alumni scholars winter 2016
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Faculty in Print
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ALUMNI SCHOLARS is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry
p h oto b y to m co g i l l
Studying Teacher Ed
Large-scale project under way looks at math and ELA instruction B Y au d r e y b r e e n
hat elements of teacher preparation programs are most effective in developing great teachers? Education scholars have almost no empirical evidence to answer this question, but that will change as a team of Curry professors completes a study of six different elementary teacher preparation programs over the next three years—the Curry School, another university in Virginia, two universities in Michigan, and two universities in Connecticut. In a major logistical undertaking they will track 300 students through their final year of teacher preparation and into their first two years in school classrooms to examine how their experiences in university courses and student teaching placements are associated with their instructional practices as early career teachers. Principal investigator Peter Youngs, along with co-PIs Julie Cohen and Robert Berry, will identify experiences in teacher preparation courses that lead beginning teachers to engage in high-quality mathematics and reading/language arts instruction. Two grants totaling $2.5 million from the National Science Foundation and the Spencer Foundation will fund the large-scale project, which will require hundreds of classroom observations and countless hours of data analysis. Peter Youngs Along with researchers from Michigan State University and the University of Connecticut, the research team will survey the 300 elementary candidates as well as their university supervisors and the cooperating teachers who work with the candidates during their student teaching placements. —continued on page 2
a lu m n i s c h o l a r s • w i n t e r 2016