Curry Connections Alumni Newsletter 2013

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CURRY SCHOOL connections U.Va. Reunions Weekend ‘3s and ‘8s June 6-9 For more information, visit

T.J. Society and Class of 1963 Reunion May 13 - 15 To attend the Curry School luncheon on May 15, call the Curry Foundation office at 434-924-0854 or email

/// Access to Ruffner Hall is completely blocked during the 18-month renovation period.

Ruffner Reno

After 40 years on Grounds the education building is undergoing a major tranformation. BY MAT T KE L LY, U .VA . M E D IA R E L AT IO N S

Curry School Connections is published by the Curry School of Education and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation, P.O. Box 400276, Charlottesville, VA 22904


tudents, faculty and staff at the Curry School are enduring some temporary disruption as Ruffner Hall, which has housed Curry since 1973, undergoes renovations and upgrades. The work, which started in January and will continue until the summer of 2014, will improve the overall space for current and future academic use by upgrading Ruffner’s aging infrastructure systems, removing asbestos and improving the traffic flow between Ruffner and Bavaro Hall. “The primary benefit to Curry from the renovation will be to make the space more usable to students and faculty,” said Mark C. Hampton, senior associate dean for strategy and planning at Curry. “For example, the electrical system was designed at a time when electrical outlets were only needed for vacuum cleaners and lamps. Some of the most popular places for students to study in Ruffner Hall have been on the floor in front of electrical outlets. It will be really nice to fix that.” Lynn K. Rush, project manager for Facilities Management, said the $19.3 million renovation will restructure the existing space for faculty offices and academic programs and create additional classrooms, administrative offices and student study group space. The renovation will improve life at Ruffner in a number of ways, Hampton said. “Prior to the renovation, Ruffner was an extremely noisy building, which led many faculty to close their doors while they were working. Acoustic improvements, including carpeted hallways, noise-abating surfaces and better HVAC ducting will make a huge difference and will undoubtedly make Ruffner a better place to work and collaborate.” He said while most of the work was basic, there is one “frill.” —continued on page 2 CURRY SCHOOL CONNECTIONS • WINTER 2013


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