FALL 2015
Counselor Education Advisory Board
Thank you! to the members of our advisory board for all you do to support the program: Erin Berry (Chairperson) (Ph.D. ‘06) Marcus Carter (M.Ed. ‘04) John Connors (B.S. ‘74, M.Ed. ‘78) Amie Manis (Ph.D. ‘08) Bob Pate, Faculty Emeritus (M.Ed. ‘65) Miranda Rosenfield (Second Year Student Representative) Victoria (Tori) Saponara (First Year Student Representative) Sue Sheffield
2015 Curry Foundation Award Recipients in Counselor Education Aaron Blount, Nathan E. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Diana Chiu, Curry Trustees Fellowship in Counselor Education John Kronstain, Paul B. Walter M.Ed. Student Award Lillian McVey, William Van Hoose Memorial Award Alexandre Smith, Miriam and Edward D. Knight Scholarship
COUNSELOR EDUCATION is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry
(Most of) The Counselor Education Class of 2016
Our Amazing Students B Y A M A N D A F LO R A , C L I N I C A L A S S I S TA N T P R O F E S S O R ( P H . D. ‘0 8 )
n case you haven’t heard, this year’s graduating class is one of the largest in recent years. We have 31 interns from more universities and geographic regions than we have seen before. This class represents 11 states and China. In addition, we have been able to place students in more schools and districts during internship, which allowed our program to further engage in the surrounding community. Here is what some of our student leaders have to say about their internship and the program: Jennifer Aguilar, a VCU graduate who hails from Richmond, Va., is the current president of the Counselor Education Student Organization. When asked about her experience at Louisa County High School, she stated, “Internship so far has been a roller coaster ride of an experience. I never know what each day will hold—there are so many unpredictable emotional ups and downs, but the coolest part is that by the end of the day, I can’t wait to do it all over again, because I know I am positively impacting the lives of these students. Internship has been one of the best experiences of my life!” Rachel Desmond, current Chi Sigma Iota – Rho Beta Chapter President, attended Auburn University and grew up in Florida. She is gaining a feel for Virginia and the local community at her current internship site at Albemarle High School. Rachel has enjoyed her time in Virginia and the program, sharing, “This program has helped me grow towards the counselor I want to be in so many ways. Most importantly, I have been pushed to explore myself, to challenge my world views, and to try and see life through a different lens than my own. I’ve been given the great opportunity to work with and learn from some of the most passionate and hardworking professors, school counselors, and future school counselors.” To learn more about this wonderful group of individuals, visit the “Counselor Education Current Students” on the Curry website (
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