# 56, April 2013

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Lviv Society2013 â„–56/April

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LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv SoCiety

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LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Vol. 8, No. 56, April 2013 www.lvivtoday.com.ua

On the cover: Colorful Easter eggs from Pysanka Museum of Western Ukraine’s Kolomiya (read more at this month’s Lviv Travel article)


Publishers: Peter Dickinson & Boleslav Malinovski Editor-in-Chief: Viktoriya Larina Editor: Oksana Hrycyna Managing editor: Mila Hadzieva Designer: Pavlo Tyschuk Journalists: Olha Schchur, Robert Baker, Orest Koronenko, Lee Reaney Photography: Evgen Kraws, Vitaliy Grabar and photo agency ”Lufa”, Ruslan Krut, Igor Fedoriv Photo Editor: Ruslan Krut Letters to the editor: info@lvivtoday.com.ua Advertising inquiries: advert@lvivtoday.com.ua +38 068 501 3 501, +38 032 235 81 00 Address: Lviv Today Editorial Office 27/9 Valova str., Lviv 79000 Ukraine Tel. +38 (032) 2358100 www.lvivtoday.com.ua Lviv Today is West Ukraine’s English-language monthly lifestyle magazine. It is distributed via leading hotels, airlines, restaurants and business centres throughout Lviv region. Monthly circulation: 5,000 Registration information: Lviv Today is registered with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as a print media title. License number: LV 862/115 All materials published in Lviv Today are the intellectual property of the publisher and remain protected by Ukrainian and international copyright laws. Open Borders Publishing does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised in Lviv Today. While every effort has been made to make sure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, we advise readers to double check where appropriate.


Full event coverage for the coming weeks in the cultural capital of Ukraine, including everything from VII International Children’s Festival “Publishers’ Forum for Children”, intriguing Week of Austrian Movies, annual “Spring Business Forum”, long expected The III City Beer Festival and VI “Batyar’s Day”, concert by Russian popular band Bi-2 presenting new album “Spirit” in Lviv, performance “Farewell to Paper” by Evgeniy Grishkovets, Belarusian-Swedish Literary Days and much more.









Full events listings for the coming months in all of Lviv’s top cultural venues for You to plan ahead Your time. Find out about The World’s One and Only Pysanka Museum located in the town of Kolomiya in Western Ukraine’s Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Your monthly round-up of all the latest artists and exhibitions to open across Lviv’s thriving local arts scenes. Take Your time to get acquainted with H.E. Pieter Jan Wolthers, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Netherlands to Ukraine, who kindly took time out of his busy schedule to give interview to “Lviv Today”


Stuck for something to eat? Feel like checking out a new club? Here’s where to look! Full Lviv listings covering restaurants, bars, clubs of West

Ukraine’s capital. Updated every month!











Experience uniqueness of traditional Ukrainian Easter with our journalist Lee Reaney

A snapshot of the colourful and jolly “French Spring 2013” cultural delight, spectacular and long expected XI Lviv Fashion Week shows, breathtaking exhibition «Icon-painting on textile of XVII – beginning of XVIII centuries as well as useful info on visa centre of the Italian Republic recently opened in Lviv, including other highlights of sports, fashion, society and art scenes. Essential city guide to the capital of West Ukraine featuring everything from taxi services to out-oftown resorts and international consultancies Read our monthly roundup of EBA Lviv’s networking events – Women’s Club Outdoor meeting, Master Class with Volodymyr Kolyvay “Secrets of Tibet”, EBA Art Space and Afterwork Lounge. Also find Oleksandr Sakharskyy, Managing Partner of international company “ARGO-Performance & Development” sharing his knowledge about how to make people and organizations to be successful together. Follow up the latest results for FC Karpaty, get update on Lviv’s BC Polytekhnika-Halychyna successes and admire accuracy of the local sportsmen at rapid fire shooting ISAS International Championship.

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LVIV TODAY | April 2013





May 8–12, Lviv city centre

8–12 травня, центральна частина міста

This year Lviv will be celebrating its 757th birthday since the city was founded. Festive events will take place from May 8 – 12th 2013, and already preparation for this event is moving forward with full steam as the program for the celebration is usually extensive and varied. It is a holiday known for its tradition of amazing entertainment with an impressive street parade, theater performances, concerts and festivals fit for royalty. Generally, Rynok Square seems to be the real center of many festive activities, and this year will not be any different, as the Square will host its traditional fair and on May 8th it will host an exciting event - an open air film screening featuring a selection of the best romantic films. On May 9th Leopolitans and guests of the city will have the wonderful opportunity of enjoying a concert by European and Ukrainian opera singers accompanied by symphonic orchestral music. During May 10-12 city-wide celebrations will showcase funfilled traditions and the culture of the ancient city through the “Batyar Day” festival. On May 12th Lviv’s music lovers will be delighted with an unforgettable musical treat – a concert dedicated to famous Ukrainian composer and poet Volodymyr Ivasyuk, which will take place at the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Ivasyuk is considered to be one of the founders of Ukrainian pop music, the author of 107 songs and 53 instrumental compositions, some of which will be performed at the concert by Pavlo Tabakov, Natalka Karpa, Oksana Mukha, Sophia Fedyna, Capella “Trembita” and “Pikkardiyska tertsiya”. City day celebrations will offer lots of fun and a truly unique experience for everyone! For more information about the celebration program please visit: dikart.com.ua

Цього року Львів відзначатиме 757 років з дня свого заснування. Святкові заходи пройдуть в травні – з 8 по 12 число і вже зараз повним ходом відбувається підготовка заходів програми святкування, як зазвичай, великої та різноманітної. Традиційно пройдуть вуличні паради, театральні вистави, концерти і фестивалі на будь-який смак. Як правило, площа Ринок стає реальним центром багатьох святкових подій, де буде відкритий традиційний ярмарок, а 8 травня на відкритому повітрі відбудеться показ найкращих романтичних фільмів. Наступного дня, 9 травня львів’яни та гості міста матимуть прекрасну можливість насолодитися концертом за участі європейських та українських оперних співаків у супроводі симфонічного оркестру. У ці святкові травневі дні будуть широко представлені веселі традиції й культура стародавнього міста включно з «Днем батяра». Львівським любителям музики 12 травня буде представлений великий концерт, присвячений відомому українському композитору і поету Володимиру Івасюку, що відбудеться в театрі Опери та Балету. Івасюк вважається одним із засновників української поп-музики, є автором понад 100 пісень і понад 50 інструментальних композицій, деякі з яких виконають на концерті Павло Табаков, Наталка Карпа, Оксана Муха, Софія Федина, капела «Трембіта» і «Піккардійська Терція». Святкувати День міста запрошують усіх, хто його любить, цінує та поважає! Додаткова інформація про програму святкування на dikart.com.ua


LVIV TODAY | April 2013

the city’s “batyar” culture. “Batyarstvo” (an idle and debauched style of life) is one of the most famous and popular Lviv-style phenomena. Batyars have their own vocabulary, codes of honor, and style of life. They have become a major sub-culture in the Lviv scene. Although very few authentic Batyars remain, their standards and requirements have become an essential part of a Leopolitan’s life. Taking part in the Batyar’s Day programme Leopolitans and guests of the city will easily feel the unique immortal spirit of Lviv and the ancient city’s humour. The holiday will include concerts of Batyars’ bands, various funny competitions and quizzes for grown-ups and children, Batyar song and dance master-classes, photo-shooting in “Batyar” style as well as tasty refreshments and drinks to enjoy during the whole holiday. “The Batyar Concrete Factory” is expected to garner special attention, as local sculptors will be creating jolly figures of batyars, a perfect souvenir to remember all the fun of the holiday! For more information, please visit: www.batyar.lviv.ua

III ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ПИВА ТА VI ДЕНЬ БАТЯРА 8–12 травня, центр міста, пл. Ринок

THE III CITY BEER FESTIVAL AND VI BATYAR’S DAY May 8–12, City Centre, Rynok Square For five days at the beginning of May, Lviv will turn into the beer capital of Western Ukraine, as the city hosts its III Beer Festival and Batyar’s Day! A highlight of this year’s festival be the possibility to taste beer from the most famous “beer countries” of the world! The festival area will be divided into several zones, each of which will represent one of the countries known for its tradition of brewing. The festival will allow visitors to virtually visit Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, Holland and England. And not just taste a beer from these countries, but also to get acquainted with the culture of these countries, customs and beer traditions. Within five days the festival will entertain visitors with a Gastronomic Fair “Beer to beer”, various interactive entertainment, interesting beer competitions, a spectacular concert program, unique open-air parties and that’s not all! Also, during the beer festival, the VI City Holiday “Batyar’s Day in Lviv” will take place, which will offer visitors a jolly acquaintance with LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Протягом п’яти днів на початку травня Львів перетвориться в пивну столицю Західної України, де відбудеться грандіозний фестиваль пива і День Батяра! Родзинкою цьогорічного фестивалю стане можливість скуштувати пиво найвідоміших виробників світу! Територія фестивалю буде поділена на кілька зон, кожна з яких представлятиме одну з країн, відомих своїми традиціями пивоваріння. Фестиваль дозволить відвідувачам віртуально відвідати Німеччину, Чехію, Бельгію, Польщу, Голландію та Англію. Можна буде познайомитися не тільки зі смаком пива з цих країн, але й з їх культурою, звичаями і традиціями споживання пива. Протягом п’яти днів фестивалю відвідувачі зможуть відвідати гастрономічний ярмарок «Пиво і до пива», взяти участь у різних інтерактивних розвагах, цікавих пивних конкурсах, побачити захоплюючі концерти та шоу-програми, побавитись на унікальних вечірках під відкритим небом, і це далеко не все! Крім того, в рамках пивного фестивалю відбудеться VI львівський «День Батяра», який запропонує відвідувачам веселе знайомство з містом і його «батярською» культурою. «Батярство» (романтизований напів-хуліганський давній спосіб життя) є одним з найвідоміших і популярних явищ львівського стилю. Батяри здавен мали свою власну говірку, кодекс честі та стиль життя. Ще до другої світової війни вони стали однією з основних суб-культур у Львові. Хоча справжніх батярів сьогодні залишилось дуже небагато, їх звичаї, манери та влучні слівця стали невід’ємною частиною життя справжніх львів’ян. Беручи участь у програмі “Дня батяра” львів’яни та гості міста зможуть відчути особливий дух давнього, але завжди молодого Львова і, зокрема, його почуття гумору. На вулицях і майданах міста пройдуть концерти батярських капел; різні веселі конкурси та вікторини для дорослих та дітей; майстер-класи батярських пісень і танців. Можна буде сфотографуватись в «батярському» стилі, а також поласувати закусками й напоями. Особливу уваги гостей, як очікується, приверне до себе “Батярський бетонний завод», де місцеві скульптори створять оригінальні фігури батярів на згадку про це веселе свято! Додаткова інформація: www.batyar.lviv.ua


This month



April 21–25, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.)

21–25 квітня, Львівський палац мистецтв (, вул. Коперника, 17)

This April, Lviv’s “Arthouse” brings to Lviv an extensive selection of movie screenings from Austria. The festival’s program will delight the palate of even the most discerning film gourmets as it includes some of the most recent Austrian movie hits, which are expected to be hugely popular among Lviv film fans. The film screenings will feature: the European grotesque-drama “Soldate Jeannette” directed by Daniel Hoesl and starring Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg, Christina Reichsthaler, Josef Kleindienst; as well as a family drama “Kuma”, a 2012 film directed by Umut Dag, starring Nihal G. Koldas, Begüm Akkaya, Vedat Erincin. The drama “Die Wand” based on a novel by Austrian author Marlen Haushofer, which is considered her most famous and finest work is expected to garner special attention. It received the Arthur Schnitzler Prize in 1963. The film was directed by Julian Pölsler and features a great performance by Wolfgang M. Bauer, Ulrike Beimpold, Martina Gedeck. The film showcases the life of a woman who becomes isolated from civilization by an inexplicable phenomenon called “The Wall”. She struggles to survive and to come to terms with the situation. Facing fear and loneliness, she decides to write an account of her isolation, without knowing whether anyone will ever read it. Another highlight of the film screenings will be the drama “Spanien” directed by Anja Salomonowitz with stars Tatjana Alexander, Cornelius Obonya, Grégoire Colinsch, telling the story of love, quests and obsessions. The tickets are available at the venue’s cash desk. Book now by tel: +380 (32) 261-47-33. For more information, please, visit www.arthouse.lviv.ua


У квітні цього року львівський проект «Артхаус» представить велику програму кінопоказів австрійських кіномитців. У програмі фестивалю знайдуть для себе щось цікаве і найвибагливіші кіногурмани, оскільки організатори вибрали для показу найновіші австрійські фільми, які вже мали успіх у себе на батьківщині, і, як очікується, стануть популярним серед львівських шанувальників кіно. У програмі показів, зокрема, будуть представлені: гротескна драма «Солдат Жаннет» (Soldate Jeannette) режисера Даніеля Хесля, в головній ролі Йоханна Орсіні-Розенберг, Христина Райхсталер, Йозеф Кляйндінст, а також сімейна драма «Кума» (Kuma), 2012 р, режисер Умут Даг, в головних ролях Ніхал Г. Колдас, Бегюм Аккая, Ведат Ерінджін. Особливу увагу, як очікується, буде привернено до драми «Стіна» (Die Wand)за романом австрійської письменниці Марлен Хаусхофер, який вважається одним з найвідоміших і найкращих її творів. Роман отримав премію Артура Шніцлера в 1963 році. Режисером фільму став Джуліан Пелслер, в ролях – Вольфганг М. Бауер, Ульріке Баймпольд, Мартіна Гедек. Фільм розповідає про життя жінки, яка опиняється ізольованою від цивілізації через невідоме явище під назвою “Стіна”. Вона бореться з усіх сил, щоб вижити і пристосуватись до ситуації. Перед лицем страху і самотності, вона вирішує написати розповідь про свою ізоляцію, не знаючи, чи хтось коли-небудь її прочитає. Ще одна цікава стрічка фестивалю – це драма “Іспанія” (Spanien) режисера Ані Саломоновіц за участі Татьяни Александер, Корнеліуса Обонья, Грегуара Колінша, яка розповідає історію кохання, пошуків та нав’язливих ідей. Квитки можна придбати в касі кінотеатру. Попереднє замовлення за тел. +380 (32) 261-47-33. Більше інформації на www.arthouse.lviv.ua

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Angel’s share

Доля Янголів

Process of whiskey maturing is invisible for our eyes. Behind barrel walls take place process which is not clearly studied yet. It is interesting to know, that during the whole maturing process the amount of whiskey in the barrel is reducing significantly. Romantics use to say, that that’s angels taking their share, however for the manufacturers such evaporation gives just huge head-ache.

Процес дозрівання віскі повністю прихований від наших очей. За стінками бочки відбуваються процеси, які досі не до кінця вивчені. Цікавим є той факт, що за час свого дозрівання кількість віскі у бочці суттєво зменшується. Романтики впевнені, що свою долю віскі забирають янголи, а ось виробникам цей процес спричиняє серйозний головний біль.

Actually, physics of the mentioned process is very simple, in couple of words it’s the following: when it’s warm time of the year, amount of spirit inside the barrel is expanding and gets absorbed to the wood, while when it’s cold amount of spirit is reducing and takes the tanning substance from the wood, creating future colour and taste of whiskey. One can say that the barrel is breathing. Unfortunately, part of the spirit is evaporating from the external side of the barrel and is with time being substituted with air. It’s that evaporated part of the whiskey that is called “angel’s share”. Appétit of angels depends not only on temperature but also on humidity – the more dry is the air the quicker goes the evaporation process. And this is one of the reasons why whiskey manufacturers locate their warehouses near lakes or ponds.

Фізика даного процесу проста. Якщо пояснювати коротко, то можна сказати наступне: у теплу пору року об’єм спирту всередині бочки трохи збільшується, і він всмоктується в деревину, а за холодних умов об’єм зменшується, і спирт витягує з дерева дубильні речовини, формуючи таким чином майбутній смак і колір віскі. Можна сказати, що бочка дихає. На превеликий жаль, частина спирту випаровується з зовнішньої поверхні бочки, а віскі, що випарувався заміщується повітрям. Власне ця частина віскі, яка випарувалася називається долею янголів. Апетит янголів залежить не тільки від температури, але й від вологості – чим сухішим є повітря, тим швидше відбувається процес випаровування. Це, до речі, є однією з причин, чому виробники розташовують свої склади поблизу водойм.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


This month



May 19, beginning: 19.00. Picasso club (88 Zelena St.)

April 22, beginning 19:00. Ukrainian Drama Theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska (1 L. Ukrainka St.)

On May 19th Lviv’s “Picasso Jazz Hall” will host a special music delight for all jazz lovers – a concert featuring Dwight Trible. Dwight Trible is a singer who combines the best of vocal virtuosity with musicianship and improvisational skills to the delight of audiences and musicians alike. In addition to performing with his own group, “The Dwight Trible Ensemble”, Dwight is the vocalist for the Pharoah Sanders Quartet; he is also the vocal director for the Horace Tapscott Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra. Not a newcomer to the music scene, Dwight has worked with such noted musicians as Oscar Brown Jr., Bobby Hutcherson, Charles Lloyd, Billy Childs, Kenny Burrell, Kenny Garrett, Steve Turre, Harold Land, Harry Belafonte, Della Reese, Norman Conners, as well as contemporary soul artists like LA Reid and DJ Rogers. Dwight’s collaborations with Horace Tapscott, Billy Higgins, Kamau Daaood and others have produced some of the finest musical moments in Los Angeles in recent years – and his best is yet to come! Like his mentors, Dwight is not content to use his music to just entertain people, although he is quite a dynamic performer. He uses his music to bring people together, to bridge the gap between races, and to heal the human heart. He has received numerous awards for his humanitarian efforts. Come and enjoy this spectacular concert and indulge the jazz fan within you! For more information please call: (032) 275-32-72 or 235-53-32 or visit: www. picasso.lviv.ua

ПІКАССО ДЖАЗ ХОЛ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЄ – ДУАЙТ ТРАЙБЛ 19 травня, початок о 19.00. Клуб Пікассо (вул. Зелена, 88) У львівському «Пікассо Джаз Холі» 19 травня всіх любителів джазу чекає особлива нагода – концерт американського музиканта Дуайта Трайбла. Дуайт Трайбл – співак, який майстерно поєднує вокальну віртуозність, музикальність та імпровізацію на радість глядачів і музикантів. Крім виступів зі своєю власною групою The Dwight Trible Ensemble, він є вокалістом квартету Фароа Сандерса, а також є вокальним керівником Horace Tapscott Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra. Не новачок на музичній сцені, Дуайт працював з такими знаменитостями, як Оскар Браун молодший, Боббі Хатчерсон, Чарльз Ллойд, Біллі Чайлдс, Кенні Баррелл, Кенні Гарретт, Стів Турре, Гарольд Ленд, Гаррі Белафонте, Делла Різ, Норман Коннерс, а також з сучасними майстрами музики соул, як от LA Reid і DJ Rogers. У співпраці з Горацієм Тапскоттом, Біллі Хіггінсом, Камау Даудом та іншими Дуайт Трайбл з величезним успіхом виступав у Лос-Анджелесі в останні роки - і він сповнений енергії та нових творчих планів. Як і його наставники, Дуайт не задовольняється використанням своєї музики, щоб просто розважити людей, хоча це йому дуже добре вдається. Своєю музикою він об’єднує людей різних рас і народів і зцілює людські серця. Він отримав численні нагороди за гуманітарну діяльність у різних країнах світу. Приходьте і насолоджуйтеся цим грандіозним концертом, покажіть, що ви справжній шанувальник джазу! Додаткова інформація за телефоном (032) 275-32-72 або 235-53-32 або відвідайте picasso.lviv.ua


On April 22nd, the Ukrainian Drama Theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska will host a new performance by Evgeniy Grishkovets “Farewell to Paper”. Grishkovets made his first appearance on Russia’s theatre stages a little over thirteen years ago and secured a firm place the hearts of his loyal fans. Since his acting debut, Grishkovets became famous as a writer, a dramatist, stage director, actor and musician far beyond Russia’s borders. The Russian artist wrote and performed a number of plays – both solo and together with other artists: “Simultaneously”, “Planet”, “Siege”, “Titanic”, “By Poe” and others. His latest play “Farewell to Paper” premiered in the autumn of 2012. Grishkovets has also published a number of books, a collection of plays “The City” (2001), “How I Ate a Dog” (2003), a novel “Shirt”, and a collection of stories “Rivers” (2005) and “Ledge” (2006). Moreover, Evgeniy has also played a few supporting roles in Russian films, “The Walk” (Progulka), “Not Only with Bread” (Ne hlebom edinym) and “On the First Circle” (V Kruge Pervom). At the moment, Grishkovets lives in Kaliningrad and tours with his theatre productions both in Russia and in Europe where he has become a welcome guest at many prestigious festivals. The upcoming event will be a spectacular theatrical show, which is sure to surpass all expectations and anticipations of the fans of Evgeniy Grishkovets! Tickets prices: 50–450 UAH. For more information and tickets booking please call tel: (032) 235-55-83, (097) 000-70-40

“ПРОЩАННЯ З ПАПЕРОМ” ЄВГЕНА ГРИШКОВЦЯ 22 квітня, початок о 19:00. Український драматичний театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки, 1) В українському драматичному театрі ім. М. Заньковецької 22 квітня відбудеться прем’єра спектаклю Євгена Гришковця «Прощання з папером». Є. Гришковець вперше з’явився на сцені російського театру понад тринадцять років тому і відразу завоював серця своїх відданих шанувальників. Відтоді Є. Гришковець став відомим як письменник, драматург, режисер, актор і музикант далеко за межами Росії. Він є автором і постановником багатьох п’єс – як самостійно так і разом з іншими артистами: «ОдноврЕмЕнно», «Планета», «Облога», «Титанік», «По По» та інші. Прем’єра його останньої п’єси «Прощання з папером» відбулась восени 2012 року. Є. Гришковець також опублікував ряд книг - збірку п’єс «Місто» (2001) і «Як я з’їв собаку» (2003), роман «Сорочка», збірку оповідань «Ріки» (2005) і «Планка» (2006). Крім того, Євген також виконував другопланові ролі в російських фільмах «Прогулянка», «Не хлібом єдиним» і «В колі першому». Тепер Є. Гришковець живе в Калінінграді і їздить зі своїми театральними постановками по Росії, і країнах Європи, де завжди є бажаним гостем на багатьох престижних фестивалях. Це захоплююче театральне шоу, безсумнівно, перевершить всі очікування і сподівання шанувальників Євгена Гришковця! Ціни квитків: 50–450 грн. Отримання додаткової інформації та замовлення квитків за тел.: 235-55-83, (097) 00070-40

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

This month



April 17, beginning: 19.00 Lviv Circus (83 Horodotska St., Lviv)

17 квітня, початок о 19:00 Львівський цирк (вул. Городоцька, 83)

On April 17th 2013, Bi-2, a well-known Russian rock band will come to Lviv with a great show to showcase their new album called “Spirit” that combines rock, dance and electro music styles. Currently one of the most successful mainstream rock bands in Russia, Bi-2 was founded in Belarus back in 1989 after the two future frontmen – Shura (Aleksandr Uman) and Lyova (Yegor Bortnik) met in Minsk. Initially the band’s name was “Bratya po Oruzhiyu” (Brothers in Arms), which was formed in 1988, then “Bereg Istini” (Shore of Truth), which resulted in abbreviation BI-2. However, two years later Shura moved to Israel and then to Australia where he played with the darkwave band Chiron. Lyova joined him in 1998 and played with Chiron for a year. Finally the year 2000 marked a new beginning in the life of Bi-2. The musicians returned to Russia, put together a full-scale band and recorded their first hits “Varvara” and “Polkovniku Nikto Ne Pishet” – the name was a direct translation of the name of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novella “No One Writes to the Colonel.” The song was used as the soundtrack for the Russian blockbuster “Brat-2” (Brother-2) and achieved amazing success which in turn helped Bi-2 become one of the top bands in Russia. Since then the band has released eight studio albums and recorded a number of songs with other Russian musicians. Their style is considered a mix of pop, alternative, indie rock and post punk. For Lviv music lovers, Bi-2 will perform their new songs from “Spirit” as well as their old hits, to keep their many fans happy. For more information and tickets booking please visit www. kasa.in.ua or call on 093-000-0754, 066-000-0754

Відома російська рок-група “БИ-2” приїжджає до Львова 17 квітня з великим шоу, в якому представить свій новий альбом під назвою SPIRIT (Дух), що поєднує в собі різні стилі музики – рок, денс та електро. Сьогодні це одна з найуспішніших рок-груп в Росії. “БИ-2” була створена в Білорусі в 1989 році після зустрічі в Мінську двох майбутніх фронтменів – Шури (Олександр Уман) і Льови (Єгор Бортник). Спочатку група називалась «Братья по оружию», а потім назву змінили на «Берег Истины», скорочено БИ-2. Однак, через два роки Шура переїхав до Ізраїлю, а потім в Австралію, де він грав з дарквейв-гуртом “Хірон”. Льова приєднався до нього в 1998 році і вони грали разом протягом року. Нарешті, 2000 рік ознаменувався початком нового етапу в житті БИ-2. Музиканти повернулися в Росію, зібрали повномасштабну групу і записали свої перші хіти – «Варвара» і «Полковнику никто не пишет» – за назвою повісті Габріеля Гарсія Маркеса, яка стала саундтреком російського блокбастера “Брат-2”, досягла дивовижного успіху і зробила БИ-2 однією з найкращих російських груп. Відтоді група випустила вісім студійних альбомів і записала кілька пісень спільно з іншими російськими музикантами. Їх стиль вважається сумішшю альтернативної та поп-музики, інді-року і пост-панку. Любителям рок-музики у Львові буде представлений новий альбом “Spirit”, а також фанати почують і старі хіти. Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків відвідайте www.kasa. in.ua або за телефонами 093-0000-754, 066-0000-754.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


This month

VAR’YATY – THREE YEARS OF HUMOR May 16–18, beginning:19.00 Picasso Nightclub (88 Zelena St.) From May 16–18th, Lviv nightclub, “Picasso” will host a festive concert dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of the comedy show “Varyaty”. The concert will showcase for the audience the best examples of traditional “standup comedy” by artists from Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, and Rivne. The event is expected to follow tradition with a rich and varied program, consisting of guitar performances, artistic miniatures, video sketches and much more. Guests of this year’s celebratory event will get the wonderful possibility to take part in a lottery and win lots of exciting prizes, as well as get pumped up with dynamic and positive energy for the rest of the year! Ticket price – 100/200 UAH with table reservation, 70 UAH without table reservations. For more information please call: (032) 275 32 72 or visit: www.picasso. lviv.ua, www.varyatu.com.ua

FLUGERY OF LVIV May 9–12, Inner courtyard of Lviv City Hall (Rynok Square). The festival was launched first in 2003 and each of the following years it has continued to expand and to enrich its programme with new literary actions, presentations, performances, happenings, multimedia projects and various aesthetic provocations. In the span of ten years, Flugery has featured more than 150 bands (over 500 musicians) from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Austria, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Senegal, Moldova, Russia, Israel, the U.S. and many others. The program of “Flugery of Lviv 2013” is expected to be very rich and exciting – each festival day will have its own theme, highlights and surprises. The first day of the event will feature performances by “ShockolaD”, “Zapaska”, “Max Vatutin Trio”, “Dzhalapita”, “Vinipuz Mob”, “Andrew Kokhan & BluesClubLviv Project”, “Triangular Matrix & Nazgulya Shukaeva” (Ukraine-Kazakhstan) “Marinita Trio” (Ukraine-Hungary), “Longital” (Slovakia), “Babooshki” (Ukraine – Poland), “Dwooto” and “Michał Milczarek Trio” (Poland). This year, the festival will feature a contest for young Ukrainian rock-bands, the winner of which will take part in the International Rock-Fest “ROCK NOCĄ” (Poland) during June 28–29, 2013. Participants of the festival will compete for the chance to perform at the upcoming “Przystanek Woodstock” festival and will be able to record their album at a professional studio in addition to receiving 10 000 PLN. On May 09, 2013, the festival will be dedicated to the contest and will showcase the concerts of the following competing bands: “Abu-Kasimovi Kapci” (Lviv), “Fiolet” (Lutsk), “Viter” (Lviv), “Hairy Viper” (Kyiv) and “D.Hate” (Lviv). The traditional “Awakening with “Hych Orchestra” will take place on the Sunday morning of May 12th. Don’t miss your chance to enjoy good music and buy your tickets now! For ticket booking and information about the event please visit: www.dzyga.com.ua

ФЛЮГЕРИ ЛЬВОВА 9–12 травня, внутрішнє подвір’я Львівської міської ради (пл. Ринок).

ВАР‫׳‬ЯТИ – ТРИ РОКИ ГУМОРУ 16–18 травня, початок о 19.00 Клуб Пікассо (вул. Зелена, 88 Протягом 3 днів – 16, 17 і 18 травня у львівському клубі «Пікассо» відбудуться святкові концерти, присвячені третій річниці з дня народження шоу «Вар‫׳‬яти». Глядачі побачать найкращих артистів зі Львова, Тернополя, Івано-Франківська, Чернівців та Рівного. Програма, як очікується, буде традиційно багатою і різноманітною, тут і пісні під гітару, і міні-спектаклі, і художні мініатюри, відео-скетчі та багато іншого. Гості святкування річниці «Вар‫׳‬ятів» отримають прекрасну можливість взяти участь у лотереї та виграти багато захоплюючих призів, а також отримати заряд динамічної та позитивної енергії на весь рік! Вартість квитка – 100/200 грн. із замовлення столика, 70 грн. – без столика. Щоб отримати додаткову інформацію звертайтесь за телефоном (032) 275-32-72 або відвідайте picasso.lviv.ua, www.varyatu.com.ua


Фестиваль «Флюгери Львова» вперше відбувся в 2003 році і кожен наступний рік додавав йому солідності – його програма збагатилась літературними акціями, презентаціями, виставами, мультимедійними проектами та різними естетичними провокаціями. Протягом десяти років на фестивалі виступили понад 150 колективів (понад 500 музикантів) з України, Польщі, Білорусі, Чехії, Литви, Естонії, Австрії, Англії, Шотландії, Нідерландів, Швейцарії, Німеччини, Вірменії, Азербайджану, Сенегалу, Молдови, Росії, Ізраїлю, США та інших країн. Програма цьогорічного фестивалю, як очікується, буде різноманітною та цікавою – кожен день фестивалю матиме власну тему, особливості і сюрпризи. В перший день фестивалю виступлять “ShockolaD”, “Запаска”, “Тріо Макса Ватутіна”, “Джалапіта”, “Vinipuz Mob”, “Андрій Кохан і BluesClub.Lviv Project”, “Трикутна матриця & Нашгуля Шукає ва” ( Україна–Казахстан) “Marinita Trio” (Україна–Угорщина), “Longital” (Словаччина), “Babooshki” (Україна–Польща), “Dwooto” і “Michał Milczarek Trio” (Польща). Цього року у програмі фестивалю – конкурс молодих українських рок-груп, переможець якого візьме участь у Міжнародному рок-фесті “ROCK NOCĄ” (Польща) 28–29 червня 2013 р. Учасники фестивалю змагатимуться за шанс виступити на майбутньому фестивалі “Przystanek Woodstock” і отримати як нагороду запис альбому в професійній студії на додаток до 10 000 злотих. У перший рок-день на “Флюгерах Львова” 9 травня виступлять групи “Абу-Касимові Капці” (Львів), “Фіолет” (Луцьк), “Вітер” (Львів), “Hairy Viper” (м. Київ) і “D.Hate” (Львів). Традиційне «Пробудження з»Гич Оркестра» відбудеться 12 травня в неділю вранці. Не пропустіть свій шанс насолодитися гарною музикою та купити квитки прямо зараз!

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

This month

FESTIVE CONCERT FOR DUTCH ROYALS April 20, beginning: 18.00. Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall named after S.Ludkevich (7 Chaykovskogo St.) On April 20th the Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall will host a concert dedicated to Prince Willem-Alexander’s investiture, which will occur in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam on April 30, 2013. The event will feature Valentyna Prishlyak (alto) together with the Youth Academic Symphonic Orchestra “INSO-Lviv” performing compositions by Z. Kodály, L. Janacek, B.Bartok, G. Enescu. The Dutch pianist Raymond Janssen, who is both the initiator and founder of Cadenza European Art Productions will perform and conduct the concert. As a conductor, concert pianist and accompanist, Raymond Janssen is a welcome guest at all European festivals and concerts. Accompanists, Eliana Cotrubas, Gail Gilmore, Eugene Holmes and Janice Baird, have also performed on many major stages around the world, e.g., at the Schleswig Holstein Festival, Ljubliana Music Festival, in Reykjavik and at the Teatro Filharmonico in Verona. Raymond Janssen conducts more than 40 concerts per year and in addition to his concert activities he is a hypnotherapist and a NLP coach. During the event, in the lobby of the Philharmonic Concert Hall a photo-exhibition dedicated to the royal Dutch family will also be presented. For more information about the event please visit: www.philharmonia. lviv.ua or call: (032) 235-81-36

КОНЦЕРТ ПРИСВЯЧЕНИЙ ГОЛЛАНДСЬКІЙ КОРОЛІВСЬКІЙ РОДИНІ 20 квітня, початок о 18:00 Львівська філармонія імені С. Людкевича (вул. Чайковського, 7) У Львівській філармонії 20 квітня відбудеться концерт, присвячений церемонії коронування голландського принца Віллема-Александра, що пройде в соборі Ньюве Керк в Амстердамі 30 квітня 2013 р. Валентина Пришляк (альт) спільно з молодіжним академічним симфонічним оркестром “INSO-Львів” виконає твори З. Кодаї, Л. Яначека, Б.Бартока, Г. Енеску. Диригуватиме голландський піаніст Раймонд Янссен, ініціатор і засновник агенції Cadenza European Art Productions. Як диригент, піаніст і концертмейстер, Раймонд Янссен є бажаним гостем на європейських фестивалях і концертах. Як концертмейстер таких виконавців як Еліана Котрубас, Гейл Гілмор, Юджін Холмс і Дженіс Бейрд він виступав на найбільших сценах світу, зокрема на фестивалі у Шлезвіг-Гольштейні, на Люблянському музичному фестивалі, у Рейк’явіку і в театрі Філармоніко у Вероні. Раймонд Янссен проводить понад 40 концертів на рік, а на додаток до своєї концертної діяльності він працює ще й гіпнотерапевтом і тренером НЛП. У день концерту буде представлена фотовиставка у фойє філармонії, присвячена голландській королівській родині. Додаткову інформацію про захід можна знайти наwww. philharmonia.lviv. ua або за телефоном (032) 235-8136 LVIV TODAY | April 2013

BELARUSIANSWEDISH LITERARY DAYS May 17–19, Les Kurbas Theatre (3 Les Kurbas St.) During May 17-19th 2013, Lviv will host the Swedish-Belarusian Literary Days, an event which brings together a group of Swedish and Belarusian authors, translators, students and cultural workers. They will travel the country together, take part in public readings and private meetings and get to know each other’s work. The main idea behind the Literary Days is to inspire each other and to give audiences around Belarus the opportunity to encounter authors from Sweden as well as the latest and most interesting writers in the Belarusian language. The Literary Days provide a good platform for the furthering of freedom of speech and cultural contacts between the two countries. The Literary Days are arranged and supported by Maria Söderberg, Lev Hrytsyuk, the Swedish Institute, Swedish Arts Council and the Les Kurbas Theatre (Lviv). For more information, please visit: http://n. kurbas.lviv.ua/ or http://levhrytsyuk. blogspot.com/2013/02/17-19-2013.htm

БІЛОРУСЬКОШВЕДСЬКІ ЛІТЕРАТУРНІ ДНІ 17–19 травня, театр Леся Курбаса (вул. Л. Курбаса, 3) Шведсько-білоруської літературні дні пройдуть у Львові 17-19 травня 2013 р. Це - об’єднання шведських і білоруських авторів, перекладачів, студентів та працівників культури, які будуть подорожувати Україною разом, брати участь у публічних читаннях і приватних зустрічах, щоб краще пізнати один одного. Основна ідея цього заходу - надихати один одного і давати аудиторії по всій Білорусі можливість зустрітися зі шведськими авторами, а також ознайомитись з найновішими та найцікавіші творами білоруських письменників. Літературні Дні послужать хорошою платформою для подальшого розвитку свободи слова і культурних зв’язків між двома країнами. Ця культурна подія організована за підтримки Марії Седерберг, Лев Грицюка, Шведського інституту, Шведської Ради мистецтв і театру ім. Леся Курбаса (Львів). Додаткова інформація на http://n.kurbas. lviv.ua/ або http://levhrytsyuk.blogspot. com/2013/02/17-19-2013.htm


This month



May 17–19, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.)

17–19 травня, Львівський палац мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17)

The Children’s Reading Festival is one of the few in Central and Eastern Europe, which is successfully made up of a whole complex of educational, entertainment and cultural activities, aimed at popularizing reading and the development of children’s books publishing. The festival is entirely dedicated to children’s literature and provides a good platform for national and foreign publishing houses to present and promote their books. Publishing houses will be awarded during the festival for the “Best Ukrainian Children Book”. Specifically for the young readers, the event will present a book fair, presentations from the publishing houses of children literature, literary quests, meetings with writers from Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Belarus, master classes, books competitions and lotteries, charity events and exhibitions. A special guest of the event will be Ian Whybrow, a prolific writer of children’s books. He has written over 100 books for children, has been translated into 27 languages and is published in 28 countries. His books are known for their humour and child-friendliness and range from picture books to novels, short stories and poetry. Among other guests of the event will be Maksym Kidryk, Volodymyr Rutkovskyi, Oksana Dumanska, Oleksandr Gavrosh, Galyna Malyk, Roman Skyba, Sashko Lirnyk and others. Highlights of the festival will be the event “Book from a showbiz star”, where popstars will meet with fans and talk about their beloved books. Another exciting event will be the awards ceremony of the national competition “Best reader of Ukraine 2012”. Spectacular event “Night at the library” will be held at the Children’s library which will be turned into a camp just for the night and is expected to attract many participants. For the first time, the festival will feature a new event, the festival of board games “Play Sphere”, which will present the best and creative board games and will feature a nonstop marathon for board game addicts. Throughout the Children’s festival several sporting events will take place, which will feature lots of openair fun-filled quests conducted by recognized athletes. More information on: www. childrenfestival.org.ua or call on: +38 (032) 276-41-52



May 15–17 Фестиваль дитячого читання є одним з не- “Dnister” Premier Hotel (6 Mateika St.) багатьох у Центральній та Східній Європі і поєднує в собі цілий комплекс освітніх, The “Dnister” Premier Hotel will host the розважальних, культурних заходів, спря- Lviv Hospitality Industry Forum from May мованих на популяризацію читання та 15–17th, which will bring together profesрозвитку видавництва дитячої літератури. sionals in the hospitality industry, consultФестиваль повністю присвячений літера- ing experts, and representatives from interтурі для дітей і надає хорошу платформу national hotel chains and companies. The національним та іноземним видавництвам main topics of the event will be: marketing для представлення й просування своїх and promotion of hotel and restaurant serкниг. В рамках фестивалю відбудеться на- vices, personnel management as well as the городження видавництв в номінації «Най- tourist image of Lviv after EURO 2012 and asкраща українська книга для дітей». Спеці- pects of hospitality development in the city. ально для юних читачів на фестивалі будуть During the forum’s program, round tables will проведені: книжкова виставка-ярмарок, take place where participants of the event презентації дитячих видавництв, літера- will be able to discuss the questions involvтурні квести, зустрічі з письменниками з ing global networks in the markets of Lviv України, Польщі, Великобританії, Швей- and Ukraine, branding, online marketing and царії, Білорусі, майстер-класи, книжкові the role of social networks in the hospitality конкурси та лотереї , благодійні акції тощо. industry. For more information please visit: В якості спеціального гостя заходу приїде www.lhif.lviv.ua or call on (032) 242-63-04 Іан Уайброу, популярний англійський дитячий письменник, що написав понад 100 книг для дітей, які були перекладені на 27 мов і опубліковані в 28 країнах світу. Його книги відомі своїм гумором і дружелюбністю і включають як ілюстровані книжки, так і романи, оповідання й вірші. Серед інших гостей заходу будуть Максим Кідрик, Володимир Рутковський, Оксана Думанська, Олександр Гаврош, Галина Малик, Роман Скиба, Сашко Лірник та інші. Серед найцікавіших моментів фестивалю – акція «Книга від зірки шоу-бізнесу», де зірки естради зустрінуться зі своїми уболівальниками і розкажуть про свої улюблені книги. Іншою хвилюючою подією буде церемонія нагородження переможців національного конкурсу «Найкращий читач України 2012». 15–17 травня, Дністер Прем’єр Готель (вул. Матейка, 6) Ще одною яскравою подією має стати «Ніч у бібліотеці». Дитяча бібліотека прийматиме, У львівському прем’єр готелі «Дністер» як очікується, чисель- 15–17 травня 2013 року пройде форум індустрії гостинності (Hospitality Industry них відвідувачів цілу Forum), на якому зберуться професіонали ніч. Також відбудеться цієї галузі, відбудуться консультації експерфестиваль настільних тів, представників міжнародних готельних ігор «ІгроСфера», де мереж і компаній. Основними темами забудуть представлені найкращі творчі на- явлені маркетинг і просування готельних і ресторанних послуг, управління персостільні ігри та нон-стоп налом, а також туристичний імідж Львова марафон для фанатів після Євро-2012 і аспекти розвитку готельцих ігор. А ще в рамках фестивалю відбудуть- ного бізнесу в місті. В рамках програми форуму будуть проходити круглі столи, де ся спортивні заходи учасники заходу обговорять питання залуна відкритому повітрі і веселі квести за учас- чення глобальних мереж на ринки Львова та України, брендинг, інтернет-маркетинг ті та під керівництвом відомих спортсменів. і роль соціальних мереж в розвитку індустрії гостинності. Для отримання додаткоДодаткова інформація на www.childrenfestival. вої інформації відвідайте www.lhif.lviv.ua або телефонуйте (032) 242-63-04 org.ua або дзвоніть за № +38 (032) 276-41-52


LVIV TODAY | April 2013

This month



April 19, Conference Hall “Leopolis” (TM “Opera Passage”, 27 Svobody Ave.)

19 квітня, конференц-зал “Леополіс” (“Опера Пасаж”, проспект Свободи, 27)

Among the planned participants of the event are representatives from Lviv’s city council, top-managers of leading international and Ukrainian banks, investment and consulting companies, leading business schools, as well companies operating in IT, production and manufacturing, retail and distribution and property sectors. Among the key issues which will be discussed at the forum are: viewpoints on the prospects of Ukraine’s economic development in 2013, Ukraine’s banking sector in 2013, and tourism development – the Ukrainian and European experience. Special attention will be paid to the discussion panel on the issue of “Morality and business”, where speeches will be presented by Marichka Burmaka, Ukrainian singer, People’s Artist of Ukraine, and Candidate of Philological Sciences and Yuriy Logush, Vice Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Among other speakers and moderators at this year’s event will be: Andriy Onistrat, Head of Supervisory Board at National Credit Bank; Andriy Riazantsev, Head of the Board of PJSC “Idea bank”; Ivan Kuzovkin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Bank of Cyprus; Jonas Triggvason, Chairman of Supervisory Board at Salve Pharmacy franchise; Brian Best, Managing Director of Investment Banking at IC Dragon Capital; Viktor Pynzenyk, a Ukrainian politician, economist; Jorge Zukoski, President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and others. The event will open with speeches by Viktor Shemchuk, Head of Lviv Regional State Administration, Andriy Sadovyi, Lviv City Mayor and Volodymyr Glaschenkov, Managing Partner of LLC “Legal Company “HD Partners”. For more detailed information about agenda and participants please visit: www.dilovyy-forum.com.ua

Серед запланованих учасників заходу очікуються топ-менеджери провідних міжнародних та українських банків, інвестиційних та консалтингових компаній, провідних бізнес-шкіл, а також компаній, що працюють в ІТ, виробництві та роздрібній торгівлі і як дистрибутори, представники міської влади Львова. Ключові питання цьогорічного форуму, зокрема: перспективи розвитку української економіки в 2013 році, банківський сектор України в 2013 році, розвиток туризму – український та європейський досвід. Особливу увагу, як очікується, буде притягнуто до дискусії на тему “Мораль і бізнес”, де виступлять, зокрема, Марічка Бурмака, українська співачка, народна артистка України, кандидат філологічних наук і Юрій Логуш, віце-ректор Українського католицького Університету. Серед інших доповідачів та модераторів цього форуму буде також Андрій Оністрат – голова наглядової ради Національного кредитного банку; Андрій Рязанцев – голова правління ПАТ “Ідеа Банк”; Іван Кузов кін - заступник генерального директора Банку Кіпру; Йонас Тріггвасон - голова наглядової ради аптечної мережі Salve; Брайан Бест – виконавчий директор інвестиційно-банківського департаменту ІС Dragon Capital; Віктор Пинзеник – український політик, економіст; Хорхе Зукоскі – президент Американської торговельної палати в Україні та інші. На відкритті форуму виступлять Віктор Шевчук – голова Львівської обласної державної адміністрації, Андрій Садовий - мер Львова і Володимир Глащенков – керуючий партнер ТОВ “Юридична компанія “Ейч.Ді.Партнерз». Отримати детальну інформацію про порядок денний та учасників можна на www.dilovyy-forum.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Cultural calendar Full Lviv listings for the coming month in Ukraine’s cultural capital

Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theatre

Address: 28, Svobody avn., Lviv Theatre ticket office working hours: 11.00 –19.00 (Monday day off) Tel.: (032) 242-11-63, 272- 88-60

APRIL 14, SUNDAY The Nutcracker by P. Chaykovsky Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00

APRIL 14, SUNDAY Magic Flute by W. A. Mozart – PREMIERE! Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00


Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

MAY 19, FRIDAY La Bayadere by P. Minkus Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45

APRIL 20, SATURDAY Orpheus and Eurydice by C. W. Gluck Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.15

APRIL 21, SUNDAY Vain precaution by P. Gertel Ballet in 2 acts Duration:12.00–14.30


La traviata by G. Verdi Opera in 4 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

Carmen by G. Bizet Opera in 4 acts Duration: 18.00–21.2 0



Magic Flute by W. A. Mozart


Coppelia by L.Delibes

Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45

APRIL 26, FRIDAY Moses by M. Skoryk Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.00

APRIL 27, SATURDAY The Elixir of Love by G. Donizetti Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30

APRIL 28, SUNDAY Cossack over the Danube by S. Gulak-Artemovsky Opera in 3 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00

APRIL, 28 SUNDAY Le Corsaire by A. Adam Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30

APRIL 30, TUESDAY Terrible Yard by S. Monushko

Opera in 4 acts Duration: 18.00–21.30

Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall named after S.Ludkevich

7, Chaykovskogo str., Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00- 14.00, and 15.00-19.00 Tel.: 272-10-42, 272-58-64 www.philharmonia.lviv.ua

APRIL 14, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Young talents of Ukraine” featuring performance by Myroslava Syrenko (flute) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Vsevolod Syrenko)

APRIL 19, FRIDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “World’s classical master-

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Cultural calendar pieces” featuring Myroslav Dragan (piano) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Illya Stupel) presenting compositions of Gustav Mahler and George Gershwin

APRIL 20, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Queen’s Birthday” featuring Valentyna Prishlyak (alto) together with Youth Academic symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (conductor – Raymond Janssen (Netherlands) performing compositions of Z. Kodály, L.Janacek, B.Bartok, G. Enescu

APRIL 21, SUNDAY BEGINNING 13.00 Concert “Monologue” featuring Anna Fedorova (piano) performing compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven, F. Liszt F.Chopin, C. Debussy, G. Verdi, G. Scarlatti

APRIL 27, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert featuring Sofia Solovey (soprano), Zoryana Kushpler (mezzosoprano), Roman Trohymchuk (tenor), Viktor Dudar (bas) together with Academic symphonic orchestra of

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Philharmonic Society (conductor – Volodymyr Syvohip), Halycian academic choir, chamber choir “Gloria” performing “Requiem” by G.Verdi

National Academic Ukrainian drama theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska

1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04 www.zankovetska.com.ua.

APRIL 14, SUNDAY PREMIERE! The Cabinet Minister’s Wife/ Branislav Nušić Comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

APRIL 16, TUESDAY Hamlet in savoury sauce / Aldo Nikolai. Comedy Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

APRIL 17, WEDNESDAY The Lady of the Camellias / Alexandre Dumas, son Translation by M. Yakubyak

Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours 15 minutes

APRIL 18, THURSDAY The last buckwheat seeder by O.Ogorodnik Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

APRIL 19, FRIDAY Lady Windermere’s Fan /O.Wilde Musical comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

APRIL 21, SUNDAY Sharika by J. Barnich Poetry by Y. Shkrumelyak Romantic operetta Performance duration: 3 hours

APRIL 24, WEDNESDAY Jesus, son of God alive/ V.Bosovych Mystery performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

APRIL 25, THURSDAY Jesus, son of God alive/ V.Bosovych Mystery performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

APRIL 27, SATURDAY Crisis by O.Ogorodnik Comic performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

APRIL 28, SUNDAY Jesus, son of God alive/ V.Bosovych Mystery performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minut

APRIL 29, MONDAY Jesus, son of God alive/ V.Bosovych Mystery performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minut

APRIL 30, TUESDAY The Cabinet Minister’s Wife/ Branislav Nušić Comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

«Jazz Club. Lviv»

‘Kvartyra (Apartment) 35” on Virmenska str. 35 Tel: (096) 784-14-17, (032) 244-47-78 www.dzyga.com/jcl

APRIL 14, SUNDAY 20.00 Concert “Andriy Arnautov


Lviv Cultural calendar project” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 15, MONDAY 20.00 Concert “Bohdan Wilchik project”. Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 16, TUESDAY Etno club “Nabutky” members meeting

APRIL 17, WEDNESDAY 20.00 – Concert by “Jaremchuk Play Standards” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 18, THURSDAY “Jazz Club.Lviv” members meeting 20.00 – “Igor Gnydyn project” featuring Igor Gnydyn (drums), Anastasia Litvinyuk (piano), Andriy Kohan (bas-guitar), Mykhaylo Balog (saxophone) Entrance: 50 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» and Etno club “Nabutky” – 25 UAH

APRIL 19, FRIDAY 20.00 “Lviv Jazz Trio” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 20, SATURDAY 20.00 Concert by “Jazz Quartet” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 21, SUNDAY 20.00 Concert “Andriy Arnautov project”. Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 22, MONDAY 20.00 Concert “Bohdan Wilchik project”. Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 23, TUESDAY “Etno club “Nabutky” members meeting

APRIL 24, WEDNESDAY 20.00 – Concert by “Jaremchuk Play Standards” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 25, THURSDAY “Jazz Club.Lviv’ members meeting 20.00 – Jam-session Entrance: 25 UAH, for members “Jazz Club.Lviv” – free of charge

APRIL 26, FRIDAY 20.00 World music project: concert by “TaRuta” (Kyiv) presenting album “EhnoLab” Entrance: 50 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» – 25 UAH

APRIL 27, SATURDAY 20.00 Concert by “Jazz Quartet” Entrance: free of charge



20.00 Concert “Andriy Arnautov project” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 29, MONDAY 20.00 Concert “Bohdan Wilchik project” Entrance: free of charge

APRIL 30, TUESDAY “Etno club “Nabutky” members meeting 20.00 Concert by Yaroslav Krysko (kobza player) Entrance: 20 UAH, for members «Jazz Club.Lviv» – 10 UAH

Lviv Academic theatre named after Les Kurbas Ticket office: 12.00–19.00 (on days of performances) Address: L. Kurbasa str., 3 Tel.: (322) 724 914; 724 824 online booking is available on www.kurbas.lviv.ua/tickets,

APRIL 14, SUNDAY PREMIERE! Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

APRIL 24, WEDNESDAY “Forest song” by L. Ukrainka Dramatic poem

APRIL 26, FRIDAY MA-NA HAT-TA by. Ing. Bachmann Art trial experiment

APRIL 27, SATURDAY PREMIERE! Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

APRIL 28, SUNDAY PREMIERE! Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

Lviv City Spiritual Theatre Voskresinnia

Address: 5, Gen. Grygorenka sqr. Tеl. (032) 261-63-10

APRIL 14, SUNDAY BEGINNING: 18.00 “The marry inn” by O. Levit Music comedy based on stories by Sholom Aleichem Performance duration 1 hour 40 minutes

APRIL 28, SUNDAY BEGINNING: 19.00, 21.30 (open air performance at the City Hall inner yard (Rynok square) “Job” based on the text by Karol Wojtyla Performance dedicate to the Easter holidays celebrations LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Cultural calendar

XXXІI International Music Festival “Virtuosi” May 14–June 9 Lviv Philharmonic Concert Hall named after S.Ludkevich (7, Chaykovskogo str., Lviv) MAY 14, TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Evening of European Jazz Jazz Quartet: Roberta Piket – piano Roby Glod – alto & soprano saxophones Klaus Kugel – drums, Mark Tokar – double bass

MAY 16, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Grand opening of the XXXІI International Music Festival “Virtuosi GALA VERDI Sofia Soloviy – soprano, Vasyl Sadovsky– tenor Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra Aidar Torybayev – conductor

MAY 17, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Piano Recital of Boris Bloch Works by J. Haydn, C. Debussy, F. Liszt F. Chopin, S. Rachmaninoff

MAY 18, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 To the Europe Day in Lviv Ilya Grubert – violin Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra “INSO-Lviv” Fakhraddin Kerimov – conductor Works by J. Brahms, M. Mussorgsky, H. Berlioz, A. Lyadov

MAY 19, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Stars-Virtuosos Antonio Amenduni – flute, Boris Bloch – piano Chamber Orchestra “Academia” Yuriy Bervetsky – conductor Works by W. A. Mozart, A. Vivaldi, G. Puccini, P. A. Genin, F. Borne

MAY 20, MONDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Evening of “Cool&Jazzy” Yuri Smirnov – leader, bassbaritone Artur Kirillov – baritone Natalia Afanasieva – alto Christina Zaifidy – soprano LVIV TODAY | April 2013

MAY 21, TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 LOMAGA BAND at “Virtuosi” Folkmelodies, ethnicmusic, jazzimprovisation

MAY 22, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 ViolonCello Peсtorale Alexander Piriyev – cello, Yaroslav Mygal – cello Youth Academic Symphony orchestra “INSO-Lviv” Natalia Ponomarchuk – conductor Works by L. Boccherini, F. Couperin, A. Vivaldi

MAY 23, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Piano Recital of Marianna Humetska Works by F. Schubert, V. Runchak, L. Revutsky I. J. Paderewski, F. Liszt

MAY 24, FRIDAY, BEGINNING 19.00 Austrian Classics Evening Tamila Kharambura – violin Academic Chamber Orchestra “Lviv Virtuosos” Sergiy Burko – conductor Works by W. A. Mozart

MAY 25, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Krzysztof Penderecki in Lviv Chamber Orchestra «Sinfonietta Cracovia» Krzysztof Penderecki – conductor Works by K. Penderecki, P. Tchaikovsky

MAY 26, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Virtuoso Evening of High Classics Anna Savytska – violin Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra Misha Katz – conductor Works by G. Gershwin, D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev

MAY 27, MONDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Two Geniuses, two Destinies Alexey Nabiulin – piano Works by L. van Beethoven, F. Chopin

MAY 29, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Returning to Lviv Arthur Greene – piano, Solomia Soroka – violin Nazar Dzhuryn – violoncello Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra “INSO-Lviv” Volodymyr Syvokhip – conductor Works by J. Haydn, L. van Beethoven, J. Brahms

MAY 29, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 20.00 Organ & Chamber Music Hall (Bandery str., 8) Evening of Organ Music Hans-Dieter Meyer-Moortgat – organ Yulia Onyshko – mezzo Works by J. S. Bach, F. Liszt, M. Dupre, A. Pärt

MAY 30, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 J. Sebastian Bach’s Music Evening Natalia Svyrydenko – harpsichord Natalia Dytyuk – soprano Academic Chamber Orchestra “Lviv Virtuosos” Myron Yusypovych – conductor

MAY 31, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Between two Continents Nazar Dzhuryn – cello Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra Robert Hanson – conductor Works by G. Gershwin, R. Hanson, A. Dvořák

JUNE 01, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Song’s Rhapsody. Academic In-

strumental Ensemble “High Castle”. Nataliya Markivska & Friends

JUNE 02, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 TRIBUTE to“YES” Arkadiy Shilkloper – horn Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra “INSO-Lviv” Yuriy Bervetsky – conductor Music of “YES” group

JUNE 04, TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Virtuoso Duet Olga Pasichnyk – soprano Natalya Pasichnyk – piano Academic Chamber orchestra “Lviv Virtuosos” Sergiy Khorovets – conductor Works by C. Debussy, M. Ravel, F. Poulenc

JUNE 06, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Virtuoso Debut Yaroslav Zhovnirovych – clarinet “Phoenix String Quartet” Works by W. A. Mozart, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Ravel

JUNE 07, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Evening of Instrumental Concerts by Aram Khachaturian Oleh Rudnytsky – piano, Kirill Rodin – cello Dmytro Tkachenko – violin Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra Aidar Torybayev – conductor

JUNE 09, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Solemn closing of XXXІI International Music Festival “Virtuosi GALA WAGNER Natalia Kovalyova – soprano Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra “INSO-Lviv” Volodymyr Syvokhip – conductor


Lviv Travel

The World’s One and Only

Pysanka Museum

Did you know that Ukraine is home to the largest (13.5 m high) Easter Egg in the World, (the second largest is in Vegreville, AB., Canada). To see this miracle, visit the town of Kolomiya in Western Ukraine’s Ivano-Frankivsk region, where the modern wonder of Ukraine is located, the world’s largest Pysanka (Easter Egg) Museum.


he “Pysanka” museum is the most prominent tourist attraction in the Pre-Carpathian town of Kolomiya. Although its full title is the Kolomiya Museum of Folk Art Named After Father Josafat Kobrynskyi, if you simply ask for the “Pysanka”, everyone in town will understand you and point you in the right direction. The museum’s unusual building, shaped like a huge Easter egg, will surely be a surprise for you as well as it will suddenly appear, with its red and yellow painted exterior.

History of the Pysanka Museum The Museum of Easter Eggs is 26-years-old. Back in 1987, it was only a department in the Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul region. The idea for a special museum appeared with technology: the main custodian of the collection, Lubomyr Krechkovskyi and his colleague Maria Bolezdiuk invented the technique of conservation and restoration of Easter eggs, which allowed for the storage and restoration of these small won-


ders. At first, the establishment was located on the grounds of the Kolomiya cemetery in a small wooden Church of the Holy Annunciation (built in 1587). At the end of 1980s, the church was given back to the local religious community, and the museum was transferred to another temporary location. Today “Pysanka” has the wonderful premises, which was erected in 90 days by architect Igor Shuman and opened its doors to visitors on September 23, 2000. Exhibitions of Museum “Pysanka” is absolutely unlike any typical museum. Exhibitions direct their visitors from ancient symbolism of the drawings on Easter eggs (“fish”, for example, is a symbol of life and an early Christian symbol of Jesus Christ) to the process of Easter egg creation (see page 50) and restoration. On display, visitors can see numerous examples of Easter eggs from the various regions of Ukraine from the end of the 19th century to modern day, as well as a collection of painted eggs from different counLVIV TODAY | April 2013

tries of the world – for example a porcelain egg from France, ritual wedding eggs from Algeria, onyx eggs from Egypt, Easter eggs from Poland, Canada, the Czech Republic, Pakistan, USA, and Chinese eggs made of cloisonne (enamel). Today, the museum’s collection consists of more than 10,000 eggs and increases annually as museum employees purchase Easter eggs at numerous fairs held in Kolomiya every year before Easter. The museum collection’s highlight is the section with pysankas, signed by famous Ukrainian politicians and cultural workers. Symbols of Pysanka Pysanky symbolize the transformation of life and the basic principles of the universe. Connoisseurs can read symbols of an Easter Egg as easily as we read a book. The symbols are coded notions and ideas like “The road to God”, “Tree of Life”, “Woman’s knees”, “Ram horns”, “Little windows”, “Twisted arm”, “God’s hand” and much more. Each symbol has a great magical power. To protect the family home from bad people/spirits the Pysanka should be filled with the “infinity” symbol. In ancient times it was believed that it was a powerful amulet which kept ‘bad spirits’ away. Eggs with a “rhombus” (a symbol of fertility) were meant to be rolled on the field for the best harvest or buried under a tree, which no longer gave fruit. In olden times, people believed that the Pysanka could also help with love - young girls created pysankas with special symbols - “bunches of grapes” and on the third day of Easter gave them to young men and he understood it as a tacit confession of love and he should invite her to dance in response. In general, the symbols on an egg can be a lot (up to 15 on one small egg) - Christian and pagan: oak leaves - the symbol of thunder Perun and the church (“the road to God”) and the sun sign - the swastika and the fish. The latter in ancient times was considered a sign of health and life. When visiting Ukraine, set aside some time and visit the Easter Egg Museum to enjoy the life giving strength of the pysanka, its unique beauty, and the sybols of wealth and customs bound with it. The Pysanka Museum regularly holds masterclasses, during which one can train in the technique of painting Easter eggs and create one’s own pysanka using wax and dyes. In addition, the souvenir shop offers a wide choice of original handmade Easter eggs. Contacts: Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kolomiya, 43 V. Chornovil Ave. (Museum is situated in the Kolomiya town centre) Tel.: +38 (03433) 2-78-91 www.pysanka.museum Entrance fee: Adults — 10 UAH Excursion rates: Adults and students — 40 UAH Working hours: 10:00-18:00, Closed: Monday

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv art in April Art Atelier Voytovych

To visit please call in advance +38 095 507-71-36 www.artists.com.ua

The LvivArt

21, L.Ukrainka str. Virtual Gallery and Online Store www.UkrainArt.com www.LvivArt.com Tel.: +38-067-476-05-10, 11:00–19:00 / Mon.

Art saloon «Bonton»

3, F. List, str. Tel.: (032)261-59-29 12.00–19:00/ Closed:Sun

Gallery “ICONART”

09.04–21.04 – Exhibition “Sacral” by Igor Zilinko 26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8032) 235 52 95 11:00–19:00 (Tues.–Sat) 12.00–19.00 (Sun) / Mon gallery@iconart.com.ua www.iconart.com.ua

Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe

Till 14.05 – Exhibition “The Search for Home in Postwar Lviv: The Experience of Pidzamche, 1944–1960” Till 19.05 – Exhibition «Sport and the City: People. Society. Ideology» 6, Bohomoltsa str, Tel.: ( 032) 275-17-34, Fax: (0322) 75-13-09 institute@lvivcenter.org www.lvivcenter.org Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00–17:30

Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture

The sculptures by Mykhajlo Dzyndra impress us with their uniqueness. Every sculpture emerges from the mystery of his imagination and is interwoven with his life experience. Every sculpture is most expressive in its countenance, revealing


the variety of human emotions, from amazement to joy and deepest melancholy Lviv-Briukhovychi 16, Muzejna Street. Tel.: (032) 234-66-36, 097 397-54-80 Tuesday through Sunday 11:00–18:00

The “Gerdan” gallery

Lviv art of the 60–80ies exhibition 4, Ruska str. Tel.: (032) 272-50-46 12:00–17:00 /Closed: Sun., Mon.

The “Green Sofa” gallery

09.04–28.04 – “When the grass was higher than us” A solo exhibition Victoria Protsiv. 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 243-70-23 / 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net

Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet Olha Shchur

Lubkivskyi 3 Stefanyka, str. Tel.: (032) 272-39-48 / 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Lviv Art Gallery (Pototsky Palace)

During whole April – Exhibition «To you, Ukraine!» presenting treasures of the vanished civilization str.Kopernyka, 15 Tel.: (032) 261-41-45 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.

Lviv Art Palace

During 03.04–07.05 – Exhibition of graphical works by Ukraine’s merited artist Borys Kuzma str. Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working hours 12:00–19:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Lviv National Museum

35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 10:00–18:00 office@dzyga.lviv.ua www.dzyga.com.ua

During whole April – Exhibition «Icon-painting on textile of XVII – beginning of XVIII centuries» and presentation of restored «Shroud of Christ» of XV century from village Zhyrivka of Lviv region. 20, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 274-22-80 10:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

Gary Bowman’s Art Gallery

The Museum of Ethnography and Crafts

The Culture and Art Center “Dzyga”

From 15.04 – Photo-exhibition of creative works by Roman Semen 18, Nalyvayka str. Tel.: +38 095-899-51-74 12.00–19.00 \Closed: Mon. www.gbgallery.org.ua

«Kvartyra (apartment) 35» 35, Virmenska str. («Dzyga», 2nd floor)

The Lviv Art Gallery

During April-May – Exhibition “Johann Georg Pinzel -legend and reality” During whole April – Exhibition of sculptures by Orest Yavorskyi, graphical works by Oleh

From 10.04 – Exhibition of comics by Mikhai Tymoshenko During whole month – Exhibition “French ceramics of XVI-XX centuries” 15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 272-70-20 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00-18:00 /Closed: Mon.

(032) 295-69-68 10:00–19:00 Each Thursday and Saturday – Film screenings. Beginning -18.00 idem.org@gmail.com www.idem.org.ua

The “Pory roku” gallery

From 02.04 – Exhibition of creative works by Zenoviy Flinta 23, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 235-44-65 11:00–16:00/Closed: Sun.

The “Ravlyk” gallery

15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 243-35-99 www.ravlyk-art.com.ua / salon@ ravlyk-art.com.ua /

The “Slyvka” art gallery

During 10.04–24.04 – personal exhibition of Lyubomyr Martynyuk During 25.04–18.05 – personal exhibition of Sergiy Buzaty 24, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 235-58-28, 067 592-51-03 10:30–19:00 slyvkart@ukr.net www.artslyvka.com

Vernisazh – Open air

market of folk crafts works, souvenirs, gift articles, pictures, ceramics, embroidery works and much more. sq. Nyzkyy Zamok / 11:00–18:00 / Closed:Mon.

The Museum of Ideas Bernarden garden

During whole April photo-exhibition and video-installation by Ceylan Ozturk (Turkey) During whole April exhibitionfair of glass objects by Artglass Dzyndra-studio 18a, Valova str., Tel.: (032) 254-61-55, LVIV TODAY | April 2013

The “Green Sofa” gallery

30.04 – 19.05 Easter exhibition “Travels” by Ulyana Nyshchuk-Borysyak, Olha Kravchenko and Ostap Lozynskyi. 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 243-70-23 / 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv is a pearl in Ukraine’s crown R

ecently, H.E. Pieter Jan Wolthers, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Netherlands to Ukraine, kindly took time out of his busy schedule to give interview to “Lviv Today” and shared some of his impressions about our country as well as gave perspective regarding future of economic relations between Ukraine and Netherlands.

Pieter Jan Wolthers

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine Biography Ambassador: Mr. Pieter Jan Wolthers Age: 64 Posted to Ukraine: 2009 Educated: Law at the University of Amsterdam Previous postings: Moscow, Cameroon, Brussels (NATO delegation), Vienna (negotiator in forces reduction), Netherlands Foreign Ministry (head of arms control department), Poland (deputy head of mission)., Ambassador of Netherlands to Romania Extra-curricular activities: History, heraldry, architecture and geneology


1. Did you visit Ukraine before coming to this country as ambassador? Yes, I did; it was already a long time ago, in 1979. At that time, beginning my diplomatic career, I worked at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Moscow. Together with my wife and our eldest daughter we spent a short holiday in Kyiv during which we, of course, visited Kyiv’s unique monuments, such as the Sophia Cathedral and the Lavra. But I also vividly remember our feeling how different Kyiv was, compared to Moscow. Although since those days, almost 35 years ago, lots of new buildings appeared in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital maintained its character of a pleasantly green city full of architectural gems. 2. An ambassador should know as much as possible about the country he is posted to. What helped you most to learn more about Ukraine? For me, all travels begin with studying the history and the present-day situation of the places to be visited. After such preparation, the actual visit becomes a more rewarding experience. This applies even more when one is moving to another country to live there for a number of years. In addition to learning about Ukraine from books, I had the pleasure of travelling quite a lot within your country, gradually visiting all oblasts, both for business and pleasure. We have been often in Lviv, where we always feel welcome and at home. Our visits across the country enabled me and my wife to see with our own eyes a great variety of landscapes and cities, to visit many interesting places, and to meet Ukrainians of all walks of life: regional and local authorities, business people, the academic community, NGO representatives and many others. We find your country very beautiful, and its people kind and hospitable. In our view, Ukraine has many different attractions to offer to those who come to discover them.

3. What are the most important sectors of economic cooperation between Ukraine and Netherlands? Currently, there are approximately 250 Dutch companies represented in Ukraine. They are mainly active in sectors such as agro-food, horticulture, transport & logistics, construction & infrastructure, water, (renewable) energy, IT, banking and other services. The Netherlands is the 8th EU exporter to Ukraine, with an export of more than 450 mln Euro in the first half of 2012. The main export products are machinery, agricultural and chemical products, as well as consumer goods. Also on the import side, the Netherlands is an important partner for Ukraine, because within the EU the Netherlands equally takes the 8th place as destination for Ukrainian products. They amounted to more than 300 mln Euro in the first half of 2012, with the main import products being steel and iron, agricultural products, and machinery. The Netherlands is often associated with flowers, and rightly so. But I have noted that the Ukrainians love flowers, too. In this context, it is perhaps interesting to know that almost 10% of our export to Ukraine consists of plants, trees, and cut flowers (40 mln Euro). Especially in March, we always notice a peek in trade, thanks to Women’s Day, which appears to become a day for celebrating the arrival of spring. More than half of the Ukrainian export to the Netherlands consists of agricultural products, mostly vegetable oils, oil seeds, and grains. Very promising is investment in energy production, as evidenced by, amongst others, the activities of Royal Dutch Shell in the field of unconventional gas. The 50 year’s Production Sharing Agreement that recently has been concluded is believed to be the biggest contract in Europe for extracting natural gas trapped underground in shale rock. Also in the field of computer hardware and software manufacturing, Dutch-Ukrainian LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv interview co-operation has been growing. Your country is very interesting for Dutch IT companies. Overall, Ukraine’s population is highly educated. In Lviv alone, there exist already 38 institutions for higher education. Many young Ukrainians have finished technical studies, and are eager to start their careers in these fields. Therefore, Dutch companies find it increasingly interesting to outsource to Ukraine. The general conclusion is, in short, that our two countries have a lot to offer each other. 4. Foreign investors show some interest in the development of the tourist infrastructure in Western Ukraine. Do you happen to know whether any investors from Netherlands show interest in this region? One of the biggest Dutch investment projects starting in Lviv is that of Multi Development: a construction project called ‘Forum Lviv’, located in the northern part of the city centre, just a short distance away from the city’s main square and famous Opera House. The project envisages the creation of 36,000 m² of modern retail and leisure space and will consist of a twostory shopping centre topped by a level containing a cinema, leisure facilities and restaurants overlooking the city. ‘Forum Lviv’ will also have a parking garage for 620 vehicles to serve the project and the city centre. Multi Development accepted the challenge to create something unique

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

by bringing a mix of new retail formats to the city, while carefully fitting the project into the historical 19th century fabric of the surrounding district. Its concept is based on a design style that focuses on using traditional materials like brick and natural stone, found in Lviv’s historical architecture, but applied in a modern way. Furthermore, the project will have an elevated platform structure in front, providing an iconic function. In addition, Dutch investors and suppliers have already shown interest in co-operating with the organizers and host cities of the European Basketball Championship, EuroBasket 2015. 5. In your opinion, how could economic relations between the two countries – Ukraine and Netherlands – be strengthened? Although the economic relations between Ukraine and the Netherlands are traditionally strong, there is, to my mind, certainly room for strengthening them even further. Much will depend on the determination and speed with which the Ukrainian authorities would implement the reforms that are necessary for moving Ukraine closer to Europe. Decisive steps in that direction would pave the way for new investments coming in from the Netherlands and other EU Member States. Here also lies the importance of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area

(DCFTA), which the EU has offered to and negotiated with Ukraine. I am deeply convinced that this DCFTA will give a powerful impulse to the further development of our trade and investment relations, to mutual benefit. Currently, companies operating in Ukraine are often still being prevented from deploying their full potential. For this unfortunate situation they usually refer to market conditions characterized by lack of transparency and unfair competition, legal insecurity, limited access to financing, unnecessary bureaucracy and related corruption. As is customary for Embassies and Consulates, also the Netherlands’ diplomatic and consular representations in Ukraine try to support the Dutch entrepreneurs who are active, or wishing to become active, in your country. When certain bottlenecks arise, it is our positive experience that the Ukrainian authorities are willing to try and resolve individual cases. But I am sure that both the international and the Ukrainian business communities are looking for – and, indeed, are expecting – more structural reforms that would improve the business climate in Ukraine and bring it in line with European and international standards, to the benefit of producers and consumers alike. 6. What would you recommend to take the Lviv city authorities to attract investors from the Netherlands?


Lviv interview In the Netherlands, we have the saying “Unknown makes unloved”. Investors who consider to expand their activities into new markets and who are weighing various options, might not immediately be focussing on Ukraine, or Lviv for that matter. However, they should be made aware that both the city of Lviv and the region have many important advantages. To name but a few: a strategic location, close to the EU border, on a centuries old trade route connecting East and West; a relatively strong infrastructure with good connections; a young, welleducated and motivated workforce with different language skills; and, in general, a pleasant atmosphere that is open to foreigners. Dutch people coming for the first time to Ukraine are often positively surprised, as they find your country, and Lviv in particular, to be much more ‘European’ than they initially had thought. Nowadays, in the sphere of businesses, we see companies re-locating activities from the Far East to Ukraine, citing as arguments that the ‘cultural’ differences between the Netherlands and Ukraine are less, and that the time difference between the two countries is only one hour. I believe that such developments could be encouraged and accelerated by a focussed publicity campaign, emphasizing Lviv’s competitive advantages for trade and investments. It is worth noting that, in September 2011, the Netherland Embassy organized a multisectoral trade mission to Lviv, during which visits were paid to companies and institutions in order to get acquainted with potential business partners in the region. The Dutch companies were impressed by the wide range of opportunities in the city and the region: from forming joint ventures, via outsourcing of production and services (including banking services), to trading in high-quality consumer goods. Therefore, the Embassy is looking into possibilities for repeating such a mission. 7. Are you interested in the cultural exchange between the Netherlands and Ukraine? And which subjects do you personally prefer – music, theatre, visual arts, etc.? My personal interest lies at the crossroads between history and arts. Acquiring a deeper insight in our cultural heritage greatly contributes to a better understanding of not only our past but also of current events. Essentially, cultural exchanges strengthen the awareness that we are bound together by many aspects which find their origin in a shared past. At the same time, the reciprocal presentation of new approaches in the arts can stimulate people’s creativity in mapping out a joint future. Facilitating cultural exchanges between our two countries is, therefore, an important component in the tasks of my Embassy. I can proudly say that Dutch culture, in all its diversity, is already very much present in Ukraine, notably in bigger cities such as Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv and Donetsk. Activities un-


dertaken with the Embassy’s involvement included such diverse projects as classical and jazz concerts, World Press Photo exhibitions, and film festivals (Dutch art house films and documentaries do particularly well in Ukraine, finding their way to international festivals). In addition, there is continued co-operation between Dutch and Ukrainian museums, which was initially established in the framework of the Matra Museum Project. Mr Zenoviy Mazuryk from the Association of Museums and Galleries of the Carpathian region took an active part in this project. The Embassy is increasingly trying to add a social component to its cultural projects. For instance, in January this year, the Embassy, together with Dutch companies active in Ukraine, helped to bring the very special Jostiband Orchestra to Kyiv. This Orchestra is special, because its musicians are mentally handicapped people. The Jostiband’s performance, aimed at raising awareness with the Ukrainian authorities and the people at large about the challenges encountered by families with Down Syndrome children, also touched an emotional chord. In particular, the concert of the Jostiband in Kyiv’s Zhovtnevyi Palace, broadcasted nation-wide by First National TV, produced much positive feed-back from all over Ukraine. 8. Is our city attractive to the visitors from the Netherlands, as a tourist destination? There is no doubt that the city Lviv is a pearl in Ukraine’s crown. Traditionally already a very attractive destination, but mostly for connoisseurs, the city has succeeded in gradually spreading its fame more widely, thus attracting now each year many thousands of tourists from everywhere, including from the Netherlands. Lviv’s abundance of beautiful façades testifies of a rich history, which can more profoundly be explored in the collections of the many interesting museums and palaces; moreover, Lviv is exceptionally rich in churches, their many different denominations underlining the city’s multi-cultural character; and for those who seek a rest after a discovery walk through medieval little bending streets or a leisurely stroll along Lviv’s tree-lined boulevard, a typically central European ‘Kaffeehaus’ is waiting with chocolate specialities in a cosy and relaxing atmosphere. And, of course, an evening in the Opera, that splendid landmark building, or in the Philharmonic should best be concluded by sampling the delights of the Ukrainian cuisine in one of the many restaurants. For tourists, the only challenge is how to choose from such an array of different options! 9. Would you like to write a book about work as ambassador to Ukraine? At this moment, I have no concrete ideas in this direction, but for instance the subject of independent Ukraine’s endeavours in the field of transition and European integration,

and the challenges the country is trying to cope with on this path, certainly merits profound analysis. 10. As it came to our knowledge, on April 20th Lvivites will be treated with a special cultural delight in connection with Koninginnedag (“Queen’s Day”), a national holiday in Netherlands; could you please tell us more about it? First of all, let me explain that Queen’s Day – or Koninginnedag, as we call it – is a national holiday in the Netherlands that we celebrate since 1949 on April 30th. Increasingly, this day has become an occasion for the meanwhile famous ‘Orange Craze’: in many places you’ll see orange banners, orange coloured foods and drinks, and people dressed in orange having a good time. The colour refers to the name of our royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau. However, 2013 will not see a traditional Koninginnedag celebration, because this year on April 30th, the Netherlands will mark an important event: Queen Beatrix having announced her intention to abdicate, April 30th will be the day of the Investiture of her eldest son, Prince Willem-Alexander as King. The ceremony will take place in Amsterdam, in the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) on Dam Square, next to the Royal Palace. In the evening, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will take a boat tour through the world-famous canals of Amsterdam, together with their children, the Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia en Ariane. I am sure that the Dutch are all looking forward to an exciting day! By the way, as a consequence of this constitutional development, Queen’s Day will henceforth be replaced by King’s Day. In principle, as of 2014, the new national holiday will be celebrated on the actual birthday of King WillemAlexander, being April 27th. In Lviv, the coming Investiture of King Willem-Alexander will be marked by a festive concert at the Lviv Philharmonic: a few days earlier, on April 20th, the INSO Orchestra will treat its audience with an interesting repertoire, consisting of Béla Bartok, Leoš Janáček and Georges Enescu, to be performed under the baton of the well-known Dutch guest conductor Raymond Janssen. The concert will be complemented by a photo exhibition in the Foyer of the Philharmonic, devoted to the Royal Family and its history, given the fact that it is now 200 years ago that King Willem I became our first Sovereign. The concert will be followed by a reception for invited guests. Furthermore, at the end of April or beginning of May, Lviv’s cinema lovers will have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with modern Dutch cinematography during a Film festival called “Flyin’ Dutch” (later also to be held in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa). My wife and I are looking forward to our April visit in Lviv, which will combine the enjoyment of a very special musical delight in Ukraine’s ‘cultural capital’ with that of meeting again many good friends and acquaintances from Lviv and beyond! LVIV TODAY | April 2013


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RESTAURANTS & NIGHTLIFE Restaurants Alpaca Cuisine: Latin American. 10, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 272-50-41 Hours: from 11:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Visa Card. Andersen 39, Rudnytskogo str. Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 237-38-79 Aragvi 161, I. Franka str. Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 295-14-31 Amadeus 7, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-80-22 Hours: 11:00–23:00 A welcoming and elegant dining out venue. Bukhara 6, Furmanska str., Tel.: (032) 244-42-25 Catch a glimpse of the mystical pearl of Central Asia in the eastern ­flavoured dining option. Brudershaft 16, Virmenska str. Hours: 10.00–23.00 Tel.: (032) 235-42-43 Cafe 1 Cuisine: continental, French, Italian 5, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-33-69 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Visa Card. Dynamo Blues 4, Stusa str. Hours: 12:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 275-01-89 Diva Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 5, Dudaeva str. Tel.: (032) 261-16-71 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: polish./ukr.


Dim Legend (House of Legends) 48, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: 050 430-29-24 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Darwin Cuisine: Сontinental, Fusion 6, Shevska str., 5th fl., Tel.:(032) 294-82-05 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Europe Cuisine: continental 14, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 261-19-71 Hours: 12:00—24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., Hours: 12:00–15:00 30 uah

Fashion club Cuisine: Сontinental 1, Pidkovy sqr. Tel.: (032) 272-88-91 Breakfast hours: 08:30–11:30 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., 12:30–15:00 Disco: from 23:00. Hours: 24 hours. Visa Card. Festival-club Left bank 28, Svobody avn. (Opera and ballet Theatre, underground.) Tel.: (032) 272-28-63 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Cuisine: celebrities best recipes and dishes. Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi. Club, functioning as constant daily international Modern At festival featuring expositions of paintings, live concerts, culinary evenings, creative

meetings, providing unique chance to become artist by trying to be musician or painter. Filizhanka Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 3, Sichovykh Striltsiv (entrance from Kryva Lypa square) Tel.: (032) 272-05-11 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr.

Improvisation restaurant Hrushevsky cinema jazz 28, Shevchenko Avenue Tel.: (098) 676-46-00 Hours: 9:00–2:00 Menu: eng./ukr. Free Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro Cuisine: continental, national A new restaurant in the 100-years-old cinema hall with large screen. Film shows like in real cinema hall, live music, photo, painting exhibitions, presentations, parties. Banquets and weddings for 150 persons in the Lviv city heart. Delicious food and good wine. And chef who will chat with you with big pleasure! Grand Hotel Restaurant Cuisine: Сontinental 13, Svobody Avenue Tel.: (032) 272-40-95 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri. /50-80 uah/ Menu: engl./ukr./rus., Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Wonderful cuisine and immaculate service right in the centre of town in one of Lviv’s best­loved dining out venues.

Halytcian-Jewish cafe Under Golden Rose 2, Staroyevreiska str. (near old Synagogue) Tel.: (032) 236-75-53 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr., Wi-Fi. Cuisine: Halytcian/Jewish The ONLY restaurant in Ukraine with NO prices in menu – You should bargain over bill, to come to reasonable solutions.

Kryjivka 14, Rynok sqr. Tel.: (032) 254-61-18 Hours: 24 hours Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card.

Kult Cuisine: Continental, Ukrainian 7, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 242-22-42 Hours: 12:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. One of the hippest locations in town - biggest live music club, must-visit for music loving guests of Lviv. Marvel at the diverse range of traditional Ukrainian and exquisite European cuisine favourites as you enjoy live music performances! Taste Music Delights! Kupol 37, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-54 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Visa Card. One of Lviv’s most stylish and sophisticated dining out options, Kupol has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur.

Lion’s castle Park 7, Hlinky str., Lviv Tel.: 8 032 297–15–63 Hours: 7:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. WiFi. Visa Card. www.lioncastlehotel. com Most Expensive Galician Restaurant Lviv centre, 14, Rynok square, (second floor) Tel.: 050 430-87-83 Hours: 11:00–02 :00 Cuisine: European Menu: ukr./engl. Wi–Fi, Visa Card. The most “Expensive Galician Restaurant” is located in the heart of Lviv on Rynok square in the same building as famous “Kryjivka” but on the second floor. Thrill starts directly when guest enters the premiseeveryone has chance to find out secrets of Masons brotherhood with all signs and symbols.

Museum-restaurant Gasova Lampa Cuisine: Ukrainian/ European 20, Virmenska str, Tel.: (032) 236-75-50 Hours:. 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Special attractions of the venue are great collection of kerosene lamps all over the world, best ‘alive” beer from huge wooden barrels, alchemist’s fiery secret liquveurs and multi-confessional terrace under Lviv roofs.

Masoch Cafe 7, Serbs’ka str. Tel.: (032) 272-18-72 Hours: 11:00—01:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Cuisine: international menu including a wide range of aphrodisiacs. Refined cuisine with slight touch of sin side by side with the first monument to the famous European writer, Lvivite Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

La Piazza Place, where whole city meets. 27, Svobody avn. TM “Opera Passage”, 4th floor. Cuisine: Italian. Tel.: (032) 295-88-14/15 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro. The only original Italian restaurant with best selection of pizzas, pastas and salads in the city. Celentano 11, Saksaganskogo str. Hours: 11:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-34-76 Panorama Cuisine: Mediterranean 45, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 225-90-09 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./pol./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Sample unrivalled views of the picturesque downtown Lviv skyline as you dine in style at this high-level restaurant.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Restaurants

Prague Cuisine: Continental, Czech 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The whole interior of the restaurant is a synonym for exclusivity. The venue boasts an Art Nouveau interior complete with samples of postcards and posters painted by the Czech artisrt Alphonse Mucha. Pafos 5, Pylnykarska str. Tel.: ( 032) 297-08-23 Hours: 11:00—23:00 Enjoy fine examples of Cypriot cuisine in this European eatery.

Sim porosyat (Seven piglets) 9, Bandery str., Lviv Hours: 10:00 – last customer Tel.: (032) 297-55-58

Split Cuisine: Сontinental, Japanese 6/7, Mitskevicha sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-22-00 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: engl./ukr./rus. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The restaurant of the extensive Club Split Lviv complex is a comfortable and cozy establishment situated in the central part of Lviv. It offers a great choice of dishes, live music, and luxurious interior.

Three roads 18a, Lvivska str., Lviv-Brukhovychi Hours: 10:00–22:00

Stary Tiflis Cuisine: Oriental, European 28, Pekarska str., Lviv Тel.: (032)276-61-11 Hours: 11:00–23:00

Shakespeare Cuisine: continental. 144, Lubinska str., Tel.: (032) 295-5-295 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Breakfast: from 08:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The spirit of merry old England is alive and well in Lviv, as this tasteful tribute to the great British bard demonstrates.

Trapezna (Refectory) of “Museum of ideas” Cuisine: Traditional monastery food in Galicia. 18A, Valova str., Lviv Frate Mykhaylo: 097 421-76-84 Frate Yaroslav: 097 226-28-85 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr No smoking Located in the basement cellar of former Bernarden monastery venue ofers authentic atmosphere of medieval monastery refectory flled with chamber and spiritual music. Club of gastronomic ideas.

Public Pub Cuisine: continental. 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 235-70-62 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Svitlytsya Leva Inside Hotel Leopolis. Cuisine: continental. 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: 8 032 295-95-15 Hours: 07:00—23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Noted for its extensive wine list and selection of regional delicacies.

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Viennese Coffee House Cuisine: Сontinental 12, Svobody avn, Tel.: (032) 235-87-21 Hours: 09:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Quite simply a Lviv

classic. This venue actually dates back to 1829 and is the oldest still functioning in the city. You will feel equally at home enjoying delicious pastires and coffee or a hearty meal. Billiards also on offer. The Grill Cuisine: European, steak specialties 22, Teatralna str. Тel.: (032) 235-49-91 Hours: 11:00–23:00 www.thegrill.com.ua

Pizza FELICHITA Cuisine: Italian 1, Mickiewicza sqr., (George Hotel) Tel.: 067 361-28-28 Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card,Maestro. Specialties of the venue: delicious pizza, gourmet pasta and exquisite wine.

Cazanova restaurant-club is successful combination of delicious restaurant with outside terrace at day time and stylish strip club with spectacular erotic shows at night beginning at 23:00. 7, Stavropihiys’ka str., Lviv (032) 236-75-74 / (067) 287-68-05 Open 11:00–06:00. Live music 20.00–23.00, Show Bar, Wi-Fi Zone, Hookah lounge, Wide choice of cocktails, Extensive beer selection

SUSHI BARS Sakura 6, Kryva Lypa lane. Open 24 hours Tel.: (098) 526-11-07 Sushi Kappo-in 8, Levytskogo str. Hours: 10:30–22:30 Tel.: (032) 245-31-09 Yapona hata 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 297-51-17 29, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 261-60-31 Open 24 hours

Yapi Cuisine: Japanese 6/8, Svobody ave. Tel.: 8 032 272-29-72 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Japanese cuisine restaurant “Yapi” – is an island of modern Japanese culture in old Lviv. Esthetic delights, interesting dishes and energetic personel guaranteed. Visa Card.


Lviv Restaurants Pubs and Bars

Dublin 5, Kryva Lypa lane, Tel.: (032) 272-88-74 12:00–24:00 Thur., Fri., Sat – till 02:00 Business lunch: Mon.– Fri., Hours: 12:00–14:00 /35 UAH/ Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. A democratic but international quality venue providing a wide selection of beers and whiskeys. Korzo Pub 10, Brativ Rogatyntsiv str. Tel.: (032) 275-70-92 Hours: 12:00–24:00 A friendly and welcoming old style pub atmosphere with all the hospitality you would expect to find in the west Ukrainian capital.

Kumpel’ Cuisine: Galician Mytna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-17-80 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: ukr./engl./pol. Visa Card. Specialties of the restaurant: “Alive” beer of three brands, brewed in own brewery, placed directly in the restaurant. Mons Pius: Beer & Meat 14, L. Ukrainka str., (Armenian yard), Lviv Tel.: (032) 235-60-60 097 64-54-952 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card Pub ”Mons Pius” ofers fresh ’alive” beer ”Mons Pius”, delicious charcoal grilled steakes, additionally to watching sports


events on big TV in friendly atmosphere.

K'Kawa 5, Valova str. Тel: (098) 389-73-34 Hours: 8:30–22:00

14, Zelena Str. Tel.: +380673702022 Hours: 24 hours Menu: Ukr./Eng. Wi-Fi Wide cocktails and meals selection, good music and parties every day of the week.

Porohova Vezha (Gunpowder Tower) 4, Pidvalna str. Тel.: (097) 9000-376 Hours: 10:00–23:00

Piano bar 13, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 272-76-65 Hours: 24 hours. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Perfect coffee, desserts and relaxation are on the menu here in this musically inspired option. Prague 8, Gnatuyka str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. More then 15 different brands of bottled and draught beer on offer. A popular Lviv sports bar. Robert Doms 18, Kleparivska str., Tel.: (032) 242-25-94, 242-25-93 www.robertdoms.lviv.ua Cavernous basement cellar pub which was formerly part of Lviv’s celebrated brewery is today presenting best selection of jazz, pop and classical music compositions in excellent performance of talented artists. Not to be missed! Stargorod Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 1, Rymlyanyna str., Tel.: (032) 229-55-05 Hours: 24 hours open Menu: engl./ukr.

Cafes Strudel-Haus 6/10, Shevska str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 294-82-06 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Galka 4, Kovzhuna str. Tel.: (032) 297-81-04 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Fresca 9, Krakivska str. Tel.: (032) 272-49-85 Hours: 10:00–23:00

Kabinet Cuisine: ukrainian. 12, Vynnychenka str. Tel.: (032) 261-48-84 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Leopolis Coffee Inn 9, Kryva Lypa lane Tel.: (050) 370-23-18 Hours: 08:00–23:00 Wi-Fi. Visa Card. Lviv chocolate workshop 3, Serbs’ka str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (050) 430 60 33 CK Lokal 19, Valova str. Hours: 8:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 236-70-80 Prague 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-fi, Visa Card. Non smoking. A refined design, sweet-scented coffee and a comfortable atmosphere.

Videnski Bulochky Bäckerei 3, Katedralna sqr., Lviv Tel.:(032) 235-88-22 Hours: 08:00—23:00 WiFi, Visa Card. No smoking. Business lunches: Mon.–fri., 12:00–16:00 The only bäckerei in the city of Lviv. You can order bread, baguets and other pastry backed fresh specially for you! Pid Synej Plashkoju 4, Rus’ka str. Tel.: (032) 294-91-52 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Pod Klepsidroj 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Page Coffee House 23, Shevchenko avn.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Restaurants Tel.: (032) 272-68-40 Hours: 09:00–20:00 Royal yard (Italian mansion) 6. Rynok sqr. Hours: 10:00–20:00 Tel.: (032) 297-53-66 Stari Mury 5, Serbs’ka str. Tel.(032) 236-71-77 Hours: 09:00–22:00 Tsukernya (Confectionary) 3, Staroyevreyska, str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 235-69-49 Veronika 21, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 297-81-28 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Svit Kavy 6, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-56-75 Monday–Friday: 08:00–22:00 Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–23:00 Menu: ukr./engl./germ. Zoloty dukat 20, Fedorova str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 298-62-33

Pizzerias/ Fast Food McDonalds 7, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 297-14-66, (032) 297-14-56 24a, V. Velykogo str., Tel.: (032) 297-68-74, (032) 297-68-75 12, Chornovola str., Tel.: (032) 297-04-84, (032) 297-04-14 35, Svobody avn., Tel.: (032) 272-66-31, (032) 272-66-31 Pizza Celentano Popular pizza chain which prides itself on its fresh products and efficient service. Pizza, pasta, crepes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and real coffee are some of the delights on offer. 9, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-32-39 7, Kn. Romana str. Tel.: (032) 272-59-42 24, Svoboda avn. Tel.: (032) 255-06-84 16, Slovatskogo str. Tel.: (032) 274-46-57 Potato House 27, Doroshenka str.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Tel.: (032) 255-08-84 Hang-out restaurant where under the supervision of the white-stone statue of Grammy Conchita you can enjoy dishes of tex-mex cuisine.

Nightclubs Chocolate party bar 2, Petrushevycha sqr. Tel.: (032) 225-54-45, (067) 670-08-67 www.partybar.com.ua Open: 18:00–6:00 House, R’n’B, POP, Lounge. Face control in operation. Ideal place for relaxation, exquisite dinner, romantic date, business meeting, party mingle, corporate celebrations and children entertainment holidays. Fenomen 186, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 270-55-58 Picasso 88, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 275-32-72 Hours: from 22:00 Closed: Tuesday. www.picasso.lviv.ua Legendary nightspot with a pedigree stretching back to the 1990s. A favourite with the student crowd and Lviv’s party people. Rafinad People 1, Rudanskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261 61 68 Millennium 2, Chornovola avn. Tel.: (032) 240-35-91 www.favorite-club.com Hours: from 21:00 Cloused: Monday.

International Youth Entertainment Club Metro 14, Zelena, str. Discover the night Lviv together with Metro. Safe leisure. Music to your taste (hits of the world hit parades, R’n’B, hip hop, electronic music). Professionally mixed cocktails and traditional Ukrainian

beverages. Topless show, bartender flyer show, travesty show. Hours: 21:00–6:00 Tel.: 0 800 30-40-800 067 670-42-43 www.metroclub.com.ua MI100 Entertainment center 7, Naukova str. Tel.: (032) 22-44-753 www.mi100.lviv.ua 1.Strip club «Plush Rhinoceros» Two stages, more than 30 dancers, full strip on stage, man strip. Monday–Sunday, from 21:00 2. Bowling 8 lanes, Monday–Sunday, from 10:00 3. Gastronomic Pub European/іtalian cuisine, live music, sport events, Wi-Fi. Monday–Sunday, 4. Karaoke Bar Concert sound system, 80 000 phonograms collection. Monday– Sunday, from 21:00

SAN’KOFF 36, Shchyrets’ka str. Tel.: 097-00-675-00 096-222-60-60 Hours: 19:00–6:00 Spectacular 340m2 spacious dance floor Night club Restaurant Whisky Pub Summer terrace www.sankoff.com.ua Zanzibar 36, Lypyns’kogo str. Tel.: (067) 255-66-57 www.zanzibar.com.ua Monday–Thursday. Sunday from 22:00. Friday, Saturday from 23:00. House, Electro, Minimal, R n’ B, Trance.

PLAY Bar 6, Kryva Lypa Lane Tel.: (032) 272-25-01 (096) 367-60-26 Sun–Thur:11:00–01:00 Fri–Sat:11:00–03:00 Lounge Bar, Restaurant, Cocktail & Party Club


Lviv Opinion

Easter Bunnies

or Baskets


or those of us foreigners that find ourselves for the first time in the beautiful city of Lviv over Easter, it’s doubtful the season will remind us of home. There’ll be no Easter Bunny hopping around the mall or delivering baskets of chocolates to children. No Easter egg hunt where kids search the house and garden for their mysteriously-disappeared coloured eggs. But you’ll still find eggs to be an important part of the season. The painting of Easter Eggs, known here as pysanky, is a real art form in Ukraine. Indeed, it’s probably the single most identifiable piece of Ukrainian culture outside Ukraine. Just be careful if you say that these eggs are painted. Unlike the simple roll-in-dye method we see children do back home, pysanky are fashioned through a complicated process of drawing on the egg with beeswax in your desired design and then rolling it in dye. However, as dark dye covers light dye, you must first cover all the areas of the egg in beeswax that you want in the lightest colour before dying. Then reapply beeswax for design of second-lightest colour, roll-in-dye. Reapply, dye. This takes much patience and forethought. It’s kind of like chess, except


it’s for the even more patient and artistically inclined. The wax is applied to the egg from a special device that is sort of like a pen for wax, which is why it is named for ‘pysaty’, the Ukrainian word for ‘to write’ (and why they write, not paint pysanky). Just like home, you’ll find food to be an important part of Easter in Ukraine. Most important is the paska, or Easter bread. These are large, light breads featuring intricate designs like crosses, emblems, flowers or animals baked on top. Each family has its own special recipe and can be quite competitive regarding how light and tasty it is. In fact, I’ve heard stories that friends and neighbours are unwelcome during its cooking because they might cause the bread to become hardened. But the real competition is derived from the family’s Easter basket. This is nothing like our Western baskets that feature chocolate bunnies and pastel-coloured jelly beans. The Ukrainian basket, wrapped in a newly embroidered serviette, contains a sampling of all the foods the family will eat on Easter and is highlighted by the pysanky and paska. It’s said the mistress of the house is judged on its contents and presentation,

so families often add accoutrements like colourful ribbons or fresh spring flowers. And it’s no secret why; it’s because they are taken to public church services for blessings. Think pie-baking fundraiser at your child’s school – do you want yours to be the worst? Holy Week in Ukraine still holds much significance and for those unable to celebrate with a Ukrainian family, Easter services offer a truly outstanding cultural experience. Services begin on Willow Sunday (like Palm Sunday, but Ukraine is short on palm trees). The week is spent preparing for the Easter meal, writing pysanky, and attending services. The Thursday service focuses on the Passion story of Christ. The Saturday service is when Easter baskets are blessed and the Sunday service celebrates Christ’s resurrection. This service can start early in the morning, even before the sun comes up. When churchgoers leave the sun has risen, representing Christ’s resurrection. There are also services on Monday and Tuesday. Be sure to take care if you attend the Monday service. While back home we enjoy a day off work, local tradition means you may see young boys chasing young girls to douse them in water on what is known as Wet Monday. Legend has it that soaking the young women helps keep them healthy and beautiful all year. Often it’s an opportunity for young men to showcase their attraction to a particular woman. In fact, an unvisited woman may even feel offended. So if you’re a foreign woman in Lviv on May 6th, be sure to be prepared. As one local warned me, if you’re driving on Wet Monday, “keep your windows up.” Whether it’s chocolate or paska; writing eggs or hiding them; Easter bunnies or Easter baskets; running to church or away from affectionate boys, remember that Easter is a time to celebrate wherever you are. So while in Lviv be sure to check out the services, spend time with the locals, and trade in your ‘Happy Easter’ for ‘Hrystos Voskres’ (Christ has risen). Just be sure to reply with ‘Voyistynu Voskres’ (He has risen indeed). LM Reaney

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


ГРАФІК КОНЦЕРТІВ 5 квітня 6 квітня 12 квітня 13 квітня 19 квітня 20 квітня 26 квітня 27 квітня

21:00 — BUBBLEHEAD 20:00 — ЮРАННА 21:00 — BAND.iT 20:00 — BLUES BAND 20:00 — квартет ІНСО-ЛЬВІВ 21:00 — COVER JAM 20:00 — ЮРАННА 21:00 — Koffei.IN

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

З початку березня відвідувачі закладу отримали можливість потрапити на концерт улюблених виконавців та обрати музику на свій смак. Адже вечір своєї п’ятниці чи суботи можна було провести в супроводі відомих італійських та інших зарубіжних хітів, класичної інструментальної музики, рок-н-ролу чи справжнього українського року. Чудовий настрій допомогли створити гурти ЮРАННА, BAND.IT, DRESS CODE, струнний квартет симфонічного оркестру «ІНСО-ЛЬВІВ» та хлопці з неймовірною закарпатською енергетикою ROCK-H. Дякуємо гостям ресторану за позитивну атмосферу та запрошуємо на наступні концерти!

пр. Свободи, 27 Львів

Opera Passage

ВХІД ВІЛЬНИЙ! www.lapiazza.com.ua 31





On March 11th 2013, the visa centre for the Republic of Italy was opened in Lviv. The event was organised by Visa Management Service Ukraine (VMS), the only organisation authorised by the Italian consulate in Kyiv. “This center is the next significant step toward the realization of the policy of maximizing efficient service for visa applicants through the opening of VMS branches in different Ukrainian regions. Lviv is well known for its grand history and traditionally close ties with Italy. From this standpoint, Lviv is seen as the most successful and prestigious city for the beginning of this trend, which is focused on meeting the needs of Ukrainian citizens,” said Gennaro Bertoli, General Director of Visa Management Service Ukraine Ltd. Address: 26 Sheptytskykh St., Lviv. Tel.: +38(032)253-21-18. Working hours: Reception of documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–16.00 (without break). Supply of the Documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–17.00 (without break and preliminary registration)

Візовий центр Італійської Республіки був відкритий у Львові 11 березня 2013 р. Захід був організований фірмою Visa Management Service Ukraine (VMS), єдиною організацією, уповноваженою італійським консульством у Києві. «Відкриття цього центру є наступним важливим кроком на шляху реалізації політики максимально ефективного надання візових послуг через відкриття філій VMS в українських регіонах. Львів добре відомий своєю історією традиційно тісних зв’язків з Італією. З огляду на це ми вважаємо Львів найперспективнішим і престижним містом для початку нашої діяльності, спрямованої на задоволення потреб українських громадян», сказав Дженнаро Бертолі, генеральний директор ТОВ Visa Management Service Ukraine. Такі ж візові центри були відкриті 18 березня в Донецьку і 25 березня – у Одесі. Адреса візового центру: вул. Шептицьких, 26. Тел.: +38 (032) 253-21-18. Робочий час: Прийом документів: понеділок-п’ятниця – 09.00–16.00 (без перерви). Видача документів: понеділок-п’ятниця – 09.00–17.00 (без перерви та попередньої реєстрації)


LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Society

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Belgian dramatist, novelist and fiction writer Cherif Mbaw ( R) presenting concert “Music of the world”

FRENCH SPRING 2013 Traditionally each spring, Lviv hosts a colorful and eventful “French Spring” festival, the event is organized by the French cultural centre “Alliance française”. This year “French Spring 2013” offered numerous cultural delights including exhibitions of graphical works and French ceramics from the XVII-XX centuries, theatre performances, film screenings, jazz and classical music masterpieces concerts and much more. Among the event’s highlights were performances of the plays “Oscar and the Lady in Pink”, “Partners in Crime” and “Enigma Variations” by EricEmmanuel Schmitt – a Belgian dramatist, novelist and fiction writer and a creative meeting with the author which was held on April 4th at the Maria Zanovetska Drama Theatre.

ФРАНЦУЗЬКА ВЕСНА 2013 У Львові пройшла традиційно барвиста і насичена «Французька весна 2013» – фестиваль, організований Французьким культурним центром «Альянс Франсез». Цьогорічна «Французька весна» представила безліч культурних заходів, у тому числі виставки графічних робіт і французької кераміки XVII-XX століть, театральні вистави, кінопокази, концерти джазової і класичної музики та багато іншого. Серед найцікавіших подій, безперечно, були вистави за п’єсами «Оскар і дама в рожевому», «Партнери у злочині» і «Загадкові варіації» Еріка-Еммануеля Шмітта – бельгійського драматурга, романіста і письменника-фантаста і творча зустріч з автором, що відбулась 4 квітня у театрі ім. М. Заньковецької. LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv SoCiety

THE QUEEN OF CHARDASH On April 5th, Lviv’s Opera Theatre hosted performance of world known operetta “Silva” which was presented by artists of the Budapest operetta theatre. The event showcased immortal masterpiece of Emmerich (Imre) Kálmán well as acquainted the audience with Hungarian culture. During April 03-09, 2013 artists of Budapest operetta theatre were on tour at Western Ukraine’s cities of Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. The event was brought to life with the support of Consul General of Hungary Mr. Joseph Bacskai.


КОРОЛЕВА ЧАРДАШУ Всесвітньовідома оперета «Сільва» у виконанні будапештських артистів оперети здобуває нових прихильників безсмертної музики Імре Кальмана та угорської культури. Артисти об’їхали з гастролями пів-світу: їм аплодували глядачі Токіо, Риму, Мюнхену та Амстердаму, Зальцбургу, Праги та Москви. І ось з 3 по 9 квітня 2013 року Будапештський театр оперети за сприяння Генерального консула Республіки Угорщина пана Йожефа Бачкаі проводить гастролі у містах Західної України – в Ужгороді, у Львові, в Івано-Франківську та у Чернівцях.

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Society

INTERNATIONAL DANCE COMPETITION On April 6–7th 2013, Lviv’s Sports Complex “Gratsya”, hosted XXVI international sports dance competition “Silver Edelweiss-2013”. Children and adult dancers from Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and of course, Ukraine participated in the competition. In total, over 600 dancers aged 7–27 took part in the event. Participants of the event presented spectacular programs of sports and ballroom dances.

МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ТУРНІР СРІБНИЙ ЕДЕЛЬВЕЙС З 6 по 7 квітня танцівники Польщі, Угорщини, Румунії, Білорусії, Молдови та Словаччини зібралися у Львові, аби прийняти участь у 26-х Міжнародних змаганнях з танцювального спорту “Срібний Едельвейс – 2013”. Дводенний Турнір зі спортивних бальних танців у приміщенні спортивного комплексу “Грація” зібрав близько 600 професіоналів та любителів у віці 7–27 років. Учасники заходу представили свої захоплюючі програми та прийняли участь у відборі учасників до вищих рейтингових та класифікаційних змагань у латино-американській та стандартній програмах. LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv Society

SACRAL EXHIBIT On March 12th 2013, the Lviv National Museum (20 Svobody Ave.) displayed an exhibition entitled: «Icon-painting on textile of XVII – from the beginning of the XVIII century» and the restored XV century «Shroud of Christ» from the village of Zhyrivka of the Lviv region was also presented to visitors of the exhibit. The exhibition showcases sacral paintings with tempera and oil on silk or canvas, which depict various scenes from the Passion of Christ and the Last Judgment. The highlight of the exhibition was the presentation of the restored XV century «Shroud of Christ», which is the one and only Ukrainian piece of this type of sacral art, and a truly unique example of Ukrainian medieval stitch work.


ВИСТАВКА ІКОНОПИС НА ТКАНИНІ У Львівському національному музеї (пр. Свободи, 20) 12 березня 2013 розпочалася виставка «Іконопис на тканині XVII – початку XVIII століть» і відбулася презентація відновленої «Плащаниці» XV століття з села Жирівка Львівської області. На виставці демонструється сакральний живопис темперою й олією на шовку або полотні, присвячений різним сценам Страстей Христових і Страшного суду. Центром уваги виставки, безсумнівно, стане презентація відновленої «Плащаниці» з XV століття, яка є унікальним зразком українського сакрального мистецтва такого типу і по-справжньому неповторним прикладом української середньовічної вишивки. Vasyl Kosiv, Vice-Mayor for Humanities of Lviv City Council with exhibition curator

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Society

OFF SCHEDULE: Galina Rozhak

LVIV FASHION WEEK Lviv Fashion Week had its 11th season from March 27–31st 2013, attracting countless fashion industry representatives, including fashion experts, buyers, designers’ clients and media representatives, who gathered to enjoy the presentation of Autumn/Winter 2013/2014 Prêt-à-Porter collections by various designer brands including Roksolana Bogutska, Marta Wachholz, v o z i a n o v, Mykytyuk&Yatsentyuk, NOVANA Studio, Komardina Liudmyla, KATERINA YALOVA, Olena Sloboda, Ivanna Yukhymchuk, Chegodaeva&Efremova (Russia), Kamila Gawronska Kasperska (Poland) and others. Debut collections were presented by designers Irina Shuper (Lviv), Elvira Skorych (Lviv), Burchinsky (Kyiv). While the main part of the spectacular event took place at the exhibition centre “Shuvar-Expo” it was the Old Tram Depot which hosted the official commencement of Lviv Fashion Week on March 27th 2013, showcasing collections by young designers, students and graduates of specialized academies and universities in Ukraine as part of the “AVANT GARDE” project. One of the most anticipated events was the fashion show by Roksolana Bogutska, who presented new collection on March 29th at the Mirotel Resort & Spa in Truskavets. During the 15th anniversary celebration of the “Roksolana Bogutska” brand at Gary Bowman’s Art Gallery a retrospective exhibition was presented that featured outfits from previous collections as well as photos of fashion shows from the last few years. Another highlight of the event was the show by designer Zinaida Likhachova, who presented a collaborative project “Autumn is so cute” featuring outfits to the music of Oleh Kiva and the poetry of Pavlo Tychyna. On March 31st 2013, designer Fedir Vozianov, who is known throughout Europe for his experimental style of “aesthetic avant-garde”, closed the fashion holiday. Vozianov, just for LFW, debuted his latest Autumn/ Winter 2013/2014 clothing collection. Along with spectacular catwalk shows, Lviv Fashion Week traditionally hosted special events like their annual charity fashion show, as well as exhibitions of contemporary painting and jewelry.


ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ТИЖДЕНЬ МОДИ Львівський Тиждень моди провів свій 11-й сезон 27–31 березня 2013 року, за участі численних представників індустрії моди, модних експертів, покупців, клієнтів, дизайнерів та представників ЗМІ, які зібралися, щоб оцінити представлені колекціяї pret-a-porter осінь / зима 2013/2014 українських та європейських дизайнерів, серед яких - Роксолана Богуцька, Марта Вахгольц, Возіанов, Микитюк і Яцентюк, Novana Studio, Людмила Комардіна, Катерина Ялова, Олена Слобода, Іванна Юхимчук, Чегодаєва і Єфремова (Росія), Каміла Гавроньска-Касперська (Польща) та інші. Дебютні колекції представили дизайнери Ірина Шупер (Львів), Ельвіра Скорич (Львів), Бурчинський (Київ). Основна частина показів проходила у виставковому центрі «Шувар-Експо». Офіційне ж відкриття Тижня моди у Львові відбулося 27 березня у старому трамвайному депо з демонстраціями колекцій молодих дизайнерів, студентів і випускників спеціалізованих академій та ВНЗ України в рамках проекту «Авангард». Серед найбільш очікуваних подій прийшли показ мод Роксолани Богуцької, яка представила свою нову колекцію 29 березня в трускавецькому Mirotel Resort & Spa. Також в рамках святкування 15-річчя бренду «Роксолана Богуцька» в мистецькій галереї Гері Боумена була представлена ретроспективна виставка моделей одягу з попередніх колекцій, а також фотографії з модних показів останніх років. Іншою цікавою подією стало шоу від дизайнера Зінаїди Ліхачової, яка представила спільний проект «Осінь така мила» у супроводі музики Олега Ківи та поезії Павла Тичини. Закриття цього свята моди відбулось 31 березня показом дизайнера Федора Возіанова, відомого в Європі своїм експериментальними стилем «естетичного авангарду». Спеціально для львівського Тижня моди Возіанов представив свою останню колекцію одягу осінь / зима 2013/2014. Поряд із захоплюючими дефіле, львівський Тиждень моди традиційно проводить такі спеціальні заходи, як благодійний показ мод, а також виставки сучасного живопису і ювелірних виробів. Photos by Evgen Kraws, Ruslan Krut, Igor Fedoriv

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv SoCiety

In AVANT GARDE: V.Volchemis


In AVANT GARDE: Gelena Gajsha



In AVANT GARDE: V.Volchemis

Ivanna Yukhymchuk



LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv SoCiety

Elvira Skorych

Charity show Olena DATS’


Gawronska Kasperska

Marta Wachholz

Marta Wachholz

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv SoCiety

Roksolana Bogutska new autumn/winter collection in Mirotel Resort&Spa


LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Society Fashion designer Roksolana Bogutska presenting retrospective exhibition at Gary Bowman’s Art Gallery

Guests at R.Bogutska retrospective exhibition

Guests at Roksolana Bogutska show in Mirotel Resort&Spa LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Complete English language listings to help visitors and residents alike get more out of life in the capital of West Ukraine.

Useful numbers Emergency numbers Fire department — 101 Police – 102 Emergency medical assistance – 103 Gas control department – 104 Explosive–technical services – (+38 032) 262-21-73 Rescue-diving services – (+38 032) 275-82-13 Municipal services: Information service of Lviv City council – 1580 Lviv water supply network – 1551 Lviv electricity supply network – 1568 Lviv city light network – (+38 032) 270-64-65 Lviv heating and energy public network – 1585 Lviv Municipal Emergency repair company – (+38 032) 275-54-16 Lviv regional control and rescue service – (+38 032) 272-79-56

Officials City Council 1, Rynok sqr., Tel.: +38 (032) 254-60-06 www.city-adm.lviv.ua Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, V.Vynnychenka str., office 118–119 Tel.: +38 (032) 235-64-78 www.mfa.gov.ua

Accounting/Tax J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Airlines Carpatair Ukraine 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-62-66, Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-61-11 lviv@carpatair.com www.carpatair.com Lviv International Airport Tel.: (+38 032) 269-23-16 www.avia.lviv.ua AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 229-80-24 lviv@aerosvit.com www.aerosvit.ua

Austrian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: 0800-3000-49 Hours of opening: Mon.–Fri., Sun. 10:00–18:00 www.austrian.com.ua LOT Polish Airlines 5, Sychovych Striltsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-50-57 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-55 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–17:00 lotlwo@lot.com www.lot.com Lvivski airlines 2nd floor, Lviv Airport Terminal Building Tel.: (+38 032) 242-03-42 pilot@avia.lviv.ua www.avia.lviv.ua

Розташований в мальовничому куточку українських Карпат, поблизу гірськолижного курорту Славське, готель-замок «Вежа Ведмежа» – чудове поєднання відмінного сервісу та середньовічної атмосфери. 26 номерів, ресторан, бар, гриль-бар, мотузковий парк, російська парна, більярд, відкритий басейн info@vv-hotel.com, www.vv-hotel.com, skype: vv-hotel. GPS: N48.80203.E23.44576


Air tickets booking Turkish airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv International airport section 1–2, 2nd floor. Tel.:(+38 032) 297-61-08 4, Mitskevich Square Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-49 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–18:00 www.thy.com UTair aviation Daily flights to Moscow and cities of Russian Federation Flight tickets for all world destinations. 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 229-82-99 (+ 38 032) 295-90-67 050 355 19 60 Ukraine International Airlines 2nd floor, Airport Terminal Tel.: (+38 032) 298-69-77 www.flyuia.com

Appartments for rent Podobovo Tel.: (+38 032) 275-68-89 +38 097 924-10-00 Rent apartments Tel.: (+38 032) 23-86-193 +38 095 67-95-659 Lviv Rent Tel.: +38 067 769-44-18 +38 067 496-20-68 OrendaLviv Tel.: +38 067 67-29-130 Lviv Euro Rent Tel.: (+38 032) 243 47 85 Tel.: (+38 032) 243 48 75

Universal flights Sales Agency Booking and sales of flight tickets for all world destinations 3, Nalyvayka str., Lviv. Tel.: (032) 225-66-25 261-61-90 ufsalwo@gmail.com Mon.–Sat. 9:00–19:00 Sunday 9:00–18:00

Banks Erste Bank 5, Svobodu Avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-46 www.erstebank.ua Privat Bank 11a-21, Hutsulska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-74-15 www.privatbank.ua OJSC Volksbank 11, Grabovskogo str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-05-83 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-13-82 OTP Bank 20, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 300-05-00 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 240-38-48 www.otpbank.com.ua Procredit Bank 5, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-44-60 www.procreditbank.com.ua Raiffeisen Bank Aval 8, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-29-39 www.avalbank.com

VTB Bank 15, Valova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-53-98 www.vtb.com Ukrsib Bank 30, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 500-58-00 www.ukrsibbank.com UkrEximBank 4, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-53 www.eximb.com Ukrsotsbank 10, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-05-01 www.usb.com.ua

Business TOV «KLINGSPOR» 63, Chornovola Ave, 208 Lviv, 79058, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 242-46-32 Fax: (+38 032) 242-46-33 «KLINGSPOR» manufactures industrial quality abrasive goods for woodworking, metalworking, automotive, glass, boats and many other industries

Business centers Business Center Emerald 3, Petrushevicha sqr., Lviv, Tel. +38 067 672 6720 Business centre Lemberg 176, Khmelnitskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 255-10-10 Business Center Optima-Plaza 7B, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-71-30 www.optima-plaza.com.ua

Located in picturesque part of Ukrainian Carpathians, not far from Slavske ski resort, hotel-castel “Vezha Vedmezha”**** is a perfect combination of medieval atmosphere with high level services. 26 rooms, restaurant, bar, grill-bar, rope park, sauna, billiard, open air pool. Lviv region, Skole district, village Volosyanka, boundary Tsotsora. Reception: +38 067 474 4 474, Reservation: +38 097 410 5 310

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


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Car services Alex (Volkswagen group) 357, Gorodotska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-25-07 Diamant (Toyota) 44, Bogdanivska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Khrystyna (BMW) 1, Pjasetskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-19-00 Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes, Jeep, Dodge, Crysler) 8, Washingtona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 251-42-39 Tristar Auto Elit (Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover)

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

KLINGSPOR LLC V.Chornovola av. 63, Office 208 UA-79058 Lviv Tel: +38 032 242 46 32 Fax: +38 032 242 46 33 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua

Fax: +38032 276-18-88, www.proconsult.com.ua office@proconsult.lviv.net

2, Plastova st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 299-88-70

Consultancy J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Courier Services DHL 9, Chernivetska., Tel.: (+38 032) 242-64-00 ACD-Express 2, Vodoginna str, office 206, Tel.: (+38 032) 241-84-80 Autolux 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-65-15 EMS 1, Slovatskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-66-79 FedEx 5A, Naukova str., Lviv

Production Plant: Lviv Region, Sokal District Lvivska Str. 2b UA-80074 Velyki Mosty

Tel.: (+38 032) 298 -16 -05

Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 275-11-15

UPS 205, Horodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 238 -43 -55

ABM-Vitadent 3/1, Slovackogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-71-61

Laundromat Бульбашки/BUBBLES 117, V. Velukogo Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 24-749-24 Hours: Monday–Saturday 9:00–20:00 Free Wifi, Free Herbal Tea, Free detergents and fabric softeners Come visit Ukraine’s only full-service Laundromat. Brand new American equipment. Do your laundry yourself or let our happy workers take care of all your needs. Call for delivery times and prices. Enjoy our clean and comfortable store just minutes outside of downtown Lviv. Bubbles – Clean Clothes, Clean Life!

Dental Care INSPE 42, Mikhnovski brothers str. Tel.: (+38 032) 239-50-20 Medodent 3/2, Bohomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 276-40-79

Usmishka 7, Vagonna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 240-17-51

Dry Cleaners EUROCHISTKA 17, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-03-34 61, I. Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-27-79

Education Albert Einstein International school Albert Einstein International School is a non-profit, High Performing Specialist day & boarding school for primary and secondary education, strongly focused on Mathematics, Sciences, Languages and Music. Accelerated and special needs programs are available. TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GMAT test preparation. Tel.: 063 588-35-73, +31 (0) 6 479-72-998 Hours: 8.00-21.00 info@lvivinternationalschool. org

Embassies/ International bodies Austrian Centre 1, Universytetska str., Office 240 Tel.: (+38 032) 261-59-76 Consulate of Lithuanian Republic 72, Heroyiv UPA str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-14-19 Fax: (+38 032) 298-89-35 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany 6, Vynnychenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-33-24, 275-71-02, 276-28-40 Consulate of Canada in Lviv 2/4, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-17-72 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-81-54 Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-19-06, 297-14-49 Consulate of the Czech Republic 130, Antonovycha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-68-93, 297-68-96



Consulate of the Russian Federation 95, Levytskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-25-25 Tel.: (+38 032) 244-26-24, 275-05-77 French/Alliance 18a, Ohiyenka str. Tél.: (+38 032) 297-08-31 +38 067 340-40-01 Consulate of Brazil 2, Cholovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-11-51 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-77 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus 2, Gorskoj str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 237-27-30 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 299-24-60 Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 57, Chornovola avn., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 240-33-70 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 294-82-23 Consulate Representative office of the Italian Republic 2, Dudaeva str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 261-45-59 Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6, Rapoporta str., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 296-57-67


Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium 14, Ivan Franko street Tel.: (+38 032) 260-20-80 Fax.: + 38 032 260-01-49 Honorary Consulate of Austrian Republic 26, Shevchenko avn., Lviv Post office box 6688 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 261-20-14 oe_konsulat@ukrpost.ua Honorary Consulate of Republic of Hungary 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 264-58-22 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 264-15-23 Honorary consulate of Mexico 15, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-95-95 Consulate of the Republic of Poland 110, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Lviv 9, I. Tobilevycha str., office 2 Теl.: (+38 032) 245-11-80 Fax: (+38 032) 245-11-79 Visa Application Collection Centre of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Neth-

erlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden 1, Brativ Mikhnovskykh str., Submission Timings 08:30hrs–15:30hrs (Mon.–Fri., except holidays)

Fitness Clubs

Fitness center “Plyazh” – premium and business offer 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Hours: 07.00–22.00 Sunday: 07.00–18.00 2 athletic gyms, 2 aerobic halls, Dance hall, Cardio training area Baths, Sauna and Massage Lviv’s biggest 50 meters long pool Hydro-masseurs Fitness bars Тел.: (+38 032) 263-60-55 www.aqualviv.com.ua Beauty formula 202, Stryiska str., Lviv Tel.: +38 032 295-85-55 Open 08:00–22:00, Sat 08:00–15:00, Sun Closed. www.formula-krasy.com.ua

Dolphin 12a, Trylovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-36-31 Eurosport 1, Petrushevycha sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-33-28 Grand Sofia 10, Shevchenka avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-40-94 Ellada 18, Mel’nyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-16-62 Capoeira school 5, Les Kurbas str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (068) 842-47-77 lvivcapoeira@gmail.com www.lvivcapoeira.com Fighting sports club “Boyove aikido” 30, Rudnytskogo str., Lviv Tel: 067 497-37-21 Open: Mon.19:00–20:30 Wed. 18:30–20:00, Fri. 18.00–20.00 www.boyove-aikido.com.ua Fighting sports club ”Boyovy hopak” 8/10, Stefanyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-40-48 letters@hopak.org.ua www.hopak.org.ua

Kiwi Fitness club 18, Stepana Bandery str., Tel.: +38 (032) 261 3573 info@kiwifitness.com.ua Open Weekdays 08:00–21:00; Sat 11.30–14:00; Taekwondo 123, Warshawska str., Lviv (premises of school №23) Tel.: 067 707-19-19 www.taekwondolviv.in.ua Taoist Tai Chi society of health for body and mind 16/3, Bratyv Rohatynstiv str., Tel.: +38 (032) 233-30-48 taoist@ukr.net www.taoist.org.ua

Law firms

Arzinger West Ukrainian Branch 6, Generala Chuprynky str., Office 1 79013 Lviv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96 Fax: +38 (032) 242 96 95 www. arzinger.ua J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

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Legal company Barocco 115-b/3 Antonovycha str., Lviv, Tel./fax: +38 (032) 295-33-52 Mobile. +38 (067) 370 7737 office@barocco.lviv.ua Legal company Evikcia 36, Lypynskogo str., Lviv Tel. Fax: +38(032) 242-13-84 office@evikcia.com Legal company Mercury 16 / 1, Storozhenko str, Lviv, Tel.: +38 (032) 290-10-11 post@merkuriy.com.ua Soldatenko, Lukashyk & partners SL&P has been ranked in “Top 50 Ukrainian Law Firms” SL&P provides complete range of legal & notary services Tel.: +38 (032) 235-76-42 Fax: +38 (032) 236-72-87 info@slp.com.ua www.slp.com.ua

English speaking real estate and corporate lawyers Tel.: +38 (032) 253-1000 Fax: +38 (032) 253-1030 www.burhan.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: +38 (032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

24 hour pharmacies Apteka #12 35, I.Ohyenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274 -85 -35 Apteka #2 3, Tyktora str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-50-48 D.S. 19, Halytska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-20-06

LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Post Central Post Office 1,Slovatskogo str., www.ukrposhta.com Open 09.00–17.00

Hotels Grand Hotel 13, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-40-42 grand@ghgroup.com.ua www.ghgroup.com.ua Hotel Vol’ter 60a, Lipynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 294-88-88 hotelvolter@mail.lviv.ua Eurohotel 6av, Tershakovtsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242-40-02 info@eurohotel.lviv.ua www.eurohotel.lviv.ua Dnister Hotel 6, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-43-05 bron@dnister.lviv.ua www.dnister.lviv.ua Hotel George 1, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel./Fax:(+38 032) 242-42-55 info@georgehotel.com.ua www.georgehotel.com.ua Ramada Lviv Hotel Horodotska Street\Kiltseva Doroga Tel.:(+38 032) 243 00 10 Mob. :(+38 067) 320 44 77 reception@ramadalviv.com.ua www.ramadalviv.com.ua Hotel Leopolis 16, Teatralna str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 295-95-99 hotel@leopolishotel.com www.leopolishotel.com Opera Hotel 45, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-90-00 reception@hotel-opera. lviv.ua www.hotel-opera.lviv.ua

j-l@j-l.com.ua www.j-l.com.ua

Vienna Hotel 12, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-43-16 wienhotel@mail.lviv.ua www.wienhotel.lviv.ua Suputnyk 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 230-40-66 suputnyk@mail.lviv.ua www.suputnyk.com Vintage Boutique Hotel 25/27, Staroyevreyska str., Tel.: +38 032 235 68 34 Fax. +38 032 235 70 24 info@vintagehotel.com.ua www.vintagehotel.com.ua Nobilis Hotel 5, Fredra str,. Lviv Tel.: (38) 032 295 2595 Fax: (38) 032 295 7997 info@nobilis-hotel.com.ua Reikartz Dworzec 107, Gorodotskaya str, Lviv Tel.: 38 (032)242 51 26 http://en.reikartz.com Reikartz Medievale 9, Drukarskaya str., Lviv Tel.: 38 032 242 51 33! medievale.lviv@reikartz.com http://en.reikartz.com

Regional hotels Ternopil

Hotel "Yukhnovych" Rodyny Barvinskyh str., 3a Tel.: (+38 035) 243-39-56 www.uko.org.ua Hotel "Ternopil" Zamkova str., 14 Tel.: (+38 035) 252-42-63 www.hotelternopil.com


Hotel "Zaleski" Kryvyj Val str., 39 Tel.: (+38 033) 277-27-01 www.zaleski-hotel.com Hotel "Sribni leleky" Chornovola str., 17 Tel.: (+38 033) 275-79-99

11 Sholom-Aleykhem Str. Lviv, Ukraine, 79007


Hotel "Black castle" Kalush highway 7 Tel.: +38-0342-57-15-00 www.blackcastle.ifrastudio. com Hotel "Park" Mazepy str., 146 Tel.: (+38 034) 259-55-95 www.parkhotel.com.ua Hotel "Atrium" Galytska str., 31 Tel.: +38-0342-55-78-79 www.atrium.if.ua


Hotel “Magnet” Shashkevych str., 21 Tel./fax: +38 03245 40029 enter@hotelmagnet.com.ua www.hotelmagnet.com.ua


Hotel “Old CONTINENT” S.Petefy square, 4 Tel.: (+38 031) 266-93-66 www.hotel-oldcontinent.com Hotel “Praha” Verhovinskaya str., 38 Tel.: (+38 031) 264-07-64 www.hotel-praha.com.ua Hotel Uzhgorod 2, B.Khmelnitcskogo sq, Tel.: (+38 031) 261-90-50 www.hoteluzhgorod.com

Tourist basics Tourist Info City Hall, Rynok Square, 1 Tel./Fax: (032) 254 60 79 www.touristinfo.lviv.ua tic@city-adm.lviv.ua Open: 10.00 — 19.00 Sat.: 10.00 — 18.00 Sun.: 10.00 — 17.00. Information service of Lviv City council +38 032 297-55-55 available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German and Portuguese languages.

Shopping Malls King Cross Leopolis 30, Stryiska str., Sokilniky Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 Open 10.00–22.00 www.kingcross.com.ua Magnus 1, Shpytalna str., Tel.: +38 (032) 244 42 65 Open 10.00-22.00 www.magnus-store.com Opera Passage 27, Svobody avn., Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 www.operapassage.com Open 10.00-21.00 InterCity 67g, Chornovola str., Tel: +38 (032) 297 75 04 www.inter-city.com.ua Open 10.00-22.00

Personal shopper •послуги модного стиліста •шоппінг в Україні та за кордоном • створення нового гардеробу • стиль для дому • весільний шоппінг Тел.: 067 658-59-78 www.facebook.com/Personalshopper&fashionstylist.Lviv

Food & Drink Opera Market 27, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 295-88-07 Open: 10.00—22.00 Fine Bottle 31, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-37-73 Open: 10.00—22.00 Svit Napoiv 25, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 260-13-59


EBA Western Ukraine Address: 6, Stepana Bandery str. office 3, Lviv Tel.: +38032-261 29 28 Fax: +38032-261 22 68 www.eba.lviv.com.ua lviv@eba.com.ua

www.eba.com.ua Volume 3, issue 8 April 2013

Monthly news and views from the European Business Association’s Western Ukraine office

EBA PERSONALITY Oleksandr Sakharskyy

Managing Partner of international company “ARGO-Performance & Development”

Can we start with an introduction of yourself and an overview of your company? How do you position yourselves on the market? I am managing partner of international company “ARGO-Performance & Development “ in Ukraine. Founded in Vienna in 1996, ARGO Personalentwicklung GmbH is now an international consulting brand with offices in Germany, Croatia, Ukraine (Lviv) and Hungary. The main fields of our consulting business are change processes and leadership development issues. ARGO provides consulting and training services for companies, which enable them to operate more effectively. Additional information about the company activities you can get at www.argo.at. Do you have any plans for expansion? What are your growth ambitions? We connect our prospects for growth with increasing development of Ukrainian large and mid-sized business. Under the conditions of competition, large and mid-sized enterprises will be looking for more efficient ways of using their factors of production, with a special attention to human capital, thus increasing demand for our services. We are definitely planning to expand our business. Our ambition is to ensure our presence not only on the West Ukrainian but also on all Ukrainian market. Internationally, ARGO has plans to intensify cooperation on US market. What key market drivers are positively impacting your business? They are macroeconomic and political stability, government assistance in business development, and activity of companies with foreign capital share in Ukraine. What are your top priorities for the next 12 months? In brief, our priorities are the successful implementation of ongoing projects and the increase of our market presence in Ukraine in general.


Which business sectors present the most interesting investment opportunities in today’s Western Ukrainian market? I think these are the services sector, agriculture and alternative energy. What is the most important management lesson you have learned? At the time, the real challenge was to form a cohesive team of associates who work toward a common goal. I discovered, though, that people who interfere with your work can, to some extent, stimulate your movement to success and make you more persistent and determined. Could you share your business success story? I create my own business success story every day. I would particularly like to draw attention to individual factors which, in my opinion, are extremely important for successful business results. These key traits are sociability, persistence, the ability to set and achieve clear shortterm goals, and the ability to take risks. The EBA focuses its actions on 7 vectors of economic development- Corruption fighting, Court system and Land reform, Currency regulation, VAT refund activation, Customs Procedures simplification and Technical barriers to trade elimination. Which one(s) so you foresee as the most vital and why? I believe that all these areas are very important, as they determine the quality of business environment and its competitiveness. Nevertheless, fighting corruption means fighting an aspect, that undermines all the others. What in your opinion can be done to improve investment attractiveness of Ukraine? In any case, the future investment prospects in Ukraine will chiefly depend on the quality of state management of the economy. It is necessary to depart from the practice of politicization of public economic decisions, and start supporting free enterprise, property rights and investors’ interests at the state level, along with developing infrastructure.

How could you see the future for your sphere of activity in Western Ukraine? What are the prospects in this sphere in general? Can the infrastructure support planned growth? As I mentioned before, the development of consulting business is closely related to the level of maturity of business environment in the country in general, and Western Ukraine in particular. The owners and management of midsize and large Ukrainian and foreign businesses on the territory of Ukraine now increasingly understand that training and consulting services provided by international consultants can assist them to enhance enterprise performance and productivity, improve their competitiveness and be practically the key driver behind business success. That explains the fact that the demand for consulting services has been constantly growing in our region in recent years. With more stability and predictability of business processes in all areas of Ukrainian economy our sphere of activity will definitely have good prospects. What are your personal recommendations for anyone who wants to be successful in business? You should believe in your success and never give up under any circumstances. You should always rely on your knowledge, never stop learning and keep on developing your expertise. You also need to be able to trust and delegate important tasks to true expert partners. LVIV TODAY | April 2013


n this issue of Lviv Today Markian Malskyy, Partner of Arzinger law firm, Head of West Ukrainian Branch Office, attorney-at-law, PhD, is answering the following question:

“The Austrian company, which we represent, intends to buy a company in Ukraine. Similarly to the Austrian model, we would like to regulate the relations between the Ukrainian company and the general director, namely to foresee 4-eyes principle and to reasonably limit the powers of the general director. Does Ukrainian legislation allow for that?” It is an important issue that the relations between the company (i.e. shareholders of the company) and the director are properly regulated. On the one hand, the shareholders should be provided with effective control over the activity of director, and on the other hand, the director should follow specific internal regulations in order to duly report to the shareholders. The limitation of powers of the director is normally provided in the charter of the company. The shareholders may decide which transactions and for what amount would require prior consent of the shareholders or supervisory board (if the latter is established in the company). It should be taken into account that in order to ensure the effective control over director’s activity the respective limitations should also be reflected in the State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals-Entrepreneurs. This will ensure protection of the company’s rights against abuse of powers and disclaim allegations of the third parties regarding their ignorance as to the existence of such limitations of director’s powers. Particularly, under Ukrainian law the limitation of powers of the company’s officials does not have any power and legal effect in relations with the third parties, unless the company may prove that such third party was fully aware or could not be unaware of such limitation of powers. Thus, the burden of proof lies with the company (its shareholders), which purports to challenge the validity of the transactions executed with abuse and/or exceeding of powers by its director. Additionally the procedures, which have to be followed by the director, may be provided in the employment contract of the director. It should be taken into account that the labour legislation of Ukraine is rather outdated and does not yet reflect current needs in labour relations. Therefore the employment contract should somewhat supplement and specify the labour legislation of Ukraine. Thus the employment contract with the director should be as detailed as possible, so that both the shareholders and the director completely understand their rights and obligations. The 4-eyes principle, i.e. representation of the company by two persons simultaneously, may also be applied in Ukraine on condition that this procedure is provided for by the charter of the company and is reflected in the State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals-Entrepreneurs. However, in relations with state authorities (eg. submission of reports to tax, social security authorities) only one person will be representing the company, due to the fact that the typical forms of reports foresee for only one signature of the representative of the company.

EBA Master Class with Volodymyr Kolyvay “Secrets of Tibet” New and inspiring master class from Mr. Volodymyr Kolyvay on the topic “Secrets of Tibet” took place on 23 March 2013. The event gathered in the lecture room more than 150 participants. This time speaker shared his knowledge and participants sought answers on the questions of “what is Karma law and why it is the law?”, “what in fact is our “I”? In what is its imperfection?”, “universal human values outside religion and egoism”. Participants were also shown a movie of awarding HH Dalai Lama with Nobel Prise and everyone had a possibility to talk to Mr. Kolyvay and ask him and his team various questions concerning of selfdevelopment. LVIV TODAY | April 2013

In order to get your question answered by Mr. Markian Malskyy on the pages of LVIV TODAY, please send them by e-mail to info@lvivtoday.com.ua (subject: Legal Advice).

Welcome to our next business breakfast with Arzinger – “Knowing your business

partner – how to reduce legal risks”

Date – April 25, from 09:30 – 11:30 Venue – Restaurant of improvisations “GRUSHEVSKYY CINEMA JAZZ” (Lviv, Shevchenkо Avenue, 28) Registration fee – 100 UAH (incl. breakfast). Working language – Ukrainian. Prior registration is mandatory at lv@arzinger.ua, tel.: (032) 242 96 96.



EBA Women’s Club EBA Women’s Club Outdoor meeting was held at the premises of Lviv Business School of the Ukrainian Catholic University on Wednesday, 19 March 2013. At the meeting participants got acquainted with the School ac- In March EBA Western Ukrainian Office launched a new project tivities, history and departments. Moreover, there was a unique to give its members an opportunity at the same to talk with their opportunity to talk and listen to a lecture of the Director of the fellow members and relax in the pleasant atmosphere. Thus, on School of Bioethics of the Ukrainian Catholic University, corre- Wednesday, March 13, 2013, EBA members met at the evening sponding member of the Pontifical Academy Pro Vita, Fr. Dr. Ihor of networking and socializing at the restaurant of even partner Boyko’s on the topic “Success. Euphoria. Relationships Col- Club Split Lviv, under the name “EBA Afterwork Lounge”. While lapse”. While the lecture participants, using a case study, had a the evening participants had a possibility to spend time in a discussion and questions-answer set with the coffee and cook- cozy environment, absolutely perfect for socializing and getting ies. A lecture in general sent a message to its participants. And to know their fellow EBA members. The event gathered around it is that in order to maintain good relationships in family and 30 participants. We express our gratitude to all those who has be successful in life we are supposed to be frank and sincere found time to share their mood with us at the EBA Afterwork with the closest, as well as to learn how to forgive. Moreover, we Lounge. And of course, we want to thank our event partner need fully to understand our actions and take responsibility for -“Club Split Lviv” – for their support and free beer snacks to the them in life. event quests.

EBA Afterwork Lounge

EBA Art Space On Thursday, March 14 at the Bäckerei Videnski Bulochky in Lviv was held the opening of the personal exhibition of Lviv photographer Taliya Rayinyk, titled “# 3”. The exhibition is a collection of children’s portraits – a genre that is actively developing by the artist from the year 2008, and in which, of course, she is one of the best specialists in Lviv. Photo portrait – is a widespread and yet one of the hardest genres of photography, especially children’s portraits. The difficulty lies in establishing emotional contact with the model to fully reveal its essence. Portraits presented at the exhibition are extremely sincere and sensual, and easily convey the joy of childhood. At the opening of the exhibition, except of artist works, a vide premier was shown about the photographer and works that were not included in the exhibition.

We welcome a new member of EBA Community: IRSPAE “Aviokon proekt” is an Ukrainian licensed construction and engineering company and offers wide range of professional Construction services: General Contractor functions within Green- and Broun-field projects; Conceptual, Basic and Detail design development; Civil works execution: Internal and external (on-site and out-site) utilities supply systems installation; Guarantee and Post-guarantee maintenance services; Electrical cabinets production; Electrical wholesales business. More information about the company you can find at www. aviokon.lviv.ua.


LVIV TODAY | April 2013


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LVIV TODAY | April 2013


Lviv sports


Our Sports Fans Guide to Lviv covers everything from handball to swimming, get all the best and newest coverages from our photojournalist Evhen Kravs.



In Lviv took place К1 -rules kickboxing fights competitive tournament between teams of Ukraine and Slovakia. As winners of the competition came Ukrainian sportsmen who won with results 3:2. Among winners came local fighters Maksym Kovchak (weight category 71 kg), representative of Odessa Denis Buch (67 kg) and Anna Moldavchuk (50 kg) from Kherson. As highlight of the event came fight between Lviv fighter Olena «Hunter» Ovchinnikova (club “Union”) and representative of club “Sparta” (Ivano-Frankivsk) Lyudmyla Pylypchak. Lucky winner of this important ratings-boosting fight became more experienced Olena Ovchinnikova. Congratulations!

У Львові відбулася матчева зустріч між командами України та Словаччини у боях за правилами К1. Матч завершився перемогою українців з рахунком 3:2. Свої бої виграли львів’янин Максим Ковчак (вагова категорія до 71 кг.), одесит Денис Буч (до 67 кг.) та Анна Молдавчук з Херсону (до 50 кг.). Словаки Девід Червінь та ДанієльСвітек перемогли відповідно івано-франківця Олександра Авраменка (вага до 71 кг.) та одесита Ігоря Монастирського (до 60 кг.) Основною подією боксерського вечора став рейтинговий бій за правилами Муей-тай між представницею Львова Оленою «Hunter» Овчинніковою – семиразової чемпіонки світу (клуб «Юніон») та спортсменкою з Івано-Франківська Людмилою Пилипчак (клуб «Спарта»). Перемогу здобула більш титулована львів’янка!


LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Sport



Lviv’s BC “Polytechnyka-Halychyna” start play-offs! After winning against BC “Dnipro” with the score 69:67, “Polytechnyka” advanced to fifth place on the tournament table in the regular championship. However now, the regular championship of the Ukrainian Superleague is over and the eight best teams will start competing for the medals. The play-offs are about to start and in this season the teams are expected to play until 4 victories, starting from the quarterfinals, which started on April 7. In the first round of the play-offs “Polytechnyka-Halychyna” will play against “Khimik”. In the first game of the play-offs “Polytechnyka” opened score in the series of games and won with score 81:87. The dates for upcoming matches in Lviv are as follows: 12.04 at 18:30, 14.04 at 17:00 and 19.04 at 18:00* (if necessary).

Львівська «Політехніка-Галичина» стартує в іграх плей-оф! Після перемоги над БК «Дніпро» з рахунком 69:67, «Політехніка» вийшла на п’яте місце в турнірній таблиці чемпіонату. Тепер чемпіонат української Суперліги закінчився, і вісім найкращих команд почнуть боротьбу за медалі. У цьому сезоні плей-оф команди будуть грати до 4 перемог, починаючи з чвертьфіналу, який розпочався 7 квітня. У першому раунді плей-офф «Політехніка - Галичина» буде грати проти БК «Хімік». «Політехніка» відкрила рахунок у серії з «Хіміком», відзначившись дуже важливою перемогою на виїзді 81:87. Домашні матчі плей-оф «Політехніка-Галичина» проведе 12.04. о 18:30; 14.04 о 17:00 та 19.04. о 18:00 *(за необхідності).

The good news is that Zhelko Lukaich, head coach of “Polytechnyka-Halychyna” has beeen assigned to train the “lions” team for the next two seasons according to the terms of the contract signed by the Serbian coach with the club owners. It would be enough time for Lukaich to continue bringing to fruition his main task –the creation of a battle-seasoned team, which will be capable to fight for the top places in the championship. LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Хорошою новиною стала інформація, що Желько Лукаіч, головний тренер БК «Політехніка-Галичина» буде й надалі займатись підготовкою команди протягом наступних двох сезонів у відповідності з умовами нового контракту, підписаного сербським тренером з власниками клубу. Тепер у нього буде достатньо часу для втіленні в життя основного завдання – створення загартованої у поєдинках команди, яка зможе успішно боротися за найвищі місця в чемпіонаті.


Lviv Sport



On March 30th 2013, a football match between local club “Karpaty” and “Shakhtar” (Donetsk) took place in Lviv. At the present moment “Shakhtar” is currently in first place in Ukraine’s championship rating, with 22 victories in 23 matches, this team is the true leader for this season. Before the game started, according to Ukraine’s championship tables, “Shakhtar” was 37 points ahead of “Karpaty”, making the chance for the local players to get some tournament points extremely difficult. The players for FC “Karpaty” intensely prepared for the game, as it was the first one in the upcoming four matches with the best teams in ХХІІ Ukraine’s championship. The game was passionate and dramatic with three misconduct penalties for local team players with a final score of 2:1 in favour of FC “Shakhtar”. The next match in Lviv for FC “Karpaty” will take place on April 13, 2013 against “Dynamo” (Kyiv).

During March 18–24, 2013 in Dortmund (Germany) the 29th ISAS International Championship took place, which brought together over 536 athletes from 30 countries. Oleksandr Petriv, an Olympic shooter from Lviv, who won a gold medal in the Men’s 25 metre rapid fire pistol event at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, was just as sharp in his shooting in the 25 Meter Standard Pistol competition and brought home the gold medal. Lviv’s student of physical culture college, Pavlo Korostylyov was the silver medal winner, while Ivan Bidnyak won the bronze medal. Another 25 metre rapid fire pistol shooter from Lviv, Roman Bondaruk, who won two silver medals in the rapid fire pistol event at the 2006 ISSF World Cup series in Munich, Germany, and in Milan, Italy, also won a silver medal in Dortmund.The next championship for Lviv athletes will be the ISSF World Cup (02.04.– 10.04.) in Korea.

ФУТБОЛ Львівські «Карпати» і донецький «Шахтар» зустрілись у поєдинку на львівському стадіоні «Україна» 30 березня. Сьогодні «Шахтар» знаходиться на першому місці в рейтингу чемпіонату України з 22 перемогами в 23 матчях і є справжнім лідером сезону. Перед початком гри «Шахтар» випереджав «Карпати» на 37 очок, що робило шанси львів’ян заробити турнірні очки досить невиразними. Гравці ФК «Карпати» провели дуже серйозну підготовку до гри, яка стала першою в серії чотирьох зустрічей з найкращими командами ХХІІ чемпіонату України. Гра була пристрасною і драматичною - гравці «Карпат» отримали три попередження за порушення правил, і завершилась з рахунком 2:1 на користь ФК «Шахтар». Наступний матч у Львові ФК «Карпати» зіграють 13 квітня проти «Динамо» (Київ).


ЗМАГАННЯ ЗІ ШВИДКІСНОЇ СТРІЛЬБИ В німецькому місті Дортмунді 18–24 березня 2013 р. відбувся 29-й чемпіонат Міжнародної федерації стрілецького спорту (ISAS), який зібрав під своїми прапорами понад 530 спортсменів з 30 країн. Олександр Петрів - олімпійський чемпіон зі Львова, володар золотої медалі у швидкісній стрільбі з пістолета на 25-метровій дистанції літніх Олімпійських ігор-2008 в Пекіні, і на цих змаганнях був першим. У швидкісній стрільбі на дистанції 25 метрів зі стандартного пістолета він завоював золоту медаль. Студент Львівського коледжу фізичної культури Павло Коростильов став срібним призером, а Іван Бідняк здобув бронзову медаль. Роман Бондарук,також зі Львова, який виграв дві срібні медалі у швидкісній стрільбі з пістолета в 2006 році на змаганнях Кубка світу ISSF в Мюнхені і в Мілані, цього разу в Дортмунді також виграв срібну медаль.Наступним чемпіонатом для львівських спортсменів буде Кубок світу ISSF (02.04– 10.04.2013) в Кореї. LVIV TODAY | April 2013

LVIV TODAY | April 2013



LVIV TODAY | April 2013

Lviv Society

LVIV TODAY | April 2013


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LVIV TODAY | April 2013

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