Higher Ed Happenings P.O. Box 400268 417 Emmet Street South Charlottesville, VA 22904-4268
HIGHERhappenings ED Graduate Featured in Curry Magazine
CLASS NOTES 1980s Patricia Brown (Ed.S. ‘85) is proposal manager for Northrop Grumman in McLean, Va. Barry Dorsey (Ed.D ‘80) retired from state service in Virginia in January 2012. He was most recently executive director of New College Institute. Dorsey opened his own education consulting firm, currently with two major clients. 1990s Connie Gilman (Ph.D. ‘94) is the president of the Virginia Library Association for 2012. She has been an active member of the organization since 1990, serving as chair of the Awards & Recognition Committee, chair of the Leadership Development Forum and treasurer. Tom Jennings (Ph.D ‘93) was appointed vice president for University Advancement at Florida State University, and president of the FSU Foundation in September 2010. In February 2012 he served as co-chair of the CASE District III annual conference in Atlanta, with over 100 program sessions and more than 1,200 participants. Steven Titus (Ph.D. ‘99) is senior vice president of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. 2000s Laurie Casteen (M.Ed. ‘‘02, Ph.D. ‘06) is associate dean of students at U.Va. Laurence Mueller (Ph.D. ‘02) was promoted to assistant dean for the Global MBA for Executives Program at the U.Va. Darden School of Business. He continues as executive director of the Center for Global Initiatives and is retiring as Director of Financial Aid after 15 years in this position. Matha Thornton (Ph.D ‘06) was appointed vice president of student affairs and dean of students at 4
Submit your class note at Randolph College in Lynchburg, Va. Thornton was previously associate dean of students at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. 2010s Anna Brown (M.Ed. ‘11) is Community Engagement Coordinator for Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. Abigail “Abby” Coulter (M.Ed. ’10) received the 2011 Staff Recognition Award from the Virginia Association of Community Rehabilitation Programs. The award recognizes her service to Virginians with disabilities. She has been a community specialist with the WorkSource Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program since 2010. Dreama Johnson (M.Ed. ‘12) will be working this summer with both L2K and Leadership on the Lawn programs while pursuing full-time employment in the field of higher education. Julia Miller (M.Ed. ‘12) is working as the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs Budget and Finance Manager at U.Va. Clarence Odom (M.Ed. ‘12) will continue studying at Curry as an Ed.D. student in Higher Education. Lauren Randle (M.Ed. ‘12) will for at least the next two years be working as an Upper School Guidance Counselor at the Canadian International School of Hong Kong. She will specialize in college counseling for seniors. Brian Reed (Ph.D. ‘11) was recently named the American College Personnel Association’s Men and Masculinities Standing Committee Scholar in Residence and gave an address on Influence of Working Class Masculinities and the College Choice Process at this year’s annual conference.
P. Jesse Rine (Ph.D. ’10) received the 2012 Dissertation Award of the AERA Religion and Education Special Interest Group. His dissertation was titled “Pluralism, Provisionality, and Faith: Christian College Persistence in the Postmodern Turn.”
Marc Shook (Ph.D ‘10), after spending the past three years as the assistant dean of students for student judicial services at the University of Texas at Austin, has accepted a new position effective June 4, 2012. Shook will be move into the role of associate provost and dean of students at LaGrange College where he will serve as the institution’s chief student affairs officer. Amy Swan (Ph.D. ‘11) is a research associate in the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the Curry School. She has recently published two articles in Career Development Quarterly. Barry Wilhelm (M.Ed. ‘11) is Learning Excellence Specialist at High Point University in No. Carolina. In November 2011, he presented at the NAFSA Region VII conference on accessibility for students with disabilities in study abroad programs. Anne Womack (M.Ed. ’11) is assistant director of the Hampden-Syndey Fund at Hampden-Sydney College in Va. Read more. Some submissions were abbreviated due to lack of space. You can read complete class notes online at curry.
Jacob Rooksby, a 2012 Ph.D. graduate, was featured in the spring issue of the Curry Alumni Magazine. Rooksby is a Virginia Law School graduate with an M.Ed. in social foundations, who worked in private practice before returning to Curry to focus on litigation in higher education. This fall he will join the faculty of the Duquesne University School of Law. Read more about Rooksby at /// Master’s student Dreama Johnson interned this year with Laurie Casteen, U.Va.Associate Dean of Students.
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Editor: Brian Pusser Writer: Lynn Bell Higher Ed Happenings is published by the Curry School ‘s Center for the Study of Higher Education and is sponsored by the Curry School of Education Foundation.
he graduate student internship program has been an important component of the higher education master’s program since its inception in 2004. Each year offices across Grounds and at Piedmont Virginia Community College employ all of our full-time master’s degree students in the program, which has grown from six internships to twenty-four in just the last three years. Our students are placed in all areas of university administration. Some of the longest running internships include the Office of the Dean of Students Leadership Program, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Activities, Undergraduate Admissions, and the Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. The program has recently expanded to include Student Financial Services, the International Studies Office, Semester at Sea, the Center for American English Language and Culture, and Life Skills for student athletes at U.Va., as well as Outreach and Recruitment at PVCC The internship is a critical component of our program. It is, essentially, where the rubber meets the road and students can take what they are learning in class and put it in to practice. Student Dreama Johnson, for example, says she has been very fortunate this year to have worked with Laurie Casteen (M.Ed. ‘02, Ph.D. 06), Associate Dean of Students. —continued on page 2
“the internship is a critical component of our program. ”