51 minute read

Communica on N5


Communica on N5


This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Communica on N5, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use Communica on N5!

Major changes from the previous curriculum:

Much of the material has been reorganised and updated. New content includes: • Module 1: New content added to corporate culture and formal communica on channels. New

Learning Outcome 1.7 Components of management terminology • Module 2 includes addi onal Learning Outcomes: – 2.4 Goal formula on – 2.5 Time management includes new content such as managing social media and the Pareto principle • Module 3 now includes cri cisms against adver sing, adver sing principles, and consumer processing. • Module 5: New Learning Outcome on stereotyping, prejudice and factors which may give rise to unsuccessful communica on • Module 6, 6.1: Concise wri ng in business is a new Learning Outcome. • Module 7: Concise communica on now includes new Learning Outcomes: – 7.5 Forms – 7.8 Emails • Module 9: Correspondence in the adver sing world has reorganised content from diff erent modules into one. It includes a new Learning Outcome: 9.1 Classifi ed adver sements, and new content under other Learning Outcomes. • Module 10: New Learning Outcome 10.2.1: Dis nguish between special (extraordinary) and general (regular) no ce and agendas • Module 11: Reports, Learning Outcome 11.4 Wri ng accident reports is new • Module 13: New Learning Outcome 13.4 Interview: Conduct him- or herself well as an interviewee at an employment interview Some outdated content has been removed from the curriculum, for example: • Telegrams • Use of the overhead projector and transparencies in mee ngs Modern terminology has been introduced throughout the curriculum, as well as modern technology such as electronic mass media and social media.


Curriculum changes in detail

The new curriculum is presented in sequence in the second column. Italics show changes in wording.


Module 1: Organisa onal communica on Module 1: Organisa onal communica on

1. Corporate culture 1.1 Corporate culture

1.1 Defi ne the concept corporate culture. Also Module 5, SO 6.1: Give a defi ni on for corporate culture. 1.1.1 Defi ne the concept corporate culture.

Module 5, SO 6.2: Explain the infl uence of corporate culture on produc vity in the workplace.

1.2 Name and discuss the three types of leadership which will infl uence the corporate culture of an organisa on.

1.3 Recognise unique aspects of the corporate culture of an organisa on.

1.4 Recognise the infl uence of the diff erent types of leadership on management and communica on in an organisa on. 1.1.2 Explain the infl uence of corporate culture on produc vity in the workplace.

1.1.3 Specify and discuss the three types of leadership which will infl uence the corporate culture of an organisa on.

1.1.4 Recognise unique aspects of the corporate culture of an organisa on.

1.1.5 Recognise the infl uence of the diff erent types of leadership on management and communica on in an organisa on.

NEW 1.1.6 Defi ne change management.

NEW 1.1.7 Explain the purpose of management change in the organisa on.

NEW 1.1.8 Iden fy the internal and external reason for management change.

NEW 1.1.9 Decide on the methods of communica on to keep business stakeholders informed about the change process from a given case study.

2. External communica on 1.2 External communica on and the impact of informa on technology

2.1 Defi ne the term. 1.2.1 Defi ne external communica on.

2.2 Explain the diff erence between external and internal communica on. 1.2.2 Explain the diff erence between external and internal communica on.

2.3 Briefl y discuss the aims of external communica on. 1.2.3 Briefl y discuss the aims of external communica on.

2.4 Use the correct medium and register in given situa ons. 1.2.4 Determine the correct code/channel and register in given situa ons.

3. Internal communica on 1.3 Internal communica on and media



3.1 Defi ne internal communica on. 1.3.1 Defi ne internal communica on.

3.2 Dis nguish between internal and external communica on in a given situa on.

3.3 Explain the func on of communica on in an organisa on.

3.4 Use the correct medium and register in a given situa on. 1.3.2 Dis nguish between internal and external communica on in a given situa on.

1.3.3 Explain the func on of communica on in an organisa on. 1.3.4 Use the correct code/channels and register in a given situa on.

4. Organisa onal hierarchy 1.4 Organisa onal hierarchy

4.1 Illustrate the organisa onal hierarchy by means of a simple diagram. (See the N4 curriculum.) 4.2 Iden fy his/her posi on in the hierarchical structure. 1.4.1 Draw an organogram that shows the structure of an organisa on.

1.4.2 Iden fy a posi on in the hierarchical business structure.

4.3 Iden fy lines of authority within a given hierarchical structure. 1.4.3 Iden fy lines of authority within a given hierarchical structure.

5. Formal communica on channels 1.5 Formal communica on channels

5.1 Defi ne, describe and iden fy formal communica on channels in an organisa on. 1.5.1 Defi ne and describe formal communica on channels in an organisa on.

5.2 Choose and jus fy the use of the correct communica on channel in a given situa on. 1.5.2 Choose and jus fy the use of the correct communica on channel in a given situa on.

NEW 1.5.3 Diff eren ate between formal and informal diagonal communica on in the business environment.

NEW 1.5.4 Diff eren ate between the value of formal versus informal communica on in the business environment.

8. Informal communica on channels 1.6 Informal communica on channels

8.1 Defi ne informal communica on. 1.6.1 Defi ne informal communica on.

8.2 Explain the increased importance of informal communica on. 1.6.2 Explain the importance of informal communica on.

8.3 Describe the diff erent channels. –

8.4 Name the type of informa on which would be made available through informal communica on channels. 1.6.3 Name the type of informa on which would be made available through informal communica on channels.

8.5 Defi ne, describe and iden fy the grapevine as an informal communica on channel. 1.6.4 Defi ne, describe and iden fy the grapevine as an informal communica on channel.



8.6 Recognise and evaluate the use of the grapevine in a given situa on.

8.7 Choose the appropriate means of communica on in a given situa on and provide a reason for his/ her choice. 1.6.5 Recognise and evaluate the use of the grapevine in a given situa on.

8.8 Choose the appropriate register when communica ng in a given situa on.

8.9 Discuss possible disadvantages of oral communica on. 1.6.6 Iden fy possible disadvantages of oral communica on.

NEW 1.7 Components of management terminology

NEW 1.7.1 Defi ne the terminology.

NEW 1.7.2 Explain the management terminology used by management in the organisa on.

6. Briefi ng 1.8 Briefi ng

6.1 Describe the underlying communica on principles in briefi ng. 1.8.1 Describe the underlying communica on principles in briefi ng.

7. Interven on 1.9 Interven on and nego a on

7.1 Explain the concept interven on. 1.9.1 Explain the concept interven on.

7.2 Iden fy the diff erent types of communica on which might come into play during interven on. 1.9.2 Iden fy the diff erent types of communica on which might come into play during interven on.

NEW 1.9.3 Iden fy the diff erent types of interven on and the circumstances in which it will solve a problem/s.

7.3 Decide on the best form (media) of communica on to be used for a given method of interven on. 1.9.4 Decide on the best form of communica on to be used for a given method of interven on.

NEW 1.9.5 Defi ne nego a on.

9. Work ethics 1.10 Work ethics and corporate social responsibility

NEW Also includes: Trust, Integrity, Responsibility, Modesty, Respect, Dependability, Effi ciency, Quality, Teamwork, Dedica on

9.1 Defi ne the concept work ethics. 1.10.1 Defi ne the concept work ethics and understand its principles/elements.

9.2 Explain the need for the applica on of work ethics in communica on. 1.10.2 Explain the need for the applica on of work ethics in communica on.



NEW 1.10.3 Discuss the rela onship between ethics and social responsibility.

Module 2: Formula on of aims and objec ves Module 2: Formula on of aims, goals and objec ves in planning 1. Aims and objec ves 2.1 Aims, objec ves and goals

1.1 Defi ne aims and objec ves. 2.1.1 Defi ne aims, objec ves and goals.

1.2 Explain and illustrate the diff erence between aims and objec ves. 2.1.2 Explain and illustrate the diff erence between aims, objec ves and goals.

2. Determining aims and objec ves

2.1 Determine the purpose of the proposed ac on/ objec ve/aim.

2.2 Describe the process in formula ng aims and objec ves.

2.3 Apply the above theory to possible situa ons in prac ce. 2.1.3 Determine the purpose of the proposed ac on/ objec ve/aim.

2.1.4 Describe the process in formula ng aims and objec ves.

2.1.5 Apply the above theory to possible situa ons in prac ce.

3. Evalua ng aims and objec ves 2.2 Determining aims and objec ves

3.1 Decide whether a given formula on is an aim or an objec ve.

2.2.1 Decide whether a given formula on is an aim or an objec ve. 3.2 Determine the relevancy of the aim/objec ve. 2.2.2 Determine the relevancy of the aim/objec ve. 3.3 Assess whether the aim/objec ve is realis c. 2.2.3 Assess whether the aim/objec ve is realis c. 3.4 Decide whether it is quan fi ably and/or qualifi ably measurable. 2.2.4 Decide whether it is a quan fi able and/or a quality measure. 3.5 Determine whether realis c/valuable feedback would be/is possible. 2.2.5 Determine whether realis c/valuable feedback would be/is possible.

3.6 Use the given guidelines to evaluate his or her own objec ves, as well as objec ves from a case study. 2.3.1 Use the given guidelines to evaluate his or her own objec ves, as well as objec ves from a case study.

NEW 2.3.2 Set a personal aim and a personal objec ve, and plan the me for the necessary ac ons in a classroom ac vity.

2.3 Evalua ng aims and objec ves, and guidelines

NEW 2.4 Goal formula on

NEW 2.4.1 Diff eren ate between diff erent me-frames in the planning process from a given case study.



NEW 2.4.2 Explain the aim of goal formula on in the business environment.

NEW 2.4.3 Give examples of goal formula on.

4. Time management 2.5 Time management

NEW 2.5.1 Defi ne me management.

NEW 2.5.2 Explain the correla on between produc vity and me management in the organisa on.

4.1 Explain why it is necessary to u lise me eff ec vely. 2.5.3 Explain why it is necessary to u lise me eff ec vely.

4.2 Record me spent on a par cular day. 2.5.4 Determine the record me spent on a par cular day.

4.3 Determine if ac ons (own or given case study) were really necessary; completed within a reasonable me; conducted at a suitable me; or could be delegated. 2.5.5 Determine if ac ons (own or given case study) were really necessary; completed within a reasonable me; conducted at a suitable me; or could be delegated.

4.4 Set an objec ve (real or imaginary) and plan me to perform the necessary ac ons. 2.5.6 Set an objec ve (real or imaginary) and plan me to perform the necessary ac ons.

4.5 Use me control techniques. 2.5.7 List the me control techniques.

4.6 Evaluate the proposed me plan (own or case study) to reach an objec ve. 2.5.8 Evaluate the proposed me plan (own or case study) to reach an objec ve.

4.7 Decide whether the me scheduling (diary, week planner, etc.) is realis c. 2.5.9 Decide whether the me scheduling (diary, week planner, etc.) is realis c.

4.8 Use guidelines for be er me u lisa on to evaluate me management (his or her own case study). 2.5.10 Use guidelines for be er me u lisa on to evaluate me management (his or her own case study).

4.9 Iden fy me wasters. 2.5.11 Iden fy me wasters.

NEW 2.5.12 Understand how to handle social media, email and phone calls within a me-conscious focused work environment.

NEW 2.5.13 Defi ne and understand the Pareto principle.

Module 3: Media communica on and adver sing Module 3: Mass media communica on and adver sing

1. The main mass media 3.1 The main mass media

1.1 List/recognise the diff erent main media. 3.1.1 Recognise the main mass media categories.

3.1.2 List examples for each category.



1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each in general.

2. Communica on process employed by the mass media 3.2 Process and defi ni on of mass media

3.1.3 List the advantages and disadvantages of each example.

2.1 Defi ne mass media as an extension of the interpersonal communica on process. 3.2.1 Defi ne mass media as an extension of the interpersonal communica on process.

2.2 Sketch an elementary diagram of the process. 3.2.2 Sketch an elementary diagram of the process.

2.3 Iden fy the elements in the process. 3.2.3 Iden fy the elements in the process.

(See 2.2.) 3.2.4 Sketch the diagram of the process.

2.4 Explain the diff erences between the interpersonal communica on process and the mass communica on process. 3.2.5 Explain the diff erences between the interpersonal communica on process and the mass communica on process.

3. Func ons of the mass media 3.3 Func ons of the mass media

3.1 List the func ons of the mass media. 3.3.1 List the func ons of the mass media.

3.2 Explain the role played by the media in the community. 3.3.2 Explain the func ons of the mass media in society.

4. The language employed by the mass media 3.4 Language of the mass media

4.1 Iden fy the target group and decide on the style of communica on to be used. 3.4.1 Iden fy the target group and decide on the style of communica on to be used.

4.2 Diff eren ate between factual wri ng and the expression of feelings/opinions/prejudice.

4.3 Choose the appropriate register, style and tone for a given purpose.

4.4 Recognise how register, style and tone aff ect the reader. 3.4.2 Diff eren ate between factual wri ng and the expression of feelings/opinions/prejudice.

3.4.3 Choose the appropriate register, style and tone for a given purpose.

3.4.4 Recognise how register, style and tone aff ect the reader.

4.5 Analyse the register, tone and style employed in examples.

4.6 Jus fy or cri cise language usage employed in examples. 3.4.5 Analyse the register, tone and style employed in examples.

3.4.6 Jus fy or cri cise language usage employed in examples.

5. Manipula ve repor ng 3.5 Manipula ve repor ng

5.1 Explain what manipula ve repor ng is. 3.5.1 Explain what manipula ve repor ng is.

5.2 Recognise instances of manipula ve repor ng. 3.5.2 Recognise instances of manipula ve repor ng.

5.3 Rewrite such examples in a more acceptable form. 3.5.3 Rewrite such examples in a more acceptable form.

5.4 Explain and illustrate the techniques used in manipula ve repor ng. 3.5.4 Explain and illustrate the techniques used in manipula ve repor ng.



5.5 (Photos support report content.) 3.5.5 Iden fy when photographs support or do not support the content of media reports.

6. Propaganda 3.6 Propaganda

6.1 Defi ne propaganda. 3.6.1 Defi ne propaganda.

(Ethos, logos, pathos.) 3.6.2 Explain the modes of persuasion (Aristotle).

6.2 List the elements of propaganda. 3.6.3 List the elements of propaganda.

6.3 Explain these elements. 3.6.4 Explain these elements.

6.4 Formulate his or her own opinion based on all the true facts – recognise when these have not been given. 3.6.5 Formulate his or her own opinion based on all the true facts – recognise when these have not been given.

6.5 Discuss the techniques used in propaganda. 3.6.6 Discuss the techniques used in propaganda.

NEW Also includes card-stacking, gli ering, scapegoa ng and bandwagon.

6.6 List the techniques employed in a given passage. 3.6.7 List the techniques employed in a given passage.

6.7 Recognise wri ng which is ethically unacceptable and intended to ‘brainwash’. 3.6.8 Recognise wri ng which is ethically unacceptable and intended to ‘brainwash’.

6.8 Explain why it is unacceptable. 3.6.9 Explain why it is unacceptable to brainwash.

7. Adver sing in the mass media 3.7 Adver sing in the mass media

7.2 Name and discuss three purposes of adver sing. 3.7.1 Name and discuss three purposes of adver sing.

7.1 Defi ne the concept adver sing 3.7.2 Defi ne adver sing.

7.3 Explain the need for adver sing. –

7.4 Iden fy the purpose of an adver sement. (See 3.7.1.)

NEW 3.7.3 Explain the various cri cisms pronounced against adver sing.

NEW 3.7.4 Evaluate an adver sement based on given informa on.

NEW 3.8 Adver sing principles and aspects of consumer behaviour


3.8.1 Explain the concepts culture and subculture.

NEW 3.8.2 Discuss the possible infl uence of cultures and subcultures on adver sing. NEW 3.8.3 Explain the concept of social class/marke ng bands in adver sing.



NEW 3.8.4 Explain the concept of social mobility.

NEW 3.8.5 Discuss the role that conformity or nonconformity by the consumer plays in adver sing. NEW 3.8.6 Explain/discuss the diff erent steps in consumer processing.

NEW 3.8.7 Explain the infl uence of consumer processing on adver sing.

8. Requirements for eff ec ve adver sing 3.9 Requirements for eff ec ve adver sing

8.1 Name and explain the requirements for eff ec ve adver sing. 3.9.1 Name and explain the requirements for eff ec ve adver sing.

9. Important aspects in the design of an adver sement

9.1 Evaluate a given adver sement using the AIDA formula and any addi onal informa on.

9.2 Recognise a good idea which has been well presented and explain why it is successful.

9.3 Construct an eff ec ve adver sement using the AIDA formula. 3.9.2 Evaluate a given adver sement using the AIDA formula and any addi onal informa on.

3.9.3 Recognise a good idea which has been well presented and explain why it is successful.

NEW 3.9.4 Iden fy the use of the AIDA formula.

NEW 3.9.5 Name aspects of product (knowledge) which could persuade the target audience (life cycle/ durability; func on/uses; brand iden ty; compe on/comparison).

NEW 3.9.6 Apply knowledge of a product to an adver sement.

9.4 Iden fy the target market for a specifi c product/ service using demographic/psychographic informa on. 3.9.7 Iden fy the target market for a specifi c product/ service using demographic/psychographic informa on.

9.5 Iden fy specifi c target groups intended in given texts. 3.9.8 Iden fy specifi c target groups intended in given texts.

NEW 3.9.9 Deduce characteris cs of these groups.

9.6 Analyse the feedback (given in a case study) to determine the success or failure of an adver sement.

9.7 Discuss the various factors which have to be kept in mind when designing an adver sement for a par cular target group. 3.9.10 Discuss the various factors which have to be kept in mind when designing an adver sement for a par cular target group.



NEW 3.9.11 Understand the diff erent objec ves/needs of the consumer.

9.8 Analyse the psychological needs around which a given adver sement is built.

9.9 Choose the psychological approach that will make the message eff ec ve for a par cular target group.

9.10 Evaluate the suitability of a given adver sement designed for a specifi c target group. 9.11 Choose the most eff ec ve images/words to obtain a required eff ect.

9.12 Evaluate the appropriateness of the language employed in a given adver sement. 3.9.12 Analyse the psychological eff ect of a given adver sement designed for a specifi c target group.

3.9.13 Choose the most eff ec ve images/words to obtain a required eff ect.

3.9.14 Evaluate the appropriateness of the language employed in a given adver sement.

9.13 Determine which medium will reach the largest segment of the target audience. 3.9.15 Determine which medium will reach the largest segment of the target audience.

9.14 Evaluate the success of the adver sement. 3.9.16 Evaluate the success of the adver sement from a case study by referring to the styles.

9.15 Decide on the communica on medium to be used for adver sing.

9.16 Evaluate the language and style of the communica on medium to be used.

9.17 Design an adver sement in keeping with the language and stye of the medium decided on.

9.18 Determine if the proposed adver sement will be aff ordable. 3.9.17 Determine if the proposed tool will be aff ordable.

Module 4: Presenta on communica on Module 4: Presenta on communica on

1. Introduc on 4.1 Introduc on

1.1 Explain the importance of presenta on communica on. NEW 4.1.1 Defi ne/describe/graphically illustrate the concept presenta on communica on.

4.2 Purpose of speech-making and factors to consider

4.2.1 Explain the importance of presenta on communica on.

1.2 Describe the role of presenta on communica on in the whole communica on process.

2. Purpose of speech-making

4.2.2 Describe the role of presenta on communica on in the whole communica on process.

2.1 Decide on the reason for making a speech. 4.2.3 Decide on the reason for making a speech.



2.2 Present one or two lines of a speech orally to illustrate a possible approach to the diff erent purposes.

2.3 Analyse the diff erent factors which would have an eff ect on his/her prepara on.

2.4 Explain the importance of taking these factors into considera on. 4.2.4 Present one or two lines of a speech orally to illustrate a possible approach to the diff erent purposes.

4.2.5 Analyse the diff erent factors which would have an eff ect on speech prepara on.

4.2.6 Explain the importance of taking these factors into considera on.

3. Preparing a speech 4.3 Preparing a speech

3.1 Dra a proper structure for his/her proposed speech. 4.3.1 Dra a structure for a proposed speech.

3.2 Decide on a proper introduc on and be able to jus fy his/her choice. 4.3.2 Decide on a proper introduc on and be able to jus fy the choice.

3.3 Evaluate, select and choose informa on to be used in the body of his/her speech.

4.3.3 Evaluate, select and choose informa on to be used in the body of the speech. 3.4 Express his/her point of view. 4.3.4 Express a point of view.

3.5 Come to a logical conclusion. 4.3.5 End with a logical conclusion.

3.6 Iden fy errors or a en on-ge ers in the introductory or fi nal paragraphs of given examples. 3.7 Suggest an alterna ve for a weak introduc on/ ending. 4.3.6 Suggest an alterna ve for a weak introduc on/ ending.

4. Coping with nervous tension 4.4 Coping with nervous tension

4.1 Provide guidelines on how to cope with/ overcome nervous tension. 4.4.1 Provide guidelines on how to cope with/ overcome nervous tension.

4.2 Apply these guidelines when preparing and making a speech. 4.4.2 Apply these guidelines when preparing and making a speech.

4.3 Do breathing exercises to release tension. 4.4.3 Do breathing exercises to release tension.

4.4 Do relaxa on exercises. 4.4.4 Do relaxa on exercises.

5. Non-verbal aspects determining the success of a speech 4.5 Non-verbal aspects determining the success of a speech

5.1 Demonstrate a knowledge of the non-verbal aspects infl uencing a speech.

5.2 Discuss the importance of the non-verbal aspects on successful communica on.

5.3 Evaluate the non-verbal aspects of a presenta on. 4.5.1 Demonstrate and discuss knowledge of the nonverbal aspects infl uencing a speech.

4.5.2 Discuss the importance of the non-verbal aspects on successful communica on.

4.5.3 Evaluate the non-verbal aspects of a presenta on.



5.4 Cul vate a pleasing, a rac ve, well-controlled and unhurried speaking voice. 4.5.4 Cul vate a pleasing, a rac ve, well-controlled and unhurried speaking voice.

5.5 Enunciate his or her words clearly and correctly. 4.5.5 Enunciate his or her words clearly and correctly.

5.6 Vary his or her rate of speaking in accordance with the content of the presenta on. 4.5.6 Vary his or her rate of speaking in accordance with the content of the presenta on.

6. Applicable language usage 4.6 Applicable language usage

6.1 Use good language (proper grammar) in presen ng his/her ideas. 4.6.1 Use good language (proper grammar) in presen ng ideas.

6.2 Use words/terminology applicable to the topic being discussed.

4.6.2 Use words/terminology applicable to the topic being discussed. 6.3 Pronounce his/her words correctly and dis nctly. 4.6.3 Pronounce words correctly and dis nctly. 6.4 Iden fy incorrect/unnecessary word(s)/phrases and change the speech accordingly. 4.6.4 Iden fy incorrect/unnecessary word(s)/phrases and change the speech accordingly. 6.5 Express his/her ideas clearly and coherently. 4.6.5 Express ideas clearly and coherently. 6.6 Adjust his/her informa on to the audience so that they can understand it. 4.6.6 Adjust informa on to the audience so that they can understand it. 6.7 Observe his/her audience and their reac ons and adjust his/her speech accordingly. 4.6.7 Observe the audience and their reac ons and adjust his or her speech accordingly.

7. Visual aids/aids 4.7 Visual and audio aids

7.1 Evaluate the necessity for using a visual aid. –

7.2 Apply the guidelines for eff ec ve design in the prepara on of visual aid material. 4.7.1 Apply the guidelines for eff ec ve design in the prepara on of visual aid material.

NEW Also includes mul media projectors, smartboards, electronic aids and intercommunica on systems.

‘Design of programme’ and ‘Overhead projector’ are no longer in the curriculum.

NEW 4.7.2 Prepare a visual aid for a presenta on. FOR ENRICHMENT PURPOSES: Students should design a PowerPoint presenta on and deliver it to the class.

NEW 4.7.3 List the diff erent visual aids used for eff ec ve presenta on communica on styles.

NEW 4.7.4 Apply the guidelines for eff ec ve design in the prepara on of visual aid material in the classroom during prac cal assignments.



7.3 Provide hints for the eff ec ve use of the relevant visual aids. 4.7.5 Provide hints for the eff ec ve use of the relevant visual aids.

7.4 Demonstrate the correct use of the visual aids. –

7.5 Explain the diff erent factors that have to be kept in mind in the making of transparencies. 7.6 Make a transparency for a given situa on/ presenta on.

7.7 Use the microphone correctly. 4.7.6 Use the microphone correctly.

NEW 4.7.7 Provide ps for the correct use of public address systems.

Transparencies are no longer in the curriculum.

8. Occasional speeches 4.8 Occasional speeches

NEW Also includes a speech to introduce a new product or service.

8.1 Provide hints on the delivering of a specifi c occasional speech. ONLY FOR PRACTICAL CLASS ASSIGNMENT 4.8.1 Provide hints on the delivery of a specifi c occasional speech in the classroom.

8.2 Deliver a speech suitable to the occasion. 4.8.2 Deliver a speech suitable to the occasion in the classroom as a prac cal assignment.

8.3 Cri cally evaluate a given speech and provide reasons for comment. 4.8.3 Cri cally evaluate the delivered speech and provide reasons for the given comments. (The above outcomes are to be evaluated during a classroom prac cal assignment.)

9. Ac ons to promote goodwill 4.9 Ac ons to promote goodwill

NEW Also includes social media and websites.

9.1 Apply the unwri en rules of conduct when dealing with colleagues, guests and clients.

9.2 Iden fy incorrect behaviour during a prac cal session and demonstrate correct behaviour/ conduct. 4.9.1 Apply the unwri en rules of conduct when dealing with colleagues, guests and clients.

4.9.2 Iden fy incorrect behaviour during a prac cal session and demonstrate correct behaviour/ conduct.

9.3 Analyse the behaviour of representa ves at a mee ng (case studies and videos).

Module 5: Mul cultural communica on in the business world Module 5: Mul cultural communica on in the business world

1. Introduc on 5.1 Defi ni on and elements of culture, and subcultures

4.9.3 Analyse the behaviour of representa ves at a mee ng (case studies and videos).

1.1 Defi ne the concept culture. 5.1.1 Defi ne the concept culture.



1.2 Discuss the various elements of culture. 5.1.2 Discuss the various elements of culture.

1.3 Iden fy the diff erent subcultures in college. 5.1.3 Iden fy the diff erent subcultures in the working environment.

1.4 Iden fy the subculture of a par cular group (case study). 5.1.4 Iden fy the subculture of a par cular group from a given case study.

NEW 5.1.5 Explain how these subcultures in the workplace operate.

2. Cultural diff erences which may infl uence communica on NEW 5.2 Stereotyping, prejudice and factors which may give rise to unsuccessful communica on

NEW 5.2.1 Defi ne stereotyping.

NEW 5.2.2 Defi ne prejudice.

NEW 5.2.3 Explain the infl uence of stereotyping and prejudice in the workplace.

NEW 5.2.4 Understand the use and abuse of these factors in the workplace.

NEW 5.2.5 Explain how to handle bullying in the workplace.

5.3 Cultural diff erences and diversity

2.1 Discuss the possible diff erences in his/her group in class.

2.2 Describe the manner in which each par cular diff erence can harm the communica on process.

2.3 Provide examples to illustrate the infl uence of subcultures on communica on. 5.3.1 Discuss the possible diff erences in the class group.

5.3.2 Describe the manner in which each par cular diff erence can harm the communica on process.

2.4 Iden fy diff erences which led to unsuccessful communica on (case study).

2.5 Explain the infl uence of cultural diff erences on conduct.

NEW 5.3.3 Iden fy cultural diff erences between African and Western cultures which led to unsuccessful communica on.

2.6 Iden fy cultural diff erences in a par cular situa on. NEW 5.3.4 Explain the infl uence on communica on of the diff erent cultures – African and Western.

5.3.5 Iden fy cultural diff erences in a par cular situa on.



2.7 Evaluate the conduct of a person and suggest a possible reason for his or her conduct. 5.3.6 Evaluate the conduct of a person within a cultural context and suggest a possible reason for his or her conduct.

2.8 Recognise posi ve and nega ve infl uences on communica on. 5.3.7 Recognise posi ve and nega ve infl uences on communica on.

2.9 Suggest possible ways of preven ng misunderstanding because of culture diff erences. 5.3.8 Explain possible ways of preven ng misunderstanding because of culture diff erences.

NEW 5.3.9 Diff eren ate between diversity and culture.

NEW 5.3.10 Defi ne diversity.

NEW 5.3.11 Explain what ‘diversity’ is.

3. Possible language barriers 5.4 Cultural and possible language barriers

NEW 5.4.1 Recognise possible cultural barriers in a given situa on.

NEW 5.4.2 Avoid possible off ence before, during and a er a cultural situa on, by applying the knowledge of the correct conduct acceptable in a given mul cultural situa on.

3.1 Explain why these barriers could lead to unsuccessful communica on.

3.2 Sketch a situa on (orally or in wri ng) which includes at least three factors which might lead to unsuccessful communica on. 5.4.3 Explain why these barriers could lead to unsuccessful communica on.

5.4.4 Sketch a situa on (orally or in wri ng) which includes at least three factors which might lead to unsuccessful communica on.

3.3 Recognise barriers in a given communica on situa on and suggest ways of preven ng misunderstanding.

3.4 Evaluate a given cultural situa on for successful communica on and provide reasons for his/her conclusion. 5.4.5 Recognise barriers in a given communica on situa on and suggest ways of preven ng misunderstanding.

5.4.6 Evaluate a given cultural situa on for successful communica on and choose the correct register and tone to be used.

3.5 Provide proof in prac ce of having recognised possible barriers in a par cular communica on situa on and having done something to prevent it/them from harming the communica on process (simula ons, roleplay). 5.4.7 Provide proof in prac ce of having recognised possible barriers in a par cular communica on situa on and having done something to prevent it/them from harming the communica on process (simula ons, roleplay).

NEW 5.4.8 Evaluate the diff erences in non-verbal communica on conduct of people of diff erent cultures.



NEW 5.4.9 Iden fy and explain the correct gestures/words to be used in a mul cultural situa on in order to create an atmosphere of harmony.

4. Clues to unsuccessful communica on 5.5 Clues to unsuccessful communica on

4.1 Recognise signs of unsuccessful communica on and act accordingly (real-life, simula on). 5.5.1 Recognise signs of unsuccessful communica on and act accordingly from real-life or simula on scenarios.

(See Module 5, SO 6.4, 6.5 and 6.7.) 5.5.2 Iden fy personal characteris cs which may be harmful to mul cultural communica on by juxtaposing good and bad characteris cs.

5. Developing mul cultural communica on skills 5.6 Developing mul cultural communica on skills

5.1 Suggest ways to ensure successful communica on (case studies). 5.6.1 Suggest ways to ensure successful communica on from case studies.

5.2 Edit wri en material and provide reasons for changes made.

5.3 Evaluate a situa on and choose the right register and tone for discourse. 5.6.2 Edit wri en material and provide reasons for changes made.

5.6.3 Evaluate a situa on and choose the right register and tone for discourse.

5.4 Use terminology relevant to the situa on. 5.6.4 Use terminology relevant to the situa on.

5.5 Iden fy posi ve and nega ve non-verbal ac ons. 5.6.5 Iden fy posi ve and nega ve non-verbal ac ons. 5.6 Use certain gestures/words specifi cally to create an atmosphere of harmony and explain ac ons taken. 5.6.6 Use certain gestures/words specifi cally to create an atmosphere of harmony and explain ac ons taken.

5.7 Provide oral informa on followed by wri en confi rma on. 5.6.7 Provide oral informa on followed by wri en confi rma on.

5.8 Explain the infl uence of voice, vocabulary and ar cula on on the communica on process and provide examples from real-life situa ons.

5.9 Explain the infl uence of non-verbal ac ons on mul cultural communica on and provide examples from real-life situa ons/iden fy such ac ons on video or TV. 5.6.8 Explain the infl uence of voice, vocabulary and ar cula on on the communica on process and provide examples from real-life situa ons.

5.6.9 Explain the infl uence of non-verbal ac ons on mul cultural communica on and provide examples.

6. Corporate culture

(Module 1)

6.1 Give a defi ni on of corporate culture. (See Module 1, LO 1.1.1.)

6.2 Explain the infl uence of corporate culture on produc vity in the workplace. (See Module 1, LO 1.1.2.)

6.3 Name and discuss the factors which will provide mul cultural communica on in the workplace.



6.4 Note the diff erent personali es in the workplace (case study)/college.

6.5 Iden fy own shortcomings and try to overcome them. (See Module 5, LO 5.5.2.)

6.6 Iden fy personal characteris cs which may harm mul cultural communica on and suggest ways to overcome them.

6.7 Iden fy personal characteris cs which may promote mul cultural communica on, and cul vate them.

Module 6: Language usage Module 6: Language usage when reducing documenta on NEW 6.1 Concise wri ng in business

6.1.1 Rewrite a passage/sentence in simple, to-thepoint English without changing the message.

6.1.2 Avoid using slang and archaic expressions.

6.1.3 Omit exple ves and write sentences in the normal sequence (subject, verb, complement).

6.1.4 Ensure that the subject and verb agree in number.

6.1.5 Correct sentences where the connec on between the pronoun and the antecedent is unclear.

6.1.6 Correct a sentence in which the modifi er is misused.

6.1.7 Make sure that parallelism is accomplished by using the same kind of gramma cal structure for expressing related ideas. 6.1.8 Revise/correct a sentence/passage by omi ng all forms of redundancy. 6.1.9 Reduce sentences/passages without changing the meaning.

3. Subjec ve and objec ve language usage 6.2 Subjec ve and objec ve language usage

3.1 Dis nguish between objec ve and subjec ve language and recognise the specifi c words/ phrases used to convey a specifi c meaning/ atmosphere.



3.2 Decide on the correct language and the most eff ec ve way to convey a given message.

3.3 Change the language in a passage from subjec ve to objec ve language. 6.2.1 Decide on the correct language and the most eff ec ve way to convey a given message.

6.2.2 Change the language in a passage from subjec ve to objec ve language.

3.4 Choose words to suit the target audience. 6.2.3 Choose words to suit the target audience.

6.3 Direct and indirect speech; and ac ve and passive voice

3.5 Use direct and indirect speech and the ac ve and passive voice in natural communica on situa ons. 6.3.1 Direct and indirect speech.

6.3.2 Ac ve and passive voice in natural communica on situa ons.

1. Core notes 6.4 Extension and reduc on of core notes

1.1 Extract the main ideas from a given passage. –1.2 Read for specifi c facts/informa on and write these down.

1.3 Take down core notes during mee ngs, on instruc on or at conferences/seminars, etc. 6.4.1 Take down core notes during mee ngs, on instruc on or at conferences/seminars, etc.

1.4 Extend these core notes into meaningful correspondence/communica on. 6.4.2 Extend these core notes into meaningful correspondence/communica on.

1.5 Use core notes (own or given) to write a concise and coherent piece of wri en communica on.

2. Précis wri ng 6.5 Précis/summary wri ng

2.1 Read a variety of texts with comprehension. 6.5.1 Read a passage with comprehension.

2.2 Iden fy the writer’s inten on. 6.5.2 Iden fy the writer’s inten on.

2.3 Iden fy core ideas. 2.4 Iden fy addi onal informa on. 6.5.3 Iden fy the main ideas and the suppor ve arguments/informa on.

2.5 Diff eren ate between facts and opinion. 6.5.4 Diff eren ate between facts and opinion.

2.6 Summarise the facts logically and concisely in clear and gramma cally correct language and in the required number of words. 6.5.5 Summarise the facts logically (orally and in wri ng). 6.5.6 Write a précis in the required number of words (paragraph form).

NEW 6.5.7 Write a summary in the required number of words (point form).

2.7 Orally summarise the content of a wri en or oral piece of communica on.



(See Module 7, SO 9.)

6.6 Simple graphic material

6.6.1 Read and interpret simple graphic material. (N4 revision)

6.6.2 Design and illustrate simple graphic material. (See Module 7: Concise communica on.)

Module 7: Concise communica on Module 7: Concise communica on

1. Telephone message 7.1 Telephone messages

1.1 Take a telephone message down correctly in clear, unambiguous language and deliver the message to the person concerned. 7.1.1 Take a telephone message down correctly in clear, unambiguous language and deliver the message to the person concerned.

2. Fax 7.2 Fax – comple on of cover pages

2.1 Complete the cover page for sending a fax and compile a short message which includes all the informa on the receiver would need. 7.2.1 Complete the cover page for sending a fax and compile a short message which includes all the informa on the receiver would need.

3. Telegram Telegrams are no longer in the curriculum.

4. Memorandum (short) 7.3 Memoranda (short)

4.1 Write a short internal memorandum in which the informa on is presented logically and in clear and unambiguous language. 7.3.1 Write a short internal memorandum in which the informa on is presented logically and in clear and unambiguous language.

5. Formal invita ons 7.4 Formal (third person) invita ons and replies

5.1 Formulate an invita on (or reply) according to accepted standards of e que e that would comply with the degree of formality required. 7.4.1 Formulate an invita on (or reply) according to accepted standards of e que e that would comply with the degree of formality required.

NEW 7.5 Forms

7.5.1 Establish the aim of the form.

7.5.2 Read the instruc ons and/or ques ons with understanding.

7.5.3 Complete the form correctly and supply the necessary informa on.

7.5.4 Determine the responsibility (if any) of the sender and/or receiver.

6. No ces on bulle n boards 7.6 No ces on paper and electronic bulle n boards (internal communica on)

6.1 Draw up a no ce for the company bulle n board ensuring that the visual and wri en message is unambiguous and clearly understandable. 7.6.1 Draw up a no ce for the company bulle n board ensuring that the visual and wri en message is unambiguous and clearly understandable.



7. Simple display adver sement

NEW 7.6.2 Dis nguish clearly between a no ce on a no ceboard and an adver sement in an external paper or webpage. (Refer to Module 9: Correspondence in the adver sing world)

(See Module 9.)

7.1 Design a simple display adver sement that would promote the image of the company and clearly supply the required informa on.

7.2 Design a simple display adver sement using the AIDA principles. (See Module 9, LO 9.2.1.)

8. Compile a simple ques onnaire 7.7 Simple ques onnaires

– 7.7.1 Draw up a simple ques onnaire.

8.1 Establish the aim of the ques onnaire. 7.7.2 Establish the aim of the ques onnaire.

8.2 Determine the target audience. 7.7.3 Iden fy the target audience.

8.3 Provide examples of the diff erent types of ques on. 8.4 Formulate unambiguous instruc ons and/or ques ons arranged in a logical order. 7.7.4 Understand diff erent types of ques ons to be used.

7.7.5 Formulate unambiguous instruc ons and/or ques ons arranged logically.

8.5 Formulate ques ons which cover all aspects of the opera on and are in proper order of importance.

8.6 Provide ample space for the required response. 7.7.6 Provide space for each response.

8.7 Use informa on gleaned from completed ques onnaires to provide wri en feedback.

8.8 Express an opinion on the success of the exercise based on an evalua on of the feedback received. 7.7.7 Interpret informa on of the ques onnaire by giving wri en feedback.

7.7.8 Express an opinion on the success of the exercise based on an evalua on of the feedback received.

NEW 7.8 Emails

7.8.1 Compile a short email adhering to professional standards of e que e, form and clarity of style.

9. Use of simple graphic material 7.9 Simple graphic material

9.1 Recognise and defi ne basic characteris cs of each.

9.2 Read given graphic material and formulate an opinion. Also includes maps, illustra ons and signs

7.9.1 Recognise and defi ne basic characteris cs of the types of graphic material.

7.9.2 Read given graphic material and formulate an opinion.



9.3 Use graphic material to illustrate wri en or oral informa on. 7.9.3 Use graphic material to illustrate wri en or oral informa on.

9.4 Provide addi onal informa on concisely. 7.9.4 Provide addi onal informa on concisely.

9.5 Use graphic material to communicate with other language groups. 7.9.5 Use graphic material to communicate with other language groups.

Module 8: Le ers Module 8: Business le ers

NEW 8.1 Revise N4

8.1.1 Revision of le ers in Module 9 of the N4 course.

1. Invita ons to a guest speaker 8.2 Invita ons to a guest speaker, and replies

1.1 Invite a speaker providing all the required informa on. 8.2.1 Invite a speaker providing the required informa on needed for a specifi c event or func on.

NEW 8.2.2 Reply to an invita on posi vely or nega vely (accept or decline an invita on).

3. Le er to the press 8.3 Le ers to the press

3.1 Evaluate le ers to the press. 8.3.1 Evaluate or write le ers to the press.

NEW Also includes wri ng under a pseudonym.

4. Sales le er 8.4 Sales le ers

4.1 Iden fy target audience. 8.4.1 Iden fy the target audience.

4.2 Decide on facts to be included. 8.4.2 Decide on facts to be included.

4.3 Decide on layout to achieve desired eff ect. 8.4.3 Decide on the layout to achieve the desired eff ect.

4.4 Apply techniques of persuasion to obtain desired result. 8.4.4 Apply techniques of persuasion to obtain the desired results.

4.5 Compile a sales le er applying the AIDA principle. 8.4.5 Compile a sales le er applying the AIDA principle.

5. Circular 8.5 Circulars

5.1 Iden fy target audience. 8.5.1 Iden fy the target audience.

5.2 Decide on facts to be included. 8.5.2 Decide on the informa on to be conveyed.

5.3 Use the correct format. 8.5.3 Use the correct circular format.

5.4 Present the relevant informa on in clear, concise and gramma cally correct sentences. 8.5.4 Present relevant informa on in clear, concise and gramma cally correct sentences.

2. Reply to an unsuccessful applica on 8.6 Employment le ers

2.1 Inform the unsuccessful applicant of the result of his or her applica on in a tac ul manner. 8.6.1 Inform the unsuccessful applicant of the result (posi ve or nega ve) of his or her applica on in a tac ul way.



– Module 9: Correspondence in the adver sing world

NEW 9.1 Classifi ed adver sements

9.1.1 Decide on the informa on to be included, e.g. the contact telephone number or address.

9.1.2 Reduce informa on so that the end product is brief but clear.

9.1.3 Make use of appropriate headings.

(See Module 7, SO 7.) 9.1.4 Prepare the adver sement in the local newspaper.

9.2 Display adver sements

7.1 Compile a simple display adver sement using the AIDA principle. 9.2.1 Compile a simple display adver sement using the AIDA principle.

(See Module 7, SO 6.) NEW 9.2.2 Elicit the desired response using appropriate vocabulary.

9.3 No ces

6.1 Draw up a no ce for the company’s no ceboard ensuring that the informa on (visual and/or wri en) is a rac vely presented, correct in every detail and easily understandable.

(See Module 8, SO 4.) 9.3.1 Draw up a no ce for the company’s no ceboard ensuring that the informa on (visual and/or wri en) is a rac vely presented, correct in every detail and easily understandable.

9.4 Sales promo on le ers

(See Module 8, SO 5.) NEW 9.4.1 Determine the target audience and write a sales le er which will promote the sales of the specifi c product or service.

9.5 Circular le ers

(See Module 8, SO 5.1.) 9.5.1 Iden fy the audience to be reached.

(See Module 8, SO 5.2 and 5.4.) 9.5.2 Determine the necessary informa on and language to be used in the circular.

NEW 9.5.3 Write a successful circular with or without a recipient address.

Module 9: Mee ng procedure

1. No ces, agendas and minutes of commi ee mee ngs and monthly general mee ngs

1.1 Dra no ces and agendas containing all relevant informa on.

Module 10: Mee ng correspondence

10.1 No ces, agendas and minutes of commi ee mee ngs and monthly general mee ngs

10.1.1 Dra no ces and agendas containing all relevant informa on.

1.2 Take responsibility as secretary of a club or commi ee. 10.1.2 Take responsibility as secretary of a club or commi ee.



1.3 Take core notes during mee ngs. 10.1.3 Take core notes during mee ngs.

1.4 Organise relevant informa on logically. 10.1.4 Organise relevant informa on logically.

1.5 Write the no ce, agenda and minutes of the various types of mee ngs gramma cally correct. 10.1.5 Write the no ce, agenda and minutes of the various types of mee ng using gramma cally correct language.

2. No ce and agenda of annual general mee ngs of clubs and associa ons 10.2 No ces and agendas of annual general mee ngs of clubs and associa ons

NEW 10.2.1 Dis nguish between special (extraordinary) and general (regular) no ce and agendas. Special no ces should contain the no ce, venue, place, date, day and a reference to the reason for the mee ng. General (regular) no ces should contain the no ce, venue, place, date, day and the previous minutes a ached.

Module 10: Reports Module 11: Reports

1. Inves ga on reports 11.1 Inves ga on reports

1.1 Acquire informa on on the subject. 11.1.1 Acquire informa on on the subject.

1.2 Iden fy the relevant details. 11.1.2 Iden fy the relevant details.

1.3 Organise details logically. 11.1.3 Organise the details logically.

1.4 Submit clear and accurate informa on objec vely. 11.1.4 Submit clear and accurate informa on objec vely.

1.5 Use a suitable register. 11.1.5 Use a suitable register and tone. 1.6 Write the required report in formal and/or memo format. 11.1.6 Write the required report in formal or informal (memo) format.

(See Module 10, SO 2.)

11.2 Feedback reports

11.2.1 Priori se informa on and organise details logically.

11.2.2 Write a clear, gramma cally correct report.

11.2.3 Use a suitable register and style.

11.2.4 Write the required report in formal format.

11.2.5 Write the required report in memo (informal) format.

2. Feedback and progress reports 11.3 Progress reports

2.1 Priori se informa on. 2.2 Organise details logically. 11.3.1 Priori se informa on and organise details logically.

2.3 Write a clear, gramma cally correct report. 11.3.2 Write a clear, gramma cally correct report.



2.4 Use a suitable register. 11.3.3 Use a suitable register and style. 2.5 Write the report in formal and/or memo format. –

NEW 11.4 Incident/accident reports

Module 11: Cri cal evalua on of audi ve, visual and wri en material Edi ng of wri en material Module 12: Cri cal evalua on of wri en and visual material

1. Wri en communica ons 12.1 Wri en communica on

11.4.1 Complete forms providing all relevant details.

1.1 Obviate and rec fy errors of style, punctua on, language and content. 12.1.1 Avoid and rec fy errors of style, punctua on, language and content.

1.2 Recognise and apply proofreader’s symbols. 12.1.2 Recognise proofreader’s symbols. (Note: For enrichment only)

2. Layout, design and content 12.2 Layout, design and content

2.1 Select the correct layout/material for the specifi c communica on. 12.2.1 Select the correct layout/material for the specifi c communica on. 2.2 Ensure that all necessary informa on is provided. 12.2.2 Ensure that all necessary informa on is provided. 2.3 Judge the logical and analy cal reasoning of the communicator and iden fy words, phrases, omissions which could lead to unsuccessful communica on. 12.2.3 Judge the reasoning (logic) of the communicator and iden fy words, phrases, omissions which could lead to unsuccessful communica on.

3. Choice of words 12.3 Choice of words

3.1 Ensure that the receiver would be able to understand the message correctly.

3.2 Recognise objec ve style and eliminate unnecessary emo ve language. 12.3.1 Ensure that the receiver would be able to understand the message correctly.

12.3.2 Recognise objec ve style and eliminate unnecessary emo ve language.

4. Sound, colour and image

4.1 Evaluate the sound quality of audi ve material. (See Module 13, LO 13.2.4.)

4.2 Provide his own opinion, substan ated by facts, on the suitability/success of an audiovisual communica on, taking into account e.g. the clarity of images/design, the atmosphere created through the use of sound and colour, and the fi nal eff ect created or message conveyed. 12.3.3 Provide his or her own opinion, substan ated by facts, on the suitability/success of an audiovisual communica on, taking into account e.g. the clarity of images/design, the atmosphere created through the use of sound and colour, and the fi nal eff ect created or message conveyed.

5. Reference works 12.4 Reference works

5.1 Use the applicable reference works with ease. 12.4.1 Use the applicable reference works with ease.



Module 12: Oral communica on Module 13: Cri cal evalua on of audi ve and oral communica on

1. Voice control 13.1 Aspects of telephone technique

NEW 13.1.1 List the characteris cs of a pleasant voice and discuss the role of each in successful communica on.

1.1 Do exercises to improve his/her voice control. 13.1.2 Do exercises to improve his or her voice control.

1.2 Apply this knowledge when speaking. 13.1.3 Apply this knowledge when speaking.

1.3 Evaluate the eff ec veness of oral communica on between two par es and substan ate his/her conclusions. 13.1.4 Evaluate the eff ec veness of oral communica on between two par es and substan ate his or her conclusions.

1.4 Pronounce words correctly. 13.1.5 Pronounce words correctly. 1.5 Use the correct tone of voice in informal/formal conversa ons.

NEW 13.1.6 Sound enthusias c and full of energy when talking.

1.6 Prac se the degree of voice projec on necessary to be heard in a small and/or a big room.

1.7 Demonstrate the diff erence between asser veness and aggressiveness. 13.1.7 Prac se the degree of voice projec on necessary to be heard in a small and/or a big room.

1.8 Explain a conten ous fact calmly, clearly, concisely and objec vely.

1.9 Decide on a mode of communica on which would suit the situa on and the audience.

1.10 Apply the rules for eff ec ve verbal and nonverbal communica on.

1.11 and 1.12 (see further down below).

1.13 Apply the rules of e que e when answering the telephone or making a call.

1.14 Prac se all possible telephone conversa ons which might possibly be encountered in prac ce in his/her fi eld of study. 1.15 Familiarise himself/herself with the situa on, product or service.

1.16 Convey the required message coherently in unambiguous language. 13.1.8 Apply the rules of e que e when answering the telephone or making a call.

13.1.9 Prac se all telephone conversa ons which might possibly be encountered in prac ce.



1.17 Establish rapport with the audience to achieve the desired eff ect.

6. Development of listening skills 13.2 Development of listening skills

NEW 13.2.1 Provide reasons why listening is important in his or her voca onal fi eld.

13.2.2 Explain the diff erence between hearing and listening.

13.2.3 Apply the elements a en on, understanding and remembering to the listening process and explain the importance of each.

(Module 11, SO 4.1.) 13.2.4 Evaluate the sound quality of audi ve material.

6.1 Listen with enjoyment to music, a video, people socialising. 13.2.5 Listen with enjoyment to music, a video, people socialising. (Note: For enrichment only.)

6.2 Listen seriously, e.g. listen to an order or instruc ons and be able to carry it/them out; listen to a lecture and take notes. 13.2.6 Listen seriously, e.g. listen to an order or instruc ons and be able to carry it/them out; listen to a lecture and take notes.

6.3 Listen cri cally to an example of propaganda/ adver sing. 6.4 Iden fy a line of thought.

6.5 Listen for and evaluate the suppor ve arguments used by the speaker to illustrate/emphasise his point. 13.2.7 Listen cri cally to an example of propaganda/ adver sing and iden fy a line of thought.

13.2.8 Listen for and evaluate the suppor ve arguments used by the speaker to illustrate/emphasise his or her point.

6.6 Iden fy possible barriers to the listening process. 13.2.9 Iden fy possible barriers to the listening process.

6.7 Overcome possible barriers to the listening process/prevent possible barriers from harming the listening process. 13.2.10 Overcome possible barriers to the listening process.

13.2.11 Prevent possible barriers from harming the listening process.

6.8 Iden fy ‘missing facts’ in a logical presenta on. 13.2.12 Iden fy ‘missing facts’ in a logical presenta on.

6.9 Evaluate the relevancy of content and act accordingly. 13.2.13 Evaluate the relevance of content and act accordingly.

6.10 Demonstrate empathy while listening to a person who feels dissa sfi ed/unhappy. 13.2.14 Demonstrate empathy while listening to a person who feels dissa sfi ed/unhappy.

13.3 Communica on in small groups

1.11 Apply listening and voice control techniques while communica ng in small groups. 13.3.1 Apply listening and voice control techniques while communica ng in small groups.

1.12 Par cipate ac vely in group discussions. 13.3.2 Par cipate ac vely in group discussions.



2. Non-verbal communica on

2.1 Act as ini ator/receiver in a variety of communica on situa ons relevant to his/her future voca on.

4. Interview 13.4 Interviews

4.1 Evaluate the situa on and decide on the correct approach to the interviewer/interview situa on.

4.2 Apply the rules for eff ec ve verbal and nonverbal communica on.

4.3 Conduct an interview with a client, subordinate or prospec ve employee. 13.4.1 Conduct an interview with a client/subordinate/ prospec ve employee.

NEW 13.4.2 Conduct him- or herself well as an interviewee at an employment interview.

5. Conduct at mee ngs –

5.1 Explain mee ng procedure. –

5.2 Take core notes during a mee ng. –

5.3 Expand the core notes into minutes of the mee ng. 5.4 Conduct himself/herself appropriately at a mee ng.

3. Presenta on of wri en report/task accomplished 13.5 Presenta on communica on

3.1 Give logical feedback in well-constructed, gramma cally correct sentences.

3.2 Apply the correct non-verbal behaviour to establish an atmosphere of trust and profi ciency.

3.3 Select systema sed factual informa on which has been collected on a specifi c subject through interviews, telephone conversa ons, group discussions, ques onnaires or the consulta on of relevant sources. 13.5.1 Select systema sed factual informa on which has been collected on a specifi c subject through interviews, telephone conversa ons, group discussions, ques onnaires or consul ng relevant sources.

3.4 Verbally present fi ndings factually and logically. 13.5.2 Verbally present fi ndings factually and logically.



3.5 Apply the principles applicable to the wri ng of a report (chairman’s report, report on a fi eld trip, accident report, etc.) to oral communica on. 13.5.3 Apply the principles of inves ga on for the wri ng of a report (chairperson’s report, report on a fi eld trip, accident report, etc.) to oral communica on.

3.6 Apply the theory on non-verbal and oral communica on: state facts with convic on, men on sources of informa on, control tone of voice and gestures, etc.

3.7 Use direct and indirect speech, and ac ve and passive voice correctly.

3.8 Avoid the irrelevant use of adjec ves and adverbs, as well as emo ve words and phrases. 13.5.4 Apply the theory on non-verbal and oral communica on: state facts with convic on, men on sources of informa on, control tone of voice and gestures, etc.

13.5.5 Use direct and indirect speech, and ac ve and passive voice correctly.

13.5.6 Avoid the irrelevant use of adjec ves and adverbs, as well as emo ve words and phrases.

TVET First author:

A Thorne

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