COMMUNICATION Disorders Faculty Updates
Filip Loncke took his largest group yet of students to Europe earlier this summer. See inside for the full story.
Jane Hilton traveled to the Center for Autism Intervention Barbieux, in Roubaix, France, to provide lectures on two programs for children with autism. She taught them how to do a modified natural play-based program and a modified structured program. She then spent several days working directly with the children and teachers adapting the two programs for use with specific children who attend school at the center. A student from our undergraduate program traveled with her as a translator. They then traveled to University College Ghent, in Ghent, Belgium, to teach university students about autism. She provided a handson workshop using a video case. Students created goals, wrote treatment plans and lesson plans, and practiced taking data on the goals. More Faculty Updates Inside
Editor: Randall R. Robey, Director Communication Disorders Program Communication Disorders is published by the Curry School of Education and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation, P.O. Box 400276, Charlottesville, VA 22904 .
Program News
Growth and development continues BY R AN DAL L R . R OBE Y, D I R EC TOR
reetings friends and alums! This note comes to you at an exciting time for our Communication Disorders Program! We are in the middle of our growth and development plan and it is coming along nicely. I have many updates to share with you. First, our undergraduate census is up to 50. That’s a 250% increase over baseline for us. Ultimately, our goal calls for further growth, and I believe we are on track to meet that goal. In addition, we are in the process of adding two new courses to the undergraduate curriculum, and we will add another a little further down the line. The backstory here is that undergraduate and master’s enrollments are now very important in the University’s new fiscal model—and we are positioned to thrive in this new environment. Our master’s degree program continues as a great strength for us. We received 300 applications last spring, and we are now preparing for the arrival of our incoming 2012 class of 27. The credentials for this group are through the roof. For example, three individuals already have a master’s degree! Faculty Searches
Looking forward, we will soon be adding two new faculty members. The first position will bring us a new assistant professor. This person will be dually appointed in our program and in Special Education. We are looking for someone to lead and integrate several autism and severe disability initiatives throughout Curry. Among other responsibilities, the successful candidate will become the director of the Curry Autism Spectrum Services (CASS) program. We are also in the process of hiring a clinical instructor to join us in the Sheila C. Johnson Center, with expertise in adult communication disorders. And staying with the clinic for a moment, we are now installing a new voice lab. This set of equipment will provide opportunities for our students to obtain state-of-the-art clinical experiences.
“we are positioned to thrive in this new environment.”
Keep in Touch!
In closing, I want to thank all of our alums who contacted us since the release of our first edition newsletter last summer and everyone who has submitted an update to our Alumni Class Notes. Please do more of that! We love hearing from you. You can also follow our current classes of students on Facebook at Speech-Language Pathology at UVA. You will find fantastic individuals following in your footsteps.
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