#68, May 2014

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â„–68/May Lviv Society2014

The heart of Europe - the soul of Ukraine

Alfa Jazz Fest 2014

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Volume 9, No. 68, May 2014 www.lvivtoday.com.ua

On the cover: Dee Dee Bridgewater, an American jazz singer, three-time Grammy Award winning singersongwriter, as well as participant of Alfa Jazz Fest 2014


Publishers: Peter Dickinson & Boleslav Malinovski Editor-in-Chief: Viktoriya Larina Editor: Lee Reaney Managing editor: Mila Hadzieva Journalists: Olha Schchur, Robert Baker, Orest Koronenko, Lee Reaney Photography: Evgen Kraws, Vitaliy Grabar and photo agency ”Lufa” Photo Editor: Ruslan Krut Advertising inquiries: advert@lvivtoday.com.ua Tel.: +38 068 501 3 501, Mob.: +38 032 235 81 00 Address: Lviv Today Editorial Office 27/9 Valova str., Lviv 79000 Ukraine Tel. +38 032 235 81 00 Letters to the editor: info@lvivtoday.com.ua www.lvivtoday.com.ua Printed at “Art Studio Druk” Kyiv, 15, Boryspolskaya str., Tel.: +38 044 567-99-88 Mob.: +38 067-509-71-16 www.artprintstudio.com.ua Lviv Today is West Ukraine’s English-language monthly lifestyle magazine. It is distributed via leading hotels, airlines, restaurants and business centres throughout Lviv region. Monthly circulation: 5,000 Registration information: Lviv Today is registered with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as a print media title. License number: LV 862/115 All materials published in Lviv Today are the intellectual property of the publisher and remain protected by Ukrainian and international copyright laws. Open Borders Publishing does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised in Lviv Today. While every effort has been made to make sure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, we advise readers to double check where appropriate.

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Full event coverage for the coming weeks in the cultural capital of Ukraine, including everything from ‘Varyaty’ Festive Concerts, Lviv’s “Dzerkalo Mody” Beauty Exhibition, Lviv ECommerce Forum, Ani Lorak in Concert, long expected ‘ALFA JAZZ FEST ‘14’ International Music Festival, ‘Okean Elzy: 20 Years Together’ Coming to Lviv, Children’s KinoFest 2014 and much more.







Monthly guide to the latest exhibitions currently on show in Lviv’s many art houses and galleries. Full events listings for the coming weeks from Lviv’s leading theatres, concert halls and cultural venues.

Take Your time to get acquainted with the new, Ukrainian-backed social media website, which is expected to become alternative to Russianowned social media giants Vkontakte and Odnoklasnyky.



A snapshot of spectacular “Miss Lviv 2014” beauty contest, enchanting Lviv Fashion week, Lviv’s Spring Business Forum, “Shevchenko REAL” Poster Exhibition cultural delight, colourful French Spring Festival, Ukraine’s iconic P. Virsky National Folk Dance Ensemble performance in addition to other highlights of sports, fashion, society and art scenes.



Follow up the latest results for FC “Karpaty, get update on Lviv’s women’s handball team Halychyna-Lviv successes, learn more about 10th European Nations Cup (ENC) Division 1B rugby championship, Bodybuilding: Ukraine Cup in Lviv alongside with more sport news.


Stuck for something to eat? Feel like checking out a new club? Here’s where to look! Full Lviv listings covering restaurants, bars, clubs of West Ukraine’s capital. Updated every month!







Discover the High Castle, one of city’s beautiful parks and extremely popular leisure destination Lviv citizens.

Extensive city guide to the capital of West Ukraine featuring everything from taxi services, translation agencies, out-of-town resorts and international consultancies. Read our monthly roundup of EBA Lviv’s knowledge sharing events – working meetings of the Customs Committee, Legal Committee and Manufacturing Committee. Check out data prepared by Western Ukrainian EBA Branch together with L’viv Consulting Group regarding the labor market of Western Ukraine In September 2013.


This Month In Lviv

ALFA JAZZ FEST'14 June 12th-15th, Park of Culture & Leisure (4 Bolgarska St.), Rynok Square and Potocki Palace Yard Renowned jazz musicians from around the world will converge on Lviv for the Alfa Jazz Fest international music festival from June 12– 15. This world-class event is already recognized as the single most important and interesting open-air event in Eastern Europe and the most ambitious music festival in Ukraine. The event brings topnotch jazz music to Leopolitans from three stages that highlight some of the most outstanding scenery Lviv has to offer: at UNESCO-protected Rynok Square; the opulent Potocki Palace Yard; and the picturesque Bohdan Khmelnytsky Park of Culture & Leisure. Entrance to the concerts at Rynok Square and Potocki Palace Yard – two of Lviv’s most popular places for cultural events – will be free of charge. Leopolitan jazz fans at Rynok Square can expect to see performances from the likes of Eddie Allen & PUSH (USA), Djabe (Hungary), DACH (Ukraine/Austria), Iaian Ballamy’s Anorak (UK), Csaba Toth Bagi Balkan Union & Trilok Gurtu (Hungary/USA), Jean-Marie Ecay Quartet (France), and Ukraine’s own


Boombox. Festival headliners will perform at the Eddie Rosner main stage at the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Park of Culture. The stage will open during the festival at 18:00 and will remain open until the final note is played. Festivalgoers can take in the performances from the beautiful parterre in front of the stage or from the more serene picnic zone on the hills of the park. Cutting-edge stage acoustics at the main stage will allow guests to fully enjoy the magnificent sound of the worldrenowned jazz artists, but the entrance to the parterre requires a ticket so be sure to book in advance. Concerts will be live-streamed to giant screens to even the most distant corners of the park. Leopolitan jazz lovers will be treated to the romantic rhythms of jazz from American festival headliners that include: Larry Carlton, Dee Dee Bridgewater, the Eliane Elias Quartet, the Miles Electric Band, Lucky Peterson feat. Tamara Peterson, and the Charles Lloyd New Quartet. For more event information or to book your tickets, please visit: www.alfajazzfest.com. LVIV TODAY | May 2014

This Month

ALFA JAZZ FEST ‘14 12-15 червня 2014 року, Парк культури і відпочинку ім. Б. Хмельницького (вул. Болгарська, 4) Площа Ринок, подвір’я палацу Потоцьких. Всесвітньо відомі джазмени з’їдуться до Львова на міжнародний музичний фестиваль Alfa Jazz Fest, який від свого першого втілення став вважатись однією з найцікавіших подій під відкритим небом у Східній Європі і найамбітнішим музичним фестивалем в Україні. Головна мета фестивалю – презентація джазової музики світового класу в мальовничих куточках Львова – на площі Ринок, на подвір’ї палацу Потоцьких і в парку культури і відпочинку ім. Б. Хмельницького. Вхід на площу Ринок та до палацу Потоцьких буде безкоштовним. Серед музикантів, що виступатимуть на сцені в центрі міста на площі Ринок будуть, зокрема, Eddie Allen & PUSH (США) , Djabe (Угорщина), DACH (Україна-Австрія), Iain Ballamy's Anorak (Велика Британія), Csaba Toth Bagi Balkan Union & Trilok Gurtu (Угорщина-США), Jean-Marie Ecay Quartet (Франція), Бумбокс (Україна). Головні події фестивалю відбудуться на сцені ім. Едді Рознера, яка розташується в парку ім. Богдана Хмельницького, де ви-

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

ступатимуть найпочесніші гості. У дні фестивалю виступи на сцені починатимуться о 18:00 і триватимуть аж до останньої ноти. Слухачі зможуть комфортно розташуватись у накритому дашком партері перед сценою (за гроші), а також на пагорбах парку в зоні для пікніка (безкоштовно). Акустика сцени світового рівня дозволить насолоджуватись чудовим виконанням джазових зірок, а відео транслюватиметься в прямому ефірі на величезних екранах, які буде видно у найвіддаленіших куточках парку. Про вхідні квитки до партеру публіку просять подбати заздалегідь. Хедлайнерами головної сцени виступлять Лері Карлтон (США), Ді Ді Бріджуотер (США), Eliane Elias Quartet (БразиліяСША), Miles Electric Band (США), Lucky Peterson feat. Tamara Peterson (США), Charles Lloyd New Quartet (США) та інші. Отримати додаткову інформацію та забронювати квитки можна на www.alfajazzfest.com


This Month



19:00 on June 8th, Ukraine’ Sport Palace (18 Melynka St.)

20:00 on May 29 & 30, Picasso Club (88 Zelena St.)

Ukrainian rock band S.K.A.Y. will present their newly-released fourth album “Edge of Sky” (Kray Neba) with a live concert at the ‘Ukraine’ Sport Palace on June 8th at 19:00. The band from Ternopil will present their new album as part of a national tour that also sees the group stop in Donetsk, Poltava, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Kyiv. This Ukrainian rock group was created in 2001 and has made a name for itself from the beginning by actively playing in musical festivals such as Perlyny Sezonu, Tavriyski Ihry, and Chervona Ruta. They gained additional fame and a wider audience following their appearance on the “Fresh Blood” programme on Ukrainian TV channel M1. They released their first album, “Te, Shcho Treba” in 2006, while their second and third albums, “Planeta S.K.A.Y.” and “!”, were released in 2007 and 2010 respectively. Their latest album was widely hailed as a breakthrough and hugely popular with fans. Following a short break from recording studio albums in order to tour, the band is back with its newest album that is expected to be a massive success among Leopolitan music lovers. Tickets run from 95–150 UAH. For more information, please call: (093) 000-0791 or (097) 000-07-91.

In honour of their 4th anniversary, for two nights only – on May 29th & 30th – Lviv’s ‘Picasso’ nightclub is pleased to bring you two festive concerts from the comedy show ‘Varyaty’. For four year now this comedy show has been presenting new concert programmes every month – sometimes even several times a month. For these shows, Leopolitan comedy fans will be treated to some of the finest standup comedy from artists from across Western Ukraine. The traditional format of the show is rich and varied and consists of hilarious surprises, artistic miniatures, and video sketches, among other things. Guests of this year’s anniversary event will be charged with dynamic and positive energy to last them throughout the summer! Tickets are 100/150 UAH with table reservation or 70 UAH without. Part of the proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the families of the Maidan heroes. For more information, please call (032) 275-3272 or visit either Picasso.lviv.ua or www.varyatu.com.ua.

КОНЦЕРТ S.K.A.Y. 8 червня, Палац спорту "Україна" (вул. Мельника, 18) Початок о 19:00


Українська рок-група з Тернополя дасть живий концерт 8 червня, представляючи свій новий четвертий альбом "Край неба". Презентація альбому відбудеться в рамках національного туру, до якого крім Львова входять Донецьк, Полтава, Харків, Чернівці, Одеса, Івано-Франківськ та Київ. Цей рок-гурт був створений у 2001 році і вже з самого початку брав активну участь у численних музичних фестивалях, як от «Перлини сезону», «Таврійські ігри» і «Червона Рута». Вони стали відомі широкій аудиторії після появи в програмі "Свіжа кров" на українському телеканалі М1. Перший альбом "Те, що треба" вийшов 2006 року, другий альбом "Планета S.K.A.Y."- у 2007 році. У 2010 році група випустила третій альбом під лаконічною назвою "!", який дуже тепло прийняли шанувальники. Тепер після перерви, заповненої поїздками по країні з концертами, музиканти повертаються з новим альбомом, який як сподіваються, матиме не менший успіх серед любителів музики Львова. Ціни квитків 95 – 150 грн. Щоб отримати додаткову інформацію телефонуйте (093) 0000791 або (097) 0000-791.

29 і 30 травня, початок концерту – о 20:00 Клуб "Пікассо" (вул. Зелена, 88)


Два вечори – 29 і 30 травня, на сцені клубу "Пікассо" львів’ян та гостей міста розважатимуть своїми дотепами "Вар΄яти-шоу", які представлять спеціальну програму, присвячену 4-й річниці власного дня народження. Ось уже чотири роки кожного місяця ці веселі хлопці представляють свої нові концертні програми, а іноді навіть кілька разів на місяць. Цього разу глядачі знову матимуть нагоду посміятися разом зі збірною гумористів Західної України. Традиційно багата й різноманітна програма шоу складається з веселих сюрпризів, художніх мініатюр, відеозамальовок і багато чого іншого. Гості ювілейного вечора отримають чудову можливість отримати заряд динамічної та позитивної енергії на весь наступний рік! Як повідомляють організатори заходу, частина гонорару буде переказана сім'ям героїв Майдану. Вартість квитків – 100 / 150 грн. із замовленням столика, 70 грн. - без столика. Довідуйтесь більше за телефоном (032) 275 32 72 або відвідайте picasso.lviv.ua чи www. varyatu.com.ua. Довідуйтесь більше за телефоном (032) 275 32 72 або відвідайте picasso.lviv.ua чи www.varyatu.com.ua LVIV TODAY | May 2014

This Month

ANI LORAK IN CONCERT 19:00 on June 2nd, Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.) Ukrainian celebrity Ani Lorak, following a brief hiatus as wife and mother, returns to her singer, songwriter, and actress roots as she embarks on a tour of Ukraine including at stop at the iconic Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre on June 2nd. At first glance, Lorak’s life touring the world singing and hosting television shows may seem like she has a golden ticket. But the singer, famed for her performance of “Shady Lady” that won her 2nd place at Eurovision in 2008, has taken a tough road to the top. Raised in a children’s home, she wrote her first lyrics after her brother was killed in Afghanistan. Today the Ukrainian superstar enjoys fame and name recognition – not just at home in Ukraine, but around the world. She has won many musical awards in both honoured as a People’s Artist of Ukraine. Lorak has toured the world over the course of her 20-year career. She has composed the majority of the songs on the 12 albums she has released to date. While her first language is Ukrainian, she also sings in both Russian and English. She has become a popular TV host and a soughtafter animated voiceover artist. On June 2nd, pop star Ani Lorak will give a special performance at the Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre that features a new program with many pleasant surprises for local fans. Tickets range in price from 250–1500 UAH. For more information, call (032) 253-0791 or visit www.biletoff.com.ua.

КОНЦЕРТ АНІ ЛОРАК 2 червня о19:00, Львівський театр опери та балету (пр. Свободи, 28) Українська співачка, автор пісень і актриса Ані Лорак повертається на сцену після короткої перерви, пов’язаною з подіями в особистому житті, коли вона встигла стати дружиною і матір’ю. На перший погляд, життя співачки, яка їздить по світу, виступає на сцені з піснями і провадить телевізійні шоу може видатися казкою. Але, щоб завоювати друге місце в конкурсі Євробачення 2008 виконанням пісні "Shady Lady" Ані Лорак довелось пройти непростий шлях до вершини. Вихованка дитячого будинку, вона написала свої перші пісні, коли її брат загинув у Афганістані. Сьогодні українська суперзірка має славу та визнання не тільки в Україні, а й за кордоном. Вона завоювала безліч музичних нагород в Україні та Росії. Ані Лорак вважається однією з найбільш впливових жінок в Україні, їй було також присвоєне почесне звання Народної артистки України. За 20 років своєї співочої кар'єри Ані Лорак гастролювала по всьому світу і записала 12 альбомів, в яких багато пісень написала сама. Рідна мова співачки – українська, а ще вона співає російською та англійською. Ані Лорак стала популярною телеведучою, а також її голосом розмовляють герої мультфільмів. Зі своєю новою програмою Ані Лорак виступить на сцені Львівського театру опери та балету 2 червня 2014 р., де буде безліч приємних сюрпризів для шанувальників її таланту. Ціни квитків: 250 – 1500 грн. Додаткова інформація за телефоном (032) 2530791 або на www.biletoff.com.ua LVIV TODAY | May 2014

OKEAN ELZY: 20 YEARS TOGETHER’ COMING TO LVIV May 31st at 20:00, Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska St.) Okean Elzy (aka Elza’s Ocean, or simply OE) is considered to be the most successful post-Soviet rock band in all of Eastern Europe and the CIS. The group has sold over one million CDs in Ukraine and Russia alone. The cult rock band was formed in Lviv back in 1994 and moved to Kyiv in 1998 to record their first full album. At the 1999 ‘Taurus Games’ festival, the group was awarded the ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ and ‘Best Song’ awards for their “Where, There Is No Us”. By 2007, Okean Elzy had been named ‘Best Rock Act’ at the FUZZ Magazine music awards. More recently, OE was deservedly bestowed with the YUNA (Yearly Ukrainian National Awards) for being named the best Ukrainian group over the last 20 years. Having already released 7 wildly successful albums, the band recently completed a tour of 27 Ukrainian cities in order to promote their newest collection: “Earth”. They are touring Ukraine again with the grand programme “20 Years Together” in order to celebrate their 20th anniversary together. Tickets run from 1м50-1600 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets today, please visit www. kasa.in.ua or call (093) 000-0754 or (066) 000-0754.)

ОКЕАН ЕЛЬЗИ – 20 РОКІВ РАЗОМ 31 травня, початок о 20:00 Стадіон «Арена Львів» (вул. Стрийська, 199) Океан Ельзи (скорочено OE ) є найуспішнішим пострадянським рок-гуртом країн СНД і Східної Європи. Понад мільйон компактдисків групи було продано в Україні та Росії. Культовий гурт була створений у 1994 році у Львові, а на початку 1998 року його учасники переїхали до Києва і записали там перший повноцінний альбом. У 1999 році на фестивалі "Таврійські гри" OE отримав нагороди в категоріях "Прорив року" і "Найкраща пісня" ("Там, де нас нема"). У квітні 2007 року Океан Ельзи отримав нагороду журналу FUZZ "Найкращий рок-гурт". "Океан Ельзи" був заслужено визнаний найкращим музичним гуртом в Україні за останні 20 років і 8 лютого 2012 р. отримав нагороду YUNA. Записавши 7 успішних альбомів сьогодні музиканти "Океану Ельзи" готові представити публіці свій новий альбом "Земля". На початку 2013 року група гастролювала в 27 містах України, на підтримку нового альбому. Цього року гурт відзначить свій ювілей і знову проїде Україною з великою програмою "20 років разом". Ціни квитків: 150-1600 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків відвідайте www.kasa. in.ua або зателефонуйте на 093-0000-754 або 066-0000-754


This Month



May 29th to June 1st, Cinema ”Planeta-Kino” (TM King-Cross, Sokilniki, Striyska str., 30)

29 травня – 1 червня, Кінотеатр “Планета Кіно”, (ТРЦ «King Cross Leopolis», с. Сокільники, вул. Стрийська, 30)

The Children’s KinoFest is an annual international festival of films geared towards children and teens. The event is scheduled to take place from May 28th to June 4th in 10 Ukrainian cities, including Lviv. There are several areas to KinoFest’s programming, including a retrospective dedicated to the iconic Charlie Chaplin’s 125th birthday, a selection of short films for children aged 3–10, and an exciting interactive museum of optical amusements for both kids and grown-ups. The highlight of the event is sure to be the International Competition, which highlights 7 features from different countries aimed at viewers older than 10 years. For more information, please visit www. arthouselviv.ua.

Щорічний міжнародний фестиваль фільмів для дітей та юнацтва KinoFest пройде в десяти містах України, в тому числі й у Львові, з 29 травня по 1 червня. До програми фестивалю входять, зокрема: Міжнародний конкурс, в якому будуть представлені 7 художніх фільмів з різних країн для дітей віком понад 10 років; ретроспектива, присвячена 125-річчю великого Чарлі Чапліна; добірка короткометражних фільмів для дітей від 3 до 10 років. Також програма фестивалю представить захоплюючий інтерактивний музей оптичних забав для дітей і дорослих. Додаткова інформація знаходиться на www.childrenkinofest.com.



19:00 on May 26 Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.)

26 травня, початок о 19:00 Львівський театр опери та балету (просп. Свободи, 28)

The ‘Lords of the Sound’ Symphony Orchestra will be touring Ukraine this spring and performing in several Western Ukrainian cities including Lviv. The “Kinohits” concert program brings the best of popular cinematic symphonic soundtracks to Leopolitan music fans. Both music and movie lovers will be pleased to hear the iconic music from some of the world’s most popular movie soundtracks, including: The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, James Bond, and Star Wars. This two-hour concert extravaganza will be complemented by video showcasing excerpts from these movies that are beloved by so many fans. The show begins at 19:00 and tickets range in price from 90-350 UAH. For more information, or to book your tickets today, please call (032) 253-0535 or (097) 000-0791, or visit www.topbilet.lviv.ua.

Київський симфонічний оркестр "Lords of the Sound" гастролюватиме Україною навесні 2014 і виступатиме в кількох містах Західної України, зокрема у Львові. Концертна програма "Кінохіти" представить любителям музики і кіно музичний супровід з відомих у світі фільмів, як от "Володар перстенів", "Самотній рейнджер", "Матриця", "Пірати Карибського моря", "Шерлок Холмс", "Амелі", " Гаррі Поттер", "Маска", "Убити Білла", "Джеймс Бонд", "Зоряні війни" тощо. Під час двогодинного концерту будуть демонструватись епізоди з популярних фільмів. Ціни квитків: 90–350 грн. Отримати додаткову інформацію та замовити квитки можна за телефонами (032) 253-05-35, (097) 0000-791 або на www.topbilet.lviv.ua


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

This Month

“DZERKALO MODY” (FASHION MIRROR) BEAUTY EXHIBITION June 5th–7th, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika St.) This year’s one-of-a-kind ‘Dzerkalo Mody’ regional beauty exhibition will take place at the Lviv Art Palace from June 5th-7th. This festival, being held in Lviv for the sixth time, highlights the latest trends and techniques in hairdressing, make-up, beauty therapy, and cosmetology. The Dzerkalo Mody fashion exhibition is one of the leading cosmetics and beauty trade shows in Western Ukraine. Organized at Lviv’s Art Palace, the show draws a large number of beauty professionals as exhibitors and attendees alike. The latest fashions, styles, and trends from the cosmetics industry are showcased exclusively over three days at the event. Dzerkalo Mody ranks as among the best of its kind in the regional hairdressing market and offers participating beauty product companies the opportunity to grow their business networks and patrons. New cosmetics, special equipment, and fashion accessories are set to be on exhibition at the event as well, while topical demonstrations and live presentations are offered for the beauty-conscious clientele as well. Free stages at the show add additional charm to this unique and popular beauty event. A highlight of the event, as always, will be the qualifying competition for the “World of Beauty” Ukrainian Championships for make-up artists and hairdressers. For more detailed information, be sure to contact (056) 373-9371 or (056) 235-7357.

VI ВИСТАВКА «ДЗЕРКАЛО МОДИ 5–7 червня, Львівський Палац мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17) Вже вшосте у Львові відбувається найбільша регіональна виставка "Дзеркало Моди – Львів", присвячена останнім інноваціям і технологіям стрижки, макіяжу, косметології та інших секретів салонів краси. "Дзеркало Моди – Львів" є одним з провідних заходів у своїй галузі на теренах Західної України. У просторих залах Львівського Палацу мистецтв традиційно збираються численні професіонали, а також широка публіка. Протягом трьох днів на подіумах і перед дзеркалами можна побачити макіяжі за останньою модою, нові стилі та напрямки косметичної промисловості та багато іншого. У виставці беруть участь компанії виробників та дистриб’ютори різноманітних косметичних засобів, які пропонують свою продукцію на регіональному ринку перукарських та косметичних послуг з метою створення бізнес-мереж. Косметика, спеціальне обладнання та інші модні аксесуари експонуються на виставці, де також відбудеться низка тематичних показів і презентацій. Під час роботи виставки традиційно пройдуть кваліфікаційні змагання чемпіонату України з макіяжу і перукарського мистецтва "Світ краси". Отримати більше детальної інформації можна телефоном 38 ( 056 ) 373-93-71, +38 (0562) 357-357. LVIV TODAY | May 2014


This Month



May 31st, Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) (35 Khutorivka St.)

31 травня, Український католицький університет (УКУ) (вул. Хуторівка, 35)

Lviv’s annual E-Commerce Forum, which brings together business owners, internet entrepreneurs, web-studio representatives, sales representatives, start-ups, and IT specialists, is set to be held at the Ukrainian Catholic University on May 31st. The Lviv E-Commerce Forum allows participants to get the latest information by facilitating discussions on several contemporary topics including: current perspectives of e-commerce in Ukraine, the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce business, and e-commerce development trends. Speakers at the forum will include knowledgeable industry representatives like Ihor Protsenko (Product Manager for Bravo-Rumbo Group in CIS countries), Mykyta Semenov (General Director at SECL Group Ukraine), Andriy Logvyn (General Director and Founder of the modnaKasta.ua shopping club), Oleksandr Fomin (Project Manager at AD|LABS Company Group, and Anna Bodnarchuk (Director at Softkey. ua). The Lviv E-Commerce Forum will provide participants with the exceptional opportunities to attend these discussion panels as well as to find potential partners for burgeoning e-commerce startups. For more information about the event, please visit icomm.lviv.ua or call (050) 522-8875.


Щорічний львівський Форум електронної комерції відбудеться в приміщенні Українського Католицького Університету 31 травня 2014. У ньому візьмуть участь власники бізнесу, підприємці, які бажають продавати онлайн, інтернет-підприємці, представники веб-студій, стартапів та ІТ-фахівці. Цей форум електронної комерції дозволить учасникам отримати найсвіжішу інформацію і взяти участь в обговоренні перспектив електронної комерції в Україні, переваги та недоліки ведення бізнесу в електронній комерції, тенденції розвитку галузі та багато іншого. Перед учасниками форуму виступлять, зокрема, Ігор Проценко, продукційний менеджер (країни СНД), BravoFly-Rumbo group; Микита Семенов, генеральний директор SECL Group Ukraine; Андрій Логвин, генеральний директор і засновник шопінг-клубу modnaKasta.ua; Олександр Фомін, керівник проекту AD|LABS company group; Анна Боднарчук, директор Softkey.ua та інші. Форум надасть учасникам унікальну можливість стати учасниками дискусійних майданчиків, а також знайти потенційних партнерів для реалізації проектів. Уся інформація про форум на icomm.lviv.ua або за телефоном (050) 522-88-75

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

This Month



May 28 – 30, “Dnister” Hotel’s Conference Hall (6 Matejka St.)

June 06 – 30, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1, Universytetska str.)

The Ukraine-Canada Business Forum, jointly hosted by the Lviv Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Lviv City Council, and the CanadaUkraine Chamber of Commerce under the auspices of the governments of the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan and Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Troy Lulashnyk, will be held in Lviv from March 12–14. The Ukraine-Canada Business Forum is expected to be the single biggest event in the framework of bilateral business relations. Ukrainian and Canadian businesspeople and officials that will participate in the Forum include the presidents of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, regional chambers of commerce and industry, government representatives from Ukraine and Canada, regional authorities, and experts. Other participants include Ukrainian and Canadian entrepreneurs working the agriculture, information technology, finance (insurance, stock market, banking), machinebuilding, and energy sectors. At least 200 people are expected to participate. For more information on how to register, please complete the registration form and submit it to the Lviv Chamber of Commerce & Industry. For more information, please call: +38 (032) 297-0749 or visit icci.com.ua.

This June, Lviv will see an interesting cultural initiative return – the Ukrainian-German Joint Project “Municipal Development & Rehabilitation of Lviv’s Old City”. Having already been hosted for several years already, the project – which goes under the name of “Urban Workshop” – gets an enormous amount of attention and appreciation by Leopolitans and their guests. This admiration is what led organizers to bring back the project for 2014. Beginning from June 6th, a special area in front of Lviv’s Ivan Franko National University will be set up to host several cultural events, workshops, exhibitions, sporting activities, special presentations, and more. The focus of this year’s project is the influence of citizens on the city’s urban development. “Urban Workshop” will provide a unique platform for Leopolitans and guests of the city to share new ideas, as well as to discuss modern ways of urban development while still preserving our glorious history, traditions, and cultural heritage. Participation in “Urban Workshop” will be free of charge. For more information, please visit: www.urban-project.lviv.ua.

БІЗНЕС-ФОРУМ УКРАЇНА – КАНАДА 28–30 травня, Конференц-зал готелю "Дністер" (вул. Матейка, 6) У Львові відбудеться бізнес-форум Україна – Канада, організаторами якої виступили спільно Львівська торгово-промислова палата, Львівська обласна держадміністрація, Львівська міська рада, Канадсько-Українська Торгова Палата під егідою урядів провінцій Онтаріо і Саскачеван, а також посол Канади в Україні Трой Лулашник. Цей бізнес-форум, як очікується, стане головною подією в рамках двосторонніх ділових відносин. Ділові кола і чиновники України і Канади візьмуть участь у Форумі, в тому числі президенти Торгово-промислової палати України та регіональних торгово-промислових палат, представники урядів України й Канади, регіональних органів влади, експерти, українські та канадські підприємці, що працюють в галузі сільського господарства, інформаційних технологій, фінансів (страхування, фондового ринку, банківської справи), машинобудування та енергетики. Передбачується участь понад 200 осіб. Для участі у форумі потрібно заповнити реєстраційну форму і подати її до Львівської торгово-промислової палати. Детальніша інформація за телефоном (032) 297 07 49 або на lcci.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

URBAN WORKSHOP BACK IN JUNE 6–30 червня, Львівський національний університет ім. І. Франка (вул. Університетська, 1) У червні цього року у Львові знову відбуватиметься цікава культурна ініціатива – спільний українсько-німецький проект – "Муніципальний розвиток і реставрація старої частини Львова". Цей захід, що вже проходив кілька років під назвою "Майстерня міста", завоював увагу і вдячність львів’ян та гостей міста, тож організатори вирішили знову провести його в цьому році. Починаючи з 6 червня 2014 року, на площі перед національним університетом ім. І. Франка буде організована спеціальна зона, де пройде низка культурних заходів, майстер-класи, виставки, спортивні заходи, презентації тощо. У центрі уваги цього року буде розвиток міста і участь в ньому громадян. Цей необхідний для Львова проект створить ділову платформу для обміну новими ідеями, обговорення сучасних способів і можливостей розвитку міста, для збереження славного минулого, традицій та культурної спадщини. Участь у "Майстерні міста" буде безкоштовною. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте: www.urban-project.lviv.ua


Lviv art in May Museum of Ancient Ukrainian books

During May- June– Exhibition of manuscripts, ancient books as well as books by Taras Shevchenko “There you will find truth and maybe even glory” 15a, Kopernyka str. Tel. (032) 261-30-12 Closed: Mon Wed.–Sat.: 11.00 – 18.00 Tue.–Sun.: 12.00 – 18.00 Tickets office open till 17.00

Art centre "Shos cikave" (Something interesting)

From 02.05 – Exhibition «Doors stories» featuring painted

doors by artist Halyna Dudar, decorated with hot enamel by artist-jeweler Oleksa Mys’ko. Each artistic door will showcase own story and legend. Rynok square, 13/22 (in the yard) Tel.: +38 063 275-17-25, (032) 244-41-66 10:30–20:00 office.prostir@gmail.com

Art Atelier Voytovych

To visit please call in advance +38 095 507-71-36 www.artists.com.ua

Gallery "ICONART"

During 06.05 – 01.06 – Exhibi-

Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet Olha Shchur

tion “World” by Olga Kravchenko 26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8032) 235-52-95 11:00–19:00 (Tues.–Sat.) 12.00 – 19.00 (Sun). / Mon. gallery@iconart.com.ua www.iconart.com.ua

Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe

6, Bohomoltsa str, Tel.: (032) 275-17-34 Fax.: (032) 275-13-09 institute@lvivcenter.org www.lvivcenter.org Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00–17:30

Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture

The sculptures by Mykhajlo Dzyndra impress us with their uniqueness. Every sculpture emerges from the mystery of his imagination and is interwoven with his life experience. Every sculpture is most expressive in its countenance, revealing the variety of human emotions, from amazement to joy and deepest melancholy Lviv-Briukhovychi 16, Muzejna Street. Tel.: (032) 234-66-36 097 397-54-80 Tuesday through Sunday 11:00–18:00

The “Gerdan” gallery

Lviv art of the 60-80ies exhibition 4, Ruska str. Tel:.(032) 272-50-46 12:00–17:00 /Closed: Sun., Mon.

The Culture and Art Center “Dzyga”

35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 10:00–18:00 office@dzyga.lviv.ua www.dzyga.com.ua

«Kvartyra (apartment) 35» 35, Virmenska str. («Dzyga», 2nd floor)

Gary Bowman's Art Gallery

18, Nalyvayka str. Tel.: +38 095-899-51-74 12.00–19.00 \ Closed: Mon. www.gbgallery.org.ua

The Lviv Art Gallery

From 17.05 – Exhibition of paintings «Colors of Roztochya» During May–June – Exhibition «Master Pinzel– legend and reality» 3 Stefanyka, str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-48 10:00–17:00; Closed: Mon.

The Lviv Art Gallery (Pototsky Palace)

During May–June – Exhibition of golden treasures «Glorious centuries of Ukraine» str. Kopernyka, 15 Tel.: (032) 261-41-45 / 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.

Lviv Art Palace

From 20.05 – Exhibition of

The “Green Sofa” gallery

During 21.05 – 08.06 – Olga Pogribna-Kokh. Collection of Wishes. 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 243 70 23 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Art Palace

During May – Exhibition ”Exlibris, philately and posters”, dedicated to the 200th birthday anniversary of T. Shevchenko and 10th anniversary of the T. Shevchenko museum opening at the Lviv Art Palace str.Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working hours 12:00–19:00 / Closed:Mon.

creative works by I.V.Brovdya, famous sculptor, artist from Zakarpattya region str. Kopernyka, 17 Tel.: (032) 272-89-33 Attention, change of working hours 12:00–19:00 / Closed:Mon.

The Lviv National Museum

During 07.05 – 01.06 – Exhibition “Interval” by Ihor Yanovych During 08.05 – 02.06 – Exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Vasyl and Svitlana Yarych 20, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 235-88-46 10:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ethnography and Crafts

During whole May – Exhibition of paintings and graphical works “Energy of the Carpathians” by Yaroslav Tsiko From 15.05 – Exhibition of paintings by Volodymyr Grynyk 15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 297-01-57 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.

The Museum of Ideas Bernarden garden

During 02.05–25.05 – Photo exhibition "Lviv 2013" by Aleksandr Bonachich and Borys Zubchich (Croatia) 8a, Valova str., Tel.: (032) 254-61-55 (032) 295-69-68 LVIV TODAY | May 2014

10:00–19:00 Each Thursday and Saturday – Film screenings. Beginning –18.00 idem.org@gmail.com www.idem.org.ua

The “Pory roku” gallery

During 08.05–22.05 – Exhibition “Women portraits” by Olga Neshenko 23, Virmenska str. Tel:.(032) 235- 44- 65 11:00-16:00/Closed: Sun.

The “Ravlyk” gallery

15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (032) 243 35 99 www.ravlyk-art.com.ua salon@ ravlyk-art.com.ua

The “Slyvka” art gallery

During whole May – Personal exhibition of paintings “Ukrainian spring” by Ivan Tverdun During whole May – Exhibition of carved eggshells by Igor Nazarov 24, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 235-58-28 10:30–19:00 www.artslyvka.com

Art Gallery «Primus»

16/5, L.Ukrainky str., Tel.: +38 097 293 14 26 +38 095 899-51-74 Artprimus.lviv@gmail.com www.primusart.com.ua


During 23.05–07.06 – Exhibition of paintings on glass by Natalka Kuriy 8, Lesi Ukrainky str, Tel.: (032) 235-48-26, (067) 706-36-47 artmelanka@yahoo.com Melanka Art at facebook



LVIV TODAY | May 2014

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Cultural calendar

Full Lviv listings for the coming month in Ukraine’s cultural capital

National Academic Ukrainian drama theatre named after Mariya Zankovetska

1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04 www.zankovetska.com.ua.

MAY 17, SATURDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Jaroslavna – Queen of France / V. Sokolovskyi Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes MAY 18, SUNDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Jaroslavna – Queen of France /


V. Sokolovskyi Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes MAY 21, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING – 12.00 Magic flower / N. Boimuk Performance for children Performance duration: 2 hours 00 minutes MAY 21, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 High treason by Ray Lapika Stage adaptation by Fedir Stryhun Performance duration: 2 hours 20 minutes MAY 22, THURSDAY

BEGINNING – 12.00 Magic flower / N. Boimuk Performance for children Performance duration: 2 hours 00 minutes

BEGINNING – 18.00 Unwilled fools / by O.Ogorodnik Comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

MAY 22, THURSDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Hutsulka Ksenia by J. Barnich Poetry by D. Nikolyshyn Romantic operetta Performance duration: 3 hours

MAY 24, SATURDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Jaroslavna – Queen of France / V. Sokolovskyi Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

MAY 23, FRIDAY BEGINNING – 12.00 Magic flower / N. Boimuk Performance for children Performance duration: 2 hours 10 minutes MAY 23, FRIDAY

MAY 25, SUNDAY BEGINNING – 18.00 Goncharivka matchmaking / G. Kvitka- Osnovyanenko Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours 00 minutes

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theatre

Address: 28, Svobody avn., Lviv Theatre ticket office working hours: 11.00–19.00 (Monday day off) Tel.: (032) 242 - 11 - 63

AMay 17, Saturday Magic Flute by W. A. Mozart Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00 May 18, Sunday Vain precaution by P. Gertel Ballet in 2 acts Duration:12.00–14.30 May 18, Sunday The Elixir of Love by G. Donizetti Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30 May 23, Friday La Bayadere by P. Minkus Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45 May 24, Saturday

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Orpheus and Eurydice by C. W. Gluck Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.15 May 25, Sunday The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by B. Pavlovsky Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00 May 25, Sunday Barber of Seville by D. Rossini Opera in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45 May 29, Thursday Die Fladermaus by R.Strauss Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00 May 30, Friday La Esmeralda by C. Pugni Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00 May 31, Saturday Tosca by G. Puccini Opera in 3 acts

Duration: 18.00-–21.00

LVIV PHILHARMONIC сoncert Hall named after S.Ludkevich

7, Chaykovskogo str., Lviv Preliminary ticket booking is available in the ticket office. Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–19.00 Tel: 272-10-42, 272-58-64 www.philharmonia.lviv.ua

XXXІII INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL «VIRTUOSI» MAY 18, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Europe Day in Lviv – Ode to Joy” featuring Elizabeth Lipityuk – soprano, Anna Labut – mezzo-soprano, Sergiy Bortnyk – tenor, Roman Moroz – baritone, together with Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra (Ilya Stupel – conductor) performing Symphony № 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven MAY 20, TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00

Concert “Evening of Instrumental Trio” featuring Diana Hultsova – piano, Viorica Dedikova – violin, Maxim Dedikov – cello performing compositions by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninoff MAY 21, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Evening of Instrumental Trio” featuring Diana Hultsova – piano, Viorica Dedikova – violin, Maxim Dedikov – cello performing compositions by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninoff MAY 22, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “55th anniversary of the Lviv Chamber Orchestra Academia” featuring Myroslav Dragan – piano, Natalia Konovalenko – harp, Oleg Petryshyn – trumpet, Jazz Trio: Konstantin Vilensky – piano, Piotr Biskupski – drums, Nazar Novakovych – bass with Martha Turyanska and Yaroslav Bronzey – violins together with Lviv Chamber Orchestra «Academia» (Ihor Pylatiuk – conductor) performing compositions by M. Skoryk,


Cultural calendar P. Tchaikovsky as well as jazz fantasy on themes by J. Bach, W. A. Mozart, G. Gershwin MAY 23, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Music Stars of the Future” featuring Simon Byuerki – piano, Nikita Burzanytsya – piano, together with Youth Academic Symphony orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (Fakhraddin Karimov – conductor) performing compositions by E. Grieg, C. Saint-Saens MAY 24, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Romantic expression” featuring Olivia Jacobson – violin together with Academic Chamber Orchestra «Lviv Virtuosos» (Myron Yusypovych – conductor) performing compositions by B. Britten, J. Mendelssohn MAY 25, SUNDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Young Virtuosos” featuring Anite Stroh – violin, Paweł Gusnar – saxophone, Mykhaylo Zakopets – oboe Danylo Saienko – piano together with Lviv Chamber Orchestra «Academia» (Yuri Litun – conductor) performing compositions by Ponchielli, W. A. Mozart, F. Chopin, Alexander Glazunov MAY 27, TUESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Maestro by Piano” featuring Eugen Indjic – piano performing compositions by R.Schumann, F. Chopin, C. Debussy MAY 28, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Virtuoso by Ukrainian Historical Prose” presents creative evening by Roman Ivanychuk (dedicated to the 85th birthday anniversary). Moderators – Victor Neborak and Vasyl Gabor with «Phoenix» string quartet MAY 29, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Duo Virtuosos” featuring Solomiya Ivakhiv – violin,


Zinan Huang – piano together with Academic Chamber Orchestra «Lviv Virtuosos» (Czeslaw Grabowski – conductor) performing compositions by Elgar, W.A. Mozart, J. Mendelssohn MAY 30, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “The Best World Classics” featuring Pip Clarke – violin together with Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra (Ilya Stupel – conductor) performing compositions by Korngold, Saint-Saens MAY 31, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “mozARTE-Quintett Salzburg in Lviv” featuring Sigrid Hagn – piano, Cora Stiehler, Romana Rauscher – violins, Margarethe Hlawa-Grundner – viola, Julia Ammerer – cello performing compositions by W. A. Mozart, G. Mahler, R. Strauss MAY 31, SATURDAY BEGINNING 20.30 Concert “4x4: from Classic to Jazz” featuring «Kyiv Saxophone Quartet»: Yuri Vasylevych, Mykhaylo Mymryk, Olexander Moskalenko, Sergiy Gdansky – saxophones and quartet «Inter-Clarinetissimo»: Gedwig Swimberg, Dmitry Vasiliev, Oleg Moroz, Yuri Vasylevych – clarinets performing compositions by A. Piazzolla, Bozza, G. Gershwin, Miller, D. Ellington JUNE 01, SUNDAY BEGINNING 17.00 Concert “Ensemble ARSIS at Virtuosos” featuring Dmitry Onyshchenko – piano, Mark Denemark – clarinet, Alexander Piriyev – cello performing compositions by Beethoven, Bruch, Glinka JUNE 01, SUNDAY BEGINNING 19.30 Concert “200th anniversary of Monsieur Adolphe Sax” featuring Claude Delangle – saxophone together with Youth Academic Symphony orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (Vsevolod Polonsky – conductor) performing compositions by G. Bizet, Milhaud, M. Ravel, M. de Falla,

A. Piazzolla JUNE 04, WEDNESDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Jubilee MANSOUND at Virtuosos” featuring Yuri Romensky, Vilain Kilchenko, Sergiy Kharchenko, Vladimir Sukhin – tenors, Vyacheslav Rubel – baritone, Ruben Tolmachev – bass performing Jazz, Classical, Folk and Popular Music compositions JUNE 05, THURSDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Modern Virtuosi” featuring Tomasz Tomaszewski – violin, Dorota Imiełowska, Łukasz Pawlikowski – cello, Andriy Karpyak – flute together with Academic Chamber Orchestra «Lviv Virtuosos» (Sergiy Burko – conductor) performing compositions by Almashi, Regamey, Sydor, Shcherbakov JUNE 06, FRIDAY BEGINNING 19.00 Concert “Water Music” featuring Oksana Rapita, Myroslav Dragan, Andriy Dragan – piano performing compositions by M. Lysenko, F. Liszt, F. Chopin, C. Debussy, M. Ravel JUNE 07, SATURDAY BEGINNING 18.00 Concert “Solemn Mass for the Virtuosi” featuring Nadiya Fesenko – soprano, Myroslava Havryliuk – mezo-soprano Sergiy Bortnyk – tenor, Roman Moroz – baritone together with Youth Academic Symphony Orchestra «INSO-Lviv», Galician Academic Chamber Choir (Georg Kugi – conductor) performing Missa Solemnis by Ludwig van Beethoven. JUNE 08, SUNDAY BEGINNING 17.00 Concert “Vienna Orpheus” featuring Natalia Svyrydenko – harpsichord, Sergiy Shapoval – tenor with Mariya Tkachyk and Eugen Kruk – violin performing compositions by Gluck, Wagenseil, Koželuh JUNE 08, SUNDAY BEGINNING 19.30 Concert “Andrzej Jagodziński

Jazz Trio at Virtuosos” featuring Andrzej Jagodziński Jazz Trio: Andrzej Jagodzinski - piano, Adam Cegielski - kontrabas, Czesław Bartkowski – drums, Agnieszka Wilczyńska – vocal together with Lviv Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra (Ilya STUPEL – conductor) performing compositions by Andrzej Jagodziński and Polish Folk-Songs

Lviv Academic theatre named after Les Kurbas

Ticket office: 12.00 –19.00 (on days of performances) Address: L. Kurbasa str., 3 Tel.: (322) 724 914 ; 724 824 online booking is available on www.kurbas.lviv.ua/tickets Theatre art director – Volodymyr Kuchynsky All performances start at 19.00

MAY 17, SATURDAY Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche Drama play MAY 18, SUNDAY Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche Drama play MAY 23, FRIDAY Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Tragic comedy in 2 acts MAY 24, SATURDAY Theatre of crime by Jacques Mauclair Comedy MAY 25, SUNDAY “Forest song” by L. Ukrainka Dramatic poem MAY 30, FRIDAY MA-NA HAT-TA by. Ing. Bachmann Art trial experiment MAY 31, SATURDAY Amnesia or Partners in Crime by Eric-Emmanuel Shmitt Drama improvisations 24 травня, сб, 19:00 – Вистава «Театр злочину» (репетиція)

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

lviv opinion

Who Needs VKontakte? Ukraine Launches Own Social Media Site


new, Ukrainian-backed social media website was launched last month to offer Ukrainians an alternative to Russian-owned social media giants Vkontakte and Odnoklasnyky. WEUA.info was launched in early April by an IT team from Lviv. The fledgling website has already gathered over 100,000 registered users and nearly a half million views. Bohdan Oliyarchuk, one of the website’s founders, spoke about the aim of WEUA: “Our plan is not just to set-up a new social network. We want to create a platform that will unite Ukrainians from all over the world and will become a powerful information weapon.” He adds that it is just one other way that Ukrainians can support the ongoing boycott of Russian goods and services. The Kremlin Takes Vkontakte Ukrainian territory is not the only thing that Russia’s Kremlin has its designs on recently, as friends of the government have made moves to annex Russian social media giant Vkontakte. Vkontakte, known colloquially as just VK by its 240 million users, is Russia’s equivalent to Facebook. The website, founded by Pavel Durov, is Russia’s largest social network and the largest social networking website in Europe. Durov, however, was recently ousted and forced to flee the country after being forced out by Igor Sechin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Durov is known for his support of his website being used as a platform for opposition to Putin and has repeatedly clashed with Russian authorities in the past. “Unfortunately, the country is incompatible with Internet business at the moment”, says Durov while noting that his freedom in running VK had been significantly curtailed before his ouster. With LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Kremlin allies now in control of the largest social media network in the region, it seems like an opportune time for Ukrainians to take a look at WEUA.info. Why WEUA.info Might Succeed However, it was the Russian takeover of Crimea that was the impetus for the creation of WEUA.info. As Oliyarchuk points out, “I receive dozens of letters from Ukrainian Internet users every day. They say they quit the Russian networks and do not want to use them anymore.” And the site has grown rather quickly. More than 25,000 signed up within the first two hours and the site now boasts over 100,000 registered users. He adds that there would be even more, if not for the security features needed in order to protect the site from hacker attacks. He explained that shortly after the launch of the website, the project experienced several strong Denial of Service attacks. He insinuates that the attackers likely originate from Russia as 70% of the web traffic at the time came from Russian IP addresses. In response, the organization now requires an invitation and a digital code that acts as an electronic key in order to reduce the number of fraudulent pages. Oliyarchuk notes that the site still attracts 3,000 new users each day, with the majority coming from Kyiv and Western Ukraine. WEUA.info still has a long way to go to catch up with the Russian-language, Ukrainian social media site Connect.ua, which has attracted more than 64 million users since its launch in 2007. As the Kremlin continues to exert its influence at VK and continues its aggressions against Ukraine, it just may give the new Ukrainian site the user base that every social media website needs to be successful.



MISS LVIV 2014 On May 07, 2014 Lviv’s opulent Opera & Ballet Theatre hosted the grand finale of the “Miss Lviv 2014” beauty contest. The annual contest draws prominent businessmen, politicians, media representatives, fashion designers, and other celebrities to watch as Lviv’s finest ladies compete for the title of ‘Miss Lviv 2014’ and a chance to represent the region at the national ‘Miss Ukraine’ contest. As event’s presenters came singers Erica, Oleksandr “Fozzi” Sidorenko (from TNMK), and Miss Lviv 2009 and this year’s pageant manager – Valerya Nikiforets. The finale also included special appearances from local vocalists Pavlo Tabakov and Natalya Karpa, as well as Ruslana, who appeared with the Lviv choir. Among the 14 participants, Vaselynа Bilogosh was named first Vice-Miss, while Zoryana Chaban finished as second Vice-Miss. Andriana Hasanshyn was crowned “Miss Lviv 2014”. Other winners included Marta Maksymiv for ‘Miss Smile’ and Khrystyna Babyak for ‘Miss Photo”.

Andriana Hasanshyn crowned as “Miss Lviv 2014”

"МІС ЛЬВІВ 2014" Грандіозний фінал конкурсу краси "Міс Львів 2014" відбувся 7 травня 2014 року у приміщенні львівського театру опери та балету. Подивитись на це свято молодості й краси зібрались видні бізнесмени, політики, представники ЗМІ, модельєри, художники, щоб довідатись, хто ж представлятиме Львів у національному конкурсі краси «Міс Україна – 2014» в Києві. Ведучими шоу були співаки Еріка, Олександр "Фоззі" Сидоренко (ТНМК) та «Міс Львів 2009» Валерія Никифорець. На сцені також виступили Руслана та Львівський хор, відомі українські співаки Павло Табаков і Наталія Карпа. Серед 14 фіналісток віце-міс була обрана Василина Білогош, Зоряна Чабан стала другою віце-міс, а "Міс Львів 2014» журі визнало Андріану Хасаншин. Серед інших номінантів були також Марта Максимів – «Міс Посмішка» і Христина Баб΄як, що отримала титул "Міс Фото".


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Society

1st Vice Miss – Vaselyna Bilogash

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

2nd Vice Miss – Zoryana Chaban


Lviv SoCiety

Victor Krivenko, Head of Technopolis National Project and advisor in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine;

Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi



Lviv’s long-established Spring Business Forum was held on April 25th with the event this year dedicated to the theme of “Challenges for Ukraine: The Fight for European Integration”. Key issues addressed by the discussion panels at the event included: analyzing the evolving infrastructure of the Ukrainian economy (including investment approaches, priorities, and sources for financing); examining the current real estate and real estate development markets; and evaluating the investment perspectives of eight Western Ukrainian regions. Of the 150+ attendees, participants included representatives from the government and public service, leading banks and financial institutions, real estate developers, and entrepreneurs. Those in attendance had the opportunity to discuss current strategies, techniques, and regional development projects with potential investors. The forum was officially opened with addresses by Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi, Joseph Sytnyk (Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration), and Volodymyr Glaschenkov (Managing Partner at HD Partners). Special speakers at the event were invited from both Ukraine and abroad and represented a wide variety of organizations, including government, business, and media.

Традиційний весняний Діловий форум відбувся у Львові 25 квітня. Цього року його темою стала «Виклики України: боротьба за європейську інтеграцію". Основні питання, що обговорювались на чотирьох дискусійних майданчиках: аналіз розвитку інфраструктури української економіки (у тому числі інвестиційні підходи, пріоритети й джерела фінансування); дослідження ринків нерухомості та їх розвитку; оцінка інвестиційних перспективи у восьми західноукраїнських областях. Понад 150 учасників форуму, серед яких були представники уряду та державної адміністрації, провідних банків та фінансових установ, забудовники, підприємці отримали чудову можливість обговорити поточні стратегії, методи та проекти розвитку регіону з потенційними інвесторами. На відкритті Форуму до присутніх звернулись з вітальними промовами керуючий партнер Володимир Глащенков (HD Partners), Андрій Садовий, міський голова Львова і Йосип Ситник, заступник голови Львівської обласної державної адміністрації.

Orest Blashuk, Privatbank (L) and Dmytro Sologub, Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Andriy Hankevych, Lviv IT-BPO Cluster Supervisory Board Chairman

22 Forum’s participants

Sergiy Kiral, Head of Administration of Foreign Economic Affairs and Investments of Lviv City Council (L) and Bogdan Pikh, Head of the Lviv railway. LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Society

Conductor Fahraddin Kerimov (L) and pianist Fahrad Badalbeyli (Azerbaijan) at concert in the Royal Palace in Lublin

TRIUMPH OF LVIV CLASSICS On April 30, 2014 within project “Cultural dialogue: Ukraine-PolandAzerbaijan” the Royal Palace in Lublin hosted special musical delight – concert by recognized pianist and composer Fahrad Badalbeyli (Azerbaijan), who together with Academic Youth symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (conductor Fahraddin Kerimov), performed compositions by I. J. Paderewski, M. Skoryk, Kara Karaev, Uzeir Gadzhybekov, Fikret Amirov and Elmira Nazirova (Azerbaijan). On Friday May 02, 2014 Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski within ceremony marking Flag Day bestowed Lviv citizens - Zbigniew Chrzanowski, director of the Polish Folk theatre in Lviv; Volodymyr Syvohip, director of the Lviv Philharmonic theatre and famous pianist Marianna Humecka with special awards. The festive event of bestowing with special awards recognized representatives of Polish diaspora and social activists who are promoting polish culture abroad was held at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw. Guests of the event were also treated with concert by above mentioned artists, who this time were joined by Marianna Humecka.

Festive concert at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.


Volodymyr Syvohip, director of the Lviv Philharmonic theatre, famous pianist Marianna Humecka and Zbigniew Chrzanowski, director of the Polish Folk theatre in Lviv; (L to R)

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

У рамках проекту – Діалог культур: Україна-Польща-Азербайджан 30 квітня у Королівському замку у Любліні відбувся концерт Академічного молодіжного симфонічного оркестру «INSO-Львів» під орудою диригента з Азербайджану Фахраддіна Керімова. Солістом виступив визнаний азербайджанський піаніст та композитор, музичний педагог Фахрад Бадалбейлі. Публіка, прослухала твори Узеїра Гаджибекова (Азербайджан), Кара Караєва (Азербайджан), Ігнатія Яна Падеревського (Польща), Мирослава Скорика (Україна), а також Фікрета Амірова та Ельміри Назірової (Азербайджан). А вже у п’ятницю, 2 травня 2014, Президент Польщі Броніслав Коморовський на церемонії, присвяченій національному святу Польщі, вручив спеціальні нагороди громадянам Львова - Збігнєву Хшановському, керівнику польського народного театру у Львові; Володимиру Сивохіпу, директору Львівської філармонії та піаністці Мар’яні Гумецькій. На урочистій церемонії, що відбулась у Президентському палаці у Варшаві, були присутні представники польської діаспори, які презентують і пропагують польську культуру за кордоном. Захід завершився чудовим концертом вищезгаданих виконавців, до яких цього разу долучилася піаністка Маріанна Гумецька.


OVATION FOR P. VIRSKY DANCE ENSEMBLE Ukraine’s iconic P.Virsky National Folk Dance Ensemble brought there spectacular “All the World Applauds” show to the Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre on April 28th. Part of their national concert tour, the group also visited the Western Ukrainian cities of Lutsk, Uzhgorod, Rivne, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk. Virsky’s two-hour dance extravaganza perfectly showcases the traditions and characters of Ukrainians in addition to the deep, spiritual culture of the nation. Fully 80 different dancers from the ensemble participate in their concert program and after presenting several premiere dances in Lviv the group was awarded with standing ovation after standing ovation.

ОВАЦІЇ ДЛЯ АНСАМБЛЮ П. ВІРСЬКОГО Національний ансамбль народного танцю ім. П. Вірського побував у Львові 28 квітня 2014 р в рамках національного концертного туру і представив грандіозне шоу "Весь світ аплодує" на сцені львівського оперного театру. У ході гастролей ансамбль також відвідає Луцьк, Ужгород, Рівне, Тернопіль, Івано-Франківськ, Чернівці, Харків, Чернігів. Нова двогодинна програма танцювального шоу традиційно демонструє звичаї та традиції українців, а також глибоку духовну культуру країни. На сцені виступили понад 80 танцюристів у барвистих національних костюмах; кілька номерів програми були прем’єрними, а публіка вітала артистів оваціями стоячи.


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Society

SHEVCHENKO Real As part of the festive program to celebrate Lviv’s City Day, as well as part of the cultural celebrations to honour the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth, a special exhibition of original and colourful posters was arranged in the city’s centre. Several artists, including Olena Staranchuk, Olga Tereschenko, and Taras Pastuschyuk, designed unconventional posters of the great Ukrainian poet for display at the exhibition.

Шевченко Real У рамках святкової програми, присвяченої Дню міста та в рамках урочистостей з нагоди 200-річчя з дня народження Тараса Шевченка в центральній частині міста була організована виставка оригінальних і барвистих плакатів під відкритим небом. Автори плакатів – молоді художники Олена Старанчук, Ярко Філевич, Оксана Капранова, Євгенія Дуля, Ольга Терещенко, Тарас Пастущук і Оксана Васьків-Кукуль доклали чимало своїх зусиль, щоб представити великого українського поета нетрадиційно і не стереотипно.

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Lviv SoCiety

FRENCH SPRING FESTIVAL IN LVIV The ‘Sunday Away from the City’ excursion to Dmytrovychy cheese factory in the Mostycka District of the Lviv Region

Lviv’s traditional French Spring Festival was held from March 31 – May 17, allowing Leopolitans to experience the best in French cinema, music, literature, and gourmet food. Some of the highlights of the festival included the ‘Stars Between the Earth and Sky’ exhibition that featured photos of Air France, the ‘Sunday Away from the City’ excursion that featured goat cheese tasting at Dmytrovychy cheese factory in the Mostycka District of the Lviv Region, and the ‘French Gala Dinner’ prepared by the Head Chef of the Leopolis Hotel. Another interesting event of the programming was the ‘Festival of Urban Culture’ that featured rich and energetic events of ‘Sykhiv: Urban Motion’ in Sykhiv – Lviv’s largest residential neighborhood.


Photographer Ferrante Ferrati

Традиційний фестиваль «Французька весна» відбувся у Львові з 31 березня до 17 травня 2014 р. на цьому фестивалі львів'яни мали нагоду познайомитись з найкращим, що є у французькому кіно, музиці, літературі, а також кухні. Серед найцікавіших заходів слід відзначити виставку фотографій «Зірки між небом і землею" з архівів фотографій агентства Air France, пікнік "Неділя за містом" з дегустацією свіжого козячого сиру в селі Дмитровичі Мостиського району Львівської області," Французьку гала вечерю", яку приготував шефкухар готелю «Леополіс» і багато іншого. А ще у рамках «Французької весни» 4-6 травня відбувся Міжнародний фестиваль короткометражних фільмів на пл. Ринок а також на Сихові у Львівській дитячій школі мистецтв №5.

Exhibition "Lviv-baroque: Pinzel and Europe covered by Baroque style" by Ferrante Ferrati ( R)


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Society

Show by Ukrainian and French parkour masters within urban culture festival

Graffiti masters at big wall painting on Lviv Children Art School No.5 at Sykhiv

Photo exhibition "Stars between the sky and the Earth" from archives of Air France

Pre-premiere screening of "Yves Saint Laurent" film at "Planeta Kino" cinema

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Lviv SoCiety

Lviv Fashion Week



Tatiana Tur



During May 07-11, 2014, Lviv hosted the 13th season of Lviv Fashion Week. This year the event was held in new and unexpected location – Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport. For five days fashion interested Lvivites and guests of the city were appraising numerous collections of leading Ukrainian and foreign designers – Olena Dats’, Olesia Hryn, Marta Wachholz, Mykytyuk&Yatsentyuk, NOVANA Studio, GOLDA VYNOGRADSKAYA, DOMANOFF, Ivanna Yukhymchuk (Lutsk), Lidya Yanitska (Ternopil), Tetyana Kalita and brand “Risych”, winners of SABOTAGE fashion contest. Event’s program also featured charitable fashion show by Ukrainian designer Olena Golets, participant of the Ukrainian Fashion Week. As partner of the charity event came rehabilitation center “Dzherelo”. On May 08, 2014 Lviv fashion admirers were treated with fashion shows “OFF Schedule” presenting collections by young designers from Belarus. Program of the Lviv Fashion Week also featured numerous exhibitions, show room presentations and jolly afterparties.

reACTION: Kateryna Karol



LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Львівський Тиждень Моди

OFF SCHEDULE: Anastasia Mykhajlova Tatiana Tur

OFF SCHEDULE: Ludmila Grom LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Львівський Тиждень моди провів свій 13-й сезон 7–11 травня 2014 р. Цього року захід було проведено в досить таки несподіваному місці – львівському міжнародному аеропорту ім. Данила Галицького. Протягом п'яти днів усі, хто цікавиться сучасною модою, могли оглянути численні колекції провідних українських і зарубіжних дизайнерів, серед яких, зокрема - Олена Даць, Олеся Гринь, Marta Wachholz, Микитюк і Яцентюк, Novana Studio, Голда Виноградська, DOMANOFF, Іванна Юхимчук (Луцьк), Лідія Яніцька (Тернопіль), Тетяна Калита і марка "Risych", а також переможці конкурсу «Саботаж». У рамках Тижня моди відбувся благодійний показ моделей українського дизайнера Олени Голець. Партнером цієї благодійної акції став реабілітаційний центр "Джерело". На другий день Тижня моди - 8 травня відбулась презентація проекту "OFF Schedule", в якому були представлені колекції молодих дизайнерів з Білорусі. Крім іншого, у програмі цього свята моди відбулись численні виставки, шоу-рум презентації і веселі вечірки.

OLESIA HRYN: LE BOX presentation



reACTION: Luda Dominas








LVIV YuliaTODAY Gaidai | May 2014

Lviv sports


Lviv sport Our Sports Fans Guide to Lviv covers everything from handball to swimming, get all the best and newest coverages from our photojournalist Evhen Kravs.



Lviv hosted the final match of the 10th European Nations Cup (ENC) Division 1B rugby championship at Sokil Stadium. The 2014–16 ENC First Division is the premiere rugby union competition in Europe below the Six Nations Championship and is divided into two divisions. Ukraine competes with the Czech Republic, Germany, Moldova, Poland, and Sweden in Division 1B. The match in Lviv saw the hosts avenge a 13–12 loss to Poland in Gdynia by defeating the Polish National team 29–28. Ukraine currently sits in 3rd place.

Фінальний матч 10-го Кубка європейських націй (ENC) в дивізіоні “1В” відбувся у Львові на стадіоні "Сокіл" 25 квітня 2014 р. Змагання за Кубок європейських націй 2014–16 є провідними серед регбістів в Європі, і перший дивізіон має два підрозділи – “1A” і “1B”. До дивізіону “1B” входять збірні Чехії, Німеччини, Молдови, Польщі, Швеції та України. У львівському матчі збірна України здобула перемогу над збірною Польщі з рахунком 29:28 (у попередній зустрічі, що відбулася в Гдині, польська команда виграла з рахунком 13:12), і тепер знаходиться на третьому місці у своїй групі.

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Lviv Sport

WOMEN’S HANDBALL: Lviv’s women’s handball team Halychyna-Lviv, which is in the running for Ukraine’s Handball Cup Championship, defeated Dnipryanka (Kherson) 26-19 on April 25th. The victory allowed the ladies to gain an advantage on one of the main challenger’s for the gold medal – Karpaty (Uzhgorod).

ЖІНОЧИЙ ГАНДБОЛ Спортсменки команди “ГаличинаЛьвів” у змаганнях за Кубок України з гандболу 25 квітня 2014 р. у напруженій боротьбі перемогли херсонську команду "Дніпрянка" з рахунком 26:19. Завдяки цій перемозі львівська команда отримала мінімальну перевагу над іншим претендентом чемпіонату на золоту медаль – командою "Карпати" Ужгород.

FOOTBALL FC Karpaty Lviv continued their up-and-down season with a 2-3-2 record last month that sees the team sit in 10th-place with 1 game to go to close out the season. The month started off well as the team took points from 4th-place Dynamo Kyiv courtesy a late 2-2 equalizer by Lions striker Oleksandr Hladkyy. The team then dropped a disappointing 1-0 game at home to 11th-place Illichivets. The boys in green-and-white rebounded with a spirited 1-0 away win at Tavriya Simferopol courtesy a 49th-minute headed strike by birthday boy Serhij Zenjov. The team then managed a pair of 2-2 draws, away at Zoria Luhansk and at home to Metalurh Zaporizhya before thumping 2nd-place Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk 4-1 away. Fans were barred from the team’s final home game – a 4-2 loss to Metalist Kharkiv – due to the deteriorating security situation in the country. Our boys close out their schedule away at Chornomorets Odessa on May 18th where they hope to catch Sevastopol for 9th-place overall.

ФУТБОЛ ФК «Карпати» провели сезон досить таки нерівномірно і сьогодні мають рахунок 2-3-2, і займають 10 місце перед проведення останнього матчу сезону. Минулий місяць почався з вдалої гри проти «Динамо» Київ (4 місце у таблиці) з рахунком 2:2 завдяки влучним ударам по воротах суперника нападника львів’ян Олександра Гладкого. Потім «Карпати» програли з рахунком 0:1 у себе вдома команді «Іллічівець» (11- місце). Потім біло-зелені – здобули перемогу над «Таврією» Сімферополь 1:0, де на 49 хвилині відзначив свій день народження Сергій Зеньов. Після цього «Карпати» двічі зіграли внічию 2:2 - спершу на виїзді проти «Зорі» Луганськ і вдома - проти «Металурга» Запоріжжя і, нарешті, розгромили «Дніпро» Дніпропетровськ (2 місце) з рахунком 4:1 на його ж полі. Гра проти «Металіста» на стадіоні «Україна» у Львові відбулась без глядачів з огляду на безпеку і ситуацію в країні, що не допомогло виграти «Карпатам» - сумний рахунок – 2:4. Остання гра сезону чекає львів’ян з «Чорноморцем» Одеса 18 травня, де є шанси наздогнати Севастополь і посісти 9 місце в загальному заліку.


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Sport



LLviv hosted the Ukraine Cup bodybuilding competitions over April 26-27. The competition brought together over 300 athletes from across Ukraine (including Crimea) and presented a colourful and exciting show for the fans. Participants were divided into events based on age, height, and weight. Divisions included: Classic Bodybuilding, Body Fitness, Fitness, and Bikini. Olga Demchuk (Donetsk) and local athlete Fedir Hashalov took the Fitness category, while Bodybuilding winners included: Kharkiv’s Oleksandr Achepovskyi (weight up to 70kg), Kyiv’s Roman Yuschenko (75kg), Cherkassy’s Andriy Yashenko (80kg), Lviv’s own Oleh Kryvyi (85kg), Zaporizhya’s Vitaliy Kalenskyi (90kg), and Kyiv’s Pavlo Prontenko (95kg). Surely the highlight of the event was the Bikini competition. Winners included: Crimea’s Kateryna Tkachenko (height up to 163cm), Kyiv’s Olga Vyazmetinova (168cm), and Crimea’s Alla Semenova (168+ cm). The Kyiv region team won the total score title by defeating both the Donetsk and Lviv teams.

Змагання з бодібілдингу на Кубок України відбулись у Львові 26-27 квітня, зібравши понад 300 атлетів з усіх регіонів України, включаючи Крим, які продемонстрували публіці усю красу тренованого людського тіла. Учасники конкурсу змагалися в декількох категоріях за віком, зростом і вагою, в тому числі - класичний бодібілдинг, Body Fitness, фітнес, бікіні та інші. Переможцями конкурсу у категорії фітнес стали Ольга Демчук з Донецька (№ 317) і львів’янин Федір Хашалов (№ 312). Найбільшу увагу глядачів привернув конкурс бікіні, де переможцями стали Катерина Ткаченко з Криму (№ 21, зріст до 163 см), Ольга Вязменітова з Києва (№ 42, зріст до 168 см), Алла Семенова з Криму (№ 14, зріст понад 168 см). В категорії Класичний бодібілдинг результати такі: вага до 70 кг - Олександр Ачеповський (Харківська область), Роман Ющенко з Києва (вага до 75 кг), Андрій Ященко з Черкаської області (вага до 80 кг), Олег Кривий зі Львова (вага до 85 кг), Віталій Каленський від Запорізької області (вага до 90 кг) та Павло Пронтенко з Києва (вага до 95 кг). У загальнокомандному заліку перемогла команда Київської області, на другому місці – Донецьк, на третьому команда Львівської області..

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


LVIV RESTAURANTS Restaurants Alpaca Cuisine: Latin American. 10, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 272-50-41 Hours: from 11:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Visa Card. Andersen 39, Rudnytskogo str. Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 237-38-79 Aragvi 161, I. Franka str. Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 295-14-31 Amadeus 7, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-80-22 Hours: 11:00–23:00 A welcoming and elegant dining out venue.

"At the Golden Rose" Galician and Jewish Restaurant 37, Staroyevreiska str. (near old Synagogue) Tel.: (050)370-38-63 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr., Wi-Fi. Cuisine: Halytcian/Jewish The ONLY restaurant in Ukraine with NO prices in menu – You should bargain over bill, to come to reasonable solutions. Allegory 66, Stryis'ka Str. Cuisine: European, Ukrainian Business lunch: Mon.-Fri.:12:00-15:00 Теl.: (032) 241 96 05 Hours:11:00 - 00:00 Menu: engl/ukr Wi-Fi Visa, MasterCard Arsenal Museum & Restaurant


5, Pidval'na str., Cuisine: European, Ukrainian Теl.: +38 (067) 372 44 55 Business lunch: Mon.-Fri.:12:00-16:00 Hours:07:00 - 00:00 Menu: engl/ukr Wi-Fi Visa, MasterCard Beehive Cuisine: European, Caucasian, Ukrainian 16, Grushevskogo str.

Tel.:(032) 260 23 62 Hours:10:00 - 23:00 Bukhara 6, Furmanska str., Tel.: (032) 244-42-25 Catch a glimpse of the mystical pearl of Central Asia in the eastern ­flavoured dining option. Brudershaft 16, Virmenska str. Hours: 10.00–23.00 Tel.: (032) 235-42-43 Batjar Cuisine:European, Polish, Ukrainian 3, Mentsynskoho Str., Tel.: (032) 272-37-43 Cafe 1 Cuisine: continental, French, Italian 5, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-33-69 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Visa Card. Celentano restaurant 11, Saksaganskogo str., Hours: 11:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-34-76 22, Rynok sq., Tel.: (032) 236-72-60 Culinary Studio Kryva Lypa Cuisine: Halycian, Local 8, Kryva Lypa passage, Tel.: (032) 272-46-02 Hours: 10:00—23:00

Darwin Cuisine: Сontinental, Fusion 6, Shevska str., 5th fl., Tel.:(032) 294-82-05 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Dynamo Blues 4, Stusa str. Hours: 12:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 275-01-89 Dim Legend (House of Legends) 48, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: 050 430-29-24 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr Europe Cuisine: continental 14, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 261-19-71 Hours: 12:00—24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., Hours: 12:00–15:00 30 uah

Fashion club Cuisine: Сontinental 1, Pidkovy sqr. Tel.: (032) 272-88-91 Breakfast hours: 08:30–11:30 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., 12:30–15:00 Disco: from 23:00. Hours: 24 hours. Visa Card.

Improvisation restaurant Hrushevsky cinema jazz Cuisine: continental, national 28, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (098) 676-46-00

Hours: 9:00–2:00 Menu: eng./ukr. Free Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro A new restaurant in the 100-years-old cinema hall with large screen. Film shows like in real cinema hall, live music, photo, painting exhibitions, presentations, parties. Banquets and weddings for 150 persons in the Lviv city heart. Delicious food and good wine. And chef who will chat with you with big pleasure!

Kryjivka somewhere at Rynok Square Tel.: (050)430-63-54 Hours: 24 hours Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Kupol 37, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-54 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Visa Card. One of Lviv’s most stylish and sophisticated dining out options, Kupol has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur.

Kult Cuisine: Continental, Ukrainian 7, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 242-22-42 Hours: 12:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. One of the hippest locations in town - biggest live music club, must-visit for music loving guests of Lviv. Marvel at the diverse range of traditional Ukrainian and exqui-

site European cuisine favourites as you enjoy live music performances! Taste Music Delights!

Leopolis Restaurant Inside Hotel Leopolis Cuisine: modern Ukrainian and European. 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 295-95-00 Hours: 12:00—23:00 Menu: EN/UA Noted for its extensive wine list and selection of regional delicacies. Try Ukrainian cuisine in modern interpretation degustation set by the Chef Volodymyr Pavliuk. Complimentary Wi-Fi

Masoch-café 7, Serbs’ka str. Tel.: (050)371-04-40 Hours: 11:00—02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Cuisine: international menu including a wide range of aphrodisiacs. Refined cuisine with slight touch of sin side by side with the first monument to the famous European writer, Lvivite Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The Most Expensive Galician Restaurant Lviv centre, 14, Rynok square, (second floor) Tel.: 050 430-87-83 Hours: 11:00–02 :00 Cuisine: Ukrainian/ European

Menu: ukr./engl. Wi– Fi, Visa Card. The most “Expensive Galician Restaurant” is located in the heart of Lviv on Rynok square in the same building as famous “Kryjivka” but on the second floor. Thrill starts directly when guest enters the premise-everyone has chance to find out secrets of Masons brotherhood with all signs and symbols.

Delicious Restaurant of quality meats 15, Ноrodotska str., Tel.: (032) 242 27 07 Hours:11:00-23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card, Maestro. monchef.com.ua Delicious a la carte menu with wide choice of prime wine & beverages. La Piazza 27, Svobody avn. TM “Opera Passage”, 4th floor. Cuisine: Italian. Tel.: (032) 295-88-14/15 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro. The only original Italian restaurant with best selection of pizzas, pastas and salads in the city. Prague Cuisine: Continental, Czech 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The whole interior of the restaurant is a synonym for exclusiv-

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Restaurants ity. The venue boasts an Art Nouveau interior complete with samples of postcards and posters painted by the Czech artisrt Alphonse Mucha.

Panorama Cuisine: Mediterranean 45, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 225-90-09 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./pol./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Sample unrivalled views of the picturesque downtown Lviv skyline as you dine in style at this high-level restaurant. Pafos 5, Pylnykarska str. Tel.: ( 032) 297-08-23 Hours: 11:00—23:00 Enjoy fine examples of Cypriot cuisine in this European eatery. Pizza FELICHITA Cuisine: Italian 1, Mickiewicza sqr., (George Hotel) Tel.: 067 361-28-28 Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 Menu:engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card,Maestro. Specialties of the venue: delicious pizza, gourmet pasta and exquisite wine. Restaurant "Left bank" 28, Svobody avn. (Opera and ballet Theatre, underground.) Tel.: (050) 430-53-85 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Cuisine: celebrities best recipes and dishes. Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi. Club, functioning as constant daily international Modern At festival featuring expositions of paintings, live concerts, culinary evenings, creative meetings, providing unique chance to become artist by trying to be musician or painter.

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

music, and luxurious interior. Shakespeare Cuisine: continental. 144, Lubinska str., Tel.: (032) 295-5-295 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Breakfast: from 08:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The spirit of merry old England is alive and well in Lviv, as this tasteful tribute to the great British bard demonstrates.

Sigar Lounge Inside Hotel Leopolis, 1floor (basement floor) 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 295-95-00 Hours: 17:00 till the last guest. Menu: EN/UA World class cigars and tobacco, exclusive beverages at the lounge zone and cozy historical ambience. Smakolyk Cuisine:Ukrainian 5, Mikhalchuka str., Tel.: (032) 245-22-84 Hours: 8:00—21:00 Sim porosyat (Seven piglets) 9, Bandery str., Lviv Hours: 10:00 – last customer Tel.: (032) 297-55-58

Split Cuisine: Сontinental, Japanese 6/7, Mitskevicha sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-22-00 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: engl./ukr./rus. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The restaurant of the extensive Club Split Lviv complex is a comfortable and cozy establishment situated in the central part of Lviv. It offers a great choice of dishes, live

Stary Tiflis Cuisine: Oriental, European 28, Pekarska str., Тel.: (032)276-61-11 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tex-Mex BBQ Cuisine: American, Mexican, Steakhouse 7 Dudajeva Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 261-1772 Hours: 10:00—23:00 The Grill Cuisine: European, steak specialties 22, Teatralna str. Тel.: (032) 235-49-91 Hours: 11:00–23:00 www.thegrill.com.ua Trapezna (Refectory) of “Museum of ideas” Cuisine: Traditional monastery food in Galicia. 18A, Valova str., Lviv Frate Mykhaylo: 097 421-76-84 Frate Yaroslav: 097 226-28-85 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr No smoking Located in the basement cellar of former Bernarden monastery venue ofers authentic atmosphere of medieval monastery refectory flled with chamber and spiritual music. Club of gastronomic ideas.

Viennese Coffee House Cuisine: Сontinental 12, Svobody avn, Tel.: (032) 235-87-21 Hours: 09:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Quite simply a Lviv classic. This venue actually dates back to 1829 and is the oldest still functioning in the city. You will feel equally at home enjoying delicious pastires and


Lviv Restaurants coffee or a hearty meal. Billiards also on offer.

Pubs and Bars Dublin 5, Kryva Lypa lane, Tel.: (032) 272-88-74 12:00–24:00 Thur., Fri., Sat – till 02:00 Business lunch: Mon.– Fri., Hours: 12:00–14:00 /35 UAH/ Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. A democratic but international quality venue providing a wide selection of beers and whiskeys.

Pub Kupitsa 18, Br. Rohatyntsiv str.,­ (entrance from Serbska str.) Cuisine: Hungarian, Ukrainian Теl.: (032) 235 88 99, (098) 775 90 07 Hours:12:00 - 02:00 Business lunch: Mon. -Fri.: 12:00-16:00 Menu: engl/ukr Wi-Fi, Visa, MasterCard Venue offers 15 brands of draft beer and 20 sorts of ownproduced liquors. Each Thursday, Friday and Saturday You can enjoy live performances by Lviv’s best bands.

Kumpel’ Cuisine: Galician Mytna sqr., Tel.: (032) 242-17-80 Hours: 24 hours. 2B, Chernovola avn., Tel.: (032) 229-51-77 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: ukr./engl./pol. Visa Card.


Specialties of the restaurant: “Alive” beer of three brands, brewed in own brewery, placed directly in the restaurant.

Pub White Lion 15, L. Ukrainka str., Cuisine: European, Ukrainian Теl.: (032) 235-46-25, (067) 67-551-23 Hours:12:00 - 02:00 Business lunch: Mon. -Fri.: 12:00-16:00 Wi-Fi, Visa, MasterCard Venue offers wide choice of beer and democratic prices. Only in “White Lion” You can get big glass of “Guinness” just for 29 UAH and taste delicious huge “lion’s” meals. Solely in this venue You can admire Lviv’s biggest statue of Lion. From Thursday till Saturday performances by best music bands will create atmosphere of authentic Lviv Pub. Korzo Pub 10, Brativ Rogatyntsiv str. Tel.: (032) 275-70-92 Hours: 12:00–24:00 A friendly and welcoming old style pub atmosphere with all the hospitality you would expect to find in the west Ukrainian capital. Mons Pius: Beer & Meat 14, L. Ukrainka str., (Armenian yard), Lviv Tel.: (032) 235-60-60 097 64-54-952 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card Pub ”Mons Pius” ofers fresh ’alive” beer ”Mons Pius”, delicious charcoal

grilled steakes, additionally to watching sports events on big TV in friendly atmosphere. Prague 8, Gnatuyka str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. More then 15 different brands of bottled and draught beer on offer. A popular Lviv sports bar.

Pub-museum Gasova Lampa Cuisine: Ukrainian/European 20, Virmenska str, Tel.: (050)371-09-08 Hours:. 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Special attractions of the venue are great collection of kerosene lamps all over the world, best ‘alive” beer from huge wooden barrels, alchemist’s fiery secret liquveurs and multiconfessional terrace under Lviv roofs. Robert Doms 18, Kleparivska str., Tel.: (032) 242-25-94, 242-25-93 www.robertdoms. lviv.ua Cavernous basement cellar pub which was formerly part of Lviv’s celebrated brewery is today presenting best selection of jazz, pop and classical music compositions in excellent performance of talented artists. Not to be missed! Stargorod Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 1, Rymlyanyna str., Tel.: (032) 229-55-05 Hours: 24 hours open Menu: engl./ukr.


Hours: 10:00–23:00 Kabinet Cuisine: ukrainian. 12, Vynnychenka str. Tel.: (032) 261-48-84 Hours: 10:00–23:00

COFFEESHOP COMPANY Pl.Soborna, 2 Tel: 050 3377332 Hours: 9.00 – 22.00 Menu: eng./ukr. Wi fi, visa card The Coffeeshop Company is a place for a relaxed conversation while you are enjoying excellent coffee and Austrian food and pies.

Kaviarnia Levakovs’koho 3, Katedralna sqr., Lviv Tel.:(032) 235-88-22 Hours: 08:00—23:00 WiFi, Visa Card. No smoking. Business lunches: Mon.–fri., 12:00–16:00 The first cafe in the city of Lviv since 1802. Cakes and pastries backed fresh in front of Your eyes!

Strudel-Haus 6/10, Shevska str., Tel.: (032) 294-82-06 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Galka 4, Kovzhuna str. Tel.: (032) 297-81-04 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Fresca 9, Krakivska str. Tel.: (032) 272-49-85 Hours: 10:00–23:00 K'Kawa 5, Valova str. Тel: (098) 389-73-34 Hours: 8:30–22:00 Lviv chocolate workshop 3, Serbs’ka str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (050) 430 60 33 Porohova Vezha (Gunpowder Tower) 4, Pidvalna str. Тel.: (097) 9000-376

CK Lokal 19, Valova str. Hours: 8:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 236-70-80 Pid Synej Plashkoju 4, Rus’ka str. Tel.: (032) 294-91-52 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Pod Klepsidroj 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Post office on Drukarska Street 3, Drukarska str. Hours: 10:00–00:00 Tel.: (050)434-71-48 The last analogue post office in Lviv. Sms and e-mail have to transform into pie bakery café in the modern world. The biggest collection of Lviv postcards is displayed here as one of the ways to record the city history. Royal yard (Italian mansion) 6. Rynok sqr. Hours: 10:00–20:00 Tel.: (032) 297-53-66 Tsukernya (Confectionary) 3, Staroyevreyska, str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 235-69-49 Veronika 21, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 297-81-28 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tea House Victorian Cuisine:Ukrainian 1,Krakivska Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 235 84 92 Hours: 10:00—22:00 Svit Kavy 6, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-56-75 Monday–Friday: 08:00–22:00 Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–23:00 Menu: ukr./engl./ germ.

Tarta café by Mrs.Greenwich 24, Pekarska str. Tel.: 050 372 273 0 Hours: 9.00 – 23.00 Menu: ukr This is the place to have delicious morning coffee, homemade pies, tartas and cheesecakes, pasta fresca and pizza, natural lemonade and fresh. It is the best choice for a Sunday family brunch.. Zoloty dukat 20, Fedorova str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 298-62-33

Fast Food McDonalds 7, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 297-14-66, (032) 297-14-56 24a, V. Velykogo str., Tel.: (032) 297-68-74, (032) 297-68-75 12, Chornovola str., Tel.: (032) 297-04-84, (032) 297-04-14 35, Svobody avn., Tel.: (032) 272-66-31, (032) 272-66-31

SUSHI BARS Maky Cuisine: Japanese 27, Doroshenka str. Tel.: (050)317-60-79 Hours: 10:00–00:00 Yapi Cuisine: Japanese 6/8, Svobody ave. Tel.: 8 032 272-29-72 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Japanese cuisine restaurant “Yapi” – is an island of modern Japanese culture in old Lviv. Sushi Kappo-in 8, Levytskogo str. Hours: 10:30–22:30 Tel.: (032) 245-31-09 Yapona hata 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 297-51-17 29, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 261-60-31 Open 24 hours

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Nightlife


MI100 Entertainment center 7, Naukova str. Tel.: (032) 22-44-753 www.mi100.lviv.ua

Chocolate party bar 2, Petrushevycha sqr. Tel.: (032) 225-54-45, (067) 670-08-67 www.partybar.com.ua Open: 18:00–6:00 House, R’n’B, POP, Lounge. Face control in operation

Rafinad People 1, Rudanskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261 61 68

PLAY Bar 6, Kryva Lypa Lane Tel.: (032) 272-25-01 (096) 367-60-26 Sun–Thur:11:00– 01:00 Fri–Sat:11:00–03:00 Lounge Bar, Restaurant, Cocktail & Party Club

Zanzibar 36, Lypyns’kogo str. Tel.: (067) 255-66-57 www.zanzibar.com.ua Monday–Thursday. Sunday from 22:00. Friday, Saturday from 23:00. House, Electro, Minimal, R n’ B, Trance.

Fenomen 186, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 270-55-58

Club “Renesans” 2, Kovzhuna str., Tel. 067 22 01 444 www.facebook.com/ renesanslvivclub Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week SAN’KOFF 36, Shchyrets’ka str. Tel.: 097-00-675-00 096-222-60-60 Hours: 19:00–6:00 Spectacular 340m2 spacious dance floor Night club Restaurant Whisky Pub Summer terrace www.sankoff.com.ua

International Youth Entertainment Club Metro 14, Zelena, str. If you`re a fan of racism, xenofobia, drug use, homophobia, aggression – visiting us could be danger ous for your brain! We speak english/ mówimy po polsku / biz Türkçe konusuyoruz; Located in city centre; Over 1000 m2 of drive; Yard with bar ~ 400 m2; 5 bars – minimal waiting time; restaurant; bar flyer show; travesty show. on.fb.me/metroua vk.com/nclub_metro

Hours: 21:00–6:00 Tel.: 0 800 30-40-800 067 670-42-43 www.metroclub. com.ua Millennium 2, Chornovola avn. Tel.: (032) 240-35-91 www.favorite-club. com Hours: from 21:00 Cloused: Monday. GALAKTIKA Lviv – Vynnyky, Galytska str., 21 B Tel.: (032) 296-26- 96 www.galaktika-club. com “888 Havana” D. Galytskogo str., 1 Tel.: (032) 235- 88-77 www.karaokeclub888.com.ua

Picasso Club 88, Zelena str., Tel.: (032) 275-32-72 (050) 430-58-02 Café: Monday-Friday 12:00–17:00 Night club: Mon.Sun. 22:00–05:00. www.picasso.lviv.ua Picasso Club is truly cult venue for the best leisure of Lviv’s party-going people different generations. You can find here various concerts, thematic parties and best selection of European dancefloor hits. Picasso Club was founded in 1997.

Cazanova restaurant-club is successful combination of delicious restaurant with outside terrace at day time and stylish strip club with spectacular erotic shows at night beginning at 23:00. 7, Stavropihiys’ka str., Lviv (032) 236-75-74 / (067) 287-68-05 Open 11:00–06:00. Live music 20.00–23.00, Show Bar, Wi-Fi Zone, Hookah lounge, Wide choice of cocktails, Extensive beer selection

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


Lviv’s Green Treasure

Ukraine is a country that has a rich and rewarding history.


ts colorful past can be seen and explored through its wonderful architecture, buildings and landscapes that have survived through the years. In its major cities, such as Lviv, visitors will find a wide range of attractions and noteworthy sites to discover. Truly, Lviv is the most unusual city in Ukraine, and its most colorful. It is one the country’s of most popular tourist destinations, only Kyiv can compete with its beauty, grandness and number of amazing landmarks. A trip to Lviv always seems like journey through time and space. However much you visit this city, you cannot claim that you have seen all its sights and unraveled all its mysteries. With each visit, you will find new surprises in this city, fascinating and impressing you with its inimitable appearance over and over again.

During the day, Lviv has many monuments, churches, and statues to keep your interest but when night falls, it's most remarkable feature becomes it's multi-colored TV tower which is located on the highest point of Lviv. Located in the central part of the city there is a hill, where a fortress used to stand, and which is now a beautiful park - The High Castle, truly a masterpiece of landscape art. This place attracts numerous tourists due to its spectacular observation terrace (413 m above sea level) which offers breathtaking views over the city. There is a belief among historians that the whole Lviv’s history began with the construction of the castle by Prince Danylo Halytskyi in the 13th century. At first the fort was wooden, but a hundred years later, Polish king King Kazimir III Casimir built in its place a stone outpost with four towers. The castle served as a mint and storage of ammu-


nition and important documents and the whole place got the “Castle Hill”. By the 17th and 18th centuries, it became quite weak defensive structure, and even was ransacked in 1648 by the Cossacks under Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, 50 years later, it was captured and destroyed by Swedish troops. After that, the fort lost its strategic importance, turned into ruins which were used by locals as building materials till it was taken apart in the 19th century. At those times, dry weather brought down a constant cloud of dust and sand from the castle ruins onto the city, and sometimes heavy rains resulted in mudslides that cut deep gullies in the hillsides and were dangerous for the locals who lived nearby. So the decision was reached to plant trees on the denuded peak and set a park on the old fortress site. Trees and shrubs were planted on Castle Hill beginning in 1835, and most of the work was completed within a few years offering Lvivites picturesque pathways alongside with spectacular views of the city which lay in the valley below. An artificial grotto – complete with stone lions moved here from the old Lviv Town Hall – was constructed near the western slope and even exquisite park restaurant was opened in 1845. Following the visit of Austrian Emperor in 1851, Castle Hill was given the official designation of “Franz Josefs Berg”. Castle Hill is divided into two terraces: an upper and a lower. At the northern end of the lower terrace is the central walkway which loops the perimeter at the base of the upper terrace. There are located two monuments here: the first commemorating Jan Sobiesky III’s victory in 1675 over the Tartar forces and the second one honoring of the victorious assault on the castle in 1648, led by Cossack colonel Maksym Kryvonos. On the southern side there is a scenic viewpoint, and on LVIV TODAY | May 2014


the west a gardening center, restaurant, and artificial grotto flanked by sculptures of lions moved here from the old Lviv Council building. At the start of the 20th century The High Castle park was extremely popular leisure destination for Lviv citizens and even an electric tram traveled to the park, easing public access to the area, unfortunately the line was later removed. The final touch resulting in Castle Hill’s current composition was the addition of a mound erected on the peak commemorating the 300th anniversary of the creation of a unified Polish-Lithuanian State. Work on the “historical landmark” was begun in 1869 under the direction of liberal politician Franciszek Jan Smolka . In the 1950ies Lviv’s 192-meter tall TV Tower was erected on the top of the hill with a television center nearby, the complex striking a discordant note in the overall landscaping of the park and hill. To the upper level and the top of the hill leads winding staircases. Once there, one can get to the observation terrace and admire the spectacular view over the city at 413 meters above sea level. The city is especially enchanting in the evening glow, and both curious tourists and locals ascend the hill in order to feast their eyes on this unforgettable sight. Today The High Castle park, occupying 36.2 hectares, is a national point of pride, included on Ukraine’s list of natural wildlife preserves and into list of European big t parks. By the way, did you know that the European Day of Parks takes place on and around 24th of May each year. The European Day of Parks is a commemorative day for protected areas across Europe that was launched in 1999 by the EUROPARC Federation to celebrate protected areas throughout Europe. It aims at bringing people closer to nature and raising public awareness on the importance of the natural beauty preserved in protected areas and the importance of conservation and sustainable management of those places.

Also this holiday is a great opportunity for “Lviv Today” to promote The High Castle, one of Lviv’s beautiful parks and for You it could be great chance to take a long and quite stroll under ash and chestnut trees. All You need is to grab a map, get to the city center and follow M. Krivonos Street (a steel ladder goes up from a restaurant on the lower terrace); or just follow the High Castle Street. LM Reaney LVIV TODAY | May 2014


LVIV Listings Complete English language listings to help visitors and residents alike get more out of life in the capital of West Ukraine.

Useful numbers


Emergency numbers Fire department – 101 Police – 102 Emergency medical assistance – 103 Gas control department – 104 Explosive–technical services – (+38 032) 262-21-73 Rescue-diving services – (+38 032) 275-82-13

Danylo Halytskyi International Airport «Lviv» Tel.: +38(032) 229-81-12 www.lwo.aero

Municipal services: Information service of Lviv City council – 1580 Lviv water supply network – 1551 Lviv electricity supply network – 1568 Lviv city light network – (+38 032) 270-64-65 Lviv heating and energy public network – 1585 Lviv Municipal Emergency repair company – (+38 032) 275-54-16 Lviv regional control and rescue service – (+38 032) 272-79-56

Officials City Council 1, Rynok sqr., Tel.: +38 (032) 254-60-06 www.city-adm.lviv.ua Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, V.Vynnychenka str., office 118–119 Tel.: +38 (032) 235-64-78 www.mfa.gov.ua

Accounting/Tax J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua


168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 229-82-99 050 355 19 60 WIZZAIR Tel.: (+38 044) 206 – 48 – 88 WINDROSE Tel.: (+38 032) 295 – 82 – 98

Austrian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: 0800-3000-49 Hours of opening: Mon.–Fri., Sun. 10:00–18:00 www.austrian.com.ua “ASTRA AIRLINES” Office in Lviv Kopernika str 21/1 Tel.: (+38 032) 245–77–77 LOT Polish Airlines 5, Sychovych Striltsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-50-57 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-55 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–17:00 lotlwo@lot.com www.lot.com LUFTHANSA Tel.: (+38 032) 297-61-10 PEGASUS AIRLINES Tel.: 0-800-505-510 (+38 032) 244-43-01

Turkish Airlines 4, Mitskevycha Square Tel.: (+38 032) 297 - 08 - 49 Mon. - Fri. 09:00 - 17:30 www.thy.com lwoops@thy.com call center 24/7 0-800-501-20-70 Ukraine International Airlines 2nd floor, Airport Terminal Tel.: (+38 032) 298-69-77 www.flyuia.com UTair aviation Daily flights to Moscow and cities of Russian Federation Flight tickets for all world destinations.

Air tickets booking

Universal flights Sales Agency Booking and sales of flight tickets for all world destinations 3, Nalyvayka str., Lviv. Tel.: (032) 225-66-25 261-61-90 ufsalwo@gmail.com Mon.–Sat. 9:00–19:00 Sunday 9:00–18:00

Privat Bank 11a-21, Hutsulska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-74-15 www.privatbank.ua

glass, boats and many other industries

OJSC Volksbank 11, Grabovskogo str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-05-83 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-13-82

Business Center Emerald 3, Petrushevicha sqr., Lviv, Tel. +38 067 672 6720

OTP Bank 20, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 300-05-00 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 240-38-48 www.otpbank.com.ua Procredit Bank 5, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-44-60 www.procreditbank.com.ua Raiffeisen Bank Aval 8, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-29-39 www.avalbank.com

Appartments for rent

VTB Bank 15, Valova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-53-98 www.vtb.com

British Club Lviv 18, Nalyvaika Street, Lviv Tel.: (+380 32) 242-99-99 Tel.: (+380 67) 370-66-66

Ukrsib Bank 30, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 500-58-00 www.ukrsibbank.com

Podobovo Tel.: (+38 032) 275-68-89 +38 097 924-10-00

UkrEximBank 4, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-53 www.eximb.com

Rent apartments Tel.: (+38 032) 23-86-193 +38 095 67-95-659 Lviv Rent Tel.: +38 067 769-44-18 +38 067 496-20-68 OrendaLviv Tel.: +38 067 67-29-130 Lviv Euro Rent Tel.: (+38 032) 243 47 85 Tel.: (+38 032) 243 48 75

Banks Erste Bank 5, Svobodu Avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-46 www.erstebank.ua

Ukrsotsbank 10, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-05-01 www.usb.com.ua

Business TOV «KLINGSPOR» Lvivska str. 2b, UA-80074, Velyki Mosty, Sokal District, Lviv Region Tel. + 38 032 242 92 00 Fax. + 38 032 242 92 99 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua «KLINGSPOR» manufactures industrial quality abrasive goods for woodworking, metalworking, automotive,

Business centers

Business centre Lemberg 176, Khmelnitskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 255-10-10 Business Center Optima-Plaza 7B, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-71-30 www.optima-plaza.com.ua

Car rental Lux Car Limousine lease in Lviv Wedding cortege in Lviv Car rental with/without driver. Lviv’s best retro cars rental. Bus rental, Car transfers 26, Vynnychenka str., 6, Ac. Pidstrygacha str., Tel.: + 38 (032) 243-95-93 + 38 067 908-24-36, Lincoln Town car VIP services 313, Shevchenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 299-44-88

Car services Alex (Volkswagen group) 357, Gorodotska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-25-07 Diamant (Toyota) 44, Bogdanivska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Khrystyna (BMW) 1, Pjasetskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-19-00 Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes, Jeep, Dodge, Crysler) 8, Washingtona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 251-42-39 Tristar Auto Elit (Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover) 2, Plastova st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 299-88-70

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Listings

J&L Consulting Explore Ukraine

German Quality

• Legal Service

for Abrasives

• Tax Advice • Turnkey Projects • Financial & Accounting • Business Consulting

Over 10 years of trust & successful performance 11 Sholom-Aleykhem Str. Lviv, Ukraine, 79007 Tel.: +380 32 297-05-96

Consultancy J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007 Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

Fax: +380 32 297-05-95 j-l@j-l.com.ua www.j-l.com.ua

UPS 205, Horodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 238 -43 -55

Dental Care INSPE 42, Mikhnovski brothers str. Tel.: (+38 032) 239-50-20 Medodent 3/2, Bohomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 276-40-79 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 275-11-15

Courier Services

ABM-Vitadent 3/1, Slovackogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-71-61

DHL 9, Chernivetska., Tel.: (+38 032) 242-64-00

Usmishka 7, Vagonna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 240-17-51

ACD-Express 2, Vodoginna str, office 206, Tel.: (+38 032) 241-84-80

Dry Cleaners

Autolux 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-65-15 EMS 1, Slovatskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-66-79 FedEx 5A, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298 -16 -05

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

EUROCHISTKA 17, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-03-34 61, I. Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-27-79

Education Language school “International House” 3, Petrushevicha sq., Lviv Tel.:(+38032) 2255190 www.ihlviv.com

KLINGSPOR TOV Lvivska str. 2b, UA-80074, Velyki Mosty, Sokal District, Lviv Region Tel. + 38 032 242 92 00 Fax. + 38 032 242 92 99 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua

Language Express 17, Svencickogo str., rm.127 Tel.:(+38032) 247-27-27 (032) 247-13-88 www.express.lviv.ua American English school 12/5a, Hvardiyska str., Lviv Теl.: (+38032) 2403444 Fax: (+38032) 2403791 www.ames.org.ua Green Forest 6, Teatral'na str., room 3 Tel.:(+38) 067-89-99-524 www.greenforest.com.ua

Embassies/ International bodies Austrian Centre 1, Universytetska str., Office 240 Tel.: (+38 032) 261-59-76 Consulate of Lithuanian Republic 72, Heroyiv UPA str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-14-19 Fax: (+38 032) 298-89-35 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany 6, Vynnychenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-33-24, 275-71-02, 276-28-40

Consulate of Canada in Lviv 2/4, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-17-72 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-81-54 Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-19-06, 297-14-49 Consulate of the Czech Republic 130, Antonovycha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-68-93, 297-68-96 Consulate of the Russian Federation 95, Levytskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-25-25 Tel.: (+38 032) 244-26-24, 275-05-77 French/Alliance 18a, Ohiyenka str. Tél.: (+38 032) 297-08-31 +38 067 340-40-01 Consulate of Brazil 2, Cholovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-11-51 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-77 Visa centre for the Republic of Italy 26 Sheptytskykh St., Lviv Tel.: +38(032)253-21-18 Working hours:

Reception of documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–16.00 (without break) Supply of the Documents: Monday-Friday 09.00–17.00 (without break and preliminary registration) Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus 2, Gorskoj str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 237-27-30 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 299-24-60 Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 57, Chornovola avn., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 240-33-70 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 294-82-23 Consulate Representative office of the Italian Republic 2, Dudaeva str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 261-45-59 Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6, Rapoporta str., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 296-57-67 Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium 14, Ivan Franko street Tel.: (+38 032) 260-20-80 Fax.: + 38 032 260-01-49 Honorary Consulate of Austrian Republic


Lviv Listings 26, Shevchenko avn., Lviv Post office box 6688 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 261-20-14 oe_konsulat@ukrpost.ua Honorary Consulate of Republic of Hungary 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 264-58-22 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 264-15-23 Honorary consulate of Mexico 15, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-95-95 Consulate of the Republic of Poland 110, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Lviv 9, I. Tobilevycha str., office 2 Теl.: (+38 032) 245-11-80 Fax: (+38 032) 245-11-79 Visa Application Collection Centre of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden 1, Brativ Mikhnovskykh str., Submission Timings 08:30hrs–15:30hrs (Mon.–Fri., except holidays)

Fitness Clubs Beauty formula 202, Stryiska str., Lviv Tel.: +38 032 295-85-55 Open 08:00–22:00, Sat 08:00–15:00, Sun Closed. www.formula-krasy.com.ua Dolphin 12a, Trylovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-36-31 Eurosport 1, Petrushevycha sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-33-28 Grand Sofia 10, Shevchenka avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-40-94 Ellada 18, Mel’nyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-16-62 Capoeira school 5, Les Kurbas str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (068) 842-47-77 lvivcapoeira@gmail.com www.lvivcapoeira.com Fighting sports club “Boyove aikido” 30, Rudnytskogo str., Lviv Tel: 067 497-37-21 Open: Mon.19:00–20:30 Wed. 18:30–20:00, Fri. 18.00–20.00 www.boyove-aikido.com.ua


Fighting sports club ”Boyovy hopak” 8/10, Stefanyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-40-48 letters@hopak.org.ua www.hopak.org.ua Kiwi Fitness club 18, Stepana Bandery str., Tel.: +38 (032) 261 3573 info@kiwifitness.com.ua Open Weekdays 08:00–21:00; Sat 11.30–14:00; Taekwondo 123, Warshawska str., Lviv (premises of school №23) Tel.: 067 707-19-19 www.taekwondolviv.in.ua Taoist Tai Chi society of health for body and mind 16/3, Bratyv Rohatynstiv str., Tel.: +38 (032) 233-30-48 taoist@ukr.net www.taoist.org.ua

Fitness center “Plyazh” – premium and business offer 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Hours: 07.00–22.00 Sunday: 07.00–18.00 2 athletic gyms, 2 aerobic halls, Dance hall, Cardio training area Baths, Sauna and Massage Lviv’s biggest 50 meters long pool Hydro-masseurs Fitness bars Тел.: (+38 032) 263-60-55 www.aqualviv.com.ua

Food & Drink Opera Market 27, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 295-88-07 Open: 10.00—22.00 Fine Bottle 31, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-37-73 Open: 10.00—22.00 Svit Napoiv 25, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 260-13-59 Open: 10.00–22.00 Alco Market 8, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 2975669 67, I. Franka str. Tel.: (032) 276-26-27 Open: 10.00–22.00 Wine Time 45, Chornovola avn., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 244-88-00

Polyana 2, Sichovyh Striltsiv str., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-30-03

Tel.: +38 (032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: +38 (032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

«Food&Wine» 43, Sakharova str., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: +38 (067) 670-80-96

24 hour pharmacies

Vash Sommelier 7, Chornovola avn., Open: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 297 00 67

Law firms

Apteka #12 35, I.Ohyenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274 -85 -35 Apteka #2 3, Tyktora str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-50-48 D.S. 1, Soborna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-20-06

Arzinger West Ukrainian Branch 6, Generala Chuprynky str., Office 1 79013 Lviv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96 Fax: +38 (032) 242 96 95 www. arzinger.ua


J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

LeoCity Hostel 15, Konopnytskoi str., Apart.7, level 3, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-13-07, (+38 063) 684-86-16 hostel.leocity@gmail.com

Soldatenko, Lukashyk & partners SL&P has been ranked in “Top 50 Ukrainian Law Firms” SL&P provides complete range of legal & notary services Tel.: +38 (032) 235-76-42 Fax: +38 (032) 236-72-87 info@slp.com.ua www.slp.com.ua Legal company Barocco 115-b/3 Antonovycha str., Lviv, Tel./fax: +38 (032) 295-33-52 Mobile. +38 (067) 370 7737 office@barocco.lviv.ua

English speaking real estate and corporate lawyers Tel.: +38 (032) 253-1000 Fax: +38 (032) 253-1030 www.burhan.com.ua Legal company Evikcia 36, Lypynskogo str., Lviv Tel. Fax: +38(032) 242-13-84 office@evikcia.com Legal company Mercury 16 / 1, Storozhenko str, Lviv, Tel.: +38 (032) 290-10-11 post@merkuriy.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv

Central Post Office 1,Slovatskogo str., www.ukrposhta.com Open 09.00–17.00


Hostel «MISTERHOSTEL» Lviv, Bankivska str, 5 Tel.: (+38 032) 272-07-16, (+38 050) 706-88-57 misterhostel@gmail.com misterhostel.livejournal.com Hostel “Knyazhy” 125a, Volodymyra velykogo str. Tel.: (+38 032) 263-12-14 kniajy@cl.lv.ukrtel.net Hostel Europe 27, Valova Street, Lviv Tel.: (+38 097) 398-10-87; Tel.: (+38 032) 235-40-33 Lviv Euro Hostel 9/2, Kniazia Romana Street, Lviv Tel.: (+38 067) 266 100 4


Personally Yours! 15, Ноrodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+380 32) 242-27-01 reception@astoriahotel.ua www.astoriahotel.ua Dnister Hotel 6, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-43-05 reservation@dnister.lviv.ua www.dnister.lviv.ua Eurohotel 6av, Tershakovtsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242-40-02 info@eurohotel.lviv.ua www.eurohotel.lviv.ua Hotel George 1, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel./Fax:(+38 032) 242-42-55 info@georgehotel.com.ua www.georgehotel.com.ua Hotel Leopolis 16, Teatralna str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 295-95-99 hotel@leopolishotel.com www.leopolishotel.com

Hotel Rius 12A, Hnatyuka str., Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 256 - 89 - 56, (+38 097) 658 -21 -45 www.rius-hotel.lviv.ua

Sport Hostel 26, Vinnichenka Street, App. 2, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 290-17-58, (+38 067) 313-68-68

Hotel Taurus 5, Kn. Svyatoslava Sq., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 255 - 44 - 51, (+38 067)360 - 77 - 99, Fax: (+38 032) 233- 10 -77 www.hotel-taurus.com info@hotel-taurus.com

Cherry Hostel Kostyushki Street 5, Lviv, Tel.: (+38 097) 60-555-99

Hotel Vol’ter 60a, Lipynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 294-88-88

GHOSTel - Medieval Hostel Kopernika Street 9 apt 10, Lviv, Tel.: (+38 098) 55 202 99

Nobilis Hotel 5, Fredra str,. Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 295 -25-95 Fax: (+38 032) 295- 79-97 info@nobilis-hotel.com.ua

Hostel Del Pozitiff 13, Rynok Square Tel.: (+380 63) 777 1 222

Reikartz Dworzec 107, Gorodotskaya str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242 -51 -26 http://en.reikartz.com

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Listings Reikartz Medievale 9, Drukarskaya str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242 -51 -33! medievale.lviv@reikartz.com http://en.reikartz.com


Ramada Lviv Hotel Horodotska Street\ Kiltseva Doroga Tel.:(+38 032) 243 -00 -10 Mob. :(+38 067) 320 -44 -77 reception@ramadalviv.com.ua www.ramadalviv.com.ua

Hotel "Sribni leleky" Chornovola str., 17 Tel.: (+38 033) 275-79-99

PANORAMA Lviv Hotel 45, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-90-00 www.panorama-hotel.com.ua Suputnyk 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 230-40-66 suputnyk@mail.lviv.ua www.suputnyk.com 79007 Vienna Hotel 12, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-43-16 wienhotel@mail.lviv.ua www.wienhotel.lviv.ua Vintage Boutique Hotel 25/27, Staroyevreyska str., Tel.: +38 032 235 68 34 Fax. +38 032 235 70 24 info@vintagehotel.com.ua www.vintagehotel.com.ua

Regional hotels Ternopil

Hotel "Yukhnovych" Rodyny Barvinskyh str., 3a Tel.: (+38 035) 243-39-56 www.uko.org.ua Hotel "Ternopil" Zamkova str., 14 Tel.: (+38 035) 252-42-63 www.hotelternopil.com

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Hotel "Zaleski" Kryvyj Val str., 39 Tel.: (+38 033) 277-27-01 www.zaleski-hotel.com

Fax: (+38 032) 477 12 05 info@chalegraal.com.ua www.chalegraal.com.ua


Hotel "Black castle" Kalush highway 7 Tel.: +38-0342-57-15-00 www.blackcastle.ifrastudio. com Hotel "Park" Mazepy str., 146 Tel.: (+38 034) 259-55-95 www.parkhotel.com.ua Hotel "Atrium" Galytska str., 31 Tel.: +38-0342-55-78-79 www.atrium.if.ua


Hotel “Magnet” Shashkevych str., 21 Tel./fax: +38 03245 40029 enter@hotelmagnet.com.ua www.hotelmagnet.com.ua


Hotel “Old CONTINENT” S.Petefy square, 4 Tel.: (+38 031) 266-93-66 www.hotel-oldcontinent.com Hotel “Praha” Verhovinskaya str., 38 Tel.: (+38 031) 264-07-64 www.hotel-praha.com.ua Hotel Uzhgorod 2, B.Khmelnitcskogo sq, Tel.: (+38 031) 261-90-50 www.hoteluzhgorod.com

RESORTS CHALET GRAAL Apart Hotel, Spa Medical Centre, Fusion restaurant Lviv region, Truskavets town, Suhovolia str.60/a Tel.: (+38 032)477 12 12,

Svityaz Resort 25, Sukhovolya str., Truskavets 82200, Lviv region, Ukraine Tel.: + 38 03 247 713 44 + 38 067 371 17 54 + 38 063 308 53 85 www.svityaz-resort.com.ua info@svityaz-resort.com.ua Royal Hotels and SPA Resorts Tsesar 61-65, Sukhovolia str., Truskavets, Lviv region Tel.: +38 068 480 98 47, (099) 205 40 00 www.hotel-royalcezar.in.ua/ Karpatsky Zatyshok Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske town, 77, i.Franko str., Tel.: (+ 38 067) 314-11-10 zatyshok@ecolan.lviv.ua Knyazhi Ozera Lviv region, Mostyska area, Knyazhy Mist village Tel.: (+ 38 032) 34 -346-84

Zagorodt str., 205b Tel.: (+ 38 03234) 370-23

Aquapark PLYAZH 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv

Perlyna Karpat Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske, 43b, i. Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 032) 514-21-03 www.perlyna.com

Shopping Malls

Smerekova Khata Slavske town, 57b I.Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 032) 51 42-650

Road aid 112 Ukraine 6, Pidstrygacha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Emergency road aid 171a, Lychakivska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-70-07 Emergency vehicle aid 115b, Zelena str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 270-14-00

For children First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth 11, Hnatyuka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 68 41, 272 68 55 Entertainment centre Vesely Vylyk 106, Knyagini Olgi str., Tel.: (+38 032) 244 59 09, 067 67 55 339 www.veselyj-vulyk.com.ua Lviv regional puppet theatre 1, Danyla Halytskogo sq., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 08 32

Radisson Blu Resort, Bukovel 220 LP Shchyvky, Polianytsia, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine 78593 Tel. +380 (343) 437900 www.radissonblu.com/ resort-bukovel Mirage Lviv region, Mostyska area, Village Sudova vishnja,

Entertainment centre Leopark TM KING CROSS LEOPOLIS 30, Stryiska str., Sokilnyky, Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 284-39-85 Entertainment centre Leopark TM INTERCITY 67, Chornovola avn., Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 232-77-52

King Cross Leopolis 30, Stryiska str., Sokilniky Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 Open 10.00–22.00 www.kingcross.com.ua Magnus 1, Shpytalna str., Tel.: +38 (032) 244 42 65 Open 10.00-22.00 www.magnus-store.com Opera Passage 27, Svobody avn., Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 www.operapassage.com Open 10.00-21.00 InterCity 67g, Chornovola str., Tel: +38 (032) 297 75 04 www.inter-city.com.ua Open 10.00-22.00

Tourist basics Tourist Info City Hall, Rynok Square, 1 Tel./Fax: (032) 254 60 79 www.touristinfo.lviv.ua tic@city-adm.lviv.ua Open: 10.00 — 19.00 Sat.: 10.00 — 18.00 Sun.: 10.00 — 17.00. Information service of Lviv City council +38 032 297-55-55 available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German and Portuguese languages.

WiFI zones Svobody avnenue; Rynok square; T. Shevchenko monument – A. Mickiewicz monument; The Museum of Ideas (Bernarden garden) on Valova street.


Lviv SoCiety www.eba.com.ua Volume 4 issue 9 May 2014

EBA Western Ukraine Address: 6, Stepana Bandery str. office 3, Lviv Tel.: +38032-261 29 28 Fax: +38032-261 22 68 www.eba.lviv.com.ua lviv@eba.com.ua

Monthly news and views from the European Business Association’s Western Ukraine office

the labor market of Western Ukrain Western Ukrainian EBA Branch together with L’viv Consulting Group continued to monitor the labor market of Western Ukraine In September 2013. The fifth Labor Market Index wave revealed tendencies in attracting and retention of employees, as well as dynamics of changes compared to the previous wave. This time the Labor Market Index was endorsed by businesses active in the Western part of Ukraine for 2 to 10 years, 90% of them are 100%

foreign capital businesses or joint ventures. Majority of respondents are manufacturing companies operating in metal working, wood processing, automotive, electronics, machine building and agricultural areas, as well as service providers: IT, legal, consulting, retail, banking, construction, human resources and logistics firms. Average head count in these companies is 50 to 500 employees, several respondents employ 2000 + employees.

Would you, please, indicate what categories of employees are in demand in your company? During the past three quarters of 2013 the tendency to increase head count prevailed among respondents; 55% respondents planned to increase number of employees in current year. However, there is a twofold increase in number of companies, mostly in agriculture and wood processing, that will reduce headcount (19% of respondents compared to 8% in the fourth wave).

There is still high demand for specialists with specific skills and knowledge plus 2 to 4 years experience in IT, Finance, Accounting, Logistics and Engineering spheres. Compared to the previous wave the demand for qualified production workers, like mechanics and machine set up men, went down by 38%; demand for mid level managers (department heads, leading engineers etc.) went up by 10%. Today only 18% of respondents are in search of such specialists.

Would you, please, indicate employees of what age your company prefers to employ? People at the age 23 to 35 are most welcomed in the market today, as they have experience and do not need extensive professional training. Employers’ interest in candidates at the age 35 to 45 with more than 5-7 years experience decreased by 13 %. 91% of respondents (compared to 84% in the previous wave) are ready to employ university graduates. Young people without experience, college or vocational school graduates can count on internship and further employment in administrative support, operations, customer service. 10% more respondents (compared to the previous sur-

vey) would employ a graduate without experience in Logistics, IT and Accounting. Legal professional service firms are not ready to employ fresh graduates without experience. Only 13,6% of respondents plan to review pay within the next three months (36% of respondents in the fourth wave) to cover the inflation rate. No respondents willing to increase pay above the inflation rate compared to 20% in the fourth wave survey. 86,4% of respondents will not review pay within the next 3 months.

Average salary ranges by industry (gross):

Manufacturing : Wood Metalworking Automotive Electronics Machine Building Agro * 100% foreign capital, more than 1000 employees

Non-skilled labor

1500 - 2500

Skilled labor (operators, mechanics, millers)

2600 - 4500

Administrative and office personnel (book-keepers, analysts, administrative support, lawyers) Specialists (engineers, logistic, HR, agronomists) Middle management Top management


Average salary ranges, uah

2600 - 3500 6500 - 8000* 3200 - 5500 5000 - 10000 12 000+

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Services: Law, audit consultancies Transport logistics Banks Construction and architecture Retail HR ІТ

1400 – 2500

High school graduates


University graduates (call center agents, cashiers, clerks, shop assistants) Administrative and office personnel (book-keepers, analysts, administrative support, lawyers)

2600 - 4500

Specialists (engineers, logistics, marketing consultants, HR, sales representatives)

2500-5500 5000-8500*

Middle management

* amount indicated for IT companies


Top management

12 000+

Compared to the previous wave pay levels have changed: - Increased by 8% to 12% for qualified workers and specialists in manufacturing

- Increased by 15% for mid level managers - Decreased by 7% for specialists providing services

Personnel turnover (average):

Personnel turnover, %

Personnel turnover (average):

Personnel turnover, %

Manufacturing : Wood* Metalworking Automotive Electronics** Machine Building Agro


Services: Law, audit consultancies Transport logistics Banks Construction and architecture Retail* HR ІТ**


* turnover is 1,5-2 % lower than average ** turnover is 4-6% higher than average

*turnover at the operational level (cashiers) may be up to 20% ** turnover ob average is 5%

Average turnover in manufacturing companies increased by 1,3 % and in service companies - by 3,3 %, compared to the previous survey

Would you, please, indicate what your company offers to employees in addition to monetary compensation? More companies (plus 19%) provide the following additional incentives to employees: corporate mobile connection, subsidized meals and transportation. 5 % less companies provide medical insurance and recreation services, as well as flexible working hours and additional paid vacations. This can be explained by the fact that manufacturing companies were more active participants of the fifth wave Labor Market Index compared to previous surveys where majority of respondents were

IT , service and agricultural companies. Percentage of companies that do not offer incentives to employees has remained the same during the current year. 86,4 % of respondents outsource part of their business functions to external providers. Guard service, catering and legal support were most frequently outsourced functions in September (40% of respondents). Outsourcing of Logistics, IT, HR and Accounting becomes less popular (only 13% of respondents).

How would you estimate the current labor market? Labor market Index in September, 2013 – 3.02. The index is defined as average indicator of the individual categories. Individual indicators were defined as follows: e.g. “Competition for talent”: 1*4.3%+2*26,1%+3*52,2%+4*13%+5*4,3% = 3,12. Compared to March, 2013 the Labor Market Index went down only by 0,01 and is equal to 3,02. Thus, the market continues to be unstable.

Dynamics: Labor Market Index

LVIV TODAY | May 2014


EBA Events Customs Committee On Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 5 p.m. at the EBA office in Lviv the working meeting of the Customs Committee hold further discussions, the aim of which was coordination and approval of initiatives, accumulated by the initiative group of EBA-member companies and other organizations and companies for improvement legal norms in the field of foreign economic activity, which are recommended for consideration by the authorities and further amendments to the legislation of Ukraine. The participants agreed a number of necessary actions and requests for further promotion of the above proposals and initiatives.

Legal Committee On Thursday, April 10, 2014, 17:00 EBA Legal Committee was held at the EBA office in Lviv. The participants of the meeting discussed possible effects of government anti-crisis initiatives for business. The invited speakers of the meeting were: Oleksiy Dovbush – Attorney-at-law, Аssociate at West-Ukrainian branch of Arzinger law company and Markiyan Malskyy, Head of West-Ukrainian branch of Arzinger law company. Oleksiy Dovbush started a presentation with a list of regulations that were exposed to anti-crisis initiatives of the government. Then Mr. Dovbush told in detail about the changes to the Tax Code and the Law of Ukraine "On charge for obligatory State Pension Insurance" and the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking". The participants of the meeting actively discussed the above mentioned issues and its possible effects for business, asking questions to the speakers and sharing own experience.

Manufacturing Committee On Thursday, April 24, 2014, 5 p.m. EBA Manufacturing Committee was held at the premises of Hotel Leopolis. The participants of the meeting discussed topic "Military mobilization in Ukraine – effects on production". The invited speakers of the meeting were: Anton Podilchak, Managing Partner Advice Group: Maksym Ivanyshyn, Senior Associate Advice Group; Yaroslav Matsveyko, CFO, Holger Christiansen Ukraine, Bosch Group Company. Maksym Ivanyshyn started the meeting and told about the essence, methods and consequences of mobilization for business. After that, Anton Podilchak informed the participants about opportunities to optimize risk of mobilizing the enterprise and named instruments to solve these problems. In addition Yaroslav Matsveyko shared his practical experience in mobilizing the enterprise. The participants of the meeting actively discussed the above mentioned issues and effects of Military mobilization in Ukraine on production, asking questions to the speakers and sharing own experience.


n this issue of Lviv Today Markian Malskyy, Partner of Arzinger law firm, Head of West Ukrainian Branch Office, attorney-at-law, PhD, is answering the following question:

On 6 May 2014 the National Bank of Ukraine (the "NBU") adopted a decision on temporary suspension of further activity of Ukrainian bank institutions and their separate sub-divisions in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (the "ARC"). Corresponding decision of the regulator is contained in the Resolution of the NBU Management Board No. 260, which became effective on 6 May 2014.

The Resolution No. 260 prohibits for banks to render financial services to its clients on the territory of ARC and Sevastopol, which concluded agency agreements with legal entities; to open separate sub-divisions in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol; to establish correspondent relations with banks of Ukraine and/ or foreign banks, other credit or financial institutions, which are located and/or carry out their activity in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol. Moreover, the Resolution No. 260 foresees instruction for banks to terminate the activity of separate sub-divisions, located in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol, and within 1 month to ensure closing down of such sub-divisions with consequent notification to the NBU; instruction for banks to terminate correspondent relations with banks of Ukraine and/or foreign banks, other credit or financial institutions, which are located and/or carry out their activity in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol. In accordance with the Resolution No. 260, the NBU cancelled the bank licenses and the general licenses for execution of currency operations, as well as the participation in the system of electronic payments of the NBU of the following two banks, which are located in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol: PJSC "Chernomorskiy Bank of Development and Reconstruction" and PJSC Bank "Morskoy". As a result of this, the indicated legal entities lost the status of bank from 6 May 2014 and may not conduct banking operations and render other financial services. In this way, as a result of adoption of the Resolution No. 260 the operations of Ukrainian banks in ARC and Sevastopol have been terminated. In addition, as a result of prohibition for Ukrainian banks to establish correspondent relations with banks and financial institutions, which are located and/or carry out their operation in the in the territory of ARC and Sevastopol, the possibility to execute direct cashless payments to ARC and Sevastopol from other regions of Ukraine, as well as direct payments from ARC and Sevastopol, has been suspended.

In order to get your question answered by Mr. Markian Malskyy on the pages of LVIV TODAY, please send them by e-mail to info@lvivtoday. com.ua (subject: Legal Advice).

Welcome to: our next business breakfast with Arzinger –

“EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: current state and future perspectives for Western Ukraine”. Date – June 19, time 09:30 – 11:30 Venue – Restaurant of improvisations “GRUSHEVSKYY CINEMA JAZZ” (Lviv, Shevchenkо Avenue, 28) Registration fee – 100 UAH (incl. breakfast). Working language – Ukrainian. Prior registration is mandatory at lv@arzinger.ua, 032 242 96 96.


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Lviv Society

Лідер 2013 року серед люксових позашляховиків.


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*Відповідно до рейтингів наданих ТОВ «АВТО-КОНСАЛТИНГ»

LVIV TODAY | May 2014

Офіційний дилер ТОВ «Західно-Український автомобільний дім» м. Львів, вул. Дж. Вашингтона, 8


Lviv SoCiety


LVIV TODAY | May 2014

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