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Informa on Processing N4


Informa on Processing N4

This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Informa on Processing N4, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. For best results, use TVET First Informa on Processing N4.

Note: The previous curriculum was published in 1995. Changes to the curriculum include:

Updated terminology:

• Computers only (no typewriters) • Keying in (not typing) • Personal assistant (not secretary or typist)

More focus on:

• Word processing func ons and skills • Preparing the students for tasks related to a personal assistant • The ability to work independently • Using exis ng knowledge and skills func onally, at an increased tempo and at a more advanced level • Applying word processing skills to other programs.


• Students must have passed Computer Applica on Technology (CAT) Grade 12 or Offi ce Data

Processing (ODP) L4 or Introductory Informa on Processing N4.

Dura on

• Remains one semester for full- or part- me students (17 hours), but 7 hours per week (Typing

Technique 4 hours and Word Processing 3 hours per week)

Evalua on

• An Internal Con nuous Assessment (ICASS) mark of at least 40% as well as 80% class a endance. • Exam: The mark for Typing Technique (200) is added to the Word Processing mark (100) to obtain a mark out of 300 which is calculated as a mark out of 100 (percentage). A minimum examina on mark of 40% is required to pass. • To pass the course, a candidate must obtain a fi nal mark of 40% (the ICASS mark and the examina on mark must be calculated together in a ra o of 40:60).

Weigh ng changes for Typing technique:

• Menus: 4 (instead of 5) • Business le ers: 8 (instead of 9) • Offi cial le ers: 7 (instead of 5) • Assignment using Columns/Tables: 9 (new) • Financial Statements: 12 (instead of 10) • Tabular statements: 12 (instead of 14)


Time alloca ons have been added to the curriculum.

The spellcheck func on is compulsory in the typing technique and word processing modules. Lecturers need to maintain contact with industry to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Changes from the previous curriculum: Examples in TVET First Student’s Book:


• Module 1: Accuracy and speed development (16 hours) – For med accuracy tests: changed from no more than 5 errors to no more than 18 errors. – 10-minute speed drills are now referred to as med accuracy tests. These need to be done every week. It is no longer necessary to have 5-minute med accuracy tests. – The correct si ng posture and height of seat (moved from Module 2). • Spellcheck should be used (throughout). • Module 2: Ini al instruc ons/Proofreading signs and typing rules (Throughout the various modules)

Basic computer knowledge: all new content: – Hardware – So ware – Handling and care of storage devices – Forma ng of disks, disk capacity

Applica on/display func ons: some new content. In our book, this is taught throughout modules to scaff old content as students prac se diff erent skills. – Switching on and off – The main menu and the directory lis ng – Crea ng, saving and retrieving a document, opening, renaming, dele ng, copying and moving a document – Line spacing – Keying in and edi ng text: moving the cursor, the status bar, ribbon and task bar – Inpu ng text: Choosing English (South Africa) as your default language, inser ng, dele ng, undele ng/restoring text, moving, cu ng, copying and pas ng text, using the Find and Replace func on, prin ng a document – Forma ng text, words, paragraphs and pages – Inser ng objects (symbols and ASCII codes) – The Help func on

Proofreading signs: all new

• See pages 14–15 • See pages 17, 18, 19, 20, etc. (There are 18 of these ac vi es.) • See pages 18–19 • See pages 3, 59, 106, 109

• See pages 48–53 • See pages 48–52 • See page 53 • See page 49 • See page 50 • See pages 53–67

• See pages 53–54 • See page 54 • See pages 54–56

• See pages 56 • See pages 57–59

• See pages 59–61

• See pages 61–66 • See pages 66–67 • See page 67 • See pages 67–69


Changes from the previous curriculum: Examples in TVET First Student’s Book:

• Module 3: Menus (3 hours)

Content remains the same (except where func ons have been incorporated).

Applica on/display func ons:

– Alignment and line spacing – Tab stops – Leader dots – Fonts, text boxes, page borders and shapes • See pages 73–88 • See pages 73–74 • See pages 74–77 • See page 78 • See pages 81–88

• Module 4: Paragraphs (7 hours)

Content remains the same (except where func ons have been incorporated).

Applica on/display func ons: Inden ng text • See pages 91–92 • Module 5: Business le ers (7 hours)

Content remains the same (except where func ons have been incorporated); more focused on electronic le erheads.

Applica on/display func ons:

– Using the spellcheck func on – Adding a page, page breaks and page numbering • See pages 116–117 • See page 106 • See page 120 • Module 6: Offi cial le ers (5 hours)

Content remains the same (except where func ons have been incorporated).

Applica on/display func ons:

– Hyphena on (hard and so ), hard spaces • See pages 130–131 • Module 7: Le ers of applica on (3 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 8: Curriculum vitae (2 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 9: Memorandums (3 hours)

Content remains the same.

• Module 10: Assignments using columns/tables (7 hours)

All new content (replaces Assignments on folded paper).

Inser ng columns into a document


Applica on/display func ons: Sec on breaks • See pages 174–192 • See pages 174–177 • See pages 180–185 • See page 176


Changes from the previous curriculum: Examples in TVET First Student’s Book:

• Module 11: Financial statements (11 hours)

Content remains the same, but the use of spreadsheet programs recommended.

Applica on/display func ons:

– Removing table borders in Word – Notes

• Module 12: Tabular statements (11 hours)

On one sheet of A4 (landscape) paper (replaces two sheets of A4 paper or one sheet of A3 paper). Content to fi t columns (no longer the block method or equal column method).

Applica on/display func ons:

– Selec ng landscape layout – Changing margins – Table concepts (inser ng a table, rows, columns, merging, column width, borders, footnotes and endnotes) • Module 13: Paragraphs in African languages (4 hours)

Content remains the same, but students need to know how to insert diacri c marks in the examina on. • See pages 194–195

• See page 197 • See page 199

• See pages 212–227 • See page 212 • See pages 212–213 • See pages 213–217

• See page 229


• Module 14: Ini al instruc ons/Proofreading signs and typing rules (Throughout the various modules).

The sec on comparing computers (word processing) and typewriters has been deleted as it is no longer relevant.

Basic computer knowledge has been updated.

Applica on and display func ons has been updated. • Module 15: Menus (2 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 16: Adver sements (2 hours)

Content remains the same. • See pages 241–243 • See pages 243–247

• Module 17: Paragraphs (6 hours)

Content remains the same (except where func ons have been incorporated).

Applica on/display func ons: Inser ng bullets • See pages 272–273 • Module 18: Business le ers (4 hours)

Content rela ng to typewriters has been deleted.


Changes from the previous curriculum: Examples in TVET First Student’s Book:

• Module 19: Le ers of applica on (3 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 20: Curriculum vitae (3 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 21: Memorandums (3 hours)

Content remains the same. • Module 22: Financial statements (7 hours)

Content remains the same.

• Module 23: Tabular statements (7 hours)

Content to fi t columns (no longer the block method or equal column method).

Retain as default columns.

• Module 24: Paragraphs in African languages (2 hours)

Content remains the same, but students need to know how to insert diacri c marks in the examina on. • See pages 344–345

• See pages 358–363

TVET First Informa on Processing N4 has been completely revised and updated!

• All Learning Content and Learning Outcomes are covered • New full-colour layout and easy-to-read fonts, with screenshots to illustrate func ons • Lots more new ac vi es to improve accuracy and speed • Many more opportuni es to prac se implemen ng proofreading signs and instruc ons • Many ac vi es done in Typing Technique are retrieved for ac vi es in Word Processing • Summaries and Summa ve assessments for exam prac ce at the end of each module • Defi ni on boxes and a full glossary

TVET First authors:

P Immelman (author of previous edi on), Z Bromfi eld & E Varga

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