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Quan ty Surveying N5
Quan ty Surveying N5
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Quan ty Surveying N5, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Quan ty Surveying N5!
Major changes in the 2021 curriculum:
• The curriculum is divided into four modules with specifi c requirements for each module. The
Learning Outcomes are more specifi c about the requirements for each sec on. • In Module 1, there is more detail on the types of contracts to be covered. • Methods of tendering in Module 1 is new content. • Measurement (Module 3) provides take-off lists and specifi ca ons and guidelines for what students should know for each module. Includes mber roof construc on and concrete reinforced structures. • Module 4 on cost management is new.
Changes to the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 1: Construc on processes
Some of this content was prescribed in the theory sec on of the previous curriculum: the rela onship between the form of contract, drawings, bill of quan es, specifi ca ons and the Standard System of Measuring. The curriculum now specifi es the types of contract that the student must know about. Methods of tendering is a new Learning Outcome, and the tendering methods are specifi ed. The curriculum provides more detail for each Learning Outcome and what students need to be able to do in the Learning Outcomes for specifi ca ons and contract documents. Students now need to know how to prepare a contract document.
Building contracts. [Types of contract are NEW]
• List and explain the following building contracts, including their advantages and disadvantages: – Lump sum contract – Labour only contract – Cost plus contract – Bill of quan es contract – Defi ne the schedule of rates.
Methods of tendering [NEW]
• List and explain the following tendering methods, including their advantages and disadvantages: – open tendering – selec ve tendering – nego ated tendering. • Explain what a nominated supplier and a nominated subcontractor are.
Specifi ca ons (contract document)
• Defi ne specifi ca ons. • Explain the role of specifi ca ons. • Describe the use of specifi ca ons.
Changes to the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Contract/Construc on documents [NEW]
• Describe what the construc on documents are. • Explain the purpose of construc on documents. • Know how to prepare a contract document.
Module 2: Roles and responsibili es of the quan ty surveyor
This content was men oned in the theory sec on of the previous curriculum, but now detail is given on how the quan ty surveyor is involved during the whole project cycle and their role during the stages. More detail is given for the prepara on of valua on and fi nal account.
The reten on fund is new to the 2021 curriculum.
Du es of a quan ty surveyor
• Explain the du es of a quan ty surveyor from incep on of a project to the appointment of a main contractor. • Explain the du es of a quan ty surveyor from the appointment of a main contractor to the fi nalisa on of the fi nal account. • List the du es of a quan ty surveyor during pre-contract when working for a contractor. • List the du es of a quan ty surveyor during post-contract when working for a contractor.
Interim valua ons and fi nal account
– Describe the valua on for interim cer fi cate. – Prepare the interim valua on for the FIRST up to THIRD par al payment based on the following: a) Contract period b) Comple on of all earthwork (100% complete) c) Percentage of concrete and masonry work completed d) Amount allowed for plumbing and drainage e) Value of unfi xed material on site and 10% reten on. – List the items that should be included when preparing interim valua on. – Prepare fi nal account for fi nal payment due to the contractor based on given data. – Discuss reten on fund. – Explain the step that should be followed when dra ing interim valua on and fi nal account.
Varia ons and varia on accounts
• Explain the diff erence between a varia on and varia on order. • Describe the nature of varia ons. • List the causes of a varia on order. • List the eff ects of a varia on order.
Changes to the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 3 Measurement
This sec on is divided into sub-modules for each item of measurement. Students are no longer required to measure chimneys and fi replaces. Timber door and window frames are specifi ed, excluding other types. Reinforced concrete structures and mber roof construc on have been added to the curriculum. Billing without quan es is included in this sec on. • Sub-module 3.1: Measuring founda ons • Sub-module 3.2: Measuring basements • Sub-module 3.3: Measuring garden fence/wall • Sub-module 3.4: Measuring concrete reinforced structures
• Sub-module 3.5: Measuring plumbing and drainage • Sub-module 3.6: Measurement of mber roofs [NEW] • Sub-module 3.7: Measurement of mber windows • Sub-module 3.8: Measurement of doors and door openings • Sub-module 3.9 Measuring levelling of uneven ground
Module 4: Cost management
This module was not in the previous curriculum.
Module 4: Cost es mates [NEW]
• Cost, price and value • List and explain four major steps of cost management in construc on. • Discuss the process followed by the building contractor in preparing a compe ve bid for the building work.