Motor Trade Theory N2
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Motor Trade Theory N2, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca For best results, use TVET First Motor Trade Theory N2! Major changes to the 2021 curriculum: Much of the material has been reorganised and updated to introduce new automo ve technologies. New content includes: • Engine measurement • Gearboxes: an introduc on to six-speed gearboxes • The sec on on clutches has moved to N2 from N1 • Brakes: ABS and EBS opera ng systems • Fuel-injec on systems • Electronic igni on • Auxiliary electrical systems Descrip on of curriculum changes per module
New content
Module 1: Engine measurement
Engine block:
• This is a new sec on. Students will learn where measurements are taken on the engine block and cylinder head.
• Understand where to measure the cylinder bore for size taper and ovality.
• Weigh ng is 5% of the curriculum.
• Explain how all the measurements are taken on the piston. • Explain how all the measurements are taken on the cranksha both inside and outside the engine block. • Explain how the measurements are taken on the connec ng rod. Cylinder head: • Explain how the measurements are taken for thickness and warpage. • Explain how all the measurements are taken for wear on the valve guide and valve stem. • Explain how to check the sea ng of the valves. • Explain how to measure valve spring height and spring tension.
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