Javea Grapevine May 2013

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Issue No. 161

May 2013

Jรกvea is the Second Cheapest place in Spain to Holiday !! Official - see Page 6 !!

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Jávea Grapevine Editor: Gaile Griffin Peers email: editor@grapevinespain.com movil: 681 001 300 www.grapevinespain.com www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ Jávea Grapevine (a.k.a. as The Grapevine Spain) is Published in Jávea, Spain by Marina Alta Business Club SL - CIF B54067996 est. 2006 In accordance with the Ley 22/1987 de Noviembre, de Propiedad Intellectual (BOE no. 275) - All adverts, images and articles are copyright-protected and belong to/are the responsibility of their originators. Sources are normally clearly stated within the accompanying text Invoices/post only - no visitors without appointment: Marina Alta Business Club, Calle Badalona, Jávea, 03737 España. Advertising responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published on the understanding of the agency and the advertiser that they are each authorised to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof and that they have complied with all the laws, governmental rules and regulations applicable to the purchase order and the placement in and publication of such advertisement by Jávea Grapevine. Advertiser and agent represent and warrant that their advertisements, contents and subject matter are in no way false, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, libelous or defamatory, that they do not infringe on any privacy, intellectual property, or publicity right, or constitute or encourage a criminal offense, or are abusive, prohibited, illegal or objectionable, violate any legal duty under criminal or civil law, or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation of any kind. In consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertiser and the agency, jointly and severally, shall unconditionally indemnify Jávea Grapevine, its parent, and their directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and expense (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred by reason of any claims, proceedings or suits, including but not limited to, libel, violation of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright infringement, fraud, negligence, or any other claims or suits based on the contents, subject matter, or publication of or otherwise on such advertisements. The liability of Jávea Grapevine for any act, error, or omission for which it may be held legally responsible shall not exceed the cost of the space ordered or occupied by the advertisement that is the basis of Jávea Grapevine’s liability. Jávea Grapevine shall not, in any event, be liable for any consequential damages, including lost income or profits. Jávea Grapevine disclaims all responsibility for errors in key numbers or the type set. Omission of insertion: Unintentional or inadvertent failure by Jávea Grapevine to print, publish or circulate advertising matter invalidates the insertion order for such matter, but shall not constitute a breach of contract or affect any earned discount. Advertising matter may be cancelled by Jávea Grapevine at any time.

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Is summer finally here ? I do hope so, I want to put my winter woollies away. Well I’m sorry to say that this will be my last editorial. Derek and I have decided to hand over the reins to a friend of ours. A lot of you will know her or know of her. Her name is Gaile Griffin Peers. We met her when we joined the Marina Alta Business Club about 5 years ago. We were one of the first to join and have been members ever since. Gaile has lots of experience in publishing as she has a publishing company in the U.K. U P Publications Ltd and she also has an online magazine called 5WS. So we are leaving the Grapevine in very capable hands. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our readers, advertisers and contributors who have helped to keep The Grapevine alive for so long. This is just a new chapter in the life of what we think is a very good local magazine which keeps the residents of Javea up to date with all the local news and views. Gaile has promised to keep the essence of the mag and I’m sure that any changes she makes will just enhance it. As for Derek and myself, we will carry on with our house renovations and plan what to do in our retirement. That will definitely include lots of travelling. Who knows maybe I will send in the odd article about life in exotic places on a budget. Our town is improving all the time and The Grapevine will continue to be as informative as ever. A special thank you to Katherine Perez Pinto, John Deacon, Doris Corcelles, The Mayor Jose Chulvi, Oscar Anton Izquierdo, Dr. Christoph Selmler, Chris Betterton Jones and Tim Ladd for all their support over the years. Not forgetting our friends Elaine and Eric Brown who supplied us with some fabulous recipes and mind blowing quizzes. I can’t leave out Benny Davis who helped us to modernise the Grapevine and gave us the benefit of his experience as a journalist. We learned a lot from him. There are a lot more people who have contributed to the magazine but there are too many to mention but you know who you are and I thank you. I will now leave you in the capable hands of Gaile. T.T.F.E. Sue Sue le Breton Copishop http://www.grapevinespain.com http://www.uktv4u.com

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Dear Grapevine Readers, April has been a hard month, and rather difficult and complicated for me, but I can also say that it has been a month of achieving objectives. My schedule this month had 183 entries among which were listening to citizens and their concerns, appointments with various organizations and associations, attendance at meetings and events of a cultural, sporting, religious, or fiestas nature. I feel proud to be the mayor of this great town, proud to be the mayor of a town where around 90 different nationalities live, proud to be a member of a political party which for the first time in Spain is presided over locally by a foreign resident, proud to chair a town council with 21 councillors, both those in government and those in opposition, who are working together every day to make improvements to our town. But apart from being proud, I am grateful for the support and backing which our citizens give me, I’m the mayor of all the citizens of Xàbia and all this brings me closer to reality, closer to the problems of my fellow neighbours and especially gives me more strength to go on with even more commitment.

In view of all this, I cannot understand the reason for some articles and opinions published in a particular item of local media, made by a person connected to a political party. These articles are trying to damage me on a personal level and are not in any way helping the coalition government. They have been written in the most absolute ignorance of the political reality of Xàbia and the daily work done by myself and the other councillors. All this only serves to motivate me even further to continue working harder, with more enthusiasm, humility and ambition to fulfil my tasks, and justify the confidence which the citizens of Xàbia have placed in me. I will continue working for my town and its citizens, those to whom I have referred can continue working for their party and its members. I hope you can appreciate the difference! I was delighted to see that once again Xàbia has demonstrated its sporting prowess.

Congratulations to CD Jávea’s ladies football team with their outstanding 5 - 0 victory. In their first full season, playing in Group 4 of the Valencian Second Regional, they have finished the opening half of the season in top spot.

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When the torch for the Marina Alta ‘Minijocs’ (Mini-Olympics) arrived in Xàbia dozens of our young athletes accompanied the Olympic flame through the Town. Both the Councillor for Sports, Juan Luis Cardona, and myself gave a warm welcome to the children and encouraged them to compete well in the next Minijocs, to be held in Dénia on 24th, 25th and 26th May. Xàbia is the only town in the Marina Alta whose representatives will compete in every single sport at the ‘Minijocs’: Basketball, Football, indoor Football, Handball, Tennis, Athletics, Pelota Valenciana, Karate, Badminton, Chess, Swimming and Gymnastics.

The Town Hall has now opened new Civic Premises in Jávea Park. The new social care premises will be staffed by a social worker and a teacher who have been employed thanks to a subsidy of 67,500 euros, under the auspices of the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals with innovative programmes to assist better integration. The objective in opening these premises will be to convert and revitalize a neighbourhood which has a high concentration of immigrants with drug addiction and other related problems such as school absenteeism.

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Cover Story:

Jávea is the Second Cheapest place in Spain to Holiday !! Official !! Portugal and mainland Spain are this year’s best value destinations in April`s “Holiday Costs Barometer” by Post Office Travel Money UK. Key findings: Holiday spending money will stretch furthest in the Algarve in Portugal and on the Spanish Costas this spring due to falling resort prices. Albufeira in the Algarve emerges as the cheapest of 20 holiday destinations for 10 tourist items, including meals and drinks, but the Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca in Spain are hot on its heels. This is a real zip in the arm to local businesses and to Jávea and something of a credit to the Tourist Board, Town Hall and Xabia Idea (and everyone else who has pushed Jávea globally, as a tourist destination) that we were even on the list, in the first place, let alone that we have such good value for money in our shops, cafés and restaurants. So setting aside the downside about why places are so cheap right now, the upside is that this widely respected report will influence holiday bookers and will make a difference to how well we do this summer and how many seasonal jobs will be available, locally. Our thanks to Morten Svensgaard for the Cover Picture and those opposite reminding us all why we love even the “tourist filled” areas of this town.

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ANOTHER DAY OFF It goes without saying that the fiesta is an essential element of Spanish culture and the Spanish people simply wouldn’t be who they are without it. The concept may seem quite alien to the British, whose experiences may well have been limited to a rain-soaked summer carnival and a travelling fairground in a muddy local park every summer, but there are over 15,000 fiestas every year throughout Spain and it is said that even if you attempted to attend more than one a day, you wouldn’t be able to see them all in a single lifetime. In a great many cases, the fiesta is deeply-rooted in religious tradition dating back many hundreds of years, customs that have been lost in the United Kingdom as secularism becomes more widespread. Because Spain has retained much of its historical adherence to Catholicism, there remain many religious observances throughout the year, marking specific landmark dates in the Catholic calendar, such as Corpus Christi. However, other fiestas like Valencia’s ‘Fallas de San José’ and Alicante’s ‘Hogueras’ can trace their roots back to Pagan times whilst the complex history of Spain produces a wide variety of heroic legends and battles played out in the streets of towns across the country.

Jávea is no exception and there are revelries of all shapes and sizes throughout the year from the much-anticipated arrival of the Reyes Magos laden with presents in January to the lightgiving Santa Llúcia in December. In between the town honours its patron saviour, the precious image of Jesús Nazareno which holds the title of ‘perpetual mayor’ and is credited with having saved the town from a vicious outbreak of cholera which ravaged the area in the mid-19th century; its townsfolk light bonfires around the perimeter of the historic centre in Midsummer and, in a strange eclectic mix of Christian and Pagan rituals, they jump over them to cleanse the spirit whilst honouring San Juan – John the Baptist; Islamic forces temporarily invade the port before Christian troops retake control in mock battles and colourful parades of the Moros i Cristianos that remind us not only of Spain’s occupation by Muslim powers but also of a time when Barbary pirates prowled the coast in search of valuable loot to take back to North Africa; and it winds down the hot summer with the festivities of Mare De Deu de Loreto which honour the patron saint of the port, the protector of its fortune on land and sea, and of which the central themes are the popular but somewhat controversial ‘bous al mar’ and the stunning fireworks over the sea.

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Over the next few months I hope to be able to explain what happens at many of these fiestas, what are the key events not to be missed and how to get more involved in the celebrations. Tradition and culture are both vitally important to the people of Jávea, especially in the current climate, and many of the fiestas are deeply rooted in its long history. The British expat community makes up more than a quarter of the population and we can play our part in continuing those traditions by understanding them better rather than just considering it as “another day off”. Mike Smith www.javeamigos.com SHARING A PASSION FOR JÁVEA

Photographs by Fay Hughes-Smith Left: 06-24 Sant Joan (114) – Fogueres de Sant Joan Above: 09-05 Jesus Nazareno (51) – Jesús Nazareno Right: 01-09 Port (18) – Bous al Mar

WHAT’S ON THIS MONTH XÀBIA FOLK 2013 10th May – Rodinka (Gypsy & Slavic Music) 10.30pm Plaça de l’Església 11th May – D’Callaos (New Flamenco) 10.30pm Plaça de l’Església 12th May – Eva Dénia (Valencian) 12 noon Ermita de Santa Llúcia II FESTIVAL DEL MAR 31st – 2nd June: aquatic sports, demonstrations, workshops, seafood cuisine and live music. For a regularly-updated What’s On Guide for Jávea, featuring live music, sport, cinema and much more, see www.javeamigos.com

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Doris Courcelles, councillor for “services, environment and beaches” was born in Belgium and studied at a French university. She speaks Castellano, English, French, Dutch, and German and is still trying to improve her Valenciano. As a consequence, she knows many residents and societies of Spanish and other nationalities here in Jávea. She moved to Spain in 1978. She has a son aged 30 and can empathise with parents in a foreign country.

What is the best way to notice the work that a housewife has done? Well, you will know all about it...... the day that she won’t do it! That is exactly what I wanted to answer to all the people who were complaining about the dirty state of the new “paseo del Arenal”. Since the new promenade project was completed, we have not stopped TRYING to get rid of all the marks, spots and rubbish but it is true that the result hasn’t been successful. On this floor, everything shows. After a lot of investigation, tests and demonstrations, we have finally found a machine which will be able to clean the tiles and collect the water at the same time. We have ordered it and we should be able to use it within a fortnight so..... please, be patient because you do know that I always endeavour to fulfill my obligations..... Anyway, the best manner of ensuring a general good maintenance of the area is to adhere to the basic rules. Any further suggestions you may have will be appreciated. Here is an example of the Poster that we are proposing to place at the entrances to the promenade. Everybody should understand that the dogs are not allowed on the beach, that they must be on their lead on the promenade, that the bikers should respect the walkers, that the skateboarders must not use the benches as a track and of course that vehicles are prohibited. If citizens and tourists follow the instructions, no doubt everyone will enjoy our beautiful “PASEO DEL TENISTA DAVID FERRER”!

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May 5th - Divers to clean up Granadella bay. who took away €20,000 worth of firewood. Farmers are The Cabo la Nao Dive Centre organised Sunday May 5th for cleaning the seabed of Granadella bay, one of the favorite beaches for swimmers and scuba divers. There were a waste collection of plastics, cans, wires, etc. which were all documentead afterwards. After the activity, the dive center awarded diplomas to all the voluntary participants as a souvenir. This initiative is under the initiaive of Project Aware, http://www.projectaware.org/ a nonprofit foundation that organizes activities related to the protection of the oceans. From XAD: El Centro de Buceo...

having a hard time from nature too with reports of hail damage to summer fruits and a plague of rabbits)

May 1st - Jávea Cancer Care in groundbreaking

funding agreement with private Valencia University. Marina Alta is a region that has for decades been the home to many foreign-born citizens and they have gradually integrated into the daily life of our region. Furthermore, some of these foreigners have started projects that benefit not only the residents but also all the neighbours. This is the case of Jávea Cancer Care, an association that aims to help May 2nd - New Civic Centre in Jávea Park cancer patients throughout the region and the province. Javea Town Council has opened a multipurpose space This entity has taken a step forward and yesterday signed called “Espai Civic Punt” in Jávea Park, which has many an agreement with the University CEU-Cardenal Herreimmigrant residents. This venue will host activities to ra-Valencia for the creation (and funding) of the ECMOR strengthen the social fabric and promote the participation Chair (English Chair for Modern Oncology Research). At of residents. The project was carried out with a grant of first they had sought an agreement with the Catholic Uni67,500 euros from the European Integration Fund. The ob- versity of Valencia, but this did not quite gell. And after jective is to combat truancy, drug abuse and social exclu- the negative result and “disillusionment with failure” they sion and avoid creating ghettos. The new social focal point crossed the road the oldest of the two private universities is on the ground floor of Avenida del Pla number 35 and is of Valencia. So in collaboration with the academic instistaffed by a social worker and an educator. From XAD: El tution and many contributions of donors they have able to raise the money to start this project in the premises of DeAyuntamiento... nia hospital. The agreement will allow the CEU-UCH to May 1st - New bye laws on use of roads and public take over the technological resources of the new Laboraspaces comes into force. On May 1st the new bye law reg- tory of Pharmacotherapy and personalisation of Oncology ulating the use of roads and public spaces in Xàbia, came (FPOlab) located in the Hospital de Dénia, for developing into force. This ordinance relates to all types of occupation a personalized medicine program in the fight against canof public areas such as markets, construction, containers, cer. Cancer Care Javea made a contribution of 260,000 euperformances etc, as well as the occupation of public spac- ros to finance activities under this Chair until 2017. From es with tables and chairs belonging to bars and restaurants. Las Provincias: Jávea Cancer care... There have been complaints from some affected businesses, so the Town hall has issued an explanatory note. See: May 1st - Making a living will in Spain - Anyone of legal age can make a living will or model one afBye law on occupation of public spaces on Agenda 21 ter existing documents drafted by regional governments, May 1st - New “Campo” police squad fights fruit dignified death advocate groups such as Derecho a Morir thefts. A new regional police squad called El Grupo de Dignamente (the Right to die with dignity), or even the Seguridad en el Ámbito Rural (SAR) has been formed to Catholic Church. The document is then either entrusted combat the wave of thefts in rural agricultural areas. In to a notary and signed before three witnesses with no nine days they have intercepted 21 tons of fruit of suspi- ties to the will taker - all three must keep a copy - or else cious provenance. The agents combed 64 municipalities handed to the appropriate registrar’s office in the regional throughout the region, and increased surveillance in ware- government. Since a few weeks ago, and for the first time houses, cooperatives and retail outlets. In a related inci- ever, all regional records are connected to the National dent the Guardia Civil intercepted 822 kilos of oranges Living Will Register. If the need should arise, doctors which had been stolen from an orchard near Carcaixent. can consult a patient’s living will regardless of where it The alleged theives were four Romainians. From Las Pro- was drawn up and officialized. For full story see: El Pais vincias: Nueva Policía... (A21`s Note: It’s not just fruit in English that thieves are targeting - a story last week described an how an orange orchard had been chopped down by theives Follow Agenda 21 on agenda21-xabia.wikidot.com

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GUNDA, female, Shelter since 12.03.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 15.09.2011 – 53 cm Gunda was found on the street, together with another female that looks as if she were her mother. Gunda is a beautiful girl with a nice character, she is friendly, likes other dogs and people as well. She can easily be handled and is now ready to go to a new home. If given some education and exercise she will become the ideal companion for a family or also for a single person. SEBRA, female, Shelter since 27.03.2010 Alsatian Mix, DOB 15.12.2009 – 60 cm Sebra was thrown over our fence in the night, together with her sister Santa. When we arrived here in the morning we were greeted enthusiastically. Both dogs were covered with ticks and full of flees. Therefore we had to remove the ticks first and then apply a “anti flea shower”. Sebra is a little bit sweeter than her sister. She sits down when somebody talks to her and she is very fond of being cuddled.

TRISTAN, male, Shelter since 28.05.2012 Crossbreed, DOB 15.05.2011 – 50 cm Tristan and his brother Trevor were found on a large building yard. They were obviously left there without water and food. Tristan is a nice boy, friendly towards other dogs, notwithstanding their sex. He is waiting for somebody to take him to a new family with children or with other dogs. Come to the shelter and get acquainted with him. PUREZA; female, Shelter since 22.11.2012 Podenco Portugues, DOB 15.11.2007 – 41 cm Pureza was tied to the gate one morning, together with another podenco. She not young anymore and she was really scared when we found her. Pureza is a smaller sized dog, however with a strong character, i.e. a big dog in a small body. She is still a bit afraid of people but she is much better than at the beginning. She needs to be socialized and must learn how to walk on the lead properly. And of course she has to get accustomed to the attention and the loving touches of people as she has never before experienced this in her life.

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APASA FORTHCOMING EVENTS MAY 18th FIESTA AT THE SHELTER Cami de les Sorts 1pm till 5pm. BBQ, TOMBOLA, CAKES, donated cakes - All welcome. MAY 19th SPONSORED DOGWALK approx 5 kms from Javea Park to the Port and back again Registration 10 11am walk starts at 11.am Walk your own dog or a rescue dog from APASA. Sponsor forms available from Mister Punch Cafe, The Euro Bazaar in Javea Park and Bombers in the Port or collect on the day 5 euros registration fee, all are welcome. Money raised will go towards the new roofs for the two major kennels at APASA June 28th EVENING BBQ 7.30 till late with the OK Band at Font Santa. July 25th EVENING BBQ with OK BAND at Micheta Restaurant, Moraira next to Ilfach Golf Club. 20 Euros. Booking Sue 96 5741668

JUNE 1st Annual Ball at Salon de Canor HURRAH FOR HOLLYWOOD !!

Maybe you could win an Oscar for the Best turnout!!. Music by the popular Duo Timewarp who will for sure get you on your feet dancing. This year - Timewarp will follow their live act with a Disco till 1am! Welcome drinks in the gardens to the music of Poco Loco Followed by a three course meal with wine and coffee. â‚Ź35. Reservations Maggie 96 5744449 or Mandy 639603880

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HOT NEWS Spain reclaims the top spot in ‘Restaurant’ magazine’s Top 50 El Celler de Can Roca named world’s number one restaurant RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH DOLCE e SALATO : Avenida Marina Espanola 13, Javea (next to Calima & Piri Piri). Wow ! What a discovery … a charming Italian (Luca) and his Greek wife (Pamela) offering a range of (in-house created dishes) from their delicious home baked bread through to the best imaginable tsatziki and other original Eastern Mediterranean tapas (read mezze !) creations - not to forget the best Mozarella in town and Baklava – too long to list. We look forward to Pamela’s Taramasalata and Melizanosalata (the Greek version of Mtabal) very soon, please !! Sensationally good house wine (red). A delightful new arrival on the scene. Tel: 667 246233 NEWS JUNE 5th & 6th : THE NEXT ENGLISH TEAS at the JÁVEA PARADOR will be on Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th June 2013 at 16:30h – yes, such is their popularity that they now run the teas on two consecutive days ! Bravo… let us celebrate that this has become a well establish fixture of Jávea life ! The hotel offers perfectly made tea (incl. Earl Grey) as well as cucumber sandwiches, delicious scones (with clotted cream and red jam) and carrot & walnut cake and a glass of Cava to finish. A delight. Yes, readers .... this is a triumph and all for €10. Because the teas have been so successful it remains essential to book [96 579 0200]. Make up a small group - and book early. VERY TOP OF THE CLASS for all true Gastronauts ! JÁVEA : Restaurante BONAMB : Dutch owned, this restaurant (formerly Giardino, at the Tarraula roundabout at the end of Cabanes and the beginning of the Benitachell/ Golf Club Road ) enjoys a sophisticated and comfortable interior and beautifully laid out gardens and terraces. This is the most important gastronomic investment in Jávea - ever - and it really puts Jávea on the map completing the triangle of world-class restaurants formed by Quique Dacosta (Denia) and Casa Pepa (Ondara). I was both charmed and enchanted by my visit. Our visit a month

ago, and again last week, were both supremely memorable. Autumn menus : MIDDAY : €24 (Aperitif BonAmb/ two starters/ 4 main courses/ 2-3 desserts + one beverage or glass of red or white house wine. DINNER : The 7-course dinner is € 49.50 and the 9-course dinner is € 70. f.Sunday p.m & Monday. Tel : 96 508 4440 / E-mail: Reservations : reservas@bonamb.com http://bonamb.com A “gastronaut” wrote : very much enjoyed the degustation menu - the ideas, flavours and presentation were exceptional and we were pleasantly surprised by the wine list prices. Also enjoyed an excellent lunch. IN A CLASS OF THEIR OWN (from €35+ per head) Restaurant ATALAYA : On the right side of Jávea’s Arenal beach. This restaurant serves creative dishes of superb quality. Previously held to account for appalling muzak, recent reports suggest that this is less of a problem so we are pleased to acknowledge their excellent culinary skills with the proviso that we hope that common sense has now prevailed here and that clients are now spared the (previous) infernal noise ! 96 628.9666 http://atalayajavea.com Restaurante LA BOHÈME (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : This restaurant (and Los Remos de la Nao, Le Gourmand & Atalaya) are the best French styled restarants on the Arenal beach front. Fine tapas, superb steaks. Menu del dia €15.95. Consistently excellent reports throughout the summer but comments reveal this is an expensive place. Parador end of Arenal promenade. Tel : 96 579.1600 open daily. www.javeacompany.com/javeacompany/boheme Restaurante LE GOURMAND : Carretera Jesús Pobre 202. Four months have passed since Le Gourmand moved to their new premises and excellent reports from many sources reach us showing that it has become a major success in our community, not only in the affections of a very wide range of resident gastronauts but as one of the very best establishments in the area. We foresaw that a move away from front-line tourism on the beach would allow their reputation, amongst serious eaters, to blossom throughout the resident community - and so it has proved. Booking is now essential ! Tel: 96 628.9686 / f. Monday / E-mail : legourmand.javea@gmail.com Restaurante MASENA (Jávea) : Go to the end of Cami Cabanes road (behind Barclays) and immediately left onto the Benitachell (Golf Club) road. Beautifully appointed Belgian-owned restaurant with a stylish air of Mexican

decoration. Menu del dia €17 (but not Sundays). Good meat a speciality notably Chateaubriand and steak cooked on hot stone. They are always busy so must book! Muzak always turned down on request. Tel : 96 579.3764 / f. Tues Web : http://www.restaurantcostablanca.com/restaurantes/ Alicante/Javea-Xabia/Masena/

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sented and served with charm and showing flair. Adventurous regional Spanish & international cuisine. What is remarkable is the pricing structure of €16 (two courses) or €19 (three courses) making the whole experience, in terms of quality/price, “top of the class” ! The wine list is fascinating and very honestly priced; it is also a challege but do not be intimidated as you will reRestaurante LA PLAZA No.6 : (in the “triangular square” ceive good advice if needed ! Quality wines also available (sic) opp. Humpty Dumpty). All-year-round success- by the glass. Evenings only. Tel: 96 579.5140 (f. Sunday ful and delightful German-owned establishment offering & Monday) www.lacocinajavea.com / E-mail : info@laexcellent international cuisine (can even include the ex- cocinajavea.com cellent Wiener schnitzel !). A favourite with residents in tranquil surroundings. Menu del dia €11 ( midday ) & Restaurante NESFOR : Cta. Cabo de la Nao-Pla 25. Re€19.00 evenings. Kitchen open till 23:30 h. Live music opened by the same family after 14 years, this restaurant one evening a week (Thurs). Tel: 96 646 2314 /f. Monday has immediately impressed. A lunch visit (we ate à la /www.laplaza6.com / E-mail: oliver@laplaza6.net carte) proved excellent. New parking area at the back. Restaurante SOFIA’S : Avda. del Pla 20, Jávea. Really delicious and excellently prepared food. This restaurant has not featured on this list for 5 years due to its over loud muzak but an accommodation has been reached and a simple request will now see it turned down (or even off !). The Menu-del-día is one of the best, cost/quality, that we know (currently Euros 14.50 with a glass of wine only available Thursday lunch. High standards pervade all their dishes and the restaurant is beautifully appointed. Easy parking. Tel: 96 646.2903 / Open 19:00 - 22:30 h / f. Sun/Mon www.sofiasrestaurantspain.com Restaurante TOSCA (Arenal beach, on the bridge overlooking the creek and close to Jávea Parador); Creative cooking. Approx. Euros 35.00. Excellent Menu-del-día 17.90 Euros. Muzak here can be irritating (they say they play it to cover the noise from the kitchen !). BYO “corkage” is a good idea but charged at an outrageous €9. 96 579.3145 f. Monday midday http://www.buscorestaurantes.com/restaurante/Restaurante-Tosca-105829-0.html

Tel: 96 646 3872 / reservas@restaurantenesfor.com www.restaurantenesfor.com


Restaurante LA PERLA de JÁVEA (Arenal beach front, right hand side). Menu-del-día €14. Some very good reports have been reaching us. Tel : 96 647 0772 / open daily / Web : www.laperladejavea.com Restaurante EL RANCHO : Cta. Cabo de la Nao (between the German clinic & Saladar SuperMarket). Another recently reopened restaurant ! A young British couple (Simon & Danielle) have taken over and added, recently, a French chef to make the 3-chef team. Well appointed and in delightful surroundings the kitchen team has settled down well and, after all these years, the food can again be taken seriously ! Reports are, overall, are on the good to excellent side. Menu-del-día (€13.95 & €22). We think you need to book ! Good parking either side of main road. Tel: 96 577.1126 / f. Sunday p.m. & Monday. E-mail: elranchojavea@hotmail.com

EXCELLENT (c. €25-30 per head)

Restaurante LOS REMOS de la NÃO (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : French owned and was probably the best of all the Restaurante CALIMA (Jávea port, Avda. de la Marina Es- Arenal beach restaurants although there are recent reports pañola, pedestrianized seafront). Next to Piri-Piri recently of improved standards they have proved short-lived. Lies refurbished. Imaginative and sometimes rewardingly ex- at the extreme right hand end of the bay on the edge of the perimental. Jazz Thurs. Menu del dia €11.95 (Mon-Sat) large car park overlooking the beach. Fish a speciality. Sun. €13. Tel : 96 579 4821 open daily. restaurantecali- Great views. Menu del día €15 (Sunday €20). Best to ma@gmail.com www.restaurante-calima.com book. 96 647.0776 / f. Tues. www.losremoslanao.com Restaurante CHEZ ANGEL (Jávea Arenal - close to Humpty Dumpty on right after Arenal traffic lights). Brasserie style. Excellent meat - absolutely the best Châteaubriand in the area (with Masena at No. 2 !). Wonderful Cous-Cous. Serves copious vegetables. Menus del dia c.€16.00 & €25.00. Tel : 96 579.2723 / f. Tues

Restaurante LA RENDA : Cristo del Mar, Jávea Port , right beside the Cinema Jayan. Beautifully appointed restaurant with some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine - we even found sweetbreads on the menu. Menu del día €12.50. Live music on Friday. Muzak turned off on request. Tel:96 579.3763 arenda.javea@gmail.com www.larenda.es

Restaurante LA COCINA : leaving Jávea port towards the old town - on the corner of the last of row of shops before N.B. This restaurant offers a bargain pre-cinema special petrol station. This restaurant is acclaimed all over the menu from 18:45h (Mon-Thurs) at €14 which includes Jávea community. The food is truly excellent, well pre- your cinema ticket ! See details above.

16 | The Grapevine May 2013

full so best to try to book. Now there is hot competition next door ! Tel : 96 647.1196 / open daily http://www.verema.com/restaurantes/46085-lungo-mare-javea Continued...

FAMILY RESTAURANTS / GOOD & RELIABLE (Euros 20 - 35 per head) AUSTRIACO Restaurante has been sold and a new Italian restaurant is now open - see under LA TAGLIATELLA. AUSTRIACO Bakery (Jávea; Arenal beach front). This excellent bakery continues to offer their superb bread/ croissants & gâteaux from 07:00h daily. (also served at their café. (Another source of very excellent bread is the expensively-priced Saladar Supermarket). Tel : 96 647.1004 / open daily / Restaurante AZORIN : Jávea Port (in the street behind Napoli). Superb fish/chicken & chips. Menu del dia €9. Kids love it. Tel : 96 579.4495 / f. Sat. Restaurante BACCHUS (Jávea) : Wonderful quality, Swiss owned. Cook your own (superb) steak on stone. Pinosol-Cansalades road. Must book. Menus-del-día from €15 (W/ends €18). Tel : 96 647.3096 / f. Mon. www.infocostablanca.com/bacchus/first%20en.htm NEW ADDITION Wine bar & ITALIAN specialities DOLCE e SALATO : Avnda Marina Espanola 13, Javea (next to Calima & Piri Piri). Wow ! What a discovery, a charming Italian (Luca) and his Greek wife (Pamela) offering a range of (in-house created dishes) from their delicious home baked bread through the best possible tsatziki and other original Eastern Mediterranean tapas (read mezze !) creations - not to forget the best Mozarella in town and Baklava – too long to list. We look forward to Pamela’s Taramasalata and Melizanosalata (the Greek version of Mtabal) very soon, please !! Sensationally good house wine (red). A delightful new arrival. Tel: 667 246233 / Closes according to the weather ! Restaurante L’ÉCHALOTTE : Jávea Costa Nova, beside the tennis club just before the La Guardia cross roads. International cuisine of excellent quality with covered terrace behind. Good parking. Tel: 96 647.3364 Restaurante EL GAUCHO (formerly Las Brisias on the Jesús Pobre road). This re-opened restaurant ha gaining many plaudits under the management of the excellent Pizzeria Pepa (at Arenal) and offers an especially worthwhile restaurant for the residents of Montgó. Meat a speciality, of course ! Tel: 96 646.1338 / www.pizzeriapepa.com Restaurante LUNGO MARE (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Excellent Italian restaurant - beware large portions (some can be shared !). Beware, muzak can be bad ! Often fairly

Restaurante MEZQUIDA : Main road from Jávea towards Arenal, on right side, just after Iceland roundabout on left but before Sol-Mar offices. Good ambience/very popular Spanish ‘family’ restaurant. Serves the best Arroz negro (a delicious rice and squid dish) that we know of. Good prices, superb meat. Spotless & mostly muzak-free. Delightful, large and musak-free terrace. Menu-del-día €16. Tel : 96 579.3620 / open daily / E-mail: rtemezquidaxabia@hotmail.com http://www.restaurantemezquida.com/ STOP PRESS – re-opening under new management Restaurante MINTT RUSTICA (Jávea - Cami Cabanes). Take the road to right of Barclays, right at roundabout; it’s along on the left, after the first burmp. Formerly La Rustica and now under new management. Opens Saturday 4th May. More details next month – meanwhile reports welcome. Tel : 96 577.0855 Open 7/7. Restaurante MONTGÓ : 2-3kms along Jávea -Jesús Pobre road (on left, with large stone tablet outside). Amazing choice/ value/ quantity/quality & well presented. Best fish ‘n’ chips of the region (with Azorin). Menu-del-día €11.50. We remind readers of the equally valid ALMENDROS restaurant on the opposite side of the road. Tel : 96 579.5020 / f. Thurs. Restaurante PIRI-PIRI : Excellent/imaginative (copious) ‘tapas’. Widely praised and popular with residents. On the port’s pedestrianised sea-front, leading from the bridge. Arrive early for lunch, but best to book. Excellent Menus-del-día €11.50 (w/ends €13.60). Charming host & very professional - one of our favourites 96 579.4745 / f. Sun.pm & Mon (closed early New Year). Restaurante PIZZERIA PEPA (Jávea: Arenal beach front, nr. middle). Spanish; excellent value, swift service. Pizza takeaway. VERY efficient, popular, good atmosphere; muzak low; must book! Menu-del-día €16. The best quick-service “family” restaurant at the beach. Open daily 96 5792572 www.pizzeriapepa.com/site/page-2-2-3.html Restaurante LA TAGLIATELLA : (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Another elegant looking Italian restaurant, close to Lungo Mare. More news next month. Reports welcome, please. Tel: 96 647.2984 / www.latagliatella.es / f. ? JÁVEA’s TOP MENUS DEL DÍA [ between €12.50 - €20 : full details in text ] Many restaurants are now producing menus-del-día of such outstanding quality that we thought it best to recognise their achievement in listing them here. Fuller details in the main text.

Amarre 152 - Masena - El Rancho - Parador (€33) Piri-Piri - La Plaza - Los Remos - La Renda La Rustica - Sophia’s (Thurs. only) - Tosca

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Restaurante (the 5-star) BENI ASIA (BENITACHELL) !! : On right side of the Cumbre del Sol road which leads off Benitachell high street. This is regarded by very many (including your writer) as the best Chinese restaurant in EASTERN RESTAURANTS the whole area, lead by the charming owner, Fan-Fan. Recent visiting residents of Singapore and Hong Kong have INDIAN RESTAURANTS strongly confirmed this view. Peking Duck a special speRestaurante TAJ MAHAL (Indian) : The “top rank” Indi- ciality - of course ! Every dish tastes different and the an restaurant at Arenal beach, overlooking main car park. food is free of MSG. Take a group of 6 people and order Lunch buffet €7.40. Voucher for 10% discount available these dishes : 10, 24, 34, 51, 54, 70, 89 & 99 and then tell me that wasn’t the best chinese meal of the year ?? from Campobello on request. Re-opened after holidays. Tel : 96 647.1684 / open daily www.javea247.co.uk/res- Tel: 96 649.4042 / fanfan@beniasia.com taurants/taj-mahal-indian-cuisine/ TAPAS Restaurante THE GREAT INDIAN : Another quality Indian at Arenal beach (in the middle outside of the road that runs right around the beach area). Takeaway facility Bar/Restaurante LAS OLAS : HAVE YOU EVER WONand Wi-Fi. Noisy, but with appropriate(!) muzak and TV. DERED why there are always so many cars outside the Bar LAS OLAS (on the Cabo de la Nao road, on the right, Open 7/7. Tel: 96 646.3768 half way between Barclays and the Ferreteria PLA48) ? Well, go discover it for yourselves. Here is, indeed, a real NEPALESE RESTAURANTS surprise. A huge range of really good, copious tapas far Being largely ignorant of the intricacies of Indian cuisine cheaper than the Arenal beach front! The size of the porone wondered why these next two restaurants are talked tions means this is perhaps 50% of the cost of the beach about over and above all other (Indian? style) restaurants. establishments? Be careful how much you order - you may Now I can declare that I think it must be the Nepalese in- not be able to finish. Ideal for hungry kids ! Clean tables, good service, bi-lingual menu. TV inside but mostly quiet fluence ! Go and try them. outside. Tel: 96 577.0175 Restaurante BUDDHA PALACE : Arenal - opposite BanFISH ca March (newly opened). This was a most enjoyable experience ! Tel: 96 579 2894 buddhapalace1@gmail.com / Restaurante AMARRE 152 (Jávea) : literally “Mooring Open: 7/7 152”, tranquil situation by the bobbing boats at the very Restaurante GURKHA PALACE : Avda. Jaime 1, No.8 head of the mooring creek that goes inland from the ParaJávea port. Fine food with good ambience. Take away ser- dor. Menus del dia €18 & 20 (fish). Excellent for rice/fish vice. Menus del dia : €9.50 & €11.99 Al la carte €20-30. dishes. A recent visit showed them on top form. Tel : 96 579.0629 / f. Monday Tel: 96 579. 3331 / f. Tues.midday http://www.verema.com/restaurantes/36008-amarre-152-xabia-javea INDONESIAN TAPINDO (& “Take-Away”) : In the last row of shops on the right side as you leave Arenal shopping area towards Mercadona. Produces excellent Indonesian food (especially Bami Goreng & Nasi Goreng). All sorts of combinations can be served to take home although there are facilities for eating on their terrace. Ideal for the hungry ! Tel: 96 646.4191 / f.Sun. CHINESE Restaurante < The WOK BUFFET > : Jávea, at the Barclays roundabout. Very good. Recently refurbished and now with an extensive choice of shellfish included in their bargain price. Eat all you like for Euros 9.95 (special price for kids under 7). Go early (12:30h for lunch, 19:30h for dinner) when the huge spread is at its best. Low on atmosphere but a great quality “fill-up” if you are hungry. Tel : 96 579.7016 / daily 12-24h.

Restaurante SUR : ...at the beautiful Granadella creek (down off the Cabo de la Nao); certainly the best fish restaurant in Jávea (they own their own boat!). Our absolute favourite for fish and a beautiful location. Sensational puds ! Highly rated in Spain ‘s Gastronomía Guide. Best to book. Tel : 96 577.1612 / daily 10-18h / Open lunch only (closed c. 15 Dec - end Feb). http://www.restaurantesur.com/ INCODNITO < Fish ‘n’ Chips > : Jávea, Arenal beach, on main car park. It is not usual for such an establishment to find its way onto this list but it has proved to be very reliable with both fish and chips of excellent quality. Beach refurbishment appears to making access a little difficult. Tel : 95 577.0068 / f. Sunday. ________________________________________ Sensible comments and information up-daties etc. are always very welcome at : gastro@campobello-javea.es E & O E : 130503 - 2013 J.G. DEACON

18 | The Grapevine May 2013

TOWN HALL UNANIMOUSLY APPROVES MOTION AGAINST FOREIGN RESIDENT ASSET DECLARATION The Plenum session of Javea Council on Thursday 25 April unanimously approved the motion proposed by Xàbia Democratica councillor Oscar Anton to inform the Ministry of Finance and Public Affairs in Madrid of the direct damage that the application of Law 7/2012 will do to the coastal towns with large foreign populations. Deputy Mayor Oscar Anton said:

“Other councils like to talk about it, but in Javea we do something about it. Actions speak louder than words and we as a council irrespective of party all believe that this motion is right. The town of Javea has spoken, now hopefully others will follow us.” Anton said that he fully understands the economic catastrophe that could ensue if foreign nationals resident in Jávea and other towns with similar demographics decide “to take their business elsewhere” or even only decide to become tax residents of their home countries, which is an option under new ‘Double Taxation’ agreements.” He said: “I want to tell Madrid that we are not happy about the law and the government must limit things because in future people will not choose Spain to make a new home if the state will be asking you a lot of questions. People are coming here to retire and relax or to work – they pay their taxes, we do not want more taxes from them because they spend their money in our shops, restaurants and bars and

for our services. It is wrong to get to these people and it would be bad news for the Spanish economy if they decided to leave. Now I have the backing of the whole council, all the parties are behind me.” The controversial asset declaration law introduced by Royal Decree on 15 November 2012 was designed to reduce tax evasion by Spanish nationals, making all tax residents of Spain declare assets abroad and explain the source of the money used to acquire those assets. However one of the by-products of this legislation has been to promote confusion and havoc among the expats who now have to make comprehensive declarations of assets they hold outside of Spain. An indication of the unsuitability of the legislation and the naivety of those who drafted it is that is much of the information required does not even exist. This has caused foreign residents eager to comply with all laws of their adopted country a lot of unnecessary anxiety. As the Spanish tax laws, rates and allowances differ from those of other countries they create the potential situation where foreign nationals will be better off not being tax residents of Spain, and in some cases deciding not to be residents at all. Both situations would only add to Spanish economic woes. Mistrust and misunderstanding has caused a lot of foreign residents not to register on the Padron and recently some have taken themselves off the list. “This is terrible” says Anton, “Javea is losing its share of government money because of this.” The Council believes the asset declaration exercise is missing its intended target – Spanish citizens moving money abroad to avoid taxes – and instead hitting foreign residents keen to abide by the rules, which is why Oscar introduced the motion - to read more please follow the rest of this article from Mike Smith on www.javeamigos. com


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20 | The Grapevine May 2013

MAY 2012 Exhibitions Scotch and sofa - Bento’s Galería March 23rd - May 30th Paintings, sofas and malt. Aurora Valero - Al Marge Espai d’Art April 20th - May 17th Individual exhibit. 50 years of the Vicente Tena School’s history. Museu Arqueològic i Etnogràfic municipal Soler Blasco May 10th - 31st Mike Steel i Andreu Reverter - Photographs - Casa del Cable May 10th - June 2nd Exhibit of artworks by the Photographer, Mike Steel.

Fri 10/5/2013 - 17:30 h. Biblioteca Pública Children Storytellers. Pluja de Contes (Storytellers). Little Red Riding Hood. 19:00 h. Conservatori de Música Music. String Instruments and Orchestra. Encounter with Students from the String Instrument Ensemble & Orchestra from the Teulada and Xàbia Conservatories. Followed by a concert. 22:30 h. Pl. Església Música. Festival Xàbia Folk Music. Xàbia Folk Festival. Performance by Rodinka. Slavic and Gypsy music. Sat 11/5/2013 - 16:00 h. Platja de l’Arenal Sports. 2nd TriXàbia Edition 2013. Organized by Cycling Club: Bicicletas Gurugu Xàbia and Federación Triatlón CV Collaboration: Regidoria d’Esports Xàbia (Council of Sports of Xàbia) Municipal Police, Civil Protection, Track Club: Club d’Atletisme Llebeig-Xàbia, Asociación Xàbia Biker’s and Creu Roja (Red Cross). Departure and finish line: Arenal parking facility, south of Avd. de la Libertad.

Painting artworks by the students of the Mediterranean Painting School of Xàbia - Ca Lambert May 17th -June 1st

17:00 h. Centre Històric Leisure. 2nd Xábia BMX Competition. BMX competition and exhibition with two categories: Amateur and pro. More information: www.monjove. net.

Paintings - Al Marge Espai d’Art May 18th - June 13th María José Pérez-Vicente / José Vicente Guerrero Tonda.

22:30 h. Pl. Església Music. Xàbia Folk Festival. Performance by D’Callaos. New Flamenco.

Entertainment Mon 6/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan Cine Club El Seté Segell. Seaching for Sugar Man El Seté Segell Cinema Club. Seaching for Sugar Man. In the 1960’s, Rodríguez was discovered in a Detroit bar by two producers who fell in love with his melodies and poignant lyrics. They recorded an album but it did not achieve the expected success. In fact, the artist disappeared amidst rumours about his suicide. Over time, a pirate recording of this artist appeared and became a major phenomenon. Two South African fans attempt to find out what really happened. Thu 9/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Casa de Cultura Book Presentation. “Mis sensaciones” by Toñi Buigues Bisquert. The author recounts his experience during the process of overcoming breast cancer, with the aim of helping other women.

Sun 12/5/2013 - 12:00 h. Ermita de Santa Llúcia Music. Xàbia Folk Festival. Eva Dénia. Valencian songs. 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan El Seté Segell Cinema Club. “Liberal Arts.” (USA, 97’/ colour 2012) Director and script: Josh Radnor, Photography: Seamus Tierney, Music: Ben Toth, Actors: Josh Radnor, Elizabeth Olsen, Richard Jenkins Original version with subtitles.Jesse is disappointed with his job and his future. He returns to his old University for the retirement dinner of his favorite professor. A meeting with Zibby, a 19-year old student awakens a powerful attraction between them, which becomes a romance. However, they will have to face numerous obstacles, above all, the age difference. Mon 13/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan El Seté Segell Cinema Club. “Liberal arts.” ...as above

Tue 14/5/2013 - 19:00 h. Tourist Info Xàbia Centre Thematic route. Das XIX Jahrhundert und die Rosinen. Route in German - discover more about the Historical City Centre of Xàbia. Duration: 1 hr. 30 min. Price: 6€ adults and 3€ children. Pre-registration required. Wed 15/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Casa de Cultura Conference. Human Consciousness & Animal Consciousness: The debate continues. Dr. Enrique Font Bisier. Professor of the University of Valencia. What is consciousness? Is there something similar to human consciousness in animals? i.e. what types of subjective experiences accompany the existence of an ant? What about a dog? Or a chimpanzee? Or. Meridià Zero. Thu 16/5/2013 - 19:30 h. Casa de Cultura Workshop. A New Way of Life. By Juan Cayuela Rodriguez and Raquel Piñero. Fri 17/5/2013 - 17:30 h. Biblioteca Pública Children Storytellers. Pluja de contes (Storytellers). 20:00 h. Casa de Cultura Book Presentation. L’Herbari. Authors: Daniel Climent and Ferran Zurriaga. Sat 18/5/2013 - 10:00 h. Parador de Turisme Ruta Temàtica. Xàbia Romana Thematic route. Roman Xàbia. Tour: El Arenal and la Sèquia de la Nòria. Route in English exploring the most important historical landmarks of the Roman age. 1 hr. 30 min. Price: 6€ adults and children 3€. Pre-Registration required. 17:00 h. Casa de Cultura Children’s Theatre. Gu-Gu. By the Company: L’Oracle de l’Est. Two sessions: 17:00 and 18:30. Sun 19/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan El Seté Segell Cinema Club. “Dias de pesca en Patagonia” (Argentina, 80’/ color 2012) Director and script: Carlos Sorin, Photography: Julian Apezteguía, Music: Nicolás Sorin, Actors: Alejandro Awada, Victoria Almeida, Diego Caballero. Marco is a 50-year old ex-alcoholic who is recommended to find a hobby in order to cure his alcoholism: he chooses fishing and he selects a fishing spot in a small town in Patagonia, precisely where his daughter lives whom he has not seen for years. Mon 20/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan El Seté Segell Cinema Club. “Días de pesca en Patagonia” - as above Fri 24/5/2013 - 17:30 h. Biblioteca Pública Children Storytellers. Pluja de contes (Storytellers). The Three Musketeers. 20:00 h. Casa de Cultura Presentation. Album: “Está la vida en tot”. Miquel Pérez presents 11 of his personal theme songs, a song by Ana Gràcia and a versión of Bob Dylan, all in Valencian. The CD has diverse styles traditional music, pop, bossa nova, etc. Sandra Alfonso, violin. Oscar Cuchillo, double bass. Nacho Pérez, percussion. Manolo Vives, piano. Francisco José Pérez, accordion. Miquel Pérez, guitar and voice.

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Sat 25/5/2013 Starting Point To Be Aarranged Excursion. Les Valls. Route through the agricultural zone of Gata, Jesús Pobre and Xàbia, with explanations about the crops, traditional uses, threats and current situation. DURATION: 3 hr. DISTANCE: 4 Km. DIFFICULTY: Low. Organized by El Montgó Natural Park. Additonal Information at tel.: 96 642 32 05.

Sun 26/5/2013 - 20:00 h. Cinema Jayan El Seté Segell Cinema Club. Bir zamanlar Anadolu’da. (Turquey and Bosnia, 150’/ color 2011) Director and script: Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Photography: Gökhan Tiryaki, Editing: Bora Goksingol, Actors: Muhammet Uzuner, Yilmaz Erdogan, Taner Birsel Original version with Spanish subtitles. Tue 28/5/2013 - 19:00 h. Tourist Info Port Thematic route. Der Hafen, die Kirche und die Strassen. Route in German language to explore Duanes de la Mar area. Duration: 1 hr. 30 min. Price: 6€ adults and children 3€. Pre-Registration required. Fri 31/5/2013 Port de Xàbia Fair. 2nd Sea Festival in Xàbia. From the 31st of May to 2nd of June: Ships and Nautical Items in a Sale-Purchase Trade Fair with numerous recreational-holiday activities. Sports competitions, life-saving demonstrations, aquatic sports, fishing workshops, seafood cuisine, concerts, etc. Timetable: from 11:00 to 14:200 and from 16:00 to 20:00. 17:30 h. Biblioteca Pública Children Storytellers. Pluja de contes (Storytellers). Closing ceremony of the campaign. A world of fantasy. 20:00 h. Casa de Cultura Harp Concert Recital : Francesc Estévez J. S. Bach: ‘The Well-tempered Clavier’ Book 1 Preludes and fugues I-XII de J. S.Bach (1685-1750).

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ALL ENQUIRIES including advertising and editorials to editor@grapevinespain.com or ring 681 001 300 Web site: www.grapevinespain.com Or you can book, upload and pay for your advert on http://www.grapevinespain.com/ javea/advertising/ Don´t forget Classifieds are free but proper adverts are classier :-)

22 | The Grapevine May 2013

So, less blood, less pressure on the arterial wall, less blood pressure measured. In theory, at least. In you it seems to be different. Why should that be? The most common reason for that is a rather plain one: failure of the blood pressure measuring device. First step should be to measure your blood pressure with a different machine. Ideally one with a cuff that goes round the upper arm. If you cannot get hold of one easily have it checked by a chemist. Go more than once but always to the same place. That might well be the end of your concerns. However, should these control measurements continue giving you high diastolic readings something might indeed be wrong.

Dear Doctor, I am a little concerned regards my blood pressure and would like to ask for your advice. The readings are good for the upper value, about 135-150mmHg. What I find strange is the readings I get for the lower value. They all are above 95mmHg, sometimes even more than 100mmHg. I have been to my doctor in Orba and he told me not to worry, it was not so bad, no need to do anything about it. I am 48 years old now and otherwise well. Is it true that this is acceptable or do I need to worry? Tom from Orba Dear Tom, let us get a bit technical to start with. Just a little bit. Firstly, the upper reading is called systolic pressure reading and the lower one diastolic reading. Or simply the systolic and the diastolic. The systolic reading is always the higher of the two. It reflects the moment the blood wave is at its peak as it surges through the big arteries after the heart pumped the blood out. The diastolic on the other hand is the reading when the pressure caused by the volume of circulating blood is at its lowest, it is the ebb so to speak. At that moment the heart fills up with blood again and does not exert pressure on the blood vessels in the periphery of the body. The lower or diastolic reading should therefore always be low.The wave of blood coming out of the heart has just passed through the artery where you measure and consequently the arterial wall should go back to its normal size as less blood flows now. The arterial wall is elastic allowing the blood vessel to expand when the blood surges through and fall back to the normal diameter once the blood wave has passed. But still, even though the wall of the artery expands the sheer amount of volume exerts pressure on the arterial wall which you then measure as the systolic reading.

When only the diastolic reading is too high and the systolic reads as normal we speak of isolated diastolic hypertension. It begins at 100mmHg for the diastolic figure on repeated measurments. The systolic meanwhile remains in the normal range, i.e. below 140mmHg. All in all this is a rare condition. It should urge your doctor to do a number of tests to check for underlying medical conditions which might explain this finding. Blood tests and some image taking procedures are necessary to look for certain abnormalities of kideney function and some hormonal disorders. Usually though no particular cause is found and the question of treatment comes up. The type of drug used as firstline treatment for isolated diastolic hypertension is called calcium-channel blocker. This would be my first attempt at treatment. But only if the readings for the diastolic value are persistantly above 100mmHg. Should the diastolic reading just hover around the 95mmHg mark with the upper, systolic reading at or below 140mmHg I would not recommend any medication and just keep on monitoring the blood pressure. All in all, isolated diastolic hypertension does not pose a threat to your all-over health as the much more commen systolic or mixed hypertension does. One knows though that patients suffering from it are more likely to get “proper� hypertension later in life. So, even if no treatment is necessary now you should keep an eye on your blood pressure to watch for changes in the upper reading that the future might bring.

Local Club Directory MABC - The Marina Alta Business Club meets twice a month in in and around Jávea & Denia All nationalities welcome. Meetings conducted in English. Contact Gaile on 96 646 1913, email manager@mabc.biz Javea International Magic Club For more information please call 627 046 897 or 96 579 2808. Royal Air Force Association. The North Costa Blanca Branch meets at Los Arcos Restaurante, Pedreguer (N332, west side) on the second Monday of each month at 12:00 to 13:00, followed by lunch. We have nearly 140 members, who enjoy friendship, help and support with RAFA; and we always look for new members who have, or have not, served in the RAF. For more information, www.rafa-ncb.org or call 966 430 215 Toscamar Tennis Friends - Join us for a friendly game of tennis on Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00 12.00 at Ciudad Toscamar, Javea. Just turn up or ring Christine on 96 649 3900 Costa Blanca Yachting Assoc.The CBYA welcomes all boat owners; We meet every week, please our for details & location of the meeting website www.cbya.org. Costa Blanca Astronomical Soc. Meets on first Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. in Montgó Visitors Centre in Dénia. For details and directions call Ed Morley on 96 574 4612 or cbastronomy@gmail.com Scottish Country Dancing Enquiries please call 96 645 6881. Stamp Collectors /Philatelists / Postcards meets - 2nd & 4th Monday of every month 10.00. For more details please call Derek Guyett on 96 579 5499 or Dave Anderson on 96 647 6034 The Firs Nursery Mother & Toddler Group Every Monday from 14.00 - 15.30. Children aged from 18 months to school age. Call 96 647 2929 for more information. Backgammon Club We meet on Mondays at the Grand Cafe residential Toscamar at 20.00. For more information please call Steve on 96 647 1708 or 635 377 335. Javea Netball Club Playing Wednesdays, 20.00 - 21.30 at L’Ancora Playa Tennis club. contact Anita on 96 647 2169 or 660 782 165.

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Jávea Conservatives Abroad meets socially 6 to 7 times a year contact secretary@javeaconservatives.org to hear about our events Al-Anon Support Group The AlAnon group for friends or relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences. No membership fee. 96 646 3689. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Contact Cynthia on 96 646 0063. MABS Cancer Support Group Jacqui 96 579 4083 or 686 305 006 Brenda 678 843 666 Valencia area Cynthia 652 835 063 Kirsten 646 865 308 Rian 619 876 062 www.mabscancersupport.org Stress Busting Yoga Club in Javea Yoga for beginners. We meet Tuesday at a house on the Jesus Pobre Road. For more infomation call Maria Palomar on 96 646 0851. Art Clubs for Oils, Watercolurs, Pastels, Acrylic now meet in Javea at ArtyFacts, Denia, Cumbre del Sol & Benimeli. Call Lesley Clark 96 579 4462 or email lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com Wall Hangings and Rug Making Club We meet every other Tuesday in Javea from 09.30 - 12.00. Contact Amanda on 639 987 301 or email amrug@telefonica.net Art Centre Association - Javea Subjects available are: - Painting in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Portraiture, Creative Textiles and Restoration of Porcelain. Join in at any time. Come and visit the Art Centre, we can fax, E-mail or post you info and a map or for more details tel: Lorely Griffiths, Javea 96 647 20 49. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com also has Facebook Page www.facebook.com/ ArtJavea Jávea Welsh Society - meets in Jávea - for more info see our Facebook Page www.facebook. com/pages/Javea-Welsh-Society/553465378018197 Patchwork/Quilters Group meet Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00 at the Centre Public Formacio e Persones Adultos in Javea, Calle Ramon Llido, Javea. Contact Debbie on 96 579 0086 Javea Public Lending Library Borrow books in English from Javea Public Lending Library, FREE! The English section is open every Tuesday and Saturday morning between 10.00 - 12.00. The Javea Public Library, Calle Mayor 9, Javea Pueblo, the old town. Javea Public Lending Library: Contact Alma Dorndorf on 96 646 3262 or 636898162 Javea International Civic Society Enquiries to Jeni Jackson Phillips 96 579 0470, 619 270 493.

Javea School of Bridge and Social Club Edifico 80, Avenida Tamarits. Tel 96 649 1539. Crochet & Soft Yarn Club Meets fortnightly in a private house in Javea. Contact lesleyclarkjavea@ gmail.com or phone 96 579 4462. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea New instrucors, new space. Beginners welcome anytime Mon and Wed 11.30 at Danza Ronda Sur (near paint shop in old town) Info 649 161 290. Javea Bridge Club Avd de Paris 2. www.javeabridgeclub.com or call Margaret on 96 579 3413. Javea Book Circle We meet on alternate Tuesdays at 19.30 for 19.45 at the Centro Social, behind the Centro de Salud Contact Eleanor Joy on 96 647 2876 UFO Discussion/Research Group We meet on the first Friday of every month at 10.00 for 10.30 start in the Social Services Centre Javea. contactPresident, Jeanine El Khouri. Tel.no 965795148 or Christine Newton tel.no. 618111376. e.mail ufojavea@gmail.com Facebook Page www.facebook.com/UFOandWorldMysteries The Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Scallops. We start our meetings at 11.30am but most people start arriving at 11.00am to have a coffee etc, before we commence our meetings. You don’t have to have been in the services to now join the Legion, anyone can join or come along and see what we do. We have a great social programme thoughout the year, so come and join us, you will be most welcome. Make your self known to Pam and Roger. Javea Whist Club meets every Monday and Thursday (7.45 for 8 p.m.) at L’Ancora Playa at the Arenal to play progressive partner whist. All card players welcome particularly at the Thursday session when the numbers are lower.

Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Association We enjoy meetings and trips to further our knowledge and understanding of Spain; its history, geography, culture and institutions. New members are welcome. Visit www.anglospanish.org or email the secretary on secretary09@anglospanish.org Benitachell Christian Fellowship Sun. 11am in the Arts Museum Tel David Newman 650738638 Ray Davies 96 649 4036 New Country Linedancers Line Dancing classes every Thursday at Socco on the Arenal Beginners: 7.00 - 8.00pm Intermediate: 8.00 - 9.30pm For further information phone David on 96 647 0632 ARNAAP - Association of Royal Navy, Army and Air Force Personnel. If you enjoy lunching in congenial company join us. It is not essential to be Ex-Service, just like minded. Call Susan on 966 404650, or shollister@hotmail. com Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir rehearse every Tuesday 7-9pm, at Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. New members always welcome, no experience necessary. Come along and give us a try! Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 or go to our web site: www.costablancamalevoicechoir. wikidot.com Arsenal Costa Blanca Supporters Club, meets every match day at Cheers Bar, Javea Port under the archway. All club matches are shown live. If you live in or around Javea or are just visiting and would like to renew or start your support for the club, come along. All will be made welcome, young or old. Any further information, e-mail, Bob at arsenalcostablanca@gmail. com Crib Club every Thurs 8pm at Bombers Bar in the Port Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea www.facebook.com/Mujeres. Emprendedoras.de.Javea

Women in Business Club Monthly Business Meetings open to all members and non members, but you must be a WOMEN THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH JAVEA - L’Ancora Tennis Club from 2pm to 4pm Location: L’Ancora Tennis Club

Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! https://www.facebook.com/ montgovegetarians

The Javea Players produce 5 plays a year at Gata theatre and in their own Studio theatre. Cine evenings and socials. New members welcome, contact Gerald on membership. jp@gmail.com or 96 647 2876 www.javeaplayers.com

Javea Grapevine Group interact with The Grapevine, its readers, contributors and friends on Facebook - add your photos, club and event news for the next issue, via the Group https://www.facebook. com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ or through the website www. grapevinespain.com

Peña Javeamigos The international supporter’s club and now the primary source of info for CD Javea. For more details, see www.javeamigos. com

This list will be updated in the next issue and will be in larger type :-) - if you have changes to make or have a club you would like to add to this list please email your corrections to editor@grapevinespain.com or send a comment via www.grapevinespain.com

24 | The Grapevine May 2013

easy; if a desktop component stops working, it’s easier to purchase and replace with a new one, whether it’s a graphics card, the monitor, or even the processor. But if a laptop component falls out on you, well... In most of occasions, the repair is nowhere near cost-effective. You can easily use creative software on a desktop; to be used efficiently, creative software requires a powerful processor, a high-end graphics card, lots of screen space, and peripherals—a keyboard, a mouse, and maybe even a drawing tablet. A laptop with the required specs would either be insanely expensive or physically impossible (in the case of a much-larger screen) , but with a tablet device this option isn’t even possible.

Easy computer-talk by JPG

Hi Everyone!

Lately new devices have appeared or are becoming more popular to ease the access to tasks formerly exclusive to our desktops, supported in most of the cases by the mobility possibilities that they provide us. Still, there are a few important reasons that assure that desktops have a long future beside us, and today we are going to see what I mean with this. Steve Jobs declared “the post-PC era has begun.” and now with the release of Windows 8 tablets it looks like the world can live without desktop computers... but don’t count on mobile devices blowing away your desktop PC any time soon. They are nowhere near as convenient as a desktop when you’re trying to complete serious work, in any kind of environment. Our mobile gadgets conveniently fit in our pockets, but are limited with compromises; whether it’s computing power, screen size, and /or a really expensive price tag. To begin the list of reasons for this, let’s start with the most obvious: Desktops are cheaper than laptops; the main reason for this is that mobile components are more expensive, because they’re smaller, and expensive engineering is required to make them fit inside your portable device. Regarding the workload capabilities, desktop processors are more powerful than corresponding laptop processors. And I’m not even going to get into mobile ARM processors (that is, the processors running in most phones and tablets), since the comparison in this case is laughable. Let’s just say this is one of the cases in which size definitely matters!! If we talk about processors, laptops ones are not only smaller than desktop processors, they’re designed to use less energy and produce less heat as they usually run on battery and they are designed to conserve battery life; also they are fitted into a tight closed chassis surrounded by small fans and they’re still subject to overheating, which is proven to reduce capabilities and correct working life expectations. What about connectivity possibilities? We all know that you can plug a ton of peripherals into desktops, but as laptops get thinner, number of expanding port is reduced. Tablets and laptops do have a few USB connection ports but iPad’s don’t, for example. Desktops also have tons of other connectivity options that only the highest end, most gamer oriented laptops might include such as eSATA, VGA, DVI, HDMI, and multiple audio lines. You get extra screen work space with desktops with a larger screen, or with multiple monitors. When something goes wrong, fixing a desktop is relatively

Desktops also are secure and designed to last a long time; They are not portable, which is a good thing when it comes to security and durability, for example if someone happens to break into your house, they’re unlikely to take your desktop, which has to be unplugged from the wall and transported with all of its attached peripherals to be of the most use to your thief. On the other hand, friends of other people’s goods are delighted to take away mobile devices from your house, purse, gym locker… Also, your desktop never gets bumped or dropped or scratched in your bag… A desktop can easily last several years, more if you’re upgrading it piece-by-piece, while a laptop will often fall victim to an unfortunate spill. Don’t get me wrong, mobile devices are undeniably essential to most people’s modern day lives. And I include myself in this list. But as long as our desktops are cheaper to buy, have more power, are cheaper to fix in case of a failure and are more versatile, they’ll always have a place in our homes and offices. Long live the desktop! Please find our contact details on our advert below; in case you have any questions or queries, we can assure a quick and professional reply. If these queries are of general benefit, we will post the reply on further editions of the Grapevine so they can be for everybody’s benefit. Also, please visit our new Facebook page, where we will try to keep you all posted on latest news about computers and the world around them. Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Valencia-Javea/JPG-Asistencia/121514197877746 you will find a link to the Grapevine’s website too, where you’ll find the latest edition for online reading. Back to work till the next post! Until then, keep clicking!! grapevine@jpg-asistencia.com

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Mirrorball Moves Javea, is a UK

Modern Jive Dance organisation that has expanded to Xabia. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mirrorballmovesjavea We shall be commencing classes at the MIRA JAVEA LOUNGE BAR in the afternoon, Im just waiting for confirmation on dates. Contact me on 658235243 for further details on dates The first lesson will be Free, then subsequent dates will be €5 for the whole Evening. I also hope to have an evening class available very soon, farther round in the Arenal. Modern Jive is a partner dance, its fun and • Easy to learn • no need to book • no need to take a partner • beginners welcome every week • it doesn’t matter if you miss a week as there is no course to book onto Modern Jive’, is a fusion of Salsa, Ballroom, Hip Hop, Tango and Jive. Going to a Modern Jive evening is a great way to meet people, have fun and keep fit all whilst learning to dance.

Format:Total beginner´s lesson, followed by short free-style (anyone dances with anyone), followed by intermediate class, followed by longer free style. You don’t take lessons to learn modern jive, they are an integral part of the evening and everybody dances with everybody - you need not bring a partner - and a beginner

will not find their first time too daunting. The marvellous thing about jive is that one can dance it to lots of music, old to new, Swing, Rock’n’roll, Country & Western electronic, top of the pops etc, lots of which is played at parties, discos and nightclubs! The evenings are not just dancing, or just teaching, they are both (excluding some “freestyle” nights which are just for dancing). You do not need to go with a partner as the ethos is to dance with lots of people and the classes rotate partners anyway. It is much quicker to learn than other dance styles as little is said about the feet. It is very exhilarating and your fitness will improve in leaps and bounds. Its been said to be “the only sociable way to keep fit” by FHM magazine and “possibly the most fun you can have mid week”, by Time out Magazine.

26 | The Grapevine May 2013

Thank you Derek and Sue!

Only a few weeks ago, I wrote about the hectic lifestyle that seems to be my lot in Jávea, when I should be able to enjoy the sun, the sea, and meeting interesting people. I think I know now why I never seem to have time to put the grand plan into operation. I cannot resist a challenge. Whether it is a business problem, which needs to be solved for a club member, or something that should work but doesn’t, or just something I can´t resist doing, my routine tasks have to be put aside, until it’s sorted. Derek and Sue took over ‘The Grapevine’, with the Copi-Shop at the same time that I started MABC. They succeeded in building its informative and entertaining content to what it is today. They loved producing it but their need to retire won. I think ‘Javea Grapevine’ is a huge tribute to them. I am just thrilled that they asked me if I would be willing to continue providing a regular source of useful information for readers. There it was, staring me in the face – another challenge! I was immediately enthusiastic.Once assured that all your, and my, favourite contributors would continue their support, I happily wilted... Last month as part of the development of the Grapevine, a new interactive Facebook Group was set up https://www.facebook. com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/. Amazingly, in three weeks as I type, membership is only 3 short of 300! It is fantastic, the members are brilliant – and are full of useful local information, articles, photos, events, news, and great questions. With so much support and a great admin team working quietly (you wish !), in the background, we hope that the on-line magazine will continue to grow. With many people in the UK still owning property here and visiting regularly, we hope that they and others seeking to keep up with the news of their favourite Spanish town, will enjoy browsing through the content, so why not send the link to our Facebook group and to our website www.grapevinespain.com (www.javeagrapevine.com ) to friends of Jávea in other parts of the world? Another, on-line publication that I edit is www.5Ws.biz something to enjoy reading for pleasure, when you have time. It also might interest your friends. Like the Grapevine it is free and anything from it can be downloaded and printed off, if desired. Well, as you can see, there has been no chance of my becoming bored but, to be honest, boredom is something I have never had time to worry about! Now that the sun is back, however, I am determined to enjoy it. I might well be seen wandering about with a camera hoping for a really good shot, worth using in our new Out and About section, thus excusing my absence from my computer by calling it ‘work’ or sitting enjoying a coffee near the sea. Who knows, there is a good chance, in Jávea, that I might fall into conversation with someone really interesting who is willing to contribute a great article for us. That surely counts as ‘work’ too. Pleased to say that life has been quite hectic in the club as well, with members relocating to nicer and better premises - Corinne and Tony from The Sign Shop have moved next to Sparta Gym in the Arenal (www.signshopjavea. com ) & Gina´s “Homes, Gardens and Lifestyle Show” is back at Algorfa at the end of May (www.homesandgardens.es ). Gaile Griffin Peers, Marina Alta Business Club www.mabc.biz and www.mabusinessclub.com email for more info: manager@mabc.biz

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CATHY: Buenos días a todos. (Good morning everybody.) ¿Qué tal? (How’s things?) ¿Quién quiere hacer una pregunta hoy? (Who wants to ask a question today?) DAISY: Yo. (I do.) En tu opinión, ¿cuál es la calidad más importante para aprender un idioma? (In your opinion, what is the most important quality for learning a language?) CATHY: Sin duda, en mi opinión es la motivación. (Without doubt, in my opinion it is motivation.) Si tienes un motivo ,muy fuerte por hacer algo, lo harás. (If you are highly motivated to do something, you will do it.) Sin embargo, tiene que ser un motivo muy fuerte, como tener que trabajar, tener hijos en el colegio o vivir en un sitio donde nadie habla tu idioma. (However, it has to be a very strong motive, like having to work, having children in school or living in a place where nobody speaks your language.) Esto no es el caso aquí. (That is not the case here.) ROGER: Vale; pero es mucho más difícil aprender algo nuevo cuando eres mayor. (All right, but it is much more difficult to learn something new when you are older.) CATHY: No es estrictamente cierto. (That is not strictly true.) Mira a tu alrededor a las muchas personas que se ponen a aprender el golf, el bridge, el ajedrez o el ordenador cuando se jubilan y vienen a vivir en España. (Look around you at the many people who set about learning golf, bridge, chess or the computer when they retire and come and live in Spain.) Lo hacen porque quieren hacerlo de verdad. (They do it because they really want to do it.) Además es imprescindible para el bienestar de la mente ejercerla. (Moreover, it is vital to the well being of the mind to exercise it.) A los pacientes con una larga hospitalización les cuesta volver a caminar porque han perdido tono muscular. (Patients who have been hospitalised for long periods find it quite hard to walk again because they have lost muscle tone.) También las facultades intelectuales requieren un entrenamiento diario. (The intellectual faculties also need daily exercise.) Demasiadas veces se elaciona la madurez con la pérdida de facultades mentales, pero especialistas en el funcionamiento del cerebro aseguran que no tiene por qué ser así. (Too often growing old is linked to a loss of mental faculties, however brain specialists assure us that it doesn’t have to be so.) VANESSA: ¿No es verdad que a partir de cierta edad un cerebro apelmazado por una actividad sedentaria, con muchas horas frente al televisor, empieza a ralentizarse y a tener problemas de memoria? (Isn’t it true that after a certain age a brain which has become stodgy by sedentary activities, with many hours stuck in front of the television, begins to slow down and have problems remembering things?) CATHY: Sí que es. (Yes it is.) Estudios del cerebro humano han demostrado que la red neuronal del cerebro nunca es la misma. (Studies of the human brain have shown that the nerve

network in the brain does not remain the same.) Esto es porque fortalecemos unas conexiones a la vez que debilitamos otras. (This is because we strengthen certain connections at the same time as weakening others.) Cada experiencia enciende su propio patrón de neuronas, por lo que el mapa cerebral cambia sin cesar. (Each experience switches on its own pattern of nerve cells, which is why the map of the brain is constantly changing.) NIGEL: Esa es una buena noticia. (That’s good news.) Puesto que el buen estado de los circuitos del cerebro depende de lo que hacemos con él, podemos evitar la pérdida de facultades mentales tonificando nuestra materia gris con retos y estímulos de calidad. ( Given that the well being of our brain circuits depends on what we do with it, we can avoid the loss of mental faculties toning up our little grey cells with challenges and quality incentives.) CATHY: Contrariamente a lo que se cree, el cerebro de un genio no es diferente del de alguien común y corriente; tal como se comprobó en la disección del de Einstein. (Contrary to common belief, the brain of a genius is no different to that of an ordinary everyday person; as was proved when Einstein’s brain was dissected.) Todos tenemos más talento para unas disciplinas que para otras. (We all have a greater talent for some things than for others.) Lo que distingue a la persona brillante del resto son las miles de horas que ha dedicado a una misma cosa, sea el violín, un idioma, la informática o la gestión de un negocio. (That which distinguishes a brilliant person from the rest is the many thousands of hours spent dedicated to the same thing, whether that be the violin, a language, computer technology or the running of a business.) MARIANNE: Bueno; entonces ¿cuáles son las claves para mantener el cerebro joven a cualquier edad? (Well then; what are the keys to keeping your brain young at any age?) CATHY: Según los expertos, el ejercicio físico tonifica el cerebro ya que mejora el ritmo cardiaco y, por tanto, la circulación de la sangre. (According to the experts, physical exercise tones the brain as it improves the heart’s rhythm and therefore improves the blood flow to the brain.) Un cerebro bien irrigado mantiene en buen estado las conexiones entre las neuronas, que son esenciales para el pensamiento. (A well irrigated brain helps to keep the connections between the nerve cells, which are essential for thought, in good condition.) Por tanto, el ejercicio suave suministra más sangre y oxígeno a nuestro tejido cerebral, evitando que se deteriore. (Therefore, gentle exercise delivers more blood and oxygen to the brain tissues, avoiding its deterioration.) También es muy importante, como ya hemos dicho, ejercer la mente. (As has already been stated, it is also very important to exercise the brain.) Aunque nuestra materia gris empieza a envejecer a los treinta años, un aprendizaje constante permite mantener la agilidad. (Although our little grey cells begin to age at thirty, constant learning will allow them to keep their agility.) Finalmente, es importante reir mucho. (Lastly it is important to laugh a lot.) La risa estimula la dopamina, una hormona que nos hace sentir bien y ayuda a evitar que nuestra mente se ancle. (Laughter stimulates dopamine, a hormone which makes us feel good and helps to avoid our brains stultifying.) Adiós a todos hasta la próxima vez. Goodbye everyone until next time


28 | The Grapevine May 2013

Jávea. Tuesday, April 29 2013. Javea Mayor Jose Chulvi, and Councilman (Residents) Oscar Anton, attended the signing University (CEU -UCH) which will create the ‘Inglés Cathedra of Modern Oncology Research’ (ECMOR), a space to pro in the area of oncology. ​​ With this agreement, Jávea Cancer Care volunteers were praised for the great charitable work per also to attend, support and inform people affected by cancer and families. The Cancer Care Office in Jávea Park was used vice president, Eileen Saville. The university, CEU-UCH will provide the resources for the Pharmacotherapy and Custom program in the fight against cancer. In turn, Cancer Care Javea made a contribution of 260,000 euros, to finance activities attention and care to cancer patients. The holders of the chair, Drs Roger Ignacio Pérez, professor, Department of Biomed for organizing and coordinating the activities of the Chair as well as to form work teams in which teachers can collaborate

The Grapevine May 2013 | 29 |

of a cooperation agreement between the non-profit organization, Cancer Care Javea and CEU Cardenal Herrera omote the study and performance of works that contribute to the development and consolidation of scientific advances rformed by this group made up mainly of foreign residents in order to support projects related to cancer research and d for the signing of this agreement, CEU-UCH, Visiedo Rosa, president of Cancer Care Jรกvea, Jackie Evans, and her mization Laboratory in Oncology (FPOlab) located in Denia Marina Salud Hospital, to develop a personalized medicine s under of thes Chair until 2017. The Chair ECMOR can perform all training activities that are created for improving the dical Sciences CEU-UCH, and Joan Manel Gasent Blesa Hospital Oncologist Denia Marina Health, will be responsible e CEU-UCH. Press Release 30/04/2013

30 | The Grapevine May 2013

Nemesis in Spain

Alexei a retired Russian Spetsnaz officer has drifted into a lucrative career in contract killing. A fluent Spanish speaker, after military service in Cuba, the St. Petersburg mafia hire him to recover investment funds stolen by a crooked Spanish property developer and corrupt Town Hall officials. An unexpected meeting with a former student, a member of ETA, to whom he taught bomb making, during an earlier assignment, provides Alexei with a willing accomplice in his ventures. The FSB interrupt Alexei’s plans in Spain, leaning on him to carry out an unofficial assassination on behalf of the Russian government. The action takes place in Russia, Cuba, Andorra and Spain.

Nemesis in Asia Alexei Guliyev, a former Soviet Spetsnaz officer, is tempted out of his Caribbean retirement with a lucrative assignment in Southeast Asia, to infiltrate and destroy the organization of a Russian international weapons trafficker. Behind the assignment is a U.S. security company with links to the C.I.A. Trawling the nightspots of Bangkok, underworld contacts bring him to the attention of his target Igor Nizienko. Gaining Nizienko’s confidence, he organises an attack on a Burmese army unit to capture the colonel who is disrupting arms supplies to local rebels. The plot based on factual data gives a fascinating insight into the dangerous world of the illegal arms trade in Southeast Asia.

‘Having published two novels ‘Nemesis in Spain’ and a sequel ‘Nemesis in Asia’ – both available from Amazon international sites and on Kindle, I decided to write my memoirs which inspired the plots and characters of both books. ‘Promise me you won’t go to Beirut’ will be published later this year. From war-torn Beirut to the Iranian revolution, joining in the celebrations in Lisbon after the Portuguese revolution, the early days of Perestroika in former soviet countries, my memoirs encompass many of the major events of the late 20th century. It will be a fascinating read relating incidents from many of the 67 countries I have visited. George J. Thomas Xàbia May 2013’

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Javea Players ALFRESCO DINNER AND THEATRE By popular demand we are repeating The Javea Players Summer Show in possibly the most attractive walled square in Javea Old Town, the Plaza de Baix, in front of the Casa de Cultura. We are giving you early notice because many people have heard about the event and have already booked. We don’t want our loyal readers to be disappointed when they come to book. The two bar/restaurants in Plaza Baix are laying on a custom made alfresco dinner for us consisting of a mixed salad, a substantial selection of tapas, dessert, pan & aliolli, ½ bottle of wine, beer or similar per person. Then in the Casa de Cultura , a few steps away: Last Tango in Little Grimley, directed by Keith Livesey and What’s for Pudding directed by David Garnett both highly amusing farces written by David Tristram. July 1, 2, 3 and 5, 6 Alfresco Dinner from 7 pm (inside if it is raining) After dinner Curtain up 9 pm Tickets for Dinner + Theatre 15€ Bookings: Gerald & Eleanor on 96 647 2876 or email boxofficejp@gmail.com Free parking in streets below Portal de Clot or in the large car park beside the main road or for 60 cents an hour in the Portal de Clot or Thursday Market square underground parkings. Best regards, The Javea Players A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the theatre. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the man, “Sorry sir, but you’re only allowed one seat.” The man just groaned but didn’t budge. The usher became more impatient. “Sir, if you don’t get up from there I’m going to have to call the manager.” Once again, the man just groaned. The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the disheveled man, but with no success. Finally they summoned the police. The officer surveyed the situation briefly then asked, “All right buddy what’s your name?” “Fred,” the man moaned. “Where ya from, Fred?” asked the police officer. With terrible pain in his voice, and without moving a muscle, Fred replied, “The balcony.”

“Curtis on tour 2013” Berlin, London, Paris, Teulada & Alicante - the 4th visit of the fabulous Philadelphians from the world famous CURTIS INSTITUTE to the Auditori Teulada-Moraira ON

SUNDAY May 26th, 2013 at 19:30h Tickets € 15

Mendelssohn : Piano Quintet No.2 in B-flat, Op87 Webern : Fünf Sätze, Op5 Schumann : Piano Quintet in E-flat, Op44 The Dover Quartet with Alexander Ullman (piano) & Roberto Diaz (viola) See full programme details in English : http://tinyurl.com/chtz74o Ver programa en Castellano: http://tinyurl.com/bng4j zk Weitere information und programm angaben über : http://tinyurl.com/c5eoa59


Internet ticket sales at : Instantickets Venta de entradas por Internet Internet-Karten verkauf über https://www.instanticket.es/teleentrada/PrincipalSV (Tel: 902 444300 / formerly Servicam : tri-lingual instructions on how to use this web ticket service are on the webpage) Information: Willy Hardee 96 574 9023 / 639 371 625 : willyhardee@gmail.com Assistance with tickets will be offered by Willy Hardee who will be at the Espai La Senieta theatre on Friday 3 May, Tuesday 7 May, Friday 10 May, Tuesday 14 May, Friday 17 May, Tuesday 21 May and Friday 24 May from 10:00 - 12:00 ALSO Box Office Auditori Teulada-Moraira Wednesday to Saturday 11:00 – 13:00 & 18:00 – 20:00 Ayuntamiento de Teulada Mon to Fri 09:00 – 15:00 Espai La Senieta, Moraira Mon to Fri 9:00 – 15:00 Details of the Curtis concert in Alicante on 30th May will be avaIlable soon


32 | The Grapevine May 2013

In between, Hall would enjoy the “Royal Sport” of cock-fighting, public dog fights between 100 rats and one dog or one lion and a dog, as well as bear-baiting, prize-fighting and horse-racing. But Hall also enjoyed travelling around the country to other popular tourist attractions of the time such as Stonehenge and Brighton; in addition to shopping trips and even home entertainment such as jigsaws, drinking and “a quiet smoke”. A hint as to the wealth of the man in the 18th century is the fact that he was also able to participate in gambling and the Lottery – a ticket cost £20 each, which in those days was equivalent to £3,250 in today’s money! But there was a first prize of a cool £20,000 to the winner, although there was no indication of Hall landing the jackpot! Apparently Hall’s riches came about as a result of him marrying a wealthy heiress. HISTORIAN Mike Rendell presents his illustrated talk on the ‘Diary of a Georgian Gentleman’

Mike Rendell’s brilliantly delivered presentation sparked an enthusiastic response from the audience and rapturous applause.

JAVEA U3A members took a trip into the past at their April * Javea U3A has appointed retired teacher David Grove as general meeting, courtesy of guest speaker Mike Rendell. groups co-ordinator in succession to outgoing committee A self-confessed family history “nutter”, he gave a fasci- member John Bellinger-Smith. nating illustrated talk on the adventures of his great great great great grandfather Richard Hall, entitled ‘Diary of a Group News Georgian Gentleman’. The presentation took the form of a list of his wealthy an- Javea U3A has more than 50 groups, but ideas for new cestor’s enjoyment of tourist attractions in around London ones are always welcome. Among those currently being considered are Floristry for Beginners. Karen Smith, a in the late 18th century. qualified florist, is interested in setting up a new group to A hosier by trade, Hall owned a shop at No 1 London teach the art. The workshop would be for 2 hours, 1 hour Bridge – the first shop as visitors entered the City from of demonstration, followed by 1 hour of practical. Fresh the south. flowers will be supplied. For more information, contact Hall’s list of tourist attractions ranged from gruesome Karen at flowersforyouspain@gmail.com. public hangings at Tyburn to theatre trips to Drury Lane, Covent Garden and Sadlers Wells as well as one of his Ladies that Lunch favourite pastimes of enjoying the exhibits at Cox’s Muse- This new monthly group is a way of meeting new people over lunch and a jolly good chin-wag. It is likely to be um, run by famous jeweller of the time James Cox. Other popular outings much enjoyed by Hall included As- limited to 40 ladies, so if you are interested be quick and tley’s Circus, founded in 1768, the Royal Academy and contact group leaders Sally Wells or Katrina Frost on ladies.that.lunch@u3ajavea.org. Don Salterio’s Coffee House in Chelsea.

Badminton There are now two sessions for badminton – on Mondays from 10am-midday and on Thursday from 10am-midday. Any U3A members interesting in finding out more should contact group Philip Gauron at badminton@u3ajavea.org. Pilates The Beginners and Intermediate groups have proved very popular and are full. Any members who are interested in being part of a new beginners group with a minimum of 8 people should contact the group leader, Carol Pilgrim. Book Club In March the afternoon group discussed “Or The Bull Kills You” by Jason Webster - a very appropriate novel, as this murder mystery is set in Valencia during the Fallas. The group meets at 3pm on the third Monday of the month and the morning group at 10.30am on the first Tuesday, both at the Parador Hotel. If you are interested in joining either group, please contact Kay Thomas (morning group) on bookgroup@u3ajavea.org or Pru Hughes (afternoon group) on bookgroup.two@u3ajavea.org. Cycling The wheels are truly turning for this relatively new group, but any Javea U3A members interested in joining enthusiastic riders “on the road” can contact group Philip Gauron at cycling@u3ajavea.org.

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Craig will give a talk on the long-serving Queen’s nine offspring. Victoria has been described as a mixture of a dependent personality and a control. By definition, everyone in the Jávea U3A is a member of the History Group so anyone is welcome to go along; there is no need to book. Contact group leader Travellers Tales The May meeting on the 21st features Angela Chantry talking about “Buenos Aires and cruising from South America to Antarctica”. Diane Ord will talk about visiting South Africa at the next meeting on Tuesday June 25. Meetings are in the Javea Players’ Studio in the Old Town at 11 am for an 11.30 am start. Members are asked to contribute 1€ pp to cover the cost of room hire, which includes tea/ coffee and biscuits. New members always welcome! Just contact Angela Chantry at travellers.tales@u3ajavea.org Some of the smaller groups such as Backgammon, Bridge, Digital Photography, Poetry and Spanish, do need new members. Anyone interested in these groups should contact the group leader in the first instance. * Javea U3A currently has 1,155 members, but new members are always welcome. Anyone interested in joining can contact the website or turn up at the monthly general meeting at the Parador Hotel at 10am on the last Wednesday of the month.

Dining Out Members have enjoyed recent eating out experiences at Restaurant Masena in Javea (March) and El Caserio between Benitachell and Moraira (April). At both events, around 88 members experienced great service and high quality food. Membership is full, but if you want to join the waiting list contact group leader Peter Speer at dining. out@u3ajavea.org. Discussion The May meeting at the Social Centre was set to debate ‘What are the benefits of multiculturalism, does it change the character of a country?’ If you would like to have a say, contact Gill Birch, group leader, at depgroupcoord@ u3ajavea.org. Foodies Members were off to the market this month – on a special visit to Alicante … with time to sample some of the food on offer in this popular Costa Blanca city! Any Javea U3A members who would like to get a taste of what’s going on among Foodies can get in touch with group Gillian Breen at foodies@u3ajavea.org. History Victoria’s Children is the subject of this month’s meeting on May 13 (12.30pm) at the Casa de Cultura when Dee

NEW ROLE: David Grove has taken over as Javea U3A groups co-ordinator

34 | The Grapevine May 2013


The COSTA BLANCA MALE VOICE CHOIR will be joining the

CWMBACH MALE VOICE CHOIR for two concerts in May, when the very talented Welsh choir make their much awaited return to this region of Spain. The concerts (each with a different programme) will be held in Teulada and Calpe as follows :At the’Teulada Auditorium’ on - Thursday 16th. May - 7pm. start. And At the ‘Casa de Cutura’ Calpe on - Friday 17th May - 8pm. start Tickets can be ordered by email or telephone. 10 euros per person For the Teulada concert Ring Martin Bentley 965 44657 email:- martinbentley1@gmail.com For the Calpe concert Ring 96 583 4852 or 636 695 569 email :- hughstewart@telefonica.net or Margaret and Elene’s Card Shop,Calpe


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36 | The Grapevine May 2013

Hi again all, oh where to start...? I have not been involved with Spectrum FM for the past year but I am now back as a partner for Spectrum FM, Costa Blanca. I am fully involved, fully committed and rather excited! There have been some changes in my absence, the main being the frequency for Javea changing to 90.2FM quite some months ago. The 90.2FM frequency has a great signal giving full coverage from Calpe to Ondara (there are also other Spectrum FM frequencies North & South of 90.2FM). We have started a huge marketing campaign which includes 2 new bill boards going up in the Javea area this month (promoting the 90.2FM frequency and our new daily competition to win 1000€!!). Further changes were rather nicely put to me by a local Javea businessman this week and loyal listener; ´´the Spectrum presenters are now ´less bling´ with a nice ´Spectrum´ of music being carefully selected targeting the 30 plus audience.´ Certain songs really do appeal to all ages, whether it is a classic of the past or a current chart hit. While the majority of our playlist is classic hits, the current music charts are not to be ignored as they do contain some great songs, artists such as Emile Sande (who has just taken the Beatles record of 45 consecutive weeks of having an album in the top 10!) or Adele for instance at the ripe old age of 25 appeals to literally all ages, my

son Oliver (who is 3) sings merrily along to Adele who happens to be a favourite artist of my mothers who is of retirement age (plus). If a song is non-offensive, puts a smile on your face or gets your toes tapping then it makes our playlist, simple! Our presenters do what is asked of them; they ´present´ they may talk a song in, or out and give our listeners relevant information, whether that is local Javea events, Costa Blanca events or information of national or international importance. What they won´t do is talk about themselves or talk for the sake of talking, any egos are asked to be left firmly at the studio door on entry! Talking of doorways; we have a new office in Moraira and a new studio in La Nucia, living in Javea myself and Spectrum FM originally merging (a couple of years ago now) with ´Coast FM´ which was Javea based, Javea will always be regarding as the ´home´ of Spectrum FM Costa Blanca. I look forward again to my monthly column, where I will keep you up to date with all things at Spectrum FM. In the meantime if you have any local events that you would like us to promote (free of charge for Charity events) or have any thoughts for anything regarding Spectrum FM, please feel free to email me; john@ spectrumfm.es. As always thanks for listening,

John Migan Listen in on 90.2FM or online www.spectrumfm.net

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38 | The Grapevine May 2013

Lynyrd Skynyrd is an American rock band best known for popularizing the southern hard-rock genre during the 1970s. The band rose to worldwide recognition on the basis of its driving live performances and signature tunes “Sweet Home Alabama” and “Free Bird”. They recorded over 60 albums and had record sales of more than 30 million dollars worldwide. At the peak of their success, three members died in a plane crash in 1977, putting an abrupt end to the band’s most popular incarnation. In the summer of 1964, teenage friends Ronnie Van Zant, Allen Collins, and Gary Rossington formed a band in Jacksonville, Florida and won a local Battle of the Bands contest. The band performed throughout the South in the early 1970s, developing their harddriving, blues-rock sound and image, and experimenting with studio recordings culminating in a three-guitar mix featured so predominantly in the hit song “Free Bird,” which is beloved of every air guitar player ever since! Lynyrd Skynyrd’s fan base continued to grow rapidly throughout 1973, largely due to their opening slot on The Who’s Quadrophenia tour in the United States. Their album Second Helping was the band’s breakthrough, and featured their most popular single, “Sweet Home Alabama”. Changes in the line up followed and the founder members felt that the band was seriously missing the three-guitar attack that had been one of its early hallmarks. Although they auditioned several guitarists,

finding the solution was closer than they realized when they auditioned Steve Gaines, the brother of one of their backing singers and asked him to join the band. 1977’s Album Street Survivors turned out to be an exciting showcase for guitarist/vocalist Steve Gaines. Van Zant marvelled at the multiple talents of Skynyrd’s newest member, claiming that the band would “all be in his shadow one day. The band was poised for their biggest tour yet, with shows always highlighted by the iconic rock anthem “Free Bird”. In November, the band was scheduled to fulfill their lifelong dream of headlining New York’s Madison Square Garden, but instead they were to enter history as one of the most tragic of all music icons. On October 20, 1977, just three days after the release of Street Survivors, and five shows into their most successful headlining tour to date, Lynyrd Skynyrd’s chartered plane ran out of fuel near the end of their flight on their way to Louisiana. The plane crashed in a forest in Mississippi. Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines, his sister Cassie Gaines, the

assistant road manager, the pilot and co pilot were killed on impact; the other band members (Collins, Rossington, Wilkeson, Powell, Pyle, and Hawkins), their tour manager and road crew suffered serious injuries. The original cover sleeve for Street Survivors had featured a photograph of the band, particularly Steve Gaines, engulfed in flames. Out of respect for the deceased, MCA Records withdrew the original cover and replaced it with a similar image of the band against a simple black background. Thirty years later, for the deluxe CD version of Street Survivors, the original “flames” cover was restored. Lynyrd Skynyrd disbanded after the tragedy with some surviving members forming various bands, up until 1987 when Lynyrd Skynyrd reunited for a fullscale tour with five major members of the pre-crash band: crash survivors Gary Rossington, Billy Powell, Leon Wilkeson and Artimus Pyle, along with guitarist Ed King, who had left the band two years before the crash. Ronnie Van Zant’s younger brother, Johnny, took over as the new lead singer and primary songwriter. Founder band member, Allen Collins had suffered further tragedies after the plane crash, with the death of his wife, followed by drink and drug problems and then becoming permanently paralysed following a car accident which killed his girlfriend when he was drunk driving. On the reunion tour, he was only able to participate as the musical director. As part of his plea deal for his drink driving, Collins would be wheeled out onstage each night to explain to the audience why he could no longer perform. Collins died from pneumonia two years later. The reunited band was meant to be a one-time tribute to the original line up. The fact that the band chose to continue after the 1987 tribute tour caused legal problems for the survivors, as Judy Van Zant and Teresa Gaines (widows of Ronnie and Steve, respectively) sued the others for violating an agreement made shortly after the plane crash, stating that they would not “exploit” the Skynyrd name for profit. As part of the settlement, the two widows collect nearly 30% of the band’s touring revenues (representing the shares their husbands would have earned had they lived), and hold a proviso which forces any band touring as “Lynyrd Skynyrd” to include at least two from the pre-crash era. Their guitar driven music continues to inspire - Free Bird’s solo was named the 3rd greatest guitar solo by Guitar World. As well as embarking on a 40 year anniversary tour, the band has released their latest studio album, with the ironic title ‘Last of a Dying Breed’.

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40 | The Grapevine May 2013

Bringing Business Together in and around Jรกvea and Denia www.mabusinessclub.com & www.mabc.biz

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42 | The Grapevine May 2013

Big Fish Entertainment are going MAD ABOUT THE MUSICALS The magic of musicals comes to Ondara Auditorium on 19th May at 6pm for a spectacular ‘One Night Only’ show combining all the glitz and glamour from the West End stage and the bright lights of Broadway. Big Fish Entertainment has drawn together the stunning vocal talents of a cast of 7 singers headed by Adam King to wow our audience with a two-hour extravaganza of showstoppers and medleys. They are supported by a strong chorus of dancers and singers of all ages. You will be taken on a whistle stop tour of some of your favourite musicals such as Chicago, Les Miserables, and Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon, Little Shop of Horrors, Starlight Express, Wicked and many more. M.A.D ….We’re making a difference by donating the proceeds from the show to The Friends of The Children of Emaus for much needed funds to provide essential supplies for the children in the homes and hopefully for the opportunity to provide money towards summer camps. So, for a truly memorable evening call 618260845 or visit the website www.bigfishspain.com to reserve tickets.

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44 | The Grapevine May 2013

Javea bucks the trend with the highest debt reduction of all municipalities during 2012. 22 APRIL, 2013 BY LLANOS

Figures published on Thursday showed that the average debt owed by municipalities throughout Spain during 2012 has increased by 27.8%. In Javea the debt was reduced by 11.3%. Through excellent financial management and implementing tough cost cutting measures Javea is achieving what other Spanish Towns can only aspire to in producing the highest debt reduction of any municipality in Spain. The Councillor for Finance in Javea, Oscar Anton, has managed to turn an inherited debt of 43 million euros into a very stable situation. XD Councillor Anton said, “All parties in Javea have been working together to put things straight, that has been very important”. “We can go on from here” continued Anton, “now we have established a sound financial base without having to reduce services by too much, we are in a strong position to move forward. The balance sheet still shows a debt but we have reduced outstanding debts by over 11 million euros since I took over the Finance department.” Anton concluded “the aim of the coalition is to have reduced the debt by half at the end of our four years and to have a sound economy in the town.” Most towns in Alicante province are struggling with debt and some owe service providers hundreds of thousands of euros. To put the achievement of Javea council in context, during the same period the debt of Altea increased by 298.2% and that of Denia by 37%.

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46 | The Grapevine May 2013

PVA RIBERA DEL DUERO By Gregory Dal Piaz http://www.snooth.com

Tony and Corinne - www.signshopjavea.com As of the beginning of May, The Signshop, Javea moves to super new premises next to Sparta Gym in the Arenal info@signshopjavea.com Telephone 96 579 0710

Benitatxell International Festival new date Due to the bad weather over the weekend at the end of April the Benitatxell Town Hall have decided to postpone the International Festival that was schediled for Sunday on Sunday and re date it for Sunday 23rd June from 11.30 - 6.30. The format will be exactly the same and there is now an opportunity to expand this event and add a nearly new section. Please put this new date in your diary and if you would like a space please contact me direct. I apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you in the 23rd either as a guest or a stall holder. I will send you more information soon thank you Ann Martin 680 673 871 info@benitatxellartscentre.info

Bold and powerful, the wines of Ribera del Duero are a unique expression of what is arguably Spain’s greatest variety, Tempranillo. This is a region blessed with old vineyards and a long history of wine production, though many of the most familiar producers are relatively young operations. The fact that the region has only recently come of age means that traditions are loosely defined, allowing producers the freedom to explore what we would consider both traditional and modern wine making with little resistance from the marketplace. Ribera Del Duero produces Tempranillo almost exclusively. (The local name for the Tempranillo grape is Tinto Fino or Tinta Fina.) There is very little to no white white wine production although there is one white grape grown here called Albillo which is sometimes blended in very small quantities into the red wines. Speaking of the red wines, they must contain at least 75% Tempranillo, although most contain at least 90%. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot usually make up the additional 10% but Garnacha, Malbec and the aforementioned Albillo occasionally show up. The aging requirements for wine in Ribera Del Duero are the same as Rioja, with Crianza, Reserva and Gran Reserva designations. In other words much of the wine produced here is built to age, and that it does quite well.

Heritage under lock and key? What do tourists do on rainy days? - go to the Ondara shopping centre ... soon get fed up with that - go to a museum or art gallery (hard luck if its a Monday or lunch time) Sit in bars and moan ? The Marina Alta wants to make culture a tourist attraction comparable to the sun and beach - but many of its heritage sites are kept under lock and key. There is an on-going debate about extending the visiting hours of Denia Castle (which closes at noon even in the summer) and this has highlighted the situation at other heritage sites in the region. Forna Castle is open on Sundays and Fiestas between 11 and 1.00pm and people who want to visit churches only get a look in during mass. Not even the churches of Jávea and Murla (both designated buildings of cultural interest) have fixed visiting hours. Nor are archaeological remains (such as the Roman remains at the Punta de l’Arenal ) exploited. From Diarioinformación. We would like photos of Heritage sites you tried to visit but could not because they were closed - next month we would like to publish alist with pics of these places - TY to Christine Betterton Jones for suggesting we take this further. Email your thoughts and photos to editor@grapevinespain.com

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Photo Fabiola Denia Cat Protection League – Aldea Felina http://aldea-felina.blogspot.com/


FABIOLA (Tabby) is a wonderful affectionate young female. She was picked up in the street by the animal protection officer who had been called in by the police. She is such a sweet, loving girl who was obviously a home cat, but her owner cannot be traced and now she yearns for a new home. Castrated and vaccinated. D.O.B.: 01/09/2010 If you want to adopt Fabiola or any of our other cats, please call Lynda 648 100 629 . Aldea Felina is a charity registered in Spain to shelter, feed and re-home cats abandoned in the Denia area. Our helpers all work on a volunrary basis We have a variety of feline friends, old and young, waiting to be adopted. All adult cats are blood tested, wormed, vaccinated and sterilised and the kittens wormed and vaccinated. If you can give a loving home to any please call Lynda on 648100629. We also require short-term foster homes, teaching the young to interact with people or to bring an ill cat to full health. If you can help, please contact us on one of the numbers above.

48 | The Grapevine May 2013

Out & About in and Around Jรกvea last month... Singing for the Costa Blanca Flower Club, Jรกvea in aid of the Atzheimers society - The Barbershop Singers are based in Benissa and have been giving concerts, mainly for charity for over 20 years.

The singers are commited to carrying on the fine traditions of barbershop and unaccompanied close harmony singing. Photos from Howard Westcott.

The Terraces in the Arenal parking bays were taken down in plenty of time for the restrictions being enforced in May click here for the full article in Spanish Photo: courtesy of Xabia Al Dia Please send your pics and news to the editor@grapevinespain.com

The Grapevine May 2013 | 49 |

On the Left - Feria de Coques: Enjoying a local Local beer in the sunshine Photo: from Mike Smith Javeamigos

On the right The Mirador Challenge 2013: The Overall Winners – The Originals Photo: from Mike Smith Javeamigos

On the Left: Penya Com a Gambes: Jávea’s very own expat penya at the annual bowling tournament and below relaxing at the Jávea en Vivo Fundraising Festival Photos: from Mike Smith Javeamigos

Opposite Page JÁVEA EN VIVO Plaza de la Constitución At the bottom on the left: SWEET SOULZ At the bottom on the Right: KIC Just two of the bands that played Photos: from Mike Smith Javeamigos

50 | The Grapevine May 2013

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My name is Mónica Suárez and I am the Manager of M.S.P. ASSISTANT SERVICES, a new company founded in Jávea, mainly focused on helping residents, the elderly or people with disabilities, who may require a Personalized Quality Service. I have the honour to invite you to a presentation on

9th of May, 2013 at 19:30

in the Centro De Formación Hemeroscopea (C/Príncipe de Asturias 48, 03730 Jávea). There we will be pleased to tell you more about the services we offer, as well as some of the valuable Partnership Opportunities at our disposal. Following the Presentation, there will be a toast offered by Salvador Torres. Given the limited number of seats, please confirm via e-mail: monicasuarez@msp-assistantservices.com There will be ONE HOUR OF FREE PARKING in the Plaza de la Constitución Car Park. I look forward to enjoying your company on this special occasion, Best regards, Mónica Suárez Móvil: +34 675 364 184 E-mail: monicasuarez@msp-assistantservices.com M.S.P. ASSISTANT SERVICES www.msp-assistantservices.com


Disabled Parking in Jávea Arenal

52 | The Grapevine May 2013

Useful Telephone Numbers

With thanks to Amparo Botella for this list of contact numbers extracted from Seminal Jรกvea Magazine (has English pages) www.semanaljavea.com

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ART CENTRE ASSOCIATION, JAVEA The aim of the Art Centre is to encourage both beginners and experienced artists alike, by offering tuition in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary arts and crafts. There is an occasional newsletter, and an ‘Antiques Road Show’ for charity each year. Membership is €5 per year from September to September. Members are welcome to use the Art Centre as a meeting point. The Art Centre is in a quiet country house not too far away from ‘Inn On The Green’ bowling club and near Las Laderas Urbanization. Part of the house has been remodelled with extra windows, special lighting and central heating for the two studios, reception area and coffee lounge. WIFI is available and free. There is easy parking and wheelchairs are welcome. Lorely and Glyn Griffiths have retired after more than 35 years working around the World. Glyn had previously been involved in telecommunications (now promoted to car park attendant and janitor for the Art Centre ! ! ) This will be the 4th Art Association Lorely will be running. She started the first Design College in Nairobi more than 30 years ago and finally was looking after the Art Society in Dubai for many years. Subjects usually available are: - Painting in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Portraiture, Creative Textiles, and Porcelain Restoration. All of the subjects are available for absolute beginners or for those more advanced. Although the Art Centre is a non-profit association, there will be a flat charge of 20 Euros per 3-hour session, whatever the subject, this pays the teachers and covers the overheads. Also everyone is welcome to arrive early and leave late or come for a coffee any morning. Usually groups will meet (3hrs per session) once a week, in the mornings, 10am to 1pm which includes free tea, coffee & ‘choccy bikkies’ at any time ! ! We will always welcome enthusiastic and experienced people to teach any existing or new subject. Those who would like to attend could add their names to the subject “Wish List” and in that way everyone can be tied in together. It is advisable to pencil your names in to secure a place. Didn’t you always say when you had time, you would learn to paint ! ! In addition the Art Centre Association has studio/meeting rooms available for ANY group or club who want somewhere to meet on a ‘one off’ or regular basis or, who just want to come along and make a mess ! ! Fully equipped studios with tables, comfortable chairs, easels, good lighting, projector screen, paper roll, white spirit, art & antiques reference library, car park, central heating, wheelchair access, coffee lounge, ‘choccy bikkies’ and as much tea/coffee/softies as you can drink (but bring your own wine ! !). All of the above included free for €5 per head per morning or afternoon session. As this is a non-profit association, if the meeting is cancelled you don’t have to pay. Come and visit the Art Centre, (we can E-mail or post you a map) or for more details please contact Chairwoman: Lorely Griffiths on Javea 966 47 20 49. E-mail: artcentrejavea@yahoo.com

54 | The Grapevine May 2013

Free Classifieds

To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the form on www.grapevinespain.com or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ Where to look for Local Information: Whats on and Where - Mike Smith - Javeamigos - http://


Jávea Ayuntamiento website link http://www.ajxabia.com/ Jávea Buses http://www.javeamigos.com/dir_holiday/pages/ Buses%202013.htm

Useful phone numbers http://www.ajxabia.com/ciutat/directori Street map http://www.ajxabia.com/ciutat/guia-de-carrers Farmacias http://www.ajxabia.com/ciutat/farmacias Transport http://www.ajxabia.com/ciutat/mobilitat-i-transport British Consulate https://www.gov.uk/government/world/spain Amjasa water company on Facebook https://www.face-

book.com/pages/Aguas-Municipales-de-J%C3%A1vea-SA-Amjasa/118621461633526?fref=ts Ajuntament de Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ ajuntament.xabia?fref=ts Protección Civil Jávea-Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/proteccioncivil.xabia?fref=ts

Comparison websites banks http://www.mejorescuentascorrientes.com/ energy http://www.comparador.cne.es/ Mortgages, bank cards http://http://www.comparador.com/ Car insurance https://www.rastreator.com/landing/s...&utm_cam-


Insurance - house, health, car, life http://www.asesorseguros. com/seguros-salud/

Bars/Restaurants/Entertainment Live Entertainment Irish Des http://irishdes.webs.com/ The Shamrockers http://theshamrockers.webs.com/ Sharon Crowson-Sharni Professional singer/entertainer. www.thesharnishow.com

Restaurants and Cafés

Driving in Spain as a Resident from the UK consulate https://

GJ´s Café – Arenal https://www.facebook.com/ events/131347643723010/?ref=3

The DGT http://www.dgt.es/portal/es/la_dgt/bienvenida/

Tribus - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribus/338745956236061


Child safety in cars http://www.seguridadvialinfantil.org/legislacion-asientos-ninos-coches/legislacion-asientos-para-ninos-en-espana-2/ Legal aid in Spain http://ec.europa.eu/civiljustice/legal_aid/le-

Iberia: Café, Tapas & Copas Passive Entertainment


Jávea Grapevine – www.grapevinespain.com

Fiesta days http://www.seg-social.es/Internet_1/Masinformacion/

UKTV4U - www.uktv4u.com

autónomo system http://www.advoco.es/hot-topics/43-guide-to-

5Ws Magazine Online Home and Leisure Magazine based in Jávea - www.5Ws.biz

reporting illegal workers http://www.empleo.gob.es/itss/web/

Kindle Books and paperbacks - U P Publications - www. uppbooks.com (includes Jávea authors)




fuel prices & petrol stations - select your fuel, input you location, and up pops a list of petrol stations and their prices http://geoportal.mityc.es/hidrocarburos/eess/?l=sl#/

location of speed cameras! Click on “radars” and you can see all

the location of speed cameras - and click on the camera and see what speed it is allegedly set to! Useful if you are going elsewhere... also good for latest traffic flows, and petrol stations in the area with their prices! http://mapas.race.es/

Telecoms where to complain about Telecoms companies http://www.usuariosteleco.es/Paginas/index.aspx

Polly’s Bookshop Javea www.facebook.com/pages/Pollys-Bookshop-Javea/322859944483274 Maya Middlemiss http://beyondmanana.com/keeping-our-children-safe-uk-and-spain/

Body Beautiful Beauty and Fashion Lenceria Susan Body Beautiful ! www.lenceriasusan.com Shop in Javea old town, in the lane between the post office and church. Something for everyone at anytime

The Grapevine May 2013 | 55 |

Fitness and Health Bernadine Davis Turpin - www.massagepilatesjavea.com Clubs & Associations (inc Facebook) and Education Clubs and Associations Marina Alta Business Club Bringing Business Together in Spain www.mabusinessclub.com & www.mabc.biz

Costa Women http://costawomen.ning.com @costawomen on


Costa Blanca Business Association - The CBBA is a group

of established businesses on The Northern Costa Blanca. For more information visit www.cbba.es

Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea https://www.facebook. com/Mujeres.Emprendedoras.de.Javea

Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! https://www.facebook.com/montgovegetarians Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir - always looking for new singers, rehearse in Teulada every Tuesday at 7.00pm...great cameraderie, a few beers and enjoy our singing, come along for a try www.costablancamalevoicechoir.wikidot.com Javea Welsh Society - https://www.facebook.com/pages/


Costa Blanca Yacht Association - www.cbya.org Art Association, Javea – Art Classes, Porcelain Restoration and more https://www.facebook.com/ArtJavea Education Howard Westcott ...education, home tuition UK exam subjects www.cbhometuition.vpweb.co.uk Lynn Cobb - learn-aprender www.learn-aprender.blogspot.com.es Homes and Gardens – cleaning, maintenance, building A D Lawton Construcciones www.adlawtonconstrucciones.com IT & Electrical Satpc Guy- Jon Worby IT & Satellite - The Sat and PC Guy www.satandpcguy.com Sky TV Freesat and UK Satellite TV

Installers For Javea

Ebuys - Mike Wood IT & Electrical : www.ebuys.es Miscellaneous inc Money Matters Miscellaneous My Destination Alicante can bring your business to life with videos and 360º tours. www.mydestination.com/alicante www.facebook.com/mydestinationalicante Sarah Farrell

Krazykidz - come along to Krazykidz in Javea Port www.facebook.com/krazykidz.rentals

Money Matters Glenn Tullett https://www.facebook.com/SpainCurrency, www.infinityinternational.co.uk Fully Regulated Independent Foreign Exchange Broker. John Hayward Financial Adviser Spectrum IFA http://www. financialadviceinspain.es Arts, Crafts, Cakes & Gifts Art Association, Javea – Art Classes, Porcelain Restoration and more https://www.facebook.com/ArtJavea Javea Photos – local photos and photographers (includes mild “adult” content) www.javeaphotos.com Winks Inks - personalised hand crafted cards/glasses/frames -

totally bespoke - made to order - all languages and occasions https:// www.facebook.com/pages/Winks-Inks/285548558231877?

Tanya Lacey Organic home-grown herbs, scented sweet peas and more. Every Sunday 3-7 www.facebook.com/VeganLifeEnergy? Hibiscus Cakes for your cupcakes and celebration cakes..... https:// www.facebook.com/hibiscus.cakes?

For Sale 2 large Birch top, grey metal leg professional desks in excellent condition. Incl Cable trays. Cost £500 ea new. 150 the two and can deliver email: timberkings@hotmail.com

56 | The Grapevine May 2013

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