N1 - N5 Curriculum Guide

Page 177


Informa on Processing N5

This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Informa on Processing N5, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Informa on Processing N5! Summary of changes to the curriculum: • • • • •

Removed typewriters from curriculum New module added that specifies the coverage of ini al instruc on material Three modules have been removed from the curriculum Four modules have been combined into a single module Almost all module weigh ngs have changed

Changes from the previous curriculum

New content in 2021 curriculum

Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:

• New content on:

• Changed from 6 hours a week (5 hours lecturer contact me and 1 hour non-contact me) to 7 hours a week (5 hours lecturer contact me and 2 hours non-contact me).

– NB: ‘Manuscript signs’ have been changed to ‘Proofreading signs’ and ‘type’ has been changed to ‘key in’.

• Time was allocated 3 hours Typing technique and 2 hours Audio transcrip on. Now changed to 5 hours Typing technique and 2 hours Audio transcrip on. • NB: Manuscript signs have been changed to Proofreading signs and typing has been changed to keying in. • An en rely new module has been added as Sec on A: Typing Technique Module 2: Ini al instruc on. • New curriculum Sec on B Audio Transcrip on Module 3: Le ers and Memoranda is a combina on of the following old curriculum modules (Module 3: Le ers and memoranda; Module 4: Official circulars; Module 5: Circulars/Le ers of promo on; Module 7: Applica on for a post). • Old curriculum Sec on A Typing Technique Module 7: Dra ing of le ers has been removed. • Old curriculum Sec on B Audio Transcrip on Module 7: Curriculum Vitae; Module 10: Assignments on A5 paper and Module 11: Columnar work on A4 paper have been removed.

Con nued 175

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Articles inside

Travel Offi ce Procedures N5

pages 182-188

Informa on Processing N5

pages 177-181

Communica on N5

pages 137-164

Financial Accoun ng N5

pages 170-176

Travel Services N4

pages 133-136

Informa on Processing N4

pages 128-132

Introductory Informa on Processing N4

pages 123-127

Mechanotechnics N5

pages 69-81

Financial Accoun ng N4

page 122

Introductory Financial Accoun ng N4

pages 117-121

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4

pages 94-112

Applied Management N4

pages 87-93

Quan ty Surveying N5

pages 82-86

Electrotechnics N5

pages 66-68

Quan ty Surveying N4

pages 64-65

Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1

pages 5-9

Motor Trade Theory N1

pages 12-18

Electrical Trade Theory N1

pages 10-11

Electrical Trade Theory N2

pages 25-31

Motor Trade Theory N3

pages 44-47

Mechanotechnics N4

pages 49-63

Motor Trade Theory N2

pages 32-36

Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

pages 19-24
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