Motor Trade Theory N1
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Motor Trade Theory N1. The table provides an easy reference to compare the old and new curricula. The le hand column summarises the old curriculum, and the right hand column explains the changes made in the new curriculum. The page numbers refer to the pages in TVET First Motor Trade Theory N1 Student’s Book. Implementa on is scheduled for 2021. What has changed from the old curriculum:
New content in the 2021 curriculum:
Module: 1 Induc on and safety in the workplace
Module: 1 Induc on and safety in the workplace (pp 1–24)
The OLD curriculum focused on: • Safety and health in the workshop • Care of customers’ cars and storage
The NEW curriculum focuses on: Housekeeping: • Defining good housekeeping • Iden fying health hazards in the workshop • Understanding the reasons for good housekeeping • Lis ng advantages of good housekeeping Accidents and incidents: • Differen a ng between an accident and an incident • Lis ng causes of accidents • Iden fying poten al safety hazards • Describing procedures for accident preven on Signage: (NEW sec on) • Iden fying categories of safety signs • Iden fying colour coding of safety signs • Describing the meaning of each sign Occupa onal Health and Safety (OHS) Act: (NEW sec on) • Explaining the purpose of the OHS Act • Iden fying the requirements for the OHS Act • Describing the du es of the employer and employees according to the OHS Act Personal Protec ve Equipment (PPE): • Iden fying and describing func ons of PPE • Care and storage of PPE
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