# 65, February 2014

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№65/February Lviv Society2014

The heart of Europe - the soul of Ukraine

WOMEN’S DAY IN LVIV International Women’s Day Holiday 2014: Congratulations to all Leopolitan ladies!

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LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Vol. 8, No. 65 February 2014


On the cover: Onyshkiv Alina and Lohoida Andriy (Model Agency OK’S Models) Stylist: Lena Spiridonova Photography by Aleksey Samoilov


Publishers: Peter Dickinson & Boleslav Malinovski Editor-in-Chief: Viktoriya Larina Editor: Lee Reaney Managing editor: Mila Hadzieva Journalists: Olha Schchur, Robert Baker, Orest Koronenko, Lee Reaney Photography: Evgen Kraws, Vitaliy Grabar and photo agency ”Lufa” Photo Editor: Ruslan Krut Letters to the editor: info@lvivtoday.com.ua Advertising inquiries: advert@lvivtoday.com.ua +38 068 501 3 501, +38 032 235 81 00 Address: Lviv Today Editorial Office 27/9 Valova str., Lviv 79000 Ukraine Tel. +38 (032) 2358100 www.lvivtoday.com.ua Printed at “Art Studio Druk” Kyiv, 15, Boryspolskaya str., Tel.: (044) 567-99-88 Mob.:+380 (67) 509-71-16 www.artprintstudio.com.ua Lviv Today is West Ukraine’s English-language monthly lifestyle magazine. It is distributed via leading hotels, airlines, restaurants and business centres throughout Lviv region. Monthly circulation: 5,000 Registration information: Lviv Today is registered with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as a print media title. License number: LV 862/115 All materials published in Lviv Today are the intellectual property of the publisher and remain protected by Ukrainian and international copyright laws. Open Borders Publishing does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised in Lviv Today. While every effort has been made to make sure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, we advise readers to double check where appropriate.


Full event coverage for the coming weeks in the cultural capital of Ukraine, including everything from highly acclaimed new play “Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade” by R. Viktyuk, spectacular show by Georgian ballet "Sukhishvili”, concert by one of the most well-known and respected of Italian tenors Alessandro Safina, extravagant and charming Svitlana Loboda, the Ukraine-Canada Business Forum, intriguing Flamenco performance “Carretera” by Duende Flamenco and much more.

March 8th Ukraine celebrates Women’s Day – a holiday full of tulips, daffodils, and mimosas. Find more about International Women’s Day in Ukraine


Stuck for something to eat? Feel like checking out a new club? Here’s where to look! Full Lviv listings covering restaurants, bars, clubs of West Ukraine’s capital. Updated every month!



Discover Kamyanets-Podilskiy - city which is known for legendary beauty and which offers best "Corporate leisure in the best Old-times traditions".

Be informed about results of Lviv’s “Halychanka” at Ukrainian Women’s Handball Super League championship and Lviv’s local basketball squad Politekhnika-Halychyna at Ukrainian SuperLeague. Be proud to know that the Ukrainian National Basketball Team is qualified for their first ever FIBA Basketball World Cup. Make sure you don’t miss our “Sochi Olympic Winter Games Viewing Guide: What to Watch & Where to Find Ukraine”











Full events listings for the coming months in all of Lviv’s top cultural venues for You to plan ahead Your time

Take Your time to get acquainted with Legendary Leopolitans No.14: Miss Polonia 1930 – Zofia Batycka, a beautiful, intelligent, talented, and successful young lady.



Essential city guide to the capital of West Ukraine featuring everything from taxi services to out-oftown resorts and international consultancies



Read our monthly roundup of EBA Lviv’s networking and get full coverage on the annual general membership meeting and board elections.



Test your scope of general knowledge of Ukraine with our challenging monthly quiz!

Your monthly round-up of all the latest artists and exhibitions to open across Lviv’s thriving local arts scenes Despite all of the controversy, each year on

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February 25th, begins at 19:00 Mariya Zankovetska Ukrainian Drama Theatre (1 L. Ukrainka St.)

25 лютого, початок о 19:00 Театр ім. М. Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки, 1)

Renowned Russian theatre director Roman Viktyuk is bringing his highly acclaimed new play “Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade” to Lviv on February 25th. Over the course of his long artistic career, Viktyuk has directed over 200 plays in theatres of Greece, Finland, Israel, Italy, Russia, Sweden, the USA, and Ukraine. Among his more notable and successful productions are “Evening Lights” (1975), “The Wall” (1987), “Phoedre” (1988), “Maids” (1988), “M. Butterfly” (1991), “Lolita” (1992), “Awakening of Spring” (1999), “Solome” (1999), “Fernandino” (1999), “Clockwork Orange” (2000), “Edit Piaf” (2000), “Our Decameron XXI” (2001), and “Master and Margarita” (2001). Viktyuk enjoys filling his performances with controversy, provocation, sarcasm, intelligence, and sincerity. His “Masqureade of the Marquis de Sade” is a story of love, loneliness, betrayal, and freedom that is based on Andrei Maximov’s play. This spectacular theatrical show is sure to meet the expectations of every Viktyuk fan as well as to impress even the most experienced Leopolitan theatre enthusiast. Tickets run from 100-550 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets, please call: 253-0535.

Відомий режисер Роман Віктюк не часто навідується до свого рідного міста, але 25 лютого 2014 р. він привезе до Львова свій новий спектакль "Маскарад маркіза де Сада". У своїй довгій творчій кар'єрі Р. Віктюк здійснив понад 200 постановок у театрах Греції, Фінляндії, Ізраїлю, Італії, Росії, Швеції і США. Серед його найвідоміших і найуспішніших постановок "Вечірні вогні" (1975), "Стіна" (1987), "Федра" (1988), "Служниці" (1988), "Мадам Батерфляй" (1991), "Лоліта" (1992), "Пробудження весни" (1999), "Саломія" (1999), "Фернандіньо" (1999), "Заводний апельсин" (2000), "Едіт Піаф" (2000), "Наш Декамерон XXI" (2001) і "Майстер і Маргарита" (2001). Усі вистави Віктюка завжди сповнені полеміки, провокацій, сарказму, інтелекту і щирості. «Маскарад маркіза де Сада" за п'єсою Андрія Максимова - це історія любові, самотності, зради і свободи. Усіх шанувальників таланту Романа Віктюка, і тих, хто побачать його спектакль вперше, чекає захоплююче театральне шоу, яке, безсумнівно, перевершить всі очікування і сподівання! Ціни квитків: 100-550 грн. Додаткова інформація та бронювання квитків за телефоном: 253-05-35


LVIV TODAY | February 2014

This month

ITALIAN CINEMA WEEK 2014 End of the March Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.) Fans of modern Italian cinema will not want to miss Italian cinema week in Lviv, which begins at the end of March. Classic Italian films were quite popular in Ukraine in the 1970s and organizers are hoping that Italian Cinema Week 2014 will give fans the opportunity to acquaint themselves with modern Italian cinema and continue the tradition of cultural interaction between the two nations. Guest of the festival will be treated to four motion pictures: Il Futuro (2013), Sacro GRA (2013), Mi Rifaccio Vivo (2013), and Il Conformista (1970). Il Futuro is a drama based on the Roberto Bolaño's novel ‘Una Novelita Lumpen’. The Alicia Scherson-directed film was shot in Italy, Chile, and Germany and stars Manuela Martelli and Rutger Hauer. The project is an Italian-Chilean-German-Spanish production. Sacro GRA is a documentary directed by Gianfranco Rosi. It was the first documentary to win the Golden Lion at the 70th Venice International Film Festival. The film depicts life along the Grande Raccordo Anulare – the ring road that encircles Rome. Rosi spent over two years in filming and an additional eight months of editing. According to the director, the film was inspirted by Italo Calvino’s ‘Invisible Cities’, a novel in which the explorer Marco Polo is imagined describing his travels to Kublai Khan, the Emperor of China. Another featured film of Italian Cinema Week in Ukraine is Sergio Rubini’s comedy Mi Rifaccio Vivo. It is an in-depth analysis of contemporary Italian society. It tells the story of Biagio who, after spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, tries committing suicide – only in the afterlife he is offered a chance to come back to life for a week. Italian Cinema Week also showcases Il Conformista (The Conformist), a 1970 political drama directed by Bernardo Bertolucci. The Bertolucci-crafted screenplay is based on the 1951 novel ‘The Conformist’ by Alberta Moravia. The film features Jean-Louis Trintignant and Stefania Sandrelli, among others. For more information, please visit: www.arthousetraffic.com.

ТИЖДЕНЬ ІТАЛІЙСЬКОГО КІНО Друга половина березня, Палац мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17) Фестиваль італійського кіно, який розпочнеться у Львові у другій половині березня – це чудова нагода переглянути найкращі стрічки сучасного італійського кінематографа. Класичні італійські фільми 70-х років були дуже популярні в Україні, тому організатори Тижня італійського кіно бажають познайомити українських глядачів із сучасним італійським кіно та продовжити традицію культурної співпраці двох європейських країн. Гостям фестивалю будуть представлені чотири кінострічки: Il Futuro («Майбутнє») (2013), Sacro GRA (Священна римська окружна дорога) (2013), Мі rifaccio vivo (Я повертаюсь до життя) (2013), та Конформіст (1970). Стрічку Il Futuro зняла режисер Алісія Шерзон за мотивами роману чилійського письменника Роберто Боланьо Una novelita lumpen, з Мануелою Мартеллі і Рутгером Хауером в головних ролях. Фільм знімався в Італії, Чилі та Німеччині і є спільним виробництвом цих країн. Документальний фільм Sacro GRA режисера Джанфранко Розі став лауреатом нагороди «Золотий лев» на 70 Венеціанському міжнародному кінофестивалі і першим документальним фільмом, що здобув приз на цьому фестивалі. У ньому зображується життя навколо римської кільцевої дороги, яку будували з 1948 до 2011 року. Д. Розі займався зйомками понад два роки, і ще вісім місяців пішло на редагування фільму. За словами режисера, його надихнув роман Італо Кальвіно «Невидимі міста», в якому мандрівник 13–14 століть Марко Поло нібито описує свою подорож до Китаю. Також в рамках Тижня італійського кіно в Україні буде показана комедія Серджіо Рубіні Mi rifaccio vivo. В ній подається поглиблений аналіз сучасного італійського суспільства на прикладі історії підприємця Бьяджо, який, не витримавши поразки від свого суперника в бізнесі, намагається вчинити самогубство, але в йому надається шанс на тиждень повернутись до життя. До програми Тижня італійського кіно також увійшла політична драма 1970 року Il Conformista (Конформіст) режисера Бернардо Бертолуччі. Режисер є одночасно і автором сценарію за мотивами однойменного роману А. Моравія 1951 року. У головних ролях – Жан-Луї Трентіньян і Стефанія Сандреллі. Додаткова інформація на www.arthousetraffic.com


This month

FIERY “CARRETERA” BY “DUENDE FLAMENCO” March 1–2 at 18:00, Hotkevycha Culture Palace ( 1 Kushevycha St.) As an integral part of Spanish culture, the passionate and graceful Flamenco dance has gone beyond the country of its birth and is now studied and danced all around the world. Ukraine is on exception: Duende Flamenco is the first and currently the only Spanish dance and music theatre set-up in Kyiv. The group premiered their newest performance “Carretera” (The Road) last November, and based on its tremendous success will bring the show to Lviv for performances on March 1st and 2nd. The “Duende Flamenco” Theatre is a community of talented artists that share a deep and sincere love and devotion to the enchanting world of flamenco dance and music. Theatregoers to “Carretera” will be treated to a spectacular, expressive, and passionate journey into the world of flamenco. Two brilliant Ukrainian dancers are inviting you to take the plunge into the dazzling world of classical and modern flamenco. Are you ready to jump? Tickets range from 40-120 UAH. For more information, please call: (093) 6084949 or (050) 393-2396.

ГАРЯЧИЙ ПОДИХ ІСПАНІЇ В ЗИМОВОМУ ЛЬВОВІ 1-2 березня, початок о 18:00 Палац культури ім. Г. Хоткевича (вул. Кушевича, 1) Невід'ємна частина іспанської культури, пристрасний і витончений танець фламенко вже давно вийшов за рамки країни свого народження, його люблять, вивчають і танцюють у багатьох країнах світу. Україна не є винятком – Duende Flamenco – це перший і єдиний театр іспанського танцю і музики, створений у Києві. До Львова цей колектив привіз свою нову програму «CARRETERA» (Дорога), яку можна буде побачити протягом двох вечорів. Прем'єра цієї програми відбулась в листопаді минулого року в Києві і відзначилась величезним успіхом. Театр Duende Flamenco – це спільнота талановитих артистів, які поділяють глибоку і щиру любов і відданість чарівному світу танцю фламенко і музики. Duende Flamenco запрошують всіх зануритись у світ класичного та сучасного фламенко. Вартість квитків 40–120 грн. Додаткову інформацію можна отримати телефоном: (093) 608-49-49 або (050) 393-23-96

“SUKHISHVILI” GEORGIAN NATIONAL BALLET IN LVIV February 25th, begins at 19:00 Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.) Dancers of the “Sukhishvili” Georgian National Ballet will be in Lviv to perform at the Opera & Ballet Theatre on February 25th. For years they have captivated millions of fans with their artistry as their dancing is as fiery as the blood of a Caucasian. Each piece in their repertoire represents a part of Georgian history. Georgian ballet is a time-honoured folk dance that sees performers swooping through the air and whirling around on their tip-toes. Their colourful, one-of-a-kind performances have become widely known throughout the world. Only the finest dancers are able to perform with Sukhishvili as each performer must be a top-notch acrobat. Did you know that in order for each dancer to show off their entire gamut of jumps, their knees and socks are fitted with special layers that help them to leap and soar? Sukhishvili dancers lose almost three kilos of body weight during each performance as their warm costumes add an additional layer of difficulty. The Sukhishvili ballet has been around for over 65 years, drawing large crowds wherever they perform. Don’t miss your chance to see this world-renowned group that showcases the fire, passion, and grace of the Georgian people. Tickets run from 150-700 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets, please call: +38 (032) 253-0535.

ГРУЗИНСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАЛЕТ "СУХІШВІЛІ" У ЛЬВОВІ 25 лютого, початок о 19:00 Львів театр опери та балету (просп. Свободи, 28) Артисти Національного балету Грузії «Сухішвілі " виступлять на сцені львівського театру опери та балету 25 лютого. Їх виступами захоплюються мільйони глядачів, а їх танець гарячий, як кров кавказців. Кожен номер програми представляє частинку історії Грузії, адже балетна трупа виникла на основі столітніх традицій народного танцю. Їх унікальне, барвисте мистецтво широко відоме в багатьох країнах світу. Усі танцюристи ансамблю повинні бути першокласними акробатами, а для виконання окремих, особливо складних трюків навіть використовуються спеціальні вставки в різних частинах одягу. Цікаво, що виступаючи у традиційних костюмах артист може втратити близько трьох кілограмів своєї ваги протягом одного виступу. Балет Сухішвілі існує вже понад 65 років, і де б вони не виступали, всюди збирають переповнені зали. Бажаємо вам не пропустити цей концерт, в якому завжди відчувається гаряча пристрасть і свіжий вітер з Кавказьких гір. Ціни квитків: 150–700 грн. Додаткова інформація та бронювання квитків телефоном +38 ( 032 ) 253-05-35


LVIV TODAY | February 2014



March 12–14 “Dnister” Hotel’s Conference Hall (6 Matejka St.)

12–14 березня Конференц-зал готелю "Дністер" (вул. Матейка, 6)

The Ukraine-Canada Business Forum, jointly hosted by the Lviv Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Lviv City Council, and the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce under the auspices of the governments of the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan and Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Troy Lulashnyk, will be held in Lviv from March 12–14. The Ukraine-Canada Business Forum is expected to be the single biggest event in the framework of bilateral business relations. Ukrainian and Canadian businesspeople and officials that will participate in the Forum include the presidents of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, regional chambers of commerce and industry, government representatives from Ukraine and Canada, regional authorities, and experts. Other participants include Ukrainian and Canadian entrepreneurs working the agriculture, information technology, finance (insurance, stock market, banking), machine-building, and energy sectors. At least 200 people are expected to participate. For more information on how to register, please complete the registration form and submit it to the Lviv Chamber of Commerce & Industry. For more information, please call: +38 (032) 297-0749 or visit icci.com.ua.

У Львові відбудеться бізнес-форум Україна – Канада, організаторами якої виступили спільно Львівська торгово-промислова палата, Львівська обласна держадміністрація, Львівська міська рада, Канадсько-Українська Торгова Палата під егідою урядів провінцій Онтаріо і Саскачеван, а також посол Канади в Україні Трой Лулашник. Цей бізнес-форум, як очікується, стане головною подією в рамках двосторонніх ділових відносин. Ділові кола і чиновники України і Канади візьмуть участь у Форумі, в тому числі президенти Торгово-промислової палати України та регіональних торгово-промислових палат, представники урядів України й Канади, регіональних органів влади, експерти, українські та канадські підприємці, що працюють в галузі сільського господарства, інформаційних технологій, фінансів (страхування, фондового ринку, банківської справи), машинобудування та енергетики. Передбачується участь понад 200 осіб. Для участі у форумі потрібно заповнити реєстраційну форму і подати її до Львівської торгово-промислової палати. Детальніша інформація за телефоном (032) 297 07 49 або на lcci.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


Lviv SoCiety This month



March 16th, show begins at 19:00 Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.)

March 4–5, Shows begin at 18:00, 20:00 Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.)

Alessandro Safina, one of the most well-known and respected of Italian tenors, will perform at Lviv’s picturesque Opera & Ballet Theatre on March 16th. Alessandro Safina is a recognized Italian tenor known for his extraordinary voice, distinctive performance style, and beautiful songs and musical albums. Born in October 1963 in Siena, Italy, he has been dedicated to musical studies since his early childhood. Alessandro succeeded in enrolling at the prestigious Florence Conservatoire at age 17 and has starred in many opera performances throughout Europe in later years. His meteoric career launched after winning the Concorso Lirico Internazionale Contest in Mantova, Italy in 1989. Safina has played at many of the world’s leading concert halls, including among others, the Teatro Bibiena, Mantova, the Barbican Hall, London, and now Lviv’s iconic Opera & Ballet Theatre. In addition to his spellbinding operatic numbers, Alessandro Safina is best-known for his duet performances with stars like Sarah Brightman, Elton John, Jose Carreras, Katia Ricciarelli, and others. The beautiful mixture of classic and pop music by Safina shaped an entirely new genre known as Opera Rock. His ‘Insieme A Te’ album released in 1999 merged opera, soul, and other musical features. Featuring the hit single ‘Luna’, this wonderfully melodic mixture conquered the hearts of millions the world over. Tickets for the event range from 500-1500 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets, please call: +38 (032) 260-1360 or +38 (032) 242-1163.

The music “Project Ivasyuk-65” will play two shows at the Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre on March 4 – 5. The project showcases the works of Volodymyr Ivasyuk, a popular Ukrainian songwriter, composer, and poet that wrote and composed the widely popular Ukrainian folk hymn “Chervona Ruta” that was popularized by Sofia Rotaru in 1971 and covered by many other singers since. The creative project is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the composer's birth and will feature many of his everlasting music masterpieces that have been popularized by such Ukrainian artists as: Pavlo Tabakov, Khrystyna Solovyi, Oksana Mukha, violinist Oleksandr Bozhyk, Trembita Chapel and Pikkardiis’ka Tertsiya. Tickets run from 100400 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets, please call +38 (032) 235-5332 or visit www.dikart.com.ua.

АЛЕССАНДРО САФІНА У ЛЬВОВІ 16 березня, початок о 19:00 Львівський театр опери та балету (просп. Свободи, 28) Один з найвідоміших італійських тенорів, Алессандро Сафіна, що прославився своїм незвичайним голосом, манерою виконання, гарними піснями і багатьма музичними альбомами, народився 14 жовтня 1963 року в італійському місті Сієні. Музикою майбутній співак почав займатись в ранньому дитинстві, до консерваторії у Флоренції вступив коли йому було 17 років. Після закінчення навчання виступав на оперних сценах по всій Європі. Його стрімка кар'єра почалась після перемоги на конкурсі Lirico Internazionale в Мантуї 1989 року. Далі творчий шлях привів його на найбільші світові сцени, як от Teatro Bibiena в Мантуї, Barbican Hall в Лондоні тощо. Співак виступав у багатьох оперних постановках, а також в дуетах із світовими зірками - Сарою Брайтман, Елтоном Джоном, Хосе Каррерасом, Катею Річьяреллі та багатьма іншими. Поєднання класичної та популярної музики Алессандро Сафіна сам назвав новим жанром - Opera Rock. У його альбомі Insieme А Te, випущеному 1999 року, вдало зливається опера, музика соул та інші музичні жанри, а його сингл Luna вийшов мільйонними тиражами у всьому світі. Ціни квитків на концерт – 500–1500 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків телефонуйте +38 (032) 260-13-60, 242-11-63


ПАМ’ЯТІ ВОЛОДИМИРА ІВАСЮКА 04–05 березня, початок о 18:00, 20:00 Львівський театр опери та балету (просп. Свободи, 28) На сцені Львівського оперного театру пройде музично-мистецький "Проект Івасюк - 65". У ньому прозвучать твори Володимира Івасюка - видатного українського композитора і поета. Його перу належить, зокрема, популярна, майже народна пісня "Червона рута", яку прославила Софія Ротару в 1971 році, і яку пізніше безліч разів виконували співаки з різних країн. Цього разу творчий проект присвячений 65-річчю з дня народження композитора і в ньому виступлять багато популярних українських артистів у супроводі симфонічного оркестру - Павло Табаков, Христина Соловій, Оксана Муха, скрипаль Олександр Божик, хорова капела «Трембіта» і «Піккардійська Терція». Ціни квитків 100-400 грн. Додаткова інформація та бронювання квитків за телефоном +38 (032) 235 53 32 або на www.dikart.com.ua

Lviv Society

“ROCK-H” PRESENTS NEW ALBUM February 28th, Picasso Club (88 Zelena St.) The club opens at 19:00 and the event is set to begin at 20:00 If you’re looking for a good time and an energetic Ukrainian rock concert, than Lviv’s Picasso nightclub on February 28th is hosting just the event for you. Featuring talented Ukrainian musicians, the event will be kicked off by Olesya Kirichuk, the winner of the TV show “Chance” and participant of “Voice of the Country”. The event will be headlined by the rock band “Rock-H”, who are set to present their third album “Bilyi Den” (White Day). This Ukrainian group is well known as semifinalists of the “Fresh Blood” project on music channel M1 as well as featured artists in the “Chervona Ruta” music festival. Rock-H’s style – a mixture of classical music with ethnic Carpathian tunes – has been constantly evolving and their more recent collaborations have seen their popularity rise even amongst modern rock and folk music fans. So come and enjoy this groovy ethno-concert and be sure to wear your traditional Ukrainian vyshyvanka (embroidered shirt)! Tickets are priced at 120 UAH (and club cards are not valid for the event). NOTE! First 100 tickets are available for the special price of 90 UAH! Dress code: Vyshyvanka (Ukrainian embroidered shirt). For more information, please call (032) 275-3272 or visit Picasso.lviv.ua.

"ROCK-Н" ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЄ НОВИЙ АЛЬБОМ 28 лютого, Клуб «Пікассо» (вул. Зелена, 88) Клуб відкривається о 19.00. Початок концерту о 20.00 В одному з найпопулярніших нічних клубів Львова 28 лютого відбудеться веселий і енергійний виступ популярного українського рок-гурту Rock-Н. Заспівувати буде талановита співачка Олеся Киричук, переможець телешоу «Шанс», учасниця конкурсу «Голос країни». Основною подією вечора стане презентація третього альбому гурту під назвою "Білий День". Rock-Н відомі як півфіналісти музичного проекту "Свіжа кров" на музичному каналі М1, а також учасники фестивалю "Червона Рута". Їх стиль - суміш класичної музики з карпатськими мелодіями постійно розвивається, і завдяки недавнім спільним проектам їх популярність ще більш зростає серед любителів сучасної рок- фолк музики. Приходьте у вишиванці і насолоджуйтеся відривною вечіркою! УВАГА ! Перші 100 квитків доступні за ціною 90 грн! Решта квитків – по 120 грн. (клубна картка не дійсна). Дрес-код: Вишиванка! Усю додаткову інформацію отримуйте телефоном (032) 275 32 72 або 235 53 32 а також на picasso.lviv.ua

SVITLANA LOBODA SOLO CONCERT March 17th, show begins at 19:00 Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.) A major concert starring the daring and mysterious Svitlana Loboda promises to wow audiences at Lviv’s Opera & Ballet Theatre on March 17th. Loboda is a popular Ukrainian singer and composer who shot to fame representing Ukraine at the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest where she finished in 12th place with 76 points. This time Loboda will bring her biggest show of the year to Lviv. Over the past few years, Svitlana has become known as a trendsetter of fashionable trends in pop music and a master of big, bold, and dazzling European shows. Fans of the songstress will recognize many of her famous tunes, including “40 Degrees”, “Clouds”, “Thank You”, and “Revolution”. As an added bonus, her hits are set to be performed in completely unexpected musical arrangements. Loboda’s shows are always filled with tenderness and drive, so don’t miss out on your chance to book your tickets now! Tickets range from 250-900 UAH. Show begins at 19:00 on March 17th at Lviv’s Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.) For more information, or to book your tickets, please call: +38 (093) 000-0754 or +38 (066) 000-0754.

СОЛЬНИЙ КОНЦЕРТ СВІТЛАНИ ЛОБОДИ 17 березня, початок о 19:00 Львівський театр опери та балету (просп. Свободи, 28) Зухвала і таємнича Світлана Лобода виступить на сцені львівського оперного театру 17 березня. Популярна співачка і композитор, яка представляла Україну на конкурсі Євробачення 2009 і зайняла там 12 місце з 76. У березні С. Лобода привезе з собою велике шоу до Львова. Протягом багатьох років Світлана є законодавцем мод в популярній музиці і майстром великих, сміливих і яскравих шоу. Шанувальники співачки почують багато відомих мелодій - "40 градусів", "Хмари», "Спасибі", "Революція" в несподіваних аранжуваннях - справжній додатковий бонус! Не пропустіть приголомшливе шоу Світлани Лободи, сповнене ніжності та драйву, замовляйте квитки сьогодні! Ціни квитків: 250-900 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків телефонуйте +38 0930000-754 або 066-0000-754

LVIV TODAY | February 2014



LVIV TODAY | February 2014

This month

LVIV WEDDING SHOW 2014 February 27 – March 2, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.) The annual “Lviv Wedding Show” is Western Ukraine’s largest and most established wedding show. The event features wedding specialists, entertaining dance shows, various workshops, thousands of dresses, and of course contests and feature sessions. Visitors to the Lviv Wedding Show 2014 will have the wonderful opportunity to enjoy seeing the latest bridal and formalwear trends showcased on the catwalk, browse and try on wedding dresses from the finest bridal boutiques in the area, book a professional photographer, order flowers and invitations, choose the perfect wedding cake, or find inspiration and ideas! Many exhibitors will be offering special ‘show only’ prices on selected products, so don’t miss out on your opportunity to benefit. For more information, please visit weddinglviv.com.

ЛЬВІВ WEDDING SHOW 2014 27 лютого – 2 березня, Палац мистецтв, (вул. Коперника, 17) Щорічна весільна виставка Wedding Show є найбільшою і найавторитетнішою на теренах Західної України. На ній будуть представлені весільні шоу, тисячі суконь, розважальні танцювальні шоу, різні майстер-класи, конкурси з призами. Відвідувачі виставки матимуть чудову нагоду оглянути й оцінити найновіші фасони весільного та повсякденного одягу, продемонстровані на подіумі, приміряти весільні сукні від найкращих весільних бутиків, а також вибрати найкращий весільний торт, замовити професійного фотографа, квіти й весільні запрошення, знайти нові ідеї та багато, багато іншого! Багато учасників пропонуватимуть спеціальні ціни "лише на виставці" на окремі види своєї продукції, так що не пропустіть нагоди! Для отримання додаткової інформації заходьте на weddinglviv.com.

“ELITEXPO” X SPECIALIZED JEWELLERY FAIR-EXHIBITION February 27 – March 2, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.) The “ElitEXPO 2014” X Specialized Jewellery Fair-Exhibition is an exclusive event that offers jewellery aficionados the best possible platform to behold the newest collections from leading jewellery chains and designers from across Ukraine and around the world. This famed exhibition is one of the largest regional jewellery showcases to feature the most extensive collections as well as contemporary, trendsetting creations. This reputable event is the perfect event to draw gold and diamond connoisseurs, as well as trade buyers, VIP customers, and general lovers of fine jewellery. So on the eve of International Women’s Day – on the 8th of March – the most talented and recognized jewellery designers will present their newest collections which are sure to impress our charming Leopolitan ladies. So guys, if you’re looking to find the perfect International Women’s Day gift for your lady, be sure to stop by the “ElitEXPO 2014” X Specialized Jewellery Fair-Exhibition. You’re sure to find the perfect gift for your perfect lady. For more information, please visit: galexpo.com.ua.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

X СПЕЦІАЛІЗОВАНА ЮВЕЛІРНА ВИСТАВКА-ЯРМАРОК "ЕЛІТЕКСПО" 27 лютого – 2 березня, Львівський Палац мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17) На цій традиційній спеціалізованій ювелірній виставці, яка є ексклюзивною подією у своїй галузі провідні ювелірні фірми та дизайнери з усієї України і з-за кордону мають, що показати і продати – тут представлені як колекційні, так і унікальні вироби з коштовних металів з коштовним і напівкоштовним камінням. Широко будуть представлені банківські метали, годинники, біжутерія та аксесуари. Ця виставка відбувається напередодні жіночого свята 8 Березня – тут чоловіки зможуть підібрати подарунки для своїх любих і коханих. Отож, усіх зацікавлених зробити подарунки близьким або інвестувати у коштовності, запрошують на ювелірну виставку в центрі Львова. Додаткову інформацію можна знайти на galexpo.com.ua2


Cultural calendar

Full Lviv listings for the coming month in Ukraine’s cultural capital

Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theatre

Address: 28, Svobody avn., Lviv Theatre ticket office working hours: 11.00–19.00 (Monday day off) Tel.: (032) 242 - 11 - 63, 272 - 88 - 60

February, 14 Friday Pahita by L. Minkus Ballet in one act Duration: 18.00–20.00 February, 16 Sunday Iolanta by P. Chaykovsky Opera in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00 February, 16


Sunday Le Corsaire by A. Adam Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30 February, 20 Thursday La traviata by G. Verdi Opera in 4 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00 February, 21 Friday Swan Lake by P. Chaykovsky Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45 February, 22 Saturday Tosca by G. Puccini Opera in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

February, 23 Sunday Ihe Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by B. Pavlovsky Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00 February, 23 Sunday Cossack over the Danube by S. Gulak-Artemovsky Opera in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.00 February, 27 Thursday The Gypsy Baron by J. Strauss Operetta in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30

February, 28 Friday Don Quixote by P. Minkus Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00-20.30

National Academic Ukrainian drama theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska

1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04 www.zankovetska.com.ua.

FEBRUARY, 14 Friday BEGINNING – 18.00 Romeo and Juliet and the darkness / J. Otchenashek

LVIV TODAY | Fabruary 2014

Lyrical comedy in 3 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 FEBRUARY, 15 SATURDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Naples – city of Cinderella’s / N. Kovalik. Play in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours FEBRUARY, 16 SUNDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 – REMIERE! Nazar Stodolya by T.Shevchenko Drama in 3 acts Performance duration: 3 hours FEBRUARY, 18 TUESDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 The Missing Charter stage adaptation script by I. Drach based on novel of M. Gogol Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes FEBRUARY, 19 WEDNESDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 The last buckwheat seeder by

LVIV TODAY | Fabruary 2014

O.Ogorodnik Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours FEBRUARY, 20 THURSDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Boyar / Lesya Ukrainka Dramatic poem Performance duration: 2 hours 10 minutes FEBRUARY, 21 FRIDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Lady Windermere's Fan /O.Wilde Musical comedy in 4 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes FEBRUARY, 23 SUNDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 – REMIERE! Nazar Stodolya by T.Shevchenko Drama in 3 acts Performance duration: 3 hours FEBRUARY, 24 FRIDAY BEGINNING – 18.00

The Lady of the Camellias / Alexandre Dumas, son Translation by M. Yakubyak Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours 15 minutes FEBRUARY, 26 WEDNESDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Marriage / N. Gogol Translation by O. Pchilka Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

LVIV PHILHARMONIC сoncert Hall named after S.Ludkevich

7, Chaykovskogo str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–19.00 Tel: 272-10-42, 272-58-64 www.philharmonia.lviv.ua

FEBRUARY, 16 SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “George Gershwin's Music Evening” featuring My-

roslav Drahan, piano together with Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra "INSO-Lviv" (conductor – Volodymyr Syvohip) performing two Gershwin's masterpieces for piano and orchestra as well as "An American in Paris" symphonic suite. FEBRUARY, 18 TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Musical Relaxation” featuring performance by Academic Chamber Orchestra “Lviv Virtuosos” (conductor – Sergiy Burko). FEBRUARY, 21 FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Scandinavian Frescoes” featuring Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra (conductor Ilya Stupel) performing compositions by Danish composer Carl Nielsen, Swedish composer Peter Lindroth FEBRUARY, 22 SATURDAY BEGINNING 15.00, 19.00


Concert “Christmas Jazz” featuring two 11-year-old violin players - Illya Bondarenko and Tetiana Zhmendak together with Natalia Lebedeva Trio performing hits by Thelonious Monk, Duke Ellington, jazz arrangements of world-famous Christmas melodies. FEBRUARY, 25 TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Virtuosic Fantasies for Two” featuring piano duo Olha Chipak and Oleksiy Kushnir performing compositions of Igor Stravinsky, Giuseppe Verdi, Franz Liszt, Abram Chasins and Maurice Ravel FEBRUARY, 27 TUESDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert dedicated to 135th birthday anniversary of Ukrainian composer and public figure Stanislav Ludkevich featuring performance by Oksana Rapita, Oleksandr Kozarenko, Lidya Shutko, Myroslav Drahan,


Natalya Kuhar and others.” March 05 Wednesday Beginning: 19.00 Concert “Rock-hits by chamber music orchestra” featuring Symphonic orchestra “Résonance” performing famous compositions of the Beatles, Queen, Nirvana, Doors, Scorpions, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Guns N 'Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bon Jovi, Kiss, Eagles, Europe, Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stonesf MARCH, 08 SATURDAY BEGINNING 17.00, 20.00 Concert “A pleasant stroll” featuring Oksana Rapita, piano, Myroslav Drahan, piano, József Örmény, piano together with Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra "INSO-Lviv" (string section) performing Myroslav Skoryk's jazz pieces for piano and string orchestra as well as solo piano and piano duo with

orchestra: his "Five Jazz Pieces", "In an Old Jazz Style", jazz paraphrases of classical music including Beethoven and Chopin and "Three Extravagant Jazz Pieces" for piano duo and orchestra.

Lviv City Spiritual Theatre Voskresinnia Gen. Grygorenka sqr., 5 Tеl.: (032) 261-63-10

FEBRUARY, 15, 16 BEGINNING: 18.00 “Ladies Night” by A. Mc Carten, S. Sinclair Performance duration 2 hours 30 minutes FEBRUARY, 19 BEGINNING: 18.00 “Tom, Dick and Harry” by R. Cooney Performance duration 2 hours 30 minutes FEBRUARY, 22, 23 BEGINNING: 18.00 “Provincial Anecdotes” by O. Vampilov. Dramatic comedy Performance duration 2 hours

FEBRUARY, 26 BEGINNING: 11.00, 14.00 “Cinderella” by Y. Shvarts Dramatic comedy Performance duration 2 hours MARCH, 01 BEGINNING: 18.00 “The Locusts” by Biljana Srbljanović Dramatic parable Performance duration 1 hour 40 minutes MARCH, 02 BEGINNING: 19.00 “TheLocusts” by Biljana Srbljanović Dramatic parable Performance duration 1 hour 40 minutes MARCH, 07 BEGINNING: 19.00 “Broken heart” by M. Starytskyi Performance duration 2 hours MARCH, 08, 09 BEGINNING: 18.00 “Broken heart” by M. Starytskyi Performance duration 2 hours

LVIV TODAY | February 2014




here is one special place in Ukraine that is known for its legendary beauty and is consistently rated the best historical city in Ukraine after Lviv and Kyiv: that city is Kamyanets-Podilsky – a truly wonderful holiday destination. It’s simply impossible to do justice to one of the beautiful sunsets over the city’s fortress; some things are meant to be experienced firsthand. A trip to Kamyanets-Podilsky won’t bust your budget either. There is no need for a flight, visa, long drive, or loads of money as the city is only 260 km from Lviv. Visitors will be amazed by a variety of the city’s attractions, including the Khotyn Fortress, the Bakotsky rock monastery, the distinctive canyon that surrounds the Old City, and the “Crystal Cave”. Guests should also enjoy the variety of musical, art, and historical renaissance festivals. Could there be a better background for whatever event you are looking to host? From corporate parties to weddings to popular festivals to romantic walks with knights in medieval armored vehicles, Kamyanets-Podilsky is the ideal site for whatever celebration is called for and because of its close distance, its possible to visit nearly every weekend. There is a reason why Kamyanets-Podilsky is consistently rated among the best cities in Ukraine to offer high-quality events for affordable rates. The city surprises visitors with its big-city services and its small-city atmosphere that continues to impress all those that have the chance to make its acquaintance. Its charm is obvious: breathtaking landscapes and atmosphere, the absence of big-city problems such as traffic jams, sublime service in industries such as hospitality, accommodations, and business, and of course, the seasoned and professional event organizers. Anyone that has been to Kamyanets-Podilsky are sure to make another trip back! If you are looking for something extra in addition to your conference or busi-

ness meeting in the city, you can always arrange an event at the “Fort Boyard de Khotyn” medieval banquet centre at the Kamyanets-Podilsky fortress or a scavenger hunt or team-building activity in any of the picturesque corners in the surrounding Podyllya region. Maybe the best choice for your corporate event is the medieval fortress with the interactive “Night in the Fortress” interactive theatre performance that will have your guests interacting with brave fortress defenders. Don’t forget to have your guests gather round the period table full of juicy and finger-licking tasty Podyllya region food. Make sure they stay for an evening full of awe-inspiring fire shows, dances, fireworks, and songs! This is all available for guests not just in summer, but year round. Not autumn leaves nor winter snowstorm could get in the way of jolly celebrations and the ancient fortress! All of these spectacular attractions for your event at Kamyanets-Podilsky can be had for as little as 439 UAH per person. That includes two days stay at the hotel with a pool, breakfasts, excursions, and a banquet. For just a little more – say 500600 UAH – your average corporate event could be turned into a wildly popular, fantasy experience for every one of your participants. To list every one of the attractions or tourist options available would take up too much space, so if you are interested in an unforgettable experience, a leisurely weekend in Kamyanets-Podilsky is exactly what you’re looking for! Check our regularly-updated website that includes city events and programming at the ‘7 Dniv’ hotel in order to find the most interesting adventures to suit the needs of any business or individual. For more information on promotional events or holiday programming, please visit www.7dniv.ua or call the hotel at +38 (038)496-9069, +38 (067) 440-9902.



в Україні місто, про незвичайну красу якого ходять легенди, місто, що по кількості пам'яток займає третє місце в країні після Києва та Львова. Це Кам'янець-Подільський, місто-свято. Розповідь про нього має такий самий сенс, як опис заходу сонця над його фортецею. Є речі, які треба бачити своїми очима, а не крізь призму монітора або глянець сторінок. Тим паче, що для цього не потрібен переліт, віза, великі гроші чи довга дорога. Лише за 260 км від Львова ви знайдете дивовижні туристичні маршрути: унікальний каньйон навкруги Старого міста, Хотинська фортеця, скальний Бакотський монастир, «Кришталева печера». А також цілу плеяду військовоісторичних, музикальних та арт-фестивалів. На декораціях Кам’янця можна легко нафантазувати будь-яку подію – від корпоратива до весілля, від романтичної прогулянки з лицарем на жовтому броньовику до багатотисячного фестивалю. А відстань дозволяє їздити в гості хоч кожні вихідні! Саме Кам’янець-Подільський займає в Україні одне з провідних місць по проведенню високоякісних корпоративних заходів за розумні гроші, повністю руйнуючи стереотипи про традиційний посередній провінційний сервіс, і тому, напевне, отримує високу оцінку серед професіоналів туристичного бізнесу. Причина успіху зрозуміла: чудові ландшафти та атмосфера, відсутність сучасних проблем на кшталт пробок, забрудненого агресією середовища, сучасний якісний сервіс у комфортних готелях, ресторанах та конференц-залах, і, головне, повний цикл з організації будь-яких заходів! Тому ті, хто вже побував тут, повертаються знову.

Каmyanets-Podilsky City, 4 Soborna Str. +38 (03849) 69 0 69, +38 (067) 440 99 02 e-mail: reservation@7dniv.ua

Якщо звична конференція або збори у стандартних декораціях рідного міста вам не цікава – на вас чекають «Форт Бояр де Хотин», середньовічний бенкет в Кам'янець-Подільській Фортеці та квести або тімбілдинги в будь-якому куточку чарівного Поділля. Корпоративні збори можна провести в справжній середньовічній фортеці, також взяти участь у інтерактивному театралізованому дійстві «Ніч у Фортеці», позмагатися у вправності та доблесті із захисниками фортеці і обов’язково запросити всіх друзів до накритих столів, де за чаркою та соковитими й духмяними подільськими смаколиками продовжити вечір вогняним шоу, запальними танцями, співами і феєрверком! І це можливо не тільки влітку! Сніг або листопад не заважають святу в середньовічній Фортеці! До речі, про головне. Як би нереально це не звучало, але бюджет заходу в Кам’янці може бути від 439 грн. на особу. І, увага – в цю ціну вже включені 2 дні перебування в готелі зі сніданками, басейном, екскурсією та бенкетом. Додайте сюди витрати на проїзд, і за 500-600 грн. ви отримаєте не просто звичайний корпоративний захід, а справжню подію, що «вириває» людину із «накатаної» колії буденності і справляє незабутнє враження. Розписувати все - займе сторінки, тому, якщо ви любите неординарні враження – цей вид відпочинку для Вас. Регулярно перевіряйте сайти міста і програму заходів готелю "7 Днів" і не пропустіть найцікавішого! Усі акції та програми святкових турів можна знайти на сайті www.7dniv.ua чи дізнатися, зателефонувавши в готель +38 (03849) 690 69, +38 067 440 99 02. м. Кам’янець-Подільський , 32300, вул. Соборна, 4 +38 (03849) 69 0 69, +38 (067) 440 99 02 e-mail: reservation@7dniv.ua


Legendary Leopolitan Lady:

MISS POLONIA 1930 ZOFIA BATYCKA Zofia was a beautiful, intelligent, talented, and successful young Leopolitan. At the age of just 20 she began a career in film and fell in love. But just when it seemed that glory, wealth and happiness was to be hers – fate decided otherwise.


ofiya Batycka was born on a warm August day in 1907 into the noble family of a successful Leopolitan attorney. After finishing high school in Lviv she moved to Warsaw to begin her studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. At the time she had a romantic affair with Polish singer and actor Jan Kiepura, but they never married. It was in summer 1928 when Jan Kiepura met the beautiful, then nearly twenty-year-old Zofia Batycka. She was tall and her round, girlish face had large, almond-shaped eyes that gave her a nostalgic look. At the same time as she was spending her first holiday with her family and the young singer in Truskavets, the idea of organizing the first beauty contest in Poland was already being discussed. It was the following year, in 1929, that the first Miss Polonia was crowned – a beautiful blonde clerk at the municipal Savings Fund in Warsaw, Władysława Kostakówna. Later that year at the Miss Europe contest in Paris, Ms. Kostakówna was narrowly defeated by the Hungarian contestant who, as many observers noted, was not actually better than Miss Polonia – only better connected. Thus, Ms. Kostakówna was widely considered the “unofficial” Miss Europe. The following year, the dark-haired Batycka attempted to succeed her in gaining the title ‘Most Beautiful Pole’. Only two years earlier, at the beautiful resort of Truskavets, Batycka didn’t even dream of participating in such a contest, let alone winning it and having thousands of men dream of her.


That summer in Truskavets, it’s not hard to imagine the beautiful Zofia looking all the more confidently into the eyes of the singing Janek, whom she admired not only for his wonderful voice, but also for his unconventional, world-wise demeanor. The confidence that Kiepura emanated was so contagious that the slightly shy Zofia became permeated with it during their two year affair. Indeed, it was Miss Batycka’s large, dark eyes that clearly enchanted Mr. Kiepura during his visit over the summer holidays to her family in the countryside.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv PERSONALITY Zofia and Jan’s fathers approved of the relationship and, as they were friends, soon decided that something should come from it. The couple was clearly attracted to each other. In fact, the relationship was so close that when Jan left for Poland after the summer break, they talked to each other on the phone nearly every day (not an easy task back then)! More than that, a lively correspondence took place between Vienna, Berlin, Milan, and Lviv – where the Batyckis lived with Zofia at Pekarska St. Both fathers, heartened at the sight of their children in love, were planning for a wedding to take place soon. However, by the end of the year some disagreeable developments appeared in their idyllic relationship. It likely started during a meeting in Krakow, to which Jan had invited Zofia. Though she arrived with her parents, her father was upset at the singer for forcing his daughter to behave as if she, as he believed, “was chasing her man”. It was against all customs at the time for a young lady to travel to meet her fiancé! It seems that Dr. Batycki was very much attached to the social conventions of the day and these customs were untouchable. The young singer probably also exaggerated his stories of the “great world” he told the young girl from Lviv, likely hoping to impress her with his unconventional lack of respect for the “norms” of the day. Did he impress her? We don’t know. He definitely made Miss Zofia’s father furious which led to the man being against any further relationship. And that is what happened; each of the lovers went their own way. Already a student, Zofia made her debut in film – starring in Polish films from 1929 and debuting in the silent Sfinks production “Grzeszna Milosc” (Zbigniew Gniazdowski, Mieczyslaw Krawicz) that was filmed partly in the Tatra Mountains. She followed that up with “Szlakiem Hanby” (Blonde Export, Mieczyslaw Krawicz, Alfred Niemirski), “Dusze w Niewoli” (Souls in Bondage, Leon Trystan), and her first ‘talkie’, “Moralnosc Pani Dulskiej” (Boleslaw Newolin). She went on to star in the short film “Kobieta, Która Sie Smieje” (Ryszard Ordynski), which was produced in Paris by Paramount, and the feature “Dziesieciu z Pawiaka” (10 Condemned), which was also directed by Ordynski, and starred Józef Wegrzyn and Karolina Lubienska. She was already extremely popular when she won the title of Miss Polonia in 1930, after which she represented Poland at the Miss Europe 1930 contest in Paris. Unfortunately for Zofia, she finished behind Miss Greece Aliki Diplarakou, as well as Miss Belgium and Miss France, who finished second and third respectively. At the same time, however, Miss Batycka became the face of “Miraculum”, a cosmetics company with a long tradition that dated back to the turn of the century and the Leopolitan beauty was featured in dozens of illustrated magazines. The following year saw Miss Batycka win the title of Miss Paramount, which saw her move to Hollywood in the hopes of pursuing a film career there. While away, Miss Poland couldn’t declare a winner in 1931 as Zofia had refused to hand over her crown as she claimed that she was “still the most beautiful woman in Poland” and that hers was a “perfect and unsurpassable beauty”. She simply refused to abdicate the throne of the beauty queen despite repeated requests and threats of the organizers. So the contest was suspended. In 1932, Batycka had signed with the American label “International Artists”. This proved to be entirely unsuccessful as she would never do any movies in Hollywood. By 1934, she returned to Poland and for a time was a theatre actress. However, she soon gave up acting and ended up marrying a Dutchman that lived in Antwerp. Following the war she ended up moving back to the United States and settled in Los Angeles. After her husband’s death and that of her mother, she cared for herself by teaching foreign languages (as she had mastered four of them) and working at the “Bac Street Antiques” gallery. She ended up living in a nursing home in Los Angeles following her retirement where she died in obscurity in June 1989. What once looked sure to be a promising and lucrative career in movies ended up going out meekly in the warm, California sun.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


Lviv art in February Art centre “Shos cikave” (Something interesting)

Rynok square, 13/22 (in the yard) Tel.: +38 063 275-17-25 (032) 244-41-66 10:30–20:00 office.prostir@gmail.com

Art Atelier Voytovych

To visit please call in advance +38 095 507-71-36 www.artists.com.ua

Gallery “ICONART”

26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8032) 235-52-95 11:00–19:00 (Tues.–Sat.) 12.00–19.00 (Sun), / Mon. gallery@iconart.com.ua www.iconart.com.ua

Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe

18.02, at 5:00 p.m. as part of the series "Urban Spaces of Lviv/Lwów/Lemberg: Conceptions, Experiences, Practices" Roman Heneha will present his research "Lviv 1944–1953: Everyday Life." 20.02, at 6:00 p.m. we invite you to the presentation of the second collection from the "Urban Studies" series called "The City and Renewal." The presentation is supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation. 6, Bohomoltsa str, Tel.: (032) 275-17-34 Fax.: (032) 275-13-09 institute@lvivcenter.org www.lvivcenter.org Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00–17:30

Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture

The sculptures by Mykhajlo Dzyndra impress us with their uniqueness. Every sculpture emerges from the mystery of his imagination and is interwoven with his life experience. Ev-


ery sculpture is most expressive in its countenance, revealing the variety of human emotions, from amazement to joy and deepest melancholy Lviv-Briukhovychi 16, Muzejna Street. Tel.: (032) 234-66-36 097 397-54-80 Tuesday through Sunday 11:00–18:00

The “Gerdan” gallery

Lviv art of the 60-80ies exhibition 4, Ruska str. Tel:.(032) 272-50-46 12:00–17:00 /Closed: Sun., Mon.

The Culture and Art Center “Dzyga”

During whole February mural painting “ Serenity “ by Sergiy Radkevych within project “Socialka” 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 10:00–18:00 office@dzyga.lviv.ua www.dzyga.com.ua

«Kvartyra (apartment) 35»

On 20.02 and 27.02 – literary meetings with recognized Ukrainian writers “EuroMaidan and culture” 35, Virmenska str. («Dzyga», 2nd floor)

Gary Bowman's Art Gallery

Till 21.02– exhibition of paintings by Larysa Puhanova 18, Nalyvayka str. Tel.: +38 095-899-51-74 12.00–19.00 \Closed: Mon. www.gbgallery.org.ua

The Lviv Art Gallery

During whole February, March – exhibition «Master Pinzel– legend and reality» 3 Stefanyka, str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-48 10:00–17:00 Closed: Mon.

Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet Olha Shchur

The Lviv Art Gallery (Pototsky Palace)

Tel.: (032) 254-61-55 (032) 295-69-68 10:00–19:00 Each Thursday and Saturday – Film screenings. Beginning –18.00 idem.org@gmail.com www.idem.org.ua

Lviv Art Palace

The “Pory roku” gallery

During whole February, March – exhibition of golden treasures «Glorious centuries of Ukraine» str. Kopernyka, 15 Tel.: (032) 261-41-45 / 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon. During 15.01 – 10.03 – exhibition “Ways of freedom Academician” dedicated to 200th birthday anniversary of Taras Shevchenko; exhibition of paintings from the funds of Lviv Art Palace str.Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working 12:00–19:00. Closed: Mon.

The Lviv National Museum

Till 03.03 – Exhibition “West European paintings of XV-XVIII centuries” from museum’s funds 20, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 274-22-80 10:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ethnography and Crafts

15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 272 70 20 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ideas Bernarden garden

During 19.02–26.02 – exhibition "Textile 2014" (Lviv Art Academy) During 28.02 – 07.03 – exhibition "Japanese calligraphy. Engravings" 8a, Valova str.,

During 6.02 – 28.02 – exhibition of graphical works and ceramics by Anna-Maria Roman 23, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 235-44-65 11:00–16:00/Closed: Sun.

The “Ravlyk” gallery

15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 243-35-99 www.ravlyk-art.com.ua salon@ ravlyk-art.com.ua

The “Slyvka” art gallery

24, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 235-58-28 10:30–19:00 slyvkart@ukr.net www.artslyvka.com

Art Gallery «Primus»

16/5, L.Ukrainky str., Tel.: +38 097 293 14 26 +38 095 899-51-74 Artprimus.lviv@gmail.com www.primusart.com.ua

Vernisazh – Open air

market of folk crafts works, souvenirs, gift articles, pictures, ceramics, embroidery works and much more. sq. Nyzkyy Zamok 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The “Green Sofa” gallery

During 04.03–16.03 Exhibition of paintings “Personalities” by Myron Katarn 7, Virmenska str. Tel:.(032) 243 70 23 / 11:00-18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


Lviv ART



On January 22, 2014 Lviv National art gallery hosted official opening of the exhibition featuring VI „International Biennial Pastel Exhibition Nowy Sącz 2013”. The event showcased 250 paintings by 233 artists from 29 countries – Germany, Austria, Belarus, USA, Canada, Hungary, France, Romania, India, Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, UK, Sweden, Russia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Slovakia, Israel, Finland. Also at the exhibition are presented artistic works by 11 painters from Ukraine. The International Pastel Biennial is a contest organized for professional artists from Poland and abroad. The goal of the contest is to showcase contemporary works of art which use pastel technique and to compare artistic output of painters representing a variety of countries and cultures. The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Małopolska Regional Operational Programe for the years 2007 – 2013.

У Львівській національній галереї мистецтв 22 січня 2014 р. відбулося офіційне відкриття виставки «VI Міжнародне бієнале пастелі. Виставка в м. Новий Сонч 2013". На цій виставці представлені 250 картин авторства 233 художників з 29 країн – Німеччини, Австрії, Білорусі, США, Канади, Угорщини, Франції, Румунії, Індії, Туреччини, Італії, Литви, Латвії, Польщі, Великобританії, Швеції, Росії, Болгарії, Данії, Іспанії, Словаччини, Ізраїлю, Фінляндії. Також на виставці представлені художні твори 11 митців з України. Це міжнародне бієнале є по суті конкурсом для професійних художників з Польщі та інших країн. Метою конкурсу є демонстрація сучасних творів мистецтва, виконаних в техніці пастелі, щоб порівняти творчість художників, які представляють різні країни та культури. Проект фінансується спільно з Європейським союзом в рамках Малопольської Регіональної програми 2007 – 2013 років.


LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv ART

LVIV’S ANNUAL ICE HOUSE EXHIBITION For the third year running, the Ice House has opened its doors during the holiday season. This year, more than 10 ice sculptures were on display under a 10-metrehigh dome providing Leopolitans and guests of the city insight into the Ukrainian soul .The Soul of Ukraine display was created by sculptors from Lviv, Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnitsky, Donetsk. Starting from February and till the end of March the Ice House offers spectacular exhibition featuring ice sculptures connected with Ukrainian famous personalities.

ЩОРІЧНА ВИСТАВКА ЛЬОДОВИХ СКУЛЬПТУР Вже третій рік поспіль будинок льодових скульптур відкриває свої двері для відвідувачів у дні зимових свят. Цього року під 10-метровим куполом, були виставлені понад 10 льодових скульптур, об’єднаних темою «Душа України» та присвячених видатним особистостям в історії України. У їх створенні взяли участь митці зі Львова, Києва, Хмельницького, Полтави та Донецька. Виставка працюватиме до протягом лютого і до кінця березня.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATING LVIV'S LADIES Every now and again history takes an unexpected twist – take, for example, International Women’s Day in Ukraine. What started out as a political protest among women has somehow lost its political flavour and become a popular occasion for men to demonstrate their love and respect for the women in their lives


ocietal attitude towards March 8th is controversial: some people consider it a Soviet relic and will not accept it in an independent Ukraine; while others, primarily youth, consider it ridiculous to celebrate the fact that some people were born women, and some men. Despite all of the controversy, each year on March 8th Ukraine celebrates Women’s Day – a holiday full of tulips, daffodils, and mimosas. The day can truly be called international as it is widely observed not only in Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, but is also an official holiday in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar (for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal (for women only), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia. The tradition now sees men honouring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, and female colleagues with flowers and small gifts. In some countries it has the same status as Mother’s Day, when children give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers. While some may consider the March 8th to be a communist anachronism, it still remains one of the most popular holidays in Ukraine, having turned into a national mixture of Valentine’s and Mother’s Day. Why March 8th, one might ask? Well according to a popular urban myth, the genesis of the holiday dates back to 1857 when women working for New York factories staged a protest against severe labour conditions and low wages and demanded equal rights with men. The first National Woman’s Day was more or less a political


event; an initiative of the Socialist Party of America, the event was observed across the United States on February 28th. At the International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen in 1910, the leader of the Women’s Office for the Social Democratic Party in Germany – Clara Zetkin – floated the idea of an International Women’s Day. Zetkin’s suggestion was received with unanimous approval and thus International Women’s Day was born. International Women’s Day was first celebrated on March 19th in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. More than one million women and men attended the rallies and campaigned for women’s rights to work, vote, be educated and trained, to hold public office, and to end their discrimination. Following discussions in 1913, International Women’s Day was transferred to March 8th and this day has remained the global date for International Women’s Day celebrations ever since. That same year the event spread to other European countries. For Ukrainian women, who are treated like queens on March 8th, generally do not really care that this first holiday of spring was once called the Day of Women’s International Solidarity for Equal Economic, Social, and Political Rights and hardly even remember that the event was formerly marked as a day for revolutionary women, not for pretty and demure ones. The holiday was first observed in Ukraine in 1913 and following the Bolshevik Revolution March 8th became a public holiday. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev declared March 8th a statutory holiday in 1966. There were also ritual events that were part of the ceremonies. For example, every year government officials would recount to the public the results of the state policy regarding women. LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv OPINION It’s possible that the genesis of the holiday may go even further back in history. Ancient Romans, for example, celebrated ‘matronalia’ – a festival of women – at the beginning of March. The festival was held in honour of the goddess Juno, a patron of married women. On this day, husbands gave their wives money and other presents and even female slaves were relieved from their duties. Modern Ukrainian women are not at all feminist. They do not fight for their rights; on the contrary – they want to be loved, admired, and taken care of. Ukrainian women, no matter who she is – a politician, businesswoman, or schoolteacher – first of all considers herself to be a wife and mother. Maybe this is one of the reasons why many foreigners prefer Ukrainian brides rather than to marry their female compatriots.

While this figure not be mentioned by pollsters, its undoubtedly certain that 100% of Ukrainian women wish each day was like March 8th as men should not really need a special day on the calendar to appreciate the women in their lives. Every year on March 8th thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate their achievements. A global network of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all over the

world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities, and networking events right through to local women’s craft markets, theatrical performances, fashion parades, and much more. How are you planning to celebrate on March 8th? Interesting fact about IWD – Purple, green, and white are the official international women’s colours. The colours originate from the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) active in the UK in 1908. The colours are said to represent: white for purity in public as well as private life; purple for justice, dignity, self-reverence, and self-respect (and representing the women’s vote); and green for hope and new life. The colours unified the women’s movement and emphasized the femininity of the suffragettes. The tricolour of the WSPU soon became a visual representation for the women’s movement in other countries. Purple, green, and white were worn on International Women’s Day and were also used for other women’s movements’ banners and posters.

Photo by: Volodymyr Kozyuk

On March 8th, which is often referred to as the holiday of spring, love, and beauty, women of all ages can expect to receive flowers, candies, perfumes, jewelry, and oth-

er gifts from their husbands, children, male colleagues, fellow students, and classmates. Even traffic police are lenient to female drivers on their holiday and pardon minor traffic violations and sometimes even give them flowers! On this day you might notice surprisingly long lines at jewelry stores, while flower vendors can expect to see their highest profits of the year. March 9th is a day when many Ukrainian men breathe a sigh of relief and congratulate each other on the end of the March 8th rush.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014



Lviv’s hopping hotspot “Rafinad People Club” hosted a casting for its upcoming “Miss Lviv 2014” beauty contest on February 8th. The “Miss Lviv 2014” pageant itself will take place in March at Lviv’s Opera & Ballet Theatre. The casting attracted more than 200 Leopolitan and area beauties ranging in age from 15 to 26. The young ladies spent several hours during the casting call presenting their best skills and personality traits in order to impress the judges. The professional judges, headed by Miss Lviv 2009 (and manager of Miss Lviv 2012) Ms. Valerya Nikiforets, decided on 14 lucky girls to take part in the grand finale of “Miss Lviv 2014”. The winner one lucky and charming winner of “Miss Lviv 2014” will go on to represent Lviv in the national “Miss Ukraine” contest which is set to take place in Kyiv on March 30th. Попередній відбір учасниць конкурсу краси "Міс Львів 2014», якого з нетерпінням чекає публіка в березні, відбувся 8 лютого 2014 р. у популярному Львівському клубі «Rafinad People». На кастинг з’явились понад 200 дівчат віком від 15 до 26 років, які протягом кількох годин намагались усіма способами представити свої здібності й особистість і справити якнайкраще враження на журі. Усі підготовка до проведення цього кастингу була проведена на високому професійному рівні і журі на чолі з Валерією Никифорець («Міс Львів 2009", менеджер конкурсу «Міс Львів 2012") змогло вибрати 14 дівчат для участі в грандіозному шоу «Міс Львів 2014", з яких лиш одній пощастить представляти Львів на національному конкурсі "Міс Україна", що відбудеться 30 березня в Києві.


LVIV TODAY | February 2014

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


LVIV RESTAURANTS Restaurants Alpaca Cuisine: Latin American. 10, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 272-50-41 Hours: from 11:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Visa Card.

Culinary Studio Kryva Lypa Cuisine: Halycian, Local 8, Kryva Lypa passage, Tel.: (032) 272-46-02 Hours: 10:00—23:00

Andersen 39, Rudnytskogo str. Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 237-38-79

Darwin Cuisine: Сontinental, Fusion 6, Shevska str., 5th fl., Tel.:(032) 294-82-05 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr.

Aragvi 161, I. Franka str. Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 295-14-31

Dynamo Blues 4, Stusa str. Hours: 12:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 275-01-89

Amadeus 7, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-80-22 Hours: 11:00–23:00 A welcoming and elegant dining out venue.

Dim Legend (House of Legends) 48, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: 050 430-29-24 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Bukhara 6, Furmanska str., Tel.: (032) 244-42-25 Catch a glimpse of the mystical pearl of Central Asia in the eastern ­flavoured dining option.

Europe Cuisine: continental 14, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 261-19-71 Hours: 12:00—24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., Hours: 12:00–15:00 30 uah

Brudershaft 16, Virmenska str. Hours: 10.00–23.00 Tel.: (032) 235-42-43 Batjar Cuisine:European, Polish, Ukrainian 3, Mentsynskoho Str., Tel.: (032) 272-37-43 Cafe 1 Cuisine: continental, French, Italian 5, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-33-69 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Visa Card. Celentano restaurant 11, Saksaganskogo str., Hours: 11:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-34-76 22, Rynok sq., Tel.: (032) 236-72-60


Fashion club Cuisine: Сontinental 1, Pidkovy sqr. Tel.: (032) 272-88-91 Breakfast hours: 08:30–11:30 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., 12:30–15:00 Disco: from 23:00. Hours: 24 hours. Visa Card. Festival-club Left bank 28, Svobody avn. (Opera and ballet Theatre, underground.) Tel.: (032) 272-28-63 Hours: 10:00–02:00

Cuisine: celebrities best recipes and dishes. Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi. Club, functioning as constant daily international Modern At festival featuring expositions of paintings, live concerts, culinary evenings, creative meetings, providing unique chance to become artist by trying to be musician or painter.

Improvisation restaurant Hrushevsky cinema jazz Cuisine: continental, national 28, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (098) 676-46-00 Hours: 9:00–2:00 Menu: eng./ukr. Free Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro A new restaurant in the 100-yearsold cinema hall with large screen. Film shows like in real cinema hall, live music, photo, painting exhibitions, presentations, parties. Banquets and weddings for 150 persons in the Lviv city heart. Delicious food and good wine. And chef who will chat with you with big pleasure! Grand Hotel Restaurant Cuisine: Сontinental 13, Svobody Avenue Tel.: (032) 272-40-95 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri. /50-80 uah/ Menu: engl./ukr./rus., Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Wonderful cuisine

and immaculate service right in the centre of town in one of Lviv’s best­ loved dining out venues.

Halytcian-Jewish cafe Under Golden Rose 2, Staroyevreiska str. (near old Synagogue) Tel.: (032) 236-75-53 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr., Wi-Fi. Cuisine: Halytcian/Jewish The ONLY restaurant in Ukraine with NO prices in menu – You should bargain over bill, to come to reasonable solutions.

Kryjivka 14, Rynok sqr. Tel.: (032) 254-61-18 Hours: 24 hours Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Kupol 37, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-54 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Visa Card. One of Lviv’s most stylish and sophisticated dining out options, Kupol has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur.

Kult Cuisine: Continental, Ukrainian 7, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 242-22-42 Hours: 12:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. One of the hippest locations in town biggest live music

club, must-visit for music loving guests of Lviv. Marvel at the diverse range of traditional Ukrainian and exquisite European cuisine favourites as you enjoy live music performances! Taste Music Delights!

Lion’s castle Park 7, Hlinky str., Lviv Tel.: 8 032 297–15–63 Hours: 7:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. WiFi. Visa Card. www.lioncastlehotel.com Most Expensive Galician Restaurant Lviv centre, 14, Rynok square, (second floor) Tel.: 050 430-87-83 Hours: 11:00–02 :00 Cuisine: European Menu: ukr./engl. Wi– Fi, Visa Card. The most “Expensive Galician Restaurant” is located in the heart of Lviv on Rynok square in the same building as famous “Kryjivka” but on the second floor. Thrill starts directly when guest enters the premise-everyone has chance to find out secrets of Masons brotherhood with all signs and symbols.

Museum-restaurant Gasova Lampa Cuisine: Ukrainian/ European 20, Virmenska str, Tel.: (032) 236-75-50 Hours:. 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Special attractions of

the venue are great collection of kerosene lamps all over the world, best‘alive”beer from huge wooden barrels, alchemist’s fiery secret liquveurs and multiconfessional terrace under Lviv roofs.

Masoch Cafe 7, Serbs’ka str. Tel.: (032) 272-18-72 Hours: 11:00—01:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Cuisine: international menu including a wide range of aphrodisiacs. Refined cuisine with slight touch of sin side by side with the first monument to the famous European writer, Lvivite Leopold von SacherMasoch.

Mon Chef Restaurant of quality meats 15, Ноrodotska str., Tel.: (032) 242 27 07 Hours:11:00-23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card, Maestro. monchef.com.ua Delicious a la carte menu with wide choice of prime wine & beverages. La Piazza Place, where whole city meets. 27, Svobody avn. TM “Opera Passage”, 4th floor. Cuisine: Italian. Tel.: (032) 295-88-14/15 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr.

LVIV TODAY | Fabruary 2014

Lviv Lviv Restaurants Society Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro. The only original Italian restaurant with best selection of pizzas, pastas and salads in the city. Peking Cuisine: Chinese 8, Grushevskogo Str, Tel.: (032) 260-22-07 Hours: 10:00—22:00

Panorama Cuisine: Mediterranean 45, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 225-90-09 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./pol./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Sample unrivalled views of the picturesque downtown Lviv skyline as you dine in style at this high-level restaurant. Prague Cuisine: Continental, Czech 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The whole interior of the restaurant is a synonym for exclusivity. The venue boasts an Art Nouveau interior complete with samples of postcards and posters painted by the Czech artisrt Alphonse Mucha. Pafos 5, Pylnykarska str. Tel.: ( 032) 297-08-23 Hours: 11:00—23:00 Enjoy fine examples of Cypriot cuisine in this European eatery. Pizza FELICHITA Cuisine: Italian 1, Mickiewicza sqr., (George Hotel) Tel.: 067 361-28-28 Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card,Maestro. Specialties of the venue: delicious pizza, gourmet pasta and exquisite wine.

Shakespeare Cuisine: continental. 144, Lubinska str., Tel.: (032) 295-5-295 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Breakfast: from 08:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The spirit of merry old England is alive and well in Lviv, as this tasteful tribute to the great British bard demonstrates.

Leopolis Restaurant Inside Hotel Leopolis Cuisine: modern Ukrainian and European. 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 295-95-00 Hours: 12:00—23:00 Menu: EN/UA Noted for its extensive wine list and selection of regional delicacies. Try Ukrainian cuisine in modern interpretation degustation set by the Chef Volodymyr Pavliuk. Complimentary Wi-Fi.

Cigar Lounge Inside Hotel Leopolis, 1floor (basement floor) 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 295-95-00 Hours: 17:00 till the last guest. Menu: EN/UA World class cigars and tobacco, exclusive beverages at the lounge zone and cozy historical ambience. Smakolyk Cuisine:Ukrainian 5, Mikhalchuka str., Tel.: (032) 245-22-84 Hours: 8:00—21:00 Sim porosyat (Seven piglets)

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

9, Bandery str., Lviv Hours: 10:00 – last customer Tel.: (032) 297-55-58

Split Cuisine: Сontinental, Japanese 6/7, Mitskevicha sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-22-00 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: engl./ukr./rus. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The restaurant of the extensive Club Split Lviv complex is a comfortable and cozy establishment situated in the central part of Lviv. It offers a great choice of dishes, live music, and luxurious interior. Stary Tiflis Cuisine: Oriental, European 28, Pekarska str., Тel.: (032)276-61-11 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tex-Mex BBQ Cuisine: American, Mexican, Steakhouse 7 Dudajeva Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 261-1772 Hours: 10:00—23:00 The Grill Cuisine: European, steak specialties 22, Teatralna str. Тel.: (032) 235-49-91 Hours: 11:00–23:00 www.thegrill.com.ua Trapezna (Refectory) of “Museum of ideas” Cuisine: Traditional monastery food in Galicia. 18A, Valova str., Lviv Frate Mykhaylo: 097 421-76-84 Frate Yaroslav: 097 226-28-85 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr No smoking Located in the basement cellar of former Bernarden monastery venue ofers authentic atmosphere of medieval monastery refectory flled with chamber and spiritual music. Club of gastronomic ideas.


Lviv Restaurants SoCiety Lviv international quality venue providing a wide selection of beers and whiskeys.

Viennese Coffee House Cuisine: Сontinental 12, Svobody avn, Tel.: (032) 235-87-21 Hours: 09:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Quite simply a Lviv classic. This venue actually dates back to 1829 and is the oldest still functioning in the city. You will feel equally at home enjoying delicious pastires and coffee or a hearty meal. Billiards also on offer.

Atlas 45, Rynok Square, Tel.: 032 235 8188 Hours: 8:00–24:00 Breakfasts: 8:00–12:00; Business lunch: 12:00–15:00 The historic Atlas restaurant has been beautifully restored to capture the spirit of 19th century Lviv. Enjoy Ukrainian and Galician cuisine in an enchanting atmosphere! Wide choice of ownmade liqueurs! Our team of courteous, amicable and multilingual staff are always at Your service. Pubs and Bars Dublin 5, Kryva Lypa lane, Tel.: (032) 272-88-74 12:00–24:00 Thur., Fri., Sat – till 02:00 Business lunch: Mon.– Fri., Hours: 12:00–14:00 /35 UAH/ Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. A democratic but


Kumpel’ Cuisine: Galician Mytna sqr., Tel.: (032) 242-17-80 Hours: 24 hours. 2B, Chernovola avn., Tel.: (032) 229-51-77 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: ukr./engl./pol. Visa Card. Specialties of the restaurant: “Alive” beer of three brands, brewed in own brewery, placed directly in the restaurant. Korzo Pub 10, Brativ Rogatyntsiv str. Tel.: (032) 275-70-92 Hours: 12:00–24:00 A friendly and welcoming old style pub atmosphere with all the hospitality you would expect to find in the west Ukrainian capital. Mons Pius: Beer & Meat 14, L. Ukrainka str., (Armenian yard), Lviv Tel.: (032) 235-60-60 097 64-54-952 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card Pub ”Mons Pius” ofers fresh ’alive” beer ”Mons Pius”, delicious charcoal grilled steakes, additionally to watching sports events on big TV in friendly atmosphere. Prague 8, Gnatuyka str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. More then 15 different brands of bottled and draught beer on


offer. A popular Lviv sports bar. Robert Doms 18, Kleparivska str., Tel.: (032) 242-25-94, 242-25-93 www.robertdoms. lviv.ua Cavernous basement cellar pub which was formerly part of Lviv’s celebrated brewery is today presenting best selection of jazz, pop and classical music compositions in excellent performance of talented artists. Not to be missed! Stargorod Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 1, Rymlyanyna str., Tel.: (032) 229-55-05 Hours: 24 hours open Menu: engl./ukr. Cafes

COFFEESHOP COMPANY Pl.Soborna, 2 Tel: 050 3377332 Hours: 8.00 – 23.00 Menu: eng./ukr. Wi fi, visa card The Coffeeshop Company constitutes a consistent, highvalue, innovative interpretation of the traditional Viennese café culture. This is a place for a relaxed conversation while you are enjoying excellent coffee and Austrian food and pies. Strudel-Haus 6/10, Shevska str., Tel.: (032) 294-82-06 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Galka 4, Kovzhuna str. Tel.: (032) 297-81-04 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Fresca 9, Krakivska str. Tel.: (032) 272-49-85 Hours: 10:00–23:00

Fast Food

Kaviarnia Levakovs’koho 3, Katedralna sqr., Lviv Tel.:(032) 235-88-22 Hours: 08:00—23:00 WiFi, Visa Card. No smoking. Business lunches: Mon.–fri., 12:00–16:00 The first cafe in the city of Lviv since 1802. Cakes and pastries backed fresh in front of Your eyes!

K'Kawa 5, Valova str. Тel: (098) 389-73-34 Hours: 8:30–22:00 Porohova Vezha (Gunpowder Tower) 4, Pidvalna str. Тel.: (097) 9000-376 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Kabinet Cuisine: ukrainian. 12, Vynnychenka str. Tel.: (032) 261-48-84 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Lviv chocolate workshop 3, Serbs’ka str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (050) 430 60 33 CK Lokal 19, Valova str. Hours: 8:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 236-70-80 Pid Synej Plashkoju 4, Rus’ka str. Tel.: (032) 294-91-52 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Pod Klepsidroj 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Page Coffee House 23, Shevchenko avn. Tel.: (032) 272-68-40 Hours: 09:00–20:00 Royal yard (Italian mansion) 6. Rynok sqr. Hours: 10:00–20:00 Tel.: (032) 297-53-66 Stari Mury 5, Serbs’ka str. Tel.(032) 236-71-77 Hours: 09:00–22:00

Tarta café by Mrs.Greenwich 24, Pekarska str. Tel.: 050 372 273 0 Hours: 9.00 – 23.00 Menu: ukr This is the place to have delicious morning coffee, the café to return for dinner with your colleagues and to have a sweet evening meetings with your friends. Tarta café will become your favorite family café with its homemade pies, tartas and cheesecakes, pasta fresca and pizza, natural lemonade and fresh. It is the best choice for a Sunday family brunch. Tsukernya (Confectionary) 3, Staroyevreyska, str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 235-69-49 Veronika 21, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 297-81-28 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Svit Kavy 6, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-56-75 Monday–Friday: 08:00–22:00 Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–23:00 Menu: ukr./engl./ germ. Zoloty dukat 20, Fedorova str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 298-62-33 Tea House Victorian Cuisine:Ukrainian 1,Krakivska Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 235 84 92 Hours: 10:00—22:00 Cafe BestOf Cuisine: International, Ice Cream 3, Kryva Lypa passage, Lviv Tel.: (032) 255-51-13 Hours: 10:00—22:00

McDonalds 7, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 297-14-66, (032) 297-14-56 24a, V. Velykogo str., Tel.: (032) 297-68-74, (032) 297-68-75 12, Chornovola str., Tel.: (032) 297-04-84, (032) 297-04-14 35, Svobody avn., Tel.: (032) 272-66-31, (032) 272-66-31 Pizza Celentano Popular pizza chain which prides itself on its fresh products and efficient service. Pizza, pasta, crepes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and real coffee are some of the delights on offer. 9, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-32-39 7, Kn. Romana str. Tel.: (032) 272-59-42 24, Svoboda avn. Tel.: (032) 255-06-84 16, Slovatskogo str. Tel.: (032) 274-46-57 Potato House 27, Doroshenka str. Tel.: (032) 255-08-84 Hang-out restaurant where under the supervision of the white-stone statue of Grammy Conchita you can enjoy dishes of tex-mex cuisine. SUSHI BARS Yapi Cuisine: Japanese 6/8, Svobody ave. Tel.: 8 032 272-29-72 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Japanese cuisine restaurant “Yapi” – is an island of modern Japanese culture in old Lviv. Sushi Kappo-in 8, Levytskogo str. Hours: 10:30–22:30 Tel.: (032) 245-31-09 Yapona hata 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 297-51-17 29, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 261-60-31 Open 24 hours

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

LVIV NIGHTLIFE Nightclubs Chocolate party bar 2, Petrushevycha sqr. Tel.: (032) 225-54-45, (067) 670-08-67 www.partybar.com.ua Open: 18:00–6:00 House, R’n’B, POP, Lounge. Face control in operation PLAY Bar 6, Kryva Lypa Lane Tel.: (032) 272-25-01 (096) 367-60-26 Sun–Thur:11:00– 01:00 Fri–Sat:11:00–03:00 Lounge Bar, Restaurant, Cocktail & Party Club Fenomen 186, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 270-55-58

MI100 Entertainment center 7, Naukova str. Tel.: (032) 22-44-753 www.mi100.lviv.ua Rafinad People 1, Rudanskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261 61 68

Zanzibar 36, Lypyns’kogo str. Tel.: (067) 255-66-57 www.zanzibar.com.ua Monday–Thursday. Sunday from 22:00. Friday, Saturday from 23:00. House, Electro, Minimal, R n’ B, Trance.

Club “Renesans” 2, Kovzhuna str., Tel. 067 22 01 444 www.facebook.com/ renesanslvivclub Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week SAN’KOFF 36, Shchyrets’ka str. Tel.: 097-00-675-00 096-222-60-60 Hours: 19:00–6:00 Spectacular 340m2 spacious dance floor Night club Restaurant Whisky Pub Summer terrace www.sankoff.com.ua

International Youth Entertainment Club Metro 14, Zelena, str. If you`re a fan of racism, xenofobia, drug use, homophobia, aggression – visiting us could be danger ous for your brain! We speak english/ mówimy po polsku / biz Türkçe konusuyoruz; Located in city centre; Over 1000 m2 of drive; Yard with bar ~ 400 m2; 5 bars – minimal waiting time; restaurant; bar flyer show; travesty show. on.fb.me/metroua

vk.com/nclub_metro Hours: 21:00–6:00 Tel.: 0 800 30-40-800 067 670-42-43 www.metroclub. com.ua Millennium 2, Chornovola avn. Tel.: (032) 240-35-91 www.favorite-club. com Hours: from 21:00 Cloused: Monday. GALAKTIKA Lviv – Vynnyky, Galytska str., 21 B Tel.: (032) 296-26- 96 www.galaktika-club. com “888 Havana” D. Galytskogo str., 1 Tel.: (032) 235- 88-77 www.karaokeclub888.com.ua

Picasso Club 88, Zelena str., Tel.: (032) 275-32-72 (050) 430-58-02 Café: Monday-Friday 12:00–17:00 Night club: Mon.Sun. 22:00–05:00. www.picasso.lviv.ua Picasso Club is truly cult venue for the best leisure of Lviv’s party-going people different generations. You can find here various concerts, thematic parties and best selection of European dancefloor hits. Picasso Club was founded in 1997.

Cazanova restaurant-club is successful combination of delicious restaurant with outside terrace at day time and stylish strip club with spectacular erotic shows at night beginning at 23:00. 7, Stavropihiys’ka str., Lviv (032) 236-75-74 / (067) 287-68-05 Open 11:00–06:00. Live music 20.00–23.00, Show Bar, Wi-Fi Zone, Hookah lounge, Wide choice of cocktails, Extensive beer selection

LVIV TODAY | February 2014




he XXII Olympic Winter Games are set to kick off in February and Ukraine is sending 43 of our finest athletes to Sochi, Russia to compete in 9 of the 15 events. As this 2022 Olympic bid region’s leading English-language lifestyle magazine, Lviv Today looks at Ukraine’s best medal hopes in our Sochi 2014 Olympic Viewing Guide. Events can be seen on Pershyi Natsionalnyi (First National) channel. All viewing times are local (Ukrainian). Note: This issue went to print after the six Leopolitan athletes competed in the luge events during the first week of the Olympic Games. Lviv Today wishes all Ukrainian athletes the best of luck, but will especially be watching our hometown sporting heroes when they compete on Feb. 8–13. February 15th Main Event: All eyes will be watching the Russia-USA men’s hockey game at 14:30. The Russian team faces enormous pressure to win men’s hockey gold and this will be their toughest match in the preliminary round. Ukraine Event: Catch Kosiv’s Bogdana Matsotska competes in Women’s Super-G Alpine Skiing at 9:00 or the Women’s 4x5 Cross-Country Relay team at 12:00. February 16th Main Event: The Men’s 15km Mass Start Biathlon event at 17:00 will be what most Ukrainians and Russians tune in to watch today. Russia has four biathletes that finished in the top 12 at the World Cup event in January, including Alexey Volkov’s silver medal. They’ll hope for a repeat performance today. Ukraine Event: While most Ukrainians will want to tune into the Men’s 15km Mass Start Biathlon event at 17:00, you should know that Ukrainian Figure Skating duo of Siobhan Heekin-Canedy and Dmitri Dun will compete in the Ice Dance Short program at the same time. February 17th Main Event: The Women’s Hockey Semifinals are set for today at 14:30 & 19:00. While the overwhelming favorites remain Canada and the USA, Russia has spent a lot of time and effort in developing their women’s team with the hope of earning a medal in Sochi. The team won bronze at last year’s World Championships. Ukraine Event: Every Ukrainian will be tuned in to the Women’s 12.5km Mass Start Biathlon event at 17:00 to see if Vita Semerenko or Olena Pidhrushna can finish with a medal. Vita finished 4th in this event at last year’s World Championships. Other Ukrainian athletes in action today include Mykola Puzderko and Oleksandr Abramenko in Men’s Freestyle Aerials at 15:45 & 19:30 and Heekin-Canedy/Dun in Free Dance Figure Skating at 17:00. Abramenko, competing in his third Olympics, has finished as high as 5th in the World Championships (2009) and has a very outside chance of medalling in Sochi. February 18th Main Event: The Women’s Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing event lost one of its superstars due to injury before the event even began (USA’s Lindsey Vonn), yet the event at 9:00 & 12:30 remains the event to watch today. While skiers from Sweden and Austria look to dominate the podium, watch to see if Lichtenstein’s Tina Weirather can win the tiny nation’s first Winter Olympic medal since 1988. She is currently 3rd in the World Cup standings. Ukraine Event: The young Viktor Pasichnyk of Kremenets will compete in Nordic Combined with the Large Hill Ski Jump set for 11:30 and the 10km Cross Country Ski slated for 14:00. Other Ukrainians in action today include Safiya Vlasova – Ukraine’s lone entry in Short Track Speed Skating – who will compete in the 1000m race at 11:30 and Bogdana Matsotska from Kosiv, who will compete in the Alpine Skiing’s Giant Slalom at 9:00.


February 19th Main Event: While many viewers will be turning in to watch the Men’s Hockey Quarterfinals throughout the day, Women’s Figure Skating also begins today at 17:00. Or you could stay tuned in after the Biathlon Mixed Relay to see if Canada’s Women’s Bobsleigh team can defend their Olympic title from Vancouver at 20:15. Ukraine Event: This is the single biggest day for Ukraine at the Sochi Olympics. Ukrainian athletes will participate in 6 separate events. The best hopes for medals are in the Biathlon Mixed Relay at 16:30 and in the Women’s Team Sprint in Cross-Country Skiing at 11:15 & 13:45. Other Ukrainian athletes to compete today include Simferopol’s Natalia Popova in Women’s Figure Skating Short Program at 17:00; Yosef Penyak and Annamari Chundak in Snowboard Parallel Giant Slalom at 7:15 & 11:00; and Dmytro Mytsak in Men’s Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing at 9:00 & 12:30. February 20th Main Event: Today is for the women; all of Women’s Hockey (14:00 & 19:00), Women’s Figure Skating (17:00), and Women’s Curling (10:30 & 15:30) wrap up today with medals handed out in all events. Or you could check out the always entertaining Men’s Ski Cross, which has their medal event at 11:30. Ukraine Event: If you missed the American-trained Popova compete in yesterday’s jam-packed schedule, you can check her out during the Women’s Figure Skating Free Skate at 17:00. February 21st Main Event: It is Semi Final day in the Men’s Hockey tournament and many viewers will tune-in for the games at 14:00 & 19:00. Also try to catch the Men’s Curling gold medal match at 15:30 which could see a rematch of the 2010 final between Canada and Norway. Short Track Speed Skating is one of the most exciting events at the Games and finals in several events begin at 18:30. Ukraine Event: If Ukrainian super-biathlete Olena Pidhrushna hasn’t yet won Ukraine’s first gold medal since 1994 (and first medal of any colour since 2006), today is the day to tune in. the Ukrainian Women’s 4x6 Relay Biathlon team is one of the favorites heading into the event that begins at 16:30. The ladies have finished on the podium in nearly every World Cup event this season and offer the best chance to end Ukraine’s 20-year Winter Olympic gold medal drought. Also in action today is Matsotska in Women’s Slalom Alpine Skiing at 14:45 & 18:15. February 22nd Main Event: The popular Figure Skating Gala Exhibition, featuring medal winners from each event, will take place at 18:30. If you’re looking for something more competitive, check out the Men’s Hockey bronze medal match at 17:00 or the Speed Skating Team Pursuit events at 15:30. Ukraine Event: Most viewers will want to see if the Ukrainian Men’s Biathlon team will be able to match the performances of the WomLVIV TODAY | February 2014


en’s team. They compete in the 4x7.5km Relay today at 16:30. Other events featuring Ukrainian athletes today include: Penyak and Chundak in Snowboard Parallel Slalom at 7:15 & 11:15; Mytsak in Slalom Alpine Skiing at 14:45 & 18:15; and 5 different women in Cross Country Skiing’s 30km Mass Start Free event at 11:30. February 23rd Main Event: The final medal event of the Winter Games is also the premiere event of the Olympiad and all eyes will be anxiously awaiting the Men’s Hockey gold medal match at 14:00, especially if Russia qualifies for the game. Favorites for gold include Canada, Russia, LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Sweden, and the USA. Following the match will be the Closing Ceremonies at 18:00. Watch as Sochi hands over the Olympic flag to 2018 host PyeongChang, South Korea. Maybe in four years’ time the mayor of PyeongChang will be handing the flag over to the mayor of Lviv? Ukraine Event: On the final day of competitions, if you want a warmup event before the Men’s Hockey gold medal game, why don’t you check out Ruslan Perekhoda and Oleksii Krasovskyi in Cross Country Skiing’s 50km Mass Start Free event at 9:00. Then you can get settled in for the big hockey game and the Closing Ceremonies.


Lviv sports


Our Sports Fans Guide to Lviv covers everything from handball to swimming, get all the best and newest coverages from our photojournalist Evhen Kravs.

HANDBALL Lviv was host to the Ukrainian Women’s Handball Super League championship last month, which saw Lviv’s “Halychanka” take on Uzhhorod’s “Karpaty”. The first game saw the Transcarpathian squad come out victorious with a 27-19 win, while local handball heroines “Halychyna” took the rematch with a dramatic 25-22 win. Currently “Halychanka” sits second place in the league with 22 points. Local handball fans and sports lovers wish “Halychanka” the best of luck in their upcoming matches.

ГАНДБОЛ Матчі Українського жіночого чемпіонату з гандболу в Супер-лізі відбулись у Львові 24 та 25 січня. Зустрілись лідери турніру - "Галичанка" (Львів) і «Карпати» (Ужгород). Перша гра принесла перемогу команді із Закарпаття з рахунком 27:19. Проте в другій грі перемогли львів’янки з драматичним рахунком 25:22. Сьогодні в турнірній таблиці "Галичанка" знаходиться на другому місці з 22 очками. Місцеві вболівальники та любителі спорту бажають "Галичанці" удачі в майбутніх поєдинках на майданчику.


LVIV TODAY | February 2014


BASKETBALL Lviv’s local basketball squad missed an opportunity to make up ground in the Ukrainian SuperLeague standings in January after blowing a late lead at home to BC Kyiv on January 17 and losing in overtime. After thoroughly dominating the 9th-ranked guests and heading into the 4thquarter ahead by 10 points, the home side couldn’t prevent melting down and giving the game to squad from the capital. American point guard Anthony Miles led the way in a losing cause with 20 points, while Sergei Alferov and former national team forward Oleksandr Kolchenko chipped in with 15 points each. The team made up for the loss by returning the favour of coming from behind to beat Ferro-ZNTU 69-63. In a true team effort that saw five separate player score double-digit points, the boys in green erased a 9-point halftime deficit to handily defeat the 4th-place team from Zaporizhia. Politekhnika-Halychyna now sits in 8th place with an 8-8 record. The team has five games in February and will need to make a run if they hope to qualify for the playoffs again. February home dates include games with 11th-ranked Mykolaiv on Feb. 11, 5th-ranked Budivelnyk on Feb. 22, and against top-ranked Khimik on February 24.

Баскетбол Львівська баскетбольна команда, на жаль, не змогла зміцнити свої позиції в турнірній таблиці української Суперліги. У матчі проти БК Київ (9 місце у рейтингу) на власному полі 17 січня львів’яни програли у додатковій час. Маючи перевагу в 10 очок на початку четвертого періоду, господарі не змогли втримати ініціативу і поступились столичним гостям. Американський розігруючий Ентоні Майлс заробив у цьому поєдинку 20 очок, а Сергій Алфьоров і колишній форвард національної збірної Олександр Кольченко - по 15 очок. Команда надолужила втрачене, здобувши перемогу над ФерроЗНТУ (4 місце) з рахунком 69:63. У напруженому поєдинку, в якому п'ятеро гравців заробили понад 10 очок, львів’яни скоротили розрив першої половини матчу в 9 очок, і вийшли переможцями в напруженому поєдинку. Політехніка-Галичина тепер посідає 8 місце з рахунком 8-8. Команда провела 5 ігор в лютому, і їй доведеться прикласти чимало зусиль, щоб знову претендувати на плей-офф. У лютому Політехніка-Галичина проведе на своєму полі ігри з командами Будівельник (5 місце) - 22 лютого, і проти Хімік (1 місце) - 24 лютого.

LVIV TODAY | January 2014


Lviv Sport



The ‘Lviv Leader 2014’ sports dance competition was held at Lviv’s Gratsya sportscomplex from February 1-2. Over 200 dancers aged 4-35 from across Ukraine took part in the event. Lviv was well represented by the dance studios Edelveis, Talisman, and Eurodance. As first place winners of the competition in grown-ups category came Orest Markevych/Natalya Gornostay (Lviv), as second place winners came Oleksandr Dobrovolskyi/Anastasyia Kovalchuk (Odessa), while third place winners became Pavlo Stetskiv/Anastasyia Miller (Stryi). As first place winners in youth category of Latin dance program became representatives of club “Gloria” Roman Vysotskyi and Olena Vavrychuk from Chervonograd.

1-2 Лютого 2014 р. у спорткомплексі «Грація» відбувся турнір зі спортивних танців «Львів-Лідер-2014». Загалом понад 200 танцюристів з Києва, Львова, Одеси, Ужгорода, Стрия, Самбора, Червонограда, Хмельницького у віці від 4 до 35 років взяли участь у цьому заході. Львів представляли танцювальні студії «Едельвейс», «Талісман», «Eurodance» та інші. Переможцями конкурсу в дорослій категорії стали Орест Маркевич і Наталя Горностай (Львів), друге місце посіли Олександр Добровольський і Анастасія Ковальчук (Одеса), на третьому - Павло Стецьків і Анастасія Міллер (Стрий). В молодіжній категорії у програмі латиноамериканських танців переможцями стали представники клубу «Глорія» Роман Висоцький і Олена Вавричук з Червонограда.


Lviv Sport



The Ukrainian National Basketball Team, fresh from qualifying for their first ever FIBA Basketball World Cup (formerly known as the World Championships), was drawn into Group C at the tournament along with top-ranked USA, Turkey (7th), New Zealand (19th), Dominican Republic (26th), and Finland (39th). The 45th-ranked Ukrainian squad qualified for the 2014 championships, set to be held in Spain in September, by finishing 6th at the 2013 FIBA EuroBasket tournament in Slovenia. The 6th-place finish was by far the finest performance ever by a Ukrainian national basketball team that had failed to even qualify for two of the three previous European championships and had never finished in the Top 10 (13th in 1997 was their best previous result). The Ukrainian team, ranked 50th going into that tournament, secured their historic finish with victories over several higher-ranked opponents including Serbia (12th), Germany (13th), Great Britain (23rd), and Israel (31st). The success should give the team some confidence heading into a tough Group C at the World Championships in Spain. Ukraine is led by NBA coaching legend Mike Fratello and Phoenix Suns (NBA) centre Viacheslav Kravtsov. The tournament will be a great test for the team in advance of the 2015 EuroBasket tournament, set to be held in Ukraine. Lviv is slated to host matches at the new basketball arena currently under construction near the airport. Ukraine kicks off the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup on August 30th at the Bizkaia Arena in Bilbao, Spain.

Українська національна баскетбольна збірна, вперше закваліфікувавшись до змагань Кубку світу ФІБА з баскетболу (який ще називають чемпіонатом світу), потрапила в групу «С» поряд з командами США (1 місце), Туреччини (7 місце), Нової Зеландії (19 місце), Домініканської Республіки (26 місце) і Фінляндії (39 місце). Україна займає 45 місце в рейтингу чемпіонату 2014 року, який відбудеться в Іспанії у вересні, зайнявши 6 місце у турнірі ФІБА 2013 року в Словенії. Це досягнення є, безумовно, результатом великої роботи - вперше українські баскетболісти, які досі не пройшли кваліфікації у двох з трьох попередніх чемпіонатів Європи і ніколи не входили у першу десятку (найбільшим досягненням стало 13 місце в 1997 році) потрапили в групу. Українська команда, що увійшла в цей турнір на 50 місці, здобула історичні перемоги над кількома більш титулованими суперниками, серед яких були команди Сербії (12), Німеччини (13), Великобританії (23) та Ізраїлю (31). Цей успіх повинен надихнути команду на нові звершення в групі «С» на чемпіонаті світу в Іспанії. Українську збірну очолять легендарний Майк Фрателло і центровий команди Phoenix Suns (НБА) В'ячеслав Кравцов. Турнір буде великим випробуванням для команди напередодні баскетбольного турніру 2015 року, який має відбутись в Україні. Львів планує приймати матчі на новій баскетбольній арені, яка поки що будується недалеко від нового аеропорту. Перший матч нашої збірної в Кубку світу FIBA 2014 відбудеться 30 серпня в залі Біскайя Арена в іспанському місті Більбао.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014



LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv Promotion


viv’s bid for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games received its public image last month when Vice-Prime Minister Olexandr Vilkul and Ukrainian National Olympic Committee (NOC) President Sergey Bubka announced the winner of the logo contest. The presentation was held in conjunction with the farewell event for Ukrainian athletes headed to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Following November’s announcement that Ukraine had submitted an application to the International Olympic Committee – the first attempt in the history of independent Ukraine – the organizing committee kicked off the process by holding a logo selection contest from January 13–26. Over 60,000 Ukrainians logged into the specially-created lviv2022.in.ua website where they had the opportunity to view the four entries, learn more about what each logo represented, and ultimately had the opportunity to vote for their favorite. More than 32,000 – more than 50% of all votes received – selected the winning logo that incorporates Lviv’s colourful and playful city logo that was adopted before the 2012 EUROs with two superimposed mountains that represent the alpine communities of Truskavets and Volovets. Other logos represented Lviv’s association with the ‘lion’, and a couple of variants of snowflakes infused with vyshyvanka or pysanky designs. All logos were developed by the internationally-recognized American firm “North Design” that has designed several logos for world championships, Olympics, and Paralympics. The Director-General of the Bid Committee for Lviv 2022 Serhiy Goncharav noted that “The logo harmoniously combines the openness of the city of Lviv to the word; it’s multinational, multicultural, and at the same time – highly accepting and friendly. The logo also combines the deep, long-standing culture of the city and region with nature – the unique Carpathians that are an integral part of the history and present City of Lviv as well as its visitors.” Apart from Lviv, there are four other cities fighting for the right to hosted the biggest winter sports event in the world: Almaty, Kazakhstan; Beijing, China; Krakow, Poland (with Slovakia); and Oslo, Norway. Stockholm, Sweden had initially submitted a bid but withdrew their application in January after city council decided it was not a wise investment.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Віце прем'єр-міністр Олександр Вілкул та український Президент НОК Сергій Бубка представили логотип Львова з прицілом на зимові Олімпійські та Параолімпійські ігри 2022 року. Презентація відбулася під час церемонії відправки олімпійської збірної України для участі в XXII Олімпійських зимових іграх. У листопаді минулого року Україна подала заявку до Міжнародного олімпійського комітету і розпочала першу у своїй історії олімпійську кампанію, щоб претендувати на проведення зимових Олімпійських ігор 2022 року у Львові та його околицях. Зокрема, необхідно було вибрати і представити логотип господарів майбутньої Олімпіади. Близько 60 тисяч українців взяли участь у конкурсі. Голосування тривало з 13 по 26 січня на спеціально створеному сайті www. lviv2022.in.ua, де можна було не лише побачити всі чотири варіанти логотипу, а й проголосувати за один з них. Понад 32 тисячі українців проголосували за логотип, який переміг. Цю версію логотипу запропонувала відома фірма American North design. Генеральний директор заявкового комітету «Львів 2022» Сергій Гончаров заявив: "Логотип гармонійно поєднує в собі відкритість Львова до світу, його багатонаціональність, мультикультурність, і високу толерантність та дружелюбність. У цьому логотипі також поєднані давня культура міста і природа краю, Карпатські гори, які відомі своєю гостинністю та облаштованими гірськолижними курортами". Крім України, сьогодні за право проведення найбільших зимових спортивних змагань світу змагаються Польща і Словаччина (спільна заявка), Казахстан, Норвегія і Китай.


Complete English language listings to help visitors and residents alike get more out of life in the capital of West Ukraine.

Useful numbers Emergency numbers Fire department – 101 Police – 102 Emergency medical assistance – 103 Gas control department – 104 Explosive–technical services – (+38 032) 262-21-73 Rescue-diving services – (+38 032) 275-82-13 Municipal services: Information service of Lviv City council – 1580 Lviv water supply network – 1551 Lviv electricity supply network – 1568 Lviv city light network – (+38 032) 270-64-65 Lviv heating and energy public network – 1585 Lviv Municipal Emergency repair company – (+38 032) 275-54-16 Lviv regional control and rescue service – (+38 032) 272-79-56

Officials City Council 1, Rynok sqr., Tel.: +38 (032) 254-60-06 www.city-adm.lviv.ua Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, V.Vynnychenka str., office 118–119 Tel.: +38 (032) 235-64-78 www.mfa.gov.ua

Accounting/Tax J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua


Airlines Danylo Halytskyi International Airport «Lviv» Tel.: +38(032) 229-81-12 www.lwo.aero

Austrian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: 0800-3000-49 Hours of opening: Mon.–Fri., Sun. 10:00–18:00 www.austrian.com.ua “ASTRA AIRLINES” Office in Lviv Kopernika str 21/1 Tel.: (+38 032) 245–77–77 LOT Polish Airlines 5, Sychovych Striltsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-50-57 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-55 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–17:00 lotlwo@lot.com www.lot.com LUFTHANSA Tel.: (+38 032) 297-61-10 PEGASUS AIRLINES Tel.: 0-800-505-510 (+38 032) 244-43-01

Turkish Airlines 4, Mitskevycha Square Tel.: (+38 032) 297 - 08 - 49 Mon. - Fri. 09:00 - 17:30 www.thy.com lwoops@thy.com call center 24/7 0-800-501-20-70 Ukraine International Airlines 2nd floor, Airport Terminal Tel.: (+38 032) 298-69-77 www.flyuia.com UTair aviation Daily flights to Moscow and cities of Russian Federation Flight tickets for all world destinations. 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 229-82-99 050 355 19 60

WIZZAIR Tel.: (+38 044) 206 – 48 – 88 WINDROSE Tel.: (+38 032) 295 – 82 – 98

Air tickets booking

Universal flights Sales Agency Booking and sales of flight tickets for all world destinations 3, Nalyvayka str., Lviv. Tel.: (032) 225-66-25 261-61-90 ufsalwo@gmail.com Mon.–Sat. 9:00–19:00 Sunday 9:00–18:00

Appartments for rent British Club Lviv 18, Nalyvaika Street, Lviv Tel.: (+380 32) 242-99-99 Tel.: (+380 67) 370-66-66 Podobovo Tel.: (+38 032) 275-68-89 +38 097 924-10-00 Rent apartments Tel.: (+38 032) 23-86-193 +38 095 67-95-659 Lviv Rent Tel.: +38 067 769-44-18 +38 067 496-20-68 OrendaLviv Tel.: +38 067 67-29-130 Lviv Euro Rent Tel.: (+38 032) 243 47 85 Tel.: (+38 032) 243 48 75

Banks Erste Bank 5, Svobodu Avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-46 www.erstebank.ua Privat Bank 11a-21, Hutsulska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-74-15 www.privatbank.ua

OJSC Volksbank 11, Grabovskogo str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-05-83 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-13-82 OTP Bank 20, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 300-05-00 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 240-38-48 www.otpbank.com.ua Procredit Bank 5, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-44-60 www.procreditbank.com.ua Raiffeisen Bank Aval 8, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-29-39 www.avalbank.com VTB Bank 15, Valova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-53-98 www.vtb.com Ukrsib Bank 30, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 500-58-00 www.ukrsibbank.com UkrEximBank 4, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-53 www.eximb.com Ukrsotsbank 10, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-05-01 www.usb.com.ua

Business TOV «KLINGSPOR» Lvivska str. 2b, UA-80074, Velyki Mosty, Sokal District, Lviv Region Tel. + 38 032 242 92 00 Fax. + 38 032 242 92 99 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua «KLINGSPOR» manufactures industrial quality abrasive goods for woodworking, metalworking, automotive, glass, boats and many other industries

Business centers Business Center Emerald 3, Petrushevicha sqr., Lviv, Tel. +38 067 672 6720

Business centre Lemberg 176, Khmelnitskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 255-10-10 Business Center Optima-Plaza 7B, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-71-30 www.optima-plaza.com.ua

Car rental Lux Car Limousine lease in Lviv Wedding cortege in Lviv Car rental with/without driver. Lviv’s best retro cars rental. Bus rental, Car transfers 26, Vynnychenka str., 6, Ac. Pidstrygacha str., Tel.: + 38 (032) 243-95-93 + 38 067 908-24-36, Lincoln Town car VIP services 313, Shevchenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 299-44-88

Car services Alex (Volkswagen group) 357, Gorodotska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-25-07 Diamant (Toyota) 44, Bogdanivska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Khrystyna (BMW) 1, Pjasetskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-19-00 Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes, Jeep, Dodge, Crysler) 8, Washingtona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 251-42-39 Tristar Auto Elit (Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover) 2, Plastova st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 299-88-70

Consultancy J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv LvivLISTINGS Society

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Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Courier Services DHL 9, Chernivetska., Tel.: (+38 032) 242-64-00 ACD-Express 2, Vodoginna str, office 206, Tel.: (+38 032) 241-84-80 Autolux 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-65-15 EMS 1, Slovatskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-66-79 FedEx 5A, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298 -16 -05 UPS 205, Horodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 238 -43 -55

Dental Care INSPE 42, Mikhnovski brothers str. Tel.: (+38 032) 239-50-20 Medodent 3/2, Bohomoltsa str., Lviv

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Fax: +38032 276-18-88, www.proconsult.com.ua office@proconsult.lviv.net

Tel.:(+38 032) 276-40-79 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 275-11-15 ABM-Vitadent 3/1, Slovackogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-71-61 Usmishka 7, Vagonna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 240-17-51

KLINGSPOR TOV Lvivska str. 2b, UA-80074, Velyki Mosty, Sokal District, Lviv Region Tel. + 38 032 242 92 00 Fax. + 38 032 242 92 99 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua

275-71-02, 276-28-40 Consulate of Canada in Lviv 2/4, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-17-72 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-81-54

Dry Cleaners

Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-19-06, 297-14-49

EUROCHISTKA 17, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-03-34 61, I. Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-27-79

Consulate of the Czech Republic 130, Antonovycha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-68-93, 297-68-96

Embassies/ International bodies Austrian Centre 1, Universytetska str., Office 240 Tel.: (+38 032) 261-59-76 Consulate of Lithuanian Republic 72, Heroyiv UPA str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-14-19 Fax: (+38 032) 298-89-35 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany 6, Vynnychenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-33-24,

Consulate of the Russian Federation 95, Levytskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-25-25 Tel.: (+38 032) 244-26-24, 275-05-77 French/Alliance 18a, Ohiyenka str. Tél.: (+38 032) 297-08-31 +38 067 340-40-01 Consulate of Brazil 2, Cholovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-11-51 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-77 Visa centre for the Republic of Italy 26 Sheptytskykh St., Lviv

Tel.: +38(032)253-21-18 Working hours: Reception of documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–16.00 (without break) Supply of the Documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–17.00 (without break and preliminary registration) Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus 2, Gorskoj str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 237-27-30 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 299-24-60 Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 57, Chornovola avn., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 240-33-70 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 294-82-23 Consulate Representative office of the Italian Republic 2, Dudaeva str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 261-45-59 Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6, Rapoporta str., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 296-57-67 Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium 14, Ivan Franko street Tel.: (+38 032) 260-20-80 Fax.: + 38 032 260-01-49

Honorary Consulate of Austrian Republic 26, Shevchenko avn., Lviv Post office box 6688 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 261-20-14 oe_konsulat@ukrpost.ua Honorary Consulate of Republic of Hungary 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 264-58-22 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 264-15-23 Honorary consulate of Mexico 15, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-95-95 Consulate of the Republic of Poland 110, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Lviv 9, I. Tobilevycha str., office 2 Теl.: (+38 032) 245-11-80 Fax: (+38 032) 245-11-79 Visa Application Collection Centre of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden 1, Brativ Mikhnovskykh str., Submission Timings 08:30hrs–15:30hrs (Mon.–Fri., except holidays)



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Fitness Clubs Beauty formula 202, Stryiska str., Lviv Tel.: +38 032 295-85-55 Open 08:00–22:00, Sat 08:00–15:00, Sun Closed. www.formula-krasy.com.ua

Fitness center “Plyazh” – premium and business offer 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Hours: 07.00–22.00 Sunday: 07.00–18.00 2 athletic gyms, 2 aerobic halls, Dance hall, Cardio training area Baths, Sauna and Massage Lviv’s biggest 50 meters long pool Hydro-masseurs Fitness bars Тел.: (+38 032) 263-60-55 www.aqualviv.com.ua Dolphin 12a, Trylovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-36-31 Eurosport 1, Petrushevycha sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-33-28 Grand Sofia 10, Shevchenka avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-40-94 Ellada 18, Mel’nyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-16-62 Capoeira school 5, Les Kurbas str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (068) 842-47-77 lvivcapoeira@gmail.com www.lvivcapoeira.com Fighting sports club “Boyove aikido” 30, Rudnytskogo str., Lviv


Tel: 067 497-37-21 Open: Mon.19:00–20:30 Wed. 18:30–20:00, Fri. 18.00–20.00 www.boyove-aikido.com.ua Fighting sports club ”Boyovy hopak” 8/10, Stefanyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-40-48 letters@hopak.org.ua www.hopak.org.ua Kiwi Fitness club 18, Stepana Bandery str., Tel.: +38 (032) 261 3573 info@kiwifitness.com.ua Open Weekdays 08:00–21:00; Sat 11.30–14:00; Taekwondo 123, Warshawska str., Lviv (premises of school №23) Tel.: 067 707-19-19 www.taekwondolviv.in.ua Taoist Tai Chi society of health for body and mind 16/3, Bratyv Rohatynstiv str., Tel.: +38 (032) 233-30-48 taoist@ukr.net www.taoist.org.ua

Food & Drink Opera Market 27, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 295-88-07 Open: 10.00—22.00 Fine Bottle 31, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-37-73 Open: 10.00—22.00 Svit Napoiv 25, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 260-13-59 Open: 10.00–22.00 Alco Market 8, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 2975669 67, I. Franka str. Tel.: (032) 276-26-27 Open: 10.00–22.00

j-l@j-l.com.ua www.j-l.com.ua

Wine Time 45, Chornovola avn., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 244-88-00 Polyana 2, Sichovyh Striltsiv str., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-30-03 «Food&Wine» 43, Sakharova str., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: +38 (067) 670-80-96 Vash Sommelier 7, Chornovola avn., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 297 00 67

Law firms

Arzinger West Ukrainian Branch 6, Generala Chuprynky str., Office 1 79013 Lviv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96 Fax: +38 (032) 242 96 95 www. arzinger.ua J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

Soldatenko, Lukashyk & partners SL&P has been ranked in “Top 50 Ukrainian Law Firms” SL&P provides complete range of legal & notary services Tel.: +38 (032) 235-76-42 Fax: +38 (032) 236-72-87 info@slp.com.ua www.slp.com.ua Legal company Barocco 115-b/3 Antonovycha str., Lviv, Tel./fax: +38 (032) 295-33-52

11 Sholom-Aleykhem Str. Lviv, Ukraine, 79007

Mobile. +38 (067) 370 7737 office@barocco.lviv.ua

English speaking real estate and corporate lawyers Tel.: +38 (032) 253-1000 Fax: +38 (032) 253-1030 www.burhan.com.ua Legal company Evikcia 36, Lypynskogo str., Lviv Tel. Fax: +38(032) 242-13-84 office@evikcia.com Legal company Mercury 16 / 1, Storozhenko str, Lviv, Tel.: +38 (032) 290-10-11 post@merkuriy.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: +38 (032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Laundromat Бульбашки/BUBBLES 117, V. Velukogo Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 24-749-24 Hours: Monday–Saturday 9:00–20:00 Free Wifi, Free Herbal Tea, Free detergents and fabric softeners Come visit Ukraine’s only full-service Laundromat. Brand new American equipment. Do your laundry yourself or let our happy workers take care of all your needs. Call for delivery times and prices. Enjoy our clean and comfortable store. Bubbles – Clean Clothes, Clean Life!

24 hour pharmacies Apteka #12 35, I.Ohyenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274 -85 -35

Apteka #2 3, Tyktora str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-50-48 D.S. 1, Soborna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-20-06

HOSTELS LeoCity Hostel 15, Konopnytskoi str., Apart.7, level 3, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-13-07, (+38 063) 684-86-16 hostel.leocity@gmail.com Hostel «MISTERHOSTEL» Lviv, Bankivska str, 5 Tel.: (+38 032) 272-07-16, (+38 050) 706-88-57 misterhostel@gmail.com misterhostel.livejournal.com Hostel “Knyazhy” 125a, Volodymyra velykogo str. Tel.: (+38 032) 263-12-14 kniajy@cl.lv.ukrtel.net Hostel Europe 27, Valova Street, Lviv Tel.: (+38 097) 398-10-87; Tel.: (+38 032) 235-40-33 Lviv Euro Hostel 9/2, Kniazia Romana Street, Lviv Tel.: (+38 067) 266 100 4 Sport Hostel 26, Vinnichenka Street, App. 2, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 290-17-58, (+38 067) 313-68-68 Cherry Hostel Kostyushki Street 5, Lviv, Tel.: (+38 097) 60-555-99 GHOSTel - Medieval Hostel Kopernika Street 9 apt 10, Lviv, Tel.: (+38 098) 55 202 99 Hostel Del Pozitiff 13, Rynok Square Tel.: (+380 63) 777 1 222

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv LvivLISTINGS Society Hotels

15 Ноrodotska str, Lviv +380 32 242 27 01 reception@astoriahotel.ua astoriahotel.ua



Nobilis Hotel 5, Fredra str,. Lviv Tel.: (38) 032 295 2595 Fax: (38) 032 295 7997 info@nobilis-hotel.com.ua

Hotel "Sribni leleky" Chornovola str., 17 Tel.: (+38 033) 275-79-99

Hotel Vol’ter 60a, Lipynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 294-88-88 hotelvolter@mail.lviv.ua Eurohotel 6av, Tershakovtsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242-40-02 info@eurohotel.lviv.ua www.eurohotel.lviv.ua Dnister Hotel 6, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-43-05 bron@dnister.lviv.ua www.dnister.lviv.ua Hotel George 1, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel./Fax:(+38 032) 242-42-55 info@georgehotel.com.ua www.georgehotel.com.ua Ramada Lviv Hotel Horodotska Street\Kiltseva Doroga Tel.:(+38 032) 243 00 10 Mob. :(+38 067) 320 44 77 reception@ramadalviv.com.ua www.ramadalviv.com.ua

PANORAMA Lviv Hotel 45, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-90-00 www.panorama-hotel.com.ua Vienna Hotel 12, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-43-16 wienhotel@mail.lviv.ua www.wienhotel.lviv.ua Suputnyk 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 230-40-66 suputnyk@mail.lviv.ua www.suputnyk.com Vintage Boutique Hotel 25/27, Staroyevreyska str., Tel.: +38 032 235 68 34 Fax. +38 032 235 70 24 info@vintagehotel.com.ua www.vintagehotel.com.ua

Regional hotels

Hotel Leopolis 16, Teatralna str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 295-95-99 hotel@leopolishotel.com www.leopolishotel.com


Reikartz Dworzec 107, Gorodotskaya str, Lviv Tel.: 38 (032)242 51 26 http://en.reikartz.com

Hotel "Ternopil" Zamkova str., 14 Tel.: (+38 035) 252-42-63 www.hotelternopil.com

Reikartz Medievale 9, Drukarskaya str., Lviv Tel.: 38 032 242 51 33! medievale.lviv@reikartz.com


LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Hotel "Yukhnovych" Rodyny Barvinskyh str., 3a Tel.: (+38 035) 243-39-56 www.uko.org.ua

Hotel "Zaleski" Kryvyj Val str., 39 Tel.: (+38 033) 277-27-01


Hotel "Black castle" Kalush highway 7 Tel.: +38-0342-57-15-00 www.blackcastle.ifrastudio. com Hotel "Park" Mazepy str., 146 Tel.: (+38 034) 259-55-95 www.parkhotel.com.ua Hotel "Atrium" Galytska str., 31 Tel.: +38-0342-55-78-79 www.atrium.if.ua


Hotel “Magnet” Shashkevych str., 21 Tel./fax: +38 03245 40029 enter@hotelmagnet.com.ua www.hotelmagnet.com.ua


Hotel “Old CONTINENT” S.Petefy square, 4 Tel.: (+38 031) 266-93-66 www.hotel-oldcontinent.com Hotel “Praha” Verhovinskaya str., 38 Tel.: (+38 031) 264-07-64 www.hotel-praha.com.ua Hotel Uzhgorod 2, B.Khmelnitcskogo sq, Tel.: (+38 031) 261-90-50 www.hoteluzhgorod.com

RESORTS CHALET GRAAL Apart Hotel, Spa Medical Centre, Fusion restaurant lviv region, truskavets town, Suhovolia str.60/a Tel.: (+38 032)477 12 12, Fax: (+38 032) 477 12 05 info@chalegraal.com.ua www.chalegraal.com.ua

Karpatsky Zatyshok Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske town, 77, i.Franko str., Tel.: (+ 38 067) 314-11-10 zatyshok@ecolan.lviv.ua Knyazhi Ozera Lviv region, Mostyska area, Knyazhy Mist village Tel.: (+ 38 032) 34 -346-84

Radisson Blu Resort, Bukovel 220 LP Shchyvky, Polianytsia, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine 78593 Tel. +380 (343) 437900 www.radissonblu.com/ resort-bukovel Mirage Lviv region, Mostyska area, Village Sudova vishnja, Zagorodt str., 205b Tel.: (+ 38 03234) 370-23

Hotel Mirotel Resort & Spa New 5 star hotel in Truskavets Health improvement, Diagnostics, SPA center, Restaurants and Bars, Leisure with children, Conference services Kobzar Square 1, Truskavets, Ukraine Reservations: +380 (3247) 641 72/73 info@mirotel.ua www.mirotel.ua Perlyna Karpat Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske, 43b, i. Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 032) 514-21-03 www.perlyna.com

Smerekova Khata Slavske town, 57b I.Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 032) 51 42-650

Road aid 112 Ukraine 6, Pidstrygacha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Emergency road aid 171a, Lychakivska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-70-07 Emergency vehicle aid 115b, Zelena str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 270-14-00

For children First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth 11, Hnatyuka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 68 41, 272 68 55 Lviv regional puppet theatre 1, Danyla Halytskogo sq., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 08 32 Entertainment centre Leopark TM KING CROSS LEOPOLIS 30, Stryiska str., Sokilnyky, Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 284-39-85 Entertainment centre Leopark TM INTERCITY 67, Chornovola avn., Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 232-77-52 Aquapark PLYAZH 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Entertainment centre Vesely Vylyk 106, Knyagini Olgi str., TM “ Lviv” Tel.: (+38 032) 244 59 09, 067 67 55 339 www.veselyj-vulyk.com.ua


EBA Western Ukraine Address: 6, Stepana Bandery str. office 3, Lviv Tel.: +38032-261 29 28 Fax: +38032-261 22 68 www.eba.lviv.com.ua lviv@eba.com.ua

www.eba.com.ua Volume 4 issue 6 February 2014

Monthly news and views from the European Business Association’s Western Ukraine office

The European Business Association expresses its deepest concern over the recent violent escalation of the crisis in Ukraine and the negative consequences it brings to the country, its economy, health, safety, and moral welfare of its citizens. The EBA Board calls on decision-makers to make the maximum efforts to stem the unrest and put a full stop to the endemic violence. The value of human life is priceless and any further violence has a high price. The current political conflict could harm the national identity and unity of Ukraine, provoke even more severe violations of human rights and freedoms, thrust the shrinking economy to the brink of ruin, and result in a long-running and unresolved crisis. The turbulence reigning in Ukraine is already having a dramatic impact on the investment climate and the private sector and this after a 50% contraction in foreign direct investment inflows to Ukraine last year. Unless immediately stopped, it can lead to further financial meltdown. The aftermath of such an event, coupled with poor investment activity and overall investor discontent will result in profound declines in economic output and employment, and consequently the endangerment of people's well-being.


The EBA commends today’s decision by an overwhelming majority of Verkhovna Rada deputies to repeal a number of highly controversial laws approved on January 16 which would have curtailed civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine to an extent imaginable only for authoritarian states. Such legislation has no place in a European democracy and the EBA hopes the Rada’s overriding motion today will be duly enacted. The EBA also hopes that the tentative signs of a potential compromise demonstrated by developments in the Verkhovna Rada on 28 January will accelerate the process of finding a reasonable solution to the political crisis through peaceful means, thereby helping to restore the confidence of domestic and foreign investors. The EBA remains fully committed to its mission and vision, moving Ukraine towards EU standards, promoting deep and constructive relations with the European Union, and enabling and driving the full establishment of European business practices and values in Ukraine. The EBA mourns every victim of chaos and bloodshed during the crushing of peaceful protests.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014

EBA General Membership Meeting

On February 7, 2014 the Western Ukrainian Office of EBA gathered the member-companies representatives for a General Membership Meeting. The event was held at a noble Citadel Inn Hotel and was attended by around 60 guests.

The meeting started with holding a minute of silence for those who suffered these days in Kyiv. During the meeting the participants discussed the current situation in the country in terms of the impact it has on business climate in the region and shared their ideas about the Regional Office activities and conduct for 2014.

LVIV TODAY | February 2014


Besides, the EBA members delegated 5 persons to represent their interests in the Regional Coordination Council. Thus the newly elected RCC members are: • Taras Yurynts Managing Director, Guldmann-Ukraine Ltd • Markiyan Malskyy Head of ADR Desk, Arzinger • Theo Schnitfink, CEO, Symphony Solutions • Anton Podilchak, Managing Director, Advice Group • Taras Kuzyk Director, Hotel Leopolis

We congratulate once more our newly elected Council and wish us all mutual understanding and a successful and fruitful cooperation!


n this issue of Lviv Today Markian Malskyy, Partner of Arzinger law firm, Head of West Ukrainian Branch Office, attorney-at-law, PhD, is answering the following question: State Registration Service simplifies land lease rights registration State Registration Service of Ukraine states that system of land lease rights registration in Ukraine will be simplified starting from February 12, 2014. The amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On State Registration of Ownership Rights on Immovable Property and Encumbrances» enter into force on the 12th of February 2014. It means that starting from that date it will be possible to register land lease rights and prolongation of a land lease contract directly, without prior registration of ownership right for the land. This novelty will simplify the registration procedure considerably. This is especially important for rural areas, where farmland is leased out extensively. Before the amendments have entered into force the procedure of registration of the land lease rights for a land plot was as follows: it was necessary first to register ownership for the land, then - a lease contract, and only then it was possible to register land lease rights or prolongation of that contract. The procedure of land lease in Ukraine is quite complicated process from the legal point of view, and is governed by an array of laws and bylaws. Thus, it is regulated by provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Commercial Code of Ukraine, by appropriate provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease" and numerous specialized Ukrainian bylaws, regulations. The land plots can be leased out by citizens of Ukraine and corporate entities of Ukraine, by foreign citizens and stateless persons, by foreign corporate entities, international associations and unions and also by foreign countries. A land plot can be leased for the short term – up to five years – and for the long term – up to 50 years. The following documents are considered to be a part of the land lease contract and thus should be provided: - a plan or a layout of the leased land plot; - a cadastral plan of the land lot with indication of restrictions (encumbrances); - an act of identification of boundaries of the land plot; - a statement of transfer and acceptance of the land plot; - a project of land allocation, when it is required by the law. Currently the Land Code of Ukraine establishes certain limitations mainly regarding sale of agricultural lands. Foreign citizens, foreign corporate entities and governments are barred from acquisition of farmlands. Therefore land lease agreements are the only way foreign investors may get access to the agricultural land. Agricultural land inherited by foreigners must be sold within one year after the inheritance. So, agricultural land may be privately owned by corporate entities and individuals, with exception of the foreigners.

In order to get your question answered by Mr. Markian Malskyy on the pages of LVIV TODAY, please send them by e-mail to info@lvivtoday.com.ua (subject: Legal Advice).


LVIV TODAY | February 2014


odern lifestyle makes us to devote huge part of our life to make career. Business negotiations, trainings, conferences, travels, meetings with clients and partners are constant apanages of businessman. How to organize everything in the best way? How to avoid time loss in traffic jams in the city’s center? How to combine solving of actual tasks with positive emotions? How to recuperate after stressful situation? And more important – how to be in the focus of the events? You’ll find answers on all above mentioned questions in the recently opened hotel "RIUS". Stylish design, high quality standards, adequate modern equipment and moderate prices for the services - guarantee not only comfortable leisure but also provide ideal location for the seminars, conferences, business meetings and negotiations. It’s truly impossible to find in Lviv any other hotel which can offer same good quality-to-price ratio. As one of the greatest advantages of the hotel comes it’s convenient location, close to the crucial business venues, banks, city’s best restaurants and coffeeshops. However, uniqueness of "RIUS" is not only in it’s central location, but also in it’s cultural and artistic environment. Hotel is located in the cozy central part of the ancient Lviv, not far from such architectural pearl as National Academic opera and ballet theatre named after Solomya Krushelnitska, it also verges with Les Kurbas academic theatre and first Academic Ukrainian theatre for children and youth; while Rynok square is just 5 minute walk away. Hotel "RIUS" is part of the multifunctional "A-class" complex, which is build according to 3 in 1 formula featuring combination of hotel, business center and trade mall. All 54 rooms on two floors offer restful, separate terraces and spectacular view over historical part of the city. For guests are also available fitnessroom, business-area and library. Conference-hall for 140 persons would be best choice for conducting seminars, business meetings and negotiations. The premises is well-fitted with all necessary equipment and offers several options of comfortable accommodation of participants, making it possible to conduct the event in necessary format. Another, undeniable advantage of the complex is it’s well developed infrastructure and transport junction. Those, who visited Lviv are aware of city’s lack of

parking lots, however at "RIUS" is available underground parking, which will help you solve problem with car in the high-density traffic. Convenient location, modern technologies, top level services, spacious and exquisite rooms – all these advantages make hotel "RIUS" best choice for people, who take challenges of the present day’s hectic lifestyle.



учасний темп життя вимагає нас значну частину свого життя присвячувати професійній діяльності. Ділові переговори, тренінги, конференції, перельоти, переїзди, зустрічі з клієнтами та партнерами… Ці слова стають неодмінними атрибутами сучасної ділової людини. Як організувати все це у найкомфортніших умовах? Як не втрачати час на простій у дорожньому корку, якщо зустріч у центрі міста? Як поєднати вирішення нагальних питань, отримуючи тільки позитивні емоції? Як відновити свої cили після стресових ситуацій? І головне – як залишатись у центрі подій? Відповіді на ці запитання стали закритими з відкриттям у Львові готелю "RIUS". Стильний дизайн, найкращі стандарти, високий рівень оснащеності сучасною технікою та демократичні ціни на послуги – це не тільки запорука комфортного відпочинку, але й ідеальне місце для проведення семінарів, конференцій, ділових зустрічей та переговорів. Знайти у Львові аналог готелю "RIUS" за співвідношенням "послуги – ціна – якість" неможливо. Безперечною перевагою готелю є його безпосередня близькість до ключових бізнес-об’єктів, банків та найкращих львівських ресторанів і кав’ярень. Проте унікальність "RIUS" не лише в зручному центральному розташуванні, але й у культурно-мистецькому оточенні. Готель розташований у затишній центральній частині древнього Львова, неподалік перлини архітектури – Львівського національного академічного театру опери та балету імені

Lviv city, 4 Nalyvayka str., +38 (032) 235 06 60, +38 (097) 970 02 20 www.rius-hotel.lviv.ua

Соломії Крушельницької, межує з львівським академічним театром імені Леся Курбаса та першим академічним українським театром для дітей та юнацтва, а до площі Ринок – рукою подати: 5 хвилин ходьби. Готель "RIUS" є частиною сучасного багатофункціонального комплексу класу "А", який збудований за формулою 3 в 1 – готель, офісний центр та торгова галерея. 54 номери на 2 поверхах вирізняються затишним інтер’єром, індивідуальними терасами та панорамою історичної частини Львова. Окрім того, до послуг гостей фітнес-кімната, бізнес-куток та бібліотека. Провести семінари, конференції, ділові зустрічі чи переговори можна у конференц-залі місткістю до 140 осіб. Приміщення обладнано усією необхідною технікою та передбачає багато варіантів зручного розміщення учасників, що допоможе провести захід у потрібному форматі. Безсумнівною перевагою комплексу є також розвинута інфраструктура та транспортна розв’язка. Хто був у Львові, розуміє проблему паркінгів у центрі міста. "RIUS" подбав про це, і тепер Ви не турбуватиметесь, де залишити свої авто у насиченому трафіком центрі міста: комфортний підземний паркінг – також до Ваших послуг. Зручне розташування, сучасні технології та сервіс високого рівня, просторість та вишуканість номерів. Готель "RIUS" обирають ті, хто приймає виклики сучасного темпу життя.

м.Львів, вул.Наливайка,4 +38 (032) 235 06 60, +38 (097) 970 02 20 www.rius-hotel.lviv.ua


Test the strength of your Ukrainian general knowledge with our fun monthly pub quiz! 1. In which city was the fateful EU summit held which saw Ukraine decline to sign a landmark EU Association Agreement? a.) Brussels b.) Berlin c.) Riga d.) Vilnius 2. Which Ukrainian Premier League club qualified for the UEFA Champions League for the first time in 2013, only to be banned over long-standing match-fixing allegations? a.) Metalist Kharkiv b.) Karpaty Lviv c.) Arsenal Kyiv d.) Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk 3. Vladimir Putin was in Kyiv in summer 2013 to mark the anniversary of which panSlavic historic event? a.) the Russian conquest of Crimea b.) the baptism of the Rus c.) the defeat of Nazi Germany d.) the defeat of the Golden Horde 4. The Kremlin unleashed a trade war on Ukraine in August 2013 by banning imports

of which Ukrainian product? a.) salo b.) chocolate c.) sunflower oil d.) helicopter engines

c.) France d.) Poland

5. Ukrainian anti-EU activists based their 2013 advertising campaign around the perceived threat to Ukrainian values posed by which EU principle? a.) freedom of movement b.) religious tolerance c.) Gay rights d.) freedom of speech

8. Which miner gave his name to a Bolshevik cult of hero workers thanks to his allegedly super human efforts in the mines of Stalinera Luhansk? a.) Nikolai Perestroika b.) Ilya Strafbat c.) Alexiy Stakhanov d.) Pavel Morozov

6. In 2013 which Ukrainian city confirmed a 2022 Winter Olympics bid? a.) Kyiv b.) Lviv c.) Odessa d.) Sevastopol

9. According to Ukrainian folklore, if somebody sneezes immediately following a statement it means: a.) The statement was false b.) The authorities are secretly listening to the conversation c.) The statement was true d.) The author of the statement will soon be rich

7. In autumn 2013 Ukraine became the first nation to lose a World Cup playoff despite enjoying a 2-0 first leg lead when they lost 0-3 to which country? a.) England b.) Montenegro

10. When is it considered unlucky for a Ukrainian girl to marry? a.) On her name day b.) On her birthday c.) In a leap year d.) On her future mother-in-law’s birthday

ANSWERS: 1.) d 2.) a 3.) b 4.) b 5.) c 6.) b 7.) c, 8.) c, 9.) c, 10.) c


LVIV TODAY | February 2014

Lviv Society

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LVIV TODAY | February 2014

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