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Applied Management N4
Applied Management N4
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Applied Management N4. In the le hand column we explain the major changes from the old curriculum to the new, and in the right hand column we provide detail of the new content, all of which can be found in TVET First Applied Management N4.
Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.
• Changed from 7 modules to 6 as the old
Module 1 (Terminology) is now integrated into all modules. • There are many addi ons to the LOs in every module. • New terminology is added to every module.
Module 1: Types of hospitality establishments
• Now only 3 LO’s instead of 6 as some have been combined. • Specifi c outcomes have been added. • Prac cal component now specifi es one commercial establishment, one noncommercial establishment and one nonresiden al establishment. 1.1.1 New curriculum has defi ni ons of the following new terms: establishment/business/ company; profi t-based; non-profi t-based; nonresiden al; welfare organisa on; outsourced services. 1.2.1 Farmhouses * Bed and Breakfasts * Holiday resorts * Train hotel e.g. Rovos rail * Cruise liners, yachts * Luxury motor coaches * Glamping (glamorous camping) * Student accommoda on/private hostel accommoda on.
1.2.2 Commercial establishments which are nonresiden al are now separated from the residen al establishments.
Non-residen al: Fes vals and concerts, Delicatessens and salad bars, Food trucks, Airline catering, Markets, Film sets. Industrial establishment topic changed to contract catering, then industrial establishment becomes a subheading under contract catering. Commercial banks, industrial establishments (e.g. mine, offi ce, factory workers), func on catering, off site catering.
Under contract services, extra fi elds to be contracted out which were not covered in the old curriculum are specifi ed as follows: • Floristry services, Babysi ng, Laundry, Shu le services, Security services. Government ins tu ons topic was changed to noncommercial establishments.
Module 2: Planning in hospitality
• Extra learning content in 2.1 Terminology. • Prac cal component simplifi ed to two tasks: – Students must present on how to crisis manage given situa ons. – Students must plan and host a small event using principles of planning. 2.1.1 New curriculum now includes defi ni ons of the following terms: barriers; innova on; presenta on, standing plans, policy; procedure; rules; staff training plans; staff schedules; maintenance plans; task lists. 2.5.1 Types of planning have changed: • Long-term planning is now combined with strategic and corporate planning • Short-term planning is now combined with opera onal planning • Single use plans, standing plans, policies, procedures and rules have been added to opera onal planning • Addi on of func onal/divisional/ departmental planning • Managing work in a given department in a hospitality establishment, e.g. Housekeeping, Food and Beverage service, Food produc on, Front Offi ce, Human resource, Security and Maintenance • Staff training plans • Staff schedules • Task lists • Maintenance plans • Con ngency plans. 2.6 Requirements for successful planning have been amended to meet the SMART standard
2.7 Limited the barriers of planning to a maximum of 5 points. 2.8 Now specifi ed the management levels as: • Lower/supervisory/fi rst level • Middle management level • Top management level.
Module 3: Organisa on in hospitality
• Extra learning content in 3.1 Terminology. • Prac cal component no longer requires planning of a special func on. The students must now perform an interview with a manager. 3.1.1 New curriculum now includes defi ni ons of the following terms: organisa on; innova on; departmenta on; organisa onal structure; recruitment and selec on; employee/ team member; technical skills; line organisa on; line and staff organisa on; func onal organisa on; delega on; span of control; division of work; authority; responsibility; accountability. 3.3.1 Division of work. The new curriculum notes that division of work should be implemented both ver cally and horizontally while the old curriculum did not specify how it takes place. 3.4.1 Organisa on structures. The new curriculum specifi es that the organisa on structure for restaurants in a hotel and for a hotel must be drawn.
3.6 Span of control. The new curriculum specifi es that span of control in a hospitality establishment must be described. This is no longer just a brief descrip on.
Module 4: Leading in hospitality
• Extra learning content in 4.1 Terminology. • Prac cal component is now in the form of an assignment. 4.1.1 New curriculum now includes defi ni ons of the following terms: leadership; communica on; giving guidance; conceptual skills; interpersonal skills; facet/aspect/ features; programmed decisions; nonprogrammed decisions; mo va on; job depth; job scope; team-work; problem solving; decision making.
4.2 Aspects or facets of leadership is phased out in the new curriculum and replaced by characteris cs of a good leader. 4.3 Leadership style is now a topic on its own. The new curriculum explains diff erent leadership styles, which was not covered in the old curriculum.
Module 5: Co-ordina on in hospitality
• Extra learning content in 5.1 Terminology. • Prac cal component is now in the form of an assignment. 4.5 The new curriculum discusses ways of mo va ng employees, which was not covered in the old curriculum.
5.1.1 New curriculum now includes defi ni ons of the following terms: co-ordina on; lateral/ horizontal co-ordina on; ver cal coordina on; morale. 5.3 The new curriculum specifi es levels of management. 5.4 The new curriculum discusses factors of coordina on, whereas these were not included in the old curriculum.
Module 6: Controlling in hospitality
• Order of learning content has changed slightly. • Extra learning content in 6.1 Terminology. • Removed: The content of the framework and components of stock control. • Prac cal component is now in the form of an assignment on control. 5.5 The topic ‘aids in co-ordina on’ was changed to ‘methods/techniques to improve coordina on’.
6.1.1 New curriculum now includes defi ni ons of the following terms: control; stock taking; audi ng; Management by Excep on (MBE); Management Informa on System (MIS). 6.3.1 The focus of control is a new Learning Outcome. Briefl y explain the focus of control under each of the following headings: Resources, Financial, Physical, Human, Informa on .
6.4 The new curriculum requires principles of control to simply be listed whereas the old curriculum required the principles to be described.
6.6 The control process includes the step of measuring performance. 6.8 The new curriculum specifi es control techniques to focus on, whereas these were not specifi ed in the old curriculum: 6.8.1 Briefl y explain each of the following control techniques: Accoun ng, Observa on, Internal checking/taking stock, Audi ng, MIS: Point of Sale (POS), relevant technology e.g. iPad used by waitresses to take orders at the table. Management by Excep on (MBE), Standing limits/boundaries, Standing rules/orders/ procedures, Disciplinary ac on. • Management by Excep on has been combined with control measures and the new curriculum specifi es that fi ve advantages must be listed. 6.9.3 and 6.9.4 The advantages and disadvantages of budgets are included in the new curriculum. 6.9.4 The new curriculum requires a brief descrip on of the steps for formula ng a budget, namely: Record all sources of income, Classify items of expenditure, Set priori es, Explain the informa on included in the budget, U lise the budget. 6.9.5 The new curriculum requires a brief descrip on of the following types of budgets: Opera ng budget, Financial budget, Revenue and expense budget, Capital expenditure budget, Cash fl ow budget, Sales budget, Produc on budget, Purchases budget, Staff budget, Research and development budget.
6.10.4 The sec on: Framework and components of stock control, has been phased out. Op mum stock level, i.e. maximum and minimum stock levels, the benefi ts of using a MIS to control stock, and providing examples of systems used in the hospitality industry were added.
6.11.1 Name and briefl y explain the following problems in control in a hospitality establishment: Costs, Excessive control, Feedback on performance, Goal frustra on.
1. TVET First Applied Management N4 includes all of the addi ons to the curriculum.
2. The Student’s Book is accompanied by a comprehensive Lecturer’s Guide which includes: • Comprehensive answers • Background informa on • Addi onal ac vi es with answers • Fully updated and aligned with the 2021 curriculum • Packed with module summaries to aid students with their exam prepara on (see pages 33, 57, 87, 126, 150, 195) • Key concepts are listed and defi ned at the beginning of every module to overcome language barriers and facilitate students’ understanding (see pages 2, 37, 61, 91). • The book provides an extensive glossary linked to in-text defi ni ons which assist with understanding industry terminology (see pages 200-203). • Visuals and mind maps are included to support learning and cater for diff erent learning styles (see pages 3, 10, 26, 38, 46, 53, 65, 72, 78). • Lots of fi gures, diagrams and illustra ons make the theory come alive and facilitate understanding and discussion of concepts (see pages 84, 85, 102, 109).
• The Student’s Book off ers many relatable examples and real life case studies to help students relate the theory to the industry, understand the applica on of the theory and prepare for relevant exam ques ons (see pages 6, 7, 8, 14, 20, 24, 25, 31, 41, 49, 52, 77, 86). • Packed with ac vi es and summa ve assessments to prepare students thoroughly for the exam (pages 34, 59, 89, 129, 152, 199). • Important defi ni ons are clearly explained and highlighted to overcome language barriers and ensure students gain understanding (see pages 3, 12, 15, 44, 62). • Links to online resources give students access to addi onal informa on and off er lecturers addi onal sources of teaching and examining materials (pages 9, 13, 26, 41, 50, 51). • The clear design makes the book easy to follow and enjoyable to read. • Each module begins with learning objec ves so that students and lecturers know exactly which topics will be covered (see pages 1, 36, 60, 90, 130, 153). • The Student’s Book is accompanied by a Lecturer’s Guide with memoranda for all ac vi es as well as a week-by-week year plan. • The Lecturer’s Guide includes background explana ons and extra ac vi es for lecturers to use as tests or exam prepara on ac vi es.