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Motor Trade Theory N2
Motor Trade Theory N2
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Motor Trade Theory N2, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Motor Trade Theory N2!
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
Much of the material has been reorganised and updated to introduce new automo ve technologies. New content includes: • Engine measurement • Gearboxes: an introduc on to six-speed gearboxes • The sec on on clutches has moved to N2 from N1 • Brakes: ABS and EBS opera ng systems • Fuel-injec on systems • Electronic igni on • Auxiliary electrical systems
Descrip on of curriculum changes per module New content Module 1: Engine measurement
• This is a new sec on. Students will learn where measurements are taken on the engine block and cylinder head. • Weigh ng is 5% of the curriculum.
Engine block:
• Understand where to measure the cylinder bore for size taper and ovality. • Explain how all the measurements are taken on the piston. • Explain how all the measurements are taken on the cranksha both inside and outside the engine block. • Explain how the measurements are taken on the connec ng rod.
Cylinder head:
• Explain how the measurements are taken for thickness and warpage. • Explain how all the measurements are taken for wear on the valve guide and valve stem. • Explain how to check the sea ng of the valves. • Explain how to measure valve spring height and spring tension.
Descrip on of curriculum changes per module New content Module 2: Five-speed manual gearbox and an introduc on to six-speed gearbox
• Module 1 of the previous curriculum covered gearboxes and the opera on of three- and fourspeed gearboxes. • The new curriculum deals with the construc on and opera on of a front wheel and rear wheel drive gearbox (fi ve-speed manual and introduc on to the six-speed). • Weigh ng is 15% of the curriculum. • Students need to describe fi ve-speed manual gearboxes and six-speed gearboxes. • Six-speed gearbox: Describe the construc on of a six-speed gearbox.
Module 3: Clutches
• This sec on has been moved from N1 of the previous curriculum. • Curriculum weigh ng: 10%
Module 4: Drivesha assemblies
• Modules 4 and 5 cover content from the previous curriculum: – Module 2: Drivesha s – Module 3: Universal joints – Module 4: Final drives – Module 5: Diff eren al – Module 6: Rear axle • The new curriculum focus for Module 4 is the iden fi ca on of various front- and rear- wheel drive sha layouts and the names and func ons of the components. • Curriculum weigh ng: 5% for Module 4 and 10% for Module 5.
New content for N2:
Clutch assembly
• Iden fy the parts of a single plate clutch assembly. • Explain the func ons and opera on of parts in a single plate clutch assembly. • Draw and label a single plate clutch assembly. • List possible clutch faults and causes.
Clutch mechanisms
• Understand the opera on of hydraulic and mechanically (cable) operated clutch. • Explain how to adjust the clutch free-play.
Front-wheel drives
• Iden fy and describe the func ons of various frontwheel drive components. • Draw and label various front-wheel drive components. • List advantages and disadvantages of front-wheel drive arrangements.
Rear-wheel drives
• Iden fy and describe the func ons of various rearwheel drive components. • Draw and label various rear-wheel drive components. • List advantages and disadvantages of rear-wheel drive arrangements.
Descrip on of curriculum changes per module New content Module 5: Front- and rear-wheel fi nal drive assemblies
• Students need to be able to understand the opera ons and diff erences between front- and rear-wheel fi nal drive assemblies. • Curriculum weigh ng: 10%
Front-wheel fi nal drive
• Iden fy and describe the func ons of various frontwheel fi nal drive components. • Draw and label various front-wheel fi nal drive components. • Describe the power-fl ow. • Describe all pre-inspec on and adjustment procedures.
Rear-wheel drive fi nal drive
• Iden fy and describe the func ons of various rearwheel fi nal drive components. • Draw and label various rear-wheel fi nal drive components. • Describe the power-fl ow. • Describe all pre-inspec on and adjustment procedures.
Module 6: Vehicle suspensions
• The previous curriculum covered vehicle suspension in Module 7. • Curriculum weigh ng: 7%
Module 7: Steering Systems
• This module covers content previously dealt with in Module 8 Steering systems and Module 9 Wheel alignment and balance. • Curriculum weigh ng: 10%
Introduc on to vehicle suspensions
• Iden fy and describe the func ons of various vehicle suspension components. • Draw and label various vehicle suspension components. • Describe all vehicle suspension faults and causes.
Ac ve suspensions
• Iden fy, describe and understand the various ac ve suspensions system components. • Describe all vehicle ac ve suspension advantages and disadvantages. • Informa on in this module has been updated.
Descrip on of curriculum changes per module New content Module 8: Brake systems
• In the old curriculum, Module 10 covered the func on and opera on of diff erent kinds of brakes. • A new Learning Outcome on ABS and EBS opera ng systems has been added. • Curriculum weigh ng: 10%
ABS and EBS opera ng systems
• Iden fy, describe and understand the various ABS and EBS opera ng system components. • Describe all ABS and EBS opera ng systems and advantages and disadvantages.
Module 9: Fuel Supply Systems
• Modules 11, 12 and 13 of the previous curriculum covered fuel supply, carbure on and carbure ors. • The new curriculum has updated all the material and also provides an introduc on to diff erent fuel injec on systems. • Curriculum weigh ng: 10%
Introduc on to diff erent fuel injec on systems
• Iden fy the parts of a fuel injec on system (including pumps, injectors, seals, etc). • Explain the func ons and opera on of fuel injec on systems. • Draw and label the engine fuel injec on components.
Module 10: Igni on Systems
• Previous Module 14 is incorporated into this module: func on and opera on of coil igni on, mechanical and vacuum advance mechanisms; dwell and coil satura on; condensers; spark plugs. • The new curriculum introduces the electronic igni on system. • Curriculum weigh ng: 13%
Introduc on to electronic igni on system
• Iden fy the parts of the electronic igni on system. • Explain the func ons and opera on of an electronic igni on system. • Draw and label the electronic igni on system components. • List advantages and disadvantages of an electronic igni on system.
Module 11: Auxiliary electrical systems
• This is a completely new sec on dealing with the construc on, func ons and opera ons of automo ve ligh ng, charging, star ng and aircondi oning systems. • Curriculum weigh ng: 5%
Ligh ng system
• Iden fy the parts of the ligh ng system. • Explain the func ons and opera on of ligh ng systems. • Draw and label the ligh ng system components. • Understand the headlight adjus ng procedure.
Star ng System
• Iden fy the parts of the star ng system. • Explain the func ons and opera on of star ng systems. • Draw and label the star ng system components. • Explain and understand current draw.
Charging system
• Iden fy the parts of the charging system.
Descrip on of curriculum changes per module New content
• Explain the func ons and opera on of charging systems. • Draw and label the charging system components. • Explain and understand charging rate.
Vehicle air-condi oning system.
• Iden fy the parts of the air-condi oning system. • Explain the func ons and opera on of the aircondi oning system.