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Introductory Informa on Processing N4

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Introductory Informa on Processing N4


This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Introductory Informa on Processing N4. In the le hand column we explain what has changed from the old curriculum to the new, and in the right hand column we list the new content and tell TVET First users where they can fi nd the relevant content in our book, TVET Introductory Informa on Processing N4. Page numbers refer to the TVET First Student’s Book. Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.

Note: The main changes to this curriculum are:

• The removal of all the accelera on modules and Module 6 (Offi cial le ers). • Some modules have become more specifi c

Major changes from the previous curriculum: New content on:

• Changed from 10 hours a week (8 hours lecturer contact me and 2 hours non-contact me) to 10 hours a week contact me. • Time allocated was 4 hours Typing technique and 4 hours Word processing but has changed to 7 hours

Typing technique and 3 hours Word processing. • There is now only 1 examina on paper instead of 2 papers • Length of ques on papers: Typing technique sec on now includes the med accuracy test. Word processing sec on now has a produc on speed of 9 w.p.m instead of 8 w.p.m. The approximate length will be 2295 strokes instead of 2040 strokes within the same me limit. • Assessment will be through Applica on (weighted 75-80) (Sec on A) and Analysis (weighted 25-20) (Sec on B) • Weigh ng of Paragraphs with headings (Typing

Technique) has decreased from 13% to 10%. The weigh ng of Business le ers (Typing Technique) has decreased from 13% to 10%. • There are no longer any accelera on modules in Typing

Technique. • Module 6: Offi cial le ers on le erheads has been removed from the curriculum, so there are now only 9 modules in Typing Technique. All 9 main modules have remained in Word Processing, but accelera on modules have been removed (Modules 10 & 11). • NB: Manuscript signs have been changed to Proofreading signs and the term type has been changed to key in.


Introductory Informa on Processing N4

Major changes from the previous curriculum: New content on:

• Weigh ng of Paragraphs (Word Processing) has decreased from 15% to 14%. The weigh ng of Business le ers (Word Processing) has decreased from 15% to 14%. • Marking schedule for speed and accuracy test has changed to a marking schedule for med accuracy test and the rubric has been updated. Tests are now out of 20 marks instead of 40 marks.

Typing Technique Module 1: Accuracy and Speed development (Module 2 in IIP N4 book)

• Timed accuracy test used to allow for 12,5 typing errors in med speed tests but now only allows for 12 typing errors. • There is no more accelera on (35 w.p.m not required). • Typewriters are no longer used. • 5-minute med accuracy tests have been removed.

Typing Technique Module 2: Ini al instruc on (Module 1 in IIP N4 book)

• This has changed from 4 points to 2 points. • The new curriculum is very specifi c about content covered. • Status line has changed to status bar. • Superscript and subscript are now in the curriculum and not accelera on func ons. • Search and replace has changed to fi nd and replace. • Produc on speed must not be more than 5 w.p.m. • Print preview must be used.

Typing Technique Module 3: Menus

• Font types and sizes can now be examined.

Typing Technique Module 4: Paragraphs

• Point 7: Numbered main paragraphs with numbered subparagraphs (undisplayed) has been removed. • All students may now use the spell check func on as no typewriters are in use.

Learning content: • Basic computer knowledge covers: hardware, so ware, handling and care of storage devices, forma ng of disks and disk capacity. • Applica on and display func ons:

Added the following: procedure for switching off , using the main menu/loading of programme, double underline, superscript and subscript, show/hide bu on, font type and size, paper size, handling of document (rename, delete, fi nd, copy, move), headers and footers, footnotes and endnotes, symbols.


Introductory Informa on Processing N4

Major changes from the previous curriculum: New content on: Typing Technique Module 5: Business le ers

• No longer use printed le erheads • Le erheads will be created or retrieved by students and a short second page must be included. • Students must not use abbrevia ons unless otherwise indicated and they must not use emojis or social media language. Typing Technique Module 6: Le ers of applica on • Explain to learners how le ers of applica on are keyed in, copied, submi ed for signature, posted or emailed, and the copied le er fi led/ saved. • Students must not use abbrevia ons unless otherwise indicated and they must not use emojis or social media language.

Typing Technique Module 7: Curriculum vitae (CV)

• The new curriculum no longer specifi es the use of a cover page.

Typing Technique Module 8: Memorandums Typing Technique Module 9: Paragraphs in African Languages

• Paragraphs must now be keyed in using numbered and unnumbered paragraphs.

Word Processing Module 1: Ini al instruc on (Module 10 in IIP N4 book)

• The new curriculum has 2 learning content points instead of 3. • No longer need to name fi ve advantages of word processing compared to typing and two advantages of typing compared to word processing. • Elementary word processing func ons now changed to

Applica on/Manipula on func ons. • New curriculum penalises a mistake with -1 instead of -2.

Word Processing Module 2: Menus (Module 11 in IIP N4 book)

• Same addi ons as Typing Technique

Module 2: Ini al instruc ons


Introductory Informa on Processing N4

Major changes from the previous curriculum: New content on: Word Processing Module 3: Adver sements (Module 12 in IIP N4 book) Word Processing Module 4: Paragraphs (Module 13 in IIP N4 book) Word Processing Module 5: Business le ers (Module 14 in IIP N4 book)

• No longer use printed le erheads. • Students must create and retrieve electronic le erheads.

Word Processing Module 6: Le ers of applica on (Module 15 in IIP N4 book)

• The new curriculum does not include an example of a short second page.

Word Processing Module 7: Curriculum vitae (Module 16 in IIP N4 book) Word Processing Module 8: Memorandums (Module 17 in IIP N4 book) Word Processing Module 9: Paragraphs in African Languages (Module 18 in IIP N4 book)

• Diacri cal marks are now required to be keyed in and are examinable.

Very important points: TVET First Introductory Informa on Processing N4 has been thoroughly updated and revised:

1. This revised edi on of TVET First

Introductory Informa on Processing

N4 covers all requirements of the 2021 curriculum and prepares students eff ec vely for exam success.

2. TVET First has a Lecturer’s Guide which includes: • Comprehensive answers with marking rubrics • Background informa on • A CD with printable answers to ac vi es. Lecturers can choose to print out the fi nal answers for students from the CD. • Fully updated, refreshed and aligned with the 2021 curriculum. • Wri en by a lecturer with over 40 years of experience in this fi eld. • Extensive focus on drills and accuracy tests to ensure that students have plenty of ac vi es (more than 30) to master the art of touch typing and improve their speed and accuracy (pages 65–86, 70). • Packed with examples and ac vi es to help students prac se the correct techniques and layouts (pages 19, 106, 114, 131, 146, 153). • Step-by-step examples and alterna ve methods with screenshots to support addi ons to the curriculum (pages 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 24, 29, 104).


Introductory Informa on Processing N4

Very important points: TVET First Introductory Informa on Processing N4 has been thoroughly updated and revised:

• Includes tables, bulleted lists and images to help students grasp the necessary concepts and skills (pages 3, 8, 63, 114, 126, 127). • Starter ac vi es ac vate background knowledge and s mulate discussions (pages 1, 61, 101). • Summaries and exam-type summa ve assessments at the end of each module help students to revise and prepare for exams (pages 57–60, 95–100, 123–124, 141–143). • Key concepts and important terms are clearly explained to help students overcome language barriers (pages 2, 62, 103, 119, 156). • TVET First has an extensive Lecturer’s Guide with answers to all ac vi es as well as addi onal informa on. • Full marking rubrics are provided in the Lecturer’s Guide to aid with marking and exam prepara on. • Lesson and teaching plans are now incorporated via the 10-week plan – see the Lecturer’s Guide pages viii-xx.

TVET First author:

Alet Steenkamp has been a lecturer, moderator, examiner and marker of Introductory Informa on Processing N4 and Informa on Processing N4–N6. She authored the fi rst edi on of TVET First Introductory Informa on Processing N4 and has now revised it thoroughly to meet all the requirements of the 2021 curriculum and support student success.

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