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Informa on Processing N5
Informa on Processing N5
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Informa on Processing N5, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Informa on Processing N5!
Summary of changes to the curriculum:
• Removed typewriters from curriculum • New module added that specifi es the coverage of ini al instruc on material • Three modules have been removed from the curriculum • Four modules have been combined into a single module • Almost all module weigh ngs have changed
Changes from the previous curriculum
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
• Changed from 6 hours a week (5 hours lecturer contact me and 1 hour non-contact me) to 7 hours a week (5 hours lecturer contact me and 2 hours non-contact me). • Time was allocated 3 hours Typing technique and 2 hours Audio transcrip on. Now changed to 5 hours
Typing technique and 2 hours Audio transcrip on. • NB: Manuscript signs have been changed to
Proofreading signs and typing has been changed to keying in. • An en rely new module has been added as Sec on
A: Typing Technique Module 2: Ini al instruc on. • New curriculum Sec on B Audio Transcrip on
Module 3: Le ers and Memoranda is a combina on of the following old curriculum modules (Module 3:
Le ers and memoranda; Module 4: Offi cial circulars;
Module 5: Circulars/Le ers of promo on; Module 7:
Applica on for a post). • Old curriculum Sec on A Typing Technique Module 7:
Dra ing of le ers has been removed. • Old curriculum Sec on B Audio Transcrip on
Module 7: Curriculum Vitae; Module 10:
Assignments on A5 paper and Module 11:
Columnar work on A4 paper have been removed.
New content in 2021 curriculum
• New content on: – NB: ‘Manuscript signs’ have been changed to ‘Proofreading signs’ and ‘type’ has been changed to ‘key in’.
Changes from the previous curriculum
Typing Technique Module 1: Accuracy and speed development
• Timed accuracy test used to allow for seven typing errors in med speed tests but now allows for 23 typing errors. • No longer use typewriters • 5-minute med accuracy tests have been removed. • Weigh ng of 20/100 (remained the same)
Typing Technique Module 2: Ini al instruc ons/ Proofreading signs and typing rules
• New module • Very specifi c about which content covered • Produc on speed must not be more than 8 w.p.m. • Print preview must be used • Weigh ng of 8/100
New content in 2021 curriculum
• All students may now use the spell check func on as no typewriters are in use.
Learning content: 1. Basic computer knowledge covers: hardware, so ware, handling and care of storage devices, forma ng of disks, and disk capacity. 2. Applica on and display func ons covers: switching on, procedure for switching off , using the main menu/loading of programme, directory lis ng, crea ng, saving, retrieving a document, keying in text, edi ng text, prin ng a document, status bar, cursor movements, insert, delete, undelete/ restore, move and copy/cut and paste, line spacing, margins, alignment, hyphena on, indent, underline, double underline, bold. Italics, page break, page combine, page numbering, spelling checker, superscript and subscript, fi nd and replace, borders and text boxes, show/hide bu on, font type and size, paper size, handling of document (rename, delete, fi nd, copy, move), headers and footers, footnotes and endnotes, tables (row height, column width, merge cells, columns) tabular stops, shapes, symbols, page borders.
Changes from the previous curriculum
Typing Technique Module 3: Business le ers, circular le ers, sales le ers and le ers of promo on
• This is a combina on of three old curriculum modules (Module 2: Business le ers; Module 3: Components of offi cial circulars; Module 4:
Circulars and le ers for the promo on of sales). • Removed the learning content on offi cial circulars on le erheads from components of offi cial circulars when these modules were merged • Weigh ng changed from 5/100 to 11/100
Typing Technique Module 4: Speeches and lectures
• Was Module 5 in old curriculum • Weigh ng changed from 2/100 to 4/100
Typing Technique Module 5: Formal invita ons
• Was Module 6 in old curriculum • Weigh ng changed from 5/100 to 4/100
Typing Technique Module 6: No ces of mee ngs and agenda
• Was Module 8 in old curriculum • Weigh ng changed from 6/100 to 7/100
Typing Technique Module 7: Minutes of mee ngs
• Was Module 9 in old curriculum • Weigh ng changed from 5/100 to 9/100
Typing Technique Module 8: Reports
• Was Module 10 in old curriculum • New didac cal direc ve: Must be linked to
Financial Accoun ng course • Weigh ng changed from 2/100 to 6/100
New content in 2021 curriculum
Learning content 2.1 In Learning Outcome 2.1, more advanced business le ers must now be keyed in on created or retrieved le erheads, which is a new specifi ca on.
Learning content: 2.Agendas • Changed Ordinary format to Standard format • Now specify that ac on columns must be created using the column/table func on
Learning content: 1.Minutes • Changed Ordinary format to Standard format • Now specify that ac on columns must be created using the table func on
Changes from the previous curriculum
Typing Technique Module 9: Programmes and I neraries
• Was Module 11 in old curriculum • Learning content 2. I neraries is new • Weigh ng changed from 10/100 to 5/100
Typing Technique Module 10: Financial Statements
• Was Module 12 in old curriculum • New curriculum refers to borders as opposed to blocks/encasement • New didac cal direc ve: Must be linked to
Financial Accoun ng course • New didac cal direc ve: Drill exercises are recommended for this module • New didac cal direc ve: Use of a spreadsheet program is recommended • No longer use direct underlining, but rather insert a border for the totals • Weigh ng stayed the same at 10/100
Typing Technique Module 11: Tabular Statements
• Was Module 13 in old curriculum • Removed tabular statements on two sheets of A4 paper (or one A3 paper) • No longer specify the block method or the equal column method • Weigh ng stayed the same at 10/100
Typing Technique Module 12: Paragraphs in an African language
• Was Module 14 in old curriculum • Weigh ng changed from 4/100 to 6/100
New content in 2021 curriculum
Learning content 1.Now specifi ed that programmes must be keyed in on A4 paper using columns/tables
New content
2.I neraries • In paragraph form • In column form • On A4 using columns/tables (folded in booklet form)
Learning content: 1.Intermediate tabular statements • On one A4 landscape paper • Content to fi t columns
Learning content: 1.Now specifi es intermediate paragraphs
Changes from the previous curriculum
Audio Transcrip on Module 1: Ini al instruc on
• No changes to content • Weigh ng stayed the same at 8/100
Audio Transcrip on Module 2: Paragraphs
• No changes to content • Weigh ng changed from 9/100 to 15/100
Audio Transcrip on Module 3: Le ers/ Applica ons/ Circular le ers/ Le ers of promo on and Memoranda
• Combina on of Module 3, Module 4 and Module 6 from old curriculum • Audio casse e has been changed to audio transcrip on hardware/so ware • Weigh ng changed from 12/100 to 20/100
Audio Transcrip on Module 4: Speeches and lectures
• No changes to content • Weigh ng changed from 3/100 to 17/100
Audio Transcrip on Module 5: No ces of mee ngs and agenda
• Weigh ng changed from 11/100 to 10/100
Audio Transcrip on Module 6: Minutes of mee ngs
• Weigh ng changed from 11/100 to 30/100
New content in 2021 curriculum
Learning content 1.Now includes challenging words taken from le ers of promo on, le ers of applica on and circulars 2.Now includes le ers of promo on, le ers of applica on and memoranda
Learning content 2.No ces of mee ngs and agenda must now include columns/tables for ac on agendas
Learning content 2.Minutes of mee ngs must now include columns/ tables for ac on minutes