Curry Counselor Education Alumni Newsletter

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FALL 2012

COUNSELOR education The Counselor Education program will host its first annual School Counseling Summit on November 7, 2012. School counselors, school counseling administrators, and counselor educators will gather to discuss the summit’s theme, “School Counseling for Social Justice.” The summit will take place on Grounds from 1–4 p.m. in Bavaro Hall Rm. 116 at 417 Emmet St. (next to Ruffner Hall). Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy (B.S. ‘86, M. Ed. ‘89) of Johns Hopkins University will be the keynote speaker, and several other presenters—including Patrick Akos (Ph.D. ‘00) of the University of North Carolina—will participate in a panel discussion. If you are interested in attending, email schoolcounselinguva@ Admission is free, and you can earn recertification points.

Counselor Education is published by the Curry School of Education and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation, P.O. Box 400276, Charlottesville, VA 22904


First Annual School Counseling Summit

/// Curry Counselor Ed faculty, Derick Williams, Antoinette Thomas, and Paul Harris

Curry Counselor Ed

Preparing Transformed School Counselors


he Counselor Education program continues to shift its focus to the development of school counselors. We are dedicated to preparing school counselors to be systemic change agents in the lives of students. With Dean Pianta’s full support, we recently committed to reform our curriculum to align with the tenets of the Education Trust’s Transforming School Counseling Initiative. We will also infuse the themes of the ASCA National Model into each course required for the master of education degree in school counseling. The curriculum will be a structured sequence of courses that prepare students to be advocates committed to • Facilitating the removal of individual and institutional barriers to student learning. • Preparing all students to be college and career ready. • Promoting educational equity, access, and social justice in schools. As a result, our graduates will be implementing comprehensive, data-driven school counseling

“Dr. Thomas brings a wealth of experience in this new phase of the School Counseling program. ” —continued on page 2

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