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Financial Accoun ng N4
Financial Accoun ng N4
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Financial Accoun ng N4. Page numbers refer to the TVET First Financial Accoun ng N4 Student’s Book.
Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.
Major changes from the previous curriculum: New content on, for example:
• New format for Statement of profi t or loss (was ‘Income statement’ – see Curriculum
Annexure D). • New format for Statement of fi nancial posi on (was ‘Balance sheet’ – see
Curriculum Annexure E). • Statement of changes in equity (Curriculum
Annexure F). • Detailed explana on of the theory and accoun ng transac ons related to the periodic and perpetual methods of recording inventory (pp 106–113). • Detailed explana on of the statement of changes in equity (pp 98–99). • Comprehensive ideas and revision ac vi es for comple on of the full accoun ng cycle document project required by curriculum LO 2.2.1 (Unit 3.4, pp 138–149).
Very important points: TVET First Financial Accoun ng N4 has been completely revised:
1. Details of how the textbook aligns with the LOs of the curriculum are explained on pages v–xiv. In a few places, the textbook departs from the learning sequence presented in the curriculum in order to group concepts for easier understanding. 2. All topics are introduced and clarifi ed with scaff olded examples and ac vi es to promote students’ understanding of the underlying concepts as well as profi ciency in assessments and exams (see, for example, 6.1–6.16 from pages 203–232.) 3. TVET First includes a Lecturer’s Guide, with comprehensive solu ons to ac vi es and assessments, as well as an excellent
Workbook. • Every module begins with a mind map overview of its content, followed by a starter ac vity to ac vate students’ interest and background knowledge of the topics (pp 1, 17, 31, 43, 65, 105, 150, 176, 198). • Every module ends with a summary to provide students with an overview and revision of the most important points they need to know (pp 13, 29, 39, 61, 102). • Special features include: – Keywords (pp 68, 82, 209). – Tabulated informa on (pp 2–3, 33–34). – Diagrams and fl owcharts (pp 5, 18, 21). – Exam ps (pp 9, 12, 23, 32). – A ‘See it online’ feature which provides links to learning materials and videos (pp 4, 6, 10, 106). – Ample worked examples, ac vi es and assessments (pp 10, 27–28, 114–117).
TVET First author:
Moira Richards is a re red prac sing accountant, a former lecturer at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and author or co-author of more than a dozen textbooks and study guides in secondary and ter ary-level accoun ng and related subjects.