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Motor Trade Theory N1
Motor Trade Theory N1
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Motor Trade Theory N1. The table provides an easy reference to compare the old and new curricula. The le hand column summarises the old curriculum, and the right hand column explains the changes made in the new curriculum. The page numbers refer to the pages in TVET First Motor Trade Theory N1 Student’s Book.
Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.
What has changed from the old curriculum: New content in the 2021 curriculum: Module: 1 Induc on and safety in the workplace
The OLD curriculum focused on: • Safety and health in the workshop • Care of customers’ cars and storage
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
• Defi ning good housekeeping • Iden fying health hazards in the workshop • Understanding the reasons for good housekeeping • Lis ng advantages of good housekeeping
Accidents and incidents:
• Diff eren a ng between an accident and an incident • Lis ng causes of accidents • Iden fying poten al safety hazards • Describing procedures for accident preven on Signage: (NEW sec on) • Iden fying categories of safety signs • Iden fying colour coding of safety signs • Describing the meaning of each sign
Occupa onal Health and Safety (OHS) Act:
(NEW sec on) • Explaining the purpose of the OHS Act • Iden fying the requirements for the OHS Act • Describing the du es of the employer and employees according to the OHS Act
Personal Protec ve Equipment (PPE):
• Iden fying and describing func ons of PPE • Care and storage of PPE
What has changed from the old curriculum: New content in the 2021 curriculum: Module 2: Hand tools and precision measuring equipment
The OLD curriculum focused on:
Workshop measurements and tools Module 2: Hand tools and precision measuring equipment (pp 25–78)
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Module 3: Terminology and engine layout
The OLD curriculum focused on:
Nomenclature Hand tools:
• Naming and describing the func ons of the various hand tools • Care and storage of hand tools • Drawing and labelling various hand tools
Precision measuring equipment:
• Naming and describing the func ons of various precision measuring equipment • Care and storage of precision measuring equipment • Drawing and labelling various kinds of precision measuring equipment
Tools and electrical equipment:
• Safe use of workshop electrical equipment and workshop hand tools • Care and storage of electrical equipment • Drawing and labelling various kinds of electrical equipment
Li ing equipment:
• Iden fying and describing the func ons of li ing equipment • Explaining the safe use of li ing equipment
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Engine components:
• Iden fying and describing the func ons of various engine components • Drawing and labelling various engine components • Lis ng and explaining materials used in the construc on of engine components
• Iden fying and describing various engine layouts • Drawing and labelling various engine layouts • Lis ng advantages
Module 4: Fundamentals of engine opera on
The OLD curriculum focused on: • Principles of opera on • Rotary engines (removed)
Module 5: NEW MODULE!
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Engine cycles:
• Explaining the opera on of the four- and twostroke petrol engine • Explaining the opera on of the four- and twostroke diesel engine • Drawing and labelling four- and two-stroke petrol engines • Drawing and labelling four- and two-stroke diesel engines • Explaining the diff erences between petrol and diesel engines
Module 5: Computer-based vehicle specifi ca ons (pp 114–121)
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Introduc on to computers:
• Performing basic computer opera ons • Retrieving vehicle technical specifi ca ons from a database • Accessing the Internet • Searching for vehicle technical informa on on the
• Accessing a printer from the computer • Prin ng retrieved or researched informa on
Module 6: NEW MODULE! Module 6: Turbochargers, super chargers and
exhaust systems (pp 122–133)
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Module 7: Engine lubrica on and general servicing
(Modules 7–10) of the OLD curriculum: • Lubricants • Engine lubrica on • Oil control • Oil cleanliness
Turbochargers and super chargers:
• Iden fying and describing the func ons of turbochargers and super chargers • Lis ng advantages and disadvantages of turbochargers and super chargers
Exhaust systems:
• Iden fying and describing various exhaust system components • Drawing and labelling various exhaust systems and components
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Introduc on to lubrica on:
• Explaining the reasons for lubrica on • Lis ng the types and classifi ca ons of lubricants used in automo ve vehicles • Lis ng the various addi ves used in lubricants • Explaining the uses of various addi ves
Engine lubrica on systems:
• Iden fying the parts of engine lubrica on systems (including oil pumps, fi lters, seals, etc.) • Explaining the func ons and opera on of the engine lubrica on systems • Drawing and labelling engine lubrica on systems • Explaining diff erent engine lubrica on systems
Oil control:
• Explaining crankcase ven la on func ons and reasons
• Explaining reasons for excessive oil usage and oil pressure faults • Explaining oil contamina on and dilu on
Module 8: Cooling systems
The OLD curriculum focused on:
Module 8: Cooling systems (pp 162–181)
The NEW curriculum focusses on:
Temperature control
Module 9: Wheel assemblies
Introduc on to cooling systems:
• Explaining the reasons for engine cooling • Lis ng the types and classifi ca ons of cooling systems used in automo ve vehicles • Explaining the func ons of an -freeze used in the cooling system
Parts of the cooling system:
• Iden fying the parts of an engine cooling system • Explaining the func ons and opera on of engine cooling system components (including oil cooler) • Drawing and labelling the engine cooling systems and components • Explaining the diff erent engine cooling systems • Lis ng possible cooling system faults and causes
Module 9: Wheel assemblies (pp 182–198)
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Introduc on to wheel assemblies:
• Lis ng the types and classifi ca ons of wheel assemblies used in automo ve vehicles • Explaining the func ons of wheel assembly components and wheel balancing • Lis ng possible faults and causes of wheel assembly components and wheel balancing
What has changed from the old curriculum: New content in the 2021 curriculum: Module 10: Ba eries
The OLD curriculum focused on:
Module 10: Ba eries (pp 199–213)
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Ba eries
Introduc on to ba eries:
• Lis ng the types and classifi ca ons and construc on of ba eries used in automo ve vehicles • Explaining the func ons of ba ery components • Explaining the charging of ba eries • Explaining the safety measures to be applied when fi ng, removing, tes ng and charging ba eries • Lis ng ba ery component tes ng, faults and causes
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
Introduc on to hybrid systems:
• Understanding the opera on of the hybrid system • Introduc on to electric powered vehicles • Understanding the basic opera ons of an electric motor-powered vehicle
Very important points: Our new book has been made over:
1. This subject covers the basics of Motor
Trade Theory and introduces this par cular fi eld of learning at N1 level. It is assumed that students have no previous automo ve background / knowledge. The content was revised to address gaps and shortcomings in the 1980 version of the curriculum. 2. There is a Lecturer’s Guide, with: • Comprehensive answers (pp. 10–29) • Useful background informa on and resources (pp. v–xiii) • Class tests and memoranda (pp. 68–78) • A prac ce examina on memorandum (p. 79) 3. Each Module is broken down into diff erent
Units, with a summary and summa ve assessment for each Module (see, for example, pp. 1–24). 4. The promo copy is NOT FINAL as the proofs had not yet been checked and fi xed at the me. However, the promo copy should give lecturers a good feel of the new approach. The layout, spacing and other issues have since been streamlined. • It covers old and new LOs, and meets the new detailed requirements of the curriculum. • The NEW Modules include: – Computer-based vehicle specifi ca ons (pp. 114–121) – Turbocharger, super charger and exhaust systems (pp. 122–133) – Wheel assemblies (pp. 182–198) – Introduc on to hybrid and electric powered vehicles (pp. 214–220) • Special features include: – Numerous examples from the real world (see, for example, Table 1.1 on pp.4–6) – Many ac vi es (based on reality, exam ques ons, and for enrichment) – pp. 3–4, 30, 35–36) – See it online – which encourages students to enrich their learning through self-research (pp. 4, 10, 14) – Defi ni on boxes (pp. 4, 14, 16) and a full glossary (pp. 224) – A prac ce exam (pp. 221–223)
TVET First authors:
Jowaheer Consul ng and Technologies and D Naidoo
Both authors are experienced lecturers with many years of technical and workshop experience. Mr Jowaheer is a leading engineering author for Troupant Publishers. Derick Naidoo trained motor industry lecturers / instructors at Bosch and was the examiner and moderator for Motor and Diesel Trade N2 and N3 for 15 years.