560), Franciscus Roland de Brusimpiano, Peregrinus Bononicus and Christophus Bozzano from Ferrara. Not all these names have any immediate connection to the existing Renaissance monuments, but they do give an idea about the origin of these Renaissance masters, who came from Lombardy, Ferrara, Bologna, and stayed in town for a while. In 1572 a guild of builders and stonemasons was formed and its statute was confirmed by the town council. Among members of the guild were also Italian masters Petrus Casmur Italus, Rochus Safranyecz Italus, Franciscus Crotophila and Petrus Crassowski Italus Murator Szwanczar, a master who arrived from Ticino and received local citizenship in 1567. The latter was a very successful architect of private buildings: his ‘Black House’ at 4 Rynok Square is a spectacular example of local Renaissance architecture. In 1577 the master signed an agreement with the owner, Sophia Hannel and was commissioned to decorate the façade and the attic with columns and carved stones. Today it is the most richly and beautifully decorated Renaissance monument – with a façade completely covered with limestone ‘diamond’ rustication. The stone darkened in the nine-

teenth century and the mansion received its name ‘The Black House’. In 1595, this house was bought by another Italian who had settled in Lviv – Thomaso Alberti.

Glorious heritage of Paulo Romano and Peter Barbon

The winged lion of St. Mark holding a book with the date ‘1600’ with the coat of arms of Venice on it, can be seen on the building at 14 Rynok Square, which used to belong to the Veneration Consul Antonio Massari, is another piece of the palpable and visible Italian presence in Lviv. The house of Antonio Massari was the work of another Italian architect, Paulus Romanus Murator Italus or Paulo Romano, who received local citizenship in 1585. He and his older colleague Peter Barbon (Petrus Barbon Italus murator or Petrus di Barbona) were the most prominent artists of Italian origin working in Lviv. On some projects Peter Barbon worked together with Paulo Romano. It was Peter Barbon who built the new bell-tower for the Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary commissioned by Konstantyn Korniakt, a rich Greek merchant who had settled in the town (for this reason it was often called Korniakt’s tower). Korniakt also commissioned Peter Barbon to build his own home at 6 Rynok Square (today it’s part of the Lviv Historical museum). The edifice is located on two standard plots and therefore it is twice the size of a regular house on Rynok Square, making Korniakt’s palace one of the largest and most magnificent buildings in the town. Nowadays, the building showcases features from the XVI–XIX centuries. The first reconstruction occurred in 1640, when the building was bought by King Jan III Sobieski: an attic with figures of knights and a portal with columns were added, while the balcony was added in the nineteenth century. The inner yard, surrounded with a three-storey Renaissance gallery was restored during the 1930s and named ‘The Italian Courtyard’. In order to achieve an effect of lightness and grace, the columns of each storey were of different orders: the Tuscan order on the ground floor, Doric on the first and Ionic on the second. This widely applied principle of Renaissance architects can often be observed in the RoLVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv History man Coliseum. Today the ‘Italian Courtyard’ is reported as being one of the most popular haunts for both locals and visitors. Among the greatest works of Paulo Romano are the Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary (the Dormition Church) and the Church of St. Andrew of the Bernardine Friary. One more monument created by Paulo Romano is the Chapel of the Campiani family, local burghers of Italian origin. The chapel was founded in the late XVI century by the head of the family, who arrived in Lviv holding a doctorate from an Italian university. Paolo Romano was invited to work outside Lviv as well, for example in Jesupol, where he built the Church of the Dominican Friary in 1598. After the death of Peter Barbon (d.1588) and Paolo Romano (d.1618) the brilliant epoch of Lviv Renaissance architecture was practically over and there were no equally talented Italian architects, despite the fact that many other masters continued their work in Lviv.

Italian Renaissance triumph in Lviv

With numerous private buildings constructed during the second half of the XVI – early XVII century, when virtually all of Rynok Square, was rebuilt in the Renaissance style, Lviv adopted the new style on a mass scale. A house in the town provided merchants with a wonderful opportunity for self-representation and a demonstration of their social and financial status, while Italian masters had the possibility to present one’s identity in a new style. The magnificence of portals that were often built into quite modest buildings seems to be a wide-used means to compensate for a lack of space and monumentality, and to satisfy the aspirations for self-representation. Even Renaissance churches and belfries expressed the same spirit of competition as each of the four main religious groups of Lviv craved to decorate their religious monuments with Renaissance elements, or to restyle and rebuild them in the prestigious style. Although Italian architects working in Lviv were numerous, unfortunately even the most gifted and successful such as Paolo Romano or Peter Barbon, did not establish a local tradition or a school. For almost a century Italian architects settled in Lviv, but none of their sons or pupils produced anything truly significant. In the beginning of the XVII century, Lviv guild masters were replaced by architects of German and Dutch origin, who were invited by Polish magnates to build Baroque edifices in the town. The ‘golden age’ of Renaissance culture in Lviv faded in the 1620s, when the magnates replaced burghers as artistic patrons in Lviv and architects serving the magnates and not masters of the town guilds played primary roles in architecture. The beginning of the 17th century marked the domination of Baroque shapes in Lviv architecture. However the glorious years of the Italian period in Lviv are not forgotten and in some parts of town, Italian tourists feel themselves quite at home, surrounded by familiar buildings and a lovely atmosphere. LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Complete English language listings to help visitors and residents alike get more out of life in the capital of West Ukraine.

Useful numbers Emergency numbers Fire department — 101 Police – 102 Emergency medical assistance – 103 Gas control department – 104 Explosive–technical services – (+38 032) 262-21-73 Rescue-diving services – (+38 032) 275-82-13 Municipal services: Information service of Lviv City council – 1580 Lviv water supply network – 1551 Lviv electricity supply network – 1568 Lviv city light network – (+38 032) 270-64-65 Lviv heating and energy public network – 1585 Lviv Municipal Emergency repair company – (+38 032) 275-54-16 Lviv regional control and rescue service – (+38 032) 272-79-56

Officials City Council 1, Rynok sqr., Tel.: +38 (032) 254-60-06 www.city-adm.lviv.ua Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, V.Vynnychenka str., office 118–119 Tel.: +38 (032) 235-64-78 www.mfa.gov.ua

Accounting/Tax J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Airlines Carpatair Ukraine 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-62-66, Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-61-11 lviv@carpatair.com www.carpatair.com Lviv International Airport Tel.: (+38 032) 269-23-16 www.avia.lviv.ua AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 229-80-24 lviv@aerosvit.com www.aerosvit.ua

Austrian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: 0800-3000-49 Hours of opening: Mon.–Fri., Sun. 10:00–18:00 www.austrian.com.ua LOT Polish Airlines 5, Sychovych Striltsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-50-57 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-55 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–17:00 lotlwo@lot.com www.lot.com Lvivski airlines 2nd floor, Lviv Airport Terminal Building Tel.: (+38 032) 242-03-42 pilot@avia.lviv.ua www.avia.lviv.ua

Розташований в мальовничому куточку українських Карпат, поблизу гірськолижного курорту Славське, готель-замок «Вежа Ведмежа» – чудове поєднання відмінного сервісу та середньовічної атмосфери. 26 номерів, ресторан, бар, гриль-бар, мотузковий парк, російська парна, більярд, відкритий басейн info@vv-hotel.com, www.vv-hotel.com, skype: vv-hotel. GPS: N48.80203.E23.44576


Air tickets booking Turkish airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv International airport section 1–2, 2nd floor. Tel.:(+38 032) 297-61-08 4, Mitskevich Square Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-49 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–18:00 www.thy.com UTair aviation Daily flights to Moscow and cities of Russian Federation Flight tickets for all world destinations. 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 229-82-99 (+ 38 032) 295-90-67 050 355 19 60 Ukraine International Airlines 2nd floor, Airport Terminal Tel.: (+38 032) 298-69-77 www.flyuia.com

Appartments for rent Podobovo Tel.: (+38 032) 275-68-89 +38 097 924-10-00 Rent apartments Tel.: (+38 032) 23-86-193 +38 095 67-95-659 Lviv Rent Tel.: +38 067 769-44-18 +38 067 496-20-68 OrendaLviv Tel.: +38 067 67-29-130 Lviv Euro Rent Tel.: (+38 032) 243 47 85 Tel.: (+38 032) 243 48 75

Universal flights Sales Agency Booking and sales of flight tickets for all world destinations 3, Nalyvayka str., Lviv. Tel.: (032) 225-66-25 261-61-90 ufsalwo@gmail.com Mon.–Sat. 9:00–19:00 Sunday 9:00–18:00

Banks Erste Bank 5, Svobodu Avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-46 www.erstebank.ua Privat Bank 11a-21, Hutsulska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-74-15 www.privatbank.ua OJSC Volksbank 11, Grabovskogo str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-05-83 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-13-82 OTP Bank 20, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 300-05-00 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 240-38-48 www.otpbank.com.ua Procredit Bank 5, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-44-60 www.procreditbank.com.ua Raiffeisen Bank Aval 8, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-29-39 www.avalbank.com

VTB Bank 15, Valova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-53-98 www.vtb.com Ukrsib Bank 30, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 500-58-00 www.ukrsibbank.com UkrEximBank 4, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-53 www.eximb.com Ukrsotsbank 10, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-05-01 www.usb.com.ua

Business TOV «KLINGSPOR» 63, Chornovola Ave, 208 Lviv, 79058, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 242-46-32 Fax: (+38 032) 242-46-33 «KLINGSPOR» manufactures industrial quality abrasive goods for woodworking, metalworking, automotive, glass, boats and many other industries

Business centers Business Center Emerald 3, Petrushevicha sqr., Lviv, Tel. +38 067 672 6720 Business centre Lemberg 176, Khmelnitskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 255-10-10 Business Center Optima-Plaza 7B, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-71-30 www.optima-plaza.com.ua

Located in picturesque part of Ukrainian Carpathians, not far from Slavske ski resort, hotel-castel “Vezha Vedmezha”**** is a perfect combination of medieval atmosphere with high level services. 26 rooms, restaurant, bar, grill-bar, rope park, sauna, billiard, open air pool. Lviv region, Skole district, village Volosyanka, boundary Tsotsora. Reception: +38 067 474 4 474, Reservation: +38 097 410 5 310

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Car rental Lux Car Limousine lease in Lviv Wedding cortege in Lviv Car rental with/without driver. Lviv’s best retro cars rental. Bus rental, Car transfers 26, Vynnychenka str., 6, Ac. Pidstrygacha str., Tel.: + 38 (032) 243-95-93 + 38 067 908-24-36, Lincoln Town car VIP services 313, Shevchenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 299-44-88

Car services Alex (Volkswagen group) 357, Gorodotska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-25-07 Diamant (Toyota) 44, Bogdanivska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Khrystyna (BMW) 1, Pjasetskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-19-00 Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes, Jeep, Dodge, Crysler) 8, Washingtona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 251-42-39 Tristar Auto Elit (Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover)

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

KLINGSPOR LLC V.Chornovola av. 63, Office 208 UA-79058 Lviv Tel: +38 032 242 46 32 Fax: +38 032 242 46 33 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua

Fax: +38032 276-18-88, www.proconsult.com.ua office@proconsult.lviv.net

2, Plastova st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 299-88-70

Consultancy Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua Synergy Consulting 7, Udatnoho str., off.7, Lviv 79019, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 243-75-03 office@synergy-consulting. com.ua synergy-consulting.com.ua

Courier Services DHL 9, Chernivetska., Tel.: (+38 032) 242-64-00 ACD-Express 2, Vodoginna str, office 206, Tel.: (+38 032) 241-84-80 Autolux 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-65-15 EMS 1, Slovatskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-66-79

FedEx 5A, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298 -16 -05 UPS 205, Horodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 238 -43 -55

Laundromat Бульбашки/BUBBLES 117, V. Velukogo Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 24-749-24 Hours: Monday–Saturday 9:00–20:00 Free Wifi, Free Herbal Tea, Free detergents and fabric softeners Come visit Ukraine’s only full-service Laundromat. Brand new American equipment. Do your laundry yourself or let our happy workers take care of all your needs. Call for delivery times and prices. Enjoy our clean and comfortable store just minutes outside of downtown Lviv. Bubbles – Clean Clothes, Clean Life!

Dry Cleaners EUROCHISTKA 17, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-03-34 61, I. Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-27-79

Production Plant: Lviv Region, Sokal District Lvivska Str. 2b UA-80074 Velyki Mosty

Dental Care INSPE 42, Mikhnovski brothers str. Tel.: (+38 032) 239-50-20 Medodent 3/2, Bohomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 276-40-79 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 275-11-15 ABM-Vitadent 3/1, Slovackogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-71-61 Usmishka 7, Vagonna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 240-17-51

Education Albert Einstein International school Albert Einstein International School is a non-profit, High Performing Specialist day & boarding school for primary and secondary education, strongly focused on Mathematics, Sciences, Languages and Music. Accelerated and special needs programs are available. TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GMAT test preparation. Tel.: 063 588-35-73, +31 (0) 6 479-72-998 Hours: 8.00-21.00 info@lvivinternationalschool. org

Embassies/ International bodies Austrian Centre 1, Universytetska str., Office 240 Tel.: (+38 032) 261-59-76 Consulate of Lithuanian Republic 72, Heroyiv UPA str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-14-19 Fax: (+38 032) 298-89-35 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany 6, Vynnychenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-33-24, 275-71-02, 276-28-40 Consulate of Canada in Lviv 2/4, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-17-72 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-81-54 Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-19-06, 297-14-49 Consulate of the Czech Republic 130, Antonovycha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-68-93, 297-68-96



Consulate of the Russian Federation 95, Levytskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-25-25 Tel.: (+38 032) 244-26-24, 275-05-77 French/Alliance 18a, Ohiyenka str. Tél.: (+38 032) 297-08-31 +38 067 340-40-01 Consulate of Brazil 2, Cholovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-11-51 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-77 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus 2, Gorskoj str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 237-27-30 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 299-24-60 Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 57, Chornovola avn., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 240-33-70 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 294-82-23 Consulate Representative office of the Italian Republic 2, Dudaeva str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 261-45-59 Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6, Rapoporta str., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 296-57-67


Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium 14, Ivan Franko street Tel.: (+38 032) 260-20-80 Fax.: + 38 032 260-01-49 Honorary Consulate of Austrian Republic 26, Shevchenko avn., Lviv Post office box 6688 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 261-20-14 oe_konsulat@ukrpost.ua Honorary Consulate of Republic of Hungary 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 264-58-22 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 264-15-23 Honorary consulate of Mexico 15, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-95-95 Consulate of the Republic of Poland 110, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Lviv 9, I. Tobilevycha str., office 2 Теl.: (+38 032) 245-11-80 Fax: (+38 032) 245-11-79 Visa Application Collection Centre of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Neth-

erlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden 1, Brativ Mikhnovskykh str., Submission Timings 08:30hrs–15:30hrs (Mon.–Fri., except holidays)

Fitness Clubs

Aquapark “PLYAZH” 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Hours: 07:00–22:00 Sunday: 07.00–18.00 FITNESS CENTRE · Weight-lifting trainers · Сardio-area · Full dumb-bell row – from 0.5 kg to 40 kg · Aerobics hall -75 m²: classes of yoga, step aerobics, shaping, pilates, stretching. · Dancing hall –120 m²: funk, hip-hop, strip-plastic, Latin American program. Tel.: (+38 032) 263-60-55 www.aqualviv.com.ua Beauty formula 202, Stryiska str., Lviv Tel.: +38 032 295-85-55 Open 08:00–22:00, Sat 08:00–15:00, Sun Closed. www.formula-krasy.com.ua

Dolphin 12a, Trylovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-36-31 Eurosport 1, Petrushevycha sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-33-28 Grand Sofia 10, Shevchenka avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-40-94 Ellada 18, Mel’nyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-16-62 Capoeira school 5, Les Kurbas str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (068) 842-47-77 lvivcapoeira@gmail.com www.lvivcapoeira.com Fighting sports club “Boyove aikido” 30, Rudnytskogo str., Lviv Tel: 067 497-37-21 Open: Mon.19:00–20:30 Wed. 18:30–20:00, Fri. 18.00–20.00 www.boyove-aikido.com.ua Fighting sports club ”Boyovy hopak” 8/10, Stefanyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-40-48 letters@hopak.org.ua www.hopak.org.ua

Kiwi Fitness club 18, Stepana Bandery str., Tel.: +38 (032) 261 3573 info@kiwifitness.com.ua Open Weekdays 08:00–21:00; Sat 11.30–14:00; Taekwondo 123, Warshawska str., Lviv (premises of school №23) Tel.: 067 707-19-19 www.taekwondolviv.in.ua Taoist Tai Chi society of health for body and mind 16/3, Bratyv Rohatynstiv str., Tel.: +38 (032) 233-30-48 taoist@ukr.net www.taoist.org.ua

Law firms

Arzinger West Ukrainian Branch 6, Generala Chuprynky str., Office 1 79013 Lviv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96 Fax: +38 (032) 242 96 95 www. arzinger.ua Legal company Barocco 115-b/3 Antonovycha str., Lviv, Tel./fax: +38 (032) 295-33-52 Mobile. +38 (067) 370 7737 office@barocco.lviv.ua

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv LvivLISTINGS Society Legal company Evikcia 36, Lypynskogo str., Lviv Tel. Fax: +38(032) 242-13-84 office@evikcia.com Legal company Mercury 16 / 1, Storozhenko str, Lviv, Tel.: +38 (032) 290-10-11 post@merkuriy.com.ua

Soldatenko, Lukashyk & partners SL&P has been ranked in “Top 50 Ukrainian Law Firms” SL&P provides complete range of legal & notary services Tel.: +38 (032) 235-76-42 Fax: +38 (032) 236-72-87 info@slp.com.ua www.slp.com.ua

English speaking real estate and corporate lawyers Tel.: +38 (032) 253-1000 Fax: +38 (032) 253-1030 www.burhan.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: +38 (032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

24 hour pharmacies Apteka #12 35, I.Ohyenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274 -85 -35 Apteka #2 3, Tyktora str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-50-48 D.S. 19, Halytska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-20-06

Post Central Post Office 1,Slovatskogo str., www.ukrposhta.com Open 09.00–17.00

Hotels Grand Hotel 13, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-40-42 grand@ghgroup.com.ua www.ghgroup.com.ua Hotel Vol’ter 60a, Lipynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 294-88-88 hotelvolter@mail.lviv.ua Eurohotel 6av, Tershakovtsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242-40-02

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

info@eurohotel.lviv.ua www.eurohotel.lviv.ua

Tel.: (+38 035) 243-39-56 www.uko.org.ua

Dnister Hotel 6, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-43-05 bron@dnister.lviv.ua www.dnister.lviv.ua

Hotel "Ternopil" Zamkova str., 14 Tel.: (+38 035) 252-42-63 www.hotelternopil.com

Hotel George 1, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel./Fax:(+38 032) 242-42-55 info@georgehotel.com.ua www.georgehotel.com.ua

Hotel "Zaleski" Kryvyj Val str., 39 Tel.: (+38 033) 277-27-01 www.zaleski-hotel.com

Ramada Lviv Hotel Horodotska Street\Kiltseva Doroga Tel.:(+38 032) 243 00 10 Mob. :(+38 067) 320 44 77 reception@ramadalviv.com.ua www.ramadalviv.com.ua Hotel Leopolis 16, Teatralna str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 295-95-99 hotel@leopolishotel.com www.leopolishotel.com Opera Hotel 45, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-90-00 reception@hotel-opera. lviv.ua www.hotel-opera.lviv.ua Vienna Hotel 12, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-43-16 wienhotel@mail.lviv.ua www.wienhotel.lviv.ua


Hotel "Sribni leleky" Chornovola str., 17 Tel.: (+38 033) 275-79-99


Hotel "Black castle" Kalush highway 7 Tel.: +38-0342-57-15-00 www.blackcastle.ifrastudio. com Hotel "Park" Mazepy str., 146 Tel.: (+38 034) 259-55-95 www.parkhotel.com.ua Hotel "Atrium" Galytska str., 31 Tel.: +38-0342-55-78-79 www.atrium.if.ua


Hotel “Magnet” Shashkevych str., 21 Tel./fax: +38 03245 40029 enter@hotelmagnet.com.ua www.hotelmagnet.com.ua

Suputnyk 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 230-40-66 suputnyk@mail.lviv.ua www.suputnyk.com


Vintage Boutique Hotel 25/27, Staroyevreyska str., Tel.: +38 032 235 68 34 Fax. +38 032 235 70 24 info@vintagehotel.com.ua www.vintagehotel.com.ua

Hotel “Praha” Verhovinskaya str., 38 Tel.: (+38 031) 264-07-64 www.hotel-praha.com.ua

Nobilis Hotel 5, Fredra str,. Lviv Tel.: (38) 032 295 2595 Fax: (38) 032 295 7997 info@nobilis-hotel.com.ua Reikartz Dworzec 107, Gorodotskaya str, Lviv Tel.: 38 (032)242 51 26 http://en.reikartz.com Reikartz Medievale 9, Drukarskaya str., Lviv Tel.: 38 032 242 51 33! medievale.lviv@reikartz.com http://en.reikartz.com

Regional hotels Ternopil

Hotel “Old CONTINENT” S.Petefy square, 4 Tel.: (+38 031) 266-93-66 www.hotel-oldcontinent.com

Hotel Uzhgorod 2, B.Khmelnitcskogo sq, Tel.: (+38 031) 261-90-50 www.hoteluzhgorod.com

Tourist basics Tourist Info City Hall, Rynok Square, 1 Tel./Fax: (032) 254 60 79 www.touristinfo.lviv.ua tic@city-adm.lviv.ua Open: 10.00 — 19.00 Sat.: 10.00 — 18.00 Sun.: 10.00 — 17.00. Information service of Lviv City council +38 032 297-55-55 available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German and Portuguese languages.

Hotel "Yukhnovych" Rodyny Barvinskyh str., 3a


Lviv sports


Our Sports Fans Guide to Lviv covers everything from handball to swimming, get all the best and newest coverages from our photojournalist Evhen Kravs.



The weekend of Feb. 22–24 saw local BC “Polytechnyka-Halychyna” win two key matchups in their quest to catch-up last year’s champion “Budivelnyk” for top spot in the Ukrainian Superleague Championship. The club sent 13th-ranked “DniproAZOT” to a crushing 84-60 defeat on Feb. 22nd and edged 2ndplace “Azovmash” 89-86 in an exciting game two days later. Halychyna built quick leads in both games on their way to victory. Against AZOT they rested their stars after building a 2412 1st-quarter lead. Halychyna opened a 15-2 lead and held off a furious comeback in the final quarter against Azovmash. Serbian power forward Vladan Vukosavljevic with two doubledoubles and American forward Michael Lee with 38 points were stars for Halychyna. Check out the team as they continue to shoot for first place with games on Mar. 15 (MBC “Mikolaiv”), Mar. 17 (BC “Donetsk”), and their regular-season finale on Mar. 27th against BC “Dnipro”.

Львівський БК «Політехніка-Галичина»22–24 лютого виграв два ключові матчі Суперліги, наздоганяючи торішнього чемпіона – «Будівельник”. У першому з двох матчів львів´яни перемогли «Дніпро АЗОТ» (13-е місце) з рахунком 84-60, а в другому – «Азовмаш» (2-е місце) в захоплюючій грі з рахунком 89-86. „Політехніка-Галичина” рішуче наступала в обох іграх на шляху до перемоги. У матчі проти команди „Дніпро АЗОТ” після рахунку 24-12 у першій чверті львівяни дали відпочити своїм лідерам. Сербський форвард Владан Вукосавлевич з двома дабл-даблами і американський нападник Майкл Лі з 38 очками найбільше відзначились у цій грі. Слідкуйте за подальшими виступами львівської команди, яка продовжує боротьбу за перше місце у матчах 15 березня (проти МБК «Миколаїв»), 17 березня (проти БК «Донецьк»), і у фіналі сезону 27 березня проти БК «Дніпро»


LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Sport



For the first time in Ukraine’s hockey history (since its independence) the «Halycian Lions» from Western Ukraine won the national championship. In the final match of the play-off series local team “Halycian Lions” won over “Sokoly-2001” (Kyiv) with score 3:2. In the first match of the play-off series, Lviv’s team was defeated by Kyiv players with a score of 2:1, however the next match was more successful and brought a victory of 5:3. The final match took place in Kyiv and thanks to the efforts of the «Halycian Lions», today all local hockey fans can be proud of the spectacular achievement of their beloved «Halycian Lions» team.

Вперше в хокейній історії України (за часів незалежності) команда із Західної України виграла національний чемпіонат. У фінальному матчі плей-офф команда «Галицькі леви» перемогла команду»Соколи-2001» (Київ) з рахунком 3:2. У першому матчі плей-офф львівяни зазнали поразки від киян з рахунком 1:2, однак наступний матч був більш успішним і приніс перемогу з рахунком 5:3. Фінальна гра відбулась у Києві, і завдяки переможним зусиллям гравців львівської команди сьогодні місцеві хокейні вболівальники можуть заслужено пишатися досягненням своєї улюбленої команди.



The Bukovel ski complex, one of Ukraine’s Ski and Spa resorts, hosted the finals of the FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup on February 23rd 2013. Athletes from 10 different countries: Australia, Belarus, Great Britain, Canada, China, Kazakhstan, USA, Switzerland, Japan and Ukraine came to this western Ukrainian Carpathian getaway to showcase their skills in freestyle skiing. Among the female competitors, the winner of the Crystal Globes Award was American Emily Cook, who narrowly edged out hometown favourite Nadiya Didenko (UKR), whose back full, full earned her a score of 83.16, while 3rd place went to Tanja Schaerer (SUI). From the male skiiers, it was David Morris (AUS) who stepped up to claim his first-ever World Cup win and his second-ever World Cup podium at the final stop on the 2012-13 tour. USA’s Dylan Ferguson won 2nd place, and Belarus’ Maxim Gustik took 3rd place for his second podium of the season after a win earlier in Deer Valley. FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup at Bukovel took place under a stunningly lighted set-up and in excellent conditions for the international gathering of athletes, where they battled for points, top positions, and prestige. The upcoming World Championships are to be held in Voss, Norway. Congratulations to local jumper Nadiya Didenko who thrilled the hometown crowd with a 2nd place finish in the female category, earning her first podium of the season!

Гірськолижний спортивний комплекс «Буковель» розташований в одному з наймальовничіших куточків українських Карпат і саме тут відбувся фінал Кубку світу з фрістайлу (FIS) 23 лютого 2013 року. Спортсмени з 10 країн світу – Австралії, Білорусі, Великобританії, Канади, Казахстану, Китаю, США, Швейцарії, Японії та України зібрались на крутих карпатських схилах, щоб показати свою майстерність світового рівня. Серед жінок «Кришталевий глобус» здобула американка Емілі Кук, на другому місці – представниця України Надія Діденко, з сумою 83,16 бала, а третє місце зайняла Таня Шерер зі Швейцарії. Серед чоловіків чемпіоном став австралієць Девід Морріс, який вперше переміг у змаганнях такого рівня. Друге місце завоював американець Ділан Фергюсон, а третє місце на подіумі переможців зайняв білорус Максим Густік. Слід відмітити чудову технічну й організаційну підготовку та високий рівень проведення змагань фіналу Кубку світу з фрістайлу в Буковелі, які надали спортсменам-учасникам ще одну прекрасну можливість підготовки до майбутнього Чемпіонату світу, який відбудеться в м Восс у Норвегії. Щиро вітаємо Надію Діденко з першою такою важливою для неї особисто і для України перемогою в сезоні!

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv Sport


HANDBALL Two victories of local team “Halychanka-LDU” over “Dnipryanka” (Khrkiv) finished with the same spectacular score 27:16. Those lucky victories brought Lviv’s team silver medals in the current National championship and made team’s coach Mykhailo Kozar truly happy over achievement of the players. In the upcoming matches, which will take place in Lviv on April 19-20, 2013 Lviv’s “Halychanka-LDU” will play over handball team from Irpin.

ГАНДБОЛ Дві перемоги гандболісток львівської «Галичанки» з однаковим рахунком 27:16 над найближчим переслідувачем херсонською «Дніпрянкою» на власному майданчику практично гарантували підопічним Михайла Козаря мінімум «срібні» нагород національного чемпіонату. У заключному матчі серйозна боротьба була лише на початку гри, надалі львів’янки за рахунок більшої командної швидкості довели свою перевагу. Наступні домашні матчі Галичанка проведе на власному майданчику 19 та 20 квітня проти гандболісток з Ірпіня.


It’s became a good tradition for Lviv’s football club “Karpaty” to welcome new players to the team at the beginning of the new season. This time there are four new players, whom were presented to the audience– graduate of “Karpaty” Football academy Volodymyr Bydlovskyi (#33), graduate of “Shakhtar” football academy Sergiy Garashenkov (#14), Brazilian forward Marcelo Gil Fernando Marcelino (#97) and forward Simon Vukčević (Montenegro) (#3). All the newcomers were presented with name T-shirts of the team by vice-president of FC “Karpaty” Viktor Vatsko and sports director Mykhaylo Gulordava. «We can call it a sensational event, as Simon Vukčević is really skilled player. He played in 37 matches within Montenegro national team as well as in 4 matches within national team of Serbia and Montenegro. He also played in over 50 matches within Champions League and European League. Vukčević will definitely add his experience to our team and will help significantly” said vice-president of FC “Karpaty” Viktor Vatsko, former football TV reporter.

ФК “КАРПАТИ” ПРЕДСТАВИЛИ НОВАЧКІВ КОМАНДИ Вже традиційно на старті сезону львівські “Карпати” представили своїх новачків. Цього разу “зелено-білі” підсилилися чотирма виконавцями. Іменні футболки їм вручали віце-президент клубу Віктор Вацко та спортивний директор Михайло Гулордава. Було представлено вихованця Карпатівської Академії футболу Володимира Бідловського (№33), Сергія Гаращенкова – представника Академії “Шахтаря” (№14), бразильського нападника Марселіньо (№97) та чорногорського форварда Сімона Вукчевіча (№3). “Можна сказати, що це придбання сенсаційне, адже Сімон – зірковий футболіст. Він провів 37 матчів за збірну Чорногорії, ще 4 за збірну Сербії і Чорногорії. Окрім цього в його активі півсотні поєдинків в Лізі Чемпіонів і Лізі Європи. Вукчевіч додасть нашій команді досвіду і обов’язково допоможе” – зазначив віце-президент ФК “Карпати” , відомий у минулому телекоментатор футбольних матчів - Віктор Вацко. LVIV TODAY | March 2013

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv Promotion

Lviv Eyes


Literature Project


n February 21st 2013, the Scientific Library of Franko Lviv National University (5 Drahomanova St.) hosted the first conference, which officially launched the city’s participation in UNESCO’s City of Literature program. UNESCO’s City of Literature program is part of its Creative Cities Network which was launched in 2004. Its aim is to promote the social, economic and cultural development of cities in both the developed and the developing world. The cities in the network promote their local creative scene and maintain UNESCO’s goal of fostering cultural diversity. An important aspect of the “Creative Cities” concept is that the cities foster public/private partnerships particularly by encouraging the entrepreneurial and creative potential of small enterprises. Literature is just


one of several categories for the Creative Cities. To be approved as a City of Literature, cities need to meet a number of criteria: • Quality, quantity and diversity of publishing in the city • Quality and quantity of educational programmes focusing on domestic or foreign literature at primary, secondary and tertiary levels • Literature, drama and/or poetry playing an important role in the city • Hosting literary events and festivals which promote domestic and foreign literature; • Existence of libraries, bookstores and public or private cultural centres which pre-

serve, promote and disseminate domestic and foreign literature • Involvement by the publishing sector in translating literary works from diverse national languages and foreign literature • Active involvement of traditional and new media in promoting literature and strengthening the market for literary products. In previous years, Cities of Literature included: Edinburgh, Scotland (2004), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2008), Iowa City, Iowa, United States (2008), Dublin, Ireland (2010), Reykjavík, Iceland (2011), Norwich, England (2012). Alongside Lviv for the title of UNESCO’s City of Literature are nominated Prague (Czech Republic), Heidelberg (Germany), Krakow (Poland), Vancouver (Canada), Tromsø (Norway). LVIV TODAY | March 2013

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


EBA Western Ukraine Address: 6, Stepana Bandery str. office 3, Lviv Tel.: +38032-261 29 28 Fax: +38032-261 22 68 www.eba.lviv.com.ua lviv@eba.com.ua

www.eba.com.ua Volume 3, issue 7 March 2013

Monthly news and views from the European Business Association’s Western Ukraine office


EBA General Meeting with Igor Kaletnik in Kiev Commissioner Stefan Fule meeting with EBA representatives On Thursday, 7 February EBA Board members, EBA President and EBA Executive Director met Stefan Fule, Commissioner responsible for enlargement and European neighbourhood policy. The meeting with the EBA took place as a part of Commissioner’s high-level visit to Kyiv which comprised a series of meetings with the President Viktor Yanukovych, the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Rybak, Ombudswoman Valeriya Lutkovska and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The major issues discussed during the meeting included the current state and perspectives of Ukraine-EU relations, Ukraine’s political association and economic integration with the European Union, signature of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, aspects of trade cooperation etc.


Vitaliy Klychko meets EBA members On 22 February 2013 the European Business Association met the leader of the “UDAR” party Vitaliy Klychko. Vitaliy shared the programme of Ukraine’s economic development worked out by his political party with more than 100 representatives of EBA business community and diplomatic corps. “We are working hard to solve all crucial and critical issues which prevent Ukraine’s development. Prerequisites for steady country’s growth are equal economic opportunities, conjoined and complex reforms’ path etc.”, noted Vitaliy Klychko.

On February 14 above 100 of EBA representatives met the First Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Igor Kaletnik in order to discuss the most relevant issues as well as to define the format of cooperation between the EBA and the Ukrainian Parliament. In particular, during this meeting all the attendees had a perfect chance to hear firsthand about the further plans and prospects of the Parliament’s effective operation. In addition, Mr Kaletnik emphasised on acute need for deepening of collaboration between the legislative power and business in terms of creation more preferable legislative scope for foreign investors. Moreover, it was stated about the necessity of strong mechanism that would serve quick and qualitative solutions for strategic tasks at the level of public-private cooperation. Speaking about Parliament’s future activity plans the First Deputy Head of the VRU mentioned about elaboration of recovery programme, which should foresee adoption of high-quality laws in line with current economic realia. As a result, both parties – business and parliament – agreed to fix long-term cooperation. Igor Kaletnik agreed that deputies should pay more attention to business interests and concerns while participating in law-making process. LVIV TODAY | March 2013


n this publication we continue to obtain legal advice from Mr. Markian Malskyy, Partner and Head of West Ukrainian Branch of Arzinger, PhD. This time we will find out more about the criminal liability for tax evasion.

Under what conditions the reassessment of the tax liabilities by the tax authorities may lead to criminal charges of tax evasion? In order to violate Ukrainian criminal prohibitions against tax evasion, a tax payer must (i) have an unpaid tax liability exceeding the specified threshold (starting from UAH 554.000,00 in 2013), (ii) perform an act aiming at evading or attempting to evade tax assessment or payment and (iii) intend to violate a known tax obligation. Negligence cannot result in liability for tax evasion but can give rise to criminal liability for damages caused by negligence.

Lviv Business School of UCU anniversary celebration The fifth anniversary of the founding of the Lviv Business School of UCU was celebrated with friends and honored guests. On February 8 all expressed wishes for LvBS to conquer new heights and overcome barriers. That day many guests congratulated the Lviv Business School on its anniversary, including UCU Rector Bishop Borys Gudziak, founders Taras Kytsmey (SoftServe), Nazar Kupybida (Galnaftogaz) and Yaroslav Rushchyshyn (JSC Trottola), Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy, graduates and participants of the MBA, friends who for 5 years have become an integral part of the community of the school. Furthermore, National Deputy of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko took part in the conference dedicated to the fifth anniversary of LvBS. “Five years of LvBS is a celebration of success, dreams, and values. Our responsibility is to stand up tomorrow with new big dreams because our tomorrow will be what we dream today. So we dream of something big: there is only one life and it’s not a dress rehearsal,” said the advisory board chairman Pavlo Sheremeta.

NEW EBA MEMBERS Maryana Lutsyshyn EBA Regional Coordinator We are still working on membership growth. So, we are welcome Citadel Capital to our community and hope that our mutual cooperation brings benefits to both sides.

Citadel Capital provides service for foreign investors seeking for investment opportunities in Ukraine and for Ukrainian companies seeking for financial and strategic partners. In 2011 Citadel Capital launched a joint project with Capital One Advisors, authorized advisor at WSE, aiming at placement of Ukrainian shares on the New Connect at Warsaw Stock Exchange. More information about the new member of EBA you can find at www.citadelcapital.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Who are the targeted persons of the criminal charges of tax evasion? In Ukraine, legal entities are not subject to criminal liability, unlike the individuals. It is primarily the managing director(s) and the chief accountant of a company who are under the threat. They are responsible for the accountancy and reporting, as well as for the tax assessment and payment to the budget. However, in order to be prosecuted, such persons must have been working at the company at the period, in which the presumed tax evasion took place. It should be kept in mind that sanctions for a breach of tax rules can normally be applied within 1095 days (i.e. 3 years) after the deadline for a tax return submission. What are the standard situations indicating the potential intention of tax evasion? The circumstances indicating the intention aimed at tax evasion include the following (non-exhaustive list): failure to file tax reports or distortions in accounting or reporting records, keeping dual accounting, use of bank accounts not disclosed to the tax authorities, overstated costs, violation of the cash registration procedure, application for tax refund without documentary confirmation. Does a pending appeal against the reassessment prevent from facing criminal charges? Although some tax payers might be tempted to think that filing an appeal against a tax assessment will give them a break from potential criminal charges until the end of the appeal procedure (that is, by the appeal court judgment or often until the cassation court judgment), the reality looks sometimes different. In fact, any time the above mentioned threshold is exceeded, the case is automatically being investigated by the tax police. What’s more, after the entry into force of the new Code of Criminal Procedure in November 2012, the tax payer cannot challenge and halt the initiation of the criminal proceedings. Criminal charges may be brought by the tax police irrespective of the pending appeal procedure. What is the best defense strategy in case of criminal charges? The new Code of Criminal Procedure significantly extended the rights of the accused and defendants. For instance, a defendant has now a right to obtain an independent forensic analysis of evidence. A defendant has also a right of temporary access to the documents or objects in possession of third parties, including the right to review and copy the documents. The new Code made the role of attorneys-at-law more prominent, requiring that representation of a defendant in a criminal case can be undertaken only by a licensed attorney. It is essential that an attorney is involved into the process at the earliest stage as possible in order to be able to secure a coherent and consistent strategy throughout the whole criminal proceedings.

In order to get your question answered by Mr. Markian Malskyy on the pages of LVIV TODAY, please send them by e-mail to info@lvivtoday.com.ua (subject: Legal Advice).


EBA COMMITTEES ACTIVITY IN FEBRUARY Olha Zelenchuk Committee Coordinator

HR Committee

For EBA Committees February was full with discussions and experience sharing. This month 4 of our Committees gathered for its regular meetings. We conducted meetings of Legal Committee, Management Committee, HR Committee and Tax and Accounting Committee.

The participants of the HR Committee discussed the persuasion skills in the work of HR-manager. The invited speaker of the meeting was Petro Kholyavchuk, director of the Kiev Institute of Training, certified psychologist, author and leader of the «Mastery of Trainer”. Petro Kholyavchuk told that HR managers should know how to negotiate, to defend their positions, to be persuasive, but at the same time, be able to maintain a good relationships with subordinates, colleagues, CEO’s, even in difficult situations. The participants of the meeting learned about the key rules of effective persuasion and influence on a partner in discussion, as well as the common mistakes that reduce the efficiency of reasoning. Taking part in the video-test the participants could see their style of argumentation, analyse strengths and weaknesses and discover how to improve their efficiency in debates, conflicts, stressful situations, negotiations and simply how to become convincing in communicating with other people. By the example of video-test Mr. Kholyavchuk provided to the participants strong guidance on the development of their communicative competence and informed about constructive potential impact on emotional state of an opponent.

Legal Committee

At the Legal Committee a taxation of non-residents in Ukraine and application of the double taxation agreements was discussed. The invited speakers of the meeting were: Yuriy Datskiv – Attorney-at-law, Аssociate at West-Ukrainian branch of Arzinger law company, Soika Kateryna - Attorney-at-law, Lawyer at LLC «Nestle Ukraine» branch «Nestle Business Services Europe». Kateryna Soyka told about particularities of taxation of the non-resident individuals and businesses. After that, Yuriy Datskiv informed the participants about the taxation of permanent establishments and usage of international tax treaties. The participants of the meeting actively discussed the above mentioned issues and tax effects for residents, asking questions to the speakers and sharing own experience.

Management Committee Management Committee hosted the meeting with Mr. Zbigniew Sholyga, CEO of SC “PZU Ukraine” and Mr. Bogdan Matolych, First Deputy Head of Lviv Regional State Administration. The meeting was devoted to discussion of Investment Management at Ukraine Financial Market. After the official part, participants were invited to continue the discussion during a small buffet table from Swiss Hotel. Interactive Q&A format of the meeting gave the participants a unique possibility to address the burning issues of Investment Management at Ukraine Financial Market directly to the speakers and get firsthand updates.


Tax and Accounting Committee The Tax and Accounting Committee members discussed the topic: “Tax Legislation: Changes in 2013”. The guest speaker of the meeting was Emiliya Orkush, senior consultant of taxes and accounting from Nexia-DK. Emilia Orkush provided detailed review of legislation changes in 2013 relating to taxation and accounting. Invited speaker listed a number of important regulations and focused the participants of the meeting on the most significant changes. The Committee members discussed unclear issues of the last changes in tax legislation with Ms. Orkush and shared their accounting experience in accordance with new changes. LVIV TODAY | March 2013

EBA SOCIAL EVENTS Uliana Skorupska Event Coordinator “In February we successfully hold traditional and annual EBA Skating Night, which joined at the skating rink around fifty EBA participants and first in 2013 Women’s Club meeting, visiting EBA member company CFT Ukraine. Preparations were also made to launch a new project “EBA Design Management School”. All details on the mentioned events and project are available for you to read in this rubric”.

Women’s Club On 20th February EBA Women’s Club outdoor meeting took place. This time we were hosted by Mrs. Yevheniya Onyshko, Executive Director of the company “CFT-Ukraine” and at the same time EBA Women’s Club Director. The meeting was held at the company CFT-Ukraine in Pustomyty, Lviv region and consisted of two parts: company tour and discussion set. While the tour participants of the event witnessed the operational and manufacturing processes of the company, and while the discussion set Mrs. Yevheniya Onyshko shared her success story. Moreover, while the discussion participants were presented the EBA Women’s Club Activity Plan for 2013 and each of them shared their ideas for future events of the Club.

EBA Design Management School EBA Western Ukrainian Office announces the enrollment to the EBA Design Management School. Partner of the project is design school “Creative” in Lviv. School objective is to represent the business community ways of creating value for consumers of services through the development of a professional approach to design. This approach allows the business to discover itself on a new level of development, which gives new competitive opportunities and growth prospects. Design management is an important tool of modern market economy, of increase of business competitiveness in the global market share growth and of innovation sector of the Ukrainian economy. School program foresees:

EBA Skating Night On 07 February 2013 EBA Western Ukranian Office decided to continue the tradition and festive mood of the New Year and gather together at the “EBA Skating Night”. Many EBA members visited the event, having the possibility to bring their families and children to the skating rink. Those one who was for the first time on skates had a chance to get help on skating from a professional instructor. At the end of the skating session each participant received a surprise present from the EBA office. Also, everyone, who visited the event was kindly invited to enjoy easy snacks and pizza and to share their excitement and impressions the nearby café. Summing up, EBA Skating Night was held in the excited mood with a lot of adrenalin, happiness and smiles from its participants. LVIV TODAY | March 2013

• Research of the creative industry and role of design in business enterprises. • Giving instructions on applying creativity, development and application of creative component in the activity of program participants • Promotion of commercial success stories of companies achieved through design. Target audience of the school are specialists of different fields, including marketing, HR managers, economists, executives and top-management, as well as those interested in creating new standards of creative work. Information on the study program and enrollment you may ask via tel. (032) 261 2928 or e-mail: lviv@eba.com.ua (contact person: Uliana Skorupska).



LVIV TODAY | March 2013

Lviv Society

LVIV TODAY | March 2013


Lviv SoCiety


LVIV TODAY | March 2013

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