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Education Connections is published by the Curry School of Education and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation, P.O. Box 400276, Charlottesville, VA 22904 curry.virginia.edu/education-connection
Blog Is a Verb
Curry alumni take to the blogosphere
f you are a blog reader, you’ve noticed that the number of blogs written by educators has proliferated over the past decade or so. Reading blogs can invigorate you with rich sources of lesson ideas and link you to like-minded professionals. To some, blog is more verb than noun, and alumni from the Curry School’s education programs are among those getting in on the action. They are populating the Internet with inspirational stories of their classroom experiences, creative teaching strategies, and insightful perspectives. Even though their days are just as packed as every other educator’s, they find fulfillment in writing about their profession and publishing online. You can meet a sampling of alumni bloggers here. If you blog, too, please tell us about it, and we’ll add it to the online version of this article (go to curry.virginia.edu/education-connection). Alex Piedra (M.T. ’11 Soc Studies Ed) is a history teacher at Walker Upper Elementary School in Charlottesville. His blog is Mr. Piedra’s Classroom (mrpiedrasclassroom.blogspot.com/). Alex posts instructional and review activities as well as his thoughts on various classroom topics. He was initially inspired to blog because he had creative teaching ideas he thought other educators might find useful. Ultimately, though, blogging about his practice helped him be more cognizant of why he does what he does in the classroom. Peyten Williams (M.T. ’06 English Ed) is a middle school English teacher
at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Ga. She blogs at Superfluous Thought (superfluousthought.wordpress.com).
“I wanted an outlet to share some classroom work of which I’m really proud.”
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