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Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2


This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2!

The main changes to this curriculum are:

• Six new modules: Bar chart planning, Building materials, Shoring, Concrete masonry walls, Roof cladding materials, Paving. • Old modules have been split into separate modules with clearer specifi ca ons. • Some content has been removed from modules. • Order of modules has changed. • General and specifi c aims have been added. • There is now a specifi ed admissions requirement of a Grade 9 pass or equivalent. • Specifi ed dura on of one trimester full me, part me or distance learning. • Specifi ed evalua on of an ICASS trimester mark added: two formal class tests (class test 1 is weighted on 30% of the curriculum and class test 2 is weighted on 70% of the curriculum). A minimum ICASS mark of 40% is required to qualify to write the fi nal examina on.

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 1: Bar chart planning

• New module which covers the daily ac vi es of projects • Weighted as 9% of the curriculum New learning content: Learners must explain how to implement the daily ac vi es of the project.

Module 2: Building materials

• New module which covers lightweight concrete as a new sec on and includes manufacturing of bricks and blocks as content included from

Module 4 of the old curriculum • Removed silica bricks from specifi ca ons • Weighted as 6% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes and content: • Lightweight concrete – Name and explain proper es of lightweight concrete. – Explain the uses and applica ons of lightweight concrete. – Name and explain diff erent types of lightweight concrete. – Explain the reason for reinforcing the concrete fl oor.


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 3: Metal scaff olds and trestles

• Was Module 7 • New sec on on defi ni ons • New Learning Outcomes for trestles • New content on ladders and step ladders • New content on metal scaff olding • No longer specify the erec on of simple metal scaff olds • No longer specify the Factories, Machinery and

Building Works Act, just Safety Regula ons • Weighted as 9% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes and content: • Defi ne diff erent types of scaff olding and trestles • Trestles: – Explain the spacing of trestles – Explain the dismantling of trestle scaff olding • Ladders: – Explain how extension ladders are erected – Describe and explain extracts from safety regula ons – Describe correct climbing procedure – Explain proper care and storage of ladders • Step ladders – Describe and explain extracts from safety regula ons – Describe correct climbing procedure – Explain proper care and storage of step ladders • Metal scaff olding – Defi ne metal scaff olding – Name and describe diff erent types of metal scaff olding

Module 4: Shoring

• Completely new module on the methods and principles of shoring • Weighted as 6% of the curriculum

Module 5: Brick bonding

• Previously Module 2 • No longer includes wording for specifi ca ons for broken bonds, bonds applied in case of walls to right angled corners, tee and cross junc ons, concrete block bonding in right angled corners, bonding of 1 brick and 1 ½ brick obtuse and acute angled corners • No longer includes wording for specifi ca ons for bonding as applicable to header bonds, stretcher bonds, double Flemish bonds, English garden wall bond and Flemish garden wall bond New Learning Outcomes: • Describe methods and principles of shoring • Describe under-pinning and piling • Explain well point dewatering systems New Learning Outcome specifi ca ons: • English bond: – Describe two brick walling – Draw and label two brick walling – Describe two-and-a-half brick walling – Draw and label two-and-a-half brick walling – Describe three brick walling – Draw and label three brick walling – Draw and label one-and-a-half isolated pier – Draw and label two brick isolated pier


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum

• Weighted as 7% of the curriculum – Draw and label two-and-a-half isolated pier – Draw and label three brick isolated pier • Flemish bond: – Describe two brick walling – Draw and label two brick walling – Describe two-and-a-half brick walling – Draw and label two-and-a-half brick walling – Describe three brick walling – Draw and label three brick walling – Draw and label one-and-a-half isolated pier – Draw and label two brick isolated pier – Draw and label two-and-a-half isolated pier – Draw and label three brick isolated pier

Module 6: Cavity wall construc on

• Was part of Module 5 but is now its own module with new Learning Outcome specifi ca ons • No longer specifi es 11 inch and 16 inch cavity wall construc on • No longer includes wording for specifi ca ons of including treatment at openings and construc on such as concrete on hard core and suspended concrete and mber fl oors, ven la on, precau ons against termite infesta on, DPCs and any necessary precau ons • Weighted as 8% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes: • Draw and label cavity walls • Explain the role of damp proof courses at cavity walls

Module 7: Concrete masonry walls

• Completely new module on joining at intersec ons of concrete masonry walls • Weighted as 7% of the curriculum

Module 8: Terrazzo fl oors

• Was part of Module 3 of old curriculum • Method of laying terrazzo is no longer separated into specifi ed steps/parts to be covered – the curriculum now just states ‘Describe the method of laying terrazzo’ • One new Learning Outcome added • Weighted as 5% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes: • Draw and label diff erent types of concrete masonry walls • Explain joining of masonry walls at intersec ons

New Learning Outcomes: • Explain the care of terrazzo a er laying


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 9: Walls and fl oor ling

• Previously Module 3 • Removed specifi ca on of ling with terra co a, glazed les and standard brick • Removed defi ni on of the term ‘faience’, its applica ons and precau ons to be observed in fi xing No new learning content added to this sec on

Module 10: Fireplace and fl ue

• Was part of Module 4 • Now its own module and has two sec ons of content: industrial fi reclay furnaces (new) and fi replace and fl ue • No longer specify fi reclay, its prepara on and use • No longer specify domes c fi replace construc on and precau ons • Bylaws to be observed replaced with explaining the building regula ons regarding fi replaces and fl ues • Weighted as 5% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes and content: Industrial fi reclay furnaces: • Describe the main purpose of industrial fi reclay furnaces • Defi ne technical terms of industrial fi reclay furnaces • List types of industrial fi reclay furnaces • Explain building regula ons regarding industrial fi reclay furnaces Fireplace and fl ue: • Describe the main purpose of chimney fl ue • Defi ne technical terms of fi replace and fl ue • List types of fi replaces • Describe Count Rumford’s Essen al Points • Explain building regula ons regarding fi replace and fl ue

Module 11: Arches

• Was part of Module 5 in old curriculum • Now an en re module based on classifi ca on of arches with new Learning Outcome specifi ca ons • No longer specify semi-ellip cal and camber arches in gauged and axed work, instead, students must name and specify diff erent types of arches • Weighted as 6% of curriculum

Module 12: Columns – plain and fl uted

• Was Module 6 in old curriculum • No longer specify the type of core onto which columns are plastered • New Learning Outcomes have been added • Weighted as 5% of curriculum New Learning Outcomes: • Name and classify diff erent types of arches • Explain the defi ni ons of terms used for arches

New Learning Outcomes: • Defi ne diff erent terms • Describe how plastering is conducted on columns


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 13: Lathing

• Was part of Module 1 in old curriculum • Now a module on its own • Has been split into 5 sec ons of learning content, each with its own Learning Outcomes • Weighted as 5% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes and content: • Interior metal lathing – List and describe diff erent types of interior metal lathing • Exterior metal lathing – List and describe diff erent types of exterior metal lathing • Metal lath accessories – List and describe diff erent types of metal lathing accessories • Plastering over metal laths – Describe plastering over metal laths – Explain the term ‘three coat work’ • Plas c lathing – Name and explain the diff erent types of plas c lathing – Explain the use of plas c lathing

Module 14: Ceiling-plaster mouldings

• Was part of Module 1 in the old curriculum • Now a module on its own based on moulding tools with specifi ed Learning Outcomes • Removed: running plaster moulds to semi-circular, segmental and ellip cal arches, including the use of trammel and peg mould • Removed: scotch bracke ng and running mouldings to cornices and skir ngs, etc. • Removed: raking moulds • Weighted as 5% of the curriculum

Module 15: Roof cladding materials

• New module which covers diff eren a on between cladding materials • Weighted as 6% of the curriculum New Learning Outcomes: • List tools required to run a ceiling mould • Describe general precau ons when running a mould

New Learning Outcomes: • Name diff erent cladding materials (includes but not limited to roofi ng les, corrugated shee ng, plas c shee ng, thatch roofi ng) • Explain how the diff erent cladding materials are secured to the roofi ng structure


Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N2

Changes from the previous curriculum New content in 2021 curriculum Module 16: Paving

• New module which covers clay and concrete pavers • Weighted as 5% of the curriculum New Learning Outcome: • List and describe clay and concrete pavers

TVET First authors:

Jowaheer Consul ng and Technologies

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