Social Foundations alumni newsletter 2015

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Curry Magazine Features SF Alumni Last December in an article titled “The Big Picture Perspective” the Curry Alumni Magazine explored the broad applicability of a Curry School master’s degree in social foundations and featured the following alumni:

• Bill Putnam (M.Ed. ’11) • Celia Alicata (M.Ed. ’11) • Katie Zapko (M.Ed. ’08) • Vivian Awumey (M.Ed. ’09) • Rob Goldsmith (M.Ed. ’14) • Karen E. Gardner (M.Ed. ’02; Ed.D. ’06)

• Angela Tessier (M.Ed. ’13) • Lindsey Jones (M.Ed. ’13) Read the complete article online at big-picture-perspective/

Tradition and Change

Social Foundations and the 21st-Century University BY DERRICK ALRIDGE


ow does the area of study Social Foundations, what we often call the “humanities in education,” navigate the 21st-century university? With a rich history dating back to its origins at Teachers College in the 1930s and 1940s, the field of Social Foundations began with the purpose of educating teachers about the history and philosophy of education. Since then, it has evolved to include a multiplicity of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, religious studies, politics, and comparative and international studies. In this way, Social Foundations is both disciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature. When transformative changes occur in American higher education, questions arise about the importance of the humanities in the curriculum. Over the past several decades, Social Foundations has addressed these questions of relevance by arguing that teachers and educators are thinkers and intellectuals as well as practitioners who benefit from Social Foundations’ humanistic grounding in the vocation of teaching and the field of education. Social Foundations at Curry has a rich history of humanities research and training, and we have maintained our disciplinary and interdisciplinary commitment to the study of ideas and culture in education. As higher education and academia continue to evolve, we will hold steadfast to our traditions while evolving with the 21st-century university. We are excited about our future, and several new initiatives reflect our commitment to tradition and enthusiasm to evolve. Please allow us to share very briefly a few new initiatives: Apprenticeship Model of Doctoral Training

Across the US, the training of doctoral students has changed dramatically over the past two decades. Doctoral programs are increasingly moving toward an apprenticeship model of training that provides students with an individualized course of study and the ability to develop strong research skills to meet their academic goals and aspirations. A staple in the social sciences, the apprenticeship model prepares and socializes students for research and teaching positions by giving them one-on-one mentorship. We believe this new approach will provide our doctoral students with a more meaningful graduate experience and make them very competitive for positions in academia and educational policy arenas. Restructure of the M.Ed. Program SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email:

This fall, our M.Ed. program will offer more flexibility for students on and off Grounds. Three core courses will be offered online, and students may take electives in the online M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction. This model preserves Social Foundations’ commitment to the humanities while providing practice-based electives for teachers and other educators. The restructured program will appeal to students with busy schedules and help Social Foundations extend its reach beyond Charlottesville and Falls Church to serve a larger portion of the Commonwealth. Global Studies in Education Undergraduate Minor

Our Global Studies in Education minor enrolls 20 students. Over the next five years, we hope to double enrollment and establish the minor as a marque program for Social Foundations. We are diligently developing new courses in the minor, introducing students from the College of Arts and Sciences and other units to Social Foundations, and collaborating with the Youth and Social Innovation program in the Curry School to enhance our minor. It is our hope to build a stronger undergraduate presence in Curry and across the University. More to come soon. S O C I A L F O U N D AT I O N S O F E D U C AT I O N • S U M M E R 2 0 1 5


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