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Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
This document contains important informa on about the revised curriculum for Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1. In the le hand column we explain what has changed from the old curriculum to the new, and in the right hand column we tell TVET First users where they can fi nd the relevant content in our book, TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1. Page numbers refer to the TVET First Student’s Book.
Implementa on is scheduled for 2021.
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
The curriculum has been reworked and extended.
Module: 1 Tools and safety
The OLD curriculum focused on: • Unit 1.1: Safety, tools and equipment • Unit 1.2: Basic hand tools and equipment • Unit 1.3: Basic bricklaying tools • Unit 1.4: Basic plastering and ling tools
Examples in TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 Module 1: Health and Safety
The NEW curriculum focuses on:
The Occupa onal Health and Safety Act, giving more informa on on safety signs, PPE, good housekeeping, accidents and incidents.
(See for example, pages 1–27) NEW Module 2: Tools This content was previously part of Module 1 and is now covered in Module 2, including more detail on each category of tools. • Unit 2.1: Basic wall and fl oor ling tools • Unit 2.2: Basic join ng tools • Unit 2.3: Basic plastering tools • Unit 2.4: Basic brick-cu ng tools • Unit 2.5: Basic se ng-out tools • Unit 2.6: Basic bricklaying tools • Unit 2.7: Caring for and storing hand tools
Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
The curriculum has been reworked and extended.
Module 2: Materials
Material in this module from the previous curriculum has been rearranged and incorporated into the new Module 3.
Module 3: Concrete
The OLD curriculum dealt with • Unit 3.1: What is concrete? • Unit 3.2: Working with concrete • Unit 3.3: No-Fines Concrete (NFC). Content covering concrete has been expanded and much more detail has been added in the new curriculum, Modules 5, 8 and 9.
Examples in TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 Module 3: Materials
The new Module 3 incorporates content from the previous Modules 3, 5 and 8. It also adds glass as a new material. • Unit 3.1: Cement • Unit 3.2: Admixtures • Unit 3.3: Aggregates • Unit 3.4: Lime • Unit 3.5: Natural building stone • Unit 3.6: Firebricks • Unit 3.7: Glass
(See pages 60–90)
Module: 5 No-Fines concrete
The NEW curriculum has moved the content on nofi nes concrete into a new, more detailed sec on in Module 5. (See the diagrams and explana ons on page 113.)
Module 8: Concrete works
In this sec on, the NEW curriculum focuses on: Discuss concrete (normal) in rela on to the following: Hand mixing, machine mixing, transporta on, se ng and hardening, protec on and curing, removal of formwork and lightweight concrete.
Module 9 Concrete masonry construc ons
In this sec on, the NEW curriculum focuses on:
Discuss in rela on to the following: Nominal masonry construc on, textures, pilaster blocks, bonding pa erns of intersec ng walls, corners, cavity walls, window sill and coping blocks, lintels, diff erent bedding methods and joint profi les.
Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
The curriculum has been reworked and extended.
Module 4: Materials tes ng
The curriculum has few changes. Unit 4.1: Tests done on mortar sand Unit 4.2: Tests done on cement and concrete
Module 4: Materials tes ng
This content has been reorganised and it includes more detailed descrip ons in four new units. Unit 4.1: Sand test Unit 4.2: Tes ng concrete Unit 4.3: Compression test Unit 4.4: Concrete-beam test
TVET First gives step-by-step explana ons and labelled diagrams for these new topics (for example, pages 97, 100, 101).
Examples in TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Module 5: Lime and admixtures
This topic has been moved to two diff erent units in Module 3 in the new curriculum.
There was no major focus on types of soil in the old curriculum.
Module: 6 Types of soil
This is a new module. The NEW curriculum focuses on the role of moisture and diff erent types of soil in the building industry. TVET First gives step-by-step explana ons and labelled diagrams for these new topics (pages 119, 122, 126, 127 and 129 for examples of diagrams and explana ons).
Se ng out was not covered in the old curriculum. Module 7 Se ng out
This is a NEW module in the curriculum. It includes the following: • Interpret basic drawings. • Describe 3, 4, 5 method. Describe how to transfer the levels from the corner profi les to the concrete founda ons. TVET First gives step-by-step explana ons and labelled diagrams for these new topics (see, for example, pages 138, 139 and 140).
Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
The curriculum has been reworked and extended.
Module 6: Bricks and bonding
Module 7: Join ng and poin ng
These two modules from the OLD curriculum have been incorporated and increased in detail in Modules 9, 10 and 11.
Module 8: Damp-proofi ng
Damp-proof courses have been moved into Module 11 Wall construc ons, in the new curriculum.
Module 9: Arches and Greek moulding
This sec on from the old curriculum has been reorganised with some new content in Modules 14 and 15.
Module 10: Plastering
The OLD curriculum has been replaced with content in Module 12.
Examples in TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 Module 9 Concrete masonry construc ons
In this sec on, the NEW curriculum focuses on using concrete masonry units: • Discuss in rela on to the following: Nominal masonry construc on, textures, pilaster blocks, bonding pa erns of intersec ng walls, corners, cavity walls, window sill and coping blocks, lintels, diff erent bedding methods and joint profi les.
See pages 169–181.
Module 10 Brick bonding
This more detailed sec on in the NEW curriculum extends content from the old Modules 6 and 7. It focuses on the diff erent types of bonding and their use in the building industry.
Module 11 Wall construc ons (general)
In this sec on, the NEW curriculum focuses on the diff erent methods of bonding new work to the exis ng walls. TVET First provides clear diagrams and explana ons – see for example pages 207–209.
Module 11 Wall construc ons (general)
The second part of the new Module 11 deals with damp-proofi ng. See pages 210–215.
Module 14 Arch construc on
The NEW curriculum has moved this to Module 14.
Module 15: Basic forms of Greek moulding
The NEW curriculum has new content on this sec on:
Make a comparison between Greek and Roman mouldings. TVET First gives detailed informa on on this – see page 264.
Module 12 Plaster works
In this sec on, the NEW curriculum focuses on:
The student must be able to explain various thicknesses of diff erent plastering codes.
Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1
Major changes to the 2021 curriculum:
The curriculum has been reworked and extended.
Examples in TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 Epoxy resins is not covered in the old curriculum Module 16: Epoxy resins
This is a NEW module in the curriculum. It includes the following: • Discuss the following: prepara ons and applica on to concrete as a fl ooring surface, grou ng, concrete bonding and repair compound. • Name advantages of epoxy resins.
Quan es of materials is not covered in the old curriculum. Module 17: Quan es of materials
See TVET First pages 268–276.
This is a NEW module in the curriculum. It includes the following: Calculate quan es of materials required for plasterwork, ling, brickwork and concrete. TVET First off ers many diagrams and worked examples. For examples, see pages 280, 283,284 and 289.
Very important points:
New sec ons update important aspects of the construc on industry. Detailed diagrams and worked examples for Module 7 Se ng out and Module 17 Quan es and Materials guide students to master the new content. TVET First off ers a Lecturer’s Guide which includes: • A lesson plan • Comprehensive answers • Useful background informa on and resources, including links to online resources.
TVET First Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 has been completely revised:
• It covers old and new LOs, and meets the new detailed requirements of the curriculum. • The NEW Modules include:
Module 6: Types of soil
Module 7: Se ng out
Module 16: Epoxy resins
Module 17: Quan es of materials.
TVET First authors:
Jowaheer Consul ng and Technologies
The authors are experienced lecturers and consultants who have wri en many engineering books prescribed in colleges. Mr Jowaheer is a leading engineering author for Troupant Publishers.