# 49, September 2012

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No. 49/September LVIV SOCIETY2012

The heart of Europe - the soul of Ukraine



LVIV TODAY | September 2012







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LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Vol. 8, No. 49 September 2012


On the cover: Model wearing glaring-ethnical outfit by fashion designer Lubov Chernikova (Ivano-Frankivsk) Photography: Evgen Kraws

Publishers: Peter Dickinson & Boleslav Malinovski Project Manager: Viktoriya Larina Editor: Oksana Hrycyna Managing editor: Mila Hadzieva Designer: Pavlo Tyschuk Journalists: Olha Schchur, Robert Baker, Orest Koronenko, Paul Jones Photography: Evgen Kraws, Vitaliy Grabar and photo agency ”Lufa”, Photo Editor: Ruslan Krut Letters to the editor: info@lvivtoday.com.ua Advertising inquiries: advert@lvivtoday.com.ua +38 068 501 3 501, +38 032 235 81 00 Address: Lviv Today Editorial Office 27/9 Valova str., Lviv 79000 Ukraine Tel. +38 (032) 2358100 www.lvivtoday.com.ua Lviv Today is West Ukraine’s English-language monthly lifestyle magazine. It is distributed via leading hotels, airlines, restaurants and business centres throughout Lviv region. Monthly circulation: 5,000 Registration information: Lviv Today is registered with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as a print media title. License number: LV 862/115 All materials published in Lviv Today are the intellectual property of the publisher and remain protected by Ukrainian and international copyright laws. Open Borders Publishing does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised in Lviv Today. While every effort has been made to make sure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, we advise readers to double check where appropriate.




Summer holiday season has been busy – festivals, openings and exhibitions! Enjoy snapshots of spectacular conceptual event OK’S CLUB FEST” Lady in Red, Lviv’s rugby 90th anniversary historic reconstruction, PLAST centenary celebrations, global festival “Boykivski Festyny”, colourful 5th International ethno-festival ‘Etnovir’ including other highlights of sports, fashion, society and art scenes

Lviv Today publisher Peter Dickinson looks closer Ukrainian boxing team participation in London 2012 in “Ukraine’s golden gloves dominate London 2012” Our regular roundup of events: what’s on and where to go during September! Coverage for the coming weeks in the cultural capital of Ukraine, including everything from upcoming XVIII International Publishers’ Forum, Modern Polish cinema festival “Under High Castle”, ХII International Economic Forum, LVIV FASHION WEEK Autumn / Winter 2012.13, “Leopolis Historic Rally”, III International Festival of contemporary dramaturgy “DRAMA.UA” and much more will ensure you’ll know all about upcoming month!


Full events listings for the coming month in all of Lviv’s top cultural venues from the National Opera House, to the streets of the city, including the full schedule for the annual Golden Lion international theatre festival!


Your monthly look at the thriving and diverse Lviv arts scene with gallery-by-gallery run down of current exhibitions.


Find out more about Lviv’s most mysterious artist and sculptor Johann George Pinzel, who’s magnificent works are exhibited at Museum of Sacral Baroque Sculpture and will be at display at Louvre Museum in Paris starting from November 2012!

Full Lviv listings covering restaurants, bars, clubs of West Ukraine’s capital. Updated every month!



Extensive city guide to the capital of West Ukraine featuring everything from taxi services, translation agencies, out-of-town resorts and international consultancies


Find out about Ukrainians seeking a new life abroad in “Emigration opportunities and obstacles” article by George Georghiou, Managing Partner of Feod Group.


Read our monthly roundup of EBA Lviv’s networking and knowledge sharing events.


Test your scope of general knowledge of Ukraine with our challenging monthly quiz!

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LVIV TODAY | September 2012





espite huge ambitions for the London 2012 Olympics, the games turned out to be something more of a modest success story for Ukrainian athletes, with the team finishing 14th in the overall rankings, with a grand total of 20 medals. Ukraine’s competing athletes won a total of 6 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze medals. Lviv’s athletes did more than their share of the winning in London, with a local heroine fencer: Yana Shemyakina. Ranking twelfth, Shemyakina, who was 18th at the Beijing Games four years ago, worked her way through the preliminaries in London with two key victories

against top-ranked Romanian fencers. She beat fifth seed Ana Maria Branza and then knocked out another Romanian, Simona Gherman, who had been ranked fourth. Shemyakina beat defending champion Britta Heidemann of Germany 9-8 to win the Olympic gold medal in the Women’s Individual Epee earning first gold medal for Ukraine at the Olympics. Upon her return to Lviv, Yana Shemyakina received a civic reception at the Lviv city hall with a grand thank you from a grateful administration and a promise of new flat from the city mayor Andriy Sadovyi. Cangratulations once again to Yana Shemyakina!



езважаючи на величезні амбіції української збірної в Лондоні на Олімпіаді-2012, успіх українських спортсменів виявився менш, ніж скромним. В загальному заліку команда зайняла 14 місце, завоювавши в цілому 20 медалей. Українські атлети в різних дисциплінах здобули 6 золотих, 5 срібних і 9 бронзових медалей. Спортсменів Львова у збірній було відносно небагато, але їх частка в перемозі у Лондоні мала свою вагу, і беззаперечно, нашою героїнею стала львівська фехтувальниця Яна Шемякіна. Займаючи у світовому рейтингу дванадцяте місце, Шемякіна, яка зайняла 18-е місце на Іграх в Пекіні чотири роки тому, пройшла нелегкий шлях через відбіркові змагання в Лондоні, отримавши дві ключові перемоги над


найкращими в рейтингу румунськими фехтувальницями. Вона перемогла п’яту посіяну Ана-Марію Бранзу, а потім вибила іншу румунку, Симону Герман, яка була на четвертому місці. Шемякіна перемогла діючу чемпіонку Брітту Хайдеманн з Німеччини з рахунком 9:8 у фінальному поєдинку, щоб завоювати олімпійську золоту медаль в жіночому індивідуальному заліку на шпазі. Саме вона заробила першу золоту медаль для України на цих Олімпійських іграх. Після повернення до Львова на честь Яни Шемякіної відбувся урочистий прийом у міській раді Львова з великою подякою від адміністрації та обіцянкою нової квартири від мера міста Андрія Садового. Редакція приєднується до поздоровлень Яні Шемякіній! LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Outstanding Ukrainian boxing team wins one quarter of nation’s London 2012 medals


kraine did not produce any of the major stars of the London 2012 Olympic Games, but nevertheless the nation’s sportsmen and women did manage to finish in a respectable fourteenth position overall, winning a total of twenty medals. The stand-out performers of Ukraine’s London 2012 team were undoubtedly the nation’s Olympic boxers, who won five medals in total – or in other words, 25% of Ukraine’s entire 2012 Olympic medal haul. This impressive display earned Ukraine’s boxing squad a second place finish in the Olympic boxing medals table, marginally behind host nation Great Britain. Ukraine’s knockout Olympic boxing performance reflects a domestic boxing scene which is benefiting from the growing popularity of the sport at a time when audiences in many Western nations are moving away from traditional boxing and towards cage-fighting and other mixed martial arts


fight franchises. This is emphatically not the case in Ukraine, where the phenomenal success of the Klitschko brothers has helped generate both grassroots and commercial interest in the sport. The results where there for all to see at the London Olympics, where a series of strong performances throughout the weight divisions left Ukrainian boxing in a position of unfamiliar and enviable prominence.

Cossack dances and Lomachenko’s double gold Ukraine’s two boxing gold medals were both won in style. Heavyweight Oleksandr Usyk delighted the London crowd by performing a Cossack dance following his gold medal victory over Italy’s Clemente Russo. The big Ukrainian had already attracted plenty of attention thanks to his distinctive Cossack Mohican hairstyle, and his victory helped inject some excitement into an otherwise

under-par heavyweight competition. While Usyk was something of a surprise package for London boxing audiences, Ukraine’s other gold medal winning pugilist went into the competition as one of the hot favourites. Ukrainian lightweight Vasyl Lomachenko travelled to London this summer as the defending Olympic champion, having won his first gold medal in China four years ago. Since Beijing, the Ukrainian fighter has added amateur world titles at both feather and lightweight – a record went ensured that he was widely expected to retain his Olympic title in London. Lomachenko did not disappoint, coasting through the early rounds before dispatching his utterly outclassed South Korean opponent Han Soon-chul in a onesided final. Ukrainian Olympic champs prepare to go pro Lomachenko’s second Olympic triumph is likely to serve as the next stepping stone in his highly successful career. In the wake of the London Olympics he announced plans LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV SPORTS turn professional with the world amateur boxing governing body AIBA’s pro boxing venture APB, which is scheduled to get underway in a novel league format in 2013. Fellow Ukrainian Olympic gold medalist Usyk is also penciled in to join Lomachenko in the fledgling AIBA pro stable, alongside three other members of Ukraine’s all-conquering London 2012 Olympic boxing team. Maintaining links with the amateur sport would enable Lomachenko to remain eligible for the 2016 Rio Olympics, where he could attempt to claim an unprecedented third straight gold medal. However, the Ukrainian fighter has been inundated with offers to turn professional and so it is likely to be some time before the fighter’s next moves are confirmed.

The Klitschko factor: how boxing became Ukraine’s national sport Ukrainian heavyweight world champ Vladimir Klitschko was ringside for Lomachenko’s gold medal victory performance in London and after the bout he echoed the desire of many fight fans to see the talented Ukrainian take on the best of the sport’s professional ranks. “I’m really proud of my fellow countryman Lomachenko – it is no ordinary thing to win a gold medal at two consecutive Olympics. It would be really exciting to see him in the professional ring,” the younger of the Klitschko brothers commented.

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Although he would likely be too modest to say so, Vladimir himself has done much to make success stories like Lomachenko’s double Olympic victory possible. In the rough and ready world of 1990s post-Soviet Ukraine contact sports such as boxing enjoyed considerable street-level popularity, but it has been the exploits of the two Klitschko brothers which have earned boxing genuine mainstream popularity and made it something akin to an unofficial national sport. For over a decade Vladimir and Vitaliy Klitschko have dominated the global heavyweight division like a pair of ancient colossuses. They have defeated opponents with such impunity that critics have accused them of killing off public interest in heavyweight boxing itself. While American fight fans have struggled to warm to the two towering East European champions, Ukrainian audiences have been enthralled every step of the way. This enthusiasm for the Klitschko brothers has produced a generation of fight fans and opened the door for hundreds of young Ukrainian hopefuls.

Americans fall out of love with boxing The Klitschkos cannot be blamed for failing to win over American audiences, nor can they be held responsible for the poor quality of the heavyweight boxers produced by the US over the past decade. In reality American boxing appears to be in something of a rut which is large part of its own making. Team


LVIV SPORTS America finished well down the boxing medals table at the London Olympics – a result which reflected the relatively lowly status of the sport in the US today. If anyone is to blame for the decline of American boxing, it would have to be the competing governing bodies whose endless alphabet titles have done so much to dilute the magic of the sport and erode the credibility of the entire championship bout system. Perhaps even more important than this has been the rise of alternative fighting sports such as mixed martial arts and cage fighting, which have both experienced explosive growth in popularity over the past decade. This shift in audience interests towards alternative fight scenes has been most evident in America. Ukraine also has its fair share of MMA and kickboxing champions (Vladimir Klitschko himself was once a kickboxing world champ), but for the time being the Ukrainian love affair with boxing looks set to continue – boosted by a quite remarkable performance by the nation’s boxing team at the London Olympics.

Ukraine’s London 2012 heroes Ukraine’s 20 medals at the London 2012 Olympics was actually the lowest total the country has ever recorded since it first began competing at the Olympics as an independence nation in 1996. Nevertheless, there were enough triumphs in London to satisfy both Ukraine’s Olympic fans and the nation’s sports administrators. The Olympic success of Ukraine’s boxers grabbed the headlines in London, but there were also medal-winning performances in a dizzying array of sporting disciplines. Ukrainians claimed medals in everything from weightlifting and wrestling to rowing and canoeing. Lviv’s Yana Shemyakina (pictured, middle) was one of the undoubted stars of the country’s 2012 Olympic team, claiming a rare fencing gold for Ukraine. The West Ukrainian had not been tipped prior to London 2012 as a potential medal prospect, but she delighted Ukrainian audiences by winning the country’s first gold medal of the Games on the third day of the London Olympics. Unmatched Inna OsypenkoRadomska (pictured, below) which won for Ukraine two silver medals in Canoe Sprint. There were to be no track athletics golds for Ukraine at this Olympic Games, but there were nevertheless medal-winning performances to cheer from javelin silver medalist Oleksandr Pyatnytsya, triple jump bronze medalist Olha Saladukha and the Ukrainian women’s four by one hundred metres relay team (pictured, above), which also scored a bronze medal finish.


LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV TODAY | September 2012




LVIV TODAY | September 2012

THEATRE FESTIVAL GOLDEN LION September 27th – October 6th Theatres across Lviv The Golden Lion is not just a street festival, but also a European theatrical tradition, and one of the most prestigious performing arts forums in Ukraine. It was founded in Lviv in 1989 and since then, it has been transforming the streets of Lviv into a theatre every October, granting vivid impressions and creating a feeling of a true carnival. This year teams from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Chernihiv, Lviv, Krakow, Jelena Gora, Vilnius, Brest, New York, Georgia, Dushanbe, Paris, Brussels and Prague will present Leopolitans and guests of the city with a truly magical feast of spectacular performances.The rich and interesting program of the event will include: a colorful theatrical carnival, in which actors from almost 10 countries will participate, a 3-days seminar dedicated to the works of Les Kurbas, where famous theatrical critics, theatre directors, actors and directors of the International theatre festival will share their thoughts and ideas. A highlight of the festival will be the appearance of Lviv born theatre director Roman Viktiuk, which is expected to attract lots of fans and other theatre-goers. For more information about the festival please visit: www.voskresinnia.eu

ТЕАТРАЛЬНИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ЗОЛОТИЙ ЛЕВ 27 вересня – 6 жовтня. Театри міста «Золотий Лев» – це не просто вуличний фестиваль, а європейська театральна традиція, і один з найпрестижніших театральних форумів України. Він був заснований у нашому місті в 1989 році. Відтоді щороку в жовтні фестиваль перетворює вулиці Львова на театральні підмостки, з безліччю яскравих вражень і відчуттям справжнього карнавалу. Цього року театральні трупи з Києва, Харкова, Луганська, Чернігова, Львова, Кракова і Єлєньої Гури, Вільнюса, Бреста, Нью-Йорка, Грузії, Душанбе, Парижа, Брюсселя, Праги представлять львів’янам і гостям міста воістину чарівне свято театру. Програма заходу багата і цікава. В ній і барвистий театральний карнавал, в якому візьмуть участь актори з десятка країн, і 3-денний семінар, присвячений творам Леся Курбаса, де відомі театральні критики, режисери, актори і режисери міжнародних театральних фестивалів будуть обмінюватися власними ідеями та поглядами, і багато, багато іншого. Родзинкою фестивалю має стати зустріч з відомим режисером Романом Віктюком, який народився у Львові, і, як очікується, привабить своїм іменем багатьох шанувальників театру. Для отримання додаткової інформації про фестиваль, будь ласка, відвідайте: www.voskresinnia.eu LVIV TODAY | September 2012





October 03–04 - TM Intercity ( 67, Chornovola Av.) October 05 – Mirotel Resort & Spa (Truskavets) October 06 – 07 – EC Shuvar-Expo (4B Khutorivka St.)

3–4 жовтня – ТМ Інтерсіті (пр. Чорновола, 67) 5 жовтня – готель Mirotel Resort & Spa (Трускавець) 6–7 жовтня – ВЦ Шувар-Експо (вул. Хуторівка, 4б)

During October 03–07 in Lviv will be held for the tenth time in a row traditional Lviv Fashion Week – “Autumn/Winter 2012.2013”. During five days, fashion conscious Lvivites and guests of the city will be appraising numerous collections by fashion designers from Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Belarus – Roksolana Bogutska, OKSANA MUKHA, Petro Nesterenko-Lanko, Mykytyuk&Yatsentyuk, Anna Yakovenko, Artem Komarov, Amina Gasem, Syuzanna Slastion, Olya Romanova, Ivanna Yukhymchuk and others. Debut collections will be presented by David Bacali (Slovenia), Kristina Chegodaeva (Russia), Oksana Piekna (Lviv), Khrystyna Rachytska (Lviv), Svetlana Vozian (Sevastopol). Among highlights of the event will come special fashion-show “Mercedes-Benz White collection”, dedicated to event’s constant official partner Mercedes-Benz. Fashion show will take place at luxurious Mirotel Resort & Spa (Truskavets) and will feature collection of white dresses with Mercedes-Benz logo created by designers participants of Lviv Fashion Week of different years. As usual Lviv Fashion Week will present fashion shows within IV Young designer’s contest “SABOTAGE”, student’s collections OFF schedule and In AVANT GARDE, in addition to daily show rooms, exhibitions, lections. Within joint project with Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland premiere collection will be presented by event’s special guest fashion designer Natasha Pavluchenko (Poland). Also special attention is expected to be attracted to the meeting-lecture by Marlena Woolford, Managing Director of Inspiration Trend Analysis Ltd. She lives in London but travels widely, working alongside multidisciplinary fashion and retail specialists including marketing directors, PR experts, fashion event organizers and designers. During Lviv Fashion Week will also take place exhibition FASHION GAMES and S.A.L.I.G.I.A F.A.S.H.I.O.N. featuring creative works by Polish fashion illustrator Maggie Piu, widely known by successful cooperation with Vogue.it, Glamour, Don’t panic, Gentleman, Fantastyka magazines. The visitors to the showroom of October 06–07 at Exhibition centre “Shuvar-Expo” will have the opportunity to see clothes, bags, shoes, ornamental and fashion accessories which will be on sale. Entrance to the showroom will be free of charge and will not require invitations or accreditation. For more information, please contact Daria Yankovska on +38 (067) 272-35-13 or visit www.lvivfashionweek.com

Протягом 3–7 жовтня у Львові буде проходити вже вдесяте традиційний Львівський тиждень моди – «Осінь/Зима 2012–13”. Протягом п’яти днів львів’яни та гості міста зможуть оглянути й оцінити численні колекції модельєрів з Польщі, Росії, Словенії та Білорусії. Це такі імена, як Роксолана Богуцька, ОКСАНА МУХА, Петро Нестеренко-Ланько, Микитюк і Яцентюк, Ганна Яковенко, Артем Комаров, Amina Gasem, Сюзанна Сластіон, Оля Романова, Іванна Юхимчук та інші. Дебютні колекції представлять David Bacali (Словенія), Крістіна Чегодаєва (Росія), Оксана Пєкна (Львів), Христина Рачицька (Львів), Світлана Возіян (Севастополь). Серед найцікавіших заходів Тижня моди відбудеться спеціальне фешншоу “Mercedes-Benz. Біла колекція», присвячене постійному офіційному партнеру заходу, бренду Mercedes-Benz. Показ колекції білих суконь з логотипом Mercedes-Benz, створених учасниками Львівського Тижня моди різних років, відбудеться в розкішному готелі Mirotel Resort & Spa у Трускавці. Вже традиційно на Львівському тижні моди відбудеться IV конкурс молодих дизайнерів “Саботаж” з показами колекцій OFF schedule та In AVANT GARDE, а також щоденні шоу-руми, виставки, лекції. У рамках спільного проекту з Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland буде представлена прем’єрна колекція спеціального гостя – дизайнера Наташі Павлюченко з Польщі. Також особливу увагу має привернути зустріч-лекція Марлени Вулфорд, керуючого директора Inspiration Trend Analysis Ltd. Вона живе в Лондоні, але багато подорожує, співпрацюючи з міждисциплінарними фахівцями моди та роздрібної торгівлі, включаючи директорів з маркетингу, PR експертів, організаторів модних подій і дизайнерів. Під час Львівського Тижня Моди відбудеться також виставка FASHION GAMES and S.A.L.I.G.I.A F.A.S.H.I.O.N., де публіка познайомиться з творчістю польського ілюстратора моди Maggie Piu, широко відомої успішною співпрацею з такими виданнями, як Vogue.it, Glamour, Don’t panic, Fantastyka. Відвідувачі шоу-руму 6–7 жовтня у виставковому центрі “Шувар-Експо” зможуть побачити одяг, сумки, взуття, та модні аксесуари, які будуть у продажу. Вхід до шоу-руму буде безкоштовним і не вимагає запрошень або акредитації. За додатковою інформацією, звертайтесь до Дарії Янковської за №+38 (067) 272-35-13 або відвідайте www.lvivfashionweek.com


LVIV TODAY | September 2012


FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY DRAMATURGY DRAMA.UA September 27–30th, (Lviv Theatres throughout the city) The “Drama.UA” festival was founded in 2009 to celebrate the best of amateur drama, to foster and encourage excellence in amateur production as well as making a range of dramatic productions accessible to as wide of an audience as possible. The main objective of the festival is to provide complete creative freedom, no limitations in texts, languages, genres or any restrictions on the self-expression of participating artists. Eventually over the years the festival idea was supported by many passionate enthusiasts and this year the festival is proud to present Leopolitans and guests of the city with many new talent and brilliantly unique ideas. The festival’s motto “More drama” appeals and attracts many young talented artists to the festival each year. This year’s “Drama.UA” festival will feature the following projects within its main program: “III Contest of Ukrainian Language Plays”, “Eurodrama”: presenting modern British dramaturgy, Contemporary German drama, “Drama(t) UA-PL”, “Scandinavian drama” , other events included in the program are: “Dramatic workshop” and a “Translations workshop”. The Ukrainian-British project: “School of stage readings”, is expected to draw quite a crowd due to the very special nature of the project. For several days young Ukrainian playwrights and actors will be coached by British theatre directors. Another interesting event entitled “PostPoster” will be held for artists and designers, presenting them with a “Visual Images” creation workshop. During the festival various workshops, round-tables, presentations and excursions will be organized. For more information, please visit: www.drabyna.org/drama/

ФЕСТИВАЛЬ СУЧАСНОЇ ДРАМАТУРГІЇ DRAMA.UA 27–30 вересня, (Львів, театри міста) Фестиваль «Drama.UA» був заснований у 2009 році, щоб відзначити найкращі аматорські драматичні постановки, виховувати і підтримувати передовий досвід в області любительських постановок, а також створити цілу низку драматичних спектаклів, доступних, наскільки можливо, для максимально широкої аудиторії. Основною метою фестивалю є надання повної свободи творчості, ніяких обмежень текстів, мови, жанрів або самовираження учасників. Протягом років існування фестивалю ця ідея була підтримана багатьма пристрасними ентузіастами і в цьому році фестиваль з гордістю представляє львів’янам і гостям міста багато нових талантів і блискуче унікальних ідей. Девіз фестивалю «Більше драми» щороку знаходить відгук і привертає багатьох молодих талановитих художників. На цьогорічному фестивалі “Drama.UA” будуть представлені проекти в рамках основної програми: «III Конкурс п’єс українською мовою», “Eurodrama”: презентація сучасної британської драматургії, сучасної німецької драматургії; “Drama(t) UA-PL”, “Скандинавська драма”. Серед інших заходів, включених в програму: “Драматична майстерня” і “Перекладацька майстерня”. Українсько-британськоий проект “Школа сценічного читання”, як очікується, приверне увагу публіки завдяки особливому характеру проекту. Протягом декількох днів молодих українських драматургів і акторів будуть навчати британські режисери. Ще один цікавий захід під назвою “PostPoster від” будеться для художників і дизайнерів, разом з творчою майстернею Visual Images. Під час фестивалю будуть організовані різні семінари, круглі столи, презентації та екскурсії. За додатковою інформацією звертайтесь на: www.drabyna.org/drama/

LVIV TODAY | September 2012





September 21, Stadium Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska str.), 21:00

21 вересня, стадіон Арена Львів (вул. Стрийська, 199), 21:00

On September 21, during the world tour promotion of the new studio album “Evolution”, Lviv will play host to countless fans of the electronic music genius and twice nominated as World’s best DJ (according to DJ Mag edition) – Paul van Dyk! Since his first visit to Ukraine in 2006, the maestro became a true favourite for Ukrainian music lovers, each time offering something very special for his fans. This year the talented musician is ready to prove to the public, that he rightfully bears the twice-named title as top DJ in the ranks of world DJs list. The incredibly beautiful and newly built stadium “Arena Lviv”, which recently became one of the Lviv’s best sightseeing gems, will host this massive event. Due to the extensive grounds of the concert stage many music lovers will have the chance to enjoy the performance by the legendary artist and to share in the joy of this breathtaking music holiday. Visitors will experience all the best of what local dance music fans could ever imagine! Tickets booking: (032) 253-05-35

21 вересня з туром на підтримку свого нового студійного альбому “Evolution”, Львів відвідає кумир мільйонів, геній електронної музики та двічі кращий діджей планети за версією авторитетного видання DJ Mag – Paul van Dyk! З моменту свого першого візиту в нашу країну в 2006 році, маестро став одним із фаворитів місцевої публіки, кожного разу пропонуючи щось особливе для своїх прихильників. Цього року маестро готовий ще раз довести нашій публіці, що він не просто так два роки підряд очолював рейтинг найкращих діск-жокеїв світу. Майданчиком для настільки маштабної події стане територія неймовірно красивого стадіону “Арена-Львів”, що з недавнього часу став однією з головних перлин міста Лева. Завдяки величезній площі майданчику, насолодитись виступом легендарного артиста та розділити радість від музичного свята зможуть всі бажаючі. На вас чекає квінтесенція уього найкращого, що тільки може собі уявити вітчизняний прихильник танцювальної музики. Бронювання квитків: (032) 253-05-35



September 15–22th, Stadium Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska str.)

15–22 вересня, стадіон Арена Львів (вул. Стрийська, 199)

It was 2 years ago when Lviv officially received allowance from the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) to host the International event – World Masters Weightlifting Championship. Weightlifting was one of the first sports included in the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896 and soon after the IWF was founded in 1905, now one of the oldest International Sport Federations. Masters Weightlifting is a sport for persons 35 years of age or older. Main objectives of the competition are to promote, lead and govern the sport of weightlifting in Ukraine and in Western Ukraine in particular. Starting from September 15th, this exciting sporting event will gather over 500 participants from 44 different countries, including Japan, India, China, Russia and many others. The age range for participants is very wide and will include the oldest sportsman who is 70 years old. For more detailed information please visit: www.lvivmasters.com

Два роки тому Львів вперше отримав дозвіл від Міжнародної федерації важкої атлетики (IWF) прийняти чемпіонат з важкої атлетики на своїй території. Важка атлетика була одним з перших видів спорту, включених до програми Олімпійських ігор 1896 року в Афінах. Міжнародна федерація важкої атлетики IWF була заснована у 1905 році і сьогодні є однією з найстаріших міжнародних спортивних федерацій. Ці змагання проводяться для осіб віком понад 35 років. Основною метою змагань є сприяння розвитку важкої атлетики в Україні та в Західній Україні, зокрема. Починаючи з 15 вересня, ця захоплююча спортивна подія збере понад 500 учасників з 44 країн, включаючи Японію, Індію, Китай, Росію та багато інших. Обмежень віку учасників не буде – найстаршому спортсмену виповнилось 70 років. Уся корисна інформація на: www.lvivmasters.com


LVIV TODAY | September 2012


THE WORLD OF DOLLS FESTIVAL September 20–30th, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika str.,) This is the 4th festival of hand-made dolls and Teddy bears, which has a main goal of popularizing the concept of one-ofa-kind dolls, the development of the doll culture and presenting the creativity of talented artists of the branch. During the festival, a wide variety of dolls will be presented including ethnic hand-made Ukrainian dolls to dolls made from all kinds of material, including ceramics, hay, wood and glass, as well as symbolic doll-monsters, doll-talismans and decoration dolls, etc. Visitors of the event will be offered a wonderful opportunity of not just enjoying the exhibition itself, but also the opportunity to learn the various doll making techniques, to visit master classes, watch documentaries about this unusual art and of course they will be able to buy the dolls they like the most! For more information, please visit: www.l-svit.com.ua

THE VI COFFEE FESTIVAL September 28–30th, Rynok Square

ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ЛЯЛЬКОВИЙ СВІТ 20–30 вересня, Львівський Палац Мистецтв (вул. Коперника 17) Це вже четвертий фестиваль авторских ляльок та плюшевих ведмедиків, основна мета якого – популяризація унікальних ляльок, розвиток культури ляльки і представлення творчості талановитих і самобутніх художників цієї галузі. Під час фестивалю будуть представлені різноманітні ляльки, від традиційної ляльки-мотанки – до ляльок, зроблених з різних матеріалів – кераміки, сіна, дерева й скла, а також символічні ляльки-монстри, ляльки-талісмани, декоративні ляльки тощо. Відвідувачі заходу матимуть чудову можливість не тільки насолоджуватися експонатами, але й вивчити різні способи виготовлення ляльки, відвідати майстер-класи, переглянути документальні фільми про це незвичайне мистецтво і, звичайно ж, купити ляльку, яка їм сподобалась найбільше! Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, відвідайте: www.l-svit.com.ua

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Lviv has always been known as the city of coffee, so it is only natural that since 2007, Lviv has been actively promoting an annual city coffee festival along with coffee culture. During the festival, everyone can take a tour through the coffee houses of Lviv, which participate in the contest and everyone can taste the special “festival” coffee. On the festival days, all participating establishments will prepare coffee of exclusive grades by using truly unique recipes to create a unique celebration in honour of the world’s favourite drink. Leopolitans and guests of the city will have a wonderful opportunity to taste aromatic coffee drinks and enjoy relaxing conversations that are integral attributes of the Lviv coffee culture. During the VI Coffee Festival other pleasantries accompanying the celebration will also take place, such as the coffee ware fair, presentations of the history of coffee and traditions, retro-style music and jazz concerts. For more information please visit: www.coffeefest.lviv.ua

VI ФЕСТИВАЛЬ КАВИ 28–30 вересня, площа Ринок Львів завжди був відомий як місто кави, тому цілком природно, що, починаючи з 2007 року, саме тут активно розвивається щорічний міський фестиваль кави і кавової культури. Під час фестивалю кожен може взяти участь у турі по кав’ярнях Львова, які беруть участь у конкурсі і кожен може скуштувати спеціальної «Фестивальної» кави. У дні фестивалю, всі кав’ярні-учасники будуть готувати каву ексклюзивних сортів за унікальними рецептами, щоб створити унікальне свято на честь улюбленого напою. Львів’яни та гості міста матимуть чудову нагоду скуштувати ароматні кавові напої і насолодитися неквапним, приязним настроєм, що є невід’ємним атрибутом львівської кавової культури. Під час фестивалю кави відбудуться також супутні заходи, як от ярмарок кавового посуду, презентації з історії і кавових традицій, концерти музики в стилі ретро і джазу. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, відвідайте: www.coffeefest.lviv.ua



STREET ART FESTIVAL “REPUBLIC” September 21–23rd Kamianets-Podilskyi, Virmens’ka Square The Street Art Festival “Republic” will take place in the Western Ukrainian town of Kamianets-Podilskyi from September 21–23rd 2012. The festival consists of two parts – musical and artistic. The “Republic” promotes modern art and at the same time aims to complete the range of historical festivals throughout Ukraine, since Kamianets-Podilskyi is the city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. The musical part of the festival will be held on the territory of the old fortress with reknowned Ukrainian and Russian bands rocking the stage. Among the participants will be: Lyapis Trubetskoi (Belarus), Skryabin (Ukraine), Tabula Rasa, The Вйо, Pur:Pur (Ukraine), White Coffin (USA), Wasp’n’Hornet (Belarus), Drum Ecstasy (Belarus) and many others. The artistic part of the festival will start during the “Republic” and go on for a week afterwards. Painters from Belarus, Russia, Spain, and Ukraine – Przemyslaw Blejzyk (Sainer, Etam Crew) (Poland), Felipe Markoleta (Spain), Pablo Gonzales Sozyone (Spain), Javier Motos Dems 333 (France), Kislow (Ukraine) etc – will paint the buildings in the new and old parts of the city. The task for the painters will be to decorate new buildings in a way that will stylistically merge them into the exterior of the historical downtown of Kamianets-Podilskyi. Special film screenings “Art Cinema Night”, literary readings, street-art workshops, a fair of the hand-made items, concerts and rock-bang gigs will also be available for the visitors paying 150 UAH three-day admission fee. For more information please visit: www.respublicafest.com

ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ВУЛИЧНОГО МИСТЕЦТВА “РЕСПУБЛІКА” 21–23 вересня Кам’янець-Подільський, Вірменська площа Фестиваль вуличного мистецтва “Республіка“ відбудеться у Кам’янці-Подільському з 21 по 23 вересня 2012 року. Фестиваль складається з двох частин – музичної та художньої. «Республіка» сприяє розвитку сучасного мистецтва і органічно вписується в ряд історичних фестивалів по всій Україні, оскільки Кам’янець-Подільський – це місто з багатою культурною та історичною спадщиною. Музична частина фестивалю пройде на території старої фортеці за участі відомих українських та російських гуртів. Серед учасників будуть: Ляпіс Трубецкой, Wasp’n «Hornet, Drum Ecstasy (Білорусь), Скрябін, Tabula Rasa, The Вйо, Pur: Pur (Україна), White Coffin (США), та багато інших. Художня частина свята триватиме ще протягом тижня після завершення фестивалю. Художники з Білорусі, Росії, Іспанії та України – Przemyslaw Blejzyk (Sainer, Etam Crew) (Польща), Феліпе Марколета, Пабло Гонсалес Созйоне (Іспанія), Javier Motos Dems 333 (Франція), Kislow (Україна) тощо – розфарбують будівлі в старій і новій частинах міста. Перед художниками постане завдання – прикрашати нові будівлі таким чином, щоб стилістично вписати їх в історичний центр міста. Спеціальний показ «Ніч арт кіно», літературні читання, стрітарт семінари, ярмарки виробів ручної роботи, концерти рок-музики будуть доступні для відвідувачів, які заплатять 150 грн. за триденну участь у фестивалі. Додаткову інформацію отримуйте на: www.respublicafest.com



October 12–14th, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika str.)

12–14 жовтня, Львівський Палац Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17)

The 3rd Lviv Tattoo Fest, which has evolved into the biggest, best, most significant, and utterly awesome in Western Ukraine’s tattoo world, will be held from October 12–14th 2012 at the Lviv Art Palace. This year, the event organisers have even added more attractions, amazing alternative entertainers, inspirational exhibitions, bands and musical acts at this ever-expanding gathering for tattoo enthusiasts with plenty of competitions for the masters to show their skills, with over 10 categories in a three day nonstop program. The highlight will be the traditional “Tattoo Battle“, with grand masters from various countries competing for the best tattoo of the festival and the “Golden Lion“ cup. For more information, please visit: www.tattoolviv.com.ua

Третій львівський Tattoo Fest, який за три роки вже виріс у найбільшу, найкращу, найзначнішу і абсолютно дивовижну подію у світі тату Західної України, проходитиме з 12 по 14 жовтня 2012 року у Львівському Палаці Мистецтв. Цього року організатори заходу додали ще більше розваг, дивовижних альтернативних аніматорів, надихаючих виставок, виступів музичних груп на цьому зльоті аматорів татуювання, що постійно розширюється, з великою кількістю конкурсів для майстрів показати своє вміння у понад 10 категоріях у триденній нон-стоп програмі. Родзинкою фестивалю стане традиційна “Тату битва“, за участі майстрів з різних країн, що конкуруватимуть за звання найкращих тату фестивалю та кубок “Золотого лева“. Уся додаткова інформація на: www.tattoolviv.com.ua


LVIV TODAY | September 2012


LVIV TODAY | September 2012





October 12th, Stadium Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska str.)

12 жовтня, стадіон Арена Львів (вул. Стрийська, 199)

The International Economic Forum, which is traditionally held in the Lviv Region in October, has established itself as a professional platform for real discussions by leaders of Eastern European countries. It provides these leaders with the unique opportunity for fruitful dialogue between representatives of governmental authorities and those working in the business sphere. The XII Economic Forum: “Strategy. Investment. Cooperation” will be held under the patronage of the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych and the Head of Lviv Regional State Administration, Mykhailo Kostyuk. The key objectives of this year’ Forum will include: the discussion of current economic policies and prospects of cross-border cooperation in Eastern Europe, analysis of current challenges, and a presentation of management solutions, which will facilitate being more effective and competitive in global markets. Participants of the Forum will also discuss the issues of investment and innovation in the area of energy efficiency and cost-effective use of resources, new strategies and programs in the area of inter-regional and cross-border cooperation, increase of competitiveness and diversification of regional economies, the main trends in global food markets, as well as the challenges and prospects of Ukrainian agribusiness. The broad circle of participants will include the Heads of States of Eastern European Countries, regional leaders, leading experts, investors and businessmen. To find more detailed information please visit: www.lvivforum.com. ua or call: +38(032)2470043


Міжнародний економічний форум, який традиційно проводиться у Львівській області в жовтні, зарекомендував себе як професійна платформа для реальних дискусій лідерів країн Східної Європи. Він надає цим лідерам унікальну можливість для плідного діалогу між представниками державних органів і тих, хто працює у сфері бізнесу. XII Економічний Форум: «Стратегія. Інвестиції. Співпраця» пройде під патронатом Президента України Віктора Януковича та голови Львівської обласної державної адміністрації Михайла Костюка. Серед основних завдань цьогорічного Форуму: обговорення поточної економічної політики і перспектив транскордонного співробітництва в країнах Східної Європи, аналіз поточних проблем і презентації управлінських рішень, які підвищують ефективність і конкурентоспроможність на світових ринках. Учасники форуму також обговорять питання інвестицій та інновацій в галузі енергоефективності та економічно ефективного використання ресурсів, нових стратегій і програм в області міжрегіонального та прикордонного співробітництва, підвищення конкурентоспроможності та диверсифікації регіональної економіки, основні тенденції на світовому ринку продовольства, а також проблеми та перспективи українського агробізнесу. До широкого кола учасників увійдуть глави держав Східної Європи, регіональні лідери, провідні експерти, інвестори та бізнесмени. Детальніша інформація на: http://www.lvivforum.com.ua або за телефоном: +38 (032) 2470043 LVIV TODAY | September 2012




September 12–16th (15-17 Kopernika str.,) Pototsky Palace square (Kopernika str., 15), Art Palace square (Kopernika str., 17), square in front of the Lviv National University and in the city center along Svobody Avenue.

12 16 вересня (вул. Коперника. 15–17) площа палацу Потоцьких (вул. Коперника, 15.), площа палацу Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17), площа перед Львівським національним університетом та в центрі міста, вздовж проспекту Свободи.

This year’s National Book Fair, which is more known as the Publishers’ Forum will bring together over 300 publishing houses as well as over 100 writers from different countries, who all together will present brand new books, as well as classical literature masterpieces. Within the Publisher’s Forum several literary projects will take place – “Bruno Schulz Fest”, dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of the Polish writer, who lived and studied in Lviv, Festival “From Skovoroda till Skovoroda”, dedicated to the 290th Anniversary of the prominent Ukrainian philosopher and writer, II International Translators’ Festival “TRANSLIT”, VII Literary Festival featuring Adam Zagajewski (Poland), Martin Pollak (Austra), Henryk Grynberg (Poland-USA), Oksana Zabuzhko (Ukraine), Valeriy Panushkin (Russia) and countless others.Certain projects in particular will draw great attention such as: “Night of non-stop music and poetry” and “Night of erotic poetry” featuring Yuriy Vinnychuk, Dmytro Lazutkin, Lesya Mudrak and over 30 poets from Russia, Serbia, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Canada, USA, Australia, Croatia. This year’s special guest will be the Australian writer, Peter Warren Finlay, (known as DBC Pierre) who became world famous with his novel Vernon God Little, which was awarded the Booker Prize for fiction in 2003. Among this year’s novelties will be the project “Context” and will feature a series of workshops by leading literary management experts from Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Latvia. More information about the Publisher’s Forum is available at: www.bookforum.com.ua

У щорічному всеукраїнському книжковому ярмарку, більш знаному як Форум видавців, візьмуть участь понад 300 видавництв, а також понад 100 письменників з різних країн, які представлятимуть свої нові книги, а також шедеври класичної літератури.У рамках Форуму видавців відбудеться кілька літературних проектів - «Бруно Шульц Фест», присвячений 120-річчю відомого польського письменника, який жив і навчався у Львові, фестиваль «Від Сковороди до Сковороди”, присвячений 290-річчю видатного українського філософа і письменника, II Міжнародний фестиваль перекладачів “Трансліт”, VII літературний фестиваль за участю Адама Загаєвського з Польщі, Мартіна Поллака з Австрії, Генріка Грінберга (Польща-США), Валерія Панюшкіна з Росії, Оксани Забужко та багатьох інших.Особливо цікавими обіцяють бути деякі проекти, зокрема: «Ніч нон-стоп музики і поезії» та «Ніч еротичної поезії» з Юрієм Винничуком, Дмитром Лазуткіним, Лесею Мудрак і понад 30 поетами з Росії, Сербії, Норвегії, Польщі, Латвії, Канади, США, Австралії та Хорватії.Спеціальним гостем цього року стане австралійський письменник Пітер Уоррен Фінлі (відомий як DBC Pierre), який здобув всесвітню славу своїм романом Vernon God Little, удостоєним Букерівської премії у 2003 році.Серед новинок цього року буде проект «Контекст», який включатиме серію семінарів провідних експертів літературного менеджменту з України, Росії, Польщі, Грузії, Іспанії, Словаччини, Чехії та Латвії. Детальну інформацію про Форум видавців шукайте за адресою: www.bookforum.com.ua



October 4–7th, Lviv Art Palace (17 Kopernika str.)

4–7 жовтня, Львівський Палац Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17)

During October 4–7th 2012, Lviv Art Palace (Kopernika str, 17) will host the exhibition-fair “Lviv producers” where goods that are manufactured by local plants, factories and private enterprises will presented to the general public. The main objective of the event is to present manufacturers of various branches of alimentary, chemical, cellulose and paper and furniture industries. During the exhibitionfair trainings and round tables will take place for Leopolitans and guests of the city. Entrance is free of charge. For more information about this event please call: + 38 (032) 297-57-64, 297-58-77, or email: bis@city-adm.lviv.ua.

У жовтні, 4–7 числа, у Львівському Палаці Мистецтв (вул. Коперника, 17) пройде виставка-ярмарок “Львівський товаровиробник ”, де широкій громадськості будуть представлені товари, що виробляються на місцевих заводах, фабриках і приватних підприємствах. Основною метою заходу є презентація виробників різних галузей харчової, хімічної, целюлозно-паперової та меблевої промисловості. В рамках виставки-ярмарку для львів’ян і гостей міста пройдуть тренінги та круглі столи. Вхід безкоштовний. За додатковою інформацією про цю подію звертайтесь за телефоном: + 38 (032) 297-57-64, 297-58-77, або на електронну пошту: bis@city-adm.lviv.ua.

LVIV TODAY | September 2012



LVIV TODAY | September 2012


MODERN POLISH CINEMA “UNDER THE HIGH CASTLE” September 21–30th, Cinema Palace, (22, Teatralna str.); Cinema Kopernik (9, Kopernika str.) Various venues around the city The General Consulate of Poland in Lviv invites citizens and visitors to the festival of the Modern Polish Cinema Festival “Under the High Castle 2012”. Throughout the 10 days of the event, modern Polish cinema will be featured in 80 screenings presenting over 30 films, alongside with short movies, computer animations and much more. Each film will be accompanied by Ukrainian-subtitles. During the festival historical retrospective film screenings dedicated to Janusz Majewski, a famous film director, screenwriter and professor of film art, who was born in Lviv in 1931 will take place. Lviv invites its citizens and visitors to enjoy the following movies: “AN EPITAPH FOR BARBARA RADZIWILL” (Epitafium dla Barbary Radziwiłłówny), “LESSON OF A DEAD LANGUAGE” (Lekcja martwego języka), “AFTER SEASON” (Po sezonie) as well as the Gdynia Polish Film Festival - Special Jury Award winning film “THE RITE OF PASSAGE” (Mała Matura 1947). Among other highlights of the event will be: “Night of Polish cinema” and the project “History lesson in cinema” aimed specifically at students of schools. During all festival days the diverse program will include: meetings with outstanding personalities Polish cinema, lectures and discussion panels, exhibitions, quests, an evening of Polish and International film music, book presentations, photo-expositions, etc. Ticket prices: 10 UAH. For more information please visit: www.filmlwow.eu

СУЧАСНЕ ПОЛЬСЬКЕ КІНО “ПІД ВИСОКИМ ЗАМКОМ” 21–30 вересня, Кінопалац (вул., Театральна, 22.); Кінотеатр Коперник (вул. Коперника, 9), майданчики по всьому місту Генеральне консульство Польщі у Львові запрошує мешканців та гостей Львова на фестиваль сучасного польського кіно « Під Високим замком 2012». Протягом 10 днів відбудуться 80 сеансів, на яких глядачі зможуть побачити понад 30 кінострічок сучасного польського кінематографу, короткометражних фільмів, комп’ютерних анімацій і багато іншого. Фільми супроводжуватимуться українськими субтитрами. Під час фестивалю відбудеться історична ретроспектива фільмів, присвячених Янушеві Маєвському, відомому кінорежисеру, сценаристу і професорові кіномистецтва, який народився у Львові в 1931. Львів’ян та гостей міста запрошують переглянути такі фільми: “Епітафія для Барбари Радзивілл” (Epitafium dla Barbary Radziwiłłówny), “Урок мертвої мови” (Lekcja martwego języka), “Після сезону” (Po sezonie), а також фільм – лауреат Спеціального призу журі Гдиньського фестивалю польського фільму – “Обряд посвячення” (Mala Matura 1947). Серед інших цікавих заходів будуть: «Ніч польського кіно” та проект “Урок історії в кіно”, адресовані учням шкіл. Протягом всіх фестивальних днів різноманітна програма буде включати в себе: зустрічі з видатними особистостями польського кіно, лекції та круглі столи, виставки, квести, вечір музики польського та міжнародного кіно, презентації книг, фото-експозиції тощо. Вартість квитків: 10 грн. Додаткова інформація знаходиться на: www.filmlwow.eu LVIV TODAY | September 2012





September 28–30th

28–30 вересня

The “Leopolis Historical Rally” is an international festival of vintage cars, which was founded in 2006 by the initiative of “ZAZ-Kozak”, the automobile club of Zaporozhets ZAZ-965 owners. The retro cars will participate in a rally route of: Lublin-Zamość-Zhovkva-Lviv-OleskoPidhirtsi-Zolochiv-Svirzh, as the main goal of the event is to attract attention to the restoration of Western Ukraine’s architectural masterpieces and castles, in particular – the Pidhirtsi Castle. Another objective of the event is for the organizers to start the creation of a technical-automobile museum with regular exhibitions. For more information please visit: www.zazkozak.com

“Леополіс Історик Ралі” – це міжнародний фестиваль старовинних автомобілів, який був заснований у 2006 році за ініціативою автомобільного клубу власників “горбатих” Запорожців “ЗАЗ-Козак”. Ретро-автомобілі будуть брати участь у автопробігу за маршрутом: Люблін-Замосць-Жовква-Львів-Олесько-Підгірці-Золочів-Свірж. Основною метою заходу є привернення уваги громадськості до відновлення архітектурних шедеврів Західної України і, зокрема, Підгорецького замку. Також організатори мають на меті створення музею автомобільної техніки з регулярними виставками. Отримати додаткову інформацію можна на: www.zazkozak.com



September 28 – October 07, (Location to be confirmed later)

28 вересня – 7 жовтня (Місце проведення уточнюється)

An extraordinary global event will take place during September 28- October 07, 2012 when over 100,000 people in over 250 cities across six continents will gather in cinemas, galleries, museums and cafes for one purpose to view and vote on Finalists’ Films in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. Results of the global voting will be announced on October 7, 2012 in New York. Main mission of the event is to unite audiences across six continents of the globe for one week via the most compelling short films submitted each year. “One World One Week One Festival” is emblazoned within the rings that surround the Festivals Logo and it is this mantra that sets us apart from any other film event of the year. This year festival screenings program will consist of films by art directors from Norway, Russia, France, Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Spain, Romania, Peru and USA. Lvivites and guests of the city will get rare possibility to enjoy best selection of 10 short films of year 2012 – “The Devil’s Playground” by Henrik M Dahlsbrakken, “A Curious Conjunction of Coincidences” by Joost Reijmers, “Where The Sea Flows” by Vitaly Saltykov, “Two& Two” by Babak Ansari , “Cluck ” by Michael Lavelle , “Behind The Mirrors ” by Julio O Ramos, “The Elaborate End of Robert Ebb ” Clement Bolla, FX Goby and Matthieu Landour, “Superman, Spiderman or Batman ” by Tudor Giurgiu, “Voice Over” by Martin Rosete and “92 Skybox Alonzo Mourning Rookie Card” by Todd Sklar. So, come and join global voting to award the best short movie of year 2012! For more information about the event, please visit www.arthousetraffic.com


Надзвичайна глобальна подія відбуватиметься протягом 28 вересня – 07 жовтня 2012 року, коли понад 100 000 чоловік в понад 250 містах на шести континентах зберуться в кінотеатрах, галереях, музеях та кафе для однієї мети, щоб подивитися і проголосувати за фільми-фіналісти щорічного Manhattan Short Film Festival. Результати глобального голосування будуть оголошені 7 жовтня 2012 р. в Нью-Йорку. Основна місія заходу – це об’єднання аудиторій на шести континентах земної кулі протягом одного тижня за переглядом найцікавіших короткометражних фільмів, які представляються щороку. «Один світ, Один тиждень Один фестиваль» написано в кільцях, які оточують логотип фестивалю і саме ця мантра, відрізняє його від будь-якої іншої кіно-події. Цього року програма фестивальних показів складатиметься з фільмів з Норвегії, Росії, Франції, Нідерландів, Ірландії, Великобританії, Іспанії, Румунії, Перу і США. Львів’яни та гості міста отримають рідкісну можливість насолодитися найкращим вибором з 10 короткометражних фільмів 2012 року:The Devil’s Playground – реж. Хенрік M. Дальсбраккен, A Curious Conjunction of Coincidences – реж. Йоост Реймерс, Куда течет море? – реж. Віталій Салтиков, Two& Two – реж. Бабак Ансарі, Cluck - реж. Мішель Лавель, Behind The Mirrors – реж. Хуліо O. Рамос, The Elaborate End of Robert Ebb - реж. Клемент Болла, FX Goby і Matthieu Landour, Superman, Spiderman or Batman - реж. Тудор Джурджу, Voice Over – реж. Мартін Розете і 92 Skybox Alonzo Mourning Rookie Card – реж. Тодд Скляр. Отже, приходьте і долучайтесь до глобального голосування за присудження звання найкращого короткометражного фільму 2012 року! Додаткова інформація про захід, на www.arthousetraffic.com LVIV TODAY | September 2012

CULTURAL CALENDAR Full Lviv listings for the coming month in Ukraine’s cultural capital


28, Svobody Avn. Tel.: (032) 242-11-63 Ticket office working hours: 11.00–19.00

September, 27 Thursday

Orpheus and Eurydice by C. W. Gluck Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.15

September, 13 Thursday

September, 28 Friday

September, 14 Friday

September, 29 Saturday

La Traviata by G. Verdi Opera in 4 acts Beginning: 18.00–21.00

Evening of short ballet performances Duration: 18.00–21.00

September, 15 Saturday

Floria Tosca by C. Pugni Opera in 3 acts Beginning: 18.00–21.00

September, 16 Sunday

Lileya by K. Dan’kevych Ballet in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–14.15

September, 16 Sunday

The Merry Widow by F. Legar Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

September, 21 Friday

Swan Lake by P. Chaykovsky Ballet in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.45

September, 22 Saturday

Madam Butterfly by G. Puccini Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–19.45

September, 23 Sunday

Magic flint by E. Dosenko, M. Silvestrov, I. Striletskyi Opera fairy-tale in 2 acts Duration: 12.00–13.30

September, 23 Sunday

The Return of Madam Butterfly by G. Puccini. Opera in 2 acts. Duration: 18.00–19.45

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Die Fladermaus by R.Strauss Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–21.00

Pagliacci by R. Leoncavallo Opera in 2 acts Duration: 18.00–20.00

September, 30 Sunday

Cossack over the Danube by S. Gulak-Artemovsky Opera in 3 acts Duration: 12.00–14.00

September, 30 Sunday

Don Quixote by P. Minkus Operetta in 3 acts Duration: 18.00–20.30


1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04. www.zankovetska.com.ua All performances start at 19.00

September, 18 Tuesday

Goncharivka matchmaking / G. Kvytka-Osnovyjanenko Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

September, 19 Wednesday

Water of Life / V. Shevchuk Drama in 2 acts Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

September, 20 Thursday

Naples – city of Cinderella’s /

N. Kovalik Play in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

September, 21 Friday


September, 23 Sunday

September 12, Wednesday, Beginning 19.00

The Lady of the Camellias / Alexandre Dumas, son Translation by M. Yakubyak Performance in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours 15 minutes

The last buckwheat seeder by O.Ogorodnik Tragic comedy in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

September, 25 Tuesday

Pollianna / E. Porter Stage adaptation by B. Revkevich Play in 2 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

September, 26 Wednesday

Hutsulka Ksenya Music and libretto by J. Barnich Poetry by D.Nykolyshin Operetta in 3 acts Performance duration: 3 hours

September, 27 Thursday

“Tales about Ivan…” cinema adaptation script by Ivan Mykolaichuk Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

September, 28 Friday

Sylva / І.Kalman Poetry: O. Vratarev Translation by S.Smiyan Operetta in 3 acts (with interval) Performance duration: 3 hours

September, 29 Saturday

Hamlet in savoury sauce / Aldo Nikolai . Comedy. Performance duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

September, 30 Sunday

Romeo and Juliet in the end of November / J. Otchenashek

1, L. Ukrainka str., Lviv Ticket office working hours: 11.00–14.00, and 15.00–18.00 Tel: 235-55-83, 235-58-04. www.zankovetska.com.ua All performances start at 19.00

Concert «Knabenkantorei Basel» featuring performance by boys church choir from Basel (Switzerland), art-director Markus Teutschbein

September 14, Friday, Beginning 19.00

Concert “Opening of the new academic season” by Bolomia Ivahiv – violin, together with Academic chamber orchestra of “Lviv Virtuosos” (conductor –Sergey Burko)

September 15 Saturday Beginning 18.00

Concert “Exquisite Oriental music in world’s classics” featuring Pelin Khalkaci Akin – violin (Turkey) together with Youth Academic symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» (conductor – Fahraddin Kerimov)

September 16 Sunday Beginning 18.00

Concert “Opening of the new symphonic season” dedicated to the 110th anniversary symphonic music season in Lviv featuring performance by Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Theatre (conductor –Aidar Torybaev)

September 20 Thursday Beginning 19.00

Concert “The Last Halycyan Klezmer” featuring Klezmer (Jewish) music masterpieces by Leopold Kozlowsky and his theatre


LVIV CULTURAL CALENDAR September 21 Friday Beginning 19.00

Gala-opening of the French music festival “Pont Alexandre IIІ” dedicated to 150th birthday anniversary of Claude Debussy and 100th birthday anniversary of Jean Françaix featuring Academic symphonic orchestra of Lviv Philharmonic Theatre (conductor –J. Kantorov) performing masterpieces of French music.

September 22 Saturday Beginning 18.00

Concert «New classical stage» by Nazariy Pilatuk –violin, Polin Haas – harp together with Academic chamber orchestra of “Lviv Virtuosos” (conductor – J. Kantorov) presenting compositions of C. Saint-Saëns, C. Debussy

September 23 Sunday Beginning 16.00

Concert «Chamber music» by Oleksandr Brusilovsky –violin, Ingmar Lazar –piano together with quintet “Pessoa” presenting compositions of Jacques Ibert, Jean Cras, Jean-Philippe Rameau

September 23 Sunday Beginning 18.00

Concert «Stabat Mater» by Danilo Saenko – piano, Josef Ermin – piano, Oleksandra Deriy –soprano together with Halycyan academic chamber choir (conductor –Volodymyr Syvihip) and Youth Academic symphonic orchestra «INSO-Lviv» presenting compositions of Antonín Dvořák

September 24 Monday Beginning 19.00

Concert by “Zbigniew Namyslowski Quintet“ featuring Polish jazz musicians Zbigniew Namysłowski – alto saxophone, Jacek Namyslowski – trombone, Slawomir Jaskulke – piano, Michal Baranski – double bass and Grzegorz Grzyb – percussion presenting a mix of jazz and Polish folklore music

September 25 Monday Beginning 19.00

Concert «Chamber music evening» by Oleksandr Brusilovsky –violin, Ingmar Lazar –piano, Natalia Homa – cello, Volodymyr Vynnitsky –piano, Polin Haas –harp presenting compositions of C. Debussy

September 26 Tuesday Beginning 19.00

Concert «Serenade» by Oleksandr


Brusilovsky –violin, Ingmar Lazar – piano, Andriy Dragan –piano, Ivan Karizna – cello, Polin Haas –harp, quintet “Pessoa” , Volodymyr Vynnitsky –piano, Polin Haas –harp presenting compositions of C. Debussy, C. Saint-Saëns, Albert Roussel

September 27 Wednesday Beginning 19.00

Concert «Muse and the poet » by Oleksandr Brusilovsky –violin, Natalia Homa – cello, Volodymyr Vynnitsky – piano, Mateo Sezari – flute presenting compositions of Jean Françaix


September 27, 2012

19.00 – Joint project of the festival “Golden Lion” and the festival of modern drama “Drama. UA”, performance “Mad blood” Guild of the National Academic L. Ukrainka Theatre of Russian Drama (Kyiv, Ukraine) The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7

September 28, 2012

18.00 – Theatre КТО (Poland), performance «Ink for the Lefthanded. A comedy of the absurd» К. Niedzwiedzki Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 20.00 – State Russian V. Mayakovskyi drama theatre (Tajikistan), performance «Peri’s love» T. Mukhammadrizoev The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7

September 29, 2012

15.00 – Open air show – Ukrainian-Polish project WITKATSY AND WE by young scenographers of Kyiv National academy of arts and architecture and Krakow Jan Matejko Academy of Arts Lviv Art Palace, Kopernika str. 15 17.00 – Theatrical Carnival on the occasion of the festival “Golden Lion 2012” opening Gen. Hryhorenko sq., Hnatyuka str., Svoboda Avenue, square in front of the Opera Theatre 18.30 – performance «Forest song» L. Ukrainka by Lviv academic Les Kurbas theatre (Ukraine) Les Kurbas’s Lviv Academic Theatre, L. Kurbas str., 3

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV CULTURAL CALENDAR 20.30 – Street show «Cherry Orchard» by Lviv academic theatre “Voskresinnia”, Square in front of the Opera Theatre, Svobody avenue

September 30, 2012

17.00 – Brest academic drama theatre (Byelarus), performance “Scattered Nest” J. Kupala The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7 19.30 – Open air show – Orchestra of large drums by Warsaw theatre МАКАТА (Poland) Square in front of the Opera Theatre, Svobody avenue 21.00 – Fire show, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Les Kurbas Svoboda Avenue alleys

October 1, 2012

12.00 – Roundtable on the occasion of the 125th birthday anniversary of Les Kurbas. Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 17.00 – Tbilisi theatre (Georgia), performance «Love, love, love you» B. Vakhtin The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7

19.30 – Lviv academic theatre “Voskresinnia” (Ukraine), performance «Locusts» B. Srblianovich Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5

October 2, 2012

12.00 – Roundtable on the occasion of the 125th birthday anniversary of Les Kurbas. Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 17.00 – Kharkiv State academic T. Shevchenko drama theatre (Ukraine), performance «Iren and Spirits» M. Kolyada Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 19.00 – Mirnyi theatre (Russia, Sokha Republic), performance «Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk Obl» M. Leskov Lviv National M. Zankovetska Academic drama theatre ( L. Ukrainka str., 1) 20.00 – Theatrical performance of Ukrainian and Polish actors, dedicated to Les Kurbas’ Year UNESCO Rynok Square

October 3, 2012

17.00 – Lviv academic Les Kurbas theatre (Ukraine), performance “Between the two forces” V. Vynnychenko

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 20.00 – Tbilisi theatre (Georgia), performance “Caucasian Chalk Circle” B. Brecht Lviv National M. Zankovetska Academic drama theatre ( L. Ukrainka str., 1

October 4, 2012

16.00 – Melikhovo theatre “Chekhov Studio”, performance “Cottage Theatre of Antosha Chekhontey” A. Chekhov Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 19.00 – Luhansk Ukrainian academic music and drama theatre (Ukraine), performance «Kaydasheva family», I. Nechui-Levytskyi Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 19.00 – Vilnius State Youth theatre (Lithuania), performance “Lady Macbeth” based on William Shakespeare’s, play “Macbeth Lviv National M. Zankovetska Academic drama theatre ( L. Ukrainka str., 1

October 5, 2012

17.00 – Jelena Gora theatre (Poland), performance “Dinner for Four” P. Bartz Lviv Theater “Voskresinnya”, Hryhorenko Square, 5 19.00 – Kyiv Young theatre (Ukraine), performance «Love letters to Stalin» H. Majorga The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7

October 6, 2012

17.00 – Theatre TABOR (Austria), performance “Chess story” S. Zweig The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth, Hnatyuka str., 7 19.00 – National academic Ivan Franko drama theatre (Ukraine), performance «Cross-roads» I. Franko Lviv National M. Zankovetska Academic drama theatre ( L. Ukrainka str., 1 21.30 – Official closing ceremony of the festival Square in front of the Opera Theatre, Svobovy avenue For more information and tickets booking, please call on + 38 (032) 261-63-10, 261-63-50 or send e-mail to: kvytky@voskresinnia.eu



Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet Olha Shchur



To visit please call in advance +38 095 507-71-36 www.artists.com.ua

24, Teatralna str. 01.09–26.09 – Exhibition of paintings “Ethowind” by Svitlana Starodubsteva Tel: +38032 235-58-28 10:30–19:00 slyvkart@ukr.net www.slyvkagallery.co


11.09–30.09 – Exhibition of paintings “Thirteen” by Mykola Molchan 26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8032) 235-52-95 11:00–19:00 (Tues.–Sat.) 12.00–19.00 (Sun.–Mon.) www.iconart.com.ua

During whole September exhibition of graphical works by Ivan Protsiv Tel: +38032 272-70-20 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon.


6, Bohomoltsa str, 08.06.2012–11.02.2013 – Exhibition “Sport and City:Man, Society, Ideology Tel: +38032 275 17 34, institute@lvivcenter.org www.lvivcenter.org Opening hours: Wed.–Sun. 11:00–17:30


Lviv-Briukhovychi 16, Muzejna Street. Tel.: (8032) 234-66-36 097 397-54-80 Tuesday through Sunday 11:00–18:00


18.09–07.10 – Exhibition of paintings by Oleh Hyzhy 01.09–16.09 – Exhibition of paintings “Trip a city” by Ihor Yevsin 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 243-70-23 11:00–18:00 /Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com artgreensofa@bigmir.net


Lviv art of the 60-80ies exhibition 4, Ruska str. Tel:.(032) 272-50-46 12:00–17:00 / Closed: Sun., Mon.




35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (8 032) 297-56-12 10:00–18:00 office@dzyga.lviv.ua www.dzyga.com.ua


18, Nalyvayka str. 11.09–07.10 – Exhibition of paintings by Agnesa Bachynska-Selska Tel. +38 095-899-51-74 12.00–19.00 \ Closed: Mon.

«KVARTYRA (APARTMENT) 35» 35, Virmenska str. («Dzyga», 2nd floor )


12,Vynnychenka Str. Tel.: (8032) 261-48-84 10:00–23:00 Literary evenings every Wednesday.


Exhibition of creative art works, dedicated to Ukraine’s hero Borys Voznytsky 3, Stefanyka str. Tel: +38032 272-39-48 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.


15, Kopernyka str. During whole September – Exhibition «To you, Ukraine!» presenting treasures of the vanished civilization Tel.: +38 032 261-41-45 10:00–17:00 / Closed: Mon.


17, Kopernyka str. 14.09-16.09 – 19th International “Publisher’s Forum” 20.09- 30.09 – Festival “Doll’s World” Project “Lady & Teddy” 20.09–30.09 – Exhibition of ceramics and paintings by Oksana Rauk-Bagranivska Tel: +38032 272-89-33 12:00–19:00 / Closed:Mon.


20, Svobody ave., 30.08–21.10 – Exhibition from Transcarpathian regional art museum – creative works by Josyp Bokshai Tel: +38032 274-22-80 10:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.


15, Svobody ave.,

18a, Valova str. Tel.: (032) 254-61-55 (032) 295-69-68 10:00–19:00 idem.org@gmail.com www.idem.org.ua


23, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 235-44-65 11:00–16:00/Closed: Sun.


15, Svobody ave., Tel.: (8032) 243-35-99 www.ravlyk-art.com.ua / salon@ ravlyk-art.com.ua /


16/5, L.Ukrainka str., Tel:. +38 097 293-14-26 +38 095 899-51-74 www.marissavoytenko.com Artprimus.lviv@gmail.com


3, F. List, str. Tel.: (8032) 261-59-29 12.00–19:00/ Closed: Sun.


Open air market of folk crafts works, souvenirs, gift articles, pictures, ceramics, embroidery works and much more. sq. Nyzkyy Zamok 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon. LVIV TODAY | September 2012

GOLDEN SEASON AT THE RESORT No matter what they say, but summer is over… Only new photos with happy faces, pleasant souvenirs from distant travels and summer golden tan reminds us about it.


owever, notwithstanding all the pleasant memories your skin can remember summer sunburns, even the slightest. That is why it is appropriate time to remind about traditions of the resort rest – about the pleasant off-peak leisure “on mineral waters”. Professionals of the spa-center of hotel and recreation complex Mirotel Resort & Spa can take care of your skin. High level skin care is one of the advantages, available for the guests of this modern complex, where after active summer sun, everyone can get gentle but effective procedures. The latest studies helped to create the unique and unsurpassed formula in modern cosmetology with the usage of the pure gold particles. We offer to use precious components procedures for face and body, as it is proven that due to their usage blood flow is improved, the processes of cellular metabolism are activated, the cage recovery is increased, mimic wrinkles are smoothed and much more. Gold acts in the deep layers of the skin, restoring elasticity of tissues, maintaining the level of collagen and elastin. It stimulates the growth of young cells, which increase their ability to recover. This procedure will help you to keep your skin elasticity, clear-cut oval face, flawless features and radiance of youth! Since ancient times, people used gold for treatment and rejuvenation. Golden Care for body is represented by «golden wrapping» – a luxurious treatment for the whole body. “Golden Wrap” – body treatments using products containing glitters of 24–karat gold. Such spa treatment stimulates renewal of skin cells, tonifies it, creates a lifting and moisturizing effect, improves microcirculation, promotes the restoration and rejuvenation. Golden wraps have lymphatic drainage and anti cellulite action. We can talk a lot about spectacular properties of the gold, but it is better to feel the effect yourself by visiting fashionable spa hotel and recreational complex «Mirotel Resort & Spa».

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

ЗОЛОТИЙ СЕЗОН НА КУРОРТІ Що там не кажіть, а літо закінчилось… Про нього нагадують нові фотографії із щасливими обличчями, приємні сувеніри з літніх подорожей та золотиста засмага.


кими приємними не були б ваші спогади, шкіра ваша на жаль пам’ятатиме лише сонячні опіки, навіть незначні. Отож, саме час згадати традиції курортного відпочинку – приємний оксамитовий сезон «на водах». Тим паче, що в нашому регіоні на сторожі здоров’я вашої шкіри стоять професіонали спацентру готельно-рекреаційного комплексу Mirotel Resort & Spa. Професійний догляд за шкірою – це одна із додаткових послуг, яку отримують гості комплексу. Адже після активного літнього сонця нашому тілу так необхідна ніжна, але ефективна турбота. Новітні наукові дослідження дозволили створити унікальну й неперевершену формулу в сучасній косметології з використанням часточок справжнього золота. Пропонуємо скористатися чудодійними процедурами для обличчя й тіла на основі цього коштовного металу. Під дією часточок золота покращується притік крові, активізуються процеси обміну речовин і відновлення клітин, розгладжуються мімічні складки обличчя й зморшки. Золото діє в глибоких шарах шкіри, відновлюючи еластичність тканин, підтримуючи природний рівень колагену і еластину. Воно стимулює ріст молодих клітин, підвищуючи здатність шкіри до відновлення. Ця процедура допоможе Вам зберегти пружність шкіри, чіткий овал обличчя, бездоганні риси та сяяння молодості! З давніх часів люди застосовували золото для лікування й омолодження. Золотий догляд для тіла представлений «золотим обгортанням» – розкішною процедурою для всього тіла з використанням засобів, що містять гліттери 24-каратного золота. Такий спа-догляд стимулює тонізуюче відновлення клітин шкіри, створює ефект зволоження і ліфтингу, посилює мікроциркуляцію, сприяє відновленню і омолодженню. Золоте обгортання має лімфодренажну і антицелюлітну дію. Про чудотворні властивості золота можна розповідати багато – але краще відчути їх на собі у модному спа-центрі готельно-рекреаційного комплексу «Mirotel Resort & Spa».




THE MUSEUM OF JOHANN GEORGE PINZEL Lviv’s most mysterious artist and sculptor Johann George Pinzel, who’s magnificent works are exhibited at Museum of Sacral Baroque Sculpture and will be at display at Louvre Museum in Paris starting from November 2012!


his small museum won’t take more than half an hour of your time, unless you end up being carried away by the captivating exhibitions. It is definitely worth visiting when you’re in Lviv due to several reasons! Firstly, the museum’s unique location – it is located within an architectural monument – the former Church of Poor Clares, designed by Paolo the Roman, which was built in 1605–1607. The frescoes of the cathedral were created in 1670. Secondly, is the museum’s unique history, as its creation has only become possible due to the enthusiasm and passion of its founder, Boris Voznitskiy, director of the Lviv Art Gallery and long-standing re-

searcher of Pinzel, and has been tracing Pinzel’s works for nearly 50 years. Many of the sculptures were destroyed in Soviet times, some were lost in private collections abroad, and several pieces were literally saved by Voznitskiy himself, at the very last minute before being cut into firewood by local peasants. The third reason is that the museum’s unique exhibition consists of 32 exhibits representing art on a European and international level. Johann Georg Pinzel was a XVIII century baroque sculpture, often compared to the great Gian Lorenzo Bernini and even to Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti.

THE MUSEUM OF SACRAL BAROQUE SCULPTURE The museum is open every day, except Monday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Location: 2 Mytna Sq., Lviv, Tel. (032) 275-69-66 The entrance fee is 5 UAH, to take photos: 20 UAH And you can also purchase a beautiful album of Pinzel’s works for 170 UAH ($35).


LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Johann Georg Pinzel is shrouded in mystery, as very little is known about his personage who was consigned to oblivion for 200 years. Only in recent decades, the heritage of the Master, who is named the Slavic Michelangelo by contemporary European art critics, has attracted remarkable attention from experts and admirers alike. His name first surfaced in 1906, as the author of several sculptures at the St. George Cathedral, however a real interest in this artist flourished in 1937, when the first documents (payment receipts for his work) confirming his existence had been found. Based on what has been found so far, the following is known: Pinzel in 1751 married a widow in Buchach and in 1752 and 1759; he wife bore him two sons. In 1761 the sculptor died. Unfortunately information on Pinzel’s life and art is very scarce and extremely limited so you will not be able to find much of FROM NOVEMBER 22, 2012 TO FEBRUARY 02, 2013, THE it in the museum. Researchers divide on the issue of MUSÉE DU LOUVRE (PARIS, nationality, attributing Pinzel FRANCE) PROPOSES A NEW Bavarian, Bohemian, Silesian, EXHIBITION ON JOHANN Italian or Ukrainian origins. GEORG PINSEL’S SCULPSome even believe he could TURE WORK IN THE SALLE have escaped from Europe DE LA CHAPELLE. to run away from his past and start a new life in Western Ukraine incognito which he successfully accomplished. Under the patronage and financial support of Kanev headman Mykola Pototskiy, Pinzel and his long-term partner, architect Bernard Meretyn, created and decorated many sacral houses in Western Ukraine. There are very few of Pinzel’s masterpieces that have been found and identified so far, and the majority of them are included in the collection in the Lviv Sacral Baroque Sculpture Museum. It is known that at the end of the 1750s, Pinzel created the sculptural ensemble in the St. George Cathedral in Lviv; worked in Lviv’s St. Martin Church; as well as in Monastyrys’ka in Ternopil region. The ensemble of stone carvings for the Buchach City Hall and Church altar in Horodenka, the great altar in the village of Hodovytsi and the altar in the Parochial Church in the town of Monastyryska are just some of the Master’s great works of art which were during the 1750s. Many art connoisseurs state with that without a doubt, Pinzel had a unique technique and an original perspective on baroque plastic arts, especially visible in his wooden artworks. Pinzel seemed to have established his own baroque school with over 40 artists known as his students and the Lviv museum also exhibits a small selection of works from Pinzel’s followers. Some of Pinzel’s works are also currently being exhibited in Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Munich, Germany), along with a series of bozzettis (models) of Pinzel’s sculptures which were found in Bavaria. In the fall of 2011, Musée du Louvre (Paris, France) exhibited about twenty of Pinzel’s sculptures in the Chapel were Louis XIV has taken his royal oath and it was the first ever exhibition of a Ukrainian artist in Louvre. LVIV TODAY | September 2012



RESTAURANTS & NIGHTLIFE RESTAURANTS Alpaca Cuisine: Latin American. 10, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 272-50-41 Hours: from 11:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Visa Card. Andersen 39, Rudnytskogo str. Hours: 10:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 237-38-79 Aragvi 161, I. Franka str. Hours: 11:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 295-14-31 Amadeus 7, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-80-22 Hours: 11:00–23:00 A welcoming and elegant dining out venue. Bukhara 6, Furmanska str., Tel.: (032) 244-42-25 Catch a glimpse of the mystical pearl of Central Asia in the eastern ­flavoured dining option. Brudershaft 16, Virmenska str. Hours: 10.00–23.00 Tel.: (032) 235-42-43 Cafe 1 Cuisine: continental, French, Italian 5, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-33-69 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Visa Card. Dynamo Blues 4, Stusa str. Hours: 12:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 275-01-89 Diva Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 5, Dudaeva str. Tel.: (032) 261-16-71 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: polish./ukr.


Dim Legend (House of Legends) 48, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: 050 430-29-24 Hours: 11:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Darwin Cuisine: Сontinental, Fusion 6, Shevska str., 5th fl., Tel.:(032) 294-82-05 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Europe Cuisine: continental 14, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 261-19-71 Hours: 12:00—24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., Hours: 12:00–15:00 30 uah

Fashion club Cuisine: Сontinental 1, Pidkovy sqr. Tel.: (032) 272-88-91 Breakfast hours: 08:30–11:30 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri., 12:30–15:00 Disco: from 23:00. Hours: 24 hours. Visa Card. Festival-club Left bank 28, Svobody avn. (Opera and ballet Theatre, underground.) Tel.: (032) 272-28-63 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Cuisine: celebrities best recipes and dishes. Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi. Club, functioning as constant daily international Modern At festival featuring expositions of paintings, live concerts, culinary evenings, creative

meetings, providing unique chance to become artist by trying to be musician or painter. Filizhanka Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 3, Sichovykh Striltsiv (entrance from Kryva Lypa square) Tel.: (032) 272-05-11 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr.

Improvisation restaurant Hrushevsky cinema jazz 28, Shevchenko Avenue Tel.: (098) 676-46-00 Hours: 9:00–2:00 Menu: eng./ukr. Free Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro Cuisine: continental, national A new restaurant in the 100-years-old cinema hall with large screen. Film shows like in real cinema hall, live music, photo, painting exhibitions, presentations, parties. Banquets and weddings for 150 persons in the Lviv city heart. Delicious food and good wine. And chef who will chat with you with big pleasure! Grand Hotel Restaurant Cuisine: Сontinental 13, Svobody Avenue Tel.: (032) 272-40-95 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Business lunch: Mon.–Fri. /50-80 uah/ Menu: engl./ukr./rus., Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Wonderful cuisine and immaculate service right in the centre of town in one of Lviv’s best­loved dining out venues.

Halytcian-Jewish cafe Under Golden Rose 2, Staroyevreiska str. (near old Synagogue) Tel.: (032) 236-75-53 Hours: 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr., Wi-Fi. Cuisine: Halytcian/Jewish The ONLY restaurant in Ukraine with NO prices in menu – You should bargain over bill, to come to reasonable solutions.

Kryjivka 14, Rynok sqr. Tel.: (032) 254-61-18 Hours: 24 hours Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card.

Kult Cuisine: Continental, Ukrainian 7, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 242-22-42 Hours: 12:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. One of the hippest locations in town - biggest live music club, must-visit for music loving guests of Lviv. Marvel at the diverse range of traditional Ukrainian and exquisite European cuisine favourites as you enjoy live music performances! Taste Music Delights! Kupol 37, Chajkovskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261-44-54 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Visa Card. One of Lviv’s most stylish and sophisticated dining out options, Kupol has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur.

Lion’s castle Park 7, Hlinky str., Lviv Tel.: 8 032 297–15–63 Hours: 7:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. WiFi. Visa Card. www.lioncastlehotel. com Most Expensive Galician Restaurant Lviv centre, 14, Rynok square, (second floor) Tel.: 050 430-87-83 Hours: 11:00–02 :00 Cuisine: European Menu: ukr./engl. Wi–Fi, Visa Card. The most “Expensive Galician Restaurant” is located in the heart of Lviv on Rynok square in the same building as famous “Kryjivka” but on the second floor. Thrill starts directly when guest enters the premiseeveryone has chance to find out secrets of Masons brotherhood with all signs and symbols.

Museum-restaurant Gasova Lampa Cuisine: Ukrainian/ European 20, Virmenska str, Tel.: (032) 236-75-50 Hours:. 10:00–02:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Special attractions of the venue are great collection of kerosene lamps all over the world, best ‘alive” beer from huge wooden barrels, alchemist’s fiery secret liquveurs and multi-confessional terrace under Lviv roofs.

Masoch Cafe 7, Serbs’ka str. Tel.: (032) 272-18-72 Hours: 11:00—01:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Cuisine: international menu including a wide range of aphrodisiacs. Refined cuisine with slight touch of sin side by side with the first monument to the famous European writer, Lvivite Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

La Piazza Place, where whole city meets. 27, Svobody avn. TM “Opera Passage”, 4th floor. Cuisine: Italian. Tel.: (032) 295-88-14/15 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Maestro. The only original Italian restaurant with best selection of pizzas, pastas and salads in the city. Celentano 11, Saksaganskogo str. Hours: 11:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 240-34-76 Panorama Cuisine: Mediterranean 45, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 225-90-09 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./pol./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Sample unrivalled views of the picturesque downtown Lviv skyline as you dine in style at this high-level restaurant.

LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Prague Cuisine: Continental, Czech 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The whole interior of the restaurant is a synonym for exclusivity. The venue boasts an Art Nouveau interior complete with samples of postcards and posters painted by the Czech artisrt Alphonse Mucha. Pafos 5, Pylnykarska str. Tel.: ( 032) 297-08-23 Hours: 11:00—23:00 Enjoy fine examples of Cypriot cuisine in this European eatery. Three roads 18a, Lvivska str., Lviv-Brukhovychi Hours: 10:00–22:00

Shakespeare Cuisine: continental. 144, Lubinska str., Tel.: (032) 295-5-295 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Breakfast: from 08:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The spirit of merry old England is alive and well in Lviv, as this tasteful tribute to the great British bard demonstrates. Public Pub Cuisine: continental. 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 235-70-62 Hours: 12:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr

Svitlytsya Leva Inside Hotel Leopolis. Cuisine: continental. 16, Teatralna str. Tel.: 8 032 295-95-15 Hours: 07:00—23:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Noted for its extensive wine list and selection of regional delicacies.

Sim porosyat (Seven piglets) 9, Bandery str., Lviv Hours: 10:00 – last customer Tel.: (032) 297-55-58

Split Cuisine: Сontinental, Japanese 6/7, Mitskevicha sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-22-00 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: engl./ukr./rus. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. The restaurant of the extensive Club Split Lviv complex is a comfortable and cozy establishment situated in the central part of Lviv. It offers a great choice of dishes, live music, and luxurious interior. Stary Tiflis Cuisine: Oriental, European 28, Pekarska str., Lviv Тel.: (032)276-61-11 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Trapezna (Refectory) of “Museum of ideas” Cuisine: Traditional monastery food in Galicia. 18A, Valova str., Lviv Frate Mykhaylo: 097 421-76-84 Frate Yaroslav: 097 226-28-85 Hours: 11:00–23:00 Menu: engl./ukr No smoking Located in the basement cellar of former Bernarden monastery venue ofers authentic atmosphere of medieval monastery refectory flled with chamber and spiritual music. Club of gastronomic ideas.

Viennese Coffee House Cuisine: Сontinental 12, Svobody avn, Tel.: (032) 235-87-21 Hours: 09:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Quite simply a Lviv classic. This venue actually dates back

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

to 1829 and is the oldest still functioning in the city. You will feel equally at home enjoying delicious pastires and coffee or a hearty meal. Billiards also on offer. The Grill Cuisine: European, steak specialties 22, Teatralna str. Тel.: (032) 235-49-91 Hours: 11:00–23:00 www.thegrill.com.ua

SUSHI BARS Sakura 6, Kryva Lypa lane. Open 24 hours Tel.: (098) 526-11-07 Sushi Kappo-in 8, Levytskogo str. Hours: 10:30–22:30 Tel.: (032) 245-31-09 Yapona hata 4, Staroyevreyska str. Tel.: (032) 297-51-17 29, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 261-60-31 Open 24 hours

Cazanova restaurant-club is successful combination of delicious restaurant with outside terrace at day time and stylish strip club with spectacular erotic shows at night beginning at 23:00. 7, Stavropihiys’ka str., Lviv (032) 236-75-74 / (067) 287-68-05 Open 11:00–06:00. Live music 20.00–23.00, Show Bar, Wi-Fi Zone, Hookah lounge, Wide choice of cocktails, Extensive beer selection

Yapi Cuisine: Japanese 6/8, Svobody ave. Tel.: 8 032 272-29-72 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Japanese cuisine restaurant “Yapi” – is an island of modern Japanese culture in old Lviv. Esthetic delights, interesting dishes and energetic personel guaranteed. Visa Card.


Dublin 5, Kryva Lypa lane, Tel.: (032) 272-88-74 12:00–24:00 Thur., Fri., Sat – till 02:00 Business lunch: Mon.– Fri., Hours: 12:00–14:00 /35 UAH/ Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. A democratic but international quality


LVIV RESTAURANTS venue providing a wide selection of beers and whiskeys. Korzo Pub 10, Brativ Rogatyntsiv str. Tel.: (032) 275-70-92 Hours: 12:00–24:00 A friendly and welcoming old style pub atmosphere with all the hospitality you would expect to find in the west Ukrainian capital.

Kumpel’ Cuisine: Galician Mytna sqr. Tel.: (032) 242-17-80 Hours: 24 hours. Menu: ukr./engl./pol. Visa Card. Specialties of the restaurant: “Alive” beer of three brands, brewed in own brewery, placed directly in the restaurant. Mons Pius: Beer & Meat 14, L. Ukrainka str., (Armenian yard), Lviv Tel.: (032) 235-60-60 097 64-54-952 Hours: 11:00–23:00 GPS: 49.84366, 24.03117 Menu: engl./ukr Wi-Fi, Visa Card, Master Card Pub ”Mons Pius” ofers fresh ’alive” beer ”Mons Pius”, delicious charcoal grilled steakes, additionally to watching sports events on big TV in friendly atmosphere. 14, Zelena Str. Tel.: +380673702022 Hours: 24 hours Menu: Ukr./Eng. Wi-Fi Wide cocktails and meals selection, good music and parties every day of the week. Piano bar 13, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 272-76-65 Hours: 24 hours. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. Perfect coffee, desserts and relaxation are on the menu here in this musically inspired option.


Prague 8, Gnatuyka str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 11:00–24:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-Fi, Visa Card. More then 15 different brands of bottled and draught beer on offer. A popular Lviv sports bar. Robert Doms 18, Kleparivska str., Tel.: (032) 242-25-94, 242-25-93 www.robertdoms.lviv.ua Cavernous basement cellar pub which was formerly part of Lviv’s celebrated brewery is today presenting best selection of jazz, pop and classical music compositions in excellent performance of talented artists. Not to be missed! Stargorod Cuisine: Ukrainian, European 1, Rymlyanyna str., Tel.: (032) 229-55-05 Hours: 24 hours open Menu: engl./ukr.


Videnski Bulochky Bäckerei 3, Katedralna sqr., Lviv Tel.:(032) 235-88-22 Hours: 08:00—23:00 WiFi, Visa Card. No smoking. Business lunches: Mon.–fri., 12:00–16:00 The only bäckerei in the city of Lviv. You can order bread, baguets and other pastry backed fresh specially for you! Strudel-Haus 6/10, Shevska str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 294-82-06 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Galka 4, Kovzhuna str. Tel.: (032) 297-81-04 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Fresca 9, Krakivska str. Tel.: (032) 272-49-85 Hours: 10:00–23:00 K'Kawa 5, Valova str. Тel: (098) 389-73-34 Hours: 8:30–22:00

Porohova Vezha (Gunpowder Tower) 4, Pidvalna str. Тel.: (097) 9000-376 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Kabinet Cuisine: ukrainian. 12, Vynnychenka str. Tel.: (032) 261-48-84 Hours: 10:00–23:00 Leopolis Coffee Inn 9, Kryva Lypa lane Tel.: (050) 370-23-18 Hours: 08:00–23:00 Wi-Fi. Visa Card. Lviv chocolate workshop 3, Serbs’ka str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (050) 430 60 33 CK Lokal 19, Valova str. Hours: 8:00–23:00 Tel.: (032) 236-70-80 Prague 8, Gnatuyka str. Tel.: (032) 274-12-20 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Menu: engl./ukr. Wi-fi, Visa Card. Non smoking. A refined design, sweet-scented coffee and a comfortable atmosphere. Pid Synej Plashkoju 4, Rus’ka str. Tel.: (032) 294-91-52 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Pod Klepsidroj 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 297-56-12 Hours: 10:00–22:00 Page Coffee House 23, Shevchenko avn. Tel.: (032) 272-68-40 Hours: 09:00–20:00 Royal yard (Italian mansion) 6. Rynok sqr. Hours: 10:00–20:00 Tel.: (032) 297-53-66 Stari Mury 5, Serbs’ka str. Tel.(032) 236-71-77 Hours: 09:00–22:00 Tsukernya (Confectionary) 3, Staroyevreyska, str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 235-69-49 Veronika 21, Shevchenka avn. Tel.: (032) 297-81-28 Hours: 10:00–23:00

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LVIV RESTAURANTS Svit Kavy 6, Katedralna sqr. Tel.: (032) 297-56-75 Monday–Friday: 08:00–22:00 Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–23:00 Menu: ukr./engl./germ. Zoloty dukat 20, Fedorova str. Hours: 10:00–22:00 Tel.: (032) 298-62-33

PIZZERIAS/ FAST FOOD McDonalds 7, Shevchenko avn., Tel.: (032) 297-14-66, (032) 297-14-56 24a, V. Velykogo str., Tel.: (032) 297-68-74, (032) 297-68-75 12, Chornovola str., Tel.: (032) 297-04-84, (032) 297-04-14 35, Svobody avn., Tel.: (032) 272-66-31, (032) 272-66-31 Pizza Celentano Popular pizza chain which prides itself on its fresh products and efficient service. Pizza, pasta, crepes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and real coffee are some of the delights on offer. 9, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-32-39 7, Kn. Romana str. Tel.: (032) 272-59-42 24, Svoboda avn. Tel.: (032) 255-06-84 16, Slovatskogo str. Tel.: (032) 274-46-57 Potato House 27, Doroshenka str. Tel.: (032) 255-08-84 Hang-out restaurant where under the supervision of the white-stone statue of Grammy Conchita you can enjoy dishes of tex-mex cuisine.

NIGHTCLUBS Chocolate party bar 2, Petrushevycha sqr. Tel.: (032) 225-54-45, (067) 670-08-67 www.partybar.com.ua Open: 18:00–6:00 House, R’n’B, POP, Lounge. Face control in operation. Ideal place for relaxation, exquisite dinner, romantic date, business meeting, party mingle, corpo-

rate celebrations and children entertainment holidays. Fenomen 186, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 270-55-58 Picasso 88, Zelena str. Tel.: (032) 275-32-72 Hours: from 22:00 Closed: Tuesday. www.picasso.lviv.ua Legendary nightspot with a pedigree stretching back to the 1990s. A favourite with the student crowd and Lviv’s party people. Rafinad People 1, Rudanskogo str. Tel.: (032) 261 61 68 Millennium 2, Chornovola avn. Tel.: (032) 240-35-91 www.favorite-club.com Hours: from 21:00 Cloused: Monday. Club Mister Twister 168, Lubinska str. Tel.: (032) 295-66-70, Thurs.–Sun.: 20.00–04.00.

International Youth Entertainment Club Metro 14, Zelena, str. Discover the night Lviv together with Metro. Safe leisure. Music to your taste (hits of the world hit parades, R’n’B, hip hop, electronic music). Professionally mixed cocktails and traditional Ukrainian beverages. Topless show, bartender flyer show, travesty show. Hours: 21:00–6:00 Tel.: 0 800 30-40-800 067 670-42-43 www.metroclub.com.ua MI100 Entertainment center 7, Naukova str. Tel.: (032) 22-44-753 www.mi100.lviv.ua 1.Strip club «Plush Rhinoceros» Two stages, more than 30 dancers, full strip on stage, man strip.

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Monday–Sunday, from 21:00 2. Bowling 8 lanes, booking on Tel.: 22-44-754 Monday–Sunday, from 10:00 3. Gastronomic Pub European/іtalian cuisine, live music and sport events, Wi-Fi. Monday–Sunday, from 12:00 4. Karaoke Bar Concert sound system, 80 000 phonograms collection, back-vocalists.Monday–Sunday, from 21:00 Leroy 80, Turgeneva str. Tel.: (032) 239-31-60 Hours: 20:00–04:00 A friendly and intimate club popular with stylish and beautiful twenty somethings. Karaoke Club 888 Cuisine: European, Ukrainian 1, Danyla Halytskogo sqr. Тel.: (032) 235-88-77 Zanzibar 36, Lypyns’kogo str. Tel.: (067) 255-66-57 www.zanzibar.com.ua Monday–Thursday. Sunday from 22:00. Friday, Saturday from 23:00. House, Electro, Minimal, R n’ B, Trance. Gallery 16–18 Svobody ave. Tel.: (032) 272-39-39 Art restaurant Old Lighthouse 29, Puluja str. Tel.: (032) 263-41-11 www.tortuga.lviv.ua Hours: 24 hours. Pub: 11:00–21:00 Disco: 22:00–05:00 Pop music.

PLAY Bar 6, Kryva Lypa Lane Tel.: (032) 272-25-01 (096) 367-60-26 Sun–Thur:11:00–01:00 Fri–Sat:11:00–03:00 Lounge Bar, Restaurant, Cocktail & Party Club



ETNOVIR–2012 During August 22–26, Lviv celebrated the 5th International ethno-festival ‘Etnovir’. ‘Etnovir’ filled the streets with a rich and colorful pageant of traditional song and dance. Participants from Ukraine, Turkey, Belarus, Spain, Poland, Azerbaijan paraded through the city, then performed on purpose-built stage on Rynok Square at city centre as well as at TM “King Cross Leopolis”. Within ethnofest was represented rich traditional culture through music, dance, games, rituals, customs, local cuisine, giving Lvivites and guest of the city a great opportunity to make friends from around the world.

ЕТНОВИР–2012 П’ятий Міжнародний фестиваль «Етновир» весело прошумів у Львові 22-26 серпня, наповнивши вулиці й майдани міста піснями й танцями народів світу. Учасники з України, Туреччини, Білорусії, Іспанії, Польщі, Азербайджану пройшли парадом по місту, щоб потім виступити на спеціально побудованій сцені на площі Ринок у центрі міста, а також у ТМ «King Cross Leopolis». У рамках етно-фестивалю було представлене багатство традиційних культур у музиці, танцях, іграх, обрядах, звичаях, стравах національної кухні, даючи львів’янам і гостям міста чудову можливість завести собі нових друзів з різних країн світу.


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LVIV SOCIETY London 2012 Olympics gold medal winner – boxer Oleksandr Usik

Dmytro Sosnovsky, main coach of Ukraine’s national boxing team and Usyk’s personal coach.

OLYMPICS PARTICIPANTS BESTOWED On August 22, at Lviv’s stadium “Arena.Lviv” took place festive ceremony of bestowing of Olympic sportsmen and participants of London 2012 Olympics. Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Mykhaylo Kostyuk awarded gold medal winners – boxer Oleksandr Usik and fencer Yana Shemyakina with 125 thousands UAH certificates, same award was given to the coaches of the sportsmen. Other participants of the Olympics were awarded with valuable prizes for good memory of the event. Ceremony was dedicated to the 21st anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence was accompanied with concert of local orchestras and pop-stars attracted and over 20 thousand visitors.

Mother of gold medal winner Yana Shemyakina and Kateryna Palekha (archery)

Festive awarding of Lviv sportsmen – participants of London 2012 Olympics

ВІДЗНАЧЕННЯ УЧАСНИКІВ ОЛІМПІАДИ 22 серпня на стадіоні «Арена-Львів» відбулась урочиста церемонія вшанування спортсменів-учасників і переможців лондонської Олімпіади–2012. Голова Львівської обласної державної адміністрації Михайло Костюк вручив золотим медалістам, боксеру Олександру Усику та фехтувальниці Яні Шемякіній сертифікати на 125 тисяч грн. Такі ж нагороди були вручені й тренерам спортсменів. Інші учасники олімпіади були нагороджені цінними призами на добру пам’ять про подію. Церемонія, на якій були присутні понад 20 тисяч глядачів, була приурочена до 21-ї річниці Незалежності України і супроводжувалося концертом духових оркестрів і зірок естради.


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Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi (R) received acknowledgements from UEFA for successful carriage of EURO 2012 in the city

Ukraine’s national football team coach Oleg Blokhin

LVIV – HOME FOR GREAT FOOTBALL On August 15, Arena Lviv Stadium hosted a friendly match between the national football teams of Ukraine and the Czech Republic. The game ended with result of 0-0, proving that Ukrainian footballers can show a good game even after the departures of both Andriy Shevchenko and Andriy Voronin, who ended their careers just recently in the national team. On September 11, the Ukraine team will begin selection for the world championship in 2014, which will take place in Brazil, with a match against the England team in London, UK. Previously at the European Football Championship, co-hosted by Ukraine and Poland, the Ukraine team took third place in their group, having qualified to enter the tournament quarterfinals. At the group stage, Ukraine won the match against the Sweden team but finally succumbed to the France and England teams.

ЛЬВІВ ЗУСТРІЧАЄ ВЕЛИКИЙ ФУТБОЛ На стадіоні «Арена Львів» 15 серпня відбувся товариський матч між національними футбольними збірними України і Чеської Республіки. Гра закінчилася з результатом 0:0, довівши, що українські футболісти можуть показати хорошу гру навіть без Андрія Шевченка і Андрія Вороніна, які недавно закінчили свою кар’єру в національній збірній. Збірна України 11 вересня почне відбіркові ігри на чемпіонат світу 2014 року, який пройде в Бразилії, в матчі проти збірної Англії в Лондоні. Раніше на чемпіонаті Європи з футболу, організованому спільно Україною та Польщею, збірна України посіла третє місце у своїй групі, вийшовши у чвертьфінал турніру. На груповому етапі, Україна виграла матч проти збірної Швеції, але в подальших матчах поступилась збірним Франції та Англії.

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LVIV SOCIETY Restoration process in full progress

RESTORING THE ARMENIAN CATHEDRAL A unique masterpiece – the wooden altar “Golgotha” will be returned back to its place located in the courtyard of the Armenian Cathedral by the end of this year. Currently a team of Ukrainian and Polish restorers is working at the Cathedral, conducting a series of renovations which have been financed by both the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (and has provided over 600 000 UAH) and Lviv City Hall. After the restoration, the altar will look even better, as the missing figure of the Mother of God has since been found at the Lviv National Museum depot and has finally been returned to its rightful place. Also, at present moment, restoration of the Cathedral’s frescoes, as well as preservation of the wooden Calvary, which was previously located over the entrance is underway. In the near future, the original Calvary will be placed inside the Cathedral, and the entrance will be decorated with a copy.


Armenian church priest Father Tadeos

Унікальний дерев’яний вівтар «Голгофа» має бути повернений на своє місце у дворі Вірменського собору ще до кінця цього року. В даний час група українських і польських реставраторів працює в храмі, виконуючи ряд реставраційних робіт, профінансованих польським Міністерством культури і національної спадщини (понад 600 000 грн.) і Львівською міською радою. Після реставрації вівтар виглядатиме ще краще, оскільки відсутня фігура Божої Матері за цей час була знайдена у запасниках Львівського Національного музею і, нарешті, була повернуто на своє законне місце. Крім того, проводиться реставрація фресок собору, а також дерев’яного розп’яття, яке раніше знаходилось над входом. У найближчому майбутньому, оригінальне розп’яття буде розміщене всередині собору, а над входом буде встановлена копія.


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ETHNIC FEST UNITED BOYKOS During August 1-5th 2012, in the village of Turka in the Lviv region, a colourful global festival “Boykivski Festyny” was held, which gathered representatives of the Western Ukrainian ethnic group of Boyki from 36 different countries from across the world. The Boykivski Festyny is a state funded festival, which takes place every five years and features the life and culture of the Carpathian highlanders – the Boyki. This year’s festival took place for the fifth time and received its international status. On the occasion of the festival, a Street of Folk Artists, featuring pieces of fine and rural art worls of Boyki was opened in the regional centre. Also a special ceremony to commemorate a postal stamp, issued by the Ukrposhta specifically for the ethnic festival took place. The 2012 Boykivski Festyny program showcased a ceremony dedicated to bestow honour to outstanding personalities of Boykivshchyna, including Mykhailo Zubrytskyi, ethnographer Myron Utrysko, artists, athletes, scientists, and writers, as well as a number of scientific and literary meetings. On August 5, the last day of the festival, the arts fest “Echo of the Boykos land” was held at the Singing Field close to the village of Yavora in the Turkivskyi district.

Charming beauties

Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Mykhaylo Kostyuk (R) presenting post stamp dedicated to the event

ЕТНІЧНИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ОБ’ЄДНУЄ БОЙКІВ У серпні, з першого по п’яте число, в с. Турка Львівської області відбувся барвистий фестиваль «Бойківські фестини», в якому взяли участь представники цієї Західно-української етнічної групи з 36 країн світу. Фінансований державою фестиваль»Бойківські фестини» проходить раз на п’ять років і представляє життя й культуру карпатських горян - бойків. У цьому році фестиваль проходив уже вп’яте і отримав статус міжнародного. З нагоди свята в обласному центрі була відкрита вулиця майстрів народної творчості, де показували свої твори майстри образотворчого мистецтва Бойківщини. На спеціальній церемонії була представлена пам’ятна поштова марка, випущена Укрпоштою спеціально до етнічного фестивалю. У програмі Бойківських фестин 2012 відбулась церемонія, присвячена видатним особистостям Бойківщини, таким як етнограф та історик Михайло Зубрицький, громадський діяч Мирон Утриско, художники, спортсмени, вчені, письменники, а також низка наукових і літературних зустрічей. В останній день фестивалю, 5 серпня, фестиваль мистецтв «Відлуння бойківської землі» пройшов на Співочому полі недалеко від села Явора в Турківському районі LVIV TODAY | September 2012





To celebrate the 100th anniversary of PLAST in Ukraine, scouts from Canada, the United States, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Argentina, Australia, and the United Kingdom came to Lviv. Currently PLAST has more than 10,000 members, of whom 6,000 are in Ukraine. On Sunday August 19, 2012, the scouts attended a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Britain. At the Liturgy members of PLAST were thanked for their active summer camps and received a blessing for their future endeavors in the upcoming year. After the service, participants marched through the central streets of Lviv to the monument to Taras Shevchenko, where the grand opening of the jubilee meeting was held. City mayor Andriy Sadoviy congratulated PLAST scouts and acknowledged that the PLAST National Scout Organization is a bright example for Ukraine. Approximately 700 scouts formed the “Longest Chain of PLAST Scarves” – a new national record for Ukraine. The festivities run till August 24 and culminated in the huge scout township organized by the scouts for Lviv citizens.

У рамках святкування 100-річчя Пласту в Україні, скаути з Канади, Сполучених Штатів, Бельгії, Німеччини, Польщі, Аргентини, Австралії та Великобританії приїхали до Львова. Сьогодні Пласт має понад 10 000 членів, з яких 6 000 діють в Україні. У неділю, 19 серпня 2012 р., пластуни взяли участь в Архієрейській Божественній літургії єпископа Гліба Лончина, Апостольського Екзарха українських католиків у Великобританії. На літургії членам пласту була висловлена подяка за їхні активні літні табори і отримане благословення для їх майбутньої діяльності на наступний рік. Після богослужіння учасники пройшли маршем центральними вулицями Львова до пам’ятника Тарасу Шевченку, де відбулося урочисте відкриття ювілейного мітингу. Мер міста Андрій Садовий привітав пластунів і відмітив, що Національна організація Пласту є яскравим прикладом для України. Близько 700 пластунів утворили «Найдовший ланцюжок пластунських шарфів» – новий національний рекорд України. Святкування тривали до 24 серпня і завершились великим пластовим збором, організованим для громадян Львова.


LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV SOCIETY Historic match reconstruction players

LVIV RUGBY CELEBRATES 90TH ANNIVERSARY Dramatic moments of match Poland vs UKraine

On August 11th 2012, Lviv Stadium “Sokil” hosted a very special event – a celebration dedicated to the first rugby match, which was played in the city 90 years ago. The program of the event featured a historical reconstruction of the first official rugby match, which took place on August 9, 1922. According to archive entries, the first game was played between French and Polish sportsmen and finished with result of 6:5. During the reconstruction players followed classical rugby game rules and finished with a result of 10:10. A highlight of the event was the friendly match between the junior teams of both Ukraine and Poland, which ended with the unhappy result of 11:41 for Ukrainian sportsmen. Also two more matches were played between veteran teams of Poland and select teams from Ukrainian rugby clubs from Lviv, Kyiv and Odessa.

ЛЬВІВСЬКЕ РЕГБІ СВЯТКУЄ 90-РІЧЧЯ 11 серпня 2012 р. у Львові на стадіоні «Сокіл» відбулась особлива подія - свято, присвячене першому матчі з регбі, який був зіграний в місті 90 років тому. У програмі заходу була показана історична реконструкція першого офіційного матчу з регбі, який відбувся 9 серпня 1922 року. За архівними записами, перша гра була зіграна між французькими та польськими спортсменами і закінчилась з рахунком 6:5. В ході реконструкції гравці дотримувались класичних правил гри. Рахунок - 10:10. Родзинкою заходу став товариський матч між юнацькими збірними України та Польщі, який закінчився з результатом 11:41. Крім того, ще два матчі були зіграні між збірною ветеранів Польщі та збірною українських клубів регбі зі Львова, Києва та Одеси.

LVIV TODAY | September 2012



OK’S CLUB FEST On July 29th 2012, Lviv’s night club Picasso hosted the summer’s most spectacular conceptual event: OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red. The interior of the club was decorated with huge red sofas, arranged around the dance-floor with elegant red drapes, some of which were placed on the DJ’s platform – all together creating an atmosphere of a luxurious amphitheater. The dress code for the event required exquisite red evening wear for all the charming ladies. This project was a happy fusion between business and a showcase of today’s fashion. During the party filming of OK’S CLUB FEST project’s official video took place, entitled OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red” and it is now available on YouTube. OK’S CLUB FEST – is without a doubt, a symbol of pop-culture success. Currently the model agency of OK’S models, is truly the brightest representative of Western Ukraine’s youth culture and one of the most progressive agencies of the country. Project OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red became possible thanks to the event’s general partner Jewelry company ADAMAS as well as many sponsors: companies ORVIT DECO, SALON IDEI – built-in kitchen furniture, magazines STYLEBOOM and LVIV TODAY, as well as kitchen design and household appliances network CONCEPT YOU.

Happy OK’S models “family”

OK’S CLUB FEST Найграндіозніша концептуальна вечірка літа – OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red – відбулась 29 липня в стінах нічного клубу Picasso. Простір залу був стильно оформлений великими червоними диванами, розташованними по периметру танцпола та елегантними червоними шторами, посередині яких знаходилась платформа для DJ – все це створювало атмосферу розкішного амфітеатру. Прекрасна половина вечірки була вдягненна у розкішні червоні сукні. Цей проект – симбіоз бізнесу та успішної модної частини соціуму нашого сьогодення. Під час вечірки був відзнятий офіційний відеролик проекту OK’S CLUB FEST, якій можливо переглянути на найбільшому сервері збереження файлів YouTube під одноіменною назвою OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red. OK’S CLUB FEST – це ознака успіху у поп-культурі. Модельна агенція OK’S models без сумніву, на сьогоднішній день є найяскравішим представником молодіжної культури Західної України, та одна з найпрогресивніших агенції країни. Проект OK’S CLUB FEST Lady in Red відбувся за підтримки головного партнера – ювелірної компанії АДАМАС та спонсорів проекту компаній ORVIT DECO, САЛОНУ ІДЕЙ вбудованої кухонної техніки, видань StyleBoom та Lviv Today, а також мережі салонів кухонь та побутової техніки КОНЦЕПТ ТИ.


Charming OK’S models Anastasiya (L) and Nadiya

LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Andriy Havryliv of “Adamas” jewelry company

Sergiy Bobak, Lyudmyla Shtefanitsa and Bohdan Kosak (from left to right)

Friends of OK’S models agency

Erhan Yuksel and Ulyana Matviiv

Charming OK’S models Alla (L) and Maryana

Aleksandr Gusev

“Ladies in Red”

LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Complete English language listings to help visitors and residents alike get more out of life in the capital of West Ukraine.

USEFUL NUMBERS Emergency numbers Fire department — 101 Police – 102 Emergency medical assistance – 103 Gas control department – 104 Explosive–technical services – (+38 032) 262-21-73 Rescue-diving services – (+38 032) 275-82-13 Municipal services: Information service of Lviv City council – 1580 Lviv water supply network – 1551 Lviv electricity supply network – 1568 Lviv city light network – (+38 032) 270-64-65 Lviv heating and energy public network – 1585 Lviv Municipal Emergency repair company – (+38 032) 275-54-16 Lviv regional control and rescue service – (+38 032) 272-79-56

OFFICIALS City Council 1, Rynok sqr., Tel.: +38 (032) 254-60-06 www.city-adm.lviv.ua Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, V.Vynnychenka str., office 118–119 Tel.: +38 (032) 235-64-78 www.mfa.gov.ua

ACCOUNTING/TAX J&L Consulting LLC 11, Sholom-Aleykhem str., Lviv 79007, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 297–05–96/97 www.j-l.com.ua

Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua

AIRLINES Carpatair Ukraine 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-62-66, Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-61-11 lviv@carpatair.com www.carpatair.com Lviv International Airport Tel.: (+38 032) 269-23-16 www.avia.lviv.ua AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 229-80-24 lviv@aerosvit.com www.aerosvit.ua

Austrian Airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: 0800-3000-49 Hours of opening: Mon.–Fri., Sun. 10:00–18:00 www.austrian.com.ua LOT Polish Airlines 5, Sychovych Striltsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-50-57 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-55 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–17:00 lotlwo@lot.com www.lot.com Lvivski airlines 2nd floor, Lviv Airport Terminal Building Tel.: (+38 032) 242-03-42 pilot@avia.lviv.ua www.avia.lviv.ua

Розташований в мальовничому куточку українських Карпат, поблизу гірськолижного курорту Славське, готель-замок «Вежа Ведмежа» – чудове поєднання відмінного сервісу та середньовічної атмосфери. 26 номерів, ресторан, бар, гриль-бар, мотузковий парк, російська парна, більярд, відкритий басейн info@vv-hotel.com, www.vv-hotel.com, skype: vv-hotel. GPS: N48.80203.E23.44576


AIR TICKETS BOOKING Turkish airlines 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv International airport section 1–2, 2nd floor. Tel.:(+38 032) 297-61-08 4, Mitskevich Square Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-49 Mon.–Fri. 09:00–18:00 www.thy.com UTair aviation Daily flights to Moscow and cities of Russian Federation Flight tickets for all world destinations. 168, Lyubinska str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 229-82-99 (+ 38 032) 295-90-67 050 355 19 60 Ukraine International Airlines 2nd floor, Airport Terminal Tel.: (+38 032) 298-69-77 www.flyuia.com

APPARTMENTS FOR RENT Podobovo Tel.: (+38 032) 275-68-89 +38 097 924-10-00 Rent apartments Tel.: (+38 032) 23-86-193 +38 095 67-95-659 Lviv Rent Tel.: +38 067 769-44-18 +38 067 496-20-68 OrendaLviv Tel.: +38 067 67-29-130 Lviv Euro Rent Tel.: (+38 032) 243 47 85 Tel.: (+38 032) 243 48 75

VTB Bank 15, Valova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-53-98 www.vtb.com

Universal flights Sales Agency Booking and sales of flight tickets for all world destinations 3, Nalyvayka str., Lviv. Tel.: (032) 225-66-25 261-61-90 ufsa_lwo@svitonline.com Mon.–Fri. 9:00–19:00 (lunch break 13:00–14:00) Saturday 9:00–15:00


Privat Bank 11a-21, Hutsulska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-74-15 www.privatbank.ua OJSC Volksbank 11, Grabovskogo str, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-05-83 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-13-82 OTP Bank 20, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 300-05-00 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 240-38-48 www.otpbank.com.ua

Raiffeisen Bank Aval 8, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-29-39 www.avalbank.com

UkrEximBank 4, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-53 www.eximb.com Ukrsotsbank 10, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-05-01 www.usb.com.ua


Erste Bank 5, Svobodu Avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-12-46 www.erstebank.ua

Procredit Bank 5, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-44-60 www.procreditbank.com.ua

Ukrsib Bank 30, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: +38 800 500-58-00 www.ukrsibbank.com

TOV «KLINGSPOR» 63, Chornovola Ave, 208 Lviv, 79058, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 242-46-32 Fax: (+38 032) 242-46-33 «KLINGSPOR» manufactures industrial quality abrasive goods for woodworking, metalworking, automotive, glass, boats and many other industries

BUSINESS CENTERS Business Center Emerald 3, Petrushevicha sqr., Lviv, Tel. +38 067 672 6720 Business centre Lemberg 176, Khmelnitskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 255-10-10 Business Center Optima-Plaza 7B, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-71-30 www.optima-plaza.com.ua

Located in picturesque part of Ukrainian Carpathians, not far from Slavske ski resort, hotel-castel “Vezha Vedmezha”**** is a perfect combination of medieval atmosphere with high level services. 26 rooms, restaurant, bar, grill-bar, rope park, sauna, billiard, open air pool. Lviv region, Skole district, village Volosyanka, boundary Tsotsora. Reception: +38 067 474 4 474, Reservation: +38 097 410 5 310

LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Our business is making your business easier

• • • • • • • • • • • •

German Quality

Mergers and acquisitions Extensive data on production facilities Company set up Tax advising & financial optimization Audit (CIPA) Recruiting & HR Full legal support and representation in court Brokerage services (import and export) Expert business valuation Turn-key solutions Legal and technical Due Diligence Project management

Made in Ukraine

Successful leadership in Abrasives

PROconsult – your reliable partner in Ukraine with a network of established contacts! Ukraine, 79011 76/6, Ivana Franka Str. Lviv Tel.: +38032 243-47-16

CAR RENTAL Lux Car Limousine lease in Lviv Wedding cortege in Lviv Car rental with/without driver. Lviv’s best retro cars rental. Bus rental, Car transfers 26, Vynnychenka str., 6, Ac. Pidstrygacha str., Tel.: + 38 (032) 243-95-93 + 38 067 908-24-36, Lincoln Town car VIP services 313, Shevchenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+ 38 032) 299-44-88

CAR SERVICES Alex (Volkswagen group) 357, Gorodotska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-25-07 Diamant (Toyota) 44, Bogdanivska st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Khrystyna (BMW) 1, Pjasetskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-19-00 Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes, Jeep, Dodge, Crysler) 8, Washingtona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 251-42-39 Tristar Auto Elit (Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover)

KLINGSPOR LLC V.Chornovola av. 63, Office 208 UA-79058 Lviv Tel: +38 032 242 46 32 Fax: +38 032 242 46 33 info@klingspor.ua www.klingspor.ua

Fax: +38032 276-18-88, www.proconsult.com.ua office@proconsult.lviv.net

2, Plastova st., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 299-88-70

CONSULTANCY Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv 79011, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua Synergy Consulting 7, Udatnoho str., off.7, Lviv 79019, Ukraine Tel.: (+38 032) 243-75-03 office@synergy-consulting. com.ua synergy-consulting.com.ua

COURIER SERVICES DHL 9, Chernivetska., Tel.: (+38 032) 242-64-00 ACD-Express 2, Vodoginna str, office 206, Tel.: (+38 032) 241-84-80 Autolux 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-65-15 EMS 1, Slovatskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-66-79

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

FedEx 5A, Naukova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298 -16 -05 UPS 205, Horodotska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 238 -43 -55

LAUNDROMAT Бульбашки/BUBBLES 117, V. Velukogo Str., Lviv Tel.: (032) 24-749-24 Hours: Monday–Saturday 9:00–20:00 Free Wifi, Free Herbal Tea, Free detergents and fabric softeners Come visit Ukraine’s only full-service Laundromat. Brand new American equipment. Do your laundry yourself or let our happy workers take care of all your needs. Call for delivery times and prices. Enjoy our clean and comfortable store just minutes outside of downtown Lviv. Bubbles – Clean Clothes, Clean Life!

DRY CLEANERS EUROCHISTKA 17, Kulisha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-03-34 61, I. Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-27-79

Production Plant: Lviv Region, Sokal District Lvivska Str. 2b UA-80074 Velyki Mosty

DENTAL CARE INSPE 42, Mikhnovski brothers str. Tel.: (+38 032) 239-50-20 Medodent 3/2, Bohomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.:(+38 032) 276-40-79 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 275-11-15 ABM-Vitadent 3/1, Slovackogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-71-61 Usmishka 7, Vagonna str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 240-17-51

EDUCATION Albert Einstein International school Albert Einstein International School is a non-profit, High Performing Specialist day & boarding school for primary and secondary education, strongly focused on Mathematics, Sciences, Languages and Music. Accelerated and special needs programs are available. TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GMAT test preparation. Tel.: 063 588-35-73, +31 (0) 6 479-72-998 Hours: 8.00-21.00 info@lvivinternationalschool. org

EMBASSIES/ INTERNATIONAL BODIES Austrian Centre 1, Universytetska str., Office 240 Tel.: (+38 032) 261-59-76 Consulate of Lithuanian Republic 13/1, Kotsjubynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-96-50 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany 6, Vynnychenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-33-24, 275-71-02, 276-28-40 Consulate of Canada in Lviv 2/4, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-17-72 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-81-54 Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 42, Sakharova str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-19-06, 297-14-49 Consulate of the Czech Republic 130, Antonovycha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-68-93, 297-68-96



Consulate of the Russian Federation 95, Levytskogo str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-25-25 Tel.: (+38 032) 244-26-24, 275-05-77 French/Alliance 18a, Ohiyenka str. Tél.: (+38 032) 297-08-31 +38 067 340-40-01 Consulate of Brazil 2, Cholovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-11-51 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 297-11-77 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus 2, Gorskoj str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 237-27-30 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 299-24-60 Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 57, Chornovola avn., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 240-33-70 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 294-82-23 Consulate Representative office of the Italian Republic 2, Dudaeva str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 261-45-59 Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6, Rapoporta str., Lviv, Tel.: (+38 032) 296-57-67 Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium 14, Ivan Franko street Tel.: (+38 032) 260-20-80 Fax.: + 38 032 260-01-49 Honorary Consulate of Austrian Republic 26, Shevchenko avn., Lviv Post office box 6688 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 261-20-14 oe_konsulat@ukrpost.ua Honorary Consulate of Republic of Hungary 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 264-58-22 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 264-15-23


Honorary consulate of Mexico 15, Bogomoltsa str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 275-95-95 Consulate of the Republic of Poland 110, I.Franka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 VIsa Department 5, Smilyvyh str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-08-61 Commercial Department 11a/3, Kotsjubynskogo str., Tel.: (+38 032) 297-13-53


Aquapark “PLYAZH” 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Hours: 07:00–22:00 Sunday: 07.00–18.00 FITNESS CENTRE · Weight-lifting trainers · Сardio-area · Full dumb-bell row – from 0.5 kg to 40 kg · Aerobics hall -75 m²: classes of yoga, step aerobics, shaping, pilates, stretching. · Dancing hall –120 m²: funk, hip-hop, strip-plastic, Latin American program. Tel.: (+38 032) 263-60-55 www.aqualviv.com.ua Beauty formula 202, Stryiska str., Lviv Tel.: +38 032 295-85-55 Open 08:00–22:00, Sat 08:00–15:00, Sun Closed. www.formula-krasy.com.ua Dolphin 12a, Trylovskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 244-36-31 Eurosport 1, Petrushevycha sqr., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-33-28 Grand Sofia 10, Shevchenka avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-40-94

Ellada 18, Mel’nyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-16-62 Capoeira school 5, Les Kurbas str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (068) 842-47-77 lvivcapoeira@gmail.com www.lvivcapoeira.com Fighting sports club “Boyove aikido” 30, Rudnytskogo str., Lviv Tel: 067 497-37-21 Open: Mon.19:00–20:30 Wed. 18:30–20:00, Fri. 18.00–20.00 www.boyove-aikido.com.ua Fighting sports club ”Boyovy hopak” 8/10, Stefanyka str., Lviv Tel.: +38 (032) 298-40-48 letters@hopak.org.ua www.hopak.org.ua Kiwi Fitness club 18, Stepana Bandery str., Tel.: +38 (032) 261 3573 info@kiwifitness.com.ua Open Weekdays 08:00–21:00; Sat 11.30–14:00; Taekwondo 123, Warshawska str., Lviv (premises of school №23) Tel.: 067 707-19-19 www.taekwondolviv.in.ua Taoist Tai Chi society of health for body and mind 16/3, Bratyv Rohatynstiv str., Tel.: +38 (032) 233-30-48 taoist@ukr.net www.taoist.org.ua


Arzinger West Ukrainian Branch 6, Generala Chuprynky str., Office 1 79013 Lviv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96 Fax: +38 (032) 242 96 95 www. arzinger.ua

Soldatenko, Lukashyk & partners SL&P has been ranked in “Top 50 Ukrainian Law Firms” SL&P provides complete range of legal & notary services Tel.: (+38 032) 235-76-42 Fax: (+38 032) 236-72-87 info@slp.com.ua www.slp.com.ua Legal company Mercury 16 / 1, Storozhenko str, Lviv, Tel.: +38 (032) 290-10-11 post@merkuriy.com.ua Proconsult 76/6, I. Franko str.,Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 298-47-16 Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 276-18-88 office@proconsult.lviv.net www.proconsult.com.ua Legal company Barocco 115-b/3 Antonovycha str., Lviv, Tel./fax: +38 (032) 295-33-52 Mobile. +38 (067) 370 7737 office@barocco.lviv.ua Legal company Evikcia 36, Lypynskogo str., Lviv Tel. Fax: +38(032) 242-13-84 office@evikcia.com

MEDICAL CARE Monada Diagnostic centre; 32, Patona str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 269-39-52 Svit zdorovya 32, Doroshenko str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-06-77


D.S. 19, Halytska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274-20-06

POST Central Post Office 1,Slovatskogo str., www.ukrposhta.com Open 09.00–17.00

HOTELS Grand Hotel 13, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-40-42 grand@ghgroup.com.ua www.ghgroup.com.ua Hotel Vol’ter 60a, Lipynskogo str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 294-88-88 hotelvolter@mail.lviv.ua Eurohotel 6av, Tershakovtsiv str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 242-40-02 info@eurohotel.lviv.ua www.eurohotel.lviv.ua Dnister Hotel 6, Matejka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-43-05 bron@dnister.lviv.ua www.dnister.lviv.ua Hotel George 1, Mickiewicza sqr., Lviv Tel./Fax:(+38 032) 242-42-55 info@georgehotel.com.ua www.georgehotel.com.ua Hotel Leopolis 16, Teatralna str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 295-95-99 hotel@leopolishotel.com www.leopolishotel.com

Apteka #12 35, I.Ohyenka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 274 -85 -35

Opera Hotel 45, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-90-00 reception@hotel-opera. lviv.ua www.hotel-opera.lviv.ua

Apteka #2 3, Tyktora str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272-50-48

Vienna Hotel 12, Svobody avn., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 244-43-16

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

LVIV LISTINGS wienhotel@mail.lviv.ua www.wienhotel.lviv.ua Suputnyk 116, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Tel./Fax: (+38 032) 230-40-66 suputnyk@mail.lviv.ua www.suputnyk.com Vintage Boutique Hotel 25/27, Staroyevreyska str., Tel.: +38 032 235 68 34 Fax. +38 032 235 70 24 info@vintagehotel.com.ua www.vintagehotel.com.ua Nobilis Hotel 5, Fredra str,. Lviv Tel.: (38) 032 295 2595 Fax: (38) 032 295 7997 info@nobilis-hotel.com.ua Reikartz Dworzec 107, Gorodotskaya str, Lviv Tel.: 38 (032)242 51 26 http://en.reikartz.com Reikartz Medievale 9, Drukarskaya str., Lviv Tel.: 38 032 242 51 33! medievale.lviv@reikartz.com http://en.reikartz.com

HOSTELS LeoCity Hostel 15, Konopnytskoi str., Apart.7, Level 3, Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 276-07-13 (+38 063) 684-86-16 hostel.leocity@gmail.com

RESORTS Knyazhi Ozera Lviv region, Mostyska area, Knyazhy Mist village Tel.: (+ 38 03234) 346-84 Karpatsky Zatyshok Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske town, 77, I.Franko str., Tel.: (+ 38 067) 314-11-10 zatyshok@ecolan.lviv.ua

Perlyna Karpat Lviv region, Skole area, Slavske, 43b, I. Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 032) 514-21-03 www.perlyna.com Mirage Lviv region, Mostyska area, village Sudova Vishnja, Zagorodt str., 205b Tel.: (+ 38 03234) 370-23, Smerekova Khata Slavske town, 57b I.Franko str. Tel.: (+ 38 03251) 42-650


Hotel "Yukhnovych" Rodyny Barvinskyh str., 3a Tel.: (+38 035) 243-39-56 www.uko.org.ua Hotel "Ternopil" Zamkova str., 14 Tel.: (+38 035) 252-42-63 www.hotelternopil.com


Hotel "Zaleski" Kryvyj Val str., 39 Tel.: (+38 033) 277-27-01 www.zaleski-hotel.com Hotel "Sribni leleky" Chornovola str., 17 Tel.: (+38 033) 275-79-99


Hotel “Magnet” Shashkevych str., 21 Tel./fax: +38 03245 40029 enter@hotelmagnet.com.ua www.hotelmagnet.com.ua


Hotel “Old CONTINENT” S.Petefy square, 4 Tel.: (+38 031) 266-93-66 www.hotel-oldcontinent.com Hotel “Praha” Verhovinskaya str., 38 Tel.: (+38 031) 264-07-64 www.hotel-praha.com.ua Hotel Uzhgorod 2, B.Khmelnitcskogo sq, Tel.: (+38 031) 261-90-50 www.hoteluzhgorod.com

ROAD AID 112 Ukraine 6, Pidstrygacha str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 297-01-12 Emergency road aid 171a, Lychakivska str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 225-70-07 Emergency vehicle aid 115b, Zelena str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 270-14-00



Hotel "Black castle" Kalush highway 7 Tel.: +38-0342-57-15-00 www.blackcastle.ifrastudio. com Hotel "Park" Mazepy str., 146 Tel.: (+38 034) 259-55-95 www.parkhotel.com.ua Hotel "Atrium" Galytska str., 31 Tel.: +38-0342-55-78-79 www.atrium.if.ua

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

22/3, Saksahanskoho str., Lviv Tel.: 032 297-04-52, 297-09-14 trans@mail.lviv.ua www.lviv-inturtrans.com Incoming Tourism – group and individual tourism (traditional, special and cultural tours around Lviv and Ukraine) Transportation – our own fleet Rail/air tickets reservation, hotel reservations, group/ individual transfers

Tourist Info City Hall, Rynok Square, 1 Tel./Fax: (032) 254 60 79 www.touristinfo.lviv.ua tic@city-adm.lviv.ua Open: 10.00 — 19.00 Sat.: 10.00 — 18.00 Sun.: 10.00 — 17.00. Information service of Lviv City council +38 032 29755-55 available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German and Portuguese languages.

FOR CHILDREN First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth 11, Hnatyuka str., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 68 41, 272 68 55 Lviv regional puppet theatre 1, Danyla Halytskogo sq., Lviv Tel.: (+38 032) 272 08 32 Aquapark PLYAZH 114, Knyagini Olgi str., Lviv Entertainment centre Vesely Vylyk 106, Knyagini Olgi str., TM “ Lviv” Tel.: (+38 032) 244 59 09, 067 67 55 339 www.veselyj-vulyk.com.ua Entertainment centre Leopark TM KING CROSS LEOPOLIS 30, Stryiska str., Sokilnyky, Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 284-39-85 Entertainment centre Leopark TM INTERCITY 67, Chornovola avn., Lviv Tel.:+38(097) 232-77-52

WIFI Svobody avnenue; Rynok square; T. Shevchenko monument; A. Mickiewicz

monument; The Museum of Ideas (Bernarden garden) on Valova street. King Cross Leopolis 30, Stryiska str., Sokilniky Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 Open 10.00–22.00 www.kingcross.com.ua Magnus 1, Shpytalna str., Tel.: +38 (032) 244 42 65 Open 10.00-22.00 www.magnus-store.com Opera Passage 27, Svobody avn., Tel.: +38 (032) 242 05 80 www.operapassage.com Open 10.00-21.00 InterCity 67g, Chornovola str., Tel: +38 (032) 297 75 04 www.inter-city.com.ua Open 10.00-22.00 Pivdenny market 36, Schyretska str., Tel: +38 (032) 264 94 28 www.tcp.com.ua Open 10.00–18.00

FOOD & DRINK Opera Market 27, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 295-88-07 Open: 10.00—22.00 Fine Bottle 31, Kopernika str. Tel.: (032) 261-37-73 Open: 10.00—22.00 Svit Napoiv 25, Svobody avn. Tel.: (032) 260-13-59 Open: 10.00—22.00 Alco Market 8, Teatralna str. Tel.: (032) 2975669 67, I. Franka str. Tel.: (032) 276-26-27 Open: 10.00—22.00



LVIV TODAY | September 2012


Ukrainians seeking a new life abroad must contend with anti-immigration environment


s Ukraine’s dream of greater Eurointegration continues to fade, emigration is back on the agenda for many young Ukrainians. With the current government in Kyiv facing the prospect of increasing international isolation, many of the country’s emerging generation are being drawn to the broader horizons and better prospects of the wider world. Although it fell briefly out of fashion amid the ‘Euro Optimism’ of Ukraine’s Orange era, emigration is once again a topic of everyday conversation – much as it had been throughout the troubled 1990s as the country first emerged from the Soviet malaise. Most would-be Ukrainian emigrants continue to look to the EU as the best option, with increasing numbers taking advantage of property laws in numerous Mediterranean EU member states which offer fast-track routes to residency rights. Others look towards well-established postSoviet immigrant communities in France and Germany, with Berlin continuing to serve as something of a melting pot for former citizens of the USSR.

EU anti-immigration backlash One of the most popular destinations for Ukrainians looking to make a new start abroad remains the UK, with London serving as an enviable hub. Unfortunately, Ukraine’s recently revitalized interest in emigration options comes at a time when the UK’s immigration laws have arguably never been tougher. Over the past five years a series of shake-ups throughout the country’s vast immigration system have made both visa and immigration processes far more demanding for would-be immigrants. This tightening of the system has come largely in response to public disquiet over the impact which mass immigration is having on the UK economy, the nation’s public services, and British society in general. Key factors driving this concern include the sheer volume of EU immigration since the European Union’s expansion in 2004. The issue of illegal immigrants has also fuelled public demands for action, while the ongoing global recession has forced UK politicians to man the barricades in defense of British jobs. The broadly anti-immigration political dynamic identifiable in British LVIV TODAY | September 2012

politics today is part of a wider European trend which has seen a general swing to the Right and the rise of various anti-immigration parties. At the extremes of this trend are the likes of Greece’s Neo-Fascist ‘Golden Dawn’, a party whose reputation for violence and xenophobia did not prevent it from entering the Greek parliament during recent elections. In France the anti-immigration backlash can be felt far closer to the centre of power, with nationalist heroine Marine Le Pen garnering a record 17.9% of the national vote in the country’s 2012 presidential ballot.

Risking rejection: the danger of unprofessional applications Nevertheless, even in such relatively inhospitable times the desire to seek out a better future retains its potency, and for many young Ukrainians emigration remains a risk well worth taking. The majority of today’s Ukrainian emigrants are driven primarily by a desire to secure a better lifestyle. This usually entails better education and healthcare for their children and a secure financial environment which will allow them to plan for the future. Unfortunately, not all of today’s would-be Ukrainian emigres are familiar with the considerable recent evolution which has taken place in the immigration and visa policies of EU member states and also in the US and Canada. Far too many Ukrainian applicants continue to assume that engaging the services of a standard travel agent will suffice, thereby exposing themselves to the risks incumbent in reliance on staff with little or no prior legal experience in the field of international immigration law. In such cases the outcome is all too often the rejection of a client’s visa or immigration application – a turn of events which can have serious negative ramifications for the rejected applicant for years to come, including long-term bans on reapplications.

Ever-changing immigration rules Another common misconception is the idea that if you have been issued with an EU visa or residency status in the past, then you will automatically be issued with similar sta-

tus again. In reality, while having a history of successful visa applications may work in your favour, it is no guarantee that future applications will be successful. Instead, each application is judged largely - if not solely on the strength of its paperwork. Future immigration applicants would be wise to focus their attention on making sure they have correctly prepared every single piece of required documentation. Most prospective Ukrainian emigrants seek out legal advice as they explore the possibilities and pitfalls of moving their lives abroad, but many continue to rely on readily available general legal practitioners for guidance – a decision which often leaves them short on specialist knowledge of immigration laws and forced to make uninformed decisions. In most cases it would likely prove cheaper and quicker to invest in specialist emigration legal services at the outset rather than economize on nonspecialist counsel. As well as providing a general grounding in the immigration application process, a specialist immigration advisor will also be aware of the most recent changes and developments in immigration legislation. Crucially, they will be well-placed to offer potential immigrants a general idea of what changes can be expected in the future. The legal framework which Ukrainians must navigate if they wish to emigrate is growing more and more complex every year, but there are still many different routes open to Ukrainians of all income levels. Those with considerable wealth will inevitably find it easier to set themselves up abroad, but all potential Ukrainian immigrants must reckon with a rapidly evolving immigration environment which presents both opportunities and pitfalls.

About the author: George Georghiou (immigration@feodgroup.com) is Managing Partner of Feod Group (www.feodgroup.com). In 2005 Mr. Georghiou joined Feod Group and has since specialized in offering advice on UK and EU immigration issues as well as international property investment.


www.eba.com.ua Volume 2, issue 1 September 2012 Monthly news and views from the European Business Association’s Western Ukraine office

EBA PERSONALITY medical insurance. It is caused by the considerable market share that company occupies in the segments of property, vehicle, and liability insurance. However, there is a constant demand for quality health insurance products in the premium insurance segment.


Branch Director, PJSC “Ingo Ukraine”

Can we start with an introduction of yourself and an overview of your company? How do you position yourselves on the market? My career in Lviv Branch of “Ingo Ukraine” started in 2003 on the specialist position. In 2007 I became the Head of Insurance department and starting from 2011 I’m a director of Lviv branch. “Ingo Ukraine” has 20 years of experience on the market. Taking leading positions in the amounts of claims paid, the company is one of the largest insurance organizations in Ukraine in terms of premiums and amount of owned assets. Do you have any plans for expansion? What are your growth ambitions? Our company is dynamically developing, which is proved by the insurance payment growth rates in comparence to the same period last year. The main drivers of growth for the next three years will be personal insurance, such as voluntary


What key market drivers are positively impacting your business? As the key market drivers I see the amount of foreign investments in the region’s economy, appearance of foreign companies with formed insurance culture on the market and credit market reactivation. What is your top priorities for the next 12 months? Among the top priorities are strengthening positions on the regional market and increase the share of presence on the market. Which business sectors presents the most interesting investment opportunities in today’s Western Ukrainian market? Positive tendencies in the gross agricultural production are kept in agriculture field this years, as well as investment projects are being implemented. In my opinion, woodworking and light industries are also attractive. What is the most important management lesson you have learned? The leader should inspire employees by personal example and do his/her best to maintain positive atmosphere in the team.

Could you share your business success story? Success is always the result of individual efforts, however, we can not be successful without cooperation with others. Therefore, our success is formed by the good team and common understanding of goals and problems to be solved. The EBA focuses its actions on 7 vectors of economic development- Corruption fighting, Court system and Land reform, Currency regulation, VAT refund activation, Customs Procedures simplification and Technical barriers to trade elimination. Which one(s) so you foresee as the most vital and why? All of the stated above vectors are important components of investment climate improvement and regional economy development. What in your opinion can be done to improve investment attractiveness of Ukraine? The main task for the economic growth is forming a favorable investment climate. Unfortunately, a lot of processes, such as political reform, fighting corruption and others have long-term nature. Therefore it is important for the investors to be confident that today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. How could you see the future for your sphere of activity in Western Ukraine ? What are the prospects in this sphere in general? Can the infrastructure support planned growth? The company’s development strategy is the same for all regions, therefore the main priority for the coming years is purposeful and logical development of the regional network. For this special resources are provided, which are necessary for the dynamic development. What are your personal recommendations for anyone who wants to be successful in business? In my opinion, if you do what you love, you will be successful. LVIV TODAY | September 2012

TALKING POINT EBA LABOUR MARKET INDEX Western Ukrainian EBA branch together with Lviv consulting group launched a new project of monitoring the labour market in West Ukraine – “EBA Labour market index”. Every quarter we plan to track changes and tendencies in selection, maintenance and retention of employees, as well as in managing of HR processes in the different business areas. The first “EBA Labour market index” survey was conducted in April, 2012. Managers of foreign and domestic, medium to large businesses with head count from 50 to 500 employees took part in the survey. According to the results there is a strong demand for accountants, engineers, logistic specialists. Almost 50% of respondents have vacancies for skilled workers with vocational school education and work experience above 2-3 years. The companies prefer to hire employees at the age of 23-35. Only one third of respondents are interested in employees above 36 up to 45. Potential employers have a low interest to young people at the age of 18-22 and experienced work force above 46 years. Young people without experience, college or vocational school graduates can get a job in operations, customer service (CRM) and sales areas or an office support job. According to the survey the average salary in following branches is: Average salary Manufacturing


Senior management

Line Managers

Core Business Specialists

Administrative staff

Workers (skilled labor)

Workers (nonskilled labor)

UAN, hryvna Workers






Consulting, legal, audit


Building, architecture
















The most popular incentive is corporate mobile connection for employees of different categories, next come additional paid vacations, subsidized meals and subsidized public transportation of employees. The least applied are pension plans and interest-free loans. Above 30% of companies outsource the legal and transport/ logistics functions from external providers. The reasons for outsourcing are: to obtain access to a wider experience and knowledge, minimize risks, save costs and reduce surplus human resources. Definitely unfavourable to employers Labor market index in April 2012 is 2,88. The index is defined as the average indicators of the individual categories. Individual indicators were defined as follows: for example category of “Market salaries”: 1*13% + 2*7% + 3*13% + 4*60% + 5*7% = 3.4 Also, there is an interesting Pay Survey Of Manufacturing Companies in Western Ukraine conducted by our partners Lviv Consulting Group. In case you have questions or need additional information on 2012 Pay Survey of Manufacturing Companies in Western Ukraine, you may contact them via oksana. abramenko@lvivconsult.com. LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Availability of qualified candidates

Competition for talents

Market salaries

Employees related cost

Availability of professional HR services

Labor law

Average estimation, points Definitely favourable to employers Rather favourable to employers Neutral Rather unfavourable to employers Definitely unfavourable to employers



MEETING WITH STATE TAX ADMINISTRATION At the meeting, State Tax Administration in Lviv region discussed with WUB EBA investment climate in Western Ukraine. In the meeting participated Head Deputy of STA in Lviv region, Mr. Mykola Knyazevych, Head Deputy of the region, Mr. Orestes Lazirko, WUB EBA Board Chairman Mr. Udo Heine and his deputies, heads of structural divisions of STA in the region and Board members of WUB EBA. Tax administration presented the results of the research on the quality of investment climate and level of investment activity in Ukraine, conducted by Research & Branding Group with the initiative of the STA, among managers of American, European and Ukrainian companies-investors. “Today one of the strategic objectives of tax service is to become a key regulator of the investment climate”, - said Mykola Knyazevych. -”And EBA experience will be very useful for us, as members of the Association are companies with foreign investment.” Udo Heine said that EBA unites 76 companies in Western Ukraine. “When a company comes to the Ukrainian market, it primarily appeals to us to ask for information and practical help” - he said. - “Therefore, our cooperation with tax administration must become an important tool in the work of attracting foreign investors.” In order to develop further cooperation between the participants, participants adopted pre-plan of joint actions of the State Tax Administration in Lviv region and the WUB EBA. The final approval and signing of the document is scheduled for September this year.

ROUNDTABLE FOR HRPROFESSIONALS 24 July 2012. ANCOR in Lviv organized the roundtable for HR-professionals and directors of the leading companies on «Modern tendencies in stuff motivation», dedicated to the 5th anniversary of ANCOR Lviv. The event was supported by the European Business Association in Lviv and the international staff portal Headhunter Ukraine. In the framework of the event there was an opportunity to learn from the speeches of the following business representatives: Irina Stratilatova, regional director for ANCOR in Lviv re: «Results of the all Ukrainian motivation research. Tendencies of the year 2012», business-trainer, consultant and HR-advisor Olga Sadokha re: «Creation of the rational motivation environment» and Tetyana Topchii, development director of the international staff portal Headhunter Ukraine re: «The best staff motivation projects in the HR-Brand of the Year pre-mium». This year the respondents that took part in the research have pointed out that the financial and non-financial aspects of the motivation are equally important for them. Thus, the basic reason for leaving the current workplace for 46% of the respondents was the lack of professional development while 43% of them mentioned the reason as insufficient salary rate. With this it was also discovered that 56% of Ukrainians are looking forward to getting promotion within 1-2 years term. Elena Grineva, the director for ANCOR in Ukraine «the most valuable thing that any company has is the people. A team may lead a company to success or sentence it to failure. That is why year to year ANCOR pays so much attention to searching for and creation of the new motivation methods for personnel, holds various investigations, consequently builds the reputation of the strong HR-Brand and is always ready to share its experience with its clients and partners».

FIRST FRYDAY MEETING On 20 July 2012 first Fryday meeting was held in Lviv in Dnister hotel, co-organizers of which was also EBA Western Ukrainian Branch. The event gathered around 40 people – professionals of different spheres – for networking and new contacts’ establishment. Participants of the event had a chance to speak while enjoying free smoothie from the event sponsor. To brighten up the evening organizers of the event hold a surprise business-card lottery, prizes of which were an invitation for two to the ice-cream café and certificate for two to the newly opened hotel in Carpathians.


LVIV TODAY | September 2012



n this issue of Lviv Today we continue to discuss legal issues with attorney-at-law, PhD, Mr. Markian Malskyy. Mr. Malskyy is answering the following question:

Our company has undergone several inspections recently, which negatively influenced the normal business activity. Are there any legislative initiatives in this sphere simplifying such procedures?”

October 12, 2012, Lviv

Stadium Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska St., Lviv) This year as speaker and special guest of the event will come Anna Derevyanko, Executive director of EBA, who will address the audience with speech on actual topic as EBA is known with its active participation in facilitating and developing the EUUkraine dialogue. Anna Derevyanko graduated from Kyiv National Economic University with a degree in International Economics and Law. In 2000 Anna Derevyanko was appointed a Deputy Director of the European Business Association (the EBA), and since 2003 she has been serving as the association’s Executive Director. Under Ms. Derevyanko’s supervision the EBA has tripled its size, now bringing together over 815 companies and, consequently, has become the biggest association for foreign businesses in Ukraine. Anna Derevyanko is a member of various intergovernmental working groups under the auspices of the various ministries. Ms. Derevyanko contributes to the activities of the Foreign Investors Advisory Council under the auspices of the President of Ukraine and the Council of Investors at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. For detailed information about the Forum and registration of participants, visit www.lvivforum.com.ua. We invite you to participate in the Forum, it is a great opportunity for the development of successful projects and establishing new business contacts.

Currently there are over 30 state control bodies in Ukraine, not including their subdivisions. Previously there have been much more. According to the data provided by General State Prosecution of Ukraine, there were over 3 million inspections of companies and more than 8 million protocols on administrative violations during the last 1.5 year in Ukraine have been concluded. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has recently registered a draft law regarding restrictions in activity of control bodies. The changes involve significant reduction of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of businesses, mandatory introduction of register of inspections, impossibility of state inspection conduction simultaneously by several regulatory bodies, the latter being a big break through. Also, the General Prosecution of Ukraine implemented Order (N 82 dated 06.06.2012) regarding inspections of companies. Employees should know that from now on the officials of Prosecution office cannot at any time simply appear in their company with the matter of inspection. First they have to obtain the Resolution from the Prosecution of Ukraine. In this way some progress is observed in legislative regulation of inspections, nevertheless companies have to be ready for inspections at any time, including inspections of law enforcing bodies. In order to be prepared for the inspections it is recommended to examine what bodies have right of inspection (depending on the sector of activity), to instruct employees regarding their rights and obligations, to check identification of persons prior to inspection, instructions to inspection, to maintain register of inspections etc. Moreover, employees of companies must understand what documents have to be provided for a certain inspection: obligatorily and which optionally. Withdrawal of originals of documents should be avoided if possible. Regarding law enforcement bodies, it should be remembered that the illegal actions during inspections involve requirement to turn off call phones / to give call phones to the officials of inspections, attempts to resolve the issue without waiting for the arrival of the attorney; psychological pressure, impossibility to call attorney and relatives. In any case if things go bad: stay calm, insist on your rights, remember that you may legally refuse from providing witness testimony, ask for an attorney etc. Still in most of the cases it is possible to avoid serious sanctions and consequences if the company works legally.

In order to get your question answered by Mr. Markian Malskyy on the pages of LVIV TODAY, please send them by e-mail to info@lvivtoday. com.ua (subject: Legal Advice).

EBA in Western Ukraine – Board of members

Udo Heine Chairman of the Board CEO, Hotel Leopolis, Opera Passage, Opera Market

Markian Malskyy Deputy Chairman Head of Lviv office, Arzinger

LVIV TODAY | September 2012

Taras Yurynts Deputy Chairman Director, Guldmann-Ukraine Ltd

Anton Podilchak

Lyubomyr Zubrytskyy

Maryana Lutsyshyn

Board Member Managing Director, Advice Group

Board Member Director, Customer Service Center Eastern Europe, Austrian Airlines

EBA Regional Coordinator

EBA Western Ukraine Address: 6, Stepana Bandery str. office 3, Lviv Tel.: +38032-261 29 28 Fax: +38032-261 22 68 www.eba.lviv.com.ua lviv@eba.com.ua



Test the strength of your Ukrainian general knowledge with our fun monthly pub quiz! 1. Which Apostle is said to have visited the future site of Kyiv and predicted the rise of a great city? a.) St. Peter b.) St. Andrew c.) St. Paul d.) Doubting Thomas 2. Which Axis power ally governed much of Odesa region during the WWII occupation of Soviet Ukraine? a.) Romania b.) Hungary c.) Slovakia d.) Italy

8. According to Khrushchev’s later account, why did Stalin refrain from deporting to the entire Ukrainian nation to Siberia in the immediate post-WWII period? a.) He was concerned about international opinion b.) There were thought to be too many Ukrainians c.) There were not enough people left to colonize the vacated land d.) He feared the spread of Ukrainian nationalism

9. During the Yalta Conference in January, 1945, Winston Churchill was particularly struck by the tragic majesty of the war torn Crimean coastline. What did Churchill call his desolate but palatial surroundings? a.) The Devil’s Playground b.) The Ends of the Earth c.) Europe’s Grand Verandah d.) The Riviera of Hades

10. What percentage of Ukraine’s UNESCO-listed buildings is located in Lviv? a.) 10% b.) 25% c.) 40% d.) More than 50%

3. Ukraine’s ancient tradition of decorative ‘Pysanka’ Easter eggs attributes meaning to each different colour. What is gold said to signify? a.) Long life b.) Wealth c.) Wisdom d.) Nobility 4. In which year was Ukraine awarded the right to co-host Euro 2012? a.) 2004 b.) 2005 c.) 2007 d.) 2009 5. Which country won the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv? a.) Finland b.) Greece c.) Sweden d.) Serbia 6. Odessa’s iconic Potemkin Steps are prominently featured in one of cinematography’s most memorable and influential scenes – in which film? a.) October Revolution b.) Battleship Potemkin c.) Heroes of Red October d.) Odessa Mama 7. Which modern-day Ukrainian resort town was previously the site of one of Medieval Europe’s largest slave markets? a.) Kherson b.) Feodosia c.) Sevastopol d.) Odessa 1. b) 2. a) 3. c) 4. c) 5. b) 6. b) 7. b) 8. b) 9. d) 10. d)


LVIV TODAY | September 2012

3–7 /10/ 2012

LVIV TODAY | September 2012





LVIV TODAY | September 2012

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