
24 minute read
Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Introductory Computer Prac ce N4. The TVET First team drew up the table below to demonstrate a simple comparison of the old and new curricula. The fi rst column contains the old curriculum for comparison purposes, the second column sets out the new curriculum Learning Outcomes and the third column notes where to fi nd the new content in our TVET First Introductory Computer Prac ce N4 Student’s Book. Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.
Topic 1: Compu ng concepts and applica on skills 1.1 Introduc on to compu ng concepts and systems technologies Unit 1.1
1.1.1 Defi ne the term ICT.
Mod 1 LO 3: Name the reasons for the use of computers and state any four advantages and one disadvantage of computers.
Mod 1 LO 1: Defi ne the concept ‘computer’ and explain the func oning thereof in detail.
Mod 1 LO 2.1: Iden fy the components of a computer under the headings hardware and so ware. 1.1.2 Discuss the role computers play in modern society. 1.1.3 Explain how ICTs facilitate everyday business opera ons. 1.1.4 Discuss examples of computer usage and applica ons as part of society.
1.2 Explain what a personal computer is and how it is used Unit 1.2
1.2.1 Describe the concept personal computer in terms of hardware, so ware, memory, storage. 1.2.2 Diff eren ate between various types and forms of computers in terms of their use and purpose within an offi ce environment.
1.2.3 Diff eren ate between hardware and so ware.
Mod 3 LO 3 a: Dis nguish between hardware and so ware.
1.2.4 Describe the basic purpose of hardware. 1.2.5 Describe the basic purpose of so ware.
Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 1 LO 2.2: Briefl y state the func on of each component of a computer: hardware and peripherals. Mod 3 LO 2.2 a: Name the func on of the screen, name and the diff erent types of screens.
Mod 3 LO 2.4 b: Name the func on capacity of a hard disk drive. Mod 3 LO 2.3: Name the diff erent types of printers, and in a prac cal demonstra on, iden fy a daisy wheel, dot matrix and a laser printer. The student should also be able to name the salient features of each type of printer. Mod 3 LO 2.4 a: Name the func on of a fl oppy or s ff y disk drive and compare their capaci es. Mod 4 LO 1.1: Iden fy the diff erent parts of a fl oppy disk by presen ng them schema cally and name them orally, iden fy them prac cally, describe the func on of each part and name the purpose of write protec on. Mod 4 LO 1.2: Iden fy the diff erent types of fl oppy disks with regards to size and storage capacity by lis ng the in tabular form. Mod 4 LO 1.3: Explain the basic rules for the handling and maintenance of fl oppy disks.
1.2.6 Diff eren ate between diff erent types of hardware with examples.
1.2.7 Diff eren ate between diff erent types of so ware with examples.
1.3 Introduc on to systems technologies and the informa on processing cycle
1.3.1 Defi ne the following terms: Informa on processing; Informa on processing cycle
Unit 1.3

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 5 LO 1: A er the relevant learning content has been studied and a relevant demonstra on regarding computers has been a ended, briefl y explain each term of the men oned computer terminology in the context in which it is used.
Mod 3 LO 1: Name the purpose and func on of the central processing unit (CPU) as well as the diff erent memories of the computer. Mod 3 LO 2.5: Draw a sketch of the CPU and peripherals indica ng input and output devices and secondary storing.
Mod 1 LO 2.3: So ware: Opera ng system; applica on programs Mod 3 LO 3 b: Briefl y explain for which purpose system (opera ng system and u lity programs) and applica on programs are used.
Mod 3 LO 5: State what a computer virus is, how it spreads and how it can be prevented, detected and destroyed.
1.3.2 Explain how the concepts of informa on processing and the informa on processing cycle are related. 1.3.3 Draw a basic model of an informa on processing device. 1.3.4 Defi ne the terms: Input, Output and Processing.
Other terms are described in the sec ons in which the concepts appear.
1.3.5 Explain the purpose of storage. 1.3.6 Name the various components required and u lised for input/output, storage and processing. Range: RAM; ROM; secondary and primary storage; CPU; digital communica on mediums.
1.4 Basic concepts of systems and applica on so ware
1.4.1 Diff eren ate between systems and applica on so ware. 1.4.2 List examples of diff erent types of systems and applica on so ware.
Unit 1.4
1.4.3 Explain the role of the opera ng system (OS). 1.4.4 Explain the role of the OS as an interface between the user and the computer. 1.4.5 Explain the necessity of the various opera ons and func ons that an OS provides to a user. 1.4.6 List examples of diff erent u lity so ware and their purpose (including an virus so ware).

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.5 Star ng up and shu ng down an opera ng system (OS) Unit 1.5
Mod 6 LO 1: Explain and profi ciently apply the procedure for switching on and loading of DOS on a computer. Mod 6 LO 2: Dis nguish between internal and external commands by naming any two diff erences.
Mod 6 LO 3 a: Demonstrate mastery of the internal commands of·DIR, DIR/?,DIR/W, RE-BOOT, CLS.
Mod 6 LO 3 b: Demonstrate changing of ac ve drive by profi ciently execu ng it on the computer with confi dence as per instruc on or by means of assignments. Mod 6 LO 4: Demonstrate mastery of the external commands of FORMAT, /4, /V by profi ciently execu ng it on the computer with confi dence as per instruc on by means of assignments.
Mod 7 LO 2 d: Procedure when exi ng a program.
1.5.1 Describe the concept of star ng an opera ng system. (This also includes the concept of bootstrapping.) 1.5.2 Start an opera ng system, and log on. (Also relates to why the necessity exists to log into an opera ng system.) 1.5.3 Describe the concept of logging off or placing a computer in sleep mode. 1.5.4 Describe the concept of restar ng a computer using an appropriate rou ne. 1.5.5 Shut down or restart a computer.
1.6 Explore and use the opera ng system (OS)
1.6.1 Iden fy and name components of the OS desktop.
Unit 1.6

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 4 LO 2: Name the computer language rules in connec on with fi le names and demonstrate it in a prac cal situa on by applying it faultlessly on computer.
Mod 3 LO 2.1: Name the func on of the keyboard. 1.7.1 Diff eren ate between a keyboard and a mouse and input devices.
1.6.2 Outline the purpose of the desktop and the task bar.
1.6.3 Use the start bu on on the taskbar to gain access to other func ons of the OS. 1.6.4 Iden fy common icons and discuss their meaning, such as: fi le icons, folder icons, drive icons, peripheral device icons, shortcuts, recycle bin, applica ons. 1.6.5 Open diff erent windows. 1.6.6 Use two programs simultaneously in Windows and switch between the two.
1.6.7 Iden fy the content of disks and folders in the content panel of Windows Explorer. 1.6.8 Iden fy the fi le types correctly according to their extensions.
1.6.9 Perform basic fi le management opera ons. Range: Create and manage folders; Move fi les and folders; Select mul ple or single fi les; Name and rename fi les (including rules and conven ons); Perform basic search func ons; Digital communica on mediums.
1.6.10 Use the Help func on to solve problems. 1.6.11 Use available u lity so ware. Range: Calculator; Paint; Snipping tool.
1.7 Using input and poin ng devices Unit 1.7

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 7 LO 2 i: Page up/down. Mod 7 LO 2 j: Edi ng of text: insert, insert on/off , delete/type over, centre, indent and tab key (no se ng of tab keys).
1.7.2 Demonstrate profi ciency in using a keyboard. Range: Introduc on to the keyboard and the various frequently used keys. Content: Top row; Bo om row; Combina on. Introduc on to other keys: Shi , Caps Lock, Insert, Delete, Backspace, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Tab, Undo, Redo, Print screen.
Mod 3 LO 2.2 b: State six hints to avoid eye fa gue during computer usage. Speed and accuracy drills. Random, basic common shortcuts.
Speed and accuracy drills. 1.7.3 Demonstrate the correct typing posture and posi oning of fi ngers, wrists, forearms and back to facilitate touch-typing. 1.7.4 Iden fy the diff erent sec ons on a keyboard (alphabe cal, numerical, func on keys). Range: Able to type home row: a s d f g h j k l ; Able to save a document.
Understand the correct use of the Enter key (word wrap). Able to type top row (q w e r t y u i o p) and home row.
Able to type bo om row (z x c v b n m , . /) and home row.
Able to type a combina on of short words and sentences.
Mod 7 LO 2 h: Quick cursor movement. 1.7.5 Demonstrate profi ciency in using a poin ng device (mouse). Range: Understand the diff erent func ons of a mouse (right-click, le -click, scroll); learn how to drag the cursor, double-click, click to select; develop fi ne motor skills to be er control the mouse. (Common Sense Educa on, 2019).

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.8 Introduc on to word processing Unit 1.8
Mod 7 LO 1: Explain the concepts ‘word processing’ and ‘text manipula on’, as well as the purpose thereof. 1.8.1 Defi ne the term ‘word processing’.
1.8.2 List examples of diff erent word processing applica ons. 1.8.3 Explain why word processing so ware is used.
Mod 7 LO 2 a: Switching on and accessing a program. Mod 7 LO 2 c: Crea ng of new documents.
1.9 Star ng a word processing applica on Unit 1.9
1.9.1 Open/start a word processor.
1.9.2 Create a new blank document.
1.9.3 Create a document based on a template. 1.9.4 Describe the concept and purpose of templates. 1.9.5 Open an exis ng document. Mod 7 LO 2 g: Print out of text. 1.9.6 Export/save a document in another format. Range: Previous version, r , pdf, txt.
1.9.7 Switch between diff erent documents.
Mod 7 LO 2 b: Use of main op on list (where available). 1.9.8 Explore common features of the ribbon tabs, Quick Access toolbar, File tab, Menus.
1.9.9 Change the default folder for saving documents.
1.9.10 Use the help func on provided.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.10 Keyboarding and keyboard profi ciency in a document Unit 1.10
Mod 2 LO 1.1: Demonstrate the use of the Qwerty keyboard by being able to achieve a speed of at least 8 w.p.m. in a speed test with a minimum number of errors on the computer. Mod 2 LO 1.2: Demonstrate the use of the numerical keys, as well as on the numerical keypad, by doing graded exercises (which can be integrated with alphabe cal exercises) with a minimum number of errors.
Mod 2 LO 1.4: Profi ciently apply the func on keys F1 to F10 or F12 as in the system so ware, as well as the diff erent applica on programs. Mod 2 LO 1.3: Demonstrate the use of these special keys on a computer by using them profi ciently in the execu on of assignments during applica on programs. Mod 7 LO 2 e: Input of text. Mod 7 LO 2 f: Reveal codes (where available). 1.10.1 Iden fy and use a number of keys and explore their eff ects in a Word document. Range: Alphabe cal keys, number keys/ Num Lock, Caps Lock, Enter, Backspace, Delete, Spacebar, Shi , Tab, Ctrl + Alt, Delete and F keys.
1.10.2 Prac se using these keys to create and edit a text document, e.g. using the tab key for inden ng.
1.10.3 Use basic features to edit a Word document. Range: Move around in it; type in it (INS); delete text; start a new paragraph; type in capital le ers and use Undo and Redo func ons. Select data using keyboard and/or mouse; entering, edi ng and dele ng text. Basic punctua on – one space a er all punctua on, including periods, forma ng marks. 1.10.4 Describe the GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) principle, using a word processor document.
1.10.5 Use other keys and combina ons thereof on the keyboard, such as Shi , Caps Lock, Insert, Delete, Backspace, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Tab, Undo, Redo, Print screen.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 7 LO 2 m: Page break. Mod 7 LO 2 n: Page combine.
Mod 2 LO 2: A er con nuous drilling of accuracy and speed, achieve a minimum of 8 w.p.m. for a dura on of 10 minutes with minimum errors, during special weekly accuracy/speed tests. Mod 7 LO 3 c: Compile le ers. Mod 7 LO 3 d: Compile simple display works. 1.11.1 Type 15-minute speed tests. 1.11.2 Type revision, remedial and drill exercises.
1.11.3 Reinforce the concepts mastered as part of LO 1.10.
1.10.6 Revise alphabe cal keys. 1.10.7 Type special characters, symbols and punctua on marks available on the keyboard: (! @ # $ % ^ & * ? < > ) 1.10.8 Demonstrate the use of common shortcuts for edi ng text, e.g. Ctrl +, Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U, Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + Enter.
1.10.9 Demonstrate the use of common shortcuts for Edi ng text e.g. Ctrl + C (copy), Ctrl + X (cut), Ctrl + V (paste)
1.11 Reinforce prac cal keyboarding and typing skills within a word processor
1.11.4 Type speed-building exercises (using a typing tutor). 1.11.5 Touch-type with confi dence. Range: Alphabe c keys; numeric keys (numeric keypad and/or top row numbers). 1.11.6 Apply basic edi ng and correc on using shortcut keys.
1.12 Use basic features to create, edit and format a document
1.12.1 Illustrate the purpose and advantages of using word processing so ware. 1.12.2 Demonstrate the ability to open and save a document.
1.12.3 Diff eren ate between saving and saving as.
1.12.4 Use basic features to format a word processor document (font group, use of style group).
Unit 1.11
Unit 1.12

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.12.5 Use edi ng func ons and shortcuts such as: cut, copy, paste, fi nd and replace. Mod 7 LO 2 k: Underline, bold. 1.12.6 Apply basic forma ng to a document. Range: Font type, style, size, colour, highlight and eff ects.
Mod 7 LO 3 a: Unnumbered paragraphs. Mod 7 LO 3 b: Numbered paragraphs.
1.12.7 Add or remove bullets or numbers in a single level list, switch between standard bullets, numbered lists. 1.12.8 Insert pictures and images (insert, wrap, sizing). 1.12.9 Capture and insert a screenshot. Mod 7 LO 2 l (1): Margins. 1.12.10 Set margins of the document, page or set of pages according to requirements. 1.12.11 Select and use page orienta on for diff erent purposes. Mod 7 LO 2 l (2): Line spacing. 1.12.12 Use a variety of layout and forma ng op ons. Range: Change line spacing (single, 1.5 and double) Change paragraph spacing (before and a er) Apply paragraph alignment (le , centre, right, jus fy) Increase and decrease indent feature
Inser ng symbols – basic: caret (ê), acute (é), diaresis (ë), plus-minus (±), etc. Preference to numbers but exposure to Roman numerals (i, ii, iii), as well as alphabe cal (a, b, c) numbering. 1.12.13 Apply spell/grammar checking and proofi ng. 1.12.14 Export a document to a diff erent format (e.g. pdf).

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.13 Spreadsheet basics Unit 1.13
Mod 8 LO 1: Explain the concept of spreadsheets as well as the purpose thereof. 1.13.1 Defi ne the term and purpose of spreadsheet processing.
Mod 8 LO 3 a: Accessing of spreadsheet program. 1.13.3 Open/Start the spreadsheet applica on.
1.13.4 Create a new blank spreadsheet/ worksheet.
1.13.5 Navigate a workbook. 1.13.6 Create a new spreadsheet based on a template. Mod 8 LO 3 d: Loading / retrieving of fi le. 1.13.7 Open an exis ng spreadsheet. Mod 8 LO 3 g: Quit. 1.13.8 Export/Save a spreadsheet in another format. Range: Previous version, r , pdf, txt, csv. 1.13.9 Switch between diff erent spreadsheets and worksheets.
Mod 8 LO 2: Terminology in connec on with spreadsheets. Mod 8 LO 3 b: Op on list. 1.13.10 Explore common features of the Ribbon Tabs, Quick Access toolbar, Offi ce Bu on, Menus.
1.13.11 Use the Help func on provided. 1.13.12 Diff eren ate and move between a tab sheet, row, column and cell.
1.13.2 List and describe diff erent uses of spreadsheets (types of documents created) to represent informa on to users.
1.14 Use basic features to create and edit a spreadsheet Unit 1.14
Mod 8 LO 3 c: Input of data. 1.14.1 Add content to a cell. 1.14.2 Edit content of an exis ng cell.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 8 LO 3 f: Clear screen.
Mod 8 LO 3 k: Edi ng of spreadsheet: delete cell or block.
1.14.3 Use basic features to format a spreadsheet. Range to format text: Highlight text; typing text in bold, italics and underline; typing text in diff erent styles and font sizes; using the alignment func ons – le , right, merge & centre; adjust the width of the columns and height of rows and insert borders (horizontal and ver cal lines). 1.14.4 Use basic features to edit and change informa on in a spreadsheet. Range of edi ng: Move around in it; delete text; type in capital le ers, insert rows and columns; and use Undo and Redo func ons.
Range of changes: Change the contents of a cell or part of the contents of a cell. 1.14.5 List and describe the common types of data that may be entered into a cell. 1.14.6 Understand the concept that a cell in a worksheet document refers to only one element of data of a specifi c type. 1.14.7 Understand the concept of a column, row and worksheet and the purpose of each. 1.14.8 Enter data of diff erent types in a cell. 1.14.9 Diff eren ate between diff erent data types and their use to represent data/ informa on. Range: Strings, General, Number, Currency, Date and Time. 1.14.10 Edit the data content of a cell.
1.14.11 Select a cell, range of adjacent cells, range of non-adjacent cells, en re worksheet. 1.14.12 Understand and apply the concept of a cell reference.
1.14.13 Format the content of a cell and change the format of dates and currency, change number formats and decimal se ngs.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 8 LO 3 m: Change width of individual columns. 1.14.14 Implement good prac ces in crea ng lists and tables. Range: Avoid blank rows and columns in the main body of lists; insert a blank row before the Total row; ensure that cells bordering the list are blank. 1.14.15 Explain the purpose of a spreadsheet and the concepts of a cell, row, column and sheet.
1.14.16 Demonstrate the resizing of rows and columns.
Mod 8 LO 3 l: Copy command. Mod 8 LO 3 e: Saving of a fi le. 1.14.17 Transfer common features from word processing skills (e.g. copy, paste, save).
Mod 8 LO 3 n: Horizontal lines only. 1.14.18 Use basic forma ng and edi ng to format cells: wrap, merge, split, alignment, borders, shading, text direc on and AutoFill.
Mod 8 LO 3 j: Print out of spreadsheet and formulae (only standard print out).
1.14.19 Decide on common data types such as: General; Number; Currency; Text. 1.14.20 Spell check; preview and set print (range or sheet) op ons and print the document
1.15 Use formulae to perform basic calcula ons in a spreadsheet
Mod 8 LO 3 h: Arithme c func ons. 1.15.1 Perform the basic spreadsheet calcula ons by inser ng formulas and using basic operators including: + – * / 1.15.2 Understand the order of precedence and the use of brackets.
Mod 8 LO 3 i: SUM (for the adding of a series of cell). 1.15.3 Use the autofi ll tool to repeat formulae and increment data entries.
1.15.4 Use basic func ons: MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT and AVERAGE to solve simple problems. 1.15.5 Sort data.
1.15.6 Iden fy problems based on the following error indicators: #VALUE, #NAME, #NUM, #REF, #DIV/0, #N/A, ######
Unit 1.15

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
1.15.7 Troubleshoot basic errors in formulae and func ons.
Topic 2: Networks and systems technologies 2.1 Networking concepts Unit 2.1
2.1.1 Defi ne the term network.
2.1.2 List and briefl y describe common examples of everyday networks. 2.1.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using networks. 2.1.4 Describe the basic components and hardware required for network communica ons.
2.1.5 Diff eren ate between the use, purpose and opera on of diff erent types of networking hardware. (Basic overview)
Topic 3: Data, informa on management and computa onal thinking 3.1 Computa onal thinking (CT) skills Unit 3.1
3.1.1 Defi ne the concept CT and its components. Range: Pa ern recogni on, abstrac on, decomposi on and possibly algorithms. 3.1.2 Apply CT processes within a given problem domain. 3.1.3 Place objects/statements/words in correct order.
3.1.4 Use detail to follow certain steps to complete an ac on. 3.1.5 Iden fy what a pa ern is. 3.1.6 Interpret a given set of raw data, then recognise the pa ern. 3.1.7 Look for similari es among and within problems. 3.1.8 Make predic ons based on pa erns. 3.1.9 Defi ne the term algorithm.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
3.1.10 Explain how algorithms are part of our daily lives and processes. 3.1.11 Understand what an algorithm is in simple real-life scenarios. 3.1.12 Read, understand and explain an exis ng algorithm. 3.1.13 Trace steps in an algorithm. 3.1.14 Use the following problem-solving steps and techniques to solve a problem: Write down the main ideas and requirements of the problem. Represent the problem by using a diagram, table, fl ow chart, descrip on or any other method to indicate how you understand the problem. 3.1.15 Iden fy the tools/instruments needed to solve the problem. 3.1.16 Plan the detail and sequence the steps. 3.1.17 Break down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable parts through decomposi on. 3.1.18 Focus on the important informa on only, ignoring irrelevant detail and seeing problems as fi nite chunks which can be re-used rather than re-built over and over again through abstrac on. 3.1.19 Implement the steps to solve the problem. 3.1.20 Refl ect on how well you have solved the problem.
Topic 4: Internet and communica on skills 4.1 Introduc on to the internet and WWW Unit 4.1
4.1.1 Defi ne the term internet.
4.1.2 Describe the term connec vity. 4.1.3 Describe the term WWW.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
4.1.4 Defi ne the terms web address/uniform resource locator (URL), and describe their purpose. 4.1.5 Diff eren ate between a webpage and website.
4.1.6 Explain the purpose of a browser, search engine and other online tools and networks.
4.1.7 Iden fy the diff erent web browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Safari.
4.1.8 Work with a web browser.
4.1.9 Type in a URL in the address bar. 4.1.10 Illustrate an understanding of safe internet use: passwords, layered authen ca on, captcha. 4.1.11 Explain the reason for informa on piracy and privacy. 4.1.12 Perform a search using a search engine. Range: Wri ng search criteria, evalua ng the results.
4.1.13 Describe how a website is accessed and informa on obtained (how to access and browse a website). 4.1.14 Explore and use social electronic media and networks for various communica on purposes. Range: Facebook, Twi er, blogs, Skype, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc.
Topic 5: Digital ci zenship 5.1 ICT impacts society at large Unit 5.1
5.1.1 Iden fy areas where ICTs infl uence one’s life and lifestyles. 5.1.2 Explain how ICT enhances daily living at home.

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
5.1.3 Describe how ICT enhances and aff ects society. Range: Offi ce prac ces and educa on, healthcare and government, engineering, communica on in the digital age, news transmission/delivery, video technology, forensics. 5.1.4 Explain how mobile technologies aff ect the emerging world. 5.1.5 Describe the concept of ICT-related crime (cybercrime) by referring to computer criminals – types and what they do/how they operate. 5.1.6 Explain how ICTs impact on the workplace and employment prac ces. Range: Mobile offi ces, virtual offi ce, decentralisa on of labour, offi ce automa on.
5.2 Impact of the use of ICT on the environment Unit 5.2
5.2.1 Defi ne the term green compu ng. 5.2.2 Defi ne the term e-waste.
5.2.3 Discuss how the use of ICTs impacts the environment with regard to e-waste management and green compu ng. 5.2.4 Explain how the environmental impact of the use of computers could be reduced.
5.3 Basic concepts of cloud compu ng and digital presence
5.3.1 Explain the concept cloud compu ng. 5.3.2 Demonstrate the use of Cloud compu ng with: OneDrive; Dropbox; Google Drive; Google Docs; Google Sheets. 5.4.3 Demonstrate an understanding of a search engine (Google).
Unit 5.3

Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
Mod 3 LO 4: Name the inten on of copyright on computer so ware and under which circumstances copies may be made.
5.3.5 Demonstrate knowledge of ICTs in everyday life. Range: Use of ICTs in real life (shopping, banking and educa on). Explain the features/characteris cs of online banking and shopping. Demonstrate.
5.3.6 Explore the concepts of digital ci zenship. Range: Protect oneself when online Online harassment Stalking and bullying Self-image Ne que e Social media safety Awareness of digital footprint 5.3.7 Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of: Cybercrime – threats, issues and remedies Iden ty the Hacking Phishing 5.3.8 Demonstrate an understanding of what copyright and plagiarism are (so ware, informa on, intellectual property).
5.3.9 Diff eren ate between diff erent types of copyright. 5.3.10 Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of asking for permissions and digital content usage rights. 5.3.11 Reference sources.

TVET First author:
A Thorne
Introductory Computer Prac ce N4
5.3.12 Explain the purpose of regulatory bills and their implica ons. Range: South African Protec on of State Informa on Bill. Electronic Communica ons and Transac ons Act. Regula ons of Intercep on of Communica ons and Provision of Communica on-related Informa on Act (RICA). Protec on from Harassment Act (2013).
