Social Foundations Alumni Newsletter 2014

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SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS of Education Ruffner Hall Reopening Celebration & All-Curry Reunion FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 The Ruffner Hall renovation is nearly complete, and we’re taking advantage of a great opportunity to bring back our alumni for a celebration. Mark your calendar and watch your email for more details!

/// Carol Anne Spreen (left) will be leaving the Curry School for a new position at New York University. We look forward to welcoming Rachel Wahl (right) to the Social Foundations faculty this fall.

Program News

Social Foundations and Change in the 21st Century Academy BY D E R R IC K P. A L R ID G E , PR O F E S S O R

T Social Foundations is published by the Curry School Social Foundations program and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation.

he 2013-2014 academic year was eventful for the Social Foundations program. In response to rapid transformations occurring nationally in higher education, programs across the University and around the country are seeking strategies to remain viable and relevant in the 21st century. The Social Foundations program is addressing these issues head on. In fulfilling our commitment to serve as the “humanities of education,” we /// Derrick Alridge strive to be both nimble and pragmatic in responding to the needs of our students, the Curry School, and the University. Students have been at the forefront of helping us move the program forward. This year several students graduated from the Social Foundations doctoral program and many completed their M.Ed. degrees. A significant number of Social Foundations students received Curry awards and fellowships this year, attesting to the excellence of our students and the quality of our programs. Our alumni are making valuable contributions to K-12 education, higher education, the broader public sector, and the private sector. Faculty research produced this year has further elevated the status and visibility of our programs. Sharon Shaffer was recently featured in the Arab Times for her contributions to museums and education. Diane Hoffman recently received a grant to fund contemplative research with students in schools in Haiti. Carol Anne Spreen is working this summer with the Young African Leaders Institute, a six-week leadership, academic and mentoring program that will take 25 participants of the Washington Fellows program to six of the commonwealth’s most prestigious locations. I received a Jefferson Trust Grant to fund work on an oral history project entitled “Teachers in the Movement,” which explores the roles of K-12 and university teachers in civil rights and educational reform activities. —continued on page 2

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