Grapevine September 2013

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Issue No. 165

September 2013

WALKING IN JÁVEA So much more than sand, sea and sangría! Page 22

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Jávea Grapevine Editor: Gaile Griffin Peers email: movil: 681 001 300 Jávea Grapevine (a.k.a. as The Grapevine Spain) is Published in Jávea, Spain by Marina Alta Business Club SL - CIF B54067996 est. 2006 In accordance with the Ley 22/1987 de Noviembre, de Propiedad Intellectual (BOE no. 275) - All adverts, images and articles are copyright-protected and belong to/are the responsibility of their originators. Sources are normally clearly stated within the accompanying text Invoices/post only - no visitors without appointment: Marina Alta Business Club, Calle Badalona, Jávea, 03737 España. Advertising responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published on the understanding of the agency and the advertiser that they are each authorised to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof and that they have complied with all the laws, governmental rules and regulations applicable to the purchase order and the placement in and publication of such advertisement by Jávea Grapevine. Advertisers and agents represent and warrant that their advertisements, contents and subject matter are in no way false, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, libelous or defamatory, that they do not infringe on any privacy, intellectual property, or publicity right, or constitute or encourage a criminal offense, or are abusive, prohibited, illegal or objectionable, violate any legal duty under criminal or civil law, or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation of any kind. In consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertisers and the agencies, jointly and severally, shall unconditionally indemnify Jávea Grapevine, its parent, and their directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and expense (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred by reason of any claims, proceedings or suits, including but not limited to, libel, violation of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright infringement, fraud, negligence, or any other claims or suits based on the contents, subject matter, or publication of or otherwise on such advertisements. The liability of Jávea Grapevine for any act, error, or omission for which it may be held legally responsible shall not exceed the cost of the space ordered or occupied by the advertisement that is the basis of Jávea Grapevine’s liability. Jávea Grapevine shall not, in any event, be liable for any consequential damages, including lost income or profits. Jávea Grapevine disclaims all responsibility for errors in key numbers or the type set. Omission of insertion: Unintentional or inadvertent failure by Jávea Grapevine to print, publish or circulate advertising matter invalidates the insertion order for such matter, but shall not constitute a breach of contract or affect any earned discount. Advertising matter may be cancelled by Jávea Grapevine at any time.

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Recognition for Jávea Grapevine

Celebrating Jávea’s Oldest English Magazine!

This month I received an invitation to meet Mayor Chulvi, formally. As the editor of the Grapevine, I am very proud of our magazine and the team who, with their contributions and informed comments, fill it with interesting articles each month. I was delighted to have the opportunity to thank the Mayor for the support and up to date information he provides for us. We chatted about a variety of subjects, which included the Grapevine’s policy to allow the words contributed to the magazine to stand as they were intended - without extraneous editorial comments. If we are sent an article where the author’s name is published, we are firm believers that our readers should be allowed to see what the writer has written and it is not up to us to spin it one way or another! This led to an interesting discussion about how we keep the magazine up to date with what is going on and the brilliant supporting Javea Grapevine Group on Facebook that is ‘adminned’ by Lynn Cobb and which keeps me on my toes. Other topics included a conversation about how all the magazines I run, Javeaphotos and the Business Club all work holistically to promote Jávea, its people and its businesses. At the end of the meeting, I was stunned to be presented with a boxed facsimile of Jávea’s 401 year old Charter, together with the Historical study by Antoni F. Gran Escrihuela that accompanies it. A gift to treasure and a book that will always give me great pleasure. The new platform has worked well - and we have gained new readers. Everyone likes the new download feature and the ability to print articles to read off line or keep. I will update the old platform from this month as well, in case you have bookmarked us there and don’t access the magazine from So what is new this month? Jessica’s ‘Photo Diary of Teenage Jávea’ is an explosion of photos! Jon Worby starts his new Satellite Info column and joins our growing list regular contributors and I struggle, yet again, to keep the magazine to less than 90 pages :-) Gaile

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Dear Grapevine Friends, Looking through the window as I write these lines, the rain signals that the end of summer is approaching. This summer has been very positive in many ways, the tourist occupancy figures improved over last year and we could see that the bars and restaurants in XĂ bia looked great filled with tourists.

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During the last few days I was talking on this subject with Antonio Miragall the Councillor for Tourism and a member of my party the PSOE. Antonio is a tourism entrepreneur, who has expert knowledge of the sector and its requirements and is managing his tourism team superbly. He has revived the Municipal Tourism Council, which complies with our policy of citizen participation by including representatives from many sectors of Xàbia society. I invite you to look at the excellent updated tourism website www.xabia. org which is proof of their hard work, and with the help of a professional, includes active participation in social networks. I started the month of August by attending a plenary session of the Alicante Diputación (Regional government), these meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, and the remainder of the week we work on various committees. My main interest and efforts are always directed towards obtaining grants and subsidies to help us renovate the infrastructure in our town.

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The first two weeks of the month were exceptionally busy, attending meetings and seeing citizens who wanted to talk to me. From the 12th to the 19th I took my first holiday since becoming mayor in 2011. The holiday was very positive for me and my wife and, above all, filled me with energy and commitment to continue my work and face the challenges of the new political season with my batteries fully charged. Back in Xàbia I was rapidly engaged in my work, chairing four government meetings and the plenary session at the end of the month. One of the topics approved was the granting of the 9th of October civic awards. These two awards are very prestigious in our town. The award for civic values ​​will be presented to the professor and writer Francisco Reus Boyd-Swan, a great fan of Xàbia, who has written extensively about our traditions and culture and as you can tell from his second surname has British roots on his mother’s side. The prize for solidarity has

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been granted to the ISVH organisation (Inter Sociedad Vecinos Hispanófilos), consisting of mainly German, Swiss and British residents living in Balcon al Mar, which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary. This association is very active in organising events to raise money for the benefit of the needy in the town. Within this association are the Balcon al Mar Volunteer Fire-fighters, who together with the Civil Protection department are involved in fighting the fires which occur throughout the entire municipality. The formal ceremony of the awards will take place at 11 am on October 9th, the Day of the Valencian Community, in the chamber of the Town Hall. Everyone is invited. On the same day October 9th there will be another major event. Thanks to all the work done by the Councillor for Culture, Empar Bolufer and Public Works Councillor Paco Torres;

the inauguration will take place of the Port Social Centre and Library next to the health centre building. The library will additionally provide books in several languages. I hope that you will all come along.

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The new Port Library and Community centre

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Talking about inaugurations, I am pleased to inform you that during September the new bus station has opened. It is a simple but functional facility which will end years of poor service to users of this form of transport who suffered the vagaries of the weather whilst waiting for the bus. The Public Works department headed by Paco Torres is working tirelessly to improve and renovate our infrastructure, and shortly improvement works will be carried in the port area, and for which his department has applied for grants. I hope you have a good September, Best Wishes

JosĂŠ Chulvi

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Teenage Jávea - a Picture Diary by Jessica Cobb In Jávea you know summer has started when San Juan starts. San Juan is probably the most waited for ‘fiesta’ in Jávea, all the teens celebrate it. You make ‘peñas’ with your friends, choose a name that represents you, make a crest and choose colors for your clothes and rent out a ‘casal’. It’s 10 full days of having “a few too many”, enjoying the musical performances, the DJ’s, the bull running, but above all having fun with your friends and setting the tone for the summer.

After San Juan the summer properly starts. My friends and I go to the beach, swim in the pool, go out every Saturday night on the Arenal and celebrate birthdays, typical summer stuff. Some of us go back to our ‘pueblos’ or countries we were born in, go to summer camps, have a holiday, do an exchange with another country, and some just stay and make the most of the Jávea sun.

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For the past 2 summers I’ve been going to a summer camp called Diverbo, where English speaking people from all over the world come to Spain to help the Spanish people learn English. It’s a complete English immersion for the Spanish people and an opportunity of a lifetime for both Spanish and Anglos.

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All we do 24/7 is speak English, we get put in to groups, make a group name and a chant and we earn points throughout the week. We have point recount every day and the group with the most points get special privileges. We have activities throughout the day to earn points; we made cows and dragons out of cardboard boxes and a robot out of one of the team mates. At night we had lots of different activities, like cops and robbers and we also had an activity where we had to make different shapes out of our bodies like superman, catwalk and reenact the film Titanic and take photos and the best photos won the most points. We had two one to ones a day, where you speak English for an hour with a Spaniard. We had 2 hours free time a day where we could talk to our families and go in the pool, play games or just relax in the lobby trying to get Wi-Fi. It’s an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

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A friend of mine, Paula, went to Ohio, USA on a Rotary exchange. She was there for one month and then she came back with her exchange partner, Claudia, and she stayed here for a month. While she was there they took her to Washington, DC where she saw the white house, the Lincoln and Washington statues, etc. and New York where she visited the statue of liberty, Times Square, Hard Rock CafĂŠ and also Niagara Falls. When they came back from the USA they stayed in Madrid for 3 days where they visited the city and then came back to JĂĄvea. They visited the surrounding towns and also spent a weekend in Granada. At the end of her stay we had a goodbye party at her house; we went in the pool, had amazing pizza for lunch and sat around and played the guitar and sang, at the end of the night we said goodbye and wished her a safe trip home.

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We had a surprise party for our friend Nieves where all of her closest friends organized a luau that we celebrated on the beach and then we went to the ‘discomóvil’ after we all had had dinner and given her her presents. So it was economical for everyone, we all brought something to contribute.

One of us distracted her, for a while (until we had everything set up) and then we brought her in she nearly ran away, we had a lot of trouble trying to put her Hawaiian skirt and lei on. After about 15 min we got it on her and continued with the party. We took a photo of all of us and then went to the discomóvil.

When the Mare de Deu de Loreto fiestas begin you know the summer is about to end, so we make the most of it by going to the bull running every night and the discomóviles and take your little brothers and sisters to collect sweets at the parade, or ever go alone with your friends because you’re a big kid at heart, and who doesn’t like sweets anyway? On the last day you go and see the fireworks in the port, it finishes and then reality hits you, school starts on Monday.

Fiesta: Local or national holiday. Peña: Group of friends that get together and celebrate San Juan together. Casal: The meeting place the peña rents, often an empty shop unit

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Mirador La Grenadella


So much more than sand, sea and sangría! by Mike Smith As the temperatures begin to fall after the intense heat of summer, the idea of doing a bit of physical exercise becomes more appealing with gyms and fitness centres reveal new offers to remove those few extra pounds that just might have sneaked on during those al fresco dinners on warm evenings accompanied by a few glasses of red wine. However you don’t have to spend too much money to burn off the calories and a simple pair of strong comfortable shoes combined with a bit of determination can open up a whole new experience.

Jávea offers so much more than sand, sea and sangría. To the north, the hulk of Montgó dominates, a 753m high peak whose elongated massif serves well to protect Jávea from the harsh cold winds of winter. Criss-crossing the mountain and the wide plateau that extends into the Mediterranean Sea are many kilometres of tracks and pathways that can be enjoyed by all abilities for this is the treasured natural park of Montgó. From end of the port, a rough path winds its way through the trees and onto the upper slopes of the cliffs of Cabo de San Antonio to reward to determined walker with stunning views across the wide bay of

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The view of the valley of J谩vea from the eye of Montg贸.

El Montg贸 and Tossal de Saint Ll煤cia from Clavario

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Photographs by Fay Hughes-Smith

Olivera Milenara

Photographs by Fay Hughes-Smith

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Photographs by Fay Hughes-Smith

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El Montg贸 from Cap Prim

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Cova Tallada

Jávea and, on a clear day, the island of Ibiza can be seen as a low smudge on the horizon. This path forms the opening few kilometres of the 20-kilometre long PR CV-355 official trail that zig-zags across La Plana via the remarkable Cova Tallada before winding dramatically up the eastern flank of Montgó to reach the very summit of the mountain. There are variations, including a short scramble to the hidden Cala Tangó nestling at the foot of the Cabo de San Antonio as well as a circular route which takes in the iconic windmills of La Plana. The famous “Eye of Montgó” can even be reached by those with a healthy regard for heights. Or for a simple Sunday stroll, the wide forestry tracks open up a marvellous vista both to the south over the plain of Jávea as well as glimpses of Dénia to the north. To the south of the municipality lies the rolling forestry park of La Granadella, considered one of the “green lungs of the Costa Blanca”, an impressive area of deep gulleys and rolling hills which is rich in vegetation. It is a popular oasis of calm to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty of the region and there is a 14km long circular trail – the PR CV-354 – which takes in the very best of what is on offer, including an enjoyable scramble to the ruins of the castle of La Granadella, an exhilarating cliff-top walk more than 150 metres above the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean, an enjoyable ridge walk through the trees which opens up a superb vista of Jávea to the north and the silence of the deep gulleys which eventually open into the narrow cove of La Granadella, recently voted the best beach in Spain by a poll run by a national TV company. Sandwiched in the middle of these two special areas lay a multitude of opportunities to enjoy the wide open spaces and the stunning landscape of the four capes of Jávea: Cabo de San Antonio, Cabo de San Martín (Cap Prim), Cap Negre and, of course, Cabo de la Nao, the southern limit of the enormous Gulf of Valencia. Along the coast there are specially-designed viewpoints – “miradores” – stretching from La Granadella in the south, a small plateau overlooking the forestry park, to the windmills of La Plana to the north, a series of towers in various states of repair which once ground the wheat of the Marina Alta. In between lie thirteen more viewpoints and just recently they have been linked by a 27km route for walkers that has become The Mirador Challenge. Inland there are plenty of opportunities as well. The wide valley of San Bartolomé – “La Vall” – is criss-

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crossed by narrow country lanes passing through vineyards as well as orchards of citrus fruit and olives. Hidden away on the very border with Jesús Pobre stands an ancient tree, the “Olivera Milenara”, which is estimated to be between 800 and 1,000 years old – and is still producing three varieties of olives to this very day. It is a timeworn reminder of a time when the Arabs ruled the area. The dry river bed of the Gorgos winds its way through the landscape to the south of the valley and provides a wonderful leisurely walk along its banks into more tranquil territory, touched only by the sound of others enjoying this relative wilderness. To the south of the river rises the huge hulk of Tossal Gros, a 330m mound from the top of which is another stunning view of Jávea to reward those who make the effort. Further to the east lie the tranquil forests of Rebaldí, silent only until the hunting season begins. There is so much more to explore in Jávea and one of the most economical ways to do so is by foot. There is something for everyone from the short but rewarding walk to the end of Cap Prim to the puffing long climb to the summit of Montgó. Even the flat walk from the port to the sandy beach at the Arenal provides not only valuable exercise but also some great views across the bay of Jávea. For some ideas, tips and route descriptions of local walks in Jávea, head over to’s ‘Walking in Jávea’ section (http://www.javeamigos. com/dir_walking/index_walking.htm). Fill up that water bottle, dig out the daysack, dust off those boots and get out and enjoy the very best that Jávea has to offer.

WHAT’S ON THIS MONTH For a regularly-updated What’s On Guide for Jávea, featuring live music, sport, cinema and much more, see Mike Smith SHARING A PASSION FOR JÁVEA Photographs by Fay Hughes-Smith

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Compiled by Christine Betterton - Jones

Follow Agenda 21 on Free workshops on retail competitiveness - Xàbia Town hall has joined forces with the Ministry of Economy to organise four, free workshops for small businesses and free-lancers. The idea is to guide small entrepreneurs in ways of being competitive, marketing and client relations. The workshops startr on the afternoon of Sept 25th and people must enroll in the local development agnecy or at Creama. From Las provincias: Ela consistorio... Sustainable Transport week - Jávea has been preparing a comprehensive programme of activities to celebrate the inaugural Sustainable Transport Week between September 16th and 22nd which forms part of a commitment to a European project to promote the use of clean energy for transport. For full story and programme see: Javeamigos 66 proposals for next year’s participatory budget Thus far a total of 66 proposals have been received for next year’s participatory budget. Ideas range from introducing a local currency, regenerating the Tango beach, asphalting and lighting the car park near the cinema in the port and diverting IBI money from fiesta expenditure to castrating dogs and cats! Two topics were particularly popular, being proposed by several people independently. These were the installation of jellyfish nets to protect bathers from stings in the summer and the refurbishment of the Arnuda Riurau so that it has both electricity and a roof, thus enhancing and diversifying its role as a public space. The closing date for the receipt of proposals is Sept 30th 2013 (Eds notes) Grants to promote jobs and economic recovery - Xàbia Town Hall is intoducing a 4th initiative to promote employment and economic activity. This time it is a sum of €23,000 which will be released as grants of up to €2000 for small and medium sized businesses with up to 50 employees. The money can be applied for by new free-lancers and businesses who plan to improve their facilities and equipment. Details of how to apply will be released soon. From XAD: Xàbia otorgará... Chunk of Cine Jayan ceiling collapses - A lump of the Cine Jayan’s ceiling fell down injuring a person on the head. The last four or five rows were affected. The collapse occurred at the beginning of the session and few people were inside the cinema. From Las Provincias: Un herido.... Xàbia Town Hall to look after tourist infrastructures on the beach - Xàbia, along with 14 other municipalities , has agreed to assume responsibility for the maintenance and repair of tourist infrastructure on the beach e.g. Volleyball nets, childrens´climbing frames, foot baths, signs

etc. The total budget set aside by Valencia for all the municipalities involved is €553,000. From XAD Xàbia school trials tablet textbooks - The Graüll school in Xàbia is taking part in a pilot project to replace paper textbooks with tablets and e-books. The project is being run by the Ministry of Education. 50 Xàbia students will be using the new technology, which should, in time represent savings of more than 100 Euros for parents. A total of 1000 students from 24 schools are involved in the trial. From Las Provincias Xàbia y Lliber... Amjasa profits up - The Jávea municipal water company, Amjasa , closed the first half of 2013 with a profit of 348,000 euros, surpassing the profits made over the same period last year. The money will be used on various improvements to the network. From XAD: Amjasa cierre... Foreigners bring some relief to still-grim housing market - Home purchases by foreigners in Spain continued to surge in the second quarter of the year on a back of an ongoing decline in prices in what has become the only bright spot in a market in the doldrums since a massive bubble burst around the start of 2008. Purchases by foreign residents climbed a record 16.9 percent to 12,546 in the April-June period. Purchases by the foreign community have now risen for the past eight quarters. Sales to non-resident foreigners amounted to 1,086 meaning that foreigners accounted for one out of every six transactions in the quarter. For full story see: El País in English Tourist figures improve slightly - The tourism department has made an initial assessment of hotel occupation over the past two months. According to the data, the municipality has seen a slight improvement over last year with August having an occupancy of 87% of the 1,095 hotel rooms in the town. From XAD:Xàbia registra... Granadella best beach in Spain - For the second year in succession Granadella has won the competition organised by TV station Antena 3 over the summer. From XAD La Granadella... Xàbia prepares bye laws to deal with anti-social and illegal goings on in public spaces - Xàbia town hall is preparing bye laws to control “botellon” (large gatherings of people having noisy, usually drunken street parties at night): prostitution, grafitti, advertising “this car for sale” on cars parked on the road, hawking, BarBQs on the beach and other illegal goings-on in public spaces. These regulations will seek to “ promote conviviality and citizenship “ and “ identify actions that disrupt or impair coexistence and set appropriate penalties .” From XAD. Xàbia prepará...

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32 | The Grapevine August 2013

Got an idea to improve Jávea ? Send it in ! Everyone is invited to send in ideas for projects to improve Jávea’s infrastructure. If your idea is technically and economically feasible and receives enough public support, then it will be funded in Jávea’s budget for 2014 under the section “Participatory Budgets”. Around €500,000 will be available to fund infrastructure projects (physical works, not services) put forward and supported by the public. So have your say. Last year money was earmarked to fund works such as the new bus station, a new paving scheme in the Port, repairs to the Via Augusta, a new playground on the site of the old Guardia Civil barracks and the rehabilitation of one of the la Plana windmills. Please e-mail your ideas for infrastructure projects to: . You can write in English or Spanish, which ever you prefer, but please include the following information: Your name, e-mail address and telephone number; a brief description of your project idea and its location. (Please give it a title). Indicate whether the project will be new works, or whether it is maintenance and improvements to an existing facility. It’s also important to note down what groups of people are likely to benefit from the project (e.g. tourists, the elderly, kids, disabled, immigrants) and approximately how many people will be affected. You can send photos, drawings or other supporting documents as attachments. You can submit as many projects as you like, both as an individual, or as a group. If your neighbour has a good idea, send it in for him ! If you don’t have e-mail, you can fill in a printed form. These are available at all three Jávea tourist offices, the citizens’ attention office above the Clot car park and the social centre in Jávea Park. These places also have special “post” boxes in which to put the completed form. There are also links to download it at the bottom of the form. All proposals must be received by the end of September 2013. They’ll then be checked over for technical and economic feasibility, translated if necessary and put to the vote at public meetings towards the end of the year. We all have ideas on how Jávea can be improved – this is an opportunity for you to share them and make a difference ! Christine Betterton-Jones Volunteer member Xàbia Participatory Budgets Steering Committee Links

Form to submit a proposal for the participatory budget and The English Explanatory Leaflet

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Doris Courcelles, councillor for “services, environment and beaches” was born in Belgium and studied at a French university. She speaks Castellano, English, French, Dutch, and German and is still trying to improve her Valenciano. As a consequence, she knows many residents and societies of Spanish and other nationalities here in Jávea. She moved to Spain in 1978. She has a son aged 30 and can empathise with parents in a foreign country.

A lot of visitors including Jelly Fish! A lot of visitors, including jelly fish, have filled our environment this summer. They haven’t all respected the basic rules of respect but we have gone through it, haven’t we? We even survived the early “gota fria”! If you had been in my office, you could have been witness to a few amusing, contradictory and paradoxical anecdotes........ − People complain because there are dogs on the beach, others complain because they cannot take their dogs on the beach. − Some neighbours want to get rid of the trees which stop their view while others want to park their cars in the shade. − Some persons want the containers to be removed and some grumble because they have been placed 100 metres further. − A few of the beaches users moan about seaweed and others go specially to a “Spa” to have seaweed baths. − A number of citizens have chosen to live with nature surrounded by trees but start to complain when the trees grow. − There are tourists that think our typical “fenoll mari” is a weed but it is a protected and aboriginal

plant which grows on the sides of the “Arenal” and cannot be taken away. AKA as Crithmum maritimum - it is pictured on the next page − Holiday makers denounce the noise of businesses whose owners are endeavouring to improve their facilities. − People are very thorough as far as recycling is concerned but others make a mess....etc. This last “sin” hasn’t stopped us to get money back from ECOEMBES, thanks to the collection of paper, cardboard and plastic. The sum of €48.690 has entered the “Piggy bank” of the Town Hall for the last 4 months period. Do you know that La Granadella has been voted the best beach in Spain for the second year? In spite of the traffic and parking problems in this area, cannot we be proud of having had this grant? It is true that ravines, gorges, high cliffs and clear water are making it very attractive. Between you and me, we are so lucky to be able to take advantage of this “Cala” after August............. Have a nice month of September!


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By Carlosu7 by JĂşlio Reis

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that the document is written in the language of this country. If the contract is in two languages, it is the Spanish version which will prevail. A contract written in the English language will be perfectly valid and enforceable if both parties understand English. However, if there is a dispute and the matter proceeds to trial, the contract would have to be translated into Spanish in order to be used as evidence in a Spanish court. It is advisable that such a contract is translated and signed in both languages from the start because otherwise at trial, both parties could produce different translations of the same document with variations in the interpretation which suits their respective cases. This can lead to problems.

Ask Oscar David & Linda Warren from U.K.-

Dear Óscar we are thinking about buy a property in Jåvea but we have some questions about the paperwork and the contracts. It seems to me that business in Spain is driven by a signed copy of everything which has to be in Spanish. Are there any pitfalls in not signing documents? If a contract for transfer of business for instance is unsigned can it be legally binding. Why does a person’s NIE number need to be given. Should one sign a document if there is no lawyer or notary present ? Are there specific laws in place in property and business matters that dictate the signing and witnessing of papers ? In Spain as in the UK, it is possible to agree a verbal contract with nothing in writing and this is legally binding. However the problem for both parties with this situation is one of evidence. How can either party prove what was said and what the terms of the agreement were. For that reason it is not advisable to rely simply on a verbal contract as enforcing this in court would be difficult. Independent witness evidence could help but a contract with the agreed terms clearly stated, signed by both sides is much better. As we are in Spain, it is hardly surprising that the contracts are written in the Spanish language. If the matter were to be disputed and result in court action it would be heard by a Spanish judge who is entitled to expect

If you do not understand the contract then you should not sign it until someone independent (i.e. not the other party to the contract or someone acting for them) has translated it for you and if necessary explained it to you. Obviously throughout the course of our daily lives we have to sign a large number of documents from receipt of goods forms to contracts to purchase a property. It would be expensive and impractical to use a lawyer each and every time you sign anything and it is generally a matter of commonsense. However, it is better to err on the side of caution and the more important the document, the more advisable it is to obtain clarification. An NIE number is normally requested when a transaction has fiscal or tax implications and it identifies the parties with certainty. For residents this is usually the same as the Residency Card number. A passport number could also suffice (although this changes each time you change your passport). There are no laws which specify the method of signing a private contract. However, there are many important transactions which are often ratified by signing a deed (or escritura) in front of a notary. Such documents do have to follow a prescribed format which the notary is responsible for enforcing. For example, the notary checks the identity and capacity of the parties before they sign and the deed is printed on special notarial paper. If one of the signatories does not speak fluent Spanish, they are required to have an interpreter who must explain the document to them and who themselves must be named in the document and must sign it. Examples of contracts which are formalised by way of notarial deeds are, the purchase of a property, taking out a mortgage and forming a company.



from XD

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Poor air quality continues to have a major impact on the health of European citizens, leading to respiratory and cardiac complications, premature deaths and shorter life expectancy. Air pollution also affects the environment, resulting in acidification, biodiversity loss, ozone depletion and climate change. Urban traffic is a growing source of air pollution – specifically when it comes to particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.

European Mobility Week (EMW) 2013 was officially launched in Javea by Juan Luis Cardona Salvador on 16th September. It will see more than 2,000 cities in 43 countries implement activities to create a more sustainable mobility culture. This year’s edition will run from 16 to 22 September under the slogan ‘Clean Local authorities therefore have the responsibility to develop urban transport strategies that meet mobility air – It’s your move!’ demand, protect the environment, improve air qualiThe 2013 campaign aims to raise awareness about the ty and make the city a better place to live. impact of transport on local air quality, and encourages citizens all over Europe to improve their health By adopting the slogan “Clean air – It’s your move!” and well-being by changing their day-to-day mobility European Mobility Week is underlining that we all have a part to play, and that even small changes, such behaviour. as commuting by bicycle rather than taking the car, It coincides with the European Year of Air, an area opting for public transport, or choosing to walk, can EU policy makers are currently reviewing through the significantly enhance the quality of life in European town and cities. Thematic Strategy on Air Quality.

The busy Port Artisan Market

38 | The Grapevine August 2013

Civil Liability for the parties involved in a construction build

As we are seeing an increasing economic movement in the local area, with the rise in the level of investment in properties and in many of these cases the involvement of building new construction, we believe it is important that you take into consideration, amongst many other things the liability during any type of construction work. Those who can be held responsible for the construction are those outlined in the Law 38/1999, from the 5th of November, “de Ordenación de la Edificación (LOE) denomina Agentes de la Edificación”, of whom are: 1) The developer; 2) the designer; 3) The constructor; 4) The Project Manager; 5) The Site Manager; 6) quality controllers of the building; and 7) the suppliers of the materials. The Law regulates the civil liability of those involved in the building process, as well the guarantees that relate to the possible damages that could be occurred to any materials or defects in the construction. The LOE states the responsibility is to held to each individual who carries out the work, in the exception that damage can not be specific related to a individual then all those involved in the project can be held responsible. These guarantees are valid for the following time period, from the completion of the build: - Ten years for the developer, technicians and the constructor for damages or hidden defects in the building that affect the foundations or structure of the building. - Three years for the developer, technicians and constructor for damages or hidden defects in the installations that causes a breach in the regulations, which the property must meet to be habitable.

Linda McHugh Thiviers 2A, 3ºA, 03730, Javea (Alicante) Spain tel. 34 96 646 08 58 - fax. 34 96 646 08 57 Avenida del Pla, 130, Centro Comercial Arenal Oficina 1.05, 03730,Javea (Alicante) Spain tel: 0034 96 646 08 59 tel: 0034 655 985 596

-One year guarantee to the constructor for damages or hidden defects that affect directly the finalization of the construction and the completion of the work. The maximum time period to pursue legal action for a defective construction shall be two years from the date of occurrence of the fault or defect. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact our offices.

The Grapevine August 2013 | 39 |

Asociación Protectora de Animales de San Antonio

TRIP TO MADRID Staying at the Hotel Regente


Price for Double Room: €365 per person Single Supplement: +€125

El Escorial

The Valley of the Fallen

For reservations & more information:

965 741 668

40 | The Grapevine August 2013

Asociaci贸n Protectora de Animales de San Antonio A.P.A.S.A. Cif: G-53334454 Reg. No. 6692 Cami de les Sorts s/n, Perrera Municipal de Javea Apartado de Correos 577, 03730 Javea (Alicante) Tel: 807 429 454 / 966 463 976 / email: Sabadell / CAM, Calle Pla 55, 03730 Javea IBAN / BIC: ES 2600811045900001042507 / BSAB ESBB

The Grapevine August 2013 | 41 |

KAYA, female, Shelter since 22.05.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 15.08.2008 – 46 cm Kaya was running free around our shelter and it was maybe her intention to be taken in. She looks a little bit like a beagle and she has their energy. She likes to be in action, to run about and to play. She likes to live in a big group and when you enter the kennel she would jump on you and encourage you to play with her. She should receive new owners who already have at least one other dog. There should be a whole family, as she likes people. She is used to walk on the lead.

MAY, female, Shelter since 21.05.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 15.01.2010 – 28 cm May had withdrawn into a private garden, where she obviously wanted to hide until she had given birth to her puppies. But she was found earlier and brought to the shelter. Within 2 weeks she delivered 3 female puppies. May has the funny face of a small boxer and she is a friendly and social little dog. She is used to walk on the lead and can even go without. She is house trained and has a good size for a flat as well. IWO, male, Shelter since 08.05.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 15.01.2013 – young dog Iwo and his seven siblings were found when searching for food in a big container. It seems that their mother had left them alone probably because she could not take care of all of them anymore. Iwo is the strongest of them, very social, friendly and as playful as young dogs can be. He is ready for adoption now. IBRAHIM, male, Shelter since 08.05.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 15.01.2013 – young dog Ibrahim and his seven siblings were found when searching for food in a big container. It seems that their mother had left them alone probably because she could not take care of all of them anymore. Ibrahim is softer than his brother Iwo but he too is very social, friendly and as playful as young dogs can be. He is ready for adoption now.

42 | The Grapevine August 2013

with Lynn Cobb


For me, the best thing about learning Spanish was that once I understood the rules, everything became clear! The most important rule is about pronouncing everything clearly. If you’re learning Spanish as an adult, the chances of you ever acquiring a Spanish accent are pretty much zero - & anyway – what’s a ‘Spanish’ accent? Spain is a pretty big country, and Spanish is also spoken in a lot of other countries, so obviously there will be many many accents – just think about the differences between the accents in Liverpool & Birmingham – they’re incredibly different & those two cities aren’t really that far apart, geographically speaking. So just imagine how much more likely it is that there are different Spanish accents. The great thing though, is that even though accents vary, the actual pronunciation doesn’t vary very much – especially the pronunciation of the vowels, A, E, I, O & U. Wherever you go in the Spanish-speaking world, the vowel sounds will be the same. Every vowel will always ‘say’ the same. Every time you say it, regardless of how many you see together, or what letters are next to it!


English example

ejemplo español











It’s important to get the vowel sounds right when you’re speaking – look these words up in a dictionary & you’ll understand why…….. cojines……..cajones……..cojones

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Most of the other letters (consonants) in Spanish ‘say’ more or less what they do in English. The main difference is, once you know the ‘rules’, you will be able to read or spell any word correctly. Did you know that kids in Spanish schools don’t have ‘spelling tests ’ as they do in the UK? This is because the spelling is straightforward & logical -none of this ‘rough, trough, Slough - or there, their, they’re’! Obviously there will be regional variations in pronunciation this is a sort of ‘generic’ guide. Also remember that when reading a word in Spanish, every letter is pronounced, every single time, except with gue/gui & qu - and of course the silent ‘h’. The following are the consonants which sound very different to the English pronunciation G has a ‘hard’ & a ‘soft’ sound, as it does in English. The ‘hard’ G is the same as in English, the ‘soft’ is more of a ‘H’ sound, with a bit of a ‘growl’ in the back of the throat if you can manage it. The rules are the same as in English – they just don’t break them in Spanish! It all depends on the letter which comes after the G.


hard soft soft hard hard


J – makes the same sound as the soft G – an ‘H’sound with a growl in the back of the throat. That should be easy for anyone here to remember – we live in Jávea – that’s HA-VEH-A LL – when you see two Ls together, it changes the sound – they make a sound similar to the Y in yoyo – but with an L put in front if you can manage it – a kind of LYUH sound, rather than just YUH Then we have the extra letter – Ñ – it’s called ‘enyeh’& makes a NYUH kind of sound. It’s pretty important to make the correct sound when you see this letter. If someone asks you your age, you need to remember to say AÑOS (years) in your reply, rather than ANOS (anuses). Then there’s a place in Spain which you might visit one day – Oriña – just don’t call it orina if you do. And it’s probably best to ask for your ice-cream in a cono……….. (I’ll leave you to look that one up for yourselves) The last one which is different is the Q – as in English it is always followed by a U - but this is the K sound – not KW, as in English. So now you know why you get a funny look when you ask for cheese – it’s not KWESO, it’s KEHSO Also, whenever you see a particular combination of letters, it’s always the same sound - so QUE – is always KEH Just think of Fawlty Towers ….. http:// watch?v=DBwvaxr9TAw

44 | The Grapevine August 2013





Hi Everyone! How did the holidays go? Some of you are surely still enjoying a deserved rest, but many have returned recently to the pre-summer routines and are stressed with the shock that this causes… Well, hopefully it’s not being too hard for us and our technologic gadgets have survived with no issues the travelling, heat, pools and visits that we have surely put them through in the last weeks. If so, it’s a great moment to revise them and possibly upgrade or renew some of the components that might have suffered during this period. It’s not rare at all to feel that our computer sets are a little louder, our browsers are operating slower, or simply we are just running out of space on our drives with all those nice photos and videos we’ve ben storing and receiving from our contacts, showing how good their break was too! As we have discussed many times, heat is not a good friend for our electronic gadgets, so that could well be the reason for the loudness we hear when the fans in our computers start to operate. A quick maintenance service will put everything back in shape and silence will return to our working sessions… also this heat is usually the cause of the deceleration we can feel in the normal operations of our system and browsers, so for some of you, this is a ‘must do’ for after the summer. Regarding the storage space scarcities, we have already discussed in former posts about some of the advantages that cloud hosting provides in this subject, but for those that aren’t confident still with these new storage systems, we are about revising the latest info and specs for more traditional external storage methods, which also have significantly changed and improved lately. The first option is the traditional external hard drive

device which you can find with up to 2,5 TB of capacity at very reasonable prices. This device is very simple to use, just plug in to a free USB port of your computer, allow the system to recognize it and just by dragging and dropping the files and/or folders to it as you would to any other folder in your computer you will save a copy of your beloved photos and videos. Lately, Solid State drives are coming into the picture, which are very similar in shape and connecting easiness, but provide a much faster and reliable transfer of the data. Unfortunately, currently the space available on these drives is much less than on traditional Hard drives (1 TB maximum) and also their price is significantly higher, doubling or tripling the price in comparison

with ‘normal’ hard drives with the same capacity; but fortunately, eventually this will change, as many manufacturers are focusing in developing these devices to end up assembling them as the standard internal storage device in all the new computers they offer. Then we can find NAS devices, which basically are hard drives of any of the mentioned types connected to the network that we have at our homes or businesses. These devices allow a faster data transfer rate along with the capability of sharing the stored files with all computers connected to the same network. Also, they provide the possibility of upgrading the storage capacity by adding more or bigger hard drives easily. And last but not least, we have the popular USB Pendrives, which are possibly the most economical to purchase (with low storage capacity) and easy to use devices. Easy to connect and to carry around, the only hitch is the limited storage space that they offer, being 128 GB the maximum size ones we can find nowadays. As it happens with the solid state devices, and using a very similar technology to store the data, the price per

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GB available for storage in comparison with the one provided by traditional hard drives is pretty steep, but but on the other hand, the portability they offer can be an important factor when deciding which external storage device to use. As you can see, the offer is quite large… now it’s your turn to decide which compiles the most important factors for you when you have to decide how and where to store the precious data. Well, these are some of the tips we should take notice of now life starts going back to normal after the summer rest. Please find our contact details below; in case you have any questions or queries, we can assure a quick and professional reply. Also, please visit our new Facebook page, where we will try to keep you all posted on latest news about computers and the world around them. Here is the link: JPG-Asistencia/121514197877746 you will find a link to the Grapevine’s website too, where you’ll always find the latest edition for online reading. Back to work till the next post! Until then, keep clicking!! The JPG team Tel. :

+34 644 46 41 49

46 | The Grapevine August 2013

Satellite Updates Our new feature from Jon Worby

You have probably heard many rumours and conflicting gossip about the future changes with regards to satellite TV. Stories such as “All of Spain will be losing ALL UK TV soon” being spread by some “TV via internet” retailers trying to scare people in buying their systems, when they may not be necessary at all, not helping matters.

So, what exactly is happening? In the past few years, for satellite TV reception of channels from BBC and ITV, a large 1.8m or 2.4m satellite dish has been required. This is because these channels were transmitted from a satellite whose beam was very focused on the UK, and whose signal strength in Spain was simply not powerful, hence the need for a large reception satellite dish. However, these satellites have been operational for around 12 years, are old and need replacing.

The first new UK TV satellite, Astra 2F, was launched late 2012, started to transmit channels like Channel Five, Channel 4 HD and a few ITV1 regions in December 2012. Astra 2Fs reception in Javea is “stronger” than before, and this has meant that the channels on this satellite are able to be received in a much smaller satellite dish than what was previously required. The second new UK TV satellite, Astra 2E, was due for launch mid July 2013. However, a problem with the rocket on a prior launch delayed that. The launch was rescheduled for mid September 2013, but now even that has been delayed, and it is now expected to be launched very late September. However, any changes will not happen then as there will be several weeks of testing before any channels start to transmit from Astra 2E. Only then will its true reception in Spain, and the dish sizes required to receive its signal, be known. Not before.

For all we know, Astra 2Es reception may be the same as Astra 2F, and so a 1m satellite dish may still be able to receive these channels as they can today. And you will be able to watch BBC1, BBC2, ITV1 and C4 all in fill 1080 HD and subscription free, making the most of the HD TVs that many people have these days, something that internet TV systems simply cannot offer due to the limitations of the internet. More in the next issue. Jon Worby - The Sat and PC Guy

The Grapevine August 2013 | 47 | - our main website with information about UK TV in Spain - free help and advice forum - the latest satellite TV news for the Costa Blanca and Spain email: telephone: 962819796 / 620130292

48 | The Grapevine August 2013

Please send your pics and news to the

Out & About in and Around Jรกvea

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50 | The Grapevine August 2013

This fungus, like all others, likes it warm and moist. That is why it grows more in summer and seems to go away in winter. Since we sweat more on our upper back it is more commonly found there. But it also favours the neck, upper arms and even the face. The fungus eats dead skin cells and some of the oils our skin produces. It does not completely disappear in winter. It grows at a much slower rate and since we do not get sun on our skin it does not create visible patches. It hibernates awaiting the next summer.

Dear Doctor, All summer long I have got these white patches on my shoulders and back. They are really small but seem to be getting bigger. Also I get mjore of them. I had them last year in summer too but then they went away. They do not itch or bother me, they just look a bit funny. I am 17 years old and feel really well. What can those white patches be and do I need to do anything?

Dear Kevin from Javea, what you describe makes me think you have a fungal infection of your skin. There is one fungus in particular that causes exactly these white patches you describe. It goes by the somewhat unpronounceable name of Malassezia furfur. It is a normal guest on our skin, almost every person in the world has got it growing on them. Usually it does not cause any symptoms or complaints. In some people however it is able to grow and multiply to the extend that it causes these visible patches on the skin. They can be white or pink or even brownish. They do not hurt or itch but they have got that one effect on our skin which made you write your question: they do interfere with the tanning of our skin. Where they grow our skin does not tan. So, in summer, you get these white patches because every other bit of skin does tan. Fungus affected skin areas do not. Hence this pattern on your skin.

What can we do? Like almost all fungi it will respond to treatment with antifungal agents. Either applied as a cream to the skin or taken as tablets. If there is only a small area affected then I would use cream. Is has to be applied twice per day for at least three weeks. Should larger parts of the body surface be fungus riddled than tablets are the better option. In some people this fungal infection will always come back. Even after a course of treatment. That is because the fungus cannot be completely eradicated from our skin. It can be heavily reduced in numbers and thus appear to have gone. But over time it will have multiplied again and be ready to cause those patches once more. One way of keeping the fungus under control longterm is to shower using a shampoo usually applied to treat dandruff. These shampoos contain selenium in different forms and that is what it takes. Once per week using dandruff shampoo all over the body is usually sufficient to keep fungal growth down. It cannot rid our body of it but it will keep the fungus under control. Why some people get visible symptoms from Malassezia and most do not is not well understood. One of those things, it seems.

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Bringing Business Together in and around Jรกvea and Denia & Dear Gaile, When I am a member of the Business Club, do I have to attend every meeting? Absolutely not a problem, we are happy when you are too busy to attend, it means that the Club is working well for you and business is good. We do think that you need a good work-life balance, however, so we hope that you will find some time, occasionally, to come and socialise and catch up with other members when you can. Otherwise you will lose some of the benefits you gain from being seen as an active member of the Club. In the old days you used to do a round up of local news - do you still do that? I can if people want it, but, now that we help to run the Grapevine and we have the Javea Grapevine Group and the Marina Alta Business Group on Facebook plus the Grapevine, itself and our own web pages, I think that most members feel that they know where to source the information that they need. I would rather our meetings were shorter and full of your news and activities! I know that you will help with my marketing, but I am rubbish at making my own adverts to put in the magazines etc. Can you help? Yes, we have members whose skills include Graphic design for something a little special, like a logo etc. But, for normal adverts and layouts, I will help members by putting together their adverts through our media outlets. Are the meeting dates different this October? Yes it is a five week month so we are meeting on the 10th October and the 24th October, to spread the meetings out more evenly. How do we know that you understand about business - What have you done in the past that will help us now? Please visit to read more about me - To join or to visit and try out the club contact Gaile on 966 461 913.

52 | The Grapevine August 2013

BOOKING: Good restaurants are busy; best to book. Prices are only a rough guide. / “f.” means when closed (fermé) / tlj = everyday (tous les jours).


The PARADOR OF JÁVEA THE RETURN – on SEPT. 4th & 5th - OF THE ENGLISH TEAS at the JÁVEA PARADOR at 16:30h – yes, such is their popularity that they now run the teas on two consecutive days ! Bravo… let us celebrate that this has become a well establish fixture of Jávea life ! The hotel offers perfectly made tea (incl. Earl Grey) as well as cucumber sandwiches, delicious scones (with clotted cream and red jam) and carrot & walnut cake and a glass of Cava to finish. A delight. Yes, readers .... this is a triumph and all for €10. Because the teas have been so successful it remains essential to book [96 579 0200]. Make up a small group - and book early. VERY TOP OF THE CLASS

for all true Gastronauts ! JÁVEA : Restaurante BONAMB : Dutch owned, this restaurant (formerly Giardino, at the Tarraula roundabout at the end of Cabanes and the beginning of the Benitachell/ Golf Club Road) offers a sophisticated and comfortable interior and beautifully laid out gardens and terraces. This is the most important gastronomic investment in Jávea - ever - and it really puts Jávea on the map completing the triangle of world-class restaurants formed by Quique Dacosta (Denia) and Casa Pepa (Ondara). I am always charmed and enchanted by my visit each has been a memorable triumph. We suggest that you telephone for details of menus (usually €24 - Aperitif BonAmb/ two starters/ 4 main courses/ 2-3 desserts + one beverage or glass of red or white house wine). DINNER : The 7-course dinner is € 49.50 and the 9-course dinner is € 70. f.Sunday p.m & Monday. Tel : 96 508 4440 / E-mail: Reservations / Website: Reports from serious gastronauts are consistently full of praise. Our last two visits were magnificent … and look out for their Azpilicueta (Rioja), Crianza 2009 – a delight.

ONDARA : Restaurante CASA PEPA (Ondara) : With a Michelin star and is the writer’s other favourite restaurant (I will accept an invitation at any time). Its rise, over the last 15 years, to its current Michelin one-star status is remarkable. Marvellous 7-course gastronomic menu c. €65 (or with appropriate wines served with each course €95). We think the best value is at lunch time. Excellent wine list. Beautiful garden terrace in the orange groves. Take left turn in centre of Ondara town onto the Benidoleig road (pass under motorway then signposted, to the left sign saying < Pepa Restaurante >). Always a treat. Classed at 8½ out of 10 in Spanish Gastronomía Guide. Tel: 96 576.6606/ / f. Sun p.m/Mon MORAIRA : Restaurante LE DAUPHIN (Moraira beach at Portet); Superb Belgian restaurant with beautiful terrace & sea view; merits Michelin star but it is said that the owner is not interested in such accolades (indeed it features not in the guide !) Menus €60+ 96 649.0432 (fax id) / f. Mon / DENIA : Restaurante QUIQUE DACOSTA (Denia, formerly Els Poblet) : THREE Michelin stars ! Ctra. Las Marinas, Km. 3. Carrer Rascassa 1. Northwards from Denia port. Classed at 9 out of 10 in Spanish Gastronomia Guide (where it mentions that this restaurant and La Seu are leading a revolution in the preparation of rice dishes). The restaurant now has THREE Michelin stars and this year has been classified as No. 26 in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants** (up from No. 40 !). Menu gastronomique is €135. Tel : 96 578.4179 / f. Sun pm & Mon. : Web : ** Restaurante LA SEU : C/ Loreto 59, Denia. A great (and still great) former Michelin-starred restaurant specializing in amazing rice dishes. A must for visitors. Ground floor lunch menu €19 which is copious and totally wonderful (evenings €20.00). Muzak was turned off on request. Tel : 96 642.4478 / open daily / info@laseudenia. com / Web :

JÁVEA’s TOP MENUS DEL DÍA [ between €14 - €20 : full details in text ]

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group lunches there – a success with everyone ! Away from the beach, they are flourishing and are admired amongst serious eaters. Booking essential ! For summer Many restaurants are now producing menus-del-día of such outstanding there is a large (muzak-free) covered area in the garden. quality that we thought it best to recognise their achievement in listing Beware occasional jazz evenings. Tel: 96 628.9686 / f. them here. Fuller details in the main text. Monday / E-mail : Amarre 152 - Masena - El Rancho - Parador (€33) Restaurante MASENA (Jávea) : Go to the end of - Piri-Piri - La Plaza - Los Remos - La Renda Cami Cabanes road (behind Barclays) and immediately - Sophia’s (Thurs. only) - Tosca - left onto the Benitachell (Golf Club) road. Beautifully THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE MOVIES resumed on Tuesday Sept.3rd and we hope that, as before, the special dinner menu offer at La Renda will continue ? JÁVEA : CINEMA JAYAN - special offer (dinner + ticket on Tues - Wed - Thurs at 18:45h for only €14) : The excellent Restaurante LA RENDA is right beside the Cinema Jayan and offers a pre-performance menu del día including your cinema ticket for €14 (which means, on a Tues or a Wed., a meal will cost you €8 !). This newly and beautifully appointed restaurant offers some some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine. To take up this offer you must book. Tel: 96 579.3763 / f. Monday / E-mail: N.B. To find out what film is showing, go to : http://www.cinejayan. com/ click English “English version”.

IN A CLASS OF THEIR OWN (from €35+ per head)

Restaurant ATALAYA : On the right side of Jávea’s Arenal beach. This restaurant serves creative dishes of superb quality. Previously held to account for appalling muzak, we learn that this is now less of a problem so we are pleased to acknowledge their excellent culinary skills with the proviso that we hope that common sense has now prevailed and that clients are now spared the (previous) infernal noise ! Tel: 96 628.9666 / f. / Web:

Restaurante LA BOHÈME (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : This restaurant (and Los Remos de la Nao, La Perla & Atalaya) are the best French styled restarants on the Arenal beach front. Fine tapas, superb steaks. Menu del dia €15.95. Consistently excellent reports throughout the summer but comments reveal this is an expensive place. Parador end of Arenal promenade. Tel : 96 579.1600 / open daily. / http://www. Restaurante LE GOURMAND : Carretera Jesús Pobre 202. Eight months have passed since Le Gourmand moved to their new premises and excellent reports from many sources continue to reach us regularly showing that it has become a major success in our community and is established in the affections of a very wide range of resident gastronauts as one of the very best restaurants in the area. Recently we have organised two

appointed Belgian-owned restaurant with a stylish air of Mexican decoration. Menu del dia €17 (but not Sundays). Good meat a speciality notably Chateaubriand and steak cooked on hot stone. They are always busy so must book! Muzak always turned down on request. Tel : 96 579.3764 / f. Tues Web : restaurantes/Alicante/Javea-Xabia/Masena/

Sister restaurant to Masena (above) :- MASENA at <VALL de CAVALL> (Gata) : Their sister restaurant is situated in beautiful open countryside, with spectacular mountain views, attached to the riding centre; off the N332 outside Gata. Heading southwards out of Gata, close to the northern entrance to the gorge, take the last turn, where the buildings end, down to the left. Also with pool. Menu del dia €17 (but not Sundays). 96 505.8475 / f. Mon (click on gastronomia) Restaurante LA PLAZA No.6 : (in the “triangular square” (sic) opp. Humpty Dumpty). All-year-round successful and delightful German-owned establishment offering excellent international cuisine (and can even include an excellent Wiener schnitzel !). A favourite with residents in tranquil surroundings. Menu del dia €11 (midday) & €19.00 evenings. Kitchen open till 23:30h. Live music one evening a week (Thurs). Tel: 96 646 2314 /f. Monday / / / E-mail: Restaurante EL RODAT (Jávea) : Superb restaurant of the Rodat Hotel (A small hotels of the world member - but regrettably with muzak - although beautifully appointed). Menus at €55 & €42. Tel: 96 647.0710 / E-mail: / Web: http://www.elrodat. com/en/cuisine / Restaurante SOFIA’S : Avda. del Pla 20, Jávea. Really delicious and excellently prepared food. Muzak now tamed ! The Menu-del-día is one of the best, cost/ quality, that we know (currently Euros 14.50h with a glass of wine - but available Thursday lunch only. High standards pervade all their dishes and the restaurant is beautifully appointed. Easy parking. Tel: 96 646.2903 / Open 19:00 - 22:30h / f. Sun/Mon

54 | The Grapevine August 2013

CASA MIA (old town Jávea behind the old church in the corner - used to be “Patissería Diego”). Beautiful interior – modern and old. Run by a young man from Dénia, Jonatan (a guitar musician) & his Cuban partner, Liuva Continued... (former ballerina). Good sandwiches / salads / tapas – and Restaurante TOSCA (Arenal beach, on the bridge cakes from Patissería Diego. Lovely, quiet location & overlooking the creek and close to Jávea Parador); Creative friendly service. Most Saturdays. Great atmosphere. On cooking. Approx. €35.00. Excellent Menu-del-día €17.90. music nights: special tapas menus. Reservation necessary. Muzak here can be irritating (they say they play it to cover Tel: 670 539 806 / the noise from the kitchen !). BYO is a good idea but “corkage” is charged at an outrageous €9. Tel : 96 579.3145 / f. Monday midday / Web: http://www.buscorestaurantes. IBERIA GASTRO BAR, C/ de San Buenaventura 9 (off town hall square, Jávea). Tapas of a very high quality com/restaurante/Restaurante-Tosca-105829-0.html indeed (chef did a stretch at the Savoy, London). Portions designed for two so choice of 3 tapii makes a meal ! EXCELLENT (c. €25-30 per head) Try their “Other tortilla” for a delicious surprise. Cost 20-30€ per person. English spoken. Muzak inside is Restaurante CALIMA (Jávea port, Avda. de la Marina variable but controlled. Tel: 96 599 6716 / E-mail: www. Española - pedestrianized seafront). Next to Piri-Piri / and recently refurbished. Imaginative and sometimes Open Mon-Sat 13:30–15:30h & 19:30–22:30h (Sat. to rewardingly experimental. Jazz on Thurs. Menu del 23:00h) dia €11.95 (Mon-Sat) but Sun. €13. Tel : 96 579 4821 / open daily. Email: www. Restaurante NESFOR : Cta. Cabo de la Nao-Pla 25. opened by the same family after 14 years, this restaurant has immediately impressed. A lunch visit (we ate à la Restaurante CHEZ ANGEL (Jávea Arenal - close carte) proved excellent. New parking area at the back. to Humpty Dumpty on right after Arenal traffic Tel: 96 646 3872 / E-mail: reservas@restaurantenesfor. lights). Brasserie style. Excellent meat - absolutely the com / Web : best Châteaubriand in the area (with Masena at No. 2 !). Wonderful Cous-Cous. Serves copious vegetables. Menus Restaurante LA PERLA de JÁVEA (Arenal beach front, right hand side). Menu-del-día €14. Some very good del dia c.€16.00 & €25.00. Tel : 96 579.2723 / f. Tues reports have been reaching us. Tel : 96 647 0772 / open / Web : Restaurante LA COCINA : leaving Jávea port towards daily the old town - on the corner of the last of row of shops Restaurante EL RANCHO : Cta. Cabo de la Nao (between before petrol station. This restaurant is acclaimed all the German clinic & Saladar SuperMarket). Another over the Jávea community. The food is truly excellent, recently reopened restaurant ! A young British couple well presented and served with charm and showing (Simon & Danielle) have taken over and added, recently, a flair. Adventurous regional Spanish & international French chef to make the 3-chef team. Well appointed cuisine. What is remarkable is the pricing structure of and in delightful surroundings the kitchen team has settled €16 (two courses) or €19 (three courses) making the down well and, after all these years, the food can again be whole experience, in terms of quality/price, “top of the taken seriously ! Sunday lunch recommended. Reports class” ! The wine list is fascinating and very honestly are good to excellent side. Menu-del-día (€13.95 & priced; it is also a challege but do not be intimidated as €22). We think you need to book ! Good parking either you will receive good advice if needed ! Quality wines side of main road. Tel: 96 577.1126 / f. Sunday p.m. & also available by the glass. Evenings only. 96 579.5140 Monday. E-mail: / Web (f. Sunday & Monday) / Web: : (under construction) / E-mail : TO BE NOTED : This restaurant now offers many of its main courses deep-frozen at about €5 each to be taken home. We’ve had several so far –marvellous – perhaps essential if you don’t much feel like cooking !


BOCA BOCA, C/La Paz (down left side of Correos, Jávea). Belgian owned high-quality sandwich / salad / tapas bar. Worth investigating. Tel: 96 579.6265 /

Restaurante LOS REMOS de la NÃO (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : French owned and was probably the best of all the Arenal beach restaurants and although there are recent reports of improved standards they have proved short-lived. Lies at the extreme right hand end of the bay on the edge of the large car park overlooking the beach. Fish a speciality. Great views. Menu del día €15 (Sunday €20). Best to book. Tel : 96 647.0776 / f. Tues. www.

Restaurante LA RENDA : Cristo del Mar, Jávea Port, right beside the Cinema Jayan. Beautifully appointed restaurant with some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine - we even found sweetbreads on the menu. Menu del día €12.50. Live music on Friday. Muzak turned off on request. Tel: 96 579.3763 / E-mail: larenda. N.B. This restaurant offers a bargain pre-cinema special menu from 18:45h (Mon-Thurs) at €14 which includes your cinema ticket ! ENGLISH FILMS started again on 3rd Sept.. See P53. Restaurante AL SANTUARIO : Jávea’s one-time halfhidden summer treasure has re-opened (mid June – midSeptember). This was announced in June with some fanfare. We have now been there 3 times and have to report our disappointment. These visits produced the conclusion that the great success of the former Al Santuario, under its owner Marie-José, was due to the fact that it was a labourof-love; the customers adored the restaurant, its wonderful cuisine and M-J herself ! Under new management, this is now an “excellent” restaurant but with a different concept – my steaks were superb – but the old Santuario it is not. Shortly after the re-opening we found ourselves there with some 16 former clients of M-J (and 2 new clients only). We got talking. Without exception everyone regretted that both the Tarta Cebolla (world class) and Marie-José were no longer there ! In a way this reminds me of the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Off the summit of the Jávea/Denia mountain road, take the right turn towards the Cabo San Antonio - 2km on left, opposite the monastery. The courtyard remains delightful, even if the tables and chairs are less well furbished. Tel : 96 636.8017 : 7/7 evenings only.

FAMILY RESTAURANTS / GOOD & RELIABLE (Euros 20 - 35 per head)

Restaurante AUSTRIACO has been sold and a new Italian restaurant is now open - see under LA TAGLIATELLA.

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beside the tennis club just before the La Guardia cross roads. International cuisine of excellent quality with covered terrace behind. Good parking. Tel: 96 647.3364 / [ no web site ] Restaurante EL GAUCHO (formerly Las Brisias on the Jesús Pobre road). This re-opened restaurant has gained many plaudits under the management of the excellent Pizzeria Pepa (at Arenal) and offers an especially worthwhile restaurant for the residents of Montgó. Superb meat is their speciality. Best to book. Tel: 96 646.1338 / Restaurante LUNGO MARE (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Italian restaurant - beware large portions (some can be shared !) and, also, muzak can be bad ! Often fairly full so best to try to book. In spite of hot competition next door recent reports have not been as good as previously ! Tel : 96 647.1196 / open daily

Restaurante MEZQUIDA : Main road from Jávea towards Arenal, on right side, just after Iceland roundabout on left but before Sol-Mar offices. Good ambience/very popular Spanish ‘family’ restaurant. Serves the best Arroz negro (a delicious rice and squid dish) that we know of. Good prices, superb meat. Spotless & mostly muzak-free. Delightful, large and musak-free terrace. Menu-del-día €16. Tel : 96 579.3620 / open daily / E-mail: rtemezquidaxabia@ Restaurante MINTT RUSTICA (Jávea - Cami Cabanes). Take road to right of Barclays, right at roundabout; it’s along on the left after the first burmp. Formerly La Rustica and now under new management. One very good report has reached us. Tel : 96 577.0855 / Open 7/7.

Restaurante MONTGÓ : 2-3kms along Jávea -Jesús Pobre road (on left, with large stone tablet outside). Amazing choice/ value/ quantity/quality & well presented. Best fish ‘n’ chips of the region (with Azorin). Menu-deldía €11.50. We remind readers of the slightly more upmarket ALMENDROS restaurant (slow service) on the opposite side of the road and for which there have, quite recently, been some good reports. Tel : 96 579.5020 / f. Thurs.

AUSTRIACO Bakery (Jávea; Arenal beach front). This excellent bakery continues to offer their superb bread/ croissants & gâteaux from 07:00h daily. (also served at their café. (Another source of very excellent bread is the expensively-priced Saladar Supermarket). Restaurante PIRI-PIRI : Excellent/imaginative (copious) Tel : 96 647.1004 / open daily / ‘tapas’. Widely praised and popular with residents. On the Restaurante AZORIN : Jávea Port (in street behind port’s pedestrianised sea-front, leading from the bridge. Napoli). Superb fish (especially sole) /chicken & chips. Arrive early for lunch, but best to book. Excellent MenusMenu del dia €9. Kids love it. Tel : 96 579.4495 / f. Sat. del-día €11.50 (w/ends €14.50). Charming host & very Restaurante BACCHUS (Jávea) : Wonderful professional - one of our favourites Tel : 96 579.4745 / quality, Swiss owned. Cook your own (superb) steak on f. & Mon (closed early stone. Pinosol-Cansalades road. Must book. Menus-del- New Year). día from €15 (W/ends €18). Tel : 96 647.3096 / f. Mon. / Restaurante PIZZERIA PEPA (Jávea: Arenal beach Restaurante L’ÉCHALOTTE : Jávea Costa Nova, front, nr. middle). Spanish; excellent value, swift

56 | The Grapevine August 2013


service. Pizza takeaway. VERY efficient, popular with good atmosphere; muzak low; must book ! Menu-del-día €16. The best quick-service “family” restaurant at the beach. Tel : 96 579.2572 / open daily Restaurante LA TAGLIATELLA : (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Another elegant looking Italian restaurant, close to Lungo Mare, but with dark 19thC décor. Reports (4) have commented upon poor service and high prices. Tel: 96 647.2984 / / 7/7

EASTERN RESTAURANTS (Jávea) : INDIAN RESTAURANTS Restaurante TAJ MAHAL (Indian) : The “top rank” Indian restaurant at Arenal beach, overlooking main car park. Lunch buffet €7.40. Voucher for 10% discount available from Campobello on request. Re-opened after holidays. Tel : 96 647.1684 / open daily / Restaurante THE GREAT INDIAN : Another quality Indian at Arenal beach (in the middle outside of the road that runs right around the beach area). Takeaway facility and Wi-Fi. Noisy, but with appropriate(!) muzak and TV. Open 7/7. Tel: 96 646.3768

NEPALESE RESTAURANTS Being largely ignorant of Indian cuisine I have wondered why these next two restaurants are talked about over and above all other (Indian? style) restaurants and both are listed at Trip Advisor higher than the other Indian restaurants. I can only assume it must be the Nepalese influence ! Now there is a 3rd one – so go and try them. Restaurante BUDDHA PALACE : Arenal - opposite Banca March (newly opened). This was a most enjoyable experience ! Tel: 96 579 2894 / E-mail: buddhapalace1@ / Open: tlj Restaurante GURKHA PALACE : Avda. Jaime 1, No.8 in Jávea port. Fine food with good ambience. Take away service. Menus del dia : €9.50 & €11.99 A la carte €2030. Tel: 96 579. 3331 / f. Tues.midday.

Restaurante EVEREST SPICE (previously Riu Rau) (Costa Nova): Another Nepalese restaurant with charming décor; top of road up from Saladar to Costa Nova Panorama just after hairpin bend on the road towards La Guardia and Granadella (just after the closed kindergarten). Pleasant atmosphere. One good report so far. Tel : 96 577.0230 /

INDONESIAN TAPINDO (& “Take-Away”) : In the last row of shops on the right side as you leave Arenal shopping area towards Mercadona. Produces excellent Indonesian food (especially Bami Goreng & Nasi Goreng). All sorts of combinations can be served to take home although there are facilities for eating on their terrace. Ideal for the hungry ! Tel: 96 646.4191 / f.Sun.

CHINESE Restaurante < The WOK BUFFET > : Jávea, at the Barclays roundabout. Very good. Recently refurbished and now with an extensive choice of shellfish included in their bargain price. Eat all you like for Euros 9.95 (special price for kids under 7). Go early (12:30h for lunch, 19:30h for dinner) when the huge spread is at its best. Attentive service. No muzak. A bit of a “canteen” ambience but a great quality “fill-up” if you are hungry and feeding hordes of kids. Tel : 96 579.7016 / daily 12-24h. ____________________ Bar/Restaurante LAS OLAS : HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED ...... why there are always so many cars outside the Bar LAS OLAS (on the Cabo de la Nao road, on the right, half way between Barclays and the Ferreteria PLA48) ? Well, go discover it for yourselves. Here is, indeed, a real surprise. A huge range of really good, copious tapas far cheaper than the Arenal beach front ! The size of the portions means this is perhaps 50% of the cost of the beach establishments ? Be careful how much you order - you may not be able to finish. Ideal for hungry kids ! Clean tables, good service, bi-lingual menu. TV inside but mostly quiet outside. Tel: 96 577.0175

FISH (from Euros 25.00 per head) Restaurante AMARRE 152 (Jávea) : literally “Mooring 152”, tranquil situation by the bobbing boats at the very head of the mooring creek that goes inland from the Parador. Menus del dia €18 & 20 (fish). Excellent for rice/ fish dishes. A recent visit showed them on top form. Tel : 96 579.0629 / f. Monday restaurantes/36008-amarre-152-xabia-javea

NEW ADDITION Restaurante LA CANTINA DE JAVEA : Situate right in front of the fishing fleet of Jávea’s port (on the ground floor round the back – left side - of the one storey building by the fishing boats). Clientele is almost all Spanish. Our last two attempts to return there failed as they are often fully booked !! So you must go early (say 12:30h). Very good prices. Their fish menus consist of the catches of the day. Good idea to book although they are serving all day long. Tel: 96 579 2190 / open tlj : 7/7. Restaurante SUR : At the beautiful Granadella creek (down off the Cabo de la Nao and the No.1 beach of the Marina Alta); certainly the best fish restaurant in Jávea (they own their own boat!). Our absolute favourite for fish and a beautiful location. Sensational puds ! Highly rated in Spain’s Gastronomía Guide. Best to book. 96 577.1612 / July/Aug daily 10-23h / otherwise open lunch only (closed c. 15 Dec - end Feb). Restaurante MENA : On the rocks at the end of the Las Rotas road (go over Jávea / Montgó to Denia Rd, hard right at bottom roundabout). Xenophobic (but you might catch them on a good day !) - drive on a little further and there’s another good restaurant on the right. Tel : 96 578.0943 / f. evenings / http://mena.restaurantesok. com/aquiok/detallrest.jsp?id=547&prov=Alicante AND ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL (FISH) ITEM ! Outside the Ermita supermarket (by the little church on the Jesús Pobre road) at 10:00h on a Saturday morning is to be found an enterprising Dutchman (Arjen) who is selling fresh martjes, smoked eel, roll-mops, smoked mackerel, buckling (a herring smoked whole – as opposed to kippers which are smoked flat), smoked trout and potted shrimps ……. AND (only to order) fresh/frozen HERRINGS (mostly with their roes – and at €1.25 each). When did you last enjoy a fresh herring ? Surely the most marvellous of fishes ? Orders to : 667 997300 (every Sat. morning from 10:00h) or [ and inside this supermarket, at Xavi’s excellent meat counter, can be found the very best STILTON in the whole area ]. Arjen is in MORAIRA on Thursdays 10 - 14h at Tabaira – Palco.

INCODNITO < Fish ‘n’ Chips > : Jávea, Arenal beach, on main car park. It is not usual for such an establishment to find its way onto this list but it has proved to be very reliable with both fish and chips of excellent quality. Tel : 95 577.0068 / f. Sunday. BOOKING: Good restaurants are busy; best to book. f. = fermé = Day closed (if known)

PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES - IT HELPS EVERYONE Sensible comments and up-dating of information etc. are always very welcome at : gastro@ E & O E : 310801© 2013 J.G. DEACON

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58 | The Grapevine August 2013

Avda Lepanto 2, Puerta Real E-30, Jávea Tel: 965 790 803 email THE PROACTIVE JÁVEA ESTATE AGENCY FOR SALES AND LONG TERM RENTALS. We speak English, Spanish, French, Dutch and German





1 perty o r P e r Featu

Property Ref: HO232205 - REDUCED €189,000- 3 Beds - 2 Baths - Jávea - Second floor, corner south/east facing apartment in the popular Puerto Real complex, close to all amenities & beaches in the port area of Javea. Basement parking included. Click Here to see more

rty Prope e r u t Fea


Property Ref: HO232046 - REDUCED €110,000 - 2 Beds - 1 Baths - Jávea - Javea - As new apartment on the second floor in the centre of Javea old town.Close to asll amenities. Transferrable mortgage available of 92,000 Euro. Click Here to see more

3 perty o r P e r Featu

Property Ref: HO232374 - Javea - €395,000 - 3 Beds - 2 Baths - Jávea - A quality villa in the Piver area with fabulous Montgo views, 11 x 5 metre pool, hot and cold air conditioning and underfloor heating. Modern, south & west facing. Click Here to see more

Cli ck h e r e t o v i si t w w w.javea-ham iltons .ne t

The Grapevine August 2013 | 59 |

The sensational Kriz K Michael Buble Live Act is coming back to the Costa Blanca literally straight from performing in New York City! We are so pleased to welcome this superb international act back, if you haven´t seen him you must, if you have seen him I am sure you will want more!! There are 3 performances; Tuesday Oct 1st at El Cids in Benidoleig, Moraira on Friday October 4th and Saturday Oct 5th at El Paraiso in Parcent. Tickets for the venues from 19.50€ which includes a fabulous 3 course meal! Tickets are limited so reserve your table now, contact El Cids (Benidoleig); 96 640 4364 OR El Paraiso (Parcent); 96 640 5398 / 96 640 5395 Check our website for teh Moraira details. Don´t miss out on these fantastic nights of entertainment. As always thanks for listening and if you need any information or charity requests etc, please email myself;

John Migan ..and listen in on 90.2FM or online

60 | The Grapevine August 2013

Visit The Windmills,the Monastary, La Ermita, The Lighthouse and Montgo Natural Park 20/07/2013 al 28/09/2013 09:00 DelRutas y Excursiones 6 € - La Molinería Visita al Monasterio, los Molinos, la Ermita, el Faro y el Parque Natural del Montgó. 3h. 30min. - Precio: 6€ adultos y niños 3€. Needs to be booked Oficinas de Turismo.

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Calm & Balance Colección de sensaciones marinas pintadas. Del 01/08/2013 al 30/09/2013 Exposiciones Por Óscar Bento.

Esculturas de Quico Torres Exposición de las esculturas del artista Quico Torres Del 30/08/2013 al 22/09/2013 Exposiciones

Galeria AFX Exposición de fotografias de la “Agrupació Fotogràfica de Xàbia” Del 30/08/2013 al 22/09/2013 Exposiciones

Papel Colectiva en la que diversos artistas muestran sus trabajos con el papel como eje. Del 01/09/2013 al 30/09/2013 Exposiciones Manolo Oyonarte, María Luisa Pérez, Toni Santacreu, Lucía Zalbidea, Evarist Navarro, Elena Blanch, y un largo etcétera participan en esta exposición con la que Al Marge cierra la temporada de verano

Xavi García Arte urbano. Del 04/09/2013 al 05/10/2013 Exposiciones

Carmen Cardona Muñecas Del 19/09/2013 al 19/10/2013 Exposiciones Restauració i mobiliari Muestra de mobiliario restaurado del fondo patrimonial del Museo Arqueológico Del 20/09/2013 al 13/10/2013 Exposiciones

62 | The Grapevine August 2013

A contrapel Francesc Marzal. Una revisión al arte religioso. Sería mejor mostrar lo que la gente quiere... Del 07/09/2013 al 26/10/2013 Exposiciones TOURIST INFO XÀBIA-PORT: 96 579 07 36 Francesc Daranas Francesc Daranas Outsider Pintura. Del 20/09/2013 al 21/11/2013 Exposiciones Horario: todos los días de 9h. a 14h. y de 16h. a 22h. La Galería Isabel Bilbao participa en ART ZURICH del 9 al 13 de Octubre y presenta en Berlin la obra de Toni Sánchez el 17 de Octubre 2013. Das XIX Jahrhundert und die Rosinen Ruta en alemán para conocer Xàbia Històrica. Del 24/09/2013 al 08/10/2013 , 19:00 Rutas y Excursiones 6 € Duración: 1h. 30min. Precio: 6€ adultos y 3€ niños. Inscripción previa necesaria. Josep Sou Exposición de la obra de Josep Sou Del 27/09/2013 al 19/10/2013 , 19:30

Simbología heráldica Conferencia a cargo de Vicent Terol i Reig, Director del archivo municipal de Onteniente. 27/09/2013 Conferencia Las pruebas palpables de la existencia de aquel periodo histórico permanecen a través de los numerosos elementos regnícolas que se pueden encontrar en las villas reales: decoraciones en piedra, señeras, etc...

The Grapevine August 2013 | 63 |

Mónica Jover Exposición de obras de Mónica Jover Del 27/09/2013 al 20/10/2013 , 20:00

Ruta y limpieza de la Granadella La Asociación Xàbia Viva organiza esta salida para limpiar la Cala de la Granadella tanto por...30/09/2013, 09:00 Colabora: Kayak Costa Blanca, Clubs de Buceo y Cruz Roja Cleaning up the Beach at Granadella after the Summer - Organised by. Kayak Costa Blanca, Clubs de Buceo y Cruz Roja 30/09/2013, 09:00

64 | The Grapevine August 2013

COSTA BLANCA MALE VOICE CHOIR donate 1,000 euro to local charities The COSTA BLANCA MALE VOICE CHOIR concluded a very successful Spring/Summer Season with its annual charity concert on the 7th July which resulted in 1,000 euros being donated to local charities : E500 to the Red Cross and E500 to the Teulada and Moraira Lions. This was the last concert before the choir took a well deserved break before their return to rehearsals for the Autumn/ Christmas concert commitments. After the concert there was a party with concert guests Coral Benissenca, one of the best mixed choirs in the area. The photo shows some of the choir singing their after show standards.

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The choir is growing in numbers and now has over 50 members , but to get that perfect male voice choir sound, even more members are required. So men, if you enjoy singing and would like to join like minded guys, you will be made very welcome. Your good ladies are not forgotten as the choir hold many social evenings which include the ladies and they are also welcome at rehearsal nights. Open Invitation If you like a sing song but are not sure that the Choir is for you, check us out at our rehearsals on Tuesdays at 7pm at Bar Mediterraneo in Teulada. (approx 200 yards up from the bottom roundabout on the right hand side going towards Moraira from the N332). You can come along with absolutely no commitment - Bring your wife or partner too. Visit our web site at

66 | The Grapevine August 2013

OPEN DAY THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2013 09.30-12.30 HRS Come along and see what we provide. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS: Genealogy, Video Editing, Digital Photography, Card Making, Apple Users, Android, TV via your PC ... and others. Tuition for Beginners. Everyone welcome

On this day only .. 10 euros reduction in the cost of joining Javea Computer Club (directions available on website) Edificio Arenal 80, Bloque 1 (Sotano), Avenida Tamarits, email:

For your free information pack call Carol now on 649123238 or visit

The Grapevine August 2013 | 67 |

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The Grapevine August 2013 | 69 |

This Month’s Featured Outfit from the Cancer Care Boutique in Jávea Park

15 € Priced at around 10-15 Euros there is lots of choice and inexpensive accessories are also available The Boutique specialises in “labelled” items. Try before you buy support Cancer Care

10 €

70 | The Grapevine August 2013

Yes Prime Minister Premieres in Gata. When the curtain goes up on the Gata stage for the Javea Players’ production of Yes Prime Minister on Monday October 21 it will be the opening night of the Spanish premiere of this hit comedy, very possibly the European premiere. You have until Friday October 25 to catch it and it is far too funny to miss. Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister were massively successful TV series of the 1980s. Twenty-three years later their creators, Antony Jay and Jonathan Jay, decided to give the wonderful characters they had created – Prime Minister, Jim Hacker; his Private Secretary, Bernard Woolley, and Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby the chance to ‘tread the boards’. They did so to enormous success. Yes Prime Minister opened at the Festival Theatre, Chichester on May 13 2010. The UK is in crises, debt is spiralling, unemployment is on the rise and the fragile coalition led by Prime Minister, Jim Hacker is at breaking point. A lifeline could be a pipeline deal with oil-rich Kumranistan which would provide the UK with a multi-trillion pound loan on very favourable terms. The problem that arises is a moral one. It transpires that the deal is dependent upon the goodwill

of the Kumranistan Foreign Secretary and the price of his goodwill is the provision of a schoolgirl as a sexual partner. Jim, his Private Secretary, Bernard Woolley, Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby and the head of the policy unit at Number Ten, Claire Sutton find themselves struggling to deal with the horrifying collision of the economic future of the nation and the moral standards of that nation. The struggle is hilarious – Charles Spencer of the Daily Telegraph wrote, “Left me crying with laughter …the piece achieves on of those blissful peaks of great farce when it becomes physically impossible to stop laughing …a smash hit if ever I saw one. And a smash hit it proved to be. It ran to packed houses at the Gielgud Theatre in London’s West End from September 17 2010 until January 2011. It began a UK tour in February 2011, returned to London’s West End in July of that year for a ten-week run at the Apollo and then back on tour. Now it makes its Spanish debut at the Union Musical, Gata with a very talented cast. In the Javea Players’ production, Prime Minister, Jim Hacker is played by Mike Martin; Sir Humphrey Appleby by Norman Dunnington; Keith Livesey plays Bernard Woolley; Clair Sutton is played by Samantha Kett; the Kumranistan Ambassador is played by David Garnett; Carole Saunders plays the Director General of the BBC and a BBC presenter is played by Amanda Dean.

Javea Players’ production of Yes Prime Minister is directed by David Garnett. It plays the Union Musical, Gata de Gorgos from Monday October 21 to Friday October 25. Curtain-up each evening is at 8pm. Tickets are priced at 12 euros, 11 euros for party bookings of ten and over for the Wednesday and Thursday performances and for Javea Players members and friends. Book on 96 647 28 76 or online at Javea Players are sponsored by Blacktower Financial Management Limited.

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Jim Can Hack It. Jim Hacker is a Prime Minister who approaches every subject with an open mouth .......then waits to be corrected by Sir Humphrey. Well, that’s how it was in the TV series, Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister of the ‘80s. Things have changed a bit since. In the stage play, written as recently as 2010 and which has its Spanish premiere at the Union Musical, Gata on Monday October 21, and runs until Friday October 25, our Jim has become a lot more cunning and from time to time, albeit rarely, even trumps the deviousness of his Cabinet Secretary. In this Javea Players’ production, The Rt. Hon. James Hacker, played by Mike Martin, is far less gung-ho than when he was just a Cabinet Minister. The changes he wants to make are no longer sweeping, just those that might help him to hang on to power.The battles he has fought with Sir Humphrey has taught him to be more sly and cynical. He practises more grandiose speeches, dreams up grander designs, believes he has honed-up his diplomatic skills and grown into a statesman of international repute.Even so his efforts have the galling habit of landing him in trouble. And, of course, Sir Humphrey is a forbidable antagonist. An article of faith for Sir Humphrey is the absolute necessity to keep politicians as far away from governing the country as possible. He has devoted his career and his life to doing so. So, the antagonism between the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Secretary, played by Norman Dunnington, is deep-rooted. The only thing they seem to agree on is that whilst a controversial policy will lose votes, a courageous one will lose the election. Rarely, if ever, has atagonism producrd so much humour - firstly on TV, now on the Gata stage. Javea Players’ production of Yes, Prime Minister is directed by David Garnatt and plays the Union Musical, Gata de Gorgos from Monday October 21 to Friday October 25. Curtain-up each evening is at 8 pm. Tickets are priced at 12 euros, 11 euros for parties of ten and over for the Wednesday and Thursday performances, and are on sale at Humpty Dumpty, Javea Park. Reservations can also be made by phone on 96 579 49 37 and by email at

76 | The Grapevine August 2013

Javea Players Lend a Hand The Union Musical- Gata Association has been making music and musicians in Gata de Gorgos for over eighty years. Some thirty years ago the Association aquired its own concert hall and reheasal rooms. Ten years later it got a long-term, twice yearly, tenant, the Javea Players. Appropiate,then, that now that a major renovation of the concert hall is underway, the Javea Players are lending a hand. The Javea Players have provided the Association’s committee with their expertise in the fields of lighting, sound and acoustics. New ceiling lights have been installed on the stage which has been extended in depth by 75 cms. To improve acoustics the walls of the stage area have been lined with wood. Fixed light supports have been installed in the auditorium. Speakers have been installed at the rear of the auditorium which will mean that even those seated at the very back will be able to hear stage performances. The whole of the interior has been repainted. And, at long last, everyone will have a comfortable seat. Hitherto the seats in the Union Musical were pretty uncomfortable antiquities.They were over fifty years-old and had been bought from a cinema in La Jara. The new seats, assembled by members of the Javea Players and installed by Union Musical members, are much wider and very much more comfortable. Try them for yourself at the Spanish premiere of Yes, Prime Minister which plays the Union Musical from October 21 for five nights.

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78 | The Grapevine August 2013

Costa Blanca Astronomical Soc. Meets on first Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. in Montgó Visitors Centre in Dénia. For details and directions call Ed Morley on 96 574 4612 or Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir rehearse every Tuesday 7-9pm, at Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. New members always welcome, no experience necessary. Come along and give us a try! Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 or go to our web site: www. Crib Club every Thurs 8pm at Bombers Bar in the Port Costa Blanca Yachting Assoc.The CBYA welcomes all boat owners; We meet every week, please our for details & location of the meeting website

Local Club Directory Al-Anon Support Group The Al-Anon group for friends or relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences. No membership fee. 96 646 3689. Arsenal Costa Blanca Supporters Club, meets every match day at Cheers Bar, Javea Port under the archway. All club matches are shown live. If you live in or around Javea or are just visiting and would like to renew or start your support for the club, come along. All will be made welcome, young or old. Any further information, e-mail, Bob at arsenalcostablanca@ ARNAAP - Association of Royal Navy, Army and Air Force Personnel. If you enjoy lunching in congenial company join us. It is not essential to be Ex-Service, just like minded. Call Susan on 966 404650, or Art Centre Association - Javea Subjects available are: - Painting in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Portraiture, Creative Textiles and Restoration of Porcelain. Join any time. Visit the Art Centre, we can fax, E-mail or post info and map or more details tel: Lorely Griffiths, Javea 96 647 20 49. Facebook Page Art Clubs for Oils, Watercolurs, Pastels, Acrylic now meet in Javea at ArtyFacts, Denia, Cumbre del Sol & Benimeli. Call Lesley Clark 96 579 4462 or email lesleyclarkjavea@gmail. com Backgammon Club We meet on Mondays at the Grand Cafe residential Toscamar at 20.00. For more information please call Steve on 96 647 1708 or 635 377 335. Benitachell Christian Fellowship Sun. 11am in the Arts Museum Tel David Newman 650738638 Ray Davies 96 649 4036 Club Nautico, Javea Yacht Club Crochet & Soft Yarn Club Meets fortnightly in a private house in Javea. Contact or phone 96 579 4462. Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Association meetings and trips to further our knowledge and understanding of Spain; its history, geography, culture and institutions.New members are welcome. Visit or email the secretary on

Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Contact Cynthia on 96 646 0063. Javea Book Circle We meet on alternate Tuesdays at 19.30 for 19.45 at the Centro Social, behind the Centro de Salud Contact Eleanor Joy on 96 647 2876 Javea Bridge Club Avd de Paris 2. or call Margaret on 96 579 3413. Jávea Conservatives Abroad meets socially 6 to 7 times a year contact Javea Computer Club (More than just Computers) www. JCC meets every Mon/Tues and Thurs morning from 09.30 until 12.30. (Check our Web Site for how to find us) There is something of interest for everybody; whatever your ability or knowledge. We have been teaching beginners for more than 25 years and have widened our scope to cover - ‘connecting your PC to your TV’, ‘Smartphones’, ‘Apple devices’ (iPads, iPhones, Apple Macs) and various ‘Special Interest Groups’...e.g. Video Editing, Genealogy and even Hand Made Cards.If you would like to have a look around, pop in and ask for Morris. Javea Grapevine Group interact with The Grapevine, its readers, contributors and friends on Facebook - add your photos, club and event news for the next issue, via the Group or through Javea Green Bowls Club - Inn on the Green - Javea International Civic Society Enquiries to Jeni Jackson Phillips 96 579 0470, 619 270 493. Javea International Magic Club For more information please call - 627 046 897 or 96 579 2808. Javea International Tennis Club (JITC) is based at the idyllic setting of the La Sella Tennis Complex near Pedreguer on the Costa Blanca. Javea Netball Club Playing Wednesdays, 20.00 - 21.30 at L’Ancora Playa Tennis club. contact Anita on 96 647 2169 or 660 782 165. Javea Public Lending Library Borrow books in English from Javea Public Lending Library, FREE! The English section is open every Tues and Sat morning 10.00 - 12.00. Javea Public Library, Calle Mayor 9, Javea Pueblo, old town. Contact Alma Dorndorf on 96 646 3262 or 636898162 Javea School of Bridge and Social Club Edifico 80, Avenida Tamarits. Tel 96 649 1539.

Javea U3A - 1,155 members, new members always welcome. Anyone interested in joining can turn up at the monthly general meeting at the Parador Hotel at 10am on the last Wednesday of the month. Jávea Welsh Society - meets in Jávea - for more info see our Facebook Page Javea Whist Club meets every Monday and Thursday (7.45 for 8 p.m.) at L’Ancora Playa, Arenal to play progressive partner whist. All players welcome particularly at the Thursday session when the numbers are lower. MABC - The Marina Alta Business Club meets in in and around Jávea & Denia All nationalities welcome. Meetings conducted in English and are currently open to non members, by arrangement, until September - Contact Gaile on 96 646 1913, email MABS Cancer Support Group Jacqui 96 579 4083 or 686 305 006 Brenda 678 843 666 or for Valencia area Cynthia 652 835 063 Kirsten 646 865 308 Rian 619 876 062 Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! Montgó Residents´Association (APMJ) Asociación Propietarios Montgó Jávea - meets monthly throughout the year - multilingual group of local residents with homes along the slopes of the Montgó - includes access to Neighbourhood watch information Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea New Country Linedancers Line Dancing classes every Thursday at Socco on the Arenal Beginners: 7.00 - 8.00pm Intermediate: 8.00 - 9.30pm For further information phone David on 96 647 0632 Patchwork/Quilters Group meet Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00 at the Centre Public Formacio e Persones Adultos in Javea, Calle Ramon Llido, Javea. Contact Debbie on 96 579 0086 Peña Javeamigos The international supporter’s club and now the primary source of info for CD Javea. For more details, see Royal Air Force Association. The North Costa Blanca Branch meets at Los Arcos Restaurante, Pedreguer (N332, west side) on the second Monday of each month at 12:00 to 13:00, followed by lunch. We have nearly 140 members, who enjoy friendship, help and support with RAFA; and we always look for new members who have, or have not, served in the RAF. For more information, or call 966 430 215 Royal Naval Association, Costa Blanca North - Regular events, monthly, including special Trafalgar Night event contact haydn. for more info After a two month refit we

are back in commission on 12th September under thecommand of our chairman Roger Dawes with a lunch at Plaza 6, La Plaza, Javea (opposite HumptyDumpty). England won the World Cup in 1966 but were nomatch for the Royal Navy in`67. Alf Ramsey took the winning team to Montreal to show the Canadians how The Wonderful Game should be played. Roger and a few shipmates invited the team to join them on board HMS Eurylus for something in a glass and the next day Alf was livid.He had to cancel an exhibition match because his lads were legless and having trouble focusing their eyes. Roger is still trying to

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make amends so call him orPam on 965790123 to choose your menu before Sunday the 8th and join us at (or before) 1300 on the 12th for a yarn and something in a glass

Scottish Country Dancing To book and for Enquiries please call 96 645 6881. Stamp Collectors /Philatelists /Postcards meets - 2nd & 4th Monday every month 10.00. For more details please call Derek Guyett on 96 579 5499 or Dave Anderson on 96 647 6034 Stress Busting Yoga Club in Javea Yoga for beginners. We meet Tuesday at a house on the Jesus Pobre Road. For more infomation call Maria Palomar on 96 646 0851. Toscamar Tennis Friends - Join us for a friendly game of tennis on Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 at Ciudad Toscamar, Javea. Just turn up or ring Christine on 96 649 3900 The Firs Nursery Mother & Toddler Group Every Monday from 14.00 - 15.30. Children aged from 18 months to school age. Call 96 647 2929 for more information. The Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Scallops. We start our meetings at 11.30am but most people start arriving at 11.00am to have a coffee etc, before our meetings. You don’t have to have been in the services to now join the Legion, anyone can join or come along and see what we do. We have a great social programme thoughout the year, so come and join us, you will be most welcome. Make your self known to Pam and Roger. The Javea Players produce 5 plays a year at Gata theatre and in their own Studio theatre. Cine evenings and socials. New members welcome, contact Gerald on membership. jp@gmail. com or 96 647 2876 Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea New instrucors, new space. Beginners welcome anytime Mon and Wed 11.30 at Danza Ronda Sur (near paint shop in old town) Info 649 161 290. UFO Discussion/Research Group We meet on the first Friday of every month at 10.00 for 10.30 start in the Social Services Centre Javea. contactPresident, Jeanine El Khouri. Tel. no 965795148 or Christine Newton 618111376. e.mail Facebook Page UFOandWorldMysteries Wall Hangings and Rug Making Club We meet every other Tuesday in Javea from 09.30 - 12.00. Contact Amanda on 639 987 301 or email Women in Business Club Monthly Business Meetings open to all members and non members, but you must be a WOMAN 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH JAVEA - L’Ancora Tennis Club from 2pm to 4pm Location: L’Ancora Tennis Club Xabia Rugby Club formally Javea Bulls. Our 1st Team plays rugby in the Valencia 2nd division with a multi cultural mix of players and a wide range of ages! We are proud of our Junior section which has continued to grow and is now producing some good players for the future.

If you have changes to make, or have a club you would like to add to this list please email or use the Contact Form on

80 | The Grapevine August 2013

Foodies Any Javea U3A members who would like to get a taste of what’s going on among Foodies can get in touch with group Gillian Breen at History By definition, everyone in the Jávea U3A is a member of the History Group so anyone is welcome to go along; there is no need to book. Contact group leader Travellers Tales Javea U3A has more than 50 groups, but ideas for new ones are always welcome. Among those currently being considered are Floristry for Beginners. Karen Smith, a qualified florist, is interested in setting up a new group to teach the art. The workshop would be for 2 hours, 1 hour of demonstration, followed by 1 hour of practical. Fresh flowers will be supplied. For more information, contact Karen at Ladies that Lunch This new monthly group is a way of meeting people over lunch and a jolly good chin-wag. It is likely to be limited to 40 ladies, so if you are interested be quick and contact group leaders Sally Wells or Katrina Frost on Badminton There are now two sessions for badminton – on Mondays from 10am-midday and on Thursday from 10am-midday. Any U3A members interesting in finding out more should contact group Philip Gauron at Pilates The Beginners and Intermediate groups have proved very popular and are full. Any members who are interested in being part of a new beginners group with a minimum of 8 people should contact the group leader, Carol Pilgrim. Book Club The group meets at 3pm on the third Monday of the month and the morning group at 10.30am on the first Tuesday, both at the Parador Hotel. If you are interested in joining either group, please contact Kay Thomas (morning group) on bookgroup@ or Pru Hughes (afternoon group) on bookgroup. Cycling The wheels are truly turning for this relatively new group, but any Javea U3A members interested in joining enthusiastic riders “on the road” can contact group Philip Gauron at cycling@ Dining Out Around 88 members have enjoyed recent eating out experiences locally with great service and high quality food. Membership is full, but to join the waiting list contact group leader Peter Speer at Discussion If you would like to have a say, contact Gill Birch, group leader, at

Meetings are in the Javea Players’ Studio in the Old Town at 11 am for an 11.30 am start. Members are asked to contribute 1€ pp to cover the cost of room hire, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. New members always welcome! Just contact Angela Chantry at Some of the smaller groups such as Backgammon, Bridge, Digital Photography, Poetry and Spanish, do need new members. Anyone interested in these groups should contact the group leader in the first instance. * Javea U3A currently has 1,155 members, but new members are always welcome. Anyone interested in joining can contact the website or turn up at the monthly general meeting at the Parador Hotel at 10am on the last Wednesday of the month.

Tread the grapes in the Maserof Dear friends Tread the grapes events start at 20:00 p.m. and end at 24:00 hours in the light of the candles. Tread the grapes includes dinner romantic, dessert, coffee and natural red wine from the Maserof price €32 per person, I hope to see you on the feast of the Tread of the grape, Remaining Harvest days: September 20 September 21 September 27 September 28 Carol 0034687722451 Facebook: Bodega Museo Maserof

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Have you ever been to IKEA? You go to the nearest store, miles away, wander round picking up pretty things you don’t really need, find the checkouts, pay, figure out how to fit it all in the car, load up then drive it all back home. The next day you open the flatpack box and find a set of cryptic instructions, a bag

Putting it all together of screws and different sized bits of wood with holes in odd places only to find yourself at war with your own sanity. It is tedious at best and tantrum-inducing at worst - which is where we come in, we take the stress away completely! We buy, deliver and assemble IKEA furniture on the Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol.

For more information about easy flatpax visit or like our Facebook page If you want advice about which IKEA products we recommend just get in touch! Get your stylish, affordable IKEA furniture delivered straight to your home safely and stress free! We cover the Costa Blanca & Costa Calida. We guarantee to beat any other quote you receive and we are faster than any other shopping service. www. We can also assemble your furniture for you so your dinner chairs don’t end up with the legs on the wrong way! Just ask for a quote, our assembly work is guaranteed for 2 years!

82 | The Grapevine August 2013


If you are reading already has !!

ALL ENQUIRIES including advertising and editorials to or ring 681 001 300 Web site: Or you can book, upload and pay for your advert on javea/advertising/ Tony and Corinne - As of the beginning of May, The Signshop, Javea moves to super new premises next to Sparta Gym in the Arenal Telephone 96 579 0710

Don´t forget Classifieds are free but proper adverts are classier :-)

The Grapevine August 2013 | 83 |



Agustín Anievas last played in Teulada-Moraira to three packed houses at La Senieta in October 2010. This time we can welcome him to the new concert hall

at 20:00h at the Auditori Telulada-Moraira

BEETHOVEN : Three SONATAS & 6 RACHMANINOV PRELUDES Beethoven : Sonata No. 3, Op.2 #3 in C major Beethoven : Sonata No. 32, Op.111 in C minor Beethoven : Sonata in C minor No. 8, Op.13 in C minor, “Pathétique” Rachmaninov : 6 Preludes from Op.23 (Piano Steinway) Tickets €12 Tickets €12 (BOOKING NOW OPEN) Box Office at the Auditori Teulada-Moraira : Wednesday - Sunday 11:00–13:00 and 18:00–20:00 Ayuntamiento de Teulada-Moraira : Monday to Friday 9:00–15:00 Espai La Senieta, Moraira : Monday to Friday 9:00–15:00 or on the web via INSTANTICKET: 902 444 300 < > Wilhelmina Hardee will be at La Senieta every Tuesday and Friday 10:00h - 12:00 noon from 10th of September onwards to assist with the ticket sales. Instructions on how to book on the web via INSTANTICKET (formerly Servicam)

are at our website < > :-

Spanish : English : German : You need to register (follow the instructions) - after that selecting your seats and making a booking is very easy.


Next production from Concerts Costa Blanca : the return of the excellent < Bourbon Street Stompers > on Oct. 12 at 19:30h at the Auditori Teulada-Moraira (booking announcement follows soon) 96 579 5656

84 | The Grapevine August 2013


Spinning Fitball Boxercise Spin/Tone Yoga Aerotone Body Pump Body Tone Pilates

FULLY EQUIPPED HEATED AND AIR CONDITIONED GYM FOR MEN & WOMEN includes H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) Special Offer for New Members

Home Needed The Grapevine August 2013 | 85 |

We have many cats in our shelter of different ages. They have had health checks, vaccinations and are monitored to ensure they are ashealthy as possible. Please call Luisa


for an appointment.


86 | The Grapevine August 2013

Part Two of Two

Eric Clapton Eric was hit hard by the break up of The Dominos, the loss of Duane, the commercial failure of the Layla album, and his continuing unrequited love for Patti Boyd and he sunk into three years of heroin addiction. Although he rarely emerged from his estate in Surrey, he continued to write music. His friends were concerned about him and Eric finally managed to come clean from drugs and try to relaunch his career. His friend Pete Townshend from The Who, organised two concerts at London’s Rainbow Theatre which were a success and helped Eric back on the road to recovery. With his new album, 461 Ocean Boulevard, Eric proved he was now an assured vocalist and songwriter as well as guitar hero. The cover version of “I Shot The Sheriff” was Clapton’s first No. 1 hit and was important in bringing reggae and the music of Bob Marley to a wider audience. Although an accomplished songwriter, Eric always loved recording music by songwriters who he admired. J.J. Cale who died recently, attributed his success to Eric for covering his songs, especially Cocaine, and recording with him.

Slowhand, The Crossroads box set) and tours would follow. Fame and success are no protections from tragedy, and in August 1990, fellow blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan, who was touring with Clapton, and three members of their road crew were killed in a helicopter crash between concerts. Then, in March 1991, Clapton’s four-year-old son, Conor, died after falling from the 53rd-floor window of his mother’s friend’s New York City apartment. Rather than turn to drugs for escape, Eric turned to music to express his grief and wrote the song “Tears in Heaven”. At the 35th Grammy Awards, Clapton received six Grammy Awards for the single “Tears in Heaven” and his Unplugged album. The album reached number one on the Billboard 200, and has since been certified Diamond by the RIAA for selling over 10 million copies in the United States. Eric had eventually married Patti Boyd, but they divorced nine years later. Clapton is known for having dated several other women, including Krissy Wood (ex-wife of Ron Wood), Paula Boyd (the younger sister of his future wife Pattie), singer Janis Joplin, singer Marianne Faithfull, singer Rosanne Cash, the former First Lady of France and former model Carla Bruni, and actresses Patsy Kensit, and Sharon Stone.

With each album after 461 Ocean Boulevard, Eric reinvented himself musically. In the following decades, successful albums (August, Journeyman, Photo David Hiskey

In 2002, Eric was the Musical Director for The Concert for George which was held at the Royal Albert Hall, a tribute to his great friend George Harrison, who had died a year earlier of cancer. The concert featured Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Ravi Shankar, Billy Preston, Joe Brown and Dhani Harrison.

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down members of Fryer’s family, and finally pieced together the story.

He learned that Clapton’s father was Edward Walter Fryer, who had died in 1985. Fryer was a musician (piano and saxophone) and a lifelong drifter who was married several times, had several children, and apparently never knew that he was the father of Eric Along with The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton is Clapton. credited with bringing American Blues music to Eric Clapton appeared on Top Gear in 2013, and was an international audience. Blues music was not involved in testing the new Kia Cee’d. He was called appreciated very much in the United States, and many upon to test the Kia’s auxiliary input, which he tested people attribute the UK musicians with bringing the by plugging in one of his guitars and playing several Blues back to America. Clapton cites Freddie King, bars of his most famous hits. He was announced by B.B. King, Albert King, and Buddy Guy as guitar Jeremy Clarkson to simply be a “local guitarist.” playing influences. Clapton stated blues musician Robert Johnson to be his single most important His latest album is Old Sock, and July 2013 saw yet inspiration. In 2004 Clapton released CDs and DVDs another stellar Crossroads Guitar Festival take place entitled Sessions for Robert Johnson, featuring at Madison Square Gardens. Clapton covering Robert Johnson songs using electric and acoustic guitars. Clapton co-authored with others the book Discovering Robert Johnson, in which Clapton said that Johnson was... “...the most important blues musician who ever lived. He was true, absolutely, to his own vision, and as deep as I have gotten into the music over the last 30 years, I have never found anything more deeply soulful than Robert Johnson.” Clapton’s choice of electric guitars has been as notable as the man himself; as famous as B.B. King’s “Lucille”, is Eric’s “Blackie”. In 1970 Eric bought six Fender Stratocasters in Nashville, Tennessee while on tour with the Dominos. He gave one each to his friends, George Harrison, Steve Winwood, and Pete Townshend and assembled the best components of the remaining three to create “Blackie”, which was his favourite stage guitar until its retirement in 1985. In June 2004, Clapton sold “Blackie” at Christie’s Auction House, New York, for nearly one million dollars to raise funds for his Crossroads Centre for drug and alcohol addictions. He has auctioned a lot of his guitar collection to raise money for the Crossroads Centre in Antigua, which he founded in 1997. The Crossroads Centre is a treatment base for addictive disorders such as drugs and alcohol. In 2007 Clapton learned more about his father, a Canadian soldier who left the UK after the war. Although Clapton’s grandparents eventually told him the truth about his parentage, he only knew that his father’s name was Edward Fryer. This was a source of disquiet for Clapton, as witnessed by his 1998 song “My Father’s Eyes”. A Montreal journalist named Michael Woloschuk researched Canadian Armed Forces service records and tracked

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Useful Telephone Numbers

With thanks to Amparo Botella for this list of contact numbers extracted from Seminal Jรกvea Magazine (has English pages)

90 | The Grapevine August 2013

Free Classifieds

To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the form on or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group Where to look for Local Information: Whats on and Where - Mike Smith - Javeamigos - http://www.

Comparison websites banks energy

Jávea Ayuntamiento website link

Mortgages, bank cards http://

Jávea Buses Buses%202013.htm

Car insurance

Useful phone numbers

Insurance - house, health, car, life http://www.asesorseguros.

Street map Farmacias


Bars/Restaurants/Entertainment Live Entertainment

Neighborhood Watch for better security through contact with neighbours or 96 579 6110.

Irish Des


The Shamrockers

British Consulate

Sharon Crowson-Sharni Professional singer/entertainer.

Amjasa water company on Facebook

Restaurants and Cafés

Ajuntament de Xàbia on Facebook ajuntament.xabia?fref=ts

GJ´s Café – Arenal events/131347643723010/?ref=3

Protección Civil Jávea-Xàbia on Facebook

Tribus -

Driving in Spain as a Resident from the UK consulate https://www.

Iberia: Café, Tapas & Copas

The DGT Child safety in cars Legal aid in Spain aid_spa_en.htm Fiesta days CalendarioLaboral/index.htm autónomo system reporting illegal workers de_comunicaciones/Como_denunciar_ITSS.html fuel prices & petrol stations - select your fuel, input you location, and up pops a list of petrol stations and their prices location of speed cameras! Useful if you are going elsewhere... also good for latest traffic flows, and petrol stations in the area with their prices! Telecoms where to complain about Telecoms companies

Iberia Gastrobar a New Concept to eating tapas in Javea. Be sure to book a table in advance as the busy season begins. or call us on 96 599 67 16. Chiringuito Moskito ( Montañar, Jávea) Sunday 28th FREE Salsa Lessons Hora/ Time: 20:00 until 22:00 Pizzeria & Grill Bótanico ( Arenal, Jávea) Sat 27th July 20:00 until 23:00 Dancing & Dinner € 15,00 P.p. Kids FREE Passive Entertainment Jávea Grapevine – UKTV4U - 5Ws Magazine Online Home and Leisure Magazine based in Jávea - Live in Spain Magazine iPad and Kindle Magazine

Kindle Books and paperbacks - U P Publications - www. (includes Jávea authors) Polly’s Bookshop Javea

Maya Middlemiss

The Grapevine August 2013 | 91 |

them back to their former glory you can contact us on 689075125 or email

IT & Electrical Satpc Guy- Jon Worby IT & Satellite - The Sat and PC Guy Sky TV Freesat and UK Satellite TV Installers For Javea

Body Beautiful Beauty and Fashion Lenceria Susan Body Beautiful ! Shop in Javea old town, in the lane between the post office and church. Something for everyone at anytime Fitness and Health

Ebuys - Mike Wood IT & Electrical : Miscellaneous inc Money Matters Miscellaneous My Destination Alicante can bring your business to life with videos and 360º tours. Sarah Farrell

Bernadine Davis Turpin -

Krazykidz - come along to Krazykidz in Javea Port

Chiringuito Moskito ( Montañar, Jávea) Sundays 16th and the 30th June FREE Salsa Lessons Hora/ Time: 19:00 until 21:00

Childcare and Housekeeping Services, As a mother of 2, I am very aware of the work required in caring for my children whilst running the house. Larisa Cirstoiu

Clubs & Associations (inc Facebook) and Education Clubs and Associations Marina Alta Business Club Bringing Business Together in Spain & - meets in Jávea and Denia and sponsors many projects including the Javea Grapevine

Costa Women @costawomen on Twitter

Costa Blanca Business Association - The CBBA is a group

of established businesses on The Northern Costa Blanca. For more information visit

Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea https://www.facebook. com/

Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie!

Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir - always looking for new

singers, rehearse in Teulada every Tuesday at 7.00pm...great cameraderie, a few beers and enjoy our singing, come along for a try

Javea Welsh Society - Javea-Welsh-Society/553465378018197

Costa Blanca Yacht Association - Art Association, Javea – Art Classes, Porcelain Restoration and more Education Howard Westcott, home tuition UK exam subjects

Lynn Cobb - learn-aprender Homes and Gardens – cleaning, maintenance, building A D Lawton Construcciones Floor-Restore - Restore Marble, Terazzo, Terrocotta,Tiles and bring

Pet/house sitting, dog walking, garden care My sister in law is a very experienced house/pet sitter/dog walker, looking for sit(s) approx Aug 21 to Oct 3. Has own car. tamasine.leadchanges@gmail. com Written Translation Service Available – English / Spanish / Valenciano - confidential service E-mail learn-aprender @ hotmail. com for a quote - fully legal IVA invoices

Money Matters Glenn Tullett, Fully Regulated Independent Foreign Exchange Broker. (v)

John Hayward Financial Adviser Spectrum IFA http://www. (v) Peter Sharp Email: - conserve your assets Worried the Euro will fall lower or fail; avoid IHT, all legal, no risk - 96 579 3081 Arts, Crafts, Cakes & Gifts Art Association, Javea – Art Classes, Porcelain Restoration and more Javea Photos – local photos and photographers (includes mild “adult” content) Winks Inks - personalised hand crafted cards/glasses/frames -

totally bespoke - made to order - all languages and occasions https://

Tanya Lacey Organic home-grown herbs, scented sweet peas and more. Every Sunday 3-7 Casa Vegana. Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell

Hibiscus Cakes for your cupcakes and celebration cakes..... https://

To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the form on or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group

92 | The Grapevine August 2013

ART CENTRE ASSOCIATION, JAVEA The aim of the Art Centre is to encourage both beginners and experienced artists alike, by offering tuition in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary arts and crafts. There is an occasional newsletter, and an ‘Antiques Road Show’ for charity each year. Membership is €5 per year from September to September. Members are welcome to use the Art Centre as a meeting point. The Art Centre is in a quiet country house not too far away from ‘Inn On The Green’ bowling club and near Las Laderas Urbanization. Part of the house has been remodelled with extra windows, special lighting and central heating for the two studios, reception area and coffee lounge. WIFI is available and free. There is easy parking and wheelchairs are welcome. Lorely and Glyn Griffiths have retired after more than 35 years working around the World. Glyn had previously been involved in telecommunications (now promoted to car park attendant and janitor for the Art Centre ! ! ) This will be the 4th Art Association Lorely will be running. She started the first Design College in Nairobi more than 30 years ago and finally was looking after the Art Society in Dubai for many years. Subjects usually available are: - Painting in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Portraiture, Creative Textiles, and Porcelain Restoration. All of the subjects are available for absolute beginners or for those more advanced. Although the Art Centre is a non-profit association, there will be a flat charge of 20 Euros per 3-hour session, whatever the subject, this pays the teachers and covers the overheads. Also everyone is welcome to arrive early and leave late or come for a coffee any morning. Usually groups will meet (3hrs per session) once a week, in the mornings, 10am to 1pm which includes free tea, coffee & ‘choccy bikkies’ at any time ! ! We will always welcome enthusiastic and experienced people to teach any existing or new subject. Those who would like to attend could add their names to the subject “Wish List” and in that way everyone can be tied in together. It is advisable to pencil your names in to secure a place. Didn’t you always say when you had time, you would learn to paint ! ! In addition the Art Centre Association has studio/meeting rooms available for ANY group or club who want somewhere to meet on a ‘one off’ or regular basis or, who just want to come along and make a mess ! ! Fully equipped studios with tables, comfortable chairs, easels, good lighting, projector screen, paper roll, white spirit, art & antiques reference library, car park, central heating, wheelchair access, coffee lounge, ‘choccy bikkies’ and as much tea/coffee/softies as you can drink (but bring your own wine ! !). All of the above included free for €5 per head per morning or afternoon session. As this is a non-profit association, if the meeting is cancelled you don’t have to pay. Come and visit the Art Centre, (we can E-mail or post you a map) or for more details please contact Chairwoman: Lorely Griffiths on Javea 966 47 20 49. E-mail:

The Grapevine August 2013 | 93 |

TRANSLATIONS We can act as an Interpreter in your visits to Town Hall, Banks, Notary, any Administrative Tasks, Police….

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! How can I help you? With your Administrative Tasks?: N.I.E., Driving Licence, SIP Card, Social Security…. Acting as an Interpreter in your visits to Town Hall, Notary, HEALTH CENTER & HOSPITAL…? (Possibility of FLAT-RATE and PICK-UP SERVICE)

And/or to GP, Health Centre or Hospital: maybe one of the most IMPORTANT parts of my job. The understanding between DOCTOR and PATIENT is ESSENTIAL PICK-UP SERVICE & FLAT-RATE We can also arrange a – PICK-UP SERVICE for those who need the translation service and can not or do not want to drive, as they do not feel safe. – FLAT-RATE to make it cheaper for those who may need the personal translation service very often HOME HELP SERVICE for elderly and ill people, this includes an option for nursing care … NOT ONLY

Offering Home Assistance or House Maintenance? HOME HELP SERVICE for elderly and ill people … People to help you at home: Household, Gardener,….

M.S.P. ASSISTANT SERVICES How can I help you?

• Nursing Assistants to take care of everything related to the care of the elderly or ill person: medication, blood pressure, personal hygiene etc BUT ALSO • People to help you at home, supermarket/ pharmacy purchases, gardener, plumber, “Neighbour Service” … QR CODE:

Mónica Suárez Manager

M.S.P. ASSISTANT SERVICES was born with the idea of helping them all, residents and non-residents, who need a PERSONALISED AND TAILORED QUALITY SERVICE HERE ARE SOME OF THE SERVICES WE OFFER: ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS Helping you • To get your N.I.E, Residencia, S.I.P. Card, Prescriptions, get or renew a Driving Licence and to prepare Taxes, • deal with Suppliers of Gas, Water, Electricity... • deal with Banks: direct debits and standing orders... • Certified and Non-Certified Translations …

• As an extra service for every client, we will provide a unique M.S.P. QR CODE, in which we include all the relevant Health information which does not appear on the client´s SIP Card, such as the list of normal medication, allergies and/or ailments that the bearer suffers. This can be read by any health provider from their smart phone. Giving them critical and potentially life-saving information quickly and efficiently We provide all the benefits associated with Bupa and Sanitas but with the advantage of providing a personal service tailored to your requirements. You will be assigned your own Client Relationship Manager who will help and advise on all aspects of cover, be it in English or Spanish.


To offer the Best Service, I have the Best Partners

94 | The Grapevine August 2013

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