SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS of Education Student Achievement Doctoral student Christine Monaghan (M.Ed. ‘10) received a fellowship from the Buckner W. Clay Endowment for the Humanities, which supports innovative work in the humanities at the University of Virginia. Monaghan’s research focuses on the history of education policies and programming for refugees in protracted refugee situations. Master’s student Lindsey Jones was accepted into U.Va.’s Tomorrow’s Professor Today program, which is designed to facilitate the transition from student to academic professional.
Social Foundations Faculty Derrick P. Alridge, Professor Diane Hoffman, Assoc. Professor Daniel Driscoll, Assoc. Professor Carol Ann Spreen, Assoc. Professor Go online to read about the achievements and current work of the Social Foundations faculty. Social Foundations is published by the Curry School Social Foundations program and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation.
/// Around Curry: Ruffner Hall is undergoing renovation and maintenance inside and out. The interior has been completely gutted. Read more about Ruffner at
Happenings Now and On the Horizon BY D E R R IC K P. A L R ID G E , PR O F E S S O R
he 2012-2013 academic year was exciting for Social Foundations. Several initiatives fell into place that will help the program build a solid infrastructure in U.Va.’s new academic environment. This past year, we focused on building the master’s and Ph.D. programs and made inroads in playing a greater role in undergraduate education. Our new undergraduate minor in Global Studies directed by Carol Anne Spreen is now up and running, we became one of the central programs in the new Youth Development and Policy major in Curry, and we will offer courses in the new MBA/MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Innovation in Education Reform program. Last but not least, we are offering a Social Foundations master’s degree for Peace Corps students before they embark on their assignments. Faculty members and students are working hard to build a vibrant intellectual community and culture within Social Foundations. In fall 2012, we admitted three new doctoral students. Danielle Wingfield joined us from William & Mary to study the history of education with Derrick Alridge, Chenyu Wang came from the University of Maryland to work with Diane Hoffman in comparative education, and Sahtiya Logan joined us from Princeton to work with Carol Anne Spreen in sociology of education and comparative education. This year we held several informal dinners to provide students with opportunities to discuss their scholarship and the program and meet faculty and friends of Social Foundations across the university. Our community-building effort was a major initiative this year and will continue in the years to come. In August 2012, our off-Grounds program in Social Foundations officially became part of the Curry School. Dan Driscoll, a Social Foundations Ph.D. graduate, became the director of the Social Foundations off-Grounds program and is now a member of the Social Foundations faculty.
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